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The Vees
The future of Hell belongs to the Vees!

A trio of younger Overlords that have banded together to challenge the status quo. Collectively, they control modern media.

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    In General 

  • Alphabetical Theme Naming: All three of their names start with the letter "V", and that's why they're called the Vees.
  • Bad Boss: They all treat their employees terribly; while Velvette has been shown doing nothing worse than fire them on a whim and shows apathy towards Valentino dismembering one, Vox actively finds employees for Val to shoot when he's angry, to say nothing of Val's behavior towards his on-screen talent.
  • Big Bad Triumvirate: The Vees were already-established Overlords in charge of their own enterprises before teaming up to become an even bigger threat.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: While by no means harmless, the Vees' biggest vice is their belief that their alliance makes them equal to, if not superior to older Overlords. Carmilla derides them as "smug wannabees" and Alastor suggests that their only strength lies in their alliance. The only threat they pose in the first season is to unfortunate employees like Angel Dust, leaving them as little more than minor nuisances compared to the greater threat of the Exorcists. After the Extermination is thwarted, the Vees plan to take advantage of the disrupted status quo, suggesting they'll become a bigger problem in the future.
  • Didn't See That Coming: All three of them react with awe and shock when they see Adam being killed by Niffty.
    Vox: Hoooooooooo-ly shit.
  • Don't Celebrate Just Yet: A rare villain example. During The Show Must Go On, they celebrate Alastor's supposed disappearance and think that it will open up a huge power vacuum that they intend to exploit. However, in the immediate next scene, Alastor is shown to have survived his fight with Adam, rejoining the Hazbin Hotel crew shortly after.
  • Fatal Flaw: Impulsivity. All of the Vees are shown to have a rather poor handle on their emotions (to varying degrees). However, their group dynamic generally ensures that they rein in the worst of each other's impulses, making the three of them together a formidable threat.
    • Valentino is the most impulsive one, and the other Vees have to reign in his temper where it could cause them problems.
    • Velvette is shown to be smarter than she initially lets on, but she's also shown to act childish and shortsighted; seeing as Velvette thinks it a bright idea to take up arms against the angels, once it's revealed they can be killed, without having any idea who killed them or how it was done, which could land them in far more trouble than they already have on their hands (something the other Overlords are quick to point out). However, it's entirely possible she intends to bait them into a reckless course of action while remaining out of the line of fire, as the Vees are in no hurry to fight the Exorcists themselves.
    • Vox acts the most calm and charming out of all of them (partly due to him being the face of the trio); but all reason completely goes out the window the moment Alastor is brought up, causing him to act rashly against the radio demon, which comes to bite him immediately.
  • Faux Affably Evil: All three of them are able to act charming and cordial when it suits them, typically when it comes to interacting with the public, but when it comes down to it, the three of them are the worst of the Overlords seen thus far, being quite terrible to those under their employ and, in Velvette and Vox's case, holding no respect or outright hostility towards their fellow overlords.
  • Freudian Trio: Valentino is the Id, Vox is the Superego, and Velvette is the Ego.
    • Valentino is easily angered, threw a tantrum where he ripped one of Velvette's models to shreds, planned on going in guns blazing into the Hazbin Hotel, and is a prolific rapist giving into his base desires.
    • Vox is the CEO of a tech corporation and is generally more calm and collected than the other two, except when his rival Alastor is concerned. He was also the one who schemed putting Sir Pentious into the Hotel to act as a spy. He also cares the most about his public image, giving him caution.
    • Velvette is the one who asked Vox to calm down Valentino acting as a bridge between them. She behaves like an immature teenager, but is rather perceptive.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: All three Vees are this to the other Overlords who see them as arrogant upstarts who don't pay the older Overlords the respect they're owed. Carmilla especially seems to have a chip on her shoulder when it comes to them.
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: It's implied that the Vees are pushing for a war on Heaven's extermination due to this intent. If Hell fails, it means most of their competition is weakened and they can capitalise and take more ground. If Heaven fails, it means their most mortal enemy is gone and they may even be able to expand their territory further. Even with most casualties limited to just the Exorcists and Hazbin by the end, the Vees are still celebrating the potential put in front of them.
  • It's All About Me: At the end of the day, all the Vees care about is their own power and success, and they all view themselves as the backbone of their other two allies, and while they get along, they're liable to argue and frustrate each other when one's actions hinders the desires of another's.
  • Karma Houdini: By the end of Season One, they have suffered no casualties from the war and all their contracts and industries are still intact, with only a few very small-scale setbacks or humiliations along the way. They end the finale celebrating their plans to make a power play while the rest of Hell is still weak from the Exorcists' attack.
  • Meaningful Name: The names of the Vees are very fitting for their occupations:
    • "Vox" is Latin for "voice", and fittingly, Vox tends to be the voice of the Vees when speaking to the public.
    • "Valentino" is the Italian version of "Valentine". The name Valentine tends to be most commonly accosiated with Valentine's Day, fitting for someone involved in the pornography buisness.
    • "Velvette" is derived from "Velvet", a type of closely woven fabric, fitting for a character who is The Fashionista.
  • New Media Are Evil: At least in comparison to the Noble Demon Alastor, who's based off the older technology of radio. Vox is based on the television and is constantly chasing trends and allies himself with Valentino who's into the porn industry relying on Sex Slaves, and Velvette who is a Bad Influencer and also abusive to her staff. Vox's screens are also capable of hypnosis and act as a surveillance system.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Charlie's attempts to vindicate the Hazbin Hotel and protect it from the Exterminations end up being unwittingly saved by a snowball effect of all three Vees' asshole behaviour. First Angel flees to the Hotel to escape Val's abuse, then Vox sends Sir Pentious there to spy on Alastor, ultimately giving the Hotel its first two clients. Lastly Velvette's attempts to stir up a war against Heaven in an Overlord meeting end up unveiling secret info from Carmilla (discovered by one of Pentious' Egg Bois as an extra insult), ultimately giving the Hotel the means to fend off the Exorcists and giving them a rather clean victory rather than a bloodbath all throughout Hell that the Vees could capitalise on. To cap it off, their one casualty, the aformentioned Sir Pentious, ends up redeemed and ascending to Heaven.
  • Nouveau Riche: All three of them are relatively newer Overlords who don't respect the old guard of Hell. They flaunt their power and wealth far more than the others do since they control Hell's media and while none of the Overlords are exactly good people they at least have class and tact which the Vees lack.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Befitting such infernal overlords, the Vees all have palettes that are mostly black and red. However, they also have a few additional colors that helps separate them with Vox having some blues, Velvette has some pinks, and Valentino being noticeably purple.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: They all have red sclera, and are by far the most hostile and conniving overlords in Hell.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: As long as Alastor isn't in the picture, Vox plays the pragmatic, level-headed blue to the more emotional and impulsive Valentino and Velvette's reds. Of the trio, Vox appears to be the face and leader because he often factors the bigger picture and wants to maintain their public image. This is further reinforced by Vox often being associated with a light blue color scheme to contrast Valentino and Velvette's varying shades of red.
  • Shadow Archetype: They are depicted as generally the most unpleasant individuals in the underworld, and embodying most vices other crime lords represent with none of the redeeming qualities to balance it out. For example, Carmilla is a high ranking neutral party but shows compassion about Hell's residents, while Alastor is sadistic but restrains it with an aura of charisma and politeness. By contrast the Vees are Bad Boss and Thin-Skinned Bully incarnate, treating those under them as expendible pawns to exploit and abuse, but acting petulant and self-preserving towards a circumstance they can't dominate. Their one redeeming quality is that they somewhat care about each other, and even that is mitigated by other ranks (even Adam and Lute) often showing a less chaotic form of Villainous Friendship.
  • Skewed Priorities: Despite fighting the angels being in everyone's interest and Velvette even claiming to have made a battle plan after finding the fallen Exorcist in "Scrambled Eggs", the Vees ultimately sit out the battle in "The Show Must Go On", watching from their tower with the expectation that Charlie and her army will be slaughtered. Vox is particularly interested in watching Alastor die more than he wants the angels to die. One could argue they were never interested in fighting themselves, but wanted the rest of the Overlords to so they would get weakened and give the Vees a chance at a power grab.
