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Tropers / Owltalon

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That's me.

I'm Eric. I'm a student. I'm trying to learn French, focusing on the Cold War in history on my own time, and working on getting deeper into Biology, with an additional interest in Psychology. And you'll quickly notice, but I sing a lot. I enjoy literature, Manga and television of historical, fantastic, horrific and Science-Fiction inclinations. We hates spelling and maths, yes we do.

Tropes present in Eric's life:

  • Affectionate Nickname: Roy started the trend of calling me "Kiddo" in the ward, as I was the youngest. There, it was conductive to a sense of acceptance and comradery, but now, in any other context, it's a trigger.
    • Some upperclassmen tried to give me another, but their reasoning was uncomfortably racist, so I explained my distaste, and they stopped.
  • Anime Hair: Not in the colourful way, but in terms of weird fluffy angles, my hair seems to think I'm a Strider. I should probably get it cut soon.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: From Neil Gaiman's tumblr:
    Q: I know you endorse the "All Hallow's Read," but what is your opinion on the halloween edition free comic books that some companies print out for comic stores to give away?
    A: It is a terrible thing. It must be stopped and stamped out. Free comic books? Whatever next! Anarchy and free love and people spitting on public transport, that’s what. We must band together and stop this thing that encourages reading and literacy…
    Oops. Sorry. I meant, I think it’s a great idea.
  • Bad Dreams: I can handle dreams about the apocalypse, about dying, being alone, being chased, being tortured; anything but someone I love saying good-bye.
  • Bedlam House: complete with untraceable screaming in the night.
  • Being Watched: Nearly every day for four years. Even after being out of that area for a while now, my friends and I still have a habit of looking for cameras and such everywhere we go.
  • Big Brother Instinct: how do I say this politely?
  • Big Little Sister: what the fuck.
  • Blatant Lies: Bonmier is terrifying.
  • Blood Brothers: Jj is my big brother. Sure, he's technically younger, and there's the whole thing where we were born to different parents, but still. Brother.
  • Boléro Effect: Invoked with Qanuri.
  • Break the Cutie
  • Brilliant But Rendered Incapable
  • Broken Ace: I was way more functional a few years ago.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: My sibling calls it my "killing-people face". Crops up when I'm, yes, approaching the more deranged side of the spectrum.
  • City Of Weirdos: We grew up in one. One day, I met a lady in a tie-dye clown wig, tie-dye (obviously homemade) dress, walking her dog, which was in a bee suit. It wasn't Halloween. Just another day.
    • And we have a habit of going to the moves in drag, en masse. Not things like Rocky Horror. I believe it was Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
    • One particularly good street performer played the violin while wearing a sleeping bag with ducktaped holes cut in it.
  • Crazy-Prepared: As soon as you request a piece of wood in the middle of dinner, I can provide it.
  • Creepy Monotone: when I'm tired. Or if I really don't like you.
  • Creepy Children Singing: Apparently my take on some songs can be disturbing, due to the dissonances between my more mature voice being made reedy.
  • Crossdressing Voices: Singing alto 1 parts. Darkly.
  • Curse Cut Short: Sure-fire way to get me pissed. I'm so fucking what, precisely? I didn't hear you. Say that again.
    • Also invoked to excise a particularaly rude verse from the fight song.
  • Cute and Psycho
  • Don't Split Us Up: If it comes to legally taking her out of somewhere, I'll do it.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Yes, I will take all of the genderfuck tropes, thank you.
  • Eye Scream: Idiopathic anterior uveitis in my left eye, for a while. I was a pirate that halloween, on account of needing the patch. And one time before that, the skin around them both decided to peel off for no reason. yeah, fun.
  • Everything Sounds Sexierin French: Not to me, but apparently to the girl I like.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: But, they keep. falling off.
  • Hell Is That Noise
  • Hope Spot
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Hint: which one of us makes unconcious murder faces, and which calls the other out on it?
  • Freudian Excuse: Explaning, justifying, or invalidating my dickery, depending on your opinion.
  • Freudian Slip: Since seeing An Unexpected Journey and having my tumblr dash covered with squeeing over the line of Durin, I've found myself slipping up in 15 Birds in Five Fir Trees, singing about "pretty" little things, instead of "funny" ones. Goshdangit, brain.
  • From a Certain Point of View: All of these tropes do apply to me, but perhaps it could be said that I'm being selective with the truth, when I describe how.
  • Go Among Mad People
    Cool John: You come in here hurting, you leave with more problems than you came in.
  • Happy Place: I'm working on building it.
  • Have a Gay Old Time: According to a song from the 50s in our repertoir, we'll "have a gay time, a play time, it's May time in day time around these old sewer pipes".
  • Hair-Trigger Temper
  • Important Haircut
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: As a small child. Now they're Less Innocent Green Eyes.
  • Insult of Endearment: I come from the tumblr dialect. So, chances are, if someone's an "absolute moron", or I'm Cluster F-Bomb-ing at them, it's a compliment. It really depends on the context, though.
  • It Amused Me, more than For the Evulz: "Why the fuck do you have a box of stolen surgical tools!?" "Because I like them." Also, I will have you know half of those I bought.
  • Last-Second Word Swap: The Four Fs speech, courtesy of Ms. Psychology.
  • Madness Makeover: you can tell who's been in for how long by the way they look. not in a good way.
  • Madness Mantra: make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop
    • or alternately, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
    • don't make me go back don't send me back there don't make me go back don't make me go back don't send me there again don't put me there don't send me there again don't make me go back
