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Funny / Angel

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"I do not have puppet cancer!"
"Quickly, to the Angelmobile! Away!"
Spike, "In the Dark"

As downbeat and heavy as Angel can be, it is a show set in the Buffyverse, and as a result, it has some comedic gems spread throughout its run. Sometimes, these can come from really dry or Black Humor that bleed out of the nasty predicaments the members of Angel Investigations come across on a regular basis. But, in other cases, the fantastical nature of the series can produce some very zany situations and gags that play the comedy a little straighter. Regardless, general Whedon snarkiness is a given for any and all episodes.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

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    Season 1 
"City Of" (1x01)
  • Angel's opening narration turning out to be him drunkenly talking to a stranger at the bar.
    Angel: You kind of remind me of her. [shot of the person; a bald black man]
  • When Doyle introduces himself to Angel, the vampire warily identifies him as non-human. Doyle protests that he's "very much human." only to inadvertently display his Game Face when he sneezes, causing him to quickly clarify "On my mother's side."
  • Doyle's doing his pitch.
    Doyle: It's not all about fighting and gadgets and such. It's about reaching out to people, showing them that there's love and hope still left in this world [to a woman asking for change] Get a job, you lazy sow! You know, it's about letting 'em in your heart.
  • Tina says she's from Missoula, and Angel gets a reminiscent look on his face.
    Tina: You've been to Missoula?
    Angel: During the Depression. depression. Uh, I was depressed there.
  • Cordy's hilarious chat with Angel at the party, where she's pretty much vapidity personified.
    Cordelia: So, um, are you still...grr?
    Angel: Yeah. There's not actually a cure for that.
    Cordelia: Well, I better get mingly. I really should be talking to people that are somebody. But it was fun! [leaves]
    Angel: It's nice that she's grown as a person.
  • Cordelia meditating while reciting affirmations.
    Cordelia: I am right where I'm supposed to be, and not dying for something to EAT! [faceplants]
  • Cordy proves smart enough to recognize Winters as a vampire based on the fact that his mansion has no mirrors and lots of curtains. "Hey, you're a vampire!" He's quite stunned by this and she says:
    Cordelia: You can't fool me. I'm from Sunnydale, we had our own Hellmouth! I think I know a vampire when I... am alone with him in his fortress-like home.
  • Angel shows up to save Cordelia from Winters.
    Cordelia: (to Winters) don't know who he is, do you? [suddenly grins] Oh, you're about to get your ass kicked!
  • Doyle trying to drive through the gate, only to anticlimactically be stopped cold.

"Lonely Hearts" (1x02)

  • Angel, Doyle, and Cordy are interviewing patrons at a singles bar, trying to find out why Doyle's vision sent them there. At one point, a guy can be seen walking away from the bar, having apparently gotten the wrong impression from Angel's awkward questions.
    Angel: Seriously, I wasn't hitting on you!
  • A douchebag gets aggressive, and tells his douchebag friend that Cordelia is a hooker and Doyle is her pimp, and when things get heated, Doyle calls for calm.
    Doyle: Violence is not gonna solve a thing, all right? [headbutts Douchebag 1] On the other hand, it's kind of festive.
  • Angel tries to get Kate to stay out of D'Oblique, worried for her safety, but she isn't having it.
    Angel: I'm just asking you not to go in there.
    Kate: Where are you going?
    Angel: ......In there.
  • Doyle comments on Cordelia's messy apartment.
    Doyle: I think it is refreshing to see a woman living like this. You know, it means you're not so uptight. You live for the moment. [steps in dirty bowl] You're disgusting.
  • When Angel and Kate were trapped in a basement, Angel suggests going out of the window near the ceiling and brings out a grappling gun, to Kate's bewilderment. It wraps around a wooden beam...which crashes down. Kate then just shoots the door's lock.
  • No one can tell the logo in the Angel Investigations card is shaped like an angel. Angel thinks it's a butterfly, Doyle is sure it's an owl, and Kate asks if it's a lobster.

"In the Dark" (1x03)

  • Spike's Gag Dub of a typical rescue scene:
    Girl: How can I thank you, you mysterious black-clad hunk-of-the-night thing?
    Angel: No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love—and a pesky curse—defanged me, and now I'm just a biiig fluffy puppy with bad teeth. ...No, not the hair, never the hair.
    Girl: But there must be some way I my appreciation?
    Angel: No! Helping those in need is my job. And working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough.
    Girl: I understand. I have a nephew who's gay, so....
    Angel: Say no more! Evil's still afoot. And I'm almost out of that nancy boy hair gel I like so much. Quickly, to the Angelmobile! Away!
  • Cordelia and Oz have serious catching up to do.
    Cordelia: How's everything ? How's... how's the Bronze?
    Oz: The same.
    Cordelia: And the gang?
    Oz: They're good.
    Cordelia: Good? Good! Good.
    Oz: We done?
    Cordelia: Completely.
  • The dueling men of few words.
    Angel: Oz.
    Oz: Angel.
    Angel: Nice surprise.
    Oz: Thanks.
    Angel: Staying long?
    Oz: A few days.
    Doyle: They always like this?
    Oz: No, we're usually laconic.
  • According to Cordelia, Doyle got so drunk he began to quote Angela's Ashes - while also insisting that the main characters were Betty and Barney Rubble.
    Cordelia: Also, I don't think Oz appreciated being called "my little Bamm-Bamm" all night.
  • Spike comments on Angel's new vocation.
    Spike: What's next? Vampire cowboy? Vampire fireman? Oh, vampire ballerina.
    Angel: I do like to work with my legs.
  • Spike's monologue being interrupted by a beam of sunlight causing his hair to catch fire.
  • The last lines.
    Angel: I don't know about you, but I had a nice day. [long Beat] You know, except for the bulk of it, where I was nearly tortured to death.
    Doyle: Hey, you stood up.
    Angel: Oh, god. I was this close to telling him everything. I mean, one more hot poker, and I was giving him the ring, your mom, everything. How is your mom?

"I Fall to Pieces" (1x04)

  • Cordelia and Doyle agree that Angel needs to be charging for saving people.
    Doyle: He just hates bring up the finances with the clients. He likes playing the hero. Walking off into the dark, his long coat flowing behind him in that mysterious and attractive way.
    Cordelia: Is this a private moment? 'Cause I could leave you alone.
    • Doyle denies being attracted, but then Angel swoops out to swelling music in slow-motion with his coat flowing behind him, and Cordelia gives him a knowing look.
      Doyle: ...Maybe I'm a little attracted.
  • Angel interrupts Cordy trying to work up to the subject of charging people.
    Angel: I'm not comfortable asking people for money.
    Cordelia: Then get over it! I mean that in a sensitive way.
  • Doyle asks for single-malt scotch to self-medicate after getting hit by a vision. Angel pours him some, he drinks it, and he makes a face.
    Doyle: This ain't single-malt, it's...poly-malt.
  • Doyle has some pretty spectacular lines in this episode.
    Doyle: At least it was just his hands under there. (Beat) Wish I hadn't even thought of that.
    • Later, when he explains why he doesn't mind being on guard duty.
      Doyle: I have a word jumble right here. Should keep me occupied, sadly, for most of the day.
  • When they get paid, Doyle suggests they go to the bank and deposit the check.
    Angel: You guys go on. I think I'll stay here and not burst into flames.

"Rm w/a Vu" (1x05)

  • Cordelia doesn't notice the phone ringing because she's ranting about an acting role she missed out on.
    Doyle: Are you gonna answer the phone?
    Angel: [coming in] Good question.
    [Cordy goes to answer it, only for the machine to pick up]
  • Doyle pesters Angel for details about Cordelia
    Angel: Well, I know she can't type or file. Until today, I had some hope regarding the phone.
  • Angel describes the Cordettes as "like the Soviet Secret Police if they cared a lot about shoes."
  • When Cordelia moves into Angel's apartment.
    Cordelia: Your shower's in here, right? Do you have mousse? (Beat) Of course you do.
  • Cordelia's apartment hunt. The standout is when the guy showing her around reveals that there are no walls around the toilet, just curtains.
    Guy: It's like a community, you know? Uh, we share all the upkeep and chores.
    Cordelia: And my urination just hasn't been public enough lately.
    Guy: Oh, we don't believe in barriers. It's the first rule of the Great Leader. Uh, you can come to the meetings if you want. Every morning at five.
    Cordelia: Okay, that's just a touch too early for me.
    Guy: Oh, you'll be up. The chanting starts at four.
  • Cordy's lame attempts to cover for the odd happenings in her new apartment. Then, once writing appears on the wall in blood...
    Cordelia: I am not giving up this apartment.
    Angel: It's haunted.
    Cordelia: It's rent-controlled.
    Doyle: Cordy, it says "DIE".
    Cordelia: Hey, maybe it's not done yet. Maybe it's "DIET". That's friendly. A little judgmental, sure...

"Sense & Sensitivity" (1x06)

  • In the Cold Open, Cordelia goes off on a rant about how inconsiderate and self-involved Angel has been lately: Meanwhile Doyle is struggling to fight off a snake monster in the background, and Cordelia is too wrapped up in her own monologue to notice
  • Angel wears a Hawaiian shirt and hat, and introduces himself as a tourist to two gangsters before beating the snot out of them.
    Angel: Herb Saunders, Baltimore!
    • When he gives up on the disguise and punches the thug, he says, "It was the hat, wasn't it? I knew the hat was too much."
  • The sensitivity trainer asks Heath if there's something he always wanted to say to his mother, Kate snarks from the back, "Will you marry me?"
  • The enchanted Talking Stick that makes all the cops and Angel get really emotional.
    • When Cordelia first hears about it, she asks "There's a stick that talks?". Given some of the things she's seen in both L.A. and Sunnydale, it's not that far out of a guess.
  • Lloyd, trying to distract Angel, tries to shrink him. He asks what his parents were like before whacking him with the Talking Stick.
    Angel My parents were great. [vamps out] Tasted a lot like chicken.
  • One random cop complains that he can't make love to his wife.
  • Angel meets up with Doyle and Cordy outside the precinct. They tell him about the pandemonium shaping up. His response?
    Angel: I think someone needs a hug. [pulls them in and hugs them, much to their discomfort]
    • He explains about Lloyd and his Talking Stick.
      Angel: He admitted it to me after I... [quietly, ashamed] threatened him with physical violence.
    • Feelings!Angel is hilarious in general.
      Doyle: So there was never any contract on Detective Lockley?
      Angel: Little Tony's plan all along was to kill her himself. Poor guy.
      Cordelia: "Poor guy"?!
      Angel: Well, he's got issues.
    • Doyle and Cordy have about had enough.
      Cordelia: It's time for you to get all vampy. Grrr! Kate needs you!
      Angel: ...I don't want to. You both withdraw when I go vamp. I feel you judge me.
      Cordelia: We won't judge you. Will we? Give it a try?
      Angel: Closeness is too important to me right now.
  • When they break the window to get into the precinct.
    Angel: Wow...That's vandalism!
  • Later, during the standoff with Tony Papazian.
    Angel: You know, Anthony you can be a rainbow...and not a... [punches him out] painbow! I mean, it really is all up to you. [...] It's so sad, isn't it?
    Kate: Some people just really need to live in the problem.
    • How Kate reacts after delivering a headshot to one of Papazian's mooks.
      Kate: [shoots mook] How do you think that makes me feel?!

"Bachelor Party" (1x07)

  • In the Cold Open, Doyle gets a vision of a young man who's going to be eaten by a bunch of vampires. As he and Angel head out, he gripes, "Everybody's got dinner plans but us."
  • Cordelia recounts her dud of a date, who abandoned her to a vampire without even the slightest attempt to help her: "All I could think about was, 'If this wimp saw a monster, he'd probably throw a shoe at it and run like a weasel.' Turns out the shoe part was giving him too much credit."
  • After doing some digging at Angel's behest, Harry asks the women at the party about the bachelor party.
  • Angel busts in in full vamp face to break up the brain-eating ritual. Richard's brother is offended that Doyle brought a vampire, like it was a social faux pas that ruined their attempted murder.
  • Still unaware that Doyle is half-demon, Cordelia catches a glimpse of him in demon face and immediately whacks him over the head with a serving tray. This moments after she and Harry arrive to save Doyle from his Harry's new fiance. When Doyle reappears, she goes, "Doyle, oh, look what they did to you!"
  • When Harry finds out about the plan, she chews her fiance out for it ("You were going to start our life out together with deceit?") and Doyle quips that she seems more upset by that than the fact that he was about to eat him.
  • Doyle's last talk with Harry goes poorly, and Cordelia goes to talk to him.
    Cordelia: Hi, Doyle. Are you gonna become loser-pining guy, like, full-time now? 'Cause, you know, we already have one of those around the office.
    Angel: Hey.
    Doyle: Hey.
    Cordelia: He can get away with it. He's tall and...and look at the way clothes hang on him. But you—
    Angel: Okay, I think you've cheered us up enough.

"I Will Remember You" (1x08)

  • Angel's fiddling around in his office while Cordelia and Doyle discuss his recent trip to Sunnydale and the epic doomed romance with Buffy, and he takes a stake out of his desk drawer.
    Cordelia: Oh my god! [rushes in] Don't do it, Angel!
    Doyle: Listen to me, man, it's not worth it.
    Angel: ...It's not?
    Cordelia: No! You can't let her get to you like this. You'll meet someone else. Just give it some time.
    Doyle: Why don't you let me have that?
    Angel: Because I need it to level my desk. The floor's uneven. [sticks the stake under the desk's leg]
  • After being turned human, Angel says he's hungry and heads in Cordelia's direction.
    Cordelia: [dodging] Look out! He's gonna eat... [he starts scarfing down food from the mini-fridge, where she was standing] ...everything in sight.
  • Doyle suggests that with Angel out of the game, the former will be free to make his own mark in the world.
    Cordelia: We had a cat that used to do that.

"Hero" (1x09)

  • The commercial Cordelia envisions, and Angel's Flat "What" reaction to it.
    Commercial Angel: And you can count on me. 'Cause I'm the Dark Avenger.
  • Cordelia has the bright idea for Angel to put on tights and a cape for the commercial.
    Doyle: I don't see Angel putting on tights and— [beat] Oh, now I do, and it's really disturbing.
  • Angel asks Doyle what he wants, and Doyle says, "Well, there's a girl upstairs who not quite sad enough to cry in my arms, but keep up the dark cloud. I might get lucky."
  • This Bait-and-Switch Comment:
    Angel: I feel something coming, Doyle. I don't know what, but I know we're part of it.
    Doyle: Well, if it's a fight they want...can't someone else give it to 'em?
  • Doyle gets a vision.
    Cordelia: Whoever you saw just now...did they look like they could afford to pay?

"Parting Gifts" (1x10)

  • Angel suggests Cordy take the day off, she gives him a big speech about how he's pushing her away and they need each other.
    Cordelia: I'm not going anywhere, so get used to it. I am staying right here [watch alarm beeps] Oop. I gotta go. Commercial audition. If it wasn't a national, I'd blow it off.
  • Angel's annoyance at the coffin stereotype.
  • Cordelia tells Angel that Doyle used their kiss to pass on the visions to her, griping, "Why couldn't it have been mono or herpes?"
  • Cordelia kissing every guy who comes into the office, including Angel, a potential client (a demon, no less!), and finally Wesley to try to get rid of the visions Doyle gave her.
    • Angel goes to check out Barney's apartment, telling Cordelia, "Hey, and behave yourself. I don't wanna find you two necking on the couch when I get back."
    • Wesley's reaction is definitely the funniest of all of them.
      Cordelia: (exasperated) It didn't work!
      Wesley: No? Hmm. I rather thought it went considerably better than last time.
      • What's especially funny is that Cordy doesn't realize it's Wesley until after the kiss.
  • Wesley starts out his reunion with Angel by pointing a crossbow at him.
    Wesley: I'll wager you never thought you'd see me again.
    Angel: To tell you the truth, I hadn't really given it much thought one way or the other. What are y—
    Wesley: Hup bup bup. I'm the one asking questions here. And I think it only fair to warn you, and sudden movement, and I'll be forced to— [Angel casually swats the crossbow out of his hand] Right. ...You had a question?
  • Wesley's insistence that he is a rogue demon hunter.
    Cordelia: What's a rogue demon?
  • Angel, looking at Cordelia's drawing of what she saw in her vision, interrupts Wesley castigating himself.
    Angel: Ugly, gray, blobby thing.
    Wesley: Yes, I'm an ugly, gray, blobby...What?

