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Pantheon / Dimensions and Multiverses

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Far in the reaches of planets and other celestial bodies, lies a larger-than-life representation of all within the cosmos, the universe. Ever since the discovery of the term, new concepts arose from fiction, coming from various dimensions and other multiverses for a collective term for more than one universe. These worlds houses different forms of life and mysterious settings far different that those within a single planet and with it, new possibilities of settings not seen before.

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    Dark Multiverse 
The Dark Multiverse, Unholy Realm of Failed Universes
  • Description: A mirror of the DC Multiverse where everything goes wrong
  • Symbol: A pitch-black sphere, with a red "-52" in the center
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Crapsack Darker and Edgier Multiverse, Expendable Alternate Universe Deconstructed, Represents Everything That Could Have Gone Wrong With The DC Superheroes, Alliance of Alternates
  • Domains: Corruption, Doom, Chaos, Suffering, Hopelessness
  • Unholy to: Everyone in the DC Multiverse, especially Bruce Wayne. The only exceptions are Barbatos and the Dark Knights.
  • Underneath the DC Multiverse is a shadow, a Dark Multiverse. A reality home to every fear, every bad decision, everything that could go wrong. Unstable universes destined for doom, showing what happens when things go wrong with the main DC Universe. These failed universes were meant to be disposed of. But the Dragon meant to devour them, Barbatos, had other ideas.
  • The Dark Multiverse is said to embody the worst case scenarios, and Batman has a lot of worst case scenarios. That's why the Psycho Rangers who emerged to the main DC Universe were all evil Bruce Waynes. Now that the Dark Multiverse has expanded to the pantheon, it has spawned whole galaxies born from dark and morally questionable or powerful and potentially dangerous heroes going out of hand come from. Realms where Guts became the sixth Godhand in his quest for revenge, for instance.
  • Upon its ascension, a new super-universe called Earth -53note  came into existence, which serves as the Dark Multiverse's answer to the Trope Pantheon. In it are realms where Cosmos is dead and Melkor reigns supreme, YHVH has destroyed free will, Lucifer's schemes have reduced everything to an anarchistic hellhole, machines have wiped out all humanity and most organic lifeforms, and nothing but an armada of zombies is left. The Cosmic Entit dedicated to preserving the Pantheon have put this area under maximum security, locking Earth -53 up and throwing away the key. But rumor has it that some are escaping.
  • The DC Multiverse is made of positive matter, the Antimatter Universe is made of antimatter and the Dark Multiverse is made of dark matter. Nibbler was very nervous given he excretes dark matter that there might be a connection made between him and it. As Black Lanterns are heavily tied to dark matter, it was thought that he might be responsible for the realm's ascension. He's not, and is seriously indignant at this accusation. The Dark Multiverse is a perversion of dark matter in his eyes, a realm which embodies all he sees wrong with life. Even he sees it as abominable.
  • Fused Zamasu was both horrified and jubilant at learning about the Dark Multiverse. A realm created by the living hopes, fears and failures of people, it's the perfect reflection of all he sees wrong with mortals and gods. It is horrifying for embodying that, and the best proof he has for his view that Humans Are Bastards and his cause is validated. It is also proof of what the inattentiveness of the gods will get you, since the Dragon Barbatos abandoned his job of disposing of these inherently broken realms, which tainted the main multiverse. While his argument has legs to stand on, Zamasu's inherent hypocrisy prevents him from realizing he's not so different: when reduced to Infinite Zamasu, Zamasu utterly corrupted the Future Trunks timeline into something so malignant it threatened the other timelines and had to be completely erased. In other words, he became a Dark Multiverse in his own rights, one as bad, if not even worse, than the actual Dark Multiverse (at least as portrayed in DC Comics alone).
    "Do you see it now?! THIS is what happens when mortals have their way and when gods forsake their duties of quelling mortal sin! All these realities, all of them the reflections of the fears, failures and evils of mortals! And pray tell, what did the dragon who was supposed to destroy these worlds do? NOTHING! He allowed them to fester, to rot! He betrayed his master and became a conqueror so he can take over a multiverse! Do you need any more proof that mortals are inherently evil no matter what and that gods are failures who cannot admit their own mistakes?! That's why if none of the gods will do nothing about their mistakes, I WILL!!!!"
  • The Chaos Gods were heard laughing with glee when the Dark Multiverse, a dimension shaped by fears and nightmares much like the ones which feed into the Warp, ascended into the Pantheon, for the two formed a feedback loop - the more fears and nightmares there were, the more Dark Universes are born, and the more negative emotions are fed into the Warp and Chaos Gods to create new terrors and horrors, and the cycle repeats...
  • While it cannot be confirmed, some suspect that the Dark Multiverse may, in fact, be the realm where terrible fiction and fan-fiction alike "exist", the horror of their existence or perversion of real universes causing them to manifest there in a cycle of horrific creation and destruction. As such, Barbatos rules over every failed story and every failed character within those stories and all of them desire to usurp the original characters and the true stories.
  • Although Barbatos is currently chained down at the bottom of the Dark Multiverse, he is waiting for the time to break free and unleash the Pantheon's own Dark Multiverse.
  • The "super-universe" has created several new universes based off the worst and most personal nightmares of the main forces of the pantheon.note 
  • With the Batman Who Laughs becoming the Darkest Knight, the entire Pantheon was put on lockdown by the Main House in order to prevent his influence from spreading. It's only after He Who Laughs is defeated by the massively empowered Wonder Woman that the whole thing could finally open again. He Who Laughs vows to return to being the Darkest Knight and kill Wonder Woman forever for this. That and he continues to try and awaken the "Dark Pantheon".
    • He Who Laughs was spotted killing Loopers on the Island, as for the Reality Zero addition to the Dominion. This gave He Who Laughs an excuse to not only awaken the "Dark Pantheon" in proper, but also unleash the potential corruption of the Zero Point straight from the Dark Multiverse itself: possibly any one involving the "everything"note  and the Nothing (no, not the one present in Ruin and Destruction), ending all of the omniverse in the end. The combination of omniverse creation and destruction (provided by either the Last Reality or the Nothing as known in Fortnite) shook the denizens who learned of the nexus orb, especially in light of the lack of distinct timeline of the Zero Point itself (which makes the nexus orb practically immune to Time Travel) and the nexus orb's state after Chapter 3 Season 4.
