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V.I.L.E. Organization
V.I.L.E.'s Logo

Short for "Villains International League of Evil". A shadowy crime syndicate of thieves that's also a global conglomerate that's seen as a myth to law enforcement such as Interpol, but to members of A.C.M.E., they are certain that they exist. They are the main antagonists of the series.

"We believe that VILE has masterminded most of the major crimes of the last few decades. Everything from the manipulation of financial markets to the contamination of cheese. [...] Try stopping something that you can't actually prove exists. In nearly 20 years, only six suspected VILE operatives have ever been apprehended by any law enforcement agency. Each vanished, before they could be questioned, without a trace."
Chief of ACME

  • Adaptational Badass: To coincide with Carmen's Adaptational Heroism. In the games, V.I.L.E. is Carmen's band of flunkies - dangerous to be sure, but portrayed as following her whims without question and being much less effective without her direction. Here, they're a ubiquitous criminal organization on their own worthy of any spy epic without her.
  • Ambition Is Evil: When there is an opening in the leading council, lower rank operatives will aim to pull off bigger heists and plans in order to prove their masterminding capabilities and earn a seat at the table.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Not overtly but they still do it. Before anyone is actually initiated as a full V.I.L.E. operative, they introduce themselves as the "Valuable Imports, Lavish Exports" company. It's not until they graduate from their thieves' academy that they reveal that "V.I.L.E." is actually short for "Villains International League of Evil", which is about as unsubtle as you can get (although using the acronym "V.I.L.E.", even if it means "Valuable Imports, Lavish Exports", does establish a certain baseline from the off).
  • Code Name: Every member of V.I.L.E are only allowed to use their first name until they choose themselves a code name.
  • Color Motifs: Many of the scenes involving the organization involves green.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: V.I.L.E. is a pretty diverse organization, both among its operatives and in its ruling council.
  • Honor Among Thieves: The leading council expects and instills loyalty to all of its agents. Coach Brunt routinely considers the group "family." To betray one's family, to leave the group, or to make war against them is a heinous crime in their eyes.
  • Hypocrite: While they wish for potential criminals to willingly join V.I.L.E., they're not above brainwashing Carmen into working for them. This is where Crackle draws the line.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When the police are getting close, or a mission is compromised and not able to succeed, the organization prefers their operatives to cut their losses and retreat, rather than pursue the goal and risk greater losses or even being captured by the police.
  • Lethal Chef: There's a joke that any food produced by V.I.L.E. is as bad as the name implies. Big Eater Zack was disgusted by the donuts they made for a store cover and a child Carmen was driven to tears by V.I.L.E. brand imitation rice. Despite that, many of its members enjoy eating served in Countess Cleo's chateau in the episode "The Duke of Vermeer Caper".
  • Mooks: V.I.L.E has several mooks that are all dressed in green armor and similar to the cleaners they do the manual work like driving vehicles, operating technology, and guarding areas wielding weapons such as the crackle rod.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: No one in V.I.L.E. is allowed to leave once they join. Even members of V.I.L.E's council aren't immune to this. When Carmen's father tried to leave, they sent Shadowsan to kill him. Shadowsan doesn’t kill Carmen’s father, but the guy still dies by woman who became the Chief of ACME who shot him in the mistaken belief that the guy was going to pull out a gun.
  • Revealing Cover-Up: The Cleaners always manage to rescue any captured operatives from law enforcement before they can be interrogated — even if this is a rare occurrence it happens just enough to get ACME's attention.
  • Small, Secluded World: The island of VILE is a small isolated area hidden from the rest of the world and new recruits are not allowed to keep electronic devices with them.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Nobody knows they exist — even ACME only has a hunch to go on and the Instructors will go to any lengths to keep it that way. If any member compromises that, whether by being caught by the police, or a faculty member is caught on camera without a disguise, they will be terminated from the organization.

The V.I.L.E. Faculty

From left to right: Coach Brunt, Professor Maelstrom, Countess Cleo, Dr. Bellum, and Shadowsan
"Graduates, you did not make it this far on your grades alone."
Dr. Bellum
"We have been profiling you all along to test your allegiance as well as your willingness to go to any necessary extremes."
Professor Maelstrom
"No one or thing must stand in the way of achieving our goals."
Instructor Shadowsan
"You've earned your place at our elite table."
Countess Cleo
"Now hear the true name of VILE: Villains International League of Evil."
Coach Brunt

A council of five masterminds who are the leaders of V.I.L.E. and also the academic instructors at V.I.L.E. Academy.
  • Archnemesis Dad: And moms. They are this to Carmen Sandiego as they adopted and raised her since she was an infant. However, they become enemies after Carmen made a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Badass Teacher: They teach their students combat, gadgetry, stealth, masterminding, and cultural knowledge.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The three female faculty members form a rare villainous example; with refined socialite Countess Cleo as the Beauty, Mad Scientist Dr. Bellum as the Brains, and the incredibly strong Coach Brunt as the Brawn.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: VILE is led by the five masterminds/teachers who are of equal authority, they reach decisions by a majority vote. That said, Professor Maelstrom does seem to have the most influence of any member of the council and is often the one calling the shots on the whole, even if they are voted upon once the proposal is made.
  • Cosmopolitan Council: The teachers are five powerful individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. Brunt is American, Shadowsan is Japanese, Professor Maelstrom is Swedish note  and Countess Cleo is likely of Egyptian origin note . Dr. Bellum's origin is unclear, but her accent and the novelization of the first two episodes confirm she is Indian.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Shadowsan's betrayal is this from their point-of-view. They worked alongside Shadow-san for years and considered him a member of their "family". His defection caught them completely off-guard.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Zigzagged. On one hand, they took an orphaned Carmen in and raised her like family, but on the other hand, they have no problem killing to avoid witnesses and they are willing to torture people with mind probes, as Chase can attest to. That said, they don't kill unsatisfactory operatives, but merely subject them to Laser-Guided Amnesia and put them back in their old life like nothing happened.
  • Evil Power Vacuum:
    • With Shadow-san officially defecting a major plot point of Season 2 is finding someone to fill his seat.
    • Shadowsan filled the seat that previously belonged to Carmen's father before he attempted to leave VILE. And was later filled by a brainwashed Carmen.
  • Good Parents: Zigzagged. While they raise and provide Carmen with everything she needed, they are also amoral thieves. And judging by Carmen and Coach Brunt's obvious affection towards each other during her childhood, it's likely that Brunt was the only one in the Council who had a direct hand in actually caring for her.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: They remain unaware that the Chief was the one who (accidentally) killed Dexter Wolfe, instead of Shadowsan as he was ordered to do.
  • Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering: While they are largely oriented in the same way to continue their thieving and villainy to gain wealth and status, each one has their own likes, interests, and distinct personalities. They will act petty, such as Malestrom wanting gold cufflinks made from a rare Equadorian Escudo to rub in Cleo's face, or snark at the others’ failures, such as Shadowsan's suggestion to use Tigress against Carmen in "The Lucky Cat Caper" resulting in Tigress' failure and Coach Brunt knocking him for it, not realizing that he intended for Carmen to beat Tigress. That said, they will settle their problems civilly and democratically by voting and respecting the will of the Council.
  • Orcuses On Their Thrones: Downplayed and Zigzagged. Besides teaching their students how to be thieves, they're seen mostly sitting on their chairs choosing what operative to be in their respective fields doing all of the dirty work before being promoted to VILE faculty. They've ocassionally been active in the field displaying some level of skill such as capturing and interrogating Devineaux, Julia, and Calloway, stealing ancient maps/keys, relocating to new bases, and hunting down Carmen Sandiego and Shadowsan. This is subverted with the exception of Shadowsan who is more than capable to fight other VILE operatives and commit capers on his own on; and Carmen Sandiego who was temporarily brainwashed by V.I.L.E and is willing to be on the field many times even as a faculty member. The faculty haven't always been this way however as their predecessors once commanded bands of raiders pillaging trade routes, ancient monuments, and tombs in the medieval ages.
  • Platonic Co-Parenting: Carmen was raised since her youth by the five main faculty members of V.I.L.E.: Coach Brunt, Dr. Bellum, Countess Cleo, Professor Maelstrom, and Shadowsan. Each one takes a different level of intimacy and love towards their ward with Coach Brunt pampering and spoiling the young girl to Shadowsan's standoffish behavior. The rest are somewhere in between. It is a genuinely happy relationship, which makes Carmen's recognition of how evil they could be and her betraying them all the more shocking to, as she puts it, the only family she's ever known.
  • Town Girls: Coach Brunt is the Butch (the largest, strongest, and teaches physical conditioning); Countess Cleo is the Femme (dresses in fashionable clothing, her heists are of valuable artifacts, and is the most cultured of her peers); Dr. Bellum is the Neither (an inventor who is not entirely feminine or masculine).
  • Two Girls to a Team: Gender Inverted. The main faculty includes two males (Maelstrom and Shadowsan) and three females (Brunt, Dr. Bellum, and Countess Cleo).
  • Villains Out Shopping: Season 3 shows the faculty participating in various Halloween-themed activities, including dressing up in costume and gorging themselves on candy.
  • You Have Failed Me: Played with. V.I.L.E. doesn't punish operatives for failure because they acknowledge that it does happen. But getting caught by law enforcement and thereby risking the organization's exposure is something they do punish. Your mind is wiped and you go back to your life before you joined, which is mild compared to most versions of this trope.

