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Funny / Cinema Sins Series and Franchises: D-F

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    The Dark Knight Trilogy 
Batman Begins
  • "Yeah, let's take my son who is deathly afraid of bats to his first opera, featuring bats."
  • The kid that Batman meets (and rescues) at several points in the movie is always called either 'that kid' or King Joffrey.

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Rises

  • "Hiest."
  • When Bane kills Daggett: "Bane tickles a man to death off-screen."
  • "Bane hits air but Batman goes down."
  • "This is not Batman, this is a p*ssy in a Batman costume."
  • Jeremy apparently can't understand a thing Bane says.
  • "Ooh, is that a Galaxy Note(TM)?" *ding* "Well it's Batman's Galaxy Note(TM) now." *ding*
  • "This guy falls down for no reason." (This one eventually became a T-shirt.)
  • "Batman gets pick-pocketed."
  • "Bane does an Adam Sandler impression."
    Bane: Gotham is yours!
  • The way Bruce's back is healed:
    "And that, folks, is the basis of chiropractic medicine."
  • Jeremy's reaction to Jonathan Blake revealing that his legal first name is actually Robin.
    "Oh, give me a f*cking break!"

    DC Extended Universe 
Man of Steel
  • The sentence - Neck Snap (followed by unnecessary Wilhelm Scream).
  • When Zod is about to be exiled from Krypton, during the infamous "I will find him" sequence. Let's just say that the sequence's yelling + Jeremy's hate for yelling = Hilarity.
    Zod: I will find him.
    Jeremy: Okay, whatever you say.
    Zod: I will find him.
    Jeremy: Got it.
    Zod: I will find him, Lara.
    Jeremy: (annoyed) Dude!
    Jeremy: Oh, for f*ck's sake.
  • When Clark Kent is trying to calm down a panicking Lois Lane, we switch to Lois' POV:
    Jeremy: I'm handsome, see?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

  • During the opening credits, a "An Atlas Entertainment/Cruel and Unusualnote  Production" credit appears on screen:
    Jeremy: I guess they DID try to warn us at the beginning...
  • The next sin, a credit saying "A Zack Snyder film" is sinned without comment.
  • Early on, a young Bruce Wayne screams as he sees his parents get murdered. Despite the fact that there's no audio, Jeremy still adds a sin for a Big "NO!".
  • "Using Neil deGrasse Tyson for your own personal projects."
  • This:
    Lex: God vs man.
    Jeremy: Oh, come on!
  • invoked Jeremy points out just how much of an Idiot Plot Lex's plan is before suddenly going off on a small rant about a date he got stood up on.
  • When Lex is discovered sitting in the red pool in the Kryptonian Ship:
    Jeremy: Chili's Ready!
  • Batman is groaning after being hit by Superman:
    Jeremy: The Wayne in pain chooses mainly to complain.
  • The stinger has the gathering of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman accompanied by the intro to Super Friends.

Suicide Squad

  • Jeremy mistakes Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang for Tom Hardy.
  • During the Pentagon scene.
    Amanda: I want to build a team of some very bad people who can do some good.
    Jeremy: "NO"...The End.
  • Jeremy on the Title Drop that Deadshot makes:
    Jeremy: This is the most roll-creditsing roll credits that has ever creditsed.
  • The bar scene
    Deadshot: Well, we almost pulled it off.
    Jeremy: No, you f*cking didn't. You killed a bunch of bubbly monsters and briefly rescued a psychopath that is going to put you right back in prison. That's not pulling it off. That's participating in a s*itty LARP.

Wonder Woman

  • During the beach battle:
    Antiope: (sees a German soldier about to shoot a distracted Diana) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (jumps on the way of the bullet)
    Jeremy: No. No.
  • "Go drunk, movie. You're home."
  • When Diana discovers that Sir Patrick is actually Ares:
    Jeremy: F*cking told you. Shock of all shocks.
  • Jeremy complains how the supposedly-hidden-forever Themyscira gets quickly discovered by the Germans pursuing Steve, claiming that people like Magellan or Vasco da Gama should have came across the island years ago.
  • When Diana pulls Steve out of the water:
    Jeremy: Discount From Here to Eternity.
  • When Diana walks upon a fully nude Steve bathing:
    Diana: Would you say you're a typical example of your sex?
    Jeremy: Movie's got dick jokes, yo.
  • In the same scene, Steve tries to describe his watch to Diana, while still nude:
    Steve: Good thing it's still ticking.
    Diana: You let this little thing tell you what to do?
    Jeremy: We are still talking about the watch, right?

Justice League

  • The YouTube description for the video is simply "Yikes".
  • The first sin is not "DC Comics" but instead is a rant about how DC is copying the MCU's opening logo and even including Green Lantern in it.
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: Huh, I never saw a production studio used as a direct warning of a movie before.
  • "Zach Synder shows the death of Superman via a newspaper that pigeons are pooping on regularly. Which, incidentally, is as much respect I have for the nonsense ending of Batman V Superman."
  • "You know what I loved best about all the previous Batman movies? Their copious use of slow-motion effects."
  • At the shot of a homeless man in the streets with a sign that says "I tried":
  • Jeremy calls out the angles Wonder Woman is shot at, noting its not like "Red Shoe Diaries: Wonder Woman of Desire: a script I wrote back in 1995 under the name Johnny Spokes."
  • "OK, Wonder Woman! You can stop posing and defeat evil now!"
  • When the movie cuts to a completely different location:
    Jeremy: a DIFFERENT ridiculously expensive set...
  • This:
    Bruce: I need to speak to the Aquaman.
    Jeremy: I can't wait for Aquaman's sea powers to be useful against an army of flying parademons from space who probably get sick near water anyway.
  • Jeremy laughs at Alfred's outfit several times throughout the movie.
  • Jeremy can't pronounce Themyscira so instead he chooses to call it "Amazon Island".
  • At Steppenwolf's appearance:
  • Jeremy finds a turn of phrase so random, Jeremy simply repeats it to himself and adds a sin.
  • At Cyborg repairing his eye:
    Jeremy: Ahh! He turned from blue to red...that means he's been I-Robot-ed! Run, Shia! Run, Will Smith!
  • During an exposition scene:
    Diana: His name is Steppenwolf.
    Jeremy: He was a long way off from Magic Carpet Ride and Born to be Wild but, you've got to get musical inspiration from anywhere, even if it is destroying planets.
    • Later, while the exposition still goes on:
    Jeremy: This movie is like a crash course while we watch the DCEU crash and burn to the ground.
  • "The Flash or Quicksilver or Neo is doing something super fast so we have to slow down time to see it happen" cliche.
  • When Aquaman throws a glass bottle in the ocean:
  • Jeremy questions a scene, then comes to the conclusion that its answered in the Synder Cut.
  • At J.K Simmons as Comissoner Gordon:
    Gordon: Subject looked like a giant bat...with wings.
    Jeremy: Oh sh*t! They got J. Jonah Jameson to become a character in the DCEU! I can't wait until he struggles with Perry White at the Daily Bugle/Daily Planet partnership!
  • Jeremy gets increasingly angry at the amount of one-liners from our heroes.
  • "Goddamn! Even the elevator ride to the Batcave looks fake as sh*t. Why would you make your elevator ride to the Batcave look fake as sh*t, movie?!"
  • Jeremy cracks up at them reviving Superman in his burial suit, wondering if it'll give him a good sense of fashion amongst his other powers.
  • "I'm glad this movie gave Lois other things to do except to help Superman facili-ahahahahahaaha. Sorry, I can't say that with a straight face."
  • "Making a hole through the shield is way too easy."
    • Immediately followed by "Shooting down the tower is way too easy."
  • A sin is added without comment for Aquaman falling down a building and out the front door without taking any damage at all.
  • This:
    Cyborg: Booyah.
  • One of the outtakes shows Aquaman stabbing a parademon with his trident with the audio of:
    Brick (Anchorman): I got to ride a horse! Then I was lit on fire! Then I stabbed a guy with a trident!



Birds of Prey

Wonder Woman 1984

Zack Synder's Justice LeaguePart One:

Part Two:

The Suicide Squad

  • The death of the Thinker: "Doctor Who is splat."

    DC Films 

Batman: Assault on Arkham

  • This bit:
    The Riddler: Riddle me this: why didn't I quit while I was ahead?
    Jeremy: Oh! Oh! I know! When it's ajar, right?!
  • When Batman catches The Riddler:
    Batman: You helped him, Nigma! Tell me where it is.
    Jeremy: Batman plays the pronoun game so we have to find out what the hell "he" and "it" is. My guess is that "he" is Razzle Frazzle Nincompop and "it" is an Italian/Pakistani restaurant. So, I guess Batman is going after small business owners so here's 2 sins.
  • At the appearance of Black Spider:
    Jeremy: Damn, I guess that Spider-Man multiverse is so popular, it's even getting into DC's territory.
  • Jeremy is horrified at Harley Quinn's introduction having her bite off someone's ear and no one noticing.
  • When KGBeast is killed:
    Jeremy: "Villain doesn't believe Amanda Waller, tries to escape and gets blown up" cliche.
  • "Let's look past that I have ZERO clue where this computer screen came from...actually, let's not look past that."
  • This bit:
    Amanda Waller: He downloaded a file containing the history and identities of every single member of the Suicide Squad.
  • This:
    Killer Frost: Good one. Good Shark.
    Jeremy: My boner hasn't been this worried since the great "Shape of Water" incident of 2017!
  • At a sex scene with Harley:
    Jeremy: Remember, she's only a cartoon...remember, she's only a cartoon!
  • This bit:
    Deadshot: This is crap, Waller!
    Jeremy: I agree. This movie has Batman in the title and so far, it's just a Suicide Squad vehicle!
  • These two sins in succession:
    Guard: Ah, me goolies!
    Jeremy: Me goolies.
  • At a shot of the Suicide Squad walking together:
    Jeremy: Reservior Squad!
  • When Harley murders a guard:
    Harley: Yahtzee.
    Jeremy: Trying to different a "blood-thirsty murderous" Yahtzee from a "orgasmic" Yahtzee for Ms. Quinn. It would really help me masturbate...uh, I mean, understand her character better!
  • This bit:
    Killer Frost: It's Batman!
  • As Batman attacks a member of the Suicide Squad:
    Jeremy: ...I honestly forgot who this one even is.
  • This:
    Guard: Remember that one time Mad Hatter-
    Jeremy: Hey, remember that one time one of these animated Batman movies didn't mention or show every F*CKING member of Batman's rogue gallery? No? Good, because that movie DOESN'T EXIST!
  • Jeremy notes that King Shark is a ripoff of several iconic characters including "Killer Croc, The Incredible Hulk Jaws from James Bond, Jaws from Jaws and John Ferguson from Vertigo."
  • When Black Spider is shown in half a Batman suit:
    Jeremy: Man, poor Gus Fring is always getting exploded.
  • Jeremy gets incredibly frustrated when the movie boils down to "yet another battle between The Joker and Batman, like that's anything we haven't seen a million times already. It's like they think fans can't handle anything new."
  • This bit:
    Harley: It'll be just like old times.
    The Joker: Oh...
    Jeremy: I think it's weird that The Joker has sex.
  • "Meanwhile, Batman calls his plane from THE MOON."
  • One of the outtakes plays audio from Samuel L. Jackson's death from Deep Blue Sea over King Shark eating a guard.
  • Another outtake:
    The Joker: I'll put someone else in his skin!
    Caster Troy: I want to take his

Batman Forever

  • "Bat-bulge."
  • The "drive-thru" joke, introducing audiences to the jokey Batman of the Joel Schumacher films.
  • His lament over Billy Dee Williams not reprising his role of Harvey Dent from the Tim Burton films.
  • "Joel Schumacher Dutch Angles the SH*T out of this downtown crime scene. This ain't your big brother's Batman, folks."
  • Jeremy's joke on Chase Meridian's face upon seeing Batman descend out of nowhere:
    Jeremy: The director said "Nicole, just make the face you made the first time you saw Tom Cruise's bank account balance."
  • The hilariously panicky bank security guard and his over the top reactions to everything from Two-Face's boiling acid trap ("OH NO! *ding* IT'S BOIIIIIILING ACIIIID!") to Batman borrowing his hearing aid to listen for Two-Face ("HEY! THAT'S MY HEARING AID!") It's actually enough that Jeremy hopes the guy doesn't make it out alive.
    Jeremy: You ever watch a movie with a victim you actually hope doesn't make it?
  • Chase getting a ... feel of Batman's batsuit. And her reaction.
    Jeremy: That just happened. In a goddamn Batman movie.
  • Edward Nygma, post whacking a guy over the head with a coffee jug.
    Riddler: Caffeeeeeeine'll KILL YA!
    Jeremy: Ladies & gentlemen, Riddler Ventura, Mask Detective.
  • Jeremy points out Riddler's already supervillain-esque real name of "Edward Nygma." Bearing in mind that this was before it was changed to the less Narm-y "Eddie Nashton."
    Jeremy: My parents knew I would need a Riddler-esque name when I was born so...
  • The Nightwing joke when Alfred inspects Dick Grayson's old circus helmet and sees a robin painted on the front (the bird, not Dick's superhero identity.)
    Alfred: Is this ... a robin?
    Jeremy: Nope, it's a Nightwing, but those things get confused from time to time.
  • The R insignia on Robin's armour.
    Batman: "R." What's that for?
    Jeremy: A word no one's allowed to use anymore after Tropic Thund-
    Dick: Robin!
    Jeremy: Ohhhhhh, right. It's that. It's Robin.
  • The Stinger mocking Bruce Wayne temporarily giving up the cape and cowl with Peter Parker claiming "I am Spider-Man no more."

Batman: Hush

Batman: The Killing Joke

  • When Batman shows up with a cup of coffee for Batgirl, Jeremy admits curiosity to what the conversation was like when he purchased it. One can't help but be reminded of a certain scene from Justice League where Batman buys coffee.
  • The start of the infamous sex scene
    Jeremy: Batgirl defeats Batman?!?! What the hell is going on.. (Batgirl kisses Batman) WHAT THE F*CK?!
  • In the gag reel...
    Comissioner Gordon: Oh, god. Oh, god!
    Batman: It's okay. Let it come.
    Comissioner Gordon: Um, phrasing?

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

Batman & Robin

  • The title: "Everything Wrong With 'Batman & Robin' in an Awful Lot of Minutes"
  • "Joel Schumacher." *ding* "Also, Film." *ding*
  • "Did you ever want to know how much of an ego Arnold Schwarzenegger has? His name appears before the guy who plays Batman."
  • "So Freeze's escape plan was to turn his car into a rocket, launch out of the museum through the tiny skylight, climb to 30,000 feet and then exit the rocket ... leaving it to crash and destroy all of Gotham while Freeze gently glides ... back to the same museum ... in the heart of Gotham?" *ding*
  • This response to an early line from Batman:
    Batman: This is why Superman works alone.
    "Really? What was all that Justice League sh*t then?" [Ding]
  • In response to Mr. Freeze's "What killed the dinosaurs?" quip:
    "Well, I was gonna go with meteor. But then I saw Pacific Rim, and they said it was Kaiju. Honestly, I'm inclined to believe anything at this point."
  • "How did Clooney ever see straight with his head bobbing like this? The guy looks like he's in a constant for A Night at the Roxbury."
  • Jeremy's reaction to the Bat-Credit Card. It's quite like The Nostalgia Critic's yet worlds apart due to Jeremy's usual tone.
    "Why does the card have a sound effect? It's a f*cking credit card. Are we suddenly in a kung fu movie?" *ding* "Also, Bat-Credit Card."
  • The Stinger punctuating the thawing of Gotham with "Here Comes The Sun"
  • Another Stinger joke: Barbara meets Max Headroom.

