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Characters / Dino Attack Allies

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People who are allied with Dino Attack Team, but not actually members of the team, in Dino Attack RPG.

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Dino Attack Allies

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Sarah Bishop

Kate Bishop's mother, at first glance a kind, compassionate woman who deeply cares for her daughter. In actuality her determination to ensure her daughter's safety has turned into an Ax-Crazy psycho.

  • Action Mom: Sarah Bishop may be in her mid-forties and have a daughter, but she's a member of Third Headquarters Squad who doesn't hesitate to jump into battle against Inferno henchmen.
  • Ax-Crazy: She single-handedly fought (and almost killed) a cyborg with spider legs just to keep her daughter out of harm's way.
  • Berserk Button: Ordinarily, Sarah Bishop is a polite, kind and caring woman... just so long as you stay away from her daughter.
  • Does Not Like Spam: She does not like Brickolini's pizza, which almost everyone else loves.
  • Expy: Has a bit of Ripley in her, along with Sarah Connor (in fact, Atton Rand was initially unsure about calling her Sarah specifically because of this).
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: Her weapon of choice is a flamethrower.
  • It Runs in the Family: Both Kate and Sarah Bishop are disgusted by the taste of Brickolini's pizza.
  • Mama Bear: At first she seems like a perfectly kind and compassionate woman. You can clearly see she deeply cares for her daughter and wants to see her loved ones get out safely... at least that's until you touch said daughter, and then she may go anywhere from trying to bludgeon you to death (if you're lucky) to duct-taping a shotgun to a flamethrower and cutting off your only escape from a burning room.
  • My Beloved Smother: Sarah's extreme protectiveness of Kate seems to have stinted her daughter's maturity and independence.
  • New Old Flame: She had a small fling with Alan Pierce that resulted in Kate's birth. Years later, they meet again during the Dino Attack and their relationship reignites, resulting in their marriage this time.

Det. Bogart

A Private Detective hired to help investigate a series of murders and track down the mole.


Chief of the TumTum Islanders, Achu has been hardened by his need to protect his village from the ever-advancing Mutant Dinos. He is willing to ally with Dino Attack Team, but only if the team can prove itself in his eyes.

  • Barrier Warrior: At the start of the Mutant Dinos' attack on the Aztec Village, Achu tried to hold them off with a magical barrier. Unfortunately, it put a lot of strain on him, and when he eventually fainted from exhaustion, the barrier vanished.
  • Magical Native American: He is a native of South America with magical powers.
  • Noble Savage: Achu is a noble and heroic tribesman of South America.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Achu is leader of the TumTum Tribe and, although he'll go to extreme lengths to protect his village from outsiders, he can be reasoned with. Rex and Zachary both earn his trust this way.
  • Saved by Canon: Could not be killed for this reason.
  • Tribal Face Paint: Achu has grey facepaint, as fitting a TumTum Islander.

Captain Click

A old and rather grumpy pirate skeleton who only wants to sleep alone in his cave on LEGO Island, Captain Click assisted the Dino Attack Team in the battle for LEGO Island.

  • Dem Bones: Captain Click is a rare non-villainous example of an undead skeleton.
  • Detachment Combat: As an undead skeleton, Captain Click is able to pull himself apart and fight with disembodied limbs.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Captain Click has an eyepatch, even though he doesn't have eyes in either socket, just to emphasize how cool he is.
  • Pirate: Captain Click is a deceased pirate captain.
  • Saved by Canon: Could not be killed (or, in his case, made Deader than Dead) for this reason.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Captain Click threw his cutlass to disable the XERRD teleporters and cut off the Brickspider Bot's escape. Somehow, it worked.

Alpha Female T-Rex

The leader of the Adventurers' Island T-Rex pack, the alpha female T-Rex resides in the ruins of a Tribe Ugalego temple and is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her pack. She is also the mother of Chompy and Rex, and when she perished in battle, the title of alpha male was given to Chompy.

  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Bilingual Dialogue shows that the alpha female T-Rex is at least on the same level of intelligence as humans.
  • Ascended Extra: Her first appearance was as an extra in Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, when she and her mate (who was later revealed via Retcon to have perished in that battle) tore apart a Scorpion Orb Launcher.
  • Bilingual Dialogue: The alpha female T-Rex can only speak in grunts, growls, and roars, but she can understand English and communicate with anyone who Speaks Fluent Animal, such as Rex.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Dinosaurs do not have the same set of morals that we do. Therefore, forming an alliance with the alpha female T-Rex was a lot harder than just saying "Hey, we're both fighting Mutant Dinos, let's team up!", especially due to the fact that Sam Sinister's alliance with Dino Attack Team threw everything into jeopardy.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Her: Although she only had a few appearances, her presence was vital to the Dino Attack Team's mission on Adventurers' Island. She was ultimately killed off-screen in a battle for what wasn't actually the Maelstrom Temple.
  • Facial Markings: She has blue and red markings on her face, but not even Rex can tell if these are natural scale colors or if it actually is Tribal Face Paint (likely applied by Achu or the TumTum tribe).
  • Heroic Neutral: She opposes the Mutant Dinos, but is reluctant to join the fight alongside Dino Attack Team because she places the safety of her pack above all else.
    • Neutral No Longer: After some convincing by Rex, she assisted Dino Attack Team in the battle for the Temple of Hotep III.
  • Killed Offscreen: The alpha female T-Rex's final appearance in the RPG was when she arrived at the battle of the Temple of Hotep III. Later, Achu and Chompy are talking about her, and this is when it is revealed that she died during the battle. This is no longer the case in the Director's Cut (starting with version 1.1), which depicts her death on-screen.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, the alpha female T-Rex's theme is "The Stone Table" from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
  • Living Dinosaurs: As a native of Adventurers' Island, the alpha female T-Rex is descended from dinosaurs who escaped the extinction event.
  • Mama Bear: She is fiercely devoted to protecting her family, and since she views her entire pack as her family...
  • Never Given a Name: She has no name, as is the case with all Adventurers' Island T-Rexes, sans Chompy.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: As the alpha female, she is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of her kind, and therefore is open to negotiating with Rex for an alliance with Dino Attack Team.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She is the alpha female, bravely leading her pack on the front lines against Ice Drones and Mutant Dinos.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: The alpha female T-Rex dresses up for battle by wearing a T-Rex skull helmet and a Minifig skull necklace, which was likely adorned upon her by the TumTum Islanders.
  • Transplant: Originally a character from Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG before that RPG died.
  • Tribal Face Paint: TumTum Tribe face paint is possibly the source of her Facial Markings, but this is unconfirmed.

Ben Gunn

A strange and senile hermit who lives in the Goo Caverns, Ben Gunn befriended Rex and Greybeard during Dino Attack Team's mission there. After a volcanic eruption destroyed his home, Ben Gunn was forced to travel to LEGO City on the eve of the Final Battle to assist the Dino Attack Team. As all-but-outright-confirmed by the short story Family Feud, his true identity is Dr. Zachary Abody, the original agent Frozeen.

  • Badass Bystander: Ben Gunn during The Mole's attempted escape. He just happened to be sitting nearby and then bolted into action to effortlessly clothesline the mole.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Ben Gunn, upon his arrival in LEGO City, found an abandoned clothing department and replaced his old rags with a Nice Suit.
  • Back for the Finale: After disappearing at the end of the Goo Caverns story arc, he reappears in At War's End just before the final battle.
  • Berserk Button: Never mention Dr. Rex's name to Ben Gunn or he'll suddenly get very angry.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: His insane ramblings and musings may be amusing, but when he gets angry, he's terrifying.
  • Character Name Alias: Although Ben Gunn did not choose his own nickname, it was given to him by Greybeard since he was reminded of the Treasure Island character.
  • Chekhov M.I.A..: Ben Gunn became M.I.A. at the end of the Goo Caverns mission, only to return after the Adventurers' Island mission to warn the Dino Attack Team about the upcoming final battle.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Ben Gunn was suffering from senility during his time in the Goo Caverns.
  • Cool Old Guy: Ben Gunn is in his late seventies.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He may seem like a goofy idiot, but he proves that he had training in physical combat. This is because he is a former Alpha Team agent.
  • Disney Death: Everyone assumed he died in the Goo Caverns, but he survived and came back in time for the Final Battle.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: It's all the years of living alone underground in the Goo Caverns that caused him to go loopy.
  • The Hermit: Ben Gunn lives alone in the Goo Caverns, where he hides from Ogel Drones.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Since the recurring male figure in Ben Gunn's photographs (i.e. Dr. Zachary Abody) is a younger version of himself, he was handsome in his youth.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, Ben Gunn's theme is "Self Esteem Fund" from Portal.
  • Meaningful Name: Ben Gunn is a senile hermit in tattered clothes with a long beard.
  • Never Found the Body: The fact that his body was never recovered from the Goo Caverns have been a clue towards the fact that Ben Gunn survived the Goo Caverns mission...
  • Old Master: When angered, Ben Gunn single-handedly bested Rex and Greybeard.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: "Ben Gunn" is a nickname bestowed upon him by Greybeard. He forgot his real name, Zachary Abody.
  • Put on a Bus: Near the end of the Final Battle, Ben Gunn was safely teleported to Antarctica.
  • Same Character, But Different: Ben Gunn was an appealing character because his constant senile musing and philosophies made him an amusing character to read. After getting hit by a ton of rocks that apparently cured his senility, Ben Gunn became very different in personality, now dark and serious instead of naive and amusing.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Ben Gunn seems to be a master of this trope, especially the Stealth Bye, since he vanishes without anyone noticing where he went.
  • Subterranean Sanity Failure: Living alone in the Goo Caverns for years made Ben Gunn go rather senile.
  • Talkative Loon: While suffering from senility, Ben Gunn loved to ramble on and on about his musings, which actually tended to delve into The Cuckoolander Was Right on occasion.
  • Thinking Tic: He doesn't do this anymore as Ben Gunn, but as Zachary Abody, he would absentmindedly pace back-and-forth while thinking.
  • Time-Passage Beard: A retroactive example due to Family Feud. As Zachary Abody, he is depicted as clean-shaven. After years of living by himself in the Goo Caverns, Ben Gunn has a long beard.
  • Wardrobe Flaw of Characterization: When Rex meets Ben Gunn in Dino Attack Headquarters, he notices that Ben is well-dressed in a suit... that does not quite fit him and still has attached price tags. These imperfections provide the first hint that this mysterious elderly gentleman is the same Cloud Cuckoolander from the Goo Caverns.


