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Characters / Tsukipro

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This is the character page for Tsukino Productions' SQ and Alive series. For the Tsukiuta cast, refer here, and for Vazzrock, see here.

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    Tropes that apply to the whole unit 
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: All of Tsukipro idols fit this trope, but Solids is specifically worth highlighting because their...
  • Curtains Match the Window: To this day they are the only unit where all members possess this trait. Their eye and hair color fit their coded color from the above trope, too (purple for Shiki, pink for Rikka, yellow/gold for Tsubasa and light blue for Dai).
  • Friendly Rival: With Quell, which is kind of obvious, given their elemental motifs, and the fact that Shu and Shiki have known each other for a long time and formed their respective units in a similar way (recruiting their long-time friend and two much younger newcomers).

    Takamura Shiki 
Voice Actor: Takuya Eguchi // Stage Actor: Sho Higano
  • A Father to His Men: Sure, Solids is the only unit that starts with all of its members a full-fledged adults (with Dai an adult but under legal drinking age), and Shiki will let them deal with their problems on their own (heck, he's more likely to be the problem himself, considering his habits). He might even tell them there's nothing they can do about hurtful rumor regarding their center. That DOESN'T mean he won't do anything to make sure nobody will mistreat his team, going as far as to use some favors behind the scenes...
  • Affectionate Nickname: Darling, Dad, by Tsubasa.
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Shu, when they were in the old unit together. With an age difference of three years and with constant time spent together, Shu ended up seeing Shiki as both a good friend and as a role model to lean on until Shiki quit.
  • Creative Differences: Largely the reason why he left the unit he was first put in. He wanted to explore music, but felt he couldn't do it in the group, so he decided to quit them.
  • Married to the Job: To the point that his unit members are at loss what to get for his birthday present, since everything he might like is related to his line of work. His Kachoufuugetsu series short story also has a line where Shiki considers himself "kept alive by the music". Considering he has been in the music industry since he was a teenager, it is a pretty plausible argument.
  • Must Have Caffeine: To the point his unit ends up giving him a collection of different coffee beans on his first birthday in Solids. Rikka also ends up regularly warning him not to destroy his liver with too much coffee (he doesn't listen).
  • Salaryman: Describes himself as one in Soriraji COLOR series recordings (much to Tsubasa's utter bafflement).
  • Workaholic: He says it's his HOBBY, right next to coffee (meant to keep him up late for work), and tasting soba (a fast-food meal easy to eat between work).
  • The Leader: To Solids, mix between Mastermind and Levelheaded type. Doubles as a producer and composer (in-universe, anyway).
  • Team Dad: Called so by his members, even if his... eating and drinking habits are definitely not a good example for his younger teammates.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tsubasa. Though obviously, you can also interpret it as that other thing.

    Okui Tsubasa 
Voice Actor: Soma Saito // Stage Actor: Keita Seto

  • The Ace: Generally good at anything he puts his mind to. Has enough music sensitivity to correct Shiki's work before they even get to know each other, has no problem with modelling or any idol work despite being a complete newbie at it, even though Dai, who is in the same boat as him, struggles with it. Can balance studies at a high-level university with pro work of a top idol, and is generally liked by both his peers and co-workers. That doesn't mean he doesn't work for his success though, he just doesn't show it.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Honey, by Shiki. Well, question remains if it's affectionate...
  • Childhood Friends: With Dai. He teases Dai a lot, and treats him like a little brother, and Dai describes him as "annoying" on more than one occasion, but it remains a fact that when Dai is in a slump because of his swimmer career being cut short, it's Tsubasa who pulls him out of it. And when later Tsubasa has his own crisis and hides away, it's Dai who finds him and talks him into coming back.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Shiki. Though obviously, you can also interpret it as that other thing.

    Sera Rikka 
Voice Actor: Natsuki Hanae // Stage Actor: Kaisei Abe

  • But Not Too Foreign: Rikka's half-French.
  • Lady and Knight: Plays the "Lady" (more specifically, a princess) to Dai's "Knight" for a cosmetics commercial.
  • Team Mom: The one scolding Shiki and Tsubasa for bad sleeping habits, regularly makes meals for the team and takes care of sick ones. He is also second oldest after Shiki and has even more experience than him of being active in the entertainment industry (although as a model and not idol), so he does give tips to the two younger members.
  • The Ageless: Not REALLY, but he does look the most delicate and borderline youthful, despite nearing his thirties.

    Murase Dai 
Voice Actor: Yuichiro Umehara // Stage Actor: Ryo Kobayashi
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Is the youngest in Solids and is treated as such, much to his dismay (especially since his older colleagues behave more fitting of the trope at times).
  • Career-Ending Injury: His shoulder gives in in his first year of university due to overworking, making him unable to pursue his dream of becoming an olympic swimmer. It also weighs on his consciousness as he is scared he will end up repeating the mistake of overworking, compromising his future with Solids.
  • Childhood Friends: With Tsubasa. He is teased by him a lot and is compared to a little brother, and in return describes Tsubasa as "annoying" on more than one occasion, but it remains a fact that when Dai is in a slump because of his swimmer career being cut short, it's Tsubasa who pulls him out of it. And when later Tsubasa has his own crisis and hides away, it's Dai who finds him and talks him into coming back.
  • Lady and Knight: Plays the Knight to Rikka's "Lady" in a cosmetics commercial.
  • Sweet Tooth: At first embarrassed and trying to hide it, in later tracks is more comfortable, to the point of giving his recommendations to the fans listening to Soriraji.
  • The Stoic: He's not one for making wildly different expressions.


    Tropes that apply to the whole unit 
  • All Is Well That Ends Well: Almost all stories involving Quell are this, for a reason.
  • Family of Choice: As the twins have no parents, Shu and Eichi often look after them and they have formed a pseudo family unit ever since. Their close image is public enough to be labelled "kazoquell" - a pun on kazoku (family) and the group's name.
  • Friendly Rival: With Solids , which is kind of obvious, given their elemental motifs, and the fact that Shu and Shiki have known each other for a long time and formed their respective units in a similar way (recruiting their long-time friend and two much younger newcomers).
  • Rays from Heaven: Their Re:Start series theme were "natural phenomena", so naturally, "Angel's Ladder" reflects that.

    Izumi Shu 
Voice Actor: Shunsuke Takeuchi // Stage Actor: Toshihiko Tanaka

  • A Father to His Men: In a way, literal father-figure to the twins. He's also aware of the doting he's prone towards them, and tries to let them solve their problems by themselves as much as possible... but that doesn't mean he won't rush to a meeting with a script-writer of the play to try and clarify a misunderstanding, if Issei comes home upset and blaming himself for making a mistake.
  • Berserk Button: In Tsukipara, his 'angry' conversation had him recall somebody looking down on twins because of their upbringing, the comment making him 'almost lose his composure'.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Half-English, is also fluent in that language and uses it quite often in his songs.
  • Doting Parent: They aren't even blood related, but both Shu and Eichi are prone to doting on twins. From buying cake "for no reason" (after getting to know Issei and Ichiru love it, but could eat it on their birthday only) to trying to photograph every "cute" twins interaction, to exchanging said photos as a way of 'healing' after a hard day, to getting triggered when someone implies twins aren't worth their positions in Quell, doting takes on many forms.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: "Hidden Eclipse" definitely makes you wonder about the first part of this trope's name, but it remains undisputable that Eichi is the person Shu considers equal and trustworthy partner. In return, Eichi considers Shu an important friend and want to support him.
  • Smile of Approval: Towards twins and Eichi. All the time. Often slips into...
  • So Proud of You: He's the most experienced out of all Quell members, so he knows the struggle they go through and the progress they make is exceptional, and makes it known to his teammates.
  • Team Dad: He has the most celebrity experience out of the four Quell members, making him the go to guy for any concerns they may have about professional performance. He's also the major breadwinner as the leader and composer of the group's songs.
  • The Leader: Mix between Charismatic and Levelheaded type.
  • The Stoic: His outer appearance and composure make people think he's that. He also likes shrines and temples because of their calm atmosphere.
  • Younger Than They Look: Due to his calm aura he's regularly mistaken for older than he really is, which bothers him slightly.

    Horimiya Eichi 
Voice Actor: Kōtarō Nishiyama //Stage Actor: Kenya Nakao

  • Crazy-Prepared: Due to his previous work as Assistant Director, which made him responsible for many different things, Eichi developed a habit of being prepared for any situation, a fact that both amuses and amazes rest of his groupmates and is brought up regularly across all media in the franchise.
  • Doting Parent: They aren't even blood related, but both Shu and Eichi are prone to doting on twins. From freaking out and trying to photograph every "cute" twins interaction, to exchanging said photos as a way of 'healing' after a hard day, to getting triggered when someone implies Quell drags Shu down, Eichi lets himself dote on his found family in many different ways.
  • Genki Guy: Cheerful at almost all times, and in one of Tsukipara's conversations with Shu admitted he has a hard time sitting still when he can help other people instead.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: "Hidden Eclipse" definitely makes you wonder about the first part of this trope's name, but it remains undisputable that Eichi is the person Shu considers equal and trustworthy partner. In return, Eichi considers Shu an important friend (to whom he cooks and with whom he takes care of much younger groupmates with no parents.)
  • Mundane Luxury: According to the rest of QUELL, he's the main giver of the trope, from welcoming them back home, to cooking them meals suitable for their health (Issei) and time of day they will be able to eat it (Shu, who did mention that by now the taste of a "homecooked meal" is taste of Eichi's cooking for him). His solo of the X Lied series, "Niji" is basically him singing about how much he loves his family and the little mundane things he can do for them.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: For some reason, Eichi is the only person (aside of Dai, former athlete) who gets commented on his physique by his teammates, specifically his abs - apparently they are so well-pronounced they made Ichiru jealous. He himself considers himself well-built thanks to his AD days. (In the 2023 Twitter story update, it was said Ichiru outdid him due to how stubbornly he worked-out while Eichi focused on other things, though.)
  • So Proud of You: To a lesser extent than Shu, but he's really fond of bragging about twins' achievements.
  • The Heart: Seen as the compassionate center of the four man group, Eichi is always one to listen to the other members' problems and try to resolve disputes or help people back on speaking terms.
  • Team Mom: Ichiru and Issei are mostly his responsibility outside of idol activities, so he takes up their primary parental role.
  • You Are Not Alone: Regularly makes it known to the rest of members, with special emphasis on Shu.

    Kuga Issei
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit
Voiced by: Nakamura Shugo
Stage Cast: Yamanaka Kenta (1-8); Segawa Takuto (9-)
Age: 23 (2023 setting)
Birthday: September 12
Height: 177 cm
Blood Type: AB
Partner: Kuga Ichiru

