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Whether Lythero is with the Shenanigoons dubbing and brawling an assortment of characters in Dragon Ball Fighter Z, having a literal blast with his friends in Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, or struggling to get the right path in Shadow the Hedgehog, you can bet there will be a ton of fun to be had.

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    Dragon Ball Fighter Z 
  • Shenanigoons vs Shadow Raid Boss
    Robotnik: "No, please- Listen to me. My wife e-mails everyday, she says she misses me. If I lose my life here, how I'm gonna e-mail her back and tell her that I'm still okay?"
    Frieza: "You don't know how to use a computer; you can't e-mail!"
    Robotnik: "What do you MEAN?! I made the iMac! I made the iPhone-"
    Frieza: "Oh, God!"
    Robotnik (going Super Saiyan): "RRREEEAAAAAAGGGGHHHH-''
    *Cue Robotnik throwing an iPhone 13 with zero effect towards Frieza*
    Frieza (smugly): "Haha! That was just an iPhone 13. They don't hurt- (suddenly horrified as Robotnik whips out a Nokia 3310) Oh- oh God..."
    Robotnik: "That's it."
    Frieza (hyperventilating): "Don't pull out the Nokia! That's cheating!"
    Robotnik: "You're gonna be using a Samsung tablet to make phone calls for the rest of your life!"
    Frieza: "It's time to go golden!"
    Robotnik: "Gold this!"
    Bardock: "Oh, shit, wait a minute-"
    Frieza: "NOOOOOooooo-"
    Robotnik: "Hold that "L", you idiot!"
    Broly: "Good job, Eggman."
  • Beast Gohan Raid Boss
    • While the Shenanigoons have fought Mickey as Super Broly before in their Lobby Shenanigans videos, the mod gained a new detail when Mickey uses his Level 3 between the last time they used him and the raid boss, leading to...
    Lee!Mickey: I'M BACK, BITCHES-
    (Cue Walt Disney showing up in the blast, with the Ultra Instinct theme playing briefly)
    All Three: WHAT?!?! (All three of them burst into laughter)
    Gary Broly: No! I won't let you! DIE!!! (Uses his own Level 3 super to defeat Mickey)
    Gary Broly: The Walt Disney Jumpscare, my god!
    • What’s also funny is the Walt Disney edit was always supposed to be part of the mod, but it didn’t show up during the time of recording Lobby ShenaniganZ 6 due to a coding error, which was fixed sometime after.
    • Cooler owns a Starbucks franchise at 123 Allegro Way. Cue numerous jokes about his new job as a barista, his insistence on still calling coffee "bean soup" half the time (even calling the store the "bean soup store" when he advertises it), and the joke about his store's health standard letter grade being reduced if he loses to the Rat (and he does).
    • One of the battles is against Raiden, who has some lines courtesy of FunnyWes. Raiden first gets deja-vu from fighting Broly, asking him if he works in politics, and later he recreates the "you're not greedy, you're fucking insane" scene with Master Roshi, yeeting him into the side of a volcano while exclaiming "tech that, you super-pervert!"
    • Nobody can understand the Spanish that Beast Gohan is saying. Even his teammate, Piccolo, chimes in to admit he doesn't have a damn clue either! Javi has a lot of fun with this, even doing one of his intros as a bizarre non-sequitur about needing more plates for the carne asada, which Frieza interprets as a death threat.
      • This later intersects with the Cooler barista jokes, as Cooler asks Gohan to speak English because he's not bilingual. Gohan doesn't get the message, asking in Spanish if Cooler accepts cash or credit, which is just understandable enough for Lythero to joke about Gohan asking to have his credit card put in his coffee.
    • Just the sheer reveal of the Final Boss of the raid, after Lythero as Vegeta was acting quite cocky for it:
    Vegeta: Alright, it's the prince of all Saiyans. I'm ready to fight whatever comes my way.
