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Awesome / Voyages of the Wild Sea Horse

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As is the case with all pages detailing Awesome Moments, Spoilers Off

  • When Kodachi is attacked by a Giant Squid in the first chapter, Ranma immediately leaps to her rescue, even as the narration notes that he doesn't really like Kodachi all that much. Even more awesome is how he (currently she) drives off the killer cephalopod: s/he punches clean through its eye and tries to crush its brain with his/her bare hand.
  • Word of God describes the martial artists from Nerima as being "low to mid Paradise tier" at the start of the fic. Their rampages across the East Blue prove this isn't just hyperbole.
  • In chapter 7, confronted by swarms of mooks who can't stop them, but merely delay them, Kodachi "subtly" reminds Ranma that he has an ace up his sleeve. Cue an evil grin from Ranma before he blasts the mooks aside in one shot from his Kamehame Hadoken technique, the Moko Takabisha.
  • Chapter 7 also gives the girls a chance to show off that, even if they aren't on Ranma or Ryoga's levels, they're no slouches either. Ukyo contemptuously shatters a dozen Marine swords with one blow of her spatula, whilst Kodachi redirects one of Eric's Razor Wind attacks with a stolen Marine sword.
  • In chapter 8, in a Mythology Gag to the manga's version of the Martial Arts Takeout arc, Kodachi throws an array of throwing knives at Shampoo from behind when she gets carried away during their spar. Without moving from where she's standing or even looking behind her, Shampoo uses her serving tray to deflect every single dagger flawlessly.
  • Shampoo's first attempt at sparring with Ranma in chapter 9. After she shifts to her hybrid Zoan form, she moves fast enough that Ranma barely blocks her strike, which still sends him skidding backwards for three or four meters, and he mentally compares the strength of it to a strike from Ryoga. Considering how effortlessly Ranma could handle even a fighting mad Shampoo going all out in the Reversal Jewel story, it's clear that becoming a Zoan has really given Shampoo a power up.
    • This is then followed by her strength-testing her newly improved legs, which creates a storey-high, foot deep crater in a solid clifface... then she shifts to hybrid form and nearly brings the whole clifface down on top of herself!
  • How does Buggy the Clown escape from his captivity? He waits patiently for the day of his crew's transfer to the ship that will take them to Impel Down, then takes advantage of the attack by Bartomelo and the Luffy Fan Club of Loguetown, which he knew was coming, to break free in the confusion.
  • Shampoo one-shotting Bartomelo, a future Supernova, in chapter 9. True, it's before he gets his Barrier-Barrier Devil Fruit, but still.
  • Ranma rescuing Apis from a pursuing Baroque Works ship by swimming through the sea to grab her from her raft and then swim back to the Milka, dodging cannonfire in both directions.
  • Ryoga and Shampoo "return fire" on a Baroque Works ship by throwing cannonballs at it. And they turn out to have better aim and a faster "rate of fire" in the process.
  • Ranma and Ryoga beach the Milka for maintenance by hauling it up onto the beach via its anchor chains. For context, as a caravel, the Milka weighs at least a hundred to a hundred and fifty tons, and the two of them might as well be dragging a rowboat.
  • In their first fight against Baroque Works in chapter 11, Ryoga gets knocked flying by his opponent. Ryoga promptly responds by grabbing a palm tree and uprooting it to use as a club, which leaves his opponent spluttering at Ryoga calling such a stunt "fair".
  • As the Kamikazes sail away from the island where they fought the first Baroque Works crew, Ranma spots the kidnappers attempting to slink away in their ship. He promptly has Shampoo bring him a cannonball, which he pitches like a baseball, putting a hole through the enemy ship's hull right on the waterline and scuppering their efforts to sail for reinforcements.
  • Whilst the Kamikazes are trying to enjoy a meal in the Great Octopus Shogunate, a bunch of surfing-obsessed pirates called the White Foam Pirates show up to check out the competition. One of their members, an arrogant fishman known as "The Reefster", tries hitting on a very disinterested Ranma. Before things can escalate to violence, Nabiki intervenes... by bluntly telling Reefster that Ranma Does Not Like Men before Ukyo (after taking a moment to catch on) cements the fact by grabbing Ranma and pulling the Gender Bender into a Big Damn Kiss. The would-be ladykiller is so completely upstaged that even his own crewmates burst out laughing at how thoroughly shot down he was.
