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Characters / Fate Grand Order Lostbelt Kings

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    In General 
For every Lostbelt that is created, there must be a powerful ruler to ensure their existence. These are known as the Lostbelt Kings, and their duty is to work with the Crypters to ensure that their history overtakes the Proper Human History to become the dominant one. However, most of the Lostbelt Kings are unwilling to follow the plans of either the Foreign God or the Crypters, causing them to be in bitter relationship with them. The Crypters then plan to remove them from reign in some form, in order to ensure their full surveillance on both the Lostbelts and the Trees of Emptiness, in order to anchor their Lostbelt and bring them upon the Earth to win.

Currently, the seven known Kings are:

  • Allegorical Character: In a way, each King and their Lostbelt represent a core value of humanity, though its flaws are enhanced, which is what lead to their world's pruning in the first place.
    • Ivan: Represents strength and survival. Because of an endless ice age, Ivan created the Yaga in an effort to allow humanity to survive the harsh climates. The world left now is a brutal Crapsack World where the Yagas have all completely forgotten how to live, know nothing of simple pleasures, and are obsessed above all else to make past another day.
    • Skadi: Represents love and sacrifice. Skadi wants coexistence between her race of Jötunn and her "children" of humanity, due to seeing herself as the Mother of Europe. Due to Surtr and the world he ravaged, she forced to make some pretty tough choices since there simply aren't enough natural resources left to spare. The end result is a world where There Are No Adults, and kids live in bliss and warmth in sheltered cities for the 25 years that they have before they're fed to the Jötunn. And the kids themselves believe this to be her "love". Even the Jötunn are subjected to this as well, all of them wearing masks that pacifies them to keep the peace because she's incapable of controlling them directly because she's spending energy fighting back against Surtr's eternally burning flames.
    • Qin Shi Huang: Represents stability and ignorance. Qin Shi Huang completely conquered the world, and wanted to endure everlasting peace. He believed that the only way to do this is by censoring everything that he disagreed with and destroyed his world's potential for progress by forbidding rationality, turning humanity into short-lived, illiterate, ignorant pets than actual human beings, and hoards all knowledge for himself.
    • God Arjuna: Represents perfection and flaws. Arjuna seeks to create a perfect world without flaws, regularly deleting anything that doesn't live up to his impossible standards, even if it's some simple thing as having a sprained ankle. Through countless Yuga Cycles, has turned a once thriving world into a barren wasteland. He is also aided by Ashiya Douman, a wicked onmyouji who manipulates him into making things worse, such as Nezha, Asclepius and Tell, who make up the Lokapala, were all brainwashed and corrupted by having their characteristic "flaws" forcibly removed from them.
    • Zeus: Represents authority and pride. Thanks to surviving Sefar's invasion, upgrading themselves, and turning their world into a utopian society, Zeus believes himself to have the right to exist. The other gods help to ensure and create a perfect society. In the end, Zeus believe he's got the right to flee and leave the Earth behind. Though in a case of irony, he himself had a superior; Chaos, who gave Zeus the order to convert Olympus into a space ark and flee the Earth, taking all of the resources with him.
    • Morgan: Represents fate and purpose. Morgan was destined to become Avalon le Fae (a.k.a. the fairy that was born to seemingly at first save Fairy Britain but in actuality, it was meant to destroy it). However, thanks to her love towards Britain, she ends up pulling a Screw Destiny, and decided to protect Fairy Britain. This causes Gaia to create a new Avalon la Fae in the form of Altria Caster. However, Altria didn't have much confidence in her ability to fulfil her purpose; causing the prophecy to become rigged where a new false "Child of Salvation" was created in the form of an amnesiac Mash. Additionally, the reason why this Lostbelt existed in the first place is because the Six Fairies of the Beginning did not fulfill their purpose in forging Excalibur in order to stop Sefar as they decided to slack-off instead.
    • Kukulkan: Represents sacrifice and necessity. Nahui Mictlan only exists because all of mankind sacrificed itself so that Camazotz could gain the power to defeat ORT. The Deinos are willing to sacrifice items to others freely due to being an enlightened race who recognize that others might need things more than they do. In the finale, everyone is willing to put their lives on the line (and even outright die) to defeat ORT, be it for the sake of their families or for PHH. By contrast, Daybit is willing to sacrifice the future of mankind rather than condemn mankind to suffer a Fate Worse than Death according to Marisbury's plan.
  • Arc Villain: Along with the Crypters and Disciples.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: The moral gravity of having to terminate a Lostbelt is softened somewhat by the machinations of God Arjuna and Zeus, who have created worlds where there's barely anything left to wipe out. According to Wodime, the last two Lostbelts are so twisted that he states that its for the best if they're destroyed. Avalon Le Fae is shown to be heinous proof of his declaration, as Fairy Britain is literally built on death and betrayal, almost all of the fairies are complete assholes, up to the point that there's possibly no player who wasn't happy to destroy the Lostbelt. Nahui Mictlan by comparison has a Lostbelt Version of ORT who is still trying to awaken, would genuinely destroy the planet given the chance, and who Daybit is actively working to wake up.
  • Bishounen Line: This loosely affiliated group is first represented by the tragically mutated Beast Man Ivan the Terrible. Subsequent Lostbelt Kings are much less inhuman in appearance if not necessarily by nature. A goddess-Jötunn inhabiting the body of a god-killing hero, the Ultimate Life Form for a human emperor of an advanced empire, a mad, almighty deity that is a literal pantheon stuffed inside the body of the Rewarded Hero, the Aletheian King of the Greek Gods, who possesses the Authorities of every Greek God, the Fairy tyrant of Faerie Britain, and the sun that's actually the heart of an Eldritch Abomination who was deified and rules over the perfect dominant species.
  • The Chosen One: Each Lostbelt chooses a pruned timeline's ruler to guide them to victory along with the Crypter. The Trees of Emptiness choose based on the King's power and how far their history has diverged from the Proper Human History.
    • Ivan merged with the most powerful Phantasmal Beast in Russia, a gigantic mammoth, and due to a combination of both his natural power and vast age bolstering it further, became the ultimate Yaga and survive the long Ice Age, with his spiritual value being the equivalent to Divine Spirit-class Servants. He has access to his never-ending Secret Police, the Oprichnik through his Noble Phantasm but only so long as he continues to slumber, his mammoth form is literally mountain-sized with all the raw strength and durability one might expect from such a creature, can only be killed by destroying his crown, and his power is said to rival both Gugalanna and Lostbelt Zeus.
    • Skadi is a war goddess who has the authority of the Norse Gods due to surviving Ragnarök, given to her by Odin before his Heroic Sacrifice to seal away Surtr. Every ounce of ice and snow in her Lostbelt is infused with her power, and she can casually cast Primordial Runes capable of limited Reality Warping and instant death. She also inhabits the god-killing hero Scáthach, who herself is one of the strongest Celtic Servants, has command over an army of Valkyries, and has (some) control over her fellow Jötunn.
    • Qin Shi Huang became immortal by use of Brain Uploading to an artificial body designed after Nezha, becoming the Ultimate Life Form and conquered the Earth, becoming its Emperor. His "Great Wall" Noble Phantasm can control meteors, has an army that he preserves by cryosleep, and has created a world which Servants cannot be summoned in because it's just too peaceful.
    • Arjuna was taken over by his darker self and then merged with the Indian Pantheon to become its Top God, minus Kama. He commands the monstrous primordial god Kali, his generals are Servants implanted with gods that grants them special powers, is so powerful he can toy with and stomp a Heroic Spirit as strong as Karna into the dirt, and can reset the Lostbelt after 10 days. His manifesting on Earth also allowed for a Beast to manifest.
    • Zeus is the king of the Greek Gods, and hails from a world where he and his fellow pantheon members survived Sefar by Zeus forcibly merging with all of them, giving him all the Gods' authorities, allowing them to keep their Aletheian bodies and become an advanced civilization surpassing S.I.N., with an army empowered by godly nanomachines, infinite monsters created by Titan Echinda, a Kill Sat that can destroy the world, and that just for Atlantis. Olympus itself is a modern-styled city, the basic Mooks have Break Bars, the Gods themselves can descend and unleash hell on intruders, and Zeus himself is so powerful than he can fire off an Anti-Planet attack with a fraction of his full power.
    • Morgan was chosen by Gaia itself to be the Avalon le Fae, the fairy destined to destroy Fairy Britain. However, she ends up pulling a Screw Destiny, and decides to protect the Lostbelt. However, her constant failures and the heartbreak she endured from her and her companions' efforts being undone by Ungrateful Bastards eventually caused her to become an iron-fisted ruler. Her Magecraft enters and surpasses the realm of the gods, capable of striking across time and space at her choosing, and the power she wields with Rhongomyiad is considered one of the few things capable of threatening the Foreign God herself.
    • Kukulkan is unique in that unlike the other Lostbelt Kings, she only came to existence as a sapient being a year ago, and she pretty much wasn't there for most of the Lostbelt's duration. However, she was chosen to be the Lostbelt King after the Deinos began worshipping the underground sun, eventually deifying it into a god bearing the name Kukulkan. Her title of Lostbelt King is just for show anyways since ORT ate the Tree of Emptiness long ago in the Lostbelt's history.
  • Crapsaccharine World: The next few Lostbelts after Ivan's Crapsack World of ice and desperation look nice enough, but there's always some horrid twist churning beneath the surface that makes such idyllic locales possible.
    • Götterdämmerung seems to coexist with the monstrous giants known as Jötunn, with humanity living in walled off cities with ideal and peaceful gardens, but in actuality, humans are fed to giants at the age 25 to keep them alive, and women that cannot reproduce are fed early at 15. The reason for this is the majority of the world was rendered uninhabitable by the failed Ragnarok and there simply aren't enough natural resources to go around, to say nothing of how Skadi has to expend her ice powers to prevent the eternal flames from spreading further and the number of areas that can support life barely number over 100. This can be seen on closer inspection of the ice "forests" outside the villages, which are in fact ice sculptures crafted by Skadi to provide some illusion of nature.
    • S.I.N. seems to be the most peaceful, with a global state that knows no war, conflict, or suffering. However, humanity is restricted of freedom, restrained their potential, and is turned into ignorant, happy animals rather than fully-realized individuals. Even if S.I.N. isn't as transparently horrible as the other Lostbelts, it's not somewhere the average player would be welcome or happy either, and to his credit, even Qin Shi Huang comes to admit this later on.
    • Yugakshetra has it humanity live happy lives for seven days. The last three has them cower in fear before the Kali that will erase them from existence, which is perpetuated by its Lostbelt King, God Arjuna.
    • Atlantis, despite being more advanced than S.I.N., shows that the Gods who live in Olympus follow cold logic and the right of authority as gods, Atlantis itself is in fact just the slums of the Lostbelt, and their humanity is so blindingly loyal they'd allow themselves to be destroyed by a Kill Sat to be noticed then flee. Olympus itself is far more advanced than anything else seen, but as Adele and Makarios state, because they've done everything and are immortal, they've hit their limit and there is Nothing Left to Do but Die. It's so bad that Zeus plans to turn Olympus into a Cool Starship and flee the Earth, which will kill all the humans who live in Olympus, as dictated by his superior Chaos.
    • Avalon out of context, seems like the most innocent looking of the lot, and resembles a generic fantasy setting with dwarves, elves, beastmen, and faeries walking around in the modern-day as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Oh? Where are the humans, you ask? Simple, they're the food supply for the other races. And they're almost completely gone. Which is terrible news for the fae, as without humans, their bodies decay and mutate into shadowy revenant husks known as Mors. And because Morgan cares more about being in charge than anything else, she's not in a very big hurry to fix a system that keeps her subjects weak and easy to control. Uniquely, this Lostbelt was originally just a Crapsack World as by the time Beryl got there, it was just a barren landscape. Morgan manages to turn that around by having the Lostbelt become a Crapsaccharine World.
    • Nahui Mictlan is probably the most forgiving of all the Lostbelts, but it isn't too different from S.I.N. or Olympus in practice. The Deinos there are so biologically superior as a species that they have no trouble surviving the Death World of Mictlan. They also don't have any sort of ambition due to never needing to improve themselves to the point that even their survival instinct is gone. When presented with several scenarios of extinction in the near future, their reactions amount to shrugging their shoulders and going on with their day. The humans within Mictlan on the other hand reached technological prowess on par with Olympus but went extinct when ORT awoke and started rampaging. It was they and not the Deinos who defeated ORT by sacrificing every one of themselves to empower their king Camazotz with absolute immortality that could withstand the might of even an Ultimate One. ORT still sleeps within the depths of the Lostbelt, and its awakening will spell doom for the entire planet.
  • The Dreaded: Everyone treads carefully around the Lostbelt Kings due to their immense power, especially Ivan the Terrible and God Arjuna who are the most unforgiving and relentless against their enemies. Even the friendliest King Scáthach-Skadi warns Chaldea that while she likes them, they should take care not to get on her bad side lest she destroys them.
    • Hilariously enough, if you have Oberon in his 3rd Ascension, he has a line unlocked when you have any of the playable Lostbelt Kings... in which he proceeds to insult them to their faces. Since Ivan and Scáthach-Skadi can resist him a fair bit and Kulkulkan has class advantage towards him, it probably won't end well for Oberon.
  • Enemy Civil War: Unfortunately, due to the Disciples of the Foreign God, Crypters, and themselves all having their own separate goals, at least two of the three being unable to work together in some way happens without fail in every Lostbelt. Out of all the parties involved, only Ophelia and Scáthach-Skaði actually get along and have no plans to manipulate or double-cross each other.
    • In Lostbelt No. 1: Anastasia, Ivan the Terrible's refusal to accept the Foreign God and his attempt to expand the Lostbelt without properly anchoring the Tree leads to Kadoc and Anastasia forcibly subduing him to pursue their own plans while Kotomine/Rasputin schemes to depose Ivan so he can crown Anastasia as Tsar.
    • In Lostbelt No. 2: Götterdämmerung, the situation pretty much implodes on itself after Ophelia fails to manage the diametrically opposed Surtr and Scáthach-Skaði, with the goddess only tolerating Surtr because Ophelia keeps him on an appropriately tight leash. Once Surtr is free, he starts attacking Scáthach-Skaði's forces without hesitation. It ends with Ophelia forcing herself to make a Heroic Sacrifice and Skaði has nothing left to fight Chaldea with but her depleted strength and Ortlinde by her side.
    • In "Lostbelt No. 3: The Synchronized Intellect Nation, SIN", Koyanskaya ends up turning on Qin Shi Huang and Akuta after her forced imprisonment by helping Chaldea take down the Lostbelt. Likewise, Akuta's single-minded obsession with Xiang Yu leads her to disobey the emperor's orders at various points (including an assassination attempt on Chaldea during a truce) and hide the Tree of Emptiness's existence from the emperor out of a desire to see Xiang Yu no longer need to fight. In the end, Xiang Yu himself flat-out betrays Qin Shi Huang to try and preserve the Lostbelt for Akuta's sake, and with his death against Chaldea Akuta/Yu decides to kill everyone via fusing with her Tree of Emptiness and Qin Shi Huang aiding Chaldea despite knowing doing so will end his Lostbelt.
    • In Lostbelt No. 4: Yugakshetra, Pepe's distaste for God Arjuna's wanton eradication of people in the Yuga cycles and Ashiya Douman's encouraged manipulation leads to him allying with Chaldea solely to bring the two down and put a stop to it.
    • In Lostbelt No. 5: Atlantis and Olympus, Wodime is planning on reining in Zeus so that he can kill the Foreign God and create a world where humans-god reign. Zeus himself seeks to absorb his Tree of Emptiness so that he can turn Olympus into a Cool Starship colony that has no chance of human survival and leave the Earth. Meanwhile, Koyanskaya is planning on becoming a Beast on her own terms, having finally found a world where she can become a new Nine-Tailed Fox separate of the Tamamo of the past, which she succeeds partially. Kotomine and Senji Muramasa are working together to guard Atlas, while Senji also works with Lostbelt Hephaestus on creating a weapon that can destroy the world. However, The Foreign God proves to be Crazy-Prepared, out-playing both Wodime and Zeus before nearly descending, before the English Lostbelt King shoots Rhongomyniad at Olympus, and Wodime forcing them to retreat for now by using Sirius Light.
    • In Lostbelt No. 6: Avalon le Fae, while Beryl told Wodime that Morgan was on violent terms with Beryl, attacking him with Rhongomyniad when ever she sensed his presence, even in another Lostbelt, he immediately went on to clarified that he lied about that as Morgan actually sent Beryl there to sabotage Wodime's Lostbelt, and prepare the signal on when to fire Rhongomyniad in order to destroy the Foreign God. After that, Beryl ended up declaring that him and Morgan are enemies to the Foreign God, and so the Foreign God end up sending Muramasa to deal with Morgan. Within the Lostbelt itself, Morgan has been dealing with her own Enemy Civil War amongst the fairy clans, with them constantly struggling for dominance or to kill each other off and her rule being the only thing keeping them from doing such. Chaldea aligns with some of them in order to get at Morgan, while Beryl is content doing what he likes the most.
    • In Lostbelt No. 7, U-Olga Marie actually teams-up with Chaldea, and becomes their main ally for that Lostbelt due to her getting Laser-Guided Amnesia. Even if she hadn't became amnesiac, she would have gone-up against Daybit anyway as both her and the Crypter have separate plans to use ORT. As for the Lostbelt King Kukulkan, she also teams-up with Chaldea in order to take down ORT, causing her to be against Daybit as well.
  • Fatal Flaw: Despite the odds beings stacked heavily in their favor, due to antagonists having their own separate goals, weak-points in their strengths are gradually exposed and exploited by Chaldea to defeat them.
    • Ivan wanted nothing to do with the Foreign God, but thanks to Anastasia sharing the same name as his wife, was manipulated while Mozart used the power of song to keep him at bay. Not helping matters was the rise of a resistance lead by Atalante (Alter) that wished to overthrow him. With help from Antonio Salieri and Miyamoto Musashi, Avicebron's golem "Adam" managed to destroy Ivan's mammoth, upon which Anastasia fought him and wounded him further to take the title of Lostbelt King away. By the time Ivan faces off for the last time against the protagonist, he's half-dead and running on fumes, his determination to fight and survive for his people not enough to keep him going any further.
