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Characters / BlazBlue: Non-Player Characters

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Playable Characters: Calamity Trigger (Part 1 | Part 2) | Continuum Shift | ChronoPhantasma | Central Fiction
Others: Non-Player Characters | Remix Heart | Light Novel Characters | XBlaze (Code: Embryo | Lost: Memories) | Alternative: Dark War
Spin-offs: Cross Tag Battle (BlazBlue | Persona 4: Arena | Under Night In-Birth | RWBY)
Individual Characters: Ragna the Bloodedge | Jin Kisaragi | Noel Vermillion | Hazama | Yuuki Terumi

BlazBlue, much like Guilty Gear, has plenty of Rummage Sale Rejects to go around. These are all the non-playable characters who show up in the story. Some of them play a significant part of it, while others are just extras who really don't play much part in anything. Voice actors are listed as Japanese/English.

It may also contain unmarked spoilers. You may wish to finish the game's story modes before reading.

Shout Outs, Captain Ersatz, Expy, No Celebrities Were Harmed, Continuity Nods and Mythology Gags regarding to specific characters should go to the game's own Shout Out page. This is also true for memes, which go here.

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    Amaterasu / The Origin

“I was waiting for so long… I always… Always wanted you to save me.”

The Origin Voiced by: Yukana

The Master Unit and the top of the Sankishin (the other two being Susanoo and Tsukuyomi). It is the unit that is responsible for the current setting of the BlazBlue universe. It takes form of a giant satellite with a coffin on it, inside which lies a mysterious girl. It is able to perform Phenomenon Interventions on a large scale, which makes it basically the "god" of BlazBlue world.

It is situated within the Boundary, normally close to the Abyss of the Azure. However, the events of Chronophantasma forced it to come closer to the world, and due to Nu-13 opening the Nemesis Horizon, it fully appears on the skies above Ibukido. Our villains aim to destroy it to stop its influence, while Rachel is determined to protect it.

  • Be Careful What You Wish For: In a vision that Ragna sees in CF story mode, in the original timeline, humanity pushed a wish onto The Origin for a place of eternal peace. But then Ragna sees a world where nothing exists after the Black Beast destroyed it, and then interprets that she made "eternal peace" that way. The point is brought up in the scene where Ragna talks to the Master Unit, where she says that she destroyed the world because "they told her to".
  • Comes Great Responsibility: Actually averted. The Origin gets the power of Master Unit Amaterasu, but since she never wanted the position of a God in the first place, she gets irresponsible with her world-reset power, only resetting when things don't go her way instead of looking at the world at large. Understandably, some former heroes went mad over this.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The Origin was the First Prime Field Device who touched the Master Unit and gained the power of the Eye. However, humanity feared her power and locked her in the Boundary. She then became the Master Unit's occupant, where she witnesses other Prime Field Devices being made and then being treated badly by humans. A massive scale war broke out between humans and PFDs, where Izayoi and later, the very first Black Beast, were created, the latter of which destroyed the whole world; The Origin then recreated it, making it into the current world.
  • Deus est Machina: The thing is clearly a machine that has godly powers. Downplayed, though, in that a living person resides in it, making that person a literal Deus ex Machina. Ragna, however, implied that Master Unit itself had its own will, and Relius at least said that the Master Unit was likely the one who made the original world before The Origin occupies it.
  • Fisher King: The current world is referred to as the girl-in-Amaterasu's dream, and it is entirely made out of her memories.
  • God Is Flawed: The Origin acts on her own emotions of a scared little girl, who resets the world the moment things go sour for her (her hero not coming to save her), which made some villains understandably mad at her because they're made to suffer because of her whims. In a way, she's well-meaning, but she prioritizes the "dream that she observes" more than everything else. The "emotions of a scared little girl" part is made especially true due to what The Origin experienced and witnessed before, and after, she becomes Master Unit's occupant.
  • God Is Good: It is aiming to preserve the world to prevent its destruction. It uses time loops to achieve this. However our villains hate the Unit for it. In the end, subverted, while the Unit's functions are meant to be good, the one at helm, due to being more of a frightened little girl only waiting for her hero to save her, constantly repeated tragedies that befell on others without care of those who suffered in the cycle, justifying some of the villains' desire to destroy her (such as Nine) who started thinking she's closer to a selfish, jerkass goddess whose only 'good' status was because her opposition was the Ultimate Evil.
  • God's Hands Are Tied: For all of its power, Amaterasu is unable to take direct action against the villains most of the time. It cannot get rid of them or stop their plans with Phenomenon Intervention because doing so would require the existence of a possibility where they don’t do something evil (for example, Takamagahara firing Take-Mikazuchi at Kagutsuchi in Calamity Trigger), which does not exist. Even when it does take action to counter the Imperator’s Interventions in Chronophantasma, it can only prevent bad outcomes, not create good ones, and doing so forces it to come closer to the real world and eventually leave the Boundary all together. As CF shows, the solution for those problems lie on creating a "new possibility" all together (something only possible with the genuine Azure), not switching between existing ones (i.e what Phenomenon Intervention does).
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: Serves this role for the verse. It's a Deus est Machina who can warp reality to its smallest detail and is holding the world together, trying to prevent its destruction by the baddies. It's never directly involved except in small but significant moments, but the unit is talked about a lot, especially by the villains.
  • Have You Seen My God?: As of Central Fiction the Master Unit is empty, with the soul that normally inhabits it manifesting inside of Noel Vermillion. As shown in the very first anime cutscene of the story mode, Izanami tries opening it, only to find that it's hollow.
  • Living Macguffin: It is the object of obsession for our villains, and Rachel aims to keep it alive.
  • Mythical Motifs: The Unit is the supreme sovereign of the verse, much like the Amaterasu of Japanese myth. The hole (cauldron in the sky) used to summon the Unit, in CP, used the kanji for "Rock Cave of the Heavens"note , and refers to where mythical Amaterasu hid herself after Susanoo makes her upset. The Unit or more specifically, The Origin also is a target of Susanoo (aka Terumi)'s extreme bullying, much like what mythical Susanoo did to her a lot. Though some details don't match like how the one who called the Unit out of said sky cauldron is not the Uzume figure in the verse (Amane), as it was in the myth, but instead Nu; or how Izanagi and Izanami are not Amaterasu's parents, but instead the former is a "system" of the Unit that gives it The Power of Creation and the latter is the living Drive of the Origin that desires death.
  • The Omnipotent: Being able to perform Phenomenon Interventions down to the last detail makes it one. Slightly downplayed in that it cannot create completely new possibilities, only realize already existing ones. It was, for example, unable to give itself a happy ending, i.e meeting with its designated "dream that God observes". Its desperate attempts to give itself one is what causes the entire plot to happen.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: Its user, called "The Origin", is a young-looking Prime Field Device who was made to discover the Master Unit, and then occupy it. Simply put, putting someone with an immature mentality into basically a "god machine" proves to be bad, if not outright disastrous; If Rachel's "Story of the World" is to be believed, The Origin has repeated the world over and over ("rewritten the contents of the book", as Rachel put it) just so the hero of the book can somehow save her, but since the events in the end of the book are fixed, it's impossible, and The Origin slowly went insane with her obsession to the hero.
  • Powers That Be: The thing is basically this for the whole world.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: It is a target of this by the villains, especially for Nine who claims it responsible for her tragedy-filled life.
  • Reality Warper: Phenomenon Intervention lets it undo actions and events and choose which possibility happens by Observing it. Unlike Takamagahara, which can only effect major world-changing events, Amaterasu can change absolutely anything.
  • Refusal of the Call: The Origin is what happens when someone is given the power of a god, doesn't want it, and has no problem trying to force things so that she can be saved from this undesirable post, be damned to the consequences to those she's supposed to be Observing.
  • Soul Fragment: Izanami is the manifestation of the girl-inside-it (aka "The Origin")'s Drive. The Origin also put a fragment of herself in Noel/Mu when she was smelted in Ibukido. Noel also implies that all of the Prime Field Devices (even those before Lambda) shared a small bit of The Origin's soul.
  • Stable Time Loop: Responsible for it.
  • Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: As The Origin came to realize that there was no existent possibility that included a happy ending for her, the resulting despair — coupled with Terumi's cruel machinizations — gave birth to Hades Izanami, a Drive-existence whose sole purpose was to kill her; an incarnation of her growing suicidal urges if you will.
  • Walking Spoiler: As its true nature is explored in Central Fiction, it'll change a lot of perspectives of the world, so expect highly spoileriffic content.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Beneath the malevolent and sadistic Goddess of Death that is Izanami there is a sad, scared, and angry girl (read: The Origin) who wants to destroy the world in order to let her pain and suffering finally end. Also see Be Careful What You Wish For above.

