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Characters / Cat Planet Cuties

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Main Characters

    Kio Kakazu 

Kio Kakazu

Voiced by: Yuko Sanpei (JP, drama CD), Mutsumi Tamura (JP, anime), Aaron Dismuke (EN)

A kindhearted and sophisticated teenage boy. Kio is easily able to accept the proof that his new friend is an alien, and that both his other friends are secret agents. He knows how to handle firearms, though he is not sure what business his Uncle Yuichi is in to have them. He displays a strong sense of justice, and is willing to take action when he feels it is needed. This sense, and his treatment of others, draws the attention of his female friends. He is unsure about his reaction to all that interest, and their attention begins to cause complications for Kio. Eris the Catian in particular has decided that she wishes to be his mate as she is about to come into her first heat.

  • Accidental Pervert: Par for the course for a Harem protagonist, he has a tendency to walk into rooms and areas with naked women.
  • Alliterative Name: Kio Kakazu.
  • Bathtub Bonding: With one of the Assisaroids in episode 3.
  • Battle Harem: The three girls in his harem are all competent combatants.
  • Bedmate Reveal: Hint: it's probably not Kio's uncle.
  • Cant Hold Their Liquor: In the first episode, he passes out from taking a sip of beer (though it's implied that he remained conscious for a while after, he's unable to remember anything after that point).
  • The Cassandra: His beliefs that the Catians are a real humanoid race are dismissed by Manami and Itokazu, but it later turns out to be true.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Kio doesn't seem to notice the fact that he's developed a harem.
  • Covert Pervert: He looks like a normal guy, until you look at his Porn Stash.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: In the Japanese version, Kio is voiced by a woman.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: No one seems to care about the headlocks that Manami likes to put Kio in. She even shoots at him as demonstrated in episode 3. All Played for Laughs of course. And that's just the tip of iceberg with her.
  • Dude in Distress: In episode 4 when him and Eris are captured by Antonia's maids.
  • Emergency Transformation: Since the Catians' ship won't take direct orders from a non-Catian and Kio is the only one with the authority to give orders, Kio has to be transformed into a Catian to save the day.
  • Expy: He has a lot of similarities with Kei Kusanagi. Both are teenagers living with their Uncles, wear glasses, have bowl cuts, and they fall in love with an alien.
  • Female Gaze: During that scene in Episode 3 with Kio in the bath.
  • Foe-Tossing Charge: Kio actually manages one of these in the climax, thanks to his new Power Armor.
  • Hammerspace: The bells worn around the Catian's necks. The captain's bell, which gets handed to Kio later on, seems to be even more awesome than even Eris's bell.
  • I Have to Iron My Dog: When Dr. Durel and Manami get into an argument over whether or not Kio is old enough to be Eris's partner during her first mating season, they ask for his opinion. He says that he has to clean his room and runs for it.
  • Innocent Innuendo: At one point, Kio and Eris are making a video, and Kio says that he had better "open up a virgin tape." Eris is normally fairly mature, but since she's deeply in heat at this point, Kio had her at "open up a virgin."
  • Leotard of Power: Gets one of his own in the last stretch of the series. It's just as thin, tight, and clingy as the ones the Catians wear, it's just full-body.
  • Love Confession: Invoked in episode 7. While at the beach, Kio asks Aoi if she could do something for him, and they take a walk down the beach. Romantic music plays in the background, and Kio says that he's thought long and hard about it, and that Aoi would be the best choice... to train him to fight. The music cuts abruptly as Aoi says "huh?"
  • Marry Them All: Eris suggests this solution by telling Aoi and Manami that Catians are allowed to have more than one mate, so the three of them can share Kio. The other girls are ok with it.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Eris does this to him a couple times.
  • Nice Guy: It's basically the only reason he has a harem to begin with.
  • Non-Action Guy: Considering most of the main girls around him fall readily into Action Girl territory, he's more or less The Heart for the team.
  • Oblivious to Love: Despite Eris spending the first half of the series literally and directly saying she likes him and wants to have sex with him, he seems to forget all about it the moment she stops being in heat. Considering how freaked out he was by her overt actions, this is probably deliberate on his part.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: Basically played straight from the start.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: In Episode 5, an obvious cue (looking back) for a Fanservice scene is skipped to set up a twist. Kio and Eris exchanged clothes so Kio can use Eris's power armour and make an escape, which was Eris's idea.
  • Polyamory: Having more than one mate is not taboo on Catia, so with Kio's house being the official Catian embassy, its soil is Catian territory, and therefore all three girls can share Kio without any problems. Kio doesn't seem to mind this decision... too much. This makes perfect sense if you know anything about mating among lions
  • Porn Stash: Kio has a few magazines. Not very secret, though, as even Manami knows where they are. And Eris keeps finding them... and using them as cultural references.
  • Redundant Rescue: Type 2 in Episode 2, Kio enters the hanger to rescue Eris after everyone breaks into the military base only to find that she's already freed herself and beaten her captors senseless. Eris is still impressed that Kio risked his life to help her anyway.
  • Retro Rocket: Kio is into classic SF, it seems.
  • This Is Reality: Time after time Kio has to remind everyone that Catians are real aliens.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Kio, who goes from 'standard-model Unlucky Everydude' to 'capable of tearing apart a Humongous Mecha with his bare hands' after getting his own suit of Powered Armour. The rest of the cast were suitably astonished.
  • Transformation Trinket: The captain's bell allows Kio to build a spaceship, with his mind.
  • Unfazed Everyman: Kio and his friends in the Film Club, in stark contrast to everybody else in his life. Kio shows increasing signs of being an Action Survivor. And he might even be an Ordinary High-School Student yet.
  • Weirdness Magnet: He was friends with two spies at the start of the series. And that was before he had an alien living in his house.
  • Wings Do Nothing: Kio doesn't seem to know that wings require air to work and that there is no air in space, therefore making wings on a spaceship useless.
    Kio: Wait. Does a spaceship need wings? Might as well include them for now.
  • You Are in Command Now: In episode 11, after Kuune is unconscious, she gives her captain's bell to Kio, basically making him in charge of the mothership.



Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (JP, drama CD), Kanae Itō (JP, anime), Tia Ballard (EN)

A 16-year-old scout for the Catian people exploring Earth. Tall and well endowed, she has easily befriended many people, and regular cats she has met on Earth. Initially most do not believe her to be an alien, but she shows Kio the proof directly with her technology, ears and tail. While she is learning the ways of Earth, she is also a competent fighter who employs strategies and technologies not seen on Earth. Her interactions with Kio are closer and more emotional, potentially due to the fact she is 16 and about to enter her first heat. With the kindness and interest he has shown, she has selected him as a mate. Her first heat was forcibly ended by pills as it was causing disruption to her duties as an ambassador and representative of Catians on Earth.

  • Alcohol-Induced Bisexuality: When she gets drunk on alcohol or catnip, Eris offers to kiss anyone (male or female) who'll give her more.
  • Alien Among Us: Not counting the other Catian ambassadors, she's the only alien that lives with Kio.
  • Alien Catnip: Regular catnip, actually. As a Cat Girl, it gets her high (and even more horny than usual).
  • Aliens Love Human Food: The Catians take the many delicious foods that Earthlings make as a significant factor for establishing diplomatic relations. The anime is filled with Food Porn of the many dishes that Eris and the others go crazy over.
  • Aliens Speaking English: Japanese in this case (unless you watch the English dub). They even call their planet "Earth", but decided on "Catia" to avoid confusion.
  • Amusing Alien: She is an alien who has a habbit of basing her ideas of human culture on what she reads in Kio's Porn Stash
  • Angels Pose: Done (minus the silhouette) by Aoi, Manami and Eris in the opening.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Despite being the happy-go-lucky Cat Girl Eris happens to be, she is definitely not one of those characters you would want to frustrate.
  • Boldly Coming: After making first contact with humanity, she wants to make a lot more contact with Kio.
  • But Liquor Is Quicker: When she gets drunk on alcohol or catnip, Eris offers to kiss anyone (male or female) who'll give her more.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: She has a very ample bust, with both Itokazu-sensei and Manami noting that they're so big they're "not from this world". Being in Eris' presence alone is also enough to trigger Aoi's A-Cup Angst.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Eris averts this completely; she's very open about her sexual desire for Kio and liberally employs Do You Want to Copulate? with him.
  • Cant Hold Their Liquor: Though that's apparently more an issue of her being, or soon to be, in heat.
  • Cat Girl: As with all Catians, she has cat ears and a tail.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Eris's spacecraft is seen a few times early on in minor roles, then has a very important role in the last few episodes.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Eris gets a little jealous in episode 12, when she sees both Aoi and Manami kissing Kio before their Suicide Mission, which prompts her to also kiss him.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: Eris, though not an otaku, certainly appreciates the effects of cat ears combined with school swimsuits on the bureaucracy of Japan.
  • Damsel out of Distress: In episode 2, she's able to free herself from captivity.
  • Dissonant Serenity: In episode 2, Eris sweetly tells a government agent that she will beat the utter crap out of him and his cronies after she confirms that they are in league with dog aliens. She even cracks her knuckles with a smile on her face.
  • Do You Want to Copulate?: Hormone-overdosed Catians on their mating seasons act pretty... bold.
  • Expressive Ears: Her ears will prop up or droop down depending on her mood.
  • Expy: A full-figured, happy-go-lucky, immodest alien girl with various mechanical gadgets cohabitates with the male lead? Are we sure she's from Catia and not Deviluke?
  • Fantastic Anthropologist: Eris's job, apparently.
  • Fish out of Water: Obviously because she's an alien, she doesn't always understand certain Earth customs like nudity taboos and sometimes mistakes things depicted in Kio's Porn Stash of Mangas as being normal customs when they actually aren't such as wearing School Swimsuits to a diplomatic meeting.
  • Genki Girl: A continually cheerful Cat Girl. She's nearly always smiling and having fun.
  • A God I Am Not: She tells Antonia not to treat her as a divine being and to just treat her like a normal person.
  • Godiva Hair: Shown in episode 3.
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: Her skin tone is within the human range, but she's a sexy alien who's Boldly Coming to Earth.
  • Healing Hands: Eris's cell phone thing can fix minor head trauma and presumably much more.
  • Hime Cut: She pretty much has the same hairstyle as Aoi.
  • Hurricane of Euphemisms: When Kio asks Eris why she came to Earth, she gives an explanation that's one long string of Innocent Innuendo.
  • Improbable Age: 16 year olds sent on a First Contact mission, being Intelligence agents, working as experienced black-ops...
  • Innocent Aliens: "We've come to play", and they mean it. And Eris keeps using porn as reference for Japanese etiquette.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Eris sees no problem walking around the house in a partially-buttoned shirt/pair of panties and nothing else, or with joining Kio in the bathroom while they're both naked. She also mistakenly thought that wearing schoolgirl swimsuits to a meeting was an Earth-custom, due to Kio's often misleading Porn Stash.
  • Leitmotif: One of the three primary closing themes of the show, Happy Sunshine.
  • Lens Flare Censor: Usually on Eris when she's walking around the house. Those clothes don't cover much.
  • Magical Girlfriend: Before he met her, Kio was a geek living a quiet life in Okinawa. Once he encounters Eris, a Cat Girl alien who's arrived to open relations with Earth, Kio's home is turned into the "Catian" embassy. Two of Kio's classmates even sum it up by saying that being in a relationship with her would be like "winning the nerd lottery" for Kio.
  • Male-to-Female Universal Adaptor: Even though Eris is a Cat Girl, with all that entails (including being in heat), she mentions that the Catian and human reproductive systems are compatible.
  • Meaningful Name: In Greek mythology, Eris was the goddess of chaos whose actions indirectly started the Trojan War. In this show, Eris is a Cat Girl alien whose very presence causes several secret societies and black ops organizations to come gunning for her all at once.
  • Modesty Towel: She wears one in episode 3.
  • New Transfer Student: When she transfers to Kio's school.
  • Nice Girl: Courteous, respectful and friendly to just about everyone. Along with her cheerfulness, this wins her plenty of friends. When Aoi breaks down and gives her "The Reason You Suck" Speech, Eris's reaction is to give her a hug and try to make her feel better.
  • Now or Never Kiss: After Aoi and Manami give Kio their Now Or Never Kisses, Eris gets jealous and kisses him as well.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Eris beating up the scientist and wrecking the laboratory she is held captured in in episode 2 offscreen.
  • Powered Armor: Her Latex Spacesuit is a light version of one.
  • Pretty Freeloader: Only temporarily at first, as she had a mission to accomplish (namely collecting information about Earth).
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Inverted. She's a Nice Girl.
  • Rubber-Forehead Aliens: In the first episode, disbelief in Eris's species is expressed because she looks indistinguishable from a catgirl cosplayer. It doesn't help that she has both human and cat ears. Later in the same episode, Eris points out that her species was also rather shocked at how similar their race looks to Humans. In fact, they originally called themselves Earthlings and their planet was called Earth before they learned about Earth. Being the more advanced race, they decided to be courteous and rename their planet to Catia.
  • Shot in the Ass: A different type. In episode 4 she gets a tranquilizer shot in her ass after having some catnip caused her to become hyper.
  • Shower Scene: In episode 2.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Naturally since she's catian, she can talk with actual cats.
  • Squee: Eris has this reaction for just about every tasty Earth food she's eaten, so she does this fairly often. In fact, her reactions were so good, everyone on the Catian mothership decided to visit Earth based on her food analysis report.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She's a good deal taller than Kio, Aoi, and Manami.
  • The Pollyanna: She's always very upbeat and positive.
  • Their First Time: Eris's first mating season. Kio is way too "pure-pure", though, and she has to prematurely end it because of some embarrasing incidents.
  • Unusual Ears: Has cat ears as well as human ears oddly like all other catians.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Unusually, Eris's unusual body parts also seems to be ignored by a lot of people. Lampshaded by Manami. Since Catians have FOUR ears, with two very human-looking, it's easy for Catians to pass as human cosplayers with good costumes. Slips into Uncanny Valley when it's forced on the humans' attention that these are indeed real aliens — such as in the diplomatic negotiation in episode 3. School swimsuits didn't help there at all.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: In episode 12, she has a space suit that can fire a giant laser beam.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Eris swoons in the heat in episode two (prompting Kio to introduce her to ice cream) while the Catian ship crew find the simulated sauna practically unbearable.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Eris finds Kio's Porn Stash in the first episode and keeps mistaking it for instructions on Earth behavior. Sexy Hilarity Ensues.