    • He Who Laughs forgot how many Loopers he has ki- erm, eliminated during his entrapment at the Island. However, considering his tendencies and madness, it's concluded that the sadist has took at least hundreds of lives. He now plans to hijack the Big Bang to make the extraction fail and thus making all of existence (including the entire Pantheon) vulnerable and unstable as to allow He Who Laughs himself to awaken both the Dark Pantheon and the version of reality existence where he won. And he is willing to kill (this time, not just merely eliminate, but kill) the Loopers, both inside the Island (which now exist in a vortex appearing as galaxy with energy tendrils and circling debris) and out... much to the horror of everyone, including even GUAD (if due to them being completely annihilated alongside the rest of the Pantheon altogether).

    Hell (The Divine Comedy
Hell, Unholy Seat of the Circles of Hell (The Inferno, Town of Woe, Realm of Woe)
  • Symbol: The gate of Hell, which bears an inscription ending with the famous phrase "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
  • Theme Song: Donasdogama Micma
  • Alignment: An extreme shade of Chaotic Neutral for the First Circle (Limbo), Chaotic Evil for subsequent Circles
  • Portfolio: Circles of Hell, Ironic And Self-Inflicted Hell, Nightmare Fuel, Most Circles Are Deadly Sin-Related
  • Domains: Hell, Torment, Irony, Sin
  • Similar Places: Tartarus, The Warp, Hell (South Park)
  • Sacred To: None. The closest to value it is Dis, though only in "the toughest inmate" kind of way. The Chaos Gods also like to visit
  • Unholy to: Besides those depicted in the circles? It's pretty much unholy by default, but particularly to anyone who's particularly impious, lustful, gluttonous, violent, treacherous, and the impious and fraudsters. Christian deities find it unholy as well.
  • Gods who've been depicted in the circles
  • Hell is often perceived as a place of punishment and suffering for sinners, and Dante Alighieri's vision of Hell is no different; just detailed. More commonly referred to as the Inferno and created as a crater by Lucifer's fall, it is iconic for its known Circles of Hell and ironic punishments. However it is not inescapable by design, but those there are weighed down by their own failings. In short, not a place you want to end up.
  • A polar opposite to South Park's Hell, more like Tartarus in being a pit of suffering for the evil. The devil doesn't rule, but the Emperor of the Kingdom Dolorous and his angels are prisoners with the mortal damned. Zamasu ignored the fact that all evil is sent there, instead boasting this is the perfect fate for mortals on their death due to their sins.
  • Melkor is attempting to take control of the Inferno in order to make it A Hell of a Time; only for the Grand United Alliance of Evil of course, and only because he likes the idea of a base where he gets to witness suffering. Of course he misses the point and believes this will hurt The Love That Moves The Star's desire for suffering.
  • Most in the House of Demons prefer the luau version, though Cyberdemons, Tyrants and Cacodemons are actually enjoy the Inferno as it is, as does Queen Sheba and her demons. Demon slayers have taken advantage of this to locate and hunt down the demons there, reminding them that it's not just meant to be hell for humans.
  • Some have critiqued Dante for showing a number of fates that seen harsh by modern standards, or are mere excuses for his attacks on certain figures. They do agree his venom towards church corruption is spot on. He's not happy of a number of demonic beings and the forces of Chaos enjoying the Inferno, bitterly complaining "it's not a vacation spot! For anyone or anything!"
    • By far the nicest circle is the first, Limbo. This is the place for righteous pagans, though those who died pre-Christ can get out via the Grandfather Clause. Some like Emperor Trajan are so well-regarded they were converted post-mortem. It's where Dante's guide Virgil comes from. Not a direct punishment, the main upset is they're in a Mundane Afterlife compared to Heaven.
    • The second circle is for lust, where those who could not control their desires are blown astray by winds. Dante considers lust the least bad sin, and those who suffered under Slaanesh consider it far less horrible than what they endured. Everyone hopes s/he doesn't discover it. By contrast the Lust sub-houses regard Dante as a prude, particularly with the likes of Cleopatra dwelling there.
    • The third circle is Gluttony, punishment for the voracious. The gluttonous wallow in the vile, putrid slush they produced in life, with icy cold rain only making it more muddy and disgusting. Nurgle and his followers, however, consider it paradise even if they more fit the sin of sloth. There wasn't a circle for that sin, so they just stayed. Cerberus has been found as well.
    • The fourth circle is Greed, punishment for the avaricious. Damnation for the avaricious is to be forced to move their hoarded and excess wealth around in the afterlife. If the likes of Smaug end up there, there'll be highlights in the rogues gallery of the damned. Mr. Burns is trying to make a mining expedition to take those money bags for himself. Most think this is an exercise in lethal stupidity, but a look into a mirror of "see what you'd look like in Hell" suggests he can more than afford it.
    • The fifth circle is Wrath. Not the same as the circle of Violence, which some have argued that they should be the same things. It is one of the locations for Khorne and his warriors to enjoy. There the wrathful fight viciously on the surface of the slime over land in the stinking, swampy water. Despite his belief in his own righteousness, John Doe would undoubtedly end up here.
  • Beyond this is Lower Hell, or the City of Dis, for the far more severe sins. At least above Cleopatra and Cerberus could take powerful forms, albeit as a disturbing succubus giant and a horrifying three-armed monstrosity. Seven onwards actually have sub-circles of their own.
    • The sixth circle is the less understood heresy, and the heretics are trapped in flaming tombs. More interesting is the seventh circle, Violence. They have sub-sections of violence against neighbors, violence against self, and violence against God, art and nature. The first has sinners immersed in the boiling blood and fire rivers of Phlegethon(also a place where Scolopendra dwells), the second has those Driven to Suicide become giant thorned trees, and the third a great plain of burning sand.
    • Many protest Dante's view on the suicidal as a prime example of Values Dissonance. Bayonetta is particularly vocal about her distaste for it, and is offended at Jeanne being there as her suicide was one of sacrifice to save her life. Elsewhere in the suicide woods, Madama Butterfly, Alraune, Gomorroh and Fury can be found lurking.
    • Others are confused as to why Alexander the Great is in Hell, due to the great impression he's made in the pantheon. Dante had to remind people that the Servant version of Alexander is a very generous interpretation. Altera wasn't considered part of it even if Attila the Hun was, mainly because Dante can't get his head around the Nasuverse's take on the Hun being so different.
