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Characters / Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers - SMG3's Gang

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Original Incarnation (Dark Force)note
Second Incarnation (Anti-Cast)note 
(Not shown in either image: Boss)

A group formed by SMG3 to counter SMG4's gang. The first group, known as the Dark Force, was made of resurrected villains from earlier SMG4 episodes to kill SMG4, and the second, known as either the Anti-Cast or Snitchy Squad, consisting of Evil Counterparts for the main gang to replace them.

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    Both gangs 
  • Easily Forgiven: All things considered, the second iteration (aside from SMG3, of course) got off pretty easy for wiping their counterparts from existence. The fact that they weren't actually killed might have something to do with it.
  • Evil Counterpart: Both incarnations fall under this in their own ways. The first was nothing but Palette Swaps of Mario barring the Monster (who, even then, started off as a form of Baby Mario), while the second consisted of parallels of the Glitchy Gang.
  • Heel–Face Turn:
    • The Dark Force, except for the Monster, all ditch SMG3 once Mario beats him to go with Bowser and get burgers.
    • During War Of The Fat Italians 2020, the Anti-Cast teams up with SMG4's Gang against SMG3 during the rap battle.
    • SMG3 himself seems to have completely buried the hatchet with SMG4 following the first defeat of Zero.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: A lot of the Mario recolours in the Dark Force have blue eyes, as that's just the eye color by default.
  • Legion of Doom: The Dark Force is entirely comprised of previous villains.
  • Original Generation: Whereas the other characters were established from another franchise (Luigi Doll and The Monster), inanimate objects (Melony), or were multicolored Marios (90% of the first Incarnation), JubJub, Whimpu, and Rob are all completely original characters. Belle and Anti-Shroomy count as well, since the former came from a web series also created by Luke and Kevin, and the latter is the Superpowered Evil Side of an Original Character from the Glitchy Gang. Melony's transformation into a human would cement her as part of this original generation, just like her counterpart Meggy, ironically after the Anti-Cast has rebelled against SMG3. Much later on, SMG3 himself gets a redesign forced by the in-universe Nintendo, no longer a Mario recolor.
  • Out of Focus: The second generation got hit with this big time. after the YouTube Arc, only showing up once in a while in future seasons to make a few cameos. Even SMG4 himself has come to acknowledge this, with several episodes post-Season 11 calling them (specifically the trio of Whimpu, Belle, and Rob) "useless side characters".
  • Palette Swap: SMG3 (originally), the Boss, and almost the entirety of the first iteration were all recolors of Mario's character model. Such a design choice was rather common during that time period.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Villainous example, as both iterations of the gang are just as wacky as their enemies. The first iteration includes a serial-killing Silent Antagonist, a Depraved Homosexual bounty hunter who wants to turn the whole world gay, an Ax-Crazy toilet fanatic, an Evil Knockoff of Mario, a Killer Game Master, a stereotypically Asian Mad Oracle, an Evil Counterpart with a Sadistic Choice, a body-snatching Omnicidal Maniac, and an Eldritch Abomination disguised as a baby. Meanwhile, the second iteration features a Fiery Redhead Gamer Chick, the punching bag brother of one of the heroes, a wimpy nerd, a corn-obsessed scarecrow, a zombie doll replica of one of the heroes, the Superpowered Evil Side of one of the heroes, and a melon with a beanie-turned lazy human girl. Not to mention that all of them are lead by a Criminal Doppelgänger of the title character and overseen by a Bad Boss who looks almost like the doppelganger.
  • Token Evil Teammate:
    • Boss, being an actually evil businessman who made SMG3 a Dragon Ascendant in the first place.
    • While the other members of the Dark Force were no saints, the Monster was the only one who hasn't abandoned SMG3.
    • The Luigi Doll was the only one out of all of the Anti-Cast to be established as inherently evil, the rest either being coaxed into villainy (most others), an alternate personality of an otherwise nice guy (Anti-Shroomy), or non-sapient (Melony prior to her transformation and even then, was shown as lazy).
  • Two Girls to a Team: The second iteration plays with this in regards to Belle and Melony. The latter is a genderless inanimate object, but is addressed as a "she" by the other characters. Without that, the former is the only female across both iterations of SMG3's gang. Ironically enough, Melony does gain an unambiguously female human form after the gang turns on SMG3.
  • Villainy-Free Villain: Excluding SMG3, Anti-Shroomy and the Luigi Doll, pretty much the entirety of the second iteration. Belle is just a grumpy gamer, JubJub is a childish pushover, Rob is a corn-obsessed farmer, Melony is (or used to be) nothing but a melon, and Whimpu... he's just a wimp. This is a far cry from the first iteration, which included a Serial Killer, an Omnicidal Maniac, and a full-on Eldritch Abomination. This is very much Subverted for most of them (aside from JubJub, who didn’t get the opportunity) in "Deleted.", where they are single-handedly responsible for wiping their counterparts from history.
    • Played straight in "A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode", all of them are suffering under SMG3's command, and as he puts it, they can't hold a candle to their counterparts, and as he controls the YouTube remote, they're afraid of him using it on them.


supermarioglitchy3/SuperMemeGuardian3 (SMG3)

Voiced by: James Bailey
First appearance: "smg4 VS smg3" (2011)
Click here to see his first redesign
Click here to see his old Mario recolor design

SMG4's Criminal Doppelgänger who was first discovered copying SMG4's bloopers to get attention. From the moment SMG4 and Mario caught him, he became the Big Bad of the series and notable for often having to help Bowser think of a decent evil plan, though how much of a threat he is varies.

In the Cosmology Lore trilogy, after a stint as the main antagonist of the YouTube Arc, SMG3 found his place as the ruler of the Internet Graveyard after Susan Wojiciki exiled him there as punishment, and he began changing for the better- if remaining somewhat morally unstable and prone to causing trouble.