Bailey is Sereve's pet Post-Apocalyptic Dog who survived the Dino Attack in Chicago. In the Legends canon, Bailey is secretly a powerful alien known as Banchito... but in the current canon, he's just a cute dog.

  • Adaptational Nonsapience: In the original RPG, Banchito was fully sapient and capable of speech. In the Director's Cut, Bailey might possess some Amplified Animal Aptitude but is otherwise an ordinary dog.
  • Adaptational Wimp: In the original RPG, Banchito has Super-Speed, Acid Attack, Walking Techfix, and other incredible powers on top of being a tall humanoid warrior. In the Director's Cut, Bailey is just an ordinary small dog with a slight aggressive streak.
  • Adaptation Name Change: Downplayed example. Unlike Banchito in the original RPG, Bailey doesn't have a "real" name that differs from the name given to him by Sereve.
  • Adaptation Species Change: In the original RPG, Banchito is an alien. In the Director's Cut, Bailey is a dog.
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Despite just being a dog in the Director's Cut, Bailey is able to steer Sereve's Fire Hammer and follow his directions on which way to turn.
  • Cain and Abel: In the original RPG, Banchito is the Abel to Landro's Cain. He sets out to stop his evil brother from conquering Earth with his mutant dino army.
  • Decomposite Character: In the Director's Cut, Banchito's scenes are split between Bailey and Tech.
  • Demoted to Extra: The Director's Cut gives Bailey a smaller role than Banchito in the original RPG, given that Bailey is just an ordinary dog and cannot speak, fight, or repair vehicles like Banchito could. Several of Banchito's scenes are given to Tech instead, further reducing Bailey's screentime.
  • Disaster-Dodging Dog: Despite Sereve's entire house getting flattened during the Dino Attack, his dog Bailey somehow survived.
  • Heroic Dog: Despite being an Adaptational Wimp in the Director's Cut, Bailey is no less courageous and will fight Mutant T-Rexes and Landro in order to protect Sereve.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: Banchito's early appearances alternatively write his name as "Banchicto" and "Banchoti", before settling upon Banchito as the most consistent spelling.
  • Post-Apocalyptic Dog: Sereve's dog Bailey accompanies him during multiple missions in the post-apocalyptic Dino Attack world.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the Director's Cut, Sereve notes that Bailey has developed an aggressive streak since the Dino Attack, which has allowed the small dog to survive in a world prowling with giant mutant dinosaurs.
  • True Companions: In the original RPG, Banchito and Sereve regard one another as brothers, even though they are not related. It's much more downplayed in the Director's Cut, but Bailey remains fiercely loyal to Sereve.
  • Unrelated in the Adaptation: In the original RPG, Banchito and Landro are brothers. In the Director's Cut, Bailey is just a dog and Landro is a mutated human, and the two are completely unrelated.
  • Walking Techfix: In the original RPG, Banchito can fix a busted vehicle engine just by touching it.
  • Wolf Man: In the original RPG, Banchito's true form resembles a humanoid wolf.

    Alpha Team 

Elite Agent Peter "Frozeen" Abody

Peter "Frozeen" Abody is an elite agent of Alpha Team and a veteran of Mission Deep Freeze. After coming out of hiding and briefly working under the alias The Phantom during the Dino Attack, Frozeen decided to lend his abilities to the Dino Attack Team and assist in their battle against the mutant dinosaurs.

