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Characters of He Who Fights With Monsters. Beware of spoilers, up to current Royal Road chapters.

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Main Characters (Humanoids)

    Jason Asano 

Jason Asano

"Making things go weird is kind of my thing."

Race: Outworlder

Essences: Dark, Blood, Sin, Doom

Titles: Godless Prophet, Resolute, Spirit Warrior, Starlight Rider/Starlight Angel, Giant Slayer, Patriarch, Reality Hegemon, Nascent Astral King, Operations Commander, Keeper of the Cycle, Nascent ???

The main character of the series, Jason wakes up one morning and finds that he has been transported to a world full of magic and monsters. An affliction skirmisher, he acts as team scout/rogue.

  • Bad Powers, Good People: Has creepy powers, but uses them to protect people (usually).
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: When he is kidnapped and implanted with a Star Seed of the Builder, it works its way through his body and then assaults his soul for days.
  • Benevolent Dictator: Everyone's aura gives a different impression. Jason's feels like a dictator passing judgement on the wicked while shielding his friends/subjects.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Asya calls him this in so many words.
  • Cape Wings: His conjured cloak allows him to slow fall, eventually ranking up to full flight.
  • Casting a Shadow: Five of his twenty essence abilities are shadow-related.
  • Chuunibyou: Is well aware that his dark and doomy powers reveal his chuuni tendencies.
  • Complete Immortality: The endpoint of his current path to power.
  • Cool Sword: Gary makes him a sword that is eventually upgraded to a pitch black blade with glowing runes and an ominous aura.
  • Cool Uncle: To his niece Emi, and an Honorary Uncle to Stash.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Uses dark spooky powers for good.
  • Death Is Cheap: Jason comes to Pallimustus by dying on Earth and being resurrected there. By book six he has died three more times.
  • Determinator: Never gives up, even when it kills him.
  • Devious Daggers: One of his powers is an extremely creepy conjured dagger called the Blade of Doom.
  • Domain Holder / Dimension Lord: His storage ability eventually is transformed into a cross between a Pocket Dimension and a Mental World where he is The Omnipotent.
  • Fantastic Fighting Style: Uses a skill book to instantly learn a comprehensive fighting style that was designed to work with super powers. It is so complicated that it can only be properly learned via skill book.
  • Flight: His cloak ability eventually ranks up to flight. Eventually he learns to fly with his aura alone.
  • The Fool: Is frequently called a fool, by enemies, friends, and himself. He was even born on April Fools' Day. He is well aware that he has Chuuni Edgelord tendencies, and prefers to lean into his goofy side when he can.
  • Guile Hero: Uses deceit and misdirection in both fighting and politics.
  • Healing Factor: All essence users have some healing factor, but his familiar Colin and some of his other abilities let him heal with increasing speed the longer he is in battle.
    "Someone just blew up your head!"
    "No, they didn't."
    "I just watched it happen."
    "Yes, the flesh of your entire head."
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: His Inventory lets him store anything that he can lift, including cars.
  • Ideal Illness Immunity: Is immune to all poisons and resistant to diseases and curses. Poisons act like a recovery potion on him.
  • Innate Night Vision: The first essence ability he gains.
  • Instant Armor: Can instantly equip armor and clothes from his inventory, and at Silver rank he gains summoned battle robes that aren't destroyed when he is inevitably cut to ribbons or torn in half.
  • The Lancer: He typically acts as Humphrey's Lancer in normal combat and when dealing with other teams.
  • The Leader: Takes charge from Humphrey when dealing with cosmic forces, monarchs, and normal rank people.
  • Large Ham: Often acts larger than life to throw people off. Until it stops being an act. It turns out that higher ranked people start to become more of who they are.
  • Level-Map Display: One of his his racial abilities gives him a minimap in his HUD. It can be zoomed out to the full globe, but only shows detail of places where he has been.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: "[doing something outrageous] is kind of my thing"
  • Make Them Rot: As an affliction specialist, he applies a series of escalating curses and poisons that eventually make his opponents rot from the inside.
  • Me's a Crowd: Within his astral kingdom, he can split off multiple copies of himself and set them to different tasks, such as training or having multiple conversations at once. When he reabsorbs them he gains their memories.
  • Naked on Revival: Arrives in Pallimustus naked and hairless.
  • Nay-Theist: The gods of Pallimustus are real, but Jason is deeply skeptical of religion.
  • Pals with Jesus: Unlike everyone else, gods sometimes just show up and talk to him. He banters with them, much to the other mortals' consternation. It's normal for a god to speak their priests, but he is definitely 'not' a priest, and multiple gods speak to him.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His familiar Colin alone will eventually be able to wipe out life from an entire planet, not to mention his other abilities.
  • Pest Controller: He can't control all pests but one of his familiars is a swarm of leeches, which leads to rumors that he can control all swarm monsters.
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: Jason's soul is marked by a couple of traumatic events during book three, which manifest as scars all over his torso and face.
    Jason: I finally get some ab definition and it looks like someone scribbled all over them.
  • Player Inventory: One of his videogame-like powers, is an inventory that starts out as a Grid Inventory with a limited number of slots and volume, and eventually evolves into a full-blown mini universe.
  • Poisonous Person: His powers include poison and afflictions, and he is healed by them.
    "I don't know about yours," Jason said, "but [my tea] has rather a lot of poison in it."
    "What?" Denji asked, leaping to his feet.
    "It's actually not bad," Jason said, taking another sip.
  • Power Floats: At Silver rank all essence users gain the ability to hover if they concentrate, and Jason's cloak lets him fly. Later he can fly with just his aura control.
  • Pro-Human Transhuman: Isn't human anymore, but takes the Adventure Society's role of protecting the weak seriously.
  • Psi Blast: After having his soul tortured by the Builder, he learns how to attack others' souls with his own.
  • Paying It Forward: One reason Jason helps Sophie is that he has been in dire striates himself and survived due to the help of strangers.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Dies several times, and is resurrected every time.
  • Reality Warper: Within his soul space he has absolute control of reality, although if he changes someone or something too much without knowing what he is doing they will die or turn to mush upon leaving.
  • Shadow Walker: Can teleport between shadows.
  • Team Chef: Loves learning the local ingredients wherever he goes, and cooks for his friends. He learned to cook from his sister, who is a TV celebrity chef.
  • Omniglot: Thanks to one of his Outworlder abilities, he can speak and read any language.
  • The Outsider Befriends the Best: Either by his own machinations or theirs, he tends to interact the most with the most powerful people wherever he goes.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jason is Red to Humphrey's Blue
  • Reference Overdosed: Makes constant references to Earth popular culture, usually 80s action TV such as Knight Rider or Airwolf. He doesn't mind at all that no one understands what he's talking about.
  • Thinking Up Portals: At Bronze rank he gains the ability to make portal arches to places he has been to before, up to a certain distance.
  • Truly Single Parent: His familiars Colin and Gordon both view him as their father, and in book eleven he accidentally creates a person who shares many of his character traits and also calls him dad.
  • Twofer Token Minority: Went to a fancy school, and as he sees it the rich kids already had "poor" and "half Japanese" covered with his older brother and didn't want another.
  • Vampiric Draining: Drains life energy from his enemies.
  • Walk on Water: His cloak lets him walk on water.
  • A Wizard Did It: When explaining where he has been when his family thought he was dead, he gets frustrated when they don't take "magic" for an explanation.
    "The answer is the same as it has been for your last five questions: because magic. You want to know why? Because a wizard did it, that's why. And that wizard is me. I'm the wizard. Magic is real and I have it. I'm a magic man."
  • Weirdness Coupon: He mentions this trope by name when explaining why he acts so outlandishly.
  • Weirdness Magnet: All Outworlders tend to get swept up in strange events, but Jason is particularly prone to it.