  • Affably Evil: Slowly evolves into this after the events of the Genesis arc. He continues to claim that he's so evil, but he has begun to show signs of caring for SMG4 and the others. It gets to the point where he willingly saves SMG4's reputation in "SMG4... Are You Okay?" and becomes concerned when he sees that his advice later resulted in 4 becoming insane and alienating himself from his friends.
  • Angrish: Will devolve into this when angered, which is really easy to do.
  • Anti-Hero: While he has been shown helping the gang on a few occasions prior, he really starts cooperating once he gets involved in the Genesis Arc.
  • Arc Villain: In the YouTube arc. After using Mario and Anti-Shroomy to get Susan's remote, he banishes the former to the Internet Graveyard and announces his plans to erase SMG4 from existence to take over his channel.
  • Arch-Enemy: To SMG4 and Mario. They're on friendlier terms after the Genesis Arc.
  • Art Evolution: SMG3, the announcer in SMG4's "absent", goes to a drastic change with his current design prior to the upcoming movie "It's Gotta Be Perfect". His gloves now have black cuffs and "III" roman numeral on each hand. He even now sports red eyes to display his evilness, along with his beard. And his shoes are now black and studded.
  • Ascended Extra: Somewhat downplayed given that he already identified as SMG4's arch enemy in the past, though he was more of a nuisance than anything. Later on, he gets his own arc, he gains importance after becoming the ruler of the Internet Graveyard, and later is revealed to be a "Super Meme Guardian", though he still doesn't appear very often. Despite this, as of May 5, 2022, he's part of the SMG4 channel banner to SMG4's right. Eventually around the time of the Perfect Video mini-arc he quickly started to become a part of the main gang outright.
  • Assassin Outclassin': He is hired by Enzo to kill Mario in "Birthday Freakout", and fails thrice.
  • Asshole Victim: Most of the time. Specifically, in "WOTFI 2020", where he was sent to the Internet Graveyard and attacked by Uganda Knuckles.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: He, along with Mario and SMG4, was abducted by Zero. Twice already.
  • Always Second Best: "Mario's Spicy Day" reveals that his rivalry with SMG4 goes much further back then once thought. During their days at Memewarts, SMG3 was constantly upstaged by him, leading to his bitterness and jealousy in the modern day. This briefly changes when he becomes a therapist, but that doesn't last long either. It's SMG4's actions during the same episode that causes him to truly snap and vow to take his spotlight - by force, if needed.
  • Ambiguously Human: "SMG4's Origins" reveals that he and SMG4 came from massive USB drives filled with memes that made people crazy called Guardian Pods, making it unclear if they're aliens or some kind of personification of memes.
  • Ax-Crazy: At his worst, he can be rather unstable.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In Deleted., SMG3 has successfully erased most of the Glitchy gang, including SMG4 himself (though ultimately, as the next episode showed, they were merely exiled to the Internet Graveyard), thanks to his new gang altering the past so that they never meet Mario. Now only Mario, is left, as Shroomy has been completely taken over by his Demon Slayer self. Ultimately subverted as of A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode, where Mario stole his phone with SMG4's hacked account, allowing the gang to escape from the Internet Graveyard. And while he's mellowed out by the time of "Perfectly Balanced", he's finally found happiness and fame in the Internet Graveyard.
  • Bad Boss: "A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode" shows that his relationship to the Snitchy Squad is an abusive one, chewing out everyone for flubbing up the script, and on occasion flat-out torturing them if they speak out against him.
  • Battle Aura: Gains a red aura around his body after eating the YouTube Remote.
  • Beard of Evil: He gains a goatee as part of his redesign, which greatly increases his resemblance to his voice actor.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Due to his constant failures and misfortunes. By late 2018 SMG3 seems to have figured this out, as he is no longer engaging in villainy...but he appears to be slipping back in in "A Day in the Life of Everyone". Later cements it in "Mario VS Youtube", with his plan to delete SMG4 by using the YouTube remote.
  • Benevolent Boss: He becomes this by the time of "Perfectly Balanced", where he rules over the Internet Graveyard as its top celebrity, takes care of the dead memes who reside there, and helps to modernize the realm. It makes sense, since that was the realm he was originally meant to reside in.
  • Berserk Button: A lot of things can rile SMG3 up, but these are the most notable:
    • Don't say SMG4 is better than him. He resents the latter's success, so reminding him of it will only net you a harsh punishment, something Belle Frontiere found out the hard way during the YouTube arc. This one mostly subsided as he turned face.
    • Don't ever think of pranking him; he pulled a rocket launcher on Mario over a harmless "ifone" prank in "Mario Pulls Pranks" and called a nuke on him and SMG4 when they tricked him into thinking he was still stuck in an endless streaming in "Video Ends When Everyone Stops Watching".
    • Calling him a virgin also massively angers him, to the point where Mario exploited this in "We Don't Talk About Luigi."
    • He incinerates Mario for calling an eggdog meme boring in "Mario Reacts to Nintendo Memes 15".
    • But most importantly, never threaten his "Sussy Notebook". The two times SMG4 got curious and tried to have a peek, SMG3 got aggressive, and when Mario steals it for a sinister purpose in "Trust No One", it's all but stated that SMG3 will go all out on Mario to get his notebook back.
  • Big Bad: The closest thing this series had to one until the Arc Villains. He is SMG4's arch-enemy and unlike Bowser is an actual threat. He finally gets his time to shine during the YouTube arc following his Heel–Face Revolving Door after the Waluigi arc, where he gets his hands on Susan's remote and plans on deleting SMG4 from existence.
  • Butt-Monkey: Nothing ever seems to work out for this guy, not that it's a bad thing.
  • The Cameo: In "The Idea Block", "2 Hands 1 Job", "Ssenmodnar 9", "Bad Star's Back!", and so on.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He flaunts his evil nature quite frequently.
  • Cain and Abel: He is the Cain to SMG4's Abel, especially after the Genesis Arc.
  • Character Development: He gets some in the Genesis Arc. He became the lord of the Internet Graveyard, but he still hated SMG4 and did not like working together with him and only did it for his own reasons. But as the arc went on, he and SMG4 started to respect and maybe even like each other, and they were more willing to work together in the climax to save Mario and even bury the hatchet at the end of the arc. He's still tempted by power, though.
  • The Chew Toy: And he deserves every second of it.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: At times, he can be just as terrible as Bowser at being evil.
  • Crazy-Prepared:
    • In "SMG3's Gauntlet of Gloom", his fortress, referred to by name as the titular gauntlet, is full of deadly traps that would give a normal person a run for their money. Hell, his first line of defense is a Creepy Changing Painting designed to kill anyone with explosives the moment they stray too far from the front door.
    • In "[TEXTURES NOT FOUND]", he commissions E. Gadd to create clones of SMG4's and his own gang in case of betrayal. While he was still betrayed and banished, the clones become the antagonists of the episode.
    • In the trailer for WOTFI 2023, he states that he held onto some of the weapons from his former evil days.
  • Creative Sterility: He can't make an original idea to save his life, so he just rips off SMG4's videos.
  • Dark Is Evil: He wears black overalls opposed to SMG4's white, and his enhanced GMod model gives him a darker shade of blue. Although the "evil" part seems to be slowly deteriorating, making him into a case of Dark Is Not Evil.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: His redesign looks even more villainous, with red eyes, darker coloring and spiked shoes, despite him more-or-less being a part of the gang by this point.
  • A Day in the Limelight: "Two Evil Friends", "SMG3's Plan to Destroy SMG4 Cause He Felt Like It", "Join the Evil Side", the entirety of the YouTube Arc, the list goes on.
  • Depending on the Writer: Much like post-Heel–Face Turn Bowser, how much of a threat he is varies by the story.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Incredibly prone to this. He never seems to plan for the consequences of his actions.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He is trying to kill SMG4 because the latter caught him ripping off his videos. The whole YouTube Arc was spurred because SMG4 incorrectly believed that he was up to no good and destroyed his studio, and in response, not only does he seek to take over his YouTube channel, but to erase SMG4 and the rest of the Glitchy Gang to have his Anti-cast replace them.
  • The Ditz: On bad days, he can be just as dumb as Bowser.
  • Divergent Character Evolution: SMG3's design started out as a simple Palette Swap of SMG4's, with the only difference being the color of their overalls. As time went on, more details were added to SMG3 to make him more distinguishable:
    • When he received a GMod model, the emblem on his hat was changed to a skull, though it remained unseen on his Super Mario 64 model.
    • When both he and SMG4 received full redesigns, SMG3 was given a Beard of Evil, matching that of his voice actor. His hat and shirt were also changed from blue to indigo.
    • His second redesign has the most changes; he now has red eyes (contrasting with SMG4's blue), his hair has swept bangs and is a slightly lighter shade of black, his gloves have black cuffs and roman numeral "III"s, and he has black studded shoes.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: His ultimate fate at the end of "War of the Fat Italians 2020" is being banished to the Internet Graveyard.
  • The Dragon: To Bowser if he, for some reason, wants to work for him.
  • Dragon Ascendant: He was promoted to Big Bad because Bowser sucked at it.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Becomes this in the events where Bowser is the Big Bad.
  • Enemy Mine: If there's a bigger threat in a video, SMG3 will side with Mario and SMG4. Such as Ztar or Waluigi.
  • Enraged by Idiocy: Whenever he serves as The Dragon to Bowser, the latter's idiocy always gets on his nerves.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: As the new ruler of the Internet Graveyard, the Dead Memes are his subjects, but he treats them like family, even when he was willing to help the Glitchy Gang stop Zero so he can save the corrupted Dead Memes.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He hates Bowser just as much as everyone else. And is apparently appalled by Mario's kidnapping of the princess.
    • He was also disgusted when Enzo asked him to kill Mario simply for ruining his birthday, even stating that Enzo was going too far.
    • In an earlier blooper "Hunt for the Hero's Clothes", it was implied that he feels uncomfortable around Mario when the latter goes naked, just like with almost every other character.
    • in "Two evil friends", he was also uncomfortable with stealing the princess when she was naked in the shower, viewing it as being just plain creepy.
    • While disguised as Cromolus, he does not approve of Bowser torturing his kid in the attempt to get into the play, and considers calling for child protective service.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He's still kind of a jerk even after he transitioned to more of an anti-heroic role, but even he is absolutely repulsed at SMG4's horrific attitude change leading him to lash out at his friends in "MAR10 Day", and is quick to start chewing him out for it.
