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Literature / BunnyIsCute's Original Omegaverse Collection

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BunnyIsCute's Original Characters Omegaverse Collection is a series of three original Omegaverse stories in a shared universe by BunnyIsCute. The three stories are:

  • All I Want Is Silence (the noise is too loud), in which an Autistic teenage Omega Male named Julian (nicknamed Jules) gets impregnated by an Alpha Male classmate named Zach.
  • You Can't Make Me, in which a homeless Omega Male teen named Finley gets impregnated and kidnapped by a rich Alpha business executive before being rescued.
  • The Quiet One, in which a pregnant Omega Male named Payson Stawarski survives a fire and apartment building collapse.

All three stories can be read on BunnyIsCute's Archive of Our Own page here.

These stories contain examples of the following:

  • Abusive Parents:
    • Zach's adoptive father Romero is an abusive father-in-law towards Julian, to the point of assaulting him while the latter is heavily pregnant, and also turns on Zach as well when Zach refuses to abandon his mate.
    • Finley's bioligical father, Dr. William Campbell, kidnaped his mate when said mate refuses to terminate, only for the mate to run away. This ends up being why Finley grew up homeless.
    • Payson was neglected and eventually abandoned by his parents for being mute.
  • Affluent Ascetic: Despite having been a self-made billionaire Autistic Savant by age 10, Julian lives alone in a run-down apartment in a lower-class neighborhood, using the same laptop and cell phone until they brick out. Nobody even believes that he's Secretly Wealthy (Zach even flat-out calling him delusional) until given corroborrating evidence.
  • Afraid of Needles: Julian, Finley, and Payson all have an aversion to medical procedures.
  • Babies Ever After: Julian's cousin Junie is expecting in the last chapter of All I Want Is Silence, and announces the pregnancy to Julian at the latter's wedding.
  • Bait-and-Switch:
  • Bittersweet Ending:
    • All I Want Is Silence ends with Zach and Julian together with a family, and Zach reunited with his biological parents, but they had to survive a fire, pregnancy complications, and various abuses from Zach's adoptive family, whom Zach was ultimately forced to burn bridges with, in order to get there.
    • You Can't Make Me ends with Finley reunited with his long-lost family and no longer homeless, and the people who abused him are rotting in jail for life, but he watched his one love interest commit suicide, got hit by a car while trying to stop said suicide, and is the one remaining guardian of said love interest's now-orphaned daughter.
  • Blaming the Victim:
    • Julian in All I Want Is Silence is blamed for Zach's injury in the apartment fire, even though Julian would have died in said fire if Zach hadn't been there (not that Romero would have cared if Julian died).
    • One chapter of You Can't Make Me has Finley get slut-shamed by an Evangelical church for being a victim of sexual assault. This is what causes Finley's Despair Event Horizon and unsuccessful Suicide by Cop.
  • Child by Rape: Finley is pregnant with one for most of You Can't Make Me, fathered by business executive Vladimir Roshan, before giving birth to a healthy baby boy in the penultimate chapter.
    • Given the dubious-at-best nature of consent in Omegaverse fiction, Julian's pregnancy in All I Want is Silence can also count.
    • Payson's baby in The Quiet One is also all but stated to be one.
  • Child Prodigy: Julian in All I Want Is Silence is an Autistic Savant who became a self-made billionaire by age 10.
  • Cool Uncle: Halfway through You Can't Make Me, Finley is taken under the wing of his birth-mother's Alpha brother, Fulton Windsor, who is the closest thing to a father-figure that Finley has had in a decade.
  • Content Warning: Par for the course for AO3, all three stories have content warnings.
    • All I Want Is Silence: Ableism against Autistic people, domestic violence and domestic abuse, Parental Abandonment, and graphic childbirth.
    • You Can't Make Me: Sexual assault, depictions of homelessness, medical horror, domestic abuse, suicidal depression, and graphic suicide.
    • ''The Quiet One: Sexual assault, domestic abuse, medical horror, PTSD, panic attacks, muteness, homicide, suicide, and Downer Ending. This story even has a "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" tag.
  • Continuity Nod: The apartment building fire that Zack and Julian survive in All I Want is Silence is the same one that Payson survives in the opening of The Quiet One.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Vladimir Roshan in You Can't Make Me is the son and heir of a CEO, and is a business executive in his father's business. He has no compunctions in displacing homeless people for a construction project (not to mention sexually assaulting a homeless teenage Omega). his corruption and misbehavior get him arrested by the end of the story.
