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Characters / Winter Moon: Winter Moon

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A character sheet for members of the Winter Moon from Winter Moon.

Winter Moon is a small guild of four members and created by Florence, Risa and Gideon. They are the main protagonists of the series.

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    In general 
The main protagonists of the series, Winter Moon is a small guild created by Florence, Risa and Gideon.
  • 0% Approval Rating: They're massively hated for burning down the cities, destroying guilds, killing players and robbing them. The only things that prevents them being the most hated guild in Magnolia Online are other, larger guilds like Corpse Harvest, Ministry, Ministry of Light and Jerkass players like Merillian.
  • The Ace: Tough, strong, smart, rich, skilled.
  • The Dreaded: Becomes this after crash of the first game. Everyone is afraid of them and most players try not to piss them off.
  • The Scapegoat: Winter Moon is widely blamed of causing the first game to crash.

Guild Master


Four-Eyes note 
"Risa and Florence are powerful players. More powerful than me. I'm a normal player, with no special charms or powerful spells... so I plan things, and play the game like it was meant to be played."
The tritagonist, Gideon is a knight and Only Sane Man in the group.
  • Abusive Parents: One of his flashback shows his father beating him while studying.
  • Author Avatar: Merryweather stated that, like himself, Gideon has an autism.
  • Awesome by Analysis: While Risa very rarely uses some more complicated strategies and Florence just keeps on attacking, Gideon is always prepared for fight - in one way or another.
  • Big Brother Mentor: To his two little sisters.
  • Brainy Brunette: He's the smartest member of Winter Moon.
  • Brutal Honesty: When Risa becomes evil she asks him what is he going to say to convince to go back to them. He brutally honest says that although he appreciates her friendship and company, she wouldn't wouldn't be his friend of choice and that he won't try to change her mind. This ultimately convinces her to join them back.
  • Combat Pragmatist: As the smartest member of the guild, his fights are far more than simple swordplay.
    Playing with gods sometimes requires a bit of trickery.
  • Deuteragonist: He's the second most important character, right after Florence and Risa.
  • Flash Step: His enhanced speed sword allows him to attack faster, but only for short time.
  • Hollywood Autism: Subverted. His autism is surprisingly realistically portrayed. Justified, as the author also is autistic.
  • The Lancer: To Florence and Risa, as their best friend and fight partner.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means "smasher" in Hebrew.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Risa thought he was gay when he resisted her seducement, but he denies being one.
  • Only Friend: To Florence. When he started playing Magnolia Online, he felt uncomfortable because everyone were telling him what to do. Gideon promised to him that he won't do it and convinced him to keep playing.
  • Only Sane Man: Risa and Florence often display eccentric qualities or abilities, while Gideon has a level head and is good at staying grounded.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: While Risa and Florence sometimes have Slasher Smile, he has this.
  • Token Good Teammate: Gideon is the nicest person in the guild, in contrast to Ax-Crazy Risa and Florence.



