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Recap / Riverdale S 06 E 15 Chapter 110 Things That Go Bump In The Night

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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13

Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35

Chapter 36 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 38 | Chapter 39 | Chapter 40 | Chapter 41 | Chapter 42 | Chapter 43 | Chapter 44 | Chapter 45 | Chapter 46 | Chapter 47 | Chapter 48 | Chapter 49 | Chapter 50 | Chapter 51 | Chapter 52 | Chapter 53 | Chapter 54 | Chapter 55 | Chapter 56 | Chapter 57

Chapter 58 | Chapter 59 | Chapter 60 | Chapter 61 | Chapter 62 | Chapter 63 | Chapter 64 | Chapter 65 | Chapter 66 | Chapter 67 | Chapter 68 | Chapter 69 | Chapter 70 | Chapter 71 | Chapter 72 | Chapter 73 | Chapter 74 | Chapter 75 | Chapter 76

Chapter 77 | Chapter 78 | Chapter 79 | Chapter 80 | Chapter 81 | Chapter 82 | Chapter 83 | Chapter 84 | Chapter 85 | Chapter 86 | Chapter 87 | Chapter 88 | Chapter 89 | Chapter 90 | Chapter 91 | Chapter 92 | Chapter 93 | Chapter 94 | Chapter 95

Chapter 96 | Chapter 97 | Chapter 98 | Chapter 99 | Chapter 100 | Chapter 101 | Chapter 102 | Chapter 103 | Chapter 104 | Chapter 105 | Chapter 106 | Chapter 107 | Chapter 108 | Chapter 109 | Chapter 110 | Chapter 111 | Chapter 112 | Chapter 113 | Chapter 114 | Chapter 115 | Chapter 116 | Chapter 117
Tabitha gets Archie’s help with dismantling and moving Pop’s, so Pickens can’t destroy it. Pop’s is haunted by ghosts who are trying to keep it intact as they must bear witness to the final battle. With Heather and Cheryl’s help, Tabitha reaches an accord with the ghosts and they set up Pop’s in Archie’s gym. They also learn that the train Pickens wants to lay tracks for may be a Ghost Train which will give him great power.

Betty divulges her private feelings and experiences, including her powers, to Special Agent Drake from the FBI. Betty worries about Polly’s twins and takes them away from Alice, leading to a bitter confrontation. Betty asks Archie if she can move in as she doesn’t feel safe in her house. Archie is empathetic, and very happy that she’s moving in; Betty is happy too. Betty attempts to learn more about her powers; if there are limitations. When she sees the red aura around herself in the mirror, she worries she is dangerous and might hurt Archie.

Toni and Fangs strive to get the best possible chance to get custody of Anthony and, even though Toni cheers Fangs on, she feels distance between them and worries what it will do to their chances. She decides to propose to Fangs and make it seem out of love, not telling him why she’s actually doing it.

Veronica asks Jughead to be a mentalist at her casino. Suffering from writers' block at the moment, he agrees to the job and performs as Forsythe the Fantastic to great acclaim. When Reggie attempts to blackmail Veronica for a cut of the profit from Jughead's act by threatening to tell Pickens that she had her father assassinated, she asks Jughead to erase the memory from Reggie's mind. Jughead agrees after researching how to successfully erase memories through telepathy. When Veronica takes back Reggie's cut, he says that he'll tell Pickens something but then can't remember what it is he would tell him due to Jughead removing that memory. Reggie reports to Pickens that they did something to him and Pickens realises what Jughead’s powers can now do.

Cheryl spends time catching up with Heather and getting to know each other as adults. Heather divulges that she was raised by a powerful coven in Greendale and is a witch. Cheryl, in turn, reveals her pyrokinesis and that she suspects she, too, is a witch. She asks Heather to help her learn and Heather is excited to do so.