Batman: Under The Red Hood

  • Jeremy immediately calls out Ah Guhl for partnering with The Joker, noting that "if he wanted a less crazier and zanier partner, he should have gone with Condiment Man or Kite Man".
  • On The Joker's voice actor note :
    Jeremy: Not the best Joker laugh I've heard. Sound like he's coming off a three day Bender.
  • "No wonder Gotham City has so much crime. They spend all their money on dirigibles."
  • This bit:
    Henchman: It's called Amazo!
    Jeremy: I know it's from the comics but, really? Amazo? Why not Impressiv-o? Neat-o? Coolio? Oh wait.
  • This:
    Nightwing: It has all the weaknesses of a human being!
    Jeremy: So, an addiction to Oreos and pornography, then?
  • Jeremy getting angrier and angrier at all the As You Know and Info Dumping, even telling R'as if Everyone Knew Already, why Parrot Exposition?
    Jeremy: Is one of Nightwing's superhero aliases Captain Obvious?
  • Jeremy repeatingly calls out Red Hood for not killing Batman when he has the chance.
  • This bit:
    Nightwing: Not to belabor a point-
    Jeremy: Alfred would be exemplary at Cinemasins.
  • This:
    Red Hood: Are you afraid at facing your greatest failure? Or is it that I'm a better Batman than you?
    Jeremy: This is what Christian Bale says to George Clooney all the time.
  • The final sin:
    Jeremy: Then why'd you make a movie about it then?!

Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  • "Ninja-proof notebooks."
  • Jeremy adds 5 sins for the long opening credits, noting that it's admittedly cool art design wouldn't save it.
  • During the opening credits:
    Jeremy: Either the Turtles left two pizzas out in the rain or they just littered on the sidewalk. Either way, that's not the Turtles I know and am... completely ambivalent about.
  • Jeremy points out that Batman is leaving coffee unattended near the Batcomputer.
  • When the Turtles read a map of Gotham City:
    Jeremy: Oh, I see we're in that version of the DC Universe where Metropolis and Gotham City are bay relatives. And it's still just as stupid.
  • This bit:
    Michelangelo: A gun umbrella? A gun-brella?! HOW COOL IS THAT?!
  • This:
    Donatello: It's always time for accuracy, Leo.
  • Jeremy admits that the Batman against Shredder fight is badass, but begrudgingly notes that it goes on for too long.
  • When the Turtles battle Batman:
    Michelangelo: Nunchaku to the face! I said, "the face!"
  • This bit:
    Ra's al Ghul: I hope you can deliver all that you've promised.
    Shredder: Perhaps a demonstration is in order.
    Jeremy: I would give back all the sins, plus 300 more, if Robert Van Winkle came out and began singing the Ninja Rap as part of the demonstration.
  • This:
    Ninja: For the glory of the head of the demon!
  • This bit:
    Leonardo: The way he fought us: avoiding lethal blows, studying our movements, he wanted to figure us out...he's a detective.
    Jeremy: I have a feeling that in the past 10 years, Warner Brothers realised that Batman fans jizz and juice everytime anyone calls him a detective, so they put out a memo that all Batman related media needs at least 3 mentions of him being a detective.
  • When the Turtles discover the Batcave:
    Jeremy: Oh sure, years of supervillain geniuses couldn't figure it out, but these pubescent mutated martial-arts terrapins can do it in half a day with a computer!
  • This:
    Robin: Then I might as well tell you where Shredder and The Foot Clan are.
    Jeremy: You should have done that in the first place. F*cking Robin.
  • Jeremy bemoans the idea of the crossover:
    Jeremy: It's bad enough when you have to play all the hits from one universe, but this movie has to squeeze in references from TWO!
  • An unexpected reference:
    Raphael: Seems like this League of Assassins is just another ninja deal.
    Jeremy: Where's Michael Dudakoff when you need him?
  • This:
    Batman: Shredder might have his ninja moves, but I have a utility belt.
    Jeremy: Oh, Batman's a total idiot in this. Are we SURE that Zach Synder didn't direct this?
  • When the TMNT tell Commissioner Gordon what they are:
    Michelangelo: Teenagers.
    Donatello: Mutants.
    Raphael: Ninjas.
    Leonardo: Turtles.
  • Jeremy is confused about the Arkham Asylum inmates becoming mutants, noting that "the turtles drank the mutagin and became bigger turtles. It's not like Johnathan Crane is part scarecrow!"
  • This bit:
    Bane: Didn't they tell you about me, little turtle? I'm the man that broke the bat!
    Jeremy: No, Bane, because you never talk about anything else. Bane's that guy that talks about only one thing at a party.
  • This:
    Two-Face: Glad you could join us, Batman. You're just in time for the coin toss!
    Batman: Two-Face?
  • When Hyena-Harley attempts to seduce Snake-Joker:
    Harley: Don't cry, Mr. J! I love your scales.
    Jeremy: I'm now wondering what snake-on-dog action looks like and I'm blaming you, Batman VS Teenage Mutant Ninja least, this time.
  • Immediately followed with:
    Michelangelo: That's disgusting!
  • When Batman avoids the Mutagen-antidote:
    Leonardo: Hold still!
  • Jeremy almost removes a sin for the excellent comedy with Baxter Stockman but decides not to due to the movie's erratic tone.
  • This bit:
    Michelangelo: Did anyone else realise that Batman is Bruce Wayne?!
    Jeremy: Eh, you take this one for me, Donnie.
    Donatello: You knew the Batcave was under Wayne Manor.
  • Jeremy mentions that the ending is "One Louis Gossett Jr away from being Jaws 3D."
  • Jeremy's reaction to Shredder's plan:
    Jeremy: So this machine will rain down mutagen on the citizens of Gotham City, turning them all into, let's say, MUTANTS. Which will cause chaos and thwart superheroes by making the population no longer men and women but, let's say... EX-MEN and women. Where have I seen this before...oh, right! The Amazing Spider-Man!
  • When Leonardo defeats Ra's al Ghul with a Groin Attack:
    Jeremy: The movie went to the "Ow My Balls school of Entertainment".
  • This:
    Batgirl: We did it.
    Jeremy: There's no "Robin" in the word "we", so this checks out.
  • This bit:
    Michelangelo: We need a codeword. Something Batman would never say!
  • One of the outtakes:
  • Another outtake:
    Poison Ivy: Although all this talk makes a plant...hungry.


  • The video description:
    Video description: This movie is f*cking terrible. We counted the sins of Catwoman and we regret it.
  • The opening sin:
    Jeremy: I may be in the minority, but when a superhero movie begins with Egyptain hieroglyphics to tell a story, I know it's going to be a bad movie.
  • Jeremy's comments about the opening music:
    Jeremy: Man, this music has me nostalgic for 90's softcore porn. Gabriella Hall. 2 A.M with a class at 6. Just try to go to sleep then...
  • This:
    Catwoman: It all started on the day that I died.
    Catwoman: -But that comes later.
    Jeremy: F*ck you.
  • At a shot of some CGI buildings:
  • This:
    Catwoman: I was supposed to be an artist. Instead, I was designing advertisements for beauty cream!
    Jeremy: The non-stop narration, the metro-hustle young achiever trying to find their way. Are we SURE this isn't a backdoor CW Arrowverse pilot?
  • "Imagine hiring the new face of a beauty product you're about to launch and you have Halle f*cking Berry working for you right under your nose and you don't even consider her."
  • At a shot of a cat:
  • This:
    Jeremy: As you can guess by the 7 cuts in this scene, the probability of grabbing a woman reaching out with one arm and grabbing someone who was already falling and saving them is probably super low.
  • This bit:
    Tom Lone: You rescued someone else's cat? That'
  • This:
    George: You scientists. You're worse than models, always having to be coddled...
  • This:
    George: I don't care that the FDA never found out about the headaches or the nausea or the fainting spells....
  • "Movie fails to give a take drugs now warning for audience about to view this scene."
  • When Patience becomes Catwoman:
    Jeremy: So far, I've learned that cats have zoom vision, live in the uncanny valley, and can jump 30 feet in the air. I love documentaries where you learn so much.
  • Jeremy's response to Patience and the catnip is torn between being "disgusting, befuddled or turned on". He then declares the movie "disguddlerousing."
  • "Movie somehow takes one of the most badass women in the DC Universe and turns her movie into some run of the mill 90's romantic comedy produced in 2004. What the hell, Warner?!"
  • This:
    Catwoman: Time to accessorize!
  • This bit:
    Catwoman: You thought you were going to steal all these jewels?! What a purr-fect idea!
    Jeremy: Hey! I just realised something! (Beat) This movie is terrible!
  • At one point, Jeremy slows down the fight scene footage and gleefully points out every instance of Catwoman missing her hits.
  • "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see a superhero movie worse than Batman and Robin."
  • At one point, Jeremy comments that the action sequences look more like cutscenes.
  • Jeremy adds 100 thousand sins for the movie's choppy editing.
  • Jeremy remarks that the movie is so much like a romantic comedy, it doesn't deserve the title "Catwoman". He then proceeds to come up with several alternatives:
    Jeremy: She's All Cat? When Tommy Met Halle? My Big Cat Greek Wedding?!
  • When a Ferris Wheel goes haywire:
    Jeremy: Did this movie suddenly turn into Final Destination?!
  • "I guess Catwoman's heightened senses couldn't detect the abilities of...Sharon Stone."
  • Jeremy skips the entire romantic dinner scene 3 times in a row.
  • Jeremy's comments on the police computer:
    Jeremy: Hahahahah. Out of all the stupid techno nonsense to ever nonsense its techno, this is the techno nonsensiest.
  • "Yay! Your husband died! Beauty treatments!"
  • "I promise that I'd sin this literal catfight finale if I could tell what the hell was going on."
  • The Bonus Round of every time Catwoman has a blank expression on her face.



Jonah Hex

  • These three sins in succession:
    Production Logo: WEED ROAD PRODUCTIONS
    Jeremy: Also, Weed Road. That reminds me, I've got to get on Weed Road before subjecting myself to the next hour and twenty-one minutes.
  • This bit:
    Jonah: War and me took to each other real well.
  • This:
    Jonah: The feeling you were doing what you thought was right. When you weren't.
  • When Jonah is tortured by Quentin:
    Jeremy: I don't know which one's worse here. I mean, one's Malkovich so he's clearly evil but the other one is Thanos so HE'S clearly evil!
  • This:
    Quentin: You took everything that I loved, Jonah Hex.
  • At Burke's appearance:
  • This, if only for Jeremy's legit frustration:
    Jonah: See, talking to the dead ain't natural...
  • Even though he admits it was probably done as a money saving technique, Jeremy loves the animated parts and wish they just made it an animated movie.
  • At the shot of horse gatling-guns, Jeremy removes 10 sins but adds 19 sins at the same time for how ridiculous and awesome it is.
    • Immediately followed with:
    Jeremy: Not everything that looks good on paper will look good on film.
  • Jeremy is fascinated at a henchman who hides in a coffin, demanding his story being told. After he is immediately shot and killed, Jeremy's reaction is a disappointed "Oh well".
  • When a building explodes:
    Jeremy (sounding like he's on the verge of cracking up): Was there a natural gas leak or something?!
  • At the shot of a train billowing smoke:
    Jeremy: Pollution.
  • When the train robbers blow up the train:
    Jeremy: Well, that's definitely murder.
  • This bit:
    Ulysses S. Grant: The fate of the very world may rest on the shoulders of Jonah Hex.
    Jeremy: You could say this about today and I'd believe you.
  • When Jonah and Lilah have sex, Jeremy has some interesting questions:
    Jeremy: You think she ever tongues that hole in his cheek. "French my hole, baby, french my hole."
  • An alternative sin to a location title card:
    Jeremy: The "wanted poster" font on these title cards only makes it harder to read, FYI.
  • When Jonah attacks Jeb:
    Jeremy: Nine cuts for seven seconds of footage. Did DC let Marvel direct this shot?!
    • In the next sin, Jeremy points out " seven cuts in three seconds of footage! This is not filmmaking. This is because you didn't storyboard correctly and wanted to fix it in editing and its F*CKING ANNOYING."
  • At one point, Jeremy puts the Peanuts adult noises over the film's endless exposition.
  • When Jonah raids the catacombs:
    Jeremy: Dear Sense of Direction, can you please show up during this catacomb shoot-out? No?! Well, f*ck you!
  • This:
    Quentin: Jonah Hex is still alive.
    Jeremy: Honestly, if you took out every instance of characters saying "Jonah Hex", you'd shave off 14 minutes of runtime.
  • Jeremy admits his love for Burke:
    Jeremy: Michael Fassbender is in a completely different movie; one that I'd much rather be watching.
  • When Jonah vomits out a crow:
    Jeremy: Best party trick EVER.
  • This bit:
    Quentin: Arm the weapon!
  • "It's interesting to note that this movie had a worse climax than Wild Wild West. AND WILD WILD WEST HAD A GIANT ROBOT SPIDER."
  • One of the outtakes:
    Jonah: This is my story.
  • Another one of the outtakes plays President Harlett's speech over Quentin's Independence Day speech.
  • Yet another outtake splices in the destruction of Alderaan over Quentin's superweapon.

Justice League: Dark

  • After the traditional DC Comics sin, we get:
    Title Card: WASHINGTON D.C.
    Jeremy: DC, the city. Look, it's a perfectly fine place but the brand DC taints everything with those initials! Direct current, AC/DC, disco cowboys and magicians from Vegas that made the Statue of Liberty disappear.
  • At a shot of a dimly lit warehouse:
    Jeremy: Justice League: Saw!
  • This bit:
    Demon: Yeah, not one bit! Eheheheheheh!
    Jeremy: Demon #3 here must have watched Karate Kid all the time and wanted to be the "get a body bag" guy of the DC Comics universe.
  • Jeremy's hilarious retort to a threat:
    Demon: Your ass is grass, Constantine!
    Other demon: Yeah, and we're the lawnmower!
  • This bit:
    Bystander: Zatanna and Batman? What the hell?!
    Jeremy: Huh, they put in the actual pitch of this movie!
  • Jeremy is left speechless at the literal toilet monster in the movie.
    • Jeremy actually ends up removing a sin at Batman grunting in confusion over it, noting that he's feeling the same as the audience.
  • This:
    Death: The single most powerful conduit of evil known throughout the world-
    Jeremy: Auto-playing Youtube ads?
  • "You know you don't have to use magic for literally everything, Constantine?! Coincidentally, "Wizard and asshole extraordinaire" is also what's on my business card. Actually, it's "Wizard and asshole extraordinaire, bitch!" because I love The Social Network...what was I saying now?"
  • Jeremy gets so pissed off at the magic asspulls that he adds 50 sins.
  • This:
    Commissoner Gordon: The Justice League are on their way...
  • One of the outtakes:
    Demon: You'll pay for this, Constantine!
    Other demon: YOUR SOUL WILL BE OURS!

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

  • Jeremy continously refers to Captain Atom as "Canada-Man" throughout the video.