"Somnambulist" (1x11)

  • Wesley walks into the office to find Cordelia talking to an empty chair, practicing a melodramatic speech she plans to give to future clients.
    Wesley: I think it's about to speak.
    Cordelia: Nobody likes a smartass rogue demon hunter.
  • Angel brushes off Cordy's concerns, but he's so loopy from his dreams that he nearly walks outside during the day.
  • Wesley brings his suspicions regarding Angel to Cordelia, but she passionately defends him.
    Cordelia: He is good now, and he is my friend, and nothing you or anyone else can say will make me turn on a friend.
    Angel: Cordelia. [camera shows him standing there] He's right.
    Cordelia: [to Wesley, without missing a beat] You stake him, and I'll cut his head off.
  • Angel wants to warn Kate, but Wesley points out the problem of revealing his knowledge with no explanation.
    Wesley: You'd be locked up faster than Lady Hamilton's virtue. [notices Cordelia next to him] My apologies.
    Cordelia: That's okay. I don't—I don't know what that meant.

"Expecting" (1x12)

  • Cordelia is applying lipstick when she gets a shock from Angel telling her she looks nice from right behind her, thanks to his lack of a reflection.
  • Wesley's clumsiness with the adze.
  • Cordelia's friends tell Angel and Wesley about Wilson, the guy Cordy's been dating.
    Angel: You've been seeing someone? How come I haven't met him?
    Cordelia: 'Cause I'm ashamed of you, not to mention how you'd embarrass me by giving him the third degree.
    Emily: Your boss could give me the third degree anytime.
  • When Wesley puts on like he and Angel are chummy to cover for Cordy's vision, he pushes it a little much.
    Serena: The good ones are always gay.
  • Wesley expresses his thoughts on Cordelia's recent behavior.
    Wesley: But if she wants to go gadabouting with those doxies—
    Angel: I think they liked ya.
    Wesley: Really? [they start walking] I-I-I didn't mean doxy in a sexually promiscuous sense, exactly, I...You don't think sticking the adze in the wall put them off?
    Angel: That was charming.
    Wesley: What about the fact they thought we were gay?
    Angel: Adds mystery.
  • When Dennis keeps trying to interfere with Cordelia's date, she threatens to play Evita around the clock. "The one with Madonna!"
  • Everything comes to a screeching halt when Angel and Wesley see Cordelia drinking blood.
    Angel: [looking queasy] ...I don't think I've ever realized just how disgusting that was...And maybe order her a pizza or something.
  • Angel confronts Wilson, who impregnated Cordelia with the spawn of a demon, and Wilson shoots him three times. He and his pals smirk at each other for a few seconds, and then their smirks turn into truly wonderful Oh, Crap! expressions when Angel gets back up, vamped out.
    Angel: I really don't like it when people shoot me.
  • Near the end, we get this tremendous line when Wesley comes face-to-face with the demon.
    Wesley: I'm here to fight you, sir, to the death. Preferably yours.

"She" (1x13)

  • Angel is standing around awkwardly at Cordelia's party, trying not to look completely out of place. Cordy comes up to him and we get this exchange.
    Cordelia: Hi. You havin' fun?
    Angel: Sure. This is, um...
    Cordelia: Your idea of hell?
    Angel: Actually in hell, you tend to know a lot of the people.
    • Immediately after that, Wesley, who is clearly having a blast, approaches Angel.
      Wesley: What say a couple of brooding demon hunters start chatting up some of the fillies?
      Girl: (joins them) Hey.
      Wesley: H- (chokes on food)
      [Angel in the background smiles, amused]
      Girl: Nice sweater. Hand-knit?
      Wesley: Certainly not by me!
      Girl: I didn't mean—I meant it's great sweater.
      Wesley: Oh, well, I-I'll pass that on, then. To the person who knit it. I-I mean I would if I knew who did. But I don't. So I won't pass it on to anyone, will I? (frantic laughter)
  • A partygoer, Laura, asks Angel to dance. Cut him dancing like, well, like Wesley. It turns out to be an Imagine Spot, and he just says,
"I don't dance."
  • The extended dancing montage during the end credits.
  • Feeling wildly out of place, Angel withdraws to the darkened kitchen, and Dennis kindly pulls out a chair for him and passes him a beer. "Hi, Dennis. How you doing? Still dead? I know the feeling."
  • The next morning, Cordelia says, "I'm so glad you came. You know how parties are, you're always worried that no one's gonna suck the energy out of the room like a giant black hole of boring despair, but there you were, in the clinch." Angel suggests that his demeanor makes him cool, Wesley comes in, and Cordelia says, "He was cooler."
  • Angel offers Wes a job.
    Cordelia: Well, this is great! Now we're really— [to Angel] Do I have to take a pay cut? [he shakes his head, and she turns back to Wesley] —a team!
  • Angel avoids being caught by the museum security guards by pretending to be a museum guide and describing Manet's Music in the Tuileries to an audience. He points out Baudelaire in the painting, talks about his poem "Le Vampire," and how some people believe it was written about a real vampire, then says that Baudelaire was a bit taller and a lot drunker in real life compared to the painting.
  • When Cordelia demands to know why she and Wesley weren't able to get ahold of Angel, who was last seen in an especially sexual tension-laden scene with Jhiera, he sheepishly says he had to take a shower.
  • Wesley suggests they need a plan. Angel says, "Here's the plan: We go in, I start hitting people hard in the face, see where it takes us."

"I've Got You Under My Skin" (1x14)

  • Angel tells Wesley that Cordelia is making brownies.
    Wesley: Oh, is that what I smell? ...I thought I'd tracked something in. [Cordelia says he's going to love them] Me?! Doesn't Angel have to—get to try any?
    • Wesley's reaction when Cordy uses his specialized demon-killing knife to cut her brownies.
      Wesley: That blade is very old! Who knows what kind of corrosive effect her cooking may have on it!
    • The little girl conceals her uneaten Brussels sprout inside a napkin. When it's time for dessert, she takes a bite of Angel's or Cordy's brownies—and quickly sticks the rest of it into her napkin.
  • Ryan complains that he had five of a certain card and now has only four, and his mom snarks, "Well, there are children in India who only have three."
  • Wesley is preparing to perform an exorcism, and Angel grills him about being weak-willed, suggesting that he doesn't think Wes is up for it, as it takes mental resistance.
    Angel: Wesley, you don't even have sales resistance. How many Thighmasters do you own?
    Wesley: The second one was a free gift with my Buns of Steel.
    • Wesley responds by tossing him a cross and suggesting that Angel do it instead. Yeah, Wes burned him and the vampire can't help but be impressed by Wesley's newfound assertiveness.
      Angel: [juggles the cross before dropping it] That was vulgar.
      Wesley: [calmly] But I believe I've made my point.

"The Prodigal" (1x15)

  • Cordy installing a high-tech, state-of-the-art security system that turns out to be utterly, hilariously useless.
    • Special mention goes to the part where Wesley takes the instruction manual and reads off a description of the system, including the "TM" at the end, in a totally deadpan voice.
    • A voice warns, "Door is open," as a demon that walked through it is lunging at Cordelia.
      Cordelia: Yeah, thanks!
  • Wesley says people need time to adjust to the dark forces hidden in the world. He's about to say something sexist about how, "Especially women..." when he's interrupted by Cordelia announcing she found the demon and going at it with a saw.

"The Ring" (1x16)

  • Angel interrupting Wesley and Cordelia's bickering with, "Children, we have company."
  • Wes and Cordy posing as detectives to sneak into the underground fight is hilarious. Particularly the part where Cordelia introduces them to a couple they're trying to swipe tickets from.
    Cordelia: I'm Detective Andrews and this is Detective...Yelsew.
    • The irritated look Wesley gives her is priceless.
  • Angel's face in the last scene as they realize they set a bunch of maybe-good-maybe-bad demons loose on Los Angeles.

"Eternity" (1x17)

  • We start with close-ups of Angel and Wesley's grim faces.
    Wesley: We're doomed.
    Angel: Maybe we can make a break for it.
    Wesley: Impossible.
    Angel: Front exit?
    Wesley: We'd be spotted instantly.
    Angel: Back door?
    Wesley: Blocked.
    Angel: That's it, then. We're trapped.
    Wesley: We might try shouting "Fire!" [wide shot showing them among the very few in the audience] It's not technically a crowded theater...
    • Watching Cordy's bad acting and forgetting her lines, Angel says, "And I thought I knew eternity."
  • After dragging Angel and Wesley to a low-budget, very badly acted production of A Doll's House, Cordelia asks the boys what they thought of her acting, and they both start stammering out vague comments. Wesley manages to weasel out of telling her she sucked by saying "You took the role and made it your own," and then looks very proud of himself when Cordelia takes it as a compliment and stops prodding. Then she turns to Angel and asks if he thought it was good.
    Angel: ...I wouldn't say it if I didn't think so.
    Cordelia: Thanks! (realizes) You didn't say it.
    Angel: I didn't? Okay, well...y'know, it was a night in the theater I'll never forget.
  • When Wesley shows how British he is.
    Rebecca: Oh, god, who called ET?
    Wesley: Emma Thompson?
  • The very pissed-off look on Wesley's face when Cordelia calls him their intern.
  • Cordy pretending to have a vision about Rebecca. Made funnier by the "You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!" looks that Angel and Wesley give her.
  • When Cordelia is talking up one of her favorite actresses, acting like Rebecca is some kind of goddess.
    Angel: Cordelia, she's just a person.
    Cordelia: Spoken like a true non-person.
  • Rebecca is doing the usual "This is impossible" thing when she finds out what Angel is.
    Rebecca: Bela Lugosi, Gary Oldman, they're vampires.
    Angel: Frank Langella was the only performance I believed, but—
  • Cordelia's worried that Angel might have had sex with Rebecca and lost his soul, but relaxes when she sees him, saying, "Evil Angel never would have worn those pants."
  • Cordy's overly excited laugh/shriek she keeps doing when she's around Rebecca.
  • The end, when Cordy leaves Angel chained up.
    Cordelia: At least [Angelus] is honest. ...I'm too big of a person to let something so petty get in the way of our friendship.
    Angel: I appreciate that. ...You're not gonna untie me, are you?
    Cordelia: [scoffs and walks away]
    Angel: Wesley? Cordelia? Guys? [Smash to Black]

"Five By Five" (1x18)

  • Faith starting a fight in a nightclub, beating up several people with no pause in her dancing, just because she chooses chaos.
  • Cordelia says of Angel, "You can always tell when he's happy. His scowl is slightly less scowl-y."
  • Wolfram & Hart recruits Faith to kill Angel.
    Lindsey: I think if a certain service is rendered, we can get you off.
    Faith: You don't know how many men have promised me that.
    • Lindsey and Lilah watching placidly as Faith beats up Lee, only buzzing someone to make it three for dinner instead of four.
  • Cordelia Comically Missing the Point.
    Angel: Last year, I had a shot at saving her. I was pulling her back from the brink when some British guy kidnapped her and made damn sure that she'd never trust another living soul.
    Cordelia: Angel, it's not Wesley's fault that some British guy ruined your—Oh, wait. [to Wesley] That was you. [to Angel] Go on.
  • The whole scene with Angel pretending to be a lawyer.
  • Anytime Wesley and Cordelia make references to their brief romantic interest in each other back in Sunnydale, it's usually pretty funny. This episode has one standout moment when Dennis the ghost refuses to let them into Cordelia's apartment, and Cordy thinks it's because he's jealous of Wesley.
    Cordelia: (to Dennis) Don't worry, Hell will freeze over before I have sex with him.
    Wesley: Thank goodness for small favors.
  • Wesley tries to convince Faith it's not too late.
    Faith: For cappuccino? It just keeps me up.

"Sanctuary" (1x19)

  • Angel getting dramatic with Faith.
    Faith: So, how does this work?
    Angel: There's no real simple answer to that. I won't lie to you and tell you it'll be easy. Because it won't be. Just because you've decided to change doesn't mean the world's ready for you to. Truth is, no matter how much you suffer, no matter how many good deeds you do to try to make up for the past, you may never balance out the cosmic scale. The only thing I can promise you is that you'll probably be haunted, and maybe for the rest of your life.
    Faith: (indicates the microwave) does this work?
    Angel: Oh. Uh, power level, time, start.
  • Angel pokes his head in to check on Faith.
    Faith: It was touch-and-go for those four minutes you left me alone, but somehow I got through it.
  • Lee Mercer getting pissed off when he finds out that the monster sent to kill Angel and Faith failed, especially considering he's saying this with his jaw wired shut.
    Lee: This is getting ridiculous. The first assassin kills the second assassin, who was sent to kill the first assassin, who didn't assassinate anyone, until we hired the second assassin to assassinate her.
    Lindsey: All right. This obviously isn't working.
    Lilah: You think?
  • Wesley says he isn't helping the Council thugs because he trusts Angel. "Well, more than three gun-toting maniacs, at any rate."

"War Zone" (1x20)

  • Cordelia is enjoying being adjacent to affluence again.
    Cordelia: I like to smell a little money once in a while.
    Angel: She's not just saying that. Hide some in the office sometime and watch her. It's uncanny.
  • David Nabbit is Adorkable.
    David: I've always said that I would make a billion dollars in the software market and, uh, learn to talk to girls! ...I'm still working on step two.
    • He's talking about Dungeons & Dragons, and Cordy takes a guess at what he's being blackmailed for.
      Cordelia: Did someone find out you were a big nerd?
      David: No, that's actually—that's actually public record.
  • At the demon brothel, Lina does, "Look, Ma, no hands!" while feeling Angel up with her tail.
  • After Angel gets the photos with which David was being blackmailed, Wesley takes a look.
    Wesley: Oh, my.
    Angel: It's upside down.
    Wesley: [turns it right side up] Certainly not something you want to have framed.
    Cordelia: [finishing up Angel's bandages] How's it feel?
    Wesley: [still looking at the photo] I can't possibly imagine it was pleasant.
    Angel: Ew.
  • Angel's Lame Excuse when Cordelia and Wesley find him shut in a meat locker, struggling to free himself after punching a hole next to the door.
    Cordelia: They locked you in, huh?
    Angel: No, I just love old meat lockers.
    Wesley: You should've tried to call us on your cell phone. ...You probably forgot you had it.
    Angel: Those things hardly ever work. Besides, it was a lot easier and quicker to just...Look, I'm the boss here. I say when we use the cell phones, and people are gonna die, and I have to go.
  • Wesley pokes at the whipped cream-topped confection he's been served and says, "I asked for a coffee. I know it must be in here someplace."
  • Cordy's thinking out loud.
    Cordelia: I might want to prostitute myself to billionaire David Nabbit.
    Wesley: Cordelia.
    Cordelia: What I mean is, he's a nice guy who wants companionship. I could use some security. So, when I say, "prostitute," what I mean is...
    Wesley: ...prostitute.
    Cordelia: For instance.

"Blind Date" (1x21)

  • Wesley and Cordelia's discussion about the blind assassin Angel fought the night before.
    Wesley: (closing a book in frustration) Demons with one eye, demons with twelve eyes...some with double vision. No blind demons. Perhaps Angel's discovered a new species.
    Cordelia: What? Hellenkellerus Homicidalus?
  • Lindsey comes to Angel for help because a Wolfram & Hart assassin is going to kill a trio of psychic kids. During their initial conversation, Lindsey heads off into his origin story about how he came to work for Wolfram & Hart. As he goes on pulling out one Freudian Excuse after another, Angel snorts, pretending the story bored him to sleep, and asks when he's going to get to the part about being evil.
  • Angel recruits Gunn to create a diversion so he can sneak into Wolfram & Hart.
    Gunn: Give me one good reason.
    Angel: It'll be extremely dangerous.
    Gunn: [smiling] Okay.
    • His opening line from said diversion.
      Gunn: Whoo! Whoo! My God! They told me it was true, but I didn't believe 'em. But damn, here it is! Evil white folks really do have a Mecca!
    • He goes full Large Ham the whole time.
      Gunn: Y'all can cater to the demon, cater to the dead man, but what about the black man?

"To Shanshu in L.A." (1x22)

  • Cordelia speculates on what the Scroll of Aberjian might say about her future.
    Wesley: It's an ancient sacred text, not a magic eight ball.
    Cordelia: Nobody gets my humor.
    Angel: [deadpan, not looking up from his book] I thought it was funny.
  • Wesley stealing Cordelia's donut to make his point about wanting things.
  • Lilah asks Holland Manners if they're going to be late.
    Holland: You never want to be on time for a ritual. The chanting, the blood rites, they go on forever.
    • When they arrive, he grouses, "They haven't even gotten to the Latin yet."
  • Holland mildly states the importance of not letting the Senior Partners down.
    Lilah: Remember when Robert Price let the Senior Partners down, and they made him eat his liver? ...I don't know what made me think of that.
  • When Wesley figures out that the Shanshu Prophecy says that Angel will become human.
    Cordelia: Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to L.A. to get older.

    Season 2 

"Judgment" (2x01)

  • The Host's introduction in the opening, which fakes the audience out into thinking he's either the season's new Big Bad or the episode's Monster of the Week: There's a dramatic musical sting as an intimidating looking green demon with red eyes and horns lunges onto screen and.... starts singing Disco.
  • Wesley's playing darts when he's called to action, and noticing a woman making eyes at him, shows off by throwing one last dart without looking...only for someone to yelp offscreen.
  • After the AI team saves a bunch of people at a gym, the gym employee stares.
    Employee: That guy has horns.
    Angel: [deadpan] Steroids. Not good for you.
  • Wesley mentions a demon who might be a source of info.
    Cordelia: Maybe it's time to pay your stoolie a little visit. '[[brandishes fist] Make with the chin music until he canaries.
    [Angel and Wesley give her odd looks]''
    Cordelia: I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo.
  • "There are three things I don't do: Tan, date, and sing in public."
  • Angel having to sing karaoke. And the Credits Gag of Boreanaz hamming it up.
    Angel: Well, you kissed me/And stopped me from shakin'/Oohhhh Mandyyyy...
    • Angel/Angelus has done a lot of terrible things. His godawful butchering of that song is undoubtedly the worst.
    • And when he visits Faith in prison at the end. After she talks about her rough day in prison, he tells her about the karaoke. Also a Heartwarming Moment.
      Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
      Faith: You're kidding.
      Angel: In front of people.
      Faith: And here I am talking about my petty little problems.
      Angel: Just wanted to give you a little perspective.
      Faith: "Copacabana"?
      Angel: "Mandy". I don't wanna dwell on it.
      Faith: The road to redemption is a rocky path.
      • She complains mildly about eating the same thing every day, and he says, "I wonder what that's like."

"Are You Now or Have You Ever Been" (2x02)

  • in the course of investigating the Hyperion, Cordy finds Angel in a photograph from 1952.
    Wesley: Well, now we know one thing for certain.
    Cordelia: Yep, it's not that vampires don't photograph, it's just that they don't photograph well.
  • Cordelia trolling Wesley pretending she identified the culprit as a Thesulac demon on her own, then holding out the phone and saying Angel wants to talk to him.
  • "I've been accused of a great many things in my time, but paranoid has never been one of them. ...Unless people have been saying it behind my back."
    • " don't find me...especially paranoid, do you?"
      Angel: Not especially.
      Wesley: Oh, thank god. I was worried.
  • Cordelia and Gunn speak at length of how the Hyperion squicks them out, then Angel says they're moving in, and without without missing a beat, Cordy says, "I mean, a few throw pillows, what's not to love?"

"First Impressions" (2x03)

  • Cordelia makes a couple of film references, and Gunn just says, "I haven't bothered to see a movie since Denzel was robbed of the Oscar for Malcolm X."
  • Wesley still has his motorcycle from the first season, as well as an extra helmet. An extra bright pink helmet. The implication that he expected to be picking up chicks is hilarious enough. Angel having to wear the pink helmet makes it ten times funnier.
    Wesley: C'mon, what are you waiting for?
    Angel: I-I...really don't think it's gonna fit.
    Wesley: Oh, of course it will. Put it on.
    Angel: Well—I don't need a helmet for protection.
    Wesley: Angel. It's the law in California. Do you want us to get pulled over?
    Angel: No.
    Wesley: Then what's the problem?
    Angel: Well, i-it's just, y'know, it's the whole, heh, visibility issue, not to mention the whole hat-head thing, and when you really think about it, how come I have to wear the ladies' helmet?
    Wesley: Stop being such a wanker and put it on.
    [Angel puts on helmet and gives Wesley a Death Glare]
    Wesley: [struggling not to laugh] Looks good. Hop on board, gorgeous.
    Angel: You'll pay for this.
    • Then when they arrive at the scene of a big fight, one of the demons looks at Angel's pink helmet and laughs and sneers derisively. Angel responds by walloping the demon across the face with it.
    • That fight also keeps cutting back and forth between Angel wiping the floor with one demon, and another demon wiping the floor with Wesley.

"Untouched" (2x04)

  • Wesley perfectly summarizes his and Cordelia's relationship after Angel walks in on one of their typical spats.
    Wesley: Well, our discussions tend to go about three minutes, then it's strictly name-calling and hair-pulling.
  • Cordy saying that Angel can't fire her because she's "Vision Girl" and then sticking out her tongue.
  • Angel asks Wesley what they know about telekinesis.
    Wesley: Ah, yes, the power of moving things with one's mind. [Beat] That's pretty much it. The power of...moving. [Angel stares at him] I-I'm better with demons, really.
  • Angel tells Gunn about the girl who flattened two guys with a dumpster and asks him to go digging for info to find out who she is.
    Gunn: You got it. But if I come back here on the end of a spatula, I'm expecting some serious workman's comp!
  • Cordelia assures Bethany that Angel helps people with problems.
    Bethany: So what's wrong with you?
    Wesley: Where to begin?
  • After a particularly dark moment caused by Wesley exposing Bethany's childhood trauma, triggering her powers and causing her to telepathically shove him into a wall and throw Angel out into the sunlight, we get this exchange while Cordy is tending to Wesley's injured wrist.
    Cordelia: You're sure nothing's broken?
    Wesley: I'm sure.
    Cordelia: Nothing at all? Say, your brain? What happened to "approach her with caution"?
    Wesley: If I'd given her time to get her defenses up—
    Cordelia: She wouldn't be crying, you wouldn't be bruised, and Angel wouldn't have had a near-Melba-toast experience!
  • "The time I've lived, I've seen some horrors, scary behavior, a couple of fashion trends I constantly pray to forget..."
  • Angel's leaning against the invisible barrier that keeps him out of a home he's not been invited into, when the person who lives there suddenly dies, and Angel falls through, much to Gunn's amusement.
    Gunn: You're a very graceful man. Have I ever mentioned that?
  • After her hired thugs fail to kidnap Bethany, Lilah tells one of them over the phone, "Shut up! Just shut up. One more excuse from you, and I am gonna bury you to my house so I can hear the screaming."

"Dear Boy" (2x05)

  • Wesley tells Angel they made him some tea, and he collapses on the couch and stares at the mug.
    Cordelia: It's on the table, right there in front of you.
    Angel: ...Table seems far.
    Cordelia: Oh, you must be all worn out from sleeping for the last three days. It's like living with the world's oldest teenager.
  • Cordelia suggests a way to cut costs: Wesley's salary.
    Cordelia: What if, every time you identified a demon in one of your big old books, we gave you ten bucks or a chicken pot pie?
    Wesley: Wait. I have another idea. NO. Get a vision.
    Cordelia: Well, it's not like you can hit me in the head and wham, it happens.
    Wesley: What if we test that theory with one of my big old books?
    Angel: Children, stop bickering.
  • In a sad way, the poor sap who thinks his wife is repeatedly being abducted by aliens when she's clearly just cheating on him is funny.
  • Angel insists he saw Darla, and Wesley says vampires don't come back from the dead.
    Angel: I did, and I saw her. I'm not crazy.
    Wesley: Where?
    Angel: Right between the clowns and the big talking hot dog.
  • Cordelia delivers a truly magnificent Bait-and-Switch Comment at Wesley's expense.
    Wesley: (after Angel claims he can recognize people's scents) Angel, you can't just sniff a person and—
    Angel: (sniffs Wesley) You had sex last night with a bleached blonde.
    Wesley: Good Lord! How did you—
    Cordelia: That's unbelievable! I didn't think you ever had sex.

"Guise Will Be Guise" (2x06)

  • Cordy's exaggerated impression of Angel.
    Cordelia: [spinning around in Angel's chair] Hey, look at me, I'm Angel!
    Wesley: [deadpan] He doesn't generally spin that much.
    Cordelia: Right! This is Angel—"Oh, no, I can't do anything fun tonight. I have to count my past sins, then alphabetize them. Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of snapping on Friday."
    • And Wesley is just standing there, quietly shaking with laughter.
  • Wesley having to impersonate Angel leads to quite a lot of funny moments.
    • As he follows Bryce's thug into the mansion, the thug says, "I invite you in," and Wesley lurches backward before the man turns around.
    • The most notable one being the part where he has to drink a glass of (presumably human) blood to avoid blowing his cover. He drinks half the glass, dumps the other half into a potted plant when no one is watching, and then spends the rest of the scene looking like he's desperately trying to keep from throwing up. Anyone who still doubted Wesley's bravery at this point in the series needs only to watch this scene to realize how dedicated the man is to his job and his friends.
    • His squeal when he notices his reflection in a mirror.
  • The fake swami says Angel needs to get over Darla. He asks what Darla looks like, and Angel describes her as small and blond.
    Fake Magev: Right. So here's what you do: You go out and you find yourself some small, blond thing. You bed her, you love her, you treat her like crap, you break her heart. You and your inner demon will thank me, I promise.
    Angel: Um...
  • After Angel catches the fake Magev knocking Gunn out, the imposter drops the act and taunts him while standing in daylight. Angel grabs a fishing pole and hooks him by the mouth, pulling him to the porch.
  • Wes is talking about the plot against Virginia. Still trying to catch up, Angel accidentally makes a Double Entendre.
    Angel: What's going on? Were you in Virginia?
    Wesley: ...That's beside the point.
  • Virginia revealing she's not a virgin by listing all the guys she's slept with, including one of the Big Bad's minions, while Angel stands off to the side, protesting Magnus' assumption that he's a eunuch.
    Magnus: She's impure? She's not a virgin? You... (to Wesley)
    Gunn: Whoa, that's what "impure" meant?
    Cordelia: She slept with him?
    Magnus: You were supposed to be Angel. This wouldn't have happened. That's why I hired him. He's a eunuch.
    Cordelia: You slept with her?
    Angel: A eunuch?
    Wesley: Things happen. Two young people. Danger.
    Virginia: What are you talking about?
    Magnus: She was a virgin before you got here.
    Virginia: I was not a virgin.
    Magnus: What?
    Wesley: (intense relief) Oh, thank goodness.
    Gunn: I could've told you she wasn't no virgin.
    Angel: Not a eunuch!
    Cordelia: One day as Angel... One day and he's getting some.
    Magnus: What? How could you? I kept you away from all men.
    Angel: I mean, the curse isn't even all that clear!
    Virginia: Daddy, remember our chauffeur when I was sixteen? Or when I was eighteen? I haven't been a virgin for a very long time. I even dated Rick.
    [one of the hooded minions slinks away]
  • Virginia punches out Magnus and walks out. Angel takes a moment to say, "I'm not a eunuch."
  • Cordy brings in an article with Wesley and Virginia in it, seething, and Angel chides her for her jealousy. She leaves.
    Angel: "Bodyguard to the stars." Yeah, right. [Smash to Black] There's no Wyndam-Pryce Agency.

"Darla" (2x07)

  • The Fang Gang's conversation about how to find Darla.
    Cordelia: And this would be the same woman that you didn't notice was in your bedroom every night for like, three weeks straight?
    Angel: That was different.
    Cordelia: Different in the sitting right on top of you sense, yeah.
    Wesley: Cordelia has a point.
    Cordelia: Finally!
    Wesley: The last time Darla emerged, she wanted to be found. Now she's out there among six million other people.
    Cordelia: She could be sitting on top of anybody.
    Angel: C'mon, guys. We're a detective agency. We investigate things. That's what we're good at.
    Cordelia: That's what we suck at. Let's face it. Unless there's a website called (shot of Wesley, who's desperately trying not to laugh), we're pretty much out of luck.
    Wesley: (still laughing at Cordy's website comment) It's not gonna be easy.
  • Angelus in 1760, needling the Master.
    Angelus: I'm not gonna get a bat nose like that, now am I?
    Master: Very few vampires are cunning enough to have lived as long as I have...which you now demonstrate. [throws him across the chamber]
    • After Darla chooses to leave with Angelus, the Master lets them go.
      Master: It won't last. I give it a century. Tops.
  • Typical Drusilla randomness.
    Drusilla: When I bit into him, I could hear the ocean.
    Darla: [Beat] Of course you could.
    • And kinkiness.
      Drusilla: I'm full and warm, yet all alone.
      Angelus: That's not true, precious. You've got us.
      Drusilla: Not in the least. You won't even hurt me just a little bit.
      Darla: All you have to do is ask.
  • Darla's irritated reaction to Dru calling her "Grandmother", and Angelus snickering.
  • The 1898 scene is loaded with Black Comedy.
    • Darla argues that cursing Angelus was unjust.
      Darla: Whatever pain he caused your daughter was momentary—over in an instant...or an hour.
    • While Darla is interrogating the Kalderash man, Drusilla comes up wanting to know where Angelus is.
      Darla: Drusilla, the camp. Go on, kill things.
      Drusilla: [distressed] He shall be very cross if he finds we had a lovely mass slaughter without him.
    • Darla dangles the promise of protecting the man's wife and children, who are in a nearby wagon, from the slaughter in exchange for removing the curse...only for Spike to emerge from the wagon with blood on his mouth, belching.
      Spike: [at Darla's look] What?
      [Darla gives up and snaps the man's neck without another word]
  • Cordelia answers the phone and tries to get Angel's attention, but he brushes her off twice, so...
    Cordelia: Hi, Darla. He can't talk right now. He'll call you back once he's found you. Yeah, okay, bye— [Angel grabs the phone in a panic]

"The Shroud of Rahmon" (2x08)

  • Regarding Angel, Cordelia says, "His day is packed. Brood about Darla, brood about Darla, lunch, followed by a little Darla-brooding.
  • Wes says he's going out.
    Cordelia: Uh-huh. Time to traipse off to your shallow, soul-sucking Hollywood party?
    Wesley: Premiere, actually. And, uh, I happen to have an extra ticket.
    Cordelia: Who does shallow better than me?
  • Gunn is pissed because Angel shuts him out of the action.
    Gunn: And what am I supposed to do, sit home and knit?
    Angel: I could use a sweater. Something dark.
  • The way the titular Shroud affects Wesley and Cordelia. Everyone else in its vicinity becomes really mean and violent. For some reason, it makes Wes and Cordy act like a couple of stoned high-schoolers.
    Wesley: Ooh, sorry, I'm feeling a little...
    Cordelia: Me too. I think it's the altitude.
    Wesley: [slurring] Right. The altitude here at sea level.
    [they crack up laughing]
  • A Brick Joke has Wesley and Angel failing to notice that Cordelia has cut her hair (ten days ago!). Later, when Kate arrives at the scene of the heist, she runs into Wesley, who is still under the influence of the Shroud but doggedly certain that he needs to warn Angel about something.
    Wesley: Your hair!
    Kate: You're here to warn Angel about my hair?
    Wesley: It's blond!
  • Cordy looking at her reflection and marveling at how big her teeth are.

