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Fanfic / SBIG Series

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Welcome to SBIG! This is a series of purposefully badly done stories that care very little with making sense or trying to add any emotional impact. Or... that's the intent. This is sort of like a bad attempt at comedy. Now, two things I try to avoid with this when comparing the installments to other fics done bad on purpose. One is making them unreadable (but this... admittedly wasn't always a major focus of mine). Two is that this isn't going to get... too disgusting. Well, it might in some stories, but it won't rely on grossout factors as an entertainment value, and even the ones that do teeter into uncomfortable territory won't be trying to really 'outdo' other fics that do this. The only thing I try to trump myself in is the plot's stupidity. Not how hard it is to read it, and not how disgusted (or infuriated for that matter) you will be by it.
Opening note in each installment.

SBIGnote  is a series of lighthearted Stylistic Suck fan fiction by Great Pikmin Fan written as an open parody.

The fan fics are:

All of these titles are spelled as the author wrote them. The Eds' EDventure, Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals, Kids Fit the Trolls, Gumball Vs Satan, and Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals have all been involved in something called the "Great Typo Cleanup," which aimed to fix up some of the spelling errors and make the stories easier to understand, so that readers do not have to trudge through typoes to get to jokes. For all of those save for EDventure (which is still the same basic story, but rebuilt from the ground up), this was mostly simple spelling fixes. The old variations of each of them are planned to be out somewhere eventually, and EDventure's can be read within the same page that contains the old Zombie Attack! link. Hecksing: The Dawn is also slated to get a similar cleanup.

The series contains fan fiction of the following:

Works that have been the primary subject of the story:

Alongside the five works of media that the above fan fics are mainly based on, the fan fics in the series also includes crossovers withnote :

  • Family Guynote 
  • The SCP Foundationnote 
  • Jimmy Two-Shoesnote 
  • The Simpsonsnote  ("Retired" from the seriesnote )
  • Halonote 
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagannnote 
  • Pikminnote 
  • King of the Hillnote 
  • Nintendo 3DS Argumented Reality Gamesnote 
  • Super Mario Sunshinenote 
  • Back to the Futurenote 
  • The Twilight Saganote 
  • Sonic the Hedgehognote 
  • Super Mario RPGnote 
  • Bleachnote 
  • South Parknote 
  • Mega Mannote 
  • Metroidnote 
  • Metal Gear Solidnote 
  • Steven Universenote 
  • One Piecenote 
  • Total Dramanote 
  • Perfect Hair Forevernote 
  • Dollars Trilogynote 
  • That '70s Shownote 
  • DC Comicsnote 
  • X-Mennote 

Future Series, Confirmed or Plausable, Major or Not

  • Yu-Gi-Oh!note 
  • More of the Mario series (Including the plumber himself, after only Geno and Petey have appeared)

Tropes exhibited by the series, or on fan fics not given their own page yet:

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    General Series Tropes 

  • Affectionate Parody: It's made pretty clear that GPF usuallynote  enjoys the stories he's writing intentionally poorly-written fan fiction of. Despite frequent Take That!s, the base canons are usually left off lightly. In fact, he toned down on featuring The Simpsons because he didn't like the newer episodes and did not want to write entire stories based on it. The series also counts as one towards fan fiction in general, as it does not serve to shock readers like several Troll Fics do, but instead entertain them with legitimate stand-alone stories that happen to be really weird and backed on plot holes.
  • Anyone Can Die: Unless it's a Homestuck fan fic (that's not Sweet Jade and Hella John).
  • Author Appeal: Pikmin Fan himself frequently puts his interests into the storyline.
    • Most of the crossover cameoes/appearances are this. While some are clearly attempting Rule of Funny (the Master Chief in Hellsing, or the KFC Guy in a strange Homestuck AU), others lean on the side of "they're in because I'd like them in." Like Hank Hill's frequent appearances.
    • invokedHe enjoys giving Ensemble Dark Horses or otherwise lesser/side characters (but only the ones he likes; noted by repeatedly giving Aranea the shaft) more screentime, probably because with so many formerly major characters being killed off, someone has to be the protagonist. Jade Harley, while being major in Homestuck yet not to the extent of John, Rose, or Dave, is the female lead of both Sweet Jade and Hella John and Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals, and even saves everyone from death in Kids Fit the Trolls. Rip Van Winkle, a much bigger example, is not only one of the protagonists in Hecksing and the only person eventually Spared by the Adaptation, but becomes the Big Bad of SJAHJ and she has an implied sympathetic backstory (when she reflects that she was in a similar position to Jade in a flashback) revealed in Housestuck.
    • Similarly, turning the fandom consensus of characters inside-out. Badass Invincible Hero Alucard? Killed off in the fourth chapter. The pre-scratch trolls, whom are borderline Scrappies? In Housestuck, they're complete badasses with equally if not more awesome ancestors in contrast to the original trolls and their lie-telling ancestors. Jade was a foul-mouth pervert tomboy with no regard for anyone's feelings whatsoever (even, at times, John's) and who loathes Dave and Karkat in Sweet Jade and Hella John, in a contrast to certain depictions of her, with the later Homestuck stories more-or-less putting her in that depiction. (Minus the Dave and Karkat bits, as she doesn't exactly hate or love either of them and Jade and Dave have even gotten along in Housestuck's fourteenth chapter at first.)
    • Random nudity. Counting Carrie's revival (even though she's technically a stick-figure... ish person) for Gumball Vs Satan, every story except Zombie Attack! has at least one character get naked. Hecksing has Carl's foursome/threesomes, in addition to Rip's outfit becoming see-through each season. Sweet Jade and Hella John features the Curse Woman, Bank Robber, and the nudist woman from Family Guy, who spend the entire story naked, in addition to a naturist Homer Simpson, who wanted to fit with his gang's theme of lacking clothes. Nudist-Homer returns in Sheldin and Lenard. Housestuck has way too many to count. Counting toplessness/bottomlessness, Dawn has had something every chapter so far, with one of the Don's daughters getting her top knocked off when Alucard arrives to London, Rip and Red Neckbreaker spending most of their appearance in "the Dumb" streaking while Blondula ends up bottomless, and finally the perpetually naked mermaids. Act 5 Vs Act 6 features the return of Peter, as well as the right-hand to a major villain, Asserella. Kids Fight the Zombies featured naked Raiden from Metal Gear Solid inexplicably at Doofenshmirtz's base. It's played for laughs in all of them, yet in-universe the Crconikals ones are usually intended for "fanservice."
    • invokedEven though some parodies still end up with Fan-Preferred Couples or canon couples getting together, SBIG's pairs are 90% crack, incestuous, Ships That Pass in the Night, tinted by polygamy, involve an OC like Carl, and/or are otherwise perverted. And 9% is unpopular pairings overshadowed by something liked more, like Jane/Jake. The remaining one percent? The very last sentence of Kids Fit the Trolls, along with Rose suddenly confessing love to Kanaya earlier.
  • Bittersweet Ending/Earn Your Happy Ending: Getting a happy ending is almost never easy.
    • The Eds' EDventure: Pretty much the entire Cul-de-sac except Eddy is dead... but at least that includes the people stealing from/killing everybody! Also, Eddy gets a girlfriend named... Girlfriend! Then there's a sequel chapter, everyone's back... including the Kankers, who kill people again. Eddy included. Thankfully, Edd and Ed save them.
    • Zombie Attack!: Stewie is dead, the Kankers have an army, the world was dying... but at least Edd cured the virus and made a strong counter! Sort of. The Kankers came back, twice. And escaped to another dimension.
    • Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals: Hecksing may have killed Hitler, revived Captain, and lived on relitively normal lives afterward, but before that, they had their entire starting cast (Alucard, Integra, and Walter) completely killed off, and even some new additions like Master Chief and Zorin have died.
    • Sweet Jade and Hella John: Rip's death and the Blue and Yellow Team's new, rebuilt lives also involved the destruction of Texas (and nearby states) in a multi-planet-sized explosion.
    • Kids Fit the Trolls: This one leans closest to Earn Your Happy Ending, and is in fact the best ending so far since nobody ended up dead. The kids not only got their atom back, but they befriended the trolls, freed their... possible leader from being mind controlled by the horrorterror, got power ups, and maybe solved a time paradox. However, it took all of them going through some brutal trials, dying, going back in time, stopping a prom, and a God Tier battle between John and Feferi.
    • Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals: It took a lot of deaths, but ultimately, the Rainbow Crew managed to defeat the Felt.
    • Gumball Vs Satan: The World is no longer sucking "mistakes" into the Void, let alone people! And its been restored. But its no longer sentient, and Carrie has become the God of another world. Also, while Omarn and his crew have been defeated, Gumball is still dead.
    • Hecksing: The Dawn: Hecksing has lost well over half of its named members thanks to quitting and being literally Put on a Bus, and the remaining three are Doomed by Canon, but... at least it paves the way for Ulumate, in which case see above. Plus, Hecksing's forces are slowly replaced so that the group never really dies out.
  • Black-and-White Morality: Sweet Jade and Hella John was the only story to have a plot more complicated than "good guys get roped against a group of baddies," or SJAHJ is the only one with multi-sided conflicts. As of seasons four and five, however, Housestuck also becomes pretty close. And Hecksing: The Dawn takes a crack at it by introducing "HRG Civil Wars," where various Hitler Revival Groups are fighting against eachother despite being overlooked by the same guy.
  • Black Comedy: Just about all of the bad crap that happens (except for probably seasons four onwards of Housestuck)? Played for laughs. To list one moment from each story in order: Edd needing to be cremated, (another) Edd killing off someone thanks to a misunderstanding from an aversion of One-Steve Limit, a 13-year old Alucard getting punched across an entire ocean by his abusive older brother, Texas getting blown up, Sheldin and Lenard is the only exception so far, two entire kingdoms exploding just for Rule of Cool, Wiggim accidentally killing himself trying to kick a football (it helps that he's an Asshole Victim with gun-enforced speed limits), Gumball getting suddenly killed by a death note by the girl he's so often shipped with no less, and Kamina making a tentacle joke about Anderson's plant form.
  • Butt-Monkey: Almost everyone. John Egbert in particular has almost never been treated kindly, and he's killed off for good in both Act 5 Vs Act 6 and Kids Fight the Zombies.
  • Canon Welding: Mostly through Gumball Vs Satan, but some of these stories are more related than they initially appear to be. Carrie's exposition in chapter 4 of said fic confirms that Kids Fit the Trolls takes place in the same universe as The Eds' EDventure and Zombie Attack!, just in the future. This is also something mentioned in Act 5 Vs Act 6. Oh yeah, and Jaka and Rip's fight in Sweet Jade and Hella John where they cameo in the other universes is confirmed to be canon. EDventure itself also drops a bomb in the end of its second chapter, revealing that Zombie Attack! was, in fact, its sequel. Then there's Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals, which elaborates that every story with Plank in it thusfar was somehow connected through various alternate multiverses and something involving reincarnation.
  • Censor Box: Most of the time the go-to way for dealing with nudity. Although only two of the fan fics are visual, both have used them directly and two more have mentioned them.
  • Continuity Porn: While only three of them so far explicitely take place in the same universe, the series, starting from Sweet Jade and Hella John, often references past installments. Hecksing in particular gets referred to a lot.
  • Cool Car: EDventure has two, both of which are stuffed in a small location (on the roof in the old version) and one having jets that let it fly to the moon. Zombie Attack! also gives Edd a car, namely a time-traveling car that he built himself. Hecksing ups this vehicle-of-main-character's-choice with a tank, and Sweet Jade and Hella John ups this even more with a flying ship. Kids Fit the Trolls has an odd combination of the first three examples, and the other two stories have yet to really feature any real "main" mode of unusual transportation.
  • Crack Fic: Let's go through them in order:
    • Three boys fight against six kids in their neighborhood over a television via using cars on the roof, torching down houses with what is heavily implied to be one of the three boy's Porn Stash, and later on needing to drive up to the moon in another car on the roof with rocket boosters to crash down on three more kids harassing the group.
    • A boy goes back in time to stop a zombie virus, meets and teams up with an evil genius baby, then said baby gets killed in a nonsensical Time Paradox which causes him to explode upon seeing himself from the future (even though the boy himself had no issue about this at all). Replacing the baby is a girl from Hell, whom the boy eventually ends up dating when they team up to stop the same three kids from above story.
    • A vampire transforms a cop girl and dies, later a completely unrelated-at-first Charlie Sheen expy goes on and slaughters vampire Nazis. Also, Sonic the Hedgehog briefly crosses over.
    • Two Platonic Life-Partners (who start dating at the end of the comic) spend over 1,000 pages playing a very fatal Mario game while Nazi-turned-Lawful Evil fighters battle with stars of animated FOX sitcoms. Then later one of their friends turns emo and evil.
    • A man uses a particle accelerator to bring a nudist Homer Simpson to life, who plays Halo (on the Wii) with him and his roommate.
    • Four kids try to get an oversized atom from a troll who easily breaks into the most high-tech house out of the four and steals it, going through several levels of character derailed aliens and eventually through time. However, during said time arc, one of the heroes has to STOP THE PROM! No not really.
    • (Ex?) pot-smoker ruins an online game for three teenagers, who team up with five other friends and twelve aliens to try to bring him down. Along the way, they get caught up in several side quests, such as having to steal a game for a Gamer Chick, go on a Chain of Deals for a whistle, and as of the latest update get back home after gathering members for a two-people-short jury because the ruler of all trolls told a pair in the group that they must mate, die, or serve in jury duty.
    • A gang needs to get a random boy's leg bone to fix a ladder, while this is going on they break out into a war and soon the story seemingly decays into a Random Events Plot.
    • A prequel to the third listed story, which adds a pair of perpetually naked-mermaids about halfway into it, and focuses on several random Quirky Miniboss Squads of the Week.
  • Crossover: All of them so far use this, ranging from simple and sudden cameos (EDventure) to being actively integrated into the plot (Sweet Jade and Hella John). It also ranges from only one fandom (Again, EDventure) to several (...Again, Sweet Jade and Hella John, although many of the franchises only exist in that verse because of something that brought them to life, otherwise they would just be series within the comic.)
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Unless we're dealing with the Kanker Sisters, the "final villain" is almost never who they seem to be.
  • Door Stopper: Sweet Jade and Hella John is GPF's longest fan work thusfar, and Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals seems to be gearing towards an equal length.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Generally (but there are other trend differences that even HUC is a victim to), the two stories before Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals were pretty different from the rest of the bunch:
    • Apart from most of the fics in general facing this within themselves, EDventure and Zombie Attack! were only a few paragraphs long. (Ten each, and the last two of Zombie Attack! were really short.) This is very unusual, given that everything following (except what's been posted of Sheldin and Lenard) so far has been much longer.
    • Dialogue was also extremely rare. To the extent that EDventure has very few quotes at all.
    • Back when EDventure and then-untitled Zombie Attack! were out, it was planned to only have one story per fandom (Zombie Attack! then not-really counted as a full story), and TEE was given the name SBIG: Ed, Edd n Eddy. The trend would have followed with Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals and the now-scrapped Simpsons, Total Drama, and Naruto concepts.
    • Homer Simpson was an unambiguously good guy in Zombie Attack!, who has revival powers. He's a villain in most of his other appearances, with the exception of Sheldin and Lenard. Hank Hill was also among the villains of Zombie Attack!, where Sweet Jade and Hella John aside (where he's not exactly a bad guy, but he does repeatedly try to mess with the main two for breaking his window), he's good.
    • Running Gags like "o ok then," "DOUBLE NO!," the story mentioning something only to say it didn't happen, subtler Rouge Angles of Satin, etc were absent.
    • Take That!s were almost non-existant in EDventure and the narrator wasn't really snarky at all (except for the fake author's notes), instead giving a lot of dramatization to the story. They never made an attempt to crack a joke or two. Zombie Attack!, amusingly, had the exact opposite case, where just about every other sentence was some kind of joke from the fake-author.
    • Characters didn't shout as often back in EDventure.
    • Zombie Attack! is so far the only installment to end on a cliff hanger. Everything else that has ended has had a pretty closed ending, even HUC and KFTT, which has a spinoff and a planned sequel respectively.
    • Zombie Attack! (and, to a lesser extent, EDventure with calling Ed's middle name "soreass" at one point) relied on more "traditional" forms of spelling typoes, regarding simpler words like the cum/come "error." This dropped later on.
    • Zombie Attack! was a brief period where the writing style was more similar to that of My Immortal, in contrast to the Squirrelking/Peter Chimera-based styles of EDventure before. It went back to the older style on Hecksing... sort of, in addition to intermixing in a more relaxed and humorous tone, and never fully looked back at either style since.
    • Typoes were even more common in the first two stories. Hecksing cleans things up a bit and gets better as the story goes on, while Sweet Jade and Hella John had a lengthy period where it went a bit worse than Hecksing but nowhere near as bad as the original Ed, Edd n Eddy pair.
    • Going a bit later to mid-Sweet Jade and Hella John, SBIG used to take jokes from other Troll Fics or related works, or even from official media. This stopped, with the exception of ripping jokes from Futurama in Housestuck (which was an intentional Running Gag in the first place, complete with everyone always making comparisons to Futurama).
    • In addition to Kids Fit the Trolls, the first two stories are the only ones to completely lack any nudity.
  • Fanservice Extra: Some of the characters who are not heroes or villains in Housestuck, as well as the Don's Daughters and Kamina's squad, both of them only appeared in Dawn so far but they exist in the Crconikals verse. Act 5 Vs Act 6 has the strippers that are mind-controlled by Peter Griffin, as well as Asserella.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: About half of the villains can be summed up as this.
    • Zombie Attack! has SCP-008, of all things. And just about everybody in the Kanker's army, which includes the people who editted the first season of Total Drama.
    • The horrorterror from Kids Fit the Trolls, which has absolutely zero foreshadowing.
  • Hotter and Sexier: The three Crconikals stories compared to the other intstallments.
  • Intentional Engrish for Funny: When the writing isn't Intentional Mispellings for Funny, or Intentional Correct Writing for Comprehension.
  • Killed Off for Real: Despite being set in rather surreal (if through intended bad writing) worlds with, at times, inconsistent and nonsensical physics, most of the deaths are really deaths and permanent ones as well. The exceptions are listed below:
    • The Eds' EDventure: No exceptions in the first chapter, though eventually Eddy and Girlfriend build a machine to revive various characters. However, some still die just in time for Zombie Attack!
    • Zombie Attack!: Heloise in the old version (brought back by Homer Simpson) and the Kanker sisters in both versions (self-revived into Avatars, then fused into Giga Kanker). The Kankers are finally killed for good in Gumball Vs Satan
    • Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals: Not counting Seras's inevidable transformation or any of the other vampire transformations, Jan (who turns out to have shielded himself from a giant nuke-like explosion), Captain (familiarized by Rip), and Carl (pushed off of Kamina's flying vehicle and thought to be dead).
    • Sweet Jade and Hella John: Any time John or Jade die, and the one time Jake dies. This doesn't count vampire revivals either.
    • Sheldin and Lenard Tock About Fysicks: The only story in the series thus far to have no deaths. Yet.
    • Kids Fit the Trolls: During the Darkest Hour portion, Dave is killed by Aradia and sent back in time and John is murdered by Equius. Jade saves them, at the cost of her own life, and later Rose dies just to be revived and join them too.
    • Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals: Tavros, Feferi, Equius, Gamzee, Eridan, Vriska (all six of them are killed by another troll and get revived by Pip), the Moth Reaper (first death in the China battle turned out to be a fake, but he's killed off for real in the second battle at the swamp), Homer (again, dies for real after the fakeout. He's tossed in a barrel of nuclear waste, and an intermission at the beginning of chapter 10 reveals that he survived that and became a giant mutant, but then he's killed by the Master Chief/Kamina), the entire Rainbow Crew sans Nepeta, Netimp, and Disciple (killed in a war in chapter 18, but largely thanks to Meulin and Yeulin they end up getting revived in a stem-cell machine).
    • Gumball Vs Satan: No exceptions.
    • Hecksing: The Dawn: Alucard (he seems to be paradoxically killed in chapter 6 (complete with saying his same last words), but turns out to be standing). However, he still dies in Ulumate.
    • SBIGlets: No exceptions.
    • Act 5 Vs Act 6: No exceptions, which is noteworthy since its prequel had virtually no permenant deaths. Here, when John, Aradia, Hank Hill, and Caliborn die, they all stay dead.
    • Kids Fight the Zomibes: Rick (Fakeout after his fight with Dirk, but he later dies for good) and Jane (Seems to be killed by Rick, but really came back as a demon thanks to making a last-second Deal With the Devil).
    • naruto the guy with the ninja: No actual deaths, though it's difficult to tell considering the nature of Naruto's "apocalypse" and said guy behind them.
  • Kudzu Plot: Rarely do these stories turn out to be anything simple, instead throwing on more and more and ramping up the complexity to ungodly levels. It's even worse in Act 5 Vs Act 6 and the last season of Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals, both of which outright confirm that several stories that are seemingly completely unrelated to one-another are in fact directly related. This goes as far as having "foreshadowing" that is clearly impossible considering the times the stories were written, such as EDventure's Plank turning out to be some combination of dark magic, Hank Hill, and Nepeta. EDventure was written before Nepeta even existed.
  • Makes Just as Much Sense in Context: A big staple of the series. Jade running around headless and throwing her own head like a weird boomerang! A large hadron collider-replica making a nudist Homer Simpson! A blue cat fighting against a "sexy parrot" with a human on her shoulder!
  • Mind Screw: Sheldin and Lenard is the most understandable of them so far, thanks to being visual and, unlike SJAHJ, having a simpler plot. Good luck figuring out just about anything else though, between the Engrish, Crack Fic plots, and characters coming out of nowhere.
  • Mr. Fanservice: All examples below are parodies:
    • Carl from Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals, to the extent that the author feels need to add that he does have a nice butt ("for thos that like men"). He is also not a "Bishie," unlike Luke and apparantly Alucard.
    • Gamzee Makara seems to play this in Housestuck, calling the audience "sexy motherfickers" and supposedly being this when he's recapping. This is notably absent in the other two Homestuck works of the series. He is later topped by all of the male guardians/ancestors.
    • Kamina is stated to be this in Hecksing: The Dawn.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Again, all examples below are parodies:
    • Rip in Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals. Originally Seras, but that was dropped since the end of the first chapter set and her "nice boos" have been forgotten.
    • Rip's instance does not fit this in Sweet Jade and Hella John at all (it was stated, however, that as part of Quimby's rule she was forced into sexy outfits, yet on-screen the only two outfits she wears are her canon purple suit and her faux-God Tier costume), however the comic itself has the Curser Woman and Dottie Campbell.
    • Several background characters of Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals have been described as being highly attractive — the inn-running nudist, the Carnival performers, a news reporter, and John's mom — however the only one that's part of the main cast is Porrim, whose introduction is a Naked First Impression.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals, Sweet Jade and Hella John, Sheldin and Lenard, and Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals all have nudity played for laughs, the latter arguably being the biggest contributer so far and the former being the only one in this list to lack an actual nudist. Female nudity is more often featured than male.
  • No Fourth Wall.
  • Obligatory Swearing: EDventure and Sheldin and Lenard are so far the only installments without any real swearing. This trope is, of course, played for laughs.
  • Parody Sue: Not as common as one might think. In fact, Girlfriend from EDventure and Carl from Hecksing might be the only straight examples thusfar, and the former was only added at the absolute end.
  • Production Foreshadowing:
    • John and Jade's appearance in chapter 9 of Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals was retroactively made this.
    • Carrie appears in Sweet Jade and Hella John, hinting at Gumball Vs Satan. Author's notes and a minor subplot with Dave even imply that it's the same Carrie from said fan fic.
  • Retool: As of one year after ending Sweet Jade and Hella John, a large remaking of most of the stories has begun. Fan posts day-by-day updates of it on his Tumblr page here. Sweet Jade and Hella John itself might be replaced entirely with a shorter, more to-the-point story built up from scratch titled Sweet Jade and Hella John HD (not actually in HD).
  • Ron the Death Eater: In-universe, Homer Simpson (or any Simpsons characters) is almost never a good guy. Sheldin and Lenard is one exception.
  • Sacrificial Lamb and Sacrificial Lion: Many characters, minor or seemingly major, are killed off easily and suddenly in an attempt for "drama." This even dates back to EDventure, where Ed and Edd serve those roles.
  • Stylistic Suck: As a little twist, the spelling and grammar usually improves in the case of multi-chaptered stories. Most Troll Fics do this the other way around as means of Serial Escalation, this series avoids that for realism.
  • Troll:
    • In 2/2 of his appearances so far, Jan Valentine has been this.
    • Carrie Kreuger, as her ploy was also done in such a way to garuntee pissing off Darwin. She even outright shouts "AINT I A DICK?" to him.
    • Naruto, who enjoys annoying the crap out of Rose, at least in Housestuck. It's not known how he will be in his own story, especially since it likely won't take place in the same universe as the rest of Crconikals.
  • Troll Fic: Averted. They're all written to be rather light and inoffensive, however Sweet Jade and Hella John has clear jabs against Homestuck canon later on (in the final AN this was explained because the author slowly lost interest in the original canon), and Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals is more explicit by the series's standards.
  • Viewers Are Morons: Invoked (though to note Pikmin Fan's serious works tend to play this straight sometimes), the fan fics tend to have a generally lacking respect to the reader's intellegence. Sweet Jade and Hella John constantly asks if the readers remember something that occured at a prior point in the story, Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals acts as though the readers have no access to a Roman-to-number conversion, and in Housestuck there's a gag about the reader's head exploding at a "large number" of trolls (counting both sets of ancestors and the ones Jade didn't say by name (because their names haven't been revealed yet), the number mentioned total wasn't even half of them.)
  • World of Ham: Starting from Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals.