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay

  • This bit:
    Deadshot: I'm good to go. Punch and Jewelee, not so sure.
    Jeremy: Discount Christian Slat- HOLY SH*T, that really IS Christian Slater. Alright...Discount Will Smith then.
  • When the Suicide Squad is briefed:
    Amanda Waller: He's delivering a flash drive full of nastiness.
    Jeremy: "Straight out of the 'Too Hot for Pornhub' series!"
  • Jeremy's comments on Punch and Jewelee:
    Jeremy: I'm curious as to why Waller's decision to hire a married couple who PDA their way through an entire mission.
  • This bit:
    Tobias Wale: I'm gonna mess you up real good.
  • This:
    Two-Face: I'm not some vestigial twin you can excise like a ski
    Jeremy: Can you remove a vestigial twin? Asking for an autosite.
  • This bit:
    Amanda Waller: He calls himself Steel Maxum.
    Killer Frost: Seriously?
    Jeremy: Well, if that isn't the iced teapot calling the kettle frosty, I don't know what is.
  • This bit:
    Silver Banshee: Why are you always late, you worthless piece of flesh?!
  • When the Suicide Squad heads to a strip club:
    Jeremy: When Leon Schlesinger founded Warner Bros Cartoons back in the 1930s, we al remember that famous memo where he wrote: "One day, we'll have a wisecracking bunny, a stuttering pig and a coyote that chases a roadrunner which will one day lead to strippers in the Batman universe."
  • "So, he's Deadshot until he has to hit someone involved in the plot. Then he's Maybeshot."
  • As the Suicide Squad fights Reverse-Flash:
  • Jeremy groans at the [3] joke, wondering why "a man who is bulletproof would be weak in his balls".
  • This:
    Professor Zoom: You idiots! Do I have to do everything myself?!
    Jeremy: You literally just got here. Not only did you do "everything", you've done NOTHING.
  • This bit:
    Killer Frost: Calling yourself "Steel Maxum" and moonlighting as a stripper?! That's "lying low" to you?
  • As Amanda Waller reads a file:
    Jeremy: This file was written in the language of drunk Mavis Beacon.
  • Jeremy gets fed up with all of the villains that appear in the movie, bemoaning that "I'm spending more time on DC wikis and less time on Twitter!"
  • This:
    Killer Frost: Beats me. I always thought this was hell, Captain Kangaroo.
  • 3 sins in a row of shots of Deadshot polishing his guns, a train entering a tunnel and Doctor Fate being bent over a table has Jeremy wonder why he's getting so aroused.
  • At a location shot:
    Subtitle: Denver, Colorado
  • This:
    Jeremy: Wow, they actually put nudity in this movie. I can't show you it but I paused and rewound this scene about 34 times to make sure. But, even those this has animated breasts and butts, I can't help but keep thinking of this scene. The video then cuts back to Deadshot polishing his guns.
  • Jeremy attempts to say each member of the Suicide Squad survives the attack on the penthouse before giving up and shouting "THEY ''ALL'' F*CKING SURVIVE THIS!"
  • This:
    Amanda Waller: You don't know how close you came to having an out of body experience!
    Jeremy: "I tried to blow your head up but the remote kept saying "Plot armour! Plot armour!" [Beat] "I really need to put more batteries in this thing."
  • This bit:
    Harley Quinn: I bet she pisses icicles.
  • As the Suicide Squad's RV drifts off into the desert:
  • This:
    Vandal Savage: I must have sired 10 thousand children!
    Jeremy: Nick Cannon.
  • Jeremy attempts to talk about the villain's plan, then gets confused about which villain to talk about first. He then decides to add 18 sins, one for each villain.
  • "Everytime someone gets the card, they fail to keep it. PUT IT IN YOUR CLEAVAGE, KILLER FROST!"
    • Later, when Killer Frost gets blown up with Copperhead:
    Jeremy: YOUR CLEAVAGE, KILLER FROST! Oh wait...She doesn't ''have'' cleavage anymore. Oh well.
  • One of the outtakes splices The Simpsons electrocuting each other over the Suicide Squad getting their chips put in.
  • Another outtake:
    Harley Quinn: You sure you got the right address?


Superman II

  • "Clark Kent is a super-dick."
  • Throughout the video, Jeremy is continuously wondering why nobody is caring about the fact that Zod and his henchmen killed two astronauts after they were freed.

Superman III

you'd kill two birds with one stone!
  • This:
    Gus: And then he landed in the middle of the plantation and did this!
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: If this computer can't even spell "received", how the hell is it going to find Kryptonite?!
  • This:
    Superman: Lana, I wasn't expecting all of this.
    Jeremy: Me too. I was expecting more scenes of Superman fighting bad guys and less scenes of Superman at birthday parties.
  • When Superman turns evil:
    Superman: You know, it's unusual finding a good looking girl like you in a place like this.
    Jeremy: Superman III: The After School Special.
  • At a shot of Pisa, Italy:
  • "Superman is a super-dick. to the Olympics."
  • This bit:
    Ross: It's a tanker.
    Jeremy: Movie plays Atari 2600 Pac-Man noise to indicate that it's a computer.
  • During the scene where Superman drinks at a bar, Jeremy wonders why the fake Kryptonite has lasted so long and if Superman can even get drunk on earth liquor.
  • At the junkyard fight scene:
  • As Evil Superman fights Clark Kent:
    Evil Superman: Alright, come on!
  • Jeremy cracks up at the sight of the Ultimate Computer, noting in amazement that its design was drawn on cigarette papers and napkins.
  • When Ross Webster attempts to kill Superman with the computer:
    Jeremy: The Ultimate Computer has graphics no better than an Intellivision.
  • This bit:
    Lorelei: What about last night?
    Superman: It wasn't me.
    Jeremy: Superman was later heard telling Lana Lang "I'm Mr. Boombastic, very fantastic."
  • When Gus shuts off the Ultimate Computer:
    Jeremy: One screw turns off this goddamn thing? ONE SCREW?!
  • When Vera turns into a cyborg:
    Jeremy: Superman III forgets having Brainiac as its main villain to do this bullsh*t instead.
  • As the computer attacks Superman:
    Jeremy: Guys...I have no clue what's going on anymore.
  • The sentence? Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

Teen Titans GO! To The Movies

V for Vendetta

  • He sees Evey in a schoolgirl outfit when she's sent to seduce the Pedophile Priest. Jeremy removes five sins for it.
    Priest: I love the confessional game. "Tell me your sins."
    Jeremy: Anywhere But Here. Where the Heart Is. The Star Wars prequels. No Strings Attached (2011). Those Thor movies...
    • He does, however, point out how hilariously stupid it is that she managed to flee from the priest's apartment to Stephen Fry's apartment while wearing that highly conspicuous outfit.
  • When the movie's climax hits, this Logic Bomb gets dropped.
    Jeremy: So, in Batman Begins we wanted Batman to stop the train because Ra's Al Ghul wanted to blow up Wayne Enterprises and a corrupt Gotham. In this movie, we don't want the train to stop because V wants to blow up Parliament and a corrupt London. If Batman had shown up in this movie and told V, "You have to believe in the people of London," would V be the bad guy? Chew on that, movie revisionists.


    Disney Animated Canon films 
101 Dalmatians


  • At the beginning of the film:
    The Peddler: I come from a land from a faraway place-
    Jeremy: Narration that is sung?! WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS?!
  • This bit:
    Jafar: The Cave of Wonders!
    Jeremy: Funny you should say that, the Cave of Wonders was the nickname for my college girlfrie-
  • Jeremy's comments on Iago:
  • This bit:
    Aladdin: You only get in trouble if you get caught!
    Jeremy: And sometimes not even that. Just ask Alex Rodrigez!
  • Jeremy's response to Jafar's Obviously Evil nature:
    The Sultan: Ah, Jafar! My most trusted and loyal companion!
    Jeremy: Dick Cheney.
  • Jeremy adds 20 sins for all the animation errors throughout the film.
  • This:
    Aladdin: Do you trust me?
    Jeremy: Why the f*ck would she, bro?!
  • "Abu is really a little bitch."
  • Jeremy points out some interesting looking treasures in the Cave of Wonders, including a "golden chicken" and "The Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man" amongst others.
  • When Jafar loses the lamp:
    Jeremy: No.
  • This:
    Jeremy: Hey! We'll do the obvious lame puns here, thank you very much!
  • When Jafar tries hypnotising The Sultan into letting him marry Jasmine:
    The Sultan: But you're so...old!
  • During Prince Ali:
    Chorus: He's got servants and slaves and flunkies...
    Jeremy: Wait, what?!
  • Jeremy's comments during A Whole New World:
    Jeremy: This looks dangerous as sh*t.
  • The movie's sentence? Will Smith.
Agent Jay: Oh, hell no.

Beauty and the Beast

  • Jeremy announces that he is critiquing the "Special Edition" of this movie:
    "What the hell was wrong with the original movie that made it not 'special' enough for me as a kid? I feel like my whole youth is in question here."
  • In response to the Prince answering the door, revealing the beggar woman with the rose in a winter storm...
    Jeremy: Okay, first of all, why is the Prince answering the castle door? I know for a fact that he has like 300 servants. *ding* Second, it's impressive that there's a stained-glass portrait of EVERY scene in this interaction with the old woman. *ding* Third, the background looks more like a thunderstorm than a snowstorm, so I'm immediately calling bulls*it on the old woman's story, and gotta agree with Prince Teen Wolf on this one. *ding*
  • When the beggar woman is revealed as an enchantress who punishes the Prince by turning him into the Beast...
    Jeremy: Damn! We know the Prince is an asshole, but after turning away this flower-peddling woman ONCE she f*cked him up AND his entire staff, potentially forever! The real moral of the story is, unless you're Joel Kinnaman, do NOT f*ck with an enchantress!
  • Jeremy questions the terms of the spell via the enchanted rose, "which would bloom until [the Prince's] 21st year":
    Narrator: If he could learn to love another, [...] then the spell would be broken.
    Jeremy: He's gotta fall in love by the time he's 21?!?! Jesus, even by fairy tale standards that's pretty f*cking young. What if he wanted to backpack in Europe for a year, or volunteer with Greenpeace before settling down?
    Narrator: If not, he would be doomed to remain a Beast for all time.
    Jeremy: But it ALSO sounds like the enchantress made the Prince immortal, so... it's not THAT bad of a deal. With the way this chick goes around arbitrarily handing out punishments, it's pretty likely she ALSO did this to a princess, so at some point they would probably end up finding each other and living together forever as two pretty compatible, immortal beasts, especially after Tinder is invented.
  • At one point, Jeremy defends the Beast for becoming the way he is with this:
    Jeremy: I'm not saying that excuses [the Beast] for being a kidnapping temper case, but he clearly had few positive role models in his life. Just a horny candle, a clock who won't disagree with him, and a teapot who ignores 19 of her 20 children.
  • In response to Gaston's Disney Villain Death:
    Jeremy: (to the tune of Gaston) No... one... lies like Gaston, no one dies like Gaston, can exemplify boneheaded dicks like Gaston. *ding*
  • This line:
    "Man, you do not want to be on the receiving end of a Lumiere climax after he's been pent up for ten years."
  • In one of the stingers, the bit where Cogsworth mentions the tapestries of the castle is dubbed over by a certain quote from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Big Hero 6

  • "DPIX Comics."
  • All the jokes about how BH6 is (unintentionally or not) stealing from other movies.
  • "Well, at least one animated film with a 'good cop, bad cop' character got nominated for an Oscar."
  • "Jesus, can we wait until we get home for this lecture?" The funny part is that Jeremy sins this without further quotation.
  • At one point, Jeremy asks who started the fire that killed Tadashi, then promptly says that the Billy Joel music can be cued while we figure this out. "We Didn't Start the Fire" promptly plays in the background. After thinking that Callaghan did because he knew that the microbots would protect him as he birthed his revenge scheme, he then says, "You gotta have faith, so you can cue George Michael now." Michael's "Faith" plays immediately from there.


Brother Bear

Chicken Little


  • The countless jokes about how the mice subplot takes up too much of the film.
    • "Story of Cinderella becomes a Tom and Jerry cartoon."
    • "It's hard to believe that an hour and fourteen minute movie had so little story that it needed THIS much mouse plot!!"
    • "This movie should just be called Mice."
    • "I would have removed all the sins from this movie, plus any remaining ones left in the feature, if the needle had stabbed this mouse in the head."
    • "If you cut out all the mouse footage of this movie, you'd literally be left with a fourteen-minute short film."
    • [As Gus spills the corn he's finally managed to gather] "What a DUMBASS."
  • One of the stingers is overlaying "Baby Got Back" over the stepsisters' poofy-skirt dresses as they leave to go to the ball.
    • "Apparently, even in whatever castle-era this is, dudes' anacondas didn't want none unless they had buns, hon."
  • "Clockblock!"
  • From the scene when the mice are sewing Cinderella's dress:
    Perla: "Leave the sewing to the women."
    Jeremy: "She said it, I didn't."


  • Jeremy sins a drawing of circus animals on a title card "for indirectly inspiring the main characters of Madagascar."
  • This:
    Narrator: Through the snow and the sleet-
    Jeremy: "God, this movie's old as f*ck"-eration.
  • During a shot of the storks dropping the babies over Florida, Jeremy gives a sin while talking like an old timey newsman.
  • At a shot of an elephant being fitting in a circus train:
  • Jeremy is dumbfounded at Casey Jr somehow getting its own song.
    • Later on, Jeremy notes that Casey Jr's size is somehow "a hundred miles long and travels at 120,000 miles per hour. Casey Jr is a f*cking beast, man."
  • When the Ringmaster tries to whip Mrs. Jumbo:
    Jeremy: P.T. Barnum.
  • This bit:
    Timothy: You know, lots of people with big ears are famous!
    Jeremy: Name names, movie.
  • This:
    Jeremy: Tee-hee.
    • Later on in the video:
      Timothy: Suddenly, from the sidelines, comes your climax!
      Jeremy: Tee-hee.
      • He then points out that the word "climax" held a 9-7 lead over the during the scenes shown. He also wonders if Timothy made the ringmaster orgasm when giving him the Bedtime Brainwashing.
  • When the circus tent collapses after the failing stunt:
    Jeremy: No person or animal dies from this.
  • Jeremy declares the circus elephants to be the most despicable Disney villains ever, "even worse than Lilo & Stitch."
  • During Baby Mine:
    Jeremy(sounding like he's legit in tears): I'm not crying about a non-existent elephant, you're crying about a non-existent elephant! *sin removed*
  • At a shot of a hyena sleeping with three cubs:
  • Jeremy spends much of the Pink Elephants on Parade sequence freaking out. At one point, he is left speechless over the weirdness of it and resorts to saying simply:
    Jeremy: WHAT. THE. F*CK.
  • One of the outtakes replaces the audio of the clown's fire stunt with Backdraft.
  • Another outtake, when Dumbo soars in the circus tent:

The Emperor's New Groove

  • Jeremy starts the video in shock that the Walt Disney Pictures production logo used to be only 19 seconds long and sins it for "their current 30 second plus monstrosity".
  • 5 sins are added to David Spade's narration for a Noodle Incident:
    Jeremy: I can't get into the details but it was in January 2002 and involved a bowling ball and 5 pounds of ground beef.
  • "Kuzco is a dick."
  • This:
    Guard: I'm sorry but you've thrown off the emperor's groove.
    Jeremy: Eh, that's close enough. Let's roll some credits.
  • This bit:
    Old man: Beware the groove!
    Jeremy: That might be difficult because Dee-Lite told me that it's in the heart.
  • Jeremy's shock over the movie being only 78 minutes long:
    Jeremy: You extended a short film into a feature, you dicks!
  • This:
    Kuzco: Boy, I am one hungry king of the world!
  • This bit:
    Kuzco: Guess where I am right now?
    Jeremy: In a recording studio in Burbank, still relying on narration for your narrative structure?
  • At the shoulder devil scene, Jeremy remarks that "Amazingly, Kronk would be excellent at CinemaSins."
  • This:
    Kuzco: Hit the road, Bucky!
  • This bit:
    Pacha: Come on, wake up!
  • Jeremy repeatingly refers to Pacha as "furless Sully" throughout the video.
  • This:
    Jeremy: If you told me that this movie would have ended with ripping off Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, I'd have thought it was a Disney movie. Wait...