  • Cruel Twist Ending:
    • You Can't Make Me suddenly ends with Vergil's suicide.
    • The Quiet One ends with Payson being murdered in his home, his mate committing suicide, and Payson's parents reading about the incident and then brushing it off as celebrity gossip.
  • Cute Mute: Payson in The Quiet One is mute, and is considered attractive by his current boyfriend.
  • Darker and Edgier: The Quiet One is the third and easily the darkest story in the series, to the point of having a "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" warning (which neither All I Want is Silence nor You Can't Make Me have).
  • Dead Guy Junior: Finley's newborn son, Freddy, is named after his late father, who died when Finley was 8 years old.
  • Death by Childbirth: In All I Want Is Silence, Julian is an orphan because of this trope.
  • Despair Event Horizon: a round of Slut-Shaming by an Evangelical church, while Finley is nine months pregnant, pushes him over the edge of this in You Can't Make Me. Fortunately for him and the baby, the mugger he tried to goad into shooting him was too disturbed to pull the trigger.
  • Disappeared Dad:
    • In All I Want Is Silence, both of Julian's dads are dead.
    • In You Can't Make Me, Finley's birth-father died 10 years ago. His other dad is an abusive deadbeat.
    • Defied in the case of Zach in All I Want Is Silence, whose explicit refusal to be this trope, up to the point of disowning his own adoptive family, prompts his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Disposable Vagrant: Every homeless character in You Can't Make Me is treated this way by the better-off. Homeless characters are frequently assaulted physically (and a homeless teen getting sexually assaulted even sets off the plot of the story), and panhandlers getting beaten up just for panhandling is mentioned.
  • Domestic Abuse:
    • In All I Want Is Silence, Mikey was abused by his boyfriend and baby-daddy Bradley, and Julian is assaulted by Zach's adoptive father Romero. In both cases it indirectly leads to Premature Birth Drama.
    • In You Can't Make Me, this turns out to be the reason Finley grew up homeless, since one of his dads ran away from the other over the latter not wanting to raise a child.
    • Payson's backstory in The Quiet One has him as a victim of this from both his parents and his ex-boyfriend.
  • Downer Ending: The Quiet One has a Content Warning that it ends with this, since Payson is murdered at the end and his boyfriend is Driven to Suicide.
  • Driven to Suicide:
    • In You Can't Make Me, Finley attempts a Suicide by Cop with a mugger as the "cop". The exasperated mugger throws his gun down and walks away.
    • Virgil throws himself in front of a truck in the very last chapter of You Can't Make Me.
    • The epilogue of The Quiet One mentions off-hand (via a newspaper read by Payson's two mommies) that Payson's boyfriend took his own life after Payson was murdered the previous chapter.
  • Dr. Jerk:
    • In All I Want Is Silence, some negligent doctors mistake Julian's back-and-forth rocking (a form of stimming) for a psychotic episode, and Zach has to quickly talk them out of medicating him.
    • In You Can't Make Me, Finley ends up encountering three of them.
      • The first one was an OBGYN that Vladimir Roshan hired as an accomplice.
      • The second one is Finley's biological father, who is later revealed to be a deadbeat dad, whose attempted coersion of his pregnant boyfriend into an abortion was directly responsible for Finley growing up homeless.
      • The third one, Linda, Virgil's replacement as Finley's caretaker, drags Finley to an Evangelical church and has him publicly slut-shamed for being the victim of a sexual assault. This pushes him over the Despair Event Horizon, so he runs away again and attempts a Suicide by Cop using a random mugger.
      • Practically the only Doctor who doesn't antagonize Finley is Virgil Wong, which doesn't end well for Virgil.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Julian and Zach in All I Want Is Silence go through a lot of abuse to get the happiest ending out of the three stories.
  • Either/Or Title: All I Want Is Silence is subtitled "The Noise Is Too Loud".
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • In All I Want Is Silence, Zach's family may be ableist towards neurodivergents, but most of them will draw the line at Domestic Abuse ( emphasis on "most"). Zach is also prompted to pull a Heel–Face Turn early in the story since he refuses to abandon his child.
    • Vladimir Roshan in You Can't Make Me may have no problem with treating the homeless as vagrants to be abused or displaced, sexually assaulting a homeless boy, or psychologically torturing people by burning their mementos, but he draws the line at neglecting his child.