  • Kodachi "threading the needle" in the Grand Octopree by angling her surfboard just right that, if she clings to to her board, the wave she's riding shoots her straight through a tiny hole at the peak of a cliff just barely big enough to admit her. Not only does it help her win the race, but it's considered an Awesome moment in-universe, with Apis noting that nobody's pulled the stunt off in a hundred years.
  • When a Marine vessel suddenly arrives at the end of the Grand Octopree, looking to capture any pirates who took part, a ticked off Ranma promptly scuttles it with a single Moko Takabisha.
  • Chapter 15 has the battle between the Kamikaze Pirates and a mad giant turned murderer, named Ahab.
    • Just the fact that the Kamikazes are willing to take the giant on in the first place. At 12 meters tall, Ahab is three times the size of their ally, the half-giant runt Miriam, and makes them all look like ants. But our heroes take him on anyway, because it's the right thing to do.
    • When Ahab seizes the upper hand and is poised to crush Ukyo like a bug, Ranma snaps. For the first time ever, he uses the unnamed "turn into a giant" technique he's only ever seen used by Happosai and his father Genma, without any prior training. The result is a 12 meter tall, deformed, screaming phantom that Ahab thinks is a draugr, before Ranma lays him out cold with one punch. True, Ranma faints for a week from the ki drain and Ahab regains consciousness about five minutes later, but still, Ranma technically oneshot a giant!
    • Miriam stepping up and trying to fend off the vengeful Ahab on her own. He's three times her size, and proportionately stronger than she is, but she holds her own. She even sets Ryoga and Shampoo up for the coup de grace, which includes skewering Ahab's foot so he's too distracted by pain to dodge.
    • The final attack is a tag-team between Ryoga and Shampoo. Ryoga, clutching Shampoo as a cabbit, lets Miriam throw him as high into the air as she can. Then he targets Ahab's temple, which is the thinnest part of his skull, before throwing Shampoo at it like a living bullet. Then, at the very last second, Shampoo shifts into her hybrid form and delivers a double-kick with all her Zoan-augmented strength into Ahab's temple. The concussive force scrambles the giant's brain and causes him to pass out.
  • As hateful a character as she is, Masami Tsukuyomi, the mistress of the Crying Willow School, proves herself as a formidable foe in her brief showing in chapter 16. In their brief duel, she is fast enough and agile enough to perfectly keep up with Ranma in his female form, with the incredulous Ranma mentally noting how very rare that is; Ranma only manages to begin turning the tide by switching tactics to a pure-up slugfest, betting that he has superior stamina and pain tolerance to her. At the chapter's climax, she also shows that despite being a swordswoman, she's skilled in enough in unarmed combat that she can produce a Razor Wind with her bare hand. Manga-savvy readers will note that this is identical to the ultimate technique of the Yamasenken style, which Genma sealed away because he deemed it too lethal. Even earlier than that, she uses another Razor Wind to slice off Harumi's clothes without so much as scratching his skin.
  • The raid on the Crying Willow School gives every member of the Kamikaze Pirates present an opportunity to shine. Shampoo goes in loud, bursting through the front gate and singlehandedly taking on the majority of the school's students and guards. Ukyo adds her own distraction, using her knowledge of the kitchen to turn the school's pantry into an inferno, then proceeds to pick off students while looking for Harumi. Kodachi also prowls the school and takes the time to thoroughly trounce one of Harumi's tormentors in the most elegant manner possible. Miriam infiltrates as far as she can and then bulldozes her way to Harumi's room to get him out. And finally Ranma himself gives the biggest insult possible to Masami by not only stealing the School's prize swords, but running away from her instead of fighting.
  • Chapter 17:
    • Ryoga and Miriam's first sparring session is one for at least one of them. For Miriam, she manages to actually outmuscle Ryoga, one of the strongest members of the Kamikaze Pirates, even if it does push her to her limits. For Ryoga, he almost outmuscles a Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid of two of the strongest races in the Grand Blue.