Florence de Beaumont
Flaming Homonote 
"You know... I started playing this game to relax. But all this isn't very relaxing at all, is it? Real life is full of nothing but other people telling me what to do. And here I thought I could be somewhat free in the game world, but... I was wrong. This game was about freedom, but you have now ruined that. So as revenge... I'll tear down every city of yours till there's nothing left."
The main protagonist, Florence is a gay sorcerer and the unofficial leader of Winter Moon.
  • Abusive Parents: His father doesn't accept Florence's sexuality and wants him to marry a rich girls and take his legacy. It's also very possible he abuses him physically.
  • Affectionate Nickname: His sister calls him "Flo".
  • Anti-Hero: Depraved, brutal and vengeful - but still the main protagonist and a guy with standards.
  • Artifact of Power: While fighting Valera he uses a gem that absorbs fire of Erganon.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: His sole tactic. His attack doesn't work? He just attacks again.
  • Badass in Distress: In season 2, Augustus Albright traps him in VR zone and keeps him in there for a few days. He eventually manages to escape.
  • Badass Longcoat: He wears a long, black coat.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: When he fights Valera and her dragon, he almost kills the monster with his firepower.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: The reason he's friends with Gideon. Florence hated being ordered what to do and repressed and he befriended Gideon after he told him that he would never use him.
  • Blood Knight: He can be calm and collected at some times, but it's on the battlefield where his Ax-Crazy personality appears.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Most of his fights are like that, because of his Artifact of Fire. Every time someone attacks him, just obliterates them in a second.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He dresses in dark colors, but is not evil (though still a jerkass).
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: Florence is gay and constantly hits on male players in game, while his father is homophobic and wants him to marry a rich girl.
  • Depraved Homosexual: Florence is homosexual and is deranged enough to set several towns on fire.
  • Fighting Your Friend: After Risa's coming to the dark side he finds her in ruins of Abu Qanasta, not knowing she wants to kill him. They fight and Risa kills him.
  • Gay Best Friend: To Risa. She admitted she thought of him as a real friend, because she couldn't seduce him and they relationship wasn't shallow like with her sugar daddies.
  • Hates Being Touched: Him being touched is an easy way to die.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Not exactly a nice person, but still deeply cares for Risa and Gideon.
  • Kill It with Fire: His only strategy, whether he fights a player or a monster.
  • Playing with Fire: His fire magic is extremely powerful, even allowing him to destroy whole towns - more than once.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His magic is so powerful he can obliterate cities and literally thousand of people.
  • The Protagonist: The story is mostly about him and Risa.
  • Pyromaniac: A very powerful fire mage, who has no problems with displaying the full reach of his prowess.
  • The Scapegoat: After the crash of the first game, he, Risa, Diederich and Luciase are blamed for all of this.
  • Shout-Out: His silver hair, purple eyes and pyromania are a reference to House Targaryen from Game of Thrones.
  • Slasher Smile: Like Risa, he shows it really often.
  • Slut-Shaming: He constantly offends Risa by calling her "Bitch". This changes after their relationship is getting better.
  • Superpower Lottery: Florence is level 120 - the max level - and is easily one of the most powerful players. At a closer glance, his ability to perform a One-Hit Kill on others is not entirely from the grind, and may have been an intentional gift from the game's programer.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Risa. They constantly argue and insult each other, but they really are friends.


