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Characters / Fate/Grand Order - Chaldea Security Organization

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Guardians of the Future
The Chaldea Security Organization is a secret agency founded by Marisbury Animusphere, one of the Clock Tower's twelve lords, and sanctioned by both the Mage's Association and United Nations. By bringing together the most brilliant minds in magic and science, Animusphere aimed to guarantee humanity's existence for at least the next hundred years. The most vital part of this operation is the Animuspheres' crown jewel, the Global Environmental Model 'CHALDEAS', a complete and total simulation of Earth in all eras of history to monitor any anomalies within the timeline. Chaldea's reach is immense, thanks to the resources pooled together from the various organizations backing it, with its primary facilities located in Antarctica, the oil-drilling platform Seraphix in the North Sea, an observatory in Hawaii, and a nuclear reactor base in France.
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Main Characters

    Protagonist (Ritsuka Fujimaru)
Humanity's Last Master
Cosmos in the Lostbelt Outfit
Voiced by: Nobunaga Shimazaki (Male), Tomoko Kaneda (Both, Learning with Manga! anime), Akira Sekine (Female, Fate/Grand Carnival) (Japanese); Griffin Burns (Male, anime), Lizzie Freeman (Female, Fate/Grand Carnival) (English)
Live actors: Ryo Saeki [2017]; Shōichirō Oomi [2019-Current] (Male, Stage Play), Renna Okada [2017]; Mioka Sakamoto [2019-Current] (Female, Stage Play)
They are the last Master available in Chaldea after their destruction in the Prologue. Actually a total newbie in terms of magecraft, they have now become the last hope for humanity.

Once they save humanity, they stay on with Chaldea, preparing for their inevitable departure... before certain circumstances get in the way.
See their page for tropes related to the Protagonist.

    Mash Kyrielight (Shielder)
Servant of Shield
Voiced by: Risa Taneda (original) and Rie Takahashi (September 2016 onwards) (Japanese), Erica Mendez (Anime and VR) (English)
Live actor: Akari Nanao

Mash is a former member of Chaldea's Team A and the only known successful example of a Demi-Servant, a human fused with a Heroic Spirit. Her abilities lay dormant before the story begins. When she and the protagonist are sent to Fuyuki after the explosion at Chaldea, her abilities awaken, making her the first example of a Shielder class Servant seen in the series. She has a tendency to refer to people she considers more experienced than her as 'senpai' and only very rarely refers to the protagonist as anything else.

The character of Shielder was reused from an initial concept idea from Fate/stay night as the "Stray Servant" and heroine candidate.

See her page for tropes related to Mash Kyrielight.

    Fou (Unmarked Spoilers)
Little Beast of Chaldea
Voiced by': Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese), Abby Trott (English)

Fou is an animal that appears to be able to freely walk around the Chaldea Security Organization's complex, and has a notable attachment to Mash. The protagonist meets it alongside Mash, and it then tends to come along on the various Singularity missions.

For more information, please see the Beast IV folder on the Fate/Grand Order: Beasts page.


    Marisbury Animusphere
The Man Who Changed The Course of History
Voiced by: Kenji Nojima (Japanese), Chris Hackney (English)

Olga Marie's deceased father. He is one of the twelve Lords of the Clock Tower, as head of the Department of Astromancy, and founded Chaldea using his funds, serving as the head Director until his untimely death.

  • Ambiguously Evil: He was the man who founded Chaldea, but as time goes on it's become more and more noticible that Marisbury had his hand in some moraly bankrupt dealings like the creation of Seraphix and the hiring of Beryl even after he tortured Mash, bringing how good he actually was into question. Especially since there's some hints that he knew about the Lostbelts and was preparing the Crypters for them. By the end of the seventh Lostbelt, all ambiguity is gone when he is revealed as the real force behind the Lostbelts.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • Daybit often refers to him in present tense, making it sound as though he came Back from the Dead somehow as a part of CHALDEAS.
    • Da Vinci states her belief to E-Aqua Marie (one of Olga Marie's Elemental incarnations) that Marisbury wanted his daughter to fuse with CHALDEAS and become the Foreign God in order for her to manage the next step in humanity's evolution, but he had no idea that Flauros would first blow her up, then hurl her into CHALDEAS after Goetia incinerated the world, implying that was the reason Kirei called U-Olga's existence "unpredicted". For her part, Aqua does not explicitly confirm or disprove the theory.
  • Anti-Hero: Marisbury was a man who spent his entire life, and the entirety of two vast fortunes, one attained supernaturally, working to save humanity while immune to temptations to use his resources selfishly. And he was no Armchair General; he earned the second fortune by battling through the risk and death of a Grail War, and his alliance with the Atlas Institute to obtain the necessary technology he required had him willing to share the secrets of the Animusphere family with outsiders, a taboo act that could have resulted in them being wiped out by the other Lords of Clock Tower had they discovered it. He was also a cold and ruthless man with few morals or scruples, a father whose neglect towards his daughter bordered on abuse, and was willing to engage in human experimentation and to accept the help of brutal and shady people to achieve this end. Ultimately his methods prove to be too extreme to be heroic at all, making him an Anti-Villain.
  • Anti-Villain: Gave life to CHALDEAS so that it would elevate humanity to a new scale hitherto undreamt of… even if it was going to wipe out a bunch of Lostbelts with countless innocent lives to make it happen. It is also speculated by Da Vinci that he was intentionally cold and distant with his daughter Olga as part of his plan to eventually get her to become one with CHALDEAS: the Foreign God who would oversee all of humanity's future endeavors for the rest of time.
  • As Long as It Sounds Foreign: His first name in Japanese is comprised of two first names that were then just mashed together, unlike Olga Marie which isn't an unheard of, though rather old-fashioned, name in southern Scandinavia and Central Europe.
  • Bad Boss: It's implied that Marisbury intended to use the Crypters as bullets to resolve the Singularities with the Sirius Lights as the gun, with one Crypter per Singularity. Daybit later confirms this and reveals that if a Crypter failed to resolve a Singularity, Beryl was assigned to forcibly activate their Sirius Light and blow up the whole Singularity. When Kadoc hears this, he sums it up as Marisbury having zero faith in his subordinates.
  • Benevolent Boss: At least he had the decency to offer his Servant the chance to make his own wish rather than feeding him to the Grail.
  • Birds of a Feather: It's implied the real reason he prefers Kirschtaria over Olga Marie as an heir (aside from already having a different role selected for Olga) is because they both desire to protect and improve humanity no matter the cost. Kirschtaria's plan to elevate humanity to godhood seems to have been made by Marisbury in the first place as Kirschtaria called it Marisbury's dream.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Da Vinci posits that he is like Daybit, a person whose morality is so extreme that a normal person wouldn't call his goals well-meaning. Kadoc comments that such morality is actually the norm amongst the Lords of the Clock Tower. Daybit, for his part, considers Marisbury to be far worse than himself.
  • Characterization Marches On: Flashbacks in the Final Singularity show him as something of a Large Ham, but his later portrayals from the Babylonia adaptation onwards shows him to be soft-spoken with a slight smile on his face no matter the situation, making him come across as robotic.
  • Crazy-Prepared: He had a number of contingencies in place just in case things went south. Like in the case that rayshifting failed to work with humans, he had a True Ancestor on the team so that someone would survive the process.
  • Curtains Match the Windows: His hair and eye colour are a very similar grey-white, with the only difference being that his eyes have a slight gold tint to them.
  • Didn't See That Coming:
    • Posthumously as despite all his great labors and painstaking lengths taken to protect humanity, internal sabotage from his subordinates was the one scenario he appeared to have never thought of as Lev bombs the Control Room and Kirschtaria uses his intimate knowledge of the observatory to attack it remotely.
    • Subverted in regards to his true goal, as the internal sabotage only caused his mission of bringing forth the Lostbelts to be delayed by a year, and Kirschtaria's remote attack was actually his plan that served to help him out by protecting CHALDEAS with a dense layer of ice and obscuring it from the eyes of others. That being said, it is played straight with Lev throwing Olga Marie into CHALDEAS itself, as it was the one thing that he did not posthumously expect.
  • Driven to Suicide: He had committed suicide for some unknown reason in his office. Holmes suspects it was a murder that was arranged to look like a suicide; Babylonia episode 0 suggests that he might have killed himself before he could be murdered. Lostbelt No. 7 confirms that it was Daybit who tried to threaten him into shutting down CHALDEAS before his plan could get started, but Marisbury killed himself rather than let Daybit foil his plan.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Is fully calm when approached by his murderer in Babylonia episode zero and accepts that he must die in order to prevent Chaldeas from being shut down and save humanity... then pulls out a gun of his own to do it himself.
  • Fiction 500: He used the Grail to give himself funds on par with a national budget to build Chaldea.
  • Foreseeing My Death: Part of the reason he was desperate enough to resort to using the Grail to give him funds for Chaldea is that he knew he would die in a decade and wished to see the completion of Chaldea before that happened.
  • The Ghost: Is only talked about in the Sixth Singularity: Divine Realm of the Round Table Camelot, since he's, you know, dead. He shows up in Dr. Roman's flashbacks, only in text before the final battle with Solomon, and even in that one appearance "on-camera" in-game he's represented by a nondescript cloaked figure covered entirely in shadow. In the -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- OVA, his appearance in the Chaldea command center is just a hazy, light-filled outline. Finally averted in Episode 0 of the Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia anime, which focuses on events that happened before the beginning of the game, thus giving him the spotlight to appear. This is a full four years after we first heard about him.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: CHALDEAS wouldn't even exist to bleach the world and create the Lostbelts if not for Marisbury bringing it to life all those years ago in order to do just that, though in actuality, CHALDEAS' existence had been the dream of the Animusphere family for countless generations and they simply never had the means to make it physical until Marisbury won the Grail War. He may also be responsible for Olga Marie being chosen as its avatar.
  • Jaded Washout: In non-Grand Order timelines Marisbury ends up as this because the corruption of the Fuyuki Holy Grail prevents him from completing CHALDEAS. He's still a Lord of the Clock Tower which is a very prestigious position, but it's clear he isn't accomplishing what he really wants to do, and spends his days cooped up in his house and sending Olga Marie out in his place whenever there's something that requires his attention.
  • Identical Stranger: He makes an onscreen appearance in the prologue of the Babylon Singularity anime adaptation, which reveals that he has a disquieting resemblance to his former Servant, Solomon, albeit with grey hair like Olga Marie instead of Solomon's white hair, along with pale skin instead of Solomon's tanned skin.
  • Inconsistent Translation: The official translations for both Grand Order itself and the Babylonia anime romanize his name as Marisbury. On the other hand, the official translation for Lord El-Melloi II Case Files romanizes his name as Maris Billy. This is a valid romanization, but the inconsistency is odd since all three were translated by Aniplex US.
  • Irony: He favors Kirschtaria as an heir over Olga Marie, yet Kirschtaria is complicit in the second genocide of humanity. While Kirschtaria is ideologically the better heir regarding their similar views on humanity, from a mage's perspective Olga Marie is the better heir because Kirschtaria's Magic Circuits are shot to hell from a failed assassination attempt. Marisbury never found out about this because Kirschtaria never told anyone about it.
  • Mundane Wish: He uses the Holy Grail, a magical object of almost unimaginable power, to make an insane amount of money and have his colleagues and the United Nations respect his ideas. He's still one of the most successful users of the Grail so far, especially given he managed to circumvent the Grail's main limitation by knowing exactly what he wanted and how to attain it.
  • Parental Favoritism: It's no secret to everyone that Marisbury considered Wodime the heir he really wanted, even teaching him the Animusphere family Magecraft when mages usually do everything to keep family secrets safe from outsiders. Marisbury spent several years palling around with Wodime in Chaldea before his death including telling him about his real plans while Olga Marie was discarded like trash and left out of Chaldea until after he died, though Da Vinci wonders if his cruel treatment of Olga was intentional as part of pushing her towards becoming something greater.
  • Point of Divergence: He's connected to the divergent Alternate Timeline of Fate/Grand Order, having been the winner of the 2004 Fuyuki Holy Grail War. Lord El-Melloi II Case Files reveals that in the Fate/stay night timeline, he discovered the Grail's corruption and decided not to pursue it. In the FGO timeline, the Grail had never been used before, therefore wasn't corrupted, therefore was safer to use.
  • Posthumous Character: He died five years before the start of the game, but Chaldea wouldn't be what it is today without his contributions. He becomes even more relevant in Cosmos in the Lostbelt with various plot points like how he was the one who assembled the Crypters and gave them their group name, the Sirius Lights he gave them, and the mysterious connection between him and the Foreign God U-Olga Marie.
  • Pride: A rare example in which it brought some positive consequences: having the almost-fully charged Greater Grail and a Servant willing to kill himself to power it to enter the Root, Marisbury refused the opportunity, having no interest in the Third Magic or the Einzberns' wish. He was proud enough to ignore the temptation to use the Grail and by extension the Einzbern philosophy to actually finish his life's work, preferring to use it as a shortcut by giving him the resources he'd need to finish Chaldeas. Of course, this assumes that he didn't have a secret agenda...
  • Rags to Riches: Holmes speculates that his wish for the Holy Grail was for prosperity since, after the war, his family's theories which were dismissed as abstract and impractical by the Association had suddenly been acknowledged, he had a sudden string of several successes, and Chaldea was transformed from a simple observatory into the facility of the present that you see at the beginning of the game. Which was confirmed with a flashback at the beginning of Grand Time Temple Solomon; he used the Grail to give him money for funding Chaldea.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's mainly a minor character who exists to explain the backstory behind Chaldea and is dead long before the story begins, but his work towards that is hugely influential in various parts. He's responsible for Chaldea becoming a massive NGO, Solomon incarnating as Dr. Roman, Mash's existence as a designer baby and Demi-Servant, personally recruiting the members of Team A who would later become the Crypters, the harvesting of Master candidates that would end up as fuel for Kiara ascending to Beast status, and Lev's presence at Chaldea. It's later subverted afterwards, as his role as the real force behind the Lostbelts is by no means a small role anymore.
  • The Stoic: He only told one joke in his entire life, and it was a terrible one. He joked about using a Command Spell to order Solomon, his Servant during the Holy Grail War, to kill himself to power the Greater Grail and punch a hole to the Root, when he in fact had no intention of doing it.
  • The Unfettered: The way he talks about past experiments and the current situations of those experiments shows his magus-like mentality. He shows no regret when saying that he had fostered countless units for the Pseudo-Servant experiment and now that Mash has proven that summoning Heroic Spirits is possible, he doesn't expect anything from her than to be a catalyst for summoning. He even considers it amazing that she cannot physically age anymore and that she will only die due to her short lifespan.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He authorized the Seraphix Master experiments which were directly responsible for providing Beast III-R the power she needed to grow.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Holmes hypothesizes that he was being manipulated by a third party, with his leading guess being either Lev Lainur or Dr. Roman. While Roman is later indisputably proven to be innocent in this regard, it's currently unclear if Lev had any major influence on Marisbury's decisions and plans. This is then subverted when it's revealed that he was a player rather than a pawn the entire time, with Holmes as a patsy.
  • Walking Spoiler: Several key parts of the wider backstory and machinations going on behind the scenes for Grand Order entirely hinge on his existence, with his influence still felt in characters like Dr. Roman, Olga Marie, Kirschtaria, and Mash as Marisbury's actions inform several parts of their motivation. And the fact that the whole Lostbelt incident has roots in his plans is also a massive spoiler for the game's endgame.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The man had noble ideals but terrible methods, notably involving a whole lot of child experiments. It's the main reason even though Mash's fusion with a Spirit was successful, Galahad (as the most Lawful Good of the Round Table) refused to manifest and stayed dormant. And that's before we learned that his experiments in Seraphix were directly responsible for the existence of Singularity F. The genius Daybit considers Marisbury's (and the Foreign God's) ultimate plan to ensure the future of the Human Order to be so extreme that Daybit is willing to unleash ORT - the ultimate human killer - to stop it by destroying the physical body of the Foreign God CHALDEAS, preferring the extinction of Humanity to whatever it and Marisbury have planned for it.
    • Assuming Da Vinci's theories on him are correct, he did have a special place in the universe for his daughter Olga Marie after all: as the vessel and conduit for CHALDEAS, meaning she would be the one overseeing humanity's future for all time, indicating his terribly cold and distant treatment of her was meant to push her (without her knowledge) down the path towards godhood, although he predictably still seems to have spared no concern for her own feelings.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Unlike many mages, he is completely disinterested in living a long life, natural or otherwise, and simply shrugs at the idea of the elevated immortality that the Third Magic supposedly promises.
  • Would Hurt a Child: It's unclear exactly how far or how bad it went, but not only did he direct the apparently very harsh project that led to Mash's birth and creation but, given the timeframe involved, he must have signed off on the Seraphix leyline experiments with Master candidates, which definitely involved children. The SE.RA.PH. manga confirms that not only did he sign off on them, he oversaw them personally.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: He found it almost adorable that his assassin Daybit thought that threatening or ending his life would stop Chaldea from manifesting and was even willing to shoot himself in the head to show that his preparations had been so thorough that he didn't even need to be around for his great work to come to fruition.

