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WMG / The Other Kingdom

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     Tristan and his true heritage (Unmarked Spoilers Ahead!) 

Tristan's mother is the long-lost Queen of Spartania

  • There are various signs pointing to this theory. For one thing, Tristan would constantly bring up his mother in conversations about his personal life, but he never once references his father. This would showcase how Tristan's father wasn't in his life, although the audience would eventually find out his father was actually Spartanian King Reed. Strangely, there's never any mention of a queen being in the picture, and since Tristan's actually a surprise prince of the land, this can only mean one thing: Tristan's (unseen) mother is the ex-queen of the land.

Tristan's birth fairy name will be revealed in the not-to-distant-future

Tristan's mother brought Tristan to the human world as a child.

  • It's the only explanation for how Tristan could know he was a fairy, but not about his true heritage and legacy. I'm sure Mrs. Andersen didn't want Tristan to be forced into a legacy of evil or serve his father. She probably told him about his fairy powers but left him in the dark about his true heritage and his father, planning on waiting until he was the right age to handle the truth. But, she never told any complete lies about it because... fairies can't lie.

Tristan's constantly moving and doesn't believe in love for a reason...

  • Tristan once stated that he's been to four schools within three years and he's used to having to adjust to his surroundings quickly. He also doesn't believe in love. Maybe there's a particular reason for both of these that ties into his backstory as well. What if Tristan constantly changing schools was due to accidentally exposing his fairy powers and his mother wanting him to have a nice, normal life for his own safety? And Tristan not believing in love could be due to gaining several relationships in his past schools, only to have to leave them behind due to changing schools, and eventually, Tristan would see no point in falling in love anymore.
    • Or as an alternative... maybe one or two of the love interests within Tristan's past turned out to either not actually love him, or were just using Tristan for their own selfish ends, causing Tristan to develop a pessimistic view of romance and see it as "disingenuous". He did say that "it [was] all pretend, and in the end, it just leaves you with a sense of heartache and disarray" and that it "traps people into doing things they don't want to do". Maybe he's subtly referring to his past. If he and Astral do get together, Astral would be the first girl in Tristan's life who genuinely loved him for who he was, and doesn't try to use him.

Tristan and Cliff will form a Cain and Abel like relationship

  • Tristan had previously encountered Prince Cliff in the human world without knowing who he truly was. And since Cliff is King Reed's prince son, and Tristan would also turn out to be Reed's son and a prince, that means Cliff and Tristan are technically brothers. So how would the two of them react upon re-meeting each other and finding out they're linked? Would Cliff get annoyed over finding out he's not the rightful heir to the throne? Would Tristan be unhappy over having to put up with more of his arrogance? Would the two form a Cain-Abel relationship? I know for a fact it won't be pretty.

Prince Cliff is Tristan's half-brother rather than a normal brother.

  • Yeah, it sounds crazy, but there's actually a logical explanation for this. After King Reed gave birth to Tristan and tried to raise him to be a conqueror, Tristan's mother — the Queen of Spartania at the time — likely would have been disturbed with Reed's plans for the child, and she'd sneak him off to the other world and raise him to pose as an ordinary boy and keep his powers hidden. Meanwhile, Reed wouldn't let the setback hold him off too much and he'd probably elect a new queen to take the place of Tristan's mother, and at some unknown point the two of them would give birth to Cliff and raise him to be a worthy successor instead, while at the same time waiting for the day his first-born son would return. This turn of events would make Tristan and Cliff half-brothers: Same father, different mothers. Bonus points if Cliff turns out to be a Bastard Bastard, or if his mother is a non-fairy creature (especially since we saw him lie about Astral's relationship status; something a pure fairy would be incapable of doing).

Tristan's fairy powers are related to gymnastics

  • Maybe a Spartanian fairy's powers are different from an Athenian fairy's like Astral and her parents. We know that Athenian fairies can make people fall in love with each other and control the elements, but what's uniquely distinct with Spartanian fairies?

Tristan will discover his family history and plan to repair his family name.