    Aoi Futaba 

Aoi Futaba

Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP, drama CD), Kana Hanazawa (JP, anime), Monica Rial (EN)
A teenage girl who worked for the Immigration Bureau of Japan as one of their top agents before helping save Eris. She is now seen as a traitor so she lives at the Catian Embassy under its diplomatic immunity. She has the ability to teleport objects to her that lie within a 50m radius. She also makes use of a technologically advanced battlesuit and weaponry, (unknowingly provided by the Dogisians).
  • Action Prologue: Shows Aoi in action, and one of her many missions where she actively kills people.
  • A-Cup Angst: Always feels inferior towards other girls when she's not in Action Girl mode because of this, particularly around Eris.
  • All Part of the Show: Aoi and Manami set out to rescue Eris and Kio, while the director they stole the boat from keeps the cameras rolling, despite his crew's warnings that the show was not according to the script.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: A quiet girl with long black hair and pale skin.
  • Angels Pose: Done (minus the silhouette) by Aoi, Manami and Eris in the opening.
  • Artistic License – Gun Safety: In Episode 6, it's reasonable for Manami (who has no experience with guns) to be holding a gun and pointing it accidentally at Kio. Aoi, her instructor, should know better.
  • Badass Adorable: She may be cute, but that doesn't stop her from kicking some ass.
  • Bathtub Bonding: With Manami in episode 3.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Hurt her friends, she'll hurt you.
  • Bridal Carry: Kio gives her one in episode 5 when escaping from the sinking ship. much to the her delight once she starts to wake up.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Given how she reacts when seeing Eris' breast size for the first time simply saying "Imported?!" Becomes a plot point in Episode 7 Aoi's jealousy of Eris comes to the fore, and this is one of the points Aoi is jealous of.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Towards Kio.
  • Cool Car: Her Ford Shelby GT500, outfitted with defensive "spy car" gadgets.
  • Crazy-Prepared: A few characters such as her are usually seem to have exactly what's needed for a particular incident
  • Cursed with Awesome: She tells Manami that she has the ability to teleport objects within 50 meters to her. But apparently this ability caused her parents to abandon her.
  • Cute Bruiser: Especially when she's wearing her suit, or later, Ichika's scrolls.
  • Diplomatic Immunity: The reason Aoi and Manami aren't arrested for treason is that the Catians essentially give them political asylum to keep them from being arrested, making it something of a subversion as it was protection that was applied after the crime rather than an attempt to use a diplomatic position to get away with criminal behavior. The Catian senior officers nicely point out that they're willing to overlook the fact that their first representative to Earth was kidnapped and nearly murdered while in Japan, so the Japanese government ought to be willing to leave a pair of Japanese teenagers alone.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Aoi tells this to Manami when the latter continues to insist on trying to hook her up with Kio, even though they have a slightly more pressing matter of attempting to get into space and stop the Catian mothership from crashing into Earth.
  • Dual Wielding: In the manga and light novel she'll occasionally use two pistols.
  • Emotionless Girl: Comes with her being The Stoic.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: With a Pinball Projectile. Aoi is quite The Gunslinger.
  • Excuse Plot: In-universe, the movie that Manami and Aoi get involved with filming in Episode 5 when they're rescuing Kio and Eris. The director is known for "movies with skimpy plots featuring girls in even skimpier outfits."
  • First Kiss: Kisses Kio first during the Now or Never Kiss.
  • Friendless Background: Because of her job, she never had any friends.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Manami and Aoi get out of the bath to grab guns charge an intruder in Episode 3, without taking any time to get dressed.
  • Furo Scene: In Episode 3, Aoi and Manami do a little bonding in the tub, which results in them being completely naked when trouble strikes.
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: Only shown once though, when she spotted an infrared Laser Sight from a sniper that is otherwise invisible to naked eye..
  • Guns Akimbo: She uses two pistols in several fights, though not always.
  • Gun Porn: Manami and Aoi are weapon fanatics.
  • The Gunslinger: Of the trick shot variety. She is by far the best shot of any of the main characters.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Maybe. Her sister is, but Aoi may just be a mutant.
  • Hands-On Approach: Aoi teaching Kio how to shoot.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: Despite being a trained field agent with years of experience, she isn't significantly better than Manami when the two of them fight a duel, and in the climax of the anime she and Manami are apparently on the same level.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Aoi and Manami both attempt one to prevent a space station from crashing and obliterating Okinawa.
  • Hime Cut: Level bangs with sidelocks.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Both Aoi and Manami feel they are this towards Kio, and they both resent Eris because they feel she's the reason why they won't stand a chance against her with Kio. At least until Eris mentions sharing him between the three of them.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Justified with her ability to warp any object within 50 meters.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: When describing her situation to Manami in the bath.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: The most spectacular example probably being when she neutralizes a sniper round aimed at Manami by shooting her with an anti-matter bullet, at exactly the right time and placement for the clothing-erasing effect to absorb the shot.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Thinks that she's unworthy of Kio's love because she's a killer.