    Coach Brunt 

Coach Brunt

Voiced by: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
"Now you didn't expect to move away from home without a visit from mama bear, did you? And I'm not sure I approve of the tall, handsome, law-abiding company you're keeping these days."
She's in charge of combat and physical conditioning at V.I.L.E. Academy. Of the instructors, she was the one who was the most motherly towards Carmen, to the point that the latter believed the former was the one who had found her as a baby.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Refers to Carmen by her nickname Lambkins in front of the other students much to Carmen's mortification.
  • Animal Motif: Bears. She calls herself a Mama Bear and gives Carmen plenty of bear-like hugs. Even as a method to killing her.
  • Bear Hug: Gives one to Carmen, both as a sign of how much she loved her and to kill her when Carmen declares that she's defecting from V.I.L.E.
  • Berserk Button: Betrayal. She gave a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to Carmen and then tried to kill her for leaving V.I.L.E. When Shadowsan similarly defected, she completely lost her temper and started throwing a tantrum.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brawn of the three female V.I.L.E. faculty members.
  • Brawn Hilda: She's easily the biggest and strongest person, male or female, on the show.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: She's a very large, strong and ruthless fighter but she takes an instant liking to the infant Carmen and even tears up when Black Sheep passes her trials.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Displays an almost superhuman degree of strength, which appears to be entirely the result of training.
  • Cowboy: Her costume in the episode "Day of the dead Caper" along with a hobby horse.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: Has green hair and eyes.
  • Dark Action Girl: Of all the V.I.L.E council members, she is the only female faculty member who is shown to have fight her opponents onscreen with her being able to overpower Carmen and hold her own against Shadowsan.
  • Deep South: Has a southern accent, and has stated herself to be "Texas proud".
  • Does Not Like Spam: In "The Day of the Dead Caper", she's close to puking when Maelstrom goads her to play "Bobbing for haggis".
  • Don't Make Me Destroy You: It's clear that she loves Black Sheep/Carmen like a daughter so this is her main thought as she crushes her when Carmen decides to leave V.I.L.E.
  • Doting Parent: Carmen says that Brunt was like this to her. After Carmen pulls a prank that gets her in trouble with Cookie Booker’s driver on V.I.L.E., Brunt tosses the driver away and offers her a cupcake.
  • The Dreaded: Out of all of V.I.L.E.'s operatives, including the faculty, Brunt is the only one Carmen shows genuine fear of facing. During the Season 1 finale, Carmen attempts to flee rather than fight her alone, and being trapped by Brunt was the closest she'd come to death. When they meet again late in Season 2, Carmen is visibly frightened and only escapes because Brunt allowed it as part of a plan to divide Carmen and Shadowsan. Even Shadowsan is wary of her strength, as seen in Season 4.
  • Dumb Muscle: Subverted. She has no idea what the Magna Carta is, but she quickly gets the analogy when Dr. Maelstrom compares it to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She honestly loved Carmen like a daughter and has no choice but to crush said daughter when Carmen decides to leave.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: She's shocked by Maelstrom's suggestion that she secretly killed Shadowsan due to their Teeth-Clenched Teamwork. Brunt admits that while she doesn't like Shadowsan, she still considers him "family" and you don't betray family.
  • Everything is Big in Texas: Is the largest instructor of VILE and hails from Texas.
  • Expy: A loose one of Eartha Brute from the Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego game show, especially her hair color.
  • I Have No Son!: The most attached member of the council to Carmen before she turned on them and afterwards she is fairly verbal about how that attachment no longer plays a role in how she will deal with Carmen the next time they meet (due to the other council members doubting her commitment to doing what must be done).
  • Kill the Ones You Love: When Carmen makes it known to Brunt that she's not returning to V.I.L.E. Island, Brunt pulls her into a Bear Hug and tries to squeeze her to death. Brunt obviously doesn't enjoy it.
  • Large and in Charge: She is an academic teacher of combat and is by far the largest members of VILE.
  • Mama Bear: She was protective of Carmen, punching Cookie's driver when he tried to hurt her. She even refers herself as this when she gives Carmen a Bear Hug as a way to crush her to death.
  • Meaningful Name: As with all members of V.I.L.E. In addition to sounding similar to "grunt" and "blunt", the brunt is the single greatest point of impact or burden of a thing, such as to "get to the brunt of the matter" or to "take the brunt of a blow." Needless to say, it fits well with her straightforward personality and love of physical violence, and her being possibly the most sadistic of the V.I.L.E. faculty.
  • Parental Substitute: She was like a mother to Carmen, moreso than Cleo or Bellum. She would hug her, love her, protect her from the consequences of Carmen's pranks and reward her with a cupcake.
  • Red Herring: Brunt's open affection for Carmen growing up leads Carmen to assume that she was the one who found her as a baby and decided to take her in. She's not. Shadowsan was the one who found her, and actively attempted to prevent her joining VILE because he knew she was a better person than they were.
  • Self-Deprecation: She mentions during the training sessions of new recruits to protect the face or they might end up with a mug like hers.
  • Smarter Than You Look: While she may come off as Dumb Muscle, she's shown to be quite intelligent, such as knowing the U.S. Constitution. She shows it further by quickly understanding Maelstrom's gambit in the Season 2 finale by telling Carmen that Shadowsan killed her father on orders from V.I.L.E. in order to turn the two against each other, though she does admit to not liking such methods personally.
  • Super-Strength: She's seen casually bending a metal grate with her bare hands.
  • That Man Is Dead: When Shadowsan points out her obvious affections for Carmen, Brunt points out that that was when she was Black Sheep. Now that she's against V.I.L.E., she makes it clear that Carmen Sandiego is her enemy.

    Professor Maelstrom 

Professor Gunnar Maelstrom

Voiced by: Liam O'Brien
"Esteemed fellow V.I.L.E faculty, as you know, I, Gunnar Maelstrom, have been called demented, deranged, psychotic even. Justifiably? Perhaps. But I feel these are merely labels, safe ways to categorize my unique intellect, which enables me to see opportunity where others do not."
At V.I.L.E. Academy, his classes tend to deal with psychological manipulation in crime, such as the classic Bait-and-Switch. He's... not exactly of sound mind.
  • Adaptational Job Change: In Where on Earth, he was a marine archaeologist before turning to a life of crime. Here, he's a Psycho Psychologist, though there is a reference to his original series counterpart's MO in the fact that the back wall of his office/classroom is a large marine tank full of jellyfish.
  • Bald of Evil: His head is completely bald, save for his sideburns.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: When he has Coach Brunt Tell Carmen that Shadowsan was sent to kill her father in the hopes that it would drive a wedge between them and possibly have them kill each other, he is shocked that they managed to work things out and that she doesn’t hate him.
  • Evil Is Petty: "The Dubloon Caper" has him want the valuable doubloon just to melt it down into a pair of cufflinks to make Countess Cleo jealous.
  • For the Evulz: This is Professor Maelstrom's entire M.O. In keeping with his name, his main desire is to spread chaos and disorder, with any actual gain being a secondary concern at best. In "The Fishy Doubloon Caper" he plots to steal a gold doubloon which he (incorrectly) believes is worth millions just so he can melt it down and make it into solid gold cufflinks. Later, in "The Chasing Paper Caper", he plots to steal the Magna Carta, not for sale or ransom, but to prove that evil can win out over law and order.
  • Inkblot Test: Gives these out.
  • Meaningful Name: As with all members of V.I.L.E. A maelstrom is a violent whirlpool, a turbulent storm, or sometimes used to refer to a general state of chaos. Professor Maelstrom is a Psycho Psychologist who openly admits to being unhinged, and generally supports capers intended to spread chaos and disorder with any gain of money or influence being secondary at best.
  • Monster Clown: His Halloween outfit in "The Day of the Dead Caper".
  • Norse by Norsewest: His first name was a hint that he is of Scandinavian ethnicity, and by the end of the Stockholm Syndrome Caper, he has admitted that he is from Sweden.
  • Not So Above It All: He really gets into the spirit of Halloween.
  • The One Guy: Following Shadow-san's defection, Maelstrom is the only male member of the V.I.L.E council until Roundabout is made a member in the Season 2 finale. After Roundabout is arrested, Maelstrom returns to being the sole male Faculty member for the remainder of the series.
  • Psycho Psychologist: His expertise in V.I.L.E. is psychologically evaluating students. He himself is amoral and also has an apparent fondness for the more psychotic recruits.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?, he was caught by then-ACME Agent Carmen Sandiego and had no connection to VILE. Here, he is one of V.I.L.E.'s leaders and Carmen's adoptive parents.
  • They Called Me Mad!: Freely admits this, but dismisses it as just a label used by the ignorant.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: White hair and freely admits to being crazy. He's also a villain.
  • Wicked Cultured: He has a love of opera. When at Bellum's Himalaya lab, he is seen listening to it, and in a video of Crackle's recruitment snapped at the young man for insulting opera.
  • Whole Costume Reference: His outfit (tan slacks, dark turtleneck, black jacket with white piping) is an exact replica of the one Patrick McGoohan wore in The Prisoner.
  • Would Hurt a Child: When Shadowsan first brought a toddler Carmen to the council, Maelstrom's suggestion to Leave No Witnesses implies that he had no qualms about killing a toddler.