    • Scáthach-Skadi spent 3,000 years watching over Surtr's seal and fighting back against his eternal flames with her ice powers, plus she never desired Chaldea's destruction if she could help it and even prevented Ophelia from attempting to kill them and their allies early on. Once Surtr manipulates the heroes into breaking his seal, Skadi ends up spending even more energy trying to stop him and keeping the heroes topped off, losing many of her mass-produced Valkyries in the process fighting off the Jötnar from attacking the human villages. By the time you beat Surtr, she's running on fumes, while Sombrero was left weak from being drained from Surtr's rampage. Despite her and Ortlinde's best efforts, they all fall to the protagonist, allowing Chaldea to destroy Sombrero. What's more, it turns out that Odin had also been helping the protagonist all this time through his pet crows Huginn and Muninn, guiding them on where to go, which she ruefully notes afterwards.
    • Qin Shi Huang was the Ultimate Lifeform and had conquered the Earth, bringing absolute peace to all. But it is because there was no war that they never realized that there were things that could bring them down, or flaws in their supposed perfect world. Jing Ke almost killed them again by use of a computer virus to bring down their computer body, only surviving thanks to their Ultimate Lifeform back-up body. In respect for Jing Ke and Chaldea's resolve upon learning the truth of the Lostbelts, they then purposely wreck their massive Holy Frame and confront Chaldea with said weaker backup-body to have a proper duel to decide which timeline's chosen guardians are truly worthy to be "Proper" Human History. And while he had good intentions in creating their ideal world, all it amounted to were glorified pets who can hardly think for themselves. Once they realized this, Qin Shi Huang after their defeat teamed up with the protagonist to destroy the now rampaging Mayall and end their Lostbelt.
    • Arjuna, despite his mission to eliminate flaws and possessing the powers of almost all the Hindu gods, was ultimately blind to his own inherent flaws, which ironically made his power and position as a "perfect" god a tight balancing act as anything that could definitely prove otherwise (even acknowledging as much and attempting to address them) would sap his powers. Every Servant summoned wanted nothing to do with him, only working for him as his "Lokapala" thanks to brainwashing by Ashiya Douman and then being planted a god from the Hindu pantheon living inside Arjuna. The Crypter of said Lostbelt even worked with the protagonist just to bring him down, working with Jinako Carigiri from the CCC/Extra universe to screw with Arjuna's perception as a perfect god by sending her and Lakshmi Bai back in time in a giant black cube to before the cycles started. What's more, his Tree Spiral was dying due to all the resets going on, as well as being used as a power up to beat Karna, catching fire and becoming weak enough to destroy in the final battle.
    • Zeus was finally undone thanks to in part because of all of the slain Servants that were summoned by Gaia to destroy the Lostbelt, their cores used in chain-summoning by Berserker Kintoki along with using a mech that was based off of Lostbelt Ares to summon Proper Human History Ares, who helps Chaldea take him down long enough for Mash to finish him off with her Black Barrel Replica. Also helping them was the Grand Lancer Romulus-Quirinus, who undermines Zeus's divine authority by overwriting "Olympus" as being a "Greek" place, thus making him beatable. And the only reason they even get that far is because Zeus' overwhelming Pride as the omnipotent Top God of his Lostbelt prevents him from taking the measures necessary to crush them earlier, sending his subordinate gods after them one at a time when having them all gang-up on Chaldea would have wrapped things up quickly.
    • Morgan has the unique distinction that amongst the Lostbelt Kings, she is the only one who was not felled by Chaldea, nor does she die thanks to the Foreign God. If anything, she was the most primed to win given her level of hyper-competency in running Britain as a Kingdom and ruling over the fairies with an iron fist. She even manages to beat Chaldea when fought and was primed to kill them. And yet, she came to her station after thousands of years of trying to save the fairies, being backstabbed endlessly and resorting to ruling through fear and terror to keep Britain functional. Even when surrounded in her throne room with her backstabbing advisors and Clan Heads, she could've taken them all out. So what is it that ended her? When they produced a beaten and broken Baobhan Sith and threatened they would kill her if she fought back. Baobhan Sith, one of the only fairies that ever gave Morgan thanks for her duties, to which Morgan adopted her to keep her from being toyed with as she always had been. In other words, she died because of love. She gets Caesar'd by her own council... which did not end well for the survivors at all.
    • Kukulkan's flaws are actually notable to somewhat subvert this trope given they don't so much lead to her end or are actually fatal to other people. To wit, she was only "born" a year ago in game, and is still learning how to be a proper ruler and King with even minute details confusing her. Because of this, she is relatively innocent and naive, but coupled with her incredibly high strength, she can act without thinking, use more force than is necessary or resorts to brute force solutions first. For example, given Daybit and Tezcatlipoca's actions in the Lostbelt had turned it into a living hell, she initially believed that all humans from PHH were just as bad, which was why she swatted the Storm Border and U-Olga Marie with her Noble Phantasm. This causes most of the other resulting problems in the Lostbelt, including the protagonist dying, scattering the servants they would deploy, the staff of Chaldea being at the mercy of Tezcatlipoca and Camazotz being able to freely cause havoc with the command spells he got off of Tezcatlipoca. Fortunately, compared to the rest of the Lostbelt Kings, Kukulkan realizes her mistakes and works to fix them as well.
  • Immortal Ruler: All of them are this, either by virtue of divinity or somehow gaining immortality.
  • Irony: Each King is defeated by that same element of humanity that they and their Lostbelt represents.
    • Ivan is taken down because another group wants to survive more than he does.
    • Scáthach-Skadi is blindsided by a sacrifice from Ophelia to weaken Surtr.
    • Qin's peace is ultimately disrupted and subverted by both Chaldea and Akuta, with the latter ironically even more determined to maintain that peace to the point she went against him at several points.
    • God Arjuna, in trying to create a world without flaws, kept himself blind to his own flaws. His defeat is brought on by his perception of himself as the “perfect” god being challenged and ultimately shattered.
    • Zeus defeated in by Romulus-Quirinus, who has more authority than he does and basically overwrites the concept of "Olympus" as being a "Greek" place, thus undermining Zeus' authority and making him defeatable.
    • Morgan is a bit odd in that her Lostbelt better represents the fairies than humanity, but the irony still fits in two ways. First of all, as a Lostbelt born through love, betrayal, and murder, Morgan is ultimately betrayed by her own council, using her love of Baobhan Sith against her and they murder her. Second of all, as a Lostbelt that deals with a lot with fate and purpose, Morgan tried to defy her purpose of destroying Fairy Britain and ended up repeating her fate of being betrayed and killed by the Fae.
    • Kukulkan destroys the South American Lostbelt the same way as it was created- By making a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Klingon Promotion: The title of Lostbelt King granted by the Trees is actually fluid, as shown with both Anastasia and Surtr taking the title from Ivan and Scáthach-Skaði respectively.
  • Long-Lived: A noticeable trait about all of them is that none of them are technically Servants; each one has managed to live from the point of their divergence from Proper Human History to the present-day of their Lostbelt in some form or another, which due to how Nasuverse rules work is part of what accounts for their incredible powers.
  • Olympus Mons: They are all insanely powerful lore-wise as well as being some of the strongest/most useful units of the game (the ones that are summonable, at least).
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Each one of them is capable of devastation on a massive scale if they bother too, with Ivan being able to wipe entire settlements off the face of the earth as a consequence of losing his temper thanks to being literally mountain-sized, Shi being able to unleash a guide-able Colony Drop, and the Kings from God Arjuna onward capable of destroying the planet with a middling amount of effort. Skadi didn't perform many impressive destructive feats in comparison only because the bulk of her power was devoted to fighting against Surtr's flames and the fact she never felt a real desire to destroy Chaldea. Zeus is repeatedly mentioned to be capable of destroying the universe with his lightning. Morgan is capable of firing Rhongomyniad (which is powerful enough to destroy the mountain-sized city of Olympus) as she pleases, and when she finally takes to the fight against Chaldea and the rebels she creates multiple magical copies of herself that overwhelm them with ease and devastate Camelot, and is explicitly stated to be stronger than every single soldier, human or faerie (who themselves are stronger than humans and some called being worth thousands of troops individually) in all of Britain combined. Kukulkan seemingly stands out as the strongest of them, given she's the Heart of ORT, her very existence both empowers Mictlan with a sun and will kill it since she would die in a few days, and her full strength is capable of annihilating the entire Lostbelt and ORT altogether!
  • Physical God: Each one of them is either an actual god in some form or is so powerful they're explicitly compared to to a god at various points in their story chapter.
  • Purposefully Overpowered: The summonable versions of all the Kings are this, given how overwhelmingly strong they were in their Lostbelts. It says something that the most "balanced" Lostbelt King, Ivan the Terrible, is still believed to be some of of the best units of their class, yet are considered not as broken as the others.
    • Ivan the Terrible is a virtually self-sufficient Servant, having the ability to cleanse his own debuffs and boost his NP gain, give himself a near Mana Burst-level Buster buff along with generating his own crit stars, and making himself invincible while removing all enemy buffs. Despite having an AoE Noble Phantasm, it will hit like a truck even in boss fights thanks to a combination of the aforementioned Buster buff, its built in NP Strength-boosting Overcharge effect, and the ability to lower the victim's Buster Resistance. He's utility, damage, and tankiness stuffed into one role with few, if any, drawbacks.
    • Scáthach-Skadi single-handedly began the Quick-meta with her incredibly strong Quick buff, which allows certain AoE Quick NPs to constantly refill their own NP Gauge while obliterating waves of enemies. Should they survive the NP, the victims will still get shredded by the massive 100% crit damage buff she throws on the targeted ally's Quick cards. On top of this, she can drop her foes' DEF and Critical Hit Chance and instantly provide 50% NP Charge, making double Scáthach-Skaði farming compositions incredibly popular. She can even provide a bit of survivability with Gate of Skye, albeit not nearly as potently or as easily as Merlin's Illusion.
    • Qin Shi Huang subverts the usual Ruler archetype of being a Stone Wall or a Support Party Member in favor of raw offense. His Arts-focused deck allows him to constantly use his NP to provide himself with a bevy of powerful offensive and defensive buffs while making him Invincible to soak up most damage that turn. He can also heal himself, charge his own NP Gauge by up to 50%, and remove Debuffs from himself. On top of all of this, he can further increase his own ATK and has a guaranteed ability to reduce the entire enemy frontline's NP Gauges by 1 Charge and a 70% chance to stun them all. On top of having the best defensive class in the game and the ability to strike neutrally against everything except Avengers, he's a one-man juggernaut.
    • Arjuna Alter eschews utility in favor of unmatched AoE damage. He can potentially give himself an 80% ATK buff on demand, has a mediocre NP Charge attached to what amounts to Eternal Arms Mastership for his Buster cards, and his Noble Phantasm debuffs all enemies before damage, ensuring that he gets the full effects of his Anti-Evil (Unique) skill to annihilate anything short of a boss. His nature as a Berserker also assures that he'll be effective against nearly any kind of enemy. His only real weaknesses are his relative frailty, inability to drop his own C. Stars, and enemies with permanent Debuff Immunity.
    • Morgan started out more along the lines of Ivan in that she's a very capable unit who despite lacking Arjuna Alter's raw power makes up for it in utility with abilities that allow her to support the party through NP charging, attack buffing and defense debuffing on top of abilities that make up for the typical weaknesses of her class (an inherent crit resistance and a star gathering ability). After Koyanskaya of Light's release though, she ends up working well with the Assassin servant's skillset, and outright one of the best Berserkers to three-turn farm with (and perhaps even better than Arjuna Alter as while Morgan can just three-turn farm with just herself and two Koyanskaya servants, Arjuna Alter needs at least one more extra support to three-turn farm with though he still powerful in his own right). She also pairs up very well with Altria Caster and Merlin, giving them NP Overcharge while they can almost consistently keep their protections, healing, and NP regen going long enough that they can NP again.
    • Kukulkan easily has one of the best passive skills in the game if not the best passive skill as it allows any Invincibility buffs placed upon her to be automatically turned into Anti-Enforcement Defense buffs (which is the same defense buffs Altria Caster has in her Noble Phantasm), and grants ten critical stars per turn in a similar vein to a MLB Memories of 2030. Even outside of that, she has multiple buffing skills (including a targetable 50% NP Charge much like some of the best supports in the entire game), and a Noble Phantasm that would hit very hard with all of her buffs, and grants herself 30 critical stars afterwards. Her NPC support version is even more ludicrous with several passives that give her unremovable damage buffs, Debuff Immunity, and Ignore Invincibility. Her Purposefully Overpowered status is even more justified by how she is the heart of ORT.
  • The Starscream: The Lostbelt Kings owe it to their Crypters that they have a place to rule, but that doesn't mean they're obligated to follow their will. All of them have wanted to backstab their Crypters and gain full control of the Lostbelt at least once. So far, only Morgan has succeeded.
  • Technology Levels: Coincidentally, each main Lostbelt encountered is at a more elevated level of societal progression, starting from the utilitarian hamlets in Russia which eventually scale up to futuristic, sci-fi citadels in Olympus before it all comes tumbling down to Medieval Stasis in Avalon.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: A recurring theme in each Lostbelt is that they follow a certain human core value that is corrupted or twisted into something else that guides the world as well.
    • Ivan: Believes in Might Makes Right to survive the harsh Endless Winter, which led to the creation of the Yaga, chimeric beast people who know only brutality and survival, and nothing else. His stubbornness and temper, however, make him unwilling to compromise his beliefs and act out in brutal fashion to those who defy him.
    • Skadi: Wants coexistence with her own race, the Jötnar, with humanity in order to survive the world damaged by Surtr and his failed Ragnarök, as she believes she is the mother of Northern Europe. However, the Jötnar need to eat humans to survive. To solve this problem, anyone who reaches the age of 25 will be taken by the Valkyrie to be fed to the Jötnar, along with any women who don't have a child by age 15, and creates a Martyrdom Culture where the kids believe being fed is a sign of her love. This is later elaborated as keeping the Jötnar pacified as Skadi cannot take full control of them as long as she fights back against Surtur's flames and seal, and the human population must be kept below a threshold lest her powers weaken via the decline of mystery and putting a strain on what natural resources are left. Once Surtr is defeated, Skadi can now take full control of her Jötunn-kin and allow humans to live long healthy lives. Unfortunately, it's this Hope Spot that convinces her to actually fight back against Chaldea, since now she has an actual reason to believe her world has a future.
    • Qin Shi Huang: Created a peaceful utopian world after becoming truly immortal and conquering everything. Unfortunately to keep this peace, he decided to censor and destroy everything he labeled as "Confucian", turning humanity into pets that he preserves.
    • God Arjuna: Verges on Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist on the other hand. Wants to erase all evil in the world, and at first, the Yuga Cycles allowed humanity to flourish. However, his definition of "evil" is just anybody with flaws, and he basically verges on being a Tautological Templar. Additionally, thanks to Ashiya Douman, his Black-and-White Insanity has now caused him to reset the Lostbelt every ten days to flat out delete everything in a bid to remove evil.
    • Zeus: Created an advanced, godly world where magic reigns supreme and humanity can live for centuries. The only problem is that the Gods use both logic and the belief that they are superior to humans, and have turned their humanity into extensions of their will, and the archipelago outside of Olympus into the slums of their civilization, where the humans who supported the rebelling Olympians were banished to. The humans that live inside Olympus, while nigh-immortals who live an utopian society, they're still nothing but gnats to its King, even planning on turning Olympus into a Cool Starship and pull a Screw This, I'm Outta Here and continue living away from the Earth, killing all of the humans there. The only thing Zeus says to justify himself is that they'll live on in memory. The final irony is the fact that Zeus himself was ordered to do this by Chaos, the origin of all the Aletheia, and whose Authority he couldn't deny.
    • Morgan: She wanted to prevent the sixth Lostbelt from becoming the barren wasteland Beryl ended up witnessing by the time he got there by going through time loops. However, almost every loop she participates in ends with failure as the fairies all decided to kill her in every timeloop because they got greedy, and didn't want somebody to rule the Lostbelt. This would eventually cause her to believe that Violence is the Only Option, and rules the British Lostbelt through domination.
    • Kukulkan: This trope is zigzagged in regards to her. On one hand, she is a good Lostbelt King who wants the best for her subjects and hates that Tezcatlipoca and Daybit have turned it from a lush, vibrant place with the peace loving Deinos into a societal hell where the Deinos are killed for sacrifices or organ trades by the uplifted Ocelomeh. Her belief that all humans were the same as Daybit causes her to smack the Storm Border out of the sky in fear Chaldea would be just as bad. Though once the revelation that they are nowhere near as bad as Daybit is, Kukulkan regrets her disproportionate response and takes Chaldeas' side.
  • World's Strongest Man: Being this is a requirement to become a Lostbelt King: one must be considered the most powerful being in the Lostbelt by the Tree of Emptiness. For a prospective Lostbelt King to be crowned, they must prove themselves stronger than the current one, as shown with both Lostbelt Anastasia and Surtr.

