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    Fubuki Kurosawa 

Fubuki Kurosawa (Stand: Purple Rain)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Griffin Puatu (English), Noriaki Sugiyama (Japanese)
"Listen, I've just arrived in town and this is a new uniform. I only have 50,000 yen here... But it wouldn't be enough to cover the cost of your hospital bills."

Josuke's old childhood friend. He once lived in Morioh before moving away to S-City, and then moved back to Morioh by the story's events. Around that time is also when his Stand would be awakened by the Stand Arrow Keicho Nijimura had. His Stand is named after a song of the same name by Prince.

Purple Rain allows him to manipulate water (and other liquids by extension), and alter its properties. He has the ability to make it an adhesive or thin as oil. By extension, he can control its tangibility and make it solid. He can even create projectiles out of it. It's a versatile Stand, but the one drawback is that Fubuki needs a water source to use its abilities. While Purple Rain can extract water from things like mud, it's not as reliable as other water sources. As such, Purple Rain is at its strongest when it's raining.

  • Affectionate Nickname: When they were kids, his nickname to Josuke was "Josukkun". He isn't happy when Higura uses it during her introductory arc.
  • Ascended Extra: In the English sub and dub of the source material's anime, Josuke mentioned having healed the broken bone of an unamed past friend when he tried healing Ryohei's dead body. Fubuki's existence capitalizes on this throwaway line, opening the door for a lot of Adaptation Expansion of Josuke's childhood intertwining with Fubuki's, and also giving an Adaptational Explanation to that particular line that inspired Fubuki.
  • Badass Bookworm: Not only is he an intelligent student, he's able to use it to his advantage with Purple Rain's water manipulation abilities in battle.
  • Big Brother Mentor: He is supportive of his younger friends, even helps to tutor them to get them through their classes. He also showed a surprisingly soft side to Shigechi.
  • Big "NO!": He lets a brief one out when Aya explodes near the end of the Sheer Heart Attack arc, which is because she was the one who helped him get over his sadness of not winning Josuke's heart and his jealousy of Onodera.
  • Broken Ace: He's a strikingly handsome perfectionist who excelled in academics, is talented at playing the piano, knows how to cook great meals, joined multiple schools clubs in the past, and even became a class representative later in the story. But behind all that, Fubuki has his own psychological problems and tried to keep up a facade of perfection and stoicism to protect his friends.
  • Broken Pedestal: He respected and cared for his eccentric homeroom teacher Mr. Miyazaki, until he learned Miyazaki is a child killer.
  • Brutal Honesty: Fubuki is incredibly blunt at times, even to his own friends. This is to the point where they sometimes call him out if it's extra insensitive.
  • Bungled Suicide / Near-Death Experience: Twice. One was from the then-recent death of Shinichi, and the other progressively happened throughout the When Doves Cry arc and everything leading up to it. Both of them involved jumping off a bridge, except Fubuki did jump off the first time and was only saved by Hitomi in the hospital, who happened to be visiting S-City at the time. The other is just barely averted by Josuke, who nearly died in the process because of When Doves Cry creating a cold, nigh-unnavigatable storm.
  • Calling the Old Woman Out: At the start of the When Doves Cry arc, he finally snaps at his mother for everything she's done.
  • Covert Pervert: He disapproves of his friends being perverted, but secretly has his own shameless desires. He even "borrowed" one of Josuke's shirts just to secretly sniff it.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Fubuki is really good at thinking fast, such as always being ready with a story if the situation needs it. Namely, during the Harvest arc, he manages to put together a near-convincing cover story for the lottery ticket belonging to Mr. Morishita, complete with coming up with a fake sob story. He even knew what to do when it almost backfires.
    • Fubuki even uses this in a pivotal moment when he goes to confront Miyazaki after deducing he's the werewolf, as he had a backup layer to his plan in case he was captured, which ended up happening. His original plan was to confront him alone and have Shigechi deliver a note to Jotaro so he could come help, since he didn't want to endanger his other three friends, knowing full well they'd try to help. Though it sort of goes Gone Horribly Right, as Shigechi ended up screwing up because of an accidental coffee spill that made the note near-illegible, which only Josuke was able to fix by a chance encounter with him. Conversely, Josuke and his friends went on the notion of not wanting Fubuki to get hurt either, which was exactly why Fubuki wanted only Jotaro's help.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Fubuki was already miserable growing up under a controlling mother and he had to move away from his best friend. He later became traumatized by the murder of his beloved cousin by Angelo, that he became bitter and aloof to the point he was willing to work with Keicho in the beginning of the story.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: A multitude of things, from the murder of his beloved cousin Shinichi, an incident that made him forget a lot of his childhood that turns out to have been attempted suicide, to emotional abuse from his mother, the poor guy has been through a lot.
  • Darkest Hour: The When Doves Cry arc is essentially this for him as well, as it was kicked off by the emotional trauma from losing Shinichi, Sion, and now his mother. It ends up unlocking a destructive forbidden ability of Purple Rain, creating water clones and an extremely cold storm that is nigh-impossible to navigate. It also put Fubuki in a trance to kill himself, which Josuke is just barely able to stop.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Consistently snarks at the expense of his friends, especially whenever he's annoyed.
  • Defrosting Ice King: At the start of the story, Fubuki is still cold and bitter to just about everyone around him. After he fully reconciles with Josuke, he would warm up more with the help of his friends, and would eventually fall for Josuke (then getting over it and solidifying their friendship), and later Okuyasu, who he ends up getting together with.
  • Disappeared Dad: Zig-zagged. His father Fuyusuke is still in his life, but similar to Jotaro's father Sadao, he's so busy with his archeological job that he hardly sees his son. However, he does finally appear in Bizarre Christmas of 1999.
  • Dream Within a Dream: Some of his nightmares tend to be these.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Some of Fubuki's nightmares end up being this, as a couple of major examples have him see Miyazaki turn into the werewolf prior to the events of the Bad Moon Rising arc, and he would later have nightmares of Miyazaki still being alive for the Post-Climax Confrontation at the end of the story.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: His feminine name, along with his slender build and especially his long, back-length hair are often remarked by strangers who believe he's a girl at first sight. Even Josuke thought he was one when they first met as kids.
  • Education Mama: His mother is a CEO of a pharmaceutical company. Before Fubuki moved to Morioh, she controlled every aspect of his life and pushed him to be the top of his academics.
  • Gender-Blender Name: "Fubuki" is traditionally a feminine name.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: During his and Okuyasu's interrogation of Kitano in chapter 11, he takes the role of the good cop. However, he intended on being the bad cop the whole time with how he secretly uses Purple Rain on some water he gave Kitano, putting him on the verge of pissing himself.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: When he and Onodera start to develop feelings for Josuke, he becomes this to Onodera, even after she and Josuke get together. He outgrows this after his experience with Aya's Cinderella, and it's what also starts to bring him and Okuyasu together.
  • Imagine Spot: Has a brief one fantasizing about Tonio when he takes his family to eat at his restaurant in chapter 18.
  • I See Dead People:
    • A silhouetted specter that later is revealed to be Shinichi's ghost follows him around in secret during certain points in the story.
    • After Sion is killed by the werewolf, Fubuki later has a hallucination of him, complete with his gruesome wounds.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Fubuki is normally reserved and can be quite cold, but is strictly on the path of good by helping his friends, stopping Kira and his cousin's killer.
  • Kiai: "VANAVANAVANAVANAVANA—PIOVANA!!", which is only heard when he delivers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to Katsumi Hamano.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: A minor one, but in Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo, Fubuki finally gets his ear pulled on for once when he and Josuke get their ears pulled by Hitomi after she's done talking with Giorno, since she was upset about being followed by them without her knowledge. Josuke lampshades this too.
    Josuke: Hey, Fubuki... You know those times that you keep pulling on my ear whenever I do something stupid? Consider this karma.
  • Mythology Gag: During Josuke's birthday party in chapter 37, the karaoke costume Fubuki is given by Miyazaki is a cowboy's. It seems random unless you know about another Zeppeli who is in fact a cowboy.
  • Making a Splash: Courtesy of his Stand Purple Rain and as long as he has a water source.
  • Magnetic Medium: Not only he can sense spirits (and he becomes ill in the presence of negative energy), but he has a supernatural predisposition to activate dormant curses by getting close to them on occasion. These are usually indicated by a Ghostly Chill that only he can feel.
    • He was able to sense the ghost of Kira's father when he and his allies investigate Kira's home.
    • His presence also accidentally awakened the angry spirits of previous werewolves who have been killed and trapped in the attic of his grandfather's home.
  • Not So Above It All:
    • As mentioned below, rats are the one thing that can easily shake him up despite his usual demeanor.
    • During the aftermath of the When Doves Cry arc, he has a brief fit of anger not unlike that of Josuke and Okuyasu when he's momentarily upset that Sion was alive the whole time after his seemingly fatal attack from the werewolf. Keep in mind Sion's supposed death was a major catalyst for the arc's events. Josuke jokes how he and Okuyasu must have rubbed off on him.
    Fubuki: I'm gonna kill you, this time for real! Let me go, Okuyasu! I want to kick that son of a bitch's ass!
    Sion: You... got a little more hot-headed since we've last seen each other...
    Josuke: I think a bit of Okuyasu and me have rubbed off on him.
  • Parting-Words Regret:
    • His last words to Shinichi before his death were "Hey! Don't forget your stupid scarf!", which was the only thing he said to him following a fight they had gotten into beforehand. He finally gets to redeem himself for this when he interacts with Shinichi's ghost at the end of the When Doves Cry arc.
    • His last words to his mother before she was attacked by the werewolf were wishing that she was killed by Angelo instead. He presumes her dead by the time he goes back to check on her despite that, which kicks off the When Doves Cry arc. This is ultimately subverted as she's shown to have survived.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: His relationship with Josuke is this, with his stoic and collected traits being the Blue Oni to Josuke's Red Oni.
  • Running Gag: Fubuki tends to pull on people's ears, usually if they make a remark that annoys him.
  • Sixth Ranger: While Fubuki is still part of the cast as a whole, he's in this position to Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi throughout the story. This is mostly because he's following his own arc intertwining with the main plot.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Fubuki is a highly studious, grade-A student who happens to wear glasses.
  • Stock Ninja Weaponry: His usual form of water projectiles is a shuriken.
  • Straight Gay: It may not look like it due to his cold and uptight demeanor, but he's only interested in other guys. This comes to light in chapter 14.
  • Stoic Spectacles: His glasses make him look cool and intelligent, perfectly reflecting his personality.
  • Thought They Knew Already: During his talk with Josuke during his birthday, he was under the assumption Josuke already knew he was gay from during the fight with Higura, but Josuke didn't remember that either, causing him to interject in surprise and make an Innocently Insensitive remark when he interrupts Fubuki's speech when he mentions he's gay. This causes a bump in the road but Josuke ultimately reassures Fubuki that he has no issue with him being gay, which Fubuki is glad to hear even though he's sad he's not getting together with Josuke.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Shinichi's scarf is this to Fubuki, as it was recovered by the police when they found his body.
  • Tranquil Fury: Fubuki is really good at this, from confronting Onodera about her Stand attacking him out of jealousy towards him, to even scaring the bank employee in the Harvest arc into letting them off the hook after making it clear who he's related to.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The entirety of the When Doves Cry arc is this for him, as while Purple Rain was causing the storm, Fubuki was in a trance that was slowly leading him to his death, and Josuke has to fill him in after he barely snaps Fubuki out of it. Fubuki's naturally made uncomfortable knowing what he unintentionally caused once they enter the hospital and also see people being admitted for being caught up in the storm.
  • Walk on Water: Purple Rain can allow him to do this.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Does not like rats. They're even enough to make him scream despite his usual cool and reserved nature. Bizarre Christmas of 1999 shows that his mother is in the same boat.

    Josuke Higashikata 

Josuke Higashikata (Stand: Crazy Diamond)

For tropes applying to Josuke originally, see here.