  • Evil Brit: Once James started voicing him. He's more of an Evil Aussie, but he still fits the bill.
  • Evil Counterpart: To SMG4. He even has his own company "Snitch Productions".
  • Evil Overlord: Has tried this quite a bit, to no avail.
  • Evil Is Petty: AND HOW! No matter how threatening this guy is, he will always be an immature brat.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Has one in SMG3's Gauntlet of Gloom, but it's destroyed by the end after his plan is foiled.
  • Eviler than Thou: To Bowser... sometimes. And in SMG3's mind, he's supposed to be the evilest person, not Waluigi, hence why he helps the heroes at the end of the Waluigi Arc.
  • Ex-Big Bad: Stops being the main recurring antagonist and Arch-Enemy for SMG4 by the mid-point of the Cosmology trilogy.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Sometimes, SMG3 will overlook a particular someone or something, which generally causes his plans to go up in smoke:
    • In SMG3's Gauntlet of Gloom, he comes very close to uploading his video to humiliate SMG4 worldwide. However, he doesn't count on Bowser going through the gauntlet, which leads to his computer getting crushed by the latter, foiling his plan.
    • Again with the above trope in Mario Gladiators. He forgot about the lions in the arena, which attacked him, and he also forgot about the room where everyone else was stored. Cue No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
    • And also in A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode, when Mario chases after him to steal his phone, before having Mario exiled to the Internet Graveyard by the Copyright Strikes, he doesn't notice Mario pick-pocketing his cellphone, which allows the SMG4 gang to reupload their videos and escape from the Internet Graveyard.
  • Fake Shemp: Used several voice clips from The Engineer in his dialogue, before James voiced him.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Sometimes puts on a polite facade.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: He becomes this to SMG4 after the Genesis Arc.
  • Foreshadowing: Takes charge of the Internet Graveyard, where dead trends are the rage, surprisingly fast, managing to turn a backwater jungle to a modern civilization. Come "SMG4's Origins", it revealed that he was always meant to be there to reign in the insanity like SMG4 did in his world, but his Guardian Pod was taken off course by Zero.
  • For the Evulz: His reason for wanting to kill SMG4 devolved into this.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Even if he has mellowed out towards SMG4 and the gang, he's still SMG3 and he'll take every opportunity to be a dick to people, especially on Christmas. Naturally, the other Mario recolors take their revenge when given the opportunity.
  • Fusion Dance: Attempted with SMG4 in War of the Fat Italians 2023.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: He partakes in "The Mario Challenge".
  • God Guise: In "I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4!", he pretends to be Cromolus, god of theater, so he can use Mario and form the second version of his gang to counter SMG4's.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Turns out to be this in the 2020 Halloween episode "[TEXTURES NOT FOUND]", as he paid E. Gadd to create clones of both SMG4's gang and his own as backups in case they decide to betray him. When E. Gadd was about to put the textures on the clones, the events of "WOTFI 2020" happened and SMG3 is banished to the The Internet Graveyard, and E. Gadd scrapped the project, causing the clones to seek out the textures of the originals.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: SMG3 loathes SMG4's success and popularity, and it's the backbone for many of his evil schemes. This is best shown in "A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode" when Belle says SMG4 was better, he responds with zapping her.
  • Harmless Villain: Zigzagged. He's usually bested pretty easily by the heroes and is rarely taken seriously. However, he's also gotten just as close to actually killing SMG4 and Mario, and his plans at their best can be very destructive, as shown in his creation of Ztar. In addition, he filmed and compiled an entire montage of SMG4's fails and embarrassments and was damn near close to uploading it to YouTube to humiliate his Arch-Enemy. He also manipulates Mario into helping him steal the YouTube Remote and succeeds in erasing SMG4 from existence... not that it sticks anyway.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Some of the most minor offenses can set him off.
  • The Heavy: Before he became a Dragon Ascendant.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Tries to legimately make videos for his own good in Mario's Spicy Day, but when SMG4 destroys his studio, thinking he was just doing this to rip off his videos and taking away subscribers, SMG3 sticks to being evil. Subverted when he makes a (slightly) genuine Heel–Face Turn after the Genesis Arc.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: After "War of the Fat Italians 2018", SMG3 abandons villainy and become a therapist full-time. It lasts until "A Day in the Life of Everyone" after his therapy show is cancelled, causing him to he return to his evil ways and jot down another "evil" plan on a chalkboard. He later tries to reform again in "Mario's Spicy Day 🔥", but thanks to SMG4 thinking he was up to something, leads him to return to villainy. He seemingly makes peace with SMG4 in "I Can't Believe Its Not SMG4", only to then reveal in "Deleted." that that was a ploy to keep SMG4 off his back while he finalized his master plan..
  • Heel–Face Turn: After getting sent to the Internet Graveyard at the end of the YouTube Arc, SMG3 becomes an ally of the Gang in the final third of the Cosmology Lore, properly redeeming by the end of the Genesis Arc. And if it just seems like he simply is pulling a usual Heel–Face Revolving Door, Season 13 makes it clear he’s no longer evil with him outright joining the gang as a main ally, with SMG3 himself stating he’s had a “Vegeta character arc”.
  • Hero of Another Story: After getting banished to the Internet Graveyard, he learned about the meme life cycle. Using this knowledge, he looked after the memes residing there, and transformed it from a backwater jungle to a modern civilization, eventually becoming its number one celebrity. This is all offscreen or explained in flashbacks.
  • Hidden Depths: "War of the Fat Italians 2018" reveals that he actually has a PhD in therapy.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • A lot of his failures are due to errors on his part.
    • At the end of the 2020 WOTFI, he is banished to the Internet Graveyard, the same exile he placed on SMG4 and his gang.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He constantly hires himself out to Bowser, despite knowing the latter is an idiot.
  • Horrifying the Horror:
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Being a Mario recolour (at first), he has blue eyes, yet he is the Big Bad of the first ten seasons of the series.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: While he'd never admit it directly, it's clear that SMG3 believes he's not as funny or talented as SMG4. If he didn't, he wouldn't be constantly ripping off his arch enemy. He only finds true happiness in the Internet Graveyard, where dead trends are the rage.
    • "A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode" takes it to an egregious level: even after erasing SMG4's channel, characters and the man himself from existence so that nobody remembers him, he still defaults to ripping off SMG4!
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Just as SMG4's post-WOTFI 2022 redesign is based on Luke Lerdwichagul, SMG3's is based on his voice actor (and the show's editor), James Bailey.
  • Irony:
    • The man that calls himself "crazy and evil" and has fruitlessly tried to get rid of SMG4 for a petty reason has a doctorate in psychology. You'd think he'd realize how absolutely insane he is and take steps to rectify that.
    • His latest design is the most sinister-looking to date, yet at that point, his Heel–Face Turn has been cemented.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Post YouTube Arc, he's still quite villainous, but as shown in 'Perfectly Balanced', he's become better and he looked after and cared for the Dead Memes in the Internet Graveyard, he's also started to respect SMG4 to an extent. He was also involved in saving Mario and the universe from Zero, even sympathizing with Melony after Axol's death.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: He is hostile to almost everyone and sometimes helps out Bowser with his evil plans, but only to kill SMG4.
    • In "I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4!" he starts a "truce" between SMG4's gang and his own, but later on in "Deleted", he reveals that he only called said "truce" to make sure SMG4 doesn't realize something's up.
  • Karmic Jackpot: On the rare instances he does good for the world, he usually gets a happy ending. When he fixed Wario and Waluigi's problems in his talk show, it lasted for quite a while. When he helped take care of the dead memes in the Internet Graveyard, he became its number one celebrity. And when he had to work with SMG4 to stop Zero, it led to them discovering their true potential as meme guardians, and eventually the two finally becoming permanent allies.
  • Kick the Dog: In the YouTube Arc, he erases the Glitchy Gang from existence and afterwards, he tells it straight to Mario's face, Mario suddenly mourns his "dead" friends as he hears this.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Zig-Zagged, he is a threat to the lives of the main cast, but he isn't taken seriously in the slightest. Downplayed in the YouTube Arc, where he becomes a bit more serious while still retaining his typical comedy.
  • Lack of Empathy: He doesn't care about anyone but himself, Subverted as shown in 'Perfectly Balanced', he's started to care for the Dead Memes.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Why he's a Butt-Monkey.
    • Perhaps most tragic in "Mario's Spicy Day 🔥", in which his attempt to reform again fail because SMG4, whom he had harassed and tried to kill for years out of jealousy, caused the latter to suspect he was up to something in the episode when all he wanted was just to entertain people, leading to the destruction of his studio and SMG3 deciding to return to villainy.
    • Later gets a much more deserved version by banishing everyone against him to the Internet Graveyard. At the end of the arc, he gets a taste of his own medicine by suffering the same fate, by Susan, the person whom he stole the remote and tried to get rid of.
  • Laughably Evil: Even his good plans can be downright hilarious. After he got sent to the Internet Graveyard and mellowed out, "Laughably Evil" is basically his default mode of operation, with all his evil actions being Played for Laughs when they aren't simply Poke the Poodle.
  • Leitmotif:
    • Solarium by Max Anson, during The YouTube Arc.
    • After his redesign, the creators have taken a liking to using Porky Minch's theme from Mother 3 for him.
  • Like a Son to Me: James Bailey said in a livestream that SMG3 doesn't see Terrence as just a favorite subordinate, but a surrogate son. This makes Terrence's death in the Revelations movie all the more heartbreaking.
  • Mad Bomber: SMG3 really seems to have taken a penchant for explosives ever since “Western Spaghetti”. Given the chance, he’ll often uses lots of bombs to destructive effect. Bombs have even been integrated into the cafe he opened at the Showgrounds, "III's Coffee & Bombs".
  • Mad Doctor: He's been revealed to have a doctorate in psychiatric care and explicitly refers to himself as "crazy and evil", though the one time he uses this degree it's for an ostensibly good purpose.