    Countess Cleo 

Countess Cleo

Voiced by: Toks Olagundoye
"Vilest art enthusiasts, my deepest gratitude for attending this once-in-a-lifetime event. The art auction will directly follow dinner. Allow me to at least fill your bellies before emptying your bank accounts."
At V.I.L.E. Academy, her classes place a great amount of emphasis on undercover work and the need to be both cultured and calm under pressure as well as distinguishing between real works of art and forgeries.
  • Accidental Misnaming: During "The Egyptian Decryption Caper", she keeps mixing up the names of the Cleaners.
  • Alliterative Name: Countess Cleo.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: As a countess, her schemes skew towards the finer things in life.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Beauty of the three female V.I.L.E. faculty members.
  • Beauty Is Bad: She's pretty, but she's also pretty evil.
  • Brainy Brunette: Countess Cleo has black hair and teaches her V.I.L.E. students on how to distinguish real works from forgeries.
  • Child Hater: She shows visible disgust upon first meeting Carmen as a baby, perhaps because she values refinement and babies are rather messy.
  • Evil Brit: Speaks with an upper-class English accent.
  • Expy: Of the Contessa from the ’’Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego'' game show.
  • The Fashionista:
    • She always wears very fancy dresses that make her stand out more than her colleagues.
    • She was apparently a former model, although the episode where this is mentioned also mentions she somehow didn't cut it or fell out of the profession (likely due to her criminal activities), calling her a "failed" model.
  • Graceful Loser: The only member of the V.I.L.E. faculty who doesn't resist arrest; she simply waits in a room and lets out a sigh when Julia kicks down the door, knowing what's going to happen.
  • Green and Mean: Her main attire is a green, angular dress and she's one of the five leaders of a villainous organization.
  • High-Class Gloves: Goes with her outfit, and she does look the part.
  • Iron Lady: Rarely loses her cool, and usually wears a stoic expression.
  • Loves My Alter Ego: It's implied Countess Cleo has an attraction to Zack's "Duke of Vermeer" alter ego.
  • Meaningful Name: As with all members of V.I.L.E. Countess Cleo is of course named for the Queen of the Nile herself, Cleopatra VII, famously known (at least in media) for her beauty, class, and hedonistic lifestyle. Countess Cleo is a Wicked Cultured evil Fashionista who is also the most materialistic of all the faculty. Also hinted at in universe when her Halloween costume in "The Day of the Dead Caper" is an Egyptian mummy.
  • Not So Above It All: A master thief who values refinement, culture and carries an air of classiness...but has a Sweet Tooth and a weakness for halloween candy.
  • Older Than They Look: She doesn't look like she's aged a day since Carmen was brought to the Isle of V.I.L.E. almost twenty years ago. Given her specialty and background, she probably has some beauty tricks to help her stay that way. In "The Egyptian Decryption Caper", she claims to Tigress that she isn't a day over 35; Tigress clearly doesn't believe her.
  • Pet the Dog: When Carmen was knocked out by the Cleaners in the Egyptian Decryption Caper, Jules was hanging on an edge that would have killed her had she fallen. When Carmen comes to, Jules is standing right next to them meaning Cleo (or possibly the cleaners) consciously chose to rescue her. This could overlap with Even Evil Has Standards. She may be one of the most evil and careless members of V.I.L.E, but it seems she does not want to harm people recklessly.
  • Shoulders of Doom: She could probably skewer someone with the shoulders of her dress.
  • Statuesque Stunner: This official height chart states that Countess Cleo is 6'0" and she's a beauty.
  • Wicked Cultured: She wears fancy dresses, steals works of art, values proper decorum, and is one of the leaders of VILE.

    Dr. Bellum 

Dr. Saira Bellum

Voiced by: Sharon Muthu
"If we remove human error from the equation, our success rate would skyrocket, and I would no longer be tasked with wiping memories of VILE from our former students."
V.I.L.E.'s chief scientist who creates all of their weapons and gadgets. Her classes tend to deal with the use of technology and science in heists.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: She finds the idea of training monkeys to steal for V.I.L.E amusing.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: She has a tendency to get distracted easily; for example, when she heads to her Himalayan lab to get the materials needed to fix the mind-wipe machine, she quickly gets distracted by an idea to create an army of robot thieves.
  • Blind Without Them: Her goggles are prescription, as seen when her robot steals them and she fumbles about half-blind.
  • Bollywood Nerd: She's the team's scientist who is also Indian.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brains of the three female V.I.L.E. faculty members.
  • Brainy Brunette: Her hair is mostly black and she's a scientist.
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    • When Dr. Bellum finds out that Carmen stole a cellphone from the Janitors, she doesn't understand why Carmen didn't turn in "stolen property" for extra credit.
    • In Season 2, when Neal the Eel says "Bob's your uncle", she's confused at his exclamation because none of her seven uncles are named Bob.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Has one offscreen. While having technical difficulties with her robot minion, Carmen thwarts a heist involving gold. This inspires her to use gold in its circuitry (Truth in Television, as gold makes an excellent conductor), which turns the robot into a quite efficient machine.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: A dispute over Carmen being forced to work alone in "To Steal or Not to Steal" leads to:
    Dr. Bellum: Hm. I hadn't considered how reliant you've become on your own operatives.
    Carmen: They are not "operatives". They're my friends.
    Dr. Bellum: Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha... ha ha... [frowns] ...oh. I thought you were making a funny.
  • Faux Affably Evil: She's V.I.L.E.'s Perky Female Leader and she certainly acts affable. However, during "The Himalayan Rescue Caper", she instantly drops her cheerful attitude once she's seen Carmen's blown up her robot army and angrily chases after her, determined to end her.
  • For Science!: While she certainly doesn't seem to mind the money and power, her primary interest seems to be in creating lots of fancy toys to terrorize people with.
  • Genius Ditz: While undoubtedly a great scientist she has also been shown to neglect to monitor a mission in favour of watching a video of a cat playing a piano.
  • Improbable Hairstyle: Twenty years ago her hair was done in a Bride of Frankenstein style.
  • Literal-Minded: She absolutely abhors idioms and turns of phrase, as they can easily confuse her.
  • Mad Scientist: Hits most of the typical appearance and personality traits.
  • Meaningful Name: As with all members of V.I.L.E. Saira Bellum sounds like cerebellum, a part of the brain, and refers to her being the smartest of the V.I.L.E. faculty, and the one most interested in science and technology.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: She appears to hold a doctorate given her title and she is one of the leaders of VILE.
  • Perky Female Minion: She enjoys watching cat videos and can get easily distracted.
  • Pet the Dog: When Shadowsan brings in Wolfe's baby daughter, she actually advocates for her and justifies it by pointing out that little Carmen is too young to remember anything.
  • Punny Name: As usual, Dr. Bellum's name is a play on the cerebellum, a part of the brain.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She was the first member of the V.I.L.E. faculty to show support for Carmen enrolling and points out that Carmen has had more training than any other recruit.
  • Shorter Means Smarter: Appears to be the smallest of the five V.I.L.E. leaders if this image and her academic title is anything to go by. Officially confirmed in this height chart as she's 5'1".


Roundabout / Nigel Braithwaite

Voiced by: Trevor Devall
"Rest assured, Gunnar, my day job may preclude me from being on site, but it does enable me to rigorously monitor the situation from afar."
V.I.L.E.'s newest member of the Faculty and Shadow-san's replacement as head of Stealth 101 at the academy.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: A V.I.L.E. operative who masquerades as a secret service agent. Carmen's team rips the sheep's clothing off of him in the Season 3 finale.
  • Boring, but Practical: His methods are less showy and elaborate than those of the other candidates, or even the existing instructors, but get results.
  • Evil Brit: He's this, given that he's a V.I.L.E. instructor who has infiltrated Her Majesty's secret service.
  • Meaningful Name: As with all members of V.I.L.E. Roundabout speaks in a "roundabout" way with people, making sure to imply something without saying it, and covertly having people tell him what he wants to hear.
  • The Mole: Has infiltrated Her Majesty’s secret service allowing him to get intel on when authorities arrive.
  • Out-Gambitted: His plot to get Carmen arrested for the theft of the crown jewels fails precisely because Carmen and Shadow-an knew he'd concoct an elaborate scheme, and so they planned around that to make it seem like he'd won.
  • Smug Snake: He's quite smug about his strategic genius, which Team Carmen uses to their advantage to make it seem like he's beaten them.
  • Stealth Expert: In a roundabout way. His stealth expertise is by avoiding detection through diversionary tactics. Diverting attention away from himself rather than avoiding it altogether.
  • The Strategist: Is using his position to keep track of both V.I.L.E. and ACME movements and coordinate V.I.L.E. operatives to stay one step ahead of ACME.
  • Sword Cane: His weapon of choice with which he is a expert fencer shown in Season 3 fighting Shadowsan.
  • Up Through the Ranks: A senior agent of V.I.L.E. who was promoted to the inner council at the end of Season 2.
  • Walking Spoiler: The search for someone to fill Shadow-san's seat was a season-long search, making the fact that he won a major spoiler.
  • You Have Failed Me: Season 3 ends with V.I.L.E. saving him from major jail time, with the Season 4 premiere revealing they intend to mind-wipe him. He's given another chance due to Bellum's malfunctioning technology; when that fails, he's thrown in the dungeons, where he remains until A.C.M.E. raids the facilities in the series finale.



