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Nightmare Fuel / Voyages of the Wild Sea Horse

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As is the case with all pages detailing Nightmare Fuel, Spoilers Off

  • In chapter 14, Umok sings a cheery little sea shanty... about a peaceful island being utterly annihilated by the Demon Lord of the Sea, Dagon. Lyrical Dissonance and Nothing Is Scarier are in full effect in the final stanza:
    Umok: For ruin had risen in thunderous fury
    A ravenous shadow fell over the shore.
    And when Father Dagon's black gullet gaped open
    The waves ran with blood, and the isle was no more.
  • In chapter 16, Ryoga is swept overboard amid a raging storm at sea. This would be terrifying enough, considering he's struggling to keep afloat in wild, stormy waters in a body not suited for buoyancy. Still, then he is attacked by a "red devil" squid, which Word of God states is the One Piece equivalent of a Humboldt squid. Miriam saves him, but Ryoga comes within inches of being Eaten Alive by the predatory cephalopod. Talk about a Primal Fear overdose! It's no wonder Ryoga decides he'd rather have Ranma's curse than his own!
  • Chapter 26:
    • The entire chapter is set inside a Stomach Baron, itself a nightmarish piece of One Piece canon — a carnivorous plant the size of an island that lures prey into its massive leaves with an abundance of tasty food-bearing plants that grow on it symbiotically, then tips them into its central maw to digest in a massive "stomach" full of acidic sap.
    • How do you make that scarier? You feed it a diet of animals dosed with SIQ and a Mythic Zoan Devil Fruit chaser!
    • The mutant baron is inhabited by a horrific array of mutated parasites, vermin, and scavengers, including Giant Spiders, Big Creepy-Crawlies, and Rodents of Unusual Size, many of which are hideously disfigured or infested with parasites.
    • For the second half of the chapter, our heroes descend into the depths of the Stomach Baron to set off a firebomb in its "heart", created by a doomed crew called the Dracul Pirates that Shiki fed to the plant ages ago. It's described as a cross between a jungle and a Womb Level set inside a festering corpse.
    • Shampoo likens the interior of the Baron to Brinstar from Super Metroid. The author even recommends Spore Spawn's Theme, one of the creepiest tracks in the game's soundtrack, as background music for this portion of the chapter.
  • Zoan Devil Fruits are said in canon to have their own will, with the user needing to master their new bestial instincts. Nabiki learns this the hard way in chapter 27, when she loses a duel with Shampoo and her Zoan aggression takes her over. Not only does she try to attack Shampoo from behind in a berserk fury, but when Ranma intervenes to stop her, she bites his neck and starts sucking his blood without even the slightest hesitation. Ranma would have died if Nabiki hadn't snapped back to her senses before she drained him completely dry.
  • Chapter 32:
    • When Ryoga and Dyna are assigned to dig some new space for the nunnery, Dyna has to stop Ryoga from using his Bakusai Tenketsu by pointing out that he hasn't tested it on island-cloud instead of stone or metal. Thus, he has no way of knowing if it'll work like normal... or if it'll cause the entire island to disintegrate, dumping everything and everyone on it into the sea-clouds beneath.
    • When one of the criminal nuns attempts to attack Ryoga with a Reject Dial, while Ryoga gets notable bruising and a couple cracked ribs, the unfortunate attacker has her arm broken so badly from the backlash that the bone is sticking out of her arm in three places.
  • In chapter 33, Nabiki attacks 'Monster Gun' Vito by grabbing him and sucking his blood, something made all the scarier because the attack is told from Vito's perspective. Making it all the more chilling is that it's unclear if Nabiki was in control of herself or not... and if she would have intentionally killed him if the Firetanks hadn't driven her away with gunfire.
  • The end notes for Chapter 31 is that the author was trying to go for more of a horror vibe... and maybe it paid off.
    • The core of the chapter is the investigating Kamikaze Pirates discovering the island is suffering what can only be described as a Zombie Apocalypse, its residents having been infected with a bacteria that hijacks their bodies and turns them into slaves to some unknown master. Worse still, the victims are still conscious and aware, just with no control, resulting in them groaning warnings to the pirates and even pleading for death.
    • Whilst exploring the interior of the Demeter, the mysterious ancient ship whose presence brought the zombie plague to Wisborg Island, Ranma, Nabiki, Penelope and Dyna are attacked by hordes of Rat Men, who charge into them with such numbers they are likened to a tidal wave of flesh and fur washing down the corridor.
    • The zombies' Hive Queen: Nosferatu. A hemorrhagic fever bacteria that gained the power of the Zoan Devil Fruit "Human-Human, Model Type: Child". Where do we start with describing what makes this thing scary?