  • The chocolate gag.
    Anna: ♫I want to stuff some chocolate in my face♫
    • It comes back later on, during the ball scene:
    Anna and Elsa: Chocolate...!
    Jeremy: Haha, you women and-*ding*
  • Adventures in Audio — Frozen, proving that you can make almost any scene dirty with some well-timed bleeps.
  • "This movie is like a family-friendly version of The Grey. Too bad Liam Neeson isn't here to beat someone to death over a f**king billfold."
  • Jeremy calls BS on Kristoff clinging to the edge of a snow-covered cliff and trying to climb up over it while wearing gloves:
    "Even when you're a cartoon, you should be dead. [...] At the very least, do like Wile E. Coyote and crash into the bottom of the canyon with a satisfying poof."
  • Jeremy continuously calls out Arendelle's lack of security. It starts out with Anna leaving the palace alone on the day of Elsa's coronation...
    "This is a princess, right? Heir to the f*cking throne?! Not one person guarding her, or ... keeping an eye on her? This kingdom is run by f*cking idiots!"
    • Then, when Anna leaves the castle alone to search for Elsa, leaving Hans in charge in her absence...
      "With a kingdom that plays things this loosey-goosey, you'd think some other kingdom would have long ago taken over this place. It's not like anyone's actually in charge of anything here."
    • Then, when Hans goes off to search for Anna and asks for volunteers to help him...
      "But who are you going to leave in charge of Arendelle?"
    • A variation on this occurs near the end, after Hans] is defeated and the guards all cheer...
      "These assholes had no idea Hans had turned evil. That all happened down at the ice lake, in the middle of the blizzard they couldn't see through... but hey, the princess just punched a dude, so, yuk it up everyone!"
  • When Elsa finishes singing "Let It Go"...
    Jeremy: So... is she empowered now? Or is she the villain now?
  • Another song-based one:
    Anna: ♫ Arendelle's in deep, deep, deep, deep... snow... ♫
    Jeremy: Now that's just musical cheating!
  • When the Grand Pabbie troll says that "only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart", Jeremy's response is a sarcastic "OH MY GOD!"
  • When Hans leaves Anna to freeze to death...
    Anna: You won't get away with this.
    Hans: Oh, I already have.
    Jeremy: <sigh>
  • The moment when Anna saves Elsa's life...
    Elsa: You sacrificed yourself for me?
    Anna: I love you.
    Jeremy: If Maureen Johnson is suggesting to Veronica Mars what I think she is... then that beats my fan fiction and rough sketches.
  • At the end, Jeremy thinks that this movie and Tangled started out as the exact same script, since both movies have "an island kingdom, a long-unseen princess locked away, horse/reindeer playfulness, [and a] wild-scoundrel love interest".
  • Several moments in the post-review stinger:
    • As the trolls sing "Fixer Upper", the theme from Fraggle Rock is heard instead.
    • During Elsa singing "Let it go"...
    Elsa: ♫ Let it go —♫
    Indiana Jones: Elsa...
    Elsa: ♫ Let it go —♫
    Indiana Jones: Elsa!
    • During the scene with the shipwreck that killed the parents:
  • The fact that they re-sinned and remastered this sins video for their tenth anniversary, complete with brand-new sins!

Frozen 2

  • The title of the video notes that it's being listed in Delayed Sequel Minutes.
  • The opening sin:
    Jeremy: 48 seconds for 2 logos, both of which tell you that its made by Disney, in case you thought this was a Pixar film. A picture of Luxo Jr. peeks into view "Nobody was talking to you, Luxo Jr! GET BACK IN YOUR CAGE!" *Luxo Jr flies back down the screen*
  • Jeremy sins the size of Elsa and Anna's bedroom yet again.
  • When Elsa accidentally sets off her ice powers, Jeremy wonders if this happens everytime she's startled. He then ponders a scenario where Elsa gets distracted by Anna while watching porn and sets off her ice powers.
  • This:
    Olaf: I wish this could last forever! But alas, change mocks us with her beauty.
    Jeremy: Emo-laf.
  • Jeremy points out Kristoff holding Olaf in a disturbing position:
    Jeremy: Kristoff is such an immature bastard. I mean, using Olaf as a cock prop in front of his girlfriend...will he ever learn?!
  • At the opening song:
    Jeremy: HOLY SH*T! We went from love never changing despite the seasons to some kind pledge of allegience flag worshipping bullsh*t?! Is it too early to hate this movie?
  • When Elsa does tricks with her ice for kids:
    Jeremy: Arendelle literally treats their queen like a birthday clown.
  • At the first One-Woman Wail:
    Jeremy: F*ck, this is going to happen a lot, isn't it?
  • During Into The Unknown:
    Elsa: I've had my adventure, I don't need something new!
  • When Elsa belts during Into The Unknown:
    Jeremy: Do you think Arendelle is cool with having a queen who scream sings this late into the night? F*ck with everyone's sleepy time RIGHT UP, Elsa!
  • This bit:
    Elsa: I sang a song and woke up the elemental spirits.
  • At one point, Jeremy refers to Elsa as Adele Dazeem.
  • This bit:
    Anna: I won't let anything happen to her!
  • This:
    Anna: Well, they're both asleep. So...what do you want to do?
    Jeremy: I'd remove all sins and retire right now if Anna and Kristoff had hardcore sex right now.
  • At a shot of a row of teeth in darkness:
    • Jeremy also considers removing a sin for this being legitimately scary but decides against it when Olaf doesn't get eaten.
  • This bit:
  • This:
    Honeymaren: There is a fifth spirit...
    Jeremy: We meant to say "element", but that's owned by Sony and this is totally not a ripoff of that at all!
  • This bit:
    Olaf: And that's why we don't play with fire!
    Jeremy: This has been your Olaf PSA. And now we know. Be sure to pick up your Frozen Fire Extinguisher outside in the lobby.
  • At "Lost In The Woods":
    Jeremy: Really, there's a lot of things I could say about this song but I think the best one would be "movie has time for this".
  • When Elsa arrives in Ahtohallan:
    Jeremy: Ahtohallan is Norwegian for "Fortress of Solitude".
  • This bit:
    Olaf: I'm wasting away...
    Jeremy: Man, Disney can't let the Infinity War snap go, huh? I'm sure Olaf's disappearance will have just as much effect as the ones from the MCU...NONE.
  • This bit:
    Anna: This is all King Ruinan's fault! He betrayed everyone!
    Mattias: How do you know this?
    Anna: My sister gave her life for the truth!
    Jeremy: Ohhhhhhh. OK. We'll blow up the dam.
  • When the flood waters are about to destroy Arandelle, Jeremy starts cheering. When Elsa saves the day, Jeremy lets out a tiny "Aw."
  • This:
    Elsa: I'm the fifth spirit.
    Jeremy: Ice is the fifth spirit?! F*CKING ICE?! That's totally different than water! Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and ICE! Ice: the great equalizer!
  • Jeremy sins every question he has about Elsa and Anna's mother rapid fire style, adding 12 sins.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame

  • "Movie opens on 14 seconds of completely black screen, like a dick."
  • Jeremy notes a strange looking store sign:
    Jeremy: Is this a lamp store, a book store or a crown store? This is why signage is important, people!
  • This bit:
    Gypsy: Judge Claude Frollo?!
    Jeremy: Good thing you said the villain's name out loud, forced exposition guy.
  • This:
    Clopin: She ran.
    Jeremy: And that's all the information we'll get as to how she eluded six armed guards while holding a child in her hands.
  • This bit:
    Frollo: A baby...A MONSTER!
  • At a shot of the religious sculptures glaring at Frollo:
    Jeremy: Hahahahaahahah. These are the judgiest sculptures to ever have been sculpted.
  • When Quasimodo talks to his pigeons:
    Quasimodo: Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly?
    Jeremy: Pushy parents.
  • As Hugo first appears:
    Hugo: Open the wine and cut the cheese!
  • This bit:
    Victor: It is such a treat to watch the colourful pagentry of the common folk.
  • This:
    Hugo: -playing dunk the monk!
    Jeremy: Pop Quiz! "Playing Dunk the Monk" is either A) what Steve Weibe told his family what he was doing when he went to the garage to practice Donkey Kong, B) The new NBA Cares monastery outreach, C) an Albanian spicy cola drink or D) My college girlfriend's last entry at the end of every one of our friday night itineraries.
  • Jeremy turns out to not like the Gargoyles' antics:
    Hugo: You sneak out and then you sneak back in!
    Jeremy: It will never not baffle me why Disney tried to happify what is, at best, a f*cking dark ass story!
  • This bit:
    Frollo: This is your sanctuary.
    Jeremy: What prison guards say to prisioners.
  • During the Festival of Fools:
    Esmerelda: By the way, great mask!
    Jeremy: This is the most hurtful thing said in the history of cinema!
  • As Esmerelda swings on a pole:
  • This bit:
    Clopin: Quasimodo! The Hunchback of Notre Dame!
  • When Frollo spies on Pheobius and Esmerelda:
    Jeremy: What, no one saw that? The goat saw that, you dicks!
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: Smellault. It's Esmerelda, not Esmellrelda! ...Who wrote this? That's a terrible f*cking pun.
    Chris: did.
    Jeremy: I don't believe you!
    • Later, when Djali eats one of Quasimodo's statues:
    Jeremy: Kids. See, when I do it, it's funny.
  • When Hugo draws a picture of Djali:
  • During Hellfire:
    Jeremy: I have to wonder what the story meeting was when they revealed this film would have a song about the existential crisis of love and repressed sexuality in which robed figures chant "mea culpa" before Frollo says that his tempting siren "blast the fires of Hell" if he can't have her.
  • Jeremy refers to the Court of Miracles as "Discount Cobra Kai."
  • When Quasimodo bursts out of his chains:
    Jeremy: Quasimodo in his final form.
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: I would remove every sin from every movie ever if he threw her over the side like a wrestling move.
    • In a Brick Joke, that scene is the background picture for the sin tally.
  • Jeremy is left speechless when the gargoyles attack Frollo's forces from the cathedral:
    Jeremy: THE F*CK IS THIS?! Did this movie get 80% of the way done and then drop acid?!
  • During Frollo's death:
    Jeremy: No.
  • Jeremy awards the movie 15 sins for its ending, noting how none of it makes sense compared to what just happened.
  • One of the outtakes:
    Hugo: I'll be spitting out feathers for weeks!
    Victor: That's what you get for sleeping with your mouth open.

The Jungle Book

  • The film's production manager is named Don Duckwall, prompting Jeremy to wonder if, with a name like that, he had no choice but to work at Disney.
  • At the appearance of baby Mowgli:
    Jeremy: So... basically... Moses without the "mom dropping him off" portion of the story?
  • "Does Raksha think she is going to nurse this human baby? I'd like to see how that works — actually, I take that back."
  • This...
    Bagheera: (to Mowgli) Shere Khan has returned to this part of the jungle, and he has sworn to kill you.
    Jeremy: He has? He's sworn to kill a man-cub he doesn't even yet know exists?
  • "[Mowgli]'s been getting regular haircuts. With bangs!"
  • When Kaa shows up, voiced by Sterling Holloway, there's this:
    Jeremy: Disney's then-propensity to re-use voice actors led to so much childhood confusion. Like, why is Winnie the Pooh evil now?
  • The final sentence for the movie is "trampled by elephants", while "Pink Elephants on Parade" plays in the background.
    • The "Pink Elephants" song carries over into the set of stingers, the first of which is a shot of Colonel Hathi's parade.

Lilo & Stitch

The Lion King


  • In the opening, after Maui swipes the heart of Te Fiti...
    Tala: Maui tried to escape, but was confronted by another who sought the heart...
    Jeremy: (singing to "You're Welcome") What can I say, it's ex-position!!
  • This:
    Tala: (addressing the children, including young Moana) ...until every one of us is devoured by the bloodthirsty jaws of INESCAPABLE DEATH!!!
    (all the children, except Moana, react in terror)
    Jeremy: Annnd that's how grandma got fired as the daycare teacher.
  • Jeremy compares Tui's overprotection of Moana to Marlin's overprotection of Nemo and criticizes this movie for trying to sneak such a recycled cliche past him.
  • Throughout the video, Jeremy removes a sin for every time Heihei the chicken, voiced by Alan Tudyk, appears.
  • Jeremy calls out the movie for false-starting Moana's seagoing adventure that is going to happen anyway and remarks, "Jesus, it's my wedding night all over again."
  • This, as Maui intendeds to eat Heihei:
    Maui: I'm going to love you - in ma belly.
    Jeremy: Sorry, movie, but "in ma belly" is a registered trademark owned by Mike Myers via the character Fat Bastard. (feigning a Scottish accent) You Wanna Get Sued?
  • Jeremy describes the ocean that helps Moana at every turn as "an ex-machina, fate, God, love, and irony... all rolled into one giant cop out."


  • At the opening logo:
    Jeremy: A Disney logo that gets in and out in 13 seconds?! It's hard to believe it ever existed! The sin is for how hard it is to remember, by the way.
  • Jeremy thinks that the ink drawings in the opening credits are Rorschach tests and happily claims to see a poodle in them.
  • When the beacons throughout China are lit:
    Jeremy: Movie rips off the LOTR movies before they were even made. I guess they technically ripped off the LOTR books...
  • At the first appearance of Shan Yu:
  • At a rooster crowing:
    Jeremy: Cocks.
  • Like the sins video for Mary Poppins, Jeremy cracks up at Khan's size, culminating in:
    Jeremy: This horse is THICC with a capital DAMN.
  • This bit:
    Grandma: An apple for serenity...
  • At a shot of Shan Yu's eagle:
    Jeremy: This eagle isn't saving all the heroes right now.
  • During the Huns riding off:
  • This:
    Mushu: If the army finds out you're a girl, THE PENALTY IS DEATH!
  • This bit:
    General Li: I will take the troops up to the Tung Shao pass and stop Shan Yu from reaching the village.
    Jeremy: He will not.
  • Jeremy sins almost every other line of "I'll Make a Man Out of You".
  • This:
    Mulan: I never want to see another naked man again!
  • When Mushu dodges the flaming arrows:
    Jeremy: These are the most Stormtrooper arrows ever...Mushu is a GOD!
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: Well, the Huns have the high ground. So hopefully, you just peace out and live to fight another day like Anakin did.
  • When Mulan is in the snow, trying to survive:
  • This bit:
    Mulan: When I looked in the mirror, I wanted to see someone worthwhile.
    Jeremy: Well, no one gets to do that. Except Joel Osteen.
  • When Shan Yu is revealed to be alive in the avalanche:
  • This:
    Mushu: Did you see that?! Those Huns popped out of the ground like daisies!
  • This bit:
    Servant: Make way for the Emperor of China!
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: The Huns drag the Emperor into the throne room instead of...killing him.
  • This:
    Jeremy: Mulan has disarmed the villain and a knife to his chest but turns to a haphazard dragon to blast him with a firework. Slice the man open! Be a f*cking man about it. Am I doing this right?
  • This bit:
    Mushu: You are a lucky bug.
    Jeremy: Oh, eat my balls.
  • This part with Grandmother Willow.
    Grandmother Willow: Your mother asked me the very same question.
    Pocahontas: What did you tell her?
    Grandmother Willow: To listen...
    Jeremy: Then she died.