    • After Nabiki calls them out on how they are wasting a golden opportunity to seduce Ranma because they can't stop fighting each other, Ukyo, Shampoo and Kodachi manage to take the unprecedented step of declaring a truce and agreeing to stop being so jealous over Ranma's affections so they can instead focus on beating the absentee-Akane.
    • Nabiki manages to learn the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken, and in only six days of training! It's even considered impressive In-Universe.
  • Chapter 18:
    • The girls (and Harumi) coming out onto the deck of the Stormbringer upon arriving at Sukumvit Island and showing off they know how to dress to impress. Even the notoriously romance-shy Ranma is taken aback by the sheer unadulterated hotness surrounding him.
    • When a store manager for a coach hire begins denigrating Miriam for being a fishman, Ranma grabs the man's nose, twists it to the point of near-dislocation, and coldly warns him to treat Ranma's followers with respect.
    • Nabiki puts her newfound speed and agility to good use during the party by picking the pockets of as many nobles as she can.
    • During the grand brawl at the chapter's climax, Ukyo takes out three marines in as many seconds with a tray and a bottle of wine.
    • They may have only been a couple for half an hour, tops, but Miriam makes it quite clear that she has one rule: don't fuck with her Harumi. When two marines grab the Wholesome Crossdresser and start beating him bloody with a set of brass knuckls, Miriam promptly grabs one of them and beats his partner unconscious with him.
    • Commodore Sukumvit does the one thing nobody has done up until this point; he clearly outmatches and outguns Ranma in every way. The only thing that saves Ranma from losing the fight and ending up in Impel Down is when the bombs that Kodachi had Miriam plant on the navy's ships in the ports go off suddenly detonate, distracting the Commodore long enough for Ranma to beat him temporarily insensate... and even then, Ranma decides that discretion is the better part of valor and they had better get whilst the getting's good.
    • Rather than mess around trying to find her way through the crowd, Miriam just decides to do the Kool-Aid Man's trick; she picks up Harumi, tucks him into her cleavage for safety, and then charges headfirst through the wall into the garden outside.
    • Nabiki's contribution to their escape plan: sprint up to a stage coach, leap onto it, kick the driver off without even slowing down, then hijack the coach and drive it off with the rest of the Kamikaze Pirates jumping on to ride it back to the Stormbringer.
  • Chapter 20:
    • When a hagfish fishman covers Nabiki in slime, her fury ignites her Battle Aura and evaporates the slime, and said hagfish flees in terror. Even Shampoo is forced to admit that she's impressed.
    • Harumi successfully performing a Razor Wind attack for the first time to save Ranma from Willy, who is using a hostage to force Ranma to let himself be shot while the other crew members are in their own battles and can't get there in time, cutting off Willy's hand.
    • Ranma successfully fighting against the Logia Gasparde by using his cold ki to freeze his syrupy form once he realizes that ki can affect a Logia in elemental form. After the latter's ship explodes, when he still continues to try and fight Ranma he gets completely frozen and breaks apart due to his own momentum and weight, falling into the sea and drowning. As a final insult, his Devil Fruit reforms aboard the Stormbringer.
  • Chapter 21:
    • Battling against Ratchet in his Iron Man No. 28, Ryoga deflects the mecha's Rocket Punch by punching it out of the air, then catches the charging mecha's drill squarely in the palm of his hand with only a small cut to show for it, thanks to his newly improved Super-Toughness training. He then blows up the drill with the Bakusai Tenketsu, knocking Ratchet off his balance, before grabbing the mecha's foot and flipping it onto his back. Then he smashes the machine to pieces with a single blow, before knocking Ratchet out with even less struggle.
    • Ranma facing off against Dyna. He does a Blade Run on her chainsaw, then grabs her Shock Collar and, tanking the intense voltage, rips it off of her head, all because he reasoned that the reluctant robot would stop attacking once Ratchet had no way to enforce obedience.