Either Tristan or Astral will die at the end of the series

  • Astral and Tristan being Star-Crossed Lovers, and the fairy princess and prince of separate rival kingdoms who are forbidden from seeing each other due to their deep love for each other was probably meant to be an homage to Romeo and Juliet, keeping up with the show's Shakespeare tributes. And I'm certain that if future episodes are made, more subtle references to the work would be made, culminating with one of the main duo eventually perishing (My bets are on Tristan since he had the rougher life). Maybe from a member of the rival kingdom, maybe courtesy of one of their own. Who knows? I know this is a bold move, and I seriously doubt the network would allow something like this, but it's not impossible, especially since the fans of the original series would be grown up by then and the revival would inevitably be Darker and Edgier.
     Princess Astral 

Astral's discovery of Tristan's heritage will involve the Five Stages of Grief

Astral will accept the truth about Tristan and realize the truth about Spartania

  • In between the aforementioned arc of Tristan slowly working to make Spartania a better place, maybe Astral would have to learn to deal with and accept that Tristan's a Spartanian (as mentioned above with the grief stages) and she would slowly but surely get the inhabitants of her kingdom Athenia to see a new light and realize that not everyone from Spartania is bad or nasty by default. This can tie into fairies' distrust of humanity and provide a powerful (possibly subtle) message to the viewers about prejudice towards other groups. Not only would the storyline continue, but the show would also grow up with its now-adult audiences and handle deeper and more mature themes that'll give the series the timelessness factor. It's a win-win for everyone.

Astral will stay in the human world to learn more about humanity for a short time.

  • Speaking of the humanity thing, the whole reason Astral went to the human world in the first place (aside from dating Tristan) is to learn about humanity's ways in person. I'm sure there are some additional lessons Astral could learn about humanity, and in turn, maybe she could teach humanity something in return every once in a while. This could further her character arc, as she becomes more and more responsible and loyal to her kingdom.

More details about Astral's childhood in Athenia will be revealed

  • So Astral went to the human world on her "other walk" at 14 years old. But what exactly was her childhood like back in Athenia during the first 13 years of her life? In the series, there would often be a couple of tidbits about her relationship with her cousin Brendoni and how she's trying to get familiar with Athenia's landscape, and inhabitants and going through other forms of training in order to be the next queen. But the show doesn't really delve too deep into Astral's past. I personally think knowing more about her past would make her far more complex. Does she have a childhood friend she rarely gets to see? Just when and how did she first get her wings? Did she have some difficulty or stress upon finding out the responsibilities of being the princess/future ruler? There's so much that can be done for her.

Astral will become the new Athenian queen in the Grand Finale

  • The series can end with Astral officially being crowned as the new queen of her kingdom to not only symbolize the end of her long arc but also to reward her for all the good deeds she's done for her clan.

Astral's "dark fairy" form will return as a major plot point.

     Devon Quince 

Devon will receive his wings by the end of the show

  • Since Devon's father is a fairy, and his (unseen) mother was a muggle, this makes Devon a Half-Human Hybrid who's part fairy. The show's established that fairies aren't born with their powers or their wings, rather they gain their powers and grow their wings at a certain age but the exact age differs from fairy to fairy. Sooner or later, Devon will be getting his fairy wings and will be able to join his cousins Astral and Brendoni. Also, if Devon does get his wings, don't give him the wings at the last minute or make him an Instant Expert. He's just as much of a lead character as Astral, which means he deserves to have his own personal arc where he grows as a character, as a way to make those end results feel more earned. Besides, he didn't even know magic or fairies existed until Astral and Brendoni got into the picture.

Devon will go through his own Character Development

  • Nearly all the major characters on the show had gone through some kind of character arc. note  It's time for Devon to go through some growth as well. His biggest issue is that he's so obsessed with order, tidiness, and responsibility to the point where refuses to get involved in anything even slightly messy. Well, that and not liking magic, and hating the fact that his relatives are fairies, and that he himself is part-fairy. Maybe he could learn to loosen up a little (and I don't mean recreating the "Party Devo" phase) and realize that it's okay to goof off, have some fun and get messy every once in a while. He'll realize he was missing out on a large part of his child/teenhood. And what if Devon slowly started to get accustomed to being part of a magical family tree? He could go through some parts where he learns to accept Astral and Brendoni as his relatives, and possibly get exposed to some fairy heritage and help Astral out at various points. Maybe that's how he could earn his wings; they'll symbolize how Devon's a whole new man and mark the end of his arc.