  • Adaptational Romance Downgrade: In Dino Attack: At War's End, it is implied that Peter Abody and Shannon Grimton become an Official Couple afterward. This is no longer the case in the Director's Cut, where Shannon gently turns Peter down and they remain Just Friends.
  • Adaptation Name Change: A very minor case, but Frozeen's identity as The Phantom is no longer a proper noun and is written as "the phantom" in Love and War and the Director's Cut, in order to avoid confusion with Phantom.
  • Adoptive Name Change: Frozeen's birthname is Brickthief, but he was named Peter Abody by his adoptive parents.
  • Author Avatar: Of all of PeabodySam's characters, Frozeen comes the closest to an Author Avatar (even being diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome), due to being the first character he created in the RPG MOCanon and, for a beginning writer, finding it easy to invokedWrite Who You Know. However, despite this, PeabodySam does not view Frozeen as an extension of himself, but instead a separate character who happens to share many traits with his writer.
  • The Beast Master: Chompy could qualify as the beast, giving Frozeen this role.
  • Berserk Button: Whatever you do, do not talk dismissively of Zachary Abody in front of Frozeen.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: When Frozeen goes insane, it's the Cloud Cuckoo Lander type of insanity. He believes that everyone around him is a leprechaun out to steal his gold; the cows must be defeated to save the monkeys; and everything has to do with Mexican food.
  • Cool Uncle: Mary Rose regards One-Eyed Pete as her Honorary Uncle in Pirates of the Tropical Sea. As a secret agent working undercover as a pirate, he certainly fits the bill of being cool for an uncle.
  • Cunning Linguist: Thanks to lessons from PBB, Frozeen is fluent in a number of languages.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: In the Director's Cut, Shannon Grimton is already engaged to another man, and Frozeen professing his unrequited love for her does not change that in the end. They agree to remain Just Friends.
  • Disabled in the Adaptation: A very downplayed example. In At War's End, Frozeen is diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. In the Director's Cut, he is instead diagnosed with high-functioning autism. Since Asperger's is an autism spectrum disorder and has significant overlap with high-functioning autism, this alteration mainly comes down to a subtle change of nuance that makes Frozeen seem slightly more "disabled", for lack of a better term.
  • Disappeared Dad: Frozeen's adoptive father, Zachary Abody, disappeared while working for Alpha Team.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": A downplayed example in the Director's Cut. When Shannon greets him as "Peter", he insists upon her calling him by his codename Frozeen. This is because he is on-duty as a codenamed Alpha Team agent, and because he is trying to remain professional and impersonal in his interactions with Shannon.
  • Everyone Went to School Together: Frozeen and Shannon went to school together.
  • Extremely Protective Child: Insult his father, and Frozeen will teach you the true meaning of pain.
  • Eyepatch After Time Skip: Played with in The Passage of Time, which is set 10 years after the Dino Attack. As "One-Eyed Pete", Frozeen wears an eyepatch... but both eyes are perfectly fine, and it's just part of his pirate disguise.
  • Friendless Background: Before joining Alpha Team, Frozeen had very few friends. Shannon Grimton was one of the few exceptions.
  • Heroic Resolve: Threatening Frozeen's friends or family causes Frozeen to enter Heroic Safe Mode and then violently attack the enemy in an Unstoppable Rage.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: Frozeen's Heroic Safe Mode results in Unstoppable Rages when his friends are threatened.
  • Honorary Uncle: Frozeen is affectionately nicknamed "Uncle Pete" by Mary Rose, who picked up on Greybeard's Like a Son to Me attitude towards Frozeen.
  • I Don't Like You And You Don't Like Me: During the final battle, Frozeen rescues Grease. He acknowledges that they hate each other's guts but have to look out for one another during this battle.
  • I'm Not Doing That Again: Frozeen in regards to relapsing into insanity.
  • In-Series Nickname: His Alpha Team friends call him "Fro".
  • In the Hood: As The Phantom, Frozeen wore a large hooded cloak that hid his features.
  • Informed Flaw: Frozeen's Asperger's syndrome, which, despite the character's eight-year-long literary history, never really presented itself until the last few months when Shannon was introduced.
  • Insanity Immunity: Whenever Frozeen goes insane, his mind is essentially shielded.
  • Jobless Parent Drama: In Frozeen's backstory, his adoptive father Zachary Abody was working at a laboratory that lost its funding and he was let go. Peter, who could not afford to support himself and his parents at the time, had a long argument with Zachary to convince him to find a new job. This led to Zachary Abody joining Alpha Team, which in turn led to his disappearance and Peter joining the team.
  • Last-Minute Hookup: With Shannon Grimton in the original RPG, but not in the Director's Cut.
  • Legacy Character: Peter "Frozeen" Abody was Retconned to be a Legacy Character of Zachary "Frozeen" Abody.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, Frozeen's theme is an orchestral rendition of the Skyfall title theme. As "The Phantom", his theme is "A Friend" from The Mandalorian.
  • Lineage Comes from the Father: Frozeen inherited his father's Alpha Team codename.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: As The Phantom, Frozeen was In the Hood.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: During his time in a G.E. Body, Frozeen had two extra arms that he used in combat.
  • Noble Male, Roguish Male: When he's partnered up with Greybeard, Frozeen is the Noble Male while Greybeard is the Roguish Male.
  • Older and Wiser: Frozeen, who was a rookie Alpha Team agent in Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, is six years older and therefore considerably more experienced and wiser in Dino Attack RPG. It's taken further in Pirates of the Tropical Sea, where an even older and wiser Frozeen (as "One-Eyed Pete") fills the role of The Mentor to the young protagonist Mary Rose.
  • Overt Operative: Although Peter Abody operates under the codename Frozeen, plenty of people know his true identity, with him being introduced by his real name at the LEGO Island party. It's even discussed by the prose in At War's End after he introduces himself by name due to being off-duty:
    While it was true that Alpha Team agents often adopted codenames to protect their identities, Peter really stopped caring about that since, if his identity needed to be covered, then it was blown countless times over the years anyways.
  • Parting-Words Regret: In the Director's Cut, Frozeen's last words to PBB were arguing with him and then shutting down his emotional responses to force him to comply. PBB dies shortly afterward, leaving Frozeen full of regret.
  • Real Name as an Alias: Frozeen's real name is Peter. When coming up with an alias for his pirate disguise in The Passage of Time, he goes with "One-Eyed Pete".
  • Ridiculous Procrastinator: Admitted to being one.
  • Scars Are Forever: Zig-Zagged. Like General, he had burn scars for the rest of his life. After his life, on the other hand, all scars were removed and he was restored to his pre-G.E. Body appearance.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: Frozeen deduced Silencia Venomosa's identity several hours before asking Amanda for confirmation.
  • Significant Green-Eyed Redhead: Frozeen has red hair (as first described by Victor Draven in Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG), and Pirates of the Tropical Sea reveals that his eye color is green (in order to match his brother, the Brickster). He's also a major recurring character in the LEGO RPG canon.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Usually, Frozeen comes across as merely cold, distant, or aloof, but he falls squarely into socially-awkward when it comes to his interactions with Shannon.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Can communicate with natural dinosaurs and, to a lesser degree, Mutant Dinos.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": As The Phantom, especially to differentiate him from another former Alpha Team agent running around at the same time with the Code Name "Phantom".
  • The Spock: Frozeen fills this role, in contrast to the more emotional Rex and the more practical Greybeard. This is not to say that Frozeen doesn't feel emotion; on the contrary, he feels such strong emotion that he feels that it is necessary to suppress his own feelings in order to work more efficiently. This allows him to make more logical and difficult decision-making than Rex. However, it also means that he struggles to connect with the people around him, which Rex and Greybeard are much better at doing.
  • Sudden Eye Colour: Like most LEGO minifigs, Frozeen has only been depicted with Black Bead Eyes, but Pirates of the Tropical Sea confirmed that his iris color is actually green.
  • Sudden Name Change: In Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, Frozeen's real name was Sam Yoir, which was decanonized when Dino Attack RPG changed it to Peter Abody.
  • Talkative Loon: During his relapses of Cloud Cuckoo Lander insanity, he tends to talk a lot.
  • Tell Me About My Father: Frozeen asks both Evil Ogel and General about the fate of Zachary Abody.
  • Temporary Name Change:
    • Most players knew him as Frozeen in Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, but he has abandoned that name and instead calls himself "The Phantom" at the start of Dino Attack RPG. After confronting the FUTURE villains, he switches back to using Frozeen as his codename.
    • He goes by the name "One-Eyed Pete" in The Passage of Time due to disguising himself as a pirate.
  • They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: When a LEGOLAND soldier refers to him as a "phantom", he replies "That's the phantom to you!" After all, Spell My Name with a "The" helps distinguish him from Phantom.
  • Time-Passage Beard: Frozeen was clean-shaven in Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG and Dino Attack RPG, but his Bad Future self in the former and his "Fifteeniversary" appearance in the latter both depict him with beards.
  • Tunnel King: Being a former Rock Raider, his Alpha Team specialty is mining.
  • Turn the Other Cheek: Grease has been a Jerkass, bully, and Troll to everyone he meets, and in Alpha Team RPG: Ogel's Last Stand, he insulted Frozeen's father and got away with it while Frozeen got punished. But when Grease was in a near-death situation in the Final Battle, Frozeen did not hesitate to rescue him.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: The Phantom, a mysterious hooded figure who seemed to know more than he should have, made his debut in the RPG around the time that (the other) Phantom and PBB were looking for Frozeen, who had gone missing since the last Alpha Team mission. Of course, The Phantom and Frozeen are eventually revealed to be the same character.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Frozeen whenever he goes into Heroic Safe Mode.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: After being trapped in a burning room, he was rebuilt as a cyborg.
  • You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost: After catching a glimpse of Ben Gunn using the Super Teleport Pad.


A Tyrannosaurus rex from Adventurers' Island, Chompy was adopted by Frozeen at a young age and spent the next few years of his life working with the Alpha Team. He is the second-eldest member of his brood, and Rex is his biological older brother. After his mother, who was the alpha female of the Adventurers' Island T-Rex pack, perished in battle against the Mutant Dinos, Chompy became the new alpha male.

Agent Mort


A custom-built Brickster-Bot created by Frozeen, PBB worked with Alpha Team during Mission Deep Freeze and chose to help out Dino Attack agents in need from aboard his personal airship.

  • Cunning Linguist: PBB was programmed to have entire language dictionaries installed in his memory, allowing him to translate nearly anything with ease. He also picked up new languages, such as the language of dinosaurs, rather easily, though the language of Mutant Dinos was too chaotic for him to make sense of.
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, PBB's theme is "Orientation" from Monsters, Inc.: Scream Team.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: To Frozeen.
  • Omniglot: PBB was programmed with fluency in six languages and continued to learn additional languages over the years, including the ability to speak with dinosaurs.
  • Playing with Fire: PBB can shoot fire from his hands.
  • Robot Buddy
  • Robot Names: PBB, whose full name is "Purple-Headed Frozeen's Model of a Brickster-Bot", falls under the category of "Something-tron or Something-bot".
  • Sacrificial Lion: A major character who was a close friend of Frozeen and Rex, PBB had been long established as a competent fighter who had survived many dangerous situations, in both Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG and Dino Attack RPG. To establish the higher stakes of the latter, he was killed off. His death also motivated Libo to reveal himself.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Can communicate with natural dinosaurs. However, his programming cannot handle the language of Mutant Dinos, which he considers too chaotic.
  • The Smart Guy
  • Sudden Name Change: A downplayed example, since his name PBB stayed consisted throughout the years, but his rarely-mentioned full name was changed. In Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, "PBB" stood for "Purple Brickster-Bot". On the Dino Attack RPG Wiki, his full name was changed to "Purple-Headed Frozeen's Model of a Brickster-Bot".
  • Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Was killed off fairly early in Dino Attack RPG, a sequel to Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG.
  • Uniformity Exception: While all other FMB-Bots look pretty much identical, PBB is visually distinguished by his purple head and uniform.