    • The eighth circle is Malebolge, and where the fraudulent and malicious go. It's a rather varied circle due to there being ten sub-circles and each creative punishments. Best just look the Wikipedia article up. The House of Magic and Sorcery was rather offended that the 4th Bolge sees sorcerers punished, some even calling hypocrisy that God gets to use magic but humans shouldn't. By contrast Medea was pleased to learn Jason could be found there. Tzeentch is fond of this circle for its variety in how it can fuel his endless planning. The Violator was confused as to why Hellspawn weren't being made there, and where his boss was.
  • Woe be those who find themselves at the ninth and final
    • The ninth and final circle is treachery, the frozen lake of Cocytus, which Dante regards as the worst sin. Much of Westeros agrees, but think Caina(treachery against one's kin) should be the final and not first sub-circle. Sinners are trapped in a glacier with increased depth for the severity of their betrayal. The second sub-circle(Antenora) is for traitors to their country, the third sub-circle(Ptolomaea) is for traitors to their guests(again, Westeros thinks it should be at the bottom with Caina) and the fourth sub-circle is Judecca; traitors to their lords. At the very bottom is the Emperor of the Kingdom Dolorous, chewing on Judas, Cassius and Brutus.
    • Some say that the Dis should spit out Brutus and instead chew on Mannfred von Carstein because of how he represents the fact that Treachery Is a Special Kind of Evil. However he's a rampant sociopath that doesn't care for other people's opinions and would blame others at such a fate while also threatening to take it over so he could be a Karma Houdini. Also, make Scar take over Caina and Walder Frey dominate Antenora just to spite
    • The base of The Seven Mortal Sins, Pandemonium(not exactly the same city as the Devil who lost Paradise), is located here. For some reason Satan guards the eighth circle when Wrath is the fifth, and Belphegor guards the sixth circle because sloth doesn't have one. The Emperor of the Kingdom Dolorous is frustrated and envious of how they managed to co-opt it into a proper base of operations and avoid suffering themselves from it. Still, at least they can bring people to Hell. As their God Is Evil, this may not be a wholly bad thing.
  • The impact of Hell's arrival created portals/holes in the ground outside of houses, correspondent/ironic to the circle's attributes. The portals are in Religion and Faith (for Limbo and Heresy), Love and Affection (for Lust), Food (for Gluttony), Hatred and Rancor (for Wrath and Violence), Mentalism (for Fraud) and Betrayal and Treachery (for Treachery). Despite his view on the Seven Deadly Sins, Dante at least doesn't claim Meliodas and his gang should be here as they're generally heroic. Purgatory, maybe. They are still spooked by the inferno.
  • Dante was surprised that the Homunculi didn't end up here after their death, given they personify the Seven Deadly Sins. As Hiromu Arakawa has revealed in In Memorium, they actually went to Heaven, surprisingly enough(well except for Greed). Seems to believe in Rousseau Was Right, though Shou Tucker was so vile he's burning in Hell and can expect to be moved to Ring 3 of Violence(against God, art and nature) or just Caina. The Gold-Toothed Doctor didn't exactly die. And the Truth has confirmed that Father will experience a special kind of hell for the boastful.
  • Some sources say that Lt. Col Kilgore fell into the Inferno, likely the eighth circle, before Rodin beat him up and used his soul to build a set of rocket launchers. There are also claims that Odette dwells in the ninth circle before her soul was used by Rodin for demonic blue ice skates, as apparently she sold her soul to be a demon witch with ice powers. The real Odette prays never to meet this version of her.
  • Some gods have mused, be it with creativity, cruelty or something else in mind, there could be more than 9 circles. The sheer amount of new occupants required a new circle; "corpadverticus" under the glacier. And under it was the 11th circle; the "I'm Grape Noise Boy" scene going on forever. Spawn has revealed there's a twelfth layer.

    The Library of Babel 
The Library of Babel, Divine Great Big Library of Everything
  • Description: A dimension consisting of a vast library with an uncountable number of books
  • Symbol: A book
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Massive libraries containing every possible book in existence, one legible book amongst a million books of pure gibberish, Awesome, but Impractical, trying to find symbolism in nonsense, confusing stories
  • Domains: Libraries, Books, Knowledge, Language, Infinity
  • Similar Places: The World of Library, The Great Library, The Library (Library of Ruina)
  • Interests: The House of Knowledge (especially the Three Seekers of Knowledge), the Hall of Language, Twilight Sparkle, Wishbone, Lex the Bookworm, Angela (Lobotomy Corporation), Vril Dox/Brainiac
  • Unholy to: Captain Beatty, Big Brother
  • Conflicting Opinion from: Wan Shi Tong, I.M. Meen
  • Banned from Entering: The Nothing, Erazor Djinn, Alice (Bibliomania), Arakune
  • The Library of Babel is a dimension that takes the form of an infinitely expansive library chock full of shelves filled with books. Every book that has been written and could be written is located within these shelves, and with enough searching, one may find the book they're looking for. While it initially seems to be a bookworm's paradise, there is a catch; as a consequence of containing every possible book written, most of them consist of illegible keysmash-esque gibberish, unfit for human consumption. For every legible book, there is a million nonsensical tomes around it, and combined with the Library's gargantuan size, it makes finding a specific book a near impossible task.
  • The humans who are born, live and die in the Library spend their lives reading and searching for books. Some seek to find the Vindications, tomes foretelling man's future, some seek the origin of the library and time itself, some seek the perfect compendium of all other books. But no matter how many hexagonal rooms they traverse, staircases they climb, or bookshelves they scour through, they would never find the exact book they're looking for. As such, many have been driven to madness, and have either jumped off the railings to their own deaths or destroyed the gibberish books, believing them to be heresy. Men may come and go, books may burn and fade into oblivion, but the Library continues to stand eternal.
  • The Library is made up of an endless series of hexagonal rooms; four of the walls house five bookshelves each with 32 books, much of them 410 pages long. The fifth wall has a door that leads to another room, the sixth wall houses two compartments; one for sleeping, the other to fulfill one's physical needs. It is an understatement to say that the Library is humongous; indeed, with the uncountably large number of possible combinations of written characters possible, there would likely be an infinite number of rooms necessary to store all of them. The sheer size of the Library baffles many in the Pantheon, with researchers scratching their heads as they keep encountering dead ends trying to figure out the maximum size of the Library.