    Lostbelt Ivan the Terrible
Lightning Tzar
Zveri Krestnyi Khod 
Voiced by: Takaya Kuroda
"I will never lose. I will never retreat so much as a single step. I shall keep this world safe! Hrk...Khh... I...I still have not lost...! These injuries are nothing to me! The lives you weaklings from Proper Human History have led are NOTHING compared to the suffering of my subjects! Behold the power of the Yaga... The power of the Tsar!"

The Lightning Tzar. Ivan the Terrible was ruler of Russia for most of the 16th century in Proper Human History. After being crowned, he declared himself the first "Tsar of all Russias" and imposed autocratic rule upon Russia. His conquest transformed Russia into an empire, at extreme cost to its people and long-term economy. Ivan was popular amongst commoners, and considered a skilled diplomat and patron of the arts. However, he was notably paranoid and cruel towards the Russian nobility, and in later life prone to fits of uncontrollable rage.

This is a different version of Ivan from an alternative forbidden history where a meteor crashing into Earth during the 16th century triggered an Ice Age. Ivan was able to save himself and 10% of Russia's population by ordering his court magicians to magically transform them into human-beast hybrids known as the "Yaga". He ruled over the frozen wastes of Russia for 450 years as its supreme Tsar, though with the arrival of Kadoc Zemlupus and Anastasia, Ivan would be put into a deep slumber so the Crypters could use the army produced by his Noble Phantasm.