    Olga Marie Animusphere
Prestigious, Yet Doomed, Director Of Chaldea
Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (Drama CD), Madoka Yonezawa (anime) (Japanese), Kira Buckland (anime) (English)

A member of the prestigious Animusphere family of magi and the second director of Chaldea. She monitors the future and is trying to prevent the extinction of humanity.

  • Advertised Extra:
    • She was quite heavily promoted in prelude material, has a well known seiyuu and is featured quite a bit in the official gag manga. In the game, however, she's killed right at the beginning, sticks around in the first chapter, then eventually she literally fades from the story completely. That is, until the back-half of Cosmos in the Lostbelt.
    • A lampshade is hung in the official gag manga that takes place after the prologue.
      "Why isn't she appearing?"
      "Wait... didn't you play the story?"
  • Affectionate Nickname: Lev shortens her name from Olga Marie to just Olga.
  • Alternate Timeline:
    • She shows up in Lord El-Melloi II Case Files and the 2015 Melty Blood manga which both take place in alternate timelines. -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- also reveals that there was a facet of possibility where she was the main mission control during the seven Orders, not Dr. Roman, but that possibility isn't the "correct history".
    • In Reines' interlude, she notes some of the differences between the Olga Marie she knew and this one, such as FGO Olga Marie having minimal contact with FGO Reines, never going on Rail Zeppelin, and never participating in Grand Resolution with Reines.
  • Ambiguously Absent Parent: We know nothing about her mother, and she noticeably doesn't seem to have been involved in anything regarding Chaldea. This sticks out because Marisbury became increasingly prominent as a backstory figure as the game went on, but neither Animusphere family member ever talk about the idea of a mother/wife in relation to them. Everyone else in Chaldea frames the Animuspheres solely as a father and daughter affair with Kirschtaria as the sole exception from being an outsider mooted to be brought into the fold by Marisbury.
  • Ambiguously Human: While she doesn't directly show signs of being anything more than human. The lack of a birth date, any information about her mother as well as her connection to the Foreign God does lead to some questions.
  • Astrologer: Her family is the current head of the Astrology department of the Clock Tower.
  • Beneath the Mask: She tries so hard to project the usual mage persona of haughtiness, but it doesn't take much for the mask to crack and reveal the Nervous Wreck that relies on others she really is.
  • Broken Pedestal: Lev, the one person she has absolute faith in, reveals that he killed her and was scheming against her the whole time. This revelation coming from her trusted mentor and the person she was putting her faith into for fixing everything shocks her and she feebly tries to dismiss what he's saying as lies. And this is just before he puts her through one of the worst fates any Grand Order character has suffered.
  • The Chains of Commanding: She reveals in Fate/Grand Order: -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- that she actually has a lot of anxiety about saving the legacy and history of humanity and wonders if she'll ever truly be happy.
  • Cosmic Plaything: The longer the franchise goes on, the more it shows just how much it sucks to be Olga Marie.
    • She's born to a father who couldn't care less about her and is thrown away like trash once he learns she has no Master or Rayshifting attitude to help the Animusphere cause. Worse yet, she's forced to watch him lavish attention on the heir he really wants from afar. Then it's revealed in Ordeal Call that he didn't even see her as a pawn. She was nothing more than an accessory to be plugged into CHALDEAS so it could function better, though this might have been his (admittedly very twisted) form of helping her grow stronger so she could become a god who would oversee all of humanity.
    • She learns he died and takes up his job despite not being trained for it or even knowing what the hell she's supposed to do. Her staff quickly grow to hate her for her perceived incompetence, which causes her to lash out and pushes them away even further.
    • She latches onto Lev for emotional support, except he's really a saboteur who's manipulating her for his own purposes. He caps it off by blowing her up once he's done using her.
    • Lev sees she's postponing her death by Rayshifting her soul to Singularity F, and decides he's not done tormenting her yet. He cruelly reveals that he's the one who bombed Chaldea and personally killed her, and while she's reeling from having the rug pulled out from under he tosses her into CHALDEAS to suffer infinite death. He didn't even need to do that since her soul would have faded with Singularity F's collapse, he did it just because he found it hilarious that her family's dream would literally kill her.
    • She goes out hysterically begging for someone to save her, while the protagonist and Mash are unable to do more than watch in horror at her grisly fate.
    • And even after somehow escaping CHALDEAS, she is apparently horribly mutated and is subjected to horrific experiments in Area 51 where she is unable to do anything but attempt to protest that she is human to the scientists who are unable to understand her. Finally, she is transformed into the avatar/body double for CHALDEAS itself to act as the scapegoat for its plans.
  • Day in the Limelight: Fate/Grand Order: -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- gives her a lot of screentime and we get more of her mindset about being the head of Chaldea at such a young age.
  • Dead All Along: The Olga Marie seen in Fuyuki is actually her soul Rayshifting after her physical body was destroyed by Lev's bomb.
  • Decoy Protagonist: She seems like she'll be Mission Control and an important supporting character, with most of Fuyuki devoted to exploring her character and softening her relationship with the protagonist. Then, just as you're getting to like her, Lev blows her up again. Though she doesn't stay gone for good.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- reveals that she really doesn't know what the damn hell she's even doing at Chaldea - she deeply respects her father's mission but she has no idea how she can really meaningfully contribute to furthering the mission, especially since she can't be the Master she desperately wants to be.
  • Expy: Nasu wrote on his blog that she's essentially Touko minus all the philosophical exposition.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Nasu mentions in the -First Order- booklet that she's been dying over and over again in Chaldeas after being thrown in there by Lev. Until it gets frozen and shatters wide open, presumably.
  • Hated by All:
    • According to her profile in -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM-: "her popularity is almost zero because she is always one step behind everything." Judging by Dustin's and Sylvia's comments in the prologue of Cosmos in the Lostbelt, it looks she was nearly universally hated because of her vicious temper, or her incompetence as she was unfit to be the Director of Chaldea, or both. Turas Realta shows the staff openly insulted her behind her back and only tolerated her presence because Lev supported her and shielded her.
    • The only ones to mourn her death are the protagonist, Mash, da Vinci, and Roman, and she scarcely gets a mention from anyone else except to insult her.
  • Hates the Job, Loves the Limelight: Fate/Grand Order: -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- reveals that she honestly doesn't care about protecting the Human Order but more proving that she can handle the responsibilities of such a large task.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Reines notes in her Interlude that despite the very different position Olga Marie has in Grand Order compared to Fate/stay night and Lord El-Melloi II Case Files, her security protocols are still the same and easily hackable by Reines.
  • Inept Mage: Played with. She's essentially the reverse of Matou Kariya. While Matou Kariya was pretty mediocre in all aspects of Magecraft, he had surprisingly high "compatibility" as a Master. Olga Marie is, on the other hand, an extremely high-class Magus who has zero compatibility with the role of a Master, to the point where she can't even summon a Servant. This is why she dreams, desperately, of being a great Master who is saving human history alongside Fujimaru during -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM-. The fact that she's actually incapable of forwarding the great cause of Animusphere leaves her Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Her attempts at maintaining the picture of an unflappable magus and no-nonsense director of Chaldea all cover up the crippling insecurities she has as both a victim of Parental Neglect and knowing she can't actually be a Master to fight for the cause of humanity on the front lines. Ironically, as admitted by Daybit Sem Void, one of the biggest geniuses in Chaldea and who has no reason or desire to sugarcoat his opinions, if she could just overcome those insecurities naturally she could become every bit the leader Chaldea needs and then some.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: Father and daughter are complete opposites of each other, likely because Marisbury doesn't care to raise her himself. This is for the best since she became a better person away from his care than she would have had he raised her considering how he really is on the inside.
    • Marisbury is soft-spoken and polite, Olga Marie is haughty and domineering.
    • Marisbury is dedicated to protecting the Human Order no matter the cost, Olga Marie doesn't really care about the greater good so much as proving herself.
    • Marisbury is well-meaning but like most mages his morality is inhumane. Olga Marie acts like a jerk but deep down she is a good person.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Marisbury taught her zilch about what he did and was trying to accomplish, leaving her many unpleasant surprises to discover like the Demi-Servant program. This includes CHALDEAS's true purpose, which would mean she's ignorant of her family's two thousand years old dream. In mage society, not passing down the family secrets to the next generation is one of the biggest taboos one can commit, showing just how estranged the two were.
  • Jerkass: She's pretty abusive towards the protagonist; one of the first things she does is berate them for their lack of talent as a magus and a Master as well as their tendency to fall asleep at the worst possible moment. She tells her subordinates that since they agreed to join Chaldea, they are her soldiers and should be ready to die if she asks it of them. She is later revealed to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, however.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: She is right that the protagonist shouldn't be sent in as a Master when there are far more experienced choices and they hadn't even gone through basic training.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
    • Despite how she treats the protagonist she isn't as mean as she suggests. Her first orders after learning about the condition of the other 47 Masters is to rush them into cryopreservation to protect their lives even though it's a crime to do so without consent. To her, keeping them alive is her top priority, the consequences to her reputation be damned, though she brushes off Mash's concerns for her by saying that she'll be able to talk her way out of it.
    • She was appalled at the inhumane treatment of Mash and the other Designer Babies at the hands of her father. If not for Mash's inability to survive outside Chaldea she likely would have let her live in the outside world. This is especially poignant considering she thought that Mash would try to kill her and she let her live anyway.
  • Killed Off for Real: She is killed by Lev's bomb used to incapacitate the other Chaldea Masters, but manages to rayshift to Fuyuki alongside Mash and the protagonist as a soul. Unfortunately, Lev shows up and sends her back to the present, seemingly destroying her soul permanently... Or so it seemed.
  • Magical Incantation: Her family has a specialized incantation for all of their spells: "Stars. Cosmos. Gods. Animus. Ampule. Unbirth. Anima. Animusphere." In First Order, "Ampule, Unbirth" is replaced with "Hollow. Void." in the chant and in Case Files, "Antrum" is used in place of "Ampule". The extended version is revealed in the -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- booklet as well as Case Files.
    Olga Marie: "The shape of stars. The shape of space. The shape of God. The shape of self. Celestial bodies are hollow. Hollowness is empty space. God resides within empty space. Stars. Cosmos. Gods. Animus. Ampule. Unbirth. Anima, Animusphere!"
  • My Greatest Failure: Her death at Lev's hands weighs heavily on the protagonist and Mash's minds no matter how much time has passed. They decided to rescue Goredolf in the Cosmos in the Lostbelt Prologue because they didn't want to stand by and let someone else die like she did. The revelation that the Foreign God is U-Olga Marie is met with mixed reception from the protagonist and Mash, as despite her being Chaldea's enemy it might also be a chance for them to save her this time.
  • Mystical White Hair: An Animusphere family trait, as her father has it as well.
  • Nervous Wreck: When she's taken out of her element and plunged into the middle of Singularity F, she's a panicking mess feebly begging for Lev to come and help her. She collects herself after running into the protagonist and Mash, but seeing Lev standing against her is enough to destroy any sense of composure she had left.
  • Parental Neglect: It's been steadily built up throughout the main story, Case Files, and the Lostroom OVA that Marisbury was a pretty crap father for her regardless of the timeline, someone who could hardly be bothered to put forth the bare minimum effort into raising her.
    • In the main story, da Vinci mentions that Kirschtaria was rumored to become the heir to the Animusphere family; this is backed up by comments in Case Files that she's just the backup heir and was neglected. The implication being that Kirschtaria's presence rendered Olga Marie an inferior choice for an heir in her father's eyes and thus he didn't bother teaching her much.
    • Comments by da Vinci and Roman accompanied with her scenes in -MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM- also reveal that Marisbury told her little to nothing about Chaldea as she only learned about the Demi-Servant project after becoming director and is constantly stressed out by the pressure of living up to her father's ideal and mission when she knows almost nothing about what he actually wanted.
    • This also indicates why Olga Marie latches on so hard to mentor figures like Lev and Trisha; their presence and guidance provides a substitute relationship to fill in the absence of her father. It also explains her constant craving for approval without judgement.
  • Powerful, but Incompetent: She's a first-class mage from a technical standpoint, but has absolutely zero compatibility as a Master, preventing her from ever summoning a Servant. In addition to this, her father's Parental Neglect of her left her completely in the dark about Chaldea's ultimate mission beyond the bare basics, resulting in her floundering about without any real vision or expertise as for what she's supposed to be doing. This results in her being reviled by her own staff members, not helped by her projecting the front of a proud and unapproachable magus when what she really needed was a friend to support her. The only one who did prior to the events of the main story is Lev, who turned out to be a False Friend who is more than happy to kill her along with everyone else at Chaldea.
  • Punny Name: Her name in katakana is meant to phonetically sound like "Olgamally". As in, anomaly.
  • Refused by the Call: She has zero Rayshifting aptitude and Master compatibility, so she never had a chance to be the Master that could save humanity.
  • Spanner in the Works: She's shaping up to become this to her father. Getting thrown into CHALDEAS by Lev is the one thing Marisbury did not consider in his Grand Order, and the ramifications of that act have yet to come into play. Da Vinci is convinced it will lead to something down the road.
  • Spell My Name With An S: In Japan, where her name is rendered in katakana, "Olga Marie" is written as one word. But the official romanization renders her name as two separate names, but the characters still call her "Olga Marie".
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: A trait she doesn't share with her father, indicating she got them from somewhere else in her family tree.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Lev's bomb, something powerful enough to destroy the whole Command Room, went off right as she was standing on top of it. Suffice to say, there isn't anything physically left of her.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Atlantis retroactively reveals this as her family Magecraft is dependent on the ambient mana to fuel it. Had she lived and tagged along, she would have made the Lostbelts much easier to solve as the True Ether available in the Age of Gods would give her a massive power boost. Atlantis and Olympus in particular would be a cakewalk as that Lostbelt is so perfectly suited to her Magecraft she would be (in theory) stronger than the Olympians while not suffering the handicap Kirschtaria has of being able to fight only a certain number of times because her Magic Circuits are still top tier and healthy unlike his which are crippled. Granted, "in theory" because it's not entirely clear just how strong she is in comparison to Wodime, but she'd definitely make things much less lopsided.
  • Tsundere: Olga Marie's hysterical and furious personality is because she hates herself and it flares in insecurity, not because she hates other people, according to Nasu.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She's killed unceremoniously by Lev at the end of Fuyuki and a lot of her characterization is filled in by Dr. Roman after her death. The anime specials do a lot to fill in her character. However, she turns out to not be as gone as believed...