Risa Bellerose
Lying Bitch note 
"People are going to hate us no matter what. That's just how our personalities are. We can't change that. You will always have a short temper and blow things up. I will always be greedy. We can't just change that!"
The second protagonist, Risa is a seductive priestess and the brother of member of the Ministry, Diederich.
  • Action Girl: Skilled in combat, healing and magic.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Subverted and then played straight. When Landor caught her in real life and started recording the things he did to her, she refused to beg for mercy. However, when he tried cut her face with a knife, she begged him not do it.
  • Arc Villainess: She becomes one at the end of Season 2 and beginning of Season 3 because of her data leak.
  • Artifact of Power: She uses a magical sword while fighting Diederich.
  • At Least I Admit It: She is a Manipulative Bitch and a Gold Digger, but she actually says in talk with Florence that is who she is, and she won't be able to change it, just how he won't be able to change his mass defeats of other players.
  • Barrier Warrior: Aside from her healing skills, she is also able to create barriers and shields.
  • BFS:
    • She uses a big magical sword in her fight with Diederich, which is also on fire.
    • One of her spells also allows her to enlarge a sword to enormous size.
  • Blue Is Heroic: More like anti-heroic. Her clothes are usually white, blue and golden.
  • Broken Bird: After her ordeal in hands of Landor, she completely stops listening to reason. She drifts herself away from Gideon when he caught her and one of the bullies she paid beating up a player in RL. She also shows signs of mental trauma during episode 489.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday:
    • Played for laughs with Merillian, whom she robbed and tricked. She doesn't even remember it (and we don't actually see this happening).
    • Subverted with Valera and Landor. Although she met them only one time and talked to them briefly, she is able to quickly recall their meetings.
  • Chain Pain: Her spell, Holy Chain, allow her to summon golden chains to attack her enemies.
  • Combat Medic: As a Priestess, she's very skilled in fight and is also able to heal others. Additionaly, she can use healing to damage other players and monsters.
  • Cool Crown: After getting in a conflict with Florence, she starts wearing a black crown floating above her head.
  • Create Your Own Villain: She betrayed Landor in Magnolia Online and killed his avatar. This caused his Sanity Slippage and eventual fall into madness and crime, which resulted in Risa almost dying.
  • Character Development: In both real life and Magnolia Online. She acts bitchy to others in Magnolia because she's extremely shy and depressed in real life and the more she's feeling bad in real life, the more she's frustrated and egoistic in game. In Season 5, she is finally shown more confident in real life and nicer in Magnolia.
  • Damsel in Distress: When she is finally confronted by Landor, she is completely vulnerable to him, injured and tortured. Good thing Diederich saves her.
    • Damsel out of Distress: Whenever she's caught or in danger in Magnolia Online, she always finds the way to save herself.
  • Dark Is Evil: After she decided to kill Florence, she started wearing black clothes.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of Femme Fatale and Manipulative Bitch. Seductive mistress is not who she really is or wants to be - she acts like this because she wants to be self-confident and be able to communicate with people. However, this actually unables her to do that, because her seducing other players and stealing their money causes them to hate her. It also doesn't work in real life - when her data leaks and students at school start to bully her, she becomes even more introvertic and crosses Despair Event Horizon.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Crossed it after being tortured by Landor. She locks herself in her room for a week and constantly plays Magnolia Online.
  • Evil Costume Switch: After her data leaked, she turned against her former guildmates and changed her blue suit into a black dress. After joining Winter Moon back, she changes her suit into old designs.
  • Femme Fatale: She constantly seduces strong male players to steal their money.
  • Fighting Your Friend: After her data leaked, she thought that Florence removed her from his friends group. This caused her to fight and even kill him.
  • Flaming Sword: In her fight with Diederich she wields a blazing BFS.
  • Girlish Pigtails: In game. Inverted in real life, where she has short hair.
  • Gold Digger: She often flirts with other to manipulate them into giving up their gold.
  • Greed: One of her motivations.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: In Season 2, she gains the ability to damage other players by healing them. This is an important element in her turning into the villain.
  • I Own This Town: She literally buys Shinotobira after betraying and Landor and becomes its overlord. And what does she do after leaving the town? Tells Florence to destroy it. And he does it.
  • Klingon Promotion: After becoming evil, she kills Ombassa, leader of the Death's Door and takes control over the guild.
  • Light Is Good: Played with. Her spells are all shiny and bright, but she's not quite a good person. Still - she's far more better than many other players.
  • Meaningful Name: Her surname, Bellerose, means "beautiful rose" in French.
  • The Napoleon: Small and hot-blooded. Florence even invokes that, saying she's got a Napoleon Complex.
  • The Nicknamer: She constantly calls other names, such as "Flaming Homo" (Florence) or "Four-Eyes" (Gideon).
  • No Listening Skills: Whenever she thinks the worst of others, namely Florence and Gideon, she refuses to listen to their explanations.
  • Nun Too Holy: Subverted. She's a priestess, but the class doesn't have any religious connotation.
  • Older Than They Look: She's 18, but because of her small height most people think she's much younger.
  • Parental Neglect: Her parents are only concerned in her studying well and don't pay much attention to her. Somewhat downplayed with her mother, who really seems to care about her children, but won't disobey her husband.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: While she usually doesn't fight in melee, she is able to bit opponents much larger than her, like Diederich.
  • The Protagonist: The story is about as much about her as about Florence.
  • The Scapegoat: She, along with Florence, Diederich and Luciase, were accused of causing crash of the first game.
  • Sibling Rivalry: She and her brother, Diederich, hate each other and compete in a game. This case is so serious that in real life Diederich threatens to break Risa's computer and she warns him that she will stab him with a knife.
  • Single Tear: One tear runs down her face when she sees two girls who bullied her at school and were involved with Landor's actions. It's one of the most heartbreaking moments in the series.
  • Slasher Smile: A lot.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female member of the Winter Moon - or at least the only one that uses female avatar.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: She is mean and cruel in game, but in real life she's depressed and insecure teenager.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Very, very dark example. Landor leaks her data to the Internet and makes her lose all of her online friends. She is manipulated to fight Florence and Gideon. She's bullied at school. When she makes some friends, she immediately loses them because of Landor. And finally, she is tortured and almost killed by him. This causes her to cross Despair Event Horizon.
  • Villain Protagonist: She is likely the most villainous member of Winter Moon and the story is mostly about her. She becomes an actual villain for the finale of Season 2 and beginning of Season 3, but she later comes back anti-heroism.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Florence. They are always seen fighting and insulting each other, but she really considers him a friend.

Temporary Members



See his entry under Unaffiliated Players.



See his entry under Unaffiliated Players.



See her entry under Corpse Harvest.