  • Smug Snake: Mostly subverted. While powerful, they're also arrogant about said power and refuse to respect the Overlords that have been around for much longer. However, each of them is capable of swinging their weight in a way that their peers can't readily answer.
    • Valentino is smart enough to know not to mess with Charlie when he's more level-headed, and later manipulates Angel into kicking her out of the studio in tears, with the Princess unable to actually do anything about the terms of Angel's contract.
    • Velvette thinks nothing of casually provoking a room full of older and likely much more powerful Overlords, even claiming she could take them all on in a fight. In fairness, part of it is definitely intentional to get a rise out of Carmilla, but she's still antagonizing a group that could destroy her and her associates if the whim struck them, but she raises enough salient points and Armor Piercing Questions to where she not only gets away with it, but flusters Carmilla into ending the meeting early solely to avoid the question.
    • Vox actually subverts this trope for the most part, being the most level-headed one of the trio who usually knows to avoid a confrontation way above his weight class, but all of that rationality evaporates the second Alastor is so much as mentioned. Despite narrowly avoiding getting beaten by the Radio Demon in the past, Vox still takes the first opportunity he has to try and smear Alastor's name and declare himself superior, only to be trounced the second Alastor enters the ring. That said, the fact that Vox actually fought Alastor in the past without losing his soul speaks volumes about his own personal competence as an Overlord.
  • Villainous Friendship: They form a tight knit trio and appear to be close friends. It's pretty much the only somewhat redeemable thing about this heinous trio, and even then their interactions on their Instagram accounts and scenes outside of work hint that they don’t have the healthiest friendship dynamic, frequently being petty and cruel towards each other. In the show proper all three have hinted they each see themselves as the true power behind the others, heavily implying that their friendship is primarily about gaining/maintaining power first, and any meaningful connections they make together are entirely secondary.


"Now THAT'S good television!"
Click here to see his Pilot design
Voiced by: Christian Borle Foreign VAs

Vox is one of the major antagonists in the series and one of the Overlords of Hell, with a technological theme.

  • All There in the Script: Although unnamed in the pilot, his name was first revealed in a stream.
  • Almighty Janitor: Only in comparison to the other Overlords. Despite being one of the youngest Overlords in Hell, Vox notably battled Alastor and got away with it, even after Alastor had killed several far more ancient and seemingly more powerful Overlords. While he primarily uses manipulation and influence to pursue his schemes, this shows that Vox is no slouch in a fight.
  • Animal Motifs: His main motif is technology, but he also has a mild association with sharks, with sharp large teeth and several Threatening Shark pets in a tank.
  • Arch-Enemy: Vox and Alastor really don’t get along, among other things due to their different views on technology.
  • Attention Whore:
    • In the Australian charity stream, he is stated by Viv to crave attention. According to Faustisse, due to having a great passion for Alastor he does whatever he can to get him to notice him.
    • However, after the two had parted ways on very sour terms, he now craves the attention from everyone else. And it's surprisingly easy to get considering how addictive his technology is.
  • Berserk Button: Alastor. Vox initially seems to be the most level-headed of the Vees when he (successfully!) talks Valentino down from going to Hazbin Hotel guns blazing, but when Val mentions that Alastor is there, Vox INSTANTLY flips his shit and proves he's almost as volatile as Val.
    Vox: Alastor came back, and he's with Lucifer's daughter, and THAT WASN'T THE FIRST FUCKING THING YOU TOLD ME!?
  • Big Brother Is Watching: He can watch people through his screens.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: While he looks fairly tall compared to most demons, Valentino towers over him (granted, at about 10 feet tall, Valentino towers over everyone, even Angel Dust) and easily swings him between his legs during their part of "Finale".
  • Big, Stupid Doodoo-Head: His "artist rendering" of Alastor is a stick-figure drawing labeled with juvenile insults like "smelly probably", "furry", "dumb hair", "triangle ass", "gross hoof feet" and his microphone called a "dildo" and a "lame stick".
  • Blood from the Mouth: Blood occasionally trickles from his mouth.
  • Character Blog: He had an official Instagram account called voxtagram_8k. Following the archival of the account of Octavia from Helluva Boss due to certain matters however, his account was archived as well and pretty much retired.
  • Characterization Marches On: The character blogs present him on the receiving end of an abusive relationship with Valentino, but in the show proper, they not only seem amicable, but Vox comes across as the slightly more dominant personality in their relationship. He even gets visibly angry when Val considers visiting the hotel and rather sternly tells him not to (although Val ignores Vox's anger on the subject).
  • Character Tic:
    • Whenever Vox is especially excited or riled up, three red bars will manifest on the side of his mouth making it look like he's drooling blood.
    • A meta one: When especially emotional, Vox has a tendency to step very close to the "camera" leading to his face taking up the entire screen. He does this in-universe as well.
  • Commonality Connection: According to Viv in a charity stream for Australia wildfire relief, Vox gets along really well with his fellow Overlord Velvette because they both keep up with modern trends and the march of technology.
  • Con Artist: He offers his customers "Angelic Defense" technology that he claims is being developed, but has no intention of actually following through on this pledge beyond making a half-hearted attempt to get in contact with Carmilla.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He's the CEO of Voxtek, a tech company, and uses his power to surveil the residents of Hell.
  • Dark Is Evil: He wears a black tuxedo and a black top hat. He's also confirmed to be one of the major antagonists in the series and one of Hell's most powerful Overlords.
  • Didn't Think This Through: When he gets word that Alastor is out in public again, Vox is so mad he goes on TV and starts rambling about how the Radio Demon is outdated, a loser, and how nobody missed him. Problem is, people didn't really care about what Alastor was doing for the past seven years, until Vox piqued their interest by blasting it on every TV screen in Hell. Naturally Alastor himself takes advantage of the situation to start his radio broadcasts again, which just makes Vox even angrier as he tries to steal attention from his rival.
  • The Dreaded: Other demons are scared to be near Vox when he gets angry, even when his anger isn’t directed towards them specifically. Given he's at least powerful enough to fight Alastor and survive, it's understandable.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He can be seen hiding out in Valentino's studio during the opening montage of "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" waiting out the extermination. He also appears during Vaggie's re-telling of Alastor's backstory, showing him rising above the other demon Overlords.
  • Electronic Speech Impediment: When he's angry, his voice starts to glitch and distort.
    Vox: You olllllllld-timey prick! I'll show you sufffFFFFFfffering!
    Alastor: (mockingly) Uh-oh, the TV is buffering!
  • Epic Fail: "Stayed Gone". You know your attempt to throw down the gauntlet to your old enemy with a public declaration of war has gone badly when it ends with him stealing all your viewers and taunting you into a Villainous Breakdown so bad that it shorts out your entire media empire.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Downplayed but evident. When Sir Pentious' cover is blown in Hazbin Hotel, Vox very callously dresses him down audibly in front of the residents, fairly convinced they would kill him. While he rightfully assumed such for Vaggie and Angel Dust, the sight leaves Charlie feeling sorry for Sir Pentious and repeating her offer to him. Vox never suspected a service for redeeming sinners might believe in their practice enough to forgive Sir Pentious for his actions, unwittingly giving his Arch-Enemy his first genuine and successful client.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's friendly and charming when the cameras are on, and even when they aren't… until he gets mad. And even when he's calm, he has no qualms about letting Valentino kill his employees to blow off some steam.
  • Foil: Vox is the opposite of his Arch-Enemy Alastor, while both being show hosts with similar costumes. Alastor is red-themed, old-fashioned, and easy-going, and enjoys small entertainment for himself. Vox is blue-themed, embodies New Technology Is Evil, and is the professional but impulsive CEO of a media empire.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: In-Universe. The Alastor prequel comic reveals that he can see and hear people through TV screens, as well as take over the transmission and appear in person.