Devon will have a second encounter with King Oberon

     Winston Althazar 

Winston will have his own subplot of making use of his newfound gift

  • Winston — Devon's actual British foreign exchange student who was supposed to go to Devon's house but got stranded in Athenia — had received a fairy heart from Oberon and Titania as a reward for taking part in saving Athenia from destruction, which would make him unable to lie and ensure he "has empathy for the broken, cares for the world and faces all difficulty with courage". But what exactly is he going to do with the fairy heart? I'd like to see what kind of selfless acts he'd commit or people (or other species) he'd help out. He's made it this far. It doesn't make sense for Winston to receive a blessing from the king and queen themselves only to be Put on a Bus shortly afterward. Give the boy some time to showcase what he's capable of.

Winston will meet up with Devon for the first time

  • The whole reason Astral was able to pass off as an ordinary teenage girl, despite coming out of nowhere, was because she had posed as Devon's British exchange student. But anyone who's been keeping up with the series would know that Astral wasn't Devon's actual exchange student — that would be Winston who ended up in Athenia on the same day Astral came to the human world. Sure, Devon finds out that Astral's really a fairy princess of a magical kingdom (which he did NOT take well), but he still has yet to find out what happened to Winston. When he eventually meets Devon for the first time, I'm sure Winston's going to have quite a time explaining the misadventures he had gone through.

Winston's parents

  • Sooner or later, they're going to find out Winston never went to the Quince residence like he was supposed to and considering they're botanists, I'm sure they'd be amazed to discover Athenia. When they eventually decide to call the Quince house to see how Winston's doing, and Mr. Quince informs them he never showed up, they'd wonder what happened, and get to the bottom of things.

Winston's England life

  • So, Winston's story arc centered around him intending to go to Devon's house to serve as his foreign exchange student, but winding up stuck in Athenia due to taking a wrong turn. But what exactly was Winston's life like back in his homeland that is England? We know that Winston had been picked on by various schoolmates and bullies, and he definitely seemed like the Black and Nerdy type considering his obsession with magic, but low self-esteem or courage. I'm pretty sure Winston was a very talented student who had gotten a lot of great grades, which is probably one of the main reasons he was picked on, also he had to have been a very smart boy for him to be considered for the foreign student exchange program. Also, his parents were botanists, although Winston wasn't a huge fan of plant life or nature in general, as shown during his first few days in Athenia (he gets better, but still) so I could only imagine that Winston tended to have an unhealthy relationship with his parents in their interests. Giving Winston a Day in the Limelight — or heck, a Whole Episode Flashback — would not only shed new light on Winston as a character, but it'll also showcase just how far Winston has gone since his days in England.

Brendoni's mother is Titania's sister

  • Brendoni's stated to be half-fairy/half-troll. And since his father's a troll, that means his mother would have to be a fairy, and Oberon or Titania would have a sister. Neither of them stated they were only children, and since Oberon has an older brother, who says Queen Titania can't have a sibling as well?

Brendoni's parents are dead — or at least one of them is

  • I feel like this is probably the case with Brendoni's situation. I mean, think about it: We never see his parents in person, and they almost never get mentioned. And when he's not accompanying Astral or her parents, Brendoni's practically a free-range child. Plus, one particular episode has Oberon state it was too late to turn back time and stop his mother from marrying the troll that would be his future father. So, maybe one (or both) of his parents are dead. It's never confirmed but never denied either.