Sheena / Tigress

Voiced by: Kari Wahlgren
"I've earned my stripes. Call me, 'Tigress.'"
One of Carmen's original classmates, the two were rivals even before Carmen turned against V.I.L.E., and she still holds her in contempt.
  • Alpha Bitch: Immediately tries to antagonize Carmen when they're all roomed together, and the two become bitter enemies.
  • Always Someone Better: She likes to rub-in the fact that she aced her thieving test under Shadow-san whilst Carmen failed hers. In reality, Shadowsan deliberately rigged Carmen's test, because he knew she was too good for V.I.L.E. and thus wanted her to fail so she wouldn't have to join them. He flat-out admits that Carmen is by far the better thief over Tigress, and even sent Tigress on the mission in "The Lucky Cat Caper" against her specifically so that Carmen could personally prove that herself. While she remains unaware of the rigged test, she seems to accept that Carmen is better than her.
  • Animal Motifs: Tigers. Her codename is Tigress, one of her weapons include claw-like gloves, her outfit has a stripe-like design that are reminiscent of a tiger, and she wears tiger-like goggles.
  • Badass Driver: Proves that she's just as, if not more, skilled as Zack while evading him and Carmen in San Francisco.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: In "To Steal or Not to Steal," if you help Tigress out of the pit instead of leaving her, Tigress actually returns the favor in helping Carmen rescue Zack and Ivy from the Arctic base.
  • The Brute: The most prone to violence of the students. She's very skilled at hand-to-hand combat, but she lacks the subtle touch. Case in point, her idea of pickpocketing amounts to shredding the mark's clothing and snatching the scraps.
  • Character Development: An odd case in that while she always remains jealous and snippy toward Carmen, by the final season she's clearly accepted that Carmen really is that much more skilled than her and seems content to just grouse about it rather than exert time and energy fighting to prove otherwise like in the past, and she is even more tolerant about working together with Carmen than she was in the past. Plus, she's also afraid of a more physically-threatening Carmen.
  • Dark Action Girl: She's evil, unpleasant, and a good match for Carmen when fighting.
  • Decomposite Character: In the 90s TV Show, the Tigress was a moniker Ivy used to trick Carmen. In this series, the Tigress is a real criminal completely separate from Ivy.
  • Establishing Character Moment: When she and "Black Sheep" properly meet each other, Sheena is the only one of her classmates who introduces herself with an annoyed demeanor, was about to touch "Black Sheep's" Russian dolls without permission, and continued her hostility after "Black Sheep" politely asked her to not touch them.
  • Femme Fatalons: To fit with her cat-like aesthetic.
  • Foil: She's this to Shadowsan since both of them have disdain for Carmen. The only difference is that Sheena's disdain is legitimate, whereas Shadowsan's is a mask because he truly cares for Carmen.
    • She's also this to Paper Star, since they are both Dark Action Girls who actually fight Carmen directly, but while Tigress has a personal dislike of Carmen stemming from their academy days, she’s not nearly as good as she thinks she is. While Paper Star doesn’t have the personal vendetta and is an actual threat to Carmen. Tigress also has an honorable side, while Paper Star does not.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: She's this for Carmen, Crackle, El Topo and Le Chevre, who hang out with her out of their VILE kinship rather than any fondness for her abraisive personality.
  • Goggles Do Something Unusual: Her tiger mask has goggles that allow her to scan for details.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Her main reason for hating Carmen is blatant jealousy toward her for being so much more skilled than she is.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Almost like the name she chooses, she has very little patience for people she hates or when things don't go her way. It's less prominent by Season 4, as she's become more prone to simply being grouchy than full-on angry.
  • Hartman Hips: She has some very wide hips.
  • Hate Sink: Definitely one of VILE's least personable members. While the majority of them possess sympathetic traits, are capable of being polite, or at the very least have comedic moments, Sheena is just a smug Alpha Bitch who considers herself better than Carmen and taunts her at every turn. Toned down in "To Steal or Not to Steal" and Season 3, where she displays an honorable side toward Carmen, gets some comedic moments for herself, and her villainy is shown to be rather tame when placed next to Paper Star and in Season 4 where she is mature enough to work together with a brainwashed Carmen in spite of her jealousy toward her.
  • Hidden Depths: Generally, she's a Jerkass to Carmen and tries to one-up her anytime they meet. In the interactive special "To Steal or Not to Steal", if Carmen chooses to help Tigress when she falls into a pit trap, Tigress returns the favor by helping Carmen rescue Zack and Ivy. For all her faults, she at least pays her debts.
    • In the series finale, she gets arrested after accepting orders from Carmen and serving as a decoy for her despite being not at all happy about it, showing that she has matured to the point where she is willing to place her job above her petty personal feelings.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Tigress has pale, blue eyes and is an antagonistic Jerkass.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Tigress highly resembles her voice actress, Kari Wahlgren.
  • Jerkass: Rivals Shadowsan in how antagonistic she is towards Carmen. And unlike him, her unpleasantness is completely genuine.
  • Mythology Gag: Her and Carmen's rivalry is a nod to the original Tigress' role as someone who would foil Carmen by stealing objects before she could.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: There isn't a standard issue V.I.L.E. outfit but Tigress's outfit is by far the most radical of the group of students shown. In contrast to the dark colors worn by Crackle, Le Chevre, and El Topo (as well as Black Sheep's sneaking outfit), Tigress dons a green bodysuit with orange tiger-stripe highlights and black sleeves and boots. When she's with the other graduates she certainly stands out a fair bit by comparison.
  • Pet the Dog: Surprisingly, she has a moment of this in “To Steal or Not to Steal.” Should you choose to help Tigress when she falls into a pit trap and then rescue Zach and Ivy from the Arctic base, she thanks Carmen for it by aiding her in rescuing them.
    • At the end of Season 4, she begrudgingly accepts a brainwashed Carmen as an ally ("BFFs" as she sarcastically puts it) and in spite of not being happy about it she is willing to sacrifice herself as a decoy for Carmen on a mission, showing that she honors VILE's cause above her own petty feelings of resentment.
  • The Rival: The closest thing Carmen has to a recurring rival, as they both have a measure of resentment for each other from their days in crime school and it tends to come out whenever they run across each other.
  • Smug Snake: Incredibly smug but not nearly as good as she thinks she is.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Paper Star in the episode "The Haunted Bayou Caper", even to the point of being completely uncoordinated in combat against Carmen herself while she's able to defeat them both individually while almost losing to them both in the episode. When they first interact with each other in the episode itself, they snark on each other.
  • Villain Respect: Toward Carmen by the end of the show, though she's not remotely happy about it.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Tigress has white hair and even before she became an official V.I.L.E. thief, she was quite antagonistic.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Loathes bugs. On separate occasions, she gets trapped in a pit and a sarcophagus filled with them.

    Le Chèvre 

Jean-Paul / Le Chèvre

Voiced by: Bernardo De Paula
"Le Chèvre. Like the nimble mountain goat, I take the high ground!"
One of Carmen's original classmates, he specializes in infiltration from above.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Exclusively goes on missions with El Topo and prioritizes his partner's safety over completing their objectives. Dr. Bellum even casually refers to El Topo as his "dear boy". The two are still together by the end of the series.
  • Animal Motifs: His codename is intended to mean "Goat" in French but truly means "goat cheese" instead, and he's repeatedly compared to one. And like a goat, he can leap high up in the air. Plus, he prefers to do his capers from high up.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Jean-Paul is incredibly acrobatic but low tech, preferring to rely on his skills and simple tools like nets and ropes even when there's more high tech equipment that could do the job faster.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Downplayed. His jumping prowess isn't revealed until much later in the first episode, when the thieves are tasked with racing to be the first to push a button, Le Chèvre jumps off of his stilts and quickly scales the rock wall. He's also shown early on to prefer sitting on top of tables than properly in chairs.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He's perfectly fine leaving heroes to die several times, but Paper Star's psychotic nature, understandably, terrifies him.
  • Handshake Substitute: He and El Topo will turn sideways and high-five each other first from the top than the bottom.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He and El Topo leave villainy behind in the series finale.
  • Le Parkour: His specialty is leaping and climbing.
  • Pet the Dog: When he first encounters Carmen after she left V.I.L.E, he begs Carmen to stop and offers to let her go.
  • Those Two Guys: He's rarely seen without his partner, El Topo, being somewhere close by.

    El Topo 

Antonio / El Topo

Voiced by: Andrew Pifko
"Like the burrowing mole, El Topo takes the low!"
One of Carmen's original classmates, he prefers to get the drop on the loot from below.
  • Affably Evil: He may be a V.I.L.E. operative, but he’s quite a nice guy. Notacible in "To Steal or not to Steal" if Carmen chooses him for backup; he holds no ill will towards her and values her safety almost as much as he does Le Chèvre, and is overall much nicer to Carmen than Le Chèvre is to her.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Exclusively goes on missions with Le Chèvre and prioritizes his partner's safety over completing their objectives, dropping everything when Zack tells him that Le Chèvre was attacked by dingos in "Opera in the Outback Caper". By the series finale, the two are still together.
  • Animal Motifs: He tends to move like a mole, and his codename means "Mole" in Spanish. He wears mole-like robotic claws and can travel underground because of them.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Downplayed, as his preference for doing things from the bottom doesn't show up until later in the first episode, as during the training session, Antonio panics when having to rappel down a wall and is also shown early on to prefer sitting on the floor than in a chair.
  • Handshake Substitute: He and Le Chèvre will turn sideways and high-give each other first from the top than the bottom.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He and Le Chevére leave V.I.L.E at the series finale and open a food truck.
  • Never My Fault: After accidentally hitting Le Chèvre in the head and knocking him out, El Topo claims he lost consciousness because of altitude sickness to cover up his blunder.
  • Nothing Personal: If Carmen works with him in "To Steal or Not to Steal", he is happy to see her. He mentions he holds no genuine ill-will against her and only works against or with her due to their roles in life.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Heavily implied in "To Steal or not to Steal", where he makes it clear he treats being a V.I.L.E. operative as just a profession he is talented in and holds no personal grudges against Carmen for working against them.
  • Smarter Than You Look: While looking like a simple muscular brute, in "To Steal or Not to Steal" he reveals he is tardy to his rendevou with Carmen because he was studying the lab's potential entry points and exit points for the mission. True to this, when Carmen is running from ACME with the goods, El Topo's foresight allows Carmen to escape into the drainage tunnel under an attraction and be missed by ACME agents pursuing her.
  • Those Two Guys: Wherever El Topo is, you can bet that his partner, Le Chèvre, can't be too far behind. Except for "The Chasing Paper Caper".
  • Top-Heavy Guy: A broad upper physique with slim legs.
  • Tunnel King: His specialty. Fitting his mole motif, he usually works underground with robotic claws that let him dig through dirt.

