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Characters / Library Of Ruina - Other Guests

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Miscellaneous Guests that are not Syndicates, Offices, Association members or the likes of them.


The different groups and people invited to the Library, by the Invitations, and the enemies of the game that are fought in Receptions. The people invited belong to different groups, being either Syndicates or Offices. They are lured by the Books put into the Invitations, which often are of worth or use for them.There are unique Guest characters who have set names and stories, who are the ones invited with Red Invitations. There are Generic Guests who have generic designations instead of names, who might come in either Red Invitations and General Invitations.

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    In General
"Those are probably a bunch of lowly gangsters from the Backstreets. We call them ‘Rats’. Groups of half-assed thugs that barely qualify as a Syndicate. They don’t have money or power. They’re losers who only think about making ends meet day by day. Hmm… I might have just roasted myself here."
- Roland
The Rats are a generic term for standard criminals from the Backstreets who scrap the bottom of the barrel. The criminal activity they do mostly consist of organ harvesting from leftover corpses, drug trafficking or standard murder. All of them wish to join a high-level Syndicate in the future.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Pete, the leader of a trio of Rats, has dreams of being one of the Fingers, but he's little more than human rubbish, and he and his team are invited and killed by the Library as the first opponents.
  • Brick Joke: Pete's dream is to become a Finger. The hidden achievement "You know my dream, right?" is obtained by defeating a member of the Index or Thumb with his key page equipped.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Some of the things they say in their pre-fight intro scene is a reference to something that's seen later, such as the Stray Dogs and The Puppeteer. The corpse they find was also nearly unrecognizable and had an orange brand on them, which is heavily implied to be a signature pattern of murder only used by Pluto.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Their surgeon Lenny is a girl.
  • Starter Villain: The very first people you fight against, and according to Roland, they're the lowest of the low in terms of the hierarchy of the Backstreet. Their leader Pete has big dreams of becoming one of the Fingers, but he and his mates are invited, die, and are assimilated into the Library.
  • Organ Theft: The trio you invited are shown trying to steal organs from a body before being chased away, as organ stealing is a profitable profession. Key word trying, as their surgeon Lenny notes how screwed up the body is, as its implied to be the work of The Puppeteer and Pluto.