"The Trial" (2x09)

  • Cordelia is complaining to Wesley about Angel's obsession.
    Cordelia: And I thought you were gonna be a man and talk to him about this.
    Wesley: I was a man. I said...things.
    Cordelia: Like what?
    Wesley: Like...did he prefer milk or sugar in his tea. It's how men talk about things in England.
  • A newly zen Angel apologizes to Cordy and Wes for all the Darla drama.
    Angel: Darla may never need my help. All I can do is be there for her if and when she decides to come around. But I can't do it for her, and, uh, I know that now.
    Wesley: [smugly, to Cordelia] We had tea.
    Angel: In the meantime, there's nothing I can do but let go.
    Gunn: [enters, holding photos] I found Darla. It wasn't easy, but you said keep looking, and my wide range of knowledge of L.A.'s low-rent motels finally paid off.
    Cordelia: You lied to us.
    Angel: [flipping through photos, not even the slightest hint of contrition] I did. I know.
    Wesley: Why?
    Angel: I figured you'd nag.
  • Wesley getting annoyed about Angel not listening to him.
    Wesley: Didn't we learn anything from the tea?
  • France, 1765, Angelus and Darla are being pursued
    Angelus: I hate the French. We should go someplace like Romania.
    Darla: In Italy, you said we should go someplace like France.
    Angelus: At least in Romania, they really know how to treat a creature of the night.
    Darla: You were craving rich food. That's what you said. Something...French.
  • Darla's dying of syphilis, and the team points out that Wolfram & Hart can't be trusted.
    Darla: I don't trust them. But I know a thing or two about mind games. [to Angel] So do you. We've played them together for over a century.
    Cordelia: Yes, but you were just soulless, bloodsucking demons. They're lawyers.
    Angel: She's right. We were amateurs.
  • Darla and Angel's reactions when the Host sends them to "take the plunge".
    Angel: Well, here we are.
    Darla: I don't think this is right.
    Angel: Well, he said I had to take the plunge.
    Darla: [shot changes] Into an empty pool?
    Angel: Sure. 'Cause if you had water, you'd get all wet and miss out on all that skull-crushing.
    Darla: Maybe he meant another pool.
    Angel: Something in a koi pond. They're very zen. [...] I'm either coming back with a cure...or you're about to see something kinda funny.

"Reunion" (2x10)

  • While they wait for Darla to rise, Drusilla talks to her, and Lindsey asks if she can hear. Dru looks at him as if he's nuts or very slow and says, "She's dead."
  • While she and Darla are shopping, Drusilla's cell phone rings.
    Drusilla: Oh. I'm ringing. Do you hear it? [starts dancing in place] I'm ringing all over. [Darla pulls the cell phone out of Drusilla's cleavage] Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.
  • Darla and Dru walk into the Wolfram & Hart party.
    Darla: Your wife was kind enough to invite us in, Holland.
    Drusilla: Very sweet, she was. Like clover... [licks lip] ...and honey.
  • A vamped-out Dru strokes Lilah's face.
    Drusilla: You have beautiful skin.
    Lilah: I-I moisturize.
    Drusilla: [leaning close] That was very thoughtful of you.
  • "I love this room. Dru, honey, in our new digs, we have to put in a people cellar."
  • Drusilla, as usual, Too Kinky to Torture.
    Darla: Come to punish us?
    Drusilla: Yeah. Yeah. [crosses wrists over her head] Spank us 'til Tuesday. Rrr! We promise to be bad if you do.
  • Angel's Ironic Echo.
    Holland: Angel, please. People are going to die.
    Angel: And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care. [closes the doors and locks the evil lawyers in with Darla and Drusilla]
  • After Angel tells the gang what happened.
    Wesley: And you...just walked away?
    Angel: No, I walked to my car. Then I drove away.

"Redefinition" (2x11)

  • Lindsey is in awe that Darla spared him, then he finds out Lilah's alive too.
    Lindsey: I'm the only one left.
    Paramedic: Hey, we got a live one here!
    Lindsey: [disappointed] We do?
  • Darla mocking Lindsey and owning Lilah.
    Lindsey: You spared me. Why'd you spare me, Darla?
    Darla: Do you really have to ask? I'm in love with you. [Darla, Drusilla, and Lilah all laugh] Shut up, Lilah.
    Drusilla: Shh!
  • The Gilligan Cut here.
    Cordelia: This is all Angel's fault. I hope he's happy now. All alone in his demon world with no one to talk to.
    [cut to Angel dunking Merl headfirst in water]
    Merl: I'll talk!
  • The entire scene with Wes, Cordy and Gunn at Caritas. It starts with them drunkenly arguing about whose fault it was they were fired, smash cuts to them up on stage singing a horrendously off-key rendition of "We Are The Champions," then finishes with them back at their table, beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol.
    Cordelia: Vampires...sloth demons...y'know what's really, really evil? Tequila.
    Wesley: I need to be dead now.
    • The Host walks over to the table, takes off his jacket, and is just casually standing there folding it while he talks to them. Then he holds it out like a baseball glove and uses it to cushion Cordy's head when she gets thrown back in her chair by a vision.
  • Darla and Drusilla walk into a building to find all the demons they were scouting for their gang already slaughtered by Angel.
    Drusilla: Dead already? [scolding finger] Bad soldiers.

"Blood Money" (2x12)

  • Thinking up slogans for the business, Wesley floats, "We'll catch you when you fall," failing to notice Cordelia falling in pain from a vision.
  • Cordy describes the creature in her vision as breathing fire. The boys get there and find it apparently doesn't breathe the sense of fire issuing from its mouth.
  • The guys are crowing over their victory.
    Gunn: We turned him inside out! [they gleefully slap hands]
    Cordelia: And you weren't scared?
    [beat as they exchange looks]
    Wesley: Oh, mother in heaven.
    Gunn: Pant-wettin', praisin'-the-lord-to-save-you kind of scared, all right?
  • The trio bickering over who to name their new agency after.
  • The videotape of Wesley and Cordelia playing around with their new camcorder. It features clips of the two of them arguing over what to use the camera for, Cordelia practicing for an audition opposite a coat rack, her doing another audition for a milk commercial, and Wesley pretending to be James Bond and then doing a hilarious striptease for no apparent reason.
    • One of the actors saying, "I sort of believe the coat rack more."
  • Angel points out that the money from Wolfram & Hart has (figurative) blood on it, and asks Anne if she can take it, knowing that. He ends up fighting Boone for it, wins, and gives the cash to Anne while still bruised and bloody. She notices something not at all figurative on a wad of bills.
    Anne: What's this?
    Angel: Blood.
    Anne: [Beat] It'll wash.

"Happy Anniversary" (2x13)

  • Wes excitedly exclaims that he's found the right connection to hook up the phone in their new office. You hear a ZZZT! sound and the lights go out. The three of them just stand there in the dark for a few seconds, then...
    Gunn: I am so glad I met you guys. It's entertaining, really.
  • Angel trying to sleep, only to be wakened by the Host singing.
    The Host: Hey, big fella. You gotta be all the time singing in here. Am I right? Come on, with these acoustics? And the rockets' red glaaare...Ooh, hear that resonance?
    Angel: What I hear—and maybe, hopefully, I'm still dreaming—is "The Star-Spangled Banner" being belted out by a loud, green demon.
  • The bartender is nonplussed when the Host asks him to sing in order to read him and see if he saw the guy they're looking for. Angel says, "Oh, you know, he's a demon. You better do what he says, or he your ears off."
  • The entire wallowing scene, as well as Virginia's commentary on it.
  • Angel's love/fire analogy.

"The Thin Dead Line" (2x14)

"Reprise" (2x15)

  • The Visual Gag of Angel turning on a light to reveal...a room chock-full of goats.
  • The guys doing the sacrifices are reading instructions like they're putting together IKEA furniture. "'Be sure all troughs are securely fastened and sacrifices tilted as shown in diagram F-12, to ensure full drainage into sacred offering bowl. Using a clean diagonal motion, slit throat of sacrifice with the pre-blessed ceremonial dagger provided.' I didn't see that in the box."
  • Lilah shares with Lindsey what she dug up about the last 75-year review.
    Lilah: Makes the Christmas purge of '68 look like fun old times. Nearly half of mid-management was sacked. And Lindsey, they used actual sacks.

"Epiphany" (2x16)

  • Darla is shocked that she couldn't give Angel that "perfect moment of happiness".
    Darla: But you had...
    Angel: I did.
    Darla: And I had...
    Angel: Three times.
    • Same scene, two lines later.
      Darla: I don't understand. Was I...was it...not good? Well, I don't accept that! You cannot tell me that wasn't perfect. Not only have I been around for four hundred years, but I used to do this professionally, and that was perfect...We'll go again.
  • Cordelia has a vision of herself surrounded by vengeful demons. When the vision recedes a few seconds later, she looks around...and finds herself surrounded by vengeful demons. Looks like The Powers That Be were having a Captain Obvious moment.
  • Wesley's bracing for the attack of the Skilosh demons when Angel busts the door open.
    Angel: Invite me in! I've never been here before, Wesley, you have to invite me in!
    Wesley: Well, perhaps if you'd shown a bit of interest—
    Angel: Wesley... [demons break in through the window]
    Wesley: Yes, no, absolutely! I invite you in! In, I invite you!
  • Wesley tells Angel that he doesn't know Cordelia anymore. "She's not the vain, carefree creature she once was. Well...certainly not carefree."
  • Once Gunn arrives, they deduce that Cordy went to the Sharps' house, and Wes and Gunn prepare to go there to fight the Skilosh demons.
    Angel: Guys, guys, does it makes sense that she would go there in the middle of the night, without calling either one of you?
    Wesley and Gunn: They owe us money.
    Angel: Let's go.
  • During the car ride:
    Gunn: So, you had an epiphany, did you?
    Angel: Yeah.
    Gunn: So what, you just wake up and bang?
    Angel: ...It was sort of the other way around.
  • Angel beats Lindsey down while saying he's sorry for various things, then smashes Lindsey's plastic hand.
    Angel: Could have been the other one. Just be glad I had an epiphany. Mind if I borrow your truck? [kicks him in the head]
    • Lindsey finds the smashed-up truck with a note on the cracked windshield saying, "Thanks".
  • Angel tells Kate what he realized.
    Kate: Yikes. It sounds like you've had an epiphany.
    Angel: I keep saying that, but nobody's listening.

"Disharmony" (2x17)

  • The episode begins with what could well be the show's mission statement: after Angel saying that he wants to work for the Fang Gang instead of the other way around, they take him up on it to the point of saying You, Get Me Coffee. At first Angel thinks they're having fun at his expense, then realizes they're not joking, leading to this gem.
    Angel: Man, atonement's a bitch.
  • Harmony lying her ass off about her relationship with Spike.
    Harmony: Um, I just broke up with someone. Real smothering relationship. You know the kind where they just can't live without you?
  • Cordelia's phone call to Willow involves a lot of miscommunication about Harmony's "interest" in her. Once it all becomes clear:
    Cordelia: She's a vampire? Here I thought she was a big old lesbo! ... Really? Well, good for you.
  • The gang begrudgingly allows Harmony to hang out with them while she figures out what she wants to do with her un-life. However, she's unbearably annoying, getting in everyone's way, popping her gum loudly, and accidentally spilling a mug of blood and shorting out the computer, among other things. At one point, she tears a page out of a 1200-year-old book and wraps her gum in it. Wesley has to be physically restrained from staking her.
    • After Cordelia calls her "Harm," Wesley mutters that it's a very fitting nickname.
    • The Host also suggests she get a name change after hearing her sing, later nicknaming her "Cacophony" (which she likes because she doesn't know what it means).
  • Cordelia finally unloads on Angel.
    Cordelia: Do you know how scared I was you were on your way to becoming Angelus again? Imagine what could have happened if you'd gone nuts and slept with Darla.
    Angel: [unconvincingly] You know I would never do that.
  • At the end of the episode, Angel manages to earn Cordelia's friendship and forgiveness by buying her an entirely new wardrobe. While mostly a heartwarming moment, with Cordelia performing a little Happy Dance and Angel even joining in, what makes it a funny moment is Wesley's reaction; he was just telling Angel that time and space are all he can give to win back Cordelia's friendship, and is left visibly annoyed and Death Glaring that Angel basically just bought her off.

"Dead End" (2x18)

  • Lilah and Lindsey have been forewarned that their department, of which they were provisionally made co-heads, is due to be re-evaluated.
    Lilah: They'll promote one and cut the other. Around here, that's a literal cutting.
    Lindsey: Well, nothing lasts forever.
    Lilah: [nodding] That's deep. Why don't you go f--
  • To find the man who stabbed himself, Wesley suggests they call the hospitals.
    Gunn: And saying what? "Did my uncle check in with a knife in his eye?" They only give out information to relatives. [sees Angel and Wesley's looks] I just got the calling-the-hospitals job, didn't I?
  • As Angel and Gunn finish getting each other up to speed on their equally fruitless search efforts, Wesley walks in and cheerfully declares, "Guess what I found! More nothing than usual."
  • The guys agree they need to talk to Cordelia, who's in a prickly mood due to her still-painful vision, to try and get more details.
    Wesley: Go ahead. Probably best not to crowd her.
    Angel: Me? You're the one in charge now.
    Wesley: You're right. [starts to move around the desk to where Cordelia is] That's why I'm assigning this one to you.
  • The Fang Gang hits a dead end in their investigation.
    Angel: There's only one thing we can do now.
    Cordelia: Oh, god. Oh, no.
    Wesley: The karaoke bar.
    Gunn: Angel's gonna sing?
    Cordelia: Isn't there another way?
    Wesley: There has to be. Think, damn it.
    Angel: Hey!
    Cordelia: You should pick something short.
    Angel: I was thinking "Stairway to Heaven".
    Wesley: Don't even joke about that.
    • Angel's childish jealousy over everyone's reactions to Lindsey's performance.
  • Wes and Gunn prod Angel on how he got his info.
    Angel: You know, when I was in charge here, nobody questioned my methods or my singing.
    Cordelia: You're half right.
  • "Excuse me, I'm on a case here, Lindsey. Does everything always have to be about killing you all the time?
  • Angel and Lindsey arguing.
    Lindsey: That's my lead! You're choking my lead!
    Angel: "He's my lead! He's my lead!" What are we, on the schoolyard here?
  • The scene when Lindsey quits Wolfram & Hart and talks about his evil hand. Christian Kane is so absurdly hammy that it is glorious to watch. The best part? He grabs Lilah's ass on his way out the door and gives her a look like, "Sorry, evil hand, not my fault."
    • The scene afterwards when he says goodbye to Angel. They seem to part on pretty good terms...but then it's revealed that Angel stuck a huge "COPS SUCK" sign on the back of Lindsey's truck.
      • To top it off, the sign is revealed immediately after Angel says that he's glad he didn't have to do anything immature. We've seen him as the drunken layabout Liam and as the gleefully murderous Angelus, but this has to be the most immature thing he has done. By far. Even when reverted to his teen self, he was more grown-up than this.

"Belonging" (2x19)

  • "I'm not cheap, I-I'm just old. I re—I remember when a few bob got you a good meal, a bottle, and a tavern wench."
  • Angel reacts to Cordy throwing up her sashimi by saying, "They'll take that off the bill, right?"
  • The lady at the library saying how authentic the Host's "costume" is...except for the horns.
  • The Host's name is finally revealed; Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan.
    Lorne: I prefer Lorne.
    Angel: Lorne?
    Lorne: Yes, Lorne, if you must. Though I generally don't go by that
    Cordelia: Huh?
    Angel: [chuckling] Right. Lorne Greene. [blank looks from Cordelia and Wesley] Bonanza?! Fifteen years on the air not mean anything to anybody here? ...Okay, now I feel old.
  • Lorne's cousin is in town.
    Landok: Your mother's burden is terrible.
    Lorne: Misses her little green boo, does she?
    Landok: She rips your images into tiny pieces, feeds them to the swine, butchers the pigs, and has their remains scattered for the dogs.
    Lorne: Sounds like Ma.
    • Lorne gets trolled some more.
      Landok: Does your cowardice know no limits?
      Lorne: The nice people really don't want to hear about our little family issues.
      Cordelia: Sure, we do.
      Wesley: Yes, let's hear about the cowardice and shame.
  • Lorne tells Angel what Pylea is like.
    Lorne: Talk about screwed-up values. A world of only good and evil? Black and white, no gray? No music, no art. Just champions roaming the countryside, fighting for justice. [wistful look on Angel's face] Bor-ing. You got a problem? Solve it with a sword. No one ever admits to having actual feelings and emotions, let alone talks about 'em. [wistful look on Angel's face] Can you imagine living in a place like that?
    Angel: [wistfully] Not really.

