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Characters / Find Us Alive

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This is a character sheet for the Find Us Alive podcast.

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    Dr. Edmund Harley 

Dr. Edmund Harley

Pronouns: He/him
Position: Communications Operator
Voiced by: Ian Zynd Charles, Logan Laidlaw (after Episode 11)

The narrator and Site-107's radio operator. He is trying to reach Overwatch Command for help regarding the plight of his site's personnel.

  • The Alcoholic: He has a drinking problem. In just the first episode, he risks his life by stealing a bottle of vodka, drunkenly rants at O5 Command for not coming to their rescue, passes out and has to be carried back to his room. He denies that he has a problem and hides his drinking habits from his psychologist despite Lancaster's protests.
  • The Comically Serious: He can be funny unintentionally, but never on purpose. All his "jokes" peter out as he seems to realize how dumb he sounds before he finishes speaking.
  • The Cynic: Even though he tries to be optimistic, the events at Site-107 clearly wear him down. He openly admits that he doesn't believe that Overwatch Command is listening, and he grows increasingly resentful towards Overwatch Command as well as the higher-ups of the Foundation in general for treating people like the personnel of his site as fundamentally expendable resources in the pursuit of their goal of containing the anomalous.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Very much so.
  • Loophole Abuse: The Body Code boils down to this, as Harley realised that the resets don't affect organic matter, meaning that tattoos on the body (which is organic) can be used to preserve information.
  • Self-Deprecation: He doesn't have a high opinion of himself.
  • Sanity Slippage: The events at Site-107 take a toll on his mental well-being. Mitigated somewhat by Lancaster's emotional support.

    Dr. Orion Lancaster 

Dr. Orion Lancaster

Pronouns: He/him
Position: Head of Psychology
Voiced by: Jackson McMurray

The Head of Psychology. He is kind and compassionate and goes to great lengths to help others, even to his own detriment.

  • The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: Deconstructed. Lancaster is a psychiatrist who has a very hard time taking his own advice. This is treated as an outright dangerous and hypocritical trait at the worst of times, even once resulting in him lashing out at Harley and nearly passing out from exhaustion. From the way Harley responds, it seems that it's unfortunately common for him to snap at his friends when he's stressed. It also severely undermines his credibility as he nags Harley about his drinking habits, seeing as he has a pretty nasty caffeine addiction himself.
  • Face–Monster Turn: Becomes a Dash Three and has to be contained, but is cured later.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After being contained as a Dash Three, he feels immense guilt for what he did while under the influence of the anomaly. To the point that he volunteers for an experiment that basically boils down to Cold-Blooded Torture just because it might cure him.
  • Nice Guy: The nicest member of the main cast by far.
  • Not Himself: After a Dash One forms on his leg, his normally upbeat personality became neurotic, obsessive, and prone to harsh outbursts, and whatever he's doing in his office, he is intensely secretive about it, snapping at everyone who innocently asks if he needs help organizing. It's a sign that he's becoming a Dash Three.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents kicked him out on the street. At first, he doesn't say why, but he later explains that he was kicked out for being gay.

    Dr. Beatrix Klein 

Dr. Beatrix Klein

Pronouns: She/her
Position: Head of Research, Acting Site Director (formerly)
Voiced by: Taschia Ritter

The Head of Research, who was chosen to act as Site Director after the Shift killed her predecessor. She is highly intelligent, but can be reckless and short-sighted at times. She cares about one thing before all else: getting the personnel of her site out alive, and will break protocol to do it.

  • The Chains of Commanding: In private, she admits to not knowing what the hell she's doing and believing that she's a poor leader, and the responsibilities of being the Site Director weigh heavily on her.
  • Determinator: Never gives up.
  • Hot-Blooded: Less so than Agent Love, but still, she can be quite impulsive at times.

    Officer Raddagher 

Officer Raddagher

Pronouns: She/her
Position: Surveillance Officer
Voiced by: Anna Maguire

A quiet Surveillance Officer who tends to keep to herself. Reclusive, rarely talks and is somewhat misanthropic, and doesn't get along well with others.

  • Everyone Can See It: Her attraction to Agent Love.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Becomes a lot less reclusive due to her relationship with Agent Love. When Love has a brain aneurysm and falls into a coma, however, she reverts back to being reclusive and isolating herself.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The normally near-nonverbal Raddagher occasionally has angry meltdowns, and every time it occurs, it indicates that something has gone severely wrong.
  • Opposites Attract: Falls for Agent Nari Love, the loud, brash, short-tempered field agent.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Her and Agent Love share their First Kiss and become an item in Episode 27.
  • The Quiet One: To the point of becoming nonverbal occasionally.

