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Sandbox / So Audacious It Must Be Checked

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SCIMT (56 wicks, 61 examples)

  1. Characters.Better Call Saul Law Enforcement: They ultimately let Wormald off after Jimmy uses quick thinking to explain how Wormald had a hiding place for non-criminal purposes. They at least ask for evidence of said claims, however.
  2. Characters.Better Call Saul Law Enforcement: You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Said in response to hearing the full explanation of "squat cobbler". Jimmy swears he isn't making it up, since it'd be too ludicrous to be a lie.
  3. Characters.Doom Breaker Zephyr And His Allies: The reason why Ned believed Zephyr about him returning to the past; because that was the only way him having the Sword of Light despite not being a priest and him knowing too much made sense.
  4. Characters.Fire Emblem Three Houses Claude: He believes Byleth when they tell him [[spoiler:the goddess has been living in their mind their whole life and they were sleeping for five years after falling off a cliff]]. Both times, he says Byleth's story is hard to believe, but he can tell from the look on their face that they're not lying.
  5. Characters.Nameless The One Thing You Must Recall: Bad Liar: Along with the bad acting stated above, she has a bad habit of continuously talking and making her lies more complicated than before. She's at least aware of her terrible ability, though, as she expresses shock when the principal buys that the boys are her cousins from Africa.
  6. Characters.Survival Of The Fittest TV 3: Believes Seth and Ivan immediately after they warn him about the Respects.
  7. Characters.The Punisher MAX The Punisher: A Father to His Men: Played straight in Punisher: The Platoon which covered Frank's first tour of duty before he became a combat junkie. He is shown to be concerned for his men, humble and willing to learn from the grunts, and more than open to their opinions especially given that he ordered an airstrike on a seemingly abandoned village just because his sergeant told him a rumor that the place wasn't safe. Turns out, his sergeant was right.
  8. ComicBook.Old Man Logan 2015: Emma Frost, from the Age of Apocalypse domain, have found Logan and is reading his mind trying to figure things out. For her, she and the X-Men have just found him, an aged Wolverine. And in his mind, he thinks he has killed all the X-Men 50 years ago, all except her, who saw dying some hours ago; and spent the rest of his life at a farm since then, until Hulk killed his wife and kids, and now here he is. Not being aware of Battleworld, it makes so little sense...
  9. ComicBook.The Boys: Kessler mentions that there are still people who will believe anything, whether they are true or not, on social media platforms such as Twitter.
    Kessler: If people knew the C.I.A. ran a team that targeted supes from the beginning, they could easily be made to look like the victims. The coup in oh-eight like some patriotic first strike against the swamp. If you can fit in a tweet, there are people who'll believe it...
    Hughie: No fuckin' way...!
    Kessler: Which planet have you been on for the past four fucking years?
  10. ComicBook.The Pulse: When Ben is trying to convince Jonah of the reality behind the attempt on Luke's life and Nick Fury being on the outs with S.H.I.E.L.D., Jonah believes him as soon as the pieces fall into place.
  11. ComicBook.Watchmen: Rorschach believes Moloch's story about the Comedian's visit.
    Rorschach: Funny story. Sounds unbelievable. Probably true.
  12. DragonAgeInquisition.Tropes R To Z: Varric's reaction to the story Cullen tells when the gang plays Wicked Grace. He relates an anecdote about his Templar days, which leaves everyone laughing but a few of the friends questioning its veracity. Varric replies that "That's how you know it's true! I could never put that in one of my books - too unlikely."
  13. Fanfic.All The Difference In The Worlds: Kind of Jaune's reputation among his friends in the Fallout world. No matter how unbelievable a story is, once Jaune's name is brought up it almost automatically becomes accepted as true.
  14. Fanfic.Only Embers Remains: When Izuku and Ochako tell the first person they encounter that they came from another world, Lena admits she would have called bullshit just a few years back, but her world has become so insane that stranded travelers from other worlds merely sounds par for the course.
  15. Fanfic.Shadows Over Hell: [[spoiler:The reason why Rufus is so quick to accept Loona's story about Octavia being alive and trapped inside Mother's dimension. While it's possibly the weirdest story he's ever heard in his life, it adds up pretty well with the rest of the bizarre and terrifying happenings that have occurred thus far.]]