    Black Beast

The legendary creature that threatened the safety of the entire world, before its defeat at the hands of the Six Heroes. It exuded Seithr from its own body and covered the planet, causing many areas to become inhospitable, and even altering some of the creatures and turning them into violent beasts. A warrior named Bloodedge was responsible for causing the Beast to fall silent for one year, sacrificing his life to do so. This time frame allowed the people to develop and learn how to use magic, and, along with the Six Heroes, combat the Black Beast head on.

  • Ax-Crazy: Is actually sentient, and lives solely for killing and destruction. This is easily explainable as Nu becoming a Physical God and having her Omnicidal Maniac fantasies enabled.
  • Beast of the Apocalypse: A monstrosity which wiped out a massive proportion of the human population and polluted the world with the toxic seithr, forcing the few survivors to build cities high up the mountains.
  • Cataclysm Backstory: Responsible for it.
  • Dark Is Evil: Comes from a dark place, is mostly black, and its only instinct is to kill and destroy.
  • Demon of Human Origin:
    • Terumi reveals in Continuum Shift that it was a failed experiment of his, attempting to create the Kusanagi.
    • In another way, it's revealed in CF that the very first Black Beast was created by humans to demolish the Prime Fields, and especially the very first, the Origin. It was so powerful that it destroyed the world outright, forcing the Origin to recreate the world with the Master Unit's power.
  • Diabolus ex Nihilo: Its appearance and rampage pretty much establish the series` setting.
  • The Dreaded: It goes without saying that this thing is the most feared being in the entire Blazblue series, especially given how much damage it was able to do. It very nearly drove mankind to extinction had it not been for some untimely heroes.
    • When speaking with Azrael about a worthy opponent, Izanami, the Goddess Of Death considers The Black Beast out of her league.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Certainly looks the part, and supplementary material confirms its origin counts; it comes from the depths of the boundary, an area that drives most men mad. Its existence is described as like a "living Cauldron", devouring souls just by getting near and getting close to the Azure the more powerful it gets. Furthermore, most things in the world of Blazblue are of 'the logic' (the classical elements fire, water, wind and earth and the origins light and darkness). The Black Beast is not, which is why conventional weapons (ie the nukes that were fired at it) were ineffective against him. It required the use of attacks that are themselves outside the logic (Ars Magus et al, Magic and Sorcery) to combat it.
  • Fog of Doom: As a being made out of seithr it is able to transform into mist and reform elsewhere. This ability is what it allowed it to disappear and appear anywhere in the world that had seithr.
  • For the Evulz: According to Jubei, there was no rhyme or reason for its rampage across the world.
  • Fusion Dance: As Nu explained in the third game, the Beast is made from combining Azure Grimoire with a Murakumo Unit. This was what happened in the normal Arcade ending in CT where she and Ragna fall into a Cauldron and get sent to the past. This was already foreshadowed all the way back in CT, where it's crest is actually Ragna and Nu's crests stacked on top of one another.
  • Gemini Destruction Law: What makes it so difficult to kill, even after the creation of Ars Magus. Because it is a fusion of Ragna and Nu their life-link is still in effect. This means it cannot be destroyed unless it’s body (Ragna) and heart (Nu) are destroyed at the same time. This was only possible because Bloodedge and Celica went inside the Black Beast to defeat Nu while the Six Heroes fought the Black Beast itself.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Subverted as it was a failed experiment created by Terumi.
  • Hate Plague: Most of those who didn't just die from seithr experienced this.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: It exuded seithr, an invisible, malodorous lethal gas that wiped out a sizable percentage of the world's population. Later on, the Six Heroes taught humanity how to reuse this element as magic, eventually leading to the crafting of the Ars Magus that ultimately killed the beast.
  • It Can Think: Disturbingly enough, it is not mindless, able to use military strategies to counter humanity. This includes baiting the army into a trap where it could surround them and attacking their camp at night. This is because Nu is its brain, while Ragna is its body.
  • Legacy Character: There is more than one Black Beast. The first one was referenced in XBlaze, having appeared long ago emerging from the Wadatsumi Gate and requiring the Azure Shrine Maiden to lure it back into the Boundary and seal the Gate with herself inside. The second is the one from the Dark War that is a fusion of Ragna and Nu. Touya and Ragna can transform into Black Beasts on their own in various bad endings and Arakune is in the process of becoming one in Central Fiction.
  • Mook Maker: It left behind Remnants, small fragments of itself that grow in power by absorbing seithr, wherever it appeared.
  • Not Quite Dead: Some characters fear that the Beast may come back one day. Hakumen in particular suspects Ragna for this, because his Azure Grimoire is one of the components for creating the Black Beast. Indeed, Ragna himself becomes something of a Black Beast apparition in a few of his endings because his Azure Grimoire goes berserk.
  • Older Is Better: The most infamous Black Beast killed over half the human race. The first Black Beast killed all of it, necessitating the pushing of the Reset Button by Amaterasu.
  • Orochi: Bears a stunning resemblance to him. The Murakumo sword (Nu) is its core, and it is defeated by Susanooh (Hakumen).
  • Primal Fear: It is so inherently wrong that it invokes this in everyone that sees it. When it emerges after a year the entire army is petrified, even Trinity, Valkenhayn and Jubei.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Just look at it then remember that it killed more than half of the human race.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Glowing red eyes no less.
  • Sigil Spam: While every character has their own crest, the Black Beast's appears in more places, most notably as the logo for the series. If you look closer, its crest is actually a combination of Ragna's and Nu's.
  • Super Smoke: Able to transform its body into seithr. This lets it appear and disappear at will, as well as avoid attacks. It used this ability to suddenly appear behind Take-Mikazuchi and rip it to shreds.
  • Volcanic Veins: Has red veins all over its body.
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: Time inside its core moves very differently from the outside world. When Ragna was absorbed into the core to make the Black Beast go dormant, he spent what felt like a few minutes fighting its heart (Nu) while several years passed in the real world.

“Also, you’re underestimating the pain someone has to endure when they can’t protect someone they love. They will drag it inside of them for the rest of their lives.”

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese)/ Patrick Seitz (English)

An unsung hero of the Dark War, he managed to stop the Black Beast for a year by sacrificing himself. This small window he created allowed the Six Heroes to teach humankind how to use Ars Magus, and to amass a greater and stronger following.