A young man with a quiet disposition and a calm demeanor, Ichiru's older twin brother. He is serious and diligent, with a love for indoorsy activities such as photography and stargazing. The twins were raised in an orphanage, and though they were raised lovingly, the society around them was not as kind. It was only until they were picked up by Shu and formed QUELL with Eichi that Issei began to look forward to the future in hopes of giving back to those he treasures. Issei sought to pursue his education, and despite the hurdles, managed to attend the university that Tsubasa is an alumni of.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Isse, by Eichi.
  • Always Identical Twins: Issei and Ichiru are identical twins. They looked significantly more similar to each other back when they started out, but through Divergent Character Evolution, their hairstyles and personalities are more distinctly defined.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He was the weaker of the two back when they started out, but that didn't stop him from caring and worrying for Ichiru. He mentions his number one childhood fear was being separated from him, and in QUELL dramas, Issei is often the one looking after Ichiru, especially when his younger brother is in turn busy fretting over him.
    • A key example of this was in their introductory drama. Issei was reduced to The Scapegoat and would passively accept being blamed for stealing the company's money. Several years down the line, he revealed that his silence was an inability to do anything out of fear that he would get Ichiru involved in his messes, too.
    • In a more lighthearted environment, Issei admits that he's been teasing Ichiru more often because the latter has been getting so much more dashing that it made him feel awkward. Issei says a So Proud of You and expresses his love for his precious little brother afterward.
  • Bookworm: Back when they started, he mentioned that he read all the books that Shu recommended to the twins. On top of that, he's able to memorize things taught to him almost instantly. In other universes, like Taikyoku Denki, he bought a book with his first allowance, showing that this trait of his is kept consistent.
  • Characterization Marches On: In a similar vein to Rui from Procellarum, Issei used to be brusque and standoffish due to his Dark and Troubled Past. He acted awkward and was unused to receiving the overload of affection that Shu and Eichi would lavish on him. In addition to that, he felt incredibly desperate to secure a method of living so that he and Ichiru wouldn't lose their place to belong. Come the present, he's incredibly content with his way of life, now realizing how to take things easy. Issei is shown smiling more and acting more playful.
  • Comfort Food: Gratin, especially Eichi's gratin.
  • Coordinated Clothes: Ironically, averted outside their stage outfits. Most of their daily wear is similar style, but patterns and colors each twin use are different from each other. The twins have stated that their preferences in casual clothes are quite different from each other. Their stage outfits, though, are a perfect example of the trope.
  • Deep Sleep: After his Heroic Sacrifice for Ichiru in their 2P stage setting, his current self is hospitalized as his Alternate Self is running around instead.
  • Delicate and Sickly: Used to be this as a kid.
  • Don't Split Us Up: Mentioned in one drama that this is the reason why he didn't like when people looked at him and Ichiru in their childhood.
  • Doomed Hometown: In Zanshin. He and Ichiru were raised in the country that created Regret, and when the incident took place, their parents and country were destroyed.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: In some situations, he and Ichiru are seen this way. Issei is the responsible to Ichiru's foolish, owing to their contrasting personalities.
  • Fortune Teller: Apparently, according to his entry in the Taikyoku Denki pamphlet, he's skilled in astrology, and his fortunes are like predictions.
  • Heartwarming Orphan: The Kuga twins getting picked up and adopted in all but name seems to be like this. The suffering they'd gone through in their past, which made them fearful and distrustful of adults, leaves to make room for the kind world that gently accepts them for who they are.
  • Holding Hands: He and Ichiru had a habit of doing this when they slept as kids, and it even carries over as they've grown.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Back in their debut, the only way to differentiate their appearances was through their hairstyles, which are basically mirrored.
  • Idiot Hair: He's not an idiot himself, but he has several popping up on his head.
  • Instant Expert: Mentioned in his profile. It's said that he is a type of genius who can imitate things after seeing them just once.
  • Meaningful Name: When put together, his and Ichiru's names form "the first shooting star". Their names originate from the night they were left on the orphanage's doorstep, as the people who picked them up were inspired by the shooting stars in the night sky.
  • Not So Above It All: As serious and diligent as he may be, Issei is perfectly willing to make fun of Ichiru for his fear of horror. He's also able to let loose during fun moments that let everyone play around, and he's been spotted getting carried away, enjoying the annual Setsubun mayhem. When Shu sets up the stage to embarrass both Eichi and Ichiru in their Fairy Tale Collection stories, Issei actively takes part in messing with the two of them as well.
  • Orphanage of Love: Was raised in one with Ichiru. It makes sense, then, that he spoke up against the director who depicted his work's orphanage as a cruel place, since he believed it would give orphanages in general a bad rep.
  • The Quiet One: He often gets in a word or two to keep the conversation going, but he's not someone who goes on and on talking. Instead, his words tend to have a weight to them, prompting others to listen to them closely.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Ichiru's red. Fittingly, those are also their image colors: Issei's image color is a deep navy, while Ichiru's image color is a dark crimson. Their personalities, actions, and interactions with others show that this trope fits them to a tee.
  • Rules of Orphan Economics: After graduating junior high school, the twins left the orphanage so as not to burden the place that raised them. They scraped by together, working for a manufacturer and dorming in the factory's dorm until they left.
  • Sentai: For the 2019 Heartbreak Red scenario, he gained a version of him wearing Cool Shades and a red scarf named "Red-Loving Red" (The red being his little brother).
  • Sibling Team: Apparently, Quell gets lot of gravure shot requests for Ichiru and Issei. They are also promoted as "one half of..." on their profiles, and in general get mirrored roles in the fictional AGF stageplays, which include all talents from Tsukino Productions. Considering they are the only pair of identical twins and only third or so pair of twins introduced in whole franchise, it's understandable.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Issei is quiet, stoic, and overall an overthinker who focuses a lot on his singing. He is polite and maintains proper relations with the seniors in the agency, and attended college to pursue higher education. Meanwhile, Ichiru is loud, extremely emotional, and doesn't really think before he leaps into the thick of things. Ichiru prefers dancing and moving his body, speaks casually with just about everyone, and passed up university in favor of pursuing his work as a talent.
  • Sickly Child Grew Up Strong: Was prone to falling sick and being the source of Ichiru's inverted Big Brother Instinct as a kid. These days, he's perfectly healthy, showing that his change in environment and mindset did wonders for him.
  • Sleep Cute: Whenever he falls asleep together with Ichiru (which happens quite frequently), according to Eichi and Shu.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Though they're not blood-related, it's been said that he's been starting to resemble Shu more and more over the years.
  • Theme Twin Naming: Brought up in their introductory drama, too. His and Ichiru's first names are written with the archaic reading of the number "one," with the second half of Issei's name being the letter for "star". Put together, their names form "The first shooting star".
  • Twins Are Special: His bond with Ichiru is that of a normal sibling one, but there are hints that it does serve as something more precious. Though not to the point of Twin Telepathy, it's noted that they do have a connection even when they're apart.
    • When they're both out at work, Issei gets a feeling that something is around the corner and takes a side path, running into Ichiru. They exclaim that they had a feeling the other was there, which their manager Yuduki expresses surprise to.
  • When She Smiles: ...Eichi has his phone camera ready. This trope takes place more in the earlier years, when he didn't exactly have many reasons to smile, but on the rare occasion he did, the other members would be happy seeing him joyful.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: He expressed many doubts about society and adults in general in their introductory drama. While catching up on book knowledge, Issei had an extremely mature outlook on the world at the young age of sixteen, the age at which he met Shu and Eichi.

    Kuga Ichiru 
Voiced by: Nogami Sho
Stage Cast: Yamanaka Shouta (1-8); Kitade Ryusei (9-)
Age: 23 (2023 setting)
Birthday: September 12
Height: 177 cm
Blood Type: AB
Partner: Kuga Issei

  • Affectionate Nickname: Icchi, by Eichi.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He's the younger of the two, but that doesn't stop him from caring and worrying for Issei. He mentions that since Issei wouldn't speak up for himself, he'd be the one to speak up and argue for his brother's sake, and in Quell dramas, he's often the one looking after Issei, especially when his older brother is in turn busy looking after him.
  • Book Dumb: Reflecting differences between him and Issei, Ichiru is said to have problem with reading and spelling harder kanjis in canon, and admits to hating studying, which often makes Tsubasa pick on him. That doesn't mean he's actually stupid, but, as opposed to Issei, his intelligence is more instinct-driven.
  • Comfort Food: Gratin, especially Eichi's gratin.
  • Coordinated Clothes: Ironically, averted outside their stage outfits. Most of their daily wear is similar style, but patterns and colors each twin use are different from each other. Their stage outfits though are a perfect example of the trope.
  • Holding Hands: When combined with Sleep Cute with Issei, it's a definition of heartwarming.
  • Sibling Team: Apparently, Quell gets lot of gravure shot requests for Ichiru and Issei. They are also promoted as 'one half of...' on their profiles, and in general get mirror roles in the fictional AGF stageplays, which include all talents from the Tsukino productions. Considering they are the only pair of identical twins and only third or so pair of twins introduced in whole franchise, that is understandable.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Issei is quieter and more stoic than Ichiru, who's more likely to socialize and get emotional.
  • Sleep Cute: Whenever he falls asleep together with Issei (which happens quite frequently), according to Eichi and Shu.
  • Theme Twin Naming: Aside of the identical first sign in their names (although with different reading), combined second signs of Issei and Ichiru's names mean 'Shooting star'. Not-so-subtly lampshaded in Quell's last song of the Re:Start series.
  • Twin Switch: Invoked. Offers to do this for Issei when the latter is busy with both work and college. After reading a few pages of the textbook, however, Ichiru's down for the count.


"Come on, let's start the music!"
A series consisting of the units SOARA and Growth, beginning in 2015. Their groups were formed when most of them were second years in high school, with the odd ones out being the kouhai Ren and Nozomu in SOARA and Mamoru in Growth. The teams made their way into TSUKIPRO through a hard-fought competition, during which the two became acquainted as friends and rivals. They live on the third and fourth floors of the Daikanyama Tsukino dorms. SOARA's leader and composer is Sora, while Growth's leader is Koki, and their composer is Mamoru.


    Tropes that apply to the whole unit
From left to right: Ren, Morihito, Sora, Soshi, and Nozomu
"Performing our true-to-life daily lives through our music. Each and every moment is youth!"
  • Alice Allusion: Their Fairy Tale Collection fits are based off of Alice in Wonderland. Soshi even gives Sora the one-off nickname "Soralice".
  • Answer Song: Shiawase no Prologue seems to be this to Tabidachi no Yell. While Tabidachi no Yell was rather mournful, saying its good-byes to high school and their memories made then, Shiawase no Prologue, made several years later, makes a realization that their memories have not been lost, and that they have grown in their own ways.
    • Shiawase no Prologue (Prologue of Happiness/Joy) even features a verse where Nozomu and Ren sing about feeling torn up that a certain someone had to leave. It's implied they're looking back on their times in high school, when they were forced to watch their beloved seniors leave before them.
  • Closest Thing We Got: Pretty much how SOARA formed. They weren't a proper band, and Sora thought they'd make for a perfect coincidental group considering they all had at least some prior experience. Professional experience who? They're no longer this by the time they're adults, though, since by then, they have years of professional experience under their belt.
  • Comedic Work, Serious Scene: When it comes to their songs. Sure, most of their songs and stories are peppy and energetic. It then comes as a surprise when certain songs (MacGuffin, Mikazuki Fantasy, Shinkirou, and more) are incredibly depressing, dealing with grief, loss, and yearning for a lost loved one.
  • Delayed Reaction: When told that the band is getting formed by the five of them. After coming back, having gotten the go-ahead for their formation, Sora is confused as to why everyone is questioning him on who's a part of the band.
    Sora: Hm? Aren't my band members... you guys?
    Mori: Huh?
    Sou: What?
    Ren: Excuse me?
    Nozomu: Oh...
    All except Sora: EHHHHHH!?
  • Five-Man Band: Pun intended. They are, indeed, a band.
    • Sora is The Leader, a headstrong and energetic guy with the sky-blue image color who happily leads the way. He serves as the main vocalist and guitarist, as well as their composer. Everyone gently supports him, and they appreciate him very much, though they do tease him from time to time. Also combined slightly with The Heart, as he's a ball of emotion.
    • Morihito is The Lancer, the Number Two to Sora, and also the one who kicked things off with his "Come on, let's start the music!" statement. His image color is green, is their second main vocalist, and he also plays guitar to back up Sora. This is occasionally combined with him being The Smart Guy with his Nerd Glasses.
    • Soshi is The Big Guy, occasionally The Lancer, with a yellow image color. He is physically the tallest and plays the biggest instrument, the drums, in their group. Soshi is Tall, Dark, and Snarky (and also handsome), and he often chides the more nonsensical members when they're going haywire.
    • Ren is The Smart Guy, playing the keyboard, with a blue image color. He had previous experience in the field and even won a performance for a piano competition. Ren was also the first one they turned to when they wanted a farewell message due to his eloquence and skill in writing.
    • Nozomu is The Heart, sometimes The Big Guy, whose image color is red. As their bassist, he supports the rest of them and eggs on the antics that go on frequently in their unit. His high emotional intelligence allows him to pick up on moments when he's needed, swooping in whenever people need a helping hand. He's also physically the second-biggest, is loud and bumbling, and is quite the Leeroy Jenkins when let loose.
  • In-Series Nickname: For their fans, it's "Soarers"note .
  • Japanese Honorifics: Ren and Nozomu started off as freshmen, while the rest of the three were second years. The kouhai refer to their senpai accordingly, maintaining the respect to their seniors. The exception to this is Nozomu with Sora, since Nozomu thought they were the same year when they met, and he never changed his method of referring to Sora even after he found out the truth.
    • This even extends into their otherworldly versions. In Tsukihana Kagura, Ren continues to refer to Sora with -senpai even though the latter had never gone to school. When Nozomu asks him why he does so, Ren admits that it just feels right.
  • Japanese School Club: Actually, averted. Their group formed as a slapdash band put together when Sora wanted to send off their seniors in a graduation ceremony, and they already had a Light Music Club in their school.
  • "Leaving the Nest" Song: Tabidachi no Yell. It was their first trio song, sung by the seniors when they graduated. The lyrics are all about good-byes, memories, and appreciation for those who've made them who they are.
  • MacGuffin: One of their third volume songs. Its first appearance was actually in their first volume as pure instrumental. Fittingly, it drives the plot, being the song that Sora wrote during his Bullied into Depression years, but it really doesn't have an existence aside from being... a song. This same song, however, has an incredible value in being what kicked off Sora's, and by extension all of SOARA's, paths into music. During the volume it properly shows up as a song, it serves as this again: to remind the juniors that You Are Not Alone.
  • Meaningful Name: The origin of their name comes from Sora. He notes that they want to make their songs reminiscent of youth and jumping into the blue sky (aoi sora), so by arranging the letters around, their name became SOARA.
  • Ode to Youth: Much of their songs. This is obvious, considering their tagline having youth front and center. Notable examples include Summer Session, S.O.A.R.A., and LIFE IS AMAZING.
  • Seasonal Baggage: Their first set of Drama CDs started in the spring and moved through the rest of the seasons, culminating in the seniors' preparation for graduating in the winter. In a sort of Book Ends, the drama that comes afterward, detailing the graduation, is also set in the spring to bring a close to the fiscal year.
  • Second Year Protagonist: Sora, Morihito, and Soshi started off as this in the very beginning of their first set of dramas. As a matter of fact, their first story was based off of them sending off their seniors while looking after their juniors. After they move on to becoming third years, Ren and Nozomu take their place.
  • Senior Year Struggles: Much of their third and fourth Side.S involves this. Sora, Mori, and Sou are going about prepping for college and looking after their juniors while also worrying about their audition for TSUKIPRO. This all comes to a head in the Drama CD which revolves around their graduation.
  • Signature Line: "Leap out, youth!"note 

    Ohara Sora
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voiced by: Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Stage Cast and Live-Action Actor: Horita Ryusei
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: August 31
Height: 169 cm
Blood Type: O
Partners: Arihara Morihito, Kagurazaka Soshi