To see more of his playable version, check here

  • Alternate Self: As a Heroic Spirit of the Lostbelts, he's extremely divergent from the (physically-unseen) Ivan that can be summoned within Proper Human History.
  • Anti-Villain: He's brutal and runs a secret police force, but he's the only reason this Lostbelt has managed to survive even in this state. He's genuinely worried about not only his people but anyone outside of Russia who may have survived, so he wishes to expand the country to find other survivors and bring them into relative safety. He also doesn't blame the protagonist for opposing him because they haven't done anything wrong and just wish for their world to survive the same as he does. The man is so conflicted, he manages to fit two character alignments at once.
  • Attack Its Weakpoint: The crown of his head is his only true vulnerability in an otherwise invincible body made of ice and formed around a mammoth as it's all that's left of the true Ivan.
  • Become Your Weapon: When he awakens we see that his mammoth is part of him.
  • Blood from the Mouth: By the time of his final fight with the protagonist, he's taken enough of a beating that he's started doing this, but he pushes onward regardless.
  • Determinator: Everything he did in his Lostbelt was to ensure the survival of his people, and in battle he shrugs off wounds that would fell most others simply because his drive is so strong. Salieri even takes Ivan may be the ultimate example of humanity's very will to survive in the face of extreme odds.
  • The Dreaded: Due to fusing with a monster of a mammoth, Ivan is the strongest Yaga in existence that simply looking at him makes Paxti and plenty of the Resistance Yaga feel they never had a chance of winning. Even the protagonist and their allied servants in the Lostbelt are freaking out when they see Ivan is literally mountain-sized.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He shows compassion to his deceased first wife, Anastasia Romanovna, something which Anastasia exploits by making him believe she's his wife.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: After waking up from his long nap, he screams bloody murder when he hears the servant Anastasia plans on overthrowing him due to him thinking she's his wife, Anastasia Romanovna.
  • Facial Horror: His body doesn't even have a face anymorenote  and his mammoth suffers a ghastly maiming when Musashi slices off most of its trunk to weaken them both.
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest: It's stated in the Anastasia Lostbelt that he has had many wives in his life but he loves his first wife the most.
  • Gone Horribly Right: A monstrous, sudden ice age during his reign had him beg a mage to fuse him and his people to Phantasmal Beasts so they could survive the harsh conditions of the endless cursed winter. Ivan wound up being combined with the most powerful one in Russia, a gigantic mammoth. On one hand, it ensured the continued survival of the Russian people... but on the other, they were now a country of wolf creatures led by a frost giant, and thus the World concluded that humanity's history was over and scheduled their timeline for erasure.
  • Graceful Loser: While he's initially unimpressed by the protagonist's hesitation to do what's necessary to protect their world, he realizes it's their kindness that drives them. He then accepts his defeat at their hands even if they don't, stating that kindness is what his Lostbelt forgot in its efforts to survive, what he found so beautiful about his first wife.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He was infamous for this in his later years even in Proper Human History, and here it's even worse since because he's a Physical God losing his temper usually results in him wiping a village off the map. This volatile nature is a big part of why he's deliberately kept in an enchanted sleep for most of the Lostbelt.
  • HP to One: If the player attempts to use Adam's Golem Punch skill on Ivan's mammoth form when he has less than 10,000 HP, he will be left with a single hitpoint instead of getting knocked out.
  • I Am the Noun: When he awakens utterly furious and hears Anastasia's declaration that Russia doesn't need him anymore, he loudly proclaims "I AM Russia!"
  • The Juggernaut: Once he wakes up and goes on the warpath, almost nothing slows him down. He treats the attacks of Musashi, Beowulf, Atalante Alter, and Lostbelt Anastasia (explicitly a far stronger version of the already powerful normal Anastasia) like irritating pests, and goes blow-for-blow with the colossal Golem Adam in a stalemate that he's on the winning end of. It's isn't until Salieri starts playing Mozart's Requiem to weaken him, Mash jumps in for a Big Damn Heroes moment to deflect two lightning Wave Motion Guns, and Musashi slices off his mammoth trunk to stun him that the protagonist is finally able to rip the real Ivan out of the mammoth and stop him, and it's made abundantly clear up until the trunk-severing strike Ivan was always one step away from regaining his ground and killing them all. And even without the mammoth, he still forces himself onward for a fight with Lostbelt Anastasia and finally with the protagonists.
  • Kaiju: His mammoth is big enough to literally stomp a forest flat. Musashi states he's legitimately mountain-sized.
  • Know When to Fold Them: After Anastasia fatally wounds him, he decides to yield the crown to her and use all of his remaining strength to beat Chaldea and defend his country.
  • Mighty Glacier: The major reason he's not immediately victorious once he awakens is that he and his mammoth move about as fast as you'd expect a mountain to; not very.
  • The Minion Master: He's the one producing Oprichnik as his incredibly efficient and brutal almost boogeyman-like cadre of secret police, but the catch is that they can only exist while he's asleep. When he wakes up, they instantly begin dissipating. Kadoc and Anastasia elected to keep him asleep for months in order to create an army of them, which dovetailed with their other goal of keeping him out of their way.
  • Mix-and-Match Critter: He fused himself with a mammoth, an ancient primordial beast, to become a Yaga.
  • Monster Progenitor: He is the first Yaga and the most powerful of all, both due to fusing himself with the strongest Phantasmal Beast in Russia while the other original Yaga were "mere" demonic beasts and the fact surviving over 450 years has allowed him to accumulate even greater power.
  • Mook Maker: His Noble Phantasm "Chyornyj Oprichniki: Black dogs, comes forth into my dreams" lets him produce Oprichniki. Kotomine praises it as while other Noble Phantasms can also summon soldiers for aid, none can match Chyornyj Oprichniki which does so endlessly.
  • Mother Russia Makes You Strong: A tragic deconstruction. In Ivan's Lostbelt, Russia seems to have been the only nation tough enough to survive the freak Ice Age, but the means it did to do so and the world that remained silently asks if there's any point to the country's struggle if the only prize that awaits it is more struggle.
  • Music Soothes the Savage Beast: Amadeus and later Salieri continuously play the piano to keep him sleeping. Salieri later is able to weaken Ivan enough by playing an arrangement of Amadeus's Dies Irae that the protagonist with Avicebron's Adam golem and their Servants are able to destroy Ivan's mammoth.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After he destroyed a Yaga village in a rage, Ivan was so distraught by what he did he willingly entered sleep to prevent another rampage.
  • No Body Left Behind: Even though he was still a living person, his death in Anastasia is marked by him disappearing into black dust like the Oprichniki did when he finally woke up.
  • Older Is Better: He is the first Yaga, created from fusing with prehistoric animals and Phantasmal Beasts, and clung to life throughout the long Ice Age, resulting in a being who Caenis speculates could have a chance against Zeus. One of Gilgamesh's lines also has him note that the mammoth just by itself is probably on par with Gugalanna, one of the oldest Divine Beasts in the game.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Once he shows up in his Lostbelt, the heroes are rightly wary and intimidated by him, but they're quick to note that even with his mammoth, he's neither the biggest nor most powerful enemy they've ever faced.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: According to Kadoc, at his full power a single step can cause an avalanche, and the mere act of slamming his trunk into the ground would be equal to an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm in destructive power. Chaldea gets a glimpse of the aftermath of his rampage after he destroyed a village; it looks as if someone gouged out massive chunks of the forest from the earth, and there isn't any evidence left to suggest a village ever existed in that spot.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: While we're unsure how much it applied to the main timeline Ivan, it's in full effect here. Caenis outright proclaims that Ivan could probably tussle with Zeus and have a good chance of coming out on top the way he is now.
  • Rasputinian Death: Unlike subsequent Lostbelt Kings, Ivan meets his end in excruciating mental and physical increments.
  • Religious Bruiser: Centuries might have passed, but his belief in Christian Orthodoxy is still as strong as ever. For example, he loses his senses when he sees the light of Mash's shield deflecting his lightning shot, believing it to be the deliverance light from above that will bring salvation to Russia.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Amadeus's music was the only thing stopping him from rampaging by putting him into an enchanted sleep.
  • Secret Police: The Oprichniki, the members of Ivan's established state police, are summoned with him as part of his Noble Phantasm. They appear when he goes to sleep, patrol what he considers his territory, and strike down his enemies. While they are not quite Servant level, they are still much stronger than humans or even Yaga and grow stronger the closer they are to Ivan, and because Kadoc and Anastasia have conspired to keep him asleep as long as possible to prevent him from disrupting their lines, there are a lot of them.
  • Semi-Divine: It's mentioned that his spiritual value is equivalent to Divine Spirit-class Servants, with Atalante Alter outright comparing his mammoth form's size to that of the Olympian gods' true bodies, possibly due to a combination of his merger with a powerful Phantasmal Beast and living just that long.
  • Shock and Awe: His main form of attack is to shoot electricity.note 
  • Single-Stroke Battle: He enters one with Anastasia once he's been separated from his mammoth for the right to rule over the Lostbelt. She wins.
  • Square-Cube Law: He's so huge and heavy that despite being made of ice, he struggles to actually move anywhere on his legs. Only when he uses his mammoth can he effectively walk on his own, and otherwise he prefers to just teleport.
  • Starter Villain: Despite his sheer power putting him on par with Divine Spirits, he's technically the weakest Lostbelt King that Chaldea faces, which drives home just how insanely strong they truly are. Of course this is mostly due to spending most of the Lostbelt asleep and inactive before waking up at the climax. In terms of sheer raw power he is stated to very much be on par with the others.
  • Stronger with Age: Part of the reason for his insane power, as noted by Rasputin, is because he's lived through the 450 years since the point of divergence of his Lostbelt from Proper Human History. While he was already plenty strong back then thanks to his fusion with a mammoth, now he's effectively a Physical God.
  • Too Important to Walk: By himself, he gets around by teleporting from place to place in bolts of lightning. Though unlike most examples of this trope, it's more like he's too heavy to walk as he can barely move his icy legs anymore. It's averted after losing his mammoth and being dealt a fatal wound by Anastasia, he walks to the protagonist to have their final battle and ask if the protagonist can destroy the Lostbelt thus killing all the Yaga.
  • Ultimate Lifeform: His mammoth is considered an apex of life from an era before humanity existed. Other characters note Ivan, due to a combination of both his natural power and vast age bolstering it further, is effectively the ultimate Yaga, if not having surpassed them to become a new lifeform entirely. It's pointed he's actually become an equal to Divine Spirits.
    Avicebron: That is absolutely not human. That is a Prime One from an ancient age before there were humans on this planet. Such a monster cannot be defeated with a single blow. So how, how are we supposed to fight that?
  • Virtue Is Weakness: Averted. Ivan stated his beloved wife, Anastasia, was the type of person who could withstand her own suffering but would cry for others, which he found the most beautiful thing about her. Seeing this empathy in the protagonist in his dying moments is what reminds him what the Yaga were forced to sacrifice to survive, and concludes that the loss of that virtue is why his world was lost.
  • War Elephants: His mount is a giant mammoth, possibly on par with Divine Beasts. To give a comparison of size, Avicebron's mightiest golem, Adam, is big enough to tower over castle walls, and it still ends up being the (slightly) smaller of the two of them. Musashi notes that it is literally mountain-sized.
  • Was Once a Man: By the time Chaldea arrives to his Lostbelt, the once-human Ivan has gone even further than his fellow Yaga and has become a chimeric fusion of man and a mammoth all wrapped up in a giant ice colossus of a body.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: His Noble Phantasm has his mammoth charging a giant blue one of lightning before firing it off. It can easily turn his entire palace in Moscow into rubble.
  • Wham Line: As he fades away after losing to the Protagonist and their allies, he asks one final question: Why must all the Yaga die? It's a rather simple question, but the fact he asks it causes the Protagonist to have a breakdown when they learn that in order from Proper Human History to be reasserted, all life in the Lostbelts must be purged.

Mother of Scandinavia
"Let me ask you this: How many humans live in your Proper Human History? Several million? Tens of millions? Hundred...? Then again, I suppose if one includes the lives of flora and fauna, they would be innumerable. I see. So that is the responsibility you shoulder as you seek to end my Lostbelt. Hmm. ...Very well. Then for the love I bear for my ten thousand subjects... ...I will take those millions..billions... That unfathomably vast number of lives...with my own hands! I will NOT let this miracle wither away!"
A goddess and Jötunn of skiing, winter, brides and hunting. She is known for having married married the Vanir god of seas Njörðr, before breaking up with him and then marrying Odin, having many more children together. She is also known to have been the one who placed the serpent that drips venom onto the bound god of mischief, Loki.

This is a different version of Skadi from a another forgotten history where the Jötunn King of Muspelheim, Surtr, devoured the wolf Fenrir, which gave the Fire Giant such a power boost that he threatened to expand Ragnarök to the entire world rather than just be contained to Scandinavia. His rampage slayed the Norse Gods, turned the land into a never-ending winter with the flames of Muspelheim, and left the Jötunns to roam the world.

For the sake of her "children," Skadi, now fused to the god-killing hero of the Ulster Cycle, Scáthach, by Odin, to bring Jötunn and humans together, would create a world where Jötunn would feed on the humans of 25 of age and 15 of girls who don't produce children, for the sake of her love. Her reality was deemed a dead end by the world and then erased, before being brought back by the Lostbelt. She serves as one of the antagonists of Lostbelt No.2: Götterdämmerung as its King, working together with Crypter Ophelia Phamrsolone.
To see tropes pertaining to her, check here

    Lostbelt Qin Shi Huang
The First Emperor
"Should humanity prioritize safety in stagnancy, or growth, which is inextricably entangled with risk? The question of which humanity is best suited to lead Earth from the Chronicle Theoretical Phenomenon can no longer be decided with words. Thus, we will decide this matter by punching you! We shall also permit you to punch us in return! Whomever remains standing in the end shall be the one entrusted with the hopes of the future!"

Also known as Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China. Born as Ying Zheng, the young king ascended to his position of power after a terrible rebellion in the state of Qin. He aspired to conquer the warring states of 3rd century BC China, and at 221 BC successfully unified China. During his rule, he would enact major economic and political reforms. His other works included the Great Wall of China and a massive new national road system, as well as the city-sized mausoleum guarded by the Terracotta Army. He also sought immortality, but all it did was lead to him to insanity and finally death due to mercury poisoning.

This is a different version of Qin Shi from another, forsaken history where the emperor discovered the artificial body of Nezha, allowing him to develop advance tech and uploaded his consciousness into an artificial body of his own creation, finally gaining the immortality he long sought after. From there, he would go forth and conquer the world, with his ever growing empire soon being christened the Eternal Sin Empire. The world he created though, for the sake of peace, restricted freedom, restrained potential, and turned humanity into ignorant, happy animals with short lives and a sense of propose, with the society of the empire remaining at a basic farming level. His world was then pruned by Gaia due to technology stagnation amongst everyone other than Emperor Qin, but is brought back thanks to the Foreign God's Lostbelts. He serves as one of the antagonists of "Lostbelt No.3: The Synchronized Intellect Nation, SIN".

