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"This is how you solve problems in comics: Here's one guy representing this, and here's one guy representing that, and let' em fight each other and see who wins."
Grant Morrison, Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle

Symbolism is a very old, common and broad trope used to represent an idea, belief, event or other similar things by using a lesser object or event to represent it. For example, the color green will often represent envy and jealousy or red may represent wrath. Objects can symbolize many different things as well: An apple could easily represent temptation, conflict or knowledge depending on how it's used. In a mundane way, you can even have very common cases like a flag representing a country.

As such a widespread and useful trope for making a point, symbolism has a massive amount of usage and subtropes, so please do not list examples on this page.

Compare Motifs, Stock Visual Metaphors, Shapes and Symbols Tropes, Allegory.