Special Agent Phantom

  • Ace Pilot: Piloting is one of Phantom's expertise.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: In Love and War and the Director's Cut, Phantom has a few lines of dismissive dialogue towards Amanda, potentially hinting at a misogynistic or ableist attitude since she's a mute woman. This is not the case in the original RPG, where the worst thing he says is some preschool-level teasing of Rex's feelings towards Amanda.
  • Adaptational Sympathy: The reason why Phantom is looking for Frozeen is never revealed in the original RPG, so he comes across as acting villainous for no reason. In Love and War and the Director's Cut, he's given a Freudian Excuse that makes him a sympathetic Tragic Villain, even if it doesn't justify his actions.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In the original RPG, although Phantom attacks Rex multiple times, he never does anything more villainous than that, especially after he loses his memories and teams up with Rex and Zero. In Love and War and the Director's Cut, Phantom reveals that he murdered some of Frozeen's other friends, and he goes back to being Ax-Crazy after regaining his memories.
  • Amnesiac Villain Joins the Heroes: After Phantom loses his memories, he teams up with Rex and Zero, having forgotten that he was previously antagonizing them.
  • Amnesiacs are Innocent: In contrast to his vengeful and Ax-Crazy self, amnesiac Phantom was very innocent and friendly towards Rex, Zero, and The Phantom.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Phantom apparently suffered from this in his amnesic state, which Rex and Zero exploited to distract him whenever he seemed to be regaining his memory.
  • Broken Ace: Phantom was a special agent, the highest achievable rank in Alpha Team. Being forcibly discharged from Alpha Team for a crime he did not commit took a major toll on his mental stability.
  • Death by Adaptation: Although he was still alive in the original RPG, Phantom was killed by The Phantom (AKA Frozeen) in the rewrite Love and War. This becomes relevant to the plot of The Madness of Agent Zero, where Zero (remembering the original "Legends" continuity) still thinks that Phantom is alive.
  • The Engineer: Mechanical engineering is one of Phantom's expertise.
  • The Faceless: In an example much like Specs, Phantom always wears a balaclava that hides his face. When the mask is removed near the end of Love and War, no description of his facial features are revealed to the reader.
  • Fallen Hero: Sometime after the events of Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, Phantom went rogue after Frozeen got him discharged from Alpha Team by falsely accusing him of being a mole. By the time of Dino Attack RPG, he was willing to attack Dino Attack Team in his search for Frozeen.
  • Freudian Excuse: Love and War reveals Phantom's reasons for going rogue: he was wrongfully discharged by Alpha Team after Frozeen planted evidence to accuse him of being a traitor.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: While Rex and the phantom both sympathize with Phantom after the reveal of his Freudian Excuse, they both acknowledge that it does not justify him killing innocents in his quest for revenge against Frozeen.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Suffered this as a result of an encounter with General Evil. Rex and Zero deliberately avoided trying to do anything that would jog his memory, even referring to each other by fake names.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, Phantom's theme is "Subterranean Caverns" from GoldenEye (1997).
  • Malevolent Masked Men: Phantom wears a balaclava at all times.
  • Powered Armor: After BIONICLE content was declared non-canon, Phantom's Toa transformation was retconned to him wearing Tactical Operations Armor.
  • Red Herring Mole: Frozeen suspected that Phantom was working for Ogel, but Phantom was completely loyal to Alpha Team.
  • Sanity Slippage: Phantom went mad after he left Alpha Team, leading him to become a Fallen Hero.
  • Stealth Expert: Stealth is one of Phantom's expertise.
  • Sudden Sequel Heel Syndrome: Although Phantom was a BZP Noob #30000's heroic primary character in Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG, he unexpectedly returns as an antagonist in Dino Attack RPG.

    Evil OGEL Empire 

Evil Ogel

An Evil Genius who planned to Take Over the World with his army of Brainwashed and Crazy Skeleton Drones, Evil Ogel realized that he could not take over a world destroyed by Mutant Dinosaurs. As a result, he decided to ally with Dino Attack Team in order to defeat XERRD and the Mutant Dinos for good.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In LEGO Alpha Team, Evil Ogel is only ever depicted as villainous. While he remains an unrepentant villain in Dino Attack RPG, Ogel is depicted as having (what he believes to be) a noble cause and is willing to help Dino Attack Team save the world from the Mutant Dinos and the Maelstrom.
  • Bad Boss: Tosses his skeleton drones out the window whenever he's angry.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: As can be deduced from someone with "Evil" in his title, Ogel has no qualms about proudly admitting to being a villain.
  • Crossover Villain-in-Chief: Among the four LEGO villains who team up, Ogel becomes the natural leader.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: In Because Of You, it's shown that Ogel's villainy was hardly subtle even back in 1958, and Talia is flabbergasted that nobody noticed how Obviously Evil he was back then.
  • Enemy Mine: Evil Ogel was the first of the villains who chose to ally with Dino Attack team. The others chose to follow suit.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Evil Ogel, whose minions are literally zombies, expressed disgust at the concept of the Quasifigus Hybrids. There's also the fact that he's willing to save the world from an Omnicidal Maniac.
  • Evil Brit: Inspired by the Alpha Team PC game, Ogel's nationality is British.
  • Evil Genius: When asked why he gets to come up with the plans, Ogel declares it's because he's a genius who always comes up with the greatest plans.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Just like in the Alpha Team PC game, Ogel is a Large Ham in how he carries himself and addresses those around him.
  • Evil Laugh: Enjoys practicing his evil laughter.
  • Evil Old Folks: If his 78-year-old brother is any indication, Ogel is an old man during the Dino Attack.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He has a deep, booming, baritone voice.
  • Evil Wears Black: Ogel is always seen wearing a black outfit.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Evil Ogel's primary justification for being evil.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Especially after allying with Dino Attack Team, Ogel always had a calm and polite air to him that did not conceal just how terrifyingly evil he could be.
  • Future Me Scares Me: Even Ogel was scared of Fogel.
  • Hobbes Was Right: Evil Ogel is a firm believer in this trope, seeing himself as a necessary evil that is needed to control humanity in order to enforce peace.
  • Hook Hand: Carrying over from Mission Deep Sea and Mission Deep Freeze, Ogel has a hook in place of his left hand.
  • Last-Name Basis: Based on the fact that his brother's name is George Ogel, this would suggest that "Ogel" is his surname. Unless "Evil" happens to be his given name, which is highly doubtful, we only know him by his last name. Even when we do see characters who know Ogel's real given name (such as General or Talia Kaahs), the dialogue and prose deliberately left it unsaid.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, Ogel's theme is "The Dark and Endless Dalek Night" from Doctor Who.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: With a title like "Evil", he certainly has Adjectives covered.
  • Not Me This Time: Early in the RPG, Ogel was commonly suspected (both in and out of universe) of being the villain behind the Dino Attack. Voltage and his teammates were surprised when a group of Ogel Drones, faced with the accusation, revealed that Ogel was just as threatened by the Dino Attack as everyone else. PeabodySam deliberately decided not to make Ogel the RPG's main villain because he was too obvious of a choice.
  • Obviously Evil: Even after allying with Dino Attack Team, the fact that he still covers so many tropes of villainy makes Dino Attack Team feel uneasy trusting him, to say the least.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: In the Director's Cut, Ogel and General Evil are shocked when Fogel gratuitously murders a bunch of scientists. However, it's not due to being morally opposed to murder; Ogel just sees it as a waste of potentially valuable assets.
  • Saved by Canon: Could not be killed for this reason. This tipped off players that his "death" during the final battle was staged.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Ogel is definitely evil, but he's working with Dino Attack Team after the discovery of the XERRD laboratory.
  • Un-person: Before beginning his take-over-the-world scheme, Evil Ogel erased all records of himself to ensure that no one could use his past against him.
  • The Un-Reveal: Although Talia Kaahs knows his real name, it is not revealed to the reader in Because Of You.

General George Ogel

George Ogel is the brother of Evil Ogel and, after falling into a depression over the disappearance of his bride, Talia Kaahs, joined his brother's side as General Evil. After being caught in an explosion, General Evil's body was badly burned and scarred, so Evil Ogel invented an exosuit shell for General Evil. Initially, General Evil was opposed to Dino Attack Team. However, following Ogel's alliance with Dino Attack Team and reuniting with Talia Kaahs, the general became The Atoner and strove to redeem himself of his crimes.