    Mime Bomb 

Mime Bomb

Voiced by: Nobody (He's a mime)
Click here to see him in his unpainted appearance
One of Carmen's classmates and a creepy mime who uses his appearance to blend within the public.
  • Beneath Notice: People don't pay much attention to a mime beyond their entertainment value. Even Carmen didn't think much of him at first when he first encountered her sneaking.
    • Moreover, since Mime Bomb is only known by his make-up, should it come off, no one will be able to recognize him.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: While most of his antics are played for laughs, Carmen realizes almost too late that since he was so quiet, he spied on most of the students at school at all times and delivered any information to the staff.
    • On a larger scale, despite how easy it is to underestimate him and his gimmick he consistently proves himself to be one of V.I.L.E.'s most effective and reliable operatives.
  • Dark Is Evil: Mime Bomb wears all black and is a creepy mime employed by a villainous thieving organization.
  • Delayed "Oh, Crap!": In the episode, "The Masks of Venice Caper", he does this miming a frown upon seeing Carmen and her friends before running off.
  • Enemy Mime: A mime who's also a VILE agent.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Subtle, but before he put on his "Mime Bomb" attire, he was the only one of Carmen's classmates who did not speak and mostly faded in the background.
  • Evil Redhead: Has bright red hair and is a creepy mime thief.
  • Monster Clown: A mime who frequently comes off as extremely creepy.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He easily makes use of his mime status to come off as a simple street performer.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Inverted; he avoids capture in "The Masks of Venice Caper" simply by washing his makeup off.
  • Punny Name: Mime Bomb is a play on Time Bomb.
  • Put on the Bus: Unlike the other VILE students, Mime Bomb doesn't appear in Season 2. He returns in the "To Steal or Not To Steal" special and in Season 3.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After failing to get Neal's attention of the police chasing after them in "The Masks of Venice Caper", he gives up and swims into the waters of Venice to let Neal take the fall.
  • The Sneaky Guy: A villainous example. He comes off as a simple street performer when he's actually a devious and clever thief who is an expert in stealth and subterfuge.
  • The Speechless: He's never shown speaking at all.
  • Stealth Expert: As a mime, he doesn't speak. And his silent nature makes him very good at spying on people, sneaking around, and going unnoticed.
  • The Stool Pigeon: Is employed by the faculty as a spy and a snitch.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: One-sided. Mime Bomb honestly hates being teamed with Neal the Eel in "The Masks of Venice Caper." This is made even more hilarious by the fact that Neal assumes they are on friendly terms since Mime Bomb never says otherwise, apparently not realizing that Mime Bomb might really be mute and thus unable to reveal his true feelings even if he wanted to get out of character long enough to do so, and also not noticing Mime Bomb mimicking him insultingly behind his back.
  • The Voiceless: Justified; he is a mime. This makes him a perfect spy since he's very difficult to interrogate. Dialog from the other students imply that he really is mute.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Does not have the combat ability of the other students but makes up for it in cunning. He's particularly good at hiding in plain sight and pulling bait-and-switches. Going by what we see, he actually completes his part of his missions more regularly than other V.I.L.E. agents do.

    Dash Haber 

Dash Haber

Voiced by: Troy Baker
"The countess wishes to invite you to a dinner party and auction."
Countess Cleo's executive courier who debuts in "The Duke of Vermeer Caper".
  • The Dragon: He is Cleo's main underling she turns to help with her crimes.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Gets jealous of how Zack (disguised as a duke) gets all of Countess Cleo's attention.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Despite his whole job being authenticating paintings, Dash knows very little about the art world, not knowing who Vermeer is even though he was working on a con to steal all of his paintings. It's implied that he tries to show off his knowledge to Cleo, evidently having told her that Vermeer was a place in Boston after hearing it from Zack.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is a play on "haberdash" which can either mean a shop that sells sewing implements or a men's tailor. In Season 2, he reveals he has skills in sewing to be able to insert mind control technology into the headwear of four models.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He's always seen wearing a nice suit.
  • Weaponized Headgear: In Season 2, his snazzy black hat is shown to have blades that he can control using his magnetic gloves. He calls it the "Buzz Cut"

    Paper Star 

Paper Star

Voiced by: Kimiko Glenn
"Red is a smart color for you. It will hide the stains."
A classmate of Carmen’s during her "holdover year". Likes to turn paper into various weapons, most often shurikens.
  • Ax-Crazy: Evidenced by her decision to weaponize her origami lessons. She torments Le Chèvre into breaking protocol and telling her where a rendezvous point is by giving him thousands of deadly paper cuts, knowing Carmen will intercept her so she can get another shot at her.
  • Character Tics: Paper Star has a habit of humming a high-pitched tune before striking and while skipping.
  • Cool Sword: She folds one out of aluminum foil in "The Haunted Bayou Caper".
  • Creepy Children Singing: Downplayed. Her humming can come off like this, but she's an Ax-Crazy Psychopathic Womanchild rather than a literal child.
  • Creepy High-Pitched Voice: Kimiko Glenn's naturally high-pitched voice suits Paper Star's Creepy Child-like nature extremely well.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Her reliance on paper is both convenient and a hindrance, depending on the situation. It lets her craft new weapons almost anywhere thanks to the abundance of paper in the world but it also means she's subject to the flaws of using paper (such as losing its effectiveness in heavy winds). If she kept a backup weapon on her person that didn't rely on paper she'd probably present more than a match for Carmen.
  • Cute But Psycho: Oh yes! Paper Star is quite attractive but is an Ax-Crazy psycho.
  • Dark Action Girl: Is quite skilled with her paper weapons and is working for V.I.L.E.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: Downplayed. Well, not "death" but she's capable of causing lots of pain with very deadly paper cuts. Le Chèvre is lucky that she only cut both of his hands.
  • Demoted to Extra: Her sole appearance in Season 4 is a cameo in the final episode, where Carmen leaves her Bound and Gagged for ACME after foiling her latest heist. Said gag also means she doesn't even get any lines.
  • The Dragon: Serves as this to Lady Dokuso in "The Daisho Caper".
  • Establishing Character Moment: Introduced via flashback and the titular heist in "The Chasing Paper Caper" with her notable creepy leitmotif and equally disturbing Skip of Innocence while using razor sharp origami during her class with Shadowsan and battle with Carmen, respectively. In the latter, she states Carmen wearing red will help hide the stains and puts up a considerable fight against her adversary.
  • Flechette Storm: She's very quick on the draw and can easily pin targets down.
  • Foil:
    • She is this to Carmen in as much as Shadowsan views them both as too reckless. But whereas he truly cares for Carmen and knew she was too moral for VILE, he probably knew that Paper Star was a psychopath and thus truly disliked her.
    • She’s also this to Tigress, since they are both Dark Action Girls who actually fight Carmen directly, but while Tigress has a personal dislike of Carmen stemming from their academy days, she’s not nearly as good as she thinks she is. Paper Star, on the other hand, is the most skilled V.I.L.E. member Carmen faces and is never actually defeated one-on-one by her. While Paper Star doesn’t have the personal vendetta and is an actual threat to Carmen. Tigress also has an honorable side, while Paper Star does not.
  • Hypocrite: She refuses to give Le Chèvre the magna cartas saying that he would look like operative who would get caught delivering it yet her outfit out of all the operatives is most likely to draw attention to herself among a crowd.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Likes to turn paper into throwing stars. She makes a sword out of foil in "The Haunted Bayou Caper".
  • Improvised Weapon: When she runs out of origami paper, any paper on hand will do, such as museum brochures. She can even use foil as shown in "The Haunted Bayou Caper".
  • Irony: It's implied that she got her gimmick from Shadowsan's origami lessons. Shadowsan heavily dislikes her for her reckless nature.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Viscerally scary and the first V.I.L.E. operative to give Carmen a real challenging fight. She's also overtly sadistic (mincing no words that she will make Carmen bleed) and even assaults her own allies just so she can get her own way.
  • Leitmotif: Has a creepy-like theme which uses pianos and bells.
  • Logical Weakness: Her paper weapons may be absurdly sharp, but they still weigh the same as paper and thus can be blown away in the wind. Water and glue also have been shown to be effective.
  • Martial Arts and Crafts: She weaponizes origami.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: Similar to Tigress, her outfit stands out the most with bright colors and design in contrast to other operatives that generally wear darker colors.
  • Paper Master: She took Shadowsan's origami lessons to heart, and specializes in folding paper stars sharp enough to cut through stone. She can use them as daggers and can fold them fast enough to make a veritable storm of razor origami art.
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: Is a sadist who skips around and hums a little tune to herself all while threatening to give someone deadly paper cuts. Le Chèvre even calls her psychotic.
  • Shadow Archetype: Paper Star is what Carmen would've been had she fully embraced V.I.L.E.'s ideals.
  • Skip of Innocence: Her usual walk. Though she’s not really innocent.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Speaks in a very soft pleasant voice and, as Le Chèvre can tell you, is certainly sadistic.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Tigress in the episode "The Haunted Bayou Caper", even to the point of being completely uncoordinated in combat against Carmen herself while she's able to defeat them both individually while almost losing to them both in the episode. When they first interact with each other in the episode itself, they snark on each other.
  • The Unfettered: Paper Star has no absolutely scruples in doing anything, no mater how immoral.
  • Wild Card: Carmen describes her as such. And she's not wrong. Paper Star does whatever she want whenever she wants, even if it goes against V.I.L.E. protocol.

