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Tropers / Coachpill

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Admit it, this is what you were thinking when you saw my name.note 

He/him, Ashkenazi (or Ashki for short) Jewish,note  18 y/o, has ADD/major OCD and is The Snark Knight both in real life and on the Internet. Not particularly an Animal Lover except when it comes to pigs (I desperately want a pet pig), very interested in MBTI but not so much in the non-philosophical aspects of it, business-minded but not particularly interested in startup ideas other than ashing, stop-motion and psychiatric/oncology constructive denial with limited encounters (because I don't want to be a lawyer and I'd need a degree, don't know about ways I could go without med school requirements though), loves pretty much all sports but especially American Football and fencing.

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    Characters I see in myself 

    Primary inspirations (no particular order) 

    Best vocal impressions of people I can do (relatively speaking) 

    Favorite comedians 

    Tropes to do wick checks on (as of 3/1/24), all non-TNTRS and unstarted 
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Gets misused a lot as "a character is scary" regardless of context, and the actual definition (a character scares others despite not attempting to do so) may be redundant with Face of a Thug and Nightmare Fetishist.
  • Reading The Enemy's Mail: Discussed a bit here
  • One-Word Title: This is pretty clearly chairs. Almost every single work example I've seen just lists the trope and quite literally no actual example. Maybe there's specific minimalistic appeal in one-word horror titles, due to all the characters working alone at some point? Could be folded into that or a separate Trope in Aggregate
  • Wicked Pretentious: Supposed to be "villain can't pull of a facade of being cultured", but gets used as "villain is genuinely cultured, but a Psychopathic Manchild", "villain is genuinely cultured, but brags about it", "villain isn't stated to be cultured or uncultured, but likes flaunting his wealth", and probably a couple other things. This one's a mess.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: Seems like it's trying to be multiple tropes at once. Usage ranges from "someone is nihilstic, but chooses to create/look at a bright side" and "someone is cynical, but hardworking/lives for the people around them", with at least several instances being "Life is awesome and I don't care whether it's meaningless". Also worth noting that the description has been changed unilaterally to a much narrower definition than the title implies.
  • Elvish Presley: Don't know what the actual hell this is. A lot of examples feel like shoehorns
  • Doomed Hurt Guy: Awful title, and clearly redundant with Sacrificial Lamb.
  • Trapped by Mountain Lions: Not sure this is tropeworthy, even as YMMV. "Caring less about the subplot" could be narrowed down to Wacky Wayside Tribe as well, which has the problem of being "Trapped by Mountain Lions but with most of the main cast".
  • Total Party Kill: Description is at odds with the examples, which makes it seem too similar to "Everybody Dies" Ending
  • Super Sex Organs: Description more or less outright admits that this is already covered by Exotic Equipment.
  • Black Vikings: Seems to be split between trivia behind minority casting choices that would be anachronistic and an IUEO trope played for comedy. Could use a split.
  • Dead Serious: Title is obtuse, and it's not clear how this is distinct from Hero Killer. This may actually work best as the proper definition for it (Sacrificial Lion can oppose a genuine threat unless the villain decides that "they're asking for it", surprising the audience), given Hero Killer's own problems.
  • Joke Exhaustion: Discussed here
  • Secondary Fire: Unclear if this is gun-specific, but involving something creating a fire, or fire-specific, but mostly relying on multifaceted guns to go through the game. The former sounds like chairs but I think the latter has merit if it's being used uniformly