  • Mask of Sanity: Good enough to get me past an evaluation. To be fair, they wanted me to pass and get out, but still.
  • Meaningful Name / Named After Somebody Famous: If you wanted to translate my full name, it could end up as "One who died without a trace".
  • Memetic Mutation: To what extent? Every extent!
    • bird bird bird? Bird!
  • Musical World Hypothesis: Jj and I have discussed some form of the diegetic hypothesis as the explanation to some of the weirder things we've seen.
  • The Nicknamer: Harpo, Captain Pine, Inspector Russia, etc, etc.
    • I don't have a patch on CNS and the Riveter, though.
  • Noodle Incident: On the one hand, there are a bunch more tropes I could take, but then I'd be. talking about life. nope.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity / Bunny-Ears Lawyer: "Harpo", a nearly unintelligable German exchange student. Also a terrific dancer.
  • One-Steve Limit: Entirely averted: Anna, Ana, Hannah, Hanna, Emma, Emma, and Emma, all on one team. And (cool) John, (scary) John, and (dude) John, in the ward.
  • The Ophelia: Trying to calm down, my first day in the ward, dressed in the oversized, gender-neutral robes, an older lady mistook me for a girl:
    You remind me of my niece. She likes to dance, too. Always spinning. Like that.
  • Playing The Heartstrings: Invoked in the wordless lament for a dead shepard boy.
  • Police Brutality: I skipped that demonstration.
  • Population Control: As mad as an area seemed to those of us who entered it conventionally, people keep wanting to join up.
  • Precision F-Strike: "So, sopranos, you're singing, 'How was your day'? and altos, you respond, 'It was shitty'."
    • Averted in the "Three Fs, One M" speech
  • Properly Paranoid: I used to be, at least. Now it's over-the-top. Mostly. In certain respects. Right?
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He's not allowed in the kitchen.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Mostly unintentional, but at least 25% weaponized. On one hand, it's annoying when people really think I'm that naive, but on the other hand, manipulating people is the bomb.
  • Rage Quit: If you talk to me about whitewashing, I will throw crayons everywhere.
  • Recursive Crossdressing: A guy pretending to be a girl in drag as a guy. It works. Sometimes.
  • Relative Error: I'm facepalming so bad right now at the memory.
  • Reluctant Psycho: I make it look good, sure, but it's not as fun as you might think, not trusting your own head.
  • Sanity Slippage: Sometimes, I can feel it running through my fingers.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: throughout my family, and a fixture in the ward.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Literally: a dark female and a light male, for phenotypes.
  • The Spock: Well, the Rational. Sometimes, too much so.
    ''You need to remember that just because someone might be physically able to do something, it might still be hard for them. You need to consider how people feel. You can't just talk her into what you think makes sense.
  • Stepford Smiler: And damn good at it.
  • Stern Teacher: My favourite sort.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: A classmate and I both drew Dave Strider's portrait in class, because his hair looks like a bird, and wanted to show him to each other.
  • The Sociopath: Nope, not really, by virtue of being capable of limited empathy. On the other hand, I do honestly have trouble sussing out social cues or reacting "properly" to "horrible" things. Mostly, I'm just a manipulative, lying, son of a bitch. But I will fucking die for someone I love.
    • When I say "limited empathy," I mean scoring an 18 on an empathy test. That ... can't be right. According to their scale, people with Asbergers Syndrome or high-funcioning Autism score around 20. I'm an asshat, not anything diagnosible. Right?
  • Spontaneous Choreography: Make friends with an a cappla group, and maybe they'll dance for you, too.
    • Jj has had spontaneous dancing sports teams. Rival teams. Dancing together. In the middle of a game. He didn't get it, either.
  • Take That!: Mr. Les Mis: "I didn't know 'research' was spelled 'g-o-o-g-l-e'"
    • Also, we have an Anti Alma Mater.
  • Sweet on Polly Oliver: This is Sauron. Whoops. I'll back away now.
  • Talkative Loon: My intake sheet noted that I was hyperverbal.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Left over from what, if one was to be dramatic, could be referred to as my Start of Darkness.
  • True Neutral: Chances are, my opinion on any problem will boil down to "don't tell people what to do. Let them do whatever with their own lives. Just don't bother anyone else with it."
    • The Analysis page on true neutrality indicates this worldview, combined with my comment under Sociopathy might be more consistant with Heroic Neutral, but I'd rather not commit myself to that. True Lazy, maybe.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Even I don't know. It seems to change on its own. Mostly, I think it's got to be NorCal, but then something will seem off to somebody else. Some friends and I decided I must just have singing vowells all the time.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: No, heels do not work in snow. I don't know how the girls manage it.
  • Voice Types: My choir has so few guys (read: there's just, what, two of us), I'm lumped into the altos. Walk into first rehersal, "you sing over there" (gesturing to the darkest end of the spectrum). Yup.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: See: the crossdressing. Also, I'm involved with the preforming arts, and I will admit that my mannerisms may be misleading, to those who are already confused.
    • Also, during the latest run of Midwinter, a little girl thought Puck was a lady. Small children's views on the world + silver eyeshadow on a leggy person dancing in sparkly wings = completely understandable.
  • YMMV: The linguistic relativity hypothesis. I really don't like the idea that anybody's mind is limited by their language. I prefer to argue that it's only anybody's communication skills that are limited, but that people's minds are all generally capable of the same ideas.
    • That is, somebody is fully capable of being taken aback by sonder, desiring a cwtch, or feeling y'aburnee even if they don't even know that there's a word for it.
  • You're Insane!: awww, you noticed!