The Princess and The Frog

Ralph Breaks The Internet

  • When Vanellope and Ralph are at Tapper's:
    Jeremy: Let's distill the movie's myth about Tapper. That dude sold alcohol beverages to bikers, cowboys, punk rockers and aliens. The fact that he sells root beer is a lie. It probably pisses off the older video gamer characters who can't get the good stuff.
  • Jeremy remarks for some time on how different generations of video game characters can enter other games without breaking their code, culminating in:
  • This bit:
    Vanellope: That's a plug-in alert!
    Jeremy: This is what I used to tell my college roommate on the event I was going to have coitus in the dorm room that night.
  • This:
    Gamer: Choose the glitch girl! I love her!
    Jeremy: Glitch stans? There are glitch stans in this universe?!
  • When the Sugar Rush wheel breaks:
    Litwik: That's more than this game makes in a year!
  • When Ralph and Vanellope travel into the internet:
    Jeremy: This looks fast but is actually very slow from a data standpoint. So I'm assuming Litwik's internet service provider is Comcast.
  • "You know your movie's in trouble when it looks like the Emoji Movie."
  • Some of Jeremy's most biting sarcasm yet:
    Jeremy: Aw, isn't that cute. Twitter is being depicted as a place where cute birds share cat photos and not a bloodbath/birdbath/birdblood of racism, stupidity, trolling, stupidity and racepidity.
  • Jeremy's comments on the movie:
  • When a gamer throws their controller at the screen:
    Jeremy: Chris wanted me to tell you all that this screen would have definitely cracked, thanks to the wallet incident.
  • This sin, if only for the sheer amount of rage in Jeremy's voice:
    Racer: You mess with the bull, YOU GET THE HORNS!
  • This:
    Shank: Give him the Blow and Go.
    Jeremy: I just want to say, this is NOT what you'll find if you look-up "Blow and Go."
  • Jeremy loses it at the introduction of BuzzTube, especially when YouTube already exists in the movie's world.
  • Jeremy's reaction to BuzzTube in general:
    Jeremy: It's like Disney specifically asked me what I didn't want in a movie and then forced it upon me.
  • At the shot of Oh My Disney:
    Jeremy: And welcome to the "We Own All The Things And Wanted To Remind You of That" part of the movie.
  • This:
    Spamley: This guy is a virus-making machine!
  • At the Virus-Ralphs:
    Ralph-Virus: FRIEND.
    Jeremy: 28,000 Ralphs Later? World War R?
  • Near the end of the movie, Jeremy wonders if anything that happened in the movie will be brought up "in the enevitable 3rd entry: Wr3ck-It".

Raya and the Last Dragon


  • The Call-Back to their Grinch video, which was uploaded two days before.
    Kingdom is great at finding hidden flowers, but not so much at hidden towers. Dammit, Grinch! *ding*
  • The Running Gag of the "Eat an apple to look like an a-hole" sin is used a lot in this video:
    • When Rapunzel and Flynn head off on the boat at the lantern festival, Maximus eats 14 apples, "to make him look like 14 assholes."
    • At the end:
    Flynn: With Maximus, crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight […] as did most of the apples.
    Jeremy: Because he's an asshole.
  • Jeremy getting carried away:
    Jeremy: Man, I hope she has promises to do me. I mean Cartoon-Do … Wait- Sh*t. I mean … I want to squeeze 'em!
  • The entire outtakes reel is sheer gold:
    • As Pascal is at first embarrassed then peeks at Rapunzel & Flynn while they're on the lake, the Grandfather asks the Grandson, "What's the matter?". The Grandson replies, "They're kissing again." The Grandfather says, "Someday you might not mind so much." The Grandson blurts out, "I don't mind so much."
    • When Gothel snaps at Rapunzel, we hear Johnny exclaim, "The tower! The tower! Rapunzel, Rapunzel!"
    • The song that Gothel sings to the magic flower is a very sexually-explicit comedic blues-rock number.
    • As Gothel absconds with baby Rapunzel, H.I. McDonough says, "They're all so damn good, I think I got the best one."
    • When Flynn betrays the Stabbington brothers after they give him the tiara, Sancho says, "Throw me the idol, I throw you the whip!... Adios, señor."
    • As Flynn fights Maximus in the mine, Vizzini exclaims, "I see you are using the Bonetti defence against me!", to which the Man in Black replies, "I thought it fitting, considering the rocky terrain." Vizzini counters, "Naturally, you must expect me to attack with Capoferro!"
    • After Flynn confesses his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert, Moe Syzslak comments, "That's the dumbest name I ever heard."
    • As Rapunzel stares at the mural depicting the baby princess for an inordinately long time, Butt-Head can be heard hemming for an equally-long time before saying, "Whoa, I think I just figured something out, Beavis!... This sucks."
    • And lastly, when Flynn narrates "I'm sure you can imagine what happened next", Cher Horowitz retorts, "As if! I am only 16, and this is California, not Kentucky."



  • Jeremy's parody of the song "This Wish":
    So I look up at the screen to guide me
    And throw critique to every boring scene
    If having seen too many films is what drives me
    Then let me be the first to nitpick and whine
    So I roll credits
    To have something more for us than this
    So I roll credits
    To have something more for us than this!

Wreck It Ralph


  • After Yax mentions the license plate number to Judy:
    Jeremy: Tommy Chong yak actually got the license plate number despite being a Tommy Chong yak. *ding*
  • Assistant Mayor Bellwether: "Oh, mutton chops".
    Jeremy: A sheep saying this is equivalent to a person saying, "Oh, meaty rib cage." *ding*

    Disney's Live Action Fairy Tale films 
Aladdin (2019)

Alice in Wonderland (2010)

  • The way the "Walt Disney Pictures Presents" logo zooms out...
    Jeremy: Well, someone saw the Harry Potter movies.
    • It turns into a Running Gag as the various actors who performed in this movie had also performed in the Harry Potter movies (i.e., Alan Rickman as Absolem, Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen, Timothy Spall as Bayard), which Jeremy points out every single time:
    Jeremy: "[Name of Harry Potter actor] further proof I am watching a Harry Potter movie."
    • He also references a Harry Potter game in the case of Stephen Fry as the voice of the Cheshire Cat.
  • Alice asks a pair of twins if their mother knows if they swim naked in a pond, which prompts this remark:
    Jeremy: OOOOHHHHH snap! Where is the footage of that? I mean, she totally owned them right there, right? I mean, assuming there's verifiable footage of said naked swimming. You know... for science.
  • This:
    Alice: You could always paint the roses red.
    Lady Ascot: What an odd thing to say!
    Jeremy: <sigh>
  • Jeremy points out how everyone at the engagement party all are dressed the same range of colors:
    "This is some otherworldly color-coordination for this engagement party — or are you saying the entire kingdom only has the range of white-to-sky-blue to choose from?! And if so... WHY?!"
  • This, as a shrunken Alice struggles vainly to reach a table:
    Dodo: You would think that she would remember all of this from the first time.
    Jeremy: Wonderland creature would be amazing at CinemaSins.
  • Response to a candy with the phrase "Eat me":
    "Now see... that's just an insult right there!"

Alice Through the Looking Glass

  • Once again, Jeremy ridicules the "Walt Disney Pictures Presents" text for the same reason as the first Alice movie:
    "Walt Disney rips off Warner Brothers' Harry Potter font, because... why the hell not?"
  • "Pirates of the Caribbean 9: The Alice Chronicles."
  • As Alice reaches her hand into the mirror, Jeremy remarks, "This might as well be a roll credits here, I think."
  • Jeremy is confused by Alice's tiny size when she falls out the open midair door and lands in a flowerbed in Wonderland, which is normal-sized, so he decides to just add on two sins to this movie and moves on. Cue two dings.
  • Jeremy notices that Alice's clothes shrank with her body, which prompts this remark:
    "No one wants to see Alice naked except for... calculating... calculating... 40% of this movie's audience! Wait... what?!"
  • When Sacha Baron Cohen is introduced as Time, Jeremy is so appalled that he decides to add on 45 sins to the entire scene inside the clock tower, which he denounces as "a huge time-wasting MacGuffin of f*ckery." He then proceeds to a do a sped-up version of the sins featured herein. As there are 45 sins thus far, the next 45 sins added on result in 90 sins altogether thus far.
    Jeremy: (as he fast-forwards through this scene) Oh, man, that's bad... (as Alice and Time interact) Oh, remember that? (as Time points to the clock on his chest) I'm glad we're fast-forwarding this... (the sound of food crunching is heard — maybe it's potato chips or something)
    • At the end of the video, the sins in the clock tower scene are featured again, this time at normal speed. One example:
      Alice: (to Time about the Mad Hatter) Our friend is in mortal danger!
      Jeremy: But, like, why? Nothing actually happened to make him ill. There was no curse or spell, no physical ailment. He basically threw a temper tantrum and changed his physical appearance. That's not mortal danger, that's going goth.
      • Also, when Time meets the Red Queen...
        Jeremy: Of COURSE the time guy Alice needs help from is in love with the main antagonist from the last movie. Because of course he is. Of course!
  • As Mirana, the White Queen, puts all of Wonderland's hopes in Alice, Jeremy thinks that Anne Hathaway, who plays the White Queen, is the real villain in this movie.
    "I don't mean Mirana, the White Queen, I specifically mean Anne Hathaway."
  • As King Oleron addresses the people of Witzend, Jeremy is appalled:
    "Witzend?! Wit's End?!?! Really?! Are you TRYING to piss me off by describing me when watching this movie?!"
  • This part when everything is been rust incluing the Chronosphere, then later it powers up as Jeremy ranting:
  • One post-review stinger features several chess pieces and a broken Humpty Dumpty, while the "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding" line from "Another Brick In The Wall" is heard.

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

  • "This movie exists."
    • The ice-cold tone of his voice when he says this adds to the humour.
  • Jeremy immediately compares this movie to the 1998 Psycho remake.
  • Eventually, he gets so fed up with the movie blatantly copying the animated version that he chooses to repeat some sins from said video instead of writing new ones.
  • The fact that Jeremy is so scandalised by this movie that he never once uses the usual "Emma Watson is not my girlfriend in this scene" sin. Not Distracted by the Sexy indeed.
  • He also sins the movie during the famous ballroom scene for somehow having worse camerawork in the exact same scene than a movie that doesn't even have cameras had.

Christopher Robin

Cinderella (2015)

  • "This movie exists."
  • "Movie decides to cast Game of Thrones' Richard Madden against type as a prince who falls in love with the wrong woman. Something tells me this won't end in a Red Wedding but I'd knock off a hundred sins if it did."
  • The exasperation at Cinderella's mother's unexplained death. "What did she die of? Happiness?"

Dumbo (2019)

The Lion King (2019)

  • The video description:
    Video Description: Here is a movie that flat out didn't need to happen. It does not improve on the original, changes very little, and is an overall empty experience. Also it has sins.
  • The opening sin?
  • During the Circle of Life segment:
    Jeremy: Wow, it really is like the other movie. Except since there are no live-action actors on screen whatsoever, this is literally a cartoon.
  • At one point, Jeremy notes that Disney are "probably trying to teach actual animals how to acts and will then proceed with their remake of Finding Nemo."
  • When Baby Simba first appears:
  • This bit:
    Jeremy: Remember when everyone gave Gus Van Sant sh*t for doing a literal shot-for-shot remake of Psycho? Yeah, I remember.
  • This:
    Simba: Dad! Dad! Dad!
    Jeremy: And somewhere, Johnathan Taylor Thomas is at home saying "I could have done that!"
  • This bit:
    Mufasa: You have the morning report?
    Zazu: Ah, yes, sir! There were 10 flamingos-
  • The return of an old Running Gag:
    Simba: Elephant graveyard? Cool!
    Jeremy: Elephant Graveyard is either: A) New York's hottest new nightclub with ivory stripper poles, pachedyrm-seat barstools and artisian bologna sandwiches, B) the name of my new Ska band, C) an Albanian spicy cola drink or D) the name of the sexual experiences my college ex-girlfriend gave to her previous boyfriends?
  • This:
    Zazu: Out of surface and Out of Africa!
  • During Mufasa's death:
    Simba: Noooooooo!
    Jeremy: No.
  • Jeremy begrudingly admits that Timon and Pumbaa are still good characters, but refuses to remove a sin for them. Instead, he ADDS a sin for them being in this movie.
  • "There's more bug eating in this movie than there is in 12 Monkeys."
  • During Can You Feel the Love Tonight:
    Jeremy: I'd literally remove every sin from every movie ever AND retire if Simba and Nala just started doing it. Would it even be R-rated? They're just two CGI lions...
  • This:
  • During the climatic battle:
    Jeremy: I see Disney is employing MCU-style fights across ALL their live-action properties.
  • One of the outtakes:
    Simba: All of this...will belong to me?


  • "No fairies were harmed in the making of this scene, because … well, she used a tree army, and presumably all the fairies are back at home chilling and playing Call of Duty" *ding*
  • When King Stephen demands all the forgers be brought to him, the Narrator asks, "…All of them? Are you sure you don't want to speak, like, the head forger or something?"
  • "Tree dragon." *ding*

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins Returns

Mulan (2020)

The Jungle Book (2016)

  • Just like the above mentioned Beauty & The Beast and Cinderella, "This movie exists."
  • This exchange:
    Mowgli: "You're kidding me?"
    Jeremy: Movie character says to Bill Murray Bear what I am currently saying to movie.
  • And this exchange:
    Baloo: "Winter is coming."
    Jeremy: Discount Ned Stark is bear.
  • The video description on YouTube:
    Jeremy: Jungle Book, Jungle Book, does whatever a Jungle Book does, which is sort of the problem.