  • Beware the Mind Reader: Although Jughead says he'll only read the minds of those who are willing for his act at the Babylonium, he agrees pretty easily to Veronica's suggestion of erasing part of Reggie's memory so that he can't tell Percival about her assassination of Hiram, his only hesitation being over whether he can actually do it.
  • The Bus Came Back: Juniper and Dagwood come back after half a season where they were not present.
  • Creepy Twins: Juniper and Dagwood are once again this trope, worsening when Betty sees a red aura coming from her nephew as the twins play with the cat Alice bought them. When they’re tested for the "serial killer gene", it’s revealed that girl Juniper has the gene but boy Dagwood does not, leading Betty to hypothesize that the gene is her blind spot.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Reggie, who is being manipulated by Pickens, blackmails Veronica with the knowledge that she had her father assassinated. She, who knows a lot more about exactly how bad Pickens is, decides to erase part of his mind instead of trying to reason with him.
  • Foreshadowing: Alice screams at Betty that she looks around for villains all the time when in fact, she might be the villain. Later on, Betty sees a red aura around herself, signaling that she might become a threat.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Subverted. Frank seems to be coming around as Archie gives him a picture of himself and Fred from their younger years. But, it turns out that he is faking.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: Downplayed. While Reggie and Jughead were never really friends in the first place, when the latter learns that Veronica is being blackmailed, he states that he has never liked him since high school.
  • Hot Witch: Heather and (maybe) Cheryl.
  • Idiot Ball: Betty confides in Agent Drake, a stranger, her private secrets and information about her life and powers, even though she doesn’t know Drake, didn't run any kind of check on her, and has thus far had two pretty damning experiences with the FBI being unsafe - Glen and her brother Charles. Drake’s incessant prying should at the very least have made Betty guarded.
  • Internal Reveal: Veronica reveals to Jughead that she was behind Hiram's assassination, which he had already wondered might be the case.
  • Kick the Dog: Percival poaches Archie‘s crew for a non-union job just because he can.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Jughead uses his psychic powers to erase Reggie’s memory of Veronica having her father assassinated.
  • Marriage of Convenience: This is secretly Toni's plan when she proposes to Fangs, so that they get to keep Anthony by appearing to be as stable a couple as possible, while telling him that it's just because she wants to marry him.
  • Mind Rape: Jughead and Veronica subject Reggie to this.
  • Never My Fault: Once again, Alice takes no responsibility for what she did. To be fair, she was threatened by Hal. Although on the other hand, she still hid the deputy’s body for years after his death, and that was far from the only time she was a bad parent despite her claims of having given Betty "all the love and sacrifice in the world".
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero / Revealing Cover-Up: Veronica and Jughead think they've gotten away with erasing Reggie's memory, but since he knows they erased something, he quickly goes to tell Percival what they've done and this alerts Percival to the fact that Reggie had known something about Veronica that was important enough to erase. Thus putting him on the trail to find out what that was and potentially causing the very situation they were trying to avoid.
  • No-Sell: After being forged by Cheryl, Archie is immune to palludium. Frank finds this out the hard way when he uses it to punch Archie.
  • Product Placement: Chime, Benjamin Moore paint.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Definitely seems to be the case with Veronica and Jughead’s violation of Reggie's mind. They don’t care how it would affect him, and Jughead has no qualms about it because he disliked Reggie in high school and Veronica is his friend. He also has no problem with her having called out a hit on her father, though admittedly he did recently lose his hearing thanks to Hiram's latest act of cliché villainy.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Alice gives a brutal one to Betty after she moves Dagwood and Juniper out of the house, ending with her hoping that she never becomes a mother.
  • The Reveal:
    • Betty has a red aura around herself.
    • Heather is a witch who was adopted by the Greendale coven and worships Hecate.
    • Pop's is haunted by ghosts, who are to be witnesses to the final battle between the gang and Pickens.
  • Stage Magician: Veronica and Jughead become this, when Veronica gets the idea to use Jughead's power for easy money. Jughead performs at Veronica’s casino, Babylonium, as a seer - “Forsythe the Fantastic!” - with Veronica as his partner and Lovely Assistant.
  • Taking the Kids: Betty takes custody of Juniper and Dagwood, believing that they’re not safe with Alice.
  • Tarot Troubles: Heather gives Cheryl a reading
  • Wham Episode: Pop's is haunted by ghosts that are there to witness the final fight between Pickens and everyone else. According to them, Pickens wants to create a Ghost Train to collect spirits and increase his powers. Meanwhile, Toni proposes to Fangs, but lies about the reasons why (she is doing it to win custody), and Betty sees a red aura around herself in the mirror, which means that she may become a threat to everyone in the future.