  • Amnesiac Hero: He starts out only knowing his name and important parts of world history.
  • Anime Hair: The same as Ragna’s.
  • Artificial Limbs: His right arm is the Azure Grimoire. His left is artificial as well.
  • Badass Longcoat: The same one Ragna uses.
  • BFS: The same Blood-Scythe given to Ragna.
  • Declaration of Protection: To Celica.
  • Do Not Call Me Sir: He objected to Celica calling him "Mr. Ragna" (Ragna-san in Japanese) because it made him feel weird.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: Just a few hours from he first met Celica and then Jubei, he chose to accompany her to the desolate Japan because he's concerned with her No Sense of Direction.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: He wore his jacket on only one side; the other half hangs down freely, presumably because of his gimp arm.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Many of the things he knows, like Ars Magus, the Six Heroes, and the Dark War, take place much later than the year he's in. As a result, nobody knows what he's talking about. This is because Bloodedge is from the future.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: He bought the Six Heroes the year they needed to arm humanity against the Black Beast — by sacrificing himself to put the Black Beast in a coma for a year. Nobody aside from the Six Heroes (and Celica) knew this.
  • Handicapped Badass: He was blind in one eye, and his arm on the same side was also paralyzed, but he could still able to hold his own against Jubei in a fight (albeit barely). His right eye and arm return to normal whenever Celica isn't around.
  • Hero of Another Story: Subverted when you really think about it. This is because, it turns out that he is the same Hero, from the same story. He is actually a time-displaced, semi-amnesiac Ragna. Specifically, he is Ragna circa Chrono Phantasma, sent back in time by Rachel to create a Stable Time Loop.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In Phase 0 he uses his Azure Grimoire to enter the Black Beast's core, causing it to disappear for a year. Subverted in Phase Shift 4 when it's revealed he didn't actually die. When Celica entered the Black Beast by a hole that Jubei made on it, she meets Ragna inside. After dealing with the beast's "heart", he tells Celica they'd meet again in the future and to tell Hakumen to finish the job before Rachel returned him to his proper time to finish her stable time loop.
  • Identical Stranger: He looks a lot like Ragna. Subverted because he IS Ragna.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Bloodedge is rude and sardonic, but there's no denying that he cares for his loved ones.
  • Locked into Strangeness: He used to have blond hair when he was a kid.
  • Mystical White Hair: The same as Ragna the Bloodedge.
  • One-Handed Zweihänder: Mostly because he only has one working arm.
  • One-Steve Limit: Played with. One of the things Bloodedge remembers is that his name is "Ragna", the same as Ragna the Bloodedge, who added "the Bloodedge" to his name to honor Bloodedge's sacrifice. This is because Bloodedge and Ragna the Bloodedge are the same person.
  • The Promise: He promises Celica that he will return to her once he deals with the Black Beast. He eventually would when the Six Heroes cut a hole to the Beast for Celica to enter and meet Ragna there, where he dealt with Nu. After all is done, he told Celica to go out and tell Hakumen that he's done his work, while also telling Celica that they'll meet each other again in the future.
    • He also makes another promise with Nine. In exchange for him confronting the Black Beast and buying time for the world to prepare for a counterattack, Nine would, within the one year that Bloodedge created for humanity, create a weapon powerful enough to defeat the Black Beast.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Celica.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Just like Ragna, though to a slightly lesser extent.
  • Stable Time Loop: His jacket and sword have no clear origin; when he gave them to Celica before he goes on to sacrifice himself, she and Jubei kept them until the latter met young Ragna and then gave them to him, becoming Ragna the Bloodedge. Then Ragna falls to the past and becomes the "Bloodedge" of history... who then gave his jacket and sword to Celica. It goes on and on.
    • It becomes complicated when it's revealed that while he didn't actually die fighting the beast, he still gave his jacket and sword to Celica before he went back the present time... and when he comes back in CP timeline he somehow gets them back. Common explanation is that he gets his duds from the Ragna that became the Beast in the first place.
    • Also for the origin for Jubei's name (see his folder).
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Due to his amnesia, Ragna doesn't remember how shit his life was in the present timeline. As a result, he's far more mellow and easy-going. Though his attitude and personality are still the same.
  • Too Many Belts: The same as Ragna.

    Clavis Alucard

“Much like this castle, I am ensnared by the ivy. I can no longer move from here. The one who can act is not me, but the living mankind.”

Voiced by: Tamio Oki / Paul St. Peter

Clavis was the previous head of the Alucard family, said to have lived for over a millennium. He watched over the human race and helped prevent the Black Beast from destroying them, as well as sealing Terumi inside the Boundary before the Six Heroes were formed. Rachel is his daughter, and Valkenhayn served as his butler before (and after) working with the Six Heroes. He died during the events of the later Phase Shift novels.

He also appears in the Bloodedge Experience novels, as his younger self, and plays a more active role. During which, he also has another, adopted daughter named Raquel Alucard.

  • Abusive Parent: Somewhat to Raquel. He assumes she is a burden on Naoto and demands she return home with him, refusing to listen to her opinion. Naoto sees that Raquel is shaking in fear when he appears and notes that they do not treat each other like father and daughter. Then there’s the fact that he somehow thought it was a good idea to educate her by putting her in contact with The Boundary. All traces of this are gone by the time we see him raising Rachel.
  • Apologetic Attacker: When Naoto calls him out for trying to take Raquel home with him despite her protests, Clavis apologizes and then cuts of Naoto’s arm.
  • Beware the Superman: The reason the Mitsurugi Agency hires the Immortal Breakers to kill him. They believe he is too powerful and is therefore a threat to humanity.
  • Big Good: In Phase 0. Once he passed away, that role went to Rachel.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: When he reattached Naoto’s arm, he did it a different way than Raquel did. The method he used would allow Naoto to unlock all of the power of a vampire while still leaving him with a year before the transformation was complete. However, if he made one mistake, Naoto would become an uncontrollable vampire in far less time.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He cuts off Naoto’s arm just for stopping him from from dragging Raquel back home without her consent even though he himself admitted that Naoto was right. He does however reattach, and improve, it immediately after.
  • Forced Sleep: He uses a sleep spell on Haruka so he can speak with Naoto and Raquel uninterrupted.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Surprisingly, of Cross Tag Battle. He developed the final boss and the Keystones used to empower it, and despite sealing it away he did a pretty lackluster job of making sure it stayed ssealed.
  • Nice Guy: In contrast to Rachel.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: He is an Illusionary Creature, created long ago by someone who touched a portion of the Azure. Clavis is the Azure shaped by human desires, malice and fear into the form of a vampire.
  • Post Humous Character: He's been dead for a very long time. Averted in Phase 0, its adaptation in Six Heroes route of the Chrono Phantasma Story Mode, and Bloodedge Experiece, all of which take place before his death.
  • Rapid Aging: Despite looking like he was in his prime in Bloodedge Experience, and having a life force so high that the Hunter’s Eye cannot read it, he is reduced to an old man in a wheelchair in the Phase Shift novels, only a few decades later, and dies during the Dark War. Relius confirms in CF that he somehow decayed quickly.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: His life force value is so high that Naoto’s Hunter’s Eye cannot measure it.
  • Really 700 Years Old: In Bloodedge Experience he does not look like he has lived for nearly 1000 years. By the time of Phase 0 his age has caught up to him.
  • Red Baron: Is known as the No Life King.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Although they only represent a threat in his younger days.
  • Retired Badass: Implied. Given how powerful both Valkenhayn and Rachel were, and how influential the Alucard family is, it's very likely that Clavis himself was quite powerful. Valkenhayn became his butler and swore undying loyalty to him after Clavis won against him in a fight. Confirmed in Bloodedge Experience, where he is easily able to fend off both Valkenhayn and Relius at the same time.
  • The Rival: To Valkenhayn when they were younger.
  • Silence, You Fool!: Downplayed. When he asks Naoto whether he wants Raquel to stay with him, Clavis keeps telling Raquel not to speak since he is talking to Naoto, giving her no say in the matter.
  • Time Abyss: Said to have lived for over a millennium, but is even older than that. He was there at the Prime Field War, making him older than the current BlazBlue universe.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Is significantly friendlier in his old age. He is also a much more caring father to Rachel compared to his treatment of Raquel.
  • World's Strongest Man: Before Jubei, Clavis was the one to bear this title.