  • A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted: A variation of this is how he winds up broke by the Harvest arc's events in this version of the story. This is because in the story's version of Shizuka's discovery, Josuke doesn't get all of his money spent by Joseph thanks to Onodera being present during the arc. Instead, Josuke later mentions in chapter 31 that Joseph later paid him back with extra money as an early birthday gift...which he ended up impulsively spending.
  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • His nickname to Fubuki when they were younger was "Fubucchan".
    • Starting with chapter 31, he calls Onodera "Yasuho-chan".
  • Ambiguously Bi: Josuke is implied to be this, considering his initial attraction to Fubuki as a child before realizing his actual gender, among other things.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Chapter 16 has him in this state, courtesy of Higura's Stand, Vanity. It later drives him to aggression, and nearly kills Fubuki while under it. It takes Josuke getting his arm broken by Fubuki and Koichi and Okuyasu's combined efforts in that same moment to get him to snap out of it.
  • Chick/Dude Magnet: In addition to the admirers he has around school from his introduction, Josuke ends up attracting more than just them:
    • Yasuho Onodera is one of the earliest examples, taking the place of the admirer who handed Surface something Josuke forgot at school. This especially begins to blossom in their interactions after Josuke saves her from an attempted perverted attack from Mizoguchi. They do get together of everyone listed here, but Onodera ends up being the one whose death starts the search for Kira in this story.
    • Higura Hamano is also this, albeit through Mad Love that Josuke doesn't reciprocate, even after her introductory arc. However, her infatuation towards Josuke is because she reminds him of a kid who saved her from a dog attack years ago, but Higura doesn't know that Josuke was that same boy (and neither never put together they've met before). They also eventually become on better terms thanks to Higura's Character Development, though not without a flirt that Josuke doesn't reciprocate later on.
    • Fubuki ends up getting feelings for Josuke as well, though he never gets to tell Josuke how he feels. He does get over it and ultimately finds love with Okuyasu though.
    • Apparently, this even applies to Josuke while he's abroad, as during his presence early on in Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo, even Olivia finds him hot from a remark she makes in response to Giorno expressing feeling attracted to him (not knowing they're related) after Josuke's group leaves. He does however, catch Giorno making a seductive smile towards him, which horrifies him. A couple chapters later, Josuke mentions he got some looks from Italian girls while he was taking pictures.
  • Disney Death: Has a very brief one when he blacks out from his wounds from the final battle with Kira after his death. Josuke's first thoughts after realizing he's seeing Ryohei and Onodera's spirits is to wonder if he's dead.
  • Dope Slap: Is usually the one to give this to Ichikawa whenever she says something dirty, usually about her fanfics. It's often noted he does this without enough force to harm her.
  • Extreme Mêlée Revenge: Because Kira killed Yasuho Onodera, his girlfriend by then, Josuke flies into this once he confronts Kira in this fanfic's version of the Sheer Heart Attack arc. He ruthlessly beats him up with his own human strength, and even uses Crazy Diamond to attempt to use a street sign as a weapon ala Dio.
  • Forgot About His Powers:
    • Played for Laughs in chapter 8. After the domino effect from Koichi and Fubuki realizing what Irene is watching among other things, a vase hits Irene and it knocks her out, bleeding. Everyone but Fubuki freaks out, thinking they killed her. Even after proving she's not dead by checking her pulse, Fubuki has to remind Josuke he has a healing Stand.
    • Onodera is the one to remind him about him being a Stand user when they investigate a strange noise coming from upstairs during his birthday party, which Josuke is afraid of at first.
  • Friendless Background: Is revealed to have had this as a kid because his Stand's ability weirded out other kids. Fubuki was his only friend until he too became creeped out by how he managed to fix his broken leg and then moved away.
  • Heroic BSoD: Yasuho Onodera's murder sends him into one of these for days. It takes Okuyasu and Fubuki coming to his house to help him move forward again.
    • During said visit to his house, Tomoko reveals that the last time Josuke had this to where he shut himself away was when Fubuki moved away.
  • Hollywood Tone-Deaf: Josuke's singing skills are shown to be this in chapter 12. He gets better off-screen by chapter 37, using them for his veiled Love Confession to Yasuho Onodera.
  • Innocently Insensitive: After they finish having to hide from Yanagimoto in the bathroom of the pachinko parlor in chapter 10, Josuke tries to reassure an embarrased Fubuki that his cologne (which he smelled earlier when they hid) and looks could attract some girls. Fubuki is offended by this, but Josuke doesn't understand why. This is also foreshadowing Fubuki being gay, as it's not outright said until chapter 14.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Josuke's Heroic BSoD has him visibly devastated as he leaves the meeting in front of Owson after Onodera's death, which Koichi lampshades.
    Koichi: This isn't like him at all...
    • During the Sheer Heart Attack arc, he flies into a murderous rage once he confronts Kira; Far angrier than when someone insults his hair and complete with his tone being described to be more like growls out of anger. He even makes a terrifying threat with his Stand's ability and is the one to curse Kira for escaping instead of Koichi at the end of the arc. His prior rage rightfully scares Okuyasu, who did not know why they rushed to Centipede Shoes since Josuke was unable to explain in their haste (and Josuke wasn't able to say he's deduced Kira is the murderer in his rage).
  • Mythology Gag:
    • During his birthday party in chapter 37, the karaoke costume Josuke is handed by Miyazaki is said to look like a sailor's. Later on, Onodera's gift to him is a compass shaped emblem that he wears for the rest of the story. These are both nods to the attire of his JoJolion counterpart.
    • Chapters 75 and 76 are shown to have him wearing a square-holed shirt from one of the manga covers, which was seen in the anime's end credits.
    • In Bizarre Christmas of 1999, he wears a sweater that's very reminiscent of one of the outfits of the Manga covers of Diamond is Unbreakable, which was also seen in the anime's ending credits.
    • His appearance in Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo noticeably has the heart shaped "JoJo" decal on the back of his uniform, making it loosely based on his earlier design from the manga.
  • Noodle Incident: When Josuke (badly) attempts to sing in chapter 12, Fubuki mentions that he tried to sing for his mother's birthday once and the neighbors almost called the police, thinking there was a murder at the house. One can only imagine how bad his singing must have been to where it was almost mistaken for such a thing.
  • Poor Communication Kills: The only reason he's stopped by the other reinforcements from killing Kira during the Sheer Heart Attack arc is because only he knew why Koichi called him and Okuyasu there, and was unable to explain to Okuyasu in their haste.
  • Potty Failure: During his "Freaky Friday" Flip with Fubuki, he ends up wetting himself before he can even get to the bathroom, as he never used it until then since he'd basically be looking at Fubuki's privates.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: His relationship with Fubuki is this with Josuke's usual boisterous and hot blooded traits being the Red Oni to Fubuki's blue oni.
  • Rescue Romance: In chapter 13, him momentarily staying back after defeating Mizoguchi to make sure Onodera is okay is what jump-starts his feelings for her despite accidentally seeing her "birth defect" and being completely weirded out by it.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: He and Onodera are this after getting together, right down to Josuke using the same pet names he said to Higura when he was under her control, although he doesn't seem to remember that part.
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest: He later mentions to Higura that he's not planning on pursuing relationships again until he's done with high school. Considering the circumstances surrounding Onodera's death and how it sent him into a big Heroic BSoD among a few other things, it's pretty much justified.

    Jotaro Kujo 

Jotaro Kujo (Stand: Star Platinum: The World)

The Big Good of this part of the series onward, just like the original work. However, unlike the original plot of Diamond is Unbreakable, he brings his daughter with him for part of the story.
See the character page for Star-Crossed Crusaders for tropes on him that apply to the series.

    Okuyasu Nijimura 

Okuyasu Nijimura (Stand: The Hand)

For tropes applying to Okuyasu originally, see here.

  • Adaptational Sexuality: Okuyasu is explicitly bisexual in this story, given his eventual romance with Fubuki.
  • A Day in the Limelight: He fought R.E.M. almost all by himself without his friends, and only had Tonio for an ally towards the end.
  • Ascended Extra: While he was one of the main characters in Diamond is Unbreakable, he got less screentime compared to them. Here, he gets into his own scrapes, plus his relationship with Fubuki is one of the main subplots.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: In chapter 11, he and Fubuki interrogate Kitano, and after Fubuki brings up this concept, Okuyasu eagerly takes the role of bad cop. It's ultimately inverted with how Fubuki used Purple Rain on the water he gave to Kitano to increase the urine in his bladder, which makes Okuyasu getting physical with him a slap on the wrist by comparison.
  • Mythology Gag: During Josuke's birthday, the costume handed to him by Miyazaki is a french maid costume, which seems random, but alludes to Kei Nijimura from JoJolion.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: When the group learns that Joel is Jotaro's son at the end of the Sheer Heart Attack arc, Okuyasu picks up on how similar Josuke and Joel's situations of having a Disappeared Dad are after Jotaro mentions he had no idea Joel existed until recently.
    Josuke: OUR son? Jotaro, is she saying that Joel is your kid?!
    Jotaro: Yeah, Though I didn't know he existed before and I found out about it last month...
    Josuke: You didn't know?! That must have been awkward!
    Okuyasu: I feel reminded of your situation with Mr. Joestar. You and Joel didn't have a dad before, and both of you recently met yours this year!
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: A subversion of sorts. This applies to his relationship with Fubuki, as while Okuyasu has the rugged tough guy looks, he's more emotional while Fubuki is more ruthless despite being slimmer and more feminine.

    Koichi Hirose 

Koichi Hirose (Stand: Echoes)

For tropes applying to Koichi originally, see here.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Acts 1 and 2 get some extra usage after Act 3 is introduced.
  • Adaptation Distillation: Echoes' awakening happens off-screen.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: He has yet another instance of pissing himself when he's high above the ground thanks to being stuck there by Alice's Stand ability and being afraid of heights. It's also how he ends up getting Okuyasu's attention when he can't figure out where he is.
  • Mythology Gag: One of Act 3's F-bombs is taken straight from one such usage in Golden Wind's manga.
    Echoes Act 3: I made this bastard heavier! Muthaphukkin beeyatch!
  • Precision F-Strike: Echoes Act 3 gets a handful of these, especially during the fights with Yanagimoto and the final battle with Miyazaki.

    Rohan Kishibe 

Rohan Kishibe (Stand: Heaven's Door)

For tropes applying to Rohan originally, see here.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Has his own fight in the Physical Graffiti chapter. In Bizarre Christmas of 1999, His Alternate Self is also one of Fubuki's companions.
  • Adaptation Expansion: During Koichi's flashback in Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo, he's also mentioned to have told Koichi about a previous time he was in Italy before giving Koichi the ability to speak Italian. It's later humorously mentioned that he made Josuke get on his knees and beg before granting him the same ability.
  • Ambiguously Gay: He was a bit touchy-feely around Fubuki when they first met, noting how "fine-looking" he was. He even blushed when he used Heaven's Door to read and understand about Fubuki's attraction to Josuke.
  • Mythology Gag: The story he is mentioned to have told Koichi during his flashback in Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo are the events of At a Confessional, which is commonly speculated to have taken place about a year or less after Diamond is Unbreakable's events.
  • Pet the Dog: In chapter 25, during Josuke's bewilderment on the conditions to lift Ichikawa's Stand's power and when Fubuki asks about a safety lock being used on her, Rohan refuses. His reasoning boils down to looking out for a fan of his manga (despite his hidden displeasure at hearing Ichikawa mentioning she's the one who sent him some implied shipping fanfics of Pink Dark Boy).
  • Unknown Rival: Doesn't remember Miyazaki, who claimed that Rohan was his biggest rival for Reimi's attention, despite Rohan being 4 years old at the time.
  • Unwanted Healing: In chapter 25, he denies being healed by Josuke when he and Fubuki come to him while he's still recovering from the events of his introductory arc, with the latter intending the bargain with him. While Fubuki bargained for information on Ichikawa's Stand (who had switched their bodies) in exchange for the healing, Rohan looks into Ichikawa's Stand anyway out of curiosity.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Just like with Jotaro and Hitomi, while it ultimately protected Sion, him being in on the act of keeping Sion's survival a secret ended up being a major catalyst leading up to the When Doves Cry arc, considering what it was shown to be born from. While he's the only one of the three to have suffered no adverse effects from the storm, one Rewatch Bonus indirectly reveals that he came very close to discovering the werewolf's identity when he contemplated reading Miyazaki with Heaven's Door, which would have prevented the entire arc from happening since it attacking Sion and Setsuna were catalysts for it.

Allies and Morioh Town Residents

    Tomoko Higashikata 

Tomoko Higashikata

For tropes applying to her originally, see here.

  • Ascended Extra: She gets more appearances than she did in canon, as a result, more of her dynamic with her son Josuke is seen. Additionally, chapter 48 reveals she even got over her feelings for Joseph back when she mistook Jotaro for him. She manages to hook up with Yanagimoto, who she began to harbor feelings for after, which he turned out to reciprocate. However, it sadly doesn't last after his mental breakdown after the When Doves Cry arc.
  • Good Parents: As in canon, Tomoko is this. Notably, she's even okay with Josuke dating Onodera (which he tried to keep hidden thinking she'd object) as long as he keeps his grades up (and doesn't cause a Teen Pregnancy). She's even curious about meeting her. Sadly, Onodera is murdered by Kira before she could even meet Tomoko.

    Ryohei Higashikata 

Ryohei Higashikata

For tropes applying to him originally, see here.

  • Adaptation Expansion:
    • Doubling as an element of Patchwork Fic, his Adaptation Origin Connection from the live-action movie (where his motivation to protect Morioh is from being unable to solve Reimi's murder) is implemented in this story.
    • He is revealed to have been the only other Higashikata to have known about Crazy Diamond. It's heavily implied he witnessed one of its powers at an unspecified point in the past despite not being a Stand user.
  • Ascended Extra: Unlike the original work, his legacy still plays an important role throughout the story even after his death. He was also a mentor to Detective Yanagimoto, and also a big part of Josuke and Fubuki's childhood, as shown by multiple flashbacks from before his death. He is the first of the water clones to appear during the When Doves Cry arc, and his spirit alongside Onodera's make one last interaction with Josuke in a dream following Kira's death.
  • So Proud of You: His spirit expresses this to him when Josuke sees him and Onodera's in a dream following him blacking out from his wounds in the final battle with Kira.

    Uncle Norisuke 

Norisuke Kurosawa
Fubuki's uncle and a hard-working tailor and owner of the Spider Threads store in Morioh. He is the younger sibling of Julia's twin children, and is a very laid back and positive person. Despite being almost 50, he has still yet to marry. As such, his mother seems to push him to do so.

  • Broken Pedestal: After Fubuki tells him the cover story about how Katsumi "drugged" him and Julia and tried to murder them, he wonders why he was attracted to her in the first place. Of course, the reader knows it was because she had been using Vanity on him after taking it from Higura.
  • Dark Secret: His father was the last Kurosawa to have been holding a werewolf prisoner. He discovered this by accident one day and set the werewolf free. This was why he kept one of Will's letters hidden.
  • Expy: Name-wise, he shares his first name with JoJolion's Norisuke Higashikata. He also has similar facial hair.
  • Distressed Dude: He and Julia are turned into candy during the fight with Katsumi. Thankfully, they get better once the fight's over.
  • Family Man: Deeply cares about his family.
  • Last-Minute Hookup: The ending says he finally gets married to Shinobu.
  • Romancing the Widow: He eventually marries Shinobu after the deaths of Kosaku and Kira. This is a downplayed example because he was already in love with Shinobu before she lost her husband.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: The werewolf he accidentally discovered and let escape was Teru Inuzuka, who would later go on to not only kill his father, but give birth to Miyazaki, the story's other Big Bad.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Twice. First he thinks Kosaku is cheating on Shinobu when she's fallen in love with "Kosaku's" new mannerisms, leading to Norisuke making a false accusation that ends up driving a wedge between them. Then, he sees the photo Fubuki had of Hayato spying on his "father" and thinks that Kosaku is actually Reimi's killer. This time, he chooses to try to warn Shinobu, which leads to her nearly being used for Bites The Dust and learning the truth about "Kosaku". It is also stated that Fubuki told him the full detalis off-screen later.

    Grandma Julia 

Julia Zeppeli-Kurosawa
Click here to see her child self
Click here to see her young adult self

Norisuke's mother and Fubuki's grandmother, who lives with Norisuke above his shop. She is also the last living member of Caesar Zeppeli's siblings. She first met her husband in Italy and later eloped with him against the wishes of Fredo, one of her brothers. Her husband would later die after her two children became adults, and she has lived with Norisuke in Morioh ever since.

  • Break the Cutie: With having to watch the effects of Fredo's gangster life affecting those around him firsthand, then having to bury every single one of her siblings, and then losing her husband in a fire that was actually caused by the last werewolf the Kurosawas had imprisoned, there's no doubt she's been through a lot.
  • Face Death with Dignity: She doesn't die in the story, but despite the peaceful life she lives in Morioh, she mentions to Fubuki on the day of Ryohei's funeral that she has accepted that she likely won't die of natural causes once her time comes, given her family's history.
    Julia: Nobody in the Zeppeli family has ever died from natural causes, I know it will be the same for me one day. I've buried far too many family members, so when it's my turn to die...I want you and Norisuke to bury me.
  • Gratuitous Italian: When she and Norisuke eat at Tonio's with Fubuki, at one point, her brief conversation with Tonio is entirely in Italian.
  • Last of Her Kind: She is the last surviving member of Caesar's siblings.
  • Meaningful Background Event: It might be easy to miss since it's happening in the events leading up to the When Doves Cry arc, but she does get to meet Joseph and swap stories about Caesar with him. It's implied that she already knew of him from back when Lisa Lisa delivered Will's letters and explained what happened to Caesar and Mario.
  • Mythology Gag: Her being Prone to Tears is taken from a still from Caesar's backstory in the anime, where of all of the siblings realizing that Mario was gone, she was crying.
  • Prone to Tears: When she was younger, she was the most emotional of Caesar's siblings. She does shed tears again at her old age when the authenticity of Tonio's cooking ends up reminding her of her childhood.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Japanese pronunciations have her also known as "Juri", but the story most frequently calls her "Julia". Justified since she is the last surviving sibling of Caesar Zeppeli.
  • Tragic Keepsake: She was the one who held onto Will Zeppeli's letters after being given them by Lisa Lisa after the events of Battle Tendency, especially moreso once Fredo tried to have them burned.

    Yasuho Onodera 

Yasuho Onodera (Stand: Tiny Dancer)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Deva Marie Gregory (English), Eri Kitamura (Japanese)
The class representative of Class 1-A. She's studious with a lot of responsibilities, and also part of the school's Track Club. She initially starts out as a very crabby person, but she grows out of it and becomes an ally to the main cast. Nonetheless, she can be sassy at times too. Her Stand is named after a song by Elton John.