The main vocalist, guitarist, leader, and composer of the idol band SOARA. Bright and peppy, Sora is always full of energy, and he has been involved in composing music since his junior high days. After he had to step away from music for personal reasons, forming SOARA in high school brought him back to the joy of composing, and he embraced it fully. After graduating school, he works full-time as a composer and band member. Though rather unreliable and made the Butt-Monkey of various jokes, it's clear that Sora is well-loved as their hardworking leader-composer.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Has one for nearly every ALIVE member, which is often the first kanji letters of their name, and for the Growth members, adds on "-kun". The exceptions to this rule are Ren and Nozomu, though Ren occasionally gets the "Ren-kyun" nickname, and Mamoru, whom he calls Mamo-chan. Sora borrows others' nicknames from other branches, too.
  • Ambiguous Gender: As Ohara Sorako. In order to be a proper Otaku Surrogate for the fans, Sorako's gender is apparently Sorako, and that's that.
  • Ambiguously Bi: He wants to be popular with the ladies, but he doesn't shy away from expressing his love for hotties regardless of gender.
    • Probably the biggest example of this was when he, as Sorako, was taking a class taught by Hanazono Yuki in their High School AU. Sora(ko) gushes over her Hot Teacher appearance, but when Hajime shows up to protect her from unsavory gazes, Sora(ko) swoons over him, too.
  • Amnesiac Resonance: In Tsukihana Kagura, he gets amnesia after escaping his captors. During those few years, he's been noted to have an aversion to the idea of school and an attachment to music. As it's revealed later on, his dislike for school is because he was raised in a cold research environment, which school reminds him of. His love for music was also present, too.
  • Bakeneko and Nekomata: He's a shamisen-toting Nekomata in the Youkai AU.
  • Birds of a Feather: It's been remarked multiple times that Nozomu and Sora are incredibly similar to each other. They are loud, brash, and always getting up into mischief as a duo.
  • Blatant Lies: Sora will go on long-winded tangents about how beautiful the human face is, waxing poetic about his preferences among his fellow talents. He will form personal lists of what faces are most his type depending on the situation and how he appreciates their nice looks... Then he turns around and claims, "I'm not a sucker for good looks." No one's having any of it.
  • Bullied into Depression: The reason why he distanced himself from his beloved music in junior high. He had to tear himself away from something he loved dearly due to negative online comments, and it's implied that one of his most depressive songs, MacGuffin, was written during this time.
  • …But He Sounds Handsome: Almost word-for-word. When chatting with Rikka during their late-night Golden Week activity, Sorako muses to themselves that they quite prefer Ohara Sora's voice more than the other guys.
  • Butt-Monkey: A Designated Victim whenever comedy is involved. There are way too many instances to count.
    • A particularly humorous example is when he's lined up next to the other leaders. Hajime, Shun, Koki, Shiki, Shu, Takaaki, Shou, and Sora, the brown-haired, brown-eyed youth who doesn't even reach 170 cm. His own manager runs into them and mistakes Sora for a part-time employee, much to Sora's anguish.
    • When the Mond Circus arts were released, Soshi directed Sora to stand in a specified location for his weapon's target practice, and Sora responded with a Big "NO!". Ren followed suit, and Sora responded yet again in the same way. Lastly, Ryota directed him to stand... before Sora cut him off, screaming at them all to stop aiming for him.
  • The Chew Toy: Whether it's his Height Angst, his comical rage toward his partners Soshi and Morihito for being total Chick Magnets, or generally being showcased for his odd habits, Sora can't catch a break.
  • Childhood Friends: With Soshi.
  • Commonality Connection: Has this with Mamoru, as fellow composers whose CloudCuckooLander thought processes can't be understood by the rest of their unit members, and Kakeru, his fellow under-170 cm talent who has Height Angst with his own group.
  • Cue the Sun: Sora's a "hare-otoko," someone who clears up the weather just by being around. The rest of the members find this statement to be oddly convincing.
  • Doomed Hometown: In Tsukihana Kagura, his and Mamoru's hometown is razed to the ground when they're captured.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: And how, though fortunately, it's Played for Laughs. Sora is a genius composer, a hardworking leader and guitarist who also serves as a main vocalist for their unit. Despite all that, he gets thrown into wacky situations and gets teased for just about anything.
  • Easy Amnesia: He suffers from this briefly after escaping his captors in Tsukihana Kagura. He recovers his memories when he reunites with Mamoru, however.
  • Empty Promise: In Tsukihana Kagura. Sora knows that the volcano is about to erupt, and he's willing to sacrifice his life to stop it. His reassurance to Mori is a promise that they can go to school together after it's all over.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: If Mori's treatment of him is to be of any indication. Morihito treasures Sora dearly, and for one of Sora's birthdays, Mori mentioned that he loved Sora... and his music. Make of that what you will.
    • Meanwhile, he's the one who is drooling over guys. He actually has a personal list of what types of people and which faces he has preferences for. Typically, talents like Soshi, Morihito, Koki, Hajime, and Shun are on the receiving end of his adoration.
  • Fragile Speedster: According to the officially-released guide of Generals' strengths in Zanshin, Sora seems to be this. His strength, vitality, and defense are pitifully low, at 2/10. In contrast, his speed is at 9/10.
  • Height Angst: Played for laughs. He's extremely bitter that he remains the shortest member of his group, protesting consistently that he's not the one who's under average; rather, everyone else in the agency is just crazy tall, especially when compared to average Japanese men.note 
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Does this in Tsukihana Kagura's Seiran chapter. In order to fully seal away the Secret Art that he developed, Sora dances to his death to prevent the volcano from erupting.
  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: It's said that in Zanshin, he fights like this. His special effects skill is the highest it could be, but his actual strength and defense is terribly low, so he focuses on One-Hit Kills against Regret.
  • If We Get Through This…: ..."Let's go to school together!"
  • In the Blood: Apparently, his love for pretty people runs in the family. He, his mother, and even his grandmother, are suckers for good looks.
    • Soshi's father has also mentioned that Sora and his father are the "cute-type," and not the "cool-type" like Soshi's family.
  • The Klutz: Downplayed, but it's noted multiple times that he's sort of clumsy, which leads to mistakes. This is kept consistent in alternate universes, like that of Tsukino Hyakkiyakou or Taikyoku Denki, where notes that describe his skill in spellcasting say he's not all that bad, but he occasionally screws up.
  • The Leader: Headstrong type. This is combined with him being The Heart, too. Sora is outspoken, loud, and always ready to throw people and himself into the situation that's at hand. He's very much a go-getter, and it spreads to the rest of SOARA's image as a result.
  • Lovable Coward: Has the absolute lowest resistance to horror in ALIVE.
  • Meaningful Name: His first name means sky, which is the element that SOARA is based off of. Fittingly, he was the one who came up with the concept of SOARA feeling like leaping into the blue sky.
    • This becomes even more meaningful in Tsukihana Kagura, where Sora was locked up for much of his life. Mamoru mourns the fact that Sora never got to see his namesake, the blue sky, though Sora doesn't mind it all too much.
  • Never Bareheaded: Well, not Sora normally, but Sorako is this, since the red ribbon is what designates Sora from Sorako.
  • Non-Action Guy: For the most part, he's not the one taking up arms in universes aside from Zanshin. Sora is often bumbling around, trying to do whatever he can, acting as Plucky Comic Relief or The Heart.
  • Older Than They Look: He has naturally youthful looks, so he was asked for an I.D. when he went out to drink with Soshi and Mori. It's also a reason why he prefers summer over any other season, because he won't get suspected of skipping school and reported to the authorities.
  • Otaku: The Fangirl character Sorako is like this. They spout lines that are reminiscent of present-day otaku, such as wanting to be the wall who watches over and doesn't have to be noticed by their idols.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: As Sorako. Ohara Sorako is literally Sora with a red ribbon slapped onto his head, but everyone accepts this Unusually Uninteresting Sight as being the typical nonsense that goes on in their agency, taking it in stride.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Tends to take up this position. He's going to be put through the wringer for the sake of comedy, but he's going to emerge from the rubble no worse for the wear.
    • He provides much of the little humor in the story of Tsukino Hyakkiyakou Tengoku. From running around getting chased, to awkwardly trying to follow Soshi up to retrieve Mori, Sora uplifts the mood of what would normally be a serious situation.
  • Post-Injury Desk Job: In Zanshin, he takes up working at the counter in Minerva because of an injury that prevented him from fighting on the front lines. Sora continues to have his beloved sword by his side regardless. ALIVE STAGE Zanshin: Rin'u Sousei reveals that it was sustained from fighting 2ez.
  • Secret Art: In Tsukihana Kagura. Sora and Mamoru are the only ones who can use the power of vibrating sound atoms in the sky. Sora was the one who developed it, but the art became used for bad purposes, leading to villains ruining their home country for it.
  • Teen Genius: For music. He became a one-hit wonder after composing an amazing song and uploading it online.
    • Of course, like many other genius tropes in the series, this is Deconstructed. He lost steam after making that song, and the following songs weren't as well-received. The backlash from vicious online comments caused him to spiral, and he only recovered after distancing himself from composing songs for some time.
  • Tender Tears: Often does this. It's said that he gets overly emotional when he's composing.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: In Tsukihana Kagura, Seiran chapter. Sora was locked up for most of his life, and despite his skill being used for nothing but warfare, he maintained his chirpy innocence and love for music. He wanted nothing but the best for those he loved, but in the end he had to perform a Heroic Sacrifice to seal away what he believed he was guilty of creating. Subverted in the end, though, since he does get reincarnated and reunited with his friends.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Has this sort of relationship with Soshi. They're childhood friends and care for each other lots, but that care comes hand-in-hand with petty insults, snarky remarks, and jabs about their current situations.
  • Weak, but Skilled: In alternate universes, he's never all that powerful, with his physical strength tending to be very low. Yet in Zanshin, for example, Sora has much higher dexterity, effects, and speed to make up for it, with a decent amount of intelligence on top.

    Arihara Morihito
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voiced by: Yuki Ono
Stage Cast and Live-Action Actor: Ishiwatari Mashu (2-6); Kageyama Tatsuya (7-)
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: April 21
Height: 178 cm
Blood Type: AB
Partners: Ohara Sora, Kagurazaka Soshi

SOARA's second main vocalist and guitarist, a diligent and kind young man. Morihito is the son of violinists, but he felt that something was missing in his life... until he listened to Sora's first song. Ever since then, he has been Sora's biggest fan, and he's supported him since. After graduating high school, he went to a prestigious university while also working in SOARA, and he's become a company employee working in TSUKIPRO itself.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Gets called "Mori".
  • Always with You: Inverted in the short story which takes place after Tsukihana Kagura - "You're always with me." Morihito makes this statement about Sora. He mentions that the wind brushing by reminds him that Sora is always with him.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: For sure. It's said that Morihito should not be angered, under any circumstances, because when he gets angry, he is terrifying.
  • Blue Blood: Not exactly in the normal universe, since he's just the Token Rich Student, and his parents aren't nobility by any means. However, this is played straight in Zanshin. He's specifically noted to be the son of a prominent noble family, who joined the front lines after Sora saved him from a Regret attack.
    • In Tsukihana Kagura, too. He's the son of the Seiran suzerain during the story set in the past.
  • Brutal Honesty: Kind he may be, he can dish out some harsh realities to those around him. It's mostly dealt to either Sora or Soshi, constantly played for laughs.
    • When the squad dreams up ideas about them possibly getting a position in a variety program, Mori remarks that they'd better be off aiming for singing programs instead. This elicits a, "You have a point," from everyone.
  • Chick Magnet: Definitely. It was very present in high school, where he'd get confessions out the wazoo.
    • In Tsukihana Kagura, Mori gets a stack of Love Letters handed over by Soshi, much to Sora's rage.
  • Commonality Connection: Haru believes that the two of them make for a good duo since they're both glasses buddies. He calls them "Team Intelligent Glasses," and Morihito agrees. Later on, upon hearing that both Mori and Yuma aren't the best at cooking, Haru asserts that they're in the same boat, too.
    • A sillier version pops up later, also with the characters who have green image colors. Mori, who's acting bubblier due to being slightly buzzed, mentions he got a perm, compares it to Eichi, and happily drags Haru into the mix to form his personal group of perm buddies.
  • Declaration of Protection: The Zanshin pamphlet shows that Mori pledged to protect Sora after his Career-Ending Injury.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Takes both positions, being wanted and doing the wanting. Sora can and will shower praise on Mori's good looks. Case in point, when he wondered if his perm looked good during his 2023 outfit reveal, Sora immediately replies that he adores it.
    • Morihito's attachment to Sora is no joke. He actively cheers on Sora, hyping him up, supporting him no matter what happens. Mori is a fan of Sora's music, and even his first solo song, Yurara, is all about him promising to follow Sora forever and ever on.
      • Before their debut, Mori didn't know Sora had been running his own personal Twitter account. Upon hearing that Sora had one, Mori instantly decides to create one too.
  • Fantastic Racism: In Taikyoku Denki, due to his partial Gokuzoku blood. People took their distance around him, which caused him to be discriminated against, as others feared him.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: In Taikyoku Denki, he's part Gokuzoku. His eyes glitter in the darkness, and his nails grow quickly.
  • Hesitant Sacrifice: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou Tengoku, Mori is set to be sacrificed as the all-knowing Hakutaku. In the Blue version, he tearfully admits that he doesn't want to die, which spurs on Soshi to ruin the gods' plans by doing a Heroic Sacrifice himself.
  • I Owe You My Life: In Zanshin. Sora saved Mori from a Regret attack, so he took up a position in the front lines despite heavy opposition from those around him.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Mori".
  • Meaningful Name: His first name, Morihito, has the letter for "protect" in it. He's the one who protects SOARA in a sense, since he will defend it to his last.
    • In Re:venger, his and Kensuke's duet, the lyrics touch upon this aspect of his name. Morihito serves as the shield that protects his group, while Kensuke is the sword that fights for his.
  • Nerd Glasses: He's one of the few TSUKIPRO talents who wears glasses consistently, and he's quite intelligent. Haru wonders why Morihito doesn't get teased for his glasses half as much as he does.
  • Number Two: To Sora. He comes after Sora in their official order, plays vocals and guitar to back him up, and follows him around as his die-hard fan. Mori is willing to chide Sora when necessary, but for the most part, he's supporting him all the way.
  • The Omniscient: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou. His setting as the Hakutaku describes him to be a Youkai that knows all knowledge, of all creation.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Mori is legitimately angry or upset, he's frightening. Luckily enough, these moments are rarely seen, but in the Drama CD detailing the seniors' graduation, Morihito is all sorts of distressed, and his unprecedented levels of Suddenly Shouting compared to his typical gentle nature tip the listener off about just how anguished he is that he doesn't have enough time with the rest of them.
  • Reunion Vow: In the short story posted after Tsukihana Kagura, Seiran version. He looks forward to the day he can meet Sora again.
  • Salaryman: Works as one for TSUKIPRO. Unlike most examples, he's quite happy with his job, since he gets to lavish love onto his beloved SOARA and work hard supporting them. He even has the black suit and tie to go along with it at work.
  • Say My Name: In the climax of Tsukihana Kagura, Seiran version.
    • Also in the climax of Tsukino Hyakkiyakou Tengoku, Blue version.
    Morihito: Sou... SOU...! SOUUUUUUUUUUU!!
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: Not in the current universe, but in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou. Being a noble Hakutaku, he doesn't actually know much about the world outside of heaven, and despite him wanting to learn more, he's such a prized existence that their world's residents would prefer that he not interact with the beastly Youkai.
  • Student Council President: Was president in high school. In their High School AU, he's the vice president to Hajime's president.
  • Team Mom: A Mother's Day tweet shows us that generally, Mori fits being SOARA's mother. He's kind, reassuring, and watches over them. He's often calming the place down after either Sora or Nozomu tick off Soshi, laughing faintly as he and Ren pull them apart.
  • Thought They Knew Already: When Mori asks Sora if he'll write an original song, it flusters Sora, and Mori's equally surprised because he thinks this is the case.
  • Tragic Keepsake: In Tsukihana Kagura, Sora's dream to go to school, in a sense. Having known full well that Sora never got to attend school in his short life, Mori became a teacher to support the world filled with hopes, dreams, and possibilities that Sora protected.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Sora. He will defend Sora's music to the last, and he will follow Sora just about anywhere. In alternate worlds, it's pretty telling that, no matter what position he has, no matter what he must do, he will abandon everything to stay by Sora's side.