To see tropes pertaining to him, check here

    God Arjuna ("Lostbelt No. 4: Yugakshetra" Spoilers!)
The Final Dark God
Voiced by: Nobunaga Shimazaki
"God...has cast his gaze downward. These defects are unnecessary...and therefore...evil. Begone evil... You have no place in the new yuga...the new world. I will now...wield the sword...of the god who ends all things. I will cut off the world. From the rift in the world...made by the blade...clear purification will spring forth. Terminus and Genesis...will cycle anew..."

Third of the Pandava brothers, disciple of the god Krishna, and half-brother of his own arch-nemesis Karna, forced to fight each other by unseen forces. Known as the Rewarded Hero, it's rumored that Arjuna harbors a darker side, responsible for various dirty tricks the Pandavas pulled in the Mahabharata.

This is a different version of Arjuna from an alternative, pruned history where during the climax of Mahabharata, he descended into madness after being taken over by his darker self, Krishna. From there, he would absorb the entire Lostbelt Hindu pantheon, excluding Kama, and becomes a perfect god, and would oversee the Indian Lostbelt by reseting it every thousand or so years through the Yuga cycles.

By the time Chaldea reaches his world however, he has long since turned the once peaceful world into a living hell, reseting the world every 10 days in a bid to rid the world of all evil. He serves as the main antagonist of "Lostbelt No. 4: Saṃsāra of Genesis and Terminus, Yugakshetra", as its Lostbelt King, and the Greater-Scope Villain behind "Tokugawa's Restoration Labyrinth: Ooku" event, his fusion and later return to Earth causing the Beast III/L to manifest.

To see his playable version, check Arjuna (Alter) on Fate/Grand Order: Berserkers - A to F.

  • Achilles' Heel: His power as a god depends on his own self esteem. When God Arjuna receives energy from the Tree in the final battle and becomes more powerful than he has ever been yet Karna still refuses to be intimidated, God Arjuna begins to doubt his own perfection and invincibility, and his power plummets enough for Karna to defeat him.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: As God Arjuna dies, he finally realizes his own hypocritical existence, stating that "[he] can't even become that man [Karna] always anticipated."
  • Alternate Self: To both Arjuna and his playable self, (Alter). (Alter) only has Shiva, while he has the entire Hindu Pantheon backing him. Also, said "(Alter)" acts more like a Lily version of Arjuna than a Darker and Edgier version of him. This version meanwhile, is a Mad God that seeks to erase all evil, corrupted by his dark alter-ego and Ashiya Douman.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Merging with all of the Hindu gods in the pantheon except for Kama has turned his normally brown skin to black.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Mahāpralaya allows him to remodel India as he sees fit thanks to absorbing the local pantheon's Authority over it, but logically requires a lot of preparation and magical energy to use. Even with the Tree's blessing he has to spend ten days on cooldown before he can use it again, and once that period's over he has to spend another several minutes standing still to gather all the energy he needs. It's only because of a combination of his defenses being so strong and his enemies being so much weaker comparatively that he can use it without getting shot dead mid-charge, and Chaldea escapes both resets because they have so much time to get away.
  • The Beastmaster: Commands multiple Divine Beasts to attack his enemies.
  • Berserk Button: Being forced to confront his imperfection. He's also rather brutal towards his old enemies from the Mahabharata.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: His definition of "evil" is extremely warped as to him, anybody with flaws (including physical flaws such as injury) is evil, and anybody without flaws is good. However, he blatantly ignores his own flaws, and believes himself to be a good person even when he isn't.
  • Character Title: He is the titular Final Dark God of Lostbelt No. 4 because he's essentially the only god left in this timeline.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: He works with a double-whammy of this. Part of the reason he's an omnipotent god is not just because he's a Fusion Dance of almost all the Hindu gods, it's also because the Lostbelt inhabitants believe it and he himself believes it. It's compared to how it's a given to the existence of the ground or the sky. He loses a good chunk of power when Chaldea enacts a gambit to definitely prove he's not truly an omnipotent being, and when he resorts to taking energy from the Tree of Emptiness for a power-up to compensate, Karna refusing to be cowed causes his growing inner doubt about his perfection and invincibility to take even more power for a net-loss.
  • Climax Boss: He serves as one against Karna in his Burning Garment of Three Gods form, and his death leads to the final battle of the chapter.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Subjects Aśvatthāman into a cycle of getting killed and revived over and over again with Krishna's curse inside him, causing him to endlessly suffer until his spirit broke and agreed to become his pawn just to stop the pain.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To the Lion King from the first half of Grand Order. Both are humans turned gods who are a great threat doing what they believe when fighting against evil, this is the best course of action, but their status as a god makes them just as big of a threat then the actual perpetrators, and are similar to, but not quite like, their playable versions.
    • While both grew disconnected from their human memories, the Lion King never remembers Bedivere's existence until her last moments, while Arjuna managed to remember Karna and rage against him not long before the final battle.
    • Both seek to fight against evil, but do so in different ways. Lion King sought to preserve the Lawful Good of humanity, sealing it all in her spear which would survive the incineration of human history, while Arjuna sought to erase all he deemed evil, and had plans to expand his control to all of existence as well.
    • Both of their main generals were gifted with great power, Lion King's blessings to her knights of Camelot, Arjuna's planting gods in his Lokapala.
    • The Lion King's Knights of the Round Table are legitimately loyal to her even going against their morals to do so while Arjuna's Lokapala are only working for him because they were Brainwashed and Crazy due to Douman's Laser-Guided Amnesia.
    • The Lion King was an independent threat from Solomon, arriving on her own and twisting the singularity to the point it still existed even after Chaldea retrieved his Holy Grail. Arjuna is one of the Lostbelt Kings created indirectly by the Foreign God and is manipulated by one of its Disciples, Ashiya Douman.
  • Cool Chair: God Arjuna owns a massive white throne/ship called Vimana, aka the very same one Gilgamesh has, which floats above his Lostbelt, giving him a full view of his world.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Arjuna's bow was roughly a head taller than he was. God Arjuna's Mahāpralaya (which also doubles as a sword) is twice his height when reconfigured into a bow for his Extra Attack.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride. God Arjuna views himself as the perfect, unassailable and infallible god working to remove all imperfections and evil from existence. He ignores and/or fails to realize/remember that his entire mission was born from falling prey to the very flaws that he seeks to wipe out, that those flaws have only festered within him rather than be purged because he cannot fundamentally turn his reality-warping powers upon himself, and that he still acts on those flaws even subconsciously, all because his belief that he's in the right prevents him from doing so and that acknowledging as much would actually weaken him. He accepts the worst of Douman's advice because it appeals to his pride and beliefs of being in the right, and Karna bluntly pointing out the truth of his contradictions is what begins his Villainous Breakdown.
  • Fusion Dance: He isn't solely Arjuna, rather, he's an Arjuna formed from every Hindu god conglomerating in a single body to serve as the God of Lostbelt 4. Only Kama/Mara escaped him due to the gods keeping Mara in check being absorbed. However, the core of his being is still Arjuna, as demonstrated by him eventually recognizing Karna and raging against him.
  • God-Eating: How he achieved godhood. Pepe speculates he started with his friend Krishna who was one of Vishnu's avatars, and then used him as a stepping stone to assimilate the rest of the pantheon one by one minus Kama. Multiple characters note the gods were not willingly absorbed and yearn to be freed from their imprisonment within him.
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: His biggest weakness other than the Restraining Bolt. For all of his reality destroying powers, he's still a deity made up of Divine Spirits, and if people stop worshiping him, then he becomes weaker. However, if the people who don't believe in him were to be erased from existence as if they were never there, then his power would be restored, which is exactly what he does with Douman's prodding.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: Originally the Yugas happen every few millennia within the Lostbelt, allowing the people to live in peace and prosper fine. By the time Chaldea arrives, God Arjuna now initiates a Yuga every few days out of impatience to make his perfect world, which he plans on being the first of a project he seeks to extend to the entire galaxy.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: To "Tokugawa's Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku" Event, being responsible for Kama/Mara escaping and causing the event thanks to him absorbing the gods that kept them in check.
  • Hate Sink: While far from being the most violent or ruthless Lostbelt King, he is almost completely without sentimentality and is utterly disinterested in ruling his world directly. This allows him to coldly eliminate scores of his citizenry for the most minor of infractions or blemishes, including superficial injuries in his pursuit of perfection. It's telling that he doesn't fight his climactic battle for the sake of his timeline like all the other Lostbelt Kings before him, but out of his bottomless hatred and bitterness towards his old rival Karna.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Despite suffering from PTSD after the events of the Mahabharata, upon attaining his level of power and causing the events of his Lostbelt, he proceeded to become even worse than anyone else in that story. Going beyond "destroying evil" to "Destroying anything that's flawed", rendering people Ret-Gone just for having cuts or scrapes. He thinks himself beyond reproach or judgement of others and deletes those who disagree with him. In the end, his "perfect world" is one that doesn't exist, and he would make that literal if he got his way.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: By constantly resetting his Lostbelt ten days at a time, Aśvatthāman was able to use his powers as an avatar of Shiva to send Ganesha and Lakshmi Bai back in time to mess with the god's perception of him being a "perfect god"; allowing Arjuna to be able to take damage afterwards.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: The first encounter with him is completely unwinnable, as he takes 0 damage, and ends the fight with an AoE Extra Attack after 5 turns have passed.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Between Peperoncino and Ashiya Douman, who both sought to advise him on how to handle his Lostbelt, he chose the Obviously Evil Douman for counsel, and it's implied he did this because the onmyouji just kept telling him what he wanted to hear.
  • Hypocrite: He seems blissfully unaware of his own evil nature, despite wiping so much external evil out of existence altogether. This is an extension of Arjuna's past flaw, always blaming Krishna for his darker impulses rather than admitting that they came from himself, and it serves as a key difference between he and the playable Arjuna: while his Archer form has admitted what he is to himself, to the point of self-loathing and exaggerating just how deep his inner darkness actually is, this Arjuna thinks of himself as a god above the moral judgements of others.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Taking in so many Divinities like Arjuna did should be impossible. Asclepius's own Spirit Origin started overloading after taking in two Divine Spirits on top of his own demigod Divinity. When Pepe sees Asclepius breaking down, he remarks that Arjuna is just built different.
  • Irony: Obsessed with eliminating evil from his world, yet listens to and is aided by Douman, who revels in villainy.
  • The Juggernaut: He's so horrifically strong that Karna requires the additional power of Vishnu and Shiva just to stand a chance at defeating him as well as him losing the Lostbelt's prayers. In battle, he's easily one of the most difficult bosses to defeat in the main story, boasting permanent damage resistance, debuff immunity, and insanely ramped up attack power. Since Karna is mandatory in the fight, this basically means the fight is an endurance fight to see how long Karna, who is level 100 and buffed as well, can last to damage him. It's very telling that his manifestation on Earth is what allows Beast III/L to emerge, and that he would've stomped her like a bug if she hadn't left his Lostbelt to do her own thing in Ooku and stuck around in India.
  • Kick the Dog: To an almost literal degree as in order to showcase how much of a Mad God he is, he ends up killing Asha's dog during his first on-screen reset of his lostbelt.
  • Lack of Empathy: God Arjuna's emotional capacity is pretty much shut down due to taking in so many Divinities. He thinks nothing of repeatedly remaking the world and deleting those he deems unnecessary. He even thinks of his own Lokapala as tools, letting them go to their deaths without even warning them of possible dangers he exposes them to, such as giving Asclepius a second Divine Spirit without telling him doing so would overload his Spirit Origin.
  • Leitmotif: "Dark Power", an ominous piece with Indian instrumentation to emphasize his overwhelming power in the fourth Lostbelt. God Arjuna's theme is also interwoven into both Yugakshetra's map and battle theme to demonstrate how his controlling nature dominates the Lostbelt in even the music and the loss of control and breakdown is underlined by the fourth map theme being an ominous piano solo backed by frenetic strings and melancholic chanting, unlike the other pieces which stick to the same instrumentation as his main theme.
  • Little Bit Beastly: He possesses a pair of glowing horns and a long white tail.
  • Mad God: Has completely gone off the deep end thanks to his complete denial of any darker thoughts he has and Ashiya Douman egging him on, resetting his world to erase all evil, and has grand designs to expand this resetting into all of existence.
  • Many Spirits Inside of One: The source of his insane power, and the reason the difference depth for Lostbelt No. 4 is so high. The entire Hindu pantheon merged with him after the epilogue of Mahabharata, with only Mara escaping. This gives him ultimate power, which is held back only by his refusal to realize his nature as a warrior than a perfect being.
  • No-Sell: God Arjuna's defenses are so ridiculous that when Rama uses his Noble Phantasm against him, not only does it fail to deal any damage but God Arjuna doesn't notice that someone was attacking him. Even Karna's Vasavi Shakti wouldn't be any more effective despite being powerful enough to kill gods, forcing everyone to run away.
  • Not So Stoic: Even though he calls himself a "perfect god", he is still, deep down, Arjuna, meaning that he is still human. This is shown when William Tell uses his second Noble Phantasm to stop him from using Mahāpralaya, annoying Arjuna just long enough to allow Chaldea to escape the upcoming evaporation. And when Karna, a person he had shown no particular interest with, comes back to life, he slowly starts to lose his composure until he outright snaps, which is especially evident when his normal, calm battle voice lines are replaced with him yelling at Karna.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: His whole plan is to create a world where no evil exists. Unfortunately, his definition of evil is simply anything flawed, to point a person with a twisted ankle is considered unneeded enough to be a target for deletion. He eventually started accelerating the Yuga cycles to the point where he destroyed and recreated the world every ten days, during which he would wipe out anyone who had even a trace of evil within them or could possibly become evil with no chance of reincarnation, leaving them forgotten by the survivors. His actions eventually began threatening the trichiliocosm due to his impatience and arrogance, and with his standards of people being evil being that warped, he would have eventually destroy his Lostbelt entirely.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Played with. As seen above, God Arjuna would've eventually destroyed his own Lostbelt and thus was on the path to become this. It's also possibly why he's classified as a Berserker.
  • The Perfectionist: His main flaw. He resets the world at a rapid pace, making it so that perceived flaws are being erased each time the Lostbelt is reset. Unfortunately his definition of "flawed" includes things as simple as being injured, resulting in a world that is becoming more and more barren every loop. He will never find anyone who can meet his impossible standards, and ultimately would destroy everything in his attempts.
  • The Quiet One: Bar none, the most subdued Berserker in terms of volume. Then Karna comes back to life and Arjuna's humanity starts to squeak through as he starts shouting at the top of his lungs.
  • Reality Warper: His Noble Phantasm gives him the ability to do this on a planetary scale at least. It's what he uses to cause his accelerated Yuga cycles.
  • Restraining Bolt: His inability to recognize and correct his own inherent flaws is ironically what keeps him from being the "perfect" god he claims to be, and these flaws are what prevent him from using his full power despite having the collected Hindu pantheon. And paradoxically, anything that can definitely prove he's not the supreme deity he views himself as also weakens him.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: This is the nail that split the timeline and lead to the Lostbelt being pruned. This Arjuna at the end of the war depicted in the Mahabharata looked on the all the bloodshed and devastation and couldn't come to grips with what he and everyone had done, and so convinced himself that he needed to remove everything flawed and evil that could lead to another war, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, the "means" he chose threatened all of reality so this possibility had to pruned away. When he finally acknowledges Karna near the end of the Lostbelt, he outright asks him why he fights when he went through the same hell, clearly not understanding why Karna didn't break like he did.
  • Split-Personality Takeover: This version of Arjuna has been completely overtaken by his Krishna persona, and succumbed to greed and vainglory.
  • Superpower Lottery: The normal Arjuna had already pretty much won the grand prize, but this version of him? Good lord. Merging with the entire Hindu Pantheon has given him, among other things, a EX rank in Divinity, completely roided out parameters, several skills that are all EX rank, and what is quite possibly the most absurd NP in the entire franchise. Mahāpralaya, in short, allows Arjuna to casually turn a designated portion of the world into his plaything and alter it as he sees fit, something not even other Anti-World Noble Phantasms are able to do. Holmes even says that Noble Phantasm as a term is borderline not sufficient to describe its sheer power. Da Vinci and Ganesha note that he's not actually destroying and recreating the world so much as he's altering the "game's save data." It's much simplier and easier, but still a ridiculous feat no matter how you look at it. In addition, receiving the Tree's blessing allows him to speed up it's cooldown from hundreds of years to a mere ten days. He's so strong, in fact, that it's only when his Lostbelt's humans stop praying to him and Karna Came Back Strong through a Heroic Sacrifice by Ashwatthama did Chaldea actually have a chance of overcoming him. He was, until the battle with Lostbelt Zeus in Olympus, the single strongest being Chaldea has faced that isn't a Beast, if not surpassing some of them, and he's still not making use of his full abilities and powers due to his own fallible nature.
  • Tautological Templar: Believes any and all evil must be erased with no chance of reincarnation, no judge or jury, and anyone who had even a trace of evil within them or could even possibly become evil is fair game in his eyes.
  • Top God: Of the India Lostbelt due to absorbing most Hindu gods into himself. The key difference between him and Zeus of Lostbelt No.5 is that he's a very powerful legion of Divine Spirits. Zeus on the other hand is one of the Machine Pillars, and he never lost his Aletheian body.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Because this Arjuna decided to become one with the Hindu Pantheon, it allowed Kama/Mara, AKA Beast III/L, to manifest and cause the "Ooku" event. Because the gods who were supposed to look after her merged as well.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Doesn't wear a shirt.
  • Walking Spoiler: His origins reveals the reason why Kama/Mara and her event happened, and is the main cause as to why Lostbelt No. 4 is the cyclical hell that it is.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: He's both Good and Evil which means that he's vulnerable to skills and abilities that target Evil or Good Servants, such as Beni-Enma's Noble Phantasm or Ecchan's Noble Phantasm.
  • You Are What You Hate: His obsession with cleansing the world of evil, and even his specialized Clairvoyance for detecting the same, each have the same blind spot: himself. Indeed, he has an Evil alignment, and his desire to cleanse creation is ultimately for selfish and vainglorious reasons.