    In General
"They crawl outta the woodwork every night and clean the Backstreets."
- Roland
A group of humanoid cannibals created by the Head and unleashed on everywhere in the City but functioning Nests, implied to be used for population control. They appear as suits held by liquidated flesh, and they cannot sustain their form without cannibalism. Despite their appearance and they seemingly don't talk in human languages, a translation of their dialogue will reveal that they are highly coordinated and surprisingly humane. They can also convert children in the Outskirts into fellow Sweepers.
  • Affably Evil: They're a group of murderous cannibals, yes, but besides that, they're some of the nicer, more down-to-earth Guests encountered in the game. It's even shown that they truly care for their comrades and wish to protect them. Even Roland and Angela are shocked at how polite and civilized they are!
  • Ascended Extra: The Sweepers made their debut in Lobotomy Corporation as a mid-game, simple Ordeal that could happen at Noon in place of any other ones. Here, they have the spotlight all to themselves and are given a proper, threatening boss fight. Their background was also explained as cannibals unleashed by the Head into the Backstreets.
  • Bio-Augmentation: According to Anton's page, the Sweepers' bodies have been genetically altered in a way that makes their entire body composed of a mysterious liquid, with the suits they wear being the only thing that holds everything together. This liquid is replenished via their cannibalism, and if it runs out, they'd die.
  • Death by a Thousand Cuts: Where the Sweepers lack in raw damage, they have many pages that cost low light to execute. Sweepers are also the first guests to utilize reloading dice, which keep rolling until they hit the lowest value.
  • The Dreaded: Everyone out of a functional Nest fear them for many reasons, they are completely relentless, they come in massive packs, they are anything but mindless creatures, can easily navigate through alleys to ambush prey and they will target basically anyone they spot.
  • Filler: Despite being one of the largest forces in the City, the reception of the Sweepers serves as more of an Exposition Dump on a faction that was previous mentioned in Lobotomy Corporation and has little to do with any of the story arcs in Library of Ruina. Lampshaded by Roland.
    Roland: I don't really suggest looking too deep into Sweepers. They're all over the Backstreets and the Outskirts. And I don't think they have much to do with the freedom you're looking for, anyway.
  • Eloquent in My Native Tongue: They come across as silent, murderous, faceless monsters to most of the city, speaking only in incomprehensible strings of numbers - but once Angela starts translating for them, it turns out they're actually among the most eloquent and polite of the visitors you receive.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ravenous and unrelenting as they are to the 'scum of the Backstreet', as they put it, Sweepers sound sincerely loving and tight-knit to their kind, venturing into the Library so that their 'children' can have territory to hunt and live in and seeming anguished if killed in battle, lamenting that they have a family waiting for them to return.
  • Gas Mask Mooks: The Sweepers all sport these, each with a different amount and type of eyes.
  • Hooks and Crooks: What they use to kill and cut up their meat. These hooks are connected to a fuel tank on their backs which, when embedded in their prey, would melt them into the aforementioned liquid that the Sweepers live off of.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: They use melted human flesh as fuel. You can even see a fuel tank on their backs.
  • It Can Think: The Sweepers might be ferocious cannibals that can seemingly only speak in gibberish, but they are definitely not mindless animals.
  • Matriarchy: Sweepers seem to operate with females in the lead, with all of them answering to an almighty 'Mother' who guides them, and the two women of the named trio, Lyla and Valerie, being ''much'' larger than the male Anton (who's barely taller than his generic brethren by a couple inches) and the unnamed Sweepers supporting them.
  • Meaningful Name: They are known as "Scavengers" or "Sweepers" because their job is to cleanse the Backstreets of human garbage. Yes, this is how low the Head views the homeless; they were just trash asking to be "cleaned up".
  • Population Control: It's implied that the Head deliberately unleashes them into the Backstreets to prevent the City from being loaded with useless people.
  • Secret Art: The Trash Disposal combat page, which can only be used by the Sweepers, is a four dice combat page with the last dice being able to recycle up to six times.
  • Stone Wall: The Sweepers balance out low damage in favor of raw HP; their base is pretty high (70), and they come with the added bonus of healing every time someone on the field dies. Not only that, they have an 80% chance of reviving to 30 HP, which halves every time they die.
  • Starfish Language: The Sweepers communicate in a string of numbers, and it's pretty much impossible to understand their words without an interpreter. Get past that though (and have a good interpreter on you) and it's revealed that they're surprisingly eloquent.
  • Was Once a Man: Sweepers are all formed from humans, but by now they only share a human silhouette with their armor. The rest of their bodies saved for some organs and spine has been reduced to an orange liquid trapped in a suit.
  • We Have Reserves: Played straight for the rest of the City and Outskirts, but it's defied for the families in L-Corp's territory. Anton, Lyla and Valerie worry that their numbers have dwindled so badly that the Reverb Ensemble, Index proxies and the Carnival are able to trample their homes and slaughter their kind. To everyone's worry, the Sweepers of L-Corp are no longer a force of terror in the night as they used to be. Desperate for a way to take back their old dominance, they enter the Library in a last-ditch effort to save their community.
  • Would Hurt a Child: If the Sweepers happen to spot a child, they either eat them like they do with any other person, or even worse, they capture them and turn them into a new Sweeper. Neither are pleasant fates to end up at.

The Church of Gears

    In General 
A nihilistic cult led by Eileen. They have access to a type of forbidden tech, where if they kill a certain person, they can convert them into a gear that increases the physical abilities of the person that equips it. The former leader was Eileen's father, who kidnapped random people and converted them into Gears, and was killed by Roland in his Roaring Rampage of Revenge. This presumably traumatized Eileen and caused her to follow Argalia.
  • Brain in a Jar: Seemingly what the cultists have been turned into: They still look to have a few organic components left to them, however.
  • Damage-Increasing Debuff: They're fond of inflicting Smoke, a debuff that increases how much damage the target takes(for them and anyone with the right passive, however, it instead increases how much damage they do).
  • Faceless Mooks: They are expendable minions sent out by the Reverberation Ensemble whenever they need extra numbers, and due to their masks and status as weird mechanical cyborgs, the cultists' faces aren't visible.
  • Flunky Boss: The Church of Gears Worshippers serve as the flunkies twice: first for Argalia and then again for their leader, Eileen.
  • Religion of Evil: An insane, cult-like religion that cuts people up and turns them into mechanical components.
  • Straw Nihilist: Basically their philosophy: They believe all people are just gears turning in an endless machine.


The leader of the Church of Gears, a strange, soft-spoken veiled woman who is first seen "inducting" a new member. She is saved from the Full-Stop Office and recruited by Argalia.

For more about Eileen, see here.