  • It Amused Me: Aoi seems to invoke this trope during episode 1 when she shoots at her driver in the car. It's not made clear if she did it for this trope, or to vent some frustration for the fact that he just happened to show up while she was trying to set up a date with Kio.
  • Jumped at the Call: When Eris mentions having them work as security for the temporary Catian Embassy, aka Kio's house.
  • Laser Blade: On a stick, Aoi's melee weapon of choice.
  • Lethal Chef: Though it's a very minor example since she was only just then learning how to cook. When Kio tasted her cooking, he only grimaced a little bit and commented on its unique taste. Aoi is also better than most Lethal Chef characters. She's actually willing to taste her own cooking.
  • Little Miss Badass: Looks like a mere little high school girl, but she's actually quite capable in a fight.
  • Made of Iron: Even without her combat suit, Aoi survives getting knocked out out the back of a moving subway car with little more than a few bruises.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: This is what earns her the codename Akuun Momiji - Bad-luck Momiji. (a few times in the novels, her codename is given as Akuen Momiji; her English-speaking enemy in book 9 translates that as "Calamity Momiji")
  • Normally, I Would Be Dead Now: Aoi should probably have been crippled or killed after she fell out of the moving subway car, but she didn't even end up with any bruises or abrasions other than some scrapes on her left arm when she stood up immediately after getting kicked off. Her fast recovery is noticed later on.
  • Now or Never Kiss: In episode 12, she's the first one to give one of these to Kio, with Manami and Eris following her.
  • Oh, Crap!: Her reaction when she sees some of the Catians's large chests (especially Eris and Durel).
  • Parental Abandonment: Aoi's parents kicked her out after finding out about her apporting abilities. There might be more to the reasons why her parents left her behind if the DIA file on her from Episode 3 is accurate.
  • Playboy Bunny: In episode 5.
  • Powered Armor: Her Goujyuu Powered Suit.
  • Psychic Powers: She's an Apporter.
  • Reckless Gun Usage: Aoi waves a revolver around in the first episode to intimidate her contact when he disturbs her while she's trying to arrange a date with Kio. She then goes on to actually fire it through the windshield of a moving vehicle in heavy traffic, showing no regard whatsoever for the risk to other cars.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Manami's Red. Made explicit in the opening theme, as each of them are shown washed to their respective colors. Also, both girls serve as blue to Eris's red.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: The agency that she worked for gave her orders to eliminate Kio and Eris. It's at that point she decided to play by her own rules even if it meant giving up on her career.
  • Senseless Violins: Aoi carries her tools of the trade in a cello case in Episode 3.
  • Serious Business: The OVA involves everyone in the main cast playing various games, with prizes on the line that are either precious or embarrassing for each of the contestants. Given what's at stake, Aoi and Manami are particularly desperate to win.
  • Shoot the Messenger: Subverted and lampshaded. Aoi nearly killed her driver at point blank and clearly stated that she purposely missed because she just let him off the hook.
  • Shrinking Violet: In attitude only, though her past as an immigration bureau agent would make one think otherwise. This is more of a Japanese cliché that's seen in multiple shows — the person put through Training from Hell Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training; these skills having been deemed unnecessary by the people doing the training. Multiple examples of this exist all through Japanese anime - and Aoi's no shrinking violet when the action starts, she just doesn't know anything at all about intimacy, or boy/girl relationships.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Just like his entire harem.
  • The Glasses Come Off: ... when Aoi gets serious.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Aoi gives a passionate one to Eris on the beach, stating all the reasons Kio would choose Eris over her. Eris responds by hugging her and telling her that she knows how Aoi feels, then they get interrupted by a dog attack before Aoi can respond.
  • The Stoic: She serves as this to the main quartet compared to the more spontaneous Manami and energetic Eris.
  • Supporting Harem: No matter how much Aoi and Manami love Kio, they just know they won't stand a chance against Eris with Kio. However, this takes a variation when Eris lets Aoi and Manami know that she has no problem with sharing Kio with them.
  • Teleportation: She has the ability to teleport objects within 50 meters to her.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Manami's Tomboy.
  • Too Much Information: Aoi and Manami's reaction to Chaika informing them that the Catian's Super Multi-Purpose Room can be and is used to create sexual partners.
  • Tyke Bomb: Upon learning her little secret.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Although she isn't exactly his girlfriend, she didn't take to kindly to one of the "beautiful contact" people hitting Kio.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: In episode 12, she has a space suit that can fire a giant laser beam.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In episode 11, a terrorist seen in the first episode comes back and calls Aoi out for being a Tykebomb who's spent her life killing without love for the country that made her that way, and now she's fighting for a world she's never even seen. She eventually says Shut Up, Hannibal! and dissolves his gun with Catian bullets. Borders on a Subverted Trope — there's a trope overused in action movies where the victim tries to (and succeeds) in guilting their captor into letting them go by bringing the captor's faults to their attention. In Aoi's case, it fails — as the expression on the terrorist's face reveals.