"Over the Rainbow" (2x20)

  • Lorne talks to Aggie, a psychic friend, about getting Angel and Wesley to Pylea.
    Aggie: And you're not going with them?
    Lorne: Aggie...I'd rather have a hydrochloric acid facial. I'd rather invite a hive of wasps to nest in my throat. I'd rather sit through a junior high production of Cats.
  • After arriving in Lorne's home dimension, Wesley is glad that they made it through the portal without merging into a freakish four-man Siamese Twin.
    Gunn: That was a risk?!
  • Angel discovering that the sunlight doesn't harm him in Lorne's home dimension. Seeing the normally broody Angel filled with childlike glee and running around like a little schoolboy is absolutely priceless.
    Angel: Can everybody just notice how much fire I'm not on?
    • The part where Wesley pinches Angel's cheeks after they discover that the Pylean sun doesn't burn Angel is downright hilarious.
    • A few moments later:
      Angel: I'll start gathering some branches, some brush. Anything that'll cover up the car. Oh, hey, look, there's some over in that patch of sun...I'll get 'em!
    • Lorne says they'll have to walk to town.
      Angel: No problem here, walking in the sun. Hey, do it all the time.
      Wesley: Yes, we're all heartily aware that you're not on fire. Shall we go?
  • Wes and Angel bickering over which of them had the book last.
  • They try to slip into town unnoticed.
    Lorne: Just remember, keep your heads down. Xenophobia is kind of a watchword where I'm from.
    Gunn: I don't get it. Why are they afraid of Xena? I mean, I think she's kinda fly.
    Wesley: Xenophobia—fear of foreigners.
    Gunn: Oh. Then can we pretend I didn't just say that?
  • During a battle, Wesley enthusiastically shouts "I think we're winning". Smash Cut to the team captured and tied up.
  • Gunn has exactly zero time for Wesley's ironic humor.
    Wesley: These impenetrable stone walls are proving to be rather—
    Gunn: You say "impenetrable," and I will kick your ass.

"Through the Looking Glass" (2x21)

  • After dismissing her guards, Cordelia greets the guys with wide arms, and they (minus Angel) rush joyfully the food behind her.
  • "In kind of a hurry to get back to the Cordelia's-not-a-princess dimension, aren't ya?"
  • Angel is entranced by his reflection in the mirror and obsesses over his hair...particularly the way it sticks up.
    Angel: This is because of going through the portal, right?
    Cordelia: No, it always looks like that.
    Wesley: Angel, uh, while we search for the proper incantation, it might save time later if you go with the Host. Hit the streets. See if you can document any portal activity.
    Angel: I don't get it.
    Wesley: Well, the Host knows this world. We need to ascertain—
    Angel: No, I mean why didn't anybody tell me about this? [keeps fussing with his hair] Look, it's—
  • Pretty much anything involving Lorne's family.
  • When Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn are in the palace library, Wes tells Cordy that there's a prophecy about her in one of the books, saying she's supposed to "com-shuk with a Groosalugg." Gunn remarks that it sounds dirty. Later, when the demon priests explain that the com-shuk is a mating ritual, Gunn turns to Cordy and, with all the maturity of a twelve-year-old, says "I told you it was dirty."
  • There's something oddly amusing about Wesley's demeanor during the Pylea story arc. The rest of the team is pretty on edge during their visit to the hell dimension, but aside from the moments when their lives are legitimately at risk, Wesley remains calm, curious, and cheerful the whole time, expressing awe and excitement over every new thing they discover.
    • It's especially funny because a lot of the things that get him really excited are actually fairly innocuous, like the picture of a hart (a type of deer) on the cover of a book.
  • Angel is given the "honor" of slaughtering Fred to eat her, and when he decides to rescue her instead, he gets an assist from Lorne...singing "Stop! In the Name of Love", which causes the Pyleans to wail and writhe in agony.
    • Then he's cut off by a soldier swinging a weapon from a chariot.
      Lorne: Oh, shi--
  • Fred's reaction when she finds out Cordy was made Princess of Pylea. It can basically be boiled down to, "We gotta go to the crappy hell dimension where I'm a princess!"
    Fred: They didn't do that when I first came here.
  • As Cordy attempts to escape with Wesley and Gunn:
    Cordelia: What is it about me, anyway? Do I put out some kind of com-shuk-me vibe? I mean, you'd tell me, right? [they open a trap door to the sewer] Okay, smells like I'll be mating with the Groosalugg.
  • Cordelia tries to explain being an actress, and the Groosalugg interprets it as best he can.
    Groosalugg: You are the concubine of your village.
    Cordelia: ...Felt like one sometimes. Last job I had, you should have seen the horrible thing they made me wear. It was this tiny, skimpy, exploitative... [looks down at her Fanservice princess outfit] Uh...nothing like this.
  • Wesley mistakenly thinks declaring Gunn and himself to be friends of Cordelia will give them the inside track with the rebels, ignoring Gunn telling him to shut up. Turns out the rebel leader's response is to order their heads sent to the princess with a list of demands.

"There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb" (2x22)

  • Cordelia's Face Fault when she's crying over Lorne and his severed head starts talking to her.
    • Then she lets out one long, LONG scream.
      Lorne: I realize this is a bit of a shock, but I can explain. Take it easy...Okay, get it out of your system...That's good...You'll have to breathe sometime...Good lord, shut up, woman! It's not like I have hands to cover my ears here, ya know.
    • After Lorne explains that he'll remain alive until his body is mutilated, he muses that there must be a backlog in the mutilation chamber.
  • Silas explains to the captain of the guard that Angel is a vampire, with a primer on how to kill one.
    Captain: I will personally bury my spear in his rump.
    Silas: Captain...his heart is where a cow's is, here. [taps chest]
    Captain: Disgusting.
  • After Wesley's big mouth lands him and Gunn in stocks, waiting to be beheaded:
    Gunn: I got a plan.
    Wesley: Oh, thank God! What is it?
    Gunn: We die horribly and painfully. You go to Hell, and I spend eternity in the arms of Baby Jesus.
  • After being freed, Wesley tells the rebels that they were just doing their jobs, prompting Gunn to give him a "Dude, seriously?" look.
  • Cordelia asks Lorne whether he minds if she uses his head as a weapon against whoever's coming. His answer is an emphatic "Yes."
  • The Groosalugg is ashamed of having betrayed the Covenant, but...
    Groosalugg: It was worth it for one moment of your intimate touch.
    Cordelia: That was an accident. It was kind of dark, and...Oh, you mean the hug.
  • Angel, Wesley, Gunn, and Fred look down at Lorne's dismembered head in a basket, and mourn their friend.
    Angel: He was...
    Gunn: Yeah.
    Wesley: Mmm.
    Lorne: [opens his eyes] That's it?! [the guys scream and jump back, though Fred doesn't react] Where's the praising and extolling of my virtues? Where's the love?
  • As Angel and the Groosalugg are facing off for their duel, Groo shows off how tough he is by holding his hand in a flame with only a slight wince.
    Angel: This guy - he doesn't feel pain?
    Fred: Oh, he feels it, but...he's the Groosalugg. He overcomes all things. (Beat) Good luck! [flees]
  • Lorne saying goodbye to his mother.
    Lorne: It's been a thrill, Mom. See you in a millennium or three.
    Angel: [whispering] Hey, hey, hey...Isn't there something you want to say to your mother?
    Lorne: "May you burn in Tarkna"?
    Angel: Come on, she's not that bad. I mean, she didn't store your body on top of the maggot pile like you thought she would, now did she?
    Lorne: Bye, Mom. Thanks for storing my body on the lice pile instead of the maggot heap.
  • Lorne sings "Over the Rainbow", and the workers on the sides of the road fall down clutching at their ears.
  • Fred explains how to escape the dimension using tomes taken from the deposed Covenant.
    Demon priest: Those are sacred books!
    [Death Glares]
    Demon priest: Which you should have, as a small momento.
  • As Cordelia leaves, the people bow to her, and she smiles.
    Wesley: Should people be bowing in a free society?
    Cordelia: These things take time.
  • Behind-the-scenes, we have Amy Acker's screen test. It involves a love potion and Cordelia's gigantimous boobs.
    Fred: Step away from the bosoms! That is a no on the bosoms.
    • A lovely subversion of The Glasses Gotta Go:
      [Wesley takes off her glasses]
      Wesley: Now you are perfection.
      Fred: Whereas you are slightly fuzzy. Can I have those back?
    • And the love spell ends up causing Gunn and Wes to fall for the elderly librarian and rush to her side. And Fred proves that she's Not So Above It All.
      Fred: Hey! What about my damaske? Bosoms? Don't you wanna...(beat) I hate magic.

    Season 3 

"Heartthrob" (3x01)

Cordelia: I can understand people who drink too much. I understand people who put a little note on the parking meter that says it's broken when it's not. I don't understand people who worship demons.
Gunn: Yeah. Especially Lurite demons. The stink on that thing...If you're a prince of the underworld, bro, take a Jacuzzi every once in a while.
Wesley: It's sad. The only way some people can find a purpose in life is by becoming obsessed with demons. By the way, Gunn, technically that wasn't a Lurite. It was a Murite, a sub-species of the Lurite. The male sports a small, telltale fin just behind the third shoulder.
Gunn: So glad to know we're not the sad people obsessed with demons.
Wesley: We have to be a little obsessed. We're detectives who specialize in these things.
Cordelia: But we're not sad.
Wesley: No, we're a happy and rambunctious lot if I ever saw one.
[blank stares from Gunn and Cordy]
Wesley: Not going to humor me even a little, are you?
Cordelia: Uh-uh.
Wesley: I realize we sacrifice a great deal of our social lives. But we have to. Work demands it.
Gunn: True. Who's got time for love when you're out there doin' it with the demons? [off Wesley's expression] Didn't that just come out sad and wrong? [sighs] I need to get out more.
  • They talk about Angel going to a monastery to work through his grief.
    Gunn: Gunn: Hmm, Angel and a bunch of monk in the middle of nowhere. There's a party. Should've got hammered and gone to Vegas like I told him.
    Wesley: He doesn't need a lap dance. He needs some peace and quiet to work through this.
    [cut to Angel fighting a bunch of demons]
    [after a lot of fighting, cut to Angel stepping outside, a ton of bodies behind him.]
    Monk: [in Tibetan] What happened?
    Angel: [in Tibetan] Demon monks. Shoulda gone to Vegas.
    • The monk looks confused at this. Angel just claps him on the shoulder.
  • Cordy is incredulous that Wesley and Gunn will fearlessly fight demons but are scared to set mousetraps.
    Gunn: Man, I hate rats. Their little beady eyes—
    Wesley: And their beady teeth.
  • Cordelia tries on the necklace Angel gave her:
    Oh, my gosh, it's gorgeous! And look how it brings out my breasts! [Angel, Wes and Gunn look at her awkwardly] You know you were all thinkin' it! Thank you.
  • In 1757, James says he'd need ten thousand years to name the color of Elisabeth's eyes, and Angelus snarks, "They're green, but take your time."
  • After Angelus sells out Darla and Elisabeth to Holtz, a furious James shoves him off the horse and leaves to go rescue his love.
    Angelus: Why are people always riding off and leaving me? Am I a bad bloke? I don't think so. Not once you get to know me.
  • When it seems like Angel and Cordelia have escaped James on the subway train, Cordelia, embodiment of adult maturity that she is, sticks her tongue out at him.
  • James notices that Angel is different.
    Cordelia: He has changed. A lot. He-he has a soul now and he cares about people.
    James: [to Angel] So you might feel something when I snap her neck.
    Cordelia: Well, it's not like he's losing sleep with the caring.

"That Vision Thing" (3x02)

  • Fred grading Wesley and Gunn on how sincere they sounded when they said hi to Cordy.
    Fred: B plus, C minus. (Beat) A girl can tell.
  • Gunn suggests to Fred that she eat with a fork. She then tells Angel, "I've been forking with Gunn."
  • Gunn and Wesley's conversation in the car is a glorious example of Separated by a Common Language:
    Gunn: Five herb shops in Chinatown; we've been to four. How come whatever we're searching for is always in the last place we look?
    Wesley: I suppose it's one of the unwritten laws of being a dick.
    [Gunn gives him a really weird look]
    Wesley: Ah, a sleuth, a gumshoe, a Sherlock.
    Gunn: All I know is you use the word "dick" again and we gonna have a problem. So what is the name of this place anyway?
    Wesley: Van Hoa Dong.
  • Angel, Gunn, and Wesley walk into a mystical shop looking for the coin from Cordy's vision.
    Old Chinese Woman: Your kind not welcome here.
    Gunn: Since when can't a brother buy some ginseng tea?
    Old Chinese Man: Not you. Him. [points at Angel] Vampire not welcome.
  • After listening to Fred ramble nonsense.
    Cordelia: Wow. Y'know, next to you, I am downright linear.
  • Fred comparing Cordelia to Lassie.
  • When Cordy has another vision directing them to a second shop, Angel makes a dramatic entrance, demanding the key. The confused man at the desk asks him to be more specific, then turns on the lights, revealing it's a locksmith's shop.
  • Angel assures Cordelia that she's important to him with or without the visions.
    Angel: The visions are just after-market extras, like a Hurst shift of Krager wheels.
    Cordelia: Did you just compare me to a car?
    Angel: ...It was a very nice car.
    Cordelia: I guess it's better than a dog.
  • After finding out that the Chinese couple and the demon at the locksmith shop were good demons working for the Powers that Be, Angel wearily says that it's hard to tell and he wishes the good demons would wear lapel pins.

"That Old Gang of Mine" (3x03)

  • The episode opens with a close-up of Angel talking to someone like they're a girl he banged and ghosted...only for it to turn out to be Merl, the demon he's frequently beaten for info.
  • Angel suggests Cordelia talk to Fred.
    Cordelia: I'm not so sure that's a great idea.
    Angel: You don't like her?
    Cordelia: Sure, I like her! What's not to like? She's sweet and adorable and...seems to be laughing at something that shrub just said.
  • Angel peruses a list Cordy compiled of Merl's enemies.
    Angel: Hey! Why is my name at the top of this list?
    Cordelia: Uh, "A"?
    Angel: Merl and I were not enemies.
    Cordelia: Oh, okay, my mistake.
    Angel: I'm the one that found the body, remember?
    Cordelia: Oh, and that's not suspicious. The one time you pay Merl a social visit, and he ends up dead?
    • "You know, ask yourself this. If I had killed Merl, would I have...brought doughnuts?"
  • Fred up on stage at Caritas singing "Crazy" by Patsy Cline, which leads to Wesley giving Cordelia the most hilarious WTF face ever.
    Cordelia: I swear to God, she picked out this song herself.
  • The Three Furies repeatedly swooning over Angel.
    Furies: Mmm, Angel.
    • They tell Cordy that she can't pay the debt for lifting the sanctuary spell.
      Cordelia: You don't know that. My credit has been very good this last year.
      Fury #1: Only Angel...
      Fury #2: ...Is equipped...
      Fury #3: ...To make good on the debt.
      Cordelia: Angel, pfft! I don't know, you know, for a guy who's a couple of centuries old, not very big with the wise investing. And when you say "equipped", that isn't what you mean, is it?
      Furies: Mmm, Angel.

