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Literature / Beneath the Dragoneye Moons

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Beneath the Dragoneye Moons is an ongoing LitRPG fantasy Web Serial Novel written by Selkie.

The story follows Elaine, a girl who is Reincarnate in Another World known as Pallos. This world is full of magic, stats, and dinosaurs, but dominated by a Roman like empire where women have few, if any, rights. Rather than be a [House Wife] or [Midwife], she sets out to see the world, help people as a [Healer], and eat delicious mangoes.

Beneath the Dragoneye Moons provides examples of:

  • Amazon Brigade: The Valkyries, an order of female knights in the flash forward, most of which ride dinosaurs.
  • Badass Cape: Formal Sentinel armor has a red cape as part of the ensemble, though they’d never wear it in real combat for practical reasons.
  • Ban on Magic: In Iona's era, healers are not permitted to advance beyond level 256 in mortal lands, as they could then become able to make people immortal, which can easily start a war.
  • Bathtub Bonding: Elaine and Artemis are very fond of spending hours together in public bath-houses whenever they return to civilization.
  • Behemoth Battle: When Guardians and/or Dragons start showing up, the collateral damage can easily pulverize mountains and destroy civilizations.
  • Bug War: The Formorians are a species of giant insectoid monsters on Remus’s northern border. They’ve been sending a constant Zerg Rush at humanity’s border wall for centuries.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: While healing, Elaine is a dedicated and hard working professional. Outside of healing, she's a mango obsessed flake.
  • City Guards: Elaine’s dad Elainus is a Guard, and she generally goes out of her way to be nice to guards in general.
  • Cool Aunt: Artemis is an old family friend of Elaine’s parents, a high-level [Mage], and frequently gives Elaine advice that her parents might not quite approve of. Elaine is so infatuated with her, she actually gets multiple Class upgrade options along the lines of “Artemis’ Pet”, much to her chagrin.
  • Color-Coded Eyes: When people attune to a higher-tier element, their irises change to have aspects of it, such as someone with Mirror having very reflective eyes. This isn’t always a sure-fire method, as some signs look very similar, which is how Hesoid passed himself off as having Decay instead of Miasma in the Plague Arc.
  • Combat Medic: Elaine is a healer mage. This is an uncommon build, as being a healer requires a lot of training and can be very lucrative and it's rare for one to be willing to risk themselves in battle. Julius’ plan for the Rangers is to enlist more Healers to cut down on their notoriously high fatalities.
  • Deity of Human Origin: If someone reaches level 4096, they ascend and become a god(dess).
  • Determined Doctor: Elaine will kill in self-defense, but prefers not to. Her Obstructive Code of Conduct actively hurts her if she ignores an injured person, attacks first in a fight, etc.
  • The Dreaded: Dragons. One almost wiped out humanity several thousand years ago, and it’s said they can hear you if you speak their name.
  • Elemental Powers: There are eight fundamental Elements, each in pair of opposites. Fire and Water, Earth and Wind, Light and Dark, Wood and Metal.
    • Each can then merge with any other element (including their direct opposite) to form more esoteric elements, such as Light and Dark making Celestial or Wind and Metal making Lightning. The core elements can also “intensify” by merging with themselves to become stronger like Fire becoming Inferno, or Dark becoming Void.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Considering the sheer number of elements, there are advantages and disadvantages to each. For instance, Radiance (Light+Fire) can shoot lasers right through Brilliance’s (Light+Light) Hard Light structures, but Mirror (Light+Metal) easily reflects them.
    • For Healers: Light can restore things like broken bones or missing tissue; Dark can remove things like diseases or poisons; Water can do a bit both, but is less effective at anything but restoring fluids; and Wood can make potions that can do any number of things, but requires prep time, ingredients, and study.
  • Energy Ball: Elaine is infatuated with the idea of casting Fireballs. This upgrades to shooting out [Novas] when her affinity changes to Radiant.
  • Everyone Is a Super: Most everything larger than an insect has access to the System. This leads to the average human being supernaturally physically fit, and having a natural lifespan of over 130 years old.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Elaine, Auri, Artemis, Julius and 'Amber' in book 8, thanks to time moving differently in the realm of the fae effectively sending them ten-thousand years in the future.
  • Flash Forward: The Iona chapters take place thousands of years in the future. In a fairly Medieval setting, humans and a variety of other races are spread out under various kingdoms, and the Empire of Remus is a distant memory. The plotline follows the aspiring knight Iona, who serves as something of a Mirror Character to Elaine.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Justified. Her shield Skill often requires more Mana than it would take to heal the injury, and her [Bullet Time] Skill only activates for attacks that might really hurt her. With her [Persistent Casting] Skill giving her a Healing Factor that by chapter 198 can deal with total decapitation this is pretty hard to do.
  • Hard Light: The Light and Fire elements can’t make tangible structures, but their Intensifications (Brilliance and Inferno) can.