    • The doctor that Vladimir hires as an OBGYN in You Can't Make Me may be willing to be an accomplice in keeping Finley in a gilded cage, but is indignant when Vladimir burns one of Finley's mementos as a form of punishment.
    • Also in You Can't Make Me, a random mugger may be fine with robbing people at gunpoint, but refuses to be the "cop" in an attempted Suicide by Cop by a heavily pregnant Omega.
  • Family Theme Naming: in You Can't Make Me, the Windsors all have first names that begin with the letter F- father Finnegan, son Fulton, daughter Fiona, other son Freddy, grandson Finley, great-grandson Freddy, and adoptive great-granddaughter Freya.
  • Flashback: There are two whole-chapter flashbacks in All I Want Is Silence, one to Julian being impregnated by Zach, and one with several scenes of Julian's childhood.
  • Gay Groom in a White Tux: In the Wedding Finale of All I Want Is Silence, Zach is wearing a black tux and Julian is wearing a white tux at their wedding.
  • Generation Xerox: Ayla, Zach and Julian's daughter in All I Want Is Silence, is heavily implied to be an Autistic Savant just like Julian.
  • Gilded Cage: In You Can't Make Me, Finley is kept in one by Vladimir Roshan to make sure the baby is healthy. Finley is eventually rescued from it by his aunt Fiona.
  • Good Girls Avoid Abortion: A Mister Seahorse variant of this trope is why Finley is homeless at the beginning of You Can't Make Me. His papa was kidnapped by his birth father for the purpose of forcing an abortion, and then his papa ran away and spent the rest of his life homeless.
  • Happily Adopted:
    • In All I Want is Silence, Jason, as a result of being Switched at Birth. Zach being reunited with his birth parents, who are also Jason's adoptive parents, has shades of this as well.
    • In You Can't Make Me, Finley adopts the orphaned daughter of his crush, Virgil Wong, after Virgil's suicide.
  • Happy Ending Override: Both Vergil Wong's suicide in You Can't Make Me and Payson getting murdered in The Quiet One brutally override hopeful or optimistic endings.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Zach has one early in All I Want Is Silence, prompted by finding out that Julian is pregnant with his child.
  • Hollywood Autism: Largely averted with Julian, who although a Child Prodigy Autistic Savant is still portrayed somewhat realistically, though this trope is believed in-universe.
    • Also of note is that Julian is one of the only canonically Autistic characters in all of fiction to have ever gotten pregnant.
  • Homeless Hero: Finley at the beginning of You Can't Make Me. he gets better.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: Par for the course in Omegaverse fiction.
    • All I Want is Silence has Zach and Julian, and side characters Bradley and Mikey, Julian's deceased birth parents, and Zach's birth parents, Mr. and Mr. Katsopolis.
    • You Can't Make Me has Vladimir and Finley, and Finley's birth parents, William and Freddie Campbell.
    • The Quiet One has Payson and his first boyfriend, and Payson's birth parents.
  • Hospital Hottie: Male variant in You Can't Make Me- Finley eventually falls for the Alpha Male doctor assigned to take care of him, Virgil Wong. Unfortunately, this gets Virgil fired, starting a downward spiral that results in Virgil's suicide.
  • Househusband: Zach becomes one at the end of All I Want Is Silence, preferring to stay at home and raise their daughter Ayla, while Julian goes to college to study Astrophysics.
  • Hurt/Comfort Fic: all of these stories are certainly hurt/comfort (emphasis on "hurt").
  • I Have No Son!: Zach is eventually disowned by his adoptive family for refusing to be a deadbeat dad to an Autistic Omega baby-daddy. The feeling is mutual. Zach does try to extend an olive branch, and invites his adoptive mother Aurelia to his and Julian's wedding, but she declines over her husband having been thrown in jail over assaulting Julian.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • In All I Want is Silence, Bradley and Romero are both sent to jail for domestic abuse.
    • In You Can't Make Me, Vladimir Roshan is sent to jail for Statutory Rape, a jerk hotel manager and a Fundamentalist nurse are both fired for making Finley run away, and Dr. William Campbell is jailed for being an abusive and deadbeat dad.
    • Payson's ex in The Quiet One is eventually arrested for murdering Payson.
  • Let the Past Burn: In You Can't Make Me, Vladimir burns a photo of Finley with his papa to ensure Finley's compliance. The caretaker he assigns to Finley is disgusted by this action.
