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Recap / Jean's Magical Education

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Tropes which appear in Jean's Magical Education, the fifth story in the Touhou Doujin: Dawitsu's Folly fanfic series.

Note that YMMV tropes should go on the YMMV page for the series.

  • Accidental Pervert: Believe it or not, robotic hands. Some of Nitori's robotic arms are programmed to massage anyone who moves on their allocated table. Hatate happens to wake up on one of these and instantly the hands get to work on stripping her and wrapping her in a towel. Fortunately Nitori stops this madness.
  • Ad Libbing: In-Universe, by Yutaka when trying to check up on Reimu.
  • All Just a Dream: Both Chen and Dawitsu think this of reality at some point, and are disappointed when they find out they're wrong.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Name-dropped by Dawitsu.
  • Alone with the Psycho: The opening of Chapter 17 pretty much centers around Reimu, Jean, Marisa, and Yutaka all playing on the Dawitsu Mansion's Portal floor, while not knowing Medicine Melancholy is waiting to attempt to kill them.
  • And I'm The Queen Of Sheba: Reimu denies trying to kiss Jean while he's sleeping and thus Marisa claims that there are flying pigs in Gensokyo. Jean replies that considering the strange stuff he's witnessed in Gensokyo, it isn't that unlikely that pigs may fly.
  • And Now You Must Marry Me: Flandre again, innocent-like again.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: Medicine Melancholy almost quotes the trope name, 'And when I do, I'll kill you... and your little human, too!', as well as 'I'm going to kill you... and your fellow tengu reporter too!'.
  • An Ice Person: Dawitsu uses freezing powers to extinguish the part of the Forest of Magic's fire that's closest to Alice's house.
  • Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: The reason Hebiko begins writing is simply because Tokage's writing is so god-awful that she is sure she can do better.
  • Appeal to Flattery: Hatate tries this on Yukari, but less successfully than Dawitsu. It seems she's learnt her lesson.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: A boy in Dawitsu's class asks Dawitsu when he's teaching sex ed whether Dawitsu keeps looking at Yutaka due to testosterone... Dawitsu doesn't know how to respond.
  • Ascended Fangirl: Tokage desperately wants the approval of Yukari for her Dawikari fanfiction.
  • Attention Whore: Dawitsu, upon hearing that Jean is Myouren's reincarnation. He begins a jealous rant about how he's the main character and that he's the best original character. He even starts a fight over it.
  • Awful Wedded Life: Dawitsu takes the cynical approach to marriage, and says that if he did ask Yutaka to marry him in the past, that the marriage would probably be loveless. Yutaka superficially agrees with him, but according to the narration, she's lying.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Remilia shows Flandre how much she cares by finishing Of Mice and Men with her, letting her cry if she wants to.
  • Badass Teacher: Dawitsu has shades of this.
  • "Be Quiet!" Nudge: In the form of elbowing Jean in the gut, courtesy of Marisa.
  • Berserk Button: Mentioning Kaguya to Mokou is a death wish.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Asking who the 'cute girl' is when referring to Yutaka, and then asking how old she is, when you happen to be a ten-year old boy, will earn you a BRUTAL scolding from Yutaka. Do not hit on her. Also, Reimu treats Dawitsu like crap while he's trying to comfort her and prompts this response from him, 'FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT UP!' and he proceeds to rant about how idiotic her logic on men is. Done a second time with Yutaka when Dawitsu reveals he told Ran it's okay if she leaves him. Yutaka pours boiling tea in his face, and yells about how stupid he is for not noticing that Ran loves him...
  • Big Damn Kiss: Reimu to Jean, albeit Jean REALLY doesn't want it.
  • Bigger on the Inside: Marisa mentions that the Dawitsu Mansion feels this way, Yutaka claiming it's due to her "localised space compression technique".
  • Bilingual Bonus: Anything said by Jean in French. A pretty hilarious example comes from Jean, while cooking mushrooms, singing 'Nous sommes le champignons, nous sommes le champignons, pas le temps pour les perdants, parce que nous sommes le champignons... du monde...', as he's not actually singing 'We are the Champions', but 'we are the mushrooms', a joke comically missed by a reviewer. Also, Dawitsu's sentences in French are total gibberish when translated.
  • Blatant Lies: All of Marisa's attempts to justified her breaking and entering of the Dawitsu Mansion.
  • Blunt Metaphors Trauma: Jean, again. A particularly hilarious example is when he tells Mokou and Marisa (who have recently fought) to "Kiss and make out". Also, Dawitsu can't say French sentences properly when disguising as Jean.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Yutaka tries to synthesize milk from its main components: lactic acid, water, lactose, fat, white blood cell debris, a trace of skin, various antibiotics... sadly, this is actually quite accurate.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Marisa and Dawitsu do it as usual, but this book is notable in that Reimu also does it.