“Owwww! I can’t stretch that far! You’re going to tear me in half!”

Voiced by: Sena Tsubaki (CT-CS), Saeko Zougou (CP), Kazue Fujita (Drama CD) / Cindy Robinson

The second of Rachel's familiars. He's the red bat, and the one who always gets the butt-end of Rachel's "punishments". Has the ability to grow in size.

“Bang… You’ve led the people of Ikaruga well all these years. In the place of my father, I thank you.”

Voiced by: Inori Minase (Japanese) / ??? (English)

Tenjo’s child. Believed to have died in the Ikaruga Civil War, but actually survived. Bang went to Ikaruga in Chrono Phantasma in order to search for Homura.

  • Ambiguous Gender: While Homura is said to be male in the English localization, the Japanese version never specifies a gender.
  • Death Faked for You: It was said that Homura died in the Ikaruga Civil War but in reality Kagura rescued Homura and hid them away.
  • Demoted to Extra: Does not have a single line of dialogue in the story mode of Central Fiction and only directly appears in the epilogue.
  • Minor Major Character: You'd think the child of the leader of Ikaruga Federation would be an important character, but the game doesn't show that enough.
  • Rightful King Returns: Takes up their mother’s position of Imperator from Izanami at the end of Chrono Phantasma.
  • Walking Spoiler: The circumstances of Homura’s survival reveals Kagura’s true allegiance, that Tenjo was the previous Imperator and that the two are from the Amanohokosaka Clan.

    Kajun Faycott
“I will be sure to support Mai in her affairs. There is no need for you to worry.”

Mai Natsume's eccentric roommate at the Military Academy and supporting character in the BlazBlue: Remix Heart and BlazBlue: Variable Heart mangas. She also appears as an NPC in the Remix Heart Gaiden section in Chronophantasma Extend and Centralfiction.

  • Animal Motifs: the butterfly is seen a lot in her belongings, from her hairband to her... panties (much to Mai's puzzlement). The motif was absent in the clothes she wore while at Sector Seven before joining the academy but is present in the clothes she wears after leaving the academy.
  • Badass Labcoat: The coat with her military academy uniform and the labcoat the Ammit Cryas revealed her wearing as a member of Sector Seven, and her outfit in Variable Heart and Centralfiction.
  • Canon Immigrant: As of BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend and Blazblue Centralfiction, along with Mai.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: When the urge to learn gets the better of her.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Purple eyes, purple hair.
  • Future Badass: Implied in Mai's bad dream of the future; there, Kajun is depicted as being able to fight using Ars Magus and holding her own against future Tsubaki, Noel and Makoto (as we saw them in the games) with relative ease.
  • Improbable Weapon User: In Variable Heart she weaponizes thrown tubes containing chemicals that either do big explosions or release blinding smoke.
  • Loophole Abuse: In Remix Heart Gaiden ch. 2, Tsubaki says that the student council enforces rules to ensure the safety of the students. Kajun then says that it would be the duty of the council to investigate The Seven Mysteries to see if they're dangerous, and if so they can enforce stricter policies - basically appealing to Tsubaki's duties.
    Tsubaki: Your logic is sound, but...
  • Manipulative Bastard: Kajun does care about her friends, but she has no compunctions about manipulating them so that they unknowingly do things which further her mission even when those actions put them in danger. Examples of that include convincing the other girls to break into a school building she suspected housed a grimoire while claiming it was to investigate a rumor, planting a fake clue during a competition that caused the group to go searching for another grimoire and saying that the Azure Grimoire might be able to help Mai to get the other girls to accompany her to a restricted level of the academy that housed a fragment of the Azure.
  • The Mole: For Kokonoe and Sector Seven.
  • Ms. Exposition: She's usually the one filling in with various infos about Grimoires, certain events, etc.
  • Proper Tights with a Skirt: Like Tsubaki she wears them in her Military Academy uniform.
  • Shipper on Deck: Is a fan of Jin x Tsubaki, just like the rest of her gang. Also tries to get Mai and Taro to become a couple after it becomes obvious that Mai has fallen in love with him.
    • In the school festival event, Jin won the role of "Izanagi" as the star of the festival. Tsubaki, naturally, wants to be the "Izanami" besides him; Kajun then devises a plan together with her friends that can carry Tsubaki through the rock-paper-scissors game used for choosing the role. This doesn't end as well as expected as other competitors suspect Tsubaki for cheating. Kajun steps in, trying to prove her innocence... and then Kajun gets the Izanami title instead.
    • Kajun, along with all the other girls except Shiori helps set up a date between Mai and Taro as well as give Mai a makeover before she goes to meet him.
  • The Smart Gal: Kajun is very intelligent and is able to assess the abilities of various grimoires. With a little information, she can also predict the thought processes of others.
  • To Be a Master: Kajun tries to learn as much as possible, and has developed a habit of collecting information on anything new. Obsessed with obtaining knowledge she carries a small handbook around to write down everything she ever recorded and puts herself or her friends in odd situations in order to learn.
  • Verbal Tic: In the Japanese version she often lets out "desu no!" after her sentences when she's excited.

    Lao Jiu 
Litchi’s adorable pet, Noel’s subject of desire and Tsubaki's subject of disgust, Lao Jiu is a little Panda of an unknown species, Lao Jiu is a fairly mysterious character in that he channel the spirits that lies in the Boundary and share the powers with its owner, in a manner of speaking Lao Jiu is a living device which augments Litchi’s powers.

It’s unknown when and where Litchi came to know and raise Lao Jiu as her pet, but it’s clear that they share a good relationship, Lao Jiu is always seen with its owner, Litchi raises it on her hair, making Lao Jiu look like a hairpin due its size and seemly quiet nature.

  • Artifact of Doom: It is implied to be the source of Litchi's Boundary corruption.
  • Head Pet: Lao Jiu is kept on Litchi's hair knot; still quite close to her head.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: He’s a tiny panda!
  • Soul Jar: Lao Jiu carries a piece of Roy's soul, and is in fact the reason Litchi's even alive in the first place in CF.

“But above? I can’t really stand those guys. Everyone up on the higher layers treats the underground people like trash. I can do without those arrogant jerks.”

Voiced by: Yukiko Kato / Michelle Ruff

Litchi's assistant. She idolizes Litchi and works to match her skills in medicine, and grow to be just like her. Despite this, she is unaware of Litchi's past, or her relationship with Arakune.

Suffers from a major case of Hero Worship toward Litchi. Her behavior would be easy to misinterpret, if she hadn't nipped that perception in the bud early on, stating she's more "reverent" of Litchi, than "fond."

Mmmm, a hot man all tied up… Ah, it just makes me tingle!