    Kagurazaka Soshi
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voiced by: Makoto Furukawa
Stage Cast and Live-Action Actor: Yoshida Chihiro
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: July 17
Height: 183 cm
Blood Type: B
Partners: Ohara Sora, Arihara Morihito

SOARA's drummer and Only Sane Man. Despite his aloof and detached nature, he's actually very capable of watching over others, and he can't help but lend a hand if things get tough. He is often in the position of stopping the loose cannons Sora and Nozomu, but he can occasionally jump on board, leading to him getting chided by Morihito. His and Ren's families are neighbors, so he treats the younger guy like his own little brother.

  • Big Brother Instinct: Watches over Ren with an especially caring eye and looks out for him. Though Soshi's mannerisms may be gruff, he likes supporting his little brother figure.
    • He has his own little sister, Rise. He treasures her to bits, and the very idea that she has a boyfriend is enough to send the usually calm-as-a-cucumber Soshi into hysterics. In Tsukihana Kagura, when Mori and Sou are searching for Rise's lost hairpin, Sou gets a bit more enthusiastic after hearing she treasured the accessory he'd given her.
  • Brutal Honesty: Combines this with Deadpan Snarker from time to time, especially in response to the two troublemakers.
    • When Sora and Nozomu express Glasses Curiosity because girls seem to like glasses-wearing guys, Soshi responds to them that they don't like the glasses that guys wear. Girls like the guys being handsome. This unshakeable truth causes the other two to yell at him to stop.
  • Chick Magnet: Was confessed to multiple times in high school. People would also use Sora as a go-between to pass on love letters to him, much to Sora's comical rage.
    • In Tsukihana Kagura, after handing to Morihito a stack of girls' Love Letters that had been snuck into his bag, Mori one-ups him and hands Sou an even bigger stack of them. The entire affair simply breaks Sora's heart.
  • Childhood Friends: With Sora.
  • Commonality Connection: Strikes up a very profound conversation about castles with Koki. The two of them discuss castles that they like, and the sheer level of their talk stuns those watching.
  • Deadpan Snarker: This man churns out enough snark to keep the whole unit functioning.
  • Designated Victim: Played for laughs, he's typically subject to Mori's sharp tongue during his Brutal Honesty moments.
    • During their 2023 outfit reveal, Sou jokingly tells the guitars standing in the front (Sora, Mori, and Nozomu) to get jumping. Mori shuts him down, implying that Soshi's back is starting to hurt from old age, and Sou responds with bleak shock.
    • When SOARA plays around with their Series Mascot, they suddenly enact a scene where Soshi's Arainunote  is killed off for dramatic effect. Sou has no choice but to watch it all happen in front of him.
  • Disney Death: In Tengoku. He performs a Heroic Suicide in order to prevent the gods' plan from working and spare Mori from dying instead, in a big Fuck You for putting his friends, especially Morihito, through such suffering. He's later revived by Hajime when Mori begs him to bring his friend back.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Sora will swear left and right that Soshi pisses him off. Because he's tall, too good-looking, has a nice voice, and is super muscular to boot. One of Sora's most iconic lines about wishing hot guys to blow up was done because of his envy towards Sou having so many good traits.
  • Flat "What": His usual response to the wacky stuff happening.
    Ren: The bomb that Sora-senpai started off has returned as a gift to Nozomu!!
    Soshi: What.
  • Hates Rich People: Zanshin is known for having wildly different characterizations compared to the usual timeline, and Soshi isn't any different. Being a mercenary, he's quite ticked off with Mori's Sheltered Aristocrat vibes.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: This is combined with Heroic Suicide in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, Tengoku. Upon hearing Morihito choke out that he doesn't want to die, Soshi takes his place and puts a sword to his throat as he says the tagline of the story.
    Soshi: ...I'll die for you.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Soshi will insult, nag, and tease his partners Sora and Morihito frequently. This doesn't stop him from admitting (given, under bean Truth Serums) that Sora's annoying crybaby behavior and Morihito's stupid selflessness are what make him feel so protective of them.
  • In-Series Nickname: Gets called "Sou". He's also nicknamed "Sou-nii" from Ren.
    • A few tweets have made the rounds calling him Hostzaka (Host and Kagurazaka) and Ranbuzaka (Wild Dance, part of his second single, and Kagurazaka).
  • Kitsch Collection: Of salts. Soshi keeps a bunch of different types of salts in their kitchen.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Has the nicest muscles in SOARA, apparently. Fittingly, he's The Big Guy who plays the biggest instrument.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Seems to be his reaction when Mori and Sora hesitantly suggest that his younger sister Rise could have a boyfriend.
  • Not So Above It All: Though he does act like the Only Sane Man most of the time, especially in response to Sora and Nozomu, he can and will jump onboard with their antics. He shows a surprisingly dorky side to him as a result of it.
    • Back when they were designing their logo, Soshi drew something rather cute for his suggestion... a cat. They coo at how adorable his suggestion was, and his immediate embarrassment reveals a chink in his cool-guy armor.
    • When the seniors suddenly recite a poem formed with SOARA's syllables and Soshi is tasked with handling the "Ra" syllable, he responds on the spot with, "Ramen is soaring." They all dogpile him because there could've been at least something more fitting.
    • Soshi acts rather childish from time to time. When Mori asks the rest of them what they want to eat together, Sou cuts Ren and Nozomu off, to put in his two cents of yakiniku. Mori remarks that he's supposed to be older than them, but Soshi resolutely states that, for meat, he'll act like a brat, seniority be damned.
    • As Soshi, Ren, and Nozomu are sitting around a kotatsu, Soshi mutters that it's a true "Roundabout," which is also their triad song. The other two's Lame Pun Reaction is actively ignoring it.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. His nickname "Sou" is the same name, kanji and all, as one of You's brothers.
  • Only Sane Man: Asserts himself as being this. Soshi is right there to call out the remaining members' weird antics and scolds Mori when he's acting too nice to Sora. When Ren nervously remarks on Nozomu and Sora's over-the-top antics, Soshi bluntly tells him to ignore them and let them act like idiots as long as they want.
  • Oni: His form in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, the Youkai AU.
  • The Reliable One: Noted in one of his profiles. His underlying support for the group provides them with a stable foundation that keeps them together.
  • Shared Family Quirks: Non-blood-related version in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou. He was raised by the Shuten-Doji Shiki, who was raised by Hajime. The traits they all share are being Tall, Dark, and Handsome, and also solving problems by beating the shit out of them.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: In Zanshin, with Ren. He's always picking fights with the Blue Blood Morihito, and the latter's guard dog Ren doesn't take it lightly, leading to Soshi picking fights with Ren as well.
  • Stupid Sexy Friend: Sora's general attitude towards him, griping that his face, voice, and height are a God-given gift that makes him so frustrated. And Sou knows it.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: He's the tallest member of SOARA and ALIVE as a whole. Though his image color, yellow, isn't dark by any means, many of his outfits give him fits that are on the darker side. He's canonically one of the Chick Magnets in the group, and his voice is praised for being sexy.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: The only thing that can go head-to-head with his height and good looks is his level of snark.
  • Team Dad: Acts like this to the team. He's aloof and tough, but he won't hesitate to lend a helping hand if they're in need of it.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sora. They're always at each others' throats, firing off insults and hurling petty remarks to each other. Still, they were the ones who cheered each other up in junior high school: when Soshi retained a Career-Ending Injury that prevented him from pursuing basketball, Sora was there to cheer him up; likewise, when Sora was in a depression over being cyberbullied, Soshi nudged him away from the negativity and reminded Sora that none of those people trashtalking him knew Sora for who he really was.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Well, sleeve-only scenes in his Tsukino Hyakkiyakou design. His whole chest and midriff are exposed, aside from a bit of fabric that uselessly covers up a part of his upper chest.

    Munakata Ren
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voiced by: Taishi Murata
Stage Cast and Live-Action Actor: Ueda Shinichiro
Age: 25 (2023 setting)
Birthday: June 2
Height: 172 cm
Blood Type: A
Partner: Nanase Nozomu

SOARA's keyboardist, a thoughtful and diligent young man. Ren earned various awards for piano as a child, and his family runs a kendo dojo. He tends to overthink due to his serious nature, and despite his preparations, he tends to get overwhelmed at inopportune moments. When that happens, backup and support from his unit members, especially his partner Nozomu, gets him back on track, ready to face what's coming. Ren's position in SOARA is that of their beloved junior, but he's been known to fire off some Deadpan Snarker remarks in response to their antics.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Receives a "Ren-kyun" from Sora at times.
    • Due to growing up neighbors with Soshi, he occasionally lets a "Sou-nii" slip. Ren considered this an Embarrassing Nickname near the start, since it was a childhood habit.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Ren is a polite guy who watches out for the people around him. Typically, he's sweet and considerate... but this doesn't extend to those who belittle his companions.
    • Played for Laughs during one of Sora's birthday celebrations. Ren is handed a hammer to fight Sora with, and Sora is shaking in his boots, seeing Ren shift silently into swordsman mode.
    • In Taikyoku Denki, a Q&A session reveals that Ren buried an opponent Gokuzoku in the ground for even considering to disrespect Koki. His statement, accompanied by a refreshing smile, sends chills down everyone's spines.
  • Born Unlucky: Not to the level of Six Gravity's Shiwasu Kakeru, but it's commented multiple times that Ren tends to have characteristics of having feeble luck. This description is even located on one of his profiles.
  • Can't Live with Them, Can't Live Without Them: Ren makes it very clear that he would rather not be dragged into the messes that Nozomu causes, but he wouldn't give up his partnership with Nozomu for the world. They balance each other out, with Ren reining in Nozomu's wackiness, and Nozomu giving Ren a necessary push on the back.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Is this to Nozomu. It's quite obvious when they run into each other doing different jobs, and Ren immediately heads into caretaker mode, worrying if Nozomu is on time, if he's gotten into any trouble, or if he needs anything.
  • Commonality Connection: With Rui and Mamoru, it's that they're all piano-lovers. A doodle from the ALIVE artist shows Rui and Ren deep in conversation about piano, while Mamoru hesitantly lingers around the entrance, wanting to join in.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Shifts between this and Brutal Honesty from time to time. Though he's a polite guy, he's very much willing to call his teammates out for their dumb nonsense, and none of them are exempt from this.
    • When Sora, who's head over heels for pretty people, squees over Rikka offering to protect him during Zanshin practice, Ren drily states that there's something terminally wrong with Sora, so no one should pay him any mind.
  • Determinator: It helps balance out him being a Nervous Wreck. Ren gets crazily anxious about making mistakes or screwing up, but to make up for it, he's very dedicated to what he must do. Other unit members affirm that this is also Ren's strength.
  • Dissonant Serenity: For comedic effect. He'll occasionally say some of the most terrifyingly gruesome things without batting an eye. If anything, he smiles while doing so.
    • In their very first drama, they're discussing ideas about what to do for the third years' farewell ceremony. When an idea to make flowers blow up gets shut down, Ren suggests to blow up Sora instead. Sora reacts with as much horror as you'd expect.
  • Dragged into Drag: In Proani's first season, he's dressed up in a cheerleader outfit. Considering that he wasn't told about it beforehand, this happened to him.
  • Fatal Flaw: His hesitation and anxiety. It's something he can't shake off no matter how long he struggles with it, so he's accepted it as part of himself, recognizing that he's not alone.
  • Good Old Ways: It's not as extreme, but Ren has a connection with being traditional and old-fashioned. He prefers traditional Japanese foods and actions, is polite according to their customs, and his teammates also call him orthodox. They reassure him that it's not a bad thing, though.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: In 2P, to Shun. It's downplayed, since Shun's quite capable, but he's just being a Brilliant, but Lazy slacker. In order to get Shun working properly, Ren prepares a "special medicine" to get Shun motivated... namely, Hajime. And it works, since Shun's energy immediately shoots sky-high, and he eagerly demands work.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Has some nice blue eyes. He's quite pure, and he didn't know what Sora meant when referring to his "treasure" early on.
  • Kamaitachi: His form in the Youkai alternate universe. He's accompanied by a little Arainu who carries around the medicine.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Nozomu retells a story of Ren running into him when the former chills on his balcony sunbathing with sunglasses. They promise to each other to never bring it up again.
  • Master Swordsman: Downplayed, but he's one of the sole characters who has been known to receive professional martial arts training. In Ren's case, it's kendo, and in their High School AU he joined the Kendo Club to make use of it. SOARA claims he's their swordsman, to boot.
  • Pet the Dog: On the receiving end of this when it comes to Ryota. Ryota's reasons for this being that he has a face that's easy on the eyes, he's diligent, pure, and polite. Even when Ryo is feeling in a bad mood, he can't lash out at Ren, since Ren's just such a nice guy.
  • Princely Young Man: He's been occasionally referred to as being SOARA's prince. His hardworking and dedicated behavior serves to push this image of him, and depending on the outfit he wears, he can look even more the part.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Nozomu's red. Their image colors also reflect this, with Ren being blue and Nozomu being the red. Where Ren is high-strung and upright, Nozomu is relaxed and easygoing. They make for a pair that nicely bounces off each other well, as one's weakness is typically the other's strength.
  • Serious Business: Handles work this way. It's Played for Laughs with a comment he makes during their Sweets Kingdom photoshoot, when he mutters constantly that he's a parfait in order to get into the mood of dressing up as one.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: In Zanshin, he acts like this with Soshi, as the latter constantly disrespects his master, Morihito.
  • Tender Tears: Sheds these pretty often. The drama CD where the three seniors safely graduate high school even depicts Ren with tears in his eyes.

    Nanase Nozomu
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voice and Live-Action Actor: Chiharu Sawashiro
Stage Cast: Watanabe Hibiki
Age: 25 (2023 setting)
Birthday: November 9
Height: 179 cm
Blood Type: O
Partner: Munakata Ren

SOARA's bassist and beloved troublemaker. An energetic and fun-loving guy, Nozomu admires his older brother, who is a professional bassist. Nozomu jumped at the idea of forming the band in the beginning, and his zeal hasn't let up since. He is quirky and playful, often getting himself into mischief. Though his levels of energy have toned down somewhat with age, he's still the go-to guy for hyping things up. As the second member of SOARA's younger duo, Nozomu makes sure to watch out for his partner Ren, and they make for a great pair that balances each other out.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Has one courtesy of Arata, being Nozomun.
    • Like Sora, he gives Growth the cutesy nicknames that come from dropping off the second kanji letter off their first names, plus a -kun or -chan. Nozomu refers to his senpai (bar Sora) with their typical nicknames, plus -senpai.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Is this in Taikyoku Denki.
  • Big Brother Worship: His older brother Izuru took his father's place when the latter died, and because of that and Izuru's success as a mainstream bassist, Nozomu wants to work hard to reach Izuru's level one day.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Sora. They form the troublemaker duo in SOARA, and it's noted in one of Nozomu's profiles that together, he and Sora are "the strongest, in a way".
  • Born Lucky: It's said that luck is often on his side. As if to exemplify that, his 2P avatar NANASE wields a luck stat of 9.5 out of 10.
  • The Cameo: A filmed appearance, played by Chiharu Sawashiro, in SQS Episode 4: Tsukino Empire 2.
  • Catchphrase: "The charismatic bassist, Nanase Nozomu-kun~!" He really likes the word "charisma" in general.
  • CloudCuckooLander: Definitely one of the more out there members in ALIVE, if not the entire agency. He's a guy with outlandish thoughts and behaviors, and he's not afraid to express them with his whole being.
  • Cue the Sun: The theme of his second solo, Yoake no HERO (Dawn's HERO).
    • Nozomu's signature also depicts a sun, hinting at his sunny personality.
  • Delayed Reaction: When they're opening one of their envelopes from the agency prior in their pre-debut days, Sora nervously hands off the letter to Nozomu to open, saying that nothing's more lucky than a cheerful idiot. Nozomu affirms that, then after a Beat, he realizes what has just been said and takes offense to it.
  • Disappeared Dad: Nozomu's dad died when he was young.
  • The Ditz: When he and Sora first met, they were battling it out in dodgeball, representing their respective grades. Nozomu genuinely thought Sora was in the same year as him, despite him being on the opposite team and wearing a jersey from a different grade. Sora's response to this is a combination of disbelief and shock.
    Sora: It's more weird to be that convinced we're the same age!
  • The Dreaded: Played for Laughs. When Ren thinks that SOARA could be like a group of five brothers, Nozomu happily informs him that he'd be Ren's younger brother. Ren's enthusiasm immediately plummets, and the rest of the boys think to themselves that such a situation would cause them all stress.
  • Emotion Suppression: Not this universe, but in Zanshin. It's implied that he keeps his emotions under wraps in order to deal with the mental strain of fighting Regret.
  • Genki Guy: Generally the goofiest and most energetic of all members in SOARA. Even among the TSUKIPRO talents as a whole, Nozomu tends to crash around, exuding fun all around.
  • Good Luck Charm: He carries his older brother's pick with him as a necklace, which he uses as a good luck charm in events.
  • The Heart: Always lifting up the mood. He is often playing this position for SOARA in general, but also for Ren specifically, since it's been commented that Nozomu is the best medicine for when Ren's feeling depressed.
  • Hidden Depths: Empty-headed and thoughtless he may seem, Nozomu is incredibly observant and emotionally available. His pranks are never done maliciously, and he is considerate of those who have their own struggles to deal with. This, coupled with how he turned down going to college in favor of pursuing band activities seriously, shows that he's much more insightful than he seems at first glance.
  • Jumped at the Call: Was right on board with starting up SOARA when they first pitched the idea.
    • In their alternate universe ORIGIN, it seems that Nozomu just loves doing this. He leaps into worlds, excited to descend into other versions' lives through becoming them. It's partially for himself, and partially for Ren, who's too worried about descending into worlds on his own.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Not that extreme, but this is said to be the reason why he and Ren form a good pair. Nozomu's always heading right into things, so the thoughtful and hesitant Ren must be there to rein him in when needed.
  • Magical Girl: Girl? Maybe, maybe not, but his April Fool's character is named Pure Charisma.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: A downplayed version, but still there. Nozomu's resistance to horror is some of the best in the agency, so he casually brushes off oddities on the regular. When he and Mamoru were staring off into empty space, the scaredy-cat Arata screamed at them, sobbing, to tell him just what they were looking at.
  • Noodle Incident: Ren once rushed into Growth's living room asking for help, as Nozomu had somehow gotten his head stuck in a jar. He safely got his head out immediately after, but no context is provided for this situation.
  • Perpetual Smiler: It's noted in his anime profile that Nozomu's smile never goes away. It's a good clue to show you just how perky and bubbly he is.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Shares this position with Sora. If the situation's not serious and allows for silly moments, Nozomu's got them covered. Even in dark moments, Nozomu's casual jokes like pretending he's getting zapped by the Lightning Glare going on between Ryota and Mitsuru lighten up the mood significantly.
  • Rainbow Motif: His Magical Girl alter ego, Pure Charisma, has many rainbow accents on his hairclip, outfit, and bass.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Ren's blue. Their image colors also reflect this, with Nozomu being a fiery red and Ren's color being a thoughtful blue. The way they play their instruments onstage also depicts this trope: Ren, being the keyboardist, tends to stand relatively still while he plays; Nozomu, on the other hand, is always bounding around and catching the camera's attention, all while he's busting out playful tricks with his bass.
  • Shock and Awe: His Tsukino Hyakkiyakou self is a Raijin, a thunder god. That being said, however, his attacks are static electricity level, so his attacks aren't exactly destructive.
  • The Stoic: In a clear contrast to his normal self (and, for that matter, all his alternate universes' selves), Nozomu's Zanshin version is aloof and calm, rarely uttering words unless prompted.
  • Trash of the Titans: It's been noted that his room is extremely messy. An episode of Proani, when Sora barges into his room while Nozomu's sleeping, reveals that there is stuff constantly on the floor. There is even a drama track dedicated to cleaning Nozomu's room.
  • The Trickster: Playful and free-spirited, Nozomu goes about messing with people from time to time. This is a pronounced trait of his in the 2P world, where it's specifically stated that he has incredible coding skills, but all he does with it is mild mischief.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: The foundation of his relationship with his partner Ren. Nozomu's constant support and uplifting energy has brought Ren out of many a funk.
    • This is the general explanation of his and Ren's duet song, With U. When Ren puts himself down, bemoaning why he's constantly getting so nervous and anxious, Nozomu is right there to back him up. Nozomu reassures him that he'd rather see Ren expressing himself normally, because he'll accept him for who he is.


    Tropes that apply to the whole unit
From left to right: Mamoru, Koki, Kensuke, and Ryota
"We invite you into the world of the extraordinary. Our journey's tracks are woven through song."
  • Fairytale Motifs: Their outfits for the Harajuku Shop theme Fairy Tale Collection were based on Beauty and the Beast.
  • Fate Drives Us Together: Implied in the lyrics of Mahou no Kizunanote . It wonders if it was destiny or a simple coincidence that brought them together.
  • Floral Theme Naming:
    • Koki and Mamoru's last names (Eto and Fujimura) contain the letter for "wisteria". Their names are based off of the same plant, but they're pronounced differently due to Alternate Character Reading.
    • Kensuke's last name (Yaegashi) has the letter for "oak tree".
    • Ryota's last name (Sakuraba) has the letter for "cherry tree" in it.
  • Four-Philosophy Ensemble:
    • Koki is The Realist. He mediates and remains calm and quiet, all while he works as a steadfast and capable leader.
    • Kensuke is The Optimist. He is cheerful, extroverted, and a Determinator who always seeks to improve himself. He provides much of the brightness to their group.
    • Ryota is The Cynic. A skeptic who is tough on himself and others, he is rather hostile to those he is severely misaligned with. A downplayed example, though, since he will not forgo social norms to achieve what he wants.
    • Mamoru is The Apathetic. His origins are vastly different from the remaining three members, and his unique worldview, though the source of their music, is also something that no one else can truly understand. Also a downplayed example, as his goals are known (doing his best with Growth) and isn't uninvolved.
  • Green Means Natural: Green is their group's image color, and their theme of the earth and trees is the most common thing that comes to mind when considering "nature".
  • Hope Sprouts Eternal: A number of their songs describe a barren wasteland upon which the hopes of the future begin to sprout. Notable mentions go to Hidamari ni Sakunote , which depicts strength emerging from sorrow; Shoukei no Materianote , a song that illustrates shining through the cracks and scars of life; and Wasurekaketa Mononote , which remains hopeful that the singer's clumsy life will allow for a grand flower to bloom.
  • In-Series Nickname: Their fans are referred to as the "Forest Citizens".
  • Iyashikei: Their old TSUKIPRO Channel "Growth's Room of Healing" is based off of this. The intention was to exchange their healing experiences to help comfort the audience during their time together.
  • Meaningful Echo: One of their first Proani endings, Hidamari ni Saku, includes a segment of lyrics directly lifted from their "Flower" song from the Kachoufuugetsu series, FLOW AWAY. Fitting, since Hidamari ni Saku is literally about a flower blooming.
  • Meaningful Name: Koki came up with their unit name. It is not only based on their Floral Theme Naming, but also his desire to keep improving. He compared them to the trees that grow taller and taller until they pierce the heavens, stating that their name contains not only a wish, but a goal.
  • Multilingual Song: A good deal of them, due to Mamoru's tendency to pepper in insane bits of Gratuitous Foreign Language like Latin. One of the most notable examples is Super Nova, which starts off with a long Latin chant that's been compared to a magic spell.
  • Princely Young Man: As noted in one of their Proani episodes, this is their theme. They acknowledge the irony that Mamoru used to be a NEET. Despite this image, all of them are rather down-to-earth, with common likes and dislikes.
  • The Rival: To the idol duo ZIX, who tend to shift between Aloof Ally and Sitcom Arch-Nemesis.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: How Koki, Kensuke, and Ryota left their previous agency. They were ticked off that two juniors got the chance to debut instead of them, most likely through their blood ties to the president, and quit afterwards.
  • Seasonal Baggage: Their first four Drama CDs rotated through the seasons just as SOARA's did. Their Side.G series of dramas started with spring and ended in winter.
  • Signature Line: Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious.
  • Singer Namedrop: Lucretia. This song incorporates various parts of their first names in the second verse.
    • Koki sings a line about the solitary earth, as the second half of the word "kokou" is homophonous for Koki's first letter.
    • Kensuke sings a line about a sword. His first name contains the letter for sword.
    • Ryota sings a line about appreciating the cool air, which his first name shares a letter with.
    • Mamoru sings a line about protecting someone's will, where Mamoru's name, though written differently, is the same pronunciation as "protection".
  • Spell My Name With An S: Not the unit or characters themselves, but their songs. Because some of them contain Gratuitous Foreign Language or strange mashups of letters, the songs become weirdly altered when romanized. Biggest example yet goes to their very first song, ラダ・キアナ. Is it pronounced as it's written, Rada Kiana? Are there extra letters, like Rhada Quiana? Is it Rudder Qiana?
  • Spinning Clock Hands: Depicted in Parallel Lineage and their Re:Start series promotional videos' endings, which is fittingly based off of the theme of Time.
  • Stable Time Loop: Unmei no Pendulumnote  depicts this happening, in a way. As the culmination of their Re:Start series of Time, this song serves to touch upon the previous songs, noting that everything returns as fate decrees, forced to return to their previous location like a pendulum.
  • Tick Tock Tune: The beginning of Toki no Hazama ninote  begins with the ticking clock sound. According to Word of God, it comes from one of the voice actors suggesting that they add it in.