  • Brown Bag Mask: Reimu has a varient on this. After the Paparazzi catch her Big Damn Kiss with Jean, she's so ashamed that she wears a pot on her head.
  • Calling Your Attacks: As usual, but this time lampshaded by Jean in French.
  • Children Are Innocent: Averted. While not out-and-out evil, the kids in Dawitsu and Yutaka's class are far from naive.
  • Clone Degeneration: Dawitsu's Chibi Clones are said to have a life expectancy of two days, after which they 'disintigrate'.
  • Cool Teacher: Dawitsu tries to be this and fails.
  • Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are: A non-villainous example. Patchouli asks this of Flandre when walking into an empty basement, but Flandre isn't hiding. She's escaped. Again.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Tokage doesn't seem to understand that showing a fanfiction involving real people to the person she's writing about is... a tad strange and could have drastic results.
  • Continuity Porn: So, you thought Dawitsu eating Minoriko Aki was a throwaway gag? Think again.
  • Covert Pervert: It may be just a small joke, but there's nothing forcing Eirin to stick a thermometer in Kaguya's mouth and inspect her mouth with a gloved hand just to tell if she's fat or not...
  • Crack! Oh, My Back!: Inverted. Yukari stamps on Dawitsu's back while he's on the floor, causing it to snap, but Dawitsu explains that she's just fixed a back cramp he's had all day.
  • Crack Pairing: In-universe. Hatate has a couple of these, and Aya even calls them "Crack Pairings".
  • Crazy-Prepared: Nitori's house is filled with many traps, including robotic hands and sleeping gas, and almost every room of hers has CCTV. The same robotic hands can be used to massage guests, so she's even prepared in more than one way...
  • Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: Byakuren gets 'panda eyes', but not due to being villainous, but due to being tired. Tokage also gains them by being an obsessive writer.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Reimu's severe beating of Dawitsu, which involves sending him through her roof, meeting him in the air, and smacking him away like a baseball with her Gohei through his mansion's window.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Jean, whenever he speaks French, is either being emotional or snarky. Of course, people in Gensokyo don't know French, and are gladly unaware of what he has to say.
  • Death by Despair: Inverted. Medicine Melancholy gets badly damaged, and due to Sympathy for the Devil, Jean, Yutaka, Dawitsu, Reimu, Marisa, Ran, and Chen all decide to have her smaller doll (her 'mind') repaired, thus they send her to Alice. Alice treats Medicine with affection and kindness, playing with her as a doll, the exact opposite to the abandonment that caused her to become a youkai in the first place. The result? She experiences true happiness for the first, and last time.
  • Death Seeker: Mokou is certainly one.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Dawitsu and Jean fight, but after are simply talking about 'guy stuff'. As the narration lampshades; 'Dawitsu and Jean were talking 'guy stuff' with each other in Marisa's study, seemingly totally oblivious to the fact that merely moments ago, the two were shooting magic laser beams and bullets at each other without mercy.'
  • Delivery Stork: Flandre still believes in this, and asks Patchouli and Yutaka when the stork is going to give them a baby. Which, of course, can't happen with a Lesbian couple, though adoption is a similar idea to the delivery stork.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: This line by Dawitsu: 'Also, I'm pretty sure that Yukari's pretty...', with pretty being used both times as the same meaning (he gets interrupted, and was most likely going to add 'angry' to the end.)
  • Determinator: Dawitsu, at first. He insists he wont give up on teaching, though he does learn to fold 'em.
  • Dirty Kid: Sosake, a kid at Keine's School- he clearly finds both Yutaka and Keine attractive.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Medicine Melancholy doggedly pursues Jean and tries to kill him only because he happened to be around when Flandre accidentally smashed her latest body to smithereens.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Medicine escapes from her can and proceeds to attack the one who sealed her in there, Hatate, and decides to kill Aya too due to her being a witness, and assures her it's nothing personal. Aya responds with, 'Oh yeah, of course, I guess if I were in your situation, I'd also want to kill the... WHAT AM I SAYING? No! I don't want to die!'
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: Discussed by Remilia and Flandre when they finish Of Mice and Men together.
  • Does Not Like Men: Remilia has shades of this. Yutaka jokingly plays with this trope, saying the reason she's a lesbian is because men are egotistical. Of course, she's being satirical.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Dawitsu tells Flandre an obviously plagiarized story- 'The Melon's curry and Harold E. Suzie Mia.' As you can tell, it's totally about fruit curry.
  • Double Entendre: One that you'll miss the first read through- Marisa gets refused access to the Dawitsu mansion's books, and she says to Yutaka, "Hey, I was starting to like you more than Patchy! She's rubbed off on you, hasn't she?" to which Yutaka replies, "I guess you could say that..."
  • Dude, He's Like, In A Coma!: Marisa trying to steal a kiss with Jean... while he's sleeping. Reimu does the same, but the moment's killed by the previous culprit.