    (Cue Marketable Plushie Lythero appearing... along with Marketable Plushie versions of Beatbox and Psychonugget as Javi and Zyzx begin cheering for them)
    Lee: Uh oh. Oh no. Oh no...
    Gary: Welp, beat up your pets, good luck! I couldn't do it!
    • The twist, of course, being that Beatbox and Psychonugget are fine-tuned to be damn near untouchable. And that's on top of the Marketable Lythero Plushie being a one-hit killer who wipes out the entire team at the end!
    • Saiyan Saga Vegeta confronting Frieza over destroying his home planet and nearly exterminating his entire race. The response he gets is... Not what he was expecting. The animation provided by Pringus Mc Dingus helps sell it.
    Vegeta: You took... Everything from me, Frieza!
    Frieza: I don't even kno-NUH-UH! (corpses)
    Vegeta: THE FUCK YOU MEAN, “NUH-UH”?!
  • Shenanigoons Vs. The Three Idiots: REMATCH
    • Lythero complaining that it took Arc System Works a year to finally implement rollback, causing them to do the rematch in delay netcode only for rollback beta test to be announced the very week he put up the video. This is also joked about during the actual stream.
    • There are multiple jokes about one of the Goons or Idiots carrying the other two, especially some rather literal humor.
    • Roshi's house turning into a giant mech and stomping the two groups flat in an almost one for one reenactment of Coop's fantasy in Megas XLR's Department of Major Vexation episode, with Roshi laughing maniacally like Coop.
    • Rhyme sets up the lobby, and rather than just telling the others the password, he says they have to "hack it", meaning they need to guess. The other two Idiots figure it out immediately. Gary tries the "funny number" (6969), while Lee tries 1337, but neither works. Rhyme gives them a hint - the funniest number you can think of on the calculator in school. Lee and Gary figure it out (though Javi needs some help). Naturally, it turns out to be 8008.
      Rhyme: Alright, alright, we've got some master hackers!
      SeeReax: It is funny because we are referring to breast! (Beat) I'm sorry.
    • At the start of the third match, Rhyme literally says that he is going to use 2M immediately. The gang joke about him being cancelled if he lies, and he's true to his word. The second time he does it, however, he lies.
    • Lythero jokes that he was only able to book the Three Idiots for 20 minutes.
      Doto: Yeah, our price is pretty high, you keep us any longer than 20 minutes and we might cost you two questaritos!
      Lythero: Noooo! I'll never financially recover from this!
    • The first time the six do random characters, Lythero gets Android 21. Cue tongue emotes in chat, jokes about people thirsting over her, and Doto briefly recounts an occasion where he and Rhyme went to Japan and found an Android 21 fan-magazine.
      Doto: It’s not mine, I swear!
      Rhyme: I have three in my closet actually!
    • The second random round has Lythero end up with Cell and both Gary and Javi with Teen Gohan, who they both call "Toehan". The match gets so chaotic that even the editor has to put in a message explaining that the whole thing so chaotic and messy that it was basically impossible to properly edit.
    • After that particular match, a message alerting everyone to the fact that server maintenance is going to happen in 15 minutes pops up. Everyone panics, and rushes to try and get as much game time in before the servers go down. They even try to get around it by just not pressing the confirm button.
      Freeza: Shut up. There's no time. The servers are dying. (Points up)
      Warning Message: No really. Get the fuck out.
    • Lythero turns out to be surprisingly good with Fat Buu, much to the surprise of everyone, including himself, as he never played Fat Buu.
    • In the next random after that, Lythero gets Android 21 again, Gary gets regular Super Saiyan Goku, and Javi gets GT Goku.
      Lythero: Wait, did I get the same character again?! (Valley girl voice) God fukkin' damm it!
      Gary/SSJ Goku: Who am I? (Picks, gasps) I AM A WARRIOR, PURE OF HEART!
      Javi/GT Goku: (derping on the floor) I'm a warrior pure of heart!