  • Chapter 22:
    • Shampoo's Zoan powers let her figure out how to use the Moonwalk technique after just a quick skim of the manual.
    • Ranma tricks Ace into a day of training by making a wager that he can't hit the fire Logia. One ki blast knocking him head over heels later, and he's got a Logia trainer for his fire technique.
    • Whilst enjoying a swim before dinner, Miriam spots a Sea Monster stealthily swimming in with the intention of making a meal out of Harumi, who is lazily floating in the ocean. She promptly rips its head off with her bare hands and teeth.
    • Nabiki goes beyond anything her little sister Akane achieved in terms of her martial arts ability by learning the art of Roof Hopping... even if she is inspired to do so by her need to chase down a pickpocket who just robbed her.
  • The Davy Back Fight arc across Chapters 23 and 24:
    • Ranma gives a Badass Boast about the various Martial Arts and Crafts he defeated during his time in Nerima whilst accepting Foxy's challenge to a Davy Back Fight.
    • During the Spider Sky Walk, Kodachi runs into her first trap when a rope gives way under her weight. She saves herself in spectacular style by using her new Whip Sword to hookshot herself back onto a safe foothold.
    • Kodachi wipes out fourteen Foxy Pirates, including Foxy himself, with a single ricocheting trick shot at the very start of the Hit & Dead Ball match. Her next hit takes out a further dozen
    • Ranma follows up with a spike that blasts nine of the Foxy Pirates out of bounds through sheer brute force.
    • Miriam follows up with a ball attack that blows two dozen men off of the battlefield. She also catches a ball hit by Big Pan, the Foxy Pirate's Wotan, who is roughly half-again her height and weight at the least. She almost prevents herself from being taken out of the game... but, sadly, she slides just a few crucial inches too far back.
    • Porche wins the Hit & Dead Ball match by managing to catch the remaining Kamikazes with her Flower Hypnosis spell.
    • During the Captain's Match, Foxy shows off how fired up he is from his recent loss to Luffy by taking Ranma down almost instantly. Having the advantage of his Devil Fruit power being unknown, he hits Ranma with a Slow-Slow Beam, then literally blows him out of bounds with a bazooka whilst he's immobilized.
    • During the Pick-a-Pretty Pirate match, Porche tries to sabotage Nabiki's entry with a stealthy slick of oil. When she steps in it, instead of falling over, Nabiki pulls off a miraculously acrobatic save that even she can hardly believe.
    • When Harumi starts a dance for the final round of Pick-a-Pretty Pirate, Porche launches several stealthy attacks to try and throw him off. Harumi easily dances around all the attacks in a stylish manner that enrages Porche to the point that she flat out attacks him and is disqualified.
    • The Kamikazes almost win the Scoffaloota match effortlessly. Only Foxy's surprise reveal that he can bounce his Slow-Slow Beam off of reflective surfaces lets them come from behind to win.
    • The Flying Fish Frenzy is an effortless win for the Kamikaze Pirates, who not only choose a contest they hve the definite advantage in — catching carnivorous fish with poisoned spikes using their bare hands — but also cheat by tranquilizing their tank and adding something to make the fish more aggressive to their opponent's tank before the match.
    • During the Deadeye Duel, the Kamikaze Pirates absolutely cream their Foxy Pirate opponents. Kodachi uses a smoke bomb to pick off her foe and his dozen illegal extra allies, Shampoo ambushes Chiqicheetah the rival zoan, and Ukyo catches Porche in a trap.
    • Ranma shows up to a Captain's Match rematch with Foxy... sporting rhinestone-encrusted boxing gloves, which can harmlessly deflect Foxy's Slow-Slow Beam.
    • Ranma shows off the fruits of his training in the second Captain's Match by revealing his new Red Sun technique, a fiery ki blast.
    • Ranma tanks a Nine Tails Rush and being caught in a makeshift grenade, then goes on to defeat his opponent.
    • Foxy gets some credit too; he successfully hits Ranma with a Nine Tails Rush, and endures three Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken volleys, one of them a series of kicks straight into his defenseless midriff, before finally going down. Even Ranma is forced to admit that Foxy was a lot stronger and tougher than he thought.