  • Glass Cannon: He's a new Overlord of Hell with a significant power base in modern technology, but as seen in his Quarreling Song against Alastor, if he gets too riled up, he risks shorting out and shutting down his media presence across blocks. Interestingly, this is exactly how their representative technology works: Vox is the newer, fancier televisions and digital screens, but they are more fragile compared to Alastor's older and simpler, but much more robust radios.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He’s incredibly jealous of Alastor and will do anything to prevent him from stealing his viewers from him.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: Fitting for a demon with a TV screen for a head, his left eye can turn into a spiral that he uses to control his viewers. In Vox's debut episode, he hypnotizes a bunch of reporters wanting his opinion on the Exorcists' shortened deadline.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • He posts a picture on his Instagram chastising Valentino for messily shoving a burger down his mouth, but a post by Velvette shows he isn't much for manners either.
    • In "Radio Killed the Video Star," Vox manages to successfully talk Valentino out of storming the Hotel in a fit of jealous rage...only to immediately get pissed when Val reveals that Alastor is also staying at the Hotel. Then, Vox's desperate attempts to get his viewers to ignore Alastor in "Stayed Gone" only attract the attention of the Radio Demon, whose subsequent verbal dressing-down of the Overlord shows that despite his claims, Vox cares very deeply about what Alastor thinks about him.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: His pupils are cyan and add to the robotic eeriness he gives off.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: In "Stayed Gone", Vox acts like he's the hot new act in Hell and has toppled Alastor in terms of popularity and power, but his frequent claims that Alastor is old news come across as really desperate and trying too hard, which Alastor is quick to demonstrate by completely upstaging him.
  • In-Series Nickname: According to Viv in a charity stream for Australia wildfire relief, Vox is just his nickname just like with many other characters such as his fellow Overlord, Velvette.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: When Valentino is enraged by Angel's behavior and threatening to go to the hotel, Vox tells him it won't look good for the Vees; invokedit would just draw attention to Val's displeasure and make him look pathetic in the process. Having people know that their employees are capable of disobeying them even slightly is bad enough. Val going over and starting a fight with Angel personally makes it seem like he has nothing more important to do than tussle with his underlings, or lacks the power to deal with it any other way.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • He offered his lowest earners to Valentino as target practice, simply because the latter needed to vent out his anger and Vox wanted to cut corners while playing caretaker.
    • In "Radio Killed the Video Star," after Sir Pentious gets discovered as a spy at the Hotel, Vox tells him that if the Hotel residents don't kill him, he should do it himself.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: At the very end of the Helluva Boss episode "Ozzie's", Blitzo's phone is shown to have an app on it called "Voxflix", a Bland-Name Product version of Netflix created by Vox.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Make no mistake, Vox is a villainous Bad Boss who's as intent on seizing power as his fellow Vees, but he generally presents as the friendlier member of the group compared to the abusive and temperamental Valentino and the insolent Velvette. Outside of his fixation on Alastor, Vox is also never shown being outright cruel or unpleasant on-screen, being more cartoonishly evil and greedy than actually abusive and sadistic like his lover. He does casually offer some of his employees as target practice merely to appease one of Valentino's tantrums, however, and his callous disposal of Sir Pentious also backfires on him.
  • Love Martyr: Downplayed. On his Instagram, he's depicted in an on-off relationship with Valentino, who seems to have a habit of striking him. Vox acts snarky about it, but he never appears to have the heart to end the relationship for good.
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: The Voxtek Slogan, "Trust us with your [X]." where the [X] relates to whatever product is being advertised.
  • Manchild: On the surface, he's more mature than either of the Vees as he understands the usefulness of PR and keeping up good relations, as the other two never bother to filter themselves even if it's to their detriment. However, Alastor showing up reveals Vox is little more than a child, immediately throwing insults and losing his cool just because he knows Alastor is back in the picture, at the end of his Quarreling Song with Alastor, it's shown his main grudge against the radio demon is that Alastor didn't join the Vees, which in turn gets him so angry he causes a blackout, and at the end, he lets out a profanity that almost sounds like he's sobbing.
  • Mass Hypnosis: It's implied that he can control his viewers directly through his programs, along with just hypnotizing them directly.
  • Motor Mouth: The first half of his main verse in "Stayed Gone" has him attempting to discredit Alastor while jumping from program to program, his words going a mile a minute. Unfortunately for Vox, Alastor is more than capable of keeping up with him.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Being a downright jerk to Sir Pentious backfied spectacularly. Pentious decides to go to the Hazbin Hotel to clean himself up, something Alastor can't help but rub into his face, and this would eventually lead to Pentious ascending to Heaven after he sacrifices himself.
  • Non-Human Head: His body is humanoid, but his head is a giant flatscreen TV which displays his face, and it has a computer blue screen of death and SMPTE screen when he loses control of his emotions. A background photo shows his head used to be an older, clunkier television, implying that his demon form has changed with the times since his arrival in Hell in the 1950s.
  • Noodle Incident: Val alludes to a past battle between Vox and Alastor where Alastor "almost beat" him, without any further details.
  • Not So Above It All: When introduced in Episode 2 and during his talks with Velvette and Valentino, Vox seems like the most reasonable and collected of them all, keeping his anger manageable and subdued compared to Velvette's clear frustration and Valentino's temper tantrum. However, his demeanor goes out the window the second he finds out Alastor's back, losing all composure and immediately attempting to slander and tarnish his reputation in what eventually devolves to a tantrum.
  • Only Sane Man: He's this to Velvette and Valentino, whom he often has to keep in check (especially the latter) so they don't do anything that could hurt their public image. Although most of that ends up going out the window once he finds out that Alastor has returned.
  • Pass the Popcorn: In "The Show Must Go On" he watches the battle with a big tub of popcorn.
  • The Peeping Tom: He doesn't just spy on his customers, but also has cameras in Valentino's porn studio and seemed "excited" when Alastor was almost killed by Adam. He even had an advertisement on one of his Voxtek products being able to "peep" on the neighbors.
  • Pet the Dog: His Instagram shows that he has a large pet shark, that acts like a Big Friendly Dog. He clearly loves it and one of his posts is of the things he's bought for it.
  • Phlegmings: When he gets really excited, a couple of error bars which highly resemble drool show up in the corner of his TV-head mouth.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: When Val starts throwing a tantrum over feeling scorned by Angel Dust, Vox goes and talks him down from storming the hotel. Not because he gives a single fuck about Angel Dust, the hotel, or any casualties that may be accrued from Val's wrath, but because it would make the Vees and their business look bad if any of them started freaking out over one out-of-control employee. Of course, then Val reveals Alastor is also staying at the hotel and all of that goes out the window.
  • Properly Paranoid: While his initial reaction to Alastor's return is shortsighted and backfires on him, after that Vox is worried that an alliance between the Radio Demon and the Princess of Hell would be a bad thing for them, especially if Alastor manages to make a deal with her. Alastor does manage to make a deal with her in "Hello, Rosie!", though not for her soul, and even expresses interest in guiding her potential, showing Vox isn't wrong to want to end that relationship before Alastor grows too powerful to stop.
  • Psychoactive Powers: Vox's electrical powers go out of control when he's really mad, complete with his head display turning into a blue screen of death and rainbow-colored error bars. When Alastor is actively pissing him off, he blacks out all of Pentagram City.
  • Relationship Revolving Door: The character Instagrams depict Vox and Valentino in a very unhealthy on-again, off-again relationship. They constantly break up for a variety of reasons ranging from the petty to the more serious, yet they keep getting back together. The series demonstrates that they at least consistently use each other for sex, as Velvette calls Valentino Vox's "boy-toy" and they are seen making out at the very end of "Finale".
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: He sends Sir Pentious over to Hazbin Hotel to prevent Alastor making any sort of deal with Charlie. After Sir Pentious ends up a permanent resident, Alastor uses his Egg Boi, Frank, to get info from Carmilla vital to resisting the Exorcism, giving him a bargaining chip to make such a deal with Charlie.
  • Shock and Awe: He's shown to generate lightning from his fingertips as a Finger-Snap Lighter, and crackles with electricity whenever he's worked up.