  • 24-Hour Armor: Much like Darth Vader, General's exosuit holds all his life support systems.
  • The Atoner: After learning the truth about Dr. Rex and then rescuing Talia Kaahs from the Dino Island Laboratory, General viewed his work with Dino Attack Team as a means of atoning for his life as General Evil.
  • Beta Couple: General and Talia Kaahs, to Rex and Amanda's Alpha Couple.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He knows the best way to approach a fight, and understands the importance of knowing when to back out of fight.
  • Cool Old Guy: General is in his late seventies.
  • Covered with Scars: As a result of being horrifically burned about ten years ago.
  • Cyborg: General is a human minifig kept alive with cybernetics.
  • The Dragon: To Evil Ogel. While they are both very intelligent, Ogel was the mastermind while General Evil was the muscle.
  • Dual Wielding: During the Final Battle, General wielded four laser sabers given to him by King Joseph Race.
  • Enemy Mine: Along with his brother Evil Ogel, General Evil formed an alliance with the Dino Attack Team he once fought against so that they could defeat XERRD and the Mutant Dinos together.
  • Evil Brit: George Ogel is British. The "evil" part only applies while he was General Evil, of course.
  • Evil Counterpart: General Evil served as Frozeen's evil counterpart, most notably with both characters using G.E. Bodies.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: George Ogel used to look handsome. Then he became General Evil and got his skin burned off...
  • Evil Old Folks: As General Evil, he was a villain in his late seventies.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: PeabodySam imagines General Evil as having the voice of Christopher Lee, and his voice is described as baritone in Because of You.
  • The Evils of Free Will: General Evil's primary justification for being evil is that he believes humanity needs to be forcibly controlled in order to accomplish peace.
  • Expy: The G.E. Body is modeled after General Grievous and Hopper, and some of General Evil's personality was modeled after the two villains.
  • Expy Coexistence: Although General is based directly upon General Grievous, General Grievous still exists in-universe as a fictional character from the Star Wars media franchise. With the G.E. Body canonically predating Grievous's debut in Star Wars, it's explained in-universe that George Lucas was inspired by General Evil (rather than the other way around).
  • Eye Scream: The Maelstrom entered General's G.E. Body through the eyeholes in his helmet, invoking this trope.
  • Faux Affably Evil: As General Evil, you knew that he was going to do something particularly heinous when he was acting polite and sincere. For example, in Family Feud, General Evil considers the generous option of letting his victims choose whether to die or be brainwashed.
  • Four-Star Badass: General is, well, the general of Ogel's skeleton drone armies and does most of his fighting out in the field.
  • Freudian Excuse: Because he believed that Talia Kaahs stood him up on their wedding day, George Ogel fell into a depression and became a Straw Nihilist, which ultimately led to him accepting his brother's offer to join him as General Evil.
  • Genius Bruiser: He is a former scientist and a brilliant strategist, and more than capable of ruthlessly killing anyone who stands in his way.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: General received some nasty burns as General Evil.
  • Heel–Face Turn: While the Evil OGEL Empire's alliance with Dino Attack Team was only one of Pragmatic Villainy, General underwent a genuine redemption arc.
  • Heel Realization: What ultimately led to General's Heel–Face Turn. After learning that his grudge against Zachary Abody was misplaced and that Talia Kaahs was kidnapped by Ronald Alexander, he realized that his reasons and justification for turning evil were never correct.
  • Hobbes Was Right: Much like his brother, General Evil believed that Humans Are Bastards and dictatorship is a necessary evil.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: In his youth, George Ogel was considerably handsome.
  • It's Personal:
    • First, while serving under Evil Ogel as General Evil, he was left to die in a burning building by his former friend, Zachary Abody, who was working for Alpha Team. In his anger, he vowed to stop Alpha Team at whatever cost and to extract revenge upon the Abody family.
    • The fight between Dr. Rex and General Evil became personal after Dr. Rex confessed that he was responsible for leaving General Evil in the burning building. Things only became more personal when General Evil discovered that Dr. Rex had kidnapped his bride-to-be, Talia Kaahs, and held her in stasis for years.
  • Killed Off for Real: After having cheated death on multiple occasions, General is fatally injured by Dr. Rex during their final battle.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, General's theme is "General Kota and the Control Room Duel" from The Force Unleashed.
  • Man in the Machine: The cybernetic G.E. Body encases General's heavily-scarred body and acts as a life-support system.
  • Meaningful Name: He's a general who used to be evil.
  • Meaningful Rename: From George Ogel to General Evil to simply General, a rename for this character means a significant change in personality.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The G.E. Body has four arms, making him more dangerous than a normal two-armed person.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: As General Evil.
  • Necessarily Evil / Then Let Me Be Evil: This is how General Evil initially viewed himself, explaining why George Ogel agreed to be called "General Evil" while serving under his brother. Despite genuinely believing that his beliefs were correct and ultimately for the greater good, he was aware that his morals would be considered "evil" by the general populace. These beliefs faded away after the incident which left his body scarred, after which it became personal.
  • Obviously Evil: As General Evil. He has a skull-like helmet, horrible burn scars, and his name was General Evil. How much more obvious can you get than that?
  • Redemption Equals Death: Okay, how many of you seriously thought that General, who was The Atoner and trying to redeem himself of his past, was going to live happily ever after?
  • Scars Are Forever: It's been nearly ten years, and General is still covered with burn scars.
  • So Proud of You: General expresses that he's proud of Frozeen, after the final battle.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: No matter how much George Ogel and Talia Kaahs love each other, it seems fate will always keep them apart, whether it's Talia being kidnapped and put into stasis or General dying during the final battle.
  • Straw Nihilist: After his ill-fated wedding to Talia Kaahs, George Ogel fell into a depression and believed that there was no point to life. This is what ultimately led to him agreeing to join his brother's side as General Evil. However, when he rescued Talia from the Dino Island Laboratory, he was convinced once more that life did have meaning and subsequently pulled a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: In his youth, George Ogel was a tall, handsome ladies' man with black hair.
  • Tragic Villain: General Evil, at least in his early days. He joined his brother's side because he literally felt like his life had no purpose.
  • The Vietnam Vet: Because Of You and Family Feud reveal that George Ogel served as a Major for the LEGOLAND army during the Vietnam War. This accounted for both his military experience and his cynical disillusionment that led to him becoming General Evil.
  • Virtuous Character Copy: General is basically General Grievous, if Grievous was given a redemption arc and allowed to become a hero.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: After being trapped in a burning building, he was rebuilt as a cyborg.

Septimus / Standard Agent Swerve

An amusing, adorably naive, and rather unique Ogel Drone, Septimus began working with Dino Attack Team after his master, Evil Ogel, decided to ally with the team. On a quest of self-discovery, Septimus discovered that he was actually an Alpha Team agent codenamed Swerve, and Loop turned him into an Ogel Drone using a modified Mind-Control Orb.

  • Brainwashed: Like all other Ogel Drones, Septimus was brainwashed by a Mind-Control Orb and had no memory of his previous life. Unlike all other Ogel Drones, however, Septimus is aware that he had a life before being an Ogel Drone.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: This nearly happened to Septimus several times.
  • Dem Bones: As of the villains' alliance, Septimus is a rare non-villainous example.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Swerve/Septimus performed one to hold off Dr. Rex from reaching the headquarters.
  • Identity Amnesia: Again, comes with being an Ogel Drone. However, Jackson Lake suggests that this trope is not as prevalent as it may first seem, as Septimus's eccentricities have their basis in his previous life.
  • Inhuman Human: Once Septimus rediscovers his true identity, Swerve's personality and memories are fully restorted to how he was before becoming a Skeleton Drone. His body, however, is not, and he is horrified enough by the skeletal figure he's become that he tries to mask it with goggles and a bandana.
  • Killed Off for Real: Although it's not clear whether Skeleton Drones are truly alive, he truly dies after his Heroic Sacrifice during the final battle.
  • Same Character, But Different: It turns out that Septimus, the lovable and naive Skeleton Drone, was actually Swerve from the Alpha Team RPGs. Justified, in that he was subjected to a Mind-Control Orb and suffered from Laser-Guided Amnesia, and upon rediscovering his true identity, he started acting more like his old self again.
  • Uniformity Exception: Septimus has a unique appearance for an Ogel Drone, combining the hat and skull of a classic Skeleton Drone with the uniform of an Ice Drone. It helps him stand out as unique.


A Lurcher Drone who accompanied Ogel and General Evil to the Dino Island Lab.

  • All There in the Manual: Prior to the Director's Cut, L-D1748's designation was only stated on the wiki.
  • Draw Aggro: The heroes and villains use L-D1748 as The Bait to lure away the Minifig/Mutant Lizard Hybrids, allowing them to safely escape while the guards are distracted.
  • Feel No Pain: In Because Of You, it is explained that Lurcher Drones such as L-D1748 have such overdriven motor functions that outweigh his capacity to feel pain. Therefore, he will keep pursuing his target even if wounded.
  • He Knows Too Much: L-D1748 is the only Ogel Drone aware that General has been redeemed by his love for Talia Kaahs, making him a liability that needed to be dealt with before Ogel could find out.
  • Mauve Shirt: L-D1748 and the other Ogel Drones were essentially red shirts who would be killed off by Dr. Rex's Minifig/Mutant Lizard Hybrids. Unlike the rest of them, L-D1748 survived long enough to be given a distinct personality.
  • Named by the Adaptation: In the original RPG, he was generically referred to as a Lurcher Drone. He received his designation, L-D1748, on the wiki and later in the Director's Cut.
  • Servile Snarker: Despite being a loyal Ogel Drone, L-D1748 isn't very well disciplined. He frequently questions his surperiors and makes snarky comments on the situation.
  • Sudden Name Change: His designation was originally L-D1L48 on the wiki before being slightly altered to L-D1748 later on.
  • Uncertain Doom: What happened to L-D1748 after returning to LEGO City? General makes it clear that it's better left unspoken. However, this could mean that L-D1748 was killed, brainwashed, or even turned back into an ordinary person.
  • Verbal Tic: As a Lurcher Drone, L-D1748 is constantly stuttering in his speech.