  • Dying Alone: Yutaka refuses the Dawitsu Mansion rather modestly (Dawitsu wanted to give it to her in his will in case he dies.) and says 'Boss... I can't accept this. I... shouldn't get the mansion. That belongs to Tomasu... or your children, should you ever have any...', and Dawitsu wryly replies 'And who would I have kids with, eh? Are you gonna volunteer?'. Yutaka quite clearly sees the poorly-hidden message of his speech, an inherent fear of Dying Alone. Yutaka tries to comfort him by saying 'You never know, perhaps someone will come along...' but is still upset with her boss' pessimism.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Tokage's fanfic seems to inherently be one, as the only person who hasn't vomited or almost vomited at the sight of it was Yukari, an Eldritch Abomination in A Form You Are Comfortable With.
  • E = MC Hammer: Averted, beyond perhaps the music lessons (which may be a little advanced for compulsory school), Dawitsu and Yutaka's teaching of the human village school children is not only shown in detail, but is around correct in level for people aged ten.
  • Enemy Mine: A strange example is which, due to the oddness of Tengu society, Aya and Hatate end up quarelling over who took the picture Reimu and Jean's Big Damn Kiss first, and they eventually settle (to avoid diplomatic defeat) to work together and form 'The Bunbunmaru Spirt News'. Also, after being slandered by the aforementioned newspaper, Dawitsu and Yukari put aside their differences to get revenge on Hatate and Aya.
  • Energy Weapon: Jean learns how to fire THE frickin laser beam.
  • Epic Fail: Kogasa's attempt to make a 'Parakasa' by abandoning a parasol. She dumps it in a river declaring no-one will ever find it, and five seconds later an unseen person in the river (presumably a Kappa) says 'OW! Oh, what's this? A parasol? Oh, I wonder if I can extract the iron from the handle?'.
  • Erotic Dream: Marisa assumes Jean is having one of Byakuren, and tries to take advantage of this by kissing him in his sleep- this is not the case- he's seeing Byakuren as a sister, not a lover, and thus gets very, very panicked when a real life kiss comes in.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Dawitsu complains about Tokage's perversion, and says 'she is the biggest pervert I've come across. And I've met perverts! Hell, I'm a pervert, but she... oh God...', and proceeds to tell about how she invaded his bed to check out his man-carrot. Also, when Hebiko and Tokage are arguing over whether Fanfic should be nauseatingly romantic or not, even Tokage agrees with Hebiko that the Harem Fic suggested by a Cat Youkai is 'just sick'. Also subverted by Aya and Hatate when they tell Alice that there are some gossip-based subjects even they won't touch. Upon being asked to name one, they are at a loss, and simply tell Alice to shut up.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Marisa claims that she herself is this after both Reimu and Jean stare at her rain-dance with awe.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Yutaka and Dawitsu discuss Yutaka's (and Yutaka's alone) tendency to call Dawitsu 'Boss' instead of by his name, and she says that she's so used to calling him 'Boss' that she couldn't really call him anything else.
  • Evil Laugh: Marisa repeatedly 'cackles' in this book. It's like the author suddenly noticed Marisa is a witch.
  • Expendable Clone: Dawitsu's chibi clones are treated like this, but in fairness, their life expenctancy is only short.
  • Face Palm: One is delivered by Jean. Yukari does this many times also. Marisa, as well. It's like the cast became Deadpan Snarkers...
  • Fan Fic: In-universe. Dawitsu sarcastically encourages a Dawikari-shipping Lizard Youkai that gets a name once we find out she not only starts writing a fanfiction, but encourages others to do the same and even gets her own book (The Forbidden Love of Yukari Yakumo)
  • Fan of Underdog: Yutaka is apparently this, and shows as much by letting, of all the boys in her teaching group with a crush on her, the slightly overweight kid and the stuttering kid hold her hand as part of an exercise on electricity, infuriating the other boys.
  • Fanservice: Aya and Hatate getting massaged, if you like that sort of thing. Also, Kaguya in a tiny, cleavage-enhancing dress normally worn by rabbit youkai.
  • Fantastic Racism: Reimu considers Medicine Melancholy not 'a person' on the grounds that she's a Youkai.
  • Faux Symbolism: In-universe. A squirrel youkai is writing a Fan Fic about Dawitsu, and has him wear a feather boa. She justifies her choice of wear to Dawitsu by claiming it 'symbolizes his sensitive side'. Dawitsu responds by saying it's about as symbolic as a lamppost.
  • Feigning Intelligence: Dawitsu does this occasionally, reading a double meaning to one of Yukari's insults, thinking she was showing a nicer side and trying to comfort him.
  • Felony Misdemeanor: Hatate's paper gaining popularity, again. Aya publishes an article about it, stating "Libellous Newspaper gains popularity, Apocalypse at hand!" Also, Kaguya seems legitimately frightened of 'Humans in space suits that bear a flag with fifty stars and thirteen stripes'.
    • Though, for Kaguya, it makes sense: what event started the invasion of the Moon in Touhou canon?