    Humphrey Geller 

Humphrey Geller

"I'm just another adventurer. I only expect the same treatment you would give anyone."

Race: Human

Essences: Might, Wing, Magic, Dragon

Title: Young Master, Team Leader

Humble Hero, heir to a notable family of Adventurers, and co-leader of a team with Jason. Acts as team armored striker.

  • Animal-Themed Superbeing: His Dragon essence gives him several draconic abilities, including dragon wings and a shapeshifting baby dragon familiar. He otherwise looks human.
  • BFS: Can summon two different swords: One shaped like a dragon wing, and a smaller one shaped like an angel wing.
  • Breath Weapon: Has dragon fire breath.
  • Cast from Hit Points: A racial gift evolution allows him to enhance his attacks at the cost of his life essence.
  • A Dick in Name: Jason and some of Humphrey's family call him Hump, much to his dismay. He doesn't seem to mind Sophie calling him Humpy once they become a couple.
  • Feather Flechettes: His lighter sword has a serrated feather edge, and he can shoot them at enemies.
  • Flight: With a high mana cost he can grow dragon wings.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Summons his weapons and armor, but has a storage space for spares and other supplies.
  • Instant Armor: Can summon dragon scale armor.
  • The Lancer: Is Jason's Lancer when they're dealing with cosmic forces or powerful people.
  • The Leader: Takes charge of the team when they're dealing with peers or in normal combat.
  • Nice Guy: Is nice and considerate to everyone, and is too humble to realize how great he is.
    "Let's leave them to the friendly guy," Rufus said. [...]
    "Who's the friendly guy?" Humphrey asked, prompting the others to all turn and look at him. "It's me?"
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Humphrey is Blue to Jason's Red.
  • Resurrective Immortality: At Gold rank one of his essence abilities lets him automatically resurrect once per day.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: His family is highly respected all over the world, but don't seek a title higher than Lord or Lady. He is the embodiment of his family's culture of service and dedication.
  • Summon Magic: Can summon a group of skeletal warriors to fight for him.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: Jason describes him as a "Middle-Eastern Superman."
  • Team Dad: Despite being the youngest (humanoid) member of the team, is the most level headed and often settles down bickering. His familiar Stash is also basically his son.
  • Teleportation: Can teleport himself and several others at once within line-of-sight

    Clive Standish 

Clive Standish

"You know, I'm starting to think I might not be too bad at this."

Race: Human

Essences: Karma, Magic, Balance, Rune

Title: former Adjunct Assistant to the Deputy Director of the Magic Society, Greenstone Branch

A brilliant researcher who has abandoned the life of an Adventurer before he meets a strange outworlder. Acts as team ranged spellcaster and The Smart Guy.

"I need to record this," he told the messenger, his voice flat and emotionless. "It's going to be a teaching moment."
  • Deadpan Snarker: Once he gets to know Jason, this is generally Clive's reaction to his's antics. He is particularly snarky to every Magic Society person he meets after he learns that it is rife with corruption everywhere, not just Greenstone.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: There are frequent innuendos around his staff, wand, and other tools. It's not always clear if he is doing it on purpose.
    Clive: Careful, my throbbing magic wand.
  • Genius Slob: His office is in a constant state of organized chaos, at least until he gets an assistant.
  • Farm Boy: Grew up on an eel farm.
  • Glass Cannon: At least at first, he is a typical "cast from the back of the party" wizard.
  • Humble Hero: Doesn't seem to realize that he may be the smartest person in the world.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Like many of his team, he has a storage space.
  • Instant Runes: Can draw ritual circles on the air with magic lines. Part of what makes him The Ace is that they aren't instant, and he can still use them in combat.
  • Lethal Chef: The only thing he knows how to cook is eel. At one point he manages to make an inedible breakfast out of bread and cereal.
  • Oblivious to Love: Completely fails to notice when someone is interested in him romantically.
  • Omniglot: Like Jason, he has the ability to speak and read any language. Unlike Jason (mostly), he uses it to expand his scholarship.
  • Ritual Magic: If given enough time, he can draw a magical diagram to do just about anything.
  • Runic Magic: His familiar, Onslow, is a rune tortoise who can blast elemental bursts from the runes on his shell.
  • Scholarship Student: Was mentored by a previous director of the Greenstone Magic Society.
  • The Smart Guy: He and Belinda often collaborate on magical problems, his being the more theoretical end while she does the practical.
  • Thinking Up Portals: At Bronze rank he gains the ability to make portal arches to places he has been to before so long as they aren't too far away. The gates also open to his storage space.

    Sophie Wexler 

Sophie Wexler

"Moving, punching, kicking. Those are my areas of expertise."

Race: Celestine

Essences: Swift, Wind, Balance, Mystic

Titles: Nightingale

Streetwise former arena fighter with a Mysterious Past, forced to become a cat burglar to protect herself and her childhood friend. Acts as team dodge tank.

  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Fights bare-fisted, using her knowledge of the Way of the Reaper.
  • Childhood Friends: Grew up off and on the streets of Greenstone with Belinda.
  • Classy Cat-Burglar: She and Belinda start the series forced to go on an increasingly risky crime spree.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Due to her Dark and Troubled Past, she has a hard time believing that anyone would help her just because they can.
  • Fantastic Fighting Style: Learned the Way of the Reaper from her father.
  • Flash Step: Can flash step on line-of-sight.
  • Flight: Chooses her essence combination because it gives her the ability to fly by controlling the wind.
  • Forced Prize Fight: After her father's death she was forced to fight off his debt.
  • Mysterious Past: How does a random street girl know the fighting style of an ancient order of assassins?
  • Resting Recovery: One of her powers allows her to heal while meditating.
  • So Beautiful, It's a Curse: Her extreme beauty even at normal rank has multiple creepy dudes lusting after her.
  • Super-Speed: Has multiple powers that boost her speed and gets faster and faster the longer a fight takes.
  • Time Stands Still: One of her abilities lets her briefly freeze time.
  • Tsundere: Sets the tone of her relationship with Jason by kicking him in the head when they first meet, but slowly reveals her softer side over time.
    Jason: Such a tsundere.
    Sophie: I heard that!
    Jason: Do you even know what that means?
    Sophie: Shut up!
  • Mystical White Hair: A Celestine with silver hair and eyes.

    Belinda Callahan 

Belinda Callahan

"Ooh, free stuff!"

Race: Human

Essences: Magic, Trap, Adept, Charlatan

"Former" thief and master of improvised use of magic and tools. Her essence abilities allow her to fill various team positions as needed.

  • Ambiguously Bi: While she has been seeing Jory since the beginning of the series, it's suggested that she might also be in love with Sophie.
  • Childhood Friends: Grew up off and on the streets of Greenstone with Sophie.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Her stated preference in fighting is to kick them in the balls and run away.
  • Humanoidshifting: Can mimic the aura and appearance of any humanoid, either specifically or generally.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Can equip weapons and armor directly from her storage space.
  • Improvised Lockpick: At one point she breaks through a barrier using half a broken wand and a device made to test the freshness of fish.
  • Jack of All Trades: Her Charlatan abilities let her take any of several different standard team roles, such as caster, scout, or melee.
  • MacGyvering: Very good at cobbling things together by using things very much not for their intended purpose in problem solving.
  • Parental Abandonment: Like Sophie, she never knew her mother, and her father died when she was a teenager. Unlike Sophie, she has no interest in finding out what happened to her mother.
  • Portable Hole: One of her powers lets her make a pit trap on any surface.
  • Power Copying: If she shapeshifs into the form of a person she can duplicate one or more of their powers, but those aren't necissarily useful or their more powerful abilities. For instance, she can transform into Jason to gain his map ability, but not most of the rest of his powers. Another of her abilities lets her temporarily "steal" an ability from an opponent, locking them out of it until she uses it.
  • Self Made Woman: Taught herself magic with stolen or scrounged books.
  • Shipper on Deck: After years of watching them dance around each other, she pushes Sophie and Humphrey together.
  • Sticky Fingers: Continues to steal and pickpocket for fun even when she doesn't need the money.
  • Strategy Versus Tactics: Her multitasking ability allows her to monitor the whole team at once act as tactical commander during fights, while Humphrey sets the strategy.
  • Street Urchin: Grew up off and on the street with an absent mother and alcoholic father.
  • Trap Master: Several of her abilities create traps, but she also good at improvising other traps, such as altering ritual magic circles so that they explode on activation.

    Neil Davone 

Neil Davone

"Is it too late to change teams? Someone must be looking for a healer."

Race: Elf

Essences: Shield, Growth, Renewal, Prosperity

Title: Priest of the Healer

Former beleaguered sidekick turned snarky team healer.

    Farrah Hurin 

Farrah Hurin

"Power is always the answer."

Race: Human/Outworlder

Essences: Earth, Potent, Fire, Lava

A magical array specialist/researcher, she serves as both armored striker and spellcaster in her team with Rufus and Gary.

  • Badass Teacher: Teaches Jason aura manipulation and how to meditate to consolidate advancement.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: Is not shy about ogling large muscular men.
    Jason: Did you watch a lot of sports on Earth?
    Farrah: No, Jason. There was a bunch of giant, athletic men running around in tight outfits and I thought to myself, "that's not for me." Of course, I watched a lot of sports.
  • Eye Beams: At Diamond rank one of her abilities will likely give her eye beams. She and Jason both think this is awesome.
  • Flight: Can summon fiery wings.
  • Glacier Waif: Is a cute, petite woman, but has a strength power, wears heavy armor, and wields a giant flaming chain sword.
  • Going Native: Upon Farrah and Jason's return to Pallimustus, Rufus is alarmed that Farrah can make and understand almost as many Earth cultural references as Jason.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: One of her human racial abilities lets her summon a chest that holds a dimensional storage space.
  • Instant Armor: Summons obsidian armor.
  • Lava Adds Awesome: Has lava powers—including a lava canon—because lava is awesome.
  • Like Brother and Sister: She and Jason are very close, but feel no attraction for each other.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Is explicitly resurrected as an Outworlder on Earth to keep Jason from going crazy from the pressure of the job he is being sent back there to do.
  • Living Lava: Summons a lava creature the size of a bread van.
  • Magitek: She and Travis start a research company to improve global communication on Pallimustus.
  • Mindlink Mates: When she becomes an Outworlder she gains the ability to learn things directly from the mind of someone who trusts her implicitly. Because she is new to Earth, the only person this works with is Jason. Later they strengthen their bond so that Jason's voice chat works with her over greater distances.
  • Not So Above It All: Finds Jason's pop culture references perplexing, but has a lot of free time on Earth and watches a lot of TV, including all the terrible 80s action shows that Jason loves.
  • Omniglot: As an Outworlder she gains the ability to speak and read any language.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Feels strongly that some people deserve to die and kills them without hesitation or angst.
  • Playing with Fire: At Silver rank, Farrah is able to burn monsters made of fire.
  • Revenge: Feels no compunction at killing people who have wronged her.
  • Super-Strength: Despite her slight stature, she has super strength.
  • Sweet Tooth: Loves ice cream and strudel.
  • Walking Spoiler: Any mention of her after book one is complicated by the fact that she dies in that book.
  • Whip Sword: Her summoned obsidian sword can transform into a chain blade.

    Rufus Rumore 

Rufus Rumore

"My family runs a school."

Race: Human

Essences: Sun, Moon, Sword, Eclipse

Grandson of a Diamond ranker who runs a prestigious school, acts as close melee damage dealer and leader in his team with Farrah and Gary.

    Gareth Xandier 

Gareth Xandier

"Give me a magic hammer and some magic iron and that's where my interest starts and ends."

Race: Leonid

Essences: Hammer, Iron, Fire, Forge

Part-time weapons smith, part-time Adventurer in a team with Rufus and Farrah.

  • Big Eater: Generally piles at least two plates with food at mealtimes, or just grabs a platter.
  • The Big Guy: As a Leonid, he towers over most people.
  • The Blacksmith: Is a practicing blacksmith and makes weapons and armor for himself and his friends.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Large and generally cheerful in combat and out.
  • Break the Comedian: Does not take Farrah and Jason's deaths well.
  • Cuddle Bug: Initially claims not to be a hugger, but later decides that he "can't fight destiny."
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Gary's Medium Hammer might seem like an inaccurate name for his very large war hammer, until he pulls out Gary's Large Hammer which starts tiny and grows to the size of a house when he throws it.
  • Instant Armor: Can summon burning hot metal armor.
  • Mandatory Unretirement: He gives up adventuring after Jason dies in book three, but still steps up to fight when called to.
  • One-Note Cook: As a lion man, it is unsurprising that he loves meat, and can often be found barbequing. When he makes breakfast for the team that means "meat, more meat, and some eggs. With meat."
  • Summon Magic: Can summon a molten forge golem.

    Taika Williams 

Taika Williams

"Bro, Garuda is the fastest and strongest warrior there is. Speed, strength, skill. No offence, but those powers you picked out would have just made me the big, tough, slow guy. I don't want to accuse you of looking at me and immediately thinking that, but you looked at me and immediately thought that."

Race: Human/Outworlder

Essences: Might, Swift, Wing, Garuda

Former drug dealer turned bouncer, Taika is drawn into a world of magic by Jason. Serves as fast damage dealer and instigator.

  • Badass Bystander: Is drawn into Jason's orbit simply because he works for Jason's uncle and happens to be driving when Jason is attacked by a biker gang. He adapts fairly quickly.
  • The Big Guy: Despite being human, he is as tall as Gary the Leonid.
  • Bouncer: Jason first encounters him working as a bouncer.
  • The Dragon: A non-villainous version. Acts as chief enforcer/right hand man for Jason's uncle, the owner of a bar with mob ties.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: When struck, his skin briefly transforms into emerald that acts like armor. A brief glimpse of an actual Garuda in battle indicates that in the future Taika might be able to turn his entire body to emerald.
  • Expy: For Korg in Thor: Ragnarok - a giant but amiable Māori with a high pitched voice, and has the same first name as the actor/director who played him.
  • Flight: He has two abilities that give him flight.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He specializes in charging with overwhelming speed and strength.
  • Non-Human Head: One of his powers lets him transform into a Garuda—a man with the head and wings of an eagle.
  • Omniglot: As an Outworlder he gains the ability to speak and read any language.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When he lowers his voice to a deeper register things are about to go very badly for the person he's talking to.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Friendly, has questionable taste in media, calls everyone bro... and is also sharply observant, ruthless when necessary, and swiftly adaptable.
  • Storyboard Body / Power Tattoos: Has tribal Māori tattoos that either stay dark when his skin turns to emerald, or light up when he is attacking. The fact that they stay on his skin even after ranking up indicates that they are deeply connected to his self-identity.
  • Super-Strength: He is already a giant man before he gets an essence ability to give him super strength.
  • Verbal Tic: Says "bro" in nearly every sentence, in a non dude-bro way.
  • Vocal Dissonance: He's a giant man with a high pitched voice.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: One of his abilities lets him turn into a giant eagle, and another gives him a bird head, talons on his hands and feet, and wings.
  • Walking Spoiler: Any mention of him after book six reveals that he is transported to Pallimustus as an Outworlder.
  • Winged Humanoid: In his Garuda form he has wings.

Main Characters (Familiars)

    Familiars in general 


Familiars can either be bonded or summoned. To gain a familiar essence ability the essence user must already possess at least basic knowledge of ritual magic when they use their awakening stones.

  • Bonded familiars are magical animals such as dragons, phoenixes, or griffons. The essence ability creates a call that attracts an animal that matches the general parameters of the call. If a bonded familiar dies, an entirely new familiar will need to be called, and it may or may not be the exact same kind of animal.
  • A summoned familiar is a being of the deep astral. The summoning ritual creates a vessel for the called being to inhabit. If that vessel is destroyed, it can be recreated with another summoning ritual. Usually the same individual being will come to the call, but the original being may decide to let someone else take their place. They generally can be subsumed into some part of their essence user's body, such as their aura, hair, or eyes.
  • Some people have essence abilities that create a short term summons such as a Golem or a vehicle. These can generally be created by drawing a simple circle out of salt, etc, whereas summoned familiars require an elaborate ritual circle and usually very expensive materials to create a new vessel.




Race: Mirage Dragon

Bonded Familiar of Humphrey Geller, he often takes the form of an adorable puppy with a mustache.

  • Action Pet: Usually takes the shape of enormous monsters in battle, such as a hydra, ogre, or something stranger.
  • Bond Creatures: Shares an empathic bond with Humphrey, and each always know where the other is.
  • Delightful Dragon: He doesn't often take his natural form, but when he does he is covered in rainbow-colored scales.
  • Draconic Humanoid: At Silver rank he often takes the form of a Celestine child with Sophie's coloring.
  • Glamour Failure: Usually adds a mustache to whatever form he takes, and sometimes forgets not to.
  • Mouthy Kid: One of the benefits of becoming a bonded familiar is that it shortens his childhood. Humphrey is horrified when it is pointed out that, since it usually takes about ten years to progress through Silver to Gold, he will have the same number of teenage years as a human.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Plays up his cuteness and babyish behavior so that he can get away with more and to get more biscuits.
  • Perfectly Arranged Bonding: Humphrey and Stash's mothers planned their bonding for the benefit of both their sons.
  • Power Copying: When he transforms into a person or creature he can also duplicate their powers, but only up to the tier below his own.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Often takes the form of an adorable puppy or small bird for attention.
  • Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing: It takes him a while to figure out how to take humanoid form with clothes.
  • Shapeshifting Trickster: Sometimes takes on the form of specific people, usually to steal biscuits, or to trick people into giving him biscuits.
  • The Speechless: At Iron and Bronze rank he can only speak when in humanoid or parrot form.
  • Team Pet: In relaxed settings he usually takes adorable forms such as puppies or small birds.
  • TeamKid: Humphry is essentially his father, and he calls Jason "uncle." He seems to view the other familiars on his team - particularly Colin and Clive's familiar Onslow - as his cousins.
  • Technically Naked Shapeshifter: When he is learning how to duplicate humanoid forms they come out naked, and even when he does figure out clothes they're still part of his body.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Loves biscuits. A lot.



"Buttling is a noble profession of duty, dignity, professionalism and composure."

Race: Shadow of the Reaper

Summoned Familiar of Jason Asano. He lives in Jason's shadow when not manifested.

  • Black Sheep: Most of his siblings only do what is needed by their progenitor, but he has served as a familiar to many people because he enjoys exploring the cosmos.
  • British Stuffiness: His accent is somehow British, despite not knowing what that is when he meets Jason.
  • Hive Mind: He can create multiple copies of himself that are all him, have collective memory, and can act independently if cut off for some reason. Each body is disposable and has a shared storage space.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Has a small storage space that can be shared between bodies as long as they aren't cut off from each other.
  • God of the Dead: His progenitor is the Reaper, a Great Astral Being.
  • The Jeeves: Always comports himself with the dignity and professionalism of a butler. He eventually takes a buttling correspondence course, and at Silver rank changes his appearance to a more butlerish shape, complete with white bowtie.
  • Jetpack: Frequently takes the form of a hover suit, mainly for entertainment purposes.
  • Living Shadow: Can take the form of a humanoid outline or hide in shadows.
  • Omniglot: He doesn't seem to have trouble speaking to anyone anywhere.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: If he calls anyone by their first name without a title, things are dire.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He doesn't know how old he is, because he didn't start keeping track until people started measuring time.
  • Seeing Through Another's Eyes: Jason can share Shade's senses and speak to people through him.
  • Sentient Vehicle: One of Jason's abilities allows Shade to take the form of any vehicle or mount. At first they are limited in size and complexity but by Silver rank he can turn into a jet. His vehicle forms always look like they were designed by a space ninja, and he is always in shades of black with minor white accents.
    Jason: Does the super-sweet talking car meet with my approval? Shade, you may be the single greatest thing on this planet.
  • Servile Snarker: Understands Jason's need for banter and occasionally having his ego prodded.
  • Spirit Advisor: Anyone can see him if he reveals himself, but he often hides in Jason's (or any other) shadow. He has lived for thousands of years and traveled all over the cosmos, and keeps Jason from going off the rails, either by giving him someone to talk to or by yelling at him when he's about to go too far.
  • Walking the Earth: He has spent millennia as a familiar because he enjoys gaining new experiences and meeting new people across many worlds.




Race: Sanguine Horror

Summoned Familiar of Jason Asano, Apocalypse Beast, Voice of the Will. He lives in Jason's blood when not manifested.

  • Bond Creatures: As a summoned Familiar he shares an empathic bond with Jason and his other familiars.
  • Doppelgänger: At silver rank he can take on a humanoid form that is a duplicate of Jason but with bruise colored skin. After he becomes Jason's Voice of the Will he can take on Jason's exact appearance, voice, and most of his personality, except with red eyes and the desire to consume all life.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Yearns to one day eat the life of an entire planet. In the meantime he settles for the occasional monster or pudding.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: The Sanguine Horror, "a world ender. A hive mind made up of carrion leeches that rot your flesh as they drain you dry. It feeds on blood to multiply itself, growing in mass and power until there's nothing strong enough to stop it. Then it spreads and spreads until there's nothing left to consume." Jason names him Colin.
  • Healing Factor: Gives Jason healing factor, the effect of which is reduced if most of him is outside Jason's body.
  • Hive Mind: His basic form is a swarm of leeches with teeth.
  • Horror Hunger: Colin has such a palpable aura of hunger that it even unnerves an ancient vampire.
  • Instant Armor: At Silver rank he gives Jason the ability to summon dark red battle robes.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Classified as an Apocalypse Beast, he will one day be strong enough to eat an entire planet of life. One Messenger recalls that the only time she has seen the Messengers retreat from a planet they were trying to conquer was when it was taken over by a Sanguine Horror swarm.
  • Starfish Language: Only Jason and his other familiars can understand Colin's speech, at least until he becomes Jason's Voice of the Will and can take a full duplicate form of Jason.
    "Explanations come easier when they aren't just screeching the word 'hungry' over and over in a language that can't be fully expressed in just sound."
  • The Speechless: Can only communicate by wobbling vaguely, or, later, screeching. This is later averted when he gains the ability turn into an almost perfect copy of Jason.
  • The Swarm: He is a hive mind swarm.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Since he was a newly born entity when Jason first summoned him, arguably he is a child... with an alien, unfathomable hunger for all living things. He views Jason as his parent.
  • The Worm That Walks: At Bronze rank he can take on a mummy-like humanoid form stuffed with leeches.



[Flickers his orbs]

Race: Avatar of Doom

Summoned Familiar of Jason Asano, Reality Assassin, nascent Voice of the Will. He lives in Jason's aura when not manifested.

  • Bizarre Taste in Food: Doesn't eat, but once tried vaporizing a candy bar and soaking up the fumes.
  • Bond Creatures: As a summoned Familiar he shares an empathic bond with Jason and his other familiars.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Thinks that It is a comedy.
    "The clown is not the hero. He's an interdimensional entity that eats people."
    He looked at Colin and Gordon.
    "I'm talking to the wrong people about this."
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Can instinctively help Jason use a type of magic that is usually only available to gods or even stronger entities.
  • Energy Beings: Is a glowing cloud of light colored like the God's Eye Nebula wrapped in a cloak with glowing orbs orbiting him.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Gordon, Avatar of Doom from the realm of the All-Devouring Eye.
  • Immortal Breaker: His kind are known as Reality Assassins. It is implied that when he is powerful enough he'll be able to kill the otherwise unkillable.
  • Innocent Aliens: This is Gordon's first time as a familiar, and another of his kind notes that he is quite young.
  • Pretty Butterflies: At silver rank he can summon Harbingers of Doom, which are giant glowing butterflies that spread plague and multiply each time they kill someone.
  • Starfish Aliens: Is the most alien of Jason's familiars, both in appearance and thinking, which makes his love of old musicals even more perplexing.
  • Starfish Language: Once his bond with Jason is strong enough, he can communicate by flashing his orbs. Only Jason and his other familiars seem to understand it, even counting people who have an ability to understand all languages. When Jason encounters another of his kind she can speak audibly, so presumably Gordon will develop this as he ranks up.
  • The Speechless: Even when Jason can understand him, his speech is never translated.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Like Colin, he was a newly born entity when Jason first summoned him, and demonstrates childlike curiosity at times. He also starts out with the ability to shoot relentless death beams at Jason's enemies.

Secondary Characters

    Jory Tillman 

Jory Tillman

"Standing in front of me and taking all the hits is something I really like in a team member."

Race: Human

Title: Priest of the Healer

An alchemist who runs a clinic in Old City, Jason befriends him on his journey to Greenstone.

  • Alchemy Is Magic: Constantly on the lookout for new ways to use alchemical ingredients.
  • Applied Phlebotinum: He doesn't often go into combat, but when he does he mixes potions on the fly to transform himself into a grotesque but extremely tough version of himself.
  • Deadpan Snarker: While extremely compassionate, is less so of people who bring trouble on themselves.
  • Frontier Doctor: He lives in a city, not the frontier, but it's in a low magic zone and his passion is finding ways to make potions out of inexpensive ingredients so that he can sell them to poor people.
  • Hulking Out: In extreme situations he can use his alchemy to turn into a large monster version of himself.
  • The Medic: Runs a clinic in the poor part of Greenstone.
  • Mind over Matter: Can telekinetically mix potions.
  • Nice Guy: Comes from a rich family, but spends all his money making cheap potions for poor people.
  • Squishy Wizard: Rarely goes out on Adventurer contracts, instead focusing on his alchemy.



"Better to be a queen than a pawn."

Race: Celestine

Titles: First Sister, Hierophant

Diamond Rank First Sister of the World Phoenix, Dawn is sent to aid Jason in his task of saving Earth from destruction.

  • Adminisphere: Is sent to help Jason because she had lost touch with what remained of her mortality.
  • Alien Princess: Her parents are "administrators" of a "small" intergalactic empire.
  • Anime Hair: She has ruby red hair and matching eyes.
  • Artifact Domination: Is a willing bearer of a star seed of the World Phoenix.
  • Artistic License – Art: Dawn is somehow famous in art circles despite having only started selling her paintings a year ago. In fairness, her art may actually be magical.
  • Complete Immortality: As a half-transcendent, she is unkillable and ageless.
  • Eye-Dentity Giveaway: When she is possessed by the World Phoenix her eyes turn fiery.
  • High Priest: As First Sister of the World Phoenix she isn't actually a priestess, because Great Astral Beings aren't gods and the World Phoenix doesn't want worship. However, as the chief servant of a being vastly more powerful than a god, she is effectively a High Priestess.
  • Human Disguise: While she is on Earth she takes the appearance of a human with red hair.
  • Mysterious Backer: Is the chief servant of the World Phoenix, whose agenda is not entirely clear.
  • Omniglot: Doesn't seem to have trouble speaking to anyone, anywhere.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: In book seven she blows up a flying fortress city with a single spell.
  • Projectile Webbing: Can conjure steel or fiery webbing to ensnare enemies.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Is at least several thousand years old.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Is so powerful that her mere presence on some worlds could break reality. Her powers are limited either by creating a de-powered avatar or by deals between the Great Astral Beings.
  • Willing Channeler: The Great Astral Beings are so vast that they need mortal vessels to interact with reality. The World Phoenix speaks through Dawn when negotiating with other Great Astral Beings (who speak through their own Prime Vessels).
  • Winged Humanoid: Can summon fiery wings.

    Thadwick Mercer 

Thadwick Mercer

"Do you have any idea who my father is?"

Race: Human/Energy Vampire

Essences: Lightning, Wind, Potent, Storm

Title: Young Master

Spoiled, arrogant aristocrat who is amazingly incompetent.

  • Artifact Domination: At the end of book one, he is implanted with a star seed of the Builder, which turns him into the Builder's puppet.
  • Assimilation Backfire: His personality is so repugnant, the Builder's and even his primary vessel's temperament is affected.
  • Brainwash Residue: After having his star seed removed, he is left with a yearning to get another one, because of the power that he remembers having with it.
  • Dirty Coward: When his team is cornered in battle, he tells them to cover him as he runs away.
  • Dumbass Teenage Son: Never takes advantage of the many training and educational resources his family gives him, has a low skill essence set, and wants power without any effort on his part.
  • Hated by All: The only people who seem to like him are his parents.
  • Hate Sink: Has no positive traits. His personality is only improved by having it overwritten.
  • It's All About Me: Doesn't understand why no one will acknowledge how amazing he is.
  • Mirror Character: To Humphrey. Both are heirs to aristocratic families in Greenstone, have a mother and an older sister who are respected Adventurers, and have access to the best training and resources. Unlike Humphrey, Thadwick is arrogant and doesn't take advantage of his family's training.
  • Never My Fault: When his plans go wrong or he gets his team cornered in combat, it's always the fault of his subordinates, not due to his poor planning.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Jason gives him one at the end of book three:
    "Thadwick, everyone is better than you. You are literally the worst."
  • Silver Spoon Troublemaker: As the nephew of the Duke of Greenstone he gets away with outright criminal behavior.
  • Sketchy Successor: Is being groomed by his father to take over his family's businesses, but is clearly in no way qualified.
  • Squishy Wizard: Has powerful storm abilities, but is useless in combat without his flunkies.
  • Too Incompetent to Operate a Blanket: Everything he does, he does badly. So incompetent, he manages to mess up being a human sacrifice.
  • Vampiric Draining: After becoming an energy vampire, he survives by draining the magic from people's bodies.
  • Villain-Possessed Bystander: Becomes a temporary vessel for the Builder.
  • Walking Spoiler: Any mention of him after book one reveals his star seed implantation.

    Emir Bahadir 

Emir Bahadir

"I've been looking for something for some time, across seas and continents. It's what I do. People know that something exists, somewhere, and they pay me to find it. And they pay well."

Race: Human

Essences: Staff, Might, Magic, Mystic

Retired Adventurer turned treasure hunter, he sent Rufus, Farrah, and Gary to Greenstone on a secret quest.

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: Retired from adventuring to start an organization of treasure hunters.
  • Cool Uncle: As a former team member with Rufus' parents, he acts his Honorary Uncle. He also seems to have a similar relationship with his granddaughter, whom he only met when she was a teenager.
  • Large Ham: Does everything with grandiose grandeur:
    Gabriel: Emir, you think putting on socks requires grandeur.
    Emir: That's because I have exceptional socks.
  • Big Fancy Castle: His cloud palace is always configured with multiple wings and towers, can float on water, and can be turned into a giant cruise ship.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Doesn't immediately buy Jason's theory that the church of Purity is working with the Builder cult, but is willing to hear him out if Jason and his friends can find more evidence.
  • Sleeping with the Boss: Is in love with his right hand woman, Constance, but she rebuffs him because she is a rank lower than him. They finally get married after she reaches Gold.
  • Verbal Backpedaling: Generally speaks in bold statements, but instantly reverses them if Constance disagrees.
  • Wealthy Philanthropist: Is quite generous, both in the prizes he gives for the contest he arranges, and in playing host to the friends of a friend of a friend.

    Gabrielle Pellin 

Gabrielle Pellin

"She is Knowledge. Knowledge is hers to disseminate as she sees fit."

Race: Human

Title: Priestess of Knowledge

Devoted acolyte of Knowledge whom Jason and Humphrey meet as they join the Adventure Society.

    Emi Evans-Asano 

Emi Evans-Asano

"I'm twelve, not an idiot."

Race: Human

Jason Asano's precocious niece.

  • Cunning Linguist: At twelve years old she speaks English, Japanese, and French.
  • Deliberately Cute Child: Has "weaponized" Puppy-Dog Eyes that sadly her mother is mostly immune to.
  • Honorary Princess: Farrah points out that, while she isn't a princess, as the niece of one of the most powerful people on Earth she may as well be one.
  • Innocent Prodigy: One of the smartest characters in the series, but is still an innocent child.
  • Little Professor Dialog: Has a broad vocabulary, which she uses to great effect when arguing or mocking someone.
  • Mouthy Kid: Shares Jason's tendency to verbally lash anyone she sees as worthy of criticism, from schoolyard bullies to morally deficient reporters.

    Craig Vermillion 

Craig Vermillion

"With a leather coat and tight, black pants, we get more blood and sex than we can consume. Literally more."

Race: Greater Vampire (Human, araneid bloodline)

Friendly vampire who introduces Jason to the magical factions on Earth.

  • Aerith and Bob: Goes by his exotic-sounding last name professionally, and Craig with his friends.
  • The Ageless: Has looked in his mid twenties for decades.
  • Blood Magic: His magic appears to directly affect the blood of his enemies.
  • Cool Car: Has a 1967 Maserati Ghibli that he bought new.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When he is under stress or angry he becomes increasingly sarcastic.
  • Emotion Control: Can use his aura to manipulate the emotions of normals, either positively or negatively.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampires: Puts on a sinister front when dealing with the mob or with his blood groupies, but really is a friendly and compassionate person. He also sides with the humans in the blood apocalypse.
  • Healing Factor: As long as he has access to blood, he can heal most wounds.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: Wears leather pants and a long dark coat when dealing with his blood donors, who get off on the scary vampire vibe. He prefers to wear slacks and wool sweaters otherwise.
  • Immune to Bullets: Is unbothered by bullets, but has limited energy reserves.
  • Monster Mash: Is the primary liaison for the Cabal with the Network and organized crime in Sidney.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Much tougher than a human.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Looks to be in his twenties, but is over 90 years old.
  • Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration: Type 4.
  • Stronger with Age: Vampires get stronger with age. At around 90 years old, Craig is Bronze rank.
  • Supernatural Fear Inducer: Uses aura manipulation to scare people with whom he needs to put up a sinister façade.
  • Super-Toughness: Much tougher than a human.
  • Vampire Procreation Limit: Because becoming a Greater vampire changes the soul, one cannot be made into one without consent.
  • Vampires Own Night Clubs: Owns a night club and a cafe.
  • Vampire Variety Pack: There are many different bloodlines of vampires, each of which has different abilities. His allows empathic bonds between other vampires.
  • Vampire Vords: In the audiobook he has as a vaguely Eastern European accent, but there is no indication of that in the text.
  • Vampiric Draining: Needs to drink human blood to keep up his power and health, but also eats food.
  • Verbal Backspace:
    Vermillion: I really need someone to eat.
    Jason: You mean something to eat.
    Vermillion: That's what I said.
  • Weakened by the Light: Magically infused sunlight weakens him and would eventually drive him insane.

    Jack Gerling 

Jack Gerling

"I hate to break it to you, Cleary, but however we end up spinning it, we're the bad guys. I'm on board with that and you need to be as well."

Race: Human/blood clone

Essences: Might, Potent, Vast, Onslaught

One of the only Gold-rankers on Earth, Gerling is brought out of suspended animation when things start getting dangerous there. He then becomes one of the dangers.

    Travis Noble 

Travis Noble

"If you're going to blow up some vampires, I can help you. I'm your guy."

Race: Human/Outworlder

Brilliant but socially awkward magitech weapons smith.

  • Amusingly Awful Aim: Because he knows how poor his aim is, the gun he makes for himself is self-aiming. He names it the Compensator.
  • Cannot Talk to Women: Gets so nervous around women he finds attractive that he will sometimes babble about bizarre or inappropriate topics.
    Taika: You're so bad with women that now I'm bad with women.
  • Gun Nut: Has the Gun essence, and makes rotary beam canons and magitek nuclear bombs for fun.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Can summon a glowing weapons locker that holds a dimensional storage space.
  • Mad Bomber: Develops magically enhanced nuclear weapons.
  • Magitek: Specializes in magitek, particularly weapons.
  • Noodle Incident: Some of his experiments have gone so wrong, he isn't allowed to talk about them.
  • Omniglot: As an Outworlder he gains the ability to speak and read any language.
  • Phony Degree: The American Network hides their magical schools by disguising them as phony colleges. His knowledge and training are real though.
  • This Is No Time to Panic: Everything is under control, and there is nothing to worry about.
    "It's fine," Travis called up again. "On an unrelated note, Farrah could you wash down the construct from the green canister? Nothing dangerous is happening down here, but very very quickly would be ideal."
  • Walking Spoiler: Any mention of him after book six reveals that he is transported to Pallimustus as an Outworlder.

    Mr. North 

Mr. North/Noreth

"This world needs to be ready."

Race: Rune Spider

Leader of the enigmatic Engineers of Ascension, one of the magical factions on Earth.

  • All Webbed Up: Can shoot web traps, use them as instantly drawn ritual circles, and extend a network of web to extend his sensory range.
  • Anthropomorphic Transformation: Has the appearance of a human, but is really a car-sized rune spider.
  • Anti-Villain: Causes millions of deaths but ultimately his goal is to save the world, and he holds no negative feelings for Jason.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: Is the "first of equals" and founder of the Engineers of Ascension, one of the three magical factions on Earth at the start of book four.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: Helps Jason because everything he does is ultimately in aid of saving the world.
  • Familiar: Was once the bonded familiar of the Network Founder. He broke their bond because he had grown to love Earth and knew that the Founder's actions would eventually cause Earth's destruction.
  • Friendly Enemy: Holds no ill-will for Jason and is quite friendly with him. In fact, he says that he feels he can be himself around Jason because he doesn't need to put on an enigmatic façade for him.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Is at least 500 years old.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Is trying to create an inexpensive way to give humans superpowers in order to help them defend themselves from a threat he knows is coming.
  • Villainous Friendship: Genuinely cares about his subordinate, Barbou, and views him as a friend.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Literally, since the EOA owns most media.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Knows full well that he is a villain, but conducts unethical experiments on humans and causes the deaths of countless people while trying to save the rest.



"I believe there is a place for me in this new world, so long as I let go of ideas about the old one."

Race: Greater Vampire (human)

An ancient vampire recently awoken from centuries of hibernation.

    Liara Rimaros 

Liara Rimaros

"Being royalty means we should be more fastidious about the rules, Vesper, not less. We have to be examples."