  • Mad Scientist: He's performed multiple unethical experiments (most notably the Ztar and the shell-stealing Koopa) in his attempts to get rid of SMG4. Turns out he has a doctorate, too - but it's in psychology.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He can convince Bowser to hire him very easily - it doesn't help that Bowser is an idiot. Also the entire point of his plot in Mario Gladiators; have everyone fight each other, then recruit the strongest to work for him. It backfires.
  • Manly Tears: Cries like a baby before SMG4 blasts him with magic he learned in Hogwarts.
  • Morality Pet: The dead memes act as this toward him, namely a Ugandan Knuckles he named Terrence and later, an Eggdog that wears Terrence's hat after Terrence's sacrifice. Later on, his Eggdogs are the one thing that he'll invariably fawn and make a fuss over. He's simply incapable of being a jerk to them.
  • Narrator All Along: He's revealed to be narrating the 2020 Christmas special, still trapped in the Internet Graveyard. Being SMG3 he puts his own spin on things where SMG4 and his friends die in the end. The Ugandan Knuckles don't seem to like it, though.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands:
    • After becoming lord of the Internet Graveyard, he could create portals there and back on a whim. This is presumably because the ancient memes, the dimension's previous rulers, have blessed him with this power.
    • In the announcement video for the "IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT" movie, SMG3 somehow has the ability to update models for himself, Boopkins, and Meggynote .
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: James Bailey stated once that his voice is based on MatPat and other infamous YouTubers.
  • Not Me This Time: Right out the gate of IT’S GOTTA BE PERFECT, SMG3 immediately denies Tari’s suspicion that Zero is behind what’s going on, stating that the fleshy substance growing in the castle isn’t meme energy. Played with in that he was talking about the power that he shared with his fellow meme guardians, not himself.
  • Not Quite Dead: After being sent to the Internet Graveyard by the end of WotFI 2020, he is attacked by an Ugandan Knuckles. SMG4 says immediately after that SMG3 is dead... but then James said on Twitter that he's still alive, and SMG4 was kind of giggling when he pronounced the character dead. The 2020 Christmas Special eventually reveals that he’s still alive, although getting attacked by Ugandan Knuckles still seems to be a regular thing for him.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Upon seeing SMG4's Heroic Self-Deprecation all over the walls in It's Gotta Be Perfect, SMG3 is quick to point out what the words mean, sounding genuinely choked-up as he recounts feeling the same insane pressures that SMG4 does after having hijacked his channel for just a week.
  • Obviously Evil: Shockingly averted in his 2023 redesign. The attributes of it would definitely sound like this on paper (red eyes, a dark purple colour scheme, a Beard of Evil, a skull emblem on his hat, spiked black shoes with skulls on them), but by this point, he’s moved away completely from his villainous roots.
  • Only Sane Man: Every time he works for Bowser, he is this.
  • Out of Focus: He used to be the main antagonist, but as the series progressed, he fell to the wayside. That being said, he still makes appearances and manages to cause trouble every now and then. To reflect this, the May 2022 banner used to show him to the right of SMG4, but after WOTFI 2022 and his new redesign was introduced, he was knocked down to being next to Mario in favor of Meggy. This doesn’t last, as Season 13 brings him right back into the spotlight, turning him into one of the main protagonists of the season.
    • The Bus Came Back: In "A Day In The Life Of Everyone", where his show is then cancelled and decides to go back into being evil.
  • Pet the Dog: Even SMG3 has moments of this.
    • Despite what Jerk with a Heart of Jerk states above, he does still help out Bowser even when he has no reason to.
    • In WOTFI 2018, he used his therapy skills to help Wario and Waluigi reconcile.
    • In A Totally Normal SMG4 Episode, even though he DID delete SMG4 and gang from existence, he decides to spare Mario.
    • Ever since he was sent to the Internet Graveyard, he cared for the dead memes that resided there.
    • In the 10th anniversary special, he helps out SMG4 a little bit and even saves his life, and tells him that he's alright for a mortal enemy.
    • When Melony starts to cry over Mercy Killing Axol, he sympathizes with her along with everyone else.
    • He also came to celebrate Christmas with Mario along with everyone else, even after Mario inflicted a (admittedly deserved) punishment on him.
  • Psycho for Hire: Hired by Enzo to kill Mario, too bad he failed at it.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He is incredibly petty and immature.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His redesign's color palette has noticeable shades of purple, somewhat resembling Waluigi. This is especially noticeable when you compare the SM64 models between his old and new designs.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Downplayed. While he ultimately lacks red eyes in the series, he’s frequently depicted with them in fanart and some official art as well. In his 2023 redesign, he finally actually gains red eyes, but by that point, he’s already pulled a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Reformed, but Not Tamed: He gave up on trying to usurp SMG4 and ruin his life after finding his true purpose as Guardian of the Internet Graveyard and slowly develops mutual respect for SMG4 over the Genesis and Revelations Arcs but his villainous tendencies never left him. He'll still make a grab for ultimate power if the chance presents itself and ruin Christmas just to be a dick.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: As of the Cosmology Saga, he's the Manly Man to SMG4's Sensitive Guy.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Even when he's a threat he gives off this vibe, especially when antagonizing SMG4. Deconstructed and eventually averted in the YouTube Arc.
  • Skeleton Motif: His hat has a skull on it.
  • The Sociopath: Downplayed, but still very present. He is obsessed with ruining his life and/or destroying SMG4, because he was caught ripping off the latter. He is an intelligent schemer and manipulator as he was able to convince Mario to work for him by reminding him of Greg's death at Susan's hands. Once he and his team acquired the YouTube Remote, SMG3 aims on erasing SMG4 from existence and likely everything else as well. Unlike most examples of a sociopath, SMG3 does try to redeem himself at least twice, but his immense hatred for SMG4 always returns him down the path of villainy. Once he gets banished to the internet graveyard though, he starts to show genuine affection for others, especially the dead memes that reside there.
  • Sore Loser: Sets his own base of operations to explode after one of his plans go awry.
  • Stupid Evil: He doesn't think some of his evil plans through.
  • Suddenly Voiced: As of "Mario's Spicy Day", SMG3 uses original voice clips similar to Tari, Axol, and post-2019 SMG4, courtesy of editor James Bailey.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: Mario's Spicy Day 🔥 ends with his studio destroyed and his attempts to reform and entertain people fail, deciding that if the world wants him to be evil, then it's exactly what he'll do, even saying this trope word-for-word. Then he kicks SMG4 in the nuts and then flies away. And then plans to erase and replace him with himself and his Anti-Cast.
  • There Are No Therapists: WotFI 2018 reveals that SMG3 is an aversion of this trope, having been a therapist before becoming evil.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: It's notable that as a face, SMG3 is a lot more prone to scoring well-earned victories.
    • He finally scores a legitimate, fair victory of SMG4 in a game of basketball in "MARIO BALLIN?!?!", without having to be the bad guy.
    • He also surpasses him in Twitch streams in "SMG4... Are You Okay?", even gaining the honor of helping his former nemesis himself.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Even after he stopped being arch enemies with SMG4, he still likes being evil, messing with people when he has the chance. That said, he genuinely cares for the dead memes, especially Terrance.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Hey SMG3, turns out that attacking the wizard school where your Arch-Enemy is learning to be a powerful wizard was a bad idea!
  • Took a Level in Kindness: After becoming the Internet Graveyard's #1 celebrity and ruler, he's mellowed out considerably. And while he and SMG4 are still mortal enemies, they're on friendlier terms.
  • Troll: At his best.
  • Tsundere: After the events of the Genesis and Revelations arcs, SMG3 can prove that he cares about people in his own way and then furiously deny it in seconds. After a heartfelt "Not So Different" Remark in It's Gotta Be Perfect, when Meggy says that SMG4 is lucky to have someone that understands him like SMG3, he quickly gets flustered, saying that he only knows because he's "cosmically linked to that idiot".
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: SMG3's sudden surge in popularity getting him noticed by "Mr. Yeast" in "SMG4... Are You Okay?" causes something to snap in SMG4, which culminates in him eventually being so fixated on making "the best video ever" that he cares for literally nothing else and isolating himself from everyone else. Worse is that SMG3 himself reached out to him to reignite his creativity, only for it grow way too far out of his control. As time passed, SMG4's temper gradually gets shorter and shorter to the point where just the mere sight of another person in the room he's working in causes him to go apeshit.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds:
    • His relationship with Bowser is this at best.
    • Despite being on better terms with SMG4, and going so far as to save him from the Demonic Keyboard's possession, it still doesn't stop SMG3 from insulting him and otherwise being a jerk. But then, his antics are only slightly worse than those of everyone else in the main cast.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • Has a few of these, though one of the best has to be when he breaks down in tears before SMG4 blasts him with magic he learned in Hogwarts.
    • Towards the end of WOTFI 2020, when his gang finally see him as the selfish sociopath he is, he at first tries to deny accountability only to then rant about not needing them anyway. His second breakdown is when Susan conjures a portal to cast him into the Internet Graveyard.
  • Villainous Friendship: Subverted with Bowser, whom he helps out often, but hates.
  • Unishment: His banishment to the Internet Graveyard was meant to be his punishment for abusing the YouTube Remote and trying to erase the SMG4 crew from existence. He ends up finding his calling as its one true ruler. Even more ironic, we find out later that his Guardian Pod was meant to go there.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Is on the giving end when SMG4 goes on an enraged rampage during MAR10 Day, forcibly throwing everyone out while treating his friends terribly.
    SMG3: OI! IDIOT!! We're all here to celebrate your best friend's day, and you're acting like THIS?!
  • Wonder Twin Powers: As a Super Meme Guardian, he can control the meme energy of the world to reshape it as he sees fit but in order to access this power, he need to be holding the hand of his partner Meme Guardian, SMG4. As mortal enemies, this is a tall order.
  • Would Hit a Girl: His electric torture of Belle, which takes even Anti-Shroomy aghast.
  • Would Hurt a Child: During War of the Fat Italians 2020, he holds Fishy Boopkins off the edge of a building and threatens to drop him lest he got the YouTube Remote back. Even then his initial plan involved him trying to get him erased from the timeline.