    Eto Koki
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voice Actor: Shun'ichi Toki
Stage Cast: Shiozawa Hidemasa
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: May 22
Height: 177 cm
Blood Type: A
Partner: Fujimura Mamoru

Growth's leader. He's often mistaken for being a cold and aloof person, but his personality is the dictionary definition of gentle and sincere. Koki has lofty ideals, and he never spares any expense in making them come true as a hard worker who desires to keep bettering himself. He picked Mamoru up off the street, left his previous agency with Ken and Ryo, and together the four of them passed the audition to join TSUKIPRO, forming a friendly rivalry with SOARA along the way. A Supreme Chef who has austere tastes, he's also quite the innocent guy because of his upbringing.

  • Asian Fox Spirit: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, the Youkai AU, he is the son of the god Inari and a nine-tailed fox.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: Brought up in canon that his beautiful voice is absolutely charming. Sora even name-drops his voice actor, touting that as one aspect of Koki's appeal.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Releases sparkles constantly.
  • Blue Blood: Not a noble in the present timeline, but if there's a line of royalty in an alternate universe, you bet he's going to be one.
    • In Tsukino Empire, he's a distant relative of the Natulan royal family and technically is in the running for the seat of emperor.
    • In the past of Tsukihana Kagura, he was the son of the suzerain of Asagi. In the present, as is described in the pamphlet, he's not exactly a noble, but he's still the son of a major business family.
    • For Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, due to being the son of the god Inari, he's treated as a cherished child and prized as a result of that.
  • Brutal Honesty: Back when they first started, he'd often shut down Mamoru's attempts to tend to the house or cook for him, saying things like how he would prefer not to get a stomachache first thing in the morning.
  • Child Prodigy: In 2P, he was considered a prodigial child.
  • Conscience Makes You Go Back: It's explained in 2P's pamphlet that he tried to live a normal life after creating the program that became the foundation for the game. When the game went haywire, he returned and offered his help.
  • Disney Death: In Tengoku's Green version. After committing a Heroic Suicide, Koki is brought back to life when Hajime is begged by Kensuke to do so.
  • Ditzy Genius: Downplayed. He's exceptionally capable at doing many lifestyle-related things, acts considerate and reasonable, and he's generally flawless. However, because of his Sheltered Aristocrat upbringing, he can act a little silly from time to time, finding something completely unexpected to hit his funny bone directly.
    • A comic drawn earlier in their run shows Ren admiring Kou and Mamoru from afar as they walk together discussing music. Ren thinks to himself that they're so cool and mature... right before Mamoru bashes his head into a pole and Kou walks on, blissfully unaware.
    • When Mamoru declares that he has finally learned how to make a successful fried egg, Kou cheers him on... and remains just as supportive even after they note that Mamoru's fried egg has a piece of the shell in it.
    Koki: Fufu. Looks like it'll have extra calcium.
  • Divine Parentage: In their Youkai AU, as the son of Inari.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: For sure. He's the source of many people's appreciation, including Sora and Ryota. They will lavish praise on him, swoon over his good looks, and white-knight him to no end. He's appreciative of their support.
  • Fate Drives Us Together: Played for Laughs in a platonic version. An account of him encountering Mamoru while they're both at different jobs implies that whenever they meet each other unexpectedly, it always turns out like a fateful meeting.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: His sleek, shiny golden hair is the envy of many, as is his pure, well-intentioned heart that seeks to find the best in others.
    • This is noted to be the thing that caught Mamoru's eye in Taikyoku Denki. Upon seeing Koki's golden locks catch the light, Mamoru was immediately inspired as he offered up a song to the noble Gokuzoku.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: This, as well as a Heroic Suicide in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou Tengoku, Green version. He slashes his own throat in order to allow for the creation of the world, protecting the rest of the sacrifices.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Has this. Lovable and trustworthy, Koki's wall of pureness is impenetrable. When lambasted for even the slightest of meaningless flaws, he takes it to heart, digests what people might dislike about him, and always seeks to make himself better afterward.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Has beautifully blue eyes. Koki is sweet and pure, and Ryota is determined to protect this innocence for as long as he lives. He, much like fellow innocent blue eye-haver Ren, didn't understand what Sora meant when he brought up his treasure.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Kou-kun", or just "Kou".
    • Was nicknamed the "Solitary Light" in the beginning, due to his appearance and seeming (to others) so out of reach that he felt leagues away.
  • The Kindness of Strangers: This is how he helped out Mamoru. Despite not knowing the random man who was playing a keyboard on the street, Kou's random kindness led to them forming the group we all know and love today.
  • The Leader: In Growth. He's the Charismatic type, with little bits of Levelheaded sprinkled in. Experienced with leading the way, he's their de facto head and has the attractive personality that draws others in. Though he may have doubts in himself, Growth trusts his judgment through and through, because they know his personality as being one that always seeks the best.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: His parents were busy when he was a junior training in his previous agency. His father's driver would often pick him up, but he fretted that said actions would only add to the distance himself from others. This aspect of his faded over time, as becoming friends with Kensuke and Ryota made him no longer alone.
  • Meaningful Name: As mentioned in their group entry, Koki's last name contains the letter for "wisteria," his part of their Floral Theme Naming. His first name is composed of the letters "rising" and "brilliance," likely a nod to his high-class upbringing and sparkling, bright and considerate personality.
  • Mistaken for Romance: After Koki receives Sora's phone number, he's often absentmindedly spacing out, getting distracted, and sighing. The other three mistake this for him being in love, and they spend a whole track involving them frantically discussing the possibility that their leader and beloved prince has fallen in love.
  • Multiple-Tailed Beast: As the nine-tailed fox.
  • Pinky Swear: Does this with Mamoru in the climax of Tsukihana Kagura, Asagi chapter. Going off of how Kou brings it up, he's hopeful that things will work out... Unfortunately, Mamoru accepts it knowing that he's making an Empty Promise.
  • Princely Young Man: Played straightest in the normal timeline. He has a naturally princely personality, and his good looks, combined with his innate kindness, make him a role model and the subject of affections.
  • Say My Name: In the climax of Tsukihana Kagura, Asagi version.
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: Both played straight and subverted. His father is an owner of a large bank, and Koki at times shows traits of a rich young master, like not knowing the values of certain things. At the same time, he has a perfect grasp on the most mundane skills like cooking and cleaning - although that also stems from his upbringing, as his parents value self-reliance.
    • Played straight to a tee in certain alternate universes. In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, he was barely allowed outside due to being such a precious existence, and he even had to sneak out of the heavenly realm from time to time. It was during one of these escapades that he met the rest of the group, and his encounters with them spurred on their story together.
  • Siblings Wanted: A set of birthday tweets reveals that he asked his parents for siblings when he was young.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: In Zanshin, he started off as a regular singer, wearing a ceremonial outfit as he performed. Come the story and pamphlet proper, Koki is wearing the typical all-black uniform of Minerva, signifying him growing into his position as a soldier.
  • Supreme Chef: Lived alone before dorming with Growth, and he loved (still loves) making meals. He enjoys it, since it's his own way of getting to clear his mind of intrusive thoughts, sort out his feelings, and also treat his friends to a nice meal. Kou's meals are highly prized by the rest of the squad, and he's been shown chatting with other talents about recipes.
  • Team Mom: The rest of them consider Kou to be a mom-like figure in Growth's dorm. He's known to cook, clean, and enjoy chores.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Tosses these out left and right, and pretty much all of the Growth members have been on the receiving end of his statements. He kindly encourages Mamoru's music when the latter is feeling insecure that he never received proper music education; informs Kensuke that he, and the rest of the group, are always appreciative of his support; and gently remarks to Ryota that the latter's struggle to improve always helps him look up and keep going as well.

    Yaegashi Kensuke
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voice Actor: Yoshitaka Yamaya
Stage Cast: Ishikawa Sho
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: September 30
Height: 181 cm
Blood Type: O
Partner: Sakuraba Ryota

Growth's most amicable and approachable member, a young man who's honest and upright. He tries to judge people for how he knows them, and not rely on others' judgment of them. Kensuke is good at judging the atmosphere of the room, and he knows when to goof off while also balancing the general mood. A bit of a late bloomer when it comes to romantic relationships, he prefers having fun with the guys, but he has many friends of all genders regardless. Physically and mentally strong, he is a stalwart presence who helps back Growth up at any given moment.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Gets called either Ken, Ken-kun, or Ken-chan.
  • Animal Motifs: Dogs. In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, he's an Inugami, a dog spirit. Ryota has made commands of him from time to time, including demanding that Ken bark (which he complies with). This plays up the Cat/Dog Dichotomy between the two, because Ryo is also canonically the most catlike within their group.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: In 2P, he is Ryo's bodyguard. Unfortunately for both of them, when they run into trouble, Ryo's the one who's more capable, since it's a coding battle and Ryo's the more code-smart of the two.
  • Brutal Honesty: Doesn't do it all too often anymore, but he'd absolutely shred Mamoru for all sorts of things back when they started, just for the laughs.
    Ken: Ask him for his job~ but he has no occupation~♪
    Ryo: Ask him where he lives~ but he has no location~♪
    Ken, Ryo: Nee-nee-NEET~♪ Nee-nee-NEET~♪
    Mamoru: I've already gotten a job, you know!? (Sweat Drop)
  • Cannot Talk to Women: Downplayed. It's mentioned on multiple profiles that Ken's not the best at interacting with the ladies for a romantic goal in mind.
  • Cynic–Idealist Duo: The idealist to Ryo's cynic. Where Ryota is doubtful of others, Kensuke is full of trust for others, believing them to be better than they are. Regardless, they are a duo who have been together for a long time now, bouncing off each other and backing one another up when things get tough.
  • The Defroster: Was this to Koki and Ryota when they started off in their junior days as Kou reminisces once. Kou, who was unapproachable due to his unique presence, and Ryo, who was difficult to deal with, tended to stay loners, but Ken pulled the two of them together with his playful, easygoing attitude.
  • Determinator: Aspires to keep working his hardest and pull through, no matter how hard he'll have to struggle by doing so.
  • Distressed Dude: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou. When Ken's captured by heaven and is sent to be sacrificed, he can't do anything but struggle helplessly.
  • Double Take: In Taikyoku Denki, when he meets the lethargic Arata for the first time. When Ken's on guard against someone he recognizes as his fellow Gokuzoku, he reacts with confusion and has to repeat himself after Arata's being his easygoing self.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Under the influence of alcohol, Ryo's acting like a bit of a Sentimental Drunk. Ryota admits that if he were a woman, he'd want to marry Kensuke, because he's good at looking after others and is kind to everyone.
  • Genki Guy: A cheerful and energetic sort of guy. He's a little more subdued than this suggests, but he's definitely the most bubbly member of Growth, at least. It's said that this aspect of him, though not fitting the "princely" atmosphere they give off, makes their unit far more approachable.
  • Gleeful and Grumpy Pairing: The glee to Ryo's grump.
  • In-Series Nickname: He's called "Ken".
    • His and Mamoru's duo name is a mashup of their first syllables as "Kemo", occasionally "Kemo-chan".
  • Little Bit Beastly: As an Inugami in their Youkai AU, Tsukino Hyakkiyakou.
  • Lovable Jock: The most athletic and extroverted member of Growth, Ken is a genuinely good guy at heart. He has hints of Dumb Jock due to his tendency to act somewhat simple and silly.
  • Magical Girl: His alter-ego in the Pure Rabi April Fools' joke is named Pure Mikan.
  • Meaningful Name: As mentioned in their group entry, Kensuke's last name contains the letter for "oak tree". He's strong and reliable as he props them up, just like a strong tree.
    • His first name contains the letter of "sword". This is incorporated in his duet with Morihito, Re:venger, as he declares that he will protect Growth by being a sword for their sake.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: He apparently has the best muscles in Growth. He's also the tallest, and his skill in dance is the best in ALIVE, judging by how he was invited into the special TSUKIPRO dance unit.
  • Nice Guy: Not like anyone in TSUKIPRO has a genuine mean bone in their body, but Kensuke is truly such a nice person that no one can deny it. He's so amazingly nice that he's the source of Ryo's Inferiority Superiority Complex, since the latter is close to him all the time, to the point he feels like Ken is too blinding.
  • The Power of Friendship: His Magical Girl identity is the Pure Warrior of Smiles and Friendship.
  • Shout-Out: His second solo, Cosmo*Locomotor is a reference to Night on the Galactic Railroad. The themes aren't kept in common, as the song's more peppy and cheery than the book. Still, the title's reference and the train in the official preview is just a little nod to a piece of famous literature.
    • During their pieno di colore art release, Ken thinks to himself several words that sound remarkably similar to their nickname of the shop, Piecolo. One of them is Piccolo.
  • The Social Expert: By far the most extroverted member of their team, Kensuke is also their radio MC. His communication among the unit, as well as their fans, is what keeps them rolling so smoothly. He understands his fellow unit members' idiosyncracies, recognizes them for who they are, and serves as a general accepting presence who makes them feel loved and appreciated.
    • This pops up especially often with his partner, Ryota. Ryo is one of the most difficult to handle among all the talents, owing to his Tsundere personality and his own Heroic Self-Deprecation. Kensuke, who recognizes those points of him, doesn't try to force Ryo any other way and accepts him regardless.
  • Spirited Competitor: Loves a good challenge, and he gets fired up when he's in a tough spot.
  • Stock Shōnen Hero: It's remarked that sometimes, he acts like he popped right out of a shonen manga. He's got the Heroic Spirit and Determinator attitude down pat.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: The sword. In games and alternate universes, he consistently ends up with a sword, also a nod to his name, and he's the vanguard to the rest of the squad. This is often contrasted with either Ryo or Mamoru, both of whom are the sorcerers depending on the setting.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Mikan tangerines.
    • One of his Tanabata wishes was to pray for good mikan harvests.
    • His 2022 birthday tweets spammed tangerine emojis after everyone's sentences, much to Ryo's confusion.
    • His Tsukino Sød design square incorporates his namesake, the oak tree, with mikan growing onto them.
  • Vibrant Orange: His image color. He's friendly and welcoming, extroverted and outgoing.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Showers people in positivity and kind wisdom. Though it's not the most eloquent speech, Kensuke's encouragement for his unit members tends to be one that reminds them that they are genuinely trying their best. He always seeks to remind them of their admirable efforts.