Race: Celestine

Titles: Lady Rimaros, Princess of the Storm Kingdom

Once a leader of a team sent to hunt down people with banned essences, Liara now leads the investigation of the Builder cult in Rimaros.

  • Action Mom: Has three adult children, and worked in the field for decades.
  • Arranged Marriage: Has a cordial relationship with her husband, whom she married for political reasons.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Ends up as Jason's primary contact with the Storm Kingdom.
  • Hunter of Monsters: Before she was moved to her current position, she hunted people with banned essences (such as people with the Death essence which usually turns the person into a monster).
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Her reaction when she first steps into Jason's cloud house.
  • Politically-Active Princess: Doesn't like politics, but feels she has a responsibility to participate if only to maintain her family's relationship with the groups that are needed to protect the people of Rimaros.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Despite her frequent frustration with Jason and his team, she still works with them and listens to their ideas.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Is the head of the Rimaros Builder Response Unit, and is a minor princess.
  • Stealth Expert: Even Jason has a hard time noticing her if she is hiding.
  • Took the Wife's Name: Because Liara's family has higher status than her husband's, he took her last name.

    Zara Rimaros 

Zara Rimaros/Nareen

"I have responsibilities as a member of the Rimaros family and I won't let you get in the way of that."

Race: Celestine

Title: Hurricane Princess

Princess of Rimaros whom Jason meets when he accidentally stumbles into her tent.

  • Anime Hair: As is typical for her family, she has sapphire hair and matching eyes.
  • Arranged Marriage: Was in an arranged political betrothal to her Gay Best Friend.
  • The Beautiful Elite: Celestines are always beautiful to human sensibilities, members of her family are particularly so.
  • Fallen Princess: After her abysmal failure in dealing with her arranged marriage, she steps down from competition for the throne.
  • Game Between Heirs: The many potential heirs to the Storm Kingdom aka Rimaros all compete for the throne, and as soon as a clear winner emerges the current monarch steps down. As the oldest child of the king, Zara is the designated frontrunner, but some potential heirs withdraw from the competition if they have made a political mistake, don't want to compete, or don't want to rule.
  • Politically-Active Princess: Part of the competition to become the next monarch is adept participation in politics.
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: The monarch is required to have reached Gold rank without monster core use, so Zara is an active adventurer.
  • Rebellious Princess: Her father laments that she never does what he tells her to do.
  • Royal Blood: Not all members of the royal family have the signature sapphire hair and eyes, but those that do are considered closer to the ideal.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Is only in a couple of scenes in book seven, but her plot to get her Gay Best Friend out of their arranged marriage draws Jason into politics when he really doesn't need it.
  • True Blue Femininity: Both men and women in the royal family have blue hair and eyes, but she and her aunt are the first members introduced.
  • Weather Manipulation: Can produce wide Area of Effect hurricanes full of water blades.


Lady Allayeth

Race: Elf

Title: Lady

One of two diamond-rank residents of Yaresh.

  • The Ageless: As a diamond-ranker she is ageless and mostly unkillable.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Is near the peak of mortal power, but is well aware that she is only a big fish in a small pond and has long since given up trying to reach the abilities of someone like Dawn.
  • Benevolent Boss: Has a team of adventurers that she mentored to gold rank and are extremely loyal to her.
  • Green Thumb: Controls plants to fight, often using thorny vines and spikes.
  • Only One Name: Allayeth was her family name, but has discarded her first name since the rest of her family is dead.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Eventually choses to trust that Jason has his reasons for not telling anyone where he has hidden the messengers that he took captive during the battle of Yaresh.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Is the blue oni to Charist, the other diamond-ranker in Yaresh.

    Marcus Xenoria 

Marcus Hargrave Xenoria

"I find an axe through someone's head on the first day helps set the tone."

Race: Leonid

Title: Representative of the Adventure Society Continental Council.

An Adventure Society official sent to Yaresh to fire all the Adventure Society members who use their membership for political leverage while not actually fulfilling any contracts, and to offer support to team Biscuit in whatever they're doing.

  • Ass Shove: A Yaresh nobleman has a private meeting with Marcus to complain about the new Adventure Society policies, and he leaves with a different set of clothes. Marcus later puts in a request for a new lamp.
  • Genius Ditz: A scholar once told him he was an expert in "applied kinetics," right before Marcus beat him to death with a fruit cart.
  • Large Ham: The first thing he does when he arrives is put his axe through someone's head (they're gold-rank, so there's no lasting damage), and starts a meeting by lighting a whiner's head on fire.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Plays up his outsized persona when dealing with annoying bureaucrats, but follows Danielle Gellar's advice to not try to out outrageous Jason.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Unlike many of the local leaders in Yaresh, Marcus knows team Biscuit's track record of uncovering plots and preventing disasters, and is partly sent to Yaresh to back them up without demanding answers from them.

    Boris Ketland 

Boris Ketland/Boris Ket Lundi

"I am the best lover in the cosmos."

Race: Messenger

A Messenger who has been hiding on Earth since its creation.

  • The Ace: With billions of years to practice, he is absurdly good at whatever he sets his mind to, including astral magic, war, and (allegedly) lovemaking. He has spent more time in battle than humans have existed on Earth, and it shows.
  • Almighty Janitor: He has been peak gold-rank for billions of years, but stayed there instead of reaching diamond because at gold rank he draws less attention.
  • Handsome Lech: Hits on every attractive woman he meets, including ones standing next to their husbands.
  • Humanshifting: Is really 10 feet tall and winged, but can withdraw his wings and shrink down to human size.
  • Insistent Terminology: Despite their appearances, his people are Messengers, not angels of the Lord. Most people on Earth are not convinced.
    “Doesn’t ‘angel’ mean messenger in Greek or Latin or some such?”"
  • La Résistance: Boris is part of the Unorthodoxy, a group of Messengers and a few Astral Kings who seek to free the Messengers from the enslavement and brainwashing that most are subjected to by their Astral Kings. At this point, the Unorthodoxy has been in hiding for billions of years.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Most people are wary of him because they know that at his age, he has had eons of practice at manipulating people. He tricks the archpriest of Undeath into blowing himself up.
  • Monster Mash: His people hiding on Earth founded the Cabal, a shadowy global organization of creatures from myths and folklore.
  • Playing with Fire: Has fire-based powers
  • Time Abyss: Is older than Earth's universe, and has lived on Earth since its beginning.

    Nik (Book 11 spoiler warning!) 

Nik Asano

"I identify as the guy that will beat the [bleep] out of you if you don’t show me some [bleep]ing respect. Which will make you the guy who got beaten to death by an adorable mother[bleep]ing rabbit."

Race: Lehenik

The first member of a species of Anthropomorphic rabbit people whom Jason accidentally creates in book eleven.