      Lythero/Android 21: I'm from the streets, let's go! (starts corpsing)
      Gary/SSJ Goku: I am a warrior, pure of pure... (Stares at 21's breasts, blushes, Chi-Chi starts coming up behind him with glowing red eyes) I am pure... (snaps out of it) of heart! (Chi-Chi leaves) So pure!
      Javi/GT Goku: I am a rat! (starts eating cheese)
      Android 21 and SSJ Goku just look at each other and shrug
      Lythero/Android 21: He's just a rat.
      SeeReax/Janemba: Since we're all speaking in our native tongue... (Incoherent monster noises)
    • Jiren trying to counter Frieza's Death Saucers, and failing because he was facing the wrong way, with him complaining how late they were.
    • Once the servers go down, they decide to just play Street Fighter 6. About a quarter of the video is just Street Fighter gameplay, with the transition handled with an awesome art piece showing the two teams facing off as they enjoy rollback netcode. The transition back to FighterZ, accompanied by "and then they returned to delay netcode" has a more goofy version of the art.
    • SeeReax's "recreation" of the lobby music. When Lythero jokes that it'll get him copyright struck, Reax remarks that at least he's not doing Cha-La Head-Cha-La. Cue him immediately singing that very song, with Rhyme and Gary joining in.
    • The match with four Vegetas, 3 of them played by the Goons, and the fourth played by SeeReax, who does a shockingly good impression. Near the end of the match, there's an amusing exchange involving Vegeta's widow's peak, one of the Blue Vegetas getting uncharacteristically scared and jumping into Bulma's arms, and when Lythero beats SeeReax, Doto immediately pins the blame on the latter. SeeReax... Is not having it whatsoever, in a hilarious animated sequence by Souljen where Vegeta Blue is animated like a Looney Tunes character.
      Doto/Ginyu: Annnnddddd you panicked.
      (Everyone else starts laughing their asses off)
      Doto/Ginyu: I built you half a bar to use however you see fit, and you panicked.
      SeeReax/Vegeta Blue: You wasted three bars, did nothing, and died.
      Doto/Ginyu: I built you half a bar, and you panicked.
      SeeReax/Vegeta Blue: You are wearing shoulder pads and got punched in the face 17 times, did you think about your outfit, at all?!
      Doto/Ginyu: I didn't make the damn uniform, Frieza told me to wear it!
      Lythero/SSJ Vegeta: You may be thinking that I'm a regular widow's peak, but you are dealing with-( corpses as his model suddenly shifts to Lythero's briefly)-dealing with the Super Widow's Peak! (pans up to show Vegeta with a comically elongated head)
      SeeReax/Vegeta Blue: Advanced widow's peak!
      Doto/Ginyu: There's only one way to deal with Vegetas!
      Rhyme/Frieza: Hello, monkeys!
      Lythero/SSJ Vegeta: Not my trauma! No please!
      Gary/Regular Vegeta: Oh my God! Frieza! Nooooooo!
      (Frieza smirks smugly as Javi proceeds to speak in Spanish again)
      Gary/Regular Vegeta: Oh my Go- WHO YOU CALLIN' MONKEY?! My fursona's a dragon! I'm not a monkey, idiot! Baka desu!
    • Frieza being deliberately problematic on social media, and just making a new account whenever he gets banned. He literally has an entire bin of phones.
    • This hilarious exchange during the following match:
      Rhyme: (Currently being subjected to a combo) Put me down! Put me down right now! Right now!
      Lythero/Frieza: Very poor choice of words! Take this ball with you! (Dunks a super on Rhyme) I love... Return of the Black Knight. That's not the name of the show, I haven't seen Batman in a bit.
      Gary/SSJ Goku: What did you say?! That's not your word, Frieza...
      Lythero/Frieza: B-Batman?!
      Gary: (doing a goofy Batman impression) That's right! That's right, Frieza! (Immediately starts laughing before he can finish "Frieza")
    • "Nice combo, do they make it for men?"