Pete's Dragon (1977)

  • During the opening credits, Jeremy puts the casting of this film in perspective by saying that this is equivalent to casting Miranda Lambert and famed 1970s child actor Kristy McNichol in the 2016 version.
    • Also, when Red Buttons is credited as a character named Hoagy:
      "Look, if Red Buttons is playing a character named Hoagy, this movie is probably pretty awful. Just saying."
  • Jeremy describes the murderous Gogan clan as "the discount Beverly Hillbillies".
  • When the Gogans start singing:
  • Upon seeing the Gogans' clumsy dance number:
    Jeremy: Choreographed redneckery.
  • Jeremy is so appalled by this film that, for the first time ever, he occasionally takes a break from sinning, pausing the movie and everything, to yell at his partner Chris for forcing him to watch it.
    "Dude, have YOU seen this movie? I don't think so. I think you just put it on the schedule and assigned it to me because there's a remake coming. But this is some repugnant s*it, dude. And the worse it gets, the more I blame your ass. Just... FYI and s*it... asshole."
    • He resumes the rant later, culminating in an outraged demand that Chris "stop screening my calls!"
  • "Pete's Dragon, the fun family movie about cannibal hillbillies out to kill a mentally ill young boy! Can't imagine why this wasn't a hit."
  • At one point, Jeremy decides to Watch It Stoned and audibly lights up a bong, while the theme to Breaking Bad plays in the background. It doesn't help.
  • When Elliott first appears, Jeremy exclaims, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit... eat your heart out, bitches."
    • Who Framed Roger Rabbit is referenced again in the climax of this film, when Doc Terminus attempts to kill Elliott with a harpoon, which Jeremy calls into question: "The only thing that could possibly kill Elliott is probably DIP. Or cancer."
  • Learning that the dragon's name is Elliott, Jeremy remarks, "You sure you don't wanna try again? Drogon? Falkor? Toothless?"
  • Jeremy calls out the red fruit suddenly turning purple when they turn animated when they're on Elliott's stomach: "That's an apple tree, not an apple-and-plum tree!"
    • As Pete and Elliott eat the apples...
      Jeremy: The director said, "Take a bite of this apple, it'll make you look like even more of a red-headed asshole."
  • Pete sings to Elliott, while Jeremy complains loudly throughout:
    Pete: I look in your eyes and you whisper sweetly...♪
    Jeremy: Kill me.
    • "Uh... Was this song originally intended for another movie? About adults? In love?"
    • "Also, two sh*tty songs inside 12 minutes means this movie is my enemy and I will attempt to kill it."
  • This:
    Pete: (to a schoolgirl) You don't name girls Elliott.
    Jeremy: That's racist.
  • As Nora sings "Brazzle Dazzle Day":
    "'Disney using gibberish as the hook of the movie's upbeat song' cliche. A time-honored tradition."
  • When the Gogan clan arrives in town, there's this:
    Gogan clansman: (to another clansman) You grab onto Pete while I grab onto her [Nora].
    Jeremy: That's the second time I've gotten a pretty strong sexual assault vibe from this movie, so I'm just gonna add 5 sins for that being okay in a Disney movie in 1977. *+5 dings*
  • When the mayor trips over the missing staircase:
    Mayor: When did I start losing control of my town?
    Jeremy: Yesterday.

    DreamWorks Animation films 
Bee Movie
  • This bit in the video description.
    And no, we didn't do anything regarding the f*cking Bee Movie meme, because we write sins and don't adopt Internet memes. Good day, sir.
  • Jeremy pointing out the goofiness of Barry the bee's quasi-romantic relationship with a human female, culminating in:
    Vanessa: He happens to be the nicest bee I've met in a long time!
    Ken: Are there other bugs in your life?!
    Jeremy: This is an excellent, but unsatisfactorily-answered question. *ding*
  • Jeremy's continuing annoyance with the bad and constant bee puns, notably:
    Barry: Larry, bees have never been afraid to change the world. I mean, what about Bee-Columbus, Bee-Gandhi... Bee-Jesus?
    Jeremy: <sigh> *ding*
  • This reaction to another one of the film's puns:
    Barry: Have you ever been stung Mr. Sting?
    Jeremy: A f*cking Sting cameo??? Because his name is Sting??? And this is a movie about bees?!?! How did Jerry Seinfeld have any credibility after this movie?!?! *ding*
  • Jeremy noticing that the byline on a newspaper article is 'Tom Jones', leading to a brief musical interlude. "It's not unusual to write articles for Variety..."
  • One of the stingers is putting audio of Oprah Winfrey's "You get a car!" moment on a scene involving a character voiced by Oprah.
  • This:
    Barry: Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white men!
    [Points at four men, one of whom is black, who moves away slowly from the other men]
    Jeremy: What??? *ding*
  • Jeremy is so bored and disinterested that he fell asleep while sinning: "Zzzzzzz——-wha? what? Where? I didn't...oh, s*it's this is still going on?"
  • This:
    Barry: (while banging on the window with full force repeatedly) Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This...
    Jeremy: Barry enacts exactly how I feel watching this movie. *ding*
  • During the last minute of the movie:
    Jeremy: I just checked, and thankfully only 21 seconds! *ding*
  • When Adam asks Barry if a group of girl bees are their cousins too, Barry says they are distant cousins, prompting Jeremy to say "Alabama."

The Boss Baby

  • This:
    Tim: Did you know that the triangle is the strongest shape found in nature?
    Jeremy: Somewhere, Phil Jackson is solemnly nodding.
  • As Tim's parents sing "Blackbird"...
    Jeremy: Movie likely blows half its budget on licensing one Beatles song. They couldn't just bust out a Cyndi Lauper track or something? Can't imagine something like "Hole In My Heart" would've cost that much. Maybe two Snickers bars and a tube of lube? Not sure where I came up with that offer, but now I have some very weird cravings.
  • During the beginning of the movie at the baby factory, we get this:
  • Jeremy's reaction to the title finally popping up after 6 minutes:
    Jeremy: If you were confused after six minutes of horror movie contraptions, nightmare hallucinations and baby butt shots that you were at the correct movie, DreamWorks assures you that, yes, this is the s*it you paid to see.
  • "Tim is enrolled in the elementary division of the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things."
  • Jeremy's reaction to a fart joke, where the lack of words says everything.
    Jeremy: "<sigh>" *ding*

The Boss Baby: Family Business

The Croods

The Croods: A New Age

Flushed Away


  • When "home" is said at the movie's beginning:
  • Not more than 5 minutes in, Jeremy gets pissed at the poor quality of the movie:
    Boov Alien: We don't have time for parties.
  • As Oh complains about the music in the car, we get this:
    Jeremy: If Oh thinks THIS is bad, wait till she gets to Bitch Better Have My Money.
  • This:
    Tip: I can't wait to tell my mom I've been to Paris!
    Jeremy:Yeah, she'll have a lot of fun telling that story to the rest of the enslaved human race!
  • This part gets sinned with no explanation:
    Oh: I will now sing the Boov Death Song. (clears throat) AHHHHH— (ding)

How To Train Your Dragon

  • Seeing as how this was the very first DreamWorks movie to be done, Jeremy shares his confusion about the opening logo.
    Jeremy: How is the DreamWorks Fishing Boy on the crescent part of the moon? The rest of the moon is still there, unless the Earth is gone and so is the other part of the moon.
  • How does Jeremy see the way Hiccup is able to tame Dragons? Cheats.
  • The Running Gag on how Hiccup flies Toothless too close to his village of vikings who live to kill dragons.
  • One of the stingers being Hiccup showing Astrid around with "A Whole New World" playing in the background.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

  • "Double Dragon desire drags on as dorky dragon deftly draws demure dragon, drawing out dragon dating denouement and delaying dragon debauchery."

Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda 2

  • This:
    Rabbit: One dumpling, please, Dragon Warrior size!
    (Ping lifts up an abnormally large dumpling and drops it on the counter.)
    Jeremy: The f*ck!? *ding*
  • Jeremy complaining about the characters constantly pointing out the sins in the movie.
    Jeremy: Okay, if the characters in the movie can hear me, please stop sinning each other. I'm gonna run out of things to say!
  • "Monkey continuing to be pointless. He's like the Ringo Starr of the Furious Five".
  • The final stinger at the end:
    Soothsayer: Who you choose to be. Who are you, panda?

Kung Fu Panda 3

  • This:
    Po: Jade zombies?
    Po, Monkey: Jombies!
    Jeremy: Jombie- ah, they beat me to it. *ding*
  • While Po is fighting off bad guys:
    Po: Don't worry dad, I do this every day.
    Jeremy: The Valley of Peace gets attacked every day? Maybe they should change the name. *ding*
  • As a ball flies through the air:
    Po: Grandma Panda, heads up!
    (Ball hits old panda on the head)
    Jeremy: Po killed Grandma Panda.
  • One of the stingers shows Oogway in the spirit realm, with a choir singing...


  • "Clap-on heater."
  • This sin:
    Marty: Grand Central Station! It's grand and it's central.
    Jeremy: And it's a station. *ding*
  • These two sin counts:
    Police Officer: (talking to speaker) Yeah, that's right, a zebra. Right in front of me. Can I shoot it?
    Jeremy: America. *ding*
    Police Officer: Can I shoot it?
    Jeremy: Well, that depends if it's a white zebra with black stripes or a black zebra with white stripes. *ding*
  • Jeremy goes out of his way to sin every poop or butt joke in the film.
  • Jeremy also blasts the numerous pop culture references parodied or mentioned in the film.
    Alex: (Regarding the burnt Lady Liberty makeshift beacon, as he slams his fists on the sand) DARN YOU ALL TO HECK!
    Jeremy: At what point does a parent watching this with their kid decide to just put on an old movie instead? A good quarter of this film is just references to other films. *ding*
  • "Sexy Hippo ripoff of Fantasia. *ding* Plus an additonal sin for making me write the words "Sexy Hippo". *ding*


Monsters vs. Aliens

Over the Hedge

Puss in Boots

  • At the familiar Dreamworks logo:
    Jeremy: This kid hasn't caught sh*t during his entire tenure as a Dreamworks opening logo. Isn't it about time that we find someone who can?
  • This:
    Puss: Through the years, I have been known by many names.
    • Immeditely followed with:
    Puss: I am Puss in Boots!
    Jeremy: WOW. That is the fastest Roll Credits I have ever seen!
  • "Not all cats are lactose intolerant but MOST of them are. I'm willing to bet that Puss isn't one of them but this is the second or third time in this movie where milk is depicted as alcohol like when your son tells you he wants to be a YouTuber.
  • This:
    Bandit: The only thing you'll find tonight is trouble, Puss in Boots!
    Jeremy: This is the third time you've said his name in five minutes. I can only roll so many credits, you know?!
  • This bit:
    Puss: You snap me?!
    Jeremy: This movie and Snapchat came out only a few months apart. COINICIDENCE?! I THINK NOT!
  • "Interspecies mid-chase flirting!"
  • Jeremy at the dance-fight:
  • This bit:
    Humpty Dumpty: You left me surrounded by soldiers, cracked to pieces! They wrote a song about it!
    Jeremy: Did they? I mean, it's a nursery rhyme, but without a melody you can't consider it a song, you narcissitic omelet.
  • This:
    Humpty Dumpty: Do you know what they do to eggs in San Ricardo prison?! It ain't over easy!
    Jeremy: Is that a prison rape joke in a kid's movie?! (Beat) Yes, it is. *ding* Also, in prison, they call it the dumpty humpty.
  • This bit:
    Kitty: What happened between you and Humpty?
    Jeremy: Well, he said that there was no such thing as a Bruce Almighty moon and I said, "just look at the f*cking moon, man!". Things haven't been the same between us since!
  • Jeremy finishes a reference for the movie:
    Humpty Dumpty: First rule about bean club, you do not talk about bean club. Second rule of bean club, you do not talk about bean club!
    Jeremy: Third rule of bean club: someone goes limp, yells "stop" or taps out, the bean is over. The fourth rule: only two guys to a bean. [...] Eight and final rule of bean club: if this is your first night in bean club, you have to bean.
  • This bit:
    Puss: The lies he told ruined my life!
    Jeremy: Movie acknowledges that dedicating its runtime to 10 minutes of backstory is mind-numbingly boring but does it anyway!
  • This:
    Humpty Dumpty: Excellent.
    Jeremy: Don't you mean Egg-scelent?! Don't be afraid to be what you truly are, movie!
    • Much later on in the video:
    Humpty Dumpty: I don't know what I am!
  • This bit:
  • This:
    Kitty: I read somewhere that plants have feelings.
  • "The only thing missing from this flirty, kissy tumble is Can You Feel the Love Tonight."
  • This bit:
    Kitty: Humpty, you're not wearing underwear!
    Jeremy: Commando shaming!
    • Followed with:
    Jeremy: Also, are you saying Humpty has privates? CAN HE DO THE HUMPTY DANCE?! Oh ohh, yolk me, baby! DO THE HUMPTY HUMP!
  • This:
    Puss: There are some who call me "The Furry Lover"!
    Jeremy: You know, I have a friend who some might call a furry lover. And he loved this movie when it came out. I still can't see the connection.
  • Jeremy adds 50 sins for Humpty's plan, pointing out every reason as to why it wouldn't work and how Puss would see through it.
  • As the townspeople run from The Great Terror:
    Jeremy: Duck! Duck! Goose?!
  • This:
    Woman: His boots are made of the finest Corinthian leather!
    Jeremy: If you have an opportunity to reference 1970s Chrysaler commercials in your animated kids movie, you have to take the responsiblity.


  • At the beginning, the DreamWorks SKG logo has ogre ears and green skin on the two Ss, which Jeremy calls into question:
    "There are two Ks, two Es, and two Rs in this logo, but they don't get any special Shrek treatment. This logo is racist against, like, 80% of the qualified alphabet!"
  • Throughout the film, Jeremy points out the amount of Toilet Humor in this subversive take on fairy tales.
    Jeremy: (after the second fart/poop joke in the movie, right at the start of the movie) ARE YOU [KIDS] NOT ENTERTAINED?!?!?
    • Three minutes into the movie, Shrek belches to light a fire in his fireplace, to which Jeremy replies:
      Jeremy: Well, we've seen s*itting, farting, and burping in the movie's first 3 minutes, and with Cameron Diaz voicing a character, I'm sure we'll see semen in the hair later.
  • As the wanted fairy tale characters are being sold off, Jeremy questions Pinocchio's being sold in particular:
    Jeremy: I know we're making fun of Disney here, but we're seriously gonna believe that Geppetto sells Pinocchio for 5 f*cking shillings? The witch got 20 pieces of silver, so [Geppetto] could totally get at LEAST 50 on the black market, especially since [Pinocchio's] face is plastered on a wanted poster.
  • Jeremy compares Duloc to Disneyland and Lord Farquaad to Michael Eisner "in a movie made by a studio headed by Jeffrey Katzenberg", who was formerly with Disney. Based on that, Jeremy concludes that Shrek is equivalent to "an ex-girlfriend bitching about how lame and stupid her ex-boyfriend was, but secretly wants to get back with him."
  • Jeremy questions why the dragon's castle, surrounded by a lake of lava, would have a suspension bridge across the lake to and from the castle:
    Jeremy: If you stole this castle, why not just burn the bridge? Is it for the pizza delivery guy?
    • In the same vein:
      Jeremy: Looking at the impossible nature of this place, I wonder how they got supplies here so that Princess Fiona wouldn't die while being held captive?
  • Jeremy questions the treasure stash in the dragon's castle...
    Jeremy: It's not like [the dragon is] gonna go to town and plop down $50 for a handbag.
  • At Fiona's declaration of how ugly she is as an ogre.
    Jeremy: Yes, but only in an "I'm in an animated movie" way. If this were real life and she were into nitpicky assholes, I'd probably hit that.
  • "On Demand Voyeur Porn."
  • When the spell is broken, revealing Fiona's true form as an ogre, even though her parents are human, Jeremy questions why she couldn't stay human and "have a Kermit/Miss Piggy relationship."
  • In one of the stingers:
    Fiona: Every night I become this, this horrible ugly beast!