    Agent Nari Love 

Agent Nari Love

Pronouns: She/her
Position: Field Agent
Voiced by: Tabi Bardall

A field agent who has a short temper and is prone to lashing out at others.

  • Convenient Coma: After the reset in Episode 34, she has a brain aneurysm that almost kills her. The doctors at Site-107 are able to perform surgery on her, but even though the surgery is successful, she doesn't wake up.
  • For Want Of A Nail: The main reason for her initial Jerkass behavior is that she got trapped at Site-107 completely by accident, she doesn't work at the site and just so happened to be there when the Shift happened, and she's (understandably) upset about this.
  • Freudian Slip: At one point, Dr. Klein asks her what she and Raddagher were doing in the hallway (they were still hiding Dumptruck at this point) and she's forced to make up a lie on the spot.
  • Giver of Lame Names: Names the Dash Two she created and keeps as a pet "Dumptruck".
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Has a very short temper.
  • Jerkass: She starts out like this, lashing out at others and getting into fistfights at the slightest provocation and being unpleasant to everyone around her. This lasts for a few episodes; after that, she begins to warm up to the other main characters and her behavior improves considerably (see Jerk with a Heart of Gold below).
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She has some serious anger issues and acts tough, but underneath her tough exterior, she is a very kind-hearted person who will go to great lengths to protect the people she cares about. This might explain why Raddagher falls for her.
  • Opposites Attract: Falls for Raddagher, the quiet and reclusive surveillance operator.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: The shortest member of the main cast and, due to being a field agent, the strongest.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Her and Raddagher share their First Kiss and become an item in Episode 27.

Personnel of Site-107

    Gloria Alves 

Gloria Alves

Pronouns: She/her
Position: Acting Site Director

The current acting Site Director.

  • Driven by Envy: Though she isn't outright evil until she takes over as acting Site Director, it's clear that her resentment towards Dr. Beatrix Klein for getting the promotion instead of her drives most of her actions.
  • Knight Templar: She genuinely believes in the Foundation's protocols and thinks that they should be followed to the letter.
  • Noodle Incident: Something happened between her and Dr. Beatrix Klein in the past.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Demands that the Foundation's protocols are followed to the letter, even if there's a better solution. This causes more than a few problems.
  • The Resenter: Doesn't even try to hide her resentment towards Dr. Beatrix Klein for being chosen to act as Site Director instead of her. At one point, she deliberately ignores Dr. Klein's attempts to contact her over the comms, and she keeps undermining Dr. Klein's efforts to do her job only to then turn around and blame her whenever something bad happens.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: When she finally takes over as acting Site Director, it quickly goes to her head, to the point that she starts having her own department arrest people.

    Dr. Irene Gravett 

Dr. Irene Gravett

Pronouns: She/her
Position: Head of Medical

The Head of Medical, a cold, calculating professional who the entire site is terrified of.

  • Evil Old Folks: Less evil and more amoral, but still.
  • Mad Doctor: A cold and amoral doctor who has a Lack of Empathy towards her patients. Unlike most examples, she is actually trying to save her patients.
  • The Sociopath: Possibly. As a child, she would burn ants under a magnifying glass out of a sense of curiosity about how the world works. And as an adult, she sees the people whose lives she saves less like people and more like machines whose parts break down, and she has killed patients who she deemed to be beyond saving. Regardless of whether or not she's a sociopath, she does have a disturbing Lack of Empathy at the very least.
  • Straw Nihilist: Believes that all human pursuits (including the Foundation) are just delusional and foolish attempts to deny that everyone is going to die at some point, and sees them all as meaningless.
  • The Topic of Cancer: She has a brain tumor. Because her mother died from a brain tumor and it runs in the family, she's gotten desperate enough to teach herself brain surgery from a textbook.

    Fatima Haldi 

Fatima Haldi

Pronouns: She/her
Position: Head of Security

The Head of Security.


     The Anomaly 


Item Number: 6320
Object Class: Euclid. Pending reclassification

The central anomaly that Site-107 was built to contain, as well as the cause of the Shift that trapped all of the site's personnel inside an extradimensional space.