  • Look Both Ways: Finley gets hit by a car while unsuccessfully trying to stop Virgil's suicide-by-oncoming-traffic.
  • The Lost Lenore: By the end of You Can't Make Me, the now-deceased Virgil Wong becomes one for Finley.
  • Maternity Crisis: the Switched at Birth scenario in All I Want is Silence was the result of an earthquake going on when Zach and Jason were born, resulting in the babies being given to each other's biological parents.
  • Minor Living Alone: All three protagonists grew up with this trope in effect. Julian in All I Want Is Silence was orphaned shortly after birth, and was raised mostly by emotionally-detached caretakers. Finley in You Can't Make Me was orphaned at age 8. Payson was abandoned as a child in The Quiet One.
  • Mister Seahorse: All three Omega protagonists are pregnant during their respective fics.
    • In All I Want Is Silence, supporting character Mikey is pregnant for the first half of the fic, and both Zach's adoptive father Romero, and Zach's birth mother were pregnant Omega males. Zach's cousin Junie is expecting at the end of the story.
    • Finley's dad Freddy was also his birth mother, who had been left homeless after running away from Finley's other biological father, Dr. Campbell.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • Chapter 20 of All I Want is Silence starts with Zach and Julian settling down for the evening in the latter's apartment- and then the fire alarm sounds at 3 AM and the building burns down, putting Zach in the hospital after saving Julian.
    • The last chapter of You Can't Make Me starts with Finley recovering from homelessness and set to have a better life- and then Virgil commits suicide after entrusting his daughter Freya to Finley.
  • Morning Sickness: Julian has severe issues with Morning Sickness (being hospitalized at least once) in All I Want Is Silence. His cousin Junie having this in the last chapter is a sign that he's pregnant.
  • My Own Private "I Do": Subverted in All I Want Is Silence, where Julian wanted a private wedding, but he instead got the more public event that Zach wanted.
  • Near-Death Experience: In You Can't Make Me, Finley has one when he has a panic-induced heart attack while in labor. His father's ghost tells him to be a good papa to his own son before Finley wakes up after the forceps-assisted delivery.
  • Non-Heteronormative Society: Alpha/Omega gay and lesbian relationships are so common that they're considered unremarkable. There is also a non-binary character who is one of Zach's biological siblings in All I Want Is Silence.
  • Papa Wolf: Zach in All I Want Is Silence and Cool Uncle Fulton Windsor in You Can't Make Me are both exemplary of this trope. In the former's case, this trope even prompted his Heel–Face Turn.
    • Vladimir Roshan, to a lesser extent, since making sure his baby is healthy and safe is one of his only redeeming qualities.
  • Parental Abandonment:
    • In You Can't Make Me, Dr. William Campbell made no attempt to retrieve his son when his pregnant mate ran away, ensuring Finley would grow up homeless.
    • Payson was also abandoned for being mute in The Quiet One, though at a later age than normal.
  • Parental Neglect: In All I Want is Silence, Julian was orphaned and then raised by emotionally-detatched tutors.
    • Payson in The Quiet One was also neglected and eventually abandoned by his parents for being mute.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain:
    • Romero, Zach's adoptive father in All I Want is Silence, who casually uses the word "retard" to describe an Autistic Savant and ultimately assaults said Savant while the latter is heavily pregnant.
    • Vladimir Roshan in You Can't Make Me is a Corrupt Corporate Executive who has no problems sexually assaulting a homeless Omega, displacing the homeless from their makeshift shelters, or keeping a hostage in a Gilded Cage solely because said hostage was pregnant with Vladimir's child.
  • Pregnant Hostage: Twice in You Can't Make Me.
    • Finley is kept in a Gilded Cage by his "mate" Vladimir, only to be rescued by his aunt and uncle.
    • Finley's birth mother was one, before running away and living on the streets, which was how Finley became homeless in the first place.
  • Premature Birth Drama: In All I Want Is Silence, both Mikey and Julian both go into labor prematurely, and the babies spend time in NICU. In Julian's case, it is all but stated that the various stresses Julian went through had prematurely induced labor.
    • Downplayed in The Quiet One, where Payson has to have an early C-section at 35 weeks due to pregnancy complications.
    • Finley in You Can't Make Me is pretty much the only protagonist who doesn't give birth prematurely, and while he makes it past 36 weeks (the dividing line between pre-term and early-term), he still doesn't reach his due date, going into labor on Christmas eve.