  • Naturally, the House of Knowledge has taken great interest in the Library; as their big claim to fame is owning every book that has been written, the prospect of a realm where an even greater number of books are stored would pique the interest of many a bookworm, archivist, and knowledge seeker. The Three Seekers of Knowledge have all expressed their intent to traverse the Library and discover something that even they do not know yet. As such, plenty members of the House have visited the Library to browse the many bookshelves and see if there's anything fascinating within the hexagonal rooms. The denizens of the Library, while aware of the Pantheon, haven't expressed much interest in visiting the House or even interact with the Pantheon's denizens, being for too focused on finding books in the Library to reconsider other options or to parlay with strangers.
  • With the Library being filled with every possible book that can be written, it would be a foolish idea to think that it would limit itself to only one language. Indeed, the library is stuffed to the gills with books written in all existing languages, from the commonly used to the barely spoken and the completely extant and forgotten. From English, to Portuguese, to Yiddish, to "a Samoyed-Lithuanian dialect of Guarani, with inflections from classical Arabic", one can find books written in any language possible. The Hall of Knowledge and other linguists were positively drooling at this discovery, providing them with a treasure trove of material to discover and research languages, especially the ones with barely any information to collect and use. Thanks to the Library, linguists can get closer to deciphering and understanding many more languages, and thus understand more about history and the writings left behind.
  • At a first glance, the Library is a bookworm's paradise; an infinite collection of books to browse and peruse means many hours spent reading. Upon hearing about the Library, Twilight Sparkle was overjoyed to hear about so many new books she can discover and read at her leisure. Her excitement soon turned into disappointment when she learned that she'd had large difficulties finding a legible book, as much of the Library's contents are unreadable gibberish. Still, she sometimes drops by the Library to browse the books and see what's inside, as well as research more about the dimension itself, for there is still much to learn from the realm. Having magic makes it easy for her to skim over the contents of the books and carry them with her. The residents of the realm remind Twilight of when she scoffed at the idea of friendship and buried herself in her studies something she's slightly unnerved by. Wishbone, a fellow lover of books, has also expressed some interest in the Library, if only to see what it's like inside the rooms. Perhaps a walk through the Library would be a good enough story for Wishbone, even if he fails to find a readable book.
  • To those who detest books, information and knowledge, the Library is a shining testament to everything they oppose and despise. Captain Beatty, a fireman dedicated to burning books to prevent the spread of "poisonous knowledge", is incensed to hear about the Library, believing it to be near heretical and aimed to purge the entire Library to cleanse it from its books. He was greatly frustrated to find out about the Library's infinite size and collection, hampering his planned purges; How is he going to remove poisonous knowledge when there is no end to them? Big Brother is also offended by the existence of the Library, as the Party heavily restricts the knowledge one can access in Oceania. He hopes to apply his totalitarian efficiency to the realm, believing that his ways can overcome the overwhelming size of the labyrinth.
  • The Library has no known librarians within it; the only inhabitants are the explorers who wander the rooms. Still, the existence of the Library piques the curiosity and interest of the Pantheon's librarians. Lex the Bookworm has taken great interest in the Library as it greatly reminds him of the Great Library in his world. He sometimes drops by to peruse through the many books to see any interesting novels. While intrigued by the Library, Wan Shi Tong was furious to hear about how the Library's wanderers tend to destroy book for any reason, which makes him hostile to them and has made them unwelcome to visit his library, believing that they would also try to destroy his books as well. I.M. Meen occasionally visits the Library to check out the books, only to end up complaining about the "goody-goodies" walking around the place, making the Library denizens regard him as an irritating nuisance. Angela is intrigued by the Library as it's incredibly similar to the Library in her world, down to most of the books being meaningless gibberish. Unlike her Library, this one does not have any books that were once people nor are there any Abnormalities walking around. Walking the Library gives her a sense of wistful nostalgia.
  • For those who have an endless appetite for knowledge, the Library is like a dream come true; An infinite repository of books means an endless buffet of information to discover and absorb into their metaphorical stomachs. As one with an insatiable desire to absorb information, Alice has set her sights on the Library to absorb both the books and its denizens into her Book of Truth, inscribed as text forevermore. Likewise, Arakune is utterly giddy to hear of a place where he can devour books to satisfy his bottomless stomach for knowledge, as if it an all-you-can-eat buffet. Those two have likewise been banned from entering the Library out of fear that they would cause considerable damage to the Library, though that hasn't stopped them from trying to break in. Brainiac, a person with a goal to absorb as much information and knowledge as possible through research and destruction, sees the Library as another avenue to expand his knowledge, though he is quite frustrated that most of the books there are practically useless in his eyes. But if he persists long enough, he might learn so much more...
  • If there is anything that can threaten the Library, it's those who can easily destroy information. As the Nothing annihilates the imagination, dreams and fantasies of humans, it naturally can destroy stories with its mere presence. As such, it is feared that it can wreak unimaginable havoc on the Library, turning the infinite repository of books into an empty, desolate expanse of nothingness. As such, the Nothing is on watch for any potential movements into the Library, as annihilating an endless realm wouldn't be impossible for an incomprehensible force of destruction. Likewise, Erazor Djinn's ability to destroy narratives and stories also made him a Persona Non Grata to the Library to prevent any outcomes where he strips the pages of their texts.

    The Metaverse/Mementos 
The Metaverse, Holy Seat of Cognition
An area in Shibuya's Mementos. The one the Pantheon has is different.
  • Description: Varies from person to person, as it is formed through what people believe their surroundings to be. The Pantheon as a whole, however, has a version different from its original form.
  • Symbol: The Metaverse Navigator App icon.
  • Theme Music: Mementos
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Eldritch Locations, Mental World, Dark World, Prison Dimension
  • Domain: Mentality, Otherness, Inner Selves, Shadows, Prison
  • Sacred To: Yaldabaoth/YHVH, Morgana
  • The Metaverse is a world influenced by human cognition. Each person has their own version of the Metaverse, which takes the form of Palaces, and those who don't have big enough desires (or in this case, anybody who isn't a Pantheon deity, and plenty who are) to have that take form in Mementos.
  • Mementos is a cognitive labyrinth that shares the cognition of the general public. The depths of Mementos serves as the core of the Metaverse, as well as Yaldabaoth's actual temple (a "decoy" is stationed in reality for his worshipers).
  • Upon first checking out the Pantheon's Mementos, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts found it (quite obviously) different from that in their home domain. For one, its entrance has portal doorways that lead to every single House (except the Main House, which is blocked off from the Mementos side), and each has six Paths for every corresponding deity level (the first bar the entrance counting for Quasideities and their followers, and other ranks counted in the other Paths).