    The Eds' EDventure  

  • Accidental Murder: Eddy shoots Edd by accident.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The kids and the Kankers. While many of them were jerks in canon, none would go as far as to kill people. Though the Kankers are the only ones who actually kill somebody (Ed), as Edd was shot by accident.
  • Babies Ever After: Girlfriend and Eddy.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The old version, which can still be found here. Ignoring the writing (which is covered very extensively in the general folder, under this same trope), this is the only fan fiction on ffn by GPF period to lack the typical bold and centered title, with the chapter number and name underneath. It also split sections through use of solid (For GPF's actual comments) and dashed (For fake-author's comments) lines, instead of using the standard linebreaks on the website.
  • Epic Fail: When Peter Griffin activates the rocket boosters of his car, he flies it so hard that it goes to the moon.
  • Humongous Mecha: Eddy's Brother/"Eddybro" makes a mecha out of his trailer, combined with the Kankermobile.
  • Missing Floor: Eddy comes across one in Ed's house when the elevator breaks down. Peter Griffin is in there for some reason.
  • Palette Swap: Girlfriend is flat-out stated to look like Nazz only with green hair instead of blonde hair.
  • Relationship Sue: invokedParodied with Girlfriend.
  • Wham Line: At the end of chapter 2: "Zombies attacked the cul-de-sac! Suddenly Edd came and said that he would fight them..." In other words, the first words of Zombie Attack! ZA is its prequel, a reveal that only makes sense if you read both stories
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Averted by giving the Cul-de-sac the location of Los Angeles.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: After killing the kids, the Kankers come out of nowhere to provide new villains.

    Zombie Attack! 

  • Cliffhanger: It turns out that the Kanker sisters have fused into "Giga Kanker." Gumball Vs Satan is where this plot picks off, not in any future chapters of ZA itself.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: Invoked. When the Kankers become "Avatars," it's first implied based on the pot holing that it's the Avatar avatars (the Na'vi hybrids), but then they use fire bending powers....
  • Crossover Couple: invokedBetween Edd and Heloise in the old version. The new version ret-cons it out.
  • Dead All Along: This is a sequel to EDventure, where Eddy died in the second chapter. The reason why Eddy, at least, is never mentioned was because he was dead the entire time.
  • Demoted to Extra: Ed and Eddy, compared to the last story. Edd himself is an Ascended Extra (again, comparing stories here).
  • Hijacked by Ganon: The main villains of this story turn out to be the Kanker Sisters after a confusing battle with the virus itself, who were also the villains of EDventure and would later be used as the apparant main antagonists for a non-SBIG work Movie Day two years later.
  • Logic Bomb: Stewie blows up upon seeing his future self. Which is odd because the same does not happen to Edd when he's fighting his future (and later past) selves, even though there is a specific point where it mentioned that he does in fact see himself.
  • One-Winged Angel: The Kankers, reviving into Avatars and then fusing into Giga Kanker.
  • Stable Time Loop: Edd's time car traveling, inspired by What has tobe Riped of. Before Edd travels back in time, he hits himself from the future by accident, who then charges at him in his own car. They fight until Edd accidentally hits the right speed just before killing his future self and is transported back in time. After stopping the zombie virus and returning to his original timeline, Edd is then hit by his past self and temporarly loses memory of what happened, hopping into the copy of the time car and attacking his past self and almost getting killed by him. Yet this raises a question: The existance of the post-time travel Edd in the timeline where the zombies were attacking, and vise-a-versa after Edd "fixes" the problem raise the question on if Edd actually did stop the virus in the first place.
  • Stealth Sequel: To EDventure, something not evident in this story itself at all. It's only evident after reading EDventure.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: The main plot for the first half.

    Sheldin and Lenard... 

  • Animation Bump: Compared to Sweet Jade and Hella John, it's obvious that Pikmin Fan put actual effort into making it look crappy this time.
  • Minimalist Cast: It may only be two comics long so far, but the cast has been limited to the titular characters and Homer Simpson. And maybe Mario.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Homer Simpson.
  • Short-Runner: Word of God says on his profile that there may only be five comics. While the delay between the second and the still-not-out third comic is large, that would make it have a rather small run and possibly be the shortest SBIG installment depending on how you count the comic's visuals.
  • Take That!: The second comic is like a Take That! at certain video game parodies that go for obnoxiously obvious puns.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: To Homer Simpson, for actually portraying him as a decent person.