Brendoni will play a pivotal role in helping Tristan

  • He managed to get a glimpse of Astral and Tristan right after the latter had transformed into his fairy state — which he's reasonably shocked by — without any other characters (that we know of) managing to catch on. And even though Tristan's forcibly taken away to Spartania without most of the students even seeing it, it still doesn't change the fact that Brendoni now knows Tristan is a fairy, and would probably be suspicious over his absence. If he did some investigating and went to someone close to Tristan — maybe Hailey or Tristan's mother — he might become an Accidental Hero who uncovers a secret. It would also showcase Character Development on his part, and prove he's not a total screw-up.

Brendoni will ultimately decide to stay in the other world near the end.

  • Keep in mind that Astral and Brendoni are in the other world for different reasons. Astral's there because she wanted to experience life in that world, and had a crush on a boy. She went to the other world willingly, vs Brendoni was forced to go to the other world against his will: he's there because King Oberon was trying to get him to realize how humans and fairies were dependent on each other, and learn to be respectful to them, via actual experience. The plan seems to be working as despite having still having a troublesome side, he's not nearly as harmful towards "others" as he was towards the beginning. Plus, while Astral needs to worry about potentially becoming the kingdom's next ruler, Brendoni doesn't have that pressure on him, and honestly, having him remain in the "other" world in the finale would not only complete his arc, it would showcase just how far he's gone, and how he's basically a different person altogether. Bonus points if Brendoni gives up his fairy and/or troll powers to become completely normal.
    Rest of the Main Cast 

Hailey will discover the truth about Tristan

  • Yeah, we all know this was bound to come up sooner or later. Hailey's been Tristan's addictive girlfriend ever since she first laid eyes on him. I'd like to see how she'll react to discovering there's far more to Tristan than meets the eye. She'd probably be in awe over Tristan being a fairy prince but shocked to discover he's being forced into Spartania to cause havoc on Athenia against his will. This brings me to my next pointer...

Hailey will put her differences aside with Astral and they'll team up to rescue Tristan

Hailey's brothers (or sister) will make an appearance

  • Random note: The pilot episode states that Hailey has older brothers — which we never got to see on the show. And another episode reveals she has a sister named Tabbi — also never seen. Maybe find a way to tie them into the plotline. Do they play a role in why Hailey's such a control freak or pessimist?

Morgan will temporarily become a fairy

  • With Astral being a fairy princess, Tristan being a fairy prince, Brendoni being part-fairy-part-troll, and even Devon being half-fairy, Morgan's the only member of the main group to be completely normal, and she'd probably feel left out. Maybe a future episode could center around gaining temporary fairy powers only to discover the downsides and dangers of having powers and be grateful for her role as The Team Normal.

Morgan's father was involved with some fairies.

Morgan and Devon will get to see Athenia for the first time

  • Morgan and Devon know about Astral's secret and that she's the fairy princess of Athenia, but they've never actually been to Athenia — mostly because they were busy dealing with school. Maybe, there could be an occasion where Astral takes them to Athenia for real, so they can experience the wonder and magic of Astral's homeland. It's the least she can do after they helped her save her homeland.
    Supporting Cast 

The identity of Devon's mother and her past will be revealed

  • In the second half of the season, it's revealed that Devon's father (Petrithon) was actually King Oberon's older brother who forfeited the Athenian throne to marry a mortal woman and give birth to Devon. This briefly gets mentioned in a couple episodes, but I feel like there's more to the story than what was told. Just who was Devon's mother and what happened to her that she's not present in the series? Based on some context, the disappearance happened sometime when or after he was 8.

Petrithon and Oberon's childhood and/or brotherly relationship will be explored more

  • Maybe we could get more information on Petrithon and Oberon's childhood and brotherly relationship growing up in Athenia. And now that Petrithon's reformed himself, perhaps he could join the heroes in saving Tristan and ending King Reed's reign.