    Dr. Romani Archaman
Good Doctor of Chaldea
Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura (Japanese), Xander Mobus (anime) (English)
Live actor: Takuya Ide

More known as Dr. Roman, he is the head of Chaldea's medical ward. He is responsible for making sure the Master candidates stay in good health. After the prologue, he becomes the Director stand-in.

  • Adapted Out: da Vinci is the crew's only operator in the Arcade version.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: Romani is a pessimist and agrees that life is basically just a countdown towards farewells and death, but still thinks each life and its journey is beautiful.
  • Big Bad Friend: Subverted. The Sixth Singularity: Divine Realm of the Round Table Camelot introduces a lot of clues that he is Solomon in disguise, leading Sherlock Holmes to become wary of Roman and warn the other heroes to do the same. The Final Order reveals that this is true - but at the same time the "Solomon" antagonizing humanity is an impostor.
  • Big Good: He is the primary character who all others at Chaldea look for guidance during the crisis and he quickly proves to be very adept at doing so despite the emergency nature of his hastily appointed role.
  • Broken Pedestal: He's shocked by the revelation of Solomon trying to destroy the world and desperately tries to use Sheba to prove that he isn't behind this. When Mash and the protagonist come back from London, he's going through a nervous breakdown. Later reveals implies that this is less admiration being broken and more shock at his body being used by someone else.
  • Brought Down to Normal: It's revealed that he is actually the real Heroic Spirit Solomon who used the Holy Grail to incarnate himself as a human.
  • …But He Sounds Handsome: He tries to claim that the enemies Chaldea are facing can't be Solomon's Demon Gods because the wise and just Solomon wouldn't be associated with such disgusting and nasty monsters. Unlike many examples he is a bit of authority in the subject.
  • Butt-Monkey: He's the butt of many jokes and jabs in the series, much to his chagrin.
    Dr. Roman: [talking about the similarities between him and Mozart] Thanks, Amadeus! I've never been this unhappy about praise in my life!
  • Conspicuous Gloves: Since he's a doctor, it makes some sense for him to wear them. Since he's hardly ever doing anything medical in the story, it makes less sense. And they don't look like medical gloves anyway. It turns out there's a ring under one of them...
  • Covert Pervert:
    • When Orion wants to peep on the girls in the hot springs chapter of the Anthology Manga, he gladly goes with the idea. In addition, he tries to record Mata Hari's stripping during the first Halloween event and is disappointed when she doesn't. After the finale's reveals about him, in hindsight, it was probably a trait he inherited from his father.
    • He's also downright distraught in the Anthology Manga when Emiya knits belly warmers for all the scantily-clad female Servants. And Mash has apparently found his porn folder and blackmails him by threatening to delete it.
  • Cowardly Lion: He refers to himself as a coward several times, yet at the final battle, even when Goetia taunts him for being too cowardly to use Ars Nova to erase himself from existence, he without hesitation goes ahead with using it to help the protagonist.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: He has some sort of ace in the hole ability that's similar to a Holy Grail according to Da Vinci who knows the full details. He tries not to think about it and is terrified of using it because after doing so, it will make him disappear. It's revealed in the final battle to be Solomon's last ring and final Noble Phantasm, Ars Nova, the act of returning God's gifts which erases him completely from the Throne of Heroes.
  • Double Take: Da Vinci's presence with the protagonists is so reassuring when he reestablishes contact with them in Lancelot's camp, he forgets for a moment that the last time they had discussed her, she had blown herself up.
    Dr. Roman: I’m glad you’re okay. Da Vinci’s even there. Good. All is right in the worl- SAY WHAAAAAAAAT!? IS THAT DA VINCI-CHAN!?!? You survived getting blown into a bazillion pieces!?!?!?
  • Eccentric Mentor: Roman can be a real goofball who's easy to pick on, but he is also the one who is supporting and teaching the protagonist everything they need to know during the Grand Order on the nature of Servants, Chaldea, Singularities, and making sure they are both informed and well supported. This is why his absence post Temple of Time is like a hanging spectre over the story, as they are left without his guidance and Da Vinci is forced to step up in his stead.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He's introduced slacking off from Chaldea's first operation, eating some cake in a supposedly unused room - now the protagonist's room, since they too were banned from the same operation. However, after the initial awkwardness Roman quickly becomes The Protagonist's friend, making them coffee and teaching them about Chaldea's various facilities to help them get used to the place.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep":
    • Most Servants tend to just refer to him by his title. Notable in this regard is Gilgamesh who discerns the mage part of Roman's identity but decides to respect Roman's decisions and calls him doctor as well.
    • He's mostly referred to affectionately as "Doctor" by the Protagonist and Mash, who have never addressed others with this moniker.
    • Post-death this is how he is exclusively referred to by characters, no one daring to say his name perhaps as a sign of mourning his loss.
  • The Faceless:
    • If Roman shows up in a flashback or is referenced visually after Part 1, his face is never shown, only covered in shadow. This may have to do with a certain man who is not Roman that is currently wearing his face.
    • The exceptions are: When Scheherazade explores the events of part 1 in her interlude, Mash's memories of how Roman gave her strength in Salem, the simulations of part 1 in "Lady Reines' Case Files", the ending of Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM, and the second opening for Cosmos in the Lostbelt.
  • Fanboy:
    • Of King Solomon, considering the King of Magic his hero and denying that his magecraft has any role in the Singularities. Subverted when it turns out that Roman is Solomon, and was instead voicing his dislike of the idea that his magecraft was being used for evil. He really just rolled with the "Solomon fanboy" misconception to keep his true identity a secret.
    • He's also a big fan of a Virtual Idol, Magi☆Mari, often consulting her for advice mid-mission and getting gleefully nihilistic and unhelpful responses. As it turns out, this site was actually run by Merlin from the Garden of Avalon, presumably as a way of interacting with Chaldea aside from Fou.
  • Fatherly Scientist: Raised Mash after Galahad withdrew mentally, making sure she had an education and was treated well despite the rest of Chaldea treating her as a not-quite successful weapon.
  • First-Name Basis: When not calling him doctor, everyone refers to him either as Romani or Roman, never using his last name.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • In the American Singularity, Mash reveals that Roman might have once been married, and that he wears a ring under his ever-present gloves. Shortly before the final battle against Goetia, Roman reveals that he's actually Solomon, and that the ring under his gloves is actually the tenth ring of Solomon.
    • After using Ars Nova, Roman states that while Solomon would be utterly erased, even from the Throne of Heroes, it didn't mean that he would die. The Atlantis Lostbelt in Cosmos of the Lostbelt reveals that Dr. Roman's body is still around, though likely piloted by Goetia.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: A downplayed case. He's never outright disliked, but Mash, the player character, and tag along servants are all quick to point out his various flaws and mistakes.
  • Genius Sweet Tooth: He admits to liking sweets quite a bit, saying that it's vital for anyone who works with their brain.
  • God Was My Copilot: Your medic and mission control was actually the real King Solomon all along.
  • Hand Behind Head: It's his default pose. He's flustered and sheepish often enough for it to be appropriate.
  • Hate at First Sight:
    • Maybe not outright hate, but his Solomon profile points out that almost every Servant will instinctively understand he is somehow responsible for the situation and find reasons to insult him. The only exceptions are contrarians, Berserkers, and Bedivere.
    • This is reversed in stories that take place after the Time Temple, as Servants who used to insult him like Francis Drake have gone on a 180, with opinions being neutral at worst. As the source of dislike was being mistaken for the mastermind and the situation has been resolved, they no longer feel that instinct. This is probably why Clairvoyants who knew the truth were among the "contrarians".
  • Heroic RRoD: Da Vinci clarifies in the Sixth Singularity: Divine Realm of the Round Table Camelot that he could eventually hit one and that she's somewhat worried about his health; he takes all kinds of medicine and drugs to be able to run all of Chaldea alone while also having to be the emotional support and Mission Control for Mash and the Protagonist, and is getting little to no sleep.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He uses the last Ring of Solomon to re-enact his returning of God's gifts and erase himself from the Throne of Heroes in order to weaken King Goetia.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: Goetia could have used his own Clairvoyance to easily figure out that Roman was an incarnated Solomon, but Roman's wish to become a completely normal human without any Magic Circuits meant that Goetia just dismissed him as unremarkable and passed over him. This proved to be vital in defeating Goetia, because if the truth about Roman was discovered then he couldn't have gotten close enough to the rest of Solomon's rings to be able to activate Ars Nova and mortally wound Goetia. Indeed, when Roman reveals his true identity, Goetia curses Flauros for being unable to see through Roman despite spending so much time around him in the Clock Tower and Chaldea.
  • Historical Person Punchline: Roman being obsessed with Magi☆Mari combines Solomon's transgressions regarding both foreign women and false idols in the later parts of his life, just updated for the modern day.
  • Hospital Hottie: Definitely.
  • Hypocrite: It's noted he tends to be optimistic and encouraging to others despite being a pessimist himself, making his encouragement feel shallow.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He wished on the Holy Grail to give up all his powers as Solomon, because he wanted to live a life where he lived of his own volition rather than according to the will of the people and the voice of God.
  • Irony:
    • Despite having a chance to live as a normal human, the vision he received made him realize he had to help humanity prepare, sacrificing his one chance at normalcy to serve the people. His one comfort being the people he met in this new life.
    • That King Solomon's new chosen name is based on the word Rome since Rome sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple. Romani admits he's not too happy about this fact but chooses to ignore it.
  • Implausible Deniability: Despite having Magi Mari’s true identity as Merlin revealed to his face, he still goes very much deep into denial about it. Even Mash tries to help him rationalize it, but he insists that she’s real anyway.
  • Improbable Age: He became Chaldea's medical director at twenty-two, which Holmes notes should not be possible for an ordinary person.
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: He's a doctor and is seen wearing a lab coat constantly.
  • Locked Out of the Loop:
    • He didn't know about the Heroic Spirit fusion project and regrets being unable to prevent what happened.
    • By Holmes's request, he's in the dark about his meeting with the heroes and the things they learned unrelated to the Sixth Singularity: Divine Realm of the Round Table Camelot. But, in the end, this didn't make much of a difference.
  • Meaningful Name: After he used his wish to become a human being who could live of his own volition, Solomon took the name "Romani" because he fell in love with the idea of Romanticism - in particular, its emphasis on free expression of the individual. Furthermore, basic Japanese-English L-R substitution applied to the name "Romani Archaman" creates "Lomani Archaman," an anagram for "Solomon Archmage."
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Roman gives up his existence in both the Throne of Heroes and his incarnation as a human to save you in the Temple of Time by removing Goetia's power. Doing so leaves the player without his support, forcing them to take a more proactive role in the plot as they must make more and more calls for themselves about what to do next.
  • Missing Mission Control:
    • Certain events such as "Prison Tower" and "Sanzang's Journey to the West" feature no Mission Control due to circumstances preventing communications (stuck in a dream, suddenly Rayshifted to unknown coordinates, etc.)
    • It's Played for Laughs during Tamamo Cat's first interlude, he's gone out for a lunch break and won't be available unless it's a critical emergency.
    • Ozymandias's desert in Chapter 6 messes with communications. Sherlock Holmes exploits this to meet with the heroes without Roman knowing.
  • Mission Control: He typically appears as a hologram to communicate with the heroes from the Rayshift control panel.
  • Mr. Exposition: He and Mash share the role of providing insight into the history of Servants, the Singularities, and generally hyping up Servants you're about to fight. Roman himself is especially knowledgeable about the mechanics of magecraft and famous magi, especially Solomon, despite not being able to use magecraft himself. This is because he is Solomon, albeit the summoned Caster version who wished to be a normal human and is very much on your side.
  • Muggle with a Degree in Magic: He's an expert in all the different magic phenomena you encounter despite not being a magus. It's subverted in a sense when it's revealed that Roman is King Solomon, meaning that he was no muggle.
  • Must Have Caffeine: The anime adaptations depict him constantly sipping from cups of coffee or tea as he continues to man Mission Control and continue observing the protagonist and Mash rather than lying down to rest.
  • Mysterious Past: In chapter 6, Holmes reveals that no records of him exist before 2004, when he was working as Olga Marie's father's assistant in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. Da Vinci knows that, but believes that it doesn't make him any less of a good guy. Holmes does admit that it's possible that Hermes could have records on him, but that would require sifting through billions of irrelevant files and the Hermes archives change yearly so it's highly unlikely they'd be able to find anything. It turns out that there are no records of him because the man known as Dr. Roman didn't exist before 2004, and was in fact King Solomon summoned as a Caster-class Servant.
  • Naked First Impression: In the turas Réalta manga, he meets the MC in his room, as he's visibly pulling up his pants.
  • Nice Guy: Very friendly to you from the moment you first meet him, and his moral compass is just as strong as Mash and the protagonist's. His niceness is unfortunately only a way for him to be "everybody's friend" without getting attached to any of them as their therapist, though he does treasure the few emotional connections he manages to make anyway.
  • Nightmare Face: In the dream sequence before Babylonia, where he gets eyes like Solomon, a twisted, nightmarish grin and red and black marks on his cheeks. This, of course, is Goetia messing with Mash.
  • Non-Protagonist Resolver: His Ars Nova is what ultimately ends Goetia. It's the protagonist's job to make sure he doesn't take everything down in his dying moments.
  • Noodle Incident: He's had to kick Beryl Gut out of Mash's room in the past over something that everyone still remaining at Chaldea is extremely uncomfortable talking about in Cosmos in the Lostbelt, especially while Mash is in the room. It’s later revealed Beryl snuck into Mash’s room a year before A-Team’s mission, and brutally broke her fingers out of a sick desire to see her express emotions. Dr. Roman caught him in the act, and managed to subdue Beryl as well as have him permanently restricted from going near Mash’s room ever again.
  • Occidental Otaku: A Westerner with a huge fondness for Japanese culture, with Magi☆Mari as his most deep-rooted obsession. He was the one who taught Mash about the idea of senpai-kohai. Given his past, it's most likely something he picked up when summoned to Fuyuki.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Despite specifically being a medical doctor, Roman doesn't have much trouble assuming the operation and maintenance of much of the technology at Chaldea, expositing at length about magecraft and Servants' historical/mythological background, or creating an AI duplicate of his favorite net idol to chat with. He also has training to support the protagonist's and Mash's mental wellbeing and has worked as both a general physician and a surgeon. Considering his true identity as Solomon, one of the most brilliant men to ever live, it probably comes naturally to him. The School of Chaldea CE directly comments on it.
    Da Vinci: Medical, observation, event restoration, even equipment maintenance... You've really been busy lately, Romani.
  • Only Friend: Marisbury had considered Solomon and by extension, Dr. Roman, to be his first and only friend in life.
  • Only Known By His Nickname: His full name is Romani Archaman, but he acknowledges that everyone calls him Dr. Roman anyway. Da Vinci tends to call him "Romani-kun" instead.
  • Otaku: Not only is he a huge fan of a certain idol, he has an incredible obsession with sweets, having a gigantic private collection of rare and valuable candies. Mash assumes in the "Starry Xuanzang Goes to India" prologue that the large collection of books in a Chaldea warehouse must be his since he's the one person she knows to obsessively hoard objects he's passionate about. He denies it as they belong to someone else.
  • Papa Wolf: When Beryl Gut snuck into Mash's room and broke her fingers, Roman personally subdued him and made sure that he was prohibited from going anywhere near there again.
  • Parental Substitute: He's the closest thing Mash has to a father, and she does care deeply about him despite her ribbing. He brought her books, always encouraged and fought for her place in Chaldea, and even named her.
  • Porn Stash: According to Mash, he has a "secret" folder on the Chaldea computer network, which relates to "the hobbies of a 30-year-old bachelor". She threatens to delete it to get him to behave more seriously during the Septem storyline.
  • Properly Paranoid: While Roman dislikes keeping his true identity as King Solomon a secret, especially from Mash and the Protagonist, he knows that the risks of telling it outweigh the potential of alienating the two, and his paranoia works out for the best as it allows him to perform a Heroic Sacrifice and give the Protagonist the push to defeat Goetia.
  • Redhead In Green: Lucky that the uniform is a flattering color on him.
  • Redheads Are Uncool: So uncool that almost everyone he meets immediately feels compelled to pick on him, and even Mash can't reassure him without getting in a few digs about his dorky hobbies first. Awkward, brainy, etc., basically a huge nerd. And he has orangey hair. By contrast, his original form as King Solomon has Mystical White Hair, and has a lot of power and respect to his name as the King of Magic (even if his personality isn't really any different). The only subversion is with the Chaldea staff who almost universally love or respect Romani, and miss him when he's no longer there.
  • The Reveal: He reveals in the final battle that he's actually the Solomon summoned by Marisbury, who used his wish on the Holy Grail to "become human". However, on the very cusp of losing his Clairvoyance skill, he had a vision of humanity's demise, concluded that he was involved somehow, and spent the next ten years doing everything he could to prevent the coming disaster.
  • Ring of Power: Something the party observes while talking to Holmes; Solomon has nine gold rings and one silver, while Roman has a gold ring he claims is from his now-divorced marriage. It's revealed in the final battle that it is the last Ring of Solomon, which God told him to store separately from the other nine and became the catalyst that Marisbury used to summon him as a Heroic Spirit. As the actual artifact and not something drawn from the Throne of Heroes, it is the one ability of his Heroic Spirit self that Roman is able to keep.
  • Secret-Keeper: Roman met Arthur sometime before the story proper and kept it a secret from everyone but Da Vinci. Which is why he was surprised by Altria (Alter) in the Fuyuki Singularity being female. It's possible that Arthur was one of the Servants he crushed as Solomon in the Fuyuki Grail War.
  • Selective Obliviousness: He refuses to acknowledge the idea that Solomon has anything to do with the Demon Pillars, grails or singularities that have been popping up throughout the game before Chapter 4's end. When David states that it's most likely that Solomon's responsible for what's going on, Roman uses SHEBA to look at the past at Solomon's era and since he's there in the past, Solomon, therefore, has nothing to do with the destruction of the world. This is all due largely to him not wanting to think about the implications of a "Solomon" running around the singularities, as he knows better than anyone what that truly means.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: Engages in this with Merlin, though it also doubles as Passive-Aggressive Kombat due to the two attempting to play it off as friendly bickering. It also might serve as a hint to Merlin’s dislike of Solomon.
  • Spanner in the Works: What saves him in the turas Réalta manga. As Lev sets the explosion, he calls for Roman to go to the control room, mentioning it's two minutes away from the medical wing. However, Roman was actually slacking off in the MC's room... five minutes away from the control room.
  • Starting a New Life: "Romani Archaman" only came to exist in 2004, when Solomon won the Fuyuki Grail War and decided he wanted to experience life with free will unbound by the responsibilities of a king or the word of God.
  • Stealth Pun: It is regularly joked that Roman is probably a thirty-year-old virgin, also known on the internet as a wizard. Ironically, his true identity means he's anything but, and the other stealth pun comes into play: his obsession with Magi☆Mari, a net idol who is actually Merlin catfishing him from across space and time, calls to mind Solomon's straying from God's will later in life under the influence of "false idols" and "foreign women."
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: Chaldea mistakes him a Solomon fanboy because of his attempts to deny that Solomon's powers and demons were responsible for the Singularities. Though he's really attempting to deny it because he doesn't like the idea of someone running amok with his magecraft, everyone just assumes that he simply likes Solomon a lot. Because he can't come out and say that he used to be Solomon, Roman has to roll with this misconception. Later, when he has a nervous breakdown upon seeing Goetia running around in his original body, he keeps up this "Solomon fanboy" notion and plays it off as suffering a Broken Pedestal regarding his hero.
  • Team Dad: He has to take care of everyone and he runs himself ragged when he loses contact with the protagonist.
  • That Man Is Dead: He tells Da Vinci that Romani and Solomon are basically two different people by now, and refers to the King of Mages as "he" and "Solomon" rather than "I" when talking about his past.
  • There Are No Therapists: Averted, this is one of his specialties. Unfortunately, he's the only one and has to maintain the mental and physical health of everyone who isn't dead at Chaldea, which is slowly but surely grinding him down.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Justified. His plan to defeat Goetia wouldn't have worked if the rest of Chaldea knew about it, because Roman needed to be able to get close to Goetia in order to activate Ars Nova (it requires all ten rings to be gathered together in order to activate, though not necessarily in possession of the same people). If the rest of Chaldea knew about Roman's true identity as well as Ars Nova, then Goetia would have learned about it as well and could have easily adapted his plans to keep Roman out of the picture.
  • Walking the Earth: What he did before joining Chaldea, according to the Babylonia anime, acquiring his doctorate along the way.
  • Workaholic: Despite his prior reputation as a bit of a slacker, Roman works himself to the bone as Chaldea's director to the point that he starts substituting self-prescribed stimulants for sleep. The rest of Chaldea becomes increasingly concerned that he might work himself to death.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: After resolving the London Singularity, they find him in a slump after seeing that Solomon was actually the mastermind behind the Singularities. Mash breaks him out by reminding him of how he salvaged Chaldea, rescued those who survived and took charge of restoring the timeline.
  • You Are in Command Now: After the disaster that occurred with the initial Rayshift, he was appointed commander despite only being Head Medic because everyone else above him died.