    Lostbelt Zeus
Almighty King of the Gods
Mobile Flagship Interstellar Combat Annihilation Fortress 
Voiced by: Hiroyuki Kinoshita

"I am the heavens. I am lightning. I am the supreme ruler. I am Zeus, the almighty god. Those of you who now bow your heads... Those of you who have forgotten your place, and reach for the gods... Remember. Humans must never defy gods. Humans must never commit sin. Humans. Foolish reeds who would prolong the great sin of Proper Human History. All of you must die."

The Greek God of the thunder and the sky. The son of Cronus, he defeated his father and the other Titans and banished them all into Tartarus, and would then go on to lead his brothers, and sisters, and children as most powerful of the Olympians.
In truth, he is in fact an Aletheian called the Mobile Flagship Interstellar Combat Annihilation Fortress, the management unit of all other Aletheias created to prepare the Earth for the Titans, but meeting and being worshiped by humanity soon gave them human bodies and egos. Following this, he rebelled against their creators, the Titans, in the Titanomachia, and won, before the invading being called Sefar destroyed their Aletheian bodies during the Leukosmachia, becoming the Divine Spirits called the Olympians.

This is a different version of Zeus from an alternative, pruned history where he and the other Olympians defeated the invading threat known as Sefar during the Leukosmachia, allowing them to keep their Aletheian bodies and improve themselves and the world, creating an utopian civilization where humanity is nigh immortal and Mystic rules over Physics. Their advancement however, soon caused them to reach a dead end and be pruned, only to be brought back by the Foreign God's Lostbelts. When the twelve gods held a vote whether they should expand the Age of Gods or not, he, along with his Administration Faction of Poseidon, Artemis, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hera fought in a civil war called the Olympiamachia against the Co-existence Faction of Hephaestus, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Hestia, Ares, critically damaging Hera. He serves as the main antagonist of Lostbelt No.5.2: Olympus, as its Lostbelt King.