More context will be given on the supporting cast's "other walks"

  • So the main series centers around Astral as she goes on her "other walk" to explore human ways first hand. Right? Well, based on some context given through the show, we know that there are dozens of other fairies (and even a handful of other magical beings) who have been on their own "other walks" before Astral. Petrithon, King Oberon, Queen Titania, and Oswald from Athenia alone, for example, all had their own adventures in the human world. But... what exactly were they like? Revealing their personal stories would shed a whole new layer of depth on the characters and would make them more compelling than ever. So far it's known that:
    • Petrithon chose to stay in the "other world" after falling in love with a mortal woman.
    • King Oberon had his "other walk" when he was around Astral's age (early-mid teen years)
    • Queen Titania's journey involved a fanny pack for some reason.
    • Oswald knows about life at a high school and had been to various places with bad food, and cheesy T-shirts

Oberon took his "other walk" at the same time Petrithon did

  • It's briefly mentioned that King Oberon had his own "other walk" when he was around Astral's age (14-15), and since we know Petrithon chose to stay in the human world and forfeited the crown, it's possible the two of them did their other walk together.

Petrithon will gain a new fairy-like appearance

  • During season 1's penultimate episode, it seems like Petrithon pulled a Heel–Face Turn when he realized the error of his ways and all the lives he'd endanger and backed out of bulldozing Athenia. Although maybe we should go further in showcasing that's he's truly changed for the better, and what better way to symbolize his redemption than to give him a Good Costume Switch? Of course, since he's still in the "other world", he'll have to keep up his human appearance to blend in... but if he ever decides to return to Athenia or meet up with his brother again, having him regain his fairy powers and adopt a fairy-like appearance to go with it, will prove he's a changed man.

Petrithon still has his fairy powers

  • The events of the series kicked off because Petrithon fell in love with a mortal woman and decided to leave his homeland for her. We know that Petrithon being with the woman means he had to forfeit being the king of Athenia — leaving his younger brother to become king in his place — but he never said that he had to give up his powers or become "an other" in order to be with her. Maybe he still has his powers, but he's doing a very good job at hiding them.

One of Astral's parents is going to die

  • The premise is about how Astral's going to be the be the future queen of her homeland, but it's going to be difficult for that to happen if both of her parents are still alive, active, and healthy. For Astral to be the next ruler, They'd have to get too old to manage the kingdom anymore (maybe in a Distant Finale), willingly step down from the throne, or the main ruler (mostly likely Oberon) would have to perish, forcing Astral to be the next ruler by default.

Petrithon will try to help Astral out over issues regarding the loss of her boyfriend

Versitude will continue to serve as a major antagonist in the storyline

Versitude's true plan will be revealed

  • On the day Versitude fired Oswald from being Astral's guardian/protector, she hired him to be her partner in "aligning the kingdoms", whatever that's supposed to mean. What exactly did Versitude mean by that? This would hopefully be looked into in future installments.

Versitude's part pixie.

  • It's briefly stated that Versitude was an elf in an episode. Although, there was a brief nightmare scene where Versitude's seen leading and commanding a group of pixies. It's unclear whether she's actually allying with the pixies in secret (they were banished from Athenia by Oberon and Titania), or if she actually had some pixie genes within her, but it's a huge possibility, considering she's got a habit of Playing Both Sides. Plus she has a tendency of lying to those around her. Who's to say she didn't lie about her species identity as well?

Versitude had a past love she had lost

  • This is easy to miss, but for a brief moment she's shown to have a look of uncertainty in "Cold Season" when Astral asks her if she had ever "seen a smile that makes [her] go all tingly inside, or hear a voice that sends [her] floating and silences all others". Based on some of Versitude's dialogue near that point such as "This never ends well", and "One day, your feelings will cause you great pain", it's possible that Versitude may have had a loved one in the past she had lost. It's highly unlikely this would make her tragic or justify her hatred of "others", but at least it would give her a Freudian Excuse and explore some of her past.

Versitude will get a Redemption Rejection moment

Peaseblossom's going to die

  • Her main purpose in the story narrative-wise is serve as an ally for Winston, providing him the kindness and support that most of the residents neglected to give him, give Winston a chance to prove he can be selfless when the time calls for it, serve as a catalyst for his Character Development and give him an appreciation for nature. Now that Winston's gotten a confidence boost and a fairy heart, she doesn't serve much of a role in the story now, and so something — or someone — is going to take her out. It'll showcase just how serious things are getting, as not even fan favorites or child characters are safe from death.