    • The Mementos Labyrinth takes the form of a city district that contains parts of the various temples from their respective houses in the Pantheon. Instead of going down, however, the Pantheonic Mementos heads up, with only the stairway changing locations whenever another floor is entered, and thematic barriers blocking the "streets" (barbed wire for the House of War, bamboo fences for Nature, Insurmountable Waist High Fences for Gaming, heart-print walls for Love, etc.). That said, there is a secret path in the House of Philosophy going down that would lead to Yaldabaoth's true temple.
    • Just in case the Phantoms could use their help, they have escorted S.E.E.S./Shadow Operatives and the Investigation Team (and later the ones from Sumaru City and St. Hermelin High) here to brief them on how things work around here. It's also here that they discovered that only Persona-users who awakened theirs in the Metaverse get outfits; everyone else remains the same.
  • Since the Phantom Thieves of Hearts got their Personas there, there are talks about whether or not it can do the same for others. Ren Amamiya is currently talking with Yu Narukami on getting this alternate Persona-unlocking service to work. However, this project has been scrapped, though potential for other projects are still available like subliminal opinion-changing (toned-down changing of hearts since the Court of the Gods tend to preserve the status quo), fast travel (thanks to the aforementioned portals), and getting cash.
  • The Metaverse can only be accessed by using the Metaverse Navigator, Meta-Nav for short, but only the Phantom Thieves of Hearts have it and aren't sharing due to reasons pertaining to the CEO of Okumura Foods, Kunikazu Okumura; one can murder Shadows there and cause the original to undergo a mental breakdown, and they're not going to let anybody do the same in the Metaverse, cheap though death may be in the Pantheon, and also due to all the legal troubles the dimension could get into if enough complaints force the Court of the Gods to start monitoring countermeasures on the Metaverse, and given the Phantoms use this explicitly for lawless justice deliverance… yeah, that's not happening.
    • That said, there have been a few "leaks" in regards to who has the Meta-Nav, such as Carmen Sandiego (whether she stole it from one of the Phantoms or notnote ), and maybe a few in the White Hats since Futaba joined them.
  • Stephen has noted that the power of Cognition in the Metaverse is a lot like Observation in the MegaTen multiverse, as both involve ones perception becoming truth.
  • As Cognition turns perception to reality, there are some things that are to be noted here.
    • Toy weapons work like the real thing. This includes model guns, which can fire like the real thing, and Laser Blade toys, as Goro Akechi can attest to. But it only works if the weapon looks plausibly real.
    • That said, because Shadows recognize it as a gun, unless the weapon is actually real and loaded, its ammo capacity is limited in battle as people would expect certain guns. Thankfully, since they expect their enemy to come at them with these guns loaded, its ammo is replenished in every new fight. As such, if one is carrying a real gun and real ammo (the latter of which will never apply for the Phantoms), it's generally advised to start empty, and only reload if you think you need more bullets. It's not known how this affects belt-fed firearms like miniguns, but as thieves, one shouldn't be carting around heavy weapons anyway (even if one of them, Haru, does carry a grenade launcher).
      • This has the side effect of turning Evokers into genuine weapons, as Junpei Iori discovered when he tried this out when the Phantoms took SEES here. Thankfully, this merely hurt like hell.
    • Food items heal HP or SP even for those without Hyperactive Metabolism.
    • Tech tends to get wonky except for the Meta-Nav. For example, phone cameras won't operate, but it's not certain what else is allowed and what isn't.
  • Among other loot, Blank Cards can be dropped by Shadows. While they are mostly useless, one can strike a deal with the currently ascended Wild Cards (Aigisnote , Yu, and Ren) and sell them to them for some money. They in turn can turn those cards over over to Yusuke for creating Skill Cards for their Personas. Of course, if one can find other uses for those Blank Cards, then they're free to do so.
  • When a person's desires get strong enough to distort one's Cognition, a special chamber manifests in Mementos, allowing the Phantoms to enter it and change their Hearts just by beating them.
    • Those whose desires are distorted long enough manifest Palaces. Despite what some may think, not all with such distortions are evil (Sae Niijima and Futaba Sakura being examples). Under the same vein, while most evil people have Palaces, not all of them do, particularly those who know all too well that what they're doing is evil, or were raised to think like that. As such, those who revel in committing such acts without a Freudian Excuse or don't believe there's anything wrong with doing evil do not have Palaces and thus are "safe" from the Phantoms stealing their hearts.
  • A portion of the dimension is being borrowed by Master Hand in the inevitability of Ren's entry to his fifth tournament. And it also be subject to color changes in response to certain ambient music.

Paradiso, Holy Paradise in the Sky
The Ordering Of Paradise
  • Description: Realms based of concentric spheres revolving around the Earth
  • Symbol: Increasingly marvelous concentric spheres, with The Love That Moves The Stars in the center.
  • Theme Song: This
  • Alignment: Lawful Good as a whole, with Neutral Good elements
  • Portfolio: A Peaceful Afterlife As The Heaven Above, Earth Is the Centre of the Universe Due To The Geocentric Model, Seven Heavenly Virtues
  • Domains: The Heavens, Space, Planets And Stars, Paradise, Good Ends
  • Related: The Inferno (its polar opposite), Purgatorio (semi-connected by the peak/eventual destination)
  • Odd relationship with: Cronus aka Saturn
  • Interests: Sun and Moon-based deities, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares (as Mars), Zeus
  • Head by: The Love That Moves The Stars
  • Sacred to: Benevolent Gods, un-fallen angels, King Solomon, Dante Aligheri
  • On good terms with: Good-aligned members of the Love and Affection, Knowledge, Leadership, Royalty and Religion and Faith houses, Zeus (Disney Version)
  • Barred entry
  • Is there a positive afterlife for the deserving? For many who fear death and/or hell, it is a comforting belief. And to Dante, his journey from Hell to Purgatory led him to eventually witness a trip through Heaven. Fitting the 14th century geocentric model of the cosmos, Paradiso is a series of concentric spheres fixed around the Earth. Beyond the planetsnote  and the Fixed Stars is the Primum Mobile of the angels. And beyond them is the Empyrean, dwelling place of God.
  • A place of peace, hope and happiness, Paradiso is the opposite of the Inferno. However just because someone is in Inferno doesn't mean they are totally unable to reach paradise; it is their own vices that prevent them from leaving. Perhaps this is the most evident with Dis, who's fluttering of his wings to escape and tears of frustration only further his entrapment within that unholy glacier. The Love has stated that he may have a chance if he sincerely repented and worked to cleanse himself in Purgatorio, but as he's pure evil that isn't happening.