  • Harem Genre: Satirized in Book 11. Jake Jason is a level 420 Hero who was recently reincarnated into Pallos. Both his Classes are Harem-Powered, and the Casanova Wannabe believes he can "win over" Elaine and Iona given time. He promptly proves Too Dumb to Live and is killed by a random monster. His harem are then much more upset about the loss of his passive Isekai Bonus than his death.
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": In book 8 Elaine's contributions to the art of healing have spread so much that the word for Healer in pretty much every language is 'Elaine' evoking this trope for everyone she meets, especially since she has no surnames, meaning her full name is just 'Healer'.
  • Improbable Age: Elaine becomes a Ranger (which usually requires being an elite soldier followed by two years of training) at 14 and a Sentinel at 18.
  • Legendary in the Sequel: An interesting variation: In Book 8, which takes place thousands of years after the previous ones, no one remembers who Elaine was per se, but her teachings on medicine and oath have become so ubiquitous that the word for Healer in most languages is 'Elaine'.
  • Living Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs, saber-tooth lions, and other extinct animals are all alive and have superpowers from the System. While Domesticated Dinosaurs make for awesome mounts or companions, the summary really wasn’t joking when it described humans as “dinosaur food”.
  • Made a Slave: The most common punishment for criminals in Remus, a common choice for bandits or pirates, and a likely result of the family of a man who dies or is disabled. It’s not pretty.
  • Mugging the Monster: A group of bandits attempt to rob Elaine. In response to the Mysterious Waif seeming so nonchalant about the whole thing, several of the bandits promptly surrender.
  • Mystical Plague: Dark and Wind elements can combine into Miasma, which can create diseases that don’t follow conventional rules, such as being spread by eye contact.
  • Obstructive Code of Conduct: Restriction Skills are vows or oaths people can take that bind their actions. In return, the Skill gives a reward (usually a percentage boost to relevant Stats) when fulfilling the intent of their oath. However, breaking an oath can be deadly.
    • Elaine's oath is similar to the traditional Hippocratic Oath, keeping her from instigating conflict, or ignoring the injuries of others, regardless of payment or peril to herself. In return, her Mana Control and Mana Power are increased when healing.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Short, stout craftspeople with bushy beards on both genders, a taste for absurdly strong alcohol, and a deep-seated hatred for Orcs. They’re divided into two main factions. The more archetypical “Metal Clans” are miners and blacksmiths, while the “Wood Clans” are master carpenters and Druids who try to live in harmony with nature.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Pale immortals who feed on blood, and lose their connection to the System in natural sunlight. Due to their slower leveling speed, and their vulnerability in the daytime, the relatively small population of Vampires form a symbiotic, but clandestine relationship with humanity.
  • The Perils of Being the Best: The Sentinels are the very best humanity has to offer, with unmatched skills in their specialities. This means they have serious responsibilities - and cannot take (visible to other people) precautions to counter their weaknesses, for fear of destroying their mystique.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: People can become this if they reach a sufficiently high level, which usually requires being immortal.
  • Ponzi: Amber (formerly Autumn) implies she managed to scam The Fair Folk using a pyramid scheme. Without any System skills.
  • Psychopomp: White Dove/Black Crow are the dual entity in charge of dying. White Dove takes those who are willing, while Black Crow comes for those who struggle against their fate. They hate immortals.
  • Ranger: These are the elite soldiers who patrol Remus in teams of eight, solving problems the locals can’t handle. Elites Are More Glamorous, and the story often shows just how the Rangers (and their higher-ranked counterparts, the Sentinels) maintain their near-mythic reputation.
  • RPG Mechanics 'Verse: Elaine is Reincarnate in Another World in chapter one. Everything above an insect has System access, which comes with Stats, Skills, Elements, etc.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Origen, Team Four’s specialist in Runic Magic, dies during the Plague Arc.
  • Secret Relationship: Julius and Artemis after the latter retires.
  • The Squad: Ranger Team 4 is made up of:
  • Sword and Sandal: Remus mirrors the Roman Republic, complete with Gladiator Games, heavy militarization, rampant slavery, women being seen as property, and eventually degrading into an Empire.
  • Time Abyss / The Older Immortal: The vampire Night was created as part of the creation of the world.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Elaine is obsessed with mangoes.
  • Training from Hell: Ranger School is two years of intense training, but “Hell Month” is designed to take the number of potential Rangers from over 500 to just above 100. In a world where Every One Is A Super, and only the very best are selected, this process is exceptionally brutal.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Anyone who achieves immortality gets a corresponding curse by White Dove/Black Crow. A species that are all born immortal share the same curse, such as Sphinxes speaking only in riddles, or Vampires losing access to the System while in sunlight. Individuals who manage to achieve immortality are given a personalized curse.
