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Tropers / Nithhoggr

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Hey, ppl.

Resident Friend to All Living Things here.

Also a literal Revenant.

I abandoned everything I had when I found out death and time were both lies.

Time: the dimension of lies.

Shown visually by Saturn/Lucifer. The liar and father of lies. The deity with many names.

Seriously. It tells you where you need to be, what you need to be doing, etc.

To be honest, I thought it was the end of the world when I found out about the Mandela (quantum) effect.

I told myself I'd never let anyone suffer for naught again, had I any choice in the matter.

Formerly known as Truly Deceptive. I made this account because it apparently sounded too suspicious (and didn't quite reference the trope I had in mind when I made it). Anyways...

I bid ye good day, stranger. Just another troper here with too much spare time and so little to do... except when he isn't. I have a fuck-ton of interests in anime and web series, and I obsess quite a bit over video games I've hardly ever cared to play or never played whatsoever.

Y'know, my dad punished me before I was self-aware (often without any explanation as to what I did wrong or hope of making amends, let alone evading punishment).

That's all starting to change now, fortunately.

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Things That Interest Me

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Things That Interested Me

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Key: Instances of "<...>" contain text that was struck out using the "strike:" formatting before it became unique to the forums.

Tropes for Which My Life May or May Not Qualify:
