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The character page for A Tale of Wandering Stars

    Yugo Brightstar 
One of the four Dragon Boys, Z-ARC's Sundered Selves.

Native of the Synchro Dimension yet living in Avalonia, Yugo is a skillful duelist partnered with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. A Weaver by trade, his mastery of the Astrologer arts make him a talented healer. In the past, he journeyed alongside the Warrior of Light and fought alongside the Scions of the Seventh Dawn to save the world. Yet, when it seemed peace had found Etheirys at last, a pair of Academia renegades come with the grim news a new war is starting - in the Four Dimensions. And so, Yugo begins a new journey.

  • Cards of Power: Dueling aside, Yugo is an Astrologian who uses the Eorzean Tarot as a focus of his magic.
  • Fusion Dance: While he never demonstrates it in the story, watching Endwalker has everyone learn Yugo can, just like Z-ARC before him, fuse with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. Hydaelyn unlocked the ability as a parting gift.
  • Happily Adopted, Though he never took his last name, Yugo was adopted by Yusei as a toddler and speaks fondly of him. His coma following Roget's theft of his soul deeply hurt him.
  • Limit Break: Befitting an Astrologian, Yugo can use Astral Stasis, rewinding everyone back to health in a given area. The first time he used it, it was out of distress and saved Haurchefant's life. However, the strain left him unconscious.
  • Mind Rape: How did Yugo discover the Z-ARC fragment in his head? Emet-Selch, noticing he and Rin were the only Sundered natives of their Star, captured him and took him along to explore his soul, where they met the fragment. Yugo was left whimpering from the encounter.
  • Mundane Utility: Yugo's weaving skills are great to maintain his friends' gear and make a proper Dancer outfit for Yuya. Their main purpose, however, is making and selling clothes.
  • Oh, Crap!: Yugo has this reaction during the duel between Yuya and Michio. It stems from the realization Yuya's newfound Xyz Summoning comes from his bond with Yuto, meaning the Z-ARC shard in his head is becoming a problem.
  • Pals with Jesus: Yugo is on excellent term with Nymeia the Spinner, who appreciates his devotion and assists him in his quest.
  • Playboy Bunny: Yugo owns a set of the Manderville employees' uniform and glamours it on himself for his duel with Yuya. He remembers he got it on a dare with Crow.
  • Religious Bruiser: Every Etheiryan is a little religious by default, but Yugo stands out for being a Duelist, Astrologian and one of Eorzea's heroes while being a devoted worshipper of Nymeia - and Nymeia likes him in turn.
  • The Storyteller: Yugo wrote six books, each retelling an arc of Final Fantasy XIV. While he was present during the events of Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Endwalker, he had to ask Jonathan and the Scions when writing Before Meteor and A Realm Reborn.
  • Support Party Member: Astrologians are very limited in term of offense, something Yugo sometimes bemoans. However, given their vast array of healing and support spells, he notes he will be too busy empowering his allies to do any kind of damage during fights.

    Rin Brightstar 
One of the four Bracelet Girls, Ray Akaba's Sundered Selves.

Originally a little girl living in New Domino City's Commons, she decided to settle in Avalonia alongside her family after they discovered Etheirys and later became a companion of the Warrior of Light. A blacksmith by trade, she is a Machinist and member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn alongside Yugo and her adoptive father, Crow Hogan.

  • Action Girl: One of the four Bracelet Girls... and a Machinist who played a role in the events of Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Endwalker.
  • Badass Boast: Rin boasts to Yuri that she killed gods before, so Starve Venom Fusion Dragon isn't that threatening to her. Given she and Yugo directly fought Ravana during the events of Heavensward, she isn't joking.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Her introduction to Jonathan and the group has her headshooting a bandersnatch that was trying to hunt her.
  • The Gunslinger: Rin is a Mechanist who uses a shotgun-like gun alongside her gadgets.
  • Happily Adopted: Crow adopted Rin when she was just a toddler and raised her as his own. Though she never took his name, Rin cares for him in turn.
  • Made of Iron: Rin takes Starve Venom's tail in the stomach during their fight and only shows a bruise for it.
  • Our Angels Are Different: Queen of Synchro Angels RIN-E is a one-winged woman in white Sensual Spandex with neon green Tron Lines, who dual-wielded a gun and a hammer and is powered by the En Wind Bracelet.
  • Religious Bruiser: Like Yugo, Rin is a Duelist, Machinist and blacksmith who worships Byregot the Builder, Eorzea's god of crafting, and is implied to be on good terms with him.
  • Super Mode: Hydaelyn granted her Ray's ability to transform into a stronger form as a parting gift. She displays it to Dennis following his capture, to make him realize Yuri really had no chance to capture her no matter how he tried.
  • Weapons of Their Trade: Rin is The Blacksmith. In Queen Angel mode, she retains her hammer alongside her gun, only fueled with lightning.
  • Wrench Wench: Rin is The Blacksmith and possesses a general fondness for tinkering. Her Job, Machinist, relies on gears and gadgets to give her the upper hand in fights.

    Jonathan Solwright, the Warrior of Light 
The Warrior of Light. The Warrior of Darkness. The Defender of the Realm. The Eikon Slayer. Azem's Reincarnation.

The man known as Jonathan Solwright bears many titles and all are true. There is no greater hero in Etheirys, nor is there a stronger man. The one who, in ages gone, was Azem the Traveler has never stopped defending the Star he calls home. Yet, one of his friends comes from a different Star, and while Etheirys knows peace, the Four Dimensions are faced with war. Well, what are friends to do but lend a hand ?

  • Atomic F-Bomb: After Jonathan reports to Count Edmont how Artoirel interrupted his duel with Ysayle - which would have resulted in the Harriers leaving the Coerthas Western Highlands if he won - the Warrior of Light is extremely frustrated and drops a very loud "SHITE!!!" in anger.
  • Bond Creature: In grand Yu-Gi-Oh tradition, Jonathan gets his own Monster Spirit partner in the shape of Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter.
  • A God I Am Not: The end of Endwalker reveals that, between Rejoining with his Thirteenth Self and the events of Myths of the Realm, Jonathan has become more than "merely" human and is closer to the Twelve in nature. He isn't comfortable with it, at all.
  • Establishing Character Moment: For Yuto and Shun. Having shielded Yuya, Yugo and everyone from Satellite Cannon Falcon, he proceeds to hold Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and all but backhand Blaze Falcon before pushing back Dark Rebellion and kill it in three hits. Then he does an Unflinching Walk toward the pair, who can only cower in fear... and hands them Ruri's letter. The message is clear: though the Warrior of Light utterly outmatches them, he means them no harm.
  • Master of All: As his ability to make copies of every Job Crystal demonstrates, Jonathan mastered every Job currently introduced.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: A heroic version. Jonathan is the Warrior of Light and the single greatest hero of Etheirys, yet looks like a perfectly ordinary Midlander Hyur with brown hair, blue eyes and average built. Yugo notes this is why everyone keeps mistaking him for a random adventurer, much to his amusement.
  • Tranquil Fury: An angry Jonathan is a quiet Jonathan. After Artoirel interrupts his duel with Ysayle, gets one Durendaire knight killed and another crippled and throws any chance of negociation with Iceheart through the window, the Warrior of Light's sheer rage is compared to Halone's own icy fury and scares the hell out of Alphinaud and Haurchefant.
  • World's Strongest Man: Jonathan is widely acknowledged as the single greatest combatant Etheirys has ever seen, and Yugo considers calling him for help to be a Godzilla Threshold.

    Yuya Sakaki 
One of the four Dragon Boys, Z-ARC's Sundered Selves.