    Kids Fit the Trolls 

  • Adaptational Villainy: The Horrorterrors are unambiguously evil in this verse, considering one of them posessed Feferi for seemingly no reason other than to steal an atom and get rich off of it.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Invoked with almost everyone. Except Feferi, who acts more like Meenah if anything.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: It turns out Feferi was brainwashed by the Horrorterror the entire time.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Aradia's conversation to Rose after killing Dave. Jade hacks into it, finding that it gives her exactly what she needs to know to excecute her plan to save everybody.
  • Crack Pairing: Invoked. The faux-author apparantly ships Dave/Aradia. But this isn't really noticable outside of the mention, seeing how they interact. Ultimatley averted in the end, as all of the humans got together with their canon-patron trolls (except Jade).
  • Demoted to Extra: Every troll except Feferi and maybe Vriska. Also, the post-scratch kids are reduced to a quick appearance in the time 1980s portion and Jane and Roxy are both absent.
  • Deus ex Machina: Chapter 5 was a massive one. At one point, Jade outright has to get her own head punched off by Equius and her headless body throws it like a boomerang in order for it to reach Rose.
  • Funny Afro: Jake had one, because it's (where he is present as a kid) the 80s.
  • Formula-Breaking Episode: Everything about this in comparison to the other SBIG fics. It's a lot more "vanilla" and willing to joke around with Homestuck fandom memes, and it includes God-Tiering, which none of GPF's other Homestuck fan fics do to any of the main player characters (unless you count the Coolstuck group in Sweet Jade and Hella John). It's also his only story where even Karkat and Nepeta are victims to his usual case of Demoted to Extra (Nepeta wouldn't be that noteworthy, but seeing her past in Sweet Jade and Hella John as the most important character, and her future in Housestuck and 496 as seemingly having decent roles...). 496 Reasons... has more in common with Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals than this does, to give an example. Then comes Act 5 Vs Act 6 and Kids Fight the Zombies, both of which are a lot closer in tone to the other SBIG installments in terms of Black Comedy and establishing that no character is truly safe from getting killed off.
  • Karma Houdini:
    • Dave completely gets away with punching Jake even though he didn't need to, and Jake didn't deserve it.
    • Aradia murders two people and gets off scott-free with it. Equius also gets away from killing one. Gamzee is likewise implied to have killed other characters.
  • Mind Screw: The prom subplot. If Dirk's still marrying the person he didn't marry in the present, wouldn't that still cause a time paradox? What caused the time paradox in the first place? How did Doc Brown know about Dave's family? Did Dave punching Jake even change anything, and if so what? If Dirk and Roxy aren't Dave's biological parents like they are in canon, who is? For that matter, it's never revealed if the ectosiblings live together in this world or not (the notion of Jade's house at the beginning implies they don't), but if they don't then the prom subplot gets even more ridiculous.
  • Mythology Gag: Jade's tank-delorian is based off of the second car in The Eds' EDventure, Edd's time car in Zombie Attack!, and Alucard's tank in Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Vriska can be invisible just by painting her face black... even though she did that in a white/colorful room. (Jade's room.)
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Half of the trolls that appear in the story. All twelve of them are supposed to be trying to stop the kids from regaining their atom, and while Tavros at least tries, Karkat and Nepeta let their enemies walk right past them, Kanaya... doesn't seem to have fighting as a high priority if Rose is ivolved, Gamzee is too busy killing people in another story, Eridan is only written as a parody of his badly characterized "fanon" self, and Terezi... doesn't appear at all during the tower climb and has no characterization other than as "Dave's girlfriend."
  • Ship Sinking: Parodied. In the very last line, Karkat and Jade do not get together because Karkat says the f word too much.
  • Shout-Out: The groin being refered to as "kiwis" constantly.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?
    • Petey Piranha vanishes after chapter 3, a mere single chapter after his actual introduction. He gets a brief mention just when the kids are about to face against Feferi, but again nothing actually happens in this mention. In Act 5 Vs Act 6, Gooper Blooper's conversations imply that he's still alive (or, at the very least, that John didn't kill him), but not much else. And Gooper Blooper himself vanishes after he helps out the "Act 6" team reach the Death Skull.
    • To a lesser extent, the plot about Dave needing to "STOP THE PROM" is dropped as suddenly and inexplicably as it's brought up. Even in Act 5 Vs Act 6, where Doc Brown makes a re-appearance.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: Chapter 6's second half has is this to Back to the Future, where the kids meet Doc Brown and Brown suddenly tells them that Dave is in danger of not existing because his father is dating someone who isn't his mother. Dave, somehow, knows that he has to "STOP THE PROM!"

    Gumball Vs Satan 

  • Ambiguously Evil: This is how Rocky is portrayed. He reacts to any questions about how he got weapons or knowledge of weapons with "Sh..."
  • Brick Joke: In Sweet Jade and Hella John, Dave suddenly leaves to attack someone he considers "rehashing." Years later, this story updates and finally reveals what he was doing: Carrie was, in short, rehashing the part in Homestuck where Doc Scratch took over the narrative. And Dave — who had been a crazy murderer at this point — went over to kill her for... some reason.
  • Call-Back: Carrie warning Gumball about windows. Though if anything, Carrie's cameo in Sweet Jade and Hella John might be a retroactive callback to this.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: Invoked. The boulder that chases Gumball and Misami is refered to as "Indiana Jones." And he (that's right, he) is treated as an actual living character, right down to talking when he falls into a pit.
  • Crack Pairing: Invoked with Darwin and Penny. They somehow even got engaged in the first chapter, much to Gumball's dismay.
  • Decoy Protagonist: Gumball may be the first true example of this since Alucard from Hecksing, dying off in the second chapter and showing that even as the titular character you're not safe.
  • Eldritch Location: Gumborn turns Elmore/his whole multiverse from an ambiguous example to an unambiguous example after mixing it up with the Void.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Carrie, dressing up as a Knight of Time from Homestuck shortly after her revival.
  • Excuse Plot: This entire thing starts out because some random group (that includes Satan for some reason) couldn't find a better way to repair a ladder.
  • Faux Symbolism: Invoked. By the end of the story, subjects such as "killing God" crop up awkwardly and straight from nowhere. In fact, it's one of the final lines of the fic, complete with Darwin "looking at the readers."
  • Final Boss, New Dimension: Sort of. The final battle takes place in a merging of the World of Elmore and the Void.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: In chapter 4, Carrie hijacks the narrative and takes over. She then kills Great Pikmin Fan when he tries to get the story back.
  • Foreshadowing: Cross-story, but one of Carrie's stories confirms that Kids Fit the Trolls and Act 5 Vs Act 6 actually take place a few decades after The Eds' EDventure and Zombie Attack!, the latter two of which are set in the 70s. She mentions something about these researchers further into the future. Come Act 5 Vs Act 6, said researchers travel back in time and end up right there with the regular gang.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Notably has a higher number of these than most installments, with Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals being the only real contender of beating it. Chapter 2 has one for each location:
    • Those mysterious shiverburn figures/"trees" from Super Mario Galaxy 2 show up randomly in the Forest of Death, but don't really do much of anything.
    • Clint Eastwood (seemingly as the Man With no Name), appearing in the Desert of Western and holding the Fire Key. Gumball has to rap against him.
    • The pirate that guards the ship in the Snowlands of Ice.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Amazingly, the Kankers still manage to be the final enemies in the story despite having nothing to do with it for half of the chapters.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Here's hoping you're caught up with Gumball canon, because this drops Penny's true form and the nature of the Void in very casual manners!
  • Mythology Gag: Upon killing off Gumball, Carrie shouts "AINT I A DICK?" [sic] Dave in aformentioned pot holed comic shouted (well, typed) this line after John read the update of his comic where he killed off well-liked character Geromy. There is another connection between Carrie and Dave in that they both killed off heirs: Gumball was supposed to inheiret a fortune, and Geromy is the Heir of Breath in the webcomic within a webcomic.
  • Naked on Revival: Subverted with Carrie, who is both said to be naked right after revival and later revealed to have still been as a ghost, because apparantly anything other than a hairclip is too expensive when it comes to ghost clothes. Downplayed, though, because nobody makes a big deal about it. And it's implied that... whatever species she is, it's subject to Barbie Doll Anatomy (again, what with being naked as a ghost).
  • Never Trust a Title: Gumball dies before he ever gets a chance to fight off Satan. Satan/Omarn himself isn't even the main antagonist.
  • Parody Sue: Eliza starts out mocking the usual self-insert love interest, but it becomes obvious early on that she's a villain.
  • Reset Button: Downplayed. While all deaths remained and all progress had stayed, the Void is gone and the World is no longer sentient anymore, and Gumborn's damage to the world is completely reversed.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Invoked in both cases.
    • Tobias, who for no reason kidnaps Penny and serves as the first real main enemy Gumball faces.
    • Carrie, who was secretly plotting a gambit to become god. Or something.
  • Running Gag: Shits does all the dirty work. Most of the time he's mentioned, there's some statement about his job as doing all the dirty work.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Mr. Small, one of the first casualties before the "real" plotline kicks in. If you could call it that.
  • Satan: Goes by the name of Omarn.
  • Ship Sinking: The end of the first chapter sinks Gumball/Penny after Penny reveals that she is engaged with Darwin they apparantly plan on wedding after a few years.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Carrie's Death Note explodes after Darwin shoots it.
  • Terrible Trio: Omarn, Shits, and Giggles are set up as this for the first half. Another Terrible Trio from a canon story ends up hijacking the plot, this one a little more... humany and... Kanker-y...
  • Walking Spoiler: Quite a number for such a short fanwork:
    • Carrie, who was Evil All Along.
    • Gumball Dies a third of the way into the fic and gets re-posessed by Jealousy into Gumborn.
    • Edd and the Kankers, making an unexpected cross-multiverse crossover thanks to various powerful traveling devices.
  • Warmup Boss: Tobias.
  • Wham Episode:
    • In chapter 2, Gumball dies. His body in inexplicably possessed by Jealousy.
    • Chapter 4 has Carrie "hijacking the narrative" and talking about various other stories (confirming how things are related and previewing some future fics) as well as Satan dying. Also, Edd from Zombie Attack! crosses multiverses to end up there.

    Act 5 Vs Act 6 

  • Deconstructive Parody: Most of the point of Caliborn's plan with the Crossover Crystal is a shot at mass-crossovers with a "villains unite"-themed plot. Namely, if you bring a vast amount of villains from very different works together, they're likely not going to listen to you unless you give them a good reason to. The Cartoon Network villains are quick to completely rebell against Caliborn, with Katz killing him for good measure.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 7 implies that this is strongly connected to some of Fan's other works, mainly Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals and its related stories. Plank finally talks for the first time — the dark magic in him was a seperate, living entity — and tells the group that there's this other multiverse and several "key characters" are really just reincarnations. Also, Peter Griffin really was the true final villain of the story... at least, with Plank at his side.

    The Homestuck Thanksgiving Special ("Chapter 1" Spoilers Unmarked!) 

  • Disguised Horror Story: Parodied. The opening chapter pretends that the whole story is just Thanksgiving-themed fluff, written in an over-the-top cutsey way. Then John heards the doorbell and greets some guests. But the guests turn out to be zombies, who rip off his head. Twice somehow. And then, to establish what kind of story this really is, the blood starts forming the real title, Kids Fight the Zombies.
  • First-Episode Twist: John dies, and it turns out this isn't Thanksgiving-themed fluff so much as it is a Zombie Apocalypse-themed story.
  • Follow the Leader: Very blatantly inspired by the Sonic Zombie series, with the beginning being very close to Origins. It branches off into a slightly more original plotline shortly after.
  • Spoiler Title: The entire story is really named Kids Fight the Zombies according to Fan's word. However, the first chapter gives it the fake name of The Homestuck Thanksgiving Special to make it seem cuddlier than it realy is.

    naruto the guy with the ninja (Chapter 1 Spoilers Unmarked!) 

  • Evil Costume Switch: In chapter 3, Naruto changes his outfit to reference a bit of a fan fic trend to change Naruto's Highly-Visible Ninja suit.
  • Expy: Sasuke is characterized in a similar way as the Captain was in Crconikals and Sweet Jade and Hella John.
  • First-Episode Twist: Naruto isn't the protagonist of the story; he's the Big Bad. Sasuke is the real hero and it's about him getting a band together to prevent Naruto from "haremizing" the world.
  • Flanderization:
    • Alucard is considerably more childish than his Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals self. There might be some mild justification as it is heavily implied that these are not the same Alucards, but it's still quite a leap from the last installments he was in.
    • Kamina. In his debut in Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals, he was mostly regarded as a mature yet responsible party animal with a high-rank in the Spartan Time Travel corps. In Hecksing: The Dawn, he enters his rivalry with Alucard proper and is shown to be a bit less mature than that. (Although that could be justified under Alucard and Kamina never crossing paths during the events of HUC proper — the former was dead by the time the latter rejoined.) As guy with the ninja goes on, he's flat-out getting in to childish debates with Alucard here.
  • Insult Backfire: Kamina, admist childish bickering with Alucard, tries to make a comeback at Alucard joking about his "hot ass" comment towards Leonard (Leonard warmed the seat of the motorcycle Kamina was about to ride) by saying that maybe the "true couple" is him and Alucard. Then he remembers that he's just Kamina, so he still made a joke at his own expense,
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Naruto is a blatant sexist and (when it comes to guy/guy) homophobe. He also wants to take over the entire world.
  • Take That!:
    • A lighthearted one at bash fics/harem fics/overpowered Naruto fics. Namely, while some of these do happen, Naruto is very clearly the bad guy and it's more of a tale of how the (much nicer) Sasuke steps up to stop him.
    • The Running Gag of Naruto having brainwashed-Haku insist that Haku was always female is a pretty direct jab at an old fanon that Haku was "actually a woman the whole time." Especially if it's used for the purpose of shipping/harem stories.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Compared to his canon self, Sasuke's a pretty happy and outgoing guy.