    Other allied villains 

The Brickster

A deranged crook and a dirty trickster obsessed with deconstructing everything, the Brickster wishes that he was as evil as Ogel, his personal idol. Along with Ogel, he chose to ally with Dino Attack Team after realizing that you can't eat pizza when the best pizzerias are in ruins. The Brickster is also in command of an army of Brickster-Bots, which he can summon freely at his disposal.

Lord Sam Sinister von Barron

The Lord of Barron, Sam Sinister joined forces with several other villains during the Dino Attack. After Ogel's alliance with Dino Attack Team, Sam Sinister decided to follow suit in hopes of receiving great glory as a reward. Lord Sinister also still has ties to Emperor Chang Wu, who was willing to lend him some of his ships and men during the Final Battle.

Lord Vladek

Having traveled forward in time with the Time Twisters, Lord Vladek has teamed up with his descendants Evil Ogel and General Evil. When Ogel allied with Dino Attack Team, Vladek saw fit to do the same. He also still has ties to the remaining Rogue Knights of Morcia, whom he called into battle to help the Dino Attack Team.

    Agents Defense Organization 

Agent Cpt. Osprey

Agent Col. Covert

Agent Cpt. Yena

  • Heroic Willpower: Captain Yena reversed Maelstrom infection with nothing but his own mind.

Agent Grease

  • Jerkass: His snobby, rude personality makes him unbearable to be around, even for some of his fellow Agents.
  • Karma Houdini: Based on the events of Alpha Team RPG: Ogel's Last Stand, relations between Alpha Team and Agents Defense Organization were horribly screwed up thanks to Grease being a total Jerkass and Troll to Frozeen. What happened as a result? Frozeen was punished while Grease got away scot-free. He continues to be a Jerkass Troll in the Dino Attack, and still manages to walk away without getting what he deserves.
  • Meaningful Name: His hair is often described as oily.
  • Nostalgia Filter: Inverted. Anything that isn't new or recent is outdated trash in Grease's eyes. This includes Alpha Team, Rock Raiders, classic LEGO Pirates, and even participants of the Galactic Racing Championship.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He is only known by his codename Grease.
  • Smug Snake: Grease is very snobby and rude, acting like he's better than "outdated losers" like Alpha Team or Rock Raiders. However, he doesn't actually do anything to back up his smug attitude, and is seen running away from the Brickspider Bot or getting his butt handed to him by Mutant Raptors (resulting in him being rescued by some of the "outdated losers" that he previously insulted). Additionally, in Alpha Team RPG: Ogel's Last Stand, he got the snot beaten out of him by Frozeen, who was so irritated by the former's smug attitude that he was even willing to throw inter-agency relations out the window just to shut him up.
  • Troll: No other word so effectively describes Grease, who goes out of his way to piss off everyone he talks to.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Grease shows little gratitude to Frozeen after being rescued by Mutant Raptors and doesn't hesitate to start flinging insults again.

Agents Lt. Matthias "Hazmatt" Grendelwulf and Lt. "Epic" Winston Grendelwulf

  • Angsty Surviving Twin: After Hazmatt is killed by Sargon, Epic Winston becomes a Death Seeker. He refuses medical attention and succumbs to his wounds inflicted by Blaire Darkling.
    Epic Winston: Half a two-man army is no army at all.
  • Barbarian Longhair: Both brothers are practically viking berserkers, and they both have long hair.
  • Beard of Barbarism: "Epic" Winston has a thick beard, fitting his "viking berseker" motif.
  • The Berserker: They can enter a berserker rage where they shrug off any attacks while delivering powerful blows of their own.
  • BFS: Lt. Winston "Epic Winston" Grendelwulf's five-foot broadsword.
  • Cool Shades: Both brothers are cool secret agents wearing sunglasses.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: As a cruel irony, despite being two of the most badass characters in Dino Attack RPG, they were unceremoniously killed off.
  • Horny Vikings: The brothers are thought to be descended from the vikings of Vikings Isle.
  • Killed Off for Real: Hazmatt was killed during the Final Battle, and Epic Winston died shortly afterward.
  • Improbable Weapon User: They have the uncanny ability to weaponize nearly any object.
  • Not So Invincible After All: Despite being portrayed as badasses, the two brothers were both killed fairly mundanely — at least in comparison to many of the situations they survived — and more or less due to twists of bad luck.
  • One-Man Army: As a pair of powerful berserkers, they can easily mow down dozens of enemies on their own.
  • Punny Name:
    • Matthias's nickname is an amalgamation of "Hazmat" and "Matt".
    • Winston's nickname is a play on "epic win".
  • Shout-Out: Their surname is an amalgamation of Grendel and Beowulf.



A Mutant Lizard that formed an Odd Friendship Stranger after they swapped stories, shared kills, and insulted each other's mothers. While he has no name, he is nicknamed "Buddy" in the Director's Cut.

  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Andrewnuva199 depicts this Mutant Lizard's thoughts as more primitive than PeabodySam or Toa Antrakha. Despite that, "Buddy" does seem more intelligent than the average animal, and is even capable of (poorly) spelling English words.
  • But Now I Must Go: After the final battle, "Buddy" leaves Stranger's side and goes off on his own to roam.
  • Domesticated Dinosaurs: "Buddy" is a Mutant Lizard tamed by Stranger.
  • Hero-Worshipper: "Buddy" admires Rex, whom he calls the "Dino-Man". After all, not only was Rex one of the first Mutant Dinos, but he has also gained a reputation for being a Dino Attack agent who saves Mutant Dino lives.
  • Lovable Lizard: As a tamed Mutant Lizard, "Buddy" is shown in a positive light compared to the typical abhorrent mutant reptiles.
  • Named by the Adaptation: Downplayed example. While left unnamed in the original RPG, this Mutant Lizard is called "Buddy" in the Director's Cut. However, PeabodySam considers this to be more of a nickname than an actual name, derived from an affectionate term once used by Stranger to refer to the Lizard.
  • Never Given a Name: "Buddy" was never given an official name by Andrewnuva199, so it appears that he canonically doesn't have one. In the Director's Cut, it's Only Known by Their Nickname.
  • Rugged Scar: A distinguishing feature setting "Buddy" apart from other Mutant Lizards is the scar over his eye.
  • Uniformity Exception: "Buddy" has a scar over his eye, helping to visually distinguish him from other brown-scaled Mutant Lizards.


The only Quasifigus pterisa to be created by XERRD, Pterisa was deemed disposable and was put away in stasis. After being freed by Brickster-Bots, Pterisa turned against XERRD and, in hopes of finding a place in a peaceful post-war society, chose to help the Dino Attack Team in the battle against the Maelstrom.