    • Rather than take a Foxy Pirate for their crew, which Ranma thinks would be cruel, he instead demands their Jolly Roger — specifically, the awful-looking scribble that Luffy gave them after the Straw Hats beat the Foxy Pirates in their Davy Back Fight. He then has Kodachi draw them a really cool new Jolly Roger to replace it.
  • Chapter 25:
    • The Kamikaze Pirates show off the fruits of their training for real as they rampage through a Navy wayfort. Miriam sends Marines flying with a new Ground Punch attack, Ryoga has a rifle bullet literally bounce off his skin, Ukyo unveils her new fire-blast technique, Harumi almost literally dances through the fray with blades and Razor Winds, and even Nabiki is shown easily crushing Marines she would have had to hide from just over a month ago.
    • Penelope proves her chops as a Kamikaze Pirate by effortlessly downing three marines, all twice her size, in three seconds.
    • Chaser Kiyoshi finally gets to strut her stuff. She casually sidesteps one of Miriam's thrown anchors, then casually cuts through the steel chain with her fan, causing it to continue forward and take out Ryoga. She chops up Miriam's chain when the wotan tries to grab her with it, then deflects Kodachi's new Whip Sword and temporarily knocks her out with one punch. She follows up by saving her little sister Akasuki by literally blasting Shampoo out of the way with a wind bullet.
    • Ranma shows how far he's come in his training by actually managing to fight on equal level with Commodore Sukumvit, who dealt him a Curb-Stomp Battle in their last fight.
    • The whole battle temporarily stops to gawk at the sight of Shiki's Floating Island turned pirate ship.
    • Shiki establishes his credentials right off the get-go by taking down Sukumvit in one kick.
    • Confronted with the logistical issues of reaching the Sky-Sea, Kodachi doesn't get discouraged, but instead immediately makes plans to combine her knowledge of ballooning and aeronautics with Dyna's Steampunk technology and Miriam's shipwright skills to convert the Stormbringer into a Cool Airship, something she estimates will only take them a week.
    • During their stay at Merville, the Kamikaze Pirates take to hunting the mutant monsters that reside in Shiki's personal island for sport. We get to see them hunting a Mammoth Dense; Miriam counter-tackles the charging beast, bites off its trunk when it punches her in the face, and finally breaks its neck with her bare hands once Ranma, Ryoga, Shampoo and Harumi have crippled four of its six legs.
    • When Shiki freaks out upon learning that some of the Kamikazes are from the East Blue, Penelope reflexively uses her skunk abilities, which are powerful enough to incapacitate a former crewmate of three of the current Emperors.
  • Chapter 26:
  • Chapter 27:
    • Nabiki, filled with arrogance due to her Devil Fruit, starts boasting about being unstoppable. Shampoo proceeds to thoroughly trounce her in a training match despite her "weaker" power, proving that simple power is nothing without the skill to use it properly.
    • After several incidents where Nabiki acts out due to the instincts of her new Fruit, she becomes furious at the idea of not being in full control of her own mind. She vows to train until she has the same self-control she was so proud of as the "Ice Queen" of Nerima.
  • Chapter 28:
    • Kodachi shows off how far she's improved since she began training to truly be a member of the Kamikaze Pirates by picking up a tun barrel of grease. For the unfamiliar, that's a 250 gallon barrel, which would weigh in at a literal ton when filled.
    • Nabiki giving the first bounty hunter to try and board the ship a Neck Lift before turning him into a human projectil that sinks his boat. Then she gets shot in the eye, regrows that eye, and immediately goes after whoever was dumb enough to tick her off.
    • Ranma takes down two or three dozen bounty hunters so fast an outside observer doesn't even see him move, with little more than a Flash Step followed by his would-be assailants toppling in his wake.
    • When one bounty hunter makes the mistake of calling her crazy, Kodachi uses her new "Thousand Swords" technique to dish out a (non-fatal) Death of a Thousand Cuts, stripping him of his clothes and leaving him in a bleeding heap on the ground before demanding who will next try to sate her thirst for blood.
    • Dyna shooting a group of bounty hunters off of Lilith without harming the latter.