    The Journals of Wisdom, Power, and Courage 


  • Aborted Arc: Dipper's hunt for the keys was planned to last the whole story, but did not. It was cut short with the explanation that Nzyvo found a key that let anyone with a "Power" transport all of the other non-special keys over to Finalayer.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Parodied and gender-inverted, with Professor Dove trying to seduce Soos by being a "bad girl" in chapter 5, when they're already together. This also describes Soos, Melody, and Rumble's relationship with the .GIFfany copies in general, in a broader term.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Dipper lost an arm in an incident that took place before the story began. Mabel and Nzyvo each lose a different leg towards the end of their battle. Pacifica loses an arm over the timeskip, and Spooky's — actually a prequel to this — explains Dipper's missing arm.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: The Journals themselves after coming to life.
  • Arc Number: This combines Fan's re-occuring use of 616 with the show's 618. There's 616 "standard" keys and two mysterious "special" keys, bringing the total up to 618.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The Love God revealing his "true form" in Chapter 6. He undergoes a number of grotesque, Body Horror transformations. Then in the end... it's just his original appearance, but with red skin and a lot of tattos reading "666."
  • Ascended Extra:
    • The show's previous Monsters of the Week all havee much bigger roles, some of them even dwarfing Bill's role in this story. Just like run:gifocalypse (although not nearly to as big of an extent), .GIFfany has a lot of focus to the point of being a member of the Spotlight-Stealing Squad. Joining her this time, however, are Rumble (which is to be expected, given how he's a fellow video game-being and they even end up together in canon) and the Summerween Trickster (which is a little less expected). Downplayed with the others — the Shape Shifter and Pterodactyl are at least reoccuring in the form of Nzyvo's Quirky Miniboss Squad, but are still pretty "episodic" in terms of their role in the story. Ma and Pa are also episodic returning weekly monsters, but at least they get a second storyline devoted to fighting them.
    • Melody is a member of the main cast following chapter 4 instead of being Soos' love interest with a major role in only one episode. The end of the first half implies that she will have an important role in the story running for president of the United States.
    • Pacifica is actively involved with the main plot instead of being a side-character that gets caught up in a few weekly-monster situations, although she is not Dipper's love interest. Or Mabel's, for that matter. She's the sister of both of them.
  • Baseball Episode: Parodied with the second challenge to becoming president. A "Baseball" match that is nothing like the sport, and even that quickly flies off the rails.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted. .GIFfany gets the utter shit kicked out of her from the Lust Devil, and ends up with a giant hole through her and covered in blood. She makes a full recovery from both.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Love potions are still one of Professor Dove's.
    • Great Pikmin Fan's Author Avatar seems a bit hot-tempered in general, but do not say anything along the lines of calling King of the Hill a clone of The Simpsons. His conversation with Burnda got really heated (with her fire powers nor the setting being a hot spring having anything to do with it), but he outright tried to attack her when she trollishly asked what the difference between Homer and Hank was.
  • Big Red Devil: The true appearance of the Love God/Lust Devil. It looks exactly like his "disguise" (read: his canonical appearance), but red, covered in "666" tattoos, with a pitchfork, and only wearing a large loincloth.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: When giving his first speech running for president, Stan promises more freedom, more jobs, legalizing public urination (specifically, for drunk people), and the relatively tame banning porn. The third one gets a bunch of cheers as do the first two. The last one, though, is what causes his popularity to plummet.
  • Brick Joke: In the beginning of Chapter 6, .GIFfany is showing off the new thongs she bought to Soos. They supposedly get progressively skimpier; she manages to show two and implies that the last one is especially kinky, but a naked Stan interrupts her before she could take it out. By the end of the chapter, we find out what it is. The chapter is extremely long, so it definitely counts as a lengthy Brick Joke.
  • Bring Me My Brown Pants: Dipper pisses himself in Chapter 5 when he sees Nzyvo coming after him, with no mecha or no real protection.
  • The Bus Came Back: Chapter 6 sees the return of GPF's Author Avatar from Sweet Jade and Hella John, his last appearance being back in Gumball Vs Satan (which was, in a way, tied to his appearance in SJAHJ).
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • Nothing ever really goes Dipper's way. Not only is it more apparent as the first half goes on that he's not the hero, but he spends most of the story getting dragged around by Journal 3 getting keys. His only real "ability" is to teleport away. He ends up getting kidnapped by a creepy derivative of Bill that wants to marry him, and he finds out that one of the girls he has a crush on is actually his long-lost biological sister.
    • "Creepypasta Sonic" is taken seriously by a grand total of zero characters and his "battle" just ends with him getting kicked away to parts unknown. Spooky's retroactively makes this worse, as it too has a "Creepypasta X" character, only the "X" is Ronald McDonald. And Creepypasta Ronald is still more of a threat than Creepypasta Sonic. So it's not just a "Creepypasta X" thing in SBIG, it's specifically a Creepypasta Sonic thing.
    • Great Pikmin Fan's self-insert. It's implied that nobody really likes him, and both Bubbles and Burnda enjoy messing with him. The former just pokes him to annoyance, the latter insults one of his favorite shows... which happens to be Gravity Falls itself.
  • Call-Back: In canon, Ford describes an over-clingy relationship with a sibling as "suffocating." In the game, we find out Dipper was nearly suffocated by Mabel before birth. In Journals, Chapter 6 opens with Mabel having a vision/"Inward Journey" which ends with a shadowy, Mabel-looking thing appearing behind Dream Dipper and him suffocating shortly after. It also references Hush from The Binding of Isaac.
  • Calvin Ball: Baseball is this, given that it starts out implying that it's set up more like American Football and things go downhill from there. For one thing, the ball has a button on it that can turn it in to a sword. Canadian Baseball is apparently the same thing, but with a field of lava and tornados flying everywhere.
  • The Chosen One: The people who were given the "Powers." Dipper, with the Power of Courage; Nzyvo, with the Power of Power; and Pacifica, with the Power of Wisdom.
  • Contrived Coincidence: The fact that Nzyvo just so happened to end up with another Northwest, all for the sake of her technically being "Northwest twins" with Pacifica.
  • Crack Pairing: Invoked. In chapter 4, Stan enters a very heavy, very sexual relationship with... the Summerween Trickster. Also, Soos ends up reconciling with .GIFfany while they're both still dating Melody and Rumble respectively, decide to become a foursome, and bring the other copies of .GIFfany in for the fun too.
  • Decoy Protagonist: Dipper. He doesn't die like a few of the other such characters in SBIG, but as the first half goes on, it's made increasingly clear that this is really Mabel's story, not his.
  • Demoted to Extra: The narrator admits in Chapter 7 that he's desperately trying to avoid this with certain key characters. Namely, the Journals and the Golden Goddesses, who technically kick off the plot in the first place.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Nzyvo isn't the main antagonist. Chapter 5 ends with her being on... somewhat good terms with the Pines, and there's still the entire second half of the story to go over.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him:
    • Chapter 7 very suddenly offs Bill Cipher right at the beginning. His form dissolves and he talks about his "components" finally being split, whatever that means. The answer is in Housestuck: The Split, which did not exist at the time of the chapter.
    • In Chapter 7, Great Pikmin Fan's Author Avatar suddenly becomes very stalker-ish towards .GIFfany, prompting her to throw him in lava in a call back to Soos frying her disc back in canon.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • Word of God was that the first one and a half chapters were written back when he had seen very little of Gravity Falls, and the story was going to go in another direction. It shows there. He tried to invoke this by having a Nzyvo fight before she set up a more established "gang," which helps. Notably, Nzyvo only really gets the help of one random supernatural threat (the ghost couple from "The Inconveniencing") instead of her established Quirky Miniboss Squad and there is far more emphasis placed on the key-hunting. (The focus on key-hunting in particular was later dropped completely.)
    • Chapter 6 was written just before GPF decided to have the Lust Devil actually be part of a close-knit group of seven with the other major antagonists for the Second Half, and before he linked them with the Seven Evil Exes. As a result, it feels off when Sloth Devil suddenly reveals himself and drops all of these major plot points in what should be the early-mid arc.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Bill (possessing Gideon, at Gideon's own request) vs Not-Bill in chapter 3. One of them is a Stalker with a Crush that wants to force Dipper to marry him. The other is actually worse, a demon trying to destroy reality for fun. The Mystery Shack crew could have stepped in and fought, but it was ultimately Bill who took on Not-Bill in battle and fired him out of a canon in to the Sun.
  • Expy:
    • As this story is inspired by The Light of Courage, the Journals are the Triforces as massive jerks. Both take a common, familiar "trio" from their canons, bring them to life and make them talk, and (in the case of the animations for the Triforces) they're given cartoon-y arms and legs.
    • Modascend, Mabel's "chosen patron deity," is basically an immortal godly Kamina.
    • Continuing with Gurren Lagann: Mable the Typomonster, the fic's true Big Bad, is an expy of the Anti-Spiral.
    • The Love God's appearance here shares many things in common with Zorin Blitz (the fic itself explicitely points out one of these things in common). Her canon self, not her self in Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals. Both of them are brutal sadists, both cast illusions that are broken by characters in a relationship combining memories, both ride in on zeppilens, and both are "crushed like bugs." Also, there is a refusal to blow them up under the belief that they don't really deserve it — Zorin goes down for underestimating Seras and just wasn't detonated; Lust Devil avoids a Giga Drill break, because as the narrative explains, that method of killing him off would have been "too cool" for a guy like that.
    • The Seven Evil Devils are loosely, retroactively based on the Seven Evil Exes, especially starting with the third one (Greed Devil) paralleling with Todd Ingram. (Although Lust (by coincidence) and Sloth do have a few things in common with Matthew Patel and Lucas Lee, respectively.)
  • Fan Disservice:
    • Ever wanted to see a nude, buff man with the head of Journal 3 itself? Or Waddles in a more humanoid, also naked body? No? Then be thankful that the events shown at the very beginning of the first chapter are not going to happen, as a deliberate nod to Gurren Lagann having an introduction that was unlike the direction the story would end up going. On the other hand, the lack of an aged-up Wendy running around in only a single piece of tape on her crotch might disappoint some.
    • Stan's entire relationship with the Summerween Trickster, a giant, sapient mass of "loser candy." This includes a relatively graphic (without getting into actual sex) description of Stan getting undressed and the two of them making a condom joke. Not to mention that Stan is in his 60s and has not aged as well as his brother had. Oh, and they try to do it in Dipper's bed. Dipper has to constantly spray them with a water bottle to convince them otherwise. Good luck looking at a candy wrapper the same way ever again.
    • Ever since .GIFfany shred his clothes by mistake (she was trying to kill him instead), Soos walks around butt-naked for the rest of the story. It reaches a point where he inexplicably opts against wearing a helmet on a motorcycle after being asked if that technically means he will be putting on a form of clothes.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Near the end of Chapter 5, Melody and Stan decide to run for presidency. This turns out to be a bit more important to the plot than it seems — Fan says that it will span to at least Chapter 8, so it did not end up being a plotline for one chapter like "The Stanchurian Candidate."
    • Near the beginning of Chapter 6, Mabel and .GIFfany go in to a sensory depravation tank and experience an "Inward Journey" caused by inhaling Sandy's drugs second-hand. .GIFfany just saw Spiderman hitting her in the groin with a sledgehammer and suddenly came to a Heel Realization. Mabel, on the other hand, is directly told by a "Dream Dipper" that her personality as it stands is heading on a dark path and she could get others killed with her selfishness. It ends with a shadowy, Mabel-shaped figure appearing behind him and him suffocating to death. The shadowy figure based on Mabel's flaws fits Mable the Typomonster, the story's true Big Bad.
  • Gag Penis: The Love God/Lust Devil, who is stated to be wearing a huge loincloth in his true form. When the .GIFfany Army burns it off, he has a large censor bar underneath.
  • Good All Along: Nzyvo, who wasn't really evil, but more of a puppet of the mysterious "Typomonster."
  • Hotter and Sexier: Chapter 4 sees a huge bump up in sexualization compared to the previous chapters. And considering the .GIFfanys and gods, the fic in general in this to Gravity Falls.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Mable the Typomonster. She's an expy of the Anti-Spiral and follows after his design of being a living... shadow thing.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: Soos. The end of Chapter 6 reveals that his screams are like those of the "Loud Ni(a)g(a)ra" meme. He's in a mecha the size of a city, and Bill Cipher is able to hear him a good distance away. (Possibly the other people around.)