First appearance: "Two Evil Friends" (2013)
A One-Shot Character who, as his name suggests, is the boss of SMG3 and Bowser. Angered at Bowser's constant failures with his hair-brained schemes to kidnap Princess Peach, he demotes him and lets SMG3 take charge.

Dark Force

    Silent Guy 

Silent Guy
First appearance: "The Visitor (2011)"
A Serial Killer who doesn't say a word.


First appearance: "Italian Kidnapping" (2011)
A Japanese gay Bounty Hunter who was hired by Bowser to torture Mario. He later returned in "Operation G.A.Y" in a plan to turn the entire world homosexual by using clones of Luigi.
  • Bilingual Bonus: His real names translate to "Gay troll" and "Somebody's name" respectively.
  • Depraved Homosexual: Operation G.A.Y, anyone?
  • I Have Many Names: Downplayed. His real name changes in both of his appearances, but his nickname stays "Bot".
  • The Man Behind the Curtain: He's unseen for most of his debut episode, then when he's trying to pretend to be a magic door, he tells the others to ignore the man (him) crouching next to a wall to no avail.
  • Skewed Priorities: Decides to have peanut butter and a steak before attempting to kill Luigi, but by then he's killed by MCG (who wanted the peanut butter).

    Crazy Toilet Dude 

Crazy Toilet Dude
First appearance: "The Crazy Fighters" (2011)
An Ax-Crazy home invader who talks to his toilet, thinking it's alive.
  • The Bus Came Back: Returned nearly a decade later in "SMG4 2020 COLLAB SPECIAL" due to a fan submission and later "THE 5,000,000 SUB SPECIAL‎‎" for real (though only as a face).
  • Screaming at Squick: Yes, even a guy who talks to toilets has limits. Especially when Bob finds him lurking in the bowl of a public bathroom toilet and decides to just defecate on top of him.

    Robot Clone 

Robot Clone
First appearance: "4 Clones, 1 Italian" (2011)
A group of robotic Mario fakes which were made by Bowser to torment Mario. One is revived by SMG3 to join the first iteration of his gang.

    John Gayham 

John Gayham
First appearance: "Desert Head" (2012)
A Killer Game Master who forced Oscarm00 and Mario to participate in his gameshow.

First appearance: "The Warrior and the Hobo" (2012)
Also know as the "Crazy Chinese Guy" or the "Evil Asian Guy", is an insane Chinese man who speaks in broken hybrid mixture of English and Chinese. He lived on top a massive Warp Pipe Tower before he was pushed off it by SMG4 for getting in the way.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: In his second appearance, SMG3 and the others really underestimated him when he locks them all up in a cage because they though he was sleeping.
  • Face–Heel Turn: In his first appearance, he's only ever used for a silly joke, but after SMG3 revived him, he developed a hatred for Mario due to being killed by him, resulting in him siding with SMG3
  • Mad Oracle: Possibly. The Indians claim he's one, but he doesn't do much than speak Chinese.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Got thrown off his tower due to neither Mario and SMG4 understanding him.
  • Revenge: Despite not being a villain in "The Warrior and the Hobo", when revived, he helps SMG3 kill SMG4 due to the latter killing him.


No, not that one.
First appearance: "Enter X" (2011)
An Omnicidal Maniac who takes possession of Mario and tries to have him kill the world.


First appearance: 'Orbical Adventures' (2012)
The Evil Counterpart to Nintendofan997 and friend of SMG3. He forces Mario onto a Sadistic Choice between a MacGuffin to save a friend, or his brother.
  • The Artifact: His name remains Xboxfan996, even after Xboxfan997 renamed himself to Nintendofan997.
  • The Bus Came Back: After being missing for over 8 years, he would finally return in "SMG4 2020 COLLAB SPECIAL" due to a fan submission.
  • Evil Counterpart: He serves as one to Nintendofan997. Notably, he's not the only one, as another Evil Counterpart exists named Y.

    The Monster 

The Monster
First appearance: 'The Babysitters' (2012)
An Eldritch Abomination who first took the form of baby Mario, before revealing his true form as a monstrous grim reaper.

Anti-Cast/Snitchy Squad

Note that several of the Anti-cast members technically defected to SMG4's gang after the YouTube arc. However, Melony is currently the only one who continues to make consistent appearances.

    Luigi Dolls 

Luigi Dolls

Voiced by: Charles Martinet (voice clips), Luke Lerdwichugal (singing voice)
First appearance: 'Super Happy Magical Fun Fun Island' (2013)
"Go Weegee!"
Dolls of Luigi originating from Mario Party that spawn in multiple numbers.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: Sentient Luigi Dolls are much more malevolent in contrast to their Prop versions.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: Ironically enough, he and the other dolls are among the corrupted memes Zero summons in his final battle.
  • The Bus Came Back: After spending 4 years after "Luigi Labyrinth" being casted aside as simple props, they finally get a major role as the Big Bad in "The Weegee Uprising" and one of them even becomes part of SMG3's gang.
  • A Day in the Limelight: "Luigi Labyrinth" and "The Weegee Uprising".
  • Darker and Edgier: In "Luigi Labyrinth," the infection was Played for Laughs and was reversed by the beginning of the next episode. In "The Weegee Uprising," however, the second outbreak is more serious, having taken over the entire world, except for Luigi, Boopkins, and Shroomy after they accidentially froze themselves, waking up 500 years later when the rest of the gang was dead. The only reason it doesn't stick is because one of Mario's distant descendants was able to help send the trio back to before the defect Luigi Doll attacked, allowing them to break the Bad Future but losing their memory of it.
  • Denser and Wackier: They're a goofier counterpart to the T-Pose Zombies.
  • The Dragon: Downplayed. While no member of Snitch Productions can be considered second in command, he’s the only one SMG3 trusts enough to lend him the remote while he’s diverting Mario’s attention in A Totally Normal S̷͍͖͉̙͚͎̑̃̿͑̆̇̚͠M̸͇͇̦̮̌̿Ğ̴̫̗̖͎͔̳4̶̞͇̰̎̀́̚ Episode.
  • Evil Counterpart: The Luigi Doll in SMG3's gang (and by extension, the entire species as seen in "The Weegee Uprising") is this to Luigi.
  • Hypocrite: The Weegee Doll is the most shocked at what SMG3's plan does to its victims, considering Frankie was just a kid. In Luigi's "debut episode," he flings off the baby Luigi and convinces baby Mario he's his brother.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Functionally, they're similar to zombies and the "Weegee" meme. Any living thing they touch for a long period of time becomes another Luigi doll, with similar personality to the first Luigi Doll ever produced.
  • Patient Zero: Their leader, Hokage Weegee, is also the first sentient Luigi Doll, the Defect Weegee.
  • Switched at Birth: How the Weegee Doll gets rid of Luigi. Travel to the day they were still baby orphans and convince baby Mario he's his biological brother.
  • Viral Transformation: They inflict this upon non-Luigi Dolls.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: Luigi Dolls manage to totally overrun the Mushroom Kingdom in a Bad Future scenario, goofing about in the wreckage of society.

    JubJub Boopkins 

JubJub Boopkins

First appearance: 'The E G G' (2020)

A creature hatched from an egg and later revealed to be Fishy Boopkins' brother.