Pierre's Bistro

    In General
"People there only care about pursuing the ultimate flavor, and will do anything for it."
- Roland
Pierre's Bistro is a small restaurant, owned by Pierre, and located in the Backstreets of District 23. The Bistro's workers are the Chef de Cuisine - Pierre herself - and her Sous-chef, Jack. They mainly prepare dishes containing human flesh, and will also hunt their ingredients themselves when unable to receive any meat from their vendors. They are the fifth Guests who enter the Library through the red Invitation, and the first ones to come after it has been recently classified as an Urban Myth, being their Chapter 1.
  • Affably Evil: The two store owners might be cannibal chefs, but it doesn't stop them from forming a genuine relationship with each other.
  • Chef of Iron: A chef and sous-chef respectively, who make as much use of the tools of their trade in killing people as they do cooking with them (and more often than not cooking the people they've killed).
  • Cute and Psycho: They are sweethearts running a restaurant, except the only thing on the menu is human flesh.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Both Pierre and Jack treat the butchering of people as if it were cows. In fact, they say suffering is an ingredient in their dishes.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Their main ingredient is human flesh in an attempt to find "the ultimate flavor".
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Both Jack and Pierre are utterly devastated if the other dies during battle. The death lines of the second of them to die even go as far as to declare that they wouldn't have wanted go live if it was without each other.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: If Pierre's Bistro wins but Jack is killed, Pierre will lament that she wanted to go all the way with Jack by her side, but now it's impossible.


The head chef of the Bistro, she is a sadistic young woman in white who is also very polite towards her partner, Jack.
  • Cute and Psycho: She doesn't look like something you would expect from a "cannibal chef" and is a fine-looking young woman, but she's deeply enthusiastic about killing people for the ultimate flavor.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being a cannibal chef of all things, she does actually display genuine affection towards Jack. One of her "likes" in her Library of Ruina art book character profile is seeing Jack enjoying her food.
  • Gender-Blender Name: 'Pierre' is a masculine name.



A tall and intimidating man serving under Pierre. He cooks and prepares meals created from human flesh and deeply cares about Pierre.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Even more than simply chef and sous-chef, Jack cares deeply for Pierre. Even the Library of Ruina art book profiles lists "Pierre" as one of his "likes".

Love Town (Unmarked Spoilers)

    In General
"What kind of malfunction could have stopped a train for thousands of years, anyway? Is everything okay out there?"
- Roland
A WARP Train that was invaded by the Reverb Ensemble to damage W Corp's reputation. Because of having been isolated in a TimeTrack2 affected space for more than thousands of years, the WARP Train's passengers had been driven insane. Elena and Jae-heon, the Reverb Ensemble members responsible for infiltrating the WARP Train, took advantage of this to wreak havoc, creating an abomination known as Tomerry from a couple that they were watching over and throwing them into the Library. In reality, what actually happened inside the train is perfectly normal, and the only abnormality is the Reverb Ensemble sabotaging the train using the Library.

For more about Nurse Elena and Doctor Jae-heon, see here.

  • And I Must Scream: Passengers of the WARP trains are unable to die no matter how badly they're injured — even their injuries are "frozen" to an extent, as their blood merely coagulates directly outside their wounds. The cleanup crew notes that Love Town is a typical result of this, where the passengers become insane sadomasochists who "play arts and crafts with each other's entrails."
  • Baby Talk: The thousands of years spent on the train have degraded its passengers' mental facilities to the point where they talk like this. They mostly like speaking about love and not being bullied during the reception.
  • Body Horror: They look like piles of meat with various limbs/appendages attached.
  • Fantastically Indifferent: The situation that occurred in the train is undeniably horrifying for a player and is flat-out Played for Horror in the game's narrative, but apparently for W Corp staff, what happened in the train was entirely normal. Even the havoc Elena and Jae-heon wrecked havoc in the Train is mostly treated as just another day for the cleaners; and Trains who shown up with worse payloads are not uncommon. The only thing that makes them freak out is that people managed to leave the train through the Library, which risks revealing their secret.
  • No-Sell: Certain citizens of Love Town are practically immune to a certain damage type, with blunt specialists being immune to blunt damage and so on for the other two damage types. Hope you brought a varied team to the fight.
  • Unusable Enemy Equipment: Aside from Tomerry, they don't drop any book at all; and Tomerry's book only contains two attacks, with no key page.


Once a young couple named Tommy and Merry, who boarded a WARP Train for the first time, only to get caught up in the stopped WARP Train. They're eventually combined into a hulking abomination known as Tomerry, hero of Love Town, and the "child" of Love Town's "Mother" Elena.

