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Quivering Lip

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There are a good many ways to convey emotions. Any and all of the tropes about tears and crying, the wide variety of smile tropes, and all manner of fidgeting or nervous tics.

Among these is the Quivering Lip.

When a character is sad, but not yet crying, they might telegraph that tears are eminent with a slight tremor in the lip. At this point, there is still a chance to stave off the tears, but efforts to do so are just as likely to fail, which could result in Inelegant Blubbering or Running Away to Cry.

A Quivering Lip might be part of the arsenal of someone who will Resort to Pouting, making their protruding lower lip tremble a bit as a form of emotional extortion, e.g. "give me what I want or I will cry". It could also be the result of someone trying to hold in their emotions.

Exceptionally masculine characters might allow a lip quiver as the only sign that they're sad, and also this might also carry over to anyone, regardless of gender, in societies that believe in a Stiff Upper Lip. It may also be a prelude to Manly Tears.

Frequently overlaps with, and comparable to Quivering Eyes, which usually indicate tears are now forming.

If an adult does this as part of a manipulation tactic, it is an indicator that they could be a Manchild or Womanchild.

In anime, where lips aren't always shown in detail, it can be represented by drawing the mouth as a quivering line.

Sometimes a character might exploit this through a Wounded Gazelle Gambit (typically through Crocodile Tears). A character might also do this as they're trying to hold back their tears.

Contrast Coquettish Lip Biting, where a person bites their lip to show interest or arousal.

Compare Puppy-Dog Eyes and Inelegant Blubbering.


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    Anime & Manga 
  • The Demon Girl Next Door: Yuko is summoned to a meeting with Lilith in her dreamscape, and Lilith tears into her about how pathetic she is, and then, when Yuko's lip begins to tremble, yells at her, "Don't cry!"
  • Photon: Between Aun and Keyne feuding with each other, and Large Ham Papacharino wrecking the meals, poor hungry Photon doesn't get one bite to eat across two days' time. He gets Ocular Gushers and an oscillating lower lip as his meal gets spilled to the ground every time. Photon is even willing to eat the dirty food, but the women forbid it.
  • Smile PreCure!:
    • Yayoi's lip briefly wobbles as her eyes well up with Tears of Joy after Miyuki and Akane say she's cool.
    • In the series finale, after Candy is sent back to Märchenland, Miyuki's lip quivers and then she breaks down in Inelegant Blubbering, as do all the other girls.

    Fan Works 

    Films — Animated 
  • The Emperor's New Groove:
    • Kuzco does this when he finds himself in llama form, coupling it with Quivering Eyes and a pathetic "mimimimi" whine.
    • When Yzma insults Kronk's spinach puffs, you can see his lips tremble as he struggles not to cry.
  • The Little Mermaid (1989): Ariel does this when her father King Triton reprimands her for going to the surface, then swims away before he can see her cry.
  • The Swan Princess: Queen Uberta organizes a fete of many nations to gather princesses for her son Prince Derek to woo. Derek sees through this and chafes at another of his mother's "meet market" socials. Disappointed that her efforts will be for naught, Queen Uberta attempts to guilt-trip Derek into compliance, beginning with a weeping feint that begins with a quivering lower lip. Derek deftly counters this ploy.
    Derek: No, Ma, not that. Not the lip thing.

  • Daisy: In "Eat Your Peas!", Daisy's mother, despite yelling at her daughter to eat her peas, refuses to eat her Brussel's sprouts, to the point that it says that "her bottom lip began to wobble" when Daisy tells her to eat them.
  • Sherlock Holmes, in "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box", is able to break in on Watson's thoughts in part because of Watson's quivering lips and Wistful Smile.
    Holmes: Your hand stole towards your own old wound and a smile quivered on your lips, which showed me that the ridiculous side of this method of settling international questions had forced itself upon your mind.

     Live Action TV 
  • Blackadder Goes Forth: When Lt. George hears that Edmund may have been captured behind enemy lines and killed, he asks General Melchett for permission to let his lip wobble.
  • Community: In the season 1 episode English as a Second Language, Jeff points out that Annie's lip will quiver when she's attempting to influence others.
  • Yellowjackets: Shauna's daughter Callie went out with "Jay", who turns out to be an undercover detective named Matt trying to get information about Shauna. In "It Chooses", Matt arrives at Callie's home with a search warrant. As he searches her bedroom, she records him and she threatens to accuse him of taking advantage of her during his investigation, complete with strategic lip trembling.
    Callie: All a jury needs to hear is how you, an old-ass man, seduced me, a teenage girl. (Matt moves from searching the dresser to the closet) How you... (lip quivering) preyed on a child.

    Western Animation 

    Real Life 
  • Emily Watson has made use of a quivering lip as a Character Tic in her acting repertoire.
  • One of the extras for Doctor Who's "A Christmas Carol" is an orchestral performance of the music for the series at the London Proms. Several of the children in the audience can be seen with quivering lips as actors and actresses dressed as the monsters from the show (Judoon, Silurians, Vampire Girls, and Cybermen) begin to make their way through the crowds.