Tiny Dancer, true to its name, is a very tiny Stand. It mainly has the ability to go into someone's body and make them itch so much to the point of hives appearing on their body. She can also puncture someone with its drill-like body. Later, it's able to sprinkle a dust from its wings that can not only cause the itching, but also paralyze the target for a while.
  • Academic Athlete: Is a really studious girl with a lot of responsibilities and also a really good track runner.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Josuke is exclusively called "JoJo" by her multiple times starting with chapter 31. In return, Josuke calls her "Yasuho-chan".
  • Apologetic Attacker: A delayed one, but at the start of chapter 22, she requests Fubuki to give Josuke a teddy bear gift on her behalf as an apology for hitting him over Josuke's initial disrespect for Joseph in the previous chapter (which was where they find Shizuka).
  • Ascended Extra: Her family is one of the same ones that lived in Reimi's neighborhood at the time of her murder, and is the only one still in Morioh at the time of the story. As such, we hear some extra worldbuilding, namely how it's revealed she was born on the same night Reimi was killed. As such, her family was out when the murder happened, but her father did see someone sneaking into the backyard of the Sugimoto house when he returned to get extra clothes for his wife, which he never told the police about it due to Miyazaki's arrest, thinking it was him because of it.
  • Bizarre Human Biology: She has a third nipple, which only Josuke knows of because he saw it by complete accident.
  • Casting Gag:
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: As the one who finds out about Kira's killings, she winds up getting blown to pieces by Killer Queen.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Learns her lesson after Fubuki bests her one last time after confronting her about her Stand's trickery.
  • Dying Clue: A non-lethal example in chapter 13 when she's attacked by Mizoguchi and can only give a vague clue before losing consciousness, prompting Josuke, Fubuki, Okuyasu and Koichi to split up and look for her. She is then Killed Off for Real instead of Shigechi in the story in Chapter 40. She still manages to get her Stand to deliver Kira's button to Josuke before she bites it.
  • Education Mama: It's implied her mother was also one of these, wanting her to never come up short.
  • Expy: Of Yasuho Hirose from JoJolion.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Starts out as this, as she even used her Stand to distract other students during their finals so only she had the highest scores. She was especially like this to Fubuki in her introductory chapter. She learns her lesson by the end of the chapter and becomes an ally to the group.
  • Inconvenient Itch: Her Stand Tiny Dancer has the power to invoke this.
  • Instant Sedation: Mizoguchi forces this on her in chapter 13 in attempt to make a lustful advance on her. Thankfully, Josuke and Okuyasu arrive in the nick of time to stop him.
  • Lethal Chef: Her cooking skills start out as this, as shown by a sandwich she made for Josuke as thanks for being saved from Mizoguchi. Just like Josuke's singing skills, she later gets better at it.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In her introductory chapter, she immediately starts fretting about what she's done after realizing Fubuki's also a Stand user. She already felt guilty about what she was doing with her powers, but was too scared to tell anyone the truth until another rival and Stand user came into the picture.
  • Mythology Gag: Several to JoJolion.
    • Koichi said he knew her in middle school, and even tries talking to her in her introductory chapter (not knowing the reason why she's curled up is that Fubuki figured out she's a Stand user). Considering the surname of the character she's an expy of. It's certainly a subtle nod.
    • Chapter 13 has Onodera saying "'My Yasuho'? You're kidding, right?!" when she's attacked by Mizoguchi, taken straight from the beginning of JoJolion.
    • Also in that same chapter, she is revealed to have a third nipple, very much echoing a similar birth defect Josuke's JoJolion counterpart has, and how Josuke in this story discovers it is essentially a role reversal of Yasuho Hirose discovering her Josuke's. The narration even describes Josuke's thoughts just like Yasuho Hirose's were at the beginning of JoJolion!
    • An illustration towards the end of chapter 26 and another image on the gallery are essentially recreations of existing imagery from JoJolion.
    • In chapter 31, she is shown to be capable of licking her elbow. Yasuho Hirose has this same trait.
    • Also during chapter 31, during her and Josuke's ruse to get Mizoguchi to back off, Josuke briefly distracts Onodera and lands a few hits on Mizoguchi while she's not looking. This is a clear reference to a Running Gag in JoJolion.
    • Josuke's Affectionate Nickname to her, "Yasuho-chan", is also what JoJolion's Josuke says to Yasuho Hirose.
    • When she and Josuke enter the department store that Fubuki and Okuyasu are in during chapter 38, she mentions to Josuke that she's eyeing a new skirt on sale that has roses all over it. This is alluding to the attire of Yasuho Hirose.
  • Rescue Romance: In chapter 13, because Okuyasu bolted as soon as the school bell rang after he and Josuke defeated Mizoguchi, once she regains consciousness, she sees Josuke as her savior from Mizoguchi's attack and also realizes the kind of person he is despite his looks. While Josuke does also give credit to Okuyasu's help when she brings this up, this jump-starts her feelings towards him.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Is capable of being sweet and compassionate, and has Ash Pink hair.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Josuke after getting together.
  • Tsundere: Has a few shades of this, especially earlier on. When she hands the fake Josuke by Surface something he forgot in the Surface arc, she even says the typical tsundere phrase almost word for word. Naturally, as she gets closer to Josuke and friends, this goes down by a lot.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Since she's present during Shizuka's introduction, she calls out Josuke for his behavior towards Joseph when Shizuka falls into the water and Josuke lashes out towards Joseph for it, she even physically scolds him and their friendship nearly falls apart, but she forgives him in the end (and she indirectly apologizes for hitting him in the following chapter).

    Irene (Contains Late-Arrival Spoilers) 

Irene Kujo

Jotaro's daughter, who is 6-years-old at the time of the story.

  • Alternate Self: Irene is Jolyne Cujoh's reincarnation, living a different life after Pucci's defeat in Stone Ocean.
  • Big Brother Attraction: Not actually siblings in this case, but she has a minor crush on her relative Josuke and even wants to marry him!
  • Cheerful Child: She has a sweet and sunny disposition, while being extremely curious. Even though her parents divorced when she was at a young age, she was more annoyed that she can't have another sibling. Little does she know that said sibling already exists.
  • Daddy's Girl: Absolutely adores Jotaro and misses him when he works long hours.
  • Dirty Kid: Implied to be this, since she wasn't really that bothered by a Hentai tape she accidentally watched. She also already knows what sex is from Holly, much to the utter shock of Josuke, Fubuki, Okuyasu and Koichi.
  • Free-Range Children: When Josuke and his friends found her alone, they learned that she had left the Morioh Grand Hotel on her own and even traveled to the other side of the town until she got lost.
  • From the Mouths of Babes: She's six, but she seems to have a bit of a precocious vocabulary:
    • She calls the groupies that appear to Josuke during his introduction a harem, which Koichi is flabbergasted to hear.
    Irene: I didn't know Uncle Josuke has a harem.
    Koichi: H-hey, little kids like you shouldn't say that word!
    Irene: But it's true, isn't it?
    • She also says a swear word in chapter 8, which elicits varying reactions from Josuke, Fubuki, Koichi, and Okuyasu. She says she heard Josuke say it sometime before, which he asks Irene not to say it again.
  • Mythology Gag: Her introduction is almost the same as young Jolyne's appearance in the ending of Eyes of Heaven's story mode, with some differences.
  • Put on a Bus: She disappears from the story in chapter 9, with Jotaro sending her in Holly's care so she won't miss kindergarten. This is downplayed though, as despite this, she's still mentioned throughout the story, and her becoming ill around the same time the search for Kira begins plays a role in some Adaptation Expansion of the story. As a result, she's more like The Ghost. It's also later mentioned that she and Joel had already met before, but apparently, neither knew they were siblings.
  • Siblings Wanted: She asked her father for another sibling, only for Jotaro to remind her that he divorced her mother.
  • Walking Spoiler: Her entire existence is related to the outcome of Stone Ocean (and The Reveal of the original version of Star-Crossed Crusaders) as a whole. The closest thing to a spoiler-free explanation is that she was Jolyne in a past life, but even that might be weird to someone who hasn't seen all of Part 6.


Hitomi Bongiovi (Stand: Ace of Cups)
Now much older and with a son of her own, Hitomi arrives in Morioh alongside Joseph Joestar. Since she's about Jotaro's age, she becomes a secondary Big Good to the heroes, even lending a hand herself at some points. She also seeks to reconnect with Jotaro after them having grown apart between Star-Crossed Crusaders and this story, with the events between them unknown. Her new surname is named after Bon Jovi.
See the character page for Star-Crossed Crusaders for tropes on her.


Joel Bongiovi (Stand: Unknown)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Wendee Lee
Hitomi's son, born between the events of Star-Crossed Crusaders and this story. He grew up in San Francisco, California and is 8-years-old at the time of this story. He's also homeschooled.

  • Character Development: He initially thinks Jotaro dislikes him because he already has another child. Him saving his life in the Sheer Heart Attack arc causes him to change his view on this.
  • Cowardly Lion: Despite being scared easily, he's still able to keep his composure in certain situations, namely during Katsumi Hamano's attack on Fubuki's household, and especially in the Sheer Heart Attack arc, where he helps Koichi figure out Sheer Heart Attack's weakness.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Unbeknownst to him, the circumstances surrounding his birth are this, as he was born while Hitomi and her family were in hiding in Italy. Hitomi never told him about that point in her life.
  • Momma's Boy: Cries for his mother when she isn't around to protect him. These are nearly his last words before Jotaro saves him from Sheer Heart Attack.
  • The Reveal: Joel ends up being able to see Stands. Not only is this how he's able to help Koichi against Sheer Heart Attack, this also establishes he has a dormant Stand ability. Word of God has confirmed that he'll be the protagonist of the sequel to Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo.
  • Shrinking Violet: Is shy, inquisitive, and also scared easily.
  • Your Son All Along: While it's strongly implied in his very first scene to the reader with him having the Joestar birthmark, Joel is Jotaro's son, with Hitomi revealing this to him in Chapter 22. As such, this trope is very much played straight from Jotaro's perspective and is a bit more like an Internal Reveal.

    Yukako Yamagishi 

Yukako Yamagishi (Stand: Love Deluxe)

For tropes applying to her originally, see here.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: She first gets an Early-Bird Cameo in chapter 2 among the rest of Class 1-A's introduction, which is even further ahead of her Early-Bird Cameo from the anime. She gets a more proper earlier appearance in chapter 9, where her traits on the surface are first talked about by Ichikawa. She then gets multiple appearances alongside class 1-A before her introductory arc.
  • Ascended Extra: She gets more appearances than she did in canon, making frequent appearances with the rest of Class 1-A. In addition to the above, she gets additional appearances before and after her experiences with the Cinderella Salon. She also gets to apologize to Josuke and Okuyasu for kidnapping Koichi during an original scene with the three before Rohan arrives at the cafe during the chapter with Ken Oyanagi.
    • She gets to use her Stand for combat again in chapter 68, using it to pull a Big Damn Heroes and aid Koichi and Okuyasu when Alice traps them during this story's version of the July 15th arc.
    • Alongside Ichikawa, she also comes along for Fubuki's birthday in Bizarre Christmas of 1999.
  • Brutal Honesty: Has a case of this when Okuyasu asks her about what she thinks Fubuki could see in him when he's talking about his attraction to him in chapter 47, which Josuke lampshades.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Even after her Heel–Face Turn, she's still prone to anger, such as when she mistakes Pearl Jam's effects as malicious. Even Josuke would rather not witness her wrath, even if it's not aimed at him.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Even though the only person she's at odds with is Fubuki as noted below, she displays genuine concern when the subject about his mother comes up in chapter 58, telling Fubuki she doesn't want to see him so unhappy, which Fubuki thanks her for.
  • I'm Not Doing That Again: These are her thoughts on Tonio's restaurant after witnessing Pearl Jam's abilities in chapter 58. Though the effects it had on a very sleep-deprived and stressed Fubuki didn't help matters considering the second effect was a gory mess before Fubuki returned to normal.
    Yukako: ... I'm never eating here again. Not even on a date with Koichi...
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Of the main cast, Fubuki remained the most wary of her after the events of her introductory arc, even after she tells him she's not going to pursue Koichi in chapter 22. This is likely because of how she treated him during her introductory arc since she kidnapped him alongside Koichi and was completely cold to Fubuki during that time. As a result of this, when Ichikawa invites him to her and Yukako's table at Tonio's in chapter 58, she looks at him with a mildly concerned expression at first.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In-Universe. In the July 15th arc, she comes across Josuke and learns Koichi is missing since he didn't come to school. She figured something was wrong because she knew it wasn't like him to not come to school when final exams were so close.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: After her Heel–Face Turn, one particular case of her wrath is played a lot more like this, as when she learns Koichi is missing during the July 15th arc, she feels rage at whoever took him as her Stand writhes in anger. We see her in action with this when she catches up to Alice, Koichi's captor.
  • You Leave Him Alone!: Has these intentions when she initially thinks Pearl Jam is harming Ichikawa in chapter 58, having not seen its abilities before. She's ready to attack Tonio until Fubuki tells her to wait a minute, and then sees Ichikawa just fine seconds later.

    Shizuka (SPOILERS) 

Shizuka Miyazaki (Stand: Achtung Baby)
Thanks to not being explored beyond being adopted by Joseph originally, her creative freedom is played for all it's worth, especially when she's later revealed to be a werewolf since she's Miyazaki's daughter.

For tropes applying to her originally, see here.

  • Adaptational Species Change: Because her father is adapted to be Miyazaki, who is later revealed to be the werewolf, this also reveals Shizuka as this in tandem with Miyazaki being the werewolf.
  • Adaptation Expansion:
    • How she wound up where Joseph and Josuke would find her is shown, along with showing that her mother did wind up as one of Kira's victims.
    • Since how she looked completely visible was never shown in the manga or other materials, the story goes with an original design for how she naturally looks, which is first revealed alongside Miyazaki being revealed as her father.
  • Ascended Extra: One big example of this. Her origin was unknown in the original plot, and Joseph would take care of and then adopt her after being unable to locate her mother. Here, she's Miyazaki's daughter, and Joseph leaves her in Miyazaki's care after it's revealed. Joseph would only adopt Shizuka after Miyazaki's presumed death at the end of the Bad Moon Rising arc since no one wanted to adopt the now-orphaned child of a child murderer. Essentially, she doesn't become Shizuka Joestar until near the end of the story.
  • Missing Mom: Her mom was killed by Kira shortly after she tried to abandon her in addition to leaving Miyazaki that same morning.
  • Offing the Offspring / Left for Dead: What her mother tried to do during her attempt to run away.

    Miki Ichikawa 

Miki Ichikawa (Stand: Bangles)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Sarah Anne Williams
An energetic ganguro girl who's also in class 1-A. She likes playing matchmaker and crafts bracelets and accessories to sell at school. She is also close friends with Onodera as well. She starts out as a recurring classmate of Class 1-A before she's later shown to have awakened her Stand. It is named after a band of the same name.