    Shadow the Hedgehog 
  • The Orange Gamecube
    • Early on into the playthrough chat starts sending donations with the name of increasingly cursed food ideas which culminates in Alfred nearly doing a cry of disbelief when he reads FriedWater as one of the donations.
    • The Running Gag during the Air Fleet level concerning the mentioned Orange Gamecube where Shadow, when he is on evil, trying to stop the President from getting an Orange Gamecube only to himself be stopped by the sheer amount of counter donations forcing him to be neutral or good. What adds to the humor is that since the evil objective is a Timed Mission several times when the donations put them back on the evil path they have to restart the whole stage because of that.

    Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 
  • UMvC3 - Lobby Shenanigans 7 (feat. TheRussianBadger)
    • Poor HeavenlyFather having to reckon with the fact that Lythero is way higher rank than him. 8th Lord? "Oh, that's nothing, that's just my rank on Steam, my real rank on Xbox 360 is Cosmic Lord."
    • Deadpool and Iron Man walking backwards away from Phoenix Wright, and Lythero wondering why people keep doing that.
    • Lythero lampshading that he still hasn't done the Silver campaign in Sonic 06, and promises he'll do it live on stream if the video gets 2 million views by a certain date. True to form, the viewers break that goal just in time.
    • Badger: "I got Iron Man, I got Virgin, and I got Doctor Dan, let's do it."
    • Everything to do with the Snoop Dog character mod.
    • Maya shooting Senator Armstrong with a gun.
    • Badger picks Lythero's team. He picks Chun-Li, Spider-Man and... Vergil. As Badda put it while Lythero was laughing like a villain, "You gave him dirt, water, and a .44 Magnum."
    • Vergil vs. the invisible Chun-Li. Hilarity Ensues.
      RussianBadger: You ever seen an X Factor Chun-Li taunt you?
      (Lythero/Vergil looks up from his newspaper to see nothing)
      Lythero: N-And I still don't. (laughs) And I never will!
      HeavenlyFather: (appears as a png cutout of his Vtuber avatar) He quite literally cannot.
    • Patrick Starr calling Kazuya Mishima trash and throwing him off a cliff.
    • Leon Kennedy being forced to take off his coat if he loses... Except it outright turns into him taking his top off entirely. The whole bit is him "reluctantly" showing off "all 20 of his abs".
    • The entire bit with Morrigan (Lucy) vs. Spongebob (Alfred).
    • Lythero lying about still being in Turnabout Mode.
      IHeartJustice: Your honor, he put his hand on the Bible and everything!
      Lythero: I sure did! I was like: "Ah, how quaint, a Catholic Bible. (pulls out a copy of the Marvel guidebook) I solemnly swear, I ran out of Turnabout-GOTCHA, BITCH!"
    • The Rayman character mod continuing Gary's Viewtiful Joe "MINE!" running gag.


    The Silver Campaign 
  • The video is already off to a good start as Lythero, PaperBoxHouse, Zyzx_ and TopSpinTheFuzzy try to read a script but it immediately goes off the rails as Gary impovs and tries to start the scene like its straight out of Family Guy (complete with Gary making an acapella of the transition jingle). Gary is barely able to finish his first line before he immediately starts laughing his lungs off. Followed by the entire scene devolving into chaos as everything starts glitching out, except for poor Silver who is left cowering in fear from all the insanity, before Alfred's President steps in to start the second take while he's in a realm that can only be described as being straight out of Sonic Dreams Collection.
  • The actual intro:
    • It involves Sonic and Shadow breaking into Eggman's house to celebrate Lythero nearly reaching 1 million subscribers. Eggman's reaction?
      Eggman: Ummmm, excuse me what the actual f-AUDIO JUNGLE are you doing in my house?
      Sonic: We're celebrating! Come on, Eggman!
      Eggman: A celebration, huh? Haven't you forgotten someone?
      Shadow: No. Your game is terrible.