  • All for Nothing: In reality, the people aboard the WARP Train have all of their status in the train undone once the 10 real life seconds had past. People being driven insane for millennia within the Train is in fact, a normal occurrence. Therefore, if Tommy and Merry hadn't accepted Elena and Jae-heon's offer, W Corp. would have just reverted them back to normal at the end of the ride.
  • Boss Battle: Alongside Philip, they serve as the climax for Urban Plague, having a level of mechanics not seen before and getting their own theme for the fight.
  • The Dragon: Tomerry is this to Elena, their "Mother". They're the "hero" of Love Town, and she sends them to the library upon receiving the invitation.
  • Dying Alone: When the killing blow is dealt to Merry, she gains just enough of her memories to cry out for Tommy to comfort her as her dying words.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: They are first seen boarding the WARP Train with the Molar Office before the latter group escapes to the Library.
  • Evil Is Bigger: While calling them evil is a bit of a stretch, Tomerry is the biggest resident of Love Town, towering over both the other residents and your Librarians. In fact, they're the largest character in the game barring the Abnormalities.
  • Foreshadowing: If one pays attention to Tomerry, they will notice there's a large, gaping cut-out mark on their body that looks like as if their entrails were removed. It's an indicator of the "Love Town Mom" Blood-Red Night in charge of the operation, since she used to gut people out and control them to kill more people for her.
  • Image Song: From a Place of Love.
  • Meaningful Name: While Tommy and Merry are relatively generic names, in Korean, "Tomerry" can be translated to something across the lines of "Vomit-Head". Based on their appearance that disgusts even Angela, this can't be any more accurate.
  • Romantic Fusion: A rather horrifying example. They are a newlywed couple subject to the horrifying mutilation and fusion from lunatic Distortions who boarded the train.
  • Sad Battle Music: "From a Place of Love", a soothing, but heavily unsettling BGM whose lyrics express Tomerry's regrets of boarding the WARP Train and fusing themselves with the help of Nurse Elena for the sake of a moment of survival.
  • Sanity Slippage: Their nearly 2000 years in the train have caused them to forget everything, including what was beyond the carriages, and the fact that they were even separate to begin with. Right before they die, they begin to remember who they originally were.
  • Tragic Monster: All they wanted was to go on vacation. They end up trapped inside a WARP Train descending into madness for 2000 years, eventually combining into a single monster and forgetting who they were. And worse yet, if they hadn't gone to the Library, W. Corp would have eventually returned them to normal, as if all of that never happened.
  • Turns Red: Once Tomerry reaches 50% health, they start to use powerful attack pages they didn't use previously, representing it going berserk. This is because Tommy's head has been destroyed and thus 'killed', causing Merry to lash out.
  • Two Beings, One Body: Tomerry, an amalgamate of Tommy and Merry bound with flesh. Eventually, their minds seem to have fused together to the point they don't remember being apart. Bringing them to 50% health forcefully severs the fused mind by 'killing' Tommy, which causes Merry to lash out at you.
  • Unusable Enemy Equipment: Burning their books won't produce their key pages. Only two of their combat pages can be obtained from them.

The 8 O'Clock Circus

    In General
"Going back to our guests who willingly joined the freak show... I guess they were that desperate to achieve their dreams, huh?"
- Roland
A mysterious circus in the middle of the woods run by a strange clown man named Oswald. They cover Urban Nightmare Chapter 1.3.
  • Ambiguous Situation: They're a Circus of Fear, but nothing's been said on whether they're the source of the Crimson Ordeals.
  • Body Horror: Many of the troupe members are very bizarre, to say the least. Just like the Rudolta of the Sleigh Abnormality in the prequel, many of the "animals" are haphazardly stitched together, with the elephant having a human arm for a trunk, the monkey having two heads and the lion being consisted of the bodies of animals stitched together.
  • Circus of Fear: The 8 o'Clock Circus is a circus in the middle of the woods, inhabited by strange creatures, run by a strange clown man named Oswald. Besides Emma and Noah, the circus is also inhabited by the likes of a two-headed monkey and an elephant-like creature with a human arm for a trunk.


The Ringmaster of the 8 O'Clock Circus. If his words were to be taken at face value, then he was a lonely man who was granted a Distortion Circus by a being that he calls "Ms. Sun", presumably Carmen.

For more about Oswald, see here.