  • Signature Sound Effect: Contrasting with Alastor's radio sound effects, Vox is accompanied by various TV sounds, such as the sounds of a tv screen turning on/off, or screen warbling. His voice also gets more and more static-ridden when becomes more stressed and angry.
  • Sinister Surveillance: He uses his products to spy on all his customers.
  • Smug Snake: Has no qualms about condescending to Val just as much as he would anyone else, though Alastor points out that the Vees are most of the reason why he's powerful to begin with.
  • Slave to PR: Compared to Valentino, who seems incapable of not acting like a slimy creep, and Velvette, who has a whole song about how "respectless" she is, Vox always keeps up the facade of an affable businessman when in public and takes great care to uphold that image, as shown in "Radio Killed the Video Star" when he goes from griping over having to deal with yet another one of Valentino's tantrums to quickly forcing his signature wide smile back onto his face when he sees the press has arrived. Even in private Vox tends to keep up the act... unless Alastor is involved.
  • Spanner in the Works: By telling Sir Pentious to go kill himself instead of making sure he's silenced, Sir Pentious ends up becoming part of the Hazbin Hotel and ultimately sacrifices his life and gets to ascend into Heaven, proving the hotel's practice works.
  • Straight Gay: Vox is stated to have a one-sided crush on Alastor by Faustisse and he's passionately kissing Valentino at the end of The Show Must Go On while Velvette takes a selfie, but unlike Angel Dust or Valentino he comparatively doesn't wear his sexuality on his sleeves. He is confirmed to be bisexual by one of the show's directors.
  • Surveillance as the Plot Demands: Thanks to his VoxTek surveillance drones (which can actually be seen in the far background of many shots), Vox can always be spying on Alastor, the Hotel occupants and anyone else he needs to whenever it's necessary.
  • Technopath: According to Faustisse, he can control the electrical current in machines and can even cause Hell-wide blackouts when he loses his temper. We see this in action during his debut episode.
  • Technology Marches On: In-Universe. He has a flat-screen TV for a head but a photo in the background reveals that his head used to be large and boxy like televisions from previous decades.
  • Telephone Teleport: Can teleport through cameras and TVs to any other location with the same.
  • Threatening Shark: As seen on his Instagram page, Vox owns a pet demon Hammerhead Shark that acts like a Big Friendly Dog.
  • TV Head Robot: Actually, he is a TV Head Demon. But the trope still applies since he is still mechanical.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Due to his absolute hatred for Alastor, Vox seems to firmly believe that the seven years Alastor spent on his "sabbatical" means that he'll able to utterly trounce his Arch-Enemy once for all and prove himself superior to Alastor. From what we see in their interactions with each other, Vox is drastically overestimating himself while just as drastically underestimating Alastor. If anything, in "Radio Killed The Video Star," it's all but stated that Alastor is merely toying with Vox and may be even more powerful now than when they last fought (in which he "almost beat" Vox, by Val's account).
  • Villainous Breakdown: Both figuratively and literally in the song "Stayed Gone," where he becomes increasingly unhinged and furious when Alastor keeps one upping him and pointing out the various flaws in how he operates the media and that he wouldn’t have any power if it weren’t for his team up with the other Vees, causing him to literally crash from the stress.
  • Villainous Crush: Faustisse revealed in one of their streams that Vox has a one-sided crush on Alastor and is pretty desperate to get attention from him.
  • Villain Respect: Lets out an impressed "Holy shit!" when Niffty kills Adam.
  • Walking Techbane: Being a technological demon, this is a given. When sufficiently enraged, Vox can induce Hell-wide blackouts.
  • We Can Rule Together: Alastor reveals to all of Hell in "Stayed Gone" that Vox had invited Alastor to join the Vees' alliance, but the Radio Demon flatly refused. Vox tries to deny the claims, but his panic says this really did happen.
  • We Used to Be Friends: In "The Show Must Go On", he has a ripped black-and-white photo of Alastor with what is clearly Vox's head barely visible on the torn side, suggesting the pair posed for the photo together. The fact that Alastor willingly took a photo with Vox of all people implies they were friends or at least on friendlier terms in the past.
  • Wolverine Claws: Vox's fingers are tipped in metallic claws sharp enough to easily gouge deep into a metal countertop as an angry reflex when Valentino tells him about how Alastor has resurfaced.
  • Woman Scorned: Gender-inverted. His rivalry with Alastor has shades of this. Vox invited the Radio Demon to align with the Vees, implied to be an excuse to spend more time together, but Alastor turned him down flat. Furious at being snubbed, Vox is determined to discredit and destroy Alastor at any cost.
  • Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: His picture above shows him crackling with cyan streaks of electricity.


"I’m the backbone of the Vees.”
Click here to see her Pilot design
Voiced by: Lilli Cooper Foreign VAs

Velvette is a selfie-obsessed Overlord, who is an associate of Valentino and Vox.

  • All There in the Script: Although unnamed in the pilot, her name was first revealed in a post on Viv's Patreon.
  • Alto Villainess: She has a silky yet commanding voice which befits such a commanding fashionista.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Throws out several of these to Carmilla during "Respectless" about why the Overlords are still so reluctant to fight the Exorcists even after being given clear proof that killing them is possible. The last one gets Carmilla so on the ropes she ends the meeting then and there due to not having an answer.
    Velvette: Thanks to my being respectless,
    One thing I'm starting to suspect is,
    You know why this angel's headless,
    Do you have a disclosure?
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: In "Scrambled Eggs", she targets her petty "The Reason You Suck" Speech at Carmilla because she noticed her distressed expression when discussing how war between Hell and Heaven is possible with an Exorcist dead, leading her to realize that Carmilla is the culprit.
  • Ax-Crazy: According to a stream by Faustisse, she is the craziest of the "V" trio. Considering what we've seen of Valentino in the series proper, that's saying something.
  • Bad Influencer: She is a social media influencer, and also an Overlord of Hell who is a Bad Boss to her servants.
  • Blood Knight: After finding the dead exorcist, Velvette immediately tries to rally the other Overlords into fighting back against the angels in the next meeting and is noticeably frustrated with their reluctance to do so.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Spends the entirety of the Overlord meeting mouthing off to and disrespecting the older Overlords, all of whom have been in Hell much longer and have a much more stable base of power than her and the other Vees. Velvette even arrogantly declares she could "eat them for breakfast" in "Respectless". While it's a deliberate, calculated provocation in which she makes enough valid points and does enough to undermine her opposition to prevent any of the ancient monsters she's antagonising from swatting her like a bug, it remains to be seen what the long-term consequences for her and her allies will be.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: She's got little patience for ideas like seniority, and she repeatedly calls out Zestiel and Carmilla for being too scared to act and for hiding their involvement in the death of an angel respectively during the song "Respectless".
  • Character Blog: She had an official Instagram account called radvelvetcakes. Following the archival of the account of Octavia from Helluva Boss due to certain matters however, her account was archived as well and pretty much retired.
  • Characterization Marches On: Her personality pre-main series suggested she was more of a Psychopathic Womanchild, looking and acting much younger than she actually is and being more cheerful. In the series proper, she's a lot more dour and annoyed, acting more like a bitchy fashionista, and demonstrates herself to be the brains of the Vs.
  • Commonality Connection: According to Viv in a charity stream for Australia wildfire relief, she and Vox get along due to keeping up with modern trends and technology.
  • Creepy Doll: She’s a doll demon. In the pilot she resembled more of a traditional creepy haunted rag doll, like an evil goth-loli Raggedy Ann, but by the series she more resembles a living Bratz doll, in keeping with her role as a bratty influencer.
  • Cute Little Fangs: In contrast to the shark tooth grins her closest friends sport.
  • Dark Is Evil: She has a darkish color scheme and is an Overlord associated with Vox and Valentino.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She can be seen hiding out in Valentino's studio with him and Vox during the extermination in the pilot's opening montage.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: She has the most radical departure from her pilot design. In the pilot and supplementary material before the series, she wears a gothic lolita-style dress and styles her hair in bushy pigtails. In the series, she wears a longcoat, crop top, and striped pants, and her pigtails are more curly.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Her pilot outfit seems inspired by the fashion style.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: While she is still one of the Overlords of Hell, Velvette still gets disgusted with Vox's behavior and reactions during the season 1 finale when they are watching the extermination happen at the Hazbin Hotel, in particular when Vox both says that it is better than sex and that he was hard at the moment right in her face.