Voiced by: Masaru Suzuki / Ezra Weisz (credited as Ethan Murray in Alter Memory)

One of Rachel's familiars. He's a shapeshifting cat that also serves as Rachel's umbrella. Is gay.

  • Animals Lack Attributes: Averted - at one point Gii is disgusted to find that while Nago serves as Rachel's parasol, his "under bits" are visible. In-game his balls and butthole can actually be seen briefly during some of Rachel's attack animations.
  • Blush Sticker: Has these at all times, possibly to show he’s Camp Gay.
  • Camp Gay: He's flamboyant, talks in a lisp (and in Japanese uses the very feminine atashi to refer to himself and feminine sentence enders like wa), and during Jin's canon path in Continuum Shift, before his fight with Rachel, Nago asks Rachel if they can "keep him" because Jin is "just his type."
    • It should be noted that he expresses similar thoughts toward Hakumen, making exactly what he likes about Jin considerably more up in the air...
    • He also seems to like Amane, calling him "cutie pie".
  • Familiar: He and Gii are this for Rachel.
  • Hulking Out: Some of Rachel's attacks have him becoming incredibly muscular.
  • Mega Neko: He’s big enough for Rachel to sit on.
  • Parasol of Pain: The form he takes most of the time.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: He gains giant muscly arms in some of Rachel’s attacks.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Gii says that Nago is quite the masochist. In gameplay it's him who takes damage whenever Rachel gets "hit".
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: He can transform into varying things including an umbrella, a sword and an electric chair.

    Raquel Alucard
“That’s why… You must save this world’s “possibilities” and quick. You need to save your… “our world!””

Voiced by: Kana Ueda

A character from Bloodedge Experience novels who mainly serves as Naoto's partner. A goth-loli vampire in the vein of Rachel. Clavis Alucard's adoptive daughter. Has a weird habit of... getting naked (or close to it) as well as being uncomfortable (so much that she gets panic attacks) around women. Her Drive is Tempest, an ability to control wind currents, much like Rachel's Silpheed.

She first meets Naoto when she was chased by a strange, grotesque insect man; Naoto goes to save her and beat the insect man, but he lost his right arm in the process. Raquel then offers to save him from bleeding to death in exchange for him to find the Azure. The next day, he finds himself to be normal (with his right arm again) but technically dead; Raquel explains that she shared her immense life force with him, but that will turn him into a vampire in a year - unless he does what she made him promise to.

In Central Fiction Naoto comes to the present in order to find her.

  • A-Cup Angst: Naoto once (accidentally) mocked her about her chest size. She was not amused.
  • Abusive Parents: It's implied that Clavis was this to her; Naoto noticed that he doesn't let her say anything when he asked Naoto whether he wanted Raquel to be taken back by him, and that the two generally don't treat each other like a father and daughter should. Then it's made clearer that he's this when it's revealed that he subjected her to connecting with the Boundary to load her with knowledge; the experience caused her pain and agony.
  • Animal Motifs: The rabbit, like Rachel. Her hair ribbons make her look like a rabbit like Rachel, but in a different way: Raquel ties her hair in a ponytail while Rachel ties hers in pigtails.
  • Artificial Human: Or rather Artificial Vampire. She was born from an Embryo that Clavis found.
  • Badass Cape: Her original outfit is nothing but a badass cape.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: There's an illustration page in the novel where she's bathing with Naoto; part of her chest is exposed, but lacking nipples.
  • Big Damn Heroes: She busts into the room to save Naoto when Saya was attacking him with Soul Eater, since she noticed her life force being sucked out through Naoto (as he currently lives off of her life force).
  • Big Little Sister: Quite ironically, she looks more mature than her Really 700 Years Old older sister's eternal preteen body. It comes as a shock to learn Raquel is only two years old.
  • Blow You Away: Her Drive ability. She used it once to augment her jump while also carrying Naoto to go straight up a multi-story building.
  • Canon Immigrant: She appears in CF, but not directly; first she comes out as an image in Naoto's Act 1 where he looks at Rachel in the eye and thinks of her like Raquel. Then again in Act 3 where she speaks through Rachel and an "apparition" of her appears besides Rachel. In the Story Mode, she appears in Naoto's gag reel, again through Rachel's body. And finally in the ending where she appears in full after Naoto falls back into his timeline, pulling him back up.
  • Chaste Hero: She seems to have very little knowledge about anything sexual. When she and Naoto are in an adult store, she continuously asks the clerk about the various toys being sold there, much to Naoto's embarrassment.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Downplayed. She is annoyed that Naoto doesn’t tell her about his relationship with Saya Terumi and that he met Kiiro without telling her.
  • Creepy Crosses: Like her sister Rachel, Raquel is a vampire. Her Badass Cape has the same red crosses as Rachel's Elegant Gothic Lolita dress.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Blonde hair, golden eyes.
  • Damsel in Distress: During her initial fight with the Apostle she gets captured after letting her guard down when she assumed it was dead. Naoto saves her but nearly dies in the process. Later she gets captured by Spinner Superior and Naoto has to rescue her. This is problematic since, as his link with Raquel is weakening, his right arm (as it is made of Raquel's blood) dissolves into blood.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Likes snarking with Naoto a lot.
  • Going Commando: Even after being forced to wear clothes, she refuses to put on panties under her school uniform.
  • Grand Theft Me: She is able to temporarily possess Rachel. She does this to tell Naoto that he needs to save their world.
  • Herald: She's the one who kickstarts Naoto's jump into the plot.
  • Hey, You!: She calls Clavis “that man” as opposed to addressing him as her father.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: The ability Slave Red allows her to take control of someone through eye contact to force them to obey a command or make them believe something she tells them. However It Only Works Once per person.
  • Identical Stranger: She has "chosen" Naoto because he indirectly reminds her of someone who saved her from her predicaments with Clavis before; said someone bears red eyes and white hair, and has "azure heartbeats", something that Raquel senses within Naoto.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She treats Naoto as a servant and at one point flat out says that she sees him as a dog rather than a person. However she did save his life, wants to stay with him, and puts a lot of trust in him. She also tries to keep civilians away from her battles.
  • Kick Chick: Physically fights mostly with powerful kicks.
  • Lady and Knight: The Lady to Naoto’s Knight.
  • Lady of Black Magic: Much like Rachel, she can use magic. She mostly uses it to enhance her ability to sense the Azure.
  • Living Shadow: She is able to hide herself inside Naoto’s shadow. Since staying in the sun tires her out, she does this fairly often so she can rest.
  • Mind Rape: Clavis decided to educate Raquel by connecting her to the Boundary, which ends as well as you would expect. She was saved by a mysterious man with white hair and red eyes.
  • Mistress and Servant Boy: Her and Naoto's relationship in a nutshell. She even calls him "my servant" in the school.
  • Moment Killer: She once (indirectly) interrupts an intimate moment between Naoto and Haruka by opening the apartment's room door and letting Haruka's mother in.
  • Mundane Utility: Uses Slave Red, which can control anyone, to convince Haruka that she is Naoto’s cousin because explaining things to Haruka would be too troublesome.
  • Naked First Impression: When she first meets Naoto she is naked except for her Badass Cape, although he only reacted to it after he wakes up the next day. This also happens when she meets Haruka (while Naoto was struggling to get Raquel to wear clothes) although Haruka decides to search for a knife.
  • New Transfer Student: Enlists at Shin Kawahama First High School to work with Naoto in searching for the Azure.
  • No Social Skills: Inevitable considering she is only two years old and had little interaction with humans before meeting Naoto. She treats Naoto like a servant, has him make her tea during class and has no reservations picking up dildos and asking the clerk of an adult store about them and this is all before getting into her Shameless Fanservice Girl tendencies.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Clavis appears in Naoto’s house, she is shaking in fear. Compared to her usual headstrong attitude, or even her freezing up around women, this is a sign that her relationship with Clavis is not a good one.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Like Rachel, she doesn't drink blood often, although she's still uncomfortable under sunlight. She isn't a natural born vampire either.
  • Really Was Born Yesterday: She's just 2 years old and yet she already looks like a teenager.
  • Relative Error: Inverted and Invoked. When Haruka searches for a knife after seeing Naoto with a naked Raquel, Raquel uses Slave Red to convince Haruka that she is Naoto’s cousin. The fact that this convinces Haruka is incredibly ironic considering her own feelings for Naoto.
  • Restored My Faith in Humanity: Believed that all humans were cowardly and weak. She believes Naoto is the same when he ran away during her first fight with an Apostle. However he proves her wrong when he comes back with a fire extinguisher, having only left to get a weapon, and shows that humans can be stronger than she thought.
  • Sensor Character: Has the unique ability to innately sense the Azure, specifically the Remains of Azure that are left behind when a Drive is used.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: She does not like wearing clothes and does not care about being seen naked. She also will walk in on Naoto when he's naked since she considers looking at her servant naked the same thing as looking at a pet dog naked.
  • Stripperific: Her initial outfit consists of her Badass Cape, her rabbit-styled hair ribbons… and that’s it.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: She's a vampire sort of and has gold eyes.
  • Tsundere: She treats Naoto like a lowly servant and snarks at him a lot, but there are times where she shows genuine concerns and worry for him.
  • Undead Tax Exemption: Easily transfers into Naoto’s high school despite being a vampire who has no normal credentials. Although the fact that she has Slave Red probably helped.
  • Vampire Lolita Archetype: Just like her sister, Raquel is a cute vampire girl with blonde hair and Elegant Gothic Lolita-style clothing.
  • The Voice: In Naoto's act II ending her voice can be heard and tells Naoto not to touch the mini-Azure.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Is not comfortable around women, the more feminine they are the worse for her. When they get close she freezes up and cannot talk to them, refuse them or even physically resist them. The only reason she even wore clothes at all is because she couldn’t stop Haruka from dressing her and cannot refuse when Yuki wants her to spend the night with them. She can overcome this in dangerous situations though.
  • Younger Than They Look: In contrast to Rachel, who has lived for thousands of years but looks 12, Raquel is only 2 years old but looks like she's 16.