    Goredolf Musik
Golden Millennium Tree Director
April Fool's

Voiced by: Atsushi Imaruoka

The son of Gordes Musik, and heir from a family of alchemists most "renowned" for living slightly longer and being slightly richer than comparable magus families. In the aftermath of Chaldea resolving the Incineration of Human History, he was convinced to use his family wealth to buy the entire organisation before the Mage's Association could disassemble it. Unfortunately, he was duped into leaving Chaldea vulnerable to attack by the forces of the Foreign God, and barely escaped with Chaldea's remaining forces on the Shadow Border.

Although beginning as a pompous and clueless fool with little real experience of crisis management, he eases into his role as Director and begins to display some of his strengths and leadership qualities: most notably, being incredibly empathetic and protective towards his lives of his staff; expressing true remorse for past mistakes and a willingness to make up for them; and a grounded "better safe than sorry" leadership style that counterbalances the "high risk, high reward" thinking from Chaldea staff who lived through the Incineration incident.

  • Alchemy Is Magic: Comes from a relatively long lineage of alchemists.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: In his rant in the Lostbelt prologue, he states that despite his best efforts everyone hated him and avoided him.
  • Anatomy Arsenal: He's able to turn his fist into metal, not unlike his father Gordes. He call this his "Gof Punch." When lured off on his own, he uses it extensively during the Tokugawa Labyrnth event, including, on one memorable occasion, to punch Beast III/L.
  • Anger Born of Worry: He gets exceptionally brash when Mash and the protagonist decide to - or are ordered to by Holmes or da Vinci - walk straight into incredible danger due to fearing for their safety.
  • The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: Oddly enough the more pressure he's under, the more competent he becomes. As he gets used to what is everyday life for Chaldea, the more of his skills and positive qualities come to light. Compare his Prologue to the Lostbelts self where he's begging for anyone to help him to the Tokugawa Labyrnth event where he punches Beast III/L.
  • Ascended Extra: He was initially nothing but a sketch of Gordes's nameless son that appeared on the corner of a page in Fate/Apocrypha Material, released in 2015. He was properly introduced with a name and adult design in December of 2017.
  • Authority in Name Only: Zigzagged. In the Lostbelts, Goredolf keeps insisting that he is in charge, even as Holmes, da Vinci, and the protagonist do all the work, make all the decisions, and defy his orders whenever convenient. However everyone does acknowledge him as the Director and he has given orders that were followed that saved the day.
  • Badass Driver:
    • During the first Lostbelt, Goredolf drives the Shadow Border with a surprising amount of experience and skill, no doubt due to his racing hobby. Even Meunière, who'd been at his wits' end with their domineering "Commander" for most of the story, is very impressed. And when he experiences trauma-flashback to his Hilariously Abusive Childhood, he protests that he got it 100% legitimately.
    • He'd do it again in the Fourth Lostbelt, saving the party from an approaching God Arjuna and dodging attacks all the way out while also drifting past all the kali and sacred beasts in the Shadow Border's path as well.
    • The ultimate test of his skills arrives in the seventh Lostbelt as he drives after ORT while evading its attacks and dodging the endless Seeds of Emptiness being spawned in its mutated Reality Marble.
  • Bait the Dog: Inverted! Goredolf comes across as an Upper-Class Twit at best and a greedy and selfish antagonist at worst in his first appearance, muscling in with a private army and locking up all the Chaldea staff to interrogate. It seems like he will be a villain in the coming story arc just like Kotomine Kirei and Koyanskaya, but by the end of the prologue to Part 2 he's proven to be an Unwitting Pawn to the real bad guys, joined the heroes on their quest, and as time goes by he slowly shows more and more of his positive qualities.
  • Big Eater:
    • He claims that as director of Chaldea, he's required to consume more calories to manage his staff. It backfires on him, yet at the same time helps both himself and the protagonist at the beginning of the Chinese Lostbelt, as Koyanskaya poisoned the cake he was eating for a midnight snack. Had the protagonist had eaten the entire cake, they would have died immediately. Noticeably however, he seems to cut back during their time in SIN because the poisoning is so bad that he can't keep anything down due to his digestive system failing him, which forced da Vinci to hook him up to an IV in the Shadow Border to keep him healthy.
    • That being said, he has remarkable self-control. Despite not eating for three days on top of demanding physical activity, he doesn't eat what are obvious offerings to a Divine Spirit.
    • After being Brainwashed into believing himself to be a Tokugawa shogun and allowed to indulge his desires in the Ooku harem for most of the event, da Vinci puts him on a treadmill afterwards, since he ate so much rich and delicious food that it represents a health hazard for him.
  • Boring, but Practical: Goredolf’s leadership can mostly be described this way. He more often than not chooses the safer option or whatever would minimise risk to himself and his staff, making him usually the first to call for a retreat if a crisis occurs. Although this tends to grate with the more experienced members of Chaldea - who are used to dangerous situations and subsequent heroics - most of the time both Da Vinci and Sherlock come to agree that his judgements are fundamentally sensible. A noticeable example is when Sigurd attacks the Shadow Border to capture the Paper Moon: Goredolf immediately surrenders the Paper Moon without a fight, because he was unwilling to risk major casualties from engaging an enemy of unknown strength in uncharted territory. His surrender also allows Chaldea to safely uninstall the Paper Moon from the Shadow Border in one piece (instead of Sigurd ripping it out), making it easy to reinstall later.
  • Brainwashed: He's used to demonstrate Kama/Mara's brainwashing capabilities as he gets lured into her various mental traps.
  • The Cameo:
    • He makes an appearance as "Aloha Man" in the Summer 2018 event, taking a vacation in Hawaii before he comes to Antarctica to assume full control of Chaldea. It's lampshaded by the protagonist who thinks they just saw a glimpse of someone very important they've met or will meet in the future.
    • He also has silent cameos, in his younger design, in the anime adaptations of Fate/Apocrypha and Lord El-Melloi II Case Files. In Fate/strange Fake he appears to place El-Melloi II under house arrest.
  • Character Development: While still a comedic character, Goredolf mellows out considerably and his traits as Director shine through as he gains experience going through the Lostbelts and the dynamic between him and the others becomes not just friendly but genuinely respectful. He goes from being someone who needs to be placated to someone who's input is valuable and genuinely is seen as part of the team by everyone and will do what he can to help.
  • Cowardly Lion:
    • He spends most of the first Lostbelt on the edge of panic, looking for any excuse to bail and leave the dangerous zone, but ultimately helps save the day with his incredible driving skills.
    • In Lostbelt 5 he personally negotiates with Caenis in an attempt to prevent her from harming his men despite knowing full well she could kill him on a whim. His willingness to put himself in harm's way for others in spite of his fear (as well as her willingness to value Sacred Hospitality) ultimately earns her respect.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The protagonist and Mash specifically call him "New Director" throughout the story as removing the descriptor would imply that he has fully replaced his predecessors in Chaldea, which they refuse to accept. Nasu even specifically stated on his blog that he had a proofreader revise all of the protagonist and Mash's lines in the fifth Lostbelt that only referred to him as "Director" back into "New Director" as it goes against their characters at that point. Interestingly, this does not seem to carry over in the English localization, as he's just referred to as "Director".
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed, as while Goredolf doesn't hate Servants, he noticeably doesn't think of them as more than tools, which annoys Da Vinci. While he was respectful towards Olga Marie's and Roman's deaths in the Lostbelt prologue, he's very callous about Da Vinci's death at the hands of Kotomine, saying she did her duty. He's also callous about the Yaga in the first Lostbelt, considering them not really people after fusing with demonic beasts to survive.
  • A Father to His Men: All his blustering aside, it's noted he does care about the people under his command, with it being noted he treats any danger to the field operatives as if it was a danger to his own life, and in Götterdämmerung it's stated he always looked like he was in pain whenever the protagonist was in a tight spot back in Russia. Da Vinci assumes he had a strict tutor growing up that taught him to think from the perspective of the people he's sending out to the battlefield. Lostbelt 2 reveals he's saddened by the loss of his guards and plans on paying life insurance to their families. Not long after he orders an emergency exit from Void Space when an unknown entity, that theoretically shouldn't even be possible, is pinging the Shadow Border's sonar despite knowing it would put them in the Lostbelt that Chaldea is at the time trying to avoid. The reason being he refuses to risk the people under his command and in the end it's an order that no on has any real objection to.
  • Flat "What": His response to seeing a wounded Koyanskaya begging for a ride on the Shadow Border to escape the local Lostbelt King's upcoming attack is, rather appropriately, "Wat."
  • Food as Bribe: He is really confident on his cooking skills where he believes he can convince anyone who can be reasoned with with his cooking, was it interrogating Kadoc with carbonara or getting Scáthach-Skadi to trust Chaldea with some bacon and eggs. After he secretly saved Caenis, she threatened to kill the Chaldea crew, though she gave him a chance to be spared if he convinced them. He runs out of things to convince her until out of desperation, he attempted to bribe them with soft and fluffy croissants. It worked, if only because Caenis is Greek and he unknowingly invoked Sacred Hospitality.
  • Genre Savvy: During the Sparrow's Inn event, he understands on sight why eating the food at the shrine is a bad idea. He even references Circe turning anyone who ate the food of her banquet into pigs.
  • Hidden Depths: For all of his bluster, Goredolf has the qualities of a great leader, being both deeply empathetic as well as capable of making life-or-death decisions on the fly that account for the people under him. Da Vinci even acknowledges in LB2 that given the dire circumstances they're in at that point his leadership skills can be described as exceptional.
    • He's also a skilled driver with a history of car racing under his belt. During the 4th lostbelt he manages to manually drive the Shadow Border to resuce the player's group when they're surrounded by every monster left in the Lostbelt, without any damage to the vehicle, even managing to drift in a 12 wheeled vehicle. He also mentions he's been using the Simulator to drive, overtaking the previous record course time held by Holmes.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: When Kasuga slaps Goredolf and scolds him during the Tokugawa Labyrinth event, it stirs up memories of being raised by Toole, which are so traumatic they briefly break a Beast's hold on him.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex:
    • Goredolf spends a lot of time self-aggrandizing, saying how he'll lead Chaldea to fame and fortune, but his rant near the end of the prologue shows that underneath it all, he feels he's something of a failure who's hated by everyone else and he saw Chaldea as his final shot to be successful in life.
    • Gradually seems to be getting over this somewhat, as shown by the fact that he didn't feel the need to give a commanding sendoff to the protagonists during the start of Lostbelt 4.
  • Internal Affairs: He was a member of the Mage's Association's Policies Department before taking over Chaldea. He promises the protagonist that if the Association starts making trouble for them after they resolve the Reconstruction of Humanity then he'll use his connections to bail them out.
  • Jack of All Trades: While his magical abilities aren't as fancy as other characters Goredolf possesses a fairly practical skillset, such as culinary skills (including the ability to make toxic foods edible), the ability to defend himself reliably, the capacity for leadership and being a great driver.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He’s a bit of a pompous ass, sure, but by the end of the first Lostbelt he's genuinely looking out for Fujimaru and Mash, and is in a constant ragepanic over their reckless heroism. He's also utterly horrified by the treatment of humans in the second Lostbelt.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Averted. He's new to Chaldea, and it takes him time to adjust, but he's also the scion of the Musik family, and as such is as well-informed as most people can possibly hope to be about standard magical theory and other relevant subjects. Zero Sailing causes him such agitation partly because he knows full well both how amazing and how exceedingly dangerous such a feat is.
  • Know When to Fold Them: Perhaps a bit too quick to fold them, but then again these nerves often show up when things really do get bad. He orders a retreat in the Nordic Lostbelt when an unknown Servant of incredible power appeared near the Shadow Border rather than try to fight. The retreat fails because Sigurd is just too powerful to allow such a thing, but the ensuing fight just proves how right they were to try. And not only does Goredolf choosing to give up the Paper Moon to get him to back off without doing further damage, packing up the Paper Moon and handing it to Sigurd without a fuss makes the task of reclaiming it and reinstalling it much easier, as opposed to letting Sigurd rip it out and haul it off by force.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Subverted. He never lies about his accomplishments or abilities, but he talks about them so snidely that most assume he's either exaggerating what he can do or making it all up.
  • Minored in Ass-Kicking: He's average as far as magi an alchemists go, but even average magi and alchemists aren't harmless in this setting. He can't hold a candle to a Servant, but if he ever has to fight, he has enchanted amulets for protection and guns loaded with Depleted Phlebotinum Shells in case of magical threats, and he can convert his arms into iron for close-quarters combat.
  • Mirror Character: To Olga Marie. They're both mages who show a large amount of pride in their abilities and the history of their families while coming across as insensitive to others, but deep down they're deeply insecure about how for all their talk they haven't really amounted to much of anything for themselves and fear the idea of being regarded as failures by others. To drive it home, when Goredolf is cornered by the Oprichnik and facing death he starts bitterly yet panickily blabbering about how he doesn't want to die without someone acknowledging him, almost word-for-word Olga Marie's own last words as she was betrayed by Lev and dragged into CHALDEAS, a similarity that galvanizes both Mash and the protagonist to go back for him, determined to not let history repeat. And as time goes on, Goredolf truly grows into his role—makes you wonder how Olga Marie would've turned out if anyone had actually given her a chance.
  • Mundane Utility: Thanks to his alchemist background, he knows and even invented spells that can remove toxins from meat, boasting he can even "transform spoiled meat into sirloin." A really good ability to have when one's only food source is demonic beasts. da Vinci even notes that such magic would normally be considered mostly useless.
  • My Greatest Failure: When confronting Caenis, he admits that he considers his actions in the prologue partially responsible for the destruction of the old Chaldea despite knowing full well that they saved humanity, and that he sees his duty as Director as his way of atoning for them.
  • Naïve Newcomer: While he is a knowledgeable mage, he is this to Chaldea. Unlike Da Vinci, Holmes, Mash, and the protagonist, he isn't used to the antics Servants can get into and the situations the protagonist finds themself in and thus serves as an Only Sane Man. In the main storyline, this tends to lead to panic, while in the fourth summer event, it leads to him lampshading how absurd the Swimsuit Swordmaster situation sounds.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • When the Shadow Border prepares to exit Imaginary Number Space, he panics because they weren't given enough time to put on seatbelts, claiming that experience has taught him seatbelts are incredibly vital when you're in a vehicle. Given he mentions racing cars as a hobby, this makes sense.
    • In Anastasia, he mentions he's ended up stranded and alone in snowy mountains several times, which is where he learned how to turn bad meat into sirloin.
  • Only Sane Man:
    • Surprisingly ends up as this at times. One notable instance is towards the beginning of the Nordic Lostbelt, where he slams the brakes on the developing plan to fight off the approaching Servant and advocates for a retreat, given that the foe is an exceedingly powerful unknown opponent when they have so few combatants and no fallbacks whatsoever. And even though they're forced into a fight by Sigurd regardless, the nature of said fight just proves his point, and the fact that they survive at all is partly thanks to more of Goredolf's quick thinking.
    • At the Enma-tei, he recognizes how dangerous the banquet laid out in the tribute room is and admonishes Fionn and Diarmuid for eating it. Even when he does end up contributing to the mess by opening the tribute box and releasing the stored-up gratitude, he only does so because he's fooled by a long-time resident Chief Snake who is actually a part of Nue who wants to see the inn in ruin into believing doing so would be the only way to stop something dangerous from happening as a result of the Celts eating the offerings.
    • Played for Laughs in the fourth summer event, where he lampshades how absurd Swimsuit Swordmasters sound and threatens to have the others undergo a psych evaluation. When Da Vinci points out they've seen other absurd situations, he wonders whether he's the odd one out. Later, when Jeanne and Raikou get into a Big Sis/Mother War, he pulls a Screw This, I'm Outta Here, not wanting to deal with the insanity anymore.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • An offhand line reveals that he's been feeding his bacon to Fou.
    • When Gerda explains the situation in the second Lostbelt, Goredolf is horrified and spends some time trying to help Mash convince her that no, the world isn’t supposed to be like this.
    • The reason he came to Hawaii was to bring his homunculi to enjoy the tropics as one last final rest before they expired.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: His buffoonish antics, largely owed to his sheltered and aristocratic lifestyle, form a large chunk of the comic relief in the largely dour events of Cosmos in the Lostbelt.
  • Properly Paranoid: Most of the time, he's the one advocating for taking the safe option, such as ordering a retreat. Not just out of cowardice, but also because Chaldea really does have its back against the wall, especially in the first few Lostbelts, and so they can't afford to fight every battle due to their lack of fighting strength, especially considering the very real danger of ending up on the wrong side of a Curb-Stomp Battle such as the fight with Sigurd.
  • Puppet King: Seems relatively friendly but doesn't really know what's going on. He's simply a patsy for the antagonists to legally take control of Chaldea without arousing suspicion. Despite this, the protagonist still treats him as the director and takes him with them as they flee the antagonists. He's appointed Captain of the Shadow Border despite it being clear that Holmes and the protagonist are going to do all the heavy lifting for fighting the Crypters.
    • This is averted overall however, as while he can be cowardly and is less experienced than the rest of the group, he does come up with good suggestions from time to time, and so the rest of Chaldea don't disregard his commands by default. Notably, during the beginning of Lostbelt 4, Da Vinci specifically asks him to give a commanding sendoff, to start the expedition off properly, even though by this point he no longer felt the need to throw his weight around by demanding to do so.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Yes, he's pompous and self-important, and can come off rather harshly at times. He even admits that he loves himself more than anyone else. At the same time, he treats any risk to any of his "subordinates" as if it were a risk to himself, and his orders are not only backed by sound reasoning but are also issued out of concern for the Shadow Border and all of its personnel, showing how much consideration he gives to the others in spite of his demeanor. In the opening to the second Lostbelt he panics at the idea of going into Zero Sail stating that, besides from the out of body experience making him uncomfortable, panicking and being on guard doing all the insane things Chaldea does is a necessity, as once you start letting your guard down that's when something will go horribly wrong.
  • Red Baron: Goredolf claims to be "something of an amateur racer" as he's a sponsor, driver, and strategist rolled into one as "Musik the Phoenix".
  • Refuge in Audacity: In Olympus, this is Caenis' opinion of his final desperate Food as Bribe option to get her to listen to and negotiate with him. And of course, even crazier is that it works!
    Caenis: ...Ha. Haha, hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ahhh hahahahaha! Are you serious? Are you trying to win a Heroic Spirit over with food!? Are you actually trying to negotiate with me, Caenis the Tyrant, now Caenis the Divine Spirit... ...with a freaking piece of bread!? Hahahahahahahahahaha! This is the funniest goddamn thing I've seen in...I don't even know how long! It's too bad Kirschtaria didn't talk to you more! Hehehe, hahahaha! I've never seen anyone so insolent in my life!
    Goredolf: ...Surely it can't be THAT funny, can it? Even Toole used to love these croissants.
  • Refusal of the Call: During the fifth Lostbelt, he declines forming a contract with Mandricardo when the opportunity presents itself.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: In the third Lostbelt, all of Chaldea is baffled by Akuta's peculiar attachment to Xiang Yu and the lengths to which she is willing go to in order to protect him. Goredolf blurts that it's Love at First Sight on her end for Xiang Yu, which the rest of Chaldea scoffs at. In truth, it's less that she fell in love with him at first sight, and more that she's been in love with him for more than 2,000 years as Yu Mei-ren.
  • Sacred Hospitality:
    • When all other measures fail, he offers Food as Bribe to Caenis in the form of his fluffy croissants. It works, because, knowingly or unknowingly, he invokes this on a Greek servant, getting them to listen to the rest of his pleas.
    • His offer of tea almost inadvertently screws Chaldea over as Goredolf wants to show some thanks for Kukulkan saving them from Daybit's Angelic Artifacts with some tea in the middle of the emergency operation to prevent ORT's awakening, even if she is the Lostbelt King who currently has decided that Chaldea must eventually be taken out. She accepts at the last minute out of curiosity for more PHH cuisine and eats three sandwiches and two cakes to go with her tea, then hops over to see how the others are doing, only to find the protagonist's team about to be eaten by ORT.
  • The Schlub Pub Seduction Deduction: Toole always did tell him he'd have trouble with women. It's revealed in the prologue for Lostbelt 3 that Koyanskaya seduced him with a sad sob story and gave him her lipstick as something to keep her close by. Turns out she meant that literally as she can use it as a key to teleport to his side whenever she wants.
  • Seen It All: While he never truly fully loses his nervousness, towards the end of the Lostbelts, Goredolf is almost never actually surprised for very long at the weirdness of things that break all conventions of everything he's known from the world of Magecraft. He has not only personally kept seeing the mind-bending nature of Lostbelt after Lostbelt, on top of various odd singularities, holiday events and other oddities that pop up in Chaldea, but gone on a multitude of these adventures himself that he's more or less a seasoned adventurer at this point and has a multitude of extremely odd experiences that he has survived that leave him feeling a little more like this is business as usual.
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: It's obvious from the get-go that he hasn't really experienced society outside of the Clock Tower, and he's out of his depth when he arrives at Chaldea. Even aboard the Shadow Border, Holmes and da Vinci do their best to pamper him to avoid any unnecessary conflict.
  • Sickly Child Grew Up Strong: He once mentions having asthma when he was young, but after reading memoirs of a "bodybuilder turned actor turned politician", he aspired to work hard to grow past his sickness, though he regrets not growing to be muscular.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: He spends a lot of time arguing with Meunièr during the Lostbelts.
  • Sixth Ranger: When it is made clear that Musik is ultimately a pawn of the Foreign God and her forces and is left out to die during the Prologue, the Protagonist and Mash go save him and he joins what remains of Chaldea.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He is a scion of a magus family that has only really lived longer than most and accumulated more resources than others and haven't done anything to truly impact the world of magecraft. Even so, he thinks highly of himself to the point that he can come off as insensitive, even if he doesn't mean it.
  • The So-Called Coward: He's often nervous and quick to advocate running from dangerous situations, but his actions are backed primarily out of a desire to keep everyone safe rather than just plain cowardice. In the second Lostbelt, he gives up the Paper Moon to Sigurd and it's pointed out that not only did this get Sigurd to accomplish his goal and retreat, stopping further damage to their base, but if Goredolf hadn't intervened at that point, Mash would likely have died. The Paper Moon can be reclaimed, Mash's life cannot. Da Vinci even praises this trait of his saying while he might be a bit too willing to flee, it's far better than an Armchair Military who would be too willing to sacrifice the lives of his men for a goal. During the Tokugawa Labyrinth event, he even tries to Gof Punch Beast III/L, out of a mixture of fear of Toole stirred up by Kasuga and being too zonked out to fully comprehend the situation.
  • Spanner in the Works: Koyanskaya's attempt to assassinate the protagonist with a poisoned cake partly fails because he ate half the cake as a midnight snack. The cake happened to have just enough poison to kill them, even with the poison immunity from Mash, but by only eating half, they at least have ten days to find a cure (though Goredolf isn't so lucky and will die on the tenth day). Though she later implies it failing was part of the plan.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Goredolf, Goldolf, and Goldorf are all valid romanizations and all are used by fans. Official material spells his name Goredolf.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Looks almost identical to his father Gordes Musik Yggdmillenia, with the only real difference being looking slightly younger and having a curvy mustache as opposed to Gordes's toothbrush one.
  • Supreme Chef:
    • He boasts that he's been called The Phoenix for his "Alchemic" ability to bring even rotten meat back into the realm of fine food. While da Vinci and the others get a few underhanded jabs in about how boring and limited such a skill normally is in practicallity, this actually ends up useful in Lostbelts where the only meat is from Demonic Beasts.
    • He believes that his carbonara would be enough to get Kadoc talking but Goredolf doesn't get the chance to test it because of Kotomine's attack. Later he's confident he could crack a goddess and get her to ally with them using his breakfast food.
    • Later proven true as part of the reason he convinces Caenis to ally with Chaldea can be attributed to bribing her with croissants, if only because he invoked Sacred Hospitality, though they were apparently pretty good.
    • The ending of Olympus shows that Musashi has a fondness for his omelettes, hoping to get him to cook for the victory party she's planning.
    • In the "Chaldea Summer Adventure" event, he winds up as the Team Chef on the expedition because of his cooking expertise. Several scenes are devoted to the heroes enjoying the broad array of dishes he prepares, from English breakfasts to curry to churrasco. His food is so good that all of the Servants have asides where they comment on how tasty everything is even while in the midst of tense, important conversations. He also instinctively swipes the octopus legs that Okita Alter is roasting over a fire to do it properly.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Has a moment like this during the Sparrow's Inn event where he can not get Fionn and Diamurd to stop eating what is obviously offerings to a Divine Spirit. He even asks how the protagonist manages to do it.
  • Team Chef: In the "Chaldea Summer Adventure!" event, Goredolf is given the task to cook for deployed team, since he's the Supreme Chef of the team. It just adds up to him being the Team Dad in this event.
  • Team Dad: He eventually grows into this after a couple of Lostbelts, which is especially prominent in "Chaldea Summer Adventure!" where he's referred as a "dad" multiple times throughout the event. His relationship with the deployed team in that event is similar to a father and his children, especially in regards to Da Vinci.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He was duped by his secretary into buying all of Chaldea so she and her collaborators could eliminate their enemies in one fell swoop. Goredolf is shocked by the revelation that he was never really in control and is still trying to comprehend it by the end of the prologue.
  • Upbringing Makes the Hero: His childhood raised by and losing the short-lived homunculi taught Goredolf to genuinely care about the well-being of his subordinates, a sharp contrast to most of his Clock Tower peers. Also, his homunculi taught how to be self-sufficient rather than spoiling him like a brat, which resulted in him having accumulated all kinds of necessary skill that are needed for survival.
  • Useless Useful Spell: Inverted. He knows spells to transform rotten or poisonous meat into high-quality edibles, something which da Vinci snarks would normally be useless, but actually comes in handy for replenishing food supplies from otherwise-unpalatable sources like demonic beasts.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Him looking so much like his father makes it hard to remember that he is actually much younger than him, making his youthful voice fitting for his age but not fitting for his appearance.
  • Weak-Willed: He's Brainwashed into being Kama's pawn during the Ooku event, allowing her to assault Chaldea directly. Sion even complains that such a high-ranking mage should have better mental protections against that sort of thing.
  • What You Are in the Dark: In the New Year Event (2019/21), Goredolf refuses to rat out the Chief Snake even though it helped cause the chaos in the Sparrow Inn because it would have led to the Chief being expelled from the Inn. Snake eventually repays the favor during the event's conclusion and leaves the nue gestalt out of gratitude towards him.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Freaks out during the Sparrow's Inn event when Fionn and Diamurd start eating food left as a shrine offering. Because of this he's tricked into causing the major incident you have to resolve during the event. He thought something bad would happen if he didn't unseal the shrine.
  • You Are Fat: He's always the target of a fat joke, whether it's from his subordinates, to children, to literal gods.
    Scáthach-Skadi: I will love you as well. I do not, however, love your waistline. You should lose some weight.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Koyanskaya orders him to be offed once the assault on the observatory begins since he was simply a means of obtaining Chaldea.
  • You Remind Me of X: Similar to Olga Marie, he's far from being a genius, and his cries of being never praised or loved by someone triggered Fujimaru and Mash to save him, as if to prevent their failure of saving Olga Marie, who met her fate while crying those words.
  • Younger Than They Look: His heavyset appearance and moustache help obfuscate that Goredolf is only 29 years old. When da Vinci suggests Goredolf shave it in Traum so he could look younger, he adamantly refuses.


    In General 
The various people aiding the player in the Rayshift process and helping around Chaldea.
  • Aerith and Bob: Some of their names are rather out there like Jingle Abel Meunière, while others are rather mundane like Dustin and Sylvia.
  • Ascended Extra:
  • The Ghost: Goredolf talked to Elron when Chaldea first met Sion, Sion lists off their various roles during the briefing before Chaldea leaves for the British Lostbelt, and Tomlin and Octavia exchange valentines with Melusine at the start of her Valentine's scene, but the others have not been heard from or mentioned individually.
  • Killed Offscreen: All but eight of them are killed during the attack by the Oprichniki and Anastasia, either shot to death or frozen alive. The survivors only escaped thanks to Holmes having prepared the Shadow Border in advance. Among the confirmed survivors are Meunière and Sylvia. Goredolf rattles off the last names of the survivors during the Lostbelt 3 prologue: Meunière, Kawata, Octavia, Tomlin, Chin, Cayenne, Elron, and Marcus.
  • Nepotism: It's mentioned in Lostbelt No. 7 that most of Chaldea's initial staff were part of the Department of Astromancy that Marisbury headed, and followed him into Chaldea. This makes the massacres at the beginning of Parts 1 and 2 a benefit in hindsight since there aren't any Marisbury loyalists left who will backstab Novum Chaldea from the inside now that they're trying to stop Marisbury's Grand Order.
  • True Companions: After working together to protect the Human Order, they've come to see each other and the protagonist as family, and are willing to speak in the protagonist's defense after the Mage Association treats them like a criminal.

Chaldea Purge Survivor
Voiced by: Mick Lauer (English)

One of the engineers responsible for maintenance at the base. Originally a cosmic rays physicist, he was hired by Marisbury to work on the Particle Accelerator and had worked at Chaldea for 15 years.

  • Muggle: He didn't know jack about Magecraft when he first met Marisbury and was offered a job at Chaldea. Even when he did learn about it, it's evident he was still for all intents and purposes just a normal human working on maintenance and occasionally butting heads with his mage co-workers.
  • Uncertain Doom: After the attack on Chaldea at the beginning of Part 2, a list of survivors was drawn up, and Dustin's name was not on it, making it possible he died during the attack. The only thing not making this certain is that Sylvia's name also isn't on the list, yet she is shown to have survived. Add on that Meunière and Cerejeira are listed by their surnames, the implication is that everyone is listed that way, and since his and Sylvia's surnames aren't known, it's possible he is on the list. However, when the main character is brainwashed by Aphrodite in Olympus, a nameless Chaldean engineer, which was his job, that shares a character model with him appears in the main character’s visions of those that have passed away during their journey, implying that he did die during the attack.

    Jingle Abel Meunière
Chaldea Purge Survivor
April Fool's

Voiced by: Takehiro Jizoudou (Japanese), Crispin Freeman (English)

One of Chaldea's staff members who has stuck with them through thick and thin, even as the world is threatened multiple times. He first popped up in Agartha and finally appeared physically in the prologue to Cosmos in the Lostbelt, after which he became the most prominent member of the general Chaldea staff as the helmsman for the various crafts they acquire in the storyline.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: The anime adds him to the Babylonia and Temple of Time arcs, while the game didn't introduce him until Epic of Remnant.
  • Ambiguously Bi: Meunière has a bit of a thing for Astolfo and d'Eon. While Astolfo is a male Wholesome Crossdresser, d'Eon has an Ambiguous Gender; making Meunière's sexuality ambiguous. Later, he lets the Captain and the rest of his Series on board the Shadow Border because they're very cute.
  • Ascended Extra: He was introduced as the reason why Astolfo and d'Eon were able to sneak into a Rayshift coffin for Agartha but was given no sprite, only to later be given official artwork for Cosmos in the Lostbelt and a minor supporting role.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: As a Grail Front opponent, he not only commands more Servants than the player, but each one has bloated health pools reminiscent of typical enemy variants.
  • Covert Pervert: He's reportedly weeping after da Vinci hacks the cameras to artificially super-impose clothes on the nude Servants bathing in the hot springs during the Oni Tower Setsubun event.
  • Has a Type: Likes 'em cute, petite, and of Ambiguous Gender. He's offended at the implication he could be seduced by Koyanskaya.
  • Hidden Depths: He has a Magic Crest of all things, meaning that someone in his family thought of him highly enough to appoint him as the one to inherit the lineage's magic. In Nahui Mictlán, he also mentions having been involved in the interfactional politicking in the Mage Association, and goes on to say that some of his old enemies are now his coworkers in Chaldea for that matter. He's apparently become tired of that life and of being his family's heir, as he admits to Goredolf's face that he'd rather sell off his Magic Crest and live as a normal person.
  • Last-Name Basis: His first name or even his full name is rarely ever mentioned and everyone calls him by his last name.
  • Noodle Incident: He's the sole Chaldea staff on Oberon's debt list for some reason. We never did get to hear about how Oberon charmed Meunière into lending him money.
  • Only Mostly Dead: Tezcatlipoca shoots Meunière in the brain and then his chest as well for good measure in Nahui Mictlan. He clings on to life for several days before Rasputin uses his surgical skills and Divine Spirit powers to resuscitate him. While he does have a Magic Crest and they are established to keep people alive far longer than usual when given a fatal blow, it's never actually brought up anywhere in the time between being shot by Tezcatlipoca and being revived by Rasputin.
  • Otaku: In the Turas Realta manga adaptation, Meuniere's room is plastered with posters of Astolfo and Chevalier d'Eon, as well as pictures of Mash from Craft Essences and anniversary art.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: His participation in the Grail Front includes him wearing Mozart's mask as a "disguise" which, despite covering half of his face, fails to do its job in obscuring his identity in the slightest.
  • Running Gag: Goredolf can't remember his name so he lists off a random food every time. Eventually he runs out of food names and starts using whatever comes up to mind.
  • Straight Man: He's been saddled with the role of having to keep Goredolf and his often silly, privileged, or cowardly ideas in check.
  • Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: His last name is the name of a French sauce. Goredolf rattles off a bunch of sauces when he can't remember Meunière's name because that's the one trait he has to go off on.
  • Worth It: He's totally fine with getting his pay docked for illegally smuggling Servants into the Rayshifting process because Astolfo and d'Eon were the ones who wanted it done.