Shrek 2

  • The fact that there's a brand new sin counter (it broke twice during The Fate of the Furious), which will likely remain for the rest of the series (at least, until it probably breaks again).
  • The very first sin, in which Jeremy screams at the kid in the Dreamworks logo: "GO TO SCHOOL!!!!!!"
    • "Also, the premise of Pixar's Up was surprisingly inspired by this Dreamworks logo in a Shrek movie."
  • "These people are so bad at shooting, I'm surprised Donkey doesn't make a Stormtrooper reference."
  • Jeremy is completely horrified that this movie was once the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time.
  • As Shrek and Fiona kiss on the beach:
    Jeremy: Mike Myers invents a new Pornhub category calling "ogre-ing".
  • "Mike Myers character gets hit in the balls: example number 392."
  • This:
    Shrek: Donkey, think of the saddest thing that ever happened to you!
  • When Shrek drinks the Happily Ever After potion which makes him fart loudly, Jeremy sins this with no comment.
  • While three women are fawning over the newly-human Shrek:
    Jeremy: Damn, these milkmaids are so horned up that they'll hit on the first dude that passes out in their barn.
  • During the film's mid-credits scene where Donkey meets his own dragon-donkey hybrid children, Jeremy complains about now thinking "how a donkey gets his penis into a dragon vagina."
  • In the scene where King Harold goes to the crowded bar to hire Puss in Boots, when he tells the barmaid that he wants Puss to kill an ogre and the noisy crowd all gasp at King Harold in silence.
    Jeremy: How the f*ck did they hear that?

Shrek The Third

  • This bit:
    Prince Charming: Do you mind?!
    The Gingerbread Man: "Do you mind?!" BORING!
    Jeremy: The Gingerbread Man would later transform into a different creature, a Twitter troll.
  • Jeremy is disgusted at literally every appearance of Donkey's kids.
  • At the opening title:
    Jeremy: Movie misses the opportunity to be both honest and on-brand by calling this movie Shrek the Turd.
  • This:
    Shrek: Better out then in, I always say.
    Jeremy: Yeah, you say that in EVERY F*CKING ONE OF THESE MOVIES!
  • At a weed joke:
    Jeremy: Whoever wrote this scene fought tooth and bong to keep this joke in. Thanks, screenplay writer of Wild Wild West and Caddyshack 2!
  • Jeremy gets so pissed off at the toilet humor and anachronisms, he adds 100 sins.
  • This:
    The Gingerbread Man: All you'll be is the king of the stupids.
    Jeremy: This line is correct because this movie is marginally funnier than the 1996 Tom Arnold vehicle The Stupids. That is all.
  • Jeremy actually tries bailing from the movie, only for the Sin Counter to demand he come back to finish it.
  • This bit:
    Arthur: This is lame.
    Merlin: (Dope Slap) You're lame!
  • This:
    Cyclops: (holding his one-eyed little daughter) Who'd ever think a monster like me deserves someone as special as you?
    Jeremy: I think I've been crushed by a heavy hand. ARGH!
  • When Arthur holds up the crown:
    Jeremy: Hooray, someone we've never met or even know about is now our king!

Shrek Forever After


  • "This movie is like The Ant and The Grasshopper fable, only with glitter feces and clown corpses."
  • "Wait, you're telling me there's only one Flurg restaurant in town but there are THREE Nar-Nar's?!"
  • Jeremy's epic reaction to Branch's reason for being depressed:
    Branch: Because singing killed my grandma, okay?!
    Jeremy:: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    • Later on, Jeremy calls back to his reaction:
    Jeremy:: To what are we granting the reason for this emotional renaissance to Branch? Sure, he told that story about his singing getting his grandma murdered doesn't...I mean...I'm sorry, that story is still so f*cking stupid!
  • This bit:
    *Pots and pans pile onto Bridget*
    Jeremy: And Bridget is dead.
  • This:
    Poppy: (to Branch) You don't sing, you don't dance, you're so gray all the time!
    Jeremy: That's graycist.
  • "All the trolls have beautiful natural singing voices, but there's always one who has to Kanye it up."
  • Poppy sings "The Sound of Silence" after Branch insists he's going to sleep:
    Jeremy: Poppy decides to behave like a literal troll to poor Branch.
  • Jeremy ranting about Chef ambiguously acting as she knew who Lady Glitter Sparkles really was:
    Jeremy: Gristle only introduced Bridget as his “plus one,” so the only way Chef could know her name is if the screenwriters were committed to seeing Christine Baranski chew the hell out of her lines.

Trolls: World Tour

  • At the Dreamworks Anniversary logo:
    Jeremy: Damnit, Marvel! Now you've got every studio thinking they can do this legacy logo bullsh*t. Calm down, Dreamworks, you've already got 3 Boss Baby scenes in this uninspired logo, for Shrek's sake.
  • This:
    Branch: Once upon a time, there were 2 Trolls...
    Jeremy: "Once upon a time" narration cliche! And after consulting "The Big Book of Sins", I believe this adds up the five, solve for p, cross multiply, reduce the fraction, divide by pi...2 SINS!
  • During one of the trippy rave sequences:
    Jeremy: Damnit, I was not alerted that I had to take a copious amount of drugs before watching this movie. Now I have to pause it for approximately 37 minutes!
  • "This Techno Troll rave is about as pointless as the one from Matrix Reloaded."
  • This bit:
    Button: Come on, man, just hit me...
  • This:
    Barb: I'm Queen Barb of the Hard Rock trolls.
  • When the Hard Rock Trolls attack the Techno Trolls, Jeremy claimes that they're "Scott Pilgriming them to death!"
  • This bit:
    Barb: By the end of my world tour, we're all going to have the same vibe.
    Jeremy: Ah, so this movie is The Stepford Wives mixed with rock elitism? They should have called this movie The Steppenford Wolves.
  • Followed with:
    Barb: We're going to be a nation of Trolls...
  • "Wow, even JT's CARTOON looks bored with this movie. He's just going through the motions. Give it some pep, Justin! Pretend you're doing something fun, like smoking weed with Joey Fatone!"
  • Jeremy is horrified when the film depicts how Trolls reproduce.
  • Jeremy claims that the opening song has so many mashups, "it's somehow even more annoying than Moulin Rouge.
  • This bit:
    King Peppy: It's a tale as old as time...
  • This:
    King Peppy: There were six strings that could control all music...
    Jeremy: So we're going all Lord of the Strings with this, huh? Which one? Fellowship of the String? The Troll Towers? Return of the Multiple Endings?! You're all going to be saved by singing an Eagles song at the end, aren't you? F*CKING EAGLES!
  • This bit:
    King Peppy: But, little by little, Trolls became intolerant of each other's music!
    Jeremy: Pitchfork.
  • "I like how this movie depicts rock as the primary antagonist. It makes me nostalgic for seeing Dee Snyder against a Senate Commitee and lambasting Tipper Gore."
  • This:
    Balloon: Don't push my buttons, Poppy!
    Jeremy: Weird. This is the exact same reaction I get during foreplay...
  • This bit:
    Branch: Something gnarly happened here...
    Jeremy: GEE, YA THINK?! Branch is about as useful as Forest Whitaker was in Species.
  • When a Troll pops out from the ground with sharp teeth:
    Jeremy: Did this movie just make a Tremors reference?! I swear to God, I'd rather be eaten by a Graboid right now than watch any more of this.
  • At another Troll party:
    Jeremy: It may look a little odd, but this is actually the most normal Parliment Funkadelic show I've ever seen. At least no one's running around and wearing a diaper...
  • This:
    Poppy: I've heard this story before!
  • Jeremy is horrified that George Clinton is in this movie, wondering if "they paid him in Purple Kush and multicoloured robes."
  • When Barb prepares to play her song:
    Jeremy: I'd give back all the sins if she plays "God Gave Rock and Roll to You", like at the end of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. It could be the KISS, Argent OR Petra version!
  • When all of the Trolls are the same colour:
  • The final sin:
    Jeremy: End Credits does not feature Can't Stop the Feeling.
  • One of the outtakes inserts Animal into the Rock Trolls.

    Dungeons and Dragons films 
Dungeons and DragonsDungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

    The Equalizer series 
The Equalizer

The Equalizer 2

  • At the opening logos:
  • This bit:
    Turkish Guard: It would be extremely dangerous...for you.
    Jeremy: We are literally just a movie away from declaring "it would be extremely dangerous...for you" as a cliche!
  • Jeremy notes that the opening fight scene has "approximately 777 cuts in it".
    • He then declares it to be the "soggy toast of opening fight scenes".
  • This:
    Title Card: Boston, Massachusetts
    Jeremy: In case you confused it with Boston, North Dakota.
  • This bit:
    Police Officer: Someone delivered your daughter downstairs.
  • Jeremy sins a shot of a computer for having Minecraft on its screen.
  • "I'm surprised that, with all of this Lyft product placement, they didn't just call the movie "Equalyfter 2".
  • During a romantic scene between Robert and Susan:
  • Jeremy pauses the movie to point out graffiti on the wall that literally just says "Gang" and sins it.
  • At the appearance of Brian Plummer:
    Jeremy: Also, Bill Pullman makes his grand entrance into The Equalizer 2 only to tell us he's going to Pullman out. It's an imperfect but reasonable method of Pullman control.
  • Jeremy refers to the movie under alternative titles such as "Lyft: Infynyty War" "My Dinner With Susan" and "Paint Drying: The Motion Picture" when he gets annoyed at the lack of action throughout the film.
  • Jeremy bets 5 million sins that Dave is Susan's murderer. He's right and the film is awarded the 5 million sins.
  • Later:
    Dave: We all must pay for our sins.
    Jeremy: And you've got 5 million of them!
  • Jeremy really does not like Miles, practically screaming at the character to shut up during the climatic ending.
    Jeremy: Miles, I hate you.

    The Expendables series 
''The Expendables

The Expendables 2

  • Jeremy has a new one for his running gag of "In case you confused it with somewhere else"
    On Screen caption: Sindhupalchowk District, Nepal.
    Jeremy: Just in case you confused it with a place you can pronounce.

    Fantastic Beasts series 
Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them
  • "Welcome to the wonderful world of Harry Potter, now with 100% less Harry Potter!"
  • Jeremy's complete and utter loathing for Newt's magical suitcase:
    Jeremy: You know what? F*ck this suitcase and everything it represents.
  • This exchange:
    Newt: You're a Legillimens. 
    Queenie: Yeah, but I always have trouble with your kind. Brits.
    Jeremy: That's Britcist. *ding*
  • Jeremy talking about how the word "Obscurus" would make a great name for an emo band. 
  • Jeremy's characterization of Newt as "Doctor Who, Pokémon Trainer".

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

    Fantastic Four series 
Fantastic Four
  • The various jokes about the team's sex lives with their new powers.
  • The Power Incontinence issues that plague the human-looking characters throughout the film.
    Jeremy: Johnny's powers should have melted the box he was in long before reaching 4000 degrees Kelvin, even 2000 degrees should've vaporized everyone in that building.
    Jeremy: Sue can contain a supernova-level firestorm despite not being able to hold a shield against Doom's electricity attack moments earlier.
  • "Desperate scientist running out of time and funding tests crazy scheme on himself" cliché.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

  • When Reed Richards notifies the Thing to not tell Sue or Johnny that he's building a machine in the middle of the city.
    Reed Richards: Don't tell Johnny.
    *Johnny immediately flies down from quite a distance away*
    Johnny Storm: Don't tell Johnny what?
    Jeremy: Nope. He didn't even come close to hearing that.
  • "Reed is a dick to people in general."
  • Reed: I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. Fifteen years later, I'm one of the greatest minds of the twenty-first century.
    Homer Simpson: NEEERRRRD!!!!!!

Fantastic Four (2015)

  • Seeing Michael B. Jordan and Reg E. Carthy (both actors from The Wire) play father and son reminds Jeremy of The Wire, which in turn makes him want to go watch it. In fact, Jeremy briefly stops making the video to go watch it.
    Title Card: GONE TO WATCH THE WIRE. *Will return in 60 hours.
  • "Doctor Doom over here."
    Jeremy: Did you guys feel that? I think we were actually punched in the nose with obviousness. I'm actually bleeding.
  • Jeremy goes on a rant and gives a sin for a character in a science fiction movie saying that something isn't possible. The next sin is him agreeing that it really shouldn't be possible.
  • Jeremy's utter confusion that Doom's motivation is returning to Planet Zero and everyone trying to stop him.
  • The usual Roll Credits gag fails due to the Title Drop being the last scene of the movie.

    The Fast and the Furious franchise 
The Fast and the Furious
  • ""Cliché villain is cliché" cliché."

2 Fast 2 Furious

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

  • After a very predictable scene, Jeremy comments:
    Jeremy: "OH MAN! Movie just unleashed the Secret Cliché Prize Box! Tell 'em what they've won, Jeremy! Thanks, Jeremy. Movie, you have won an additional 10 sins for all the clichés in this movie!"
  • This bit:
    Twinkie: This is DK's mountain.
    Jeremy: Is he going to throw barrels at me?

Fast & Furious

Fast Five

  • In a bit of a reversal... "Tyrese had to drag this movie into this, didn't he?"
  • This conversation:
    Guard: (reading a fake ID by Tyrese) It says Caucasian!
    Roman: It's a tan. You know a tan?
    Jeremy: Jesus Christ. *ding*
  • (During the scene where the toilets blow up) "Movie depicts exactly what's it like watching these movies." *ding*

Fast & Furious 6

  • Early in the movie, someone is seen jumping from a speeding car on an elevated highway to a speeding car on a ground level highway.
    Jeremy: F*ck you. *ding*
  • This scene during the climax:
    Luke: (jumps out of the moving airplane down to the moving jeep below him)
    Jeremy: Double GODDAMMIT. *ding*
    Letty: (jumps out of the moving airplane down to the moving jeep below her)
    Jeremy: Triple GODDAMMIT. *ding*
  • During the climax, when Dom manages to drive out of the exploding airplane through the nose:
    "The acceptance of sh*t like this is why we can't have good movies." *ding*
    • In a moment before that:
    Letty, it's just a wreck that kills people. Dom will be fine
  • Already lots of sins for the scene with the tank, but then in the next scene the characters comment that the tank was 70 tons.
    Jeremy: Okay, so 70 tons? That tank's 70 tons were in any way slowed down or stopped by a f*cking Mustang? F*CK YOU IN THE EAR, MOVIE.
  • The final comment:
    Jeremy: You can sit back and drink your Red Bull and blab all you want about how all these movies are escapist fun and you're not supposed to take them seriously, but I'm still gonna fuck your sister later tonight.