Oswald will return

  • He served as Astral's protective guardian for the first 7 episodes, and comes back for the 2-part season one finale. It's only natural that Oswald continues to play a supportive role in the story. He's a great warrior, and he's hilarious. Also, we need to know what he had been doing while working under Versitude's alliance and whether or not he'll stick by her or turn against her to join the heroes.

Edgar's secretly a mole working for Versitude.

  • It's possible that there's more to Edgar the Giant than meets the eye. He seldom appears in the show's first season and in his few moments of screentime, Versitude's often nearby. Sure, he wishes Astral good luck when she first parts for the other world, but the king and queen were present at the time and he was probably just using a niceness facade. Plus, he tries to eat Winston — a human teen — alive the very next day, with Oberon's interference being the only reason he didn't do so. He also took Winston away when Versitude put him on trial and he took part in her facade of covering her true intentions (whether aware of it or not). I would not be surprised he if turned out to be Evil All Along.

If King Reed has an advisor, s/he'll be a good guy (or gal)

  • We've seen very little of Spartania and the kingdom's residents and monarchy, and considering Athenia and Spartania are rival kingdoms, it seems Spartania is meant to represent what Athenia isn't. But it's also clear that good, noble kingdoms can have cunning, untrustworthy traitors, and that evil kingdoms can have residents that are actually decent people who either aren't evil or don't want to be evil (maybe they were Forced into Evil, or flat-out not even working with the bad guys). And since Versitude — the advisor to Athenian King Oberon — is secretly an evil traitor, it makes since for Spartanian King Reed's advisor to secretly be a heroic rebel. They'd basically be a foil to Versitude, as they're both royal advisors who secretly plot behind the kings of their retrospective kingdoms, but with completely different goals. This will basically prove that not all Spartanians are bad by default, and Tristan will have an ally and a caring parental figure while in Spartania. They'd basically be Tristan's Uncle Iroh. Bonus points if Reed's advisor is introduced as seemingly being as evil as Reed, only to reveal later on to be Good All Along.

Principal Williams knows Astral's a fairy and/or that she's a princess

Astral had been sent to the principal's office — either by another teacher, or the principal herself — at least twice within her first month alone (once for freeing some frogs meant for dissecting, and another for an incident with Hailey trying to prove she's a witch), and her niece is continually trying to prove something's off with her. But despite Hailey proving a her video with Astral using her powers, Williams' response was simply, "any third grader with a computer and a special effects program could make one of these", implying she didn't believe Hailey. However, who's to say she didn't get a bit curious afterwards? Especially since the following episode would have Williams mutter to herself that she was "such an odd girl", maybe she would do some detective work behind the scenes to find out what Astral was hiding.

Case in point, in "Let There Be Cake", rather than get angry at Astral and Morgan for ditching school to go to City Council (from the previous episode where Astral, Morgan and Brendoni stuck into Mr. Quince's workplace to prevent a project from being approved that would destroy and Astral's homeland) she asked them how City Council was, and to turn in an essay for municipal government for extra credit. And then there's her conversation with Mr. Quince about Astral and Brendoni, and she stated it was good when people ... "got along". But since she hesitated, she likely knows something.


There will be an Origins Episode on how the humans and fairies got isolated

  • Peaseblossom briefly stated it was due to polluting the land, and overtaking it with buildings, cars, and sewage forcing them to put up a wall, but it still feels like more detail could have gone into explaining the fairy world's relationship with humanity, and what exactly went down to cause the fairies to isolate themselves from humanity or "others" as they call them. Maybe there's some Greater-Scope Villain of the entire franchise.

A history of dark fairies will be explained.

  • Maybe there a history for when the dark side corrupted certain fairies. Astral herself nearly became a victim once. Surely, Astral can't be the only fairy who almost, or did fall victim to becoming a dark fairy.