Chaldea Purge Survivor
Voiced by: Chiharu Hokaze (Japanese), Reba Buhr (English)

One of the workers in the control room. She was originally a student of the Clock Tower before being recruited.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: The anime adds her to the Babylonia and Temple of Time arcs, while the game didn't introduce her until Cosmos in the Lostbelt.
  • Ascended Extra: She gets a noticeable focus in episode 18 of Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia as she relays the play-by-play of what's happening in the delaying fight against Tiamat.
  • The Cameo: She does show up in episode 14 of You've Lost Ritsuka Fujimaru, specifically stated to be in the Lostbelts.
  • No Full Name Given: While it's explicitly shown that Sylvia survived the events of the Lostbelt prologue, it's unknown which of the other six last names given by Musik hers is, as Meunière and Elron are listed by theirs.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: It's indicated when she first arrived in Chaldea she had the typical arrogance of a mage who looked down especially on her Muggle coworkers, but fighting to save the world with them all noticeably made her much more empathetic.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: She's explicitly shown to be one of the survivors in the Lostbelt prologue but unlike Meunière who goes on to be a supporting character for the rest of the storyline, she promptly loses all plot relevance and is never brought up again unless it's during roll call.

    The Record-Keeper (Ordeal Call I: Paper Moon Spoilers) 

Cerejeira Elron
Portuguese Cherry Tree

A Portuguese woman who survived the attack on Chaldea and escaped on the Shadow Border. She is Chaldea's records clerk. An AI Version generated by the Paper Moon appears in Ordeal Call chapter 1 as the Master of Lancer, Bhima.

  • Ascended Extra: Goredolf calls her by her last name when he lists the surviving staff in Lostbelt No. 3, then again in Lostbelt No. 6. She finally gets a first name and design in Ordeal Call, and is even one of the Masters in the Paper Moon chapter.
  • Floral Theme Naming: Her name is Portuguese for cherry blossom. Fittingly, she gets along pretty well with Sakura.
  • Goth: Of the "Dark Girly" variant. She sticks to the Chaldea Uniform while on the clock; but her clothing choices on her own time is black apparel and includes keys and skullrings; though she wears suit tops and skirts.
  • The Lost Lenore: Had a mutual crush with another Chaldea employee (an unnamed man in charge of the gate) but they were either too busy with their work or too shy to do anything about it. They were about to go on their first date together after doing one last job — opening Chaldea's gate for Goredolf and company. She survived, he didn't. To say that this only worsened her guilt would be putting it lightly.
  • My Greatest Failure: She was the one who opened Chaldea's gate on the dreaded day that began Arc 2, and has been plagued with intense Survivor's Guilt ever since, with very recurring dreams about what could have happened if she didn't open it for Goredolf's arrival. It's deep enough that her AI counterpart is also constantly filled with feelings of guilt despite not having any idea why.
  • Photographic Memory: As Chaldea's records clerk, she was hired for having a photographic memory and can accurately memorize and recall even the smallest of details. For instance, she's able to instantly recall the amount of times that she's heard her crush call her name, which is exactly 312 times. Unfortunately, this also means that she's forced to remember every single detail of her traumatic memories as well.

    Professor Lev Lainur (Unmarked Spoilers
Inventor of the Near-Future Observation Lens Sheba, and confidant of Olga Marie. Reveals himself to be the traitor that bombed Chaldea during the Singularity F incident.

See Flauros' folder in Fate/Grand Order: Beast I.

    Team A 
The primary team of Masters, consisting of 7 elite mages along with Mash Kyrielight. They were critically injured by Lev Lainur's bomb, cryogenically frozen to save their lives, and later resurrected under mysterious circumstances as a new team that opposes Chaldea called the Crypters.

See their folder in Fate/Grand Order: Crypters.

    The Second Master (Lostbelt Chapter 6.5: Traum spoilers) 
After making a Heel–Face Turn, the disbandment of the Crypters, being placed in Chaldea's care by Rasputin, and recovering from the coma he was placed in by Ashiya Douman's assault during the events of the fifth Lostbelt, Kadoc Zemlupus has agreed and been allowed to assist Chaldea in their missions on a probationary basis shortly after the destruction of Chaldea's headquarters in the Wandering Sea.

See his folder in Fate/Grand Order: Crypters.


    Marisbury's first servant (Final Singularity: Solomon spoilers) 
The first Servant summoned by Chaldea, who Marisbury worked with to win the Fuyuki Holy Grail War in 2004.

See King Solomon's folder in Fate/Grand Order: Unplayable.

    Heroic Spirit bound to Mash (Singularity 6: Camelot spoilers) 
The second successful summon by Chaldea, fused within Mash and making her what is known as a Demi-Servant.

See Galahad's folder in Fate/Grand Order: Unplayable.

    Leonardo da Vinci 
The third Servant successfully summoned by Chaldea and head of the technical team. She would later succeed Dr. Roman as the Acting Director.

See Fate/Grand Order: Casters G to M and Fate/Grand Order - Riders G to M.

    Sherlock Holmes 
A Servant summoned by the world to investigate the cause of the Incineration of Humanity. He later joins Chaldea as part of the Mission Control.

See Fate/Grand Order: Rulers.

    Miyamoto Musashi 
A dimension-hopping swordswoman from a parallel world. First encountered in the flesh during the events of Shimosa, after her death and incarnation as a Servant she becomes a self-proclaimed honorary Chaldean still drifting through worlds.

See Fate/Grand Order - Sabers G to M.

    "Captain" (Lostbelt 4: Yuga Kshetra spoilers) 
Sion's Servant introduced in Cosmos in the Lostbelt who becomes part of the technical team.

See Nemo's folder in Fate/Grand Order - Riders N to Z.

    Habetrot (Lostbelt 6: Avalon le Fae spoilers) 
A faerie, who through peculiar circumstances in the British Lostbelt, has become bound to Mash's Black Barrel Replica as its guardian and second wielder after her PHH version was discovered as a Servant.

See Fate/Grand Order - Riders G to M.

Seraphix Facility

    In General 
An oil rig that serves as resources for the main facility in Antarctica, the Seraphix Facility serves as the main setting for the event Abyssal Cyber Paradise, SE.RA.PH.
  • Ambiguous Situation: After the Singularity is corrected, because it took place in the future, the events theoretically never happened, and history has it recorded that the Seraphix Facility shut down years prior to the story. As such, its unclear what became of the workers there, who were all killed before or during the event itself.
  • Ascended Extra: Aside from Beckman and Mable, most of the workers are long dead by time of the event. The manga adaptation however gives names and faces to the Director, Vice-Director, and two of its workers, even giving Torapin an actual appearance in her plot important role as the secret aide to B.B. and the one responsible for sending the S.O.S. signal to the main Chaldea facility.
  • Dark Secret: Hidden deep within the facility, all the various Master Candidates considered failures are kept comatose in Coffins, being used as batteries to power the facility. EMIYA [Alter] later comes across them and gives them a Mercy Kill.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: As revealed on Nasu's blog, Torapin is a Posthumous Character who sent the SOS signal to Chaldea to kickstart the entire chain of events that would lead from that, leading Chaldea to defeat both halves of Beast III. It was her strength of character that let her resist Kiara's temptations long enough to send the transmission and yet nobody at Chaldea or Seraphix besides BB will ever know of this small feat of heroism.

    Arnold Beckman
Seraphix Seizure

Another employee of the Seraphix platform, and the Secretary to the platform's Commander. Shortly after Seraphix was lost, he staged a coup and executed the higher ranking members, making him the leader.

  • Asshole Victim: By the time EMIYA Alter kills him, he apparently was planning to kill the Protagonist for ignoring his orders to abandon Meltryllis, judging by the fact he asked him to go retrieve some poison for him, and had long been revealed to have executed numerous Seraphix members simply for disagreeing with him.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: When the protagonist and company finally break through to the Control Room and kill the Demon Pillar inside, Beckman does his best to put up the facade of gratefulness and going along with them, though by that point the protagonist will have already received several memories about the shit he pulled on the surviving staff and is understandably wary of him. It also cracks at several points such as how he's initially dismissive of the rescue team for being so late and seemingly ill-prepared and he shouts about how they're not allowed to access the records because he could lose his job, only for Gawain to shut him up both times by noting that he's being rather rude to the Master who saved his life and currently is in possession of several Servants, and that the protagonist's job is to rescue survivors and figure out what the hell happened on the oil rig, not about his job.
  • Bullying a Dragon: As mentioned above, he somehow thinks that trying to boss around superhuman Servants and the Master they're loyal to is a good idea.
  • Control Freak: Beckman desires absolute control over everything. When Seraphix was lost, he proceeded to execute his superiors and put himself in charge. After that he began executing anyone who disagreed with him, anyone he saw as useless, or anyone who broke his rules. Once rescued, he tries to take command of the overall mission since he believes himself to be the highest ranking member of Chaldea on site. He doesn't quite understand who he's talking to when it comes to dealing with the protagonist, though, and their unwillingness to obey him leads him to try and poison them, only being stopped by EMIYA Alter killing him.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He believes anyone he sees as useless or disobeys him deserves to die. Among his justifications for having Seraphix members executed include having the doctors killed once they ran out of medicine, killing a man for eating too much, a woman for spilling water, someone for being a foreigner, and someone for smoking a cigarette.
  • Hate Sink: Between his pettiness, egotism, and Control Freak issues, the man has no redeemable qualities whatsoever.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: When he tries to order EMIYA Alter to help him poison the protagonist, the Counter Guardian casually guns him down before he can even finish his sentence.
  • Klingon Promotion: Had the Vice Director of Seraphix killed when he tried to stand up against Beckman's takeover of the platform, effectively becoming the highest ranked staff member remaining.
  • Mission Control: Once he's rescued, he assumes this role for the team after some off-screen encouragement from Mable. He's a far cry from Dr. Roman's gentle encouragement, however, and what info he does give more often than not is stuff the protagonist already knows about (and not even information he found out himself, as Mable grumbles that she did most of the calculations herself).
  • Red Herring: You're probably going to be deeply suspicious of him from the logs. While he definitely had a hand in Chaldea's cruel experiments within Seraphix, ultimately he's just a pawn to the larger forces at work in SE.RA.PH and is disposed of without ceremony when he's no longer useful.
  • Skewed Priorities: Rather than trying to actually help the protagonist and his Servants fix the problem in SE.RA.PH., he keeps insisting on trying to remain in control. He even considers trying to poison the protagonist as well.
  • Sole Survivor: Given that Mable is revealed to be Dead All Along and just a disguise being used by Kiara, he's the only member of the Seraphix incident to survive unscathed. EMIYA Alter, however, kills him not too long after, ultimately making him a subversion.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: And how. He wants so very badly to be the one in charge and claims that he's the only one on Seraphix who's worth anything. Unfortunately for him, the Protagonist and their accompanying Servants view him as a nuisance at best and dead weight at worst, all of which infuriates him.
  • Stupid Evil: Killing the surviving members of Chaldea's Seraphix staff instead of trying to rally them and call for help was already dumb enough, but trying to poison the protagonist, his only chance of an escape at that point, was arguably even dumber.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Out of all the known Chaldea operatives, Beckman is the most vile. A complete Control Freak, he has no qualms with executing anyone who doesn't obey him, whether they be his own coworkers, or even you, the only Chaldean Master left.
  • Too Dumb to Live: If trying to poison your rescuer and only chance of escape wasn't enough, he also thought that talking down to Servants like EMIYA (Alter) was a good idea. Sure enough, the latter shoots him dead. And that's not even counting him killing off important staff members, who could have very well helped him organize a call for help and potential escape.
  • Undignified Death: For a guy who styles himself as so important, his fate is pretty pathetic. First, he's abruptly gunned down by EMIYA Alter, who treats the act as nothing more than a chore. Afterwards, his death is so much of an afterthought compared to the appearance of Beast III/R that the protagonist and their Servants don't even care enough to question what happened to him.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Even after the protagonist saves his life from a very hopeless situation, he still has the galls to consider poisoning his rescuer, something that would have left him stranded and eventually killed had EMIYA Alter not gotten Beckman first.
  • You Are in Command Now: He tries to invoke this, but it's obvious that they're only following his orders half because they don't want to argue about it and half because it's what they were planning on doing anyway. Once he orders the Protagonist to abandon Meltryllis, the Protagonist cuts the comm line and heads off to save their friend. Turns out he pulled this off after the 100x time dilation of Seraphix began.

    Mable Macintosh
Seraphix Survivor

A relatively low-level employee aboard the Chaldea Foundation's Seraphix platform, she is one of the few survivors encountered when the Chaldea group finally manage to infiltrate SE.RA.PH in its relevant chapter. She's able to provide the team with several crucial pieces of information to aid their investigation of the crisis that has engulfed Seraphix.