Bangles is bound to the bracelets Ichikawa makes, and is activated by two people wearing the same kind of bracelet. This causes the targets' bodies to transform into one another, and only lasts for a day, with its main purpose being to fix rocky relationships. However, adverse effects that affect both people begin to happen if one doesn't see where they went wrong after 24 hours have passed.
  • A Day in the Limelight:
    • In chapter 49, of all the characters that gather from seeing Josuke and Koichi trying to help Okuyasu confess to Fubuki, she gets the most focus since she's the first to stumble upon them.
    • She also comes along for Fubuki's birthday in Bizarre Christmas of 1999.
  • Break the Cutie: She's the hardest hit of the heroes next to Josuke when Onodera dies, as not only does she begin crying during the meeting, she's visibly despondent when she's next seen. Then there's Aya's death, which she was revealed to have been in the vicinity of and was told to hide by Aya moments before her death. Ichikawa later picks herself back up, but she still went through a lot in a short amount of time.
    Ichikawa: No! Yasuho can't be dead! I just saw her this morning! She has to be alive somewhere! Right, Josuke?!
  • Casting Gag: Her HCC is also the voice of Sayaka Miki, who she partially shares a name with, and is another Plucky Girl. And in a rather dark sense, she also goes through a form of Break the Cutie, but is also best friends with someone who has Sayaka's Japanese voice actress as a HCC...and also dies.
  • Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Was completely unaware that she had awakened a Stand until it affected Josuke and Fubuki. Hers was awoken by Otoishi, but not only did he seemingly see no Stand after shooting her with the arrow (and not seeing any use for her), he was defeated before he could use her against the heroes. As such, she knows nothing about it and Josuke and Fubuki bring her to Rohan to learn more about her Stand and how it works once they ended up switching bodies.
  • Fangirl: She loves writing fanfics about Pink Dark Boy and was ecstatic to meet Rohan in Chapter 25.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: Her Stand can invoke this.
  • Gyaru Girl: Her design and fashion sense is based on that of Ganguro.
  • Lemon: Played with, as while she's mentioned to be into writing these kinds of fanfics, there's even a verbal version of a Visual Pun about this too, as her notebook has lemon stickers on it.
  • Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls: Her writing fanfics is a big part of her personality.
  • Mythology Gag: Her last scene in the main story has her seen feeding a flock a pigeons with Shigechi, which mirrors a scene of the anime's second opening. Though there is some irony with how she's with the person who died in canon, and her best friend essentially died in his place.
  • Plucky Girl: Is bubbly and optimistic.
  • Red String of Fate: Her Stand Bangles' ability is centered around this.
  • Running Gag: She is usually on the receiving end of a Dope Slap (usually by Josuke) whenever things like her Yaoi Fangirl tendencies come up.
  • The Matchmaker: Likes playing this, also later making her a Shipper on Deck for Josuke and Onodera, though not without being curious about Josuke and Fubuki too.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: In addition to writing fanfics, she's also a fan of this, to the point of thinking Guy on Guy Is Hot.

    Mashiro Teshigahara 

Mashiro Teshigahara (Stand: R.E.M.)
"Thanks to him, I was cursed with an awful power that has been ruining my life..."
A waiter at Cafe Deux Magots. He starts out as bitter and grumpy, disliking customers, and especially teenagers who don't clean up after themselves. He targets Okuyasu for making him lose his job in his introductory arc. His Stand is named after a band of the same name.

R.E.M. has the ability to deprive other people of sleep, which can lead to mental and health problems the longer they're awake. R.E.M.'s strength also increases the longer its user stays awake, and it's reset once the user sleeps.
  • Adaptation Expansion: He is another person Keicho struck with the Stand Arrow. He's also mad at him with how his Stand was a detriment to him.
  • Ascended Extra: He's the same waiter that got his uniform torn by Kira when he was under the effects of Echoes Act 3.
  • Blessed with Suck: He has a Stand, but not only is it ill-suited for combat, he's fallen victim to his own power, which he sees as a curse. He does get around this after Okuyasu's encounter with him.
  • Force Feeding: How he's defeated, with the edible in question being hot milk made by Tonio.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After being a victim of his own Stand's power and wanting revenge on the Nijimura Brothers for it to the point of nearly killing Okuyasu by pushing him onto the train tracks, he turns over a new leaf after he's force-fed some hot milk made by Tonio. Helps that he also gets his job back later.
  • Named by the Adaptation
  • Pet the Dog: He gets his job back following the events of Okuyasu's solo arc.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: This is his rationale for his initial desire for revenge against the Nijimura Brothers, though it was likely exacerbated by his sleep deprivation and stress from losing his job.

    Reimi Sugimoto 

Reimi Sugimoto

For tropes applying to Reimi originally, see here.

  • Adaptation Expansion: She's revealed to be Miyazaki's ex-girlfriend, who broke up with him days before her murder.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Is hit the hardest of the heroes once she learns Miyazaki is the werewolf and child killer at the end of the Bad Moon Rising arc. She knew Miyazaki better than anyone else, and all she can do is silently weep while holding Arnold.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Arnold growls at Miyazaki whenever he's around. Reimi naively assumed Arnold doesn't like him. Then chapter 58 reveals that dogs and other canines growl at and can attack werewolves in their human form. This ends up being one of the last clues foreshadowing Miyazaki being the werewolf.
  • Parting-Words Regret: Chapter 44 reveals that her last conversation with Miyazaki before her murder was something she regretted, which she says to Miyazaki when he winds up in the ghost alley.

    Sion Dainenji 

Sion Dainenji (Stand: Physical Grafitti)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: David Stanbra (English), Hiroshi Kamiya (Japanese)
A college student who is also a street artist. He notably is able to make his street art have the illusion of a 3D appearance, making his work a smaller attraction of Morioh. He also uses the likeness of the locals in his art because in his words, "faces reflect the personality of a town". His Stand is named after an album by Led Zeppelin.

Physical Grafitti is bound to Sion's drawings, allowing them to function like what they are if Sion choose so. These drawings can also pursue their target. Their weakness is water. Its secondary ability results from if a drawing hits someone, they will begin to believe that the people around them are the same person, easily confusing the victim. It helps that Physical Grafitti can also change the look of one's face.
  • Art Initiates Life: His Stand lets him do this.
  • Berserk Button: People stepping on his art. Justified given he puts a lot of work and passion into them.
  • Casting Gag: His Japanese Hypothetical Casting choice is Rohan's voice actor from All Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven. His introductory chapter also has him fighting Rohan.
  • Call-Back: The reveal that he's alive echoes Avdol's comeback and subsequent reveal of his survival being kept a secret in Stardust Crusaders, right down to him saying "Yes... I am." when the group is in disbelief that he's alive. Unlike Avdol though, he survives the story.
  • Composite Character: In addition to being an expy, he can also be considered one of Aisho Dainenjima (with some Adaptational Heroism) and the street artist seen in JoJolion.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Chapter 48 reveals he was attacked by the werewolf and his baby sister was killed as well. Him wanting to find her killer is partly why he sticks around near playgrounds and the park as he draws his street art, so he can keep an eye out for suspicious individuals.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Becomes an ally to the heroes following his confrontation with Rohan.
  • Dying Clue: Leaves a grim one to Fubuki when he's attacked by the werewolf, with it reading "DON'T TRUST YOUR UNCLE". This is later subverted, as it's revealed the werewolf wrote it and not him.
  • Expy: Of Aisho Dainenjiyama from JoJolion, though to a lesser extent compared to how Onodera is another expy.
  • I See Dead People: He is revealed to be able to see the ghostly shadows of the werewolf's victims, complete with their wounds, similar to Reimi and Arnold. He's unable to communicate with them because they disappear when he gets close.
  • Mythology Gag: Just like Yasuho Onodera, he has these as well to JoJolion.
    • His design is based on the street artist seen drawing Crazy Diamond in JoJolion.
    • The illustration featuring his Stand on his Stand stat card is modeled after a panel from the artist he's designed after, right down to it being a drawing of Crazy Diamond.
    • He is nervous, jumpy, and also carries heart medicine with him, just like Aisho.
    • A non-JoJolion example, but a drawing he makes towards the end of the story references the 3rd opening of the anime.
  • The Reveal: The end of the When Doves Cry arc reveals he survived his attack from the werewolf. He faked his death to keep the werewolf from trying to finish him off. The werewolf also faked Sion's "Dying Clue" in attempt to deceive Fubuki.
  • Unwanted Healing: It's implied he declined healing from Hitomi (and later Josuke) to keep his fake death a secret. It's also implied he finally was healed by one of them after the werewolf's defeat, as his next apperance after that has him out of the hospital.
  • You All Look Familiar: The secondary ability of his Stand invokes this if a drawing hits its target.

The Black Zodiac Gang

    Umeta Kitano 

Umeta Kitano (Stand: Whistle)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Alejandro Saab

The first member of the Black Zodiac Gang that's established in the story. He's the shortest and most spiteful of the three, though he has a contemplative side to him. His Stand is named after an R&B group of the same name.

Whistle, similar to Echoes, has the ability to replicate any sound Kitano has heard in the past, including the voices of other people, which can allow him to mask his voice. He can also change a sound's volume with it. It's stated Ozu thinks it's useless but Kitano believes it all comes down to how he uses it.

  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Since he and Ozu are introduced before Higura, he could be seen as the little guy to Ozu's big guy. Higura's height is in between the two.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: He pisses himself again during Higura's introductory arc, except it was out of fear.
  • Didn't Think This Through: In his introductory chapter, he attempts to use a bunch of lighter fluid spilled throughout the bathroom against Fubuki and Okuyasu as revenge for making him piss himself, but he realizes he wouldn't be safe from the flames either until it's too late.
  • Dirty Coward: Is stated to be this, such as when he hides behind Ozu once Okuyasu and Koichi enter their hangout spot and fight off the other delinquents he sicced on them.
  • Evil Counterpart: In a way, Whistle is like this to Echoes Act 1, being capable of mimicking various sounds, albeit through different methods.
  • Everyone Has Standards: It's later revealed that him making a girl stab her ears out was just a lie spread around by Mizoguchi and his Stand, with Kitano claiming he wouldn't hurt girls despite him being a delinquent.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Of the trio, he's the most easily angered of them.
  • Make Some Noise: Similar to Echoes, Whistle can manipulate sound by playing back anything Kitano has heard before.
  • Jerkass: With him being a delinquent, he has his fair share of these even after his introduction.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: The fact that he pissed himself is often brought up a few times after the fact, much to his annoyance.
  • Potty Failure: Fubuki ends up forcing this on him when he uses Purple Rain to increase the urine in his bladder during his interrogation. Kitano loses control of it in his haste to escape after creating a diversion with Whistle.
  • Sensory Abuse: Whistle is capable of this too by making any sound it plays louder. It's also implied this is what happened to the classmate who stabbed her eardrums out prior to his introduction.
  • Share the Male Pain: Ozu's Groin Attack on Okuyasu in Chapter 17 is enough to freak even him out.
  • Those Two Guys: When Higura's not around, he's this with Ozu.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is this to Higura. Ozu also shares this with him.
  • Voice Changeling: One of Whistle's capabilities by extension of how it can mimic sounds Kitano has heard before.

    Naoji Ozu 

Naoji Ozu (Stand: Beat It)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: David Wald

The tallest member of the Black Zodiac Gang. While he's the muscle of the trio, he doesn't usually fight unless provoked, or has the clear from Higura. That being said, he's more interested in shoplifting, which his Stand reflects. It is named after a song by Michael Jackson.

Beat It has the ability to put it or Ozu's arms into the grooves in its body, which can then be used to warp into a nearby pocket within its range, provided it's not sealed. These same grooves can also be used to store and promptly reflect powers thrown at it.

  • Big Guy, Little Guy: When it's just him and Kitano, he's the big guy. Higura is in between their heights.
  • Groin Attack: He attempts a rather nasty one on Okuyasu in chapter 17, which Koichi manages to stop. While Okuyasu angrily just kicks him there after he's defeated, Ozu would later end up being on the receiving end of a worse one from an attack from Harvest during the Harvest Arc.
  • Jerkass: Has these tendencies just like Kitano. He even uses his Stand to pick on Okuyasu during his solo arc.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being troublemaking delinquents, he and the other two do have some morals deep down. In Ozu's case, following the events of the Harvest arc, he's the one to ask about Onodera's death and expresses sympathy about it before Kitano moves onto how Higura's been acting strange after Katsumi moved back in. The gang is also part of the crowd that gathers from afar during Okuyasu's first kiss with Fubuki and to see Reimi off after Kira's death.
  • Overly Long Scream: Lets one out following his Groin Attack from Harvest. This ends up leading to some cutaway gags.
  • Pocket Dimension: Beat It can store projectiles and other energy inside itself to throw back at whoever sent it at Ozu.
  • Undying Loyalty: Is this to Higura. Kitano also shares this with him.

    Higura Hamano 

Higura Hamano (Stand: Vanity)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Kirsten Day
The leader of the Black Zodiac Gang. She carries a whip around with her, and is also impulsive, violent, and quite arrogant. She's also infatuated with Josuke for some reason. Her Stand is named after the female vocal trio Vanity 6.

Unlike most Stands, Vanity is a single object that takes the form of a lipstick tube. After applying it on herself, she can use it to literally blow materialized kisses that can function as both a weapon and a means to enchant opponents into falling in love with her.
  • Achilles' Heel: The enchanting part of Vanity's power is revealed to depend on the target's romantic/sexual orientation, as it has no effect on Fubuki, who is gay.
  • Attention Whore: She loves being the center of attention.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: In chapter 35, after Onodera stands up for her in the whodunnit about the culprit of poisoning Onodera's gelato despite them being rivals, she reveals that her way of acting tough and confident about her beauty is partially because she doesn't want to feel scared and vulnerable.
  • Call-Back: While drunk thanks to Harvest also injecting alcohol into her, she steals Josuke's first kiss, right down to boasting about it just like Dio did.
    Higura: Tell me... have you and that Yasuho Onodera kissed yet? Guess not, after seeing your face... You thought your first kiss would be Onodera! But it was I, Higura!!
  • Character Development: Over the course of the story, she grows quite a bit from what she did in her introductory arc, though she still has some delinquent tendencies here and there.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She would act mean towards Onodera for the crime of being close to Josuke. Though Higura later matures from this.
  • Dark Action Girl: While not as deadly and unpredictable like Yukako, Higura is still violent and is quite a competent fighter.
  • Forced into Evil: Chapters 41 and 42 have her as an unwilling accomplice to the evil doings of her abusive sister Katsumi, causing Higura to temporarily take an antagonistic role again until she tries to retaliate against her sister. Chapter 42 reveals that if she disobeyed or disadvantaged her, she'd injure her. On a re-read, it's implied that her ultimate threat was turning Higura into candy if she didn't comply, which is what Katsumi temporarily did to her to scare Higura into working with her in the first place.
  • Foreshadowing: In chapter 35, during her Graceful Loser moment, she says that Josuke doesn't have enough experience to handle her, which in addition to her dog attack story, foreshadows how she hasn't had an easy life growing up unlike Josuke, with her father being in jail since she was 11, her mother being a gambler in debt, and Katsumi being her abusive sister in addition to being a criminal and accomplice of Angelo.
  • Graceful Loser: After she gets to talk to Onodera one to one following her outburst of the contest's outcome in chapter 35 (in which Josuke liked the gelato made by both girls), she decides to step aside after coming to terms that Josuke might not reciprocate her feelings. She's at peace with her decision and even wishes Onodera luck with him, aside from one last boast about kissing him first, anyway. However, this is ultimately zig-zagged, as the flashback at the start of chapter 41 reveals she still felt sad about letting go of pursuing Josuke, and even wonders if he'd dislike her because of her living conditions (which Josuke never seems to see). She does later touch base with Josuke after Onodera's death, in which they remain peaceful afterwards.
  • Mad Love: Higura is infatuated with Josuke and tries to pursue him, who has made it clear that he's not interested in her.
  • Mythology Gag: In her brief appearance in the July 15th arc, she tries flirting with Josuke again for a bit, in which she reveals a tattoo of a heart with "JoJo" on it on one of her thighs. This is similar to an unnamed woman in JoJolion with a similar tattoo.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Higura's signature Character Tic.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful!: Basically, she believes herself to be the most beautiful of Budogaoka High School that she feels entitled to act like a delinquent.
  • Show, Don't Tell: When Okuyasu goes to talk to her during chapter 41, she recounts a story about when she was younger, Katsumi unleashed a starved stray dog onto her, which a boy saved her from. This is the same event that was previously shown in a flashback of Josuke and Fubuki's childhood. While this explains her attraction to Josuke since he reminded her of that boy, neither Josuke or Higura ever seem to figure out that they met before.
  • Terrible Trio: She is the domineering leader of the Black Zodiac Gang, while Kitano and Ozu act like her henchmen. Whenever the three of them show up, it's usually to cause inconvenience to the heroes.
  • The Dog Bites Back: She finally stands up to Katsumi in the midst of her being angry from Fubuki's attack on her, allowing Fubuki to pummel the finishing blows needed to eject Katsumi from the Kurosawa household. Fubuki compliments her on this before going to confront Katsumi.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Is the only female delinquent of the Black Zodiac Gang.