    Lady Dokuso 

Lady Dokuso

Voiced by: Sumalee Montano
"Test my reflexes again, and you will taste my venom."
A senior operative of V.I.L.E residing in Japan. She teams up with Paper Star during "The Daisho Caper"
  • Bad Boss: Incapacitates Shadowsan by putting contact poison on a pair of chopsticks she knew he would use as an Improvised Weapon, thus also poisoning the unlucky Mook he uses them on. (Then again, the poison was a temporary paralytic, not lethal, so the Mook is likely fine, just like Shadowsan. Though Shadowsan is affected by the poison in about a minute, while the Mook is shown using the chopsticks for much longer, so it may just be that all of her Mooks have Acquired Poison Immunity.)
  • Cool Shades: Wears a a pair of black sunglasses when on a mission.
  • Crazy-Prepared: She just so happens to poison a pair of chopsticks that Shadowsan was going to use as weapons.
  • Dark Action Girl: She is one the most experienced female members of VILE who uses poison and daggers to take opponents out.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She appears as one of Countess Cleo's guests in "The Duke of Vermeer Caper" before being formally introduced in Season 2.
  • Kimono Is Traditional: First introduced in a kimono.
  • Light Is Not Good: She wears a white kimono, but in Japan, it's considered as the color of death and she once planned to chop Shadowsan's head. Her headquarters is also a sort of neon-lit back alley bar in Japan.
  • Master Poisoner: Her specialty. She is capable of using any numbers of means to introduce poisons to her targets, from darts and blades, to innocuous things like chopsticks.
  • Meaningful Name: Dokuso is Japanese for "Poison" and Paper Star states that she's famous for her poison medicines.
  • Names To Run Away From Very Fast: Her name translates to "Lady Poison".
  • Parasol of Pain: Her weapon is a paper parasol.
  • Poison Is Evil: Is an expert in poison and she's a member of VILE.
  • Smoke Out:
    • She uses a smoke-bomb to escape when Carmen has her at sword point.
    • She uses one in "The Beijing Bullion Caper" when Shadowsan lunges at her while they are both standing on statues to escape him.
  • Villain of the Week:
    • She is the main antagonist for the episode "The Daisho Caper", where she tries to set a trap for Shadowsan in order to become a member of V.I.L.E's council.
    • She appears again in "The Beijing Bullion Caper" as the lead field agent in the plot to rob the Chinese Government of their bullion reserves.

    The Mechanic 

The Mechanic

Voiced by: Lucy Davis
"'Ello 'Ello 'Ello, who do we have here? A couple of Oliver Twists looking for some gruel."
A mechanic from the United Kingdom who is good friends with Coach Brunt. She appears in "The Need For Speed Caper" hoping to hijack a state-of-the-art car.
  • Dark Action Girl: She is a member of V.I.L.E who throws wrenches as weaponry against her opponents.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": She's simply known as "The Mechanic".
  • Evil Brit: British and a member of V.I.L.E.
  • Evil Counterpart: Essentially one to Ivy, both whom are good at fixing cars. The major difference is that Ivy wants nothing to do with the criminal underworld, whereas The Mechanic's far too happy where she is.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Aside from Coach Brunt, none of the top brass at V.I.L.E. likes her.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: She and Brunt are on great terms with each other.
  • Lower-Class Lout: Speaks with a Cockney accent and wears grease-stained overalls even when meeting with V.I.L.E.'s faculty.
  • The Pig-Pen: She brings oil-soaked wrenches to the V.I.L.E. faculty's meeting and seems to be oblivious to the mess she makes, which is why everyone on the faculty except Coach Brunt dislikes her.
  • Villain of the Week: She's the main villain of the episode "The Need For Speed Caper", where she attempts to steal an expensive race car in order to get a seat on V.I.L.E's council.
  • Wrench Wench: She's a mechanic with her own chop shop that strips cars to their bare essentials.

    The Driver 

The Driver

Voiced by: Toks Olagundoye
The Mechanic's right-hand woman.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Introduced early in "The Need For Speed Caper" as a nameless high-class woman seemingly charmed by Stirling. We don't see her again until after she pulls off the heist.
  • Dark Action Girl: She is able to hold her own against Carmen.
  • The Dragon: To the Mechanic.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Zack; both are the getaway drivers for their respective teams, but with opposing alignments.
  • Getaway Driver: It's her title.
  • Honey Trap: She seduces Stirling in order to steal the car he was going to drive.
  • Mugged for Disguise: She steals Stirling's uniform and helmet in order to impersonate him and steal the car he was supposed to drive. Zack and Ivy find the real Stirling Bound and Gagged in his underwear.
  • No Name Given: Just like her boss, she's only known as "The Driver".
  • Samus Is a Girl: When stealing the car, she initially appears in a concealing helmet and body suit. She takes off her helmet after she steals the car.

    Otter Man and Moose Boy 

Otter Man and Moose Boy

Voiced by: Scott Whyte (Otter Man), Roger Craig Smith (Moose Boy)
"Carmen Sandiego, we know precisely who you are, VILE's most wanted."
"Every precaution must be taken when selling stolen launch codes."
Two V.I.L.E. operatives based in Stockholm.
Tropes that apply to both
  • Animal Motifs: Downplayed. Otter Man's motif is an otter and Moose Boy's motif is a Moose using them as their codenames despite not having any particular abilities or attributes besides the fact that Otters are shorter than Moose.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Despite their sitcom-esque antics, their scheme to secure a seat on the V.I.L.E Faculty involves selling stolen nuclear launch codes.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Otter Man is the litte guy who has common sense and is shorter than Moose Boy who isn't the most brightest guy as he accidentally slips information much to the annoyance to Otter.
  • Mistaken Identity: Mistakes Ivy for Carmen because she loudly exclaimed it. After Ivy stops them, they are convinced that Ivy is the real deal.
  • Villain of the Week: Of the V.I.L.E subplot to “The Stockholm Syndrome Caper”.

Tropes that apply to Otter Man

Tropes that apply to Moose Boy

  • Big Guy: Moose Boy is the stronger of the two, with a hint of Dumb Muscle due to his loose lips.
  • Engineered Public Confession: Although Ivy didn't trick Moose into confessing, her conversation with him is what led him to reveal information about the data crystal.
  • Tongue on the Flagpole: Moose Boy is the victim of this, getting his tongue stuck on an ice pillar while combating Ivy.

    Spinkick and Flytrap 

Spinkick and Flytrap

Voiced by: Dante Basco (Spinkick), Sarah-Nicole Robles (Flytrap)
"May I have this dance Señorita Sandiego? You can call me... Spinkick!"
"It takes two to tango. Call me... Flytrap!"
A pair of V.I.L.E. operatives who are both recent graduates of the academy.
Tropes that apply to both
  • Atrocious Alias: Carmen mocks their obvious codenames, questioning if the good ones were taken.
  • Butt-Monkey: They're soundly curbstomped by Carmen and Shadowsan in their first appearance, then tricked into following their tracking signal to Africa when Carmen's on the other side of the planet. In the series finale they are apprehended by ACME off-screen.
  • Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Spinkick is a melee fighter that utilizes his martial arts while Flytrap is a long-range fighter that throws bolas.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Despite graduating from V.I.L.E. Academy after majoring in a course specifically dedicated to teaching them to fight Carmen, they're still easily outwitted and beaten more easily than most.
  • Meaningful Name: Spinkick attacks his opponents with kicks; Flytrap traps them by throwing bolas at them.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: They both wear outfits that lack sleeves.

Tropes that apply to Spinkick

Tropes that apply to Flytrap

  • Braids of Action: Flytrap wears her hair in two braids.
  • Battle Bolas: Flytrap has a pair of bolas that she uses to ensnare opponents.
  • Dark Action Girl: She is a recent graduate of V.I.L.E and hunts down fighting Carmen alongside Spinkick.

    The Troll 

The Troll

Voiced by: Osric Chau
A Korean hacker and computer technician who works for V.I.L.E.
  • Asian and Nerdy: He's of Korean descent and serves as The Cracker.
  • The Cracker: A thief who can commit his crimes from behind a screen.
  • Evil Counterpart: Zack and Ivy explicitly call him "Player, but evil." He has a lot of the same skills as Player, and operates remotely from behind his computer, like Player.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": Interrupts Dr. Bellum when she addresses him as "Troll" to insist that there's a required "the" in his alias. She points out that that doesn't work grammatically in the sentence she was using it in, but the other council members just humor him.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: His final appearance in the show ends up being this in Season 4 Episode 3, "The Robo Caper" where he reveals to VILE Faculty that Graham was arrested in Iceland.
  • Totally Radical: He talks like a middle-aged television writer trying to sound like a millennial computer nerd; his speech is peppered with outdated memes, his intro splash is based on the "Deal With It" meme, and he uses "I see what you did there" so much it borders on being his Character Catchphrase.


    The Cleaners 

Vlad and Boris / The Cleaners

Voiced by: Liam O'Brien
Boris is on the left. Vlad is on the right.
"Leave the cleaning to professionals"
Two solemn looking men who clean up after the school's messes, metaphorical and literal.
  • Almighty Janitors: Despite being cleaners who cleans up VILE academy, they are a lot capable when in combat and in the field.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: The duo rarely speak, but are diligent in their jobs. They were about to knock out Chase when they thought he was there to arrest Cleo and her associates for theft.
  • Consummate Professional: They do their job quickly, quietly, and without complaint. As Shadowsan notes, they are without fear. The sight of Carmen fighting Dash and possibly winning doesn't stop them from their job in taking the stolen goods they are after. Once they secured the merchandise, then they called Dash to retreat to the chopper for the escape.
  • The Dividual: They are a duo that within the plot, act as one entity.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": They're only known as "the Cleaners". Per Carmen in the Pilot, their actual names are Vlad and Boris. Which is who isn't revealed until "The Egyptian Decryption Caper" when Cleo calls them by their individual names. Vlad is the shorter one and Boris the taller.
  • Hopeless with Tech: Despite thier usual cold efficiency, they are stumped by how to use apps on a phone when working with The Troll in "The Haunted Bayou Caper."
  • Legacy Character: A meta example- they seem to be based on brothers Rick and Nick Ick from the 90’s remake of Where in the World, who, just like them, were a pair of janitors who cleaned up the messes left behind by V.I.L.E. However, unlike the Ick brothers, who weren’t very good in trying to clean messes (and indeed, seeing them meant the player was on the right track), these two are much more efficient at their jobs.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • They clean up messes, whether it's from the junk lying around at school, or to take care of anyone who's gotten close to V.I.L.E.'s secrets.
    • In a Halloween episode the two dress as Dracula (who was based on Vlad the Impaler) and Frankenstein (famously played by Boris Karloff).
  • Those Two Guys: They're always seen together.