      Eggman: (facepalms) Not me, you morons! HIM!
      (The main monitor displays Silver at the door camera, whimpering like an abandoned puppy)
      Sonic: (briefly turns into his Sonic Adventure 1 model) WHOOOOOAAAAAA! HIS GAME IS EVEN WORSE!
  • Eggman drops Silver into the room via a trap door, missing a pile of pillows and creating an Impact Silhouette in the floor. Eggman notes that the other two hedgehogs agreed to complete Silver's story, but Sonic just decides to kill Silver, which Shadow and Eggman immediately agree to, resulting in Silver climbing out of the hole and seeing the other three glaring at him ominously, accompanied by custom-made remix of the series' signature drowning theme to make this comically overdramatic.
  • Before they can kill him, Silver objects, saying he brought a sponsor (or pizza in the standalone clip), much to the trio's delight, which causes them to celebrate instead.
    • Right before Silver objects, Sonic Man of all characters appears briefly.
    • For some reason, Sonic changes into his Sonic Adventure 1 model again briefly, complete with a matching idle animation.
    • Shadow is holding a glock instead of the AK-47 for some reason as well.
  • The montage after Silver brings a sponsor (or some pizza) is filled with great blink-and-you'll-miss-it gags, such as all three hedgehogs somehow being outside and smiling at the doorbell camera. Especially when the group decides to "prank Lythero" by going to Ireland, barging into Lythero's home, and basically forcing him to play Silver's campaign.
    • When the group accidentally crash land on Ireland, we get a hilarious shot of Shadow in the foreground recreating the famous Thousand-Yard Stare painting while saying an incredibly monotone "Dear god".
    • As the group reach Lee's home (with the door helpfully labelled as "Lythero's house"), Sonic and Eggman make the soyjaks pointing meme before the door.
    • How do they convince Lythero to play the game? Through a hilariously great recreation of the Akakichi no Eleven meme involving Eggman and Silver of course!
    Eggman: Play it.
  • The orcas in Wave Ocean are apparently out for revenge after their father (the orca from Sonic Adventure 1) died, but Lythero pointed out that Sonic did not cause that chase, and it wasn't his fault that the orca slammed non-stop into wooden board bridges and rocks. Cue jokes that the original orca was actually just incredibly racist towards hedgehogs, as his kids find out at his deathbed...
    SA1 Orca: Come closer... KILL THAT HEDGEHOG (flatline sound)
    Lythero: That's not him dying, he just called Sonic a really bad slur.
    SA1 Orca: Kill that god-damn (censored)
    Orca Child 1: Oh my god, Dad?!
    Orca Child 2: Dad?!
    Chao Doctor: I'm sorry, orcas, he's from a different time. (Shows them a picture of SA1 Sonic) He's from Dreamcast-era.
  • Lythero taking advantage of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)'s Loads and Loads of Loading by playing Sonic Adventure 2 every time he hits a loading screen. He spent so much time waiting for Sonic 06 to load that he was able to finish the Hero story!
    • When Lythero reaches Mission Street, he jokes that it's time for Alfred to re-create Eggman's speech from Real-Time Fandub, but skips the cutscene before Alfred can say anything.
      Lythero: Okay! Okay everyone, are you ready?!
      TopSpinTheFuzzy: Are you ready?!
      Lythero: Okay, Alfred!
      Alfred: Oh my-
      Lythero: *Skip*.
      * Alfred and Fuzzy start losing it as Gary mimics Eggman’s voice and says "I have an-" before stopping.*
  • Alfred asks Lythero a question...
    Alfred: Hey, when did this game come out?
    Lythero (holding back a snicker): Sonic 06?
    * (Beat)*
    Alfred: ...I'm stupid as fuck. Of course it did.
    * (Everyone else bursts into laughter.)*
  • "Where's that damn—" (Sonic 06 finishes loading, and then immediately goes to another loading screen) "—Chaos Emerald?"
