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Characters / Super Hero High

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Fredric Anderson

The Man In Charge of the Madhouse

Richard Jenkins

The Man with the Best Worst Job

Markus Moyle

The Smartass Badass

A former ONI agent, and one of the few survivors of the group after the Colonial Civil War, Markus came to the Academy for the Empowered out of a feeling of duty to make sure Abigale didn't end up killing everyone. Arriving there, he found himself working as a security guard. Known for being a smartass, and being crushed on by an AI.

  • Deadpan Snarker: It runs in the family.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Nearly everyone he knew/knows/meets from the Colonies refers to him as Gunslinger.
  • Handicapped Badass: Getting most of his left arm blown off didn't slow him down in the slightest. A combination of his Healing Factor and an artificial arm saw to that.
  • Healing Factor: Not quite Wolverine levels, but he can heal through a lot of punishment. Abigale stabbed him through the hand, and a few minutes later he was fine.
  • Jack of All Stats
  • Pragmatic Hero
  • Red Baron: ONI Agent Level 2, Markus Moyle. Callsign: GUNSLINGER.
  • Super-Soldier: Was going to be one of these, but the process was left unfinished, due to the facility being nuked from orbit. Even still, the incomplete augmentations coupled with his healing factor make him a force to be reckoned with.


Dominic Moreno

Scott Kerr

Vincenzo Lombardi

Ichihara Ryota

Burton Malik

Lewis Walker

Joaquin Segura

Sean Chapel

Tiberius Aurelius/Richard Cooper

David Thorne

Burt Kristoff

Vladimir Comonov

Abigale Moyle

WARNING: Contains insanity, great apathy and blades.

14 years old, super genius, has a love for all things sharp, and split personalities now dealt with. Can't forget those.

  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Evil Teacher/Badass Teacher: Despite being the resident evil bitch, Abigale is a surprisingly good teacher, and takes a rather large amount of pride in that fact.
  • Flash Step: Her power in an nutshell. Short range teleportation.
  • Fragile Speedster: When she isn't Lilith, Abigale is this. A pain to hit, due to Teleport Spam, constantly attacking with her katanas, and being able to dodge out of almost anything. Of course, the second you do catch her, she's just a 14 year old girl, and responses to brute force as such.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a massive scar that extends for most of her body. It's not pretty, and she is most definitely not good.
  • Ice Queen: Oh yeah. Although she's showing signs of defrosting after voluntarily going to therapy.
    • Most definitely defrosted after Lilith was disposed of.
  • Lawful Evil/Byronic Hero
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Lilith was this. Her hate for life was powerful enough to make her throw any semblance of humanity out the window.
  • Put on a Bus
  • Start of Darkness: "One body may have burned, but two people died that day."
  • Rape as Backstory/Rape and Revenge: Abigale was kidnapped, tortured, raped, beaten and had her eye and uterus cut out in an attempt to break her. It worked. She cashed in her revenge in full.
    "I tortured him. Cut his limbs off one by one. Ripped his eye out to replace mine. Then I poured fuel on him and let him burn."
  • Split-Personality Takeover: Lilith attempted this. Abigale turned it back on her and "killed" Lilith instead.
  • Token Evil Teammate

Magenta Moyle

The Crystal Queen.

Artist by training and trade, Magenta loves to create art. Occasionally, she doesn't her powers of crystal generation and manipulation to do it.

  • Good is not Soft/Good is Not Nice: Is generally friendly and kind to those she meets. Become a threat, however, and Magenta will end you.
  • Healing Hands: She has a transmittable healing factor.
  • Light Is Not Good: Even though she is aligned with the resident good guys, Magenta herself is not good. Her thought processes can drift towards Blue-and-Orange Morality at times, and she has no trouble attacking even family members.
  • Mood Whiplash: Most of the time Magenta is most likely the friendliest of the Colonials. Right up until she rather cruelly ambushed Abigale and beat her around for a short while.
  • The Dreaded: Is this to Abigale, who is absolutely terrified of inciting Magenta's wrath.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Second only to her father in terms of control over her abilities. Her power may not be as awesome as Josh's or Goltia's, but the sheer difference in skill between The Twins and her is enormous.

Ocean Brendan Hopkins

Alexi Seryyvolk

"I am the Firewolf! And beating Empowered down is kind of my thing!"

Powers: Fire manipulation and generation, enhanced strength, healing factor.

  • Blood Knight: Actively looks for fights among the staff, although it's more for her own entertainment then out of any sort of ill intent.
  • Empowered Martial Arts: Trained in Bājíquán, and uses her powers alongside this trainer.
  • Empowered Killer: Has killed other Empowered in the past, to the point where she's considered one of the strongest Empowered on the planet, despite her limited abilities.
  • Lightning Bruiser: To a frightening extent. For a character with no speed related abilities, she can move.
  • Playing with Fire: Yeap.


Tyler McDermid

Tara King

C.h.r.a.m-X Chapel

Caitlin Faulkner

Cassie Kennington

Lucas Decker

Antonio Fernandez

Makoto Jeon

Bramwell Volkovich

Sakura Bertrand /Akira Isaac

Robert Sherman

Erkenfried von Wulf

Rachael Redwood

Maisie Green

Victoria Glen

Sarah Grimm

Raymond Mullins

William Dewesne

Mena Kaboi

Mina Kaboi

William Robinson

Arty Fuchs

Liesel Himmelreich

Vincent Madeira

Joshua Moyle

Power: Energy Manipulation. Often leads to Stuff Blowing Up, Beehive Barrier and Energy Ball

Goltia Moyle

Power: Kinetic Energy Manipulation.

Grace Oliviz

Power: Hemokinesis.

Kristian Partanen

Alexandria Hyperion Gustav

Dimitri Medvedev

Gregory Michaels

Ariadne Anastos

Chase Wilson

Bryant Brockins

Jay Padelecki

Hunter Silas

Seth Sky

Leon Zagoski

Solaris Warren

Alexandria Crane


Thomas Steele

  • Genius Bruiser: Inventor, Technopath, and he runs around delivering punches in power armor comparable to being hit by a truck.
  • Teen Genius: He invented: Power Armor, Gauss weapons, Miniature Nuclear reactor, and a handheld sonic emmiter, he's also 17
  • Powered Armor: Explains itself, he uses the Armor whenever possible.

Rena Essex

Jack Gunsche

Edamiel Nul

Alan Derricks/Alan Segron

Wilson Parker

William Havington

Vika Arturovich

Teresa Black

Charlotte Cutter


Asgeir Esseheim

John Fairfields

David Garret

Earl Haley

Pedro Ignacio

Aaron Kjærgaard

Sam Luna

Claire Moroe


Samantha Orion

Melaniya Peshchera

Benjamin Silva



"Even the AI is a smartass!"

The Academy's resident AI, Kara was originally created as a cyberwarefare weapon. Having since outgrown her original programming, she now does her level best to help her 'family'.

Markus Templar

"Whatever you've heard about me, I assure you. I am far more powerful then you have been lead to believe."

Former headmaster of the Academy and resident Dante expy, Markus is both well-known and a mystery. Moving in the background once more, his actions will have ramifications beyond most people's scope.