  • Adorable Abomination: His father is Boopkins' father who is a towering Cthulhu-headed Octodad.
  • Anti-Villain: JubJub is just like his older brother. He only became apart of SMG3 for auditioning. He shows great sorrow when Boopkins is erased, and cares so much that he overpowers the YouTube Remote possessing him.
  • The Brute: He isn't villainous. But in "Mario VS Youtube", he is considered the muscle of infiltrating YouTube HQ.
  • Cain and Abel: Him being on SMG3's team means he's fighting his own brother, Not to mention he leads said brother to his own demise. That being said, he doesn't actually do anything to erase Boopkins. He just swims away and Boopkins is killed by himself.
  • Cute Bruiser: More often than not, he tends to be quite the nuisance whether he's launched by someone else or he actually attacks on his own accord.
  • Demonic Possession: Gets possessed by the YouTube Remote in War of the Fat Italians 2020.
  • Evil Counterpart: "Evil" is too strong of a word, but he is one to his own brother Fishy Boopkins, only through working for SMG3.
  • Fastball Special: Mario loves to kick him long distances. Not to mention, he's pretty much indestructible.
  • Foreshadowing: There's a lot of evidence he's connected to the Boopkins family.
    • Fishy Boopkins is often regarded by many characters to be "ugly." JubJub is ... Ugly Cute.
    • He always asks for "Dada" instead of "Mama," which was who gave birth to him.
    • His tantrum screams causes just as much havoc as Fishy's own big mouth.
    • Mistakes a biker jacket with a Cthulhu face for his father, which is what Joe he really is.
    • Major Butt-Monkey, just like Boopkins.
  • Hidden Badass: Apparently, he has the power to instantly inflate his arm to a colossal size and use it to punch a Chain Chomp in the face, caving its face in.
  • Immune to Fire: Like his brother, to him Lava Is Boiling Kool-Aid except he doesn't gain any powers from sinking in it.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: Mario frequently abuses him. Doesn't take away from his sunny disposition. Some videos even show that he actually likes being kicked.
  • Morality Pet: For Karen. He manages to bring out a different, almost motherly side of the Perpetual Frowner, due to reminding her of her own children.
  • Mouthy Bird: He has a beak that looks like a mouth.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He feels really bad about getting Fishy erased from existence, even if he didn't do anything.
  • Plant Person: Downplayed. He has a tiny tree on his head and his lower half looks like a coconut, but so far, they've been purely cosmetic.
  • Pokémon Speak: As far as words go, all he can say is his name. Most of the time.
  • Stronger Sibling: He's a C-tier in terms of strength while Boopkins is a D-tier. Inverted in "The Floor Is Lava", where only his brother gains powers from sinking in the lava.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's the only one of SMG3's gang that regrets erasing his counterpart(and brother) from existence, even if it was mostly on Boopkins himself. Note that neither Rob or Whimpu showed any remorse for it. He's also the only teammate of SMG3's that turns on him for reasons other than just being mistreated, as he didn't take part in the rap battle until after everyone turned against SMG3.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: While others are horrified when Mario kicks JubJub around, JubJub himself enjoys being kicked. Mario seems to be aware of this, as he gives JubJub a soccer player for Christmas. It's pretty rare to see him crying from physical pain.

    Rob the Scarecrow 

Rob the Scarecrow

Voiced by: US Male Voice
"Hey kids. Want some corn?"

A creature serving as a scarecrow at Steve's farm. He is mute, and can only speak with recorded lines programmed by Farmer Steve, with his talking device later upgraded by either Melony or SMG3 during the YouTube Arc.

  • Berserk Button: He doesn't take too kindly to broccoli in "The Corn Trip" and makes a point to run a broccoli delivery truck off the road. Probably something to do with broccoli replacing corn.
  • A Day in the Limelight: "The Corn Trip" features him and Bob front and center.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Bob in "I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4".
  • Face–Heel Turn: He winds up joining SMG3's crew, and as a result, wipes Bob from existence.
    • Subverted post-YouTube Arc, however, he goes back to being a member of SMG4's gang.
  • Farm Boy: Kind of a given, considering he's the scarecrow on Steve's farm.
  • Morality Pet: To Bob, as of "The Corn Trip".
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: In his debut episode, the reason he came off as a corn-obssessed freak was because Farmer Steve gave him programmed lines about his love for corn on a radio... in the most vulgar ways possible. As a result, his attempts to befriend Mario, Bob and Tari fell flat until the misunderstanding was finally cleared up.
  • Out of Focus: He tends to be less involved in shenanigans than the other members of the Anti-Cast, and as such, he hasn't made too many appearances in 2021. Parodied when he, along with Belle and Whimpu, are refered as the side characters when they appear together.
  • Serious Business: Rob would like to remind you that he thinks quite fondly of corn. Downplayed as those lines were programmed by Farmer Steve. Not that this stops him from becoming a corn monster when Bob tries to fight him in a pile of corn.
  • The Speechless/The Voiceless: By himself, he can't speak, and is only capable of making squeaky toy noises.
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: Justified in his case. His only method of communication is through text-to-speech voice lines about corn through a radio. He gets some more lines not about corn during the YouTube Arc, most likely from either SMG3 or Melony reprogramming him.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Corn. While his corn-obsessed quotes are due to the voice recordings Steve gave him, it's pretty clear by his actions that he still likes corn a lot.
  • True Companions: With Bob, post YouTube Arc
  • Verbal Tic: In his earlier appearances, it seems like he's forced to use the word "corn" in nearly all of his sentences ("I'm corning for the gaming room"). This gets fixed later on.
  • With Friends Like These...: He and Bob really hit it off, as well as Bob can. However, it isn't Bob who winds up stabbing his new buddy in the back and wiping him from existence, but rather Rob, scaring away Mario and Luigi.
    • Subverted after SMG3's defeat, where Rob and Bob reconcile and become actual friends.



First appearance: "Mario Alone" (2019)
A watermelon with Meggy's headwear, originally made by a depressed Mario after he was left behind during Christmas and acting as replacement for Meggy. Unlike the others, she is (apparently) not sentient and shows even less animation than the Weegee Doll. Debuted in "Mario Alone" as a stand-in for Meggy when she and the others went on vacation. Click here to see her tropes after she becomes human.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: Downplayed, as Melony never physically moves on-screen, but she's clearly doing something when the cameras aren't focused on her. This gets explained when, eventually, she loses this trope and gets a human body; she's really lazy, and is inanimate or sleeping during most of her screentime.
  • Ascended Extra: Unlike the other stand-ins for the cast in "Mario Alone", she made further appearances after her debut.
  • Companion Cube: Well, she was in "Mario Alone", at least to Mario, acting as a replacement for Meggy.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: When she debuted in "Mario Alone", she was nothing more than a melon with Meggy's headpiece. It's only until "I Can't Believe it's not SMG4!" when she begins to have more relevance, even eventually gaining a humanoid body as of Mario's Mask of Madness.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: Her beanie was orange in her debut episode "Mario Alone", but was changed to red in later appearances.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Meggy in the YouTube Arc. It would be an understatement to say the latter is upset to be compared to a watermelon.
  • Foil: It's not just a watermelon dressed as Meggy, it opposes her in many ways. While the beanie girl loves action, Melony prefers to stay in the HQ to hack computers and is shown to be rather lazy and immature in her human form. Also, while Meggy is literally allergic to anime, Melony seems to love Axol’s Two Piece series.
  • Humanity Ensues: Getting tacked on with the Fierce Deity Mask brings her to life and with a human body.
  • I Call It "Vera": She's a named inanimate object, naturally.
  • New Job as the Plot Demands: After leaving SMG3, she was later shown to be a Twitch streamer, and later than that shown to be a deputy in the police force.
  • Parody Sue: Not so much now as she got more characterization, and a few notable weaknesses, but as a melon, she was this fullstop. She's a talented hacker, effectively took out Meggy, the only castmember SMG3 didn't see as a failure, and she got a lot of donations on Twitch. All this despite being a seemingly innanimate melon. She even got an offer to be in Axol's "Two Piece", though that's less goofy given the casting in that show. "Mario Babies" expands on this further by showing she was in a war, met Obama and Hideo Kojima, and went to space, again, as a watermelon.
  • Playful Hacker: The hacker of the YouTube Headquarters infiltration (somehow).
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Instead of challenging Meggy face to face, she knocks out Mario during the Splatfest broadcast, preventing him from learning about Splatfest and interacting with Meggy in the first place.
  • Real After All: When she first shows up in SMG3's crew, she doesn't show any signs of being alive. Her later appearances not only have her (somehow) hacking into YouTube's system, but also emoting in shock at SMG3's plan. Of course, in a world where taco-trucks are alive, this kinda makes sense. If how she acts once she gets a human body is any indication, she's probably just asleep half of the time.
  • The Smart Gal: As the (somehow) hacker of the YouTube Headquarters infiltration, it easily qualifies. It can be seen in its way to wipe out Meggy from existence and in the way SMG3 treats it (a bit) better than the others in the result.
  • The Speechless: As an inanimate watermelon, this is a given.