Furious 7

  • Whenever Vin Diesel narrates, Jeremy gives us:
  • "You just earned yourself a dance with the devil, boy."
    Jeremy: That line.
  • Jeremy yells at Dom for calling The Incredible Hulk a "bad 70s show."
    Jeremy: That show RULED, so shut your whore mouth!
  • "Hey look, in Tokyo they ALSO have unreasonably short skirts at car gatherings! We're not really so different after all!!"
  • Jeremy suffers Sarcasm Failure when Dom drives his car off a cliff and is completely fine afterwards.
  • Jeremy slaps an instant 1000 sins for the "jump from building to building" stunt in Abu Dhabi. And then gives the movie an extra "screw you" sin for being referred to as "the most critically acclaimed movie in the franchise".
  • "Tonight, the part of Holly Holm will be played by Michelle Rodriguez."
  • Very late in the video, when a parking lot caves in on Dom.
    Letty: DOM!!
    Jeremy: <sigh> Letty... just... he's fine.
  • The fact that the sin counter added up to 1337, which is Leet Speak.
    Sentence: 6 Months On The Fury Road. note 
  • The "In X minutes" part of the title is changed to "<sigh>". Not "In <sigh> minutes", just "<sigh>".
  • "Comcast." *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding* *ding*

The Fate of the Furious

  • The "In X minutes" part of the title is changed to "GODDAMMIT."
    Jeremy: All right, let's get this sh*t over with...
  • Jeremy making fun of the Cuban mile, and Cuban jokes in general:
    Jeremy: It's like a baker's dozen, only with empanadas instead of donuts.
    Jeremy: (After Letty says this is Cuban NOS) What's the difference between NOS and Cuban NOS? NOS is Nitrous Oxide, so if it were different it wouldn't be NOS, but some other compound entirely...
    Jeremy: It only needs to go a mile... ahem... A CUBAN MILE DOM
    Jeremy: How have they already not gone the amount of distance I think a Cuban mile is?
    Jeremy: Yeah it's on fire. It's just Cuban fire.
  • Once again, the franchise makes Jeremy suffer Sarcasm Failure. In this case, it involves showing Hobbs highly classified information at a little girls' soccer game.
  • The movie is so terrible, Jeremy decides that Tyrese has not earned his paycheck.
  • The torpedo scene exceeded such sin tolerance, the sin counter breaks.
    Jeremy: Goddamn! This scene... this scene just broke the f*cking sin counter!!
    • Eventually, the sin counter glitches out and remains so for the rest of the video after another ridiculous and over-the-top scene plays...
      Jeremy: Are you OK?! Are you OK?! Help, Chris, the sin counter isn't breathing, man!
      Chris: I'll dial 911! (a heartbeat flatline sound is heard) Oh my God! (Chris starts sobbing uncontrollably) It's dead, isn't it? It's f*cking dead! WHY, GOD?! WHY?!? TAKE ME!!
    • The final sin count is "R.I.P." (also glitching; the actual sin count is 175), and the sentence is "Chop Shop", which is accompanied by the The Dude saying, "Well, they finally did it. They killed my f*cking car."

Hobbs & Shaw

  • "Comcast."
  • When Brixton first appears:
  • Jeremy's comments on the fight scenes:
    Jeremy: Don't worry, the editing will do the ass beating for you!
  • When Hobbs eats a gigantic stack of pancakes, Jeremy surmises that he eventually becomes the Gluttony victim in Seven.
  • When Hobbs and Shaw first meet in the agency:
    Hobbs: NO F*CKING WAY!
    Shaw: NO F*CKING WAY!
    Jeremy: It's good to know that our planet's top agencies feel perfectly comfortable putting two guys who hate each other on the same time for the comedy.
  • This:
    Shaw: Me and you? We've been down this road before. Complete waste of time!
    Jeremy: Initial test audience screening notes somehow made it into the actual film!
  • "EVERYTHING about this poorly-lit CGI fight scene with Jason Staham is eye cancer!"
  • This:
    Hobbs: Bullsh*t! She's too good looking to be your sister!
    Jeremy: I honestly can't figure out if these are actual thoughts Hobbs has about Shaw or if he's just f*cking with him. I also honestly can't figure out if this movie is for real or if it's just punching me in the dick for 2 hours and 16 minutes.
  • Jeremy decides that every time a character survives something improbable, he's going to yell Jumanji.
    • He ends up adding a hundred sins when a car drives out of a building and is perfectly fine.
  • This bit:
    Hobbs: Can someone tell me what the fresh turkey hell we're dealing with here?!
    Jeremy: Fresh turkey hell.
  • This:
    Hattie: I don't have time for your macho male bullsh*t right now!
    Jeremy: Too bad audiences didn't say the same thing. Oh well, we'll see what happens when The Fast and the Furious Presents Hobbs and Shaw: 2 Hobbs and 2 Shaw in Space! Coming out 2022.
  • Jeremy notes that Hobbs and Shaw have so much tension with each other, he's surprised they didn't become a couple.
  • This bit:
    Shaw: We're entering the drop zone!
    Jeremy: Drop Zone contains neither Wesley Snipes nor Gary Busey.
  • When Brixton gets away:
  • Jeremy adds 10 sins without saying a word when Shaw drifts a car onto a moving truck.
  • This:
    Hobbs: Alright, we're going into battle with the family heirlooms!
    Jeremy: Wow! I can't wait until the Ewoks join the final battle!
  • This bit:
    Shaw: War is what I do.
    Jeremy: And the name of a terrible movie you were in!
  • This:
  • In honor of Hobbs and Shaw having conversations in scenarios that are impossible, Jeremy creates a new type of sin: "he heard this".
  • Jeremy cracks up when Hobbs stops a helicopter from taking off by holding the chains like he was a superhero.
  • During the Sequel Hook:
    Voice: You don't remember me, Hobbs. But we're going to have a hell of a reunion.
    Jeremy: Sequel-baiting.


  • The video description sums it all up:
    Video Description: F9. This freaking movie. Jesus.
  • After the usual Logos and Comcast sins:
    Jeremy: It took NINE movies for us to get to Papa Toretto's racing days?! This is some formative sh*t! This should have been in the second movie, not the ninth! This is the biggest problem with these f*cking movies; they make us sh*t out of nowhere and expect us to accept it like the Toretto brother that shows up out of nowhere later in this movie! By Fast 10, they'll probably show Baby Dom and Baby Brian race each other on Big Wheels for nickles, only it turns out that Dom's dad is actually Brian's dad! And Dom will have a third arm that no one comments on and hat he uses just to drink Corona with.
  • This:
    Roman: Dom, this is Cypher. The killer of the mother of your child.
    Jeremy: I'm glad you reminded me of that, Roman because I didn't remember. Honestly, I don't think DOM remembers.
  • This bit:
    Dom: Be careful!
    Letty: Careful's how you get hurt!
    Jeremy: The creed of half the drivers in Nashville makes its way in this movie!
  • Jeremy refers to the aim of the bad guys as "worse than the parody aiming in the Rambo spoof of UHF".
  • The return of an old joke:
    Roman: You shooting at me?! You think I'm scared?!
    Jeremy: No, but I do think that you're trying to earn your paycheck.
  • Jeremy admits he gives up on the movie 15 MINUTES into it.
  • Later on:
    Roman: My ass is en fuego!
    Jeremy: Is he trying to UNEARN HIS PAYCHECK?!
  • During the race sequence in the jungle:
    Jeremy: This is seriously the Speeder-Bike scene from Return of the Jedi.
  • As a car drives over a collapsing bridge:
    Jeremy: WHY. Why do you make me do this. Why do you make me ask "is this the biggest f*cking insult to physics in film history?" Friction and speed do not work that way, you dicks!
    • When the car makes it at the last second:
    Jeremy: Eat my ass to the tenth power! *ding* Also, why do people like this?!
  • "I can't tell why Letty's grunt insults me so much, except for the fact that it's the only effect to being hit by a F*CKING missile!"
  • After a car drives off a cliff and drives on it's side, the video pauses. Jeremy attempts to control himself, but the sin counter nearly shatters before he can continue.
  • This:
    Letty: Jakob is and was Dom's brother.
    Jeremy: DUN DUN DUN! Also, f*ck you.
  • Jeremy points out that the twist wasn't surprising because it was pointed out in all of the trailers.
  • During the flashback sequence:
    Jeremy: Way too many minutes of the TV spinoff, The Young Torettos.
  • This:
    Cypher: Suppose you get what you want; technology that won't exist for another 50 years....
    Jeremy: She's in a glass case of exposition!
  • Jeremy adds 5 sins for the relevation that Jakob is Mia's brother too.
  • This bit:
    Tej: Aries is the god of war, right?
    Jeremy: Yes, he is. I remeber Gisele fighting him at the end of the airplane sequence in Furious 7.
  • This:
    Dom: You win, you come home. You lose, you keep on driving...
    Jeremy: "Winning equals forgiveness for murdering our dad."
  • When Dom is handed a typical beer:
    Jeremy: "Corona. My favourite. Wow, you remembered."
  • This bit:
    Mia: Han never mentioned a girl.
    Jeremy: Wow, how suspicious!
  • After Dom tackles Jakob on a zipline:
    Jeremy: I would remove all the sins if Dom misses Jakob completely and falls to his death here.
  • The scene of the crew using magnets to drag Jakob's car off the road is declared by Jeremy to be so stupid, it loops around to being awesome and a sin is removed.
  • When Dom knocks down an entire building floor with his arms:
  • At one point, Jeremy is convinced that the movie takes place in Dom's dream.
  • This:
    Dom: Is this who we are?!
    Jeremy: Seeing as this is the ninth f*cking movie, yes, this is exactly who you are, you f*cking idiot.
  • As Roman and Tej enter orbit:
    Jeremy: ...This worked.
  • When the car seperates from the shuttle:
  • Jeremy later adds ONE TRILLION sins for the car in space.
  • When Jakob turns good during the climatic chase:
    Jeremy: This is like Kim Jong Un's sister being drummed out of power and then saying "well, I guess I like democracy now. America, here I come!"
  • When Dom survives an exploding tanker truck and manages to drive away with it:
    Jeremy: Why don't you just have them fight a Predator in a car with lightsaber headlights and be done with it?!
  • After Dom leaps out of said tanker truck and it smashes into a plane, the sin counter officially gives up after adding 2000 sins:
    Sin Counter: I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do this anymore.
    Jeremy: Well, sh*t. I think the sin counter self destructed and the timer is borked, but we still have to rattle off a couple of more sins.
  • As Dom walks with his son on the racetrack:
    Jeremy: [Vin Diesel impression] "This is where my daddy died in a horrifying wreck. I wanted to share that with you, you li' gipper. Now let's go an ice cream."
    • The scene is also used as the background of the sin counter.
  • The last sin:
  • The sentence? Drop it off a cliff, shoot it into space, hit it with a hammer and electrocute it. Then kill it.

Fast X

  • At the start, Jeremy is so frustrated that there are ten Fast and Furious movies that he replaces the sin noise with a sped-up clip of himself screaming, "TEN OF THESE THINGS!" that gradually speeds up over the course of the video.
  • Jeremy is forced to repeat sins already addressed in the Fast Five sins video, ramping up the sin counter from 10 to 171. "Te-te-te-te-ten of these things!"
  • "Don just threw a burning helicopter at the moving car his child is in. And I'm not getting lazier as the movie goes on, the movie is getting stupider, so that jokes aren't needed and merely stating what is happening in the film lampoons the film enough on its own."
  • The irony that after F8 and F9 both killed the sin counter, Fast X somehow doesn't do the same thing.

     Fifty Shades of Grey films 
Fifty Shades of Grey
  • (During the credits for actress Dakota Johnson and director Sam Taylor-Johnson) "Haha, Johnson!" *ding*
  • "The guy (Christian Grey) may have a big dick, but he also IS a big dick. Dick." *ding*
  • Jeremy compares the fact that the book came from Twilight fan-fiction to recycling the action from the shock video, 2 Girls 1 Cup.
  • The first scene in the hardware store.
    Anastasia: Maybe coveralls, so you could protect your clothes?
    Christian: Could just take all my clothes off.
    Jeremy: What a whore. *ding*
  • "Movie that promised me kinky sex has gone over 23 minutes without offering up any kinky sex." *ding*
  • "Wow, even the "Bella lip-bite" is lifted from Twilight! Does this movie have one single f*cking thing to offer me that is original, besides the kinky sex which, incidentally, still hasn't shown up at the 30 f*cking minute mark?!" *ding*
  • Jeremy comparing the film unfavorably to other "Pacific Northwest" movies like Sleepless in Seattle and Singles.
  • "BDSM isn't open during business hours." *ding*
    Christian: You're biting your lip.
    Jeremy: Christian Grey would be excellent at Cinema-Sinning Twilight movies. *ding*
  • Jeremy marks waiting 43 minutes for the "kinky sex". *ding* And two full minutes of disrobing. *ding*
  • Jeremy wonders if watching this at the premiere was awkward for Dakota Johnson's parents, Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.
  • "Of course, she's a movie virgin, so this is the best sex ever had by a virgin in the history of first times. It's not painful and she has 15 G-spots." *ding*
  • Jeremy complains about not getting to see Christian's junk, considering the other content in this film.
  • Jeremy mentioning "dragging" certain actors and actresses into this film.
  • "Movie characters will now send a series of texts and IMs to each other on-screen because clearly the actors revolted when asked to repeat too many words from the script. *ding*
  • "Movie goes full 'Passion of the Christ', which my penis was not prepared for." *ding*
  • "I think this movie could have been finished in 30 seconds. 'Anastasia.' 'Christian.' 'You want me to f*ck you and whip you?' 'No.' The End." *ding*
  • The end.
    Christian: Ana.
    Anastasia: Christian. (elevator closes)
    Jeremy: I'm glad they could get that straight at the end of the movie. *ding*

Fifty Shades Darker

  • "Dull movie calls Portland dull, and I'm ready to give it 50 sins out of spite. Hell, Portland, TENNESSEE is less dull than this movie. They're proud and progressive, I hear".
  • The scene in which Marcia Gay Harden's character slaps the character of Kim Basinger is dubbed "Oscar-on-Oscar violence".

Fifty Shades Freed

  • One of the outtakes:
    Jack Hyde: I could have been Christian Gray!
    Fredo Corleone: I can handle things! I'm smart!

    Friday the 13th series 
Friday the 13th (1980)
  • Upon seeing Kevin Bacon, Jeremy pipes up with "Discount Kevin Bacon" before realizing it's the genuine article... and reiterating "Discount Kevin Bacon. Got him while he was still cheap. Good for them."
  • This bit of commentary:
    Jack: Hey, hey, this is no dream.
    Jeremy: Hey, hey! Sure can't wait to hear Danny and the Juniors tonight at the sock hop!
  • The Running Gag of "Movie kills the cutest woman X amount of minutes in."
  • Jeremy's honest distress when the counselors' strip Monopoly game is interrupted.
  • The Rule of Three coming into play:
    (shot of Ned dancing wearing a feather headdress)'
    Officer: (to the girls) Hey, can it, Cochise.
    Jeremy: That's racist.

    Officer: (to Ned) I told you to sit on it, Tonto.
    Jeremy: That's racist!

Friday the 13th Part 2

  • This:
    Jeremy: Gotta hand it to Jason, even though he's a mass killer, he's so polite that he takes the tea off the stove when it's ready. What a nice guy.
  • Jeremy at first laments Crazy Ralph showing up, then claims that he should have been the killer.
  • "I really hate Ted."
    • Later on, we get:
      Jeremy: Goddamn, I HATE this dude. End of sin!
    • Finally:
      Jeremy: You mean f*cking Ted stays behind and gets to survive? F*ck the movie!
  • Commenting on Terry's lack of a bra.
    Jeremy: This nipples girl nipples doesn't nipples seem nipples too nipples worried nipples about nipples her nipples dog nipples being nipples gone nipples for nipple hours.
  • When Jason is defeated:
    Jeremy (as Jason): I'll be back, but don't let them ever put me in space!