Tropes associated with SCP-6320

  • Ambiguous Situation: It might be sentient, at least to some degree.
  • Brown Note: Has a mind-altering memetic effect that affects all personnel except those with a Psychic Resistance Index of 14B (which, at Site-107, is just the main cast) and a second memetic effect that keeps people who are resistant to the first memetic effect from telling other people about the memetic effect.
  • Cosmic Flaw: A tear in the fabric of reality that's causing all kinds of anomalous events to happen.
  • Eldritch Location: The extradimensional space definitely qualifies.
  • Derailed Train of Thought: SCP-6320 weaponizes this, with a memetic effect that prevents the cast from telling anyone about the memetic effect. Harley rambles about Mandarin grammatical structure, Lancaster gets distracted by a stain on his shirt, Klein starts trying to explain Rohan Kishibe's Stand, and Raddagher gives up trying to explain with a blunt "This isn't working".
  • "Groundhog Day" Loop: An unusual, complex example within its extradimensional space: The loop lasts just over 32 days, with the BC2 wing re-collapsing every time the loop resets. However, the loop doesn't affect organic matter (or SCP-6320-related effects); plants continue to grow, memories and injuries persist over resets, and all deaths are final. Later, Harley discovers that tattoos persist across resets too.
  • Negative Space Wedgie: It caused the Shift, and the Dash Ones cause all kinds of weird anomalous events to happen inside the extradimensional space.
  • Our Wormholes Are Different: It is an extradimensional rift that's shaped like a mineral deposit, causes fluids and particulate matter to form into smaller copies of itself (the Dash Ones) that cause other anomalous events to happen, has a memetic effect, has a second memetic effect that keeps people who are resistant to the first memetic effect from telling other people about the memetic effect, it is able to corrupt plants and animals (including human beings) into monsters, and it might be sentient. And, inside of its extradimensional space, it is capable of messing with time and space.
  • Pocket Dimension: The extradimensional location, which is believed to be inside of the rift.
  • Self-Duplication: The Dash Ones.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: This is likely to be the case, even without taking into account its memetic effect on site personnel.

Tropes associated with SCP-6320-1 / Dash Ones

  • Negative Space Wedgie: When a Dash One is completed, it causes all kinds of weird anomalous events to happen before disappearing.
  • Self-Duplication: The Dash Ones are basically smaller copies of the main anomaly.

Tropes associated with SCP-6320-2 / Dash Twos

  • Animalistic Abomination: Dash Twos created from animals. A spider turned into a creature the size of a large dog with a mouth filled with "rows and rows of teeth" and a beetle grew to a similar size in a matter of seconds.
  • Attack of the Killer Whatever: Dash Twos are created when a Dash One forms on (or is carved into) a plant or a harmless animal, as long as it is alive.
  • Botanical Abomination: Dash Twos created from plants.
  • Fertile Blood: Blood from a Dash Two creates more Dash Ones, which in turn can create Dash Twos and Dash Threes.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: The Dash Twos have bizarre mammalian biology, blood like quicksilver, and the apparent desire to immobilize people rather than kill them. Every time one is described, no one seems to know which part counts as the head. Some of them also have bizarre abilities such as phasing through walls.
  • Tele-Frag: The vine monster Dash Two weaponises this.

Tropes associated with SCP-6320-3 / Dash Threes

  • Face–Monster Turn: The result of a Dash One forming on (or being carved into) a human's skin.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Even though they look human, the Dash Threes speak with a Voice of the Legion when revealing themselves, act in an unnatural way and are basically just shells of their former selves with the sole desire to create more Dash Ones and turn other humans into more of themselves. But it is possible to cure them.
  • Personality Remnant: After the transformation, the Dash Threes retain their former selves' memories and at least enough of their personality to be able to fool the people around them.



An artificial Dash Two created from a potato. Unlike other Dash Twos, it's apparently harmless, and Love keeps it as a pet.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It's not clear if Dumptruck is harmless because it is different from the other Dash Twos or if it's just because it lacks teeth, claws, appendages or really anything that it could use to cause harm.
  • Evil Detecting Pet: Dumptruck is able to detect Dash Ones.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: Downplayed. It has some kind of connection to Love and follows her commands, due to being an artificial Dash Two that she created.
  • Team Pet: Love keeps it as a pet, so naturally, it becomes this for the main characters after they find out.
  • Teleportation: When the site gets split into two parallel versions, it turns out that Dumptruck can teleport between the A Side and B Side, which gives the people on both sides a means to communicate with each other by sticking notes to Dumptruck's body.