  • Flying Broomstick: Jean gets one, just like Marisa.
  • Freudian Couch: Yutaka's thoughts are once drawn to the idea of her standing over Reimu, lying on a couch after the shrine maiden discusses her and Jean's story during her Heroic Safe Mode.
  • Freudian Slip: Dawitsu when getting an outfit for Yutaka to wear as a teaching assistant- after she refuses to wear a schoolgirl outfit, Dawitsu says 'Fine, I'll get you a teacher's hat and a corset... er... jacket!'. He also tells Flandre that he's been 'a terrible father to her'.
  • Friend to All Children: Yutaka plays this straight, being Hot Teacher to the boys and an idol to the girls. Dawitsu Inverts this, trying to be cool and loved by the kids, but gets spitballs fired at him, and is overall mocked and hated by the kids, the boys mainly.
  • Future Loser: Kaguya. Once a princess. Now a lazy, overweight kotatsu-dwelling do-nothing.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Nitori, as well as a freakin' badass.
  • Gamer Chick: Once again, Ran. Her game-of-the-moment this time is Mother 3.
  • Get Out!: Dawitsu pulls this on one of the kids he's teaching.
  • The Gift: Reimu is described as being a natural with Danmaku by Marisa, who follows by deconstructing this idea by saying that because she's such a natural, she's never really trained or taught herself, and so will be no good for teaching Jean danmaku.
  • Gilligan Cut: Surprisingly in literary form. Aya says there is no way she'll try out Nitori's massaging robot hands, and an hour passes, and she's saying how good the massage is (while being massaged.)
  • Good with Numbers: Dawitsu, surprisingly. He almost instantly figures out that sixty-nine hours is around three days after Hatate states it's nearly six.
  • G-Rated Drug: Aya snorting ink again. Also averted with Alice giving Opium to Medicine Melancholy as pain relief while fixing her.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Marisa acts this way when Jean falls in Love at First Sight with Byakuren, and stamps on his toes, and commands him (as his magic instructor) not to fall in love unless she tells him to.
  • Guilty Pleasures: Yutaka claims that the various Bad Fics Dawitsu forces himself to read because he secretly loves them as they depict him as a Sex God.
  • Gut Feeling: Tewi's intuition allows her to tell that Marisa's lying about him being a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.
  • Hard-Work Montage: Kaguya decides to get fit after becoming Hollywood Pudgy and being told to get some exercise by Eirin and Reisen.
  • Heh Heh, You Said Balls: Dawitsu scolds a child for saying balls during the sex ed, saying that it isn't clever or funny to say 'balls'. Right before his ten year old audience bursts into laughter at the word.
  • He Is Not My Former Lover!: Alice about Dawitsu, after revealing she kissed him to Hatate.
  • Helium Speech: Hatate gets it after Dawitsu's scientifically impossible prank.
  • Heroic BSoD: Flandre has one after discovering that people who are 'broken' do not get fixed thanks to reading Of Mice and Men.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: Reimu enters this after being humiliated and separated from Jean, speaking in a Creepy Monotone and emotionlessly relaying the mean things she had done to Jean.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Dawitsu does this to death in the final chapter, to the point of Wangst for some. The Narrator even lampshades how pointless it is.
  • Honor Among Thieves: Marisa, despite her house is burning to the ground, guards the house and makes sure it isn't destroyed. The reason? Because she doesn't want all the books she's 'borrowed' to be destroyed, and has to keep them intact for when she dies and thus has to 'return' her books to the people she stole from.
  • Honorary Uncle: Chen refers to Yutaka as 'Aunty Yutaka' at one point in the book.
  • Hot Teacher: Yutaka, according to all the boys in the class.
  • Humongous Mecha: Nitori has one in the final chapter which comes right out of nowhere and is never mentioned again.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Dawitsu reads the Bunbunmaru Spirit News; An scandal about Reimu? Hilarious, comedy gold. An article about he and Alice's Big Damn Kiss? The worst thing in the world.
  • I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham: Marisa makes Bracket Fungus soup, which, as you can imagine, looks disgusting, and is thickened only by the slime produced by the fungus itself. Jean doesn't want to try it, but when he finally does... absolutely loves it.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Averted by Yutaka, who claims she's happy with being weird.
  • I'm Standing Right Here: After several boys shout out their affections for Yutaka, claiming she's 'their type', one call is followed by a girl shouting 'Hey! I'm going out with you!'.
  • I'm Your Biggest Fan: Dawitsu ends up saying this to Byakuren when his disguise is rumbled.
  • Ineffectual Death Threats: Medicine Melancholy plays this straight despite being capable of carrying murder out due to her incredibly bad luck.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: Reimu's sudden burst into tears after being asked about Jean's absence by Dawitsu and Yutaka, showing off her Dere-dere side in full effect. Also, when Jean finds out he's Myouren's reincarnation and feels like he's being treated like a shadow of the man.