  • Given the very nature of the trope, anyone who can be classified as a Complete Monster is permanently banned... at least in practice. In theory the Love That Moves The Stars doesn't believe the trope exists. The only true permanent banishment are maltheistic figures out of concern they may try to hijack the place for their own agendas. Benevolent gods, however, will be welcomed with open arms.
  • Others permanently banned from entry are unrepentant members of the GUAD and Azathoth. The Love can only truly hate nothingness and destruction, which they represent. And Azathoth is basically the opposite of the Love; chaotic, mindless and yet still exists. Rumor has it He actually fears the Blind Idiot God and what it represents. Temporary banishment is for evil deities and with too much of a certain sin, but they have hopes of redemption. Some have criticized the temporary ban for pagans/non-Christians as 14th century bias, though now that Paradiso is accessible to the pantheon this is likely to change.
  • Nowadays the Moon and the Sun aren't considered planets, but in Dante's time "planets" were basically "celestial bodies not fixed in the sky" or "wandering stars" if you will. The Moon holds the First Sphere of The Inconstanant, and the Fourth Sphere of the Sun The Wise. King Solomon himself can be found in the latter, and many heroic deities in the House of Knowledge wish to study there. The First is the lowest as those there have broken vows but otherwise remained just. Though still Heaven, some more modern deities have debated if it is really that fair nowadays, such as nuns forced to be married. For those confused about how it co-exists with the Astronomical Bodies of the Pantheon; the planets of Paradisio are alternate-dimension versions of the planets found in the Hall of Astronomical Bodies that exists on higher planes.
  • The Love doesn't think that Ambition Is Evil, as the Second Sphere of Mercury is where the ambitious go; He considers those who show evil ambition to be more avaritious in their motives. Horace Slughorn believes that sphere is something to be kept in mind for Slytherin to aim for. However it is considered lesser than the Sixth Sphere of Jupiter, where the virtue of justice is demonstrated.
  • The Love naturally is on good terms with the House of Love and Affection on principle, though not all members as many are tainted with lust and/or envy. The virtuous there can expect to find themselves comfortable in the Third Sphere of Mercury, representing love, though it is among the lower spheres for being deficient in temperance. Further above it and the Sun is the Fourth Sphere of Mercury for those who fought for the faith. Some believe that Father Anderson went there after his death, but he doesn't remember what his afterlife was. Alucard isn't one to respect The Love That Moves The Stars and wonders how much of a "paradise" it could be for someone like Anderson.
  • The final planetary-based sphere is that of the Seventh Sphere of Saturn, where the contemplative can be found. Embodying temperance, this sphere of Paradiso is relevant to the House of Prophecy due to predestination being an important subject there. Baffling everyone is the apparent presence of Cronus; Dante describes his Saturn persona as the "dear leader, / Under whom every wickedness lay dead". This is because in Roman mythology his Saturn/Saturnus portrayal is a far better person. Saturn's existence could be a Jekyll and Hyde scenario, or it may even imply that one day Cronus will become Saturn.
  • The Greek gods were intrigued by the nomenclature of the spheres and being actual gods they wanted to see more of them. However The Love That Moves The Stars considers them too full of vice to reach Paradiso, with the clear exception of Hestia for being the most benevolent of them. He needs them to fully repent and cleanse themselves of their vices in Mt Purgatory, leading to them to declare it "not worth it". The Love still sees promise of Aphrodite working herself to being a leading figure of the second sphere, and Zeus the sixth sphere.
  • Though the prime Zeus isn't expected to enter Paradiso anytime soon, his Disney counterpart is allowed to be part of the sixth sphere. Interestingly Ares has part-time membership; normally as Ares he would be condemned to the seventh circle for violence, but as Mars he is a noble figure who helps The Love out in the fifth sphere of the Warriors of the Faith. Mainly to give advice. The prior-mentioned spheres of the moon and the sun are of interest to the deities who represent these celestial objects.
  • Beyond the spheres named after planets is the Eighth Sphere of Fixed Stars. Those who represent the virtue of faith, hope, and (platonic) love can be found here. As such, it is more connected to the House of Religion and Faith than any other...except for the Ninth Sphere, The Primum Mobile. This is where The Love's angels dwell, and the good and unfallen members of the Hall of Angels are welcome. And beyond physical existence is the Empyrean. The souls of the faithful and most virtuous can be found in the petals of the rose surrounding The Love That Moves The Stars.
  • While almost all realms in the pantheon have, at least in theory, a copy in the Dark Multiverse, Paradiso is an exception to the rule for one simple reason; a realm good endings is completely incompatible in a setting inevitably doomed to failure. This has not stopped Barbatos in only perceiving destruction and darkness from trying to invade and drag it down into the Dark Multiverse. Fortunately such a light-filled and joyous place repels and disgusts the likes of Barbatos from getting close, but he still keeps trying due to believing the fall of Heaven itself would ensure the victory of despair and hopelessness he craves.

    Purgatory (The Divine Comedy) 
Purgatorio, Deified Afterlife Between Heaven and Hell (The Mountain of Purgatory)
A picture model of Purgatory, in Italian
  • Description: A colossal mountain located at Jerusalem's antipode in the Pacific Ocean
  • Symbol: A mountain lit by sunrise
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral in function, though the inhabitants vary
  • Portfolio: Purgatory and Limbo, A Means For Souls To Atone and Earn Your Happy Ending, Seven Deadly Sins
  • Domains: The Afterlife, Redemption, Vices And Overcoming Them, Purification, Souls
  • Related to: The Inferno
  • Of interest to: Dante Aligheri
  • On the opposite side of the globe from Jerusalem lies the Mountain of Purgatory. Created by a displacement of rock due to Dis's fall, it is a place for those too virtuous for Hell but not enough for Heaven. It's best described as a tough love camp where souls go through ideals to purify their souls for Heaven. Limbo technically isn't part of it though, but rather the top of the Inferno for virtuous pagans.
  • The Ministry of Atonement has a mixed opinion on Purgatory. As a group they are all about helping people atone, however they believe a number of the ordeals to be too harsh. Dante thinks they're being kind of soft but admires their own work in life, and the Grand United Alliance of Good admits that it's in keeping with 14th century Christianity. These disagreements haven't stopped, though. As per their suggestions, part of Purgatory has been excavated to helping people come to terms with their actions, and having a true Heel Realization.
