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Fanfic / The Mantis in the Mix

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The Mantis in the Mix by Chess_Blackfyre is a My Hero Academia Fan Fic. It follows the story of Inko Midoriya as she becomes the number one vigilante in all of Japan. She gets into a partnership with All Might along the way.

It can be found here.

This fanfic contains examples of:

  • Action mom: Inko fights gangs as a vigilante and raises Kai as a single mom.
  • Adaptational Badass: Inko goes from a house wife in canon to the number one vigilante in Japan.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Inko Midoriya and Yagi Toshinori go from a teacher-parent relationship to partners.
  • Amicable Exes: Inko and Hisashi divorced but are still on good terms with one another.
  • Ascended Extra: Inko Midoriya is the main character of the series.
  • Awesome by Analysis: Vronskaya’s quirk called Fault Line allows her to see every single weakness a person has.
  • Badass Family: The Midoriya family consists of the number one vigilante in Japan, a prohero and doctor, and a spy grandmother currently.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Kai breaks into All Might’s house and interrogates him on his intentions towards her little brother out of concern for his safety.
  • Black-Tie Infiltration: In chapter 14 Ballroom Blitz Inko infiltrates a Children’s Hospital Ball charity event to stop a robbery of an expensive necklace. Inko disguises herself as waitstaff.
  • Chocolate of Romance: In chapter 4 Valentine Ray (Redux) Inko shoves a box of dollar-store chocolates at All Might on Valentine’s Day.
  • Dramatic Irony: When Inko works up the nerve to tell All Might how she feels, she "dies".
  • Has a Type: All Might seems to like greenettes, as his ex-es Sir Nighteye and Inko have green hair. David seems to be the exception.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: The truth of Inko's vigilante past is purposefully kept from Izuku; though Inko justifies this to herself by saying she'll tell him if he ever asks. Played with regarding Vronskaya’s past because Izuku purposefully doesn’t want to know more.
  • Missing Child: Kai was kidnapped so her quirk could be experimented on, and while we know Izuku was off training with All Might, his family was understandably concerned when he started disappearing for long stretches of time without telling them anything about where he was going or what he was doing.
  • Shout-Out: All-Might and Crimson Riot's discussion regarding viligante Jade Mantis in the first chapter takes a cue from Batman and Green Arrow's talk about Catwoman in Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
    Crimson Riot: Your little crush just committed felony assault.
    All-Might: Nonsense! My only interest is her rehabilitation. I believe with a little work, she can become a loyal servant of justice.
    Crimson Riot: So letting her escape is all part of her reform therapy. Not your best plan.
  • Vacation Episode: The Midoriya Family Summer Vacation series takes place while the kids are on I-Island trying to have a nice vacation