  • Rags to Riches:
    • Zach in All I Want Is Silence after bonding with Julian and gaining access to the latter's vast reserves of cash.
    • Finley in You Can't Make Me after being reunited with his wealthy aunt and uncle, who help him rise above his homeless childhood.
  • The Runaway: Since he grew up homeless, Finley in You Can't Make Me frequently runs away from whatever caretaker is assigned to him.
  • Screaming Birth: Averted in all three stories.
    • In All I Want Is Silence, Julian deliberately avoids making noise when giving birth to avoid disturbing his mate. Zach is actually horrified to find out that Julian didn't wake him up to tell him about the labor.
    • In You Can't Make Me, Finley has a heart attack during labor and us unconscious when his baby is delivered via forceps.
    • In The Quiet One, Payson has an emergency C-section off-screen.
  • Secretly Wealthy: Julian in All I want is Silence is an Autistic Savant and Self-Made Man who lives very modestly in an old apartment building. None of the other characters even believe that he's rich until Zach's adoptive mother Aurelia provides third-party evidence in the form of old news articles.
  • Self-Made Man: Julian, an Autistic Savant who made billions on the stock market by age 10.
  • Slut-Shaming: Finley is on the receiving end of this thanks to a nurse dragging him into an Evangelical church. this pulls Finley over the Despair Event Horizon.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Finley and Virgil Wong. Virgil is replaced because requiting Finley's affections would be unprofessional, resulting in his life taking a downward spiral that ends in being Driven to Suicide and entrusting his infant daughter to Finley.
  • Suicide by Cop: Attempted by Finley in You Can't Make Me, using a mugger as the "Cop". Averted when the mugger puts down his gun and walks away instead.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Hospital Hottie or not, Doctors are not supposed to fall in love with patients. Finley's unrequited love for Virgil Wong in You Can't Make Me ends up getting Virgil dismissed from his job, ultimately resulting in Virgil being Driven to Suicide.
  • Switched at Birth: Zach Smith and Jason Katsopolis in All I Want is Silence, due to an earthquake when they were newborns.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Julian is a high school senior at the beginning of All I Want is Silence, and Finley is 18 at the beginning of You Can't Make Me.
    • Averted for Payson, who is 28 in The Quiet One.
  • Time Skip:
    • The epilogue and Wedding Finale of All I Want Is Silence is 3 years after Zach and Julian's daughter Ayla is born.
    • The ending of You Can't Make Me is a year after Finley gives birth to a son named Freddie, and Finley is now in college.
  • Trauma Conga Line: All three protagonists go through this.
    • Julian is an Autistic Savant who lived alone most of his life, got knocked up by a classmate, had his daily routines ruined by unexpected changes, was hospitalized multiple times due to self-neglect and pregnancy complications, survived a fire and apartment building collapse, and was verbally and eventually physically abused by his mate's adoptive dad, before going into labor prematurely and having his baby put in NICU. Fortunately for him, he and Zach manage to achieve a happy ending and get married.
    • Finley is a homeless teen who gets impregnated, kidnapped, and mentally tortured by a rich business executive, thrown out by some hotel manager who thought he was a random bum, assaulted by hooligans, separated from a doctor he had a crush on, publicly humiliated by a slut-shaming nurse, mugged, denied a suicide-by-cop at the hands of the aforementioned mugger, had a heart attack during early-term labor and delivery, then watched the Doctor he loved commit suicide in front of him.
    • Payson is disowned by his parents for being deaf, impregnated by an absusive mate, survived a fire and apartment collapse, evicted from his second apartment, assaulted, hospitalized, forced to have an early C-section, and then murdered in his home by his jealous ex-mate.
  • Unsuccessful Pet Adoption: Julian adopts a dog in All I Want is Silence, as a practice run for when his and Zach's baby is born, but the dog runs away a couple chapters later.
  • "Wanted!" Poster: The non-criminal Missing Persons variant of this trope appears in The Quiet One when Payson is evicted and goes missing, and his mate looks for him. BunnyIsCute even hand-drew the poster and embedded it in the chapter's AO3 page.
  • Wedding Finale: All I Want Is Silence ends with Zach and Julian's wedding, with their daughter Ayla as a flower girl, and with the Katsopolis family attending in lieu of the family who raised Zach.
  • Yandere: In The Quiet One, Payson's ex-boyfriend, baby daddy, and eventual murderer is depicted as this.