    Manami Kinjou 

Manami Kinjou

Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (JP, drama CD), Haruka Tomatsu (JP, anime), Brittney Karbowski (EN)

A tomboy, childhood friend, and next door neighbor of Kio. Since she was young she wanted to join the CIA, where her room is filled with listening equipment and guns. She was in the CIA recruitment program operating under the supervisor codenamed JACK, but thinks that she is no longer a candidate after helping rescue Eris. She also lives at the Catian Embassy under its diplomatic immunity.

  • All Part of the Show: Aoi and Manami set out to rescue Eris and Kio, while the director they stole the boat from keeps the cameras rolling, despite his crew's warnings that the show was not according to the script.
  • Angels Pose: Done (minus the silhouette) by Aoi, Manami and Eris in the opening.
  • Badass Normal: She's an ordinary human without Aoi's apportation or Eris' technology. She's just good with a gun, and she fights alongside the rest of the Battle Harem with no problem.
  • Barely-There Swimwear: In episode 5, she wears a sling bikini.
  • Bathtub Bonding: In episode 3 with Aoi.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Likely as a way of contrasting her with the more girly Aoi and Eris.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Considering how she reacts to seeing Eris for the first time with "Those aren't from around here".
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Manami is much more subtle about this, but Aoi later calls her out on it, telling Manami that she's suffering from this trope as well.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: She has a crush on her childhood friend Kio.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She uses a lot of the spy equipment she got from Jack to listen in on Kio. Leads to the destruction of many pencils and pens.
  • Counting Bullets: Manami counts all the bullets fired from Aoi's (fully-automatic) assault-rifle; and so knows she's out of bullets.
  • Crazy-Prepared: A few characters such as her that usually seem to have exactly what's needed for a particular incident.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Eyes and hair are the same color.
  • Diplomatic Immunity: The reason Aoi and Manami aren't arrested for treason is that the Catians essentially give them political asylum to keep them from being arrested, making it something of a subversion as it was protection that was applied after the crime rather than an attempt to use a diplomatic position to get away with criminal behavior. The Catian senior officers nicely point out that they're willing to overlook the fact that their first representative to Earth was kidnapped and nearly murdered while in Japan, so the Japanese government ought to be willing to leave a pair of Japanese teenagers alone.
  • Excuse Plot: In-universe, the movie that Manami and Aoi get involved with filming in Episode 5 when they're rescuing Kio and Eris. The director is known for "movies with skimpy plots featuring girls in even skimpier outfits."
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Manami and Aoi get out of the bath to grab guns charge an intruder in Episode 3, without taking any time to get dressed.
  • Furo Scene: In Episode 3, Aoi and Manami do a little bonding in the tub, which results in them being completely naked when trouble strikes.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Aoi and Manami both attempt one to prevent a space station from crashing and obliterating Okinawa.
  • Girl Next Door: Manami lived next door to Kio's house before she moved in with him after Kio's house was converted into the Catian Embassy.
  • Gratuitous French: In describing what she thought Kio and Eris were doing.
  • Groin Attack: She kicks Kio in the crotch quite a few times whenever he does something perverted.
  • Gun Porn: Manami and Aoi are weapon fanatics.
  • Gun Nut: Harbors Perverse Sexual Lust for a replica Chiappa Rhino .357 magnum.
  • Heroic BSoD: She goes through a brief one after realizing that she was responsible for Kio being no longer interested in her.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Both Aoi and Manami feel they are this towards Kio, and they both resent Eris because they feel she's the reason why they won't stand a chance against her with Kio. At least until Eris mentions sharing him between the three of them.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: She loves Kio, but tries to let Aoi be with him so they can be happy together.
  • Jumped at the Call: She always wanted to be a field operative. And again when Eris mentions having them work as security for the temporary Catian Embassy, aka Kio's house.
  • Leave the Two Lovebirds Alone: In Episode 8, when Kio, Aoi and Manami are in the holodeck training, Manami excuses herself to let Kio and Aoi train without her getting in the way. Aoi is not happy with Manami cutting out like that.
  • Literally Loving Thy Neighbor: She's Kio's next door neighbor and she has a crush on him.
  • Love Epiphany: Manami has one during episode 6, while conversing with a Kio replica in the Catian holodeck, who tells her that he's always liked her, but never took it to the next stage because he thought her calls to a "Jack" meant she was seeing someone already. She sheds a few tears as she starts to realize her feelings for him. Luckily for her, Eris is more than willing to share him with both her and Aoi.
  • Matchmaker Crush: Encourages Aoi to go for Kio when she learns Aoi has feelings for him, despite her own feelings for him.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Kio thought that JACK was a guy that she was going out with, but when she says that JACK is a girl, he thought that she was into girls. She quickly clarifies.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After realizing that Kio returned her affections until he overheard her phone conversations and thought she had a boyfriend, she has an emotional breakdown, realizing that it's all her fault that he's no longer interested in her.
  • Now or Never Kiss: After Aoi gives one of these to Kio, Manami immediately follows giving him one of her own.
  • Oh, Crap!: Her reaction when she sees some of the Catians's large chests (especially Eris and Durel).
  • One of the Boys: Manami said that when they were young, Kio was shy around women and she was able to get along with him due to her unfeminine personality.
  • Patient Childhood Love Interest: She's Kio's childhood friend, lives next door from him and very obviously loves him, but is reluctant to act on her feelings and would prefer Aoi to have him.
  • Pervert Revenge Mode: She can skirt the line between this and Unprovoked Pervert Payback when Kio sees her in unfortunate positions. Really, beating the guy up for walking into his own living room? Or coming running to help you after hearing gunfire in a public street?
  • Playboy Bunny: In episode 5.
  • Playing Cyrano: Manami does this for Aoi towards Kio, but the latter learns that the former is still in love with Kio too, due to certain dialogue, clues, and gestures Manami gives throughout the series. Aoi then calls Manami out on this in episodes 11 and 12, combined with a Don't You Dare Pity Me!.
  • Reckless Gun Usage: Manami displays face-palmingly poor trigger discipline in episode 6, waving a revolver in Kio's face with her finger on the trigger. The gun had just been emptied, but that's no excuse: and she only gets worse later, when she loads the revolver and waves it around in a fast-food joint, once slamming it down on the table while pointed at Aoi. It was quite justified that even though Manami is a gun nut, it was shown that she barely know how to handle guns. And seemingly Kio is better at marksmanship than she is.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Aoi's Blue. Made explicit in the opening theme, as each of them are shown washed to their respective colors. Also, both girls serve as blue to Eris's red.
  • Serious Business: The OVA involves everyone in the main cast playing various games, with prizes on the line that are either precious or embarrassing for each of the contestants. Given what's at stake, Aoi and Manami are particularly desperate to win.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Manami invokes this trope when Kio mentions her talking to Jack on the phone, and assuming that it was a guy she was dating. This comes to haunt her when he (or rather a duplicate of him in the Catian holodeck) tells her that the reason why he stopped acting shy around her was because when he thought she had a boyfriend, he let go of his feelings for her, and treated her as "one of the guys", since he felt he didn't have a chance with her.
  • Shipper on Deck: Manami tries to ship Aoi and Kio. However a bit of a tragic twist as she is only doing this because she believes she lost her chance to be with him.
  • Supporting Harem: No matter how much Aoi and Manami love Kio, they just know they won't stand a chance against Eris with Kio. However, this takes a variation when Eris lets Aoi and Manami know that she has no problem with sharing Kio with them.
  • The Mole: Manami's father works for the CIA, and she begins spying on Eris in the first chapter/episode.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Manami also gives Eris a tongue-lashing in episode 12, stating similar reasons to Aoi about how she came in and "stole" him away from her. After hearing her gripes, Eris smiles, and suggests the three of them sharing him, which immediately shuts both of them up. Cue a confused Kio wondering what's going on.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Aoi's Girly Girl.
  • Too Much Information: Aoi and Manami's reaction to Chaika informing them that the Catian's Super Multi-Purpose Room can be and is used to create sexual partners.
  • Tsundere: She's Kio's designated pummeler, and also one of his love interests. Unusual for a Type A (harsh), she has no problem admitting that she likes Kio and thinks of him as a close friend, her tsundere tendencies are exclusively based on her romantic feelings.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: In episode 12, she has a space suit that can fire a giant laser beam.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: There was one time Manami kept waving a revolver inside a regular restaurant. No-one really reacts about it.