    Yoshikage Kira 

Yoshikage Kira (Stand: Killer Queen)

For tropes applying to Kira originally, see here.

  • Adaptation Expansion:
    • He is stated to have been Miyazaki's sempai in high school. He also has his backstory expanded, implementing his abusive mother that Araki mentioned to have scrapped in an interview.
    • One Early-Bird Cameo reveals him to be the one who killed Shizuka's mother, who was trying to run away from her boyfriend.
  • Dramatic Irony: When Miyazaki speaks to him in his car during his last Early-Bird Cameo, he asks Kira about his innocence regarding Reimi's murder since he had been hearing chatter about it all day. Kira reassures Miyazaki he doesn't think Miyazaki killed Reimi, but as the reader knows, he's saying this because he knows as Reimi's murderer, complete with a mild Psychotic Smirk.
    Miyazaki: You still believe me that I didn't kill her, right?
    A shadow fell over the man's face and he smiled a little.
    Kira: Of course not.
    Miyazaki: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
    • He seems to relish in said irony, since he sees it as part of what keeps up the quiet life he desires.
    Kira (In thought): Every time he sees me, he always has to bring up Reimi Sugimoto. Ah, that Reimi… I remember licking her cute, silky hands... As long as most of the public suspect Miyazaki is the killer of that incident, then I, Yoshikage Kira, can continue to live a quiet life.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Appears numerous times before his proper introduction, true to his nature as a serial killer hiding in plain sight.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Considered stealing Miyazaki's identity when he finds him during the Sheer Heart Attack arc, unaware of what Kira was doing prior. Once he finds Kosaku, he switches targets and begins his escape plan, but not before mortally wounding Miyazaki and saying something among the lines of this to him.
    Kira: Thank you for your only useful help, Tohru.

    Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri 

Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri (Stand: Aqua Necklace)

For tropes applying to Angelo originally, see here.

  • Adaptation Expansion: Is revealed to have had an accomplice and love interest: Katsumi Hamano.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: When he maliciously calls Fubuki for some Evil Gloating in chapter 3, he threatens to go after Norisuke and Julia if he calls the police.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: As revenge for how he did the same to Shinichi, Fubuki subjects him to some of this by breaking his leg with Purple Rain and pressing his foot on it, all while Fubuki has a cold expression on his face.
  • Hostage Situation: Before Fubuki can deliver him an Ironic Death with the same object he used to murder Shinichi, Angelo manages to use getting inside of Josuke as this.
  • Mythology Gag: He brings a tattered umbrella with him the day he goes to attack Josuke. This is one of several things that takes pages from the live action movie's version of the Aqua Necklace arc.

    Akira Otoishi 

Akira Otoishi (Stand: Red Hot Chili Pepper)

For tropes applying to Otoishi originally, see here.

  • A Day in the Limelight: He gets a few more scenes following his arrest. Mainly about being interrogated about the animals he shot with the arrow, including the werewolf. He also had a truth serum used on him.
  • Adaptation Expansion: He is later revealed to have been a former student of Miyazaki's.
  • Butt-Monkey: He gets his face stomped on by an angry Hitomi even after Okuyasu defeated him.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He's pretty much responsible for giving the werewolf its Stand after he shot what appeared to be a giant dog with the arrow. Miyazaki would later get him to tell him about the other Stand users in Morioh, or else he would devour him.


Tohru Miyazaki (Stand: Bad Moon Rising)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Todd Haberkorn (English), Koji Yusa (Japanese)
Bad Moon Rising
"In fairy tales, the Big Bad Wolf always loses because he's the villain and that he's a victim of his hunger. But I will have my happily ever after."
The second Big Bad of the story. He has been kidnapping and killing children for 3 years before the story's events, and he also happened to be struck by the arrow, which awakened his Stand. It is named after a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Bad Moon Rising's power draws from the moonlight, and can even merge its body with it to become intangible. It's even possible for Miyazaki to heal and make weapons using it. While powerful, especially during the full moon, it can be weakened if clouds are blocking the moon, or if the Stand is in a shaded area for too long. Additionally, the attacks use a lot of energy, and once used up, it must recharge before it can do another attack.

However, needing to be in the moonlight all the time can be bypassed by placing a moonstone, something only werewolves can create, into the empty hole in its face. This also boosts Bad Moon Rising's power.

  • Accidental Child-Killer Backstory: Subverted. While he was initially remorseful for accidentally killing and eating Sion's baby sister, he becomes a child killer because he gives into his monstrous hunger, which occurs every full moon and did not do anything to stop himself or turn himself in for his crimes. Fubuki calls him out on this and for making "excuses" for his actions.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Beneath his energetic and klutzy exterior is well...this.
  • Bloodless Carnage: Mercifully, his attack on the water clones of his victims is this since they're all made out of water. Normally this is very much averted since he says to the Ken clone that he ate his body until only his bones remained.
  • Disney Villain Death: Both times he's defeated, he falls to his doom. He's finally Killed Off for Real the second time.
  • Dirty Coward: In a flashback showing he was also affected by When Doves Cry, the vengeful water clones of his victims horrify Miyzaki so much that he starts pathetically trying to apologize. Then one of them knocks over Shizuka's crib and upsets her, prompting him to destroy them.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • The second major threat of Morioh came close to dying multiple times prior to his reveal, especially during the Sheer Heart Attack arc, where he only survived thanks to Hitomi. Kira even considered stealing his identity before finding Kosaku!
      • Furthermore, Part 2 of the Bad Moon Rising arc shows he came close to this yet again in his flashback to the events of the When Doves Cry arc, losing enough blood to feel dizzy from being stabbed by the water clone of Ken.
    • Him seeing Kira as his sempai becomes a really strange coincidence since while they are both killers, neither of them knew that about the other when they are first shown interacting in the story. As a matter of fact, Kira had a fresh severed hand in his car in that same scene, which Miyazaki not only mistook the scent of for a fresh steak, but he could have died then and there as lampshaded by Kira:
    Kira (In thought): That was too close. Had that idiot looked into the backseat, he would have seen her with the bag. Then I would have to kill him… which would be a great service actually.
    • The same day he seemed to finally be outgrowing the stigma of being Reimi's murder suspect was also the same day he was revealed to be the werewolf, where Fubuki's cover story at the end of the arc had him seen as a vile murderer for a different reason after his presumed death. This implies that he stayed in werewolf form for this reason, and it led to his Sanity Slippage by the time he's Back for the Finale.
  • Dying as Yourself: Once he's finally dead, his body turns back to his human form.
  • Evil All Along: Ends up as this since the werewolf is spent being searched for a major portion of the story.
  • Evil Counterpart: Bad Moon Rising's abilities are this to Fubuki's Purple Rain. Both can manipulate an element and create weapons from it (moonlight and water), and their abilities are at their strongest during certain weather conditions (an unobstructed full moon and rainy weather). This is lampshaded by Josuke and Koichi during the Bad Moon Rising arc.
  • Eye Scream: He's blinded in the moments leading up to his death.
  • Eyes Always Shut: This trait turns out to have been to hide his unnatural eyes, which are unique to werewolves.
  • Freudian Excuse: He was unintentionally abandoned by his werewolf mother, was raised by good parents who later became cruel to him when he started showing his werewolf traits, lost his first girlfriend Reimi and became a murder suspect... He's a broken person, but he still chose to be a monster to hurt the town, which Fubuki calls him out for.
  • Foreshadowing: There are multiple hints of him being a Stand user and the werewolf throughout the story. A lot of them are revealed when Fubuki reads Giles Verdun's book and learns about the traits werewolves have, but the hints themselves are so far apart throughout the story that they'd most likely only be noticeable on a re-read.
    • Chapter 39 has Fubuki notice that it seemed like Miyazaki could see Crazy Diamond when Josuke uses it to catch a falling tray when Miyazaki trips.
    • Chapter 44 has him wind up in the ghost alley, and sees Reimi and Arnold, which non-Stand users aren't supposed to see or hear.
    • Chapter 46 has Fubuki noticing Miyazaki has eight toes total instead of ten when he tends to his wounded feet when he goes to visit him. This is a trait about werewolves revealed in the book and one that's lampshaded following The Reveal.
    • Chapter 50 has Josuke asking him about Stands following his reunion with Shizuka, and a rather awkward line is present in the conversation:
    Miyazaki: Stands? Oh, yeah! That nice lady who healed me at the Cinderella Salon told me about them, It explains a lot! Before, I couldn't understand why my daughter disappeared once… So, these powers are called Stands. Do you have them?
    Josuke: Yeah, we do. All four of us. We'd show you, but you can't see them?
    Miyazaki: I'm not supposed to?
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: During the Bad Moon Rising Arc, he uses Okuyasu like a club to attack Josuke after the former attempts a failed sneak attack.
  • He Knows Too Much: It's implied that Sion's knowledge about werewolves that was revealed in chapter 50 are why he targeted him, especially after his failed attempt on Fubuki's life in that same chapter since he was also investigating a werewolf. Norisuke's denial of Sion and Fubuki's knowledge are also what likely fueled his deception scheme in the process.
  • Heroic Second Wind: A villainous example of this happens when one of the water clones of his victims knocks over Shizuka's crib.
  • Hidden Villain: For a large part of the story, the identity of the werewolf is a complete mystery, with the only explicit clue being that the werewolf is male. It isn't until chapter 64 that it's revealed that Miyazaki's the werewolf, let alone how one of the most prominent side characters (with him being a teacher at the school) turned out to be the other Big Bad, right under the noses of the students looking for the werewolf no less.
  • Horror Hunger: His ravenous, monstrous hunger occurs every full moon.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: While he longed for companionship beforehand, after his reveal as the werewolf, it's revealed his loneliness was heavily exacerbated by his Abusive Parents. He also doesn't immediately try to kill Fubuki for outing him because of this and their previous interactions. He also yearns for raising Shizuka as another werewolf to keep him company as one.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Him showing up would signal a dark shift in tone for whatever scene he appears in, especially before his identity as the werewolf is revealed. Even then, his reveal as the werewolf is no slouch in this department either.
  • Kick the Dog: Has a near-literal example in the Bad Moon Rising arc, using moonstones on dogs that he kidnapped to turn them into beasts. He also kills one of them when he sees he doesn't have enough to use for all the dogs.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After kidnapping and killing countless children for the past three years, his first defeat ends with him losing his child Shizuka as Fubuki escapes with her as he falls into his exploding home. Naturally, Shizuka is long gone by the time he's next seen, as she departed Japan alongside Joseph.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: Subverted HARD once he's revealed to be the werewolf.
  • Mythology Gag: Has a couple to JoJolion, which are both about Toru, who Miyazaki predates and happens to have a similar name as him.
    • When he reunites with Reimi after stumbling into the ghost alley during the Sheer Heart Attack arc, something he says when they talk about their past regrets is very similar to what Toru left as a voicemail to Yasuho Hirose, which Josuke happens upon in one of the later chapters of JoJolion.
    Miyazaki: I told you… stop blaming yourself. I want… to go back to how we're like. I don't know why I let you go… I regretted it ever since.
    • The illustration of him following his injury from a failed attempt on Fubuki's life (which also serves as the image for this folder), is a mirrored version of a pose from Toru.
  • Named After Somebody Infamous: According to the gallery, his real namesake is Tsutomu Miyazaki, a real life Japanese serial killer who even stored his victims' remains in small boxes.
  • Never Found the Body: Despite being glued to the roof of his house when it exploded thanks to Purple Rain, and falling into the flames and debris as a result, his body was not found in the wreckage of his house. This foreshadows his return in the final chapters and is lampshaded by Koichi once he finally does.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: The story's take on werewolves has a multitude of unique things to them, such as their personalities shifting with the phases of the moon, the dangers of exposing them to the moon at an early age, being able to hold a victim captive in another part of their stomachs, and so much more.
  • Papa Wolf: He is a literal example of this once him being a werewolf is revealed.
  • Post-Climax Confrontation: He returns for a final battle after the end of Diamond is Unbreakable's plot during Josuke, Fubuki, Koichi and Okuyasu's vacation in the mountains, which happens to be the same place he fled to after the events of the Bad Moon Rising Arc. Helps that his body was never recovered in the aftermath of that arc.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Delivers this to the water clones of his victims once he regains some sense from one of them knocking over Shizuka's crib:
    Miyazaki: You've all gone quiet now… you've forgotten… what I really am...
  • Re-Read Bonus: Is chock-full of these, from his seemingly idle chit-chat about his mood swings, to being protective of his daughter, among many others.
    • One of Fubuki's nightmares has him see Miyazaki turning into the werewolf. Turns out a nightmare was more than just close to the truth the whole time.
    • His plans to retire as a teacher by the end of 1999 can take a whole different meaning on a re-read, as it implies that he intended to bail from the town with how there were people looking for the werewolf by then. Not to mention a teacher retiring before they're even middle aged is uncommon as well.
  • Riddle for the Ages: How he managed to survive the destruction of his home at the end of the Bad Moon Rising arc and how he was able to slip away to the mountains is never explained.
  • Sanity Slippage: By the time he's seen again in the finale, he's been in werewolf form for so long that he's nothing more than a feral beast that never talks. Ironically enough, his Stand also develops a mind of its own and is the only one able to talk.
  • Shout-Out: His quote on his other folder borrows some words from a video by ProZD, which just like in the original video, are only noticeable after the reveal that he's evil.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Does this at one particular instance during his confrontation with Fubuki at the end of the Bad Moon Rising arc. The narration adds that his anger and hate towards Fubuki causes it to sound guttural on the last part of the following sentence:
    Miyazaki: I'm not as fortunate as you. There's no redemption for me. You and your meddlesome friends have pushed me too far...GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!!
  • Taking You with Me: After being mortally wounded by the group's impromptu silver bullet in the final battle, he uses the last of his energy to attempt this on Fubuki, charging and biting into him. He inadvertently crashes and falls into the well ahead of him thanks to being blinded by Fubuki.
  • The Big Bad Wolf: He even calls himself one like the one from fairy tales!
  • Walking Spoiler: If this folder's spoiler warning being worded differently from the other ones wasn't enough, him being the werewolf, a new killer that is foreshadowed in the earliest chapters, is such a massive spoiler that there's even a spoiler warning on the gallery preceding his character card as the werewolf. There's especially how he's one of the existing members of the cast that had also been introduced very early on, so by the time it's revealed he's the werewolf, the reader had plenty of time to get to know him.
  • Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: A near literal example, just minus the sheep's clothing.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Let alone kidnap and devour them.