    The Bookkeeper 

Cookie Booker

Voiced by: Rita Moreno
"Young lady, you seem like a smart cookie. If you wish to walk in my shoes someday, set your sights higher than pulling pranks or picking pockets. White collar crime is where the real money is."
V.I.L.E.'s bookkeeper, she comes to the organization's island HQ annually to upload their sensitive data concerning operation reports and projected earnings to the isolated central servers, due to VILE's mistrust of wireless uploading.
  • Boring, but Practical: She advises Carmen that white-collar crime, not elaborate heists, is where the real money is.
  • Bound and Gagged: Ends up like this after Carmen snatches her red coat and fedora.
  • Brainy Brunette: Has (greying) black hair and is the accountant for V.I.L.E.'s illegal activities.
  • Casting Gag: She's voiced by Where On Earth's version of Carmen Sandiego. As a result, the fact that Carmen steals the iconic red coat and fedora from her (figuratively inheriting them from her predecessor) has a Double Meaning, as does some of her advice to Gina's Carmen to become a better thief:.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: While she may have thought the young Carmen was a menace, she also believed the VILE Council putting the whole island on lockdown was excessive.
  • Iconic Outfit: She was the original owner of the red coat and fedora hat that Carmen uses as her usual guise, as well as what gave her her new name.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Her name is a reference to the expression "cook the books", which refers to altering accounting records illegally.
    • Her first name is a reference to data sent from online to a user's computer relating to how she carries data on hand.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Cookie wears red glasses and is the accountant of V.I.L.E.
  • Trrrilling Rrrs: She rolls the R's of "Arrivederci" for effect.
  • Villain of the Week: She returns as the main antagonist of the episode "The Fashionista Caper", where she attempts to gain V.I.L.E's favor by attempting to eliminate Carmen and stealing the Medici gowns.

    Yakuza Goons 

Yakuza Goons

Voiced by: Mike Hagiwara (Yakuza Goon 1), Paul Nakauchi (Yakuza Goon 2), Liam O'Brien (Yakuza Goon 3)
Yakuza Goon 1
Yakuza Goon 2
Yakuza Goon 3
"We outnumber him and outweigh him, and we are armed. What can on man do?"
Yakuza Goon 1
A group of yakuza thugs that are situated in Club Dokuso in Tokyo. Although they are not members of V.I.L.E, they are ultimately allied with Lady Dokuso.
  • Acquired Poison Immunity: Implied. Given they able to hold chopsticks, something Shadowsan used to fight them before being immobile and paralyzed, it's likely they are resistant to Lady Dokuso's toxins.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Inverted. They are hoodlums that prefer to use swords, or in this case, katanas in combat.
  • Mooks: They work for Lady Dokuso and they are quickly defeated by Shadowsan.
  • Tattooed Crook: One of the yakuza members has tattoos on his chest.
  • Villain of the Week. They are the main antagonists who only appear in Season 2 Episode 3, "The Daisho Caper."
  • Villains Out Shopping: Their initial appearance is them eating at a nightclub and one of them enjoys karoke.
  • Yakuza: The end credits explicitly call them "yakuza", a group of gang members from Japan.

    Marta Contreras 

Marta Contreras

Voiced by: Sylvia Villagran
"You are clever, Carmen. May I call you that? But you do have one flaw. You care too much. You can not save everyone, you know."
A high-end art collector and VILE recruiter who traffics stolen art for VILE and attempted to recruit Sonia as a potential member.
  • The Fagin: She grooms Sonia into becoming a thief eventually allowing her to almost enter VILE academy.
  • Flaw Exploitation: She is aware of Carmen's willingness to prevent thefts and preserve artifacts and so she tricks Carmen into saving an "artifact" which is an electric device that knocks her out. Unfortunately for Marta, it doesn't work on Zack and Ivy.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: She doesn't fight directly against Carmen Sandiego but instead exploits her weakness by using an electric device.
  • Villain of the Week: She only appears in Season 3 Episode 2 "The Dead of the Dead Caper".

    Madame Goldlove 

Madame Goldlove

Voiced by: Rachael MacFarlane
"I have heard of this Carmen Sandiego. If she were bold if enough to interfere with me, I would crack her like a little red pistachio."
A German brawler that loves gold who is based in Bavaria, Germany and is seen with her bodyguard, Hugo. While not a member of V.I.L.E. directly, she allies with them when they steal a large supply of gold.
  • The Brute: She's a powerful fighter and delights in the pain she can cause in her enemies.
  • Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: Do not mess with her, she will "tear the nose hairs from your face with [her] teeth"
  • Dark Action Girl: She's very tough, one that you don't want to mess with.
  • Gratuitous German: Downplayed. She speaks fluent English with a couple of German words.
  • Loves Only Gold: As her name implies, she loves gold especially in bulk. According to Shadowsan, she has a passion for bullion which has exceeded her cruel nature and as such she attempts to commit a gold heist in Germany.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: She takes her white coat off before fighting Ivy and Carmen which reveals her attire to be sleeveless.
  • Villain of the Week: She only appears in Season 4 Episode 2 before being arrested after Carmen tips off the police who then raid and shutdown the illegal factory

Former members


Graham "Gray" Calloway / Crackle

Voiced by: Michael Goldsmith
"I'm Crackle. Lights out, baby!"
One of Carmen's original classmates, the two were rather close before she left V.I.L.E. After he ended up captured by Interpol in the pilot, Dr. Bellum wiped his memory of his time in the organization and sent him back to his old life.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: His first interaction with Carmen was by making fun of her nickname, "Lambkins", to which she responds by pulling him backwards and threatening him. Crackle looks back at their first meeting with humor and feels like it was deserved.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: In the novelization, Gray shows more guilt when Carmen recalls how he fired on an innocent man. He also is more regretful about taking her in as a V.I.L.E. captive when she offers for him to join her team.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: He goes from a criminal willing to use lethal force to a Nice Guy after Dr. Bellum wipes his memory of everything V.I.L.E.-related.
  • Amnesiac Resonance: In "The Crackle Goes Kiwi Caper", he saves Carmen by using an electrical staff — his former weapon — and instinctively knows how to work V.I.L.E. tech, despite claiming that he's just a stage lighting technician and that it's far above his pay grade.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: His electrician uniform is practically a recolor of his thief outfit.
  • Break His Heart to Save Him: Carmen ultimately decides not to take up the amnesiac Gray on his initial offer to meet at a cafe, as even if he's not a sleeper agent under the control of V.I.L.E., interacting with him could put him in danger. She does get in contact with him later, however.
  • Destroy the Security Camera: His knowledge on power grids is used to disable security cameras and other security systems to sneak past and steal undetected.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Obtained his nickname after he said that everyone else's suggestions didn't "crackle" with him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He grows to dislike V.I.L.E's brainwashing of Carmen Sandiego, since they didn't let her take her own decisions. He reveals it to Chief and asks her to use the experimental memory-restoring machine ACME used on him.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Does not understand why Carmen would stop him from killing an innocent man or why she would defect from V.I.L.E in the first place.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: In flashbacks during Carmen's time at V.I.L.E. academy, he has his bangs swept across his forehead. In the present, after Carmen defects, his bangs are now sticking straight upwards, and stay the same after he gets hit with Laser-Guided Amnesia.
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision: In the Grand Finale he has a moment where he must choose between saving a brainwashed Carmen - the friend - or helping untie Tigress so that he can not expose his treachery and still keep his standing in V.I.L.E - the "idol". He chooses Carmen.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: After ACME undoes his V.I.L.E. inflicted brainwashing, Gray retains some semblance of morality. Due to this, in the Grand Finale, Chief allows Gray to escape, with the official record stating ACME lost track of him.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: Along with wiping his memory, V.I.L.E. also suppressed his criminal impulse to ensure he won't have a relapse and regain memories that might threaten their organization.
  • Hidden Depths: He shows hints of being ashamed of his willingness to kill and pushed off fighting Carmen as long as he could in the hopes of getting her to come back.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Civilian or villain, Graham cares a lot for Carmen - to the point where he begs her not to be involved with V.I.L.E. purely because he can't bear the thought of having to hurt her. When Carmen is finally captured by V.I.L.E. and brainwashed, Graham is initially happy to work with her again, but knowing that it's not what she would have wanted, willingly turns himself in to A.C.M.E. in hopes they can bring her memories back. He chooses to walk out of her life forever at the end of the series, not wanting to complicate her life despite clearly missing her.
  • Kill the Lights: Because Graham is an electrician, he uses his skills to disable the lights to steal within the cover of darkness.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Inflicted on him by V.I.L.E. after he was captured, erasing his memory of the last year, to the point that he doesn't remember V.I.L.E. or even Carmen herself.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Carmen tells him that she thought of him as a big brother during their time at the academy. It was more than likely mutual, given that they first met when Gray was at least 18 and Carmen was an underage teen. Possibly subverted when Gray's memory is erased and he sets up a date with the present-day Carmen at his favorite cafe, though it's not clear if Carmen realized what he was doing given her background.
  • Meaningful Name: Crackle comes from the crackling sounds of his electrical weapon.
  • Motif: Electricity. His weapon of choice was an electrical staff and he was an electrician in his previous job.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He is horrified when the brainwashed Carmen is willing to kill Zack and realize that he isn't willing to continue his life of crime anymore after said incident.
  • Nice Guy: He was this back in the day, since he immediately became good friends with Carmen and was like a brother to her. Once he has his memory wiped, he becomes genuinely good. Subverted in Season 4, when it's revealed that he chose to sign up with V.I.L.E. after he found his original electrician job not lucrative enough - the revelation convinces him to sign back up with V.I.L.E. Doubly Subverted after he turns to A.C.M.E. for help to break V.I.L.E.'s mind control on her.
  • Odd Name Out: Within their friend group, Crackle was the only thief who wasn't based off an animal.
  • Parental Abandonment: In Season 4 Episode 2, he mentions he's an orphan nor does he have a twin, let alone an evil one. We don't learn anything about his family after that.
  • Put on a Bus: By episode 6, he's once again a normal electrician in Australia, where he'll likely stay if neither side intervenes. He comes back in Season 2, where Carmen gets him to help her raid Bellum's lab.
  • The Rival: Subverted. Crackle's introduction paints him as a smug thief and the flashback to meeting Carmen for the first time has all the makings of a petty rivalry, however Gray easily lets it go and the two become rather close at school.
  • Ship Tease: With Carmen. Sorta one-sided on his part though, since Carmen only saw him as her best friend. After his memory is erased, Gray very openly flirts with her and even asks her out on a date, but Carmen doesn't seem to recognise any further intent beyond friendliness.
  • Shock Stick: His weapon was an electrical staff.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's really hard to talk about him without bringing up the fact that he was afflicted with Laser-Guided Amnesia.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Seems to be the least physically adept of his crew (which is still pretty adept, to be fair), being the only one to utilize ranged attacks, and handles most, if not all, of the on-site technical aspects of capers.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: We only see him on one mission and he spends most of it sitting through Carmen's Info Dump before getting knocked out by her. After that he has his his memory wiped and is Put on a Bus without any major on-screen fights or victories. He does return for an episode in Season 2, though.
    • Season 4 features Graham regaining his memories of V.I.L.E while under ACME custody.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Carmen tells Player that Gray was her best school friend. Then that changed when Carmen switched sides.
  • You Have Failed Me: Failure is acceptable to V.I.L.E., but getting captured is not. When released from prison, Gray's memory is erased.