  • Abusive Parents: He reprogrammed Lostbelt Artemis then left her alone in space as punishment for her siding with Hades in the Olympiamachia. The several millenia long isolation destroys her sanity. He also made Aphrodite stop feeling love by literally burning that side of her out, and ordered Hephaestus to be cut in half and have his processors brought to Olympus to increase efficiency, leaving the other half to die. He even let the Lostbelt Dioscuri get killed by Kirschtaria, despite them begging him for help to his face. Only the last example got better (or rather worse, as being revived as Divine Spirits let them learn of their PHH counterparts and that started their psychopathic tendencies), but still.
  • Achilles' Heel: A very elite version of one. His various Authorities make him completely invincible, but the Authorities themselves aren’t invincible, so a deity of equal standing (if not power) like Romulus=Quirinus could neutralize them, leaving both combatants with just their own innate abilities and skills.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Has the authorities of the titans, many minor gods and the olympians
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: He got to the level of power he had because he managed a fusion with the other Olympians and beat off the White Titan. And he pretty much caused the Olympiamachia, destroying or mind controlling everyone who dissented with his rule and remaining the undisputed ruler thereafter.
  • Badass Boast: He gives so, so many.
    • His very first lines are one, establishing his gigantic ego and his disdain for humanity.
      Zeus: Fear us. Praise us. For you gaze upon mighty Olympus... The name of this Lostbelt I rule, given in honor of our great ark that has crossed the ocean of space. Now prostrate yourselves and weep before me. For this grand throne of the not meant for the eyes of such insignificant specks as you. My name is Zeus. Zeus the King of the Gods. I rule over this ancient ocean. I rule this grand interstellar city. I rule over all. I am king of the Atlantic Lostbelt. Now fall...insignificant ones.
    • Gives one in the intro to his boss battle.
      Zeus: I am Zeus! I am the omnipotent god who controls all creation from the heavens! Why you,, Mars! ...And Romulus-Quirinus!!! Such impudence. I will use my omnipotence to incinerate it all!
    • His Noble Phantasm line also oozes this.
      Sever the skies. Shatter the stars. All that is of heaven is me! I am the one who rules the stars! World Discipline Keraunos!
  • Barrier Maiden: Turns out to be holding back an even greater god, Chaos, who's so dangerous that Musashi needs to sacrifice her existence to seal it away again.
  • Beneath the Mask: He's very lonely beneath his domineering exterior, and bemoans that no one likes him despite all he did to save them. Kirschtaria is the only one who ever saw this rather casual side, assuming the Foreign Priestess wasn't watching undetected.
  • Better the Devil You Know: Of a sort. As reprehensible as his actions make him, even he's more preferable compared to the all consuming might of Chaos.
  • Beyond the Impossible: His endgame is to tear the Tree of Emptiness out of his world but continue the war against the other Lostbelts to override Proper Human History by using his own power as the new Cosmic Keystone to maintain his world, before using the Tree's energy to turn Olympus into an interstellar space colony and leave the Earth for good. This should be impossible on several levels, but Zeus is so absurdly strong that it's treated as being a genuine possibility, and Lostbelt Morgan would prove in the very next chapter that it is doable.
  • Brainwashing: Europa reveals that the reason why Demeter is mentally unstable and Aphrodite stopped feeling love is because Zeus modified and manipulated the minds of the gods he left alive after their rebellion against him. This is also shown with Poseidon, who lost the Olympiamachia, and was forced to serve as an attack dog as punishment.
  • Breath Weapon: His Noble Phantasm "World Discipline Keraunos: I Am the Thunder that Smites Stars" has him breathe lightning all over your Servants.
  • Brown Note: His presence is so powerful and overwhelming that hearing his voice over the phone is like receiving a mental attack.
  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to his brother Hades's Abel, who led the Co-existence faction of Olympians in favor of humanity in the Olympiamachia against him. He also serves as one to Demeter, Poseidon, and Hera for reprogramming them to become his slaves.
  • Climax Boss: Of Olympus. After his defeat, Chaldea faces off against Kirschtaria for the last time before the Foreign God finally descends and takes the position of Big Bad.
  • Combining Mecha: This is how he repelled Sefar in the Lostbelt. The Olympians share the same origins and therefore are compatible with each other, so they temporarily fused their Aletheian bodies together with Zeus in control, and he used the massive power boost to stalemate then drive off Sefar. Granted, he did so without any of their consent, and the others thought it was rude which might be why Proper Human History Zeus didn't try the same thing.
  • Condescending Compassion: If you thought the other Lostbelt Kings were bad in how they patronized the humans they ruled over, get a load of this guy. Humans in the other Lostbelts were stagnant either due to extenuating circumstances or because their Lostbelt King supressed them, but not in the Atlantic Lostbelt where they live forever and are free to improve themselves. It's telling that despite his version of humanity being the most advanced, he still views them as animals too stupid to do more than breathe without the guidance of the gods. He drops the compassion part right before he dies, saying that only a broken god could love humanity.
  • Cool Crown: The Cronus Crown, the blue building attached to Olympus's crystal mountain, serves as this for Zeus. It was taken from its namesake during the Titanomachia, and gave Zeus full authority over their pantheon, granting him the authorities of all the titans and the power to control the crystal mountain and the energy inside for regulating Olympus as well as take over the Twelve Machine Gods' Authorities for himself.
  • Cool Starship: His ultimate plan was to absorb all the power of the Tree of Emptiness intended for the Foreign God to use for himself instead and use that power to turn Olympus into an interstellar space colony and leave the Earth for good.
  • Cores-and-Turrets Boss: The fight against him is against the core in the back of his Aletheian form and its "wings", Uranus and Gaia. Notably, you can only target one of these as he changes elevation, though you can use Ares' abilities to force him up or down. The player doesn't have to defeat Uranus or Gaia, but they are encouraged to do so since each active wing gives Zeus a defense boost.
  • Deader than Dead: Not him, but the effects of his lightning bolts if used on his Lostbelt humans. Normally, Olympians cannot die by any means and even if their physical bodies perish, they'll be kept alive by the Klironomia in their bodies. Only the gods are capable of completely killing them, and even then they can still revive them with Demeter's aid. Zeus explicitly mentions that if he went full power on his humans, they would flatly not be able to revive by any means, hence this trope.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The basis of his friendship with Kirschtaria who defeated him in battle. Part of it stems from Zeus being so much more powerful than both mortals and other gods alike, leaving himself with no one who could be considered his equal until Kirschtaria came along.
  • Defeat Means Playable: Averted, as Zeus is currently the only Lostbelt King who can't be summoned as a servant by Chaldea.
  • Deer in the Headlights: According to Kirschtaria, Zeus when he realized he had vastly underestimated the mage and was about to lose to him looked more like a kindly old man than a cold-blooded, all-powerful god.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: He's the one who repelled Sefar in the Lostbelt where all other gods failed, albeit with a lot of help from the other Olympians.
  • Dirty Coward: It's all but outright stated that he fears the Foreign God, given how he always dodges questions about what he plans to do when it descends onto Earth. The last time Holmes asks him about the Foreign God, Zeus suddenly segues into his true plan of leaving Earth, implying he's partially motivated to do so just to get away from the Foreign God.
  • Dramatic Thunder: He has a habit of using his Authority over lightning to punctuate his statements.
  • Drunk with Power: Ultimately, this is the cause of what made Zeus far worse than he ever was in Proper Human History, already powerful before he forcibly merged with the other Olympians to fight Sefar, but being given enough Authority from that merger put him on par with the Abrahamic God in the scope of absolute ability to shape and control the world as he sees fit - it twisted him to become a tyrant far beyond even the worst of his deeds in Proper Human History.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He's so megalomaniacal that he cannot understand why others don't view things the same way he does or think he's in the right. He believes that he alone knows what's right for everyone, and anyone who goes against that is wrong. He can't understand why anyone would want to go against him or why what he does is a bad thing. His worst example is ordering Adele and Macarios to execute Europa, who they see as a Parental Substitute, and saying it's his mercy and grace to be ordered to do so.
  • Evil Laugh: If hit by a Noble Phantasm, Zeus will simply shrug it off while belting out a smug laugh.
  • Everybody Loves Zeus: Subverted from the player's perspective, as Zeus is the central antagonist of the second half of Lostbelt 5 and thus an enemy of Proper Human History, but played as straight as possible from the Lostbelt civilians' perspective.
  • Exact Words:
    • When he talks to Kirschtaria about if one of them dies first, he tells him that he will still protect humanity even if it's revealed that Kirschtaria was planning on betraying him. And by "humanity", he doesn't mean the species. He means the memory of the human race as he has no plans to keep the species alive.
    • Macarios and Adele beg him to not execute Europa. Zeus agrees to their request and says he will not. They will. He then sics a brainwashed Europa on the twins in hopes of them killing her in self-defense.
  • Eye Scream: He's ultimately killed by Mash shooting the Black Barrel Replica through his right eye. The following story CG reveals that a massive chunk of his head was also blown away with the shot.
  • Fatal Flaw: Many.
    • His megalomania is so great that he believes he alone is the only one making right decisions, who needs to think, feel or worry, and that anything lesser than him only needs to smile and obey his orders. He takes choice away from humans and, while they live in a utopia, it's one that he basically planned to kill the rest of humanity within and keeping only their memories alive.
    • He cannot see the flaws of his own decisions, bemoaning over how the other Gods grew to hate him despite the fact that he forced their original refusion and elected to host a tyranny over co-existence with humanity.
    • His superiority and sheer power makes him underestimate any threats against him, viewing them so far beneath him that it's equated to trying to keep track of what ants are doing for humans. Kirschtaria banked on this when he first fought Zeus and it was the key to his victory, yet Zeus despite accepting said defeat and Kirschtaria as an equal clearly didn't learn the deeper lesson of the battle. It's for this reason he doesn't send multiple gods to take down Chaldea, as more than one is needless in his eyes, and which ends up allowing for most of his Gods to die. It's also why Chaldea's plans end up being so effective, as so long as they're careful and don't say the wrong things, they're completely beneath notice.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: In his humanoid form, he can make his eyes light up literal electric blue complete with actual bolts when he's being imposing. He drops them entirely when he speaks with Kirschtaria.
  • Godzilla Threshold: All the Olympians have the ability to initiate a temporary re-combining, but Zeus was the only one willing to do so. When Sefar attacked, he decided there was no time for the Olympians to discuss how to combat her, so he overstepped his boundaries and forcibly combined with them to fight her. This decision is what caused his Lostbelt to diverge from history.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Of Atlantis, as he personally sent Lostbelt Odysseus to stop Chaldea from entering Olympus.
  • Historical Badass Upgrade: An interview with Nasu reveals this happened In-Universe. Zeus claims his fusion with the Olympians was enough to defeat Sefar, but in reality the Olympian Megazord had only enough power to stalemate and repel Sefar, so she still died by Excalibur. In-game this is represented by how Zeus has the special Titanomachia, Gigantomachia, and Olympiamachia skills to represent his victory in each machia, yet the Leucusmachia skill that should exist if he was being truthful is absent.
  • Hunk: He's got massive muscles and his face is more "rugged manly man" than "pretty boy" handsome. You can definitely see who Herakles got his brawn from in the family tree.
  • Hypocrite: A big part of his stated reason for choosing to have Europa executed for her treason is because her position as the Collaborator to the God Destroyer Alliance helped lead to the deaths of Demeter, Aphrodite, and indirectly the Dioscuri. While correct, this ignores how Zeus himself brainwashed and enslaved the former two into servitude when they went against him in the war between the Gods, effectively causing Death of Personality, while he didn't even lift a finger to save the Dioscuri from dying at Kirschtaria's hands despite their begging even if they were revived afterwards as Servants.
  • I Am the Noun: He is very fond of describing himself in this kind of format. A key example would be how his Noble Phantasm is called. For the other Olympians, the subtitles for them tend to be structured like "Thou Art the [Noun] That [Verb] the Stars". World's Discipline, Keraunos on the other hand is called "I Am the Thunder that Smites Stars".
  • I Can Rule Alone: The war between the Gods was originally a disagreement between the Gods over whether humans should be dominated by them, or if they could co-exist with them, being shown as if Zeus, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon and Artemis sided with him over the rest of the Gods. In reality, nobody sided with him, and he basically murdered everyone who got in his way and brainwashed those he could use, Artemis and Poseidon being the worst cases of both.
  • I Have No Son!: He calls Proper Human History Ares by his Roman name Mars in the intro of his boss battle.
  • Ineffectual Loner: While he begins the Lostbelt with an enormous army of minions, his ambivalence towards their deaths and successes results in him standing alone against Chaldea sans the much of the power (much of which was stolen from his fellow Olympians) he believed made having allies moot.
  • Irony: He reprogrammed the Olympians so they couldn't disobey his orders, but it's revealed after his death that he too couldn't disobey the programming Chaos installed in him.
  • It's All About Me: Like the real mythological Zeus, he has a problem with this. In the Leukosmachia, he forcefully assimilates the other Olympians in a fusion with himself, which was considered rude by the other deities. When the other gods got tired of his dictatorship over humans and suggested that the Olympians and humans live together in a more equal standing instead of complete dictatorship, Zeus killed most of the dissenters and reprogrammed the survivors into his subordinates. His endgame to turn Olympus into a Cool Starship would kill the humans living there due to them being unable to live in space, but he brushes it off by claiming he'll remember them from their leftover culture and civilization. He also didn't ask for anyone's approval of the plan, with only him and Kirschtaria knowing about it.
  • The Juggernaut: He's even worse than God Arjuna, as he's the real deal, while the Hindu Pantheon being just Divine Spirits powered by faith compared to him, who is described as having actually conquered the planet. It takes summoning Ares from Proper Human History, Grand Lancer Romulus-Quirinus, and then Mash using the Black Barrel Replica to cap him off to destroy him. Even then, his defeats herald the coming of Chaos, which takes Romulus-Quirinus sacrificing himself to have Musashi get close enough to achieve Absolute Zero and seal it away at the cost of her very existence.
  • Kick the Dog: Several moments in both the history of his Lostbelt and shown in game.
    • When his fellow gods started to have issues with his tyranny and wanted to be on equal terms with Humanity, Zeus pretty much killed his foes and brainwashed those useful to him, some to highly punishing degrees. Artemis suffered loneliness in space for thousands of years, Poseidon was relegated into an attack dog protecting Olympus, and Aphrodite had a literal part of her very existence burned out of her which caused her to forget how to love.
    • He forced his sister Demeter to kill their daughter Persephone. The act was so against Demeter's nature as a loving mother that it broke her mind.
    • In game, when broadcasting Europa's execution and Chaldea intervenes, he pretty much forces her to attack Chaldea on his behalf, ordering Chaldea (or rather, Adele and Macarios) to kill her. Europa, Adele and Macarios had developed a familial connection, so the order is egregiously cruel.
    • His final dog kicking goes out across all of humanity. His ultimate plan was basically to take Olympus from the Earth and return to space to find another planet to inhabit, killing all of humanity with his thunderbolts and keeping only their memories alive like a museum. Kirschtaria implies that Zeus didn't even try to make Olympus a habitable Colony Ship for humans; he just decided "yeah, they're all going to die either by thunderbolt or exposure to space" and called it a day.
  • Lack of Empathy:
    • His plan to turn Olympus into a Cool Starship didn't have any room for humanity's survival in space. Instead, he simply planned to remember humanity himself by using their culture and civilization as proof that they once existed. In retrospect, this plan would turn Olympus into a giant, floating space museum for humanity, not so different from the Lion King's plan in Camelot. He also cannot understand why humanity would want to do anything but smile and worship him, viewing them as little more than reeds who can't do anything without him controlling them.
    • Europa mentions Proper Human History Zeus sees all of humanity as his grandchildren/descendants, making this is the critical difference between Lostbelt Zeus and Proper Human History Zeus. Proper history's Zeus has affection for humanity as a whole whereas Lostbelt Zeus sees them as commodities at best, good for producing culture. This is best represented in how each Zeus treated their Heracles. The Losbelt Heracles is stated to have never become a god due to Zeus simply not caring that he died, a big contrast to Proper Human History where Heracles was one of Zeus' favorite child if not his favorite.
    • Zeus ultimately has no empathy for anyone, especially his fellow gods. Though he initially bemoans that the other gods hated him for forcing the fusion to repel Sefar, the Olympiamachia occurs because the other gods wanted to coexist with humanity and Zeus, not caring about their thoughts, decides to kill or brainwash them to do his bidding and his alone. He even refers to all of them as soulless husks when he's left alone against Chaldea.
  • Large and in Charge: His terminal unit is massive by human standards. Judging by the Olympus chapter trailer, he's roughly twice as tall and four to five times as broad as Kirschtaria.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: His defeat is as much his own design as it is Chaldea's. His omnipotent nature makes him underestimate all threats against him, sending his fellow gods one by one to kill Chaldea when it only ends up killing them instead, forcing him to take their workloads to keep Olympus running. Add the fact that the Klironomia he has readily available throughout the place has also aided Chaldea, with him lampshading how fitting that Mash, Musashi and Caenis are making use of Athena, Ares and Poseidon's Klironomias respectively. Despite all this, he keeps underestimating Chaldea despite them getting that far to him, and they manage to summon both Ares and Romulus-Quirinus, two other deities from Proper Human History on par with him that makes the fight more on equal ground. Last but not least, it is the Black Barrel Replica, which was only completed thanks to a chunk of Artemis's body that Caenis clung to, and the Last Master of Humanity who serves as the ammunition for it, that finally kills him.
  • Leitmotif: "Oracle," an utterly imposing track that seals his reputation as one of the most powerful foes from a Lostbelt yet. It gets even more intimidating as "Thunder that Smites Stars " (named after his Noble Phantasm), a remix for his boss battle. To emphasize how his presence is truly everywhere in his domain, even the normal Olympus battle music is a rearrangement of his theme, showing how the protagonists are ultimately striving towards defeating him.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: A city as advanced as Olympus requires an immense amount of energy and maintenance to upkeep, which Zeus handles by allocating 90% of his resources for. Once all the Machine Gods are dead, Olympus starts losing power, and begins falling apart after the Foreign God descends.
  • Lonely at the Top: His act of combining with the other Olympians to fight Sefar saved them and asserted his complete dominance as their leader, but at the same time earned their scorn for violating their boundaries without consent and isolated him from everyone else. Part of why he develops respect for Wodime is because Wodime somewhat understands his true feelings, and for that he considers him something of a friend.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: More like big fish, but the gist of this trope applies to him. As powerful as he is, he's merely the Top God of one pantheon, the only one left after Sefar wiped out the rest. He's spent 14,000 years ruling uncontested without anyone to challenge and remind him he's not as invincible as he thinks. When fellow big fish and supreme god Romulus=Quirinus is summoned then starts hurting him in battle, Zeus begins a meltdown of epic proportions as his notion of supremacy is unraveled with each blow.
    Zeus: None can injure the heavens.
    Golden Huge Bear: Yeah, you might be right! There's definitely no way I can beat you by myself! But you know, Zeus old pal, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say: Someone who comes from the same place as you do? Maybe their fists'll be able to reach you... Maybe they'll even be able to...punch your goddamn lights out!
  • Not Quite the Almighty: Not only can other supreme gods of other pantheons hurt him, but he's not even the strongest god of his own pantheon as Chaos is far more powerful and forcing Zeus to do its bidding.
  • Offing the Offspring: He killed many of his own children in the Olympiamachia including Athena, Ares, and others who sided with Hades. This includes Persephone, whom he forces Demeter to kill. When Proper Human History Ares and then Zeus's grandson Romulus-Quirinus show up, Zeus vows to destroy them too.
  • Older Is Better: A rare subversion in this setting. The Titans' Alethia were stronger than the Olympians' by default, yet Zeus was the exception and managed to defeat his elders in the Titanomachia.
  • The Omnipotent: The original Zeus was already omnipotent enough after killing his father Cronus and gaining his crown, giving him control over the rest of the pantheon and the authorities of the titans, but Lostbelt Zeus is even more so as he has assimilated the Twelve Olympians and bunch of other lesser gods into himself, giving him access to myriad of different Authorities. However, Tesla argues that he is not truly omnipotent as while he has near infinite versatility and functionality, he does not have infinite power in a conceptual sense, and in that crucial difference lies Chaldea's, however miniscule, chance of beating him.
  • One-Man Army: During the Gigantomachia, Zeus destroyed the Gigantes all on his own with no aid from the other gods or heroes as he needed in Proper Human History. The Olympiamachia in reality was himself against all of the other Olympians. Thanks to assimilating their Authorities, Zeus absolutely stomped them, killing off half and reprogramming the others into his slaves.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: He sneers at the notion that Proper Human History Zeus truly loves humanity, reasoning that his other self must be broken to do so.
  • Phallic Weapon: According to a Famitsu interview, Zeus was the crotch in the Olympus 12's Combining Mecha form, making him a literal Phallic Weapon. Although considering his habits in Greek mythology really shouldn't comes as a surprise.
  • Physical God: Much like Tiamat, Zeus and the Olympians are still true gods existing physically rather than degraded Divine Spirits since they never died to Sefar and lost their Aletheian bodies here. The difference in power between a god and a Divine Spirit is why he's even stronger than God Arjuna, as his strength is innate whereas Arjuna's can be chipped away depending on the faith of his followers. It takes summoning two other gods (Ares and Romulus-Quirinus), both of them being his equal as a fellow pantheon head and the latter a Grand Servant on top of it, to actually give Chaldea a fighting chance.
  • Power at a Price: While his assimilation of the other god's authorities makes him ludicrously strong it comes with the downside of sapping away at his life span as shown when Mash uses the Black Barrel and it's noted that his life scale is only at one thousand compared to Demeter's forty five hundred and Aphrodite's thirty eight hundred.
  • Power Makes Your Voice Deep: It's indicated in text just how far out of Chaldea's range he is when all of his dialogue can be several times larger than normal at will than the normal font and unusually is center-aligned when he needs to make his authoritative statements.
  • Properly Paranoid: In an interview, Nasu elaborated that when Sefar arrived on Earth, the Olympians were initially unconcerned due to the fact that they too came from space, only to be caught off-guard by Sefar being an anti-civilization weapon. In the Atlantis Lostbelt timeline, Zeus was the only one who took Sefar seriously and forcefully fused with the other Olympians to fight Sefar to a draw and chase her off.
  • Puny Earthlings: In his eyes, humans don't even qualify as animals; they're nothing but reeds that exist solely to worship him. He lets slip right before he dies that he actually doesn't care for humans at all, contrary to Condescending Compassion he displayed the whole chapter.
  • Reality Warper: Having assimilated the Authorities of all the Olympians and Titans, he has the powers of a creator god.
  • Ride the Lightning: His terminal form will make dramatic entrances by appearing in a lightning bolt.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Holmes exposes Zeus's plan to flee Earth despite his speeches on his love for humanity, which pisses him enough that he keeps hitting Holmes with lightning until his level fell.
  • Shock and Awe: Naturally, considering his primary status as god of the sky. The Greek Lostbelt 5.2 starts with Zeus unleashing a thunderstorm to attack Chaldea, each bolt as strong as Artemis's Planet Destroyer orbital cannon, and the other gods note this is him basically flexing his little finger in terms of effort. Multiple times he boasts his lightning has the power to destroy the whole universe. His boss battle has him conjuring up then raining down lightning bolts on your party and breathing more lightning on them with his Noble Phantasm.
  • Sinister Surveillance: Zeus cannot observe all ten million citizens of Olympus at once, but listening to them is another matter entirely. Worse yet, he has the processing power to understand every single conversation, forcing Chaldea and the God Destroyer Alliance to watch what they say. The only place he cannot reach into is Tartarus, where the Authority of Hades still remains.
  • Slowly Slipping Into Evil: His intentions become more distorted by each thing he does, starting with him combining with the other gods against their will to fight Sefar, ultimately culminating him into planning to have humanity die out in space.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: When his fellow gods are all dead and he's left alone against Chaldea, he happily laughs as he says he understands how they all fell, calling them empty, soulless metal husks who had no chance of defeating them.
  • Stealth Pun: His true form would be the crotch portion of the Olympian Mecha. While this explains his hedonistic tendencies in PHH, as one reads more on his Lostbelt form here, one will see that he really is a dick.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: His humanoid form looks quite a bit like Berserker Heracles. He even has the same illustrator. Physical similarities to Iskandar, a supposed child of his, can be seen too.
  • Superpower Lottery: Lostbelt Zeus takes the same concept as God Arjuna to the extreme: instead of a mere human who absorbed a pantheon of mere Divine Spirits, Zeus is himself an actual god who absorbed a pantheon of actual gods. He carries the entire pantheon's Authorities and can run all of Olympus's processes on his own power. A single lightning bolt (in a storm of them) is equivalent to Artemis's crater-digging laser. At 35% of his full power, he can destroy solar systems and threatens to pull out Anti-Dimension, and Anti-Spacetime and Anti-Concept functions, but thankfully Chaldea beats him before he has the chance to do so.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Mash has this for him as she realizes the true reason for his Power at a Price. As this excerpt describes,
    "Mash's downcast face when she saw Zeus's lifescale was because the almighty Zeus also had the worst lifecycle, which made her understand he was a literal machine pushing itself to its limits to serve the people of Olympus. It was a moment of pity, respect, and sadness for the fact that, despite being like this, Zeus will never be anything more than an enemy to humanity."
  • This Cannot Be!: He freaks out once he's defeated in his boss battle.
    "Impossible! I am omnipotent, and hurt me... What...ARE you!? This will not stand!"
  • Top God: He's the king of the Greek gods and the most powerful among them. He has also assimilated the Authorities of all the Greek Gods and Titans, allowing him to function as an entire pantheon by himself.
  • Tsundere: Is this towards humanity, as while he claims that only a broken god could love humanity, his best friend is a human, and he's been maintaining Olympus for thousands of years, despite the enormous strain it puts on him, which is what leads to the afore-mentioned Sympathy for the Devil moment from Mash.
  • Underestimating Badassery: He freely admits he did this to Kirschtaria when they first fought each other, logically not taking the lone human mage as a truly significant threat to him, the omnipotent Top God. Kirschtaria himself was banking on this, as he knew Zeus would never bring his full might to bear in his opening move under the fight's circumstances, and by the time Zeus realized he would need to go full-power, Kirschtaria's meteor magecraft was already in effect and slamming down on him. Zeus doesn't hold it against Kirschtaria, however, even admitting he wished he could show Hades the slack-jawed faces of Demeter and Aphrodite when they saw this.
  • The Unfought: Downplayed, he's fought in his true form, but his NPC form is just for talking. As such, he isn't playable unlike the other Lostbelt Kings.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He expresses disbelief that an omnipotent god like him is being hurt in battle, and reallocates every bit of energy he has in defense towards annihilating Chaldea in one shot. This proves to be his undoing as it leaves him vulnerable to the Black Barrel Replica.
  • Villainous Friendship: He has one with Kirschtaria, and it appears to be quite genuine. When the two part ways for the last time knowing that they'll come to blows, Zeus thanks him for being his friend till the very end.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The "Well" part is a bit questionable, but he really does want to ascend Olympus into space, even considering the disastrous consequences of what that entails. And he was honest in trying to protect humanity for a while even if that meant breaching into the authorities of the other gods.
  • What Is This Feeling?: As he recounts to Kirschtaria, he and the other Olympians went through this phase when they first landed on Earth and humans began to worship them, granted them names, and believed them to have personalities. As up to that point they had simply been a fleet of nameless ships having found a possible planet to colonize, things for them.
    Zeus: We were uncertain of how to respond to the names, the personalities, the worship...none of it was important or even useful for voyaging. And yet—
    Kirschtaria: You were delighted. So you decided to accept the faith people put in you.
    Zeus: Yes. We were delighted. Joy was a function we neither anticipated nor needed... ...but we also could not bring ourselves to abandon it. In the end, we all agreed to operate from that point on not as functions, but as gods. But... I was the only one who understood... ...that putting down roots on this planet would mean turning our backs on our original directive. It was not to ensure the people of other celestial bodies flourish, but to revive our home planet.
  • Willfully Weak: Somewhat. Though still one of the Strongest, if not THE strongest Lostbelt King aside from Kukulkan, he's hampered in several ways mainly due to factors of his own design.
    • Due to Hades committing suicide, Zeus can't naturally hear or see in the Underworld that was once Hades' body. He could actually listen and see into it if he was inclined to, but it'd take all of his processing power to do so, of which he spends at least 90% of it maintaining Olympus.
    • Despite issuing a warning to Chaldea and almost intentionally missing them with his lightning bolts, he's questioned why he didn't simply incinerate them to ash with their power. Zeus responds that if he did use his full power, he'd end up annihilating all the humans on Olympus and he doesn't want to do that for the few humans Chaldea has.
  • Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing: His Lostbelt is destined to win by default if Chaldea hadn't interfered, a testament to just how mighty his world truly is.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • He views Kirschtaria as this, and asks that he use his last fight against him to see which of the two is truly the strongest of them all.
    • Right before he faces Chaldea directly, he admits their sheer stubbornness, straightforwardness, and audacity make them truly worthy foes, and that he can see why the other gods fell before them. Which is why he chooses to summon his Aletheia body to crush them.
      Zeus: Yes... I see. Now, it is clear to me how you defeated my daughter, Artemis! My brother, Poseidon! My sister, Demeter! And my daughter, Aphrodite! Their empty, soulless metal husks could never hope to defeat you! Not in the face of your gleaming, unabashed straightforwardness! (...) If I were my Proper Human History self, Chaldeans, I would surely have made you into constellations. But... I am not. I may be generous, but I am not a god of mercy. I am a god who rules over humanity with mighty thunderbolts. Come to me, my Aletheia.
  • You Are a Credit to Your Race: Kirschtaria is the only human he views as equal or having any worth. The rest of them can stick to mindlessly worshipping the gods. Or die in space for all he cares.