    "Dr. Jones" 

"Dr. Jones" (Stand: Crawling King Snake)
An aggressive, territorial male Japanese pit viper that naturally awakened his own Stand. He serves as an additional enemy during the same trip where Josuke, Fubuki, Jotaro, and also Hitomi search for the rats that Otoishi shot. His Stand is named after a song by The Doors.

Crawling King Snake has the ability to make grass grow from any scratches that it inflicts onto its victims, which spreads throughout the victim's body and dehydrates them until they die. Crawling King Snake also has the ability to turn into grass so he can either hide or scatter himself into grass to evade attacks, similar to The Fool.
  • Freudian Excuse: His hatred for humans came from when a human tried to drown him when he was young, which also caused him to awaken his own Stand. He's also pissed at the two rats for killing his mate.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Or half the snake, rather, as Josuke manages to kill him this way by shooting him in mid-air when he tried to lunge at Jotaro.
  • Ironic Name: Hitomi nicknamed him after Indiana Jones, even though snakes are the very thing that he fears.
    Fubuki: You nicknamed the snake? You realized the irony of that name, right?
    Hitomi: I-it was the first thing that popped up in my head.
  • Lost Lenore: His mate can be considered this.
  • Shout-Out Theme Naming: Despite his name being a clear reference to Indiana Jones, Word of God also mentions that his namesake is also the name of a song by Aqua.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: A venomous, aggressive snake that has a Stand is pretty damn intimidating.
  • The Only One Allowed To Kill You: At the climax of the arc, he attempts to kill Jotaro just to deny Bug Eaten the chance to kill him.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: He awakened his Stand after a human tried to drown him.

    Katsumi Hamano 

"Katsumi Hamano" (Stand: Def Leppard)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Tara Platt
Higura's older sister. Seemingly a klutzy new school nurse of Budogaoka High School with a skill for sculpting amezaiku candies, she's actually a Stand user, and a very deranged person at that who is also abusive to Higura. Her Stand is named after an an English rock band of the same name.

Def Leppard has the ability to transform people into gummy-like candy after she scratches someone with her Stand's claws. In this state, the victim cannot see or speak, but can hear and feel everything around them, and any pain they receive is amplified. Katsumi can use this on herself without the negative effects, also making her invincible to all kinds of physical attacks except high heat.
Def Leppard can also bring any amezaiku candies Katsumi makes to life, and they can also do the attack that's needed to turn someone into candy. She can also control people in said state as well.
  • Achilles' Heel: The one counter to turning herself into candy is high heat, which Fubuki later exploits in tandem with water during their fight.
  • A Fate Worse Than Death: All because she showed her Stand in an attempt to kill Detective Yanagimoto, thinking he was Standless, he subjects her to The Wall's power, turning her into a statue of sorts instead of facing time in prison.
  • Asshole Victim: Higura has absolutely no issue with her sister being gone after she's defeated.
  • And I Must Scream: The main power of her Stand allows her to invoke this on her victims. She sort of gets a taste of her own medicine once her fight's over, except at Yanagimoto's hands. Literally.
  • Ax-Crazy: On top of being sadistic, her bursts of anger are just as deranged as she is.
  • Big Sister Bully: An extreme example, as Katsumi is extremely abusive to Higura, going back to even when they were kids, as she was the one who unleashed a starved dog on Higura. She's abusive enough to force Higura to do her bidding.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Beneath her klutzy exterior is someone who is extremely twisted, abusive, and sadistic. Not helping matters is how she was Angelo's girlfriend and accomplice.
  • Black Market: Her reason for kidnapping people by turning them into candies with her Stand is to sell them on there.
  • Cain and Abel: Is the Cain to Higura's Abel.
  • Ear Ache: Her right ear gets half torn off by Fubuki.
  • Evil Gloating: In a way almost reminiscent of Scar's, she does this to a restrained Fubuki as she chokes him with dental floss, reminiscing about how she did the same thing to Shinichi shortly before his death, except with a metal wire instead.
  • Food Eats You: One of her candies attempted this on Joel before being freed by Fubuki.
  • Hate Sink: Once it's revealed she's evil, abusive to her sister, and was the one who poisoned Onodera's gelato among other things, it's easy to want to see her get what's coming to her. She even had no qualms about planning to go after Josuke for revenge for Angelo while Onodera's death was still fresh.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: When Higura finally retaliates against her, she begs her to stop, causing Higura to drop her guard, allowing Katsumi to attack her from behind with Def Leppard. Thankfully, that's the last dirty trick she does before Fubuki gives her a well deserved No-Holds-Barred Beatdown with Purple Rain.
  • Kick the Dog: A near literal example happens when she downs Higura and kicks into her after her I Surrender, Suckers moment.
  • Kill and Replace: Chapter 41 reveals she attempted this with the previous school nurse before her, who seemingly left the faculty right before Katsumi applied to become the new school nurse. She was also turned into candy by Katsumi, who then forged her resignation letter and put her in the basement alongside the missing students and Sanae. This ends up being averted when her defeat and "death" causes her Stand ability to be lifted.
  • Lottery of Doom: This was how she decided which students of Budogaoka she was going to kidnap, having gotten the names of every single female student in the school and put them into small paper strips.
  • Not the First Victim: The people she captured inside Budogaoka were not going to be her first victims after Hitomi looks into her when investigating her with Koichi and Okuyasu.
  • Nothing Nice About Sugar and Spice: A literal example, since in addiiton to how she's a demented woman beneath her klutzy exterior, her Stand allows her amezaiku candies to come to life and attack people.
  • People Puppets: Her Stand allows her to do this to anyone she has transformed into candy.
  • Re-Read Bonus: Her desire for revenge is first mentioned in chapter 41 with the reason unknown, and she also comments that she loves the Angelo stone, which almost makes Fubuki gag. She's also curious about where it came from. Both can take a different meaning once you learn that she's Angelo's accomplice and girlfriend.
  • Sadist: Absolutely relished in the harm she caused others.
  • Tempting Fate: After her beatdown from Fubuki, she tries to flee to her car to escape. Her wondering the following is met by the sound of a police siren, ultimately leading to her Fate Worse than Death:
    Katsumi: I'll have to leave town...I'll find another school and make more schoolgirl candies... Screw revenge! I've been splashed with hot water, whipped, punched, my ear is half-bitten off, and then thrown out the window! What else could go wrong for me?
  • Would Hurt a Child: In addition to being a serial kidnapper with her Stand's ability, she even tries to attack Joel with one of her amezaiku candies come to life.
  • Would You Like to Hear How They Died?: In addition to her Evil Gloating mentioned above, she goes right on ahead with describing that her torture of Shinichi is what preceded his extremely gruesome fatal wound, saying he died screaming like a little girl. This is what causes Fubuki to bite on her ear.

    Toma Yamada 

Toma Yamada (Stand: Pinball Wizard)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Mike McFarland
A drug dealer who sells cigarettes and illegal medicine to high school students. He only looks out for himself and uses his Stand to punish people who get in in his way after he was struck by Yoshihiro's arrow. It is named after a song by The Who.

Pinball Wizard basically turns its target's body into a pinball machine of sorts, which is first done by firing a ball projectile into the body. The internal organs are treated as objects needed for points in a traditional pinball game, which can get severely damaged to a potentially lethal extent the longer the ball is inside. Despite this, Pinball Wizard is a short-ranged Stand.
  • Dirty Coward: Because his Stand is no good for fighting, he tries to flee once Fubuki confronts him following Toma seemingly killing him when it was actually a Surface copy of Fubuki he used Pinball Wizard on.
  • Foreshadowing: He's first mentioned by Miyazaki as a suspicious individual selling drugs and cigs on the schoolgrounds in chapter 22, and he doesn't appear until chapter 51.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He manipulates Shigechi and gets him progressively hooked on drugs, which is then followed by a Humiliation Conga by being duped, a failed attempt to hold Miyazaki hostage, and then having his money stolen right under his nose by Harvest, which he only realizes as he's put into the police car as he's arrested.
  • Shown Their Work: Over-The-Counter drugs commonly found in the US are actually illegal in Japan because of how they contain materials prohibited in Japan.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He and Tamami were previously students at Budogaoka. They used to be friends until Toma got into dealing drugs, and Tamami broke off his friendship with him because of it.


    Detective Daijiro Yanagimoto (SPOILERS) 

Daijiro Yanagimoto (Stand: The Wall)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: David Lodge
"It's just another brick in the wall…"
A harsh and brooding police detective of Morioh who takes his job seriously. Despite being Ryohei's protoge and later outranking him, he still turned to him for advice. He also serves as a warm friend to Tomoko, comforting her after Ryohei's death. Josuke doesn't seem to keen of him due to his stern personality, and Yanagimoto has a distaste for Josuke playing at pachinko parlors.

While he is a Stand user, he actually hates other Stand users. The Wall, named after an album by Pink Floyd, is a powerful close range Stand that is extremely durable against most physical attacks, but it is also very slow and sticks close to its user. It only does bursts of speed if someone is within its range. Its abilities consist of creating walls of any shape from the earth, and also encasing someone in a wall-like matter if it grabs onto someone long enough.
  • Been There, Shaped History: A minor example, but he's the one who found Rohan outside of Reimi's window the night she was murdered.
  • Berserk Button: Cigarettes and Stand users. He lost his entire family in a fire created by an unknown arsonist's cigarette. He later discovers the arsonist was also a Stand user. As a result, he also hates the thought of criminals roaming free.
  • Black-and-White Morality: Deconstructed. Yanagimoto's rigid moral code tends to make him difficult to work and he can't bear the idea of Stand users being righteous.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: Despite turning out to have feelings for Tomoko in chapter 48, which she reciprocated, it doesn't stick due to his breakdown, resulting in a bitter breakup after the events of the When Doves Cry arc as mentioned below.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Suffered a psychological breakdown, which resulted in his breakup with Tomoko and becomes easily manipulated by Yoshihiro Kira to kill Josuke's friends.
  • Foil: To Josuke. Both of them were rescued from danger at a young age by an older savior. Unlike Josuke's savior who was a faceless heroic delinquent, Yanagimoto's savior is actually a careless and malicious thug who was actually responsible for turning Yanagimoto into an orphan. While Josuke's styles his hair into a pompadour to honor his savior, Yanagimoto wears sunglasses to remind himself not to trust criminals.
  • Implacable Man: With his Stand, The Wall, Yanagimoto won't stop chasing his enemies and The Wall can shrug off any physical damage, even Star Platinum's punches.
  • Inspector Javert: He is a well-intentioned police detective who believes all Stand users are rotten to the core, and they must be judged and executed as criminals.
  • Mythology Gag: One to JoJolion, but his sudden death is very similar to how Aisho Dainenjima met his end, complete with being reduced to debris with some blood left behind. The subsequent reveal of how he passively used his Stand on himself made him the closest thing to a Rock Human in all but name.
  • Not Enough to Bury: Because he passively used his Stand on himself, he's reduced to debris fragments and a bit of blood when he's suddenly killed by walking into the path of a firetruck.
  • Not So Stoic: One big case of this comes in the form of his breakdown in chapter 70, going hand in hand with O.O.C. Is Serious Business. When his Berserk Button gets pushed again from Tomoko accidentally knocking over an ashtray in his apartment, causing him to let out an inhuman yell as he tries to throw his TV at Tomoko.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: He brutally kills Shusuke Miyabe once he gets the upper hand on him out of revenge.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Tomoko goes to visit him following the events of the When Doves Cry arc, his apartment reeks of not just alchohol, but cigarettes as well despite the fact that they're normally his Berserk Button.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: This is ultimately subverted, but before his hatred for Stand users is revealed (and by extension, his Face–Heel Turn), he does show some of this earlier on. One is thanking Josuke and Fubuki for finding the box containing the cremated remains of a missing girl despite his displeasure of finding them in a Pachinko Parlor, and a couple others is his conversation with Rohan, and later with Fubuki following Katsumi's arrest.
  • Start of Darkness: His encounter with, and brutally killing his arsonist "savior" Shusuke Miyabe is what jump-started his irrational view on all Stand users except him being evil.
  • Surprisingly Sudden Death: He steps right into the path of a firetruck as he's ranting about his hatred for Stand Users after being defeated and repelled by Heaven's Door.
  • The Atoner: Well, posthumously. The epilogue mentions that his ghost takes residence in the ghost alley, taking Reimi's old position and having mellowed out since his death.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: He awakened his Stand after being nearly killed by his "savior", Shusuke Miyabe.
  • Walking Spoiler: The very fact that he's a Stand user is a spoiler, as it also plays a huge role in his backstory and why Yanagimoto is the way he is.
  • You Are What You Hate: He doesn't particularly mind being a Stand user, though, since he believes he's the only one righteous enough to punish other Stand users.

    Tohru Miyazaki 

Tohru Miyazaki

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Todd Haberkorn (English), Koji Yusa (Japanese)
"Change is part of growing up, and I've been through so much transformation. I'm so glad to have you as my students... and nothing will ever change that."

The eccentric English teacher of Budogaoka High School. He is the teacher of homeroom Class 1-A, and his students are Fubuki Kurosawa, Okuyasu Nijimura, Yasuho Onodera, Miki Ichikawa, and Yukako Yamagishi.

  • Ascended Extra: With how he's Reimi's ex-boyfriend, he can be considered this to when Rohan reads what Reimi did the first time she kissed a boy, much like how Fubuki is Josuke's unnamed childhood friend.
  • Big Damn Heroes: When Fubuki is ambushed by malicious students in chapter 43, he comes to his aid, grabbing one of the students and shoving him against a wall to threaten them to back off.
  • Broken Pedestal: Has this reaction after realizing his sempai, Kira, is Reimi's murderer at the end of the Sheer Heart Attack arc.
    Miyazaki: Yoshikage Kira... my sempai... was the one who killed Reimi... I'm such an idiot... for not realizing it sooner.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In addition to his Big Damn Heroes moment mentioned above, in chapter 51, Toma Yamada attempts to hold him hostage after he runs into him. Miyazaki then suddenly turns the tables by elbowing him and even pulling a backbreaker on Toma, incapacitating him and allowing him to be pinned down as the cops are called on him.
  • Disney Death: While he has tried to kill himself before, he nearly dies in the Sheer Heart Attack arc thanks to Kira blowing a hole in him. Hitomi manages to save him.
  • Drives Like Crazy: During Josuke's birthday party, he drives Josuke's group to his house as he previously offerred. His driving skills have no regard for the rules of the road, and he's so reckless with driving that everyone in the car (except Okuyasu) is shaken, including Josuke and Fubuki.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Helps portray his optimistic and ditzy personality.
  • Fan Disservice: Invoked during Josuke's birthday party, where after his group has their costumes on, Miyazaki walks in with a costume that he reveals to be one of Dr. Frank N. Furter (mercifully with no drawing to accompany this). This almost causes the group to leave, but when they stay, the group insists on not wearing the costumes, much to Miyazaki's dismay.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: He's pretty lonely as a result of the town still being suspicious of him for Reimi's murder. He progressively forms a bond with Fubuki and his friends, especially once he invites them to his place for Josuke's birthday.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: He reveals himself to be Shizuka's father in chapter 47. (Though it's first hinted at in chapter 39 when Hitomi obtains intel on who Shizuka's mother was.)
  • Manchild: Can be immature and irresponsible. He lives alone and has no friends, so he desperately tries to befriend his students. He also like to share non-school topics during classes.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: Fubuki was warned by his uncle to not get friendly with Miyazaki, because he was suspect of a family murder fifteen years ago. Even the rest of the town dislikes and is suspicious of Miyazaki. Fubuki and his friends slowly see that their teacher is harmless and innocent.
  • Mood-Swinger: Can get pretty nasty when he shows up to school in a bad mood without warning.
  • Papa Wolf: Not only protective of his students, but also to his daughter Shizuka.