First appearance: "I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4!" (2020)
A simp like no other.
A wimpy Japanese science nerd who basically exists to serve as Saiko Bichitaru's polar opposite.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Like Saiko, his skin is a very bright shade of pink in the place of a more natural skin tone.
  • Affably Evil: During his time with the SMG3 crew, he tries to get along with his cohorts, due to being generally a Nice Guy.
    • Faux Affably Evil: Surprisingly, he also has shades of the Faux version, as he shows no issues with erasing Saiko and the others from existence, even keeping his usual cheery demeanor. Heck, he actually goes further than the others, as he doesn't just prevent Saiko from meeting Mario, but essentially prevents her from being born. Even for a Punch-Clock Villain, that's a disturbing side to see in a usually jovial guy.
  • All Men Are Perverts: Has shown signs of enjoying lewd things, like a "dancing cat". Also, whenever he isn't simping for Saiko he seems to be attracted to Belle (touching her when almost the entire Anti-cast is crammed inside a box).
  • Brain Bleach: One look at Luigi's search history causes his cheery smile to slowly shift into wide-eyed horror. Considering Whimpu's interests mentioned above, one wonders what he saw.
  • Butt-Monkey: He somehow dwarfs even Luigi and Boopkins in this regard.
  • Casanova Wannabe: On Discord, he tries to woo Melony, but it doesn't work when Mario gets involved. Then it turns out Melony was actually Hal Monitor.
  • Dirty Coward: Can certainly dip into this. When tasked with erasing Saiko, he simply removes her game before she has a chance to even be born. Barring that, he gets pretty aggessive online when girls are involved, getting into a "war" with Mario on Discord and getting into fights with Boopkins in person over waifus and anime. Compare that to how he acts when someone much more threatening gets mad at him.
  • Does Not Like Men: On Discord, he fills the role of a nice guy, and as such, gets mad when Mario enters his attempted romancing of Melony, even typing BEGONE MALE.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Saiko in "I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4", though evil strictly through who he works for.
  • Existential Horror: He has this reaction when he learns he's a side-character.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When faced with a hoard of angry waifus rushing towards him with intent to kill, Whimpu lays on the ground and says "I am okay with this."
  • Foil: He's opposite to Saiko in every way: meek where she is aggressive, pacifistic where she is violent, and sensitive where she is tough as nails.
  • Forgotten Birthday: His friends forget about his birthday in the promo for "If Mario Moves, He Dies". Multiple times, apparently.
  • Japanese Politeness: Further contrasting him from Saiko is his sensitivity and pacifism.
  • Joke Character: He's a Z-tier character, making him one of the weakest SMG4 characters in the series below even characters like Tari and Fishy Boopkins... except for FM for some reason.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em:
    • When Luigi fails to lift Beeg SMG4 and gets crushed, he walks away, knowing that he can't lift the darn thing. Ultimately subverted when he spots a bodybuilder crew (The Heavy from Team Fortress 2, a gorilla, and a buff Winnie the Pooh) and convinces them to help him lift the Beeg SMG4.
    • When he sees Fox decimate Bob, his instant reaction is to attempt to bail the challenge of killing the former by just saying "Nopenopenopenopenopeno-" and slowly backing away. It doesn't work, and Falco launches him from behind.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The foil dynamic makes him the feminine boy to Saiko's masculine girl.
  • New Job as the Plot Demands: His debut showed he had an interest in science, but after leaving SMG3, he apparently found work as a phone technician.
  • Nice Guy: The guy breaks down in tears and goes into a Troubled Fetal Position when he's forced to insult SMG3 as part of his script.
  • Original Generation: Out of all of SMG3's second gang, Whimpu is the only character made specifically for it; everyone else was pre-established in the series (or in Belle's case, another series).
  • Out of Focus: Parodied when he, along with Belle and Rob, are now refered as the side characters whenever they appear together.
  • Pathetically Weak: In contrast to Saiko being able to swing around a hammer larger than her around with ease, Whimpu is so weak he can make Fishy Boopkins look strong. He once died from a heart attack attempting to move a child's suitcase.
  • Punny Name: His name is written kind of like how you'd expect to hear the word "wimp" said in Japanese.
  • The Rival: Not so much to Saiko as he is to Boopkins. They fight over who can simp more over anime and waifus.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: A rare male example, especially after the Anti-Cast dissolved.
  • Skewed Priorities: "Oh no, I am out of money. How will I simp now?"
  • Spear Counterpart: He's basically a male Tari—meek, polite, and often receiving the short end of the stick. Ironically, he's Saiko's parallel.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: Whimpu usually lives up to his name with a few exceptions, particularly when he's motivated by his attraction towards pretty girls. For instance, he could go from dying from exaustion from trying to pull a child's suitcase to lifting both Belle and Rob above his head to offer them as a sacrifice.
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: He speaks in English voice lines punched into a Japanese text-to-speech simulator.
  • Token Good Teammate: Probably one of the nicest guys overall in the whole series. He tries to get along with anyone and tries to settle things without violence. It just happens that he's been recruited by the Big Bad...
  • Took a Level in Badass: He manages to be surprisingly active in "[TEXTURES NOT FOUND]", even saving the day in the end.
  • Verbal Tic: Always calls Saiko "my queen", or just "queen".
  • Would Not Hit a Girl: Him being a Simp might result in this. Subverted if he finds a prettier girl to simp for, going as far as offering Belle (along with Rob) as a sacrifice.

    Belle Fontiere 

Belle Fontiere

Voiced by: Jessica Fallico
First appearance: "I Can't Believe It's Not SMG4!" (2020)

A gamer who's known for her speed. Much like Tari, Belle is a character from Meta Runner. She can be found here.

  • Adaptational Job Change: Since TAS Corp doesn't exist in this universe, she instead serves as an actress in SMG3's play, and later a former minion in his crew.
  • Adaptational Villainy: She zigzags between this and Adaptational Heroism. Her Meta Runner counterpart would probably be a lot more hesitant to wipe Tari from existence, but she also turns against her boss and joins the main cast, and her counterpart would eventually follow suit.
  • Canon Immigrant: As opposed to Tari debuting in Bloopers to get her own series in Meta Runner, Belle debuted in Meta Runner before being transplanted into Bloopers.
  • Character Catchphrase: Her most frequent voice clip is an exasperated "Come oooon!"
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Disappeared from the cast after 2020. She returns in the 10th anniverary special, but even then, she only shows up in a few cameos.
  • Cyborg: Like Tari, she has a robotic arm for gaming.
  • Dirty Coward: When facing off with Tari in Smash-Each-Other-In-the-Ass Brothers, she distracts her by throwing a ducky, which costs Tari a fair victory. And her existence outside the Internet Graveyard.
    • She's also willing to use a Voodoo Doll of Bob (when he poses as Santa at a mall) to threaten him into getting Tari a PS5 when he refuses to give her one
  • Fiery Redhead: Belle will NOT put up with people insulting or talking smack to her, and she'll pull out a either a BFG or BFS to shut you the fuck up. This, ironically enough, has extended to Tari, who she now seems protective of.
  • Foil: She was to Tari what Desti was to Meggy. They were both fierce, arrogant rivals to skilled, friendly girls struggling to find their calling. However, Desti played by no one's rules but her own, and Belle was a subordinate to a higher power (TAS Corp in Meta Runner, and Snitch Productions here). One of the lines Desti wouldn't cross was straight-up murder, which Belle was willing to do to Tari by erasing her from existence, even if she turned out fine later on. Most importantly, while both end up making peace with their rivals, Desti dies before they could have anymore fun adventures together, but Belle survives.
  • Friend to All Children: Fanart of the Anti-Cast back in the day often depict Belle holding JubJub in group shots. However, this has shown up in official works too, such as an image on Steam showcasing the release of (most of) their models.
  • Gamer Chick: Much like her Meta Runner counterpart.
  • Irony: Belle's biggest role in the YouTube Arc was to rival Tari and going back in time to erase her from existence, which she seemed to have no qualms about at the time. It'd seems that mistreatment at SMG3's hands was enough to set her heart straight as she and the rest of the Squad turn on SMG3 and become part of the Glitchy Gang. And in that time, especially in SMG4: Christmas Special 2020, it's so jarring that Belle's done a complete 180 and now is good enough friends with Tari that when Bob is a Mall Santa and refuses to get Tari a Nintendo Switch on account of them being out of stock from mass Christmas purchases and too expensive otherwise, Belle, with a very pissed off look on her face, silently holds a Bob doll and, turning her bionic arm into a blaster, blasts it in the junk to illustrate what she'll do to him if he doesn't sweeten up and get Tari what she asked for.
  • Jerkass: She considers herself superior to Tari. And she doesn't think twice about banishing her from existence via Ret-Gone.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: When SMG3 complains that she and the other members of his gang could not hold a candle to the original cast, she rightfully points out that it is likely because he isn't SMG4 and as such, can't be as good as him because all he does is sloppily copy everything his rival does. All this does is earn her a tazing by him in response.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Not as much as her Meta Runner counterpart or Saiko, but still attractive enough to qualify, for obvious reasons.
  • Out of Focus: Like Tari, she appears significantly less whenever Meta Runner is premiering new episodes. She's notably shown back up in If Mario Was In Friday Night Funkin' 2 in a stylized rap sesh against Tari, as Mommy Mearest paid her to join in her team against the funk cursed Glitchy Gang. This has recently been turned into an actual mod for Friday Night Funkin' with help from Luke and some of his collaborators.
    • Parodied when she, along with Whimpu and Rob, are referred as the side characters whenever they appear together.
    • This even got to the point where in "We Interrupt This Broadcast", she's even holding a sign which reads "looking for screentime". Even she has acknowledged that the series has been neglecting her.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Her default expression as she typically is in a bored state.
  • Pet the Dog: In the 2020 Christmas special, when Bob refuses to give Tari a PS5, Belle isn't having any of that and threatens to shoot Bob's balls off if he doesn't give Tari a PS5, He agrees to do so, this was a very sweet thing of Belle to do.
  • Production Foreshadowing: Her Heel–Face Turn at the end of the YouTube Arc carries over to Season 2 of Meta Runner.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: This can both apply to her time with SMG3 and "If Mario was in Friday Night Funkin' 2'', where Mommy Mearest hires her to rap against the gang and prevent them from breaking the curse she put on them. It seems Belle has a mercenary preference when it comes to villainy.
  • Show Some Leg: She attempts to distract YouTubers by actually putting on glasses since she’s a gamer girl.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only female across both iterations of the group, as Melony was a genderless inanimate object. Until after the Anti-cast disbands that is.
  • The Snack Is More Interesting: A non-food example. When Mario chases SMG3 to steal his cell phone to reupload the original videos of the Glitchy Gang to get them out of the Internet Graveyard and Whimpu asks if they should still help him, she refuses, due to her being more interested in beating the game she's playing.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: After the events of the YouTube Arc, she's shown to be more friendly with Tari.
  • You Don't Look Like You: Downplayed. Just like Tari, her facial features are more different from her other appearance, along with a slightly different hairstyle, but they tried to make her as accurate as possible otherwise in order to make the Wham Shot in her introduction work, and the more cartoony appearance was clearly for artistic reasons.