"Carpe Noctem" (3x04)

  • Fred gets an early lucid moment that's pretty funny.
    Fred: [looks at the fashion magazine Cordy is reading] Why do girls wanna look like that? I spent years in a cave starving, what's their excuse?
  • Angel gets excited about a Charlton Heston double feature playing and invites the whole gang, but Wes, Cordy, and Gunn pass, which makes him smug. Their faces as he trolls them are great.
    Angel: Looks like it's just you and me, Fred. The worm certainly has turned.
    Fred: [giggle] Y-yeah. The worm's turning and—Am I the worm?
    Angel: No. You may not know this, but certain friends and coworkers have been known to accuse me of being the quiet, stay-at-home, sulky one. Some people just don't know how to have fun anymore.
  • Cordelia susses out Fred's crush on Angel and talks to him about it.
    Cordelia: She's got the big puppy love. I mean, who wouldn't? [he smiles as she lists his good attributes] You're handsome and brave and heroic, [loses the smile as she continues] emotionally stunted, erratic, prone to turning evil, and let's face it, a eunuch.
    Angel: Hey, how can you—I'm not a eunuch.
    Cordelia: Angel, it's just a figure of speech.
    Angel: Find a better one.
  • As they go to the gym the victims were members of to look for clues, Cordy is telling Angel the importance of keeping business and personal stuff separate...only to immediately go flirt with a bunch of gym rats.
  • An old man performs a spell to switch bodies with Angel, resulting in "Angel" doing a number of extremely hilarious, out-of-character things, including flirting and making out with Lilah Morgan.
    • Lilah's reason for showing up at the Hyperion that day is pretty funny in itself. Her incredibly annoying rival, Gavin Park, has just spent several months trying to get Angel in legal trouble for building code violations and the lack of a social security number (or even a last name, for that matter), among other things. So Lilah puts together an entire packet of all the proper legal documents and brings it to Angel, not because she likes or cares about him and his team, but just because she wants to piss Gavin off.
  • Cordelia asks "Angel" to explain to Fred that he is not like other men and there is no room for romance. Marcus-in-Angel's-body thinks Cordy is talking about a male coworker, and assumes Angel is gay.
    Marcus-as-Angel: Romance...with I'm a... [sees himself]... obviously.
  • Then later, when Marcus-as-Angel has the conversation with Wes, thinking he is Fred. The whole scene is priceless, with Marcus acting extremely uncomfortable, almost afraid of Wesley's proximity.
    Marcus-as-Angel: I mean, whatever we...had...whatever we...[evidently nauseous look]...did... I just think that we should, you know, keep that behind us. Start from scratch, you know, two men working side by side, but you know, none of that funny stuff.
  • Gunn turned up one clue: the victims all called the same escort service.
    Gunn: I should probably interview 'em right away, while the trail is hot.
    Wesley: Uh, I'll take this one. You interviewed the hotel staff. It's only fair if we divvy up—
    Gunn: Yep, I figured it out.
    Cordelia: I'll interview the hookers. Are there any men who aren't just dogs?
  • When the others find out about "Angel" making out with Lilah.
    Wesley: I don't believe it. On my desk?!
    Gunn: Well, it did used to be his. He was just kinda...reclaimin' it.
    Wesley: How, by marking it? This isn't like him.
    Cordelia: [scornfully] What? This is totally like him. Doing the mystery dance with some cheap blonde—
    Fred: [tearfully] Brunette. She was a cheap brunette.
    Cordelia: [genuinely shocked] You're right. This isn't like him.
  • Angel subverts the "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
    Angel-as-Marcus: You may have the attitude, and you may have the power. But...there's one thing you don't have and never will: friends. Four of 'em, standin' behind you with big, heavy things.

"Fredless" (3x05)

  • There's just something hilarious about the way Wesley emphasizes Fred's name after she refers to Buffy as "that girl with the goofy name." Followed by his long string of no's.
    Fred: So, now that she's alive again, are they gonna get back together? Angel and that girl with the goofy name?
    Wesley: Well, Fred, that's a difficult question. I think it's fair to Not a chance, never, no way, not in a million years, and also...nuh-uh.
  • Wesley and Cordelia's hilariously over-dramatized rendition of Buffy and Angel's love story.
    Cordelia: Lemme break it down for you, Fred. (Gets into character, as Buffy) Oh, Angel! I know that I am a Slayer and you're a vampire, and it would be impossible for us to be together. But—
    Wesley: [unexpectedly stands up and joins Cordy] But! My gypsy curse sometimes prevents me from seeing the truth. Oh, Buffy!
    Cordelia: Yes, Angel?
    Wesley: I love you so much, I almost forgot to brood!
    Cordelia: And even though I sent you to hell that one time doesn't mean that we can't friends.
    Wesley: Or possibly more...
    Cordelia: [gasps] Gasp!note  No, we mustn't!
    Wesley: Kiss me!
    Cordelia: Bite me!
    [Wesley pretends to bite her just as Angel walks in]
    [startled, Wes and Cordy look up at him and quickly move away from each other]
    • And then Angel actually agrees that it was a pretty accurate summary.
      • What's especially funny is that Wes and Cordy were acting it out for Fred's benefit, but she's clearly the only one in the room who doesn't get why it's funny.
      • Angel gets his revenge, having seen them drill the ever-loving shit out of his romance with Buffy, he decides not to tell them anything about his recent meeting with her, knowing full well that not knowing is hell for Cordelia.
  • Fred getting distracted during her conversation with Angel in the sewer tunnels.
    Fred: I swear, I don't know how y'all put up with me. I practically need flashcards to understand my—what pretty crystals.
  • It's suggested that Fred snuck off.
    Cordelia: Pfft! Sneaking off, right. Fred can barely tie her shoes without Mr. Oh-You're-My-Big-Fat-Hero! around.
    Angel: You think I'm fat?
    • Amy Acker's spot-on delivery is what really sells this line.
  • The scene with a very distressed Fred at the bus station talking to herself, scaring away a hobo who was sitting next to her.
    Fred: Oh hey, I was...I was just calculating relax. I'm not dangerous!
  • The Bait-and-Switch moment of Fred's parents arriving, saying they're looking for their daughter and the team thinking that they're clients and asking them what kind of monster they suspect before the confused Mr. and Mrs. Burkle clarify that they're looking for their daughter because this is her forwarding address.

"Billy" (3x06)

  • Cordy asks Wes how he got the crime scene photos and stuff, and he says, "I did it the old-fashioned way...I bought it."
  • Wesley and Gunn are discussing how to get into the Blim estate when Angel jumps twelve feet up and over the gate. They're left standing there dumbly.
    Gunn: ...So, wanna go next?
  • Angel shows up at the apartment of Billy's cousin Dylan, who keep the chain hooked.
    Angel: I'm looking for Billy Blim.
    Dylan: You a friend of his or what?
    Angel: Friend? To be honest, I'm looking to kill the bastard.
    Dylan: Oh. Come on in.
    • Dylan correctly guesses who Angel is, after a certain brunette stopped by.
      Dylan: She said that-that a melodramatic guy named Angel would eventually show up.
      Angel: Cordelia. Thinks I'm melodramatic?

"Offspring" (3x07)

  • When sparring with Angel, Cordelia gets a punch in on his face and immediately worries she hurt him. He smiles and says, "I'm a vampire. You can't hurt me," then turns away and makes a hilarious Owwwww! face.
    • A minute later, he asks if he's swelling.
  • Wesley outlines an elaborate plan to break into a house, only for Gunn to try the door and find it unlocked.
  • Fred is suffering from a bit of Continuity Lockout re: Darla, and Gunn says that she's Angel's ex.
    Fred: Not the one who died?
    Gunn: Yeah. No, not that one. The other one that died and came back to life. She's a vampire.
    Fred: Do y'all have a chart or something?
    Gunn: In the files. I'll get it for you later.
  • Angel looks to Wes to supply answers about Darla's pregnancy.
    Wesley: What do you suggest?
    Angel: I suggest you use your books and find out what's going on. What, do I have to think of everything?
    Wesley: [picks up nearest book and opens it] Oh, here it is. It says, "I have absolutely no idea what's going on."
  • The return of the three Transuding Furies.
    Furies: Mmm, Angel.
    Cordelia: And here we have three more of Angel's chippies. You girls are on the pill, I hope.
  • Cordelia says Angel boned Darla.
    Angel: Just once. Just the one night...Uh, just the two or three one times that one night.

"Quickening" (3x08)

  • Angel asks Cordy if she's on board with the plan.
    Cordelia: You want me to protect the vampire bitch who bit me, and her evil love child? [he nods, and she punches Darla] Okay, I'm in.
  • "Hi, you've reached the Tittles. We can't come to the phone right now. If you wanna leave a message for Christine, press one. For Bentley, press two. Or to speak to or worship Master Tarfall, Underlord of Pain, press three."
  • Darla's on board with the vampire cult killing the humans...until they get to the part where they're going to wear her entrails as a belt and consume her eyeballs.

"Lullaby" (3x09)

  • Wesley tries to show Darla the Lamaze method of breathing, only for Darla to shriek, "I...DON'T...BREATHE!" and knock the entire Fang Gang flying. Then she breaks down in tears.
    Cordelia: Well, you know what they say — birth, painful.
    Wesley: Yes, but generally for the mother, not the bystanders.
    • The gang gets in the car, but Wesley, Gunn, Fred, and Cordy all squeeze into the front, leaving Darla alone in the back. Darla reassures them that she won't do it again, to which Fred states the reason no one will sit next to her—the back seat's all wet from her water breaking.
  • While the gang is fighting Holtz's demons, Darla gets into the front seat and drives away alone, leaving them staring after her. Angel comes up behind them and joins them in the staring for a few seconds before asking, "What are we lookin' at?"
  • Every time Lorne thinks he's got the sanctuary spells running, it's slapping Gunn, to his increasing annoyance.

"Dad" (3x10)

  • The team surveys the damage to the hotel.
    Wesley: Not to mention some bastard's blown a gaping hole in the lift.
    Angel: Sorry, my bastard.
  • Angel puts some ointment on the baby's cut, triggering a round of crying.
    Angel: What? Wh-what'd I do?
    Cordelia: You don't have a woman's touch. [Beat] Whatever your taste in clothing may indicate.
  • Yes, Angel as a father is heartwarming, but those moments may also be hysterically funny. He's gone from puppy torture and chainsaws to teddy bears and sometimes-excruciating Baby Talk.
  • Wesley's particular brand of sarcasm, especially in early Season 3, can best be described as low-key obnoxious. One of the finest examples is the moment in this episode when he walks into his office and this exchange happens:
    Wesley: Angel, we could use your help. Are you finished...changing the baby who's being changed on my desk?
    Angel: Sorry, I needed the space.
    Wesley: Of course. And seeing as how you once nearly had sex on my desk, I shouldn't be surprised that now there's a baby on it.
    • A moment later he picks up the package of diapers and starts reading the information on the side.
      Wesley: Did you know these napkins are lined with a Space Age material originally designed for NASA astronauts? Hm, that's interesting. Though now I'm picturing grown men wearing nappies and am rather disturbed.
  • There are so many suspects potentially after the baby: The Order of Phillius, Beltar the Cremator...and Frank.note 
  • Cordelia asks if Angel's going to circumcise, and the baby starts crying.
    Gunn: I think he heard you.
  • When the team is gearing up to fight an onslaught of bad guys, we get this:
    Gunn: What are you doin'?
    Wesley: Trying to imagine myself as John Wayne in Rio Bravo. You?
    Gunn: Austin Stoker. Assault On Precinct 13.
    (Wes and Gunn high-five)
    Cordelia: If we live through this, trade in the DVD players and get a life.
  • Wesley's truly magnificent smirk just before he incinerates one of the members of a vampire cult with a flamethrower has to be seen to really be appreciated.
  • When Lilah tries to research Holtz in the records office, there are a couple very satisfying scenes following Lilah searching for information about Holtz out of the 35 filing cabinets of records Wolfram and Hart has on Angel (initially mistaking the Doorstopper index for the entire file. Then, after twelve hours of this, she finds out that Gwen the file clerk had the Holtz file memorized the entire time and could have told her if she'd mentioned that was what she wanted to know.

"Birthday" (3x11)

  • Cordelia notices the cleaning gear Gunn's wearing.
    Cordelia: My, Gunn...don't you look sterile?
    Gunn: Couple more hours sniffin' that industrial cleanser, I think I might be.
  • Lorne has been whammied to keep him from saying what he learned from TPTB, and just spouts gibberish when he tries.
    Lorne: Angel, all kidding aside, this isn't something to be taken lightly. Only a champion can deal with the Conduit. And even then, you'll have to— [gibberish]
    Angel: I'll keep that in mind.
  • The concierge at the Cordy!verse Hyperion gets flustered and says, "I will take you right up to my room."

"Provider" (3x12)

  • Wesley and Gunn are watching Fred with Connor.
    Wesley: Adorable.
    Gunn: So sweet.
    Wesley: ...I meant the baby.
    Gunn: I meant the hot mama.
  • Lorne translates as Wesley talks to some Nahdrahs about his work in demon genetics.
    Wesley: It's an exciting arena.
    Lorne: One I'm sure we can all download at I'
  • Lorne perks up when the Nahdrahs offer some snacks, but changes his mind when he sees what's on the platter.
    Lorne: Oh, really, I couldn't. I had eyeballs and insects for breakfast.
  • At the end, after the team manages to save Fred from the Nahdrahs, Angel gets all Aesop-y.
    Angel: Guys, can I say something? Money's important, but it-it isn't everything. I got, I got carried away. I just never had a life that was totally dependent on me before. [looking at the money] But that's no excuse...Where was I?
    Cordelia: Money's not the most important—
    Angel: No, it's not. What's important is family... [looks at his friends] ...and the mission.
    Cordelia: ...They tried to cut Fred's head off. We earned every penny.
    Angel: Hold the baby.

"Waiting in the Wings" (3x13)

  • Wesley says he wants to ask Fred out, but he's waiting for just the right moment to make his move, biding his time until the iron gets hot. Cordy, who's had to listen to him talk incessantly about Fred for quite a while, tells him to hurry it up, "so I can hear about something else and you can do something else besides feeling your hot iron."
  • Wesley and Cordelia's entire conversation at the beginning of the episode. This part in particular stands out, partly because of the freaked-out look on Cordy's face when she realizes she said the loofah thing out loud, and partly because it's really hilarious to see that after three years of friendship and plenty of platonic bonding moments, Cordelia still has the power to make Wesley stutter if she wants to.
    Cordelia: [coyly] Y'know...there was a time when you thought I was the loveliest thing in the world.
    Wesley: Well,'re an extraordinary woman...I, uh...
    Cordelia: At ease, soldier. Just like to hear it every now and then. I was the ditziest bitch in Sunnydale. Could've had any man I wanted. Now I'm all superhero-y, and the best action I can get is an invisible ghost who's good with a loofah.
    [awkward silence]
    Wesley: I'm sorry, I missed that last part.
    Cordelia: You are a gentleman.
    Angel: Who's doing what with a loofah?
  • Angel is practically bouncing.
    Angel: Ask me why I'm smiling.
    Cordelia: I will, because it's scaring me.
  • It's the smile with which David Boreanaz delivers his line.
    Wesley: I think I've heard of [the Blinnikov World Ballet Corps]. Very ahead of their time.
    Angel: Oh, yeah, yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in 1890. I cried like a baby. And I was evil!
  • Gunn, meanwhile, is upset that Angel didn't get the tickets he was supposed to.
    Gunn: I will never trust you again. The trust is gone.
    Angel: Gunn, these guys are tight, and you're gonna be trippin' out.
    Gunn: Don't be usin' my own phrases when we've lost the trust.
    • Later, when Gunn reveals his tuxedoed self only after exacting a promise from Fred that she won't laugh, she lets out an excited giggle (of attraction, not amusement).
      Gunn: This is what your promises are worth? I'm having a lot of trust issues at this time in my life.
  • Fred semi-randomly dropping that her first sexual dream was about the Mouse King.
  • Angel having to put up with Lorne's talk of kyrumption, after already hearing about it from Fred a few episodes earlier. Lorne keeps referring to Angel using friendly pet names like cupcake and cinnamon bun. Angel's response after a Beat is hilarious.
    Angel: Stop saying [kyrumption]...and stop calling me pastries.
  • Wesley suggests that the dancers, being the exact ones Angel saw in 1890, are vampires.
    Gunn: That would explain the precision and the athleticism. I mean, some of those jumps were— [everyone looks at him] You know, I was cool before I met y'all.
  • Cordelia falling asleep during the ballet, then dodging the second half by volunteering to go help Angel investigate something backstage.
    Wesley: How will the dancers keep time without your rhythmic snoring?
    Cordelia: Don't think that's not coming back to haunt you.
  • Angel and Cordy fight the lovers' influence as they make out.
    Cordelia: Open the damn door.
    Angel: It's kinda hard.
    Cordelia: I kinda noticed.
    • When they get out, Cordelia expresses relief that it wears off right away. Angel takes off his jacket and holds it over his crotch.
  • During the gang's Sword Fight against the Comedy and Tragedy minions, Wesley finally gets the upper hand by running his sword through Comedy.
    Wesley: [triumphantly] Who's laughing now?
    [the Comedy minion continues laughing as it crumples to the ground]
    Wesley: But I still win!
  • Angel's response to the creepy owner of the ballet company.
    Kurskov: She...was my love. She danced only for me!
    Angel: Yeah, you love her that much? Start a website.