  16. Fanfic.Spider Man Finding Home: When Karen first visits the New York Sanctum and introduces herself as Spider-Man's former A.I. helper, Wong accepts the explanation because there’s no way someone would make up a claim like that.
  17. Fanfic.Spider Man Finding Home: When Peter tells Kate and Yelena about the circumstances that led to his identity being erased from the world's memory, Yelena observes that she has spent the last hour (during which Peter was recovering from injuries in a fire) running online searches for any background information on Peter, and between a magic spell and her skills being lacking she's willing to accept "magic spell" as an explanation for that lack of information.
  18. Fanfic.The Chronicles Of The Fellowship: The attitude of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Boromir when the Pevensies detail the wild story of being from one world, going into another where they grew into adulthood, then returned to their original world at their previous ages and now in another world.
    Boromir: I'll give them credit. They're either the worst spies I've ever seen or the most inventive.
    Aragorn: That tale is so outlandish, you cannot help but believe it.
  19. Fanfic.The Ghost Boy And The Super Girl: Since the founding members of the League have encountered alternate worlds, they're not really surprised by Supergirl's theory that Danny's from another world. Although there are suspicions, they conclude from Danny' reactions that if he's lying, he's the only one who believes it.
  20. Fanfic.The Half Life Of Element Zero: Let Me Get This Straight...: Dorian sums this up about how Helen got to Thedas.
    Dorian: So, the Herald of Andraste traveled through the stars for ten thousand years, landed on a world she'd never heard of, and accidentally triggered the explosion at the Conclave, all because of her horrible taste in men.
    Helen: I know it sounds far-fetched.
  21. Fanfic.The Power Of Seven: When Katie and Demelza are filled in on the details about the ritual, Katie's reaction. . . is to laugh.
    She'd have sworn that they were pulling a prank on her, except. . . it was Harry. Of course something like this would happen to him. "I swear, Harry," she managed "You are the luckiest unluckiest bloke alive."
  22. Fanfic.There Was Once An Avenger From Krypton: When Danny hears Nico tell Sam that he's a Greek demigod, he notes that it sounds just ridiculous enough to be true.
  23. Film.Baby Driver: [[spoiler:When confronting to Baby about him sneaking off at 2 AM, and finding his tape recorder containing records of their criminal conversations, Baby admits, honestly, that he remixes the conversations into music. Bats points out that this is a really fucking stupid excuse, and Buddy goes further, saying the excuse is so fucking stupid that the cops would never think to come up with it.]]
  24. Film.Identity: When Larry explains that [[spoiler: the frozen body was the actual motel manager and that he only took over his identity after finding him dead]], Paris notes that this story must be true because it's so unbelievable.
  25. Film.Watchmen: Rorschach believes Moloch's story about the Comedian's visit.
    Rorschach: Funny story. Sounds unbelievable. Probably true.
  26. Funny.Sense 8: Kala expresses surprise over Rajan being so quick to believe her. He answers her that of course he believes her, for would she really be capable of coming up with such a crazy story?
  27. Main.Appeal To Audacity: Compare So Crazy, It Must Be True.
  28. Main.Dialogue: index
  29. Main.Logic Tropes: index
  30. Main.Something Only They Would Say: Compare [...] So Crazy, It Must Be True
  31. Main.Truth And Lies: Believing a true, but really weird-sounding, story.
  32. Main.You Have To Believe Me: See also So Crazy, It Must Be True, where the person you're trying to convince believes your story because it's so outlandish.
  33. Quotes.Like Father Like Son:
    Absent [[note]] after finding out the events of the previous two chapters in Chapter 3 [[/note]]: That's so stupid I have no choice but to believe you.
    (later, in Chapter 5...)
    Absent's father [[note]] upon finding out that his son has become a Pokemon [[/note]]: This is so absurd I have no choice but to believe you.
  34. Recap.ALZI Production Batgirl: One of Black Mask's henchmen says to him "Do you think they lias? Who is it?" after Black Mask tells him that the media is fabricating stories about Batgirl still being alive.
  35. Recap.Better Call Saul S 6 E 2 Carrot And Stick: Cliff Main expresses clear skepticism at the outrageous accusation that Howard is a cocaine addict, but recalls the previous episode and starts really thinking about it once he's left to his own devices. The Kettlemans also jumped at the idea, but only in a desperate bid to restore their reputations.