  • In Harm's Way: Jean starts off running from danger left, right, and center, but after a near-death experience, he comes to love the danger.
  • In Name Only: Referenced in the title of Chapter 2.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Marisa seems disappointed that Jean doesn't know the way to Eientei, a place which he's never visited, and by all means is difficult to find anyway.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Bizarre subversion. Ran reveals that she has always been hopelessly in love with Dawitsu, and Dawitsu (who doesn't want to be with her) kindly lets her down by saying she's too good for him/he's not good enough for her.
  • The Insomniac: Tokage, of the obsessive type. She spends her nights writing terrible fanfiction, but Hebiko's implied to do the same, on account that she (along with Tokage) don't respire as much to keep their heat up (being reptiles and all) and thus don't need to respire as much, so it may also be of the 'superpowered' variety.
  • Ironic Echo: Reimu mentions in one scene that Dawitsu 'needs exterminating'. Cut to the next scene, where Dawitsu remarks 'Ugh... what a day... I wish someone would just come up and exterminate me...'
  • It Makes Sense in Context: Invoked. Chen walks into the foyer to see "her mistress wrestling with a human witch, and a miko shouting angrily at a strange man who was speaking a language she couldn't understand." Naturally, she thinks she's dreaming, and goes to bed hoping that she'll wake up in the real world.
  • It's All My Fault: Flandre blames herself for her lack of socialization despite it being Remilia's doing that she was locked in the basement, and she insists that Remilia's the 'good sister' and that she's the bad one to Jean, who's desperately and obliviously trying to comfort her.
  • It Only Works Once: Marisa's rain-dance instruction book causes it to rain around the immediate area. It soaks the book. And Marisa even references the Trope by saying 'It's only good once'.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Yukari goes skits about how Hatate shipped her and Dawitsu, and gets even more angry when she finds out the article implies he 'cheated on' her with Alice. Dawitsu then adds (from the floor) 'Yeah, she has a point, if I really was with Yukari, I'd at least stay faithful...'
  • Joshikousei: Dawitsu tries to get Yutaka to dress as one.
  • Just Friends: Alice and Dawitsu, and they're telling the truth.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Dawitsu eventually gives up being head teacher and lets the obvious favorite Yutaka take lead while he's the assistant.
  • Lame Rhyme Dodge: Dawitsu replacing 'corset' with 'jacket'.
  • Large Ham: Medicine, and on rare occasion, Jean. Dawitsu also takes the recurring mantel, but less so than before.
  • Larynx Dissonance: Averted this time round. Dawitsu perfectly (or at least good enough that he can fool Hatate) imitates Alice's voice using his mimicry skills.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Minoriko Aki returns to kick Dawitsu's ass for eating her in the Grimoire of Dawitsu.
  • Last-Second Word Swap: Dawitsu does this when reviewing Tokage's fanfic: 'That... was the most... ...wonderful romance story I've ever heard!'
  • Law of Inverse Recoil: The Master Spark propels Jean and Marisa's broom like a rocket despite being a laser beam.
  • Leave Me Alone!: Remilia says this after finding out Rinnosuke didn't 'de-flower' Sakuya... she had a perfectly functioning sex life prior, and that Dawitsu had slept with her. She wasn't happy.
  • Life's Work Ruined: Eirin's medicine collection gets destroyed by Marisa and Jean's Hi-larrrrious antics. She is not best pleased, but seems more depressed than angry.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Discussed by Ran and Dawitsu when Dawitsu is trying to let Ran down nicely, one of his lines being 'you simply aren't... the right sort for me', which Ran responds to with 'Is it the tails? Because I can conceal them...'
  • Loners Are Freaks: Played With. Mokou is unsettlingly calm about saying she has no friends, but at the same time, mostly acts like a sane individual... unless her Berserk Button is pressed...
  • Love at First Sight: Jean to Byakuren, though that leaves after The Reveal. Marisa and Alice both mock the idea.
  • Love Triangle: A LOVE SQUARE is proposed by Aya and Hatate, but it's totally (or at least partially) false.
  • Mad Scientist: Nitori borders on this at times.
  • Magic from Technology: Mokou treats the idea of transforming heat energy (fire) to electrical energy is an impressive feat after Jean tells her about this every-day aspect of the Outside World.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Dawitsu has tea thrown in his face. His reaction? 'Oh, third degree burns get better...'
  • Man of a Thousand Voices: Dawitsu, again. He uses this well during his teaching career despite being a hated teacher.
  • Mercy Kill: Discussed. The Mercy Kill featured in Of Mice and Men is discussed with Flandre by Remilia in one of her few moments of kindness.
  • Mini Dress Of Power: While not 'of power', Kaguya wears a tiny dress worn by a rabbit youkai for her exercises, which apparently accentuates her cleavage (according to Mokou, who is calling her a slut)
  • Moe: In-universe. Tokage claims one of her story ideas is this. But it's probably not.
