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Trivia / SBIG Series

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  • Meaningful Release Date: All three Crconikals fics so far. Of when each season begins, in some cases ends, or even in one case, a point in the middle.
    • Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals:
      • Season 1: Started September 13th, so that the date of chapter 3 — the introduction of Carl, a Captain Ersatz of Charlie Harper — would be on the same day as the introduction of Charlie's "replacement" on the show debuts. Also, fits the story's parody of 13 Is Unlucky.
      • Season 2: November 11th, which the author thought would be the date for the next Hellsing OVA.
      • Season 3: Valentine's Day, even if it was not a Valentines Day special.
      • Season 4: Started so that it would end of April 13th (April 4th), the annaversary of Homestuck's beginning (not counting the old "beta" draft).
    • Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals:
      • Season 1: September 13th, the annaversary of HUC's debut.
      • Season 2: October 24th, three days after the last "Openbound"/"Meenahbound" HTML was released and thus the introduction of the final pre-scratch trolls.
      • Season 3: November 11th, keeping in line with HUC's dates.
      • Season 4: December 21st (an entire year after the previous season), a joke about the end of the world. Also, the season draws very slight comparasons to Majora's Mask, what with visiting a swamp, mountain, ocean, and canyon, and with the Four Is Death theme present. And a more unintentional one being that since the chapters take place at the same time and can be read in any order, by going from one to another you're effectively going back in time to re-see the events, playing them out in a different location. Anyway, Majora's Mask itself is about an apocalypse.
      • Season 5: Valentine's Day again.
      • Season 6: June 11th (originally June 11th of last year), when he found some fanart of something.
      • Season 7: September 7th, so that its final chapter was on an annaversary of HUC's beginning.
    • Hecksing: The Dawn:
      • Season 1: June 11th again, except before HHC's sixth season.
      • Season 2: September 13th again, the annaversary of HUC's beginning.
    • Gumball Vs Satan came out a day before Halloween, an attempt to subvert this trope as Carrie, a ghost, plays a prominent role in the story.
  • Schedule Slip: In terms of update rates the fics — including those not out yet — can be placed in three gategories: Starts suddenly with no prior announcement and vanishes just as quickly (EDventure, Zombie Attack!, Sweet Jade and Hella John for a longer example. Possibly Kids Fit and Sheldin and Lenard); either have its beginning or future chapters announced, but repeatedly pushed back (Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals when it came to season four, Gumball Vs Satan, SBIGlets), or Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals and Hecksing: The Dawn. SBIGlets is in an odd case in that it started up near the end of 2014, but has absolutely no word on future updates aside from promising a chapter for 2015 months before the year ended.
  • Series Hiatus: Happens a lot. As of December of 2015, most of the earlier installments have been completed, with Sheldin and Lenard being one exception.
  • Trolling Creator: The Ed, Edd n Eddy duology, Kids Fit the Trolls and its related stories, and Sheldin and Lenard are mostly innocent, if the former three are a little too Take That!y at fan ideas. However, Sweet Jade and Hella John, Gumball Vs Satan, and the Crconikals series are all about trying to turn expectations on their heads.
    • Sweet Jade and Hella John skips back and forth on teasing whether "Prospitcest" will or will not happen. Then swings in sudden yet foreshadowed Dave/Rose right into the "Sweet Rose and Hella Dave'' segment. And that's not getting into the Mind Screw of Roxy seeing a hallucination-brought John that tells her the two are actually related, yet this is enver adressed again and seems to contradict SJAHJ's verse. Following that, the plot can be boiled down to one Red Herring after another, promising certain characters to become heroes, pairings to bloom, or Hope Spots to be shown, just to yank them all away. This isn't helped by the fact that Fan picks some of the weirdest things to become important, like a can of 7-up that is the key to defeating the Big Bad.
    • Gumball Vs Satan makes a similar amount of set-ups then have them end on... extremes. New student at school? Actually working for an out-breaking war. Gumball/Carrie teases? Nope, she was just tricking him into standing at the right spot to get himself killed. Gumball being the main hero? No.
    • Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals promises the readers with a story about Alucard being badass and having Seras's nice boo(b)s. Nope! Alucard dies, Seras becomes really hot-tempered, and it's really about this unlikable Parody Sue Carl and the mysterious and plot-screwing Rip.
    • Hecksing: The Dawn is more relax on this, actually making it a little more about Alucard shooting things. But it also gives Rip extra screentime and adds a bunch of unnecessary fanservice elements and Mind Screw to try to off-put people.
    • Housestuck Hurrcain Crconikals appears to be focused on hitting as many buttons as possible while still keeping it at a relative worksafe level. Before the story itself begins, it's tagged as John/Jade, although they don't appear to be related so far. The actual beginning is about Kanaya not just making out with a guy, but that guy being Edward Cullen. The fake-author admits that he skipped to Act 5 and only read the Intermission prior, but at least he makes up for it by supposedly re-reading the first four acts when he's working on season two. Things actually do go uphill, but there's still moments and decisions like Nepeta being intentionally Chickified for the first few legs, crossovers most people wouldn't want (the title is a reference to the slightly polarizing Naruto), "assuming" Samus is a robot, showing a complete lack of disregard when it comes to writing pairings, marking the return of HUC's tossed-in fanservice elements only turned up to eleven (as a light-hearted mockery of people who make Self-Fanservice works, although based on Pikmin Fan's comments about an upcoming story called Escape From Fanservice Island, he might become a victim of the exact same thing), trying to delay the inevidable John/Jade as long and painfully as possible, shoving in so many Futurama references that even extreme fans might get sick of them, and Geno coming out of nowhere just to die in the next chapter (rubbing it into his fans that he's not going to make another appearance outside of the Superstar Saga cameo anytime soon).
  • Vaporware: Ed, Edd n Eddy's Awesome Edventures, a concept that seems to pre-date even Zombie Attack! The author tried to actually work on this once, then faced errors when it comes to sound and hasn't said a word on this since.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The ill-fated "SBIGtermissions," a series of Homestuck stories set to be placed in the middle of other stories. Sweet Jade and Hella John itself started out as a spinoff made because the author was excited over the idea (it turned out somewhat differently, though) before he soon stopped liking the intermissions and canned them. They were apparantly supposed to be somewhat disgusting, and lean more towards being genuine Troll Fics.
    • That's So Cliche, a parody of Total Drama fandom cliches blurring the line between SBIG and not-SBIG that has since been all-but abandoned.
    • There was also going to be a Simpsons story and a Total Drama story. A Naruto story was planned as well, but if a template added on the creator's fanfiction wiki page is any indication, it may be reborn through naruto the guy with the ninja. However, anything about that aside from the title and that it may actually be centered on Sasukenote  is currently unknown.
    • Originally, there was only planned to be one installment per fandom, and Zombie Attack! wasn't considered part of the series.

The Eds' EDventure

  • Development Hell: In spite of the seemingly closed ending, there is supposed to be a second chapter out before September 7th of 2015. But this places the time between chapters at well over five years.
  • Working Title: This was originally named SBIG: Ed, Edd N' Eddy, and until late into thinking up Hecksing Ulumate Crconikals this was going to be the normal way of naming installments. There was also only going to be one fic per fandom (and Zombie Attack! was then-not considered a part of it). Zombie Attack! and Sheldin and Lenard were both also originally untitled; it wasn't until long after publishing them that Pikmin Fan assigned either story names.

Zombie Attack!

  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: A weird rescued variant. While Fan always kept the original text and file, the story itself was lost for a lengthy period between when the forum it was on was lost through time expiring and when he finally posted it on his fanfiction wiki page.