“But I wanted to be with you, brother.”

Voiced by: Kanako Kondou (CT) / Cristina Valenzuela (CT)

Ragna and Jin's missing little sister. She is the template for the Murakumo Units (Lambda, Mu (Noel) and Nu). She was taken by Terumi after the burning of their church. The Material Collection reveals that she has immensely high ars magus aptitude and was raised in the Church to hide her from Terumi.

  • Artificial Human: Central Fiction reveals that her body has a doll-like anatomy, implied to be the result of Relius "modifying" her. Like Ragna, she's a natural born from a Prime Field Device (No 5), an Artificial Human herself.
  • Big Brother Worship: She adores Ragna and it is the most consistent trait in all Prime Field Devices. Even Izanami is affected by this personality trait and exploits it to play head games with him.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Subjected to this by Hazama in order to make her into a vessel for Izanami. It was so horrifying it caused her soul to split into two pieces, one going into Izanami and the other into Noel.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: As revealed in the True Ending of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. This is a subversion, however, she's effectively a Puppet King for Terumi and Relius... without her knowledge. Not to mention, she has been possessed by the "Goddess of Death", Izanami, which explains the drastic change of her disposition.
  • Lethal Chef: Noel inherited her horrific cooking abilities from her. In one of CF's gag endings, Izanami shows it off firsthand.
  • Merger of Souls: By absorbing Izanami, Noel inherits both halves of Saya's soul and memories, meaning that Saya lives through her now.
  • Pet the Dog: In The Wheel of Fortune Drama CD. It was shown that when they were kids, Jin and Saya were actually rather affectionate towards each other before she became sickly. Saya even said that she loves Jin very much. The reason for Jin's hatred towards her and why she suddenly became ill are currently unknown. This may yet have a connection to her subsequent possession by Izanami.
  • Shoot the Dog: Since Izanami cannot be killed, the only way to stop her is to kill Saya, which denies Izanami the body she needs in order to take direct action. However, Ragna is unable to go through with it. Ultimately averted when Ragna finds a way to save her by merging Izanami with Noel though a reverse use of Soul Eater.
  • Soul Fragment: After being kidnapped by Terumi and Relius, the two tortured her in hopes for breaking her soul. They only manage to split the soul into two, one of them remaining on the body and becoming Izanami (and thus explains her fixation towards Ragna), while the other flew away until the birth of Mu-12, where said soul half inhabited Mu, becoming Noel.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Terumi gave her Yukianesa so it could destroy the barrier protecting the church.

“Negative. Takamagahara is a system built by humans. Anything which has been “built” by humans can never be designated as a “god.””

TA is voiced by: Naomi Kusumi / Travis Willingham (CS), Michael McConnohie (Alter Memory, credited as Geoffrey Chalmers)
TB is voiced by: Seirou Ogino / Ezra Weisz (CS), Bryce Papenbrook (Alter Memory)
TC is voiced by: Rina Satou / Kate Higgins (CS), Wendee Lee (Alter Memory)

A man-made entity (heavily implied to be a supercomputer) of unknown origin and purpose with the ability to manipulate space and time. It actually possesses three minds/selves, which observe every possibility of existence. Though its original purpose is unknown, it works to destroy the Master Unit, Amaterasu, so that it can control the flow of space and time, and give existence a cold, mechanical sense of order.

  • Back from the Dead: It is rebooted inside the Embryo in Act 2 of Central Fiction.
  • Deus est Machina: It is able to make Phenomenon Interventions and is responsible for the time loops in the first game.
  • Divine Conflict: Its "feud" of sorts with Amaterasu involves the whole world and space-time continuum. It escalates further when Izanami controls it, causing random time distortions in the third game.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: It tried to use Terumi to help it in its plans, but later Terumi betrayed it.
  • Hijacking Cthulhu: Terumi uses the distraction unwittingly created by Ragna saving Mu to infect the system with Phantom's virus to disable them. Later the system is in the Imperator's direct control.
  • Meaningful Name: Its name is derived from a place in Japanese myth, meaning "Plain of High Heavens", where Shinto gods reside. In our Takamagahara's case, inside it resides 3 "beings" who decides the order of and controls the world, basically being the gods on the high plain.
  • The Omniscient: it has knowledge on everything on the world. Got screwed over anyway by Terumi.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Terumi used Ragna and Mu's battle to hack in and observe every single possibility. Later also becomes one for the Imperator.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: They are never seen again after Amane revives them in his Central Fiction Act 2 arcade mode. The only mention they get in story mode is Amane telling Ragna he erased all information on Ragna from them. What they did or will do from then on is a complete mystery.
  • White Void Room: Their realm is shown being this, with three chairs that cast humanoid shadows of the three otherwise invisible entities sitting on them.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: The reason the heroes couldn't stop Terumi was because Takamagahara was using him as a pawn to carry out their own plan to destroy the Master Unit, and would switch to a different timeline if things went out of control. And look at what happened because of it.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Ragna's return from Phase 0, Izanami commands Phantom to destroy them.