  36. Recap.Community S 3 E 17 Basic Lupine Urology: During the "trial", Todd confesses that he was responsible for destroying the study group's yam, but he insists that he accidentally dropped it after he picked the jar up to look at it, and the glass burned him (even though it shouldn't have been hot). While Annie is still convinced that he destroyed the yam deliberately, Jeff realizes that his story is far too unlikely to be a lie.
  37. Recap.Farscape S 02 E 13 Look At The Princess The Maltese Crichton: Jenavian finally connects the dots and realizes Crichton is not a fellow Special Directorate Disrupter. She's prepared to kill him for knowing too much about her, but he instead lays out the story of how he got into this situation (over the commercial break).
    Jenavian: That is either the most pathetic fabrication I've ever heard, or the most pathetic life I could ever imagine.
  38. Recap.Garfield And Friends S 2 E 16: that there is a trope by this name, and the short by this name as well. Basically, "It Must Be True" is a satire on reality shows of the time, including Ripley's Believe It Or Not (presenting unusual facts, phenomenon and myths), except here everything is so comically bloated that everything is false ... including the gag at the end where Garfield explains why dogs have no brain ... Oh, Crap! when he sees an audience full of dogs, growling and then suddenly rushing him.
  39. Recap.His Dark Materials S 1 E 7 The Fight To The Death: Refuge in Audacity: Lyra spins the absurd lie that she is the human form of a bear's daemon, and wishes to become Iofur's daemon by having him kill Iorek personally. His desperate desire for this to be even possible, as well as her successfully passing his God Test, make him susceptible to the deception.
  40. Recap.House S 4 E 06 Whatever It Takes: Even though Dr. House is a world-renowned diagnostician, both Dr. Wilson and Dr. Cuddy are skeptical that the CIA has called on him to consult. Wilson is only convinced after calling the Langley switchboard. But Wilson forgets the phone number and so Cuddy assumes Wilson is covering for House. When House gets back from the CIA and realizes Cuddy doesn't buy it, he makes up a story about helping a rich guy's son who just had the sniffles.
  41. Recap.Outlander S 1 E 11 The Devils Mark: After Claire reveals herself to be from the future, Jamie asks a bunch of questions but eventually decides to believe her. Claire is skeptical of his easy acceptance, but Jamie says he trusts her and it explains a lot of the questions he's had. He does quip that it would've been easier if she was just a witch though.
  42. Recap.Quantum Leap S 5 E 17 Revenge Of The Evil Leaper: Invoked by Sam when the circumstances seem so dire that he breaks protocol and reveals the truth about himself and Alia to Vivian to secure her help. When Vivian asks why she should believe what she was just told, Sam asks if Liz would make up such a story. It works.
  43. Recap.RWBYV 7 E 9 As Above So Below: While Sleet is skeptical of Ironwood's tale about Salem, Camilla believes it right away, reasoning that no one would tell such an outlandish lie.
  44. Recap.Sense 8 S 2 E 12 Amor Vincit Omnia: Rajan believes Kala when she gets him up to speed with the sensate conspiracy, because he can't believe that all these international strangers working with her would act as they are if it were a lie.
  45. Recap.Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 05 E 25 In The Cards: Blatant Lies: The ridiculous story Jake tells Weyoun when the latter refuses to believe the truth. So ridiculous, in fact, that Weyoun decides their original story made more sense, inverting So Crazy, It Must Be True.
  46. Recap.Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 05 E 25 In The Cards: Inverted; Weyoun doesn't believe that Jake and Nog's actions are an innocent attempt to secure a gift for Captain Sisko, so Jake spins a tale about the two of them working for Starfleet Intelligence to find Willie Mayes and stop him from changing history, which convinces Weyoun that the original, simpler story must be true, so he lets the boys go without incident.
  47. Recap.The Andy Griffith Show S 3 E 1 Mr Mc Beevee: Andy relenting on punishing Opie when his earnestness about McBeevee being real wins him over.