    Sakuraba Ryota
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voice Actor: Daiki Yamashita
Stage Cast: Mitani Reo (1-3); Tachibana Ryou (4-6); Tanaka Naoki (7-)
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: June 6
Height: 174 cm
Blood Type: B
Partner: Yaegashi Kensuke

Though he treats the fans with an amicable and gentle nature, his true personality is a sharp-tongued, strict young man. Despite his delicate appearance, Ryota is exceptionally severe with himself and with those around him. He has high standards and will not compromise on them, which occasionally leads to conflicts. Ryota is someone who loves beautiful things, one of them being Growth's music. At times, he acts as a brake, serves as an advisor, and all around, he supports Growth as best as he can, even if his tendency to act prickly causes strife.

  • Animal Motifs: Compared constantly to a cat, due to his haughty and stern attitude. Has a Cat/Dog Dichotomy with Kensuke on the side, since the cheerful and outgoing Ken is partners with the dour Ryo.
  • Blue Blood: In Taikyoku Denki, he's an aristocrat. In other universes, he tends to be either rich or have high positions in society, too.
  • Brutal Honesty: This is paired with being a Deadpan Snarker. For the most part, the victims are Mamoru and Ken, but occasionally this snark can spill over to some SOARA members.
  • Characterization Marches On: Originally shown to be a guy with a Deadpan Snarker tendency and with high standards, Ryota has grown immensely through more dialogue and context that shows how complex of a guy he is inside. His later birthday tweets and Drama CD Kirakira puts his characterization front and center.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: In Taikyoku Denki. His parents were killed in a monster attack when he was young, so he had to step up to become the family head.
  • Cynic–Idealist Duo: The cynic to Ken's idealistic. Ryota tends to see people in a bad light if they don't meet his standards, including himself. His partner is bright, supportive, and tries to see people in the best light possible.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Much like Soshi, his snark levels are off the charts. Again, it's mostly directed toward Mamoru and Kensuke.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Downplayed into "Distracted by the Beauty". When Kou comes up having had a makeover, Ryo and Sora are immediately spellbound, unable to speak properly, and Ryo's only response is a gasp of pure, distilled appreciation.
  • Familiar: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, he has two snakes, Sakura and Niwa. Their names come from the two kanji letters that make up his last name.
  • Haughty "Hmph": Does this from time to time to express his disapproval for someone. Carries into his otherworldly selves too, as his 2P avatar does it right when he also does.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Does this in his more vulnerable moments.
    • In Kirakira, his past self expresses his hatred at his own personality. He tends to put himself down, though it is indeed revealed that Ryo's high standards make him upset with himself. He struggles to reach his ideals, and no matter how much he tries, he can't see himself reaching them, leading to his twisted nature, which he bitterly acknowledges.
    • When discussing with Yoru and Tsubasa their insecurities, the three agree that their unit members are so kind that they won't ever really fault them for feeling unsure of themselves. Regardless, Ryota, Yoru, and Tsubasa are feeling particularly weak during that night, going into detail about how depressed they get when everyone around them is so supportive of negative guys like them.
  • Honesty Is the Best Policy: Ryota can dislike or feel unnerved about people, but he won't go behind their backs to gossip about them. When he and Kou started to get to know each other, Ryo bluntly stated to Kou outright that he'd be observing him because he doesn't want to do it secretly.
  • Humans Are Bastards: In Taikyoku Denki, he believes this. After his parents were killed and he was made the head of his family, he was forced to see the ugliness within humans due to the strife of the political scene.
  • Hypocrite: He absolutely loathes people with unpleasant personalities that piss him off. Also known as, people who are Too Much Alike to him. This is also a point of contention for him, and it's also the source of his Inferiority Superiority Complex.
    Ryota: ...That guy pisses me off. He's got a nasty personality.
    Kensuke: Dude, he's your alter ego.
    Ryota: That's why I can tell. His personality's just so incredibly nasty!
  • Ineffectual Death Threats: Mutters "I'll kill him" under his breath regarding Mitsuru when the latter drops a truth bomb that ultimately does nothing but fan the pissed off hellfire raging on in Ryota.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Yes, he's haughty and proud. Inside, though, he's not the most kind person to himself, and he typically struggles with comparing himself to others - not to make himself feel better, but in order to improve himself, which ends up causing his negativity to spiral when he perceives them to be so much better than he is.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Ryo," or "Ryo-kun".
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be a brat and petty towards those he hates. Ryo is not the easiest to handle, and he knows it. However, he will never abandon a friend in need, and he will vehemently support those he loves.
  • Lightning Glare: Does this constantly with Mitsuru whenever their opinions clash, which is often.
  • Making a Splash: His Youkai form in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou is a Suiyou (Water spirit).
  • Meaningful Name: As brought up in the group entry, his last name Sakuraba contains the letter for Cherry Blossoms.
    • Ryota's first name contains a letter for "refreshing coolness, cool breeze" which is also his most common nickname. That part of his first name could be a nod to how aloof and stern he is, but since it's also used in a positive way (e.g. a cool breeze that relieves from the heat), it could also touch upon his internal kindness.
  • Sentimental Drunk: As it turns out, he gets terribly gushy when he's tipsy.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: With Mitsuru. They're always lobbing snarky comments at each other, and it's been shown that even in alternate universes that they genuinely don't get along despite working well together while they're on the same side.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: In Growth, Ryo's sugar side is almost exclusively for Koki. The ice is for Ken and Mamoru, but there are obviously times he treats them kindly. They all know how good of a person he is inside, though, so they aren't all too upset by that.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Ryo thinks he's this to Growth. He seems to be convinced that all the other members are light attribute, while in comparison, he's the darkness-attribute teammate. They don't think this way at all, though, and it's mostly all in his head.
  • Too Much Alike: The Kokoro no Puzzle Drama CD has Ryo note that he dislikes Mitsuru because he's two-faced. Mamoru questions where he's heard of that before...
  • Tsundere: A male example, deconstructed.
    • Ryota seems to be the typical tsundere whose strict and stern tsun side seems to be reserved for Ken and Mamoru, while the sweet dere side is only specified for Kou and Ren. This is the case, most of the time, but he's willing to mention that he does indeed love Ken and Mamoru just as much.
    • Ryo's inability to talk in length about his appreciation for them, though, is the source of his negativity regarding himself. He wants to be open with how much he enjoys their presence, but his natural Tsundere personality simply doesn't allow it.
    • As a result of this, Ryota is self-aware of how difficult he is to deal with, and he feels remorseful that he can't be honest with himself, but he genuinely is trying his hardest to love himself. That Heroic Self-Deprecation, however, is something that lingers with him, as he's never able to shake free of comparing himself with others. He can't speak the truth, acts sweet only once in a while, regrets it, and thus the cycle repeats.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Loathes bugs with a passion. He has sworn before that he will go to the other side of the moon in order to avoid them, and he refuses to even discuss the topic with a bug-liker.

    Fujimura Mamoru
His 2023 Idol Outfit
His 2021 Idol Outfit

Voice Actor: Junta Terashima
Stage Cast: Iwasa Yuki
Age: 29 (2023 setting)
Birthday: October 5
Height: 177 cm
Blood Type: B
Partner: Eto Koki

Growth's composer and the one whose unique worldview paints their songs' signature vibrant, sprawling worlds. Mamoru is also their oldest member, a former NEET who was picked up literally off the streets by Koki and eventually formed Growth with them. A friendly, pleasant man who dedicates his whole life to music, he has a positive outlook on life despite the struggles he has gone through. In contrast to his otherworldly music capabilities, however, he has abysmal housekeeping skills and cannot be trusted in the kitchen. He considers himself to be blessed, being in an environment that cares for, nurtures, and loves his music, and he wants to spread Growth's songs out to the whole world.

  • Affectionate Nickname: For all of the Growth members - "Kou-kun," "Ken-kun," and "Ryo-kun".
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Usually seen in the alternate universes. Mamoru is often bumbling around, doing what he can as best he can, but in worlds like Tsukino Empire or Zanshin, he's actually a capable fighter.
    • After watching Mamoru successfully subdue an enemy during a coup in Tsukino Empire, the other Growth members note that they forgot he was actually a member of the Classified Intelligence Bureau prior to contracting with his dragon.
  • Born Unlucky: It's been acknowledged at some points that Mamoru is terribly unlucky at certain points in his life. His parents died early on, his company went bankrupt (leading him to be briefly homeless), and high-school kids mocked him for being a NEET. This carries on to his alternate self in the 2P universe, where his 2.5/10 category in LUCK is one of the lowest among all the talents.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: His compositions are unique, even among the other varied songs of the TSUKIPRO units. He's self-taught, having learned everything he needs to know about music and composing through his own experiences, and everyone has nothing but praise for his songs. The man himself, though, is an absolute disaster who cannot take care of himself. Ryo and Ken dubbed him "Kou's pet," due to his dog-like behavior when seeing off and interacting with his partner.
  • Butt-Monkey: The number of times he was jokingly ripped into for being a NEET before their debut is a lot. Even now, he's the Designated Victim of Ryota's prickly side, such as Ryo choosing to absolutely thrash him in a game of UNO or pick on him in particular.
  • Casting a Shadow: Mamoru's alternate self in the Youkai universe is a Kageboushi, a traveling minstrel who wanders around in the shadows.
  • The Chew Toy: A common victim of much humor that goes around in Growth and ALIVE in general. In the earlier years, it'd have mostly Ken and Ryo making fun of him for being a NEET, but even now, he's the source of humor for composing antics.
  • Commonality Connection: With Sora. Their CloudCuckooLander thought processes, overwhelming love and appreciation for music, and mutual respect for each others' skills as composers makes them heavily empathetic with how they feel with one another.
  • Doomed Hometown: In Tsukihana Kagura, his and Sora's home country is destroyed when they're captured.
  • Empty Promise: In Tsukihana Kagura. He promises Kou that they can go travel their vast world together after it's all over. Unfortunately for Kou, he knows full well that this dream won't be achieved in their lifetimes.
  • Fate Drives Us Together: Platonically, with Koki, and used for comedy. It's joked that whenever they coincidentally meet each other, it turns out like a dramatic, destiny-bound connection despite the situation taking place at a regular old vending machine.
  • Genius Ditz: Clumsy, quirky, and generally out there, Mamoru engages in odd activities like praying to his potted plants in hopes of inspiration and also cannot housekeep for his life. Regardless, he's an incredibly talented composer who was self-taught, and it's said that his musical talents are incomparable to anyone else's because they're just so unique.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In Tsukihana Kagura's Asagi chapter. He chooses to dance to his death to calm the eruption of the volcano that could destoy their world.
  • In-Series Nickname: Has the nickname "Mamo-chan" from Sora, which is occasionally adopted by other talents when they refer to him.
  • Interclass Friendship: Was the lower-class friend to the higher-class Growth kids when they debuted. At present, this is less the case, but the dynamic is occasionally present in other alternate universes.
  • Kindhearted Simpleton: Downplayed, as he's not stupid, but Mamoru is quite a simple guy. He lets fate take him where it may go, and he's a gentle and easygoing person. He takes comments at face-value, so he also ends up an occasional victim of backhanded insults masked as compliments.
  • The Klutz: Musical talent aside, Mamoru's not the most graceful person around. The biggest example is whenever he's shown working in the kitchen or when he's hit a roadblock when composing, crashing about and being an overall mess.
  • Lethal Chef: And how. His capabilities in the kitchen are as low as it could be, and he nearly set the apartment on fire prior to their debut because he wanted to try making something. According to the TSUKIPRO INFO comics that were released when they started, Mamoru ruined a whole refrigerator of ingredients save for eggs, which were made into at least decent fried eggs, attempting to make a meal for the others. When he's in the kitchen, they make sure that he's either on watch duty or is busying his hands with a more menial task to minimize risk factor.
  • Meaningful Name: As stated in their group's entry, Mamoru's last name contains the letter for "wisteria," which is the same as his partner's theme, and his full last name means "forest of wisterias". His first name means "protect," signifying how he wants to protect Growth and what it means to him.
  • NEET: When the company he worked for shut down, Mamoru was picked up by Koki. Mamoru was essentially this, because he wasn't technically employed or in education, nor was he training. He was technically just a free-loader who composed songs upon Koki's commands, though he "graduated" from being a NEET when he became a part of Growth.
  • Non-Action Guy: Typically, he's never really fighting unless the world's setting has already clarified that he can fight. Only in Zanshin or Tsukino Empire does he take up a sword and fight.
  • One Note Chef: Connected to him being a Lethal Chef above. The only meal that he's ever been shown capable of making is tamagoyaki, egg omelets. A recent post shows that he's graduated to making fried eggs, but he can't control the density of the yolk, and he also apparently left part of the shell in the finished egg.
  • Pinky Swear: In the climax of Tsukihana Kagura, Asagi chapter, he does this with Kou, when the latter asks if they could travel the world together. Mamoru knows that it's impossible to fulfill this wish, though, haltingly noting that the volcano is about to erupt.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Much like Sora, he's usually on the sidelines when actual fights erupt in alternate universes, serving as a bit of brevity in what would otherwise be a harrowing situation. In Tsukihana Kagura, it's justified, as neither of them grew up learning how to fight, which would make them The Load if they actually were to pick up swords.
  • Rags to Riches: Downplayed. He was on the streets, playing a piano he'd found in the dumpster, homeless and without any blood relatives to rely on. After Koki picked him up, it took him a while, but he's become quite successful as part of an idol unit and a member of a major talent company.
  • Saying Too Much: When meeting with Makoto and Mitsuru for the first time, he lets slip right in front of Growth that Kou would've become a member if he'd stayed with SunPro, which was supposed to be kept secret. He immediately backpedals, but the damage is already done, and the Drama CD deals with them maneuvering the complex emotions that came about as a result of this statement.
  • Secret Art: In Tsukihana Kagura. Being the remnants of Aofuji, the country that created the art, Sora and Mamoru are the only ones capable of vibrating sound atoms in the sky. The two of them developed the art together in hopes of preventing natural disasters.
  • Surpassed the Teacher: In Zanshin, he serves as Koki's mentor. Mamoru himself notes that Kou could very well surpass him at any time, owing to his natural talent.
  • Talking to Plants: He often prays to his pachira plant.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: In Tsukihana Kagura, Asagi chapter. He spent much of his life locked up in the research institute, where he consoled and became friends with the equally-innocent Sora. He went through more ordeals, being captured by the Ashura gang, spending three years an outsider in an unfamiliar land, and when he met up with Sora again, the latter had lost his memories. Mamoru remained kind, caring, and considerate of those he met during this time, but in the end, he sacrificed himself for the world that he loved.
  • Wandering Minstrel: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou and Taikyoku Denki. He wanders around the world, instruments in tow, and he played music for Koki, which led to them getting acquainted.