  • Evil Brit: She has a British accent and is one of the Overlords of Hell.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Her Instagram once had her eat a lollipop that fell on the floor.
  • The Fashionista: How she made her name as an overlord and a member of the Vees - she's Hell's top fashion designer as well as a big-name social media influencer.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Her official Instagram depicts her as a goofy and social individual despite her status as an Overlord of Hell. However in the show proper she is a Bad Boss who verbally abuses her employees, not even bothering to feign affability.
  • Girlish Pigtails: During episode 4 she wears a very large pair of these, which are loosely styled to resemble a heart. Falls a bit into the "crazy pigtails" variation given her advocating violence against the angels.
  • Goth Girls Know Magic: In the Australian Wildlife Charity Relief Stream, she is stated by Viv to be good at making potions, while looking like a stereotypical goth girl.
  • Guy on Guy Is Hot: Implied, given her very pleased expression when Lucifer says that he's "going to fuck Adam", and later her filming Vox and Valentino dancing together with interest before taking a selfie with them making out with tongue.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Despite having no respect for Zestial and Carmilla, she does take Zestial's words into consideration. When Zestial points out that even though she found a dead Exorcist, they don't know how it died and they shouldn't launch an attack against them without more information, and while she's annoyed that the other Overlords agree with him, she doesn't try to argue back. But when she notices Carmilla's reaction to the Exorcist's head, she does argue back and insults Zestial for refusing to fight back against the Angels, but only to get a rise out of Carmilla. During "Respectless", when she tries to get a rise out of Zestial and he counters back, she knows she can't get him mad so she focuses on Carmilla and points out to her that she may know what happened to the Exorcist.
    • While her Smug Snake traits pop up more in "Respectless" with how she was mostly preoccupied with trying to rouse the other Overlords into fighting back, she was still observant enough to note that the severed Exorcist head got a notable reaction out of Carmilla. She even manages to correctly guess that Carmilla was the one responsible for the dead Exorcist and even asks her if she knows what happened!
    • On a somewhat lesser note, an official source said that she’s a good cook.
  • Hypocrite: She called out Carmilla Carmine for staying put in facing Heaven's threats despite knowing that the Exorcists are in fact possible to kill, but come the Season 1 finale and Velvette is nowhere to be seen in confronting the extermination, simply watching the events disinterestedly from the safety of her and the other Vees' home.
  • Instant Costume Change: She's shown using magic to rapidly cycle a model through various sets of clothing.
  • Jerkass: While she has a public face of a goofy, more likable person, behind closed doors she's unpleasant and rude to pretty much everyone. She belittles and fires her employees, mocks the other Overlords, and even when Vox says she has things handled with her fashion show, she lets out an annoyed "fuck you."
  • Kick the Dog: During one of Blitzo's art streams, she makes a cruel comment about not recognizing the doodle of Angel, because he lacked any sign of fear (all but stating she knows that Val is abusive to him, but thinks it's funny).
  • Love Potion: Going by some background posters and other hints, she apparently uses her skills at potion-making to brew and sell love potions. The kind that Ozzy strongly disapproves of.
  • Mean Boss: She's as cruel and disrespectful to her models and designers as she is to everyone else. She insults their designs, spontaneously fires them, and literally the only reason she cares that Valentino literally ripped apart her top model is because it interferes with her shoot. The best thing that can be said about her is that so far she hasn't personally killed or physically harmed any of her workers like Vox and Valentino do.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: She calls herself 'the backbone of the Vees', and does indeed appear to be the most competent of the three. She isn't a chaotic Mood-Swinger who requires constant babysitting like Valentino, and her first onscreen shot at Bullying a Dragon isn't a miserable public humiliation like it is for Vox, but a clever, calculated provocation that succeeds in getting her information and sowing discord among her rivals while letting her get away scot-free.
  • My Nayme Is: Originally averted with her name originally being spelled as "Velvet", but came into effect when her name was given the more unusual spelling of "Velvette".
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: If she hadn't riled Carmilla up over the dead angel, she wouldn't have been shaken up to the point Zestial noticed, Alastor wouldn't have found out the truth and couldn't therefore have relayed the information to Charlie and Vaggie. Ultimately, Charlie and co. wouldn't have been able to stand up to the exorcists in the finale had Velvette not felt the need to throw her weight around the other overlords. Played with, however, in that standing up to the Exorcists is what Velvette wanted in the first place, and the way it panned out she didn't even have to risk herself doing it, though it's suggested that the Vees bargained on both Heaven AND Hell being significantly weakened, rather than Hazbin rather cleanly winning for them with just a few casualties.
  • Older Than They Look: Her behaviour on her Instagram account made her come across rather childish, and combined with her pilot design, it was hard to tell exactly how old she was. However, it was revealed in one of Valentino's Instagram posts that she’s actually the same age as him and Vox.
  • Only Sane Woman: Albeit of the "Only Sane by Comparison" variety. Velvette is the one member of the Vees who consistently seems focused on the goal at hand and in episode 2, she is highly irritated when Vox and Valentino get too wrapped up in their own personal issues to get anything done. Especially surprising considering that early on she was described as the craziest of the Vees.
    Vox: Well, looks like you have everything under control here.
    Velvette: Of course I do, fuck you! Now shoo, take care of the piss baby!
  • Perky Goth: She dresses very goth-like, while being upbeat and energetic... in her Instagram account. By the time the show premiered her personality shifted to smug, dour, and irritable.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Velvette's hair and outfit feature pinkish-red accents, which fits as the only female Vee.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Aside from being just flat-out rude to the older Overlords, Velvette makes pretty ageist remarks towards them as well, referring to Zestial as a fossil, and during "Respectless" she makes a snide remark about Carmilla having a wrinkled face.
  • Primp of Contempt: Mockingly checks her nails during the song "Respectless".
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: Downplayed. As stated in Older Than They Look, she's about the same age as Vox and Valentino and appears childish, unhinged, and generally acting more like a bratty teenager than a grown adult, but while some of it may be genuine, there's also a sharp, calculating method to her madness.
  • Psycho Pink: In addition to having subtle pink accents, Velvette has been hinted at to be the most unhinged of the Vees. And knowing how Valentino and Vox get when they are angered... yeah, that says a lot about her.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Her strategy at Carmilla's meeting is to make her sales pitch in as chaotic, disruptive, and insulting a manner as possible in order to annoy her host into acting suspiciously enough to keep a roomful of powerful Overlords from ganging up on the brash newbie (and to start them wondering whether the Jerkass Has a Point). To her credit, it works a treat.
  • Sassy Black Women: Downplayed given everyone in this setting is sassy, but she stands out for getting a whole song about how "respectless" she is. Her voice actress is half-black, and she has a noticably darker complexion than the other Vees.
  • Selfie Fiend: She is seen taking a selfie with Vox, while hiding out in Valentino's porn studio during the extermination.
  • Shipper on Deck: Comments left by her on various character Instagram posts reveal that she supports Valentino and Vox being together, even if it appears they have a pretty toxic relationship.
  • Smarter Than You Look: During the meeting with the other Overlords, Velvette immediately notices Carmilla's strange reaction to the decapitated head of the Exorcist and points out how weird it is for Carmilla, who profits from war, to be against taking up arms against the angels now that the Overlords know they can be killed.
  • Smug Snake: It's pointed out that her plan to get Hell to take up arms against Heaven now that they know that the Exorcists can be killed is shortsighted and foolish, given their lack of intelligence on the matter, and would likely lead to a brutal reprisal from Heaven (especially since we know that that's why Adam is moving up the schedule to begin with). She also mocks and insults the older Overlords to their faces, which is rather foolish given what Alastor alone can do, and how she correctly suspects that Carmilla is the one who killed the angel.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Zigzagged. In some Instagram posts Velvette is shown to stand almost as tall as Vox, who is 7ft tall, which would put her at around 6'10. However, some subsequent artwork shows she is a little bit more than half as tall as Valentino, who's a bit below 10 feet, which would put Velvette at 5'6. Whether the first or the second is the more accurate representation of her height is yet unknown.