  • Moment Killer: Marisa to Reimu trying to kiss a sleeping Jean. Also, Aya and Hatate do the same earlier on.
  • Motor Mouth: This is apparently how Marisa recites her spells in apparent silence- it's recited so quickly that it sounds like a low-level buzz to the untrained ear, referencing the firing sounds of the Touhou games.
  • Mood Swinging: Reimu, of all people in chapter 3.
  • Morning Routine: The start of the book, this time subverted as Jean wakes up, but it's at the middle of the night, in the middle of the Forest of Magic, and is too panicked by Fujiwara no Mokou appearing to do anything resembling a routine.
  • Mother Bear: An odd age-flipped version with Marisa and Jean.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Inverted. Alice tells Hatate and Aya that the forest of magic caught fire, and they treat it as if it's no more interesting than typical gossip.
  • My Girl Is a Slut: Rinnosuke stands up for Sakuya in the below instance by telling Remilia that she cannot control aspects like that of Sakuya.
  • My Maid Is Not A Slut: An odd non-romantic version. Remilia doesn't seem to comprehend the idea that Sakuya is not a virgin, and has a fully consensual and sexual relationship with Rinnosuke.
  • Narcissist: Dawitsu does love a good ego massage, according to Yutaka.
  • Nausea Fuel: In-universe- Tokage's story certainly is this. Dawitsu throws up for two minutes.
  • Neck Lift: Remilia does a variant of this by choking Dawitsu with his own collar.
  • Never Say That Again: Dawitsu describes says (referring to Yutaka) 'Ain't she an angel?', and the Amateur writer sparrow youkai he's talking to points out that using the word 'angel' to describe anything is hackneyed and a sign of bad writing. Also, Aya tells Hatate to never say 'Oh, goody!' again.
  • Nice Gals Finish Last: We find out this is Reimu's Freudian Excuse for being a Tsundere.
  • Nightmare Fuel: In-Universe- Alice's dolls of Yutaka and Dawitsu. Both of the latter are extremely disturbed by the effigies, but seeing as Alice gave them as a gift, they graciously accept them.
  • No Fourth Wall: Any moment when Dawitsu refers to Jean's rivalry with himself due to being 'the most popular original character'. Also, Ichirin seems to have an argument with Unzan about how she's his hitbox, and also an excuse to have a male as a boss...
  • Nominal Importance: Tokage Reiketsu and Hebiko Bemyouna.
  • Nosebleed: Dawitsu has a tiny one over the thought of Yutaka, Reimu, Chen and Ran having a Slumber Party.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Tokage is waiting in Dawitsu's bed to see his man-carrot.
  • Not-So-Imaginary Friend: People treat Ichirin as if Unzan is an imaginary friend, but, of course, he's real.
  • Not What It Looks Like: Dawitsu thanking Yukari for an unspecified 'favor'. Turns out to be giving him some chocolate, but Hatate writes up a news article that says otherwise. Also, an audio-only version heard by Tokage is Dawitsu saying 'Almost there... almost there... yes... yes... yes... YES! (scream of victory and ignored references to beating an extra stage) In your face, Ran! You're next, Yukari! Whoo! Yeah!'. It doesn't help that he's exhausted afterwards. Tokage interprets it as saucily as possible, and wonders what could be in Ran's face...
  • Not Worth Killing: Mokou treats Aya and Hatate like this after she gets used as a Red Shirt by them and... doesn't die.
  • Oblivious to Love: Dawitsu cannot see that Ran is, and has been for some time, painfully in love with him, having to accept that he's interested in other women.
  • Obsession Song: Dawitsu sings the Obsession Song, 'I'll be watching you.'
  • Of Corsets Sexy: Dawitsu thinks so, or so his Freudian Slip implies.
  • Oh, Crap!: Dawitsu does something that makes Yutaka visibly irritated. Not good.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: A figure from Dawitsu and Yutaka's past is know as 'Squishy', and Yutaka asks what his name was, as she's forgotten, and Dawitsu only refers to him as 'Squishy', so Yutaka assumes he never learnt his friend's real name.
  • Other Stock Phrases: Byakuren says 'I was just resting my eyes' after being woken up by Alice.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Reimu going almost insane with happiness at finding out Jean's still alive and well.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Parodied. Reimu wears a pot over her head and expects not to be recognized, while (as Jean's thoughts point out) she still wears her distinctive red-and-white Miko getup.
  • Sisters Know Their Brothers: Jean and Byakuren know they somehow have met before, and it turns out it's because Jean was the reincarnation of Myouren.
  • Plot Armor: Dawitsu claims this is the only reason people like Reimu in the heat of a massive "Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Poisonous Person: Medicine Melancholy. Fortunately she's Sealed Evil in a Can for the most part.
  • The Power of Love: The final chapter's name is a direct Shout-Out to the Trope Namer, Back to the Future.