  48. Recap.The Interns S 10 E 21: Lie Detector: Kisegach uses a polygraph to test whether Bykov actually cheated on her or not. Bykov provides such a mess of an answer that the polygraph fails to analyse it. After couple of tries, she just decides to test Kupitman instead. Then they tests Kupitman's "lover", who fails: they do bother to ask her when she had sex with Kupitman, so Kupitman's plan to just have sex while waiting for the polygraph's arrival fails. However, later Kupitman convinces Kisegach that they told the truth by pretending that he tried to hide the embarrassment he had previous night, in which Kisegach believes because no one would joke with it, especially Kupitman.
  49. Recap.The Interns S 10 E 21: The Loins Sleep Tonight: In order to convince Kisegach that it wasn't Bykov in the apartment with a lover, Kupitman lies to her that he had a problem with erection, and was too embarrassed to say it right away, as Bykov, being Bykov, would mock him for that. She thinks that such explanation is plausible exactly because Kupitman wouldn't lie about such topic (and polygraph confirms this — Kupitman knows how to fool these).
  50. Recap.The Interns S 10 E 21: While Kisegach knows that Kupitman is an experienced poker player, she considers him having problems with erection to be too embarrassing to just make up, so if he admitted them, it must be for really serious reason. The truth is, he did lie about it (and due to being experienced poker player, effortlessly cheated the polygraph).
  51. Recap.The Magnus Archives Season Three: Georgie accepts Jon's explanation for what's been going on with almost no skepticism.
  52. Recap.The Simpsons S 7 E 16 Lisa The Iconoclast: Most of the townspeople scoff Lisa's insistence that Jebediah Springfield was actually a bloodthirsty pirate and rogue. But Homer believes her because she's smart and insightful and usually right about these things, even if they sound crazy.
  53. Recap.Thunderbirds S 1 E 7 Thirty Minutes After Noon: Following his rescue, Prescott tells the cops all about the hitchhiker and the explosive bracelet. Surprisingly, the Chief Investigator believes him. As he explains to another officer, not only does Prescott have no criminal history, but the building's fire safety measures had been sabotaged and most importantly, the fire destroyed vital information on some of the country's most high-profile criminal gangs. When the investigators find the bracelet, it confirms Prescott's story.
  54. Series.Outer Banks: How Sarah is able to convince Topper that John B is innocent of [[spoiler:Sherrif Peterkin's murder]]. As she says, if she was going to lie to cover for him, why would she pick [[spoiler:her own brother as the killer]] unless it was true?
  55. Series.The Andromeda Strain: When Mancheck tells Team Wildfire about the Scoop satellite investigating a wormhole before crashing on Earth, the team is skeptical but Stone believes it because "It's too fantastical to be a lie".
  56. Series.Would I Lie To You: The basis of several "true" votes. David Mitchell nearly gives the trope name word for word when making his judgement on Omid Djalili's story about launching his own range of condiments. WILTY is page quote for ATA
  57. Theatre.Tsukiuta: The Otakis accept Koi's story as the truth because it's just so outlandish that he wouldn't make it up. To be fair, his story is that he lives in a peaceful world working as an idol (a job their pet dog Iku also works as a human), got run over, was changed into a youkai, and is also accustomed to these otherworldly trips because of past experiences. It's lampshaded by Ichiha's father.
  58. VisualNovel.Daughter For Dessert: MC's explanation about what happened between Lainie and himself makes this kind of impression on Mortelli. Before MC tells the story, Mortelli [[spoiler:rants that MC is a "career criminal" who is every bit as bad as Cecilia says he is]], but after he hears MC out, Mortelli believes him so much that he gives MC his gun, just in case it'll be useful later.
  59. VisualNovel.Double Homework: Dennis's dad doesn't expect MC to give the explanation he gives for [[spoiler:his son's death]]. Who knew that [[spoiler:his school counselor, who is really a rogue scientist in the employ of the government, is the culprit]]? However, he accepts it without question.
  60. WebVideo.Two Of These People Are Lying: In one episode Tom explicitly says that the correct choice would be to guess Matt is telling the truth because his article is so dull, but still guesses Chris is telling the truth due to Chris' story being more interesting. [[spoiler:Unfortunately for Tom, Chris was lying that time.]]
  61. Website.Neopian Times Writers Forum: Why Sieg believes Alain when the Grand Duke reveals the truth about Ambrose's visions.