Voiced by: Eri Nakao (JP, drama CD), Kikuko Inoue (JP, anime), Anastasia Muñoz (EN, credited as Staci Moon)

  • Artifact of Power: Captain Kuune's Multi Task Organizer. It can even do LEGO Genetics Engineering on the spot!
  • Badass Cape: Wears a small purple cape that's hard to see since her hair covers it up.
  • The Captain: She is the leader of the Catian Starship.
  • Cat Girl: She has cat ears and a tail, just like all of the Catians
  • Curtains Match the Window: Purple hair and eyes.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Captain Kuune and other high-ranking officers also have access to a Hyperspace Arsenal through their neck-bells.
  • Godiva Hair: Shown in episode 6.
  • Idiot Hair: Subverted. Although she does have a single hair sticking up on top of her hair, she's nowhere close to an idiot; in fact, her position implies the opposite. In the OVA while playing mahjong, she offhandedly calculates that the game pieces multiplied by all other factors number at about three-hundred billion possible combinations.
  • Purple Is Powerful: She's The Captain of the mothership and has purple hair and eyes.
  • Rubber-Forehead Aliens: Catians perfectly fit the trope.
  • Shipper on Deck: For Eris and Kio, though her methods are simply to arrange opportunities for them to spend time together, such as having Eris attend school with Kio, to give their relationship the opportunity to grow rather than any more forceful measures.



Voiced by: Yuka Iguchi (JP, drama CD), Aki Toyosaki (JP, anime), Lara Woodhull (EN)

  • A-Cup Angst: She notes how swimsuits suit her superior officer's generous figures, as opposed to her, though Chaika tries to assure her to feel the opposite.
  • Cat Girl: As with all the other Caitians.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Light blue hair and eyes.
  • Rubber-Forehead Aliens: Catians perfectly fit the trope.
  • You Are in Command Now: Downplayed at first, as Captain Kuune leaves her - the ship's second officer - in command while she's down on Earth, saying that she's ready for the responsibility while still starting her off small. When things get hectic though, Melwin is forced into the role as the most senior officer - even when Kio is inadvertently made the acting Captain due to Kuune giving him her bell (necessary to access the most high-level authorizations, which Melwin cannot), she remains the one directing those on the Caitian ship until the crisis is averted.