    Anti-Shroomy (Unmarked Spoilers) 


Voiced by: Luke Lerdwichagul
First appearance: "War On Beeg SMG4" (2020)

The Superpowered Evil Side of boy scout Shroomy based off his time as a Doom Slayer. He only comes out when Shroomy gets frightened by anything that looks like a demon. As it's later revealed, he's actually the original personality before a demon hunting birthday party gone wrong left him with brain damage, and gained the boy scout personality.

  • Ax-Crazy: Is constantly spouting a Dio grin, and will attack anything he registers as a "Demon", such as Bowser and Susan.
  • The Bus Came Back: He disappeared for a while after the end of the YouTube arc before returning for "Meggy's Part-Time Job".
  • Character Development: Opposed to his "normal" and "demon hunter" personalities getting into a split personality war in "The Demon Among Us," Anti-Shroomy restrains himself from killing the demonized Mario and reverts back without any conflict.
  • 11th-Hour Ranger: Is this to SMG3's Gang in "Mario VS YouTube."
  • Enemy Within: Anti-Shroomy is Shroomy's Ax-Crazy Split Personality, with whom he struggles for control over his body in most of his appearances. "Mario Babies" reveals that it's actually an inversion of sorts, as Anti-Shroomy was the original Shroomy—the friendly side we know and love came about from a head trauma.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He was shown to be close to his uncle Doom Guy in "Mario Babies". Used to be, anyway...
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He Death Glares SMG3 along with the rest of the Anti-cast when SMG3 zaps Belle for saying SMG4 was better than him.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Far louder and more bombastic than regular Shroomy.
  • Expy: A murderous split personality of an otherwise friendly person caused by PTSD, certainly brings to mind Fliqpy, doesn't it?
  • Face–Heel Turn: Thanks to him and SMG3, Shroomy does this in the YouTube Arc.
  • Friend to All Children: Hilariously zigzagged in "Meggy's Part-Time Job". After Meggy unwittingly unleashes Anti-Shroomy, he spends the rest of the episode chasing down JubJub, whom she was babysitting, with clear intent to harm. When he finally catches JubJub, he teaches him how to use a gun, but still calls him a "little penis".
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: It might be hard to see or covered by some of his clothing, but there's a giant black slash through his body, which disappears whenever Shroomy comes back.
  • No Indoor Voice: The real Shroomy on his worse days didn't yell nearly as much as this side of him, or as frequently.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: He doesn't steal the YouTube remote to help SMG3's cause, but to mess up Susan, the biggest demon of them all.
  • Out of Focus: He stops appearing frequently after "Mario and the VILLAGE," possibly as a result of giving up at meeting Doomguy's standards.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Changes his head colour from red to a bright purple, and all bets are off when that happens.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: So much SMG3 had to use the remote to change his dialogues to Chinese.
  • Split-Personality Merge: Implied at some points. The 10 year anniversary special features Shroomy seemingly call out this side of his own free will, and later videos have featured the two sides using each other's facial expressions. ("Mario and the Village" has Anti-Shroomy sport Shroomy's crying face before refusing to kill Demon Mario and Shroomy sports Anti-Shroomy's smirk when he gets a bus to run over a bear as revenge.)
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Is this to Shroomy, being much stronger than regular Shroomy and Ax-Crazy to boot. Although, in a twist, "Mario Babies" reveals that Anti-Shroomy was Shroomy's original personality instead.
  • The Sociopath: He had anti-social behavior under this state.
  • Voice of the Legion: Which is pretty ironic, considering he’s a demon slayer.
  • Walking Spoiler: Talking about him not only reveals that Shroomy was originally a Demon Hunter similar to the Doom Slayer, but that thanks to him, Shroomy pulls a Face–Heel Turn during the YouTube Arc.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Unfortunately for Bowser, turning into Bowsette doesn't protect him from Anti-Shroomy's rampage, and if one of his female friends try to help him (i.e. Tari and Saiko), they'll be lucky if all he does is lock them up. He also considers Susan to be the biggest demon of them all. Ironically, he reacts with disgust when SMG3 electrocutes Belle.

Other Associates

    Dead Memes 

Dead Memes

First appearance: "The Internet Graveyard" (2020)
Terrance, the Dead Meme SMG3 is closest to.
Eggdog, Terrance's replacement after his death.
The Dead Memes that transcend over to the Internet Graveyard after SMG4 makes so many memes out of these and they reside in the Internet Graveyard under the rule and care of SMG3.
  • The Corruption:
    • If they stay in any realm for too long, they become corrupted and wreak havoc. This happened to Morshu in "Perfectly Balanced," and everyone in the 10th anniversary special.
    • SMG4 Movie: Revelations introduces Anti-Memes, the long abandoned memes of old universes corrupted by the God Box's power. What's worse is that when Meme Guardians manipulate them it quickly leads to getting Drunk on the Dark Side.
  • Deader than Dead: If these guys are dead memes, then Terrance and Shoop Da Woop's deaths would make them this.
  • Elders: The Dancing Banana, Pingas, Trollface, and Awesome Face are depicted as the "meme gods" who ruled the land before SMG3 came along, and are sometimes seen in a retirement home. Seeing how they're some of the oldest memes on the Internet, it's fitting.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: At the climax of "Revelations", Terrance lets SMG3 turn him into meme energy to power up Mario.
  • Morality Pet: These people are the only kind of people that SMG3 truly cares about.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: They're dead memes that exist in an alternate dimension to be renewed before they are released into the main world once they're relevant again. That being said they can exist in the normal realm as physical entities, just with the caveat of becoming corrupted if they stay in any one realm for too long.
  • Personal Mook: We see Ugandan Knuckles aiding SMG3note , and the most personal one is (so far) the only one that gets a name, Terrance.
  • Posthumous Character: By the time Mario and SMG4 land in the Intenet Graveyard in "Perfectly Balanced," Shoop Da Woop is completely dead, as seen by his tombstone.
  • Replacement Goldfish: After Terrence's Heroic Sacrifice, during Terrence's funeral, an Eggdog meme goes to SMG3 to comfort him. SMG3 picks up the Eggdog and put a black tophat on him in honor of Terrence.
  • Starter Villain: A corrupted Morshu is the first enemy the gang faces in the Genesis Arc.


Voiced by: Jasmine Yang

A cryptid who resides in the Dark Web.

  • Affably Evil: He's a resident of the Dark Web who sells weapons, and yet he's such a chummy upbeat guy at the same time.
  • Arms Dealer: He's this for SMG3.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: For a cryptid from the Dark Web who works as an Arms Dealer, "Gary" likely isn't the name you'd expect him to have.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He only receives a minute of screentime, and outside of showing off a new weapon he sells to SMG3, he points both him and SMG4 towards where they need to go to make contact with the gang from within the Dark Web.
  • Villainous Friendship: With SMG3, supplying the latter with weapons.