  • Ascended Extra: Pterisa's first appearance was a brief cameo when General was exploring the Dino Island Laboratory, during which time she was still trapped in stasis. Her role was greatly expanded after it was decided to have her escape the laboratory.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Pterisa's lightning bolt barely even hurt the Darkitect, and was more akin to Flipping Off Cthulhu than Punching Out Cthulhu. The Darkitect responded by knocking off her helmet, causing Pterisa to suffer a Heroic BSoD.
  • Creepy Good: She is a monstrous-looking hybrid of human and pterosaur, with a pair of demonic-looking wings to boot. She is also very firmly on the heroes' side.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Much of her skin is pitch-black, and she derives her lightning powers from the Maelstrom, but she is a heroic character.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Pterisa struck the Darkitect in the chest with a bolt of lightning. It barely hurt him, but the fact that he was actually hit by another being who was turning his own powers against him was a huge insult. The good news is that it broke his concentration long enough for Rex and Hotwire to realize that they were fighting illusions. The bad news is that Pterisa Broke Her Arm Flipping Off Cthulhu.
  • Everything's Better with Samurai: Pterisa wears samurai armor.
  • Female Monster Surprise: When Pterisa unmasked herself in front of the founding members, they assumed that she was male. They were surprised to hear a feminine voice once she spoke.
  • Furry Female Mane: Pterisa, the only known female Hybrid, is also the only Hybrid who has hair.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Pterisa is a defiance of this trope. She has black bat-like wings... how much more evil could one's wings get from there? And yet, it is her goal to prove that Dark Is Not Evil, and a few characters have remarked that, despite their appearance, her wings are beautiful.
  • The Grotesque: Her hideous appearance makes her all the more sympathetic.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: She is half minifigure, half Mutant Pterosaur.
  • Heroic BSoD: Pterisa suffered a massive Heroic BSoD once the Darkitect revealed her identity to the Dino Attack Team. One moment, she was confident and stoic. Her Heroic BSOD left her extremely fragile and insecure.
  • Heroic Willpower: Pterisa had enough mental willpower to break free of the Maelstrom's control and Dr. Rex's enslavement.
  • Identity Concealment Disposal: While hiding her identity, Pterisa wears a samurai helmet with a cloth veil over her face. Once her identity is exposed in the Maelstrom Temple, she never puts the helmet on again.
  • I'm Your Worst Nightmare: Pterisa introduces herself as either your worst nightmare... or your only hope.
  • A Kind of One: It's unclear whether the egg came before the chicken, but what is known is that her species name is also her given name.
  • Leitmotif: In the Complete Soundtrack playlist, Pterisa's theme is "Martha's Theme" from Doctor Who.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": Pterisa is part pterosaur.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Being thrown away like trash really ticked off Pterisa, Tyrannus, and Velosis. In fact, it ticked them off so much, they found the will to break free of their control and fight back.
  • My Nayme Is: As noted below under Punny Name, Pterisa's name is an alternate spelling of Teresa.
  • Non-Humans Lack Attributes: As such, she has no qualms about appearing nude in public.
  • Non-Mammalian Hair: Pterisa apparently has hair as her Tertiary Sexual Characteristics, although to be fair she is half-Minifig.
  • Not So Stoic: As an anonymous samurai, Pterisa appears to be The Stoic... but as soon as her identity is revealed, she is revealed to actually be Not So Stoic after all.
  • Punny Name: Her name is a combination of the prefix "ptero-" and the feminine given name Teresa.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Due to her Mutant Pterosaur genetics, she has red eyes. Despite being heroic, she is a dangerous fighter not to be reckoned with.
  • Samus Is a Girl: None of the Dino Attack agents realized that Pterisa was female until she spoke. Before then, she had already established herself as a cool samurai armor-wearing warrior.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: She was held in stasis in the Dino Island Laboratory before being freed by the Brickster-Bots.
  • Shock and Awe: Can shoot lighting from her hands.
  • Shrinking Violet: Pterisa displays some of these traits when she's feeling insecure about herself.
  • Staring Down Cthulhu: Only moments before her Heroic BSoD, Pterisa was confident and brave enough to actually stare down the Darkitect himself.
  • The Stoic: As the anonymous mysterious samurai, she did not show her emotions.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Likely to mark her female gender, Pterisa has Non-Mammalian Hair.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: Turned against XERRD, which created her and the other Quasifigus hybrids as minions.
  • Winged Humanoid: She has the humanoid body of a minifigure, along with the wings of a Mutant Pterosaur.


Tex is a Mutant T-Rex hatchling from the Goo Caverns that was adopted by Fullmetal. Thanks to the magic of the dragoness Valencia, Tex became a half-dragon hybrid.

  • Adoptive Name Change: Her parents originally named her Levia, but she was named Tex by Fullmetal when he adopted her.
  • Ascended Extra: In the original release of Dino Attack: Legacy, Tex only appears as a cameo on a movie poster due to her planned scene being cut. She is given a bigger role in the remastered rerelease in 2022, which depicts her teaming up with Cyrista's Bane and Trouble to fight Dr. Inferno.
  • Blue Is Heroic: Tex, one of the few heroic Mutant T-Rexes, is also one of the few Mutant T-Rexes with blue scales.
  • Breath Weapon: Tex can breathe fire thanks to her dragon DNA.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: This is literally the case with Tex, who is a fire-breathing Mutant T-Rex with traces of magic dragon DNA.
  • Domesticated Dinosaurs: Tex may be a T-Rex, but she's fully tamed and able to live in the post-war Mt. Bricklake society thanks to being adopted by Fullmetal.
  • Happily Adopted: Tex knows that Fullmetal adopted her and Ragnarok is her true biological father, but she loves Fullmetal dearly as her "papa".
  • Long-Lived: Thanks to her dragon DNA and her close bond to Fullmetal, Tex lives for 117 years, which is the equivalent of 300 years old for a dinosaur.
  • Shout-Out: Tex is inspired by Godzilla as it appears in the 1998 American remake, and her name is a reference to Tex from Red vs. Blue.
  • Talking Animal: Tex may be a T-Rex, but thanks to her dragon DNA, she can speak English.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Tex's powers and abilities were significantly enhanced after she was healed by Valencia's dragon magic.
  • True Blue Femininity: Tex is a female T-Rex with blue scales, unlike her red-hued brother Crunchbite.
  • Undying Loyalty: Tex is extremely loyal to Fullmetal, whom she views as her papa. The wiki confirms that she remained by his side after the war until her dying day.


The first Mutant Lizard tamed by Rex, Trouble became a fiercely loyal friend to Rex. However, due to being a Mutant Lizard, Trouble quickly became infamous among the Dino Attack Team for the various controversies that he unwittingly created.

  • Ascended Extra: Trouble was intended to be a one-off character, but his popularity ascended him to a more important role.
  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Bilingual Dialogue shows that Trouble appears to be on the same level of intelligence as humans.
  • Back for the Dead: Shortly after coming Back for the Finale, Trouble got killed by Glados.
  • Back for the Finale: After being M.I.A. for six years, seven months, and seven days (real-time), Trouble finally made his long-anticipated return during the Final Battle.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Trouble may be tamed and friendly, but he is still a very dangerous dinosaur. Michelle Glados found this out the hard way when Trouble resisted her long enough to kill her. In the Director's Cut, Trouble used his darkness powers to blind Sharptooth and drown him in a shallow reflecting pool.
  • Casting a Shadow: Being a darkness-breed Mutant Lizard, Trouble has the ability to blind everyone within a certain radius by casting a field of shadow.
  • Chekhov M.I.A.: Trouble was a major character at one point before inexplicably vanishing, and PeabodySam openly refused to bring him back because he was secretly saving Trouble for the final battle. Trouble returned to save Rex in the final battle after being M.I.A. for six years, seven months, and seven days (in real-time).
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Trouble is a black-skinned Mutant Lizard with Casting a Shadow powers, and yet he is the first domesticated Mutant Dino in the RPG.
  • Domesticated Dinosaurs: Trouble has been tamed by Rex.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: With his dying breaths, Trouble killed Michelle Glados, and in doing so saved Rex's life and avenged his own death as well as Amanda's. A surefire awesome way for the beloved Mutant Lizard to go.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Trouble seemed to be smiling when he died, satisfied with having protected Rex from Michelle Glados.
  • Heroic Resolve: The lengths that Trouble is willing to go in order to protect Rex shows this.
  • Heroic Second Wind: Trouble got up from being mortally wounded, withstood being shot several more times, and was able to kill Michelle Glados with his dying breaths.
  • Hiss Before Fleeing: In First Assignment, after Rex releases Trouble from his rope bonds, Trouble immediately pounces on Rex, bares his teeth, hisses menacingly... and then runs off.
  • I Die Free: Unlike most other Mutant Lizards during the final battle, Trouble resisted the control of XERRD and the Maelstrom, allowing him to defy Michelle Glados and stand against her. Although opposing Glados cost him his life, he was content knowing that he was free.
  • The Lancer: Trouble was a mischevious troublemaking sidekick to the responsible Rex in the RPG's early days.
  • Lovable Lizard: As a tamed Mutant Lizard, Trouble is shown in a positive light compared to the typical abhorrent mutant reptiles.
  • Meaningful Name: Trouble had a knack for getting into trouble.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Trouble is Rex's Mutant Lizard sidekick.
  • Out of Focus: To such a degree that Trouble ended up suffering from Chuck Cunningham Syndrome.
  • Predator Turned Protector: When Trouble first met Rex, they were predator and prey. As a result of Rex saving his life, he became fiercely loyal to Rex, even willing to lay down his own life to protect him from Dr. Glados.
  • Put on a Bus: Once PeabodySam realized that he had accidentally subjected Trouble to Chuck Cunningham Syndrome, he instead decided to officially Put Trouble on a Bus...
  • The Slow Walk: Used by Trouble during the Final Battle during his Heroic Second Wind. Even as Michelle Glados shot him repeatedly, he remained on his feet and kept walking towards her until he got within attacking range.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Trouble did not appear much over the course of the RPG, especially due to his lengthy absence after Rex was temporarily discharged from the team. However, as revealed in First Assignment, he is responsible for Rex's idealist viewpoint, and everything that entails. In the RPG itself, he was apparently the cause of the Kotua crisis, which started when Kotua attacked Rev Raptor for protecting Trouble. Therefore, a significant amount of the idealist/realist conflicts in the RPG are thanks to this guy, in one way or another.
  • Undying Loyalty: Trouble is so loyal to Rex that he's willing to risk his own life to protect him.
  • Uniformity Exception: After First Assignment was written, Trouble received a few visual traits to set him apart from other identical-looking darkness Mutant Lizards, namely the scars on his snout and tail. It helps Rex recognize Trouble when he is recaptured sometime between the events of First Assignment and the Kotua Crisis.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Let's face it. Trouble single-handedly sparked the first conflicts between realists and idealists, which continued to grow in tension and violence until they peaked with Cam O'Cozy. Who knows? Maybe the whole Kotua crisis might have even been averted if it were not for this little guy.