Voiced by: Reiko Takagi (JP, drama CD), Minako Kotobuki (JP, anime), Cherami Leigh (EN)

    Dr. Durel 

Dr. Durel

Voiced by: Shizuka Itō (JP, drama CD), Naomi Shindo (JP, anime), Aleisha Force (EN)

  • Cat Girl: She's a catian.
  • The Comically Serious: She's extremely clinical and open about sex even by Catian standards, which means that she can react to and even participate in the sex comedy around her with a completely straight face.
  • Digital Piracy Is Evil: Doctor Durel is quick to point out that the Captain Future insert song can be purchased online.
  • The Medic: She can identify health issues other Catians, such as when Eris is in mating season, and can heal them when it's necessary.
  • Oral Fixation: She's almost always got a lollypop stick in her mouth.
  • Rubber-Forehead Aliens: Catians perfectly fit the trope.
  • Shipper on Deck: A fairly aggressive Kio/Eris fan, explaining to Kio that Eris has chosen him as her mate for her first season and shooting down his objections.
  • The Spock: She's always calm and fairly logical in most situations.




Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe (JP, drama CD), Yui Horie (JP, anime), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)

A Dogisian in charge of the underground relations between her home planet and governments through Earth. After knowing about the arrival of Catians on the planet, she devises schemes to prevent establishment of official diplomatic relations between them, including trying to eliminate Eris and her friends.

  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The Dogisian Assistaroids taking over the Catian mothership in episode 10. The command staff manage to avoid capture by shifting the bridge out of normal space-time, but they're effectively trapped there until they can be rescued.
  • Bad Boss: Seems to be completely okay with using her Assist-a-roids as kamikaze pilots in episode 10.
  • Beam Spam: Jens' ship in episode 12 has a form of attack like this as well.
  • Big Bad: She is the one constantly scheming to destroy diplomatic relations between Catia and Earth so she can kill the visiting Catians.
  • The Chessmaster: She plots to ruin diplomatic relationships between Catia and Earth.
  • Death In All Directions: What Jens's ship specialises in, unleashing both generous Beam Spam and a classic Macross Missile Massacre (or three) in the finale.
  • Hidden Villain: She largely operates behinds the scenes so the main characters rarely even encounter her, let alone have any idea who she is.
  • How Unscientific!: Jens's reaction to Onmyōdō, word by word. However, it doesn't stop her from buying Onmyodo tags on the black market, or using them effectively against the Catian mothership in episode 10.
  • Isn't It Ironic?: Jens says that she doesn't want her race to die like dogs. She points out the irony.
  • Knight of Cerebus: In contrast the goofy human antagonists, she is outright malicious, plotting to kill all the Catians visiting Earth.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: Jens launches some of these in episode 12.
  • More Dakka: Jens's starfighter in episode 12, which can unleash both Beam Spam and Macross Missile Massacre.
  • Powered Armor: Jens has the same type or armor suit as Aoi's. Turns out that the armor is actually Dogisian (Jen's race) technology.
  • Rubber-Forehead Aliens: Dogisians perfectly fit the trope.
  • Shower Scene: In episode 9.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Her ship can apparently fire a bunch of giant laser beams all a once.
  • We Have Reserves: Her attitude to her assistaroids.



(light novels only) Jens' younger sister and Nirumea's most important staff officer. She's a brilliant analyst whose "active chart system" provides accurate predictions for future operations.




(light novels only) A warrant officer, superior to Ryunnu and (formerly) Jens. Having a senator within the Barunmuu world government as her father she had become spoiled and manupulative to obtain what ever she wants.




Voiced by: Hironori Kondo (JP, anime), Jason Douglas (EN)

Jens's personal dog-like assist-a-roid.



Voiced by: Minori Chihara (JP, anime), Caitlin Glass (EN)

The first Catian Assist-a-roid.

  • Crowd Song: With Lawry singing only a few bars, the entire cast starts harmonizing to Captain Future's "Oira wa Sabishii Spaceman", no matter where they are. It's worth noting that the dub went to the effort of translating and having the entire cast sing the song as well, achieving a similar effect to that of the original.
  • Robot Girl: Unlike the other Assist-a-roids, she looks like a human being.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Explicitly brought in by Lawry, forming the basis of episode nine.



Kio's Assist-a-roid
  • Badass Automaton: Shown to be immune to the Dogisian Assist-a-roid disabling gas.
  • Expy: of a certain movie director

    Chiba and Kin 

Chiba and Kin
Aoi's Assist-a-roids


Manami's Assist-a-roid

    Other Assist-a-roids 

Other Assist-a-roids

Other Catian Assist-a-roids, there are 18 of them brought by Eris to Kio's house.

  • Censor Box: The Assistaroids do this in the sauna scene, not unlike the censor sign guy in Hayate the Combat Butler. Averted in the DVD release.
  • Driven to Suicide: Assistaroids are programmed to do this if they are given an impossible command unless given a verbal override in 10 seconds.
  • Mecha-Mooks: Subverted, they are later given numbers to distinguish between them.
  • Talking with Signs: Assist droids communicate in this fashion.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The assist droids are out in the open, and the people of Okinawa barely react. When they do, it's usually a quick, positive acceptance based on their cute appearance.
  • You Are Number 6: Incidentally, Number Six is the one seen more often, second being the two Number 17.




Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (JP, drama CD), Ayahi Takagaki (JP, anime), Lindsay Seidel (EN)



Voiced by: Yukiko Monden (JP, anime), Jamie Marchi (EN)
Despite the name, JACK is actually a woman. Her real name is: Janis Alectos Carotenas Karinato. She works for the CIA and is acting supervisor of Manami. She has noticeably long blond hair, is barely dressed and is often seen eating fast food, appearing to the stereotype of American women.
  • Americans Are Cowboys: A cowboy hat and drives a Corvette Stingray.
  • Anime Accent Absence: While the aliens speak perfect Japanese, Jack, Manami's friend from the Company, has a significant accent to hers. Almost all the Earth-native characters speak Kyushu dialect, as well.
  • Cool Car: She drives a Chevrolet Corvette Stingray.
  • Fast-Food Nation: She's often seen eating fast food.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Goes by JACK since her full name is Janis Alectos Carotenas Karinato.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Jack is a name generally given to men.
  • Stripperific: She doesn't wear a whole lot.