Mortals who might possibly learn Astral's secret in the near future

So far, it's been confirmed that Morgan, Devon, his father (who's later revealed to be a fairy, and Oberon's brother), and Tristan (who's later revealed to be a fairy prince) all about Astral being a fairy, and the princess of her homeland, and in the former three's cases, they also know Brendoni's half-fairy, half-troll. However, it's clear that the story's not quite over, meaning it's entirely possible other mortals could learn Astral secret, such as:
  • Hailey Grimm
  • Gigi
  • Winston Althazar
  • Winston's parents
  • Principal Williams
  • Mrs. Andersen (Tristan's mother)
  • Any of the kids at the Evermoor Woods rally
  • Mr. Trainer (Astral, Morgan and Devon's English teacher)
  • Mrs. Quince (depending on whether she's still alive)
  • Morgan's parents
  • Tabitha Montgomery and/or her assistant

The fairy world and its habitants will get exposed

  • Soon or later, one way or another, somehow, someway, the existence of fairies and other magical creatures is going to get exposed to the entire human nation. Various people will react differently, but there are endless possibilities for how this will turn out.

The lost prince who tries to bring harm to Athenia won't be Tristan

The fairy realms have some kind of magical barrier that prevents "others" from accidently coming across the fairies' world

  • In the Season 1 finale, Peaseblossom stated that if Winston were to leave Athenia, he'd be unable to return. Wonder why that's the case. It's likely because the fairies protected Athenia (and maybe some of the other kingdoms) with a spell that prevents humans from entering their kingdom, unless an Athenian resident grants them access or temporarily brings the force field down, or maybe a mortal trying to enter on the outside needs to say some kind of magic phrase. It might tie into the fairies' distrust of humanity, and not wanting humanity to damage their world anymore than they already have.

The magic puddles will play a Chekhov's Gun role

  • So we all know about magic puddles in Athenia that Astral's parents would occasionally use to watch Astral from afar and check up on her, but we also know that the puddles are capable of keeping tabs on other people too. It seems that the puddles are capable of displaying images of a person or object depending on the person's desire. So what if the puddles are also able to display events that have happened in the past? The puddles can play a pretty vital role in the narrative if one knows how to use them. Winston can use the water's memories to reveal Versitude's true nature to Oberon, and then he'll finally see his advisor for who she really is; Maybe the heroes could use it to reveal a location of a lost ally or foe. Again, the possibilities as endless.

More fairy realms will be explored

  • Aside from Athenia and Spartania, there are 10 additional fairy realms that have yet to be discussed or explored. There's Laconia, Corinthia, Antibia, Thebia, Cretania, and 5 other unnamed realms. What are the additional realms like? Nothing wrong with a little world-building. Fantasy geeks love that kind of stuff.
    • Nobody ever said that all the fairy realms were directly on the surface either: Maybe some of them are in the clouds, or underwater or underground within the earth. Details like this would really make the magical world feel more alive and vibrant, and it would help carry similar themes and entirely new ones too. I heard something about Atlantis existing in this world. That would definitely be an underwater kingdom.

Additional nature-related themes will likely be explored.

  • While the first season seems to have gone in one particular direction for protecting nature, namely preserving a tree and their overall importance, there are still numerous additional nature-related topics the show could cover, showcasing numerous way to endanger and/or protect the environment. Maybe there could be arcs focusing on air, or water, or even earth/soil. After all, the series was supposed to run for 4 seasons anyway, and since the trees aspect was already done, maybe the remaining 3 seasons can be used for air, water and earth/soil. New themes every season to keep the show fresh, especially since pollution is harmful for all three of the aforementioned aspects.