  • Precocious Crush: Almost all of Dawitsu and Yutaka's class' boys have one for Yutaka.
  • Pretty Boy: Subverted and Parodied by the Dawikari community's reaction to seeing Dawitsu in person. A cat youkai strokes his hair, calling it 'silky smooth', and claiming he's probably 'Bishounen', despite the fact Dawitsu himself knows otherwise.
  • Pride Before a Fall: Medicine Melancholy jeers at Dawitsu's Portal-style turrets because they have 'non-lethal lasers'. Then they say 'Target Acquired'...
  • Puppet Shows: Alice performs one after fixing Medicine Melancholy, who's still off her face from Opium. Ultimately, it is this kind, caring play that she enjoys with her that causes Medicine to die of happiness, as she's no longer an abandoned doll...
  • Purple Prose: Parodied with Tokage's writing style.
  • Red Shirt: Fujiwara no Mokou is deliberately treated as such by Aya and Hatate to act as a litmus test to see if their houses are still filled with Hydrogen Cyanide gas. Of course, she's immortal, and is reborn as soon as she dies, so this is actually a subversion.
  • Reincarnation: Jean is the reincarnation of Myouren Hijiri.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Defied by Jean in French.
  • The Reveal: Not exactly well-done, Jean finds out he's the reincarnation of Myouren Hijiri. He over-reacts majorly.
  • Revenge: Discussed with chapter five's name- Revenge is rarely sweet.
  • Rhetorical Question Blunder: Hatate has one to Aya's question of 'Do you want to publish newspapers again?'
  • Running Gag: Aya still snorts ink.
  • Sarcasm Mode: Dawitsu's quite snarky line "Anyway, I'd love to stay and be abused by you all day, but I have a job to do, so I'll see you later, eh? Why don't you ask Rinnosuke for help, I'm sure he'd oblige."
  • Scenery Gorn: Downplayed. The abandoned staff room in Keine's school is described as such: 'The Kotatsu in the middle of the staff room was so covered in dust that Yutaka had trouble figuring out how best to convert the matter without creating a significantly large, space consuming object. In the end, the two decided to just stay out the horrid room and hang around outside, drinking tea made by the school cooks.'. If Yutaka can't convert the dust into anything discreet, there's a lot there.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Said word-for-word by Dawitsu when the kids start singing, 'Dawi and Yukari, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a youkai in a baby's carriage!'
  • Sealed Evil In A Vacuum Cleaner: Medicine Melancholy, as established in the last book. She finally escapes.
  • Security Cling: Jean does this to Marisa after they get discovered trying to steal from the Dawitsu mansion by Ran. Also Aya and Hatate cling to each other when they think Mokou would kill them.
  • Series Continuity Error: The Bunbunmaru Spirit News is often referred to as the Kakasimaru Spirit News. Lord knows what the name actually is.
  • Ship Tease: Invoked and lampshaded by Dawitsu, who actually encourages the ridiculous shipping community surrounding he and Yukari despite not having any feelings of that nature for Yukari.
  • Shout-Out: Many, again. One particularly obvious one is to Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, with Hatate confusing six to nine with sixty nine, as well as a 1.21 gigawatt master spark. Also, chapter 8 shouts out to Of Mice and Men. On top of that, Marisa's rain-dance is a shout-out to Mother 3's 'Wess Dance.
  • Slap-Slap-Kiss: Hatate, who thinks Dawitsu and Jean are the same person, suggests this is the reason Dawitsu got smacked like a baseball with Reimu's gohei just before Jean and Reimu have their Big Damn Kiss.
  • Sleepy Head: Kaguya looooves her Kotatsu, and claims a healthy woman is one with plenty of sleep. Reisen points out that ADEQUATE sleep is required, not oversleeping.
  • Slumber Party: Yutaka offers Reimu to join her for one, and she does. D'awwwwwww...
  • Something That Begins with "Boring": Marisa, Reimu and Jean get so bored that they consider playing 'I spy'.
  • Spit Take: Dawitsu actively tries to set this up by, after hearing Alice say she wouldn't mind seeing a sex scene between himself and Yukari.
  • Super-Deformed: Dawitsu's chibi clones. Again.
  • Talkative Loon: Indirectly implied with Hatate as she begins to recall her traumatic experiences with Nitori's massaging robot hands.
  • That Man Is Dead: Of the literal variety. After founding out he's the reincarnation of Myouren, Jean insists that he isn't treated as a brother by Byakuren, as he's merely on the same reincarnation line, not the same person, and says that Myouren is dead.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Implied by the fact that Jean is a different individual to Myouren despite being on the same reincarnation line as him.
  • Through His Stomach: Both a thought of, but abandoned gender-flipped version and a regular version, as Jean considers making Reimu breakfast to make her feel better, but abandons the idea when he fails to get the fire stove working, and Marisa plays the trope straight by making Jean Bracket Fungus Soup.