  • At the time the Americas weren't known by Europeans, so Dante was surprised by the two continents near Mt Purgatory. However despite not knowing about them, there is still a spot in the Pacific Ocean for the mountain. The House of Land and Sea Travel discovered the mountain. It's rumored that Kunkka has made some connection. Dante advises against mountain climbers visiting, as he feels it robs a lot of the meaning from it.
  • At the start are the shores of Purgatory, first part of Ante-Purgatory. Cato the Younger serves as the guardian. An angel serves as the boatman. The GUAG is trying to ensure that none of YHVH's angelic agents try to take that role; God forbid HE get His claws on parts of the afterlife. The Angels of Paradiso and Demons of Inferno would rather just take the mountain for themselves.
  • The next layers of Ante Purgatory are The Excommunicate and The Late-Repentant. The Excommunicate are for excommunicated and those who repented too late, the Late-Repentant are for those too lazy/preoccupied to repent, those who died before last rites, and rulers who didn't have time. They need to wait their mortal lives. The Emperor of Mankind scoffs at this being unfair and another argument against religion he has, to which Dante simply mused that at best he should expect to wait the 50,000 years in the "Negligent Rulers" section, presuming he's not thrown into Hell for his extreme actions.
  • The Seven Terraces are modeled after the Seven Deadly Sins. The Grand United Alliance of Evil doesn't get how this is supposed to be distinct from the Inferno's take on it, but Dante explains that they are based off motives, not actions, and represent his idea that they are related to twisted forms of love. A perverted love directed to harming others for the first three terraces, a deficiency for the fourth, and an excessive or disordered love of good things. The House of Love and Affection is often in debate about how true this view is.
    • The first terrace is for pride, weighed down by holding stones that represent their hubris. Interestingly Vegeta was not considered for it despite being the God of Pride, since the end of the Buu saga had proven he had truly repented. Still, Dante feels most of the House of Pride and Egotism that aren't evil should work there, such as Katsugi Bakugo and Trixie.
    • The second terrace is for envy, and its corresponding virtue is generosity. Dante speculates the reason why Envy the Jealous was depicted in Heaven and not in Hell In Memorium is because his pitiful end led him here, and he eventually atoned. He would have to had his eyes sown shut to do so as part of purging sins, and is one of the things the Ministry of Atonement complains about. If there is any truth of it, Envy doesn't remember himself.
    • The third terrace is wrath, with meekness being the corresponding virtue. The souls of the wrathful walk around in blinding acrid smoke, which symbolizes the blinding effect of anger. Denizens of the House of Fire and Heat joked at this purging being an average Tuesday afternoon for them, and Dante wouldn't know what someone from there would have as an ordeal. Of course, no-one is significantly wrathful while also not being so much so they would be sent to Hell. The House of Anger might have to watch out, though.
    • The fourth terrace is sloth, with zeal being the corresponding virtue. Again, Dante had to remind the Grand United Alliance of Law that he does not think they're an example to be emulated in Purgatory. The souls run around and engage in ceaseless activity. He also considers spiritual laziness and apathy something to overcome here, which the House of Religion and Faith is noting down.
    • The fifth terrace is for the avaricious, who lie face down and recite the psalm Adhaesit pavimento anima mea, a prayer that express the desire to follow God's law. Being humble is the corresponding virtue. Dante has warned the House of Commerce on this terrace, though it's only really Phillip Price seeking an atonement. The rest of the house don't truly fit avarice, are virtuous enough for Heaven or vile enough for Hell, or simply don't feel a need to search for atonement.
    • The sixth terrace is for gluttony. It's reminiscent of Tantalus, with fruit from a tree forever out of reach, and the corresponding virtue is temperance. As such, Dante is critical of the House of Food.
    • Finally there is the seventh terrace, for lust. An immense wall of flame one must pass, though again this makes it kind of cheap for those associated with the House of Fire and Heat. As far as Dante is concerned, both lust sub-houses should be removed from the House of Love and Affection and face either this or, depending on their morality, the second circle of Hell. Most sub-houses
  • At the top is Earthly Paradise, better known as the Garden of Eden. Allegorically, it represents the state of innocence that existed before Adam and Eve fell from grace - he state which Dante's journey up Mount Purgatory has been recapturing. The SCP Foundation was surprised to learn that Dante somehow made it pass the Gate Guardian without a scratch, and wonder if using Purgatory as a way of getting past security is a possibility. However they're unlikely to pursue it without being more trouble than it's worth.
  • The Ministry of Atonement has seen its members go to Purgatory as part of their redemption, as have others.
  • Butch Hartmann has revealed that the Ghost Zone is somewhat of an alternate version of purgatory and limbo. With this in mind, Dante believes that except for Dark Danny, the terraces of Purgatory could one day see a redemption to many of the ghosts. He'd place Ember McClain would go to Pride because of her desire to be ever remembered, and Desiree would go to Envy because of her backstory. Outside of the pantheon, he considers Lunch Lady for Gluttony, Johnny 13 for the Late Repentant and Sidney Poindexter for Wrath.
  • Rumor has it there are other areas Dante missed out on his journey, but he is adamant that nobody is Jesus there. Some of these areas are an afterlife for monsters and prison for the Leviathans, a Dark World, meant for neutrally aligned deities, a nice suburb and a white void. It might also be where the pencil pushers of the afterlife work.

    The Spirit World 
The Spirit World, The Divine World of Supernatural Entities
  • Description: A parallel plane of reality that serves as the home of spirits and co-exists with the physical world.
  • Symbol: The Yin-Yang Symbol
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Spirit World, Eldritch Location, Acid-Trip Dimension, Fisher Kingdom, Our Spirits Are Different
  • Domains: Spirituality, Balance, Nature, Otherness
  • Sacred to: All spiritual Avatar deities, but particularly Avatars Wan, Aang, and Korra, Raava and Vaatu, Uncle Iroh, Tenzin, Zaheer, Unalaq, Wan Shi Tong
  • Unholy to: Zhao
  • In the World of Avatar, there co-exists a parallel plane of reality that serves as the home to Spirits, immortal supernatural entities of the world that embody different aspects of life and nature. This plane, the Spirit World, can be mainly accessed through the spirit portals at the North and South Poles, as well as the new Spirit Portal formed in Republic City. Of course, there are other ways to access the Spirit World, such as an enlightened individual meditating to allow their spirit to cross over (though a person's spirit cannot use their bending when using this method, and if their spirit stays out of their body for too long, they will die), being carried their by a spirit, or crossing through other bridges such as the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole or the Forgetful Valley in the Fire Nation.