  • Supreme Chef: In the Australian Wildlife Charity Stream, Viv states that she's a really good cook.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: Being The Fashionista, in every episode she's been in so far she's had a different outfit and hairstyle.
  • Villain Has a Point: While she's far from likable, Velvette is correct when pointing out how big the loss from the previous extermination was and how they should mount a counterattack. Carmilla isn't even capable of refuting her when she correctly deduces that Carmilla knows more about the death of the Exorcist than she's letting on.
  • Wicked Heart Symbol: Not as prominent as with Valentino, but she has some heart symbols on her skirt in the pilot and on her shirt in the series and is an Ax-Crazy Overlord.
  • The Woman Behind the Man: While Vox seems to be the face of the Vees, Velvette appears to be the brains. During "Respectless", she flat-out calls herself "the backbone of the Vees".
  • Women Are Wiser: She's quite cunning and manipulative, especially compared to the overly hot-blooded and reckless Vox and the thuggish Psychopathic Manchild pimp Valentino.


"That slippery twink is going to remember who owns him."
Click here to see his Pilot and Addict design
Voiced by: Joel Perez Foreign VAs

Valentino is the owner of the porn studio Angel works at and one of the Overlords of Hell.

  • Actually Pretty Funny: He coyly informs Vox that Alastor is back in town, sparking a turf war. Despite Vox doing exactly what he warned Val not to do and risking their professional reputation by throwing a publicized temper tantrum, Val expresses quiet amusement at Vox's hypocrisy.
  • All There in the Script: While unnamed in the pilot, his name was revealed in the prequel comic whose first seven pages were released a short time prior the pilot's premiere.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: In episode two, he threatens to kill someone's "whole fucking family" twice (first one of Alastor's shadow minions when Angel flirts with him, then Angel himself).
  • Animal Motifs: He's a moth demon with prominent black and white patterns on his clothes, six limbs, fuzzy antennae, and has a big ruff that resembles the thick fur many moths have, and his pimp coat is revealed to be his wings. He also squeaks like one. Symbolically, he thrives in "shady" places. At the same time, he is drawn to Vox not only for his power, but also for the artificial light of his technology.
  • Animal Stereotypes: Inverted in his dynamic with Angel, as Val is a moth that has trapped a spider.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Angel Dust, since Valentino and his cruel, possessive treatment of him are the entire reason why Angel is so miserable. Angel despises him, but can't get out of his grasp.
  • Ax-Crazy: Between being a terrifying Mood-Swinger who verbally, physically and sexually abuses Angel on a daily basis and killing others for the pettiest of slights, there's no bones about what a rabid psychopath Valentino is.
  • Bad Boss:
    • While all three of the Vees are shown to be horrible bosses, Valentino stands out especially among the trio. He's extremely possessive of Angel to the point he barely lets him out of the studio and threatens him when he leaves without permission. He also made Angel get back to work right after the extermination, which was incredibly dangerous. The "ADDICT" music video and "Masquerade" also show that Valentino is regularly physically and verbally abusive toward Angel and forces him to have sex with him.
      Angel: Look, Val, [Charlie] just...gets involved in everything. I-I'll tell her to leave! Just don't hurt her!—
      Valentino: I have KILLED bitches for less than this attitude you're giving me! You're lucky you make me money!
    • He doesn't treat his robot assistant Kitty with very much respect, as shown when he's constantly yelling at her to get him drinks and flicking cigarette ashes right in her face.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: His Instagram showed him acquiring a little toy dog-cum-housefly looking creature, naming it Queef, and after it annoyed him, shooting it.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: He's a tall moth demon who is a vile rapist, abuser, and Ax-Crazy Mood-Swinger.
  • Blinded by Rage: He tends to make very impulsive and irrational decisions when he's angry, such as when he wanted to shoot up the Hazbin Hotel because Angel moved in. Vox points out this would ruin their image since it would imply Val can't control his employees. Val would also best case scenario have to fight Alastor, worst case scenario get in trouble with Lucifer himself for ruining his daughter's hotel.
  • Blind People Wear Sunglasses: Downplayed. Valentino's heart-shaped sunglasses don't particularly suggest blindness, nor is he totally blind, but Angel Dust says that Val's eyesight is total shit, recalling a time he saw Valentino count the money in a stack that only included three bills. It took him 30 minutes because his eyesight is so bad.
  • Blowing Smoke Rings: Usually forming heart-shapes. His powers allow him to manipulate the smoke into solid objects, such as forming chains around Angel's wrists or neck.
  • Blow You Away: He can flap his wings to create strong gusts of wind, which he does to put out a fire in his studio that Charlie accidentally starts.
  • Brainless Beauty: Valentino is sensual, but not particularly bright, with Vox at one point having to explain to him why attacking the Hotel would ruin the Vees' reputation.
  • Bright Is Not Good: He wears a bright red coat and extremely flashy accesories, but these all mask how he's an abusive monster.
  • The Brute: While Vox has the charisma to run a tech empire, and Velvette provides schemes, Valentino is the unstable and violent muscle of the trio.
  • Bullying a Dragon:
    • Got into a fight with Stolas on Instagram. Stolas is a Goetia, a royal demon who’s inherently more powerful than any Overlord demon can ever become.
    • Zig-zagged with Charlie. He's first introduced in the series proper threatening to shoot up the Hazbin Hotel while Blinded by Rage, which could have led to his end in at least three different ways depending on how far he got in the attempt, Alastor being the most probable one. When Charlie shows up at his studio, however, he tries to turn down the creep factor (if poorly) and humors her interruptions, but still makes the mistake of abusing Angel in front of her. Had he not bullied Angel into protecting him from her, Valentino might've been reduced to an ashen stain on the wall.
  • Camp Gay: Pansexual technically, but he fits. He's flamboyant, a fashionista, has a somewhat Effeminate Voice, and wears bright colors. In contrast to Angel Dust's lovable and endearing style of campiness, Valentino exhibits a skin-crawling Wicked Pretentious version of the trope.
  • Cape Wings: A variation. His pimp suit is actually his moth wings. When they’re folded down his back they look more like the standard model.
  • Character Blog: He had an official Instagram account called moth_pimp. After noticing that one of his posts got deleted however, he threatened to leave the site if it happened again. It did happen again and he made good with the threat by deleting all of his posts, effectively rendering his account dead.
  • Clothing Appendage: What looks like Valentino's pimp suit is actually his moth wings, meaning his "pimp suit" is actually a part of his body.
  • Comical Coffee Cup: He owns one that reads "Pimpin' Not Simpin'".
  • Control Freak: The prequel comic reveals that he is very controlling of Angel, even trying to keep him in the studio most of the time. He flips out when he realizes Angel has moved into the hotel and would have shot the place up had Vox not talked some sense into him. This is in part because his contract over Angel means that he only has real power over him in the studio itself.
  • Cool Shades: He wears a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses as part of his pimp getup.
  • Country Matters: His choice of terminology in regards to Charlie as he threatens Angel into kicking her out of his studio.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Not only did he have to be talked down from shooting up the Hazbin Hotel because the object of his "affection" Angel Dust is staying there rather than at his studio, when he sees Angel flirting with a demon Alastor summoned without looking for money in doing so, Valentino says he'll find out who the demon is and kill his whole family.
  • Creepy Crossdresser: In "Welcome to Heaven", Valentino is encountered at the Consent club where most of the Hazbin Hotel crew are trying to unwind. His attire, for what is outright called a sex club, is some manner of bodice and fishnet stocking combo that gives off a Zettai Ryouiki look. And again, during his dance number with Vox at the end of "The Show Must Go On", the fishnet stockings and boots can be seen when Vox slides underneath his coat. The creepy part comes into play because this is Valentino we're talking about.