  • It Makes Sense in Context: Reportedly this is what the "flash forward" beginning was going to be like. However, thanks to in-universe What Could Have Been, the reader would just have to take the alter ego-author's word that elements such as Soos having fairy wings, Waddles and Journal 3 getting buff naked humanoid bodies, Wendy's extremely questionable choice of attire, and the spaceship version of the Shackan Lagann would have just made sense in that version.
  • Ignore the Fanservice:
    • In chapter 4, .GIFfany tries to seduce Soos by undressing herself and revealing... that she has DVDs of various science fiction series in the inside of her clothes. Soos cares about the DVDs and barely even notices that she's naked. Meanwhile, Rumble is clearly interested in the show, and Melody is downright flustered by her. Subverted when she turns around and he is interested in her butt. In this verse, Soos is definitely an ass-man.
    • Great Pikmin Fan's Author Avatar refuses to oggle someone who doesn't want to be seen naked. When Melody accidentally gets in to a position where she exposes herself to him in the hot springs, he averts his eyes and tells her to put her leg down.
  • Irony:
    • Manly Dan is made to a proud, stereotypical internet Straw Feminist who really hates white men. He's a buff, masculine white man and pretty much the opposite of a negative feminist stereotype. Meanwhile, Tambry does not believe in political correctness or diversity at all, yet it's heavily implied that her group of online friends are diverse and she herself follows the "dyed hair teen-ish girl" image that is associated with the type of people she hates. As of Chapter 6, nobody has bothered to point out the hypocracy on either side.
    • .GIFfany — A domestically abusive, psychopathic, murderous yandere — is presented as someone who could potentially be worked with and recognize her own flaws. The Love God, who canonically was more of an Anti-Villain? He's made in to an awful piece of shit inside and out. Hell, the former even calls out the latter on what true love really is. This would be something unthinkable in a number of other fan fiction, even ones that do try redeeming her.
  • Jerkass: The Journals, at least #3, aren't exactly nice. 3 keeps bothering Dipper about the keys and even wakes him up early into the night.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: It turns out that the story implying that Nzyvo might be a kind of alternate world counterpart of Mabel was all just a Red Herring. They are plain ol' sisters that look alike. Pacifica is another sister and another example of the trope, if one that looks less like any of the other three Pine kids.
  • Meaningful Name: "Finalayer" looks like "Final" and "Layer," the latter of which sounds exactly like "Lair." and it's the final lair of the first half of the story.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Parodied with .GIFfany — she's stated to be stacked, has a large ass, doesn't wear a bra, have a large collection of panties, and does not give a crap about going around completely naked. She also has a huge number of other copies willing to change their appearance to become a sort-of Themed Harem (in this case, monster girls). The end of chapter 4 has a number of them preparing food in nothing but aprons, while a small group of them takes up the showers.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Chapter 4 (the most sexual chapter in the story) has a number of nods to chapter 7 from Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals (the most sexual chapter of it). Such as certain characters trying to sleep in a neutral party's bed (Integra's in HUC, Dipper's in Journals), a "sex scene" being "censored" in the narrative to avoid the necessity to bump up the age rating, and the fact that group sex was used to stop a number of psychotic villains. It also has a pointed out call back to the very end of HUC. One of the reactions that the skyscraper-people have to seeing Melody's naked ass against their window is the same as one of the reactions to the city of London seeing Hecksing naked.
    • Chapter 4 in general is similar to GPF's previous run:gifocalypse, just mostly condensed in to one chapter and with polygamy thrown in. Also, the canonical .GIFfany is less terrible than her other copies.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Happens with a good number of the members of Soos' "harem," but it's the most apparent with Soos himself, as he flat-out refuses to get dressed under the grounds of... well, he never really explains his logic of that.
  • Naked People Trapped Outside: Happens briefly and near the end of chapter 4. Soos, .GIFfany, Melody, and Rumble all get back to th Mystery Shack in the buff, although Melody is the only one that minds. There were clothes nearby, except most of them were the revealing outfits of the other .GIFfany copies, and Melody would rather just brace towards going out in the nude than try to find something that is actually practical. Melody and Rumble's own clothes were destroyed by Professor Eve, while .GIFfany's was way back in a forest in .GIFfany Land and Soos's was destroyed by .GIFfany even earlier than that.
  • Naked Apron: An outfit briefly described being worn by a group of .GIFfanys near the end of Chapter 4.
  • Noodle Incident: Chapter 6 suggests that Soos tried to power up/"feed" .GIFfany by sticking an outlet up her ass. The details are never really elaborated on, including why he thought that would be a good idea.
  • Obviously Evil:
    • Professor Eve is, to sum it up, a color-inverted .GIFfany (but not literally). Try doing that in MS Paint to get a very vague idea of what she looks like.
    • The story does not try to sugarcoat the Love God at all, even before the reveal of his true form. His actual true form is red-skinned and covered in 666 tattoos.
  • One-Man Army: Nzyvo. Can take down a good chunk of the townsfolk in Gravity Falls, the Mystery Shack group, and the entirety of .GIFfany's copy army. In the same fight. She can also effortlessly throw the Gideon-Bot away.
  • Parody Sue:
    • Nzyvo, of the Copy Cat Sue and Villain Sue varieties. She's described as a "lazy palette swap of Mabel" by the summary itself, yet has very powerful abilities and holds a number of the show's canonical one-off villains on her side. Interestingly, she first starts off with Lazengann before Mabel gets Lagann, meaning that Mabel ends up copying Nzyvo in that aspect. With the reveal that she was Good All Along, Nzyvo throws on this further, getting a bunch of "unneeded sympathy."
    • Soos skyrockets into this as of chapter 4. He has a harem in the millions — and a Tumblr post from Great Pikmin Fan contains a blatant cipher that implies that they will be making even more copies of .GIFfany (similar to her run:gifocalypse counterpart starting up a machine that makes more of them) — he not only does not lose the sweet girlfriend he already has, but also reforms his superpowered living video game girlfriend and all of her copies, and starts dating her superpowered living video game boyfriend. Not only does he and his three "main" lovers now have a harem that practically worships them, but it's implied that he just about has .GIFfany Land to himself, which is a sort of personalized paradise. All of this is in sharp contrast to Dipper, who goes through the story in a series of long, painful, slow journeys without any real fun on his part and all of his ships being slowly killed off.
  • Plot Armor: .GIFfany explicitly says that she survives a number of scenarios in the story because the author loves her. Rumble and the Trickster end up surviving the same thing, and appear to have similar plot armor protecting them.
  • Political Overcorrectness: Parodied with Manly Dan's crowd of lumberjacks, who as Chapter 6 reveals are basically your stereotypical keyboard "SJW." The fic also makes fun of the opposite extreme at the same time with Tambry's crowd of "online friends" (distinct from the other teenagers she's seen hanging out with in canon), who are over-the-top trolls against any sort of political correctness and with a heavily implied paedophilia fetish.
  • Red Herring:
    • The fic was retroactively written so that the beginning has a bizarre "flash forward" to what is not how the story is going to go in a deliberate throwback to the beginning of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. In it, a 19/20 year-old Dipper is seen along a Mystery Shack-spaceship hybrid where he has a crew consisting of Journal 3 (given a human body but otherwise keeping the book as his head), Waddles (given sapience and a more humanoid form), Soos (who is naked and with fairy wings), the Pterodactyl (with cyber parts), and Wendy (who is wearing nothing but a single piece of duct tape over her vagina). He also has a robotic left arm, has a glowing drill on a necklace, and the narrative almost makes it blatantly obvious that Mabel is dead by this point. Anyone who knew about the opening to Gurren Lagann would find that, by the time the story goes to "the future," the actual fic would not be like this. Lo and behold, Mabel is the one piloting Lagann (IE with the core drill) instead of Dipper and does not appear to be on death row any time soon. The Pterodatcyl is also dead by chapter 3. Soos does end up getting naked and it is heavily implied that he will stay that way, but jury's out on his fairy wings. So in an odd way, the beginning is foreshadowing some elements, they are just burried under a bunch of lies.
    • The very first chapter of the story introduces Nzyvo, whose name is just Mabel's put in an Atbash cipher. She also looks like Mabel, but Darker and Edgier, and she pilots a mecha that Mabel eventually finds the Good Counterpart to. Towards the end of the first half, she also talks a lot about finding a certain relative. It sounds a lot like she's some kind of Alternate Self in search for her alternate Dipper, right? Nope. She's a sister. She just looks weird and has these super-abilities because she was a government experiment. There isn't a "Dipper counterpart" — the closest would be Pacifica.
    • .GIFfany undergoes a throwback to Kamina's death from Gurren Lagann — she's impaled through the back from a sneak-attack from below, her blood gets everywhere, yet she manages to stand up and combine with her friends to finish off the enemy, ending in a Giga Drill Break. She even gives a speech that amounts to telling Soos to believe in himself (and his own relationship), and finishes off by saying "Later, buddy..." she doesn't actually die, and makes a full recovery two seconds after Soos tells her she'll make a ful recovery.
  • Redemption Equals Sex: Gender-inverted: Soos is pretty much credited as the one to redeem all of the .GIFfany copies, and shortly after his (off-screen due to its hour+ long length) speech they all have sex. Rumble and Melody are involved too, except neither of them was really "evil." (Rumble just has a bizarre way of understanding morality.)
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: Mentioned with Melody while she had to streak back to the Mystery Shack — a particular crowdmember who liked "ENF" (Embarassed Naked Female) ended up oggling her. .GIFfany, on the other hand, scared him offnote . Considering the borderline harshness of this and patterns in GPF's other stories, he doesn't seem to be too fond of the former type of "Fanservice Girl," preferring the latter.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Invoked with the Love God. Great Pikmin Fan admitted in the closing notes to Chapter 6 that he wanted to see how far he could possibly demonize him.
  • Samus Is a Girl: It's revealed shortly before her death that the Pterodactyl is actually female.
  • Sex God: Exaggerated. Soos is highly implied to have enough stamina to leave over 4.4 million superpowered women (and one superpowered man, and on unsuperpowered woman) completely breathless and exhausted. It's also apparently a sign of them getting together as friends and being in a committed relationship. Later, it's suggested that he's pretty good at sex in general — Dove is left utterly breathless after a one-on-one while he's barely phased.
  • Space Whale Aesop:
    • The entire Second Half, regarding Mabel: Don't deny your flaws and actively work to improve them, or else you'll end up feeding the ego of a mega-powerful Reality Warper based on you, who will eventually start trying to destroy the world at the slightest disobedience, and get the attention of six other assholes who also want to end the world.
    • Chapter 7: Fix your sibling conflicts so that you can both team up and beat four powerful robotic counterparts, two of which are of you and the other two are of your friends.
  • Self-Deprecation:
    • Chapter 3 makes note on run:gifocalypse, another, not-intentionally poorly written fanwork by Great Pikmin Fan, and points out a number of faults in the story's logic. Such as the .GIFfanys looking diverse for no real reason when Journals argues that it would make more sense in-universe that they would all prefer looking identical. Chapter 4 may drop having all .GIFfany copies look alike, but it tears down the premise further by displaying the copies as being... closer to canon, so to speak.
    • Anyone annoyed by Fan's spotlight-stealing .GIFfany copies might enjoy Nzyvo kicking their asses in chapter 5.
    • Great Pikmin Fan's Avatar dies once again.
  • Separated at Birth: Quadruplets were this, separated in sets of "twins." First Dipper and Mabel to Pacifica and Nzyvo (military deal to keep the mother alive), then Nzyvo was implied to run away from the Gravity Falls Northwests and to the Bel-Air Northwests at a young age (given that Pacifica does not seem to know her, or recognize Mabel as looking similar to her).
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: The .GIFfanys, again, along with all four of the gods revealed in Chapter 5. None of these characters mind walking around naked. Soos doesn't either, but he's a bit farther away from the "fanservice" end.
  • Ship Sinking:
    • Bill/Dipper is not only sunk, but mocked in the third chapter when Gideon tries to give Bill a physical form without any sort of riftway. He fails horribly, and instead makes a teenage human clone of Bill explicitely called "Not-Bill" that quickly goes yandere for Dipper for no reason. This pisses the real Bill off - he sees Not-Bill as a mockery of him, and once he (through possessing Gideon) takes care of Not-Bill, he states that he finds the idea of being paired with Dipper ridiculous.