  • One day, a spirit portal opened up in the Pantheon. While no knows how that came to be, Avatar Korra is sure that it must have happened the same way as it did during her battle with Kuvira. Currently, the three incarnations of the Avatar, as well as Tenzin and Iroh are currently acting as guides to anyone visiting the Spirit World, showing everyone the many marvels of the Spirit World.
  • Some of the most notable places in the Spirit World include the Tree of Timenote , Koh's Realmnote , and the Fog of Lost Soulsnote , and Wan Shi Tong's library.
    • Zhao fears the Fog of Lost Souls out of any place, having been trapped in their for over 70 years, repeatedly muttering "I am Zhao the Conqueror. I am the Moonslayer. I will capture the Avatar.". Plenty of evil deities in the Pantheon have also grown to fear the Fog of Lost Souls just from hearing Zhao's tale. Dolores Umbridge had once been been imprisoned in the Fog of Lost Souls when she foolishly insulted the Spirits just like she did the centaurs, forcing her to relive the time she was left at the centaur's mercy.
    • Countless deities have visited the Tree of Time, meditating within the tree to connect with the cosmic energy of the universe or to view memories that occurred in the past, allowing them to find answers related to their past or to regain memories for amnesiac deities. Spiritual deities such as Po and Master Oogway tend to meditate within the Tree of Time to reach enlightenment, and they even invite other deities to meditate for the same reason. Some deities in search of knowledge look within the Tree of Time for information about the past.
    • Koh is one of the most ancient Spirits that existed in the Spirit World, so he's knowledgeable about many things about the world and it's inhabitants. However, those who seeks Koh's guidance are advised to avoid showing emotion in front of Koh, as he will steal of face who shows the slightest twinge of emotion in front of him. Losing your face in the Spirit World will just leave you as a blank slate, but that doesn't make it any less horrifying. Because of this, only the most stoic of deities can safely enter Koh's domain to ask him information.
    • Wan Shi Tong's library is said to hold knowledge and information collected by Wan Shi Tong and his Knowledge Spirit helpers over the ages. Unfortunately, Wan Shi Tong has banned humans from ever entering the library, since so many humans had used his knowledge for warfare, with the last straw being Avatar Aang and his companions breaking their promise not to use his knowledge for the same reason. Wan Shi Tong's misanthropy has grown so bad that in the end, he's all too willing to side with Unalaq, "a true friend to spirits", against Aang's successor, Korra, and her companion Jinora, apparently not caring that Vaatu will be released so long as humans no longer come to his library. His isolation has also led him to grow insane, leading him to be easily fooled or agitated.
  • The Spirit World is tied to visitor's emotions, so fear and doubt will darken the atmosphere of the world and even start turning Spirits dark. Positive emotions on the other hand, can keeps things stable. Of course, people whose vile intentions are stronger than these emotions can still corrupt spirits, as shown when Unalaq confronted Korra and Jinora in the Spirit World.
    • Ironically, despite the Spirit World being holy to him, Unalaq is actually a very bad influence, considering how he used spirits for his own selfish desires. There are plenty of Spirits who dislike Unalaq after he used them for the sake of power, all the while claiming to bring balance. There are some spirits who do support him though, including Wan Shi Tong (who calls him a "true friend of the spirits").
  • The residents of the Spirit World, as well as the visitors fear those who take and/or feed on souls. Korra and Jinora especially fear this due to Unalaq almost destroying their souls when they were at his mercy. Because of this, measures are taken to ensure beings like the Dementors are kept out of the Spirit World.
  • While the Spirit World isn't actually an afterlife, humans who are naturally imbued with spiritual energy or developed a strong enough connection to the Spirit World during their lifetimes can transcend the mortal plane following their death and embody some form of energy as a spirit, becoming inhabitants of that world. They become more like an essence with the passage of time, as memories of their corporeal forms become less prominent, which explains why Iroh still looks human while the Painted Lady looks more like a ghost. When Zuko heard his uncle was in the Spirit World, he becomes plesantly surprised, though whether he managed to visit his uncle or not hasn't been accounted for.
    • Speaking of Iroh, he is welcoming of guests who enter the Spirit World giving them advice and even offering them tea. He tends to hold tea parties with his fellow spirits and invites guests to join. He still has hold of Wan's teapot (the one he carried Raava in), and states that when tea is made in it, one can taste the light in every cup. He also tends to play Pai Sho with the spirits, but despite it being said to have been invented by spirits, some of them have a hard time grasping it.
  • Both the Etrian Odyssey guilds and Star Butterfly are currently banned from the Spirit World. Aang and Katara don't want the latter's resources to be exploited after what Kuvira had done. The flora is also sapient too, which caused the guilds to back off since they had been forced to commit genocide in the labyrinth of Yggdrasil, and they don't want a repeat of the incident done by the Etria Guild. A lot of Spirits also don't like Star for destroying the magic in her homeworld, which ended the lives of every magical being in her universe, regardless of her reasons for doing so, and fear that someone like her would just end up destroying their world as well.
  • Once every 10,000 years, when the planets come into alignment, Harmonic Convergence occurs where Raava and Vaatu must battle to decide the fate of the world. The Spirit portals link together and their combined energies can fuse one of the two spirits together with a human to create the Avatar. Ever since the events of the recent Harmonic Convergence, Korra has decided to keep the portals opened in the hopes that spirits and humans will finally be able to coexist.

    The Spore Galaxy 
The Spore Galaxy, Divine One-Galaxy Sci-Fi Setting (The Milky Way Galaxy)
Bender: "You can't count on God for jack! He pretty much told me so himself!"
  • The ascended Spore Player Race identifies as a Knight(one of two player-exclusive archetypes), and the Grox have an unnamed and inaccessible archetype. The Wanderer Archetype isn't present in the pantheon as there isn't a second Spore Player Race, though some neutral-aligned gods like Kino are considered Wanderers. Different empires and their archetypes reacted differently to groups in the pantheon. The Diplomat Empires were the ones who suggested opening up to the Trope Pantheon in the first place.
  • Azmuth has been visiting the Spore Galaxy in order to get more DNA data for the Omnitrix. To his and the Genetic Engineering sub-house's relief, evolutionary data can be found by digging up certain fossils on the T3 planets that have yet to develop a fully sentient species.
