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Webcomic / Academia

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Stephen: I used to be a serious scientist.
Pasha: And then you moved in with me.

Academia , "the webcomic for the intellectual in all of us", is a slice-of-life webcomic about a pair of undergraduate students with different majors and different outlooks, who live together in Toronto. Stephen Janzen Gould is a high-strung, prickly ambitious student of neurobiology and immunology, who is making a genuine effort to be a more pleasant person to be around without compromising his academic future, and dealing with a minor inferiority complex. Pavel "Pasha" Moskowitz is a gigantic and affable Russian Jew with a double major in music and philosophy, easygoing but for his nightmares of Inferno and the occasional philosophical quandary.

Supporting characters include Gloriana Muruthi, Stephen's lab partner, Jack Fortinbras, her roommate (who is awesome), Ida Portinari, a snarky figure skater, and Zelig, Pasha's pet coconut octopus.

This being a series about the different mindsets of different types of university student, Genius Bonus abounds, naturally.

You can read it here. The comic debuted in September 2012 and the last comic was posted in May 2013 before the comic stopped updating without any explanation.

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