Kat / Katerina Schattenberg

Little Bot / Libo

A cybernetic insectoid, Libo was head of a secretive defense organization that preceded the Alpha Team but was ultimately decimated at the hands of Evil Ogel. To avenge his fallen comrades, he adopted the identity of Little Bot and infiltrated Ogel's bases to assist the Alpha Team, before coming out of hiding to aid the Dino Attack Team in battle.

  • Ambiguous Robots: Libo is described as a cybernetic lifeform, although it's unclear to what degree he is organic if at all.
  • Beeping Computers: As Little Bot, Libo developed a complete code language consisting entirely of beeps, which could only be readily understood by Rebel Drone, PBB, or computers.
  • Captain Crash: His... err, landing of the 1000 Raptor proves that he's far from an Ace Pilot.
  • Demoted to Extra: Libo, who once appeared frequently in Dino Attack RPG, was barely seen or mentioned following the battle for the Power Station and never made another on-screen appearance after the idealist-realist debate. He was finally revealed to have had a Bridge Dropped on Him (literally).
  • Do-Anything Robot: Little Bot always seemed Crazy-Prepared for anything, from projecting illusions to shooting electricity to releasing gases designed to mess with other robots' programming. Even R2-D2 would be puzzled by how much could be fit inside such a... well, little bot.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Literally. Subsequently Lampshaded by Shadow.
  • Failure Knight: Libo bears several qualities of a Failure Knight. Due to hubris, his entire organization was decimated by Ogel's forces, forcing Libo to advocate for a replacement organization: Alpha Team. As Little Bot, he worked from behind-the-scenes in Ogel's bases to ensure that Alpha Team would succeed where his own organization had failed.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Libo performed one to save General, Shock, and Sam Throramebi.
  • Killed Offscreen: We never got to see Libo's Heroic Sacrifice, as it was only briefly discussed in passing.
  • Meaningful Name: As Little Bot, he was disguised as a small robot.
  • No Biological Sex: A "random useless made-up fact of the day" on Discord confirmed that Libo has no biological sex as a result of being an Ambiguous Robot, although he identifies himself as male.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Libo had several unusual designs for a Dino Attack RPG. Originally, he was described as a silver version of Nidhiki, making him one of the few characters represented with TECHNIC and BIONICLE pieces that would not be to scale with normal LEGO minifigs. A redesign in mid-2011 drastically altered his appearance in such a way that did not resemble any LEGO pieces at all. It was not until 2017 that Libo finally received a minifig-scale LEGO model to represent him, but even this is technically non-standard since he is one of the few minifig-sized characters who isn't a minifig at all.
  • Out of Focus: After the discovery of the Mad Scientist Laboratory, Libo was gradually Demoted to Extra to allow PeabodySam to focus more on other characters.
  • Power Pincers: In his true form, Libo's hands extend into large pincer-like claws.
  • Put on a Bus: Eventually, Libo fell so Out of Focus that he was Put On a Bus, but then...
  • Robot Buddy: At first, Little Bot appeared this way. After his reveal as Libo, he's more of an Ambiguous Robot Buddy.
  • Spider Limbs: Libo's legs are very spider-like.
  • Spider People: Libo has a centaur-like build, having an arachnid lower body with four spider-like legs and a more humanoid torso with two arms.
  • Telescoping Robot: As Little Bot, Libo's small compact body contained lots of internal accessories that could pop out on command.
  • Tin-Can Robot: Libo's disguise form, "Little Bot", appears to be a very basic robot resembling a tin can with arms and legs. It's subject to endless mockery by villains, which suits Libo's purposes just fine since they tend to underestimate him.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Libo destroyed the Stone Tower Bridge (while still standing on it) to prevent the Mutant Dinos from following his friends.

Samuel Throramebi

A Rock Raider who didn't want to miss out on the excitement, Sam Throramebi returned to LEGO Planet to join the fight against the Mutant Dinos.


A5T3R-01D, also known as "Aster Oid", is an Explorien Builder Droid who was assigned to go to LEGO Planet with Sam Throramebi.

Prince Samuel Race

Prince of the Space Knights, Sam Race is a skilled racer and an Ace Pilot who once participated in the Galactic Racing Championship.

  • Ace Pilot: In addition to driving racecars, Sam is a skilled pilot who has flown helicopters, zeppelins, and even spaceships.
  • Badass Driver: Sam Race is a champion racecar driver.
  • Break the Haughty: Sam Race wasn't ever haughty, per se, but he was very confident in his own abilities. His failed rescue attempt of Greybeard and King Race, which resulted in King Race's death, really broke Sam Race.
  • Characterization Marches On: In the short-lived Tiny Turbos RPG, Sam Race was slated to be 19 years old in what appeared to be the year 2005. Regardless of whether or not Tiny Turbos RPG is considered canon in Dino Attack RPG, he has since been reimagined into an adult who is considerably older than 24 in the year 2010.
  • Don't Sneak Up on Me Like That!: Sam Race was easily startled by Greybeard after the final battle, one of several hints pointing towards PTSD being a long-term effect of the Dino Attack for Race.
  • The Driver: Of all the former LEGO racing championship competitors in the Dino Attack, Sam Race comes closest to filling this role, since he drives Rex, Frozeen, and other teammates around on LEGO Island and LEGO City.
  • Full-Name Basis: Thanks to the fact that there are two other major characters named "Sam" in the RPG.
  • Heroic BSoD: Sam Race crashed hard after he failed to save his father, and he'll never fully recover from it.
  • Meaningful Name: Sam Race is a racecar driver.
  • Modest Royalty: As a result of being separated from his royal family and growing up as a citizen of Sandy Bay, Sam Race prefers to dress and act far more casually than most princes of Castle Cove.
  • Nervous Wreck: As a result of his PTSD, Sam has shown a lot more anxiety and nerves in his brief appearance after the Dino Attack.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: He might not be a warrior like his father, but Sam Race isn't afraid to assist the Dino Attack Team on the battlefield, especially by being The Driver.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: The horrors of war left Sam Race in a state where he must seek counseling and psychiatric sessions to help cope with his PTSD.
  • Spirited Competitor: Sam Race enjoys a good competition, which is why he doesn't mind his rivalry with Sam Throramebi.
  • Stepford Smiler: Post-Dino Attack Sam Race falls somewhere between depressed and mentally unstable. For the sake of his kingdom, he generally appears as calm and as confident as he ever did, but only in his public image. In reality, though, this is a mask he created to hide the effects of PTSD, which has left him as a depressed Nervous Wreck.
  • Universal Driver's License: He can drive nearly any vehicle, whether it's a car, a helicopter, or even a spaceship.

King Joseph Race

King of the Space Knights, Joseph Race is a skilled LEGO Racing Championship participant and an old friend of Greybeard.

  • Badass Driver: He is a skilled racing champion.
  • Cool Old Guy: King Joseph Race may be elderly, but he is a Badass Driver and a Warrior King.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: With his Fire Hammers destroyed and an endless number of Mutant Dinos surrounding him, this trope became the primary motivation for King Joseph Race during the final battle.
  • The Engineer: Because his kingdom is familiar with high tech, King Race was recruited into the Portal Operations Team during the LEGO Island and Antarctica missions.
  • The Good King: King Race is the beloved and respected king of the Space Knights.
  • It's Personal: The battle against Willa the Witch became personal for King Race after she killed his friend Sir Robert Batrick.
  • Killed Offscreen: One post during the final battle ended with King Joseph Race surrounded by Mutant Dinos and prepared to fight to the death. We never see him again after that. Sam Race and Greybeard later confirm that he did not survive.
  • Meaningful Name: Joseph Race is a racecar driver.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Being king of the Space Knights, Joseph Race looks like a classic medieval king dressed up in high-tech space armor.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: He may be a king, but he's willing to join the soldiers on the battlefield during the Dino Attack.
  • Warrior Prince: Despite his old age, King Race is not afraid to actually do something on the battlefield, especially when armed with his laser saber.