Rotating Protagonist for different seasons

  • Not the most likely concept to actually happen on a series such as this, but what if the additional seasons focused on some of the other characters aside from Astral? Of course, Astral would still need to play a major role in the narrative, I mean it's her journey after all, but it also wouldn't hurt to showcase the other characters going through their own journeys and struggles.
    • Season 1 ends with Tristan discovering he was the lost fairy prince of Spartania (presumably) destined to conquer Athenia, despite wanting absolutely no part in that (Although, there's likely going to be a loophole around that). Season 2 can have Tristan take over as the main protagonist, with Astral being the deuteragonist, or something. He'll go through his own self-journey, learn some lore about Spartania and its history, meet some of the natives, and hopefully make a positive change on his environment. It seems like the series was setting up for this happen anyway. This would make him a complex character who would be even more worthy of being Astral's boyfriend.
    • Another season can center on Devon and him being a Half-Human Hybrid that's also half-fairy from his father side, and have him eventually gain wings of his own.
    • Another season can focus on Brendoni or Winston, or even both. Brendoni was forced to go to the other world as Oberon was trying to show him how humans and fairies were dependent on each other, and Winston — a human himself — is still angry with Brendoni over taking advantage of him, and nearly getting him killed. Having the duo learn about each others' pasts, or have their own journey alongside each other would make them better companions and better characters.

The events of the Season 1 finale will be revisited from a different perspective

  • So we all know about what went down on the day of the Fall Dance, but most of the events were seen from Astral's perspective as she and her friends was preparing for the dance. However, we also know that during that time, Versitude found out about Tristan's big secret from Oswald, and informed Spartanian King Reed about it, only for Winston to catch of glimpse of this, and warn the Athenian king and queen (Oberon and Titania) about Reed's return to Athenia. If the show comes back, maybe we could get some new scenes explaining what went down in Athenia during that time, including replaying various scenes from the finale, but with extended scenes/new context added to show the full story. It'll remind viewers that Athenia's B-story is just as important as Astral's A-story. Also, showing how Astral reacted to Tristan being a Spartanian prince and being taken away from her wouldn't hurt either.

Potential ideas for human antagonists from the "other world"

Mother Nature exists in this universe

  • A concept like this wouldn't be all that far-fetched considering the nature aspect of the series. Maybe if the world's lore ever gets explained, she could turn out to be a Greater-Scope Paragon or an All-Loving Heroine who was once open-minded and willing to open the gates to the others, only to give up on them somehow due to endless pollution.

Wish granting

  • Considering that a good piece of the ensemble is made up of fairies— including Astral— and several of their magical abilities, I'm surprised it was never brought up whether any of them are capable of granting wishes, considering they're still the protectors of Earth life. If so, how many can they grant? Is the fairy obligated to respond to the wish, if the person just wishes for it, or does the person have to aid the fairy somehow before they can do so, like say, saving the fairy's life or simply being hospitable?

That grocery delivery boss from "Get a Job"

  • So, one of the jobs Astral was trying to apply for was grocery delivery lady, upon coming across a man running the job (referred to as Del D. Del in the credits) who stated he was hiring. He seemed like he was willing to give her the job initially, but then when Astral stated her name, Del stated he "heard about [her]" and suddenly rejects her. Not quite sure what that was about. Was it because of the previous jobs she was fired from or something else? Maybe this could come into play later on.

A Halloween Episode

  • The concept is about Astral going on an "other walk" to the human world for 90 days, and it seems like she began her "other walk" around when school started, so near the beginning of September. Maybe a Season 2 or 3 episode could be about Astral learning of the customs of Halloween (i.e.: giving out/receiving candy, trick-or-treating, the various costumes, etc.). It would be about 2/3 of the way through Astral's journey, and maybe some of the fake mystical beings that are seemingly costumes, would turn out to be the real deal. Maybe the mystical creatures take advantage of Halloween to try and scare or even attack the children.

The series will end with a huge gathering and the barrier being broken!

  • With two forms of distrust among other kinds (Spartanians and humanity), the series finale can have Princess Astral, Prince Tristan and fairy-blessed Winston Althazar (one member of each kind — Athenian, Spartanian, and human) each take part in a big speech to the massive crowd of characters about how that had to put their differences aside and relied on each other to reach where they are now, proving that races don't define who you are. Along with breaking down the barrier between the two realms once and for all and allowing fairies and humans to co-exist once more. I'd love to see a story building up to that triumphant conclusion.

The revival series (if there is one) will be animated

  • By the time the series gets an announcement for a revival/continuation on the network, the actors would be too old to play their retrospective characters, so they won't be able to properly play convincing teenagers with live-action. The only other alternative is to have the series be animated.