Full title of Gigant: Take-Mikazuchi note , a weapon created hundreds of years ago during a war hidden from history, it is the original Nox Nyctores. Nine revived it and used half of its core to create the rest of the Nox Nyctores during the Dark War. It takes a form of a coffin-like satellite that holds a humanoid creature inside it that can fire a devastating laser. It can only use its strongest ability once every 4 years. After the Dark War, it was used by Takamagahara; in particular, it used the satellite to destroy the Hierarchical City of Ibukido, which killed Mu depending on the timeline. Four years later, it was used again in order to destroy Kagutsuchi, but Rachel used Tsukuyomi Unit in the True End to block the shot, saving the city and forcing it to recharge another four years.

In Chronophantasma, Take-Mikazuchi appears as a boss in a mode called "Gigant Assault". It is fought in a large area and it possesses many attacks as listed below.

It has an Astral Heat where the opponent is trapped in a red light. A portal appears below the player and fires several super-charged versions of Nu's swords at them from below, lifting them into the skies where four magical chains bind them in a circular energy prison. Take-Mikazuchi rises up into the skies and transforms into its Kill Sat mode as seen in Calamity Trigger cutscenes, firing its laser at the opponent and erasing them from existence as the screen turns white.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: Its weak point is the big node on its "chest". You only get to hit it if you manage to interrupt its laser beam Distortion Drive.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: It isn't called "Gigant" for nothing. The way you fight it is very similar to bosses like Apocalypse and Onslaught.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: It is said to be as strong as the Black Beast and can destroy the world in it’s complete form, making it easily the most powerful weapon in the entire BlazBlue world. However, at full power it is almost impossible to control and despite its incredible power, it is incredibly slow. While it could have probably destroyed the Black Beast in one shot if it had the chance, it was completely annihilated by the Black Beast because it attacked Take-Mikazuchi from behind and it was unable to fight back.
  • Beam Spam: One of Take-Mikazuchi's attacks has it firing multiple laser pillars, which can drag you to the other side of the arena if you get hit by it.
  • Breath Weapon: Primarily fires its laser from its mouth. It does seem to have a cannon in its mouth which it fires the beam, though.
  • Deadly Disc: Has the ability to fire a swarm of energy discs when you fight it.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Can send a shockwave across the ground which flips the ground as it goes.
  • Energy Weapon: Being a Kill Sat, both of its Distortion Drives involve Take-Mikazuchi firing its laser, one being a long-lasting beam that can chip like heck and will murder you at point-blank range and the other one having a much shorter duration but instead creating an explosion on the ground that needs to be either jumped over or avoided by hiding behind debris. It can also spit out a laser as one of its normal attacks.
  • Fusion Dance: With Nu acting as its core so that it can be controlled easier.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: One of the many traits it shares in common with the Black Beast.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Take-Mikazuchi is a black humanoid figure, with large red eyes and a red mouth, Volcanic Veins, and a giant orb in its chest as its core.
  • Instant Runes: Creates one while reforming its Deadly Disc move and while preparing to fire its laser.
  • Just Eat Him: Its "grab" has it catching the player with its mouth and then spitting them out.
  • Kill Sat: Was turned into one after the Black Beast trashed it during the Dark War.
  • Lost Superweapon: It was created long ago, to combat a monster that existed outside of 'the logic', implied to be a smaller Black Beast.
  • No-Sell: Some characters' Drives are useless against it. Those who play Ragna, Jin, Tager, Arakune, Hakumen, Bullet and/or Azrael will find it difficult against this foe.
    • On the flip side, Tager, Bang and Azrael can use their Sledge (a special move with lots of guardpoint), Burning Heart (Drive) and Growler Field (projectile absorption) moves to absorb many of Take-Mikazuchi's attacks - including its 100+-hit beam. Manliness.
  • Punched Across the Room: Can send the player a really, really far distance with but a single punch. The punch is fast, but fortunately doesn't do much in the way of damage.
  • SNK Boss: Not as bad as other examples in fighting games, or even in this particular series (hello, Unlimited Ragna) but the amount of damage (chip or otherwise) this thing can do along with its huge supply of health will ensure the fight won't be easy at all. A good portion of the fight can be you trying to run to it to get in range all the while it can hit you at really far distance. And that's not even mentioning the fact that it has an Astral Heat.
  • True Final Boss: Of Chronophantasma.

    Lord Tenjo
“Please, watch over Bang… Kagura… My people… …and above all, my child Homura.”

Bang's master, and the leader of Ikaruga from before the Civil War. Was frozen to death by Jin Kisaragi, starting Bang's path for revenge.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The leader of Ikaruga and the previous Imperator who was badass enough to teach Bang and Kagura everything they know.
  • Cool Mask: Wears a red and white mask.
  • Cryonics Failure: Averted. Tenjo's body was killed but she was able to seal away her soul beforehand.
  • Dub-Induced Plot Hole: In the English localization of the games Tenjo was erroneously referred to as a man whereas the Japanese version was gender neutral. Come Spiral Shift, it is revealed Tenjo was actually a woman.
  • Generation Xerox: She looks a lot like her ancestor Mei.
  • Heroic Lineage: Being Mei's descendant makes her a hero as well.
  • Posthumous Character: Already dead by the time the first game kicks in.
  • Rebel Leader: The leader of the Ikaruga separatist movement.
  • Retcon: Tenjo’s design changed between the Chrono Phantasma and Variable Heart versions of her confrontation with Jin. Compare this image with this one.
  • Samus Is a Girl: In the Spiral Shift, it is revealed that Tenjo is actually a woman who looked like Saya (though it's closer to Izanami!Saya due to the long purple hair and attire). Up until that, there has been no idea that Tenjo is a woman, all that's known about 'him' beforehand is that 'he' has long flowing hair, which people might mistake as being a Bishōnen.
    • She Is the King: Tenjo was refered to by a masculine title of "Lord", and the title of Mikado (Imperator in the localized version, which has masculine connotations) is gender-neutral.
  • Soul Jar: Her spirit is currently housed within Phoenix: Rettenjō. Even before that she apparently referred to her body prior to inhabiting Rettenjō as a "vessel" that is weak and wouldn't last long; she considered moving her soul to Nirvana but Relius stole it.
  • Worf Had the Flu: The only reason Jin was able to kill Tenjo is because her soul was already in Rettenjo by the time Jin fought her. He basically just defeated a barely-alive zombie.

“In order to gain strength, a warrior must test themselves against their enemies. In addition, a warrior must know when not fighting will serve the greater good.”

Voiced by: Kaori Yagi / Kate Higgins

Another resident of the Kaka clan. She is, naturally, Taokaka's friend and is like a big sister to her. She is a former guardian of the Kaka Village and was in the middle of training Taokaka to be the next guardian when she went to go take part in the Ikaruga Civil War, which is how Ragna first met Tao.

During Tao's bad ending in CS, she carts her off to safety while Valkenhayn hangs back to stop Terumi, also stating that Torakaka's been working with him and Rachel for some time.