    • As soon as Pacifica actually appears, the story reveals that she's biologically related to Dipper in this world. They're actually siblings, she was separated at birth and adopted by the Northwests. Fan's closing notes to the chapter imply that they are not just going to ignore this, the ship is already dead for good in the Journals verse, and they'll even try to see each-other as brother and sister now despite not even really knowing one-another until the same summer the story takes place in. In Chapter 6, she's driven off of him even further because of the way he treated the reveal and him generally trying to get in to heroism — when Pacifica thinks it would be safer for all parties involved if a group of 13 year-olds weren't trying to stop incomprehensible mega-evil.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Parodied in Chapter 7. Sloth Devil kills Bugs Bunny. Because it's Bugs Bunny, the story tries to use that to emphasize what a dick Sloth is. But the thing is, it's an out-of-nowhere appearance of Bugs Bunny in a Gravity Falls fan fic, so any potential drama is killed right there.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Nzyvo was apparently raised by a "Phil Northwest" in Bel-Air.
    • The story outright describes Dream Dipper's "suffocation" as him looking like Hush. (Well, misspelled "Hash," but it still at least cites the game.)
  • Spoof Aesop: Soos delivers a parody aesop in Chapter 6 after anti-climatically redeeming Professor Eve after punching her in the face, copying the Gurren Lagann "LET'S SEE YOU GRIT THOSE TEETH!" part. The lesson is, if you want to change someone, and your penis doesn't work, use your fists instead! It's implied .GIFfany was about to call him out on that (or at least making a very poor choice of words), but then Lust Devil interrupts the whole scene by nearly killing her.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: While it becomes clear that Mabel is intentionally the main protagonist and not Dipper, .GIFfany and to a lesser extent the three people "connected" to her in some way (Soos, Melody, and Rumble) sucks up a significant amount of screentime despite not even being in the first chapter. (Hell, the first chapter has the distinction of being GPF's only 100% .GIFfany-free chapter in any Gravity Falls-centric fan fic as of March 2017.) Chapter 2 is her introduction, 3 has her "brother" battling the gang and 4 — by far the longest chapter in the entire First Half — is focused on her redemption and the antics of her copies. Things tone down a bit by chapter 5, which brings more focus on the Dipper and Mabel vs Nzyvo conflict, but she still gets screentime even there. The Second Half tries to fix things by splitting up the main characters in to groups of four and focusing on them one group at a time, but Chapter 6 gets them out of the way first — and it's significantly longer than Chapter 7, which was focused on Stan and Ford (canonically more important characters than Soos and especially his "harem" here) among others. It's quite telling that the fic is tagged as a Rumble/.GIFfany/Melody/Soos four-way, although that was more-so to both get a "wait, what?" reaction from potential readers and to give a solid idea on where the fic stands pairing-wise.
  • Stalker Shrine: Professor Leona has a long hallway filled with artwork of Soos. Professor Sonia also has a large collection of songs entirely about how obsessed she is with him.
  • Stripperiffic:
    • Most of the .GIFfany copies — their "new" outfits here are a step-up from their relatively modest portayals in run:gifocalypse. Especially notable with Dove, who goes from a full militant suit to wearing nothing but three bandaids that apparently don't even fully cover what they're supposed to.
    • The Shout-Out to Gurren Lagann's retroactively bizarre "flash forward" beginning also features post-time skip Wendy wearing nothing but a patch of duct tape over her crotch, and relying on Godiva Hair out-universe. In-universe, topfreedom is apparently legal in that timeline, and there was "supposed to be" a huge arc about getting it legal spanning from chapters 11 all the way to 33. (This story will actually end on chapter 10.)
    • The Lust Devil wears very little (just a long loincloth that's apparently that long by necessity), but this isn't played for fanservice.
  • Surprise Incest: Dipper and Pacifica are blood-related. Thankfully, the events of "Northwest Mansion Mystery" did not happen here, although Dipper's fixation on that seems to imply that he still developed a crush on her, and this reveal absolutely shattered him. Word of God was that this was done to troll shippers and a minor dig at a similar development in Act 4 of Homestuck. This is later deconstructed in Chapter 6 where it's revealed that Dipper didn't immediately look to her as a sister sister and still had feelings for her to some degree, so when Mable ordered them to kiss by proxy, he wasn't that bothered. His lack of being disturbed is what completely turned Pacifica off of him.
  • Swiper, No Swiping!: Soos gets the .GIFfany copies to stop obsessing over him and see him as a genuine person to go out with simply by giving them a speech. Unlike Dipper with Gideon, this process takes him roughly an hour.
  • Take That!:
    • Chapter 3 deals one at Bill's common Draco in Leather Pants-izations. Gideon attempts to either give Bill a physical form or, at least, make a physical clone of Bill using a ray gun. This ends up doing the latter... sort of. The clone is nothing like him and implied to resemble "humanized Bill" in some way. He's constantly called "Not-Bill," has a random obsessive infatuation with Dipper to the point of kidnapping him and trying to force him into a marriage, and he pisses off the "actual" Bill to no end. Hell, Bill ends up possessing Gideon to finish Not-Bill off, doing so by blasting him out of a cannon and into the Sun. The ending cryptogram for that chapter is basically Fan giving a long explanation that he is definitely not fond of that pairng, or anything involving Bill and a human for that matter.
    • Chapter 3 ends up making fun of Take That!s with its blatancy. While fighting the Pterodactyl, Mabel knocks her into a Teen Titans Go! sign... then keeps knocking her into a number of other signs of things that have a vocal internet dislikedom, down to scribbling which seasons of SpongeBob SquarePants are getting the smashing and avoiding a Steven Universe billboard. (A show that Fan adores.)
    • .GIFfany's younger brother (by adoption) is "Creepypasta Sonic," who is totally not "Sonic X." This also doubles as an odd fictional variation of No Celebrities Were Harmed. The narrative repeatedly states that he's not remotely scary for all the effort he puts into trying to be intentionally (.GIFfany even says that she does a better job at being scary without actually trying, and out of simple anger instead) and his only powers are to make things bleed/shoot blood with the effectiveness of a garden hose and to launch plushies of himself that he can control.
    • Chapter 4 is by and large a dig at harems and pairing heroic characters with villainous characters.
    • In Chapter 4, a Redemption Equals Sex orgy is once again "censored." This time, however, the fake-author tells readers that the uncensored versions of both this and the one from Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals are available to those that donate $8,000/$80,001 to his "Petereon" (he attempts to give a direct link, but thanks to's automatic link removal system, it doesn't show up), a light comment on people who indirectly use erotica of someone else's copyrighted characters to encourage donations.
    • GPF loves the show, but the "main" plot in Chapter 6 (not counting the setup of a number of storylines that will be reoccuring through the story, like the election or the true Big Bad) is one gigantic Take That! at the episode "The Love God." Its villain of the week is written with the intent of being as much of an assbag as possible, with him actually being a Lust Devil who wants to place the entire world under a love potion as he has no faith that the Shackan Lagann team will defeat Mable the Typomonster.
    • Chapter 6 also introduces Ryan Christian, a dig at Family Guy in general and the "preachy Brian"-era specifcially. It also gives a Take That! to millitant white/male/straight-hating "social justice warriors" and anti-diversity internet jackasses by giving those traits to Manly Dan and Tambry (respectively) and presenting them as both being in the wrong over the same issues.
    • The entire Second Half is a light and played for laughs criticism of Mabel's character, namely her Aesop Amnesia and how often we're supposed to take her side at face value (especially in "The Love God").
  • Toilet Humor: In chapter 4, Soos legitimately needs to use the bathroom while running away from millions of crazed stalkers after him. While there, the story lingers a bit when Wendy-the-copy (one such stalker) breaks in and he nearly forgets to... clean after himself. The narrator notably shows some hesitance in describing Soos' actions around that time.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Professor Eve of the post-reforming .GIFfany copies, who is blatantly built up as an "exception" that is a bit late to learning Soos's lessons on being friends. As of chapter 4, the worst she does could be considered a prank — she just destroys Melody and Rumble's clothing so that they'll have to get home in the nude. Subverted as of Chapter 6, as Soos reforms her too.
  • Unwanted Harem: Soos had one of over four million .GIFfanys in chapter 4. "Had" because they remain a "harem," but are no longer "unwanted," after he talks some sense into them.
  • Walking Spoiler:
    • Pacifica. The moment she appears in the story is near the end of the Wham Chapter cliffhanger for the second half/arc. She's actually a long-lost sister to the Pines and Nzyvo, being a military project that was eventually adopted by the Northwests.
    • Nzyvo. She's the apparent Big Bad, but the end of the first half reveals that she was apparently good and just trying to save her sister Pacifica. She's another military experiment adopted by another branch of the Northwests, and knows about a mysterious "Typomonster" (actually Mable) that needs to have a certain set of rituals done in other to please her.
    • Then there's Mable... no, that is not a mispelling of Mabel — Mable the Typomonster is the story's true Big Bad, an extra-dimensional Anti-Spiral esque anomaly that has an army of mechanical counterparts to the "sixteen main characters." (Not counting Mabel herself, as Mable is her "counterpart.") She's some sort of manifestation of all of Mabel's flaws with an origin unknown as of Chapter 6, who was puppeting around Nzyvo and forcing her to fight the others. Her entire existence spoils that Nzyvo is not the final villain, and she doesn't even properly appear until after several major bombshells have been dropped. Like Pacifica being Dipper and Mabel's biological sister.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Chapter 4. Nzyvo ditches her whole "band of villains" schtick entirely as the Shape Shifter dies, Gideon quits and leaves, and Rumble, .GIFfany, and the Summerween Trickster all end up being "redeemed" and eventually join the Mystery Shack group. The Trickster quickly gets into a relationship with Stan, while the two video game characters end up getting into a polygamous relationship with Soos and Melody. The chapter ends with Nzyvo sending a non-lethal blast to the Mystery Shack and challenging them all to the "final battle."
    • In chapter 5, roughly in order, Nzyvo reveals to be quite the badass and able to curb-stomp the entire .GIFfany army, among other characters, single-handedly. Dipper also turns out to have been missing an arm since an adventure that will be addressed in the future — he was just wearing a prosthetic the entire time. Mabel and Nzyvo lose a leg to one-another in their battle, the Golden Goddesses themselves (and a god-like Kamina named Modascend) come in out of nowhere as guides to the group, and it turns out that Nzyvo was actually trying to find her sister... Pacifica. Nzyvo isn't a dark world counterpart to Mabel — she and Pacifica were actually born as quadruplets with the Pines, but their births would have killed their mother. So, in a deal with the government to keep her alive, two of the kids were shipped off to a militant project. With Nzyvo, it worked, at the cost of making her like a feral animal, so she ended up running away from the Northwests at a young age to Bel-Air with Phil... Northwest. With Pacifica, the experiment failed, so she has no powers. Either way, Pacifica is the biological sister to the Pine twins and Nzyvo.
    • Chapter 6. We're finally introduced to the Typomonster — and she's effectively a living embodiment of all of Mabel's character flaws turned Up to a Billion, and even named Mable. Mabel herself finally drops the Aesop Amnesia and works towards becomming a better person, while Dipper seems to be heaving the opposite route. Ford returned off screen, and kicked Stan out of the Mystery Shack, as he's now living with Soos in .GIFfany Land. Mable also casts purple clouds over the entire planet and threatens to cause the apocalypse come Halloween, with septillions of robots. Just one of said robot managed to give Mabel trouble, and Mabel had previously effortlessly taken down several supernatural forces, many of which with their own mechs.
  • Whole-Plot Reference: There are a number of parallels starting at the end of chapter 2 between Mabel's journey with Lagann and... well, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann itself.
  • Would Hit a Girl:
    • Most of the Shackan Lagann team, but Soos in particular has been roped in to battles with women especially (the Love God is an exception, but he was fought as a team) — mainly .GIFfany and Eve. He shoots a gun at the former, and he blasts the latter with missiles before punching her in the face. He ends up having sex with both of them. He puts it in a family-unfriendly way, which .GIFfany seemingly tries to call him out on before the Lust Devil impales her through the back:
      Soos: The lesson is that if my penis doesn't work, use my fists instead!
    • The Lust Devil is a villainous example, and he makes it clear that he likes hitting women specifically, and he sends his skeleton women after the men he's fighting while refusing to attack them directly.
  • The Worf Effect: Fan does this with his own characters. In Chapter 5, Nzyvo is able to utterly decimate the .GIFfany army from run:gifocalypse (if non-lethaly).
  • You Are Number 6: The Journals are simply referred to the same names as they would when not alive — "Journal 2," "Journal 3," etc. .GIFfany copies alternate between nicknames and numbers, although the one from canon is usually called ".GIFfany #9" as she refused to give herself a nickname.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: Thought the story would be over after the final battle with Nzyvo? Nope. Turns out there's a threatening "Typomonster" and Mable somewhere out there. To add insult to injury, Chapter 3 is focused about getting closer to Nzyvo and it is explicitely called "Onwards to the Journey to the Final Boss!"