    Takamasa Mizoguchi 

Takamasa Mizoguchi (Stand: Rumours)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Sonny Strait
A student at Budogaoka High/Middle School who's also the leader of the newspaper club. Sneaky and malicious, he'll do anything for a good story, even if it means spreading slander, gossip, and fake news. His Stand is named after an album by Fleetwood Mac.

Rumours is a swarm type of Stand, taking a worm-like form. Mizoguchi can spread a rumor by having his Stand crawl into someone's ear after he has said one, causing the person to believe the rumor is absolute truth, which can then reach other people by having the Stand multiply itself based on how many others heard his rumor.
  • Achilles' Heel: Knocking him out dispels all of his Stand, also causing anyone under the influence of it to forget about whatever rumor started being spread through his Stand.
  • And This Is for...: Is on the receiving end of this from Josuke and Okuyasu before his beatdown as payback for putting Fubuki and other people through the effects of his Stand.
  • Asshole Victim: After he's killed by the werewolf, the only reaction that comes out of the main four is just shock, but aside from that, no one mourns for him, not even when his death was covered up as a train accident by the police.
  • For the Evulz: It's mentioned in his introductory chapter that he simply does what he does because he has fun doing it.
  • Hate Sink: For a rather short 16 year old, he's pretty damn despicable, such as using his Stand to spread false rumors without any regard for the well being of who gets harassed because of it. He also tries to use the chaos in his introductory arc to his advantage to attempt to molest Onodera via Instant Sedation. His malice doesn't stop there as he later manipulates some older students to ambush and belittle Fubuki (complete with homophobia), and uses Miyazaki's Big Damn Heroes moment to get him fired. He also doesn't even show up to the meeting after Onodera's death and even insults Josuke behind his back for not just "taking Onodera from him", but also failing to protect her. It culminates in him getting killed by the werewolf as he's trying to get more dirt on Miyazaki.
  • Hate Plague: What Rumours is essentially capable of.
  • Hydra Problem: Destroying multiples of his Stand releases an odor that can attract more and make them much more aggressive. This leads to some Loophole Abuse courtesy of Okuyasu since he knows his Stand erases rather than destroys.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Miyazaki mentions Mizoguchi helped bust the Photography Club for supposedly having pornographic pictures of underage girls in their possession, which was reported to the police. Fubuki believes it was a noble deed until Mizoguchi reveals he did it with his Stand, and it was all false information. It's also later revealed that Kitano's Kick the Dog moment that was first stated by Tamami was also a lie spread by Rumours.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: What he causes in his introduction and his attempted advance on Onodera is met with a beatdown from Josuke and Okuyasu. He ultimately is killed by the werewolf, with his last action before then being trying to get even more dirt on Miyazaki even though he already got him fired. Considering everything else he did up to that point, he pretty much had it coming.
  • Mythology Gag: He shares a couple of traits with JoJolion's Joshu Higashikata, such as being obsessed with Yasuho Onodera to the point of calling her "my Yasuho", and later attempting to attack Josuke with a rock.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Is attracted to Yasuho Onodera, who does not return his feelings in the slightest.
  • Shout-Out: His curly hair and his illustration having him hold a notebook is quite similar to Randall Weems'.

    Kasai Hoshizora 

Kasai Hoshizora (Stand: Machine Head)
"...Let's duel."

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Roger Craig Smith

The leader of a biker gang that's a rival to Yuya Fungami's. Seemingly apathetic and bored of everything, his only way of stimulation and emotions is when he drives recklessly fast. He serves as an additional enemy during the Highway Star Arc, having also been struck by Yoshihiro's arrow and instructed to get rid of Josuke. His Stand is named after an album by Deep Purple.

Machine Head is another unique Stand, being worn by Kasai. It mainly is able to possess vehicles so Kasai can catch up to his targets as long as the vehicle's battery works and there's gas. If needs be, Kasai can also go into another vehicle. Its secondary ability is a powerful attack in which Kasai can do a devastating charge attack, which is built up through his speed. However, its Fatal Flaw is that he can't control his reflexes or movement while doing that attack, and it even strains his body.
  • Casting Gag: His HCC is Roger Craig Smith, and while he has voiced some stoic characters before, this character wears blue clothes and likes going fast, just like a certain hedgehog Smith has voiced.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: Similar to White Album in Golden Wind, Machine Head is a Stand that Kasai wears.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Of all the enemies created by Yoshihiro's arrow, him being from a biker gang causes him to have a high sense of morality, as their values are modeled after Bushido values, which involves honor and loyalty. When asked, he even says that despite being told to kill Josuke, he'd rather injure him badly. It helps that even though him and Yuya were childhood rivals, he was the one who called the ambulance for him the day of the tunnel accident, which he also reveals to have been part of too, except Kasai only had scratches.
  • Limit Break: How Machine Head's secondary ability is essentially charged up.
  • Self-Damaging Attack Backfire: The one drawback to his flying charge attack, as it can leave him fatigued. It's stated that if he does it too much, he could die from it, though this doesn't happen.
  • The Stoic: He's a pretty quiet guy, but deep down has a love for going fast and reckless.

    Arisu "Alice" Tsumuraya 

Arisu "Alice" Tsumuraya (Stand: Fat Bottom Girl)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Lizzie Freeman
"I bet you've never seen a Stand like mine before, I've only had it reee~cently."
A young lady with a constantly dreamy and innocent demeanor with a liking for cute things, even going as far as wanting to "adopt" something she likes. She serves as an additional enemy during the story's version of the July 15th arc. Her Stand is named after a song by Queen.

Fat Bottom Girl has a pretty straightforward ability, allowing Alice to grow herself and anything on her person to a larger size. She can also just make another part of her body bigger rather than her entire body.
  • All There in the Script: The gallery mentions she's a university student very close to graduation.
  • Ass Kicks You: At one point in the fight with her, she squashed Okuyasu with her tush while she falls over in her gigantic form. Okuyasu was delighted.
    Koichi: Okuyasu, you had plenty of time to run! Why would you freeze up?!
    Okuyasu: Because… it's the best way to go...Nice.
    Koichi: There's nothing 'nice' with being squashed to death by a giant butt! What is wrong with you?!
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Her Stand allows her to grow not just herself, but other objects on her to a larger size. She can also use it on just a single part of her body.
  • Casting Gag: Her HCC is also the voice of Trish Una in Golden Wind's dub, whose Stand name also happens to end with "Girl".
  • Electricity Knocks You Out: She's defeated by being knocked into a utility pole while huge thanks to the combined efforts of Yukako and Koichi.
  • Escapism: What her Womanchild tendencies are, as the gallery mentions are because of dreading adult-life.
  • Lolita Fashion: What her fashion sense is.
  • Nothing Nice About Sugar and Spice: Constantly speaks in a cutesy manner, but she's still an enemy to the heroes and is actively trying to kill them as per Yoshihiro's orders.
  • Shout-Out: She's one big walking reference to Alice in Wonderland.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Of all the surviving original enemy Stand users in the story (aside from Toma Yamada, who was arrested), she's the only one to never reappear after her fight.note 

    Setsuna Kurosawa 

Setsuna Kurosawa (formerly Setsuna Fujimoto)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: Laura Post
Fubuki's cold and extremely overbearing and strict mother, who placed a lot of expectations on him out of an inferiority complex and believing that vulnerability and imperfection are a sign of weakness. She is also the CEO of Fujimoto Pharmaceuticals, which is one of the biggest drug companies in Japan. She inherited the position after her brother died in an accident.
  • Abusive Mother: On top of the high expectations she placed onto Fubuki, she was also emotionally abusive to him as well, as she'd yell at Fubuki for just getting distracted or coming up short during her piano lessons and timed math quizzes when he was younger.
  • Beauty Is Bad: She has some very good looks, but it's all undermined by her incredibly icy and strict demeanor in addition to how she treats Fubuki.
  • Bitch Slap: In the form of a backhand, but she delivers one to Okuyasu just for trying to stand up for Fubuki when he, Josuke and Koichi overhear her Sadistic Choice.
  • Can't Take Criticism: If she's objected to or called out for her actions, she makes an angry outburst in response, usually also forming as a threat to not do so again.
  • Education Mama: She pushed Fubuki to be at the top of his grades to the point of making him isolate himself to toss out distractions, and later making a phone call Fubuki is not supposed to miss every 4 months to check in with him about his grades while he's in Morioh.
  • Evil Matriarch: A big example of the dramatic type. On top of just how overbearing and abusive she was to Fubuki, she disliked any child that wasn't like Fubuki, including Josuke to the point of calling him a parasite even when he was a kid. When he, Okuyasu, and Koichi try to stand up for Fubuki, she threatens to make their lives hell, which forces Fubuki to comply with her. It's later revealed that she also didn't seem to care for Shinichi that much, and never comforted Fubuki at all after his death, as she just went right back to making Fubuki study the day after Shinichi's funeral.
  • Freudian Excuse: She momentarily reveals that the way she seems to be is from her time as a secretary of Fujimoto Pharmaceuticals, where she was constantly demeaned and humiliated (in addition to the gallery mentioning her father saw her as unfit to run his company because of her gender). She could never move up until inheriting the company when her brother died. Though upon hearing this, Norisuke and Hitomi seem to nonverbally indicate that Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse. However, it's also implied that her husband's absence is another cause for her behavior, as she's even planning to divorce him. Though by the ending, she decides to try to talk to him instead.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After her Near-Death Experience, she starts trying to be a better mother to Fubuki, allowing him to stay in Morioh to finish high school there. This extends to being more cordial around his friends, which is seen in Bizarre Chirstmas of 1999. She still has her stern moments, like when Fuyusuke arrives, but it's at least nowhere near her previous Evil Matriarch self.
  • Heel Realization: It's heavily implied she had one following her Near-Death Experience, which was right after Fubuki let loose on just how much of a toll her treatment of him took.
  • My Beloved Smother: Was pretty much controlling of almost every aspect of Fubuki's life, such as the mandatory phone calls, and her wanting to bring Fubuki back to S-City the moment she got word he showed signs of improvement without any regard for his social life. She even had people working for her spy on Fubuki without his knowledge, which is foreshadowed earlier on in the story.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Heavily implied alongside her Heel Realization, as she says the following as her first line of dialogue since her nearly fatal attack from the werewolf, albeit in her sleep:
    Setsuna: Forgive me, Fubuki...I'm sorry...
  • Mythology Gag: The pigtails of her hairstyle are similar to JoJolion's Kaato Higashikata. Her entrance into the Kurosawa household is also very similar to a similar scene with Kaato as well.
  • Near-Death Experience: She nearly dies to the werewolf. It's thanks to Hitomi that she was able to survive, just like when she previously healed Fubuki's wounds from his first suicide attempt.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Her cold demeanor establishes her to have this expression all the time. The gallery mentions that the last time she ever smiled was when Fubuki was born.
  • Sadistic Choice: As the title of chapter 56 foreshadows, she forces one onto Fubuki within a 3 day time limit the day she visits Morioh: Either leave Morioh behind and come back with her to S-City at the start of summer break, or be disowned with the implications of having strings pulled to ruin his life for refusing. She also makes it so the latter will instantly be the case if Fubuki is late or any other kind of blunder happens once it's time to tell her. This ends up getting put on hold after her Near-Death Experience, and it isn't until after Kira's defeat that she finalizes letting Fubuki stay in Morioh, averting this in the end.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: The story outright says that she looks exactly like her son, except she's not wearing glasses and has a different hairstyle. This implies that Setsuna had also molded Fubuki to copy her image.
  • The Dreaded: Is not just this to Fubuki and his friends, but even other businesspeople, as her being the owner of a huge drug company makes her one of the most powerful women in Japan. Fubuki exploits this in the Harvest arc as a last ditch effort against the bank employee after his fake sob story nearly backfires. The employee ends up being scared shitless once he hears the name of her company and realizing who Fubuki is related to, and lets him off the hook just to avoid possibly incurring her wrath. Even Norisuke is afraid when he discovers she's entered the Kurosawa household in chapter 56, and Julia and Hitomi look at her intensely in her presence.
    • The gallery mentions that there are even unconfirmed rumors about her having ties to the Yakuza with the ability to threaten those who dare insult her (which is possibly what the bank employee was scared of). This can be attributed to how she had subordinates spying on Fubuki, and how her threats to make ones lives hell don't feel like empty threats.
    • Becomes downplayed in Bizarre Chirstmas of 1999, as while she's no longer an Evil Matriarch by then, her actions in the main story are why Josuke, Koichi and Okuyasu are astonished at the idea of being invited to her home in S-City, and what's known about her is still enough to make the birthday party group silent when she first enters. Later on, her Alternate Self throws this out the window with how she acts is the complete opposite of the Setsuna of the original timeline.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Her actions and aforementioned Sadistic Choice end up being a major catalyst for the When Doves Cry arc, as the days leading up to her visit show the earliest signs of its power, which are indicated by slightly stormy weather.

    Fuyusuke Kurosawa 

Fuyusuke Kurosawa

Fubuki's father, and the twin brother of Norisuke Kurosawa, who works as an archeologist and also owns and curates a museum in S-City. As a matter of fact, said museum plays a significant role in the worldbuilding.
  • Adaptation Deviation: As mentioned on the main page, he found one of the Stand arrows in Egypt at an unspecified point in the past, which in turn becomes the arrow that would wind up in Keicho's possesion after he steals it from the museum. While the arrow in the Kira estate seems to have the same origin as in canon, this seems to pave the way for and foreshadow a modified origin or Adaptation Expansion of the arrows' origin from Golden Wind.
  • The Ghost: Similar to Sadao Kujo, he's so busy with his archeological job that he's hardly able to see his family. He even spends all of the main story only mentioned.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: When he's finally seen in Bizarre Christmas of 1999, it turns out he seems to be goofier compared to his brother. His demeanor is opposite to Setsuna's, his hair is a lot shaggier to where he's got bangs covering his eyes, and he's even struggling to hold the two buckets of KFC and the cake box when he makes his entrance. Fubuki's friends are all flabbergasted to see what he's like despite how he's Norisuke's twin brother.
  • Unseen No More: He finally appears in Bizarre Christmas of 1999.

Past (Spoilers!)

    Shinichi Fujimoto 

Shinichi Fujimoto
"Wearing a scarf to school makes you look cooler, and you'll make friends instantly. That settles it... after I graduate from high school, my scarf will be yours."
Fubuki's deceased cousin. He was murdered by Angelo 5 years before the events of the story. He had a close bond with Fubuki, so his death ended up being a major source of emotional trauma for Fubuki.
  • A Day in the Limelight: In Bizarre Christmas of 1999, he has an Alternate Self, where he is alive and well due to Fubuki's family never moving away in the timeline Josuke and Fubuki get transported to.
  • Ascended Extra: He was the boy from a rich family that was held for ransom by Angelo, who did have a white scarf. This also means he was the one who sustained a very painful fatal wound.
  • Doomed by Canon: His aspirations in the brief flashback that finally shows what he looked like in chapter 61 end up being cut short with how he ultimately is kidnapped and killed by Angelo.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents died in an accident, and Setsuna would be the one to take him in after the fact.
  • The Pollyanna: A male example in how he didn't seem all too fazed by how Setsuna didn't have as much attachment to him since he's adopted. He also remained polite in the face of her harsh treatment.
  • Posthumous Character: Played with. Given he was one of Angelo's victims, he's dead by the time of the story, though he's revealed to have still lingered around as a ghost up until the end of the When Doves Cry arc.