  • Creepy High-Pitched Voice: His voice becomes high and squeaky whenever he's pretending not to be angry at something.
  • Deal with the Devil: He made one with Angel, forcing Angel to work for him.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Pansexual in his case, as confirmed by Vivziepop. He’s also a pimp who sexually abuses those who work under him, namely Angel. In episode 4 when he meets Charlie he grossly licks her arm without consent and tries to push her into doing porn for him.
  • Dirty Coward: When he first interacts with Charlie, he's rational enough to realize that doing anything to piss her off would end badly. Instead, he abuses Angel in private and gaslights him into protecting him from Charlie when she notices and moves to confront him.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Not the demon himself, but captions for an episode of the sister series state that the little horsefly/Chihuahua hybrids running around Hell are called quieves, singular queef. Val's pet Queef, seen in his Voxtagram story, fits the bill.
  • Domestic Abuser: He's shown to be an abusive partner to those he's romantically or sexually involved with:
    • As Angel's pimp, Valentino exploits him financially and sexually. He is also a Control Freak, who doesn’t tolerate Angel straying too far from his studio or talking back to him.
    • He's in a relationship with Vox in supplementary material prior to the main series, and it's heavily implied that he subjects him to physical abuse. He's not the slightest bit apologetic about it either, going so far as to post a picture of Vox shortly after he's punched his screen in and mocking him on his social media. This appears to have been dropped from the main series, with the dynamics instead reversed by having Vox be the one in charge and keeping a leash on Val.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Male on Male: Averted completely. His sexual abuse of Angel, which includes rape, is treated completely seriously. Angel is shown to be suffering from the effects of it in the ‘Addict’ video and "Masquerade".
  • The Dreaded:
    • He’s this to Angel and for very good reasons, given all the abuse he heaps onto the poor guy. Angel is clearly outright terrified at what Val will do to him if Charlie tries to intervene on his behalf, as shown in "Masquerade" when she tries to get him some time off from work.
      Angel: [panicked] Oh, no no no no no! You are going nowhere near Val![...]Please, please just wait! Wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this, I promise, but first you gotta go!
    • He's heavily implied this to plenty of other sinners. When Angel stands up to him outside of work the entire club is Stunned Silent and utterly shocked that Angel had the guts to even attempt to talk back at Valentino.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He can be seen hiding from the Exorcists in his studio in the pilot's opening montage, along with Vox and Velvette.
  • Effeminate Voice: Sometimes. His voice can be high-pitched, lispy, and flamboyant, usually whenever he's trying to seduce sinners, negotiate with others for business, or generally in a calmer state. The fact that he's a Fashionista certainly adds to this. However, he can very quickly drop this on a dime switch to deeper or more growling voice, usually when angered.
  • Evil Is Petty: When he got into a fight with Stolas on Instagram, he gets mad at Vox and Velvette for not getting involved and takes the time to tell Velvette the cookies she baked for him sucked. He also punches Vox in the face for extremely minor reasons like getting him the wrong drink.
  • Fan Disservice: He actually has a fairly good-looking physique underneath that coat, and some of his outfits do a good job of showing it off, as seen in some of the posters in his studio. However, any appeal is ruined by his thoroughly vile actions and utterly despicable personality.
  • The Fashionista: A Rare Male Example. His and Vox's Instagram accounts show off different outfits he adorns.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's informal and superficially friendly, but whenever he's angered the mask drops and Valentino becomes physical and aggressively forceful. And there's the fact that he's an honest-to-God rapist.
  • Financial Abuse: "ADDICT" heavily implies that most, if not all of Angel's earnings as a High Class Sex Worker go straight to Valentino, who keeps him in a Gilded Cage.
  • Forceful Kiss: He forces Angel into a kiss in the "ADDICT" music video despite the latter being visibly uncomfortable.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Even among the Vees, who are already this to the other Overlords, Valentino is at best a massive pain in the ass for Vox and Velvette, thanks to his violent tendencies, hot temper, and shortsightedness.
  • Fur Is Clothing: That robe he wears is actually his moth wings folded around his body. He yells in pain when Niffty rips a chunk out of it.
  • Gold Tooth of Wealth: Val has a gold tooth, and all his employees share one, which helps mark them.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: He uses a cigarette holder and is a pimp and rapist.
  • Guy on Guy Is Hot: He's the first one to actively voice interest when Lucifer says he's going to "fuck" Adam.
    Valentino: Well this just got interesting!
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: In the series proper, he's shown to have an abhorrently nasty temper that would put Loona's to shame. After Angel Dust moves out of the studio, he goes on a massive cursing fit, breaking everything within arm's reach, viciously murdering several of Velvette's models, and loudly stating his intentions to barge into Hazbin Hotel guns blazing before Vox talks him out of it, and according to Velvette and Vox's comments this isn't the anywhere near the first time Valentino has been thrown into a rage induced fit before.
    Vox: *deep sigh* Oh god, here I go, Valentino, just another fucking day with Val, hey hey hey. Fuck my life.
  • Hate Sink: While Valentino is certainly Laughably Evil, it never detracts from how horrible he is and his crimes are portrayed in a much darker light than the rest of the series's villains. His treatment of Angel Dust involving exploitation, beatings and rape, as well as being an Ax-Crazy Mood-Swinger, are all Played for Horror.
  • Hated by All: Pretty much everyone in Hell either fears Valentino or finds him loathsome and disgusting. Back when the Hellaverse Instagram blogs were active, Stolas couldn't resist taking potshots at him, and in the actual show even the other Vees treat him with thinly-veiled scorn. His top earner/favorite victim, Angel Dust, hates Valentino for his abuse toward him, Charlie is enraged when she sees his treatment of Angel firsthand, and Niffty tries to bite him and rips a chunk out of his fur collar for her "collection".
  • He-Man Woman Hater: He's a shameless misogynist, calling women useless in a deleted Voxtagram post and referring to Charlie as the C-word when telling Angel off in "Masquerade". That's not to say he treats his male sex workers and romantic partners any better, though.
  • Hypocrite:
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Coercion. Valentino's porn empire is built on the back of presumably hundreds and possibly even thousands of souls that Val has ownership of, which allows him to ruthlessly abuse his employees (like Angel) to keep them in line while they're on the clock. It's also implied that he may keep at least some of his employees drugged to inhibit their resistance.
    Valentino: Put something inside them. That's how I get the bitches to behave.
  • In-Series Nickname: The other Vees and Angel sometimes call him Val.
  • Jabba Table Manners: According to Vox's Instagram, he's not above shoving a hamburger down his throat.
  • Jerkass: There’s pretty much nothing and no one he actually treats well. He can be incredibly nasty even to his closest friends.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While the method of how he dealt with it was completely unjustifiable, Valentino had every right for getting pissed at Charlie, given how she not only caused a shoot to be stopped twice due to her interruptions, but also set the studio on fire. Just about anyone would want her gone as soon as possible.
  • Kavorka Man: While he's not exactly ugly, his well-known repulsive behavior and unpredictable temper should be red enough flags for most sinners to stay the hell away from him. Despite this, he still manages to find new talent for his movies and dates for nights on the town.
  • Kick the Dog: Prior on his Instagram account, he was shown killing his own pet just for annoying him.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Played with, while he does take part in many comical moments, his Bad Boss elements are Played for Drama far more than the other Vees' cartoonish bullying. Unlike the rest of the demons who are Laughably Evil at worst, he is a terrifyingly realistic example of a Domestic Abuser.
  • Lack of Empathy: While he’s extremely possessive of Angel, he shows little concern for his feelings or well-being. His Instagram account also portrayed him as lacking empathy for pretty much everyone, even his own friends.
  • A Lady on Each Arm: In both the Dirty Healings and the "ADDICT" music video, Valentino is seen with a girl on each side, in classic pimp style.
  • Large and in Charge: He's 9 feet and 10 inches (3 meters) tall according to Faustisse.
  • Latin Lover: A villainous example, he's a sensual demon with a vaguely Hispanic accent.