  • Lythero getting lost in Aquatic Base in Sonic's campaign, and managing to backtrack to the point where he switched control from Tails back to Sonic, where he finds Tails and a second Sonic. The gang loses it when he gets closer and the two Sonics inexplicably merge into one.
  • Shadow getting smacked into the water by a falling building in Kingdom Valley.
    Alfred: All you needed in that moment was just— (whistling) and Shadow holding up a sign that says "Damn it".
    • The above is made even better by Doovad's animation of this moment, which also adds Lythero doing the MrBeast pose to the side of the building.
  • One of Shadow's side quests is to collect some clothes for Sabrina, a Solaris lord's Spoiled Brat of a daughter (or as the game describes it, "collect 5 product" in 5 minutes.) The gang proceeds to claim Sabrina will murder Shadow for not delivering her dresses to her, first by snapping his neck, then enacting a skit where Sabrina strapped a Bomb Collar to the hedgehog while threatening him from an AC-130. Lythero manages to find the product, make it back to her, and slide past her instead of talking to her at the very last second, failing the mission.
  • In a similar vein to above, Silver is tasked with having to do an Escort Mission with a woman that the group immediately pins as a Yandere but even more unhinged. From revealing that she knows about Silver's powers because she made fanfiction of him to deciding to turn the escort mission into a date.
    • When Silver tries to ask Sonic Man for advice involving his yandere not-girlfriend, he happens to be voiced by none other than Egoraptor of all people!
      Sonic Man: "Oh, that's Anna. She grips the balls out of any man she sees, and doesn't let go until they die. Good luck!"
  • In the ending, as Sonic and Elise stand in front of the Solaris flame...
    Sonic: What the fuck is that?
    Elise: This is where everything began.
    Sonic: Oh. (Blows out the flame immediately)

    Half-Life //Full-Regret 
  • Just about every single time Lythero uses the Prowler theme to startle his teammates before he tries to shoot them, leading to laughter from everyone each time.
  • Towards the beginning of the session, Gary gets a chat saying "Tell Lee to type "quit smoking" in the console and hear G-Man say "No"." Gary, the one hosting the session, actually does it himself and the whole session shuts down to uproarious laughter and Lythero's brief bout of heckling him.
    Lythero: "Oh my God, you are stupid! This is why [Me and David] are the scientists and you're the stupid mangy MC!"
  • Coupled with that the continuing griefing war between Gary and Lythero throughout most of the playthrough, with David unfortunately being caught up often in it.
  • When they reach Xen Gary starts to bemoan about the level only to stop when he sees Lythero planting trip mines all over David For Science!. Gary quickly leaves before the other two blow up.

    Lethal Goonery 
  • The start of the video is the other two Goons pestering Lythero about why the Silver Campaign video isn't out yet.
  • At one point, Lythero and the others are currently trying to escape a Bunker Spider, Lee ends up causing it to go after him all the way to a dead end with a door. Lee closes the door thinking he'd be safe until he finds out the hard way that the Bunker Spider can open doors. Later after his death, Gary ends up being the one getting chased and does the exact same thing which leads to his and Javi's own deaths, much to Lee and Krooked's amusement.
  • Lythero and Gary desperately trying outrun a Thumper. Unfortunately, Lythero doesn't make it out of the encounter due to him sliding off his box. Fortunately, this provides the dead employees with the hilariously timed sight of Gary screaming "WHYYYYYYYYYY?!" to the heavens at the top of his lungs when the Dead Camera goes to Gary as soon as someone asked "Is Gary alive?", evoking a similar scene in a certain anime.
  • Wergle successfully weaponizing lightning to kill an Eyeless Dog that was at the ship's door, dropping a shovel right on top of it before being teleported inside, saying "Die!" in Japanese right after the bolt strikes and kills the dog, allowing him and the surviving crewmates to grab the loot that was right at the door and safely escape. Doubles as a moment of awesome.