  • Tsundere: Though Dawitsu doesn't out and out call her one like he does Reimu, Dawitsu says that Remilia is 'Like an armadillo; hard on the outside and soft on the inside'. Remilia doesn't take kindly to this.
  • Big "SHUT UP!": Mokou screaming 'SILENCE!' Also, Dawitsu shouting 'FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT UP!' at Reimu.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Tokage's writing style is a parody of this. Dawitsu even vomits at the reading of it.
  • Silent Snarker: Unzan seems to be this, if Ichirin's reactions are genuine.
  • Slapstick: Reimu whacks both Ran and Marisa off Jean with her Gohei in what the narration calls 'an almost slapstick-esque manner'.
  • Speak of the Devil: Marisa and Jean start talking about people who've romantically pursued Marisa in the past. Who should appear round at Marisa's house? Alice herself, of course.
  • Speech Impediment: Not Played for Laughs, rather shown in a realistic sense. A child in Dawitsu and Yutaka's class called Kyousuke is bullied for having a stutter, but is one of the nicer children of the class, and while still having a crush on Yutaka, is far more 'gentlemanly' than most, and is more innocent than depraved.
  • Sweat Drop: Used in places.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Yutaka and Jean both feel sorry for a destroyed Medicine Melancholy, despite the latter was nearly killed by her.
  • Talking in Your Sleep: Jean is prone to this.
  • Teacher's Pet: There are a lot of these in Dawitsu and Yutaka's class, all giving apples to Yutaka, but no-one giving them to Dawitsu.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: Heavily Played With. Thankfully averted by Yutaka and the various kids in her class, but teased at with Marisa and Jean. The latter is defied by Nitori when Aya attempts to discuss it, Nitori claiming that there's no tension between male student and female teacher. The fact that the teacher is younger than the student also makes it a bizarre inversion.
  • Team Mom: Marisa is this to Jean, and is quite freaked out about this development.
  • The Heart: Surprisingly, Hatate plays this to Aya occasionally, and Jean to Marisa/Reimu.
  • The Tease: Yutaka, to the kids in her class.
  • Teleport Spam: Dawitsu does this when imitating Team Dark's Team Blast, Chaos Inferno.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Dawitsu delivers a scathing one to Reimu before being utterly curb-stomped.
  • This Loser Is You: Of Mice and Men unintentionally makes Lennie this to Flandre, and causes her Heroic BSoD when she finds out he accidentally kills someone.
  • Universe Bible: Jean views the Grimoire of Dawitsu as this, even though in reality it's written by an Unreliable Narrator.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Tokage refers to Dawitsu's long john silver as a Man-carrot.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Alice and Marisa act this way, Marisa remarking that Alice's crush on her is 'really in the past after all... I missed the good old insulting each other days...'. Alice replies that she feels the same way.
  • Waxing Lyrical: Jean starts singing Allez Allez Allez to himself, annoying Marisa, who doesn't know what the song is.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Kogasa asks this to Alice, who responds by several failed attempts at defining it coherently.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Dawitsu claims to Keine that he could cross-dress and convince others that he's female. Considering his ability to shape-shift using the Spytron 3000, this may well be true.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Mokou explicitly states that she wants to die on numerous occasions.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Marisa is quite smart, certainly smarter than the eight-years-older-than-her Jean. Inverted with Kaguya and Mokou, and Tewi plays this straight in respect to the former pair by being totally neutral to their conflict despite being much younger than Kaguya or Mokou. Of course, she's still 1000 years old, so she's perhaps a subversion.
  • Why Isn't It Attacking?: Mokou is said to be "surprised" Jean hadn't attacked her. Subverted in that if Jean wasn't completely powerless, he probably would have.
  • Word-Salad Humor: Dawitsu's horrible attempts at French, doubles as a Bilingual Bonus.
  • Worst News Judgement Ever: Hatate has this, and Aya picks up on it, saying she's "filling the paper with useless, mundane stuff" despite one of her stories was on her rival gaining popularity and a subsequent "Apocalypse at Hand".
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: Byakuren congratulates Shou's progress in Buddhism, claiming it's great for an 'animal youkai such as [her]self' to have come this far.
  • You Keep Using That Word: Dawitsu insists on calling a Glokenspeil a xylophone, a mistake brought up by Yutaka regularly.
  • You Need to Get Laid: Yutaka tells this to Dawitsu, even though he has an undying love for her, and tells him that he has her full blessing to find someone else. She even says 'you're all pent up.'
  • You Remind Me of X: Dawitsu himself doesn't say it, but Ran notes that Dawitsu like Hebiko because she reminds him of himself.
  • You Were Trying Too Hard: Dawitsu's attempts to be a Cool Teacher reek of this.
  • Zany Scheme: Marisa and Jean accidentally knock Dawitsu and Yutaka unconscious while Jean's practicing using the master spark. Marisa's conclusion? While they're unconscious, let's steal their books!