Emma and Noah
The latest additions to the 8 o'Clock Circus troupe. Noah is a four-eyed hand puppet, while Emma is Noah's tall, blind puppeteer. They used to be employees of J Corp. before stumbling upon the circus during their break hours, willingly taking part in the Circus to escape their current lives. They were sent to the Library in the hopes that the books within would help improve the Circus.
  • Battle Theme Music: They get a quiet and decrepit circus theme over their battle.
  • Boss Battle: An early boss battle for the Urban Nightmare chapter. They're no Philip or Love Town, but they'll need a bit more planning compared to other battles in the tier, and get their own custom battleground and theme to boot.
  • The Dividual: Emma and Noah act as one unit until separated, once the duo is staggered Noah will fall out of Emma's hand and will be his own separate unit. You get one scene to try and beat Noah to death before he's picked up again by Emma.
  • Extra Eyes: Noah has four eyes after being turned into a puppet. It's implied that those extra set of eyes came from Emma, who acts as the puppeteer, and Noah manifested them because he complained about doing monitoring work for J Corp.
  • Flunky Boss: Emma and Noah are accompanied by three animals from the 8 o'Clock Circus: A lion, a monkey, and an elephant. Stopping the lion and monkey's attacks from landing successfully is a key part to fighting Emma and Noah, as allowing their attacks to land gives a strength or endurance buff to the enemy with the highest health (Which is typically Emma) respectively.
  • Improbable Weapon User: While atop Emma's shoulder, he can chuck playing cards and juggling balls at your librarians.
  • Interclass Friendship: Emma was born into a richer family and apparently has more than enough money to lend to his pal Noah, who's close to the bottom of the city's working class and would barely be scrapping by if it weren't for Emma. Not that Noah is happy with the arrangement, as his frustration over his situation shows, and Roland himself notes that having a friend like Emma being the sole reason you're financially stable can take a toll on one's self esteem.
  • Irisless Eye Mask Of Mystery: Emma sports one upon becoming members of Oswald's circus troupe.
  • Joke Item: Noah's page offers absolutely nothing in passives, doesn't have any resistances worth talking about, and has a measly 1 HP, and all of this is in an Urban Nightmare page. While this not only serves as a jab at him being the more useless and deadbeat one of the duo, the extra insult to injury is that Emma's page is better in every way possible. Also unlike Emma, Noah's page can't even be equipped in the first place, ruling out any chance for a floor playstyle involving your Librarians getting killed as fast as possible.
    • Following patch v1.1.0.4c, Noah's page now has a single passive which gives +1 to Ranged Attack Damage. The insult to injury is that this is to make Emma's Battle Symbol buff usable rather than give Noah's page any meaningful utility.
  • Nothing Up My Sleeve: Emma's current outfit as a circus trouper sports these. Underneath them are a fistful of knives on his left and a lion's paw on his right.


    In General
"Y'know, rumors say there's a guy who skewers and threads people alive to turn them into dolls..."
- Mang-Chi
When the train that became Love Town reaches its destination, doctor Jae-heon drops his disguise and reveals himself as a distortion known as the Puppeteer. He makes a rant about how sick and disgusted he is with the first-class passengers who were kept away from the suffering of Love Town and proceeds to turn all the first-class passengers into Puppets before throwing them into the Library to get them killed. They cover Urban Nightmare Chapter 1.4.
  • And I Must Scream: They are still alive and aware of what's going on, but are powerless to stop themselves.
  • Asshole Victim: In the eyes of the Puppeteer, all the first-class passengers of the WARP train get to sit nice and cozy in a time capsule that lets them skip the agony of centuries in the train while everyone else suffers. Thus, he has no qualms whatsoever waking them up, mutilating them into his puppets and sending them to die in the Library. Though the Puppeteer does note that some of his soon-to-be-victims could have just won their seats in a sweepstake, but he doesn't discriminate.
  • Logical Weakness: The Puppets are controlled by the strings attached above to them. Naturally speaking, Slash dice deal additional stagger damage to the Puppets as opponents are presumably cutting the strings that control the puppets.
  • People Puppets: They've been transformed into literal human puppets by the Puppeteer.
  • Zerg Rush: Many, many Puppets are sent to the Library following their creation.

Mirae Life Insurance

    In General 
One of the many insurance companies in the City. They are one of the General Invitation Guests that can be invited upon reaching Star of the City.
  • Badass Bureaucrat: They don't even seem to be Fixers, yet they are still a Star of the City level Guest who can hold their own in a battle.

Leaflet Workshop

    In General 
One of the many workshops operating in the City selling equipment to both Fixers and Syndicates alike. Their members have a steampunk theme to them and, fittingly enough, utilize Smoke.