"The Price" (3x19)

  • Lorne accidentally smashing a light when he attempts to use a sword. This episode also has the first appearance of Lorne's Paper-Thin Disguise of an overcoat and a trilby (although he'd attempted something similar with a baseball cap previously). No-one comments on it, but the idea that Lorne actually thinks he's inconspicuous dressed like this is definitely a CMOF.

"Tomorrow" (3x22)

  • Lilah meets Wesley in a bar after trying twice already to tempt him into working for Wolfram & Hart.
    Lilah: Mind if I join you?
    Wesley: On many levels and with great intensity.
  • The team are training Connor in vampire hunting.
    Fred: I wanna be the vampire!
    Gunn: I wanna be in a hot tub.
    Cordelia: I wanna know who's cleaning this stuff up.
    • Fred has a go at being a vampire. She raises her hands like claws and lets out a growl, prompting an unimpressed Angel to say, "You're a vampire. You're not in Cats". She then pulls her hands in and lets out a small, questioning 'grr.'
    Angel: Bystander.
    Gunn: By-sitter. [plonks down in the armchair]
  • Gunn and Fred are quite disturbed by how happy Angel is. Fred runs up and prods him with a stake to make sure he's not too happy.

    Season 4 

"Deep Down" (4x01)

  • When Lorne tells Fred to make sure Fluffy gets plenty of love.
    Fred: Who's Fluffy? Wait, you don't think he was referring to something of mine that's fluffy do you? Because that would be inappropriate.
  • Fred's attempts to use ghetto slang, which Gunn chastises her for.
  • Lilah decapitating Linwood and assuming position is awesome. Then she orders Gavin to remove the severed head, to which he shoots her a hilariously awkward "Um, sure" look.
  • The Stinger, when Cordelia dramatically appears after having Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence.
    Cordelia: God, I am so bored.

"Ground State" (4x02)

  • While the team is trying to map out a heist, we get this gem:
    Fred: I'm working on a plan, but so far it involves going to prison and becoming somebody's bitch.

"The House Always Wins" (4x03)

  • While watching Lorne sing in Las Vegas, Gunn and Fred realize that nobody in the audience seems to notice or care that he's a demon.
    Fred: You don't think the Blue Man Group...
    Angel: Only two of them.
  • When it's strongly implied that Fred is counting cards at the Blackjack table.
  • All of Angel's cryptic allusions to his previous trips to Vegas throughout history.
  • Meanwhile, back in LA, Wesley continues to run his own crew, puts in an order for a wrist-mounted sword, and has phone sex with Lilah.

"Spin the Bottle" (4x06)

  • Wesley walks in just in time to hear Fred and Lorne speak to each other in Pylean.
    Wesley: Did...English go away?
    Lorne: No, it's Pylean, Crumpet. I said, "I may be prepared to shout a joyful chant."
    Fred: And I said, "May your words please the gods."
    (Cuts to Lorne on stage, narrating the story)
    Lorne: Okay, first of all, she didn't say "May your words please the gods" so much as "May you orally please the gods," which is a slight...well, inflection's very crucial in our...ah, God bless her, it's always nice to hear the mother tongue.
  • Lorne's description of the spell he acquired to restore Cordelia's memory.
    (Cuts back to Narrator!Lorne)
    Lorne: So I'm an idiot. What are you, perfect?
    • The spell, naturally, goes hilariously wrong, leading the Fang Gang to revert back to their teen personalities.
      Wesley: (puffs up with pride) I am from the Watcher's Academy in southern Hampshire. In fact, I happen to be Head Boy.
      Cordy: Gee, I wonder how you earned that nickname.
      Wesley: A lot of effort, I don't mind saying!
      Gunn: Gunn.
      Wesley: (jumps) WHERE?
  • Cordelia getting so upset over how "The government gave me bad hair!" It's hilarious because all her wailing was not an overreaction at all—it really was just that awful.
    Angel: It's the Devil.
    Cordelia: My hair?!
  • Right after the memory spell takes effect, Cordelia looks at Angel and says, "Hello, salty goodness!" the exact same thing she said the first time she saw him all the way back in Season 1 of Buffy.
  • Wesley accidentally triggers his collapsible sword after doing a series of ridiculous karate moves. He freaks out, which is funny enough, but then it's immediately followed by Fred attempting the same ridiculous moves and checking her sleeves for a weapon.
    Fred: (disappointed) I didn't get one.
  • Liam's response to a music player.
    Liam: Minstrels!
    • Then he pokes it with a freakin' priceless expression of shock. And then, when Cordelia turns it off:
      Liam: You stopped the little men from singing!
  • After Cordelia is mean to Fred.
    Wesley: There's no need to be snippety, miss.
    Cordelia: This is a clarion call for snippety, Princess Charles.
  • Gunn jumps Wesley. Cordelia tries to get Liam to split them up, but he refuses. "'Bout time the English got what was comin' to them! I'm rooting for the slave." The incredulous look Cordelia gives him is amazing.
  • Fred's alien abduction spiel, and Wesley's reaction to it.
  • Wesley deduces that the vampire they're searching for is actually one of them and has been hiding in plain sight the whole time. He whips out a cross and shoves it in Gunn's face. Gunn responds by sucker-punching him.
    Wesley: The cross obviously doesn't affect me, or our friend the pugilist.
    Gunn: Oh, your ass better pray I don't look that word up!
    • Then Wesley makes everyone else touch the cross to see if it affects them. When it's Fred's turn, she runs it over her entire body like a security wand.
  • Heck, the entire episode is one big CMOF, not just in front of the screen but behind it as well. The episode took far longer to shoot than usual, since the cast kept breaking up in laughter. The set had to be shut down for an hour and a half because David Boreanaz (Angel) and Alexis Denisof (Wesley) couldn't stop laughing. It got to the point where David and Alexis resolved not to look at each other to avoid cracking up. But as Joss Whedon points out in the DVD Commentary, there are still points where David can't keep a straight face.
    • Speaking of faces, we have Liam locked in the bathroom going in and out of vamp face at a rapid pace.
      Cordelia: (hearing the noise) What are you doing?
      Liam: I'm almost finished. (Cue disgusted look)
  • The DVD Commentary also reveals that Alexis Denisof kept adding extra duct tape to Andy Hallett's chair in between takes. He also apparently kept tickling Andy.
    • Heck, the commentary is almost as funny as the episode itself. During the trippy sequence at the beginning, Alexis adopts a stoned-hippie voice and says "Don't harsh my melon." Joss Whedon calls him out for saying "melon" instead of "mellow" and Alexis immediately denies having said it. Thirty minutes later, right as the credits start to roll, this happens:
      Alexis: Dude, did I really say "harsh my melon"?
      Joss: You really did.
      Alexis: (Beat) ...I have a cold.
    • The commentary also features Alexis readily admitting that he very much enjoyed getting to play pompous teen Wesley, Joss repeatedly pointing out all of the visual euphemisms, Alexis stopping in the middle of a sentence to geek out over Wesley's wrist-mounted sword, Joss referring to teen Fred as a "low-key, D&D stoner," and Joss calling Alexis "James Bond," and then joking that Alexis isn't allowed to be more attractive than David Boreanaz.
    • Also, when they get to the scene where Cordelia kicks Gunn and Wesley in the shins to break up their fight, Alexis casually remarks "She didn't pull that kick, by the way."

"Apocalypse, Nowish" (4x07)

  • The waitress at the diner expressing concern that Fred is going to "vibrate into another dimension" after ten cups of coffee, followed by Fred's quietly ironic "Nobody wants that."

Habeas Corpses" (4x08)

  • Angel tries to explain to Connor what zombies are.
    Connor: What's a zombie?
    Angel: It's an undead thing.
    Connor: Like you?
    Angel: No. Zombies are slow-moving, dimwitted things that crave human flesh.
    Connor: Like you.
    Angel: No. It's different, trust me.
  • The Beast has slaughtered everyone in the LA Branch of Wolfram & Hart. Angel, Wes, Gunn, and Fred go in to find Connor and end up in the White Room while trying to escape the Beast. The Conduit uses her mojo to get them out of the building, and they rematerialize back in the lobby of the Hyperion, where Lorne and Cordelia are waiting for them. Lorne and Cordy's blank expressions of surprise at the team suddenly appearing is funny enough, but what really wins it is Lorne stealing the scene by taking a brief look inside his wine glass, thinking his drink must be spiked.

"Salvage" (4x13)

  • In the middle of the ridiculously depressing scene where Wesley has to decapitate Lilah's corpse, just in case Angelus tried to turn her, we get a very subtle funny moment thanks to this line:
    Lilah: Lover, I'm not even here. I'm just a figment in your devilishly handsome head.
    • Since the conversation with Lilah is just in his imagination, that basically means Wesley just called himself devilishly handsome.
  • Wesley breaks Faith out of prison so she can help the team capture Angelus. Wes wonders if Faith's slaying skills might be a little rusty, so he pulls over to the side of the road and waits for a couple of vampires to come and attack them. Faith dusts the vamps easily.
    Wesley: Thought you could use a little release. Feel natural?
    Faith: Like ridin' a biker.
  • Angelus accidentally saving the world. He kills the Beast, not realizing that doing so actually will bring back the sunlight (he just thought that was, in his words, part of Angel's retarded fantasy). A moment later, he's cowering from the sunlight and muttering about just how dumb that was, which just goes to show that, for all of Angelus' brilliance, he can be really bone-headed sometimes.

"Orpheus" (4x15)

  • Faith and Wesley come up with the brilliant idea to have Faith dope up on the mystical Orpheus drug and then let Angelus feed on her. Faith ends up inside Angelus' mind, and she tortures him by forcing him to relive all the good deeds he's done. For him, it's utter hell.
    Faith: Dude. You just rescued a puppy!
    Angelus: NO!
    • And it just keeps getting better. Perhaps Angelus' lowest point is when Faith discovers that Angel is a big fan of Barry Manilow and even attends the concerts sometimes. He seems to consider Angel's taste in music more disgusting and shameful than all of the good Angel has done.
  • Angelus says he understands what the drug is doing to him, but asks Faith why she's in his coma dream.
    Faith: Way I see it, I got one last job: Babysit the psycho until they shove a soul up your ass.
  • Willow's description of Wesley when she sees him for the first time since he took several levels in badass.
    Willow: Hey, look, it's the Marlboro man...or his extra-stubbly, mentally unstable, insomniac first cousin.
    • Willow and Wesley's entire conversation is a really sweet moment, as it allows Wesley to make a connection with someone else who has seen true darkness and managed to come back from it, but their scenes together are also really funny. We get the two of them comparing notes on dark things they've done, Willow going off on a tangent about all the good things that come in jars, Willow noting that Wesley has gone over to "the Grumpy Side of the Force," and Wesley's slightly freaked-out face when Willow expresses interest in Fred.
  • The Beastmaster tries to bully Willow into stopping her attempt to resoul Angel. Willow ends up shattering the crystal the Beastmaster is using, shocking her.
    Cordy: I bit my thongue.
  • At the end, when Faith is about to leave with Willow to go help out in Sunnydale:
    Faith: Wes.
    Wesley: Faith.
    Faith: See? Brits know how to say goodbye. Angel wanted to hug.
    Angel: No, I didn't!

"Players" (4x16)

  • When Cordelia reveals her mystical pregnancy, Wesley offhandedly mentions the last time she was impregnated by the spawn of a demon, and Gunn turns around and gives him the greatest "WTF?" look ever. Apparently, in the three years Gunn has been on the team, nobody's ever told him that story.
  • After the rest of the team has an intense conversation about Cordy's pregnancy, Angel walks out of his office and proves he was listening by summarizing the whole thing with a list of the weirdest words from their talk:
    Angel: "Easy-Bake, flop-a-palooza, whoosh, pop." (to Wesley) I don't skulk.

"The Magic Bullet" (4x19)

  • Wesley's hypnosis-induced exposition regarding the extremely dangerous nature of the monstrous Winifred Burkle, in which he still manages to extol "her quiet grace and gentle beauty."
  • People going up on stage and giving increasingly implausible reasons why Jasmine is the greatest person to ever live.
    • The little kid declaring "She makes food taste good!"
    • The one lady who just stands at the podium sobbing.
    • And the Crazy Cat Lady changed the names of all thirty-seven of her cats to Jasmine.
  • Angel and Connor's Jasmine rendition of "Mandy," complete with drunken stammering and dramatic swaying.

"Home" (4x22)

  • After Lilah makes the offer to turn the L.A. branch of Wolfram & Hart over to Angel Investigations, a limo appears out in front of the hotel for anyone who's interested in taking the tour. One by one, Fred, Wesley, Gunn, and Angel very cautiously decide to enter Wolfram & Hart's limo and open the door to find...
    Lorne: (over blaring techno music) So it's an evil limo! I get that! Does that mean you don't restock the cherries? (caught off-guard) ...hi!
    • Lilah's offer itself leads to one. As a reminder, she is already dead at this point.
    Lilah: I don't think you'll want it, but you'll take it, because this is the offer of a lifetime. (beat) Just not, you know, mine.

    Season 5 
"Conviction" (5x01)
  • The scene following the opening credits, a fantastic oner showing all of the Fang Gang trying to find their places at Wolfram & Hart, gives us a very long and obvious bit of exposition in the form of Fred rattling off a summary of how they ended up there, immediately followed by Wesley lampshading it.
    Wesley: I'm still stuck back at "Why on earth are we here?"
    Fred: What, because we're crusaders against evil, and now the law firm that represents most of the evil in the world has given us its LA branch to run however we want, probably in an attempt to corrupt, divide, or destroy us, and we all said yes in like, three minutes?
    Wesley: ...Your run-on sentences have got a lot less pointless.
    Fred: That's so sweet. And a tad condescending.
  • Angel saves a girl in a dark alley, just like old times...then it turns out that Wolfram & Hart was recording it for use as an advertisement.
  • The Wolfram & Hart Sacrifice Line.
    You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats, press one, or say "goat." To sacrifice a loved one or pet, press the pound key!
  • Spike's surprise resurrection at the end of the episode.
    Wesley: (confused) Spike?
    Angel: (angry)'' Spike.
    Harmony: (happy) Blondie Bear?
  • A throwaway line while discussing case strategies suggests that not only does Wolfram & Hart exist as an evil law firm in this universe, but the District Attorney (and presumably the state of California by extension) is aware of magic and has shamans on the payroll to protect against mystical jury tampering.

"Unleashed" (5x03)

  • Angel says he's taking Nina, but Crane seems ready to fight over this, saying he promised his guests a werewolf to eat. Just then, Nina bites the leg of Royce, the Wolfram & Hart employee who went behind Angel's back and sold Nina out to the rich bastards. Angel casually says, "And in a month, you'll have one." After a moment's thought, Crane nods his agreement and has a horrified Royce taken away.