    Will Zeppeli 

William Anthonio Zeppeli

Hitomi, Fubuki, Norisuke, and Julia's ancestor. He is revealed to have visited Morioh before Phantom Blood's events when it was still a village during his travels in search of the Stone Mask. He would then be requested to fight off werewolves that were terrorizing the people.

For tropes applying to him in Phantom Blood, see here.

  • 100% Heroism Rating: The Morioh villagers were grateful to him for not just healing their sick villagers, but also for finally getting rid of the werewolves that would attack them. They revered him so much that they were sad to see him leave, and when they got word that he died, a Jizou statue of him was erected to honor him.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Gets two flashbacks about his time in Morioh when it was still a village.
  • The Drifter: Is shown to be this during his flashback. He stopped by Morioh for provisions and a place to sleep during his search for the Stone Mask, healing any sick villagers along the way until Fusazane Kurosawa tells him about the werewolves, which is followed by another attack on the village. This prompts Will to find them.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: Says the following before he engages the werewolf pack after trying to talk it out doesn't work:
    Will: I guess there's no point reasoning with a beast. You've all lost your humanity a long time ago.
  • Sickening "Crunch!": Is disturbed to hear the sounds of the werewolf pups being killed by Fusazane after he (seemingly) rejects Will's offer to spare and raise them in the village.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Him suggesting the idea of sparing the werewolf pups and raising them with morals causes Fusazane Kurosawa to change his mind at the last second and secretly take one of them with him, which leads to the Dark Secret of the Kurosawa Family.

    Fusazane Kurosawa 

Fusazane Kurosawa

An ancestor of the Kurosawa Family, who was one of the wealthiest farmers when Morioh was still a village. He was the one who met Will Zeppeli and told him about the werewolves during his time there.
  • An Arm and a Leg: When telling Will about the werewolves, he reveals he lost an arm fighting them.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: Even though he seemed dead set on killing the last four werewolf pups, only three skulls are heard being crushed, right before he emerges from the den with a suspiciously bulkier coat.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom / Gone Horribly Right: He does end up taking Will Zeppeli's offer to raise one of the werewolf pups at the last second, but without telling him and secretly taking one with him. Chapter 63 reveals he made the fatal mistake of not allowing him to transform into a human at an early enough age and made his pet dogs the werewolf's only companions, which caused the werewolf to enter a pain-induced Unstoppable Rage from an attempted transformation one night on a full moon, where he impregnated a woman in the process and was put down after. The woman gave birth to a seemingly normal human baby but wanted nothing to do with him, and the Kurosawa family took him in to cover up the attack. By the time he started to show werewolf traits, they decided to keep him locked in a cell. This ultimately led to the Dark Secret of the Kurosawa family.

    Vincent Bongiovi 

Vincent Bongiovi
A Standless member of Passione who disguises himself as a wedding photographer. He plays an important role during Hitomi's time in Italy. His surname is named after Bon Jovi.

  • All There in the Script: His bio in chapter 29's closing notes says his favorite restaurant is said to be Libeccio, the same restuarant that Buccellati and his men would eat at in Golden Wind.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: What his efforts ultimately ended up being, considering he is also killed for insubordination. Hitomi honors his help by keeping the surname from when they married to stay hidden.
  • Hitman with a Heart: He helped Passione infiltrate the Natale wedding, but them killing more than just Don Natale is what prompted him to betray Passione and warn Hitomi and her family about their plans to kill all Zeppelis so they can escape Italy.
  • Posthumous Character: He's dead by the story's present time, having died in the same flashback he was introduced.


Burro (Stand: Mellow Yellow)

A cruel gangster of Passione who appeared in Hitomi's Troubled Backstory Flashback.
See the character page for Lacrime D'oro del Vento Aureo for tropes on him.

    Shusuke Miyabe 

Shusuke Miyabe (Stand: Firestarter)

Hypothetical Casting Choice: David Vincent
"I just like watching the world burn."
An arsonist who would start fires with his Stand, having no regard for innocent lives in the process. Yanagimoto thought he was his savior, and Shusuke wearing shades is what inspired Yanagimoto to do the same. His Stand is named after a song by The Prodigy.

Firestarter has a pretty straightforward ability, as just about anything its fingers scratch will start a fire, and can quickly ignite more. However, Firestarter cannot extinguish its fires once they are started.
  • Dirty Coward: Once Yanagimoto awakens The Wall and grabs Firestarter, Miyabe pathetically starts begging for his life, saying that killing his parents was an accident.
  • False Friend: Was the one who started the fire that orphaned Yangamioto, and he falsely thought Miyabe was his savior just because he was standing outside when he ran out of the burning home. He reveals this to him when they meet again.
  • Foil: To Josuke's savior. Both had an influence on the young people they "rescued", except as mentioned in Yanagimoto's folder, Miyabe is a thug who didn't mean to save Yanagimoto, but rolled with the presumption of being a savior for a moment, much like Dario Brando.
  • For the Evulz: His quote is pretty much his sole reason for why he likes setting things on fire. His Stand even reflects this with how it cannot call off its power.
  • Glass Cannon: Firestarter is capable of starting fires in extreme succession, but is very fragile, especially once The Wall gets ahold of it.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Is on the receiving end of this when Yanagimoto kills him, starting with his Stand getting crushed, and then The Wall viciously pummelling his body.
  • Posthumous Character: Is dead by the story's events, having been killed after Yanagimoto first awakened his Stand during his backstory.
  • Sinister Shades: His signature trait, with him being an arsonist.

Bizarre Christmas of 1999

All spoilers for the main story in these folders are unmarked. Proceed at your own risk.


Sinatra (Stand: Khonsu)

The Big Bad of Bizarre Christmas of 1999. Seemingly appearing as a kind old janitor working in the condominium in S-City, he reveals himself to be a former servant of Dio who had been hiding in Morioh during the main story's events. His original targets were Jotaro and Hitomi, but after they left Morioh, he decided to target Josuke and Fubuki instead. He's named after Frank Sinatra, and his Stand is also named after an Egyptian god of the same name.

Khonsu has the ability to displace people into an alternate timeline that contains what its targets miss if they've experienced loss and regret. They are bound to gifts Sinatra makes for particular people, and if they don't have such thoughts, the objects are normal. Otherwise, the Stand's power activates, first manifesting said thoughts, and then placing the target in a specific timeline. However, in reality, the target will be erased from reality once it's midnight. It's a strong ability, but the catch is that it only works from 6AM to Midnight on Christmas Day, making it an extremely situational ability. While Sinatra says he can visit other timelines on his own, it's unknown if this can be used year-round or if it's also locked to Christmas.
  • Depraved Dwarf: He's short, but he's the main antagonist of the story.
  • Evil All Along: And he's revealed to be this in the same chapter he's properly introduced, no less. When Josuke confronts him, he seemingly is able to explain himself as a friendly old man with a Stand and a noble cause for how he uses it, which isn't unlike that of Tonio and Aya's rationale (and both were misunderstood by the heroes at first), as he also wishes to help the two, encouraging Josuke to enjoy the time he's got. It's enough to convince Josuke and it'd be hard to fault the reader for thinking this story has No Antagonist until he answers Fubuki's phone call to Josuke, reveals he stole his phone and the real purpose of his actions and what will really happen to Josuke and Fubuki at midnight.
  • Evil Old Folks: He may be 89, but he's surprisingly agile, and no less dangerous than any enemy Stand user, let alone how he's a former servant of Dio. It can make it a bit hard to believe he's that age.
  • Foreshadowing: While his seemingly good intentions and story that he explains to Josuke are convincing, there are holes in it that foreshadow him being the Big Bad:
    • When Fubuki crosses paths with him in the first chapter, right from the beginning, he's wondering if his encounter with him was actually an accident. Sinatra claims he's worked in the condominium for years, but Fubuki doesn't remember seeing him at all during the eight years he lived in S-City. This wouldn't add up with how he tells Josuke he started watching them over the course of the main story's events, which took place entirely in Morioh.
    • Once Josuke and Fubuki open his gifts to them, Fubuki is instantly angered by and suspicious of the fact that he somehow knew about those they cared about and how the gifts are crafted after them. Josuke doesn't buy it, thinking he was being sincere about knowing Fubuki's family, but Fubuki would end up right about it once Sinatra reveals his malice.
    • As Josuke lampshades in chapter 2, him running away from being scared by Josuke looking at him just made him appear suspicious, which Sinatra doesn't even respond to as he changes the subject. Considering what he says to Fubuki at the end, it's likely he was just trying to make sure Josuke was distracted with the alternate Onodera.
    • When he reveals that he had been watching the two from a distance since April, Josuke finds it creepy and asks why he didn't come forward sooner. While his reason for that was out of not wanting to be mistaken for Reimi's killer, one hole in that is if that were the case, he'd have no reason to keep hiding after the Sheer Heart Attack arc, as by then, everyone looking for the murderer knew his identity was Yoshikage Kira, who had slipped away at the time.
    • Him being able to witness Josuke saving Fubuki during the When Doves Cry arc is odd when you remember that the ice storm was powerfully and extremely cold, with Fubuki and other water clones being the only ones unaffected by it, which begs the question of how Sinatra was able to presumably be unaffected.
    • Leading up to him answering Fubuki's phone call, Fubuki exploring the alternate Morioh slowly hints that the timeline he and Josuke were placed in isn't as peachy as it seems, and what the timeline is. Aside from coming across other people who died in the original timeline to his horror, he learns that his phone's contacts are different, and that not even Koichi recognizes him and Josuke as friends on top of how he doesn't have Echoes anymore. Worst of all for Fubuki, despite Shinichi being alive, Okuyasu is now just a stranger instead, which saddens him. In that same instance, he also learns he's unable to summon his Stand, which is because of what the timeline is revealed to be.
  • Mythology Gag: Sinatra can only visit timelines happening in the present with Khonsu, and it's by entering an enclosed space. This is very similar to the abilities of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (though probably minus the ability to bring individual things over from one world to another, as it's unknown if it's explicitly universes or different timelines), which indirectly makes this a counterpart to another element from the new continuity.
  • Shout-Out: When Sinatra explains how he can timeline-hop, he mentions doing so one time in a refrigerator, which references a 2009 short film called Refrigerator, which also involved Alternate Universe travel.
  • Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: A subverted example, as he's introduced as kind before Fubuki (and later Josuke) get suspicious of him, which isn't unlike what happened with Tonio. His explanation to Josuke seems to reaffirm him as this until Fubuki's phone call to Josuke finally goes through, only for it to be Sinatra answering the call and revealing his evil intentions.
  • The Remnant: He's a former servant of Dio, and his main goal is to avenge him.
  • Targeted to Hurt the Hero: This is his reason for attacking Josuke and Fubuki, as he wants Jotaro and Hitomi, his original targets, to feel the pain of losing family members.
  • Unreliable Expositor: His initial explanation of his Stand's ability is this, as he assures Josuke that Fubuki is fine, and that they'll simply be returned to their home timeline at midnight, along with telling him how he can instantly go back if he wishes while warning him it's a Point of No Return, which seems to echo something like the premise of The Family Man. As it turns out, Khonsu will actually erase them from reality at midnight, meaning he tricked Josuke into a false sense of security. It's unknown if his return condition was also a lie or an Achilles' Heel to his Stand. He also acted innocent about why Onodera did not recognize Okuyasu's name, but he knew the real reason the whole time, as indicated when he taunts Fubuki.

    The Residents (SPOILERS) 

Alternate Morioh Town Residents
A whole bunch of Alternate Selves of the main cast that inhabit the timeline Sinatra placed Josuke and Fubuki into, in which the two seem to inhabit the roles of their own alternate selves. Because this is a timeline where the main story's events never happened and fit what Josuke and Fubuki were missing, there's several changes to the characters' lives and personalities, and that characters who died from the main story's events are still alive. The most notable of which so far is an older Shinichi, who never died in this timeline.
  • Alternate Self: A given, considering it's the setting is an Alternate Continuity of sorts.
  • Adaptational Job Change: Setsuna in this timeline remained a secretary of Fujimoto Pharmaceuticals, even after her father passed away. It's implied the will was different, as her brother was next in line to inherit the company originally, and he's not mentioned here.
  • Adaptational Hairstyle Change: Fuyusuke's hairstyle here is a lot more like Norisuke's, making them look more like each other.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: This timeline's version of Setsuna is A LOT nicer than her original counterpart, being easygoing and a loving mother, possibly thanks to a healthier relationship with Fuyusuke here. The story lampshades how much different it makes her.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Setsuna and Fuyusuke are Happily Married in this timeline. Overlapping with what's mentioned above, this extends to how Setsuna treats Fubuki and Shinichi.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: In addition to Sinatra being the main conflict, there's also Kira and Miyazaki being present in the alternate 1999. Both are strongly implied to have gone through almost all of the year uncontested with their murders, and Kira in particular ends up being an obstacle in Fubuki's quest.
  • Flirtatious Smack on the Ass: Fuyusuke gives one to Setsuna while making a Stealth Pun. Given their original counterparts' more strained relationship, this naturally weirds out Fubuki.
    Fuyusuke (As he does said smack): I already got dibs on the dessert!
    Setsuna: Ow! Fuyu-sweetie! Not in front of Fubuki!
  • The Ghost: So far, Keicho is the only previously dead character who hasn't appeared, only being mentioned by Koichi and Okuyasu's alternate selves.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Despite a lot of the counterparts of these characters living different lives, some things in the world have similarities to the original timeline:
    • Josuke and Fubuki still became best friends, though this is likely beceause their childhood took place long before Diamond is Unbreakable's events, but even then, Fubuki never moved away, averting each other's trauma from that event.
    • Josuke and Onodera still managed to get together, right down to the same Affectionate Nickname.
    • Fuyusuke is still an archeologist, he's just an urban archeologist instead.
    • Aya mentions to Miyazaki that Ichikawa told him about her shop, which implies Ichikawa still managed to meet Aya and promote her shop despite Ichikawa apparently not being a Stand user here.
    • Miyazaki still seemed to have a close bond with Fubuki, recognizing him as his favorite student when he spots him. However, this also implies that he managed to sucessfully keep his identity as the werewolf a secret.
    • Rohan naturally awakened Heaven's Door despite the lack of Keicho's arrow.
  • Point of Divergence: Because the point of divergence centers around the Stand arrow that Keicho would originally obtain, several things differ as a result of the lack of it in this timeline:
    • Fubuki, Koichi, Okuyasu, and many others are now Standless, and/or never became friends or met each other, as them becoming Stand users from Keicho's arrow is what brought them all together.
      • Notably, because he would never get his Stand as a result of this, Angelo is successfully executed in prison, which means the Angelo Stone no longer exists.
    • Unrelated to the arrow, but as Fubuki discovers in some newspapers, his family never moving away from Morioh in this timeline means that Shinichi would never cross paths with Angelo, saving him from his original fate.
    • In a darker sense, the lack of Stand users created by Keicho's arrow implies that both Kira and Miyazaki carried out their murders uncontested, as the chain of events that led to them being caught never happened. Though it's unknown if Miyazaki is Standless, as he committed his murders with his werewolf abilities, even after being struck by the arrow.