  • Laughably Evil: Zig-Zagged. His abuse of Angel is played entirely seriously and he's played in a much darker light than most of the antagonists, but quite a bit of humor is mined from the fact that, against anyone who isn't submissive to him, he's an absolute moron with the personality and impulse control of a bratty toddler.
  • Lecherous Licking: He's a fan of this, licking Charlie's arm and sticking his tongue out when he's filming with Angel.
  • Loophole Abuse: While Valentino owns Angel Dust's soul, the terms of the contract state Angel only has to obey Val when he's at the porn studio and is free to do as he wishes outside. Val initially got around this limitation in the contract by having Angel Dust live in the studio, giving him maximum control time over Angel. A key part of Valentino's outrage at Angel Dust staying at the hotel means he doesn't have his hooks in his star at all times anymore.
  • Macabre Moth Motif: He's a moth demon just like Vaggie, but it becomes much more sinister with the context of him being a violently abusive pimp.
  • Meaningful Name: As a demon Overlord who's in charge of a variety of sex-related businesses and has a very prominent heart motif, his name, Valentino, is very appropriate.
  • Misplaced Retribution:
    • His response to Angel Dust moving out of his studio is to brutally massacre Velvette's employees completely at random.
    • When Charlie accidentally starts a fire in his studio, Valentino beats up Angel for it. Justifed, in that Charlie's not only the princess of Hell, but far stronger than him.
  • Mood-Swinger: Played for both Horror and laughs. He's capable of going from calm and collected to furious and ranting and vice versa.
    • In episode 2 he tore up Velvette's studio (and one of her models. Literally.), rants to Vox about Angel living at the hotel before preparing to go on a murderous rampage... And while searching for guns, he stopped mid-rant to ask Vox which one made him look sexier. It only took a few words from Vox to get him to calm down.
    • A series of voicemails he leaves Angel alternate between pleading and threats of physical violence.
  • Moth Menace: He's a tall moth demon Overlord, who's also an abusive Bad Boss and Serial Rapist who serves as an antagonist towards Angel Dust.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Val’s a tall, imposing, four-armed demon, who won’t hesitate to murder his business partners when they try to cheat him out of his money.
  • Noodle Incident: One of his antennae is much smaller than the other, as if it was damaged and didn't grow back. How that happened is currently a mystery.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Respecting personal boundaries isn’t really his thing.
  • No Song for the Wicked: He's the most vile and hateable of the Vees and is notably the only one who didn't sing his own song in his focus episode, as while "Poison" may partially be about him, it's instead sung by his victim Angel Dust.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Valentino is a bumbling moron and the most incompetent of the Vees, something that is frequently used for comedy, but he's also the nastiest in terms of personal villainy and very dangerous to anyone under his power.
  • Oh, Crap!: Valentino visibly pales when Niffty kills Adam, which makes sense because the last time he was around her, she tore off some of his wing fluff for her "collection" and generally creeped him out. It's clear he realizes that he got off easy in that encounter.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Valentino's accent frequently shifts between a neutral American accent and a Hispanic accent, sometimes within the same sentence.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: He has a grotesquely long tongue, possibly meant to resemble the proboscis of lepidopterans.
  • Pet the Dog: Extremely minor, but he gave Fat Nuggets to Angel.
  • Pimp Duds: A red top hat and suit complete with fur, huge heart-shaped sunglasses, a gold tooth, a stark red Pimpmobile — yep, all set. His other outfits he's seen wearing are equally gaudy and pimp-alicious—in the finale when it's time to dance with Vox he's wearing thigh high boots and fishnets. "Radio Killed the Video Star" shows that even his guns have gold fringe and zebra-print decorations.
  • Pink Is Erotic: Pink is a prominent part of his color scheme, notably his heart-shaped glassess and the pink smoke he can seemingly control Angel with.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Not only is he a rapist and a Bad Boss, his Instagram also had him as a card-carrying misogynist. He dismisses all women as "useless" in a deleted post, despite the fact that a lot of his workers are women. Then again, it's possible he was being a Troll.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: It becomes evident that Valentino has no idea how to run a business properly without Vox constantly looming over his shoulder and telling him what to do. Vox has to outright spell it out for him that instigating a mass shooting at a hotel over a single rebellious employee would permanently sully their image, a fact that he was apparently unaware of.
    Vox: Our brand is perfection. What do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?
    Valentino: Um...fuck it up?
    Vox: Riiight!
  • The Pornomancer: Despite his reputation, he frequents nightclubs often and has no problem finding companionship as he's almost always seen with A Lady on Each Arm. He also uses said endeavors as an opportunity to scout talent, so to speak.
    Valentino: [To one of his dates] You're gorgeous. Do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck?
  • Psychopathic Manchild: When Angel moves into the Hazbin Hotel, Val throws a complete temper tantrum that involves him wrecking Velvette's production set and shooting her employees, forcing Vox to play the role of babysitter. Velvette lampshades it with her labeling him as a "pissbaby." This aspect is simultaneously Played for Laughs and Played for Horror.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: It is revealed in the "ADDICT" music video that he forces Angel to have sex with him regularly. Unlike other violence in the series, this is taken 100% seriously and the traumatic effect it has on Angel is shown.
  • Relationship Revolving Door: On Instagram, Valentino and Vox have a very unhealthy on-again, off-again relationship. They constantly break up for a variety of reasons ranging from the petty to the more serious, yet they keep getting back together.
  • Say It with Hearts: Pretty much all his speech bubbles in the prequel comic have hearts in them as part of their background.
  • Scary Teeth: He has sharp, triangular teeth that fit with his violent personality.
  • Serial Rapist: He's forced Angel to non-consensually have sex with him multiple times. Even worse is that he owns Angel's soul, so he's essentially got the poor spider trapped.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: So, so much. He's quite possibly the second most vulgar character in the show, right behind Adam. Then again, he is a pimp.
  • Slasher Smile: Is seen sporting one several times, specifically in Angel's direction.
  • Smug Snake: He's initially willing to storm the Hotel guns blazing when he gets pissed about Angel Dust living there, despite knowing the owner is Lucifer's daughter and that Alastor was there, forcing Vox to talk him down. Later, he very nearly gets his ass handed to him by Charlie when she sees just how badly he treats Angel, and is only saved from her wrath because Angel intervenes and forces her to leave, wearing a smug posture throughout.
  • The Sociopath: Valentino is extremely self-absorbed, and it’s heavily implied he lacks empathy even for his friends. He also acts superficially charming as a ruse to fool unsuspecting people or outright bait them into his clutches. He's a lustful and prolific abuser to the point where he managed to made a stardom career out of his sexual impulses, and he has very little impulse control when he loses his temper.
  • Super Smoke: He manipulates the smoke from his cigarette holder for various purposes, such as fashioning it into a chain around Angel's neck to assert his dominance.
  • Terms of Endangerment: He refers to Angel as "Angelcakes", "sweetheart" and "darlin'" in the prequel comic, and "Angie Baby" in the show via text. All of these cutesy nicknames are usually followed by threats, blatant and implicit.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: The Overlords' Instagrams had them frequently eat at Hell's answer to McDonald's, but Valentino really seems to like it, at one point storming off there when he's angry.
  • Unexplained Accent: In his first scene, he inexplicably flip-flops between an American and Hispanic accent before ultimately settling on the former. (Mostly.)
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: He has a vaguely Hispanic "scumbag womanizer" accent to him, but he trills his R's in a very affected and off-putting sounding way, to the point where he sounds almost bizarrely Glaswegian in certain scenes of "Radio Killed The Video Star". This is hardly the most objectionable thing about him, but it underscores his status as a Wicked Pretentious slimeball whose Mask of Sanity is flimsy even relative to the other Vees.
  • Wicked Heart Symbol: His clothes and accessories are practically drowning in hearts-imagery. He's also a Bad Boss to Angel Dust and an Overlord of Hell.
  • Wind from Beneath My Wings: He's capable of doing this with his moth wings, putting out a fire in his studio by flapping.
  • Winged Humanoid: "Masquerade" reveals that Valentino's coat is actually a set of moth wings.