Born and raised in the Standard Dimension, Yuya Sakaki is a gentle boy who loves nothing more than make people smile. However, his cheerful facade hides the pain of losing his father, Yusho Sakaki, who went missing when he was six. Some time ago, he developped a new form of Extra Summoning called Pendulum. A chance encounter with Yugo Brightstar allows him to learn new skills and grow further, both as a duelist and a person. That he and Yugo turn to be identical brothers is only cherry on top.

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: During his duel with Michio, Yuya surprises everyone by not only figuring the mechanisms of his combo but also devising several ways to lock it and negate it (not summoning monsters, negating the Royal Cookpals' effects and destroying either Food Cemetery, Regal Recipes or both, and making himself immune to direct attacks for extra protection), something very few managed to do. He then proceeds to stalemate Michio and execute his plan during his next turn, thus winning the duel.
  • Dance Battler: Yugo, after seeing Yuya duel, entrusts him with the Dancer Job Crystal. Yuya shows his skills during the Skirmish at the Docks, where his Dancer skills allow him to destroy large numbers of Raidraptors and Phantom Knights at once.
  • Magic Dance: Being a Dancer, Yuya is able to radiate positive dynamis during his performances, allowing the people who enjoy his entertainment to feel much better. Reiji describes it as therapeutic, and Reira, who is deeply attuned to people's emotions, can not only accurately describe how it works but is also relieved from the pain of her Dark and Troubled Past. Yugo surmises Yuya is instinctively performing the Kriegstanz, the dance used by Troupe Falsiam during the Dancer class quests.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: When Yuya uses Standard and Technical Steps, he calls his attacks by punctuating "Let's! Dance!" and "Let's! Hit! The! Climax!!!" Each word is colored differently to represent the steps he uses to activate the attacks.
  • Rings of Death: Being a Dancer, Yuya fights with a pair of chakrams. As Shun learns the hard way, the weapons are not toys, and are in fact pretty sharp.

    Yuzu Hiiragi 
One of the four Bracelet Girls, Ray Akaba's Sundered Selves
  • Flower Motifs: Befitting the wielder of the En Flower bracelet, Yuzu's Queen Angel form has a lot of cherry petal decorations.
  • Magic Music: Not only are Yuzu's Melodious all musicians, one of the Job Crystals she shows an affinity for is the Bard.
  • White Magician Girl: One of the Job Crystals that reacts to Yuzu is the White Mage. In Queen Angel form, her dress inverts the color, being pink with white triangles at the hem.

    Yuto Kamishiro 
One of the four Dragon Boys, Z-ARC's Sundered Selves.
  • All for Nothing: Yuto once became The Runaway to look for his origins. Sadly, he never found anything... because, as his "brothers" tell him, there is nothing to find. Z-ARC's Sundering created the four of them as infants. Yuto can only hang his head and bemoan the fact.
  • Berserk Button: Yuto absolutely hates being called Baby Shark, to the point of trying to strangle Shun over it.
  • Black Knight: The job Crystal Yuto shows an affinity for is the Dark Knight.
  • Bling of War: Yuto's Dark Knight armor is decorated with white gold and amethysts.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Yuto, being Happily Adopted by Ryoga "Shark" Kamishiro, is nicknamed Baby Shark by those who know him. When he was a child, he didn't mind. As a sixteen-year-old, it is a Berserk Button.
  • Happily Adopted: Yuto, as an infant, was taken in by Ryoga and Rio Kamishiro. Even after running away to look for his origins, he still notes his foster family gave him all the love and care real parents would.
  • Martial Pacifist: Yuto prefers to avoid fighting if he can and duels defensively. If he has to fight, however, he very much will.
  • Named by the Adaptation: In the series, Yuto (like Yugo and Yuri) has Only One Name. There, his last name is Kamishiro, after Ryoga "Shark" Kamishiro.
  • The Runaway: Yuto is a variant of The Orphan. Even though he was Happily Adopted by Ryoga and Rio Kamishiro, he still wanted to learn about his biological family and ran from home to search for them, his parents finding him three days later. Though they helped him search afterward, they never found anything... because, as Yuya and Yugo tell him, there is nothing to find. Yuto is a fragment of Z-ARC. His Sundering directly created him as a newborn.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Yuto's armor has a mask Rin distinctly shaped like a skull. Given Dark Knights' association with death, several people note it fits.