  • Cat Girl: Like all Kakas, due to being clones of Jubei.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Taokaka, who idolises her. Chronophantasma suggests they might be heading into Bash Brothers territory, what with Tao gaining a new Distortion Drive that features her and Torakaka simultaneously dive kicking their opponent, not unlike how Shinji and Asuka took out Israfil.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Serves as this for Taokaka. Since Tao is prone to being an inattentive goofball, Tora will work to keep her on track and teach her about Kaka history.
  • Expressive Mask: Like the rest of the Kakas.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Her hair is in two large pigtails that stick out through the hole in the back of her hood.
  • In the Hood: A Kaka clan staple.
  • Meaningful Name: "Tora" is the Japanese word for "tiger", thus explaining Torakaka's color pattern and tail.
  • Only One Name: Like all Kakas. Her full name is simply "Torakaka".
  • Species Surname: In combination with Only One Name. She is called "Tora" for short but the name of her species, Kaka, is added to that for her full name, "Torakaka."
  • Vocal Dissonance: She wears the same dark mask with the Cheshire Cat Grin that Tao does, but her voice is that of a mature, intelligent woman. Not to mention that Tao got her Verbal Tics from her. Justifiably, though, as she is an older member of the Kaka clan.

    Trinity Glassfille
“Please… Please do not forgive me. I cannot forgive myself. If I wasn’t so weak… So foolish.”

Voiced by: Aoi Yūki / Laura Bailey (games), Alexis Tipton (Alter Memory)

A member of the Six Heroes, Trinity was known as the Platinum Alchemist during the Dark War. She studied at the Magic Guild alongside Celica and Nine. After the events of the Dark War, she is sealed within Platinum's Nox Nyctores (which was originally hers) and manifests from time to time.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Her feelings for Kazuma were doomed to end badly. Even before merging with Terumi, Kazuma was confused and a little put off by her fixation on him and once he did merge and become as evil as Terumi, well...
  • Alternate Self: In Alternative: Dark War. In this alternate version of the Dark War, she is the one under Terumi's influence instead of Kazuma, complete with Terumi's coat and hood instead of her own.
  • Ascended Extra: She gets a lot more screentime in Chronophantasma, which is dedicated to trying to atone for the role she played in Terumi's mayhem. And more in CF, to the point of being pivotal in the game's climax where Ragna and Jin fight Susanoo, she acts as valuable support.
  • The Atoner: She deeply regrets freeing Terumi from Nine's control, and seeks to kill Terumi to cleanse her sin.
  • Back from the Dead: After Jin helps stabilizes Luna and Sena's existences, they use Muchōrin to give Trinity a physical body, effectively bringing her back to life.
  • Barrier Warrior: Her specialty. She's confident enough to claim that she's better at it than Nine. In Chrono Phantasma, she easily breaks out of a barrier made by Phantom. She can also create barriers that can segregate an area from the rest of the world.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: In Chrono Phantasma, she wages one against Terumi inside Hazama's head in order to make them switch places with each other. It works in Terumi's Arcade Mode ending, but in Story Mode, it instead separates the two. Terumi gets a body of his own but whatever damage he receives is shared by Hazama and vice-versa.
  • Berserk Button: She really likes her glasses. For your own safety, do not stain her glasses. Admittedly though, this is a more downplayed example than most as while she gets upset, she won't get violent or ragey about it.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Both Celica and Kazuma note that she can be very frightening when angered. Even Nine behaves whenever Trinity gets mad at her.
  • Combat Stilettos: Although barely noticeable, unlike Nine.
  • Disappears into Light: Happens to her at the end of Central Fiction when she goes to find somewhere she can sleep in peace.
  • Fatal Flaw: Much like how Litchi was manipulated by Terumi due to her feelings for Arakune, Trinity was manipulated by Terumi due to her feelings for Kazuma. Also, much like how Litchi has a Guilt Complex for making a very controversial decision in an attempt to save Arakune, Trinity has a Guilt Complex for betraying her fellow Six Heroes (by releasing Nine's geas on Terumi), which resulted in not only her own death, but her best friend Nine's as well.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Shining blonde hair (though with pink shades) and is the kindest out of the Six Heroes.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Nine.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: An unconventional example: she went from what was nothing short of smoking hot with an awesome bust to the flat-chested little girl with split personalities we all know today.
  • In the Hood: Sports one at all times, although it's not always covering her head.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: She had feelings for Kazuma, which Terumi exploited to get her to lift Nine's spell on him. Terumi "thanked" her by tossing her and Nine's bodies into the Boundary. In Chrono Phantasma, a nearly-incapacitated Hazama is able to distract and almost kill her by exploiting her lingering feelings for Kazuma. She would have died then had Hakumen not appeared on cue.
  • Luminescent Blush: Gets one while inviting Kazuma to tea.
  • Magic Staff: The previous owner of the Muchōrin before Platinum.
  • Morality Pet: Tries to be one to Kazuma. She fails.
  • My Greatest Failure: She never forgave herself for freeing Terumi from Nine's control.
  • Nice Girl: She is forgiving, maternal, sweet, and caring for everyone, always taking time out of her schedule to listen to the concerns of others. She is consistently selfless and can be driven to tears out of her concern for others. Deconstructed in how she can give people too many chances and being easy to manipulate due to her will to help others.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She has a pretty bad case of this.
    • First she unwittingly undoes Nine's Mind Eater spell on Terumi, which resulted in her and Nine being tossed into the boundary and losing her body as a result.
    • She's also indirectly responsible for Hakumen's death as drawing Terumi out of Hazama and preventing them from merging again prompted Terumi to take back the Susano'o Unit by nearly killing Hakumen and is far more powerful with it than he ever was with Hazama.
    • She also spared Hazama because of his resemblance to Kazuma and her feelings for him. He himself later jumps into a Cauldron.
  • No Man Should Have This Power: After hearing Nine's story about how mankind discovered the Susanoo Unit that let humans figure out that there's a higher unit that Susanoo responds to, which (after a series of events involving Prime Fields) led to the world being destroyed and re-created, and after the fight with True Susanoo is over, she declares this to the Susanoo Unit and then throws it down a Cauldron.
  • Not Quite Dead: She's very good at cheating death it seems, she survived Terumi's first attempted murder by sealing her soul into her Nox before she fell into the Boundary. She then survives a second attempted murder and is how residing with Jin somehow. She even manages to get her own body with Muchourin later.
  • The Power of Creation: The Muchōrin gives her the power of materialization.
  • Proper Tights with a Skirt: Wears these both in her Magic Guild school uniform and while acting as one of the Six Heroes.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Nine's Red as she's usually the one to rein in her temper.
  • Soul Jar: She managed to insert her soul into her weapon before Terumi killed her. Years later, as the weapon is in Platinum's possession, she's able to talk through Platinum and later, manifest herself using Platinum as medium. In Central Fiction, it's shown that she survived being stabbed by Hazama, and is now inside of Jin.
  • Taking You with Me: A weakened Hazama stabs her just as Terumi is hit by Hakumen's Time Killer, although everyone involved survives.
  • Tranquil Fury:
    • When Celica and Nine spill tea all over her, she gives a long speech while keeping her gentle voice. Kazuma is too frightened to even look at her.
    • Happens again in CF. When Kagura summons Trinity to discuss their plan for defeating Azrael, he takes the time to hit on her. Trinity, while still wearing that smile of hers, asks if he called her just to sexually harass her. Freaked out, Kagura promptly backs off.
  • Uncertain Doom: It's unclear whether or not she dies at the end of CF. While she does disappear into light and mentions finding a place to sleep in peace, it's unclear if this means actual death or possibly going to rest inside the Boundary or a Nox Nyctores.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By unwittingly releasing Terumi, she's pretty much responsible for almost everything bad that happens after the war, including Ragna's wrecked past.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Terumi exploited her love for Kazuma to have his geas lifted. He proceeds to stab both her and Nine and toss them into a Cauldron. She's hated herself for this ever since.