    • Umok makes his first ever official contribution to a fight by dropping some kind of hook and tackle on a bounty hunter's head from above, knocking him out cold.
  • Chapter 29:
    • When Ranma accidentally causes the oversized bell above the door to fall on him (currently her), Ukyo shoves him out of the way and lets it land on her instead. Then she casually smashes her way out.
    • When a thundergut goat jet-propels itself at Ukyo in a literal flying headbutt, she catches it, wrestles it back until it runs out of gas, and then proceeds to beat the animal on the ground like an old rug.
    • Eleven Kamikaze Pirates take on 666 nuns from a Religion of Evil... and proceed to kick their asses.
    • Ranma pulls off a Big Damn Heroes, rescuing the Chaser sisters from death at the hands of criminal nuns, then getting them to agree to an Enemy Mine.
    • After Lilith forcibly uses her stench as a weapon, Penelope chews her out in French (or the One Piece equivalent) so heavily that the Zoan cringes and Kodachi is blushing and refuses to translate it, Ranma being noted to look at the mink with considerably more respect. Then, after she's done chewing her crewmate out, she proceeds to start thrashing the remaining nuns.
    • Kiyoshi Chaser leads Ranma and crew to the vault, which she smugly declares is made of Wootz Steel and thus impregnable. One Bakusai Tenketsu from Ryoga, and the door crumbles into something with the consistency of sand.
  • Chapter 30:
    • Ranma and Kodachi breaking into the museum to steal the scrolls about Dyna's homeland. If not for the Firetank Pirates also being there, they would have gotten away clean.
    • Capone Bege gets the drop on Ranma by using his Castle-Castle Fruit to ambush him with a barrage from some of his miniaturized rifle-toting mobsters. Ranma doesn't even flinch, and instead catches every single bullet with his bare hands.
    • When Vito has Kodachi seemingly defenseless in his grip and makes it obvious he intends to use that to force Ranma to submit to Capone Bege's wrath, Ranma and Kodachi work together seamlessly to escape; Ranma distracts Vito with a hilarious insult about his creepy appearance, whereupon Kodachi detonates a smoke bomb. She then proceeds to dislocate Vito's elbow (and give him a mule kick to the balls for good measure) before the two teenage pirates snatch the chest of scrolls they came from right out of Bege's hands and beat it. They don't even seem to notice the gunfire that follows them as the Firetank Pirates give chase, with mention being made of Ranma swatting bullets aside like flies when they get too close... without even slowing down.
    • When they finally face off against each other, the Firetank Pirates are skilled enough to actually give the Kamikaze Pirates a hard time. It's even noted their discipline and ability to coordinate their attacks is better than many Marine units that the Kamikaze Pirates have faced.
    • When Vito tries to shoot a distracted Ranma, Nabiki comes to his rescue by falling on Vito from the sky like a thunderbolt and latching onto his neck before he can even think to defend himself. She drains so much that he collapses from the blood-loss, one of the last things he sees being her licking her lips clean and deliberately belching, as if to emphasize she could have sucked him dry if she wanted.
    • Despite the ten-to-one odds against them and the fact they're facing off against one of the Worst Generation, the Kamikaze Pirates are still said to be grinding their way to victory before the arrival of the island's police-equivalent forces the two pirate crews to withdraw.
  • Chapter 31:
  • Chapter 32:
    • Ranma's rematch with Sukumvit.
    • Ranma showing that he's managed to figure out the basics of the Shave technique.
    • Kiyoshi knocks Ryoga into a building that collapses on top of him. Ryoga erupts from the wreckage, completely unscathed, and proceeds to mop the floor with the shocked captain.
    • Right after the above, Kiyoshi's enraged subordinates attempt to swarm Ryoga, only for Ukyo to intervene and wipe them out by creating a tornado made of fire.
    • Lilith kills Kubera—her former tormentor—by turning into her Zoan form, kissing her, and then jamming her entire tongue down Kubera's throat, pumping massive amounts of highly venomous saliva into Kubera's body until her belly bulges—but not before revealing that this was the same method she used to kill Kubera's father.