"Life of the Party" (5x05)

  • Fred and Wesley getting drunk without drinking, thanks to Lorne's increased power of suggestion.
    Fred: That's weird, isn't it? Let's go ask Gunn if that's weird.
    • The elevator scene is a particular standout.
    Wesley: Come on, come on, come on...
    Fred: Did you press...?
    Wesley: Oh. (Clumsily pushes elevator button. Beat) Come on, come on, come on!
    • Mention also goes to Wesley's deadpan "Charles, you just peed on my shoes," Wes and Fred in the conga line, Wesley grabbing Fred around the waist and pulling her away from people she's talking smack to, Fred yelling "Hey, keep it in your pants!" at Angel and Eve, and Fred giggling uncontrollably at Wesley's inability to pronounce the word "presumably."
  • Everything involving Positive Spike, but especially this gem when the gang finds Angel having sex with Eve.
    Spike: Hey, Angel's getting some. [gives a thumbs up] Good on you, mate.
  • Eve being completely blasé about her indiscretion with Angel the night before.
    Eve: Angel, it's not like this is the first time I had sex under a mystical influence. I went to UC Santa Cruz.

"The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco" (5x06)

  • After getting absolutely no response from the mail-cart guy, Lorne asks for Fred's help choosing a birthday card for a female friend.
    Lorne: Fred, sweetie. You're sort of like a woman.
    Fred: Ooh. That's...not a compliment.
    • Then, as she's walking away after solving his card problem.
    Lorne: Starin' me right in the face. Genius!
    Fred: And I'm a lot like a woman.
    Lorne: You're all woman. You're every woman. You're Wonder Woman!
    Fred: Damn straight.
  • The flashback to The Number Brothers in their glory days.
    Numero Cinco: Hermanos! The Devil has built a robot!
    • Also Angel checking with Wesley if that really happened. Turns out that yes, it did.
      Angel: Wes, did you ever hear that the Devil built a robot?
      Wesley: (nods reverently) El Diablo Robotico. Why?
      Angel: (deflated) Nobody ever tells me anything...

"Lineage" (5x07)

  • Spike's Call-Back to the Buffybot when they're discussing a cyborg, and everyone's reaction to it.
    Spike: Sex with robots is more common than you think.
    (Everyone stares at him)
  • We also get a Call-Back to the "Head Boy" joke from the previous season. The expression of utter glee on Spike's face is what really sells it.
    Spike: I can explain. Apparently, when Percy here was younger, he was known as Head Boy!
    Angel: Yeah, I already knew that.
    Spike: Right, I have nothing else to report.
    • Somewhat undercut by the fact that Spike should know what "Head Boy" actually means in this context, from his human days.
      • Chances are he does know what it means—he just thinks it's funnier to pretend not to.

"Destiny" (5x08)

  • Alexis Denisof was on his honeymoon during filming of this episode. The In-Universe explanation of why Wesley isn't there leads to a truly hilarious moment when Spike puts in his two cents.
    Spike: At least give me Wesley's office. I mean, since he's gone.
    Angel: He's not gone; he's on a leave of absence.
    Spike: Yeah, right. Boo hoo! Thought he killed his bloody father. (as Angel walks away, ignoring him) Try STAKING YOUR MOTHER when she's COMIN' ONTO YOU!!!
    Harmony: Well...that explains a lot.
  • Angel and Spike have one of the most epic fights in either series over the right to the title The Chosen One. Spike eventually wins and takes a sip from the chalice...and then gets a really odd look on his face:
    Spike: It's...Mountain Dew.
  • When Angel returns to Wolfram & Hart, bloody and beaten after his fight with Spike, a concerned Fred asks him what happened, and Angel insists he just fell down a flight of stairs. A moment later, Spike walks in looking equally beat up, and Fred turns to the sheepish-looking Angel and deadpans, "Stairs, huh?"

"Damage" (5x11)

  • After Spike gets thrown through a third story window by an insane Slayer, Angel runs up to him.
    Angel: What happened?
  • Andrew's reaction to seeing Spike alive and Spike's expression upon being tackled by an ecstatic, weeping Andrew.
    Angel: So, you two know each other?
    Andrew: Yeah, we saved the world together. I mean, Buffy helped, but it was mostly us.
  • "Is pathological idiot an actual condition?"
  • When Spike describes blood as smelling like pennies, Andrew picks a penny up off of the street and puts it in his mouth.
    • Later, Spike tells him they must be getting close to their target because the smell is getting stronger. Andrew's response is, "Like nickels?"
  • Angel, after sitting through an exposition session headed by Andrew:
    Angel: In her mind, there probably aren't any good vampyres. (Beat) Vampires.
    • During said exposition, Wesley offers up his theory about what happened to Dana.
      Andrew: My hypothesis exactly, Pryce. I see Mr. Giles may have been wrong about you.
      (Cue mildly offended look from Wesley)

"You're Welcome" (5x12)

  • Wes and Cordy getting to do research together, just like old times. It's heartwarming to see how happy it makes Wesley, and also quite funny, thanks to this bit:
    Cordelia: Remember how I said, "Let's not have your department looking for those symbols I saw in my vision. Let's do this like we used to, you and me crackin' the books"?
    Wesley: (absently) Yes.
    Cordelia: Well that was dumb. What'd you ever listen to me for?
    Wesley: I don't know, I think I sort of missed this. You and me and the books. "Kickin' it old school," as they say. (makes a face) And I never will again.
  • Angel reassures Cordelia that he hasn't made a Deal with the Devil - only for a literal Big Red Devil to show up and casually talk business with him.
  • When Eve won't talk, Cordy tells Angel to torture her. He refuses only for Harmony to tackle Eve and start beating the hell out of her. She defends it on "I'm still evil, I don't mind torturing one for the team". The others look at each other, shrug, and tell her to go right ahead.
    • When Eve starts talking, Harmony pouts that it's over so soon.
  • When they're getting ready to go face an unknown monster in Wolfram & Hart's basement:
    Gunn: We'll go with you.
    Angel: I can't risk losing anyone I care about.
    Spike: I'll go.
    Angel: Okay.

"Smile Time" (5x14)

  • Near the beginning, we have Angel evaluating himself as a possible romantic prospect.
    Angel: Because I'm not that guy! That guy is charming and funny and... emotionally useful! I'm the guy in a dark corner with the blood habit and the 200 years of psychic baggage!
  • Puppet Angel

    Spike: Hey, big guy. I need another car, drove the last one into the drink - (Sees Angel sitting at his desk.)
    Angel: Spike...!
    Spike: Look at you...
    Angel: Just turn around and walk away.
    Spike: You're...You're a -
    Angel: Spike!
    Spike: (completely unable to contain his schadenfreude) You're a BLOODY PUPPET!!!
    (Gilligan Cut to Spike being thrown through the office doors)
    • Later in that same scene, while Angel is attacking Spike:
      Angel: (glaring around at all the stunned W&H employees) What? What's everybody staring at?!? Well!?!?!
      Spike: They're starin' at the wee little puppet man!
      Angel: (Berserker Rage) Stupid limey piece of crap!
      • And then he starts beating Puppet!Angel against a wall to stop him dangling from Spike's arm and biting down.
    • And finally, after throwing Spike into an elevator and beating him up, Angel walks out in what would be full badass mode if he wasn't a bloody puppet.
    Angel: Yes, I'm a puppet. It doesn't mean you don't have work to do. Harmony, get my call list. And Spike needs a car.
    Spike: You heard the puppet.
    • In the fight with Spike, Angel accidentally reveals to the rest of the Wolfram & Hart staff that he's been turned into a puppet, which he was desperately trying to hide. Busted, he glares at his colleagues. The best part about Puppet Angel vs. Spike is that Puppet Angel wins. In all fairness, Spike was laughing too hard to actually be able to put up a decent fight.
    • James Marsters revealed that he blew several takes of this scene because he could not keep a straight face.
  • Angel getting furious because he can't work a remote with his puppet hands.
  • Angel telling Fred she's fired for saying how cute he is and trying to ruffle his puppet hair.
  • Angel revealing his nose comes off.
  • Angel getting attacked by Nina as a werewolf and getting carried around by Lorne, who's yelling in panic for a doctor as Angel "bleeds" stuffing everywhere.
    Lorne: Is there a Gepetto in the house?!?
  • The show doing a Team Power Walk, a trope it's very fond of, and the camera having to pan down so we can see the wee little puppet man.
  • The creator of Smile Time singing the "Courage and Pluck" song at Lorne for being in the entertainment industry despite his "deformities."
  • The puppet dog insisting that although their show is evil and hospitalizes small children, they still have to maintain a high standard of "quality edutainment!"
  • There's also the part where a giant blue fuzzy puppet with a tooty horn for a mouth tries to strangle Wesley.
  • Angel gets all excited that Smile Time is on and rushes to watch it, but finds he can only watch about five seconds of a motivation song before the saccharine nature of the show gets to him. He looks like he's about to blow his top. Five seconds later, he's shaking with rage and demands a black ops team attack the show because it annoys him so much.
  • After Angel dismisses his team he's moping about the fact he's a puppet, and that self esteem song he got so worked up over is still playing, which makes his mood worse. Suddenly he hears Nina, panics and dives behind his desk.
  • "I do not have puppet cancer!"
  • The fact that said demon puppets were giving their "puppeteer" the inverted treatment—part horror, part utterly hilarious.
    Make him swallow his tongue again!

"A Hole In The World" (5x15)

  • A flashback showing Fred promising her mother that she'll live a safe, boring life in LA smash cuts to Fred in the present day letting out an exhilarated battle yell as she unleashes a flamethrower on a nest of demon bug larvae.
  • Gunn cheerfully singing "Three Little Maids from School" from The Mikado, then quickly switching to rap when he realizes Wesley is watching him.
    • And his rapping is horrible.
  • And then we have Gunn claiming he's getting back together with Fred, going into a whole description about how they met the night before and talked for hours and it was just like old times and "I can't even keep this up because your face is gonna make me weep. Wes, I am so messing with you."
    • What makes it so funny is that this wasn't just Gunn teasing Wesley, it was essentially Joss Whedon trolling the entire fandom.
  • In one of the most famous scenes in the entire Buffyverse, Wesley walks into Angel's office, where Angel and Spike are engaged in a heated debate. Spike is talking about primal power, while Angel maintains that humans have evolved. When Wesley inquires as to the subject of conversation, he discovers that Spike and Angel have been arguing about who would win if astronauts and cavemen got into a fight.
    Wesley: (after a long, incredulous pause) ...Ah. You've been yelling at each other for forty minutes about this.
    (Angel looks away sheepishly while Spike defiantly holds eye contact with Wes)
    Wesley: (sighs and gives in) Do the astronauts have weapons?
    Angel and Spike: No!
    • On the DVD commentary, Joss Whedon reveals the story behind the debate. Doug Petrie, one of the producers from Buffy, came over to their set, found a random blackboard, and wrote "Cavemen Vs. Astronauts. Weapons to be determined. Who would win?" and just left it there for someone to find. The entire cast and crew spent the next three days arguing about it, and according to Joss, the issue was never actually settled.
    • The last scene right before the tragedy starts.
      Angel: Look. I can't do this anymore.
      Spike: Admitting defeat, are we?
      Angel: You and me. This isn't working out.
      Spike: (faux-tragically) Are you saying we should start annoying other people?
    • A moment later:
      Angel: Look, Wolfram & Hart has got offices in every major city in the world, and a lot more out of it. I'll give you the resources you need to go anywhere. Cars, gadgets, expense account. You fight the good fight. But in style...and if possible, in Outer Mongolia.
  • Even as she lay dying, Fred was still able to pull off this gem:
    Fred: It's my boys. I haven't had this many big, strapping men at my bedside since that night with the varsity lacrosse team. (Beat) That was a joke.
  • Spike getting one-up on Drogyn.

"Shells" (5x16)

  • Despite being one of the most heartwrenching episodes ever written, it still has a few funny moments. Special mention goes to the part where Wesley, unaware of Knox's treachery, notices that Gunn and Harmony have the young scientist tied up.
    Harmony: We're gonna torture him!
    Wesley: (still dazed and reeling from Fred's death) Good. (Beat) Why?
  • After Wesley shoots and kills Knox in the middle of a Rousing Speech, Angel turns and asks:
    Angel: Were you even listening?

"Underneath" (5x17)

  • Illyria talking about how she once went to a world with nothing but shrimp.
    Illyria: I tired of that one quickly.
    • This is a Call-Back to season four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Anya mentioned both that one and the No Shrimp world. It was a four-year brick joke. From another series.

"Origin" (5x18)

  • Most of the scenes with Illyria, Spike, and Wesley are kind of...darkly funny. The three of them have a particularly odd dynamic. A few scenes from this episode especially stand out.
    Illyria: (to Wesley) You reek of frustration. Curls off of you like smoke.
    Spike: Actually, love, we call that scotch.
    • And this bit a moment later:
      Illyria: In my time, a leader would punish your insolence with death.
      Wesley: We're not being insolent, Illyria.
      Spike: I am.
  • Connor meets Illyria while he's touring Wolfram & Hart, with no memory of his real life (and by extension the events of season 4).
    Illyria: This one is lusting after me.
    Connor: It's the leather. I guess I always had a thing for older women.
    Angel: (muttering) They were supposed to fix that...

"Time Bomb" (5x19)

  • Gunn is still in the hell dimension where he decided to stay in order to get Lindsey out, as someone had to take Lindsey's place. This means that every time he goes into the basement of an otherwise pleasant illusion, Gunn's heart is ripped out by an executioner. When Gunn is rescued, someone has to take his place. Cut to the executioner tearing out his own heart.
    • Fridge Humor when you realize that he quite likely endured the same reality as Lindsey and Gunn, including the cheerful family life. Now imagine that demon snuggling in bed with his "wife," strolling outside to get the morning paper, and helping his "son" with homework.
  • Illyria goes off on one of her boasts about what it was like to be a God. Spike isn't impressed.
    Illyria: When the world met me, it shuddered, groaned. It knelt at my feet!
    Spike: "Dear Penthouse, I don't normally write letters like this, but..."
    Illyria: (THWACK)

"The Girl In Question" (5x20)

  • Angel's hypocritically humorous line about Buffy dating The Immortal:
    Angel: How'd she ever fall for a centuries-old guy with a dark past who may or may not be evil?
  • The bar fight between Angel and Spike is hilarious. Especially with their choice of background music.
  • The brief flashback showing that Spike and Drusilla were part of the new wave in Italy during The '50s.
  • Spike and Angel getting cuckolded and snubbed by The Immortal throughout history.
  • The Italian branch of Wolfram & Hart, particularly the fact that it's an exact duplicate of the LA branch.
    • Ilona Costa Bianchi, apparently under the impression that Angel hates gypsies for cursing him, makes the repeated point of insulting them for his benefit. In the exact same tone of super-friendly cheer as she uses for everything else.
      Ilona: Gypsies are a filthy people! (spits) We shall speak of them no more!
  • Spike's reaction to finding Drusilla in The Immortal's chamber.
  • Angel and Spike argue over who saved the world the most. Spike brings up closing the Hellmouth, but Angel counters that he died and wore a necklace. Apparently it doesn't count, despite the fact that Angel's example has him being run through with a sword, even if he claims he told Buffy to do it.
  • Spike's legendary Badass Longcoat gets destroyed, and he starts mourning and claiming it's irreplaceable, only for some Wolfram & Hart employees to hand him an identical jacket in the next scene.
  • The Immortal's butler at one point snarks about the Americans resorting to violence to solve their problems when Angel and Spike are fighting some of the Immortal's mooks. Note: Neither Angel nor Spike are American.

"Power Play" (5x21)

  • Illyria and Drogyn are sitting in front of a TV, playing Crash Bandicoot (1996) on Spike's Xbox.
    Drogyn: It's...some kind of task...You must collect the fruit and crystals!

"Not Fade Away" (5x22)

  • For a time, Angel aired in a time slot which had it coming on right after 7th Heaven, a wholesome show about a Christian minister and his family. One reviewer remarked that this was like following up a glass of orange juice with a vodka chaser.
    • This also follows into the irony of the situation which comes from the themes of both shows. While Seventh Heaven emphasized moral conservatism and advocating for a moral solution in an upfront manner, it has a habit of inciting reactions that do not quite fit the theme. On the other side, Angel is a series about demons and evil at first glance, but its primary themes are focused on growing up and taking life as it is. The end result is a very strong clash of themes that focus on the similar issues in completely opposite directions.
  • In Amy Acker's audition, Joss Whedon was so taken by her beauty when she walked in that he accidentally hit Marti Noxon in the face with Amy's resume.