    Maki Itokazu 

Maki Itokazu

Voiced by: Saeko Chiba (JP, drama CD), Hiromi Hirata (JP, anime), Martha Harms (EN)
Kio's teacher and leader of Beautiful Contact Japan Sect. Due to the fact Elis doesn't represent the stereotypical alien (tentacles, green skin, etc), she firmly believes that Eris, despite the obvious, is not really an alien.

    Yuichi Miyagi 

Yuichi Miyagi

Voiced by: Ryōtarō Okiayu (JP, drama CD), Fumihiko Tachiki (JP, anime), Sonny Strait (EN)
Kio's uncle.
  • Cool Shades: He's never seen without his shades.
  • Crazy-Prepared: He usually seems to have a lot of things handy when the situation calls for it, such as a flashbang grenade when people were trying to attack Kio and Eris, and when Manami and Aoi needed a boat to rescue Kio and Eris, he happened to have one handy when his director coincidentally also needed it for his action movie.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He doesn't seem too concerned with Kio living with Eris, and doesn't meddle in his nephew's affairs as long as everyone's okay.



Voiced by: Ayaka Saito (JP, drama CD), Iori Nomizu (JP, anime), Luci Christian (EN)
Antonia Lirimonie Norfedras Papanorgas Arecroteles Cnorses Morfenoss is a wealthy 12 year old, leader of the Underside of Kitten Paw cult and rarely seen without wearing a pair of cat ears. She grows attached to Kio in the last episode due to him becoming a cat boy.
  • Animal-Eared Headband: She usually is wearing a cat-eared headband.
  • Cool Boat: Antonia's luxury yacht/waterborne Big Fancy House/high-tech battleship. In fact, it's Too Cool to Live, metaphorically speaking.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: She is one and is the leader of a cult of these kinds of people.
  • Fiction 500: The princess knows how to mobilize her money.
    Antonia: It's shopping time! I want a rocket! I want it now!
  • Has a Type: Attracted to cat people. This is text with Kio, and on the bleeding edge of subtext with Eris.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Kio calls Maya out on it during episode 5, when she's defending that her lady gets what she wants. Up to that point, Antonia was wondering why despite having a lot of money and anything she could ever want, whether it was a devoted cult/fanbase, and a Maid Corps who was ready to serve her every need, she still felt somewhat empty inside. Once Kio brings up her lack of friends, she decides to help them out, and later genuinely becomes friends with them, gradually getting better at it as well.
  • Late for School: When she transfers to Kio's school, she (and her two bodyguards) arrive with a piece of bread in her mouth because she thought it was a Japanese custom for transfer students due to the manga she'd read.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: While she has vast wealth and a lot of followers and maids, until she met Kio and Eris, she had no true friends.
  • New Transfer Student: When she transfers to Kio's school.
  • No Social Skills: Despite being human, her knowledge social customs is roughly on par with that of Eris.
  • Ojou: If the giant luxury yacht and the Rolls Royce limos didn't give it away, she comes from a wealthy family.
  • Overly Long Name: She has a very long name, given her wealth and leader of a cult. When Antonia and her two head maids decide to transfer to the school Eris went to (aka Kio and the gang's), it gets a subtle lampshading; their teacher Mako is visibly/audibly annoyed when reciting Antonia's whole name out loud.
  • The Team Benefactor: At one point, she tries to use her family's immense wealth to try and buy Kio and friends a rocket.
  • Toast of Tardiness: Antonia, Maya and Sarah all have a piece of toast in their mouths when they transfer. Specifically invoked by Antonia, who learned about it by reading shojo manga.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: You are in a Harem Show with Cat Girls, Antonia, not in a Shoujo.



Voiced by: Yuko Sato (JP, drama CD), Akeno Watanabe (JP, anime), Clarine Harp (EN)

  • Bodyguard Babes: One of the many things she does for Antonia.
  • Cuteness Proximity: She is very fond of cats or anything that resembles a cat in general when she is within a 100-meter radius around them. So much so, that she takes an interest in one of Eris's assist-a-roids when Manami and Aoi infiltrate Antonia's ship.
  • Eyepatch of Power: She wears an eyepatch over her right eye.
  • Eye Scream: Sometime before the series, she lost her right eye and had an eyepatch to cover it.
  • Meido: She's one of Antonia's maids.
  • New Transfer Student: With Antonia.
  • Ninja Maid: She's a borderline Badass who serves as Antonia's maid.
  • Toast of Tardiness: Antonia, Maya and Sarah all have a piece of toast in their mouths when they transfer. Specifically invoked by Antonia, who learned about it by reading shojo manga.



Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi (JP, drama CD), Sayori Ishizuka (JP, anime), Kristi Kang (EN)

  • Bodyguard Babes: One of the many things she does for Antonia.
  • Meido: She's one of Antonia's maids.
  • New Transfer Student: With Antonia.
  • Ninja Maid: Like Sarah, she's also combat trained.
  • Scars Are Forever: She has a scar on her lower left cheek.
  • Toast of Tardiness: Antonia, Maya and Sarah all have a piece of toast in their mouths when they transfer. Specifically invoked by Antonia, who learned about it by reading shojo manga.

    Alicia Maria Yorkshire 

Alicia Maria Yorkshire

AKA Black Amaryllis, an agent working for the British SIS. Comes from a former British aristocrat family at the age of 16.Born with a heart defect she had gone through a heart reconfiguration surgery that gave her super human abilities.



Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki (JP, anime), Lindsay Seidel (EN)