Main Setting Supporting Characters


    Takamura Keito 
Shiki's younger brother. Appears in Proani 2 and SQS 5.



    Tropes that apply to the whole unit
From left to right: Mitsuru, Makoto
Growth's rival unit under Sun Production Entertainment. Their pair was initially formed because each of them were connected to the previous chairman in some way, which also directly led to Growth's formation. The thing keeping them together is neither bonds nor friendship; rather, it's simply because their goals are aligned. ZIX is a unit that shows off the ultimate brilliance.

  • Bad Job, Worse Uniform: They consider their fortune-telling corner to be like this. ZIX wears full-body mascot costumes, say a rather cringey phrase, and pose in uncharacteristically cutesy ways, much to the amusement of Kensuke and Ryota.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: ZIX's unit outfits feature a heavy black color scheme. Even in alternate universes, their costumes are significantly darker than the main squads. They're not the nicest people, but they're definitely not horrible people, and they know how to make up for slights that they might have caused. It's telling that in settings where neither of them have a reason to fight with Growth (Ryota isn't around, or Makoto doesn't have a one-sided rivalry with Koki), they're quite amicable and are on the protagonists' side from the very beginning.
  • Defector from Decadence: In Tsukihana Kagura. Despite being members of the Ashura gang, they confide to Sora and Mamoru that the group's violent ways don't sit right with them, which is why they free the two.
  • Devious Daggers: ZIX uses knives to fight in Machine Elements. They're actually very righteous characters who work under a prestigious guild, but they're never firmly aligned with the protagonists.
  • Doomed Hometown: In the Alternate Universe Tsukihana Kagura, they're refugees from a ruined country who joined the Ashura gang to find a means to live.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Back when they formed, neither of them really approved of the previous director's ways. Though Mitsuru would make appeals to said director, he was only doing so to finalize the formation of their unit, and he preferred Chairman Hinata's ways.
    • In Tsukihana Kagura, they're initially mercenaries who grouped up with the Ashura gang after their hometown was destroyed. Them being on the same side as the Ashura doesn't mean that they approve of the pillaging and destruction they wreak, so immediately after freeing Sora and Mamoru, ZIX dips.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Has this with Growth, after all's said and done. Neither member of ZIX nor Ryota would acknowledge it, but they do better each other through mutual competition. They've occasionally popped into each other's birthday posts, and it's revealed that Growth helped Mitsuru buy Makoto's birthday present, which was a limited-edition bracelet that was no longer sold.
  • Meaningful Name: Makoto came up with their unit name. Z stands for the ultimate letter which comes at the end of the alphabet and thus cannot be surpassed. I stands for their individual selves, and X comes from putting the two of them together.
  • Pet the Dog: They make sure to thank Growth with some snacks after the latter helps stall for time when ZIX is late to their performance. A scene shows them glaring at the TSUKIPRO members in their break room to make sure they accept it.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In Tsukihana Kagura, they hightail it and leave their previous affiliation after freeing Sora and Mamoru from confinement.

    Sugai Makoto

Voice Actor: Daiki Hamano
Stage Cast: Igarashi Tact
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: August 15
Height: 180 cm
Blood Type: B
Partner: Hishida Mitsuru

ZIX's leader. Although he's very capable, he's just as arrogant and prideful. His self-important attitude has led him to gain enemies, but he has garnered as many fans because of it. Makoto has a strong idea of what being a professional entails, so he desires complete perfection in order to follow up with it.

  • Animal Motifs: Wolves. His mascot character is a gray wolf with a red scarf. It plays up his predatory and aggressive energy, especially when contrasted with the members of ALIVE, whose mascots are all dogs.
    • In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou, the Youkai Alternate Universe, he's Ooguchi Makami, the god of wolves. Interestingly enough, Makami is also another name for "Makoto no Kami"note .
  • The Cameo: Appears in Tsukiani Episode 4 as the leader of the SunPro selected team of dancers.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: He's not the most pleasant guy to be around, but he's not a terrible person. Makoto has a pet dog by the name of Gonzaburou, and playing with him is part of his morning routine.
  • King Incognito: In Taikyoku Denki. He's one of the imperial princes, traveling the world undercover as part of his training.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite his "hatred" for Koki, he's actually quite fond of him, and the Growth members would go so far as to say that the former is Makoto's "fave" in the unit. Though being caught off guard when Growth allow Makoto to talk with Koki for fifteen minutes as his birthday present, he wants to make use of the full fifteen minutes.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Thinks this about Koki. During their junior years, Makoto and Koki were just about the only ones on equal standing with each other, so he's determined to one-up the latter now that they're on opposite sides. When Koki nearly fainted on their program due to a cold, he took the guy away to rest, because he wants to take Growth down when they're at their strongest.
  • Pet the Dog: Stern and cold he may be, he's not without his moments of kindness.
    • He accepted Mitsuru's offer to form ZIX despite him initially being against forming a unit with anyone aside from Koki. He acknowledged Mitsuru's crafty ways as one of his strengths after seeing what he had gone through and relented.
    • A random post from ALIVE reveals that he once treated Nozomu, a talent from a rival company, to a meal of yakiniku. It was apparently because he always looks hungry.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Mitsuru's red, contrasting their image colors. He's calmer, more stoic, and doesn't go out of his way to pick on Growth, preferring to strike them head-on so that he can take them down by his own terms. That being said, he won't turn down a chance to tease Koki for being bad at dealing with something.
  • Unknown Rival: Though he sees Koki as a rival, Koki doesn't particularly see him as an enemy to defeat. Makoto is stunned speechless when Kou genuinely praises their work on their embarrassing horoscope program with zero ill intention.
  • Worthy Opponent: Thinks of Koki as this. It stems from them being considered the two top juniors back when they were starting out, so he wants to beat Kou fair and square while he's at the top of his game.

    Hishida Mitsuru

Voice Actor: Takumi Watanabe
Stage Cast: Yamane Riki
Age: 26 (2023 setting)
Birthday: January 13
Height: 175 cm
Blood Type: AB
Partner: Sugai Makoto

Makoto's partner and the other member who makes up ZIX. He plays up a personality that is fun-loving, easy to get along with, and playful for the fans. However, it's nothing more than a facade for an ambitious and calculative guy who always seeks to get ahead. Apparently, he enjoys toying with things that he likes, causing Makoto to get upset at him for doing so.

  • Alcoholic Parent: His father is a recovering alcohol addict, as revealed in the Break It! stage and Drama CD.
  • Animal Motifs: Foxes, or kitsune. His mascot character is a tan-colored fox with a blue scarf. It shows his wily, Cunning Like a Fox personality, showing that he's not the most straightforward character around.
    • It's drily remarked in Tsukihana Kagura that Mitsuru and Ryota's relationship is like that of a mouse and cat, and when Mitsuru squeaks like a mouse, Ryota immediately yowls back.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Ryota. The degree of antagonism varies from situation to situation, but it's been proven that they need to be kept apart lest they start going for each other's throats while spitting insults.
  • The Cameo: He appears in Proani Episode 8 as a rival unit member on the program that Ryota, Mamoru, Ren, and Kai are on. He's joined by Kuroi of Tobari.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He never attended high school in order to work, and his dad would steal his savings for alcohol. He lived in a shoddy apartment that would reek of alcohol whenever his dad returned, so he desperately clung onto the possibility that he'd make it big as an idol. It doesn't absolve him of all the rude things he's done and said to Growth, but it at least explains why he's willing to do anything to be on top.
  • Freudian Excuse: His drunkard father of an Abusive Parent would steal his money, and he didn't get to attend high school because he immediately went to work. His cunning and manipulative personality acts as as his own way to get ahead.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: His teal-colored hair is parted in a way that only reveals one eye. It likely shows his manipulative, scheming nature.
  • Kappa: In Tsukino Hyakkiyakou. Mitsuru wears a crown of water on his head, and he gets ticked off if anyone calls it a dish. He's closely related to the Suiyou Ryota, but as always, their relationship isn't amicable in the slightest.
  • Lightning Glare: Tends to do this with Ryota when they're out-snarking the other.
  • Magically-Binding Contract: In Taikyoku Denki, he's bound by a contract to obey the imperial family, which Makoto is a part of.
  • Making a Splash: His Youkai self in Tsukino Hyakkiyakou is a Kappa.
  • Missing Mom: His mom isn't present, despite him being depicted having a father.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The Break It! stage and CD show sides of Mitsuru that are incredibly different from his smug and shrewd nature.
    • After Makoto repeatedly attempts to bow out of forming ZIX with Mitsuru, Mitsuru begs him to reconsider with an uncharacteristic desperation. It makes sense, as it was his one chance to make it big with the agency, after everything had gone horribly.
    • When his dad barges in on his part-time job demanding a discount while reeking of booze, Mitsuru absolutely loses it and rages. He starts throwing things around, screaming at everyone and everything.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Hits this after a series of events that drive him up the wall prior to their debut as ZIX. He curses the world, screaming at everything, when nothing goes his way.
  • Rags to Riches: Even remarks on it himself. He comments that he did well coming into the "light" despite starting off in a dark, musty apartment.
  • Sir Swearsalot: As it turns out, Mitsuru has one of the nastiest mouths among both agencies. When he lets down his guard, he can easily spew profanities, adding them to his sentences as if they were always there. That being said, he's always aware of the situations he's in, so he only curses profusely if he's alone or with Makoto.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: With Ryota. They always pick fights with each other over issues, big or small. As Machine Elements reveals, without Ryota in their company, Mitsuru's actually rather amicable to the rest of Growth, though that could also be attributed to the differences in setting.
  • Stealth Insult: His usual way of giving out praise. In Kokoro no Puzzle, he comments that Mamoru's composing is so impressive and contrasts Mamoru's self-taught style to SunPro's professionally-taught composers. Mamoru takes it at face value and thanks him genuinely, only for those more familiar with Mitsuru's personality to inform him that was an insult to Mamoru's skill level.
  • Too Much Alike: With Ryota, which is why they don't get along. Mitsuru and Ryota are fellow two-faced jerks who find little things to nitpick each other about, each with their own reasons to act the way they do. When Ryo comments that they're pretty similar, Mitsuru reacts with disgust.
  • You're Not My Father: In Break It!, Mitsuru yells this at his alcoholic dad when the latter demands that he treat him with respect.

Stage Play Original Characters

Tsukino Hyakki Yakou:

For Kurenai Enishi characters, please see the Tsukiuta character page

Machine Elements:

For Tsukino Empire characters please see the Tsukiuta character page