    Dexter Wolfe 

Dexter Wolfe
The agent that formerly held Shadowsan's position in V.I.L.E.'s inner circle.
  • Ambiguously Brown: His exact ethnicity is unknown. He's probably Argentinian, given he had a safe house there.
  • Animal Motifs: Wolves. His last name was is basically wolf with an "e". He had a lone wolf attitude. His professional title was "The Wolf". And his final act was him going Papa Wolf for Carmen.
    Shadowsan: For like his namesake, "The Wolf" relished the hunt far too much to lead an idle, academic life.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Has thick eyebrows. Like his daughter, Carmen.
  • Disappeared Dad: To Carmen herself.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He wanted to give up his criminal life for Carmen's sake. He also deeply cared for Carmen's birth mother, "Vera Cruz" (real name: Carlota Valdez).
  • Evil Parents Want Good Kids: The central reason he left V.I.L.E. was because he didn't want Carmen to grow up in the criminal organization.
  • Generation Xerox: Like his daughter, Dexter was a famous superthief who ultimately abandoned V.I.L.E. for personal reasons. However, he died when he attempted to do so.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Tried to leave V.I.L.E. after Carmen was born, but was killed by Interpol before he could do so.
  • Love Redeems: Dexter's fatherly love towards Carmen is what motivated him to defect from V.I.L.E.
  • Not His Sled: Anyone familiar with the original series might expect Carmen's father to be Argentine businessman Malcom Avalon, further backed up by the fact that Carmen was found in Argentina and Player even suggests that Carmen was kidnapped from wealthy parents as a baby. However, come the end of Season 2, it is revealed that this is not the case.
  • Papa Wolf: His last act was making sure a baby Carmen was safe and only thought of her safety during the night he died. In fact, his whole reason for defecting V.I.L.E. was for his daughter's sake.
  • Phantom Thief: The brief flashback we see of him has him robbing everyone on a yacht over the course of around thirty seconds, including the shirt off a man's back, before escaping without being noticed.
  • Posthumous Character: Died years before the events of the series.
  • Red Baron: Known as "The Wolf".
  • Stealth Expert: The former stealth instructor of V.I.L.E. And he was a true expert on the craft.
  • Walking Spoiler: Everything we learn about him is a major spoiler of some kind.

    Instructor Shadowsan 

Intructor Shadowsan

Voiced by: Paul Nakauchi
One of V.I.L.E.'s five instructors, his classes deal with stealth in thievery (such as pickpocketing). He was vocally opposed to Carmen being enrolled in the academy, to the point that her purposefully failed her in her final exam.
See his entry under Carmen's gang. but beware of spoilers.

    Neal the Eel 

Neal the Eel

Voiced by: Rhys Darby
"Beware of electric eels!"
A V.I.L.E. operative known for being able to get in and out of the tightest spots.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: Uses these in his heists.
  • Animal Motifs: As his name indicates, eels. His name rhymes with it and he's as Slippery as an Eel.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: A guy whose gimmick is being slippery doesn't seem like he'd be a big threat, but his fighting style has let him stand on fairly even terms with Shadowsan.
  • Confusion Fu: He's quite good at fighting in awkward positions, and slipping and sliding around the battlefield.
  • Dub Name Change: In the French dub, he's named Guy l'Anguille with "l'Anguille" meaning "The Eel" in order to fit the rhyming.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Dr. Bellum makes mention of him an episode or two before his first appearance as her suggestion to fill the opening in the faculty.
  • Expy: Somewhat similar to the slimy Vic the Slick from the Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego game show.
  • Giving Them the Strip: Uses this to escape a tight situation when cornered. Thankfully, he has his wetsuit on underneath.
  • Irony: For someone whose skillset is based around being slippery Carmen manages to neutralize him by using olive oil to make him too slippery to gain any traction.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When he returns in "The Beijing Bullion Caper" he fails in his redemption mission to spare him from being mind wiped. Knowing what is to come, he escapes from the other V.I.L.E. agents around him and hides on a Chinese fishing trawler.
  • Slippery as an Eel: He's flexible enough to squeeze in and out of the smallest spaces, and is associated with eels.
  • Static Stun Gun: His choice of weaponry which he uses to knock out Shadowsan.
  • Stealth Expert: As someone who can fit into and squeeze out of small spaces.
  • You Have Failed Me: After his appearance in Season 3 where he is captured by the police, he is retrieved by the Cleaners and the start of Season 4 shows he will be decomissioned like other captured V.I.L.E. agents. It is only the luck that Bellum's equipment isn't working properly in their new headquarters does he get a reprieve to try and succeed again. After that job fails, he just runs from V.I.L.E.

    Robo Robber 

Roby the Robo Robber
A robot created by Dr. Saira Bellum to steal for VILE in her effort to eliminate human error.
  • Determinator: While Roby isn’t programed to directly hurt humans, it seeks to complete its objectives even it means mercilessly hunting Carmen down if she has what Roby was going to steal.
  • Expy: To RoboCrook from the Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego game show who was already the criminal version of Robocop.
  • In a Single Bound: Can jump extremely high distances including grabbing Carmen on her glider mid-air and slingshotting from underwater to the top of the Helix Bridge using his grappling arm.
  • Killed Off for Real: Carmen not only dropped Roby off a cliff but she also blew up an entire room of the yet to be activated Robo Robbers.
  • Lightning Bruiser: A mechanical marvel that survived Ivy hitting it with a van while being fast enough to eventually catch up to a fleeing Carmen on foot.
  • Mecha Mook: It's a robot created by V.I.L.E to steal for the organization and it was able to easily overpower Carmen.
  • Power Fist: Has weaponized hands that have some semblance of sentience when detached and comes attached with a grappling hook, an energized chop, and a high powered drill in its knuckles. Even when its arm is severed, the arm is pretty cable of fighting Shadowsan even destroying a table, although Shadowsan managed to dismantle it before it do much damage.
  • Sonic Stunner: Shattered the glass case holding the Himalayan crown by pointing its palm directly at it.


"The five hailed from five geographic regions. They commanded bands of raiders, who pillaged and plundered along the trade routes of the middle ages. As their empire grew in power, the schemes of "The Five" grew both bolder and more sophisticated. They began to pillage from ancient monuments and tombs, much in the way that present-day VILE might steal historic artifacts from museums. Their fortune became so vast, VILE's founders sought a location both secure and secret enough to hoard their stolen riches."

  • Dismantled MacGuffin: Built one in the form of the three V.I.L.E. relics which are supposed to point towards the hiding place of the vast amounts of stolen treasure they did not need.
  • The Horde: They started out as warlords commanding bands of raiders who pillaged and plundered trade routes in the Middle Ages.
  • Predecessor Villain: They founded V.I.L.E. back in the Medieval Period and are all long dead by the start of the series.
  • Robbing the Dead: As their empire grew in power and they turned to more sophisticated schemes they pillaged ancient monuments and tombs, much like present V.I.L.E. robs museums.
  • Villainous Legacy: They built an evil organization that lasted thousands of years and is still being run today in the form of the current V.I.L.E. faculty.

    Gunnhild the Gruesome 

Gunnhild the Gruesome
One of V.I.L.E.'s five founders, a one-eyed Viking warrior princess who operated out of a command post in Longyearbyen, located in a remote region of Svalbard, Norway.