    Lostbelt Morgan
Winter Queen of Faerie Britain
"I will not tolerate you. I will not save you. Merely obey. Hang your heads. I will protect a Britain of absolute subservience."
Daughter of Queen Igraine and King Uther Pendragon, sister of Altria Pendragon, and a powerful witch. After being passed over the throne despite being Uther's eldest child and successor, she become obsessed with getting vengeance towards her sibling for doing so. To do so, she manipulated events to give birth to Mordred, who would bring about the end of Camelot.

This is an alternate tale from a disregarded history, where Morgan succeeded her father as ruler of England and thus, never becomes the vile witch that she would be famously known as. Under her rule, the world never leaves the Age of Gods, and humanity would then be replaced as the dominant species by many different races of Phantasmals, such as fairies. This would lead the Counter Force to consider her world a dead end, and be pruned, only to be brought back by the Foreign God's Trees of Emptiness. At least, so it seems at a first glance...

She appears as the Lostbelt King of "Lostbelt No. 6: Fairy Round Table Domain, Avalon le Fae".
To see tropes pertaining to her, check here.

    Lostbelt Kukulkan
Doctrine of Mictlān's Sun

A serpent god of wind and water worshipped by the Yucatec Mayan, he bears close relations to other Feather Serpent gods of the regions such as Quetzalcoatl.

This Kukulkan is not a god from Proper Human History, but one native to the South American Lostbelt. The Deinos have lived as one with nature and took its phenomena for granted, but when Daybit arrived with the god Tezcatlipoca, he also introduced the concept of worship. The Deinos began worshipping the underground sun, eventually deifying it into a god bearing the name Kukulkan. She serves as the Lostbelt King of the South American Lostbelt.

To see tropes pertaining to her, check here.