      • Thanks to its nature as a Hive Mind of bacteria, Nosferatu has the power to control anyone it infects. It does suffer a weakness in that it now has to directly infect victims, it can't spread from host to host, but Nabiki points out that this may just be a mental block...
      • Its natural form is a child-size mass of blood and bacterial slime, giving it a horrifically fluid definition of "hybrid form". It first takes on the form of a writhing mass of slime with a human head still sitting atop it, but later confronts Nabiki in a far more terrifying form; a child with a too-wide mouth brimming with fangs, Lamprey Mouths in its palms, and fang-filled maws replacing its eyes.
      • During its Motive Rant, Nosferatu reveals that despite having human-like intelligence, it's still a bacteria, so its only desire is to spread and feed. It reveals that its hosts are still dying from the effects of the bacteria feeding and multiplying inside of them, and its goal is to spread from island to island, consuming everyone in its path.
      • The sheer speed with which Nosferatu's infection works is also horrifying. The population of the Demeter and Wisborg Island already look like they're dying, but when Nosferatu takes control of Ranma, not only does it seize control of his body in seconds, but when the disease is killed minutes later, he's already looking gray-skinned and sickly, though his freakish vitality means he is at least hobbling around.
      • Word of God clarifies how Nosferatu came into being. Originally, it was a bacterial mat festering in the bilges of the Demeter. Then the former bearer of the Child-Child Zoan accidentally fell into the bilges and broke her legs. The blood drew the bacteria's attention, which engulfed and infected her, effectively eating her alive from the inside out, which caused the bacteria to absorb her Devil Fruit instead of letting it reincarnate.
      • The next chapter reveals that the disease was created by a previous user of the Sick-Sick Fruit that Doc Q has in canon as a biological weapon in a war against Dyna's creators, and apparently it was the least of the horrors created in said conflict, with Ranma shuddering at the implications In-Universe.
    • How does Nabiki, one of the last investigators left uninfected, defeat the Nosferatu? She eats it! As the child-plague tries to grapple and infect her, Nabiki sinks her teeth into its neck and starts sucking its "blood" — only for the Nosferatu to actively force its way down her throat once it realizes she's taking it into her body. The result is that Nabiki is left cradling a monstrously, painfully swollen stomach, with the Blob Monster still alive inside of her. Then her digestive acids and white blood cells get to work, causing it to start screaming in agony as it's digested alive. Naturally, it tries to escape by clawing its way out of her stomach, with only Nabiki's Super-Toughness and Healing Factor preventing her from being torn open. The narration even describes the skin of her stomach briefly splitting open before knitting together multiple times before she digests enough of the Nosferatu that it can't exert that much pressure. It all ends with the Nosferatu pleading for mercy, with Nabiki telling it to shut up and die, before it finally dies, with Nabiki giving a Burp of Finality.
    • Then the Nosferatu's dying revenge kicks in; by consuming it in such a manner, Nabiki ends up inheriting its Devil Fruit... but a normal person cannot have two Devil Fruits. She falls to the ground, shrieking in pain as she feels herself being torn apart from the inside out, before vomiting gallons of rancid-smelling spoiled blood in a desperate attempt to purge the second Devil Fruit from her system, ultimately passing out from a mixture of pain and choking on her own vomit. When she regains consciousness, she's survived and successfully purged the Child-Child Zoan from her system, but Dyna makes it very explicit that she could have died. Nabiki is so stricken by the realization that she talks about sneaking into Ranma's bed to try and hide from the nightmares that night.
  • Chapter 32:
    • Eveline Kubera is both a princess, a highly-ranked Marine, and a Psycho Lesbian obsessed with Lilith, her former slave.
    • One of Kubera's Battle Harem members is a member of a cannibal cult.
    • Venus, a member of Kubera's Battle Harem, decapitates Nabiki with an impossibly accurate shot with her chakrams during the barest fraction of a second in which the inhumanly-fast Technically-Living Vampire slows down to find her next target. Then, in a moment at once terrifying and awesome, Nabiki's headless body stands back up and reattaches her head as if nothing happened.
    • Lilith mentions that when the Kuberas murdered her family for trying to shelter her after she escaped the first time, her mother was gunned down as she tried to run away with Lilith's baby brother. As a result, she fell on the baby and basically crushed him to death.
    • While Kubera is a monster, her demise, in which Lilith basically vomits all of her stored venom down her throat via a Kiss of Death, is rather horrifying, to the point that any Marines conscious to see it surrender quickly afterwards.