    Spooky's Jump Scare M— OH LOOK IT'S BILL CIPHER 

  • Affectionate Parody: The story as a whole is one to overly focusing on romance even though there are serious villain-beating-related issues at hand.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Specimen 9. Spooky and GL Labs do not like him, and have tried (and failed) to kill him. However, he is inexplicably loyal to the mansion despite being the only character confirmed to be able to leave whenever he wants to, and he's very powerful. This, Spooky at least tolerates him.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Specimen 4, as this story uses the (scrapped) idea that appeared in concept art where the developers considered having her attack in the buff. It's played for "fanservice" in the same usual parody-fanservice manner in SBIG.
  • Ignore the Fanservice: Oddly, despite being very girl-crazy for most of the story, Dipper barely seems to care when .GIFfany has a naked mud wrestle against Specimens 4 and 13 in Chapter 4.
  • Running Gag: Bill's constant battling and bickering with Specimen 9.
  • Skewed Priorities: Both Dipper and Mabel (to different extents) seem to think that Spooky's mansion is the perfect opportunity to get the former paired up with Pacifica. Despite being a thousand rooms full of deadly monsters that has a barrier preventing even powerful dream demons from leaving.
  • Surprise Incest: Dipper and Mabel's both trying to get the former to be closer to Pacifica, as it is revealed that this story is a direct prequel to one where they find out that Pacifica and Dipper are blood relatives.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Pacifica is not only notably more active than her canon counterpart, but she's actually getting things done at a quicker and more impressive rate than the far-more-experienced Pine twins. By contrast, Mabel and especially Dipper seem to be more focused on Dipper ending up with Pacifica, which seems to be a bit of a parody of fans having Dipper/Pacifica shipping goggles on most of the time.
  • Wham Episode: Chapter 5, even by the standards of a finale. It turns out that this is a prequel to Journals of Wisdom, Power, and Courage. Some of the oddities, such as Dipper having a missing arm, are explained here. As soon as Nzyvo appears, suddenly the buildup the chapter had been doing makes perfect sense. Also, Mabel uses Spiral Power for the first time.
  • Win to Exit: This was not the original plan of Spooky's mansion, but she decided to tell the group that this applies anyway in order to motivate them to actually move on deeper. It is not yet revealed if she is lying about this or not.



  • Anyone Can Die: Mario dies before the Ganondorf fight, and the sprites are all killed off before even entering his castle. Then, of course, all five of the Links die.
  • Color-Coded Characters: The Link clones, naturally. They all spend most of the fic at an area that matches up to their coloring scheme.
  • Decoy Protagonist: All five Links die, and the final battle involves the Sages going up against the Dark Links.
  • Off the Rails: Right from the beginning, the plot of Ocarina of Time is tarnished badly with five Links running around and no way to go back in time.
  • Punny Name: The "5" being used as leetspeak for an "S," in addition to the general name being the Four Sword, just up to... five.
  • Self-Duplication: Link undergoes this, splitting into five selves. Green, Red, Blue, Purple, and Yellow.
  • Unwinnable by Design: In-universe. With the Master Sword being replaced with the 5word, Link cannot go back in time, so many of the parts of the game are not possible. Thankfully, the sprites help him out.

Dream House

  • Adaptational Villainy: Poniko is portrayed as a clear antagonist, even when not looking like Uboa (in this fic, the two are one and the same — just different appearances).
  • Big Bad: Poniko/Uboa, who had been antagonizing the extraction team for some reason.
  • Journey to the Center of the Mind: Inception-esque mechanics play a pivotal role in the plot.
  • Mundane Utility: Dom Cobb and his new crew go inside House's mind just to help him remember a diagnosis.
  • Sequel Hook: Poniko isn't dead and Madotsuki decided to hire the other three characters who were spying on the extraction job.

Isaac Unbounded

  • Anti-Climax: How Pride is dealt with. He brags that he did not build his tower with a foundation. Cue the group just leaving him while his tower completely falls, crushing him in the wreckage.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Eve is portrayed this way after the timeskip, with contrivance leaving her as the only naked character — not that she cares at all. It also describes her as having a good figure.
  • Villainous Incest: Lust is apparently related to Isaac and co as well, but she... well, lusts after them.

Dexter Vs the Elementals

Reset Button

  • Reset Button: The story ends with a literal one to erase Mario's indecent exposure accident, and an indirect reboot to some of the installments.
  • Take That!: When Mario is about the board the Comet Observatory and Daisy asks to join, "Bowsette" (Bowser with the Super Crown of New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe) asks to be in as well. The narrator immediately regrets the idea and erases that part from the story completely, a dig at the meme character and throwing Bowsette in to things for meme's sake/as basically an excuse to throw in another attractive "waifu."