    Ruri Kurosaki 
One of the four Bracelet Girls, Ray Akaba's Sundered Selves
  • Attack Drones: Being a Sage, Ruri wields four nouliths in combat. Shun initially wondered what kind of weapon it was. In Queen Angel form, they are shaped like feathers.
  • Badass Longcoat: As befits her Job, Ruri wears a white longcoat with silver bird and feathers embroidery. Tataru made it. Her Queen Angel form retains it.
  • Braids of Action: Ruri bound her ponytail in a braid while in Etheirys, at the same time she became a Sage.
  • Combat Medic: Emphasis on combat. Sage is the most action-oriented Healer Job.
  • The Mentor: Ruri found one in Fourchenault Leveilleur, who taught her the Sage arts after learning her story.

One of the four Bracelet Girls, Ray Akaba's Sundered Selves
  • Bond Creature: Lunalight Cat Dancer, who manifests when the Professor and the Doktor corner her and Sora and lends her her daggers.
  • Devious Daggers: Before her fight against Obelisk Forces, Lunalight Cat Dancer gives Serena her daggers so she has a weapon. Serena proves deadly with them, killing all but one of the Obelisks.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Between overhearing the Professor and the Doktor's conversation and seeing the Arc-V Reactor herself, Serena quickly drops any allegiance to Academia.
  • Only One Name: Serena is, besides Yuri, the only Dimensional Counterpart without a last name. Given how she feels about her adoptive parents, she implies she isn't using it because she no longer considers them her family.
  • Panty Shot: Averted. Sora tells her that, if she's wearing a skirt, he is going first. She retorts that no, she is wearing shorts. So, she goes first in the air vent.

    Sora Shiun'in 
A blue-haired boy with a cheerful disposition - and darker depths beneath. A member of Academia, he was sent to Standard looking for escaped Heartland duelists and met You Show School in the process. However, his close friendship with Yuya and Yuzu combined with his knowledge of Etheirys have begun to sway his heart...
  • Bond Creature: To his surprise, Sora turns to have a Spirit partner in the shape of Frightfur Bear, who performs a Big Damn Heroes when his fight against Dennis starts to drain his aether and turns the tide against the Academia spy.
  • Familiar: As a Scholar, Sora gains his own feeric familiar, a purple and gold fairy he calls Violet.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Not that anyone but the Twelve are aware of it, but Sora's original loyalty to Academia vanishes the moment he learns the Professor wants to kill Yuya and Yuzu.
  • "Hell, Yes!" Moment: Sora has one when Yuya Fusion Summons Rune-Eyes and Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon during his duel with Mieru, all the while singing and dancing David Bowie's "Magic Dance".
  • Improvised Weapon: During his fight with Dennis, Sora's fairy Violet throws her lollipop's stick in the mechanisms of Ancient Gear Wyvern, jamming them and allowing Sora to finish it with Ruin.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: Sora delivers one to Dennis moments before attacking him.
Dennis: "So, what will you do now? You think you could join the Championship? We'd be in different categories but I'd love to see you beat some of the contestants. Show them what a real Fusion user's about. Right?"
Sora: "I think..." Slasher Smile "That your head will make a nice peace offering to the Kurosaki siblings."
  • Slasher Smile: Sora delivers one to Dennis before blasting him with Bio II.
  • Throw the Book at Them: Sora, as a Scholar, finishes Dennis's Ancient Gear monsters by slamming them with his grimoire if his Ruins don't to the job. He also uses it to deliver a Tap on the Head to his former ally.