  • Bespectacled Cutie: She's got big ol' glasses and a typically meek matching personality. The Chaldea Servant team are somewhat amazed that she even managed to survive. Of course, she actually didn't.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: She's gunned down without mercy by Emiya Alter once he sides with Sessyoin. However, she turns out to have been Sessyoin herself in disguise the whole time, with Tamamo Cat seeing right through her once she miraculously reappears.
  • Dead All Along: The real Mable has been dead since long before you encounter her after the first Passionlip fight. In fact, there's some doubt as to whether she ever even existed in the first place, as Arnold Beckman doesn't recall her name despite having been trapped in the same room with her for an undisclosed amount of time. Then again, given his attitude and the fact he does remember a nervous woman who matches Mable's description eventually leaving the command room, it's possible he just never learned her name in the first place.
  • Fantastic Racism: Of a sort. She's incredibly uncomfortable around Alter Egos, though that's in part because she watched them slaughter a great many of her colleagues and friends...or so she claims to hide just how deep her dismissal of them truly goes.
  • Foreshadowing: Mentions having some bad memories of Seraphix's church. This was Sessyoin's former workplace, and where she hid after her corruption by Zepar reached a breaking point.
  • Human Resources: Kiara turned her skin into a convenient disguise.
  • Killed Offscreen: Not the "Mable" the protagonist and the other Servants meet, but the real one. Beckman's last memory of the "nervous woman" matching Mable's description states that he last saw her leaving the Command Room, only to never come back, implying she was ultimately killed like the rest of the staff.
  • Ma'am Shock: She has a bit of a breakdown when Gawain refers to her as "ma'am", yelling that she's "only" 28 and briefly forgetting she was running for her life from Passionlip. This reaction is entirely genuine on her part if a tad exaggerated to keep up the act of pretending to be somebody she isn't.
  • Nice Girl: Her issues with Alter Egos aside, she's generally pretty nice and helpful, though she's not terribly useful in the crazy digital hell that SE.RA.PH has become. Still, she does what she can. So, unsurprisingly...
  • Perpetual Smiler: Outside of brief moments of panic, she chiefly smiles for most of her screentime, being oddly calm in spite of everything she's gone through and the ongoing crisis. Knowing her true identity puts this trait in a harsh new perspective.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Is it Mabel, Maybell (or a variant thereof), or Marble? They're all valid options for the kana of her name, and no English transliteration is provided. The translation goes with "Mable".


    Sion Eltnam Sokaris
Alternative Melty Blood
Voiced by: Shiki Aoki

The adoptive daughter of Zepia Eltnam Atlasia, head of Atlas Institute. In contrast to the girl called Sion Eltnam Atlasia, her father not succumbing into madness allowed her to achieve a good upbringing in Atlas. But everything changed when she foresaw an alien invasion happening in 2017. In preparation of Chaldea being destroyed but the staff surviving Foreign God's assault, she fled to the Wandering Sea in order to form a new base to them named Novum Chaldea. She's also the one responsible for creating two of Chaldea's most important pieces of equipment: Trismegistus and the Paper Moon.

  • Actually Not a Vampire: Zigzagged. According to Nasu's blog, Sion is a Bloodsucker, having all the positive traits of Dead Apostles, but none of the negative. Somehow she is not a Dead Apostle. She doesn't age, and she doesn't require food except for artificial blood (and vitamins). She has also disconnected herself from human history, effectively making her invisible to Beast Radar. When explaining how she survived Wandering Sea's self-destruction, she almost says that she's a vampire before cutting herself off and explaining it in other terms. When asked about it, Nasu ultimately says that it's all about life choicesnote .
  • All Up to You: She had to bet on Chaldea pulling through everything because informing them would've interfered with her calculations.
  • Almighty Janitor: She becomes the director of Chaldea in all but name once they arrive in the Wandering Sea. She's the one who comes up with the mission directives like deciding which order to attack the Lostbelts in, and is responsible for upgrading their equipment so they can tackle the dangers within. Without her help, Chaldea would never have been able to enter the Atlantic Lostbelt, let alone conquer it.
  • Alternate Self: This is the Sion who hails from Fate timelines, with the most obvious difference in the last name as she never became head of Atlas. Though she does consume artificial blood, she isn't a Dead Apostle and has a lot less angst overall. By her own admission, she's rather carefree because her father doted on her growing up.
  • Aloof Ally: During her focus chapter in Ordeal Call 1 - "Paper Moon", we learn that Sion is intentionally trying to be this. Despite Chaldea's insistence to save the world and get everyone through this adventure alive, Sion's Alter Ego shows that she is much more cold and calculating beneath the surface and does not expect the happy ending they're working towards, so she buries her desire to truly fight alongside Chaldea because she doesn't want to get too attached when they inevitably die. She even went so far as to let her Alter Ego stay behind in the fading Paper Moon Singularity so that adventure wouldn't change her mind — which makes it suitably ironic that Sion's Thought Partitioning ensures she's the ONLY one who remembers the Singularity, so she may be becoming less aloof than she wanted to be.
  • Cassandra Truth: Through her calculations, she found the entity that would actually end the world, but because Atlas is so obsessed with finding every single end of the world possible and dealing with them, they were too caught up to listen to her warnings, never mind actually doing anything about them.
  • The Engineer: She takes on this role in the Chaldea crew, providing them with new tech and enhancing what they have to help them in their fight against the Lostbelts. She also invented the Paper Moon tech which they've been using previously to enter Imaginary Numbers Space, as well as being the creator of Trismegistus that Chaldea used in their Rayshifts.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Due to the fact she had a happy childhood with Zepia, whom had created a synthetic blood substitute and never left the Atlas institute in the 'Fate' timelines, Sion is a positive and mentally healthy inventor instead of a fugitive desperately trying to find a cure for her thirst for blood.
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision: As Sion is closing the Wandering Sea's Gates in preparation to abandon Novum Chaldea, Fabro Rowan comes out and informs her that her being there when the Gates are open means that she is eligible to join Wandering Sea if she wants to. In fact, the reason why she was allowed to set up base in the first place was in hopes that she will join them. While she is grateful for the offer, she ultimately rejects it as she still needs to solve the Foreign God problem in the real world, something that the True Wandering Sea doesn't need to worry about.
  • From a Single Cell: She blows herself up alongside the Wandering Sea to fight off U-Olga Marie trying to suck the Novum Chaldea into a black hole, only to appear in the Storm Border unscratched. She explains it as she has existential probability manipulation akin to Yu Mei-ren's dispersion, but this all seems to cover up her being a vampire who can survive worse things.
  • The Gadfly: Upon meeting the protagonist at the Wandering Sea, she claims that since the protagonist was responsible for both copyright infringement and damaging Trismegistus and the Paper Moon, she's going to collect royalties of up to seven hundred and ninety million dollars and that she now owns the protagonist's "body, soul, all past, present and future worldly possessions in the universe" alongside the right to mod their body through mecha and/or bioengineering means. Immediately afterwards, she admits she was kidding and adds that she was using "old Zimbabwean dollar values" so they could have totally paid the debt back even if she was. During the epilogue of "Tunguska Sanctuary", she muses that her upbeat personality is due to her father pampering her.
  • Gamer Chick: Calls herself a gamer at the end of "Tunguska Sanctuary: Anti-Primate Ecosphere", complete with saying "lol" out loud. Before then she had made a few references to fighting games as a nod to her origins as a Melty Blood character.
  • Genki Girl: Much more cheerful than her Melty Blood counterpart, mainly because Zepia didn't go insane and become a Dead Apostle Ancestor.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Even with seemingly different life Sion is living, she is still destined to become "Bird of the Netherwold" when her life reaches her end. It doesn't necessarily mean she will become Dust of Orisis, just that she will always hold on to the associated beliefs in the moment of her death.
  • Loose Lips: She keeps slipping up about her true nature as a vampire, only barely cutting herself off before outright blurting it out. This is very odd because Chaldea has dealt with worse beings on friendlier terms, begging the question of if Chaldea has already figured it out and is just waiting for Sion to come clean herself, or if Sion has deeper reasons for hiding it.
  • Mythology Gag: Fabro Rowan refers to her as a "bird of Black Land flying in the underworld". "Bird of the underworld" is something that Dust of Orisis, a future version of Sion created by TATARI, refers herself as, with "Black Land" being what she believes future being.
  • Older and Wiser: She is around 17 years older than her Melty Blood counterpart.
  • Pro Human Trans Human: Sion is quite open about how she's a bloodsucker cut off from the Human Order and she wants nothing more than to help save it.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: She had already pieced together Holmes' status as a Disciple of the Foreign God because his ability to access the Tri-Hermes supercomputer in Camelot with little to no side effect on himself meant he had to be a Servant composited with Divine Spirits in order to survive. She kept quiet because she could tell that his refusal to theorize on the Foreign God was not out of malice but from genuine good intention to Chaldea.
  • Sixth Ranger: Even with the reshuffling of Chaldea's ranks in the Cosmos in the Lostbelt prologue, she joins up with them only after they finish off two Lostbelts.
  • Sole Surviving Scientist: The magical equivalent of this, as she calculated the actual threat that could end the world, but with no one at Atlas willing to help since they were all busy with their own predictions for the world ending, she fled to the Wandering Sea to protect herself, with all other magi besides Goredolf and the protagonist inevitably dying as the Foreign God wiped out humanity. The magi in the Wandering Sea are equally unwilling to help directly since they don't care for humanity past the B.C. era and have essentially shut themselves off from the world, though they did at least give her space to work on her projects even if it doesn't concern them if she succeeds or not.
  • Suddenly Voiced: She was unvoiced in any promotional material or script readings until episode 16 of You've Lost Ritsuka Fujimaru in 2023, five years after her debut.
  • Unperson: Back during the Camelot Singularity, Holmes noted that there were hints of a successor to the position of Director; but that person's name had been deleted from the database. Likely done by Zepia to prevent anyone from going after his daughter.

    The Chaldean
The Man from Chaldea
Hood Down (Lostbelt No. 5 Spoilers)

A mysterious individual claiming to be affiliated with the Chaldea Security Organization. He is currently traveling through the Lostbelts ahead of the Shadow Border, helping the inhabitants and spreading the name of Chaldea.

  • Ambiguously Human: U-Olga Marie tries scanning him with her abilities when they meet in Lostbelt No. 7 yet she gets nothing in response, making her question if he's even alive.
  • The Archmage: Whoever he is, he's an incredibly powerful mage, able to cast powerful Bounded Fields on the human villages of the Nordic Lostbelt comparable to that of Scathach-Skadi's own (and repair the damage Napoleon and Chaldea caused to the originals) and able to drive away an attack from giants at least on one occasion. When he praises Morgan on how she has managed to use the Tree of Emptiness to her own benefit and integrating the Servant summoning system to be part of the Lostbelt, Morgan feels like he is mocking her, suggesting that he would do all of that and then more. Given he has a connection to Roman (aka Solomon) and (seemingly) Goetia, his skills in Magecraft being so vast isn't out of character.
  • Covered with Scars: The sprite where he's seen from behind shows that his arms are absolutely covered with gnarled slashes. The rest of his body isn't seen though.
  • Dress-Coded for Your Convenience: Unlike Dr. Roman, he wears an entirely black version of the good doctor's teal uniform, which indicates his antagonism towards the protagonist.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: Opines that oblivion is preferable to the Foreign God's plans, which is taken to the point that he'd rather let Cernunnos, Oberon Vortigern, or Lostbelt ORT destroy the planet if it would prevent her from accomplishing her goals.
  • Exact Words: He declares that he will see Chaldea as an enemy if they can successfully excise the final Lostbelt out of existence. It seems as if he's referring to opposing them, but he purposely omitted that Chaldea will need to oppose CHALDEAS. By destroying all seven Lostbelts, the Chaldean can acknowledge that Novum Chaldea can destroy Marisbury Animusphere's Grand Order as one of Marisbury's enemies.
  • Figure It Out Yourself: He knows what's going on but refuses to tell Chaldea anything besides a few vague hints because he's certain they'll just die somewhere along the way and likely side with Marisbury once they learn his true intentions. Once he sees they're willing to defy Marisbury and have a chance at winning, he becomes more helpful and tells them about what they need to do next to reach Antarctica.
  • Full-Name Basis: To differentiate him from Dr. Roman, "Romani" is only referred to by the entire name of Romani Archaman in dialogue.
  • The Ghost: Until Atlantis, he was always heard about, but never seen.
    • In Anastasia, he apparently protected a Yaga village from bandits. While the game tries to credit this feat to Musashi later on, the details given by the Yaga involved in the event and Musashi herself makes it apparent that the two events are different.
    • In Götterdämmerung, he repaired the damaged Bounded Field around Village 23 and fought off an attack from giants while doing so.
    • In SIN, he appeared to the villagers at the end to tell them they were safe to leave the cave since Qin Shi Huang would no longer be interested in hunting them.
    • In India, he heals a raging plague and even tills a village's fields, before asking them to cooperate with Chaldea when they arrive.
  • Humans Through Alien Eyes: He expresses frustration in India that people appreciate and celebrate the help he gives them, since he cannot meaningfully distinguish between the small-scale aid he's giving people as the Chaldean and some mysterious other time he tried to "help" people and was hated for it. If he's actually Goetia, then he's likely referring to his actions in Observer On Timeless Temple and his "Retroflow/Genesis Light Year" plan to 'improve' humanity by destroying and recreating it as a race of 'perfect' immortal beings, but given it isn't clear who he truly is, the statements remain vague.
  • Limited Wardrobe: It's commented on by all the inhabitants of each Lostbelt that he was dressed in a shabby white uniform and ragged cloak, which helps the protagonists identify him when he appears before them in Atlantis.
  • One-Man Army: When first mentioned by a Yaga Chief in Anastasia, the chief describes him as being capable of casually laying low an entire raiding party of Yaga bandits with naught but a thin sword and Killing Intent so severe a Demonic Beast would turn tail.
  • Mysterious Protector: He's been traveling amidst the Lostbelts alongside certain Servants such as Miyamoto Musashi helping the inhabitants and aiding Chaldea by telling the inhabitants about them.
  • Significant Name Shift: When the Chaldean approaches the protagonist's group in the seventh Lostbelt, the protagonist refers to him as "Romani Archaman". The Chaldean assumes that they know the person within his body is not Romani but acquiesces to this name and his nameplate changes to that going forward.
  • Something Only They Would Say: He mentions it's a bit rich coming from him but he will consider Chaldea an enemy if they destroy all seven Lostbelts, further implying he's Goetia.
  • Sour Supporter: He supports Chaldea but makes it clear he doesn't expect them to prevail when the odds are so stacked against them. Seeing them conquer all the Lostbelts and ready to take the fight to CHALDEAS seems to have make him a little more agreeable.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: An indicator that something's suspicious about him, as his eyes are not green like Roman, they're gold.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's kinda hard to talk about the Chaldean in any detail without revealing that they look like Romani, and potentially could be Goetia.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: While he's helping Chaldea oppose the Foreign God, he also makes it apparent that he's fine with anything stopping the Foreign God's plan. Including the destruction of the planet.
  • Wham Shot: His face is revealed to be Dr. Roman's, but both the protagonist and Mash something is off about him, though they hope he really is Dr. Roman. Kirschtaria ominously describes him as a poor actor to top off the reveal.
