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Warp That Aesop / Final Fantasy

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  • Effeminate men are Omnicidal Maniacs and should be killed on sight before they can commit further atrocities.
  • In more recent games, that would involve killing the majority of the male population, including the entire male cast, unless your name is Steiner, Auron, Zeid, Basch, or Sazh.

Main Games

  • Final Fantasy:
  • Final Fantasy II:
    • The plot will still go on without you, so it doesn't matter if you die.
  • Final Fantasy III:
    • Four orphans are our only hope.
  • Final Fantasy IV:
  • Final Fantasy V:
  • Final Fantasy VI:
  • Final Fantasy VII:
    • If the evil exploiting corporation has a plan for saving the entire world from disaster that has even a faint chance of succeeding, you should sabotage that plan to comply with the last wishes of some dead hippie instead.
    • Eco-terrorists are the good guys, even when their actions result in the death of innocents.
    • Using the very limited amount of lifeblood of the world not only causes pollution, it literally kills the planet, which is a living thing. We'll stick to coal, oil, and natural gas instead, as a long-term alternative.
    • Hey kids! Terrorism is great, especially against a power company that is destroying our environment! (Bonus Points if said terrorism cuts the power to an entire city making people freeze to death, preventing Police from being dispatched, and Firemen from being able to put out fires that would otherwise burn down an entire city and killing thousands.)
    • Don't be silly. The people of that city weren't innocent, because anyone who isn't a terrorist is supporting the evil empire in spirit!
    • Participating in society means you endorse it.
    • To be powerful, respected and desired by everyone around you, assimilate the personality and memories of someone you admire. Even if you find out the truth and it leaves you crazy, you'll still keep your levels, Limit Breaks and sword.
    • Don't bother educating or training girls, since when they die all that work will be for naught.
  • Final Fantasy VIII:
    • Never Be Yourself. If some girl you just met starts nagging you to be more like her ex-boyfriend, you should go ahead and be more like her ex-boyfriend.
    • Also, if you run into a problem (such as being psychically warped back into your unknown father's mind, whatever you do don't think about it.
    • If your childhood friends approach you and ask you to help them kill your foster mom, and they also don't seem to remember you or her, don't ask any questions about this. Instead, focus all your energy on getting laid, and try to shoot your foster mother in the fucking head!
    • The best person to run a paramilitary organization is an emotionally stunted teenager.
    • You don't need a job to earn money. Just walk in circles for some time and you'll be rich!
  • Final Fantasy X:
    • Everyone who is religious is either an evil hypocrite or an idiot who follows evil hypocrites blindly. The best way to deal with problems is with conventional violence instead of a spiritual solution.
    • Destroying the civilization you grew up in, along with every single person you've ever known, and effectively committing suicide, for the sake of a girl you met a month ago, is A-OK and the heroic way of doing things.
    • Whine long enough that you want everything in life and you'll come up with an idea on how to Take a Third Option to achieve world peace.
  • Final Fantasy X-2:
    • There is nothing wrong with committing corporate sabotage to get people out of a place they have every right to be in.
    • If people on the other side of the planet decide to fight a pointless war, that is your fault and you must do everything in your power to set things right.
    • If you take some time out to heal from severe emotional trauma, everyone will die.
  • Final Fantasy XII:
  • Final Fantasy XIII:
    • Attempted murder is the best way to solve your emotional problems.
    • Hot-Blooded idealists deserve to be punched in the face occasionally.
    • If you've been forced into doing something you don't want to, don't do it straight away and dick around trying to find a way out of it in the meantime.
    • Don't worry if you've smacked up your sister's fiancé and emotionally abused your sister out of resentment, everything will all work out in the end after you endure the Despair Event Horizon, gain a magical pony and eventually take down the government.
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2:
    • If something goes well for you in a seemingly bleak situation, then congratulations! You've just doomed the entirety of time and space.
  • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII:
    • If nearly every world-destroying consequence, every time and space rift, every young woman dying because of their Blessed with Suck gift of foresight, every Long-Lost Relative removed from the proper time stream, and granting her own personal life force to a suicidal man that also happens to keep the barrier between the world of the living and dead separated is Etro's fault, then take your frustrations out on Bhunivelze for having to make the best of the situation as he can when he shows up to clean up the mess. Because he can't fulfill your desires perfectly.
    • After the aforementioned suicidal man screws up the world beyond all repair and Bhunivelze makes a new one, destroy Bhunivelze and put the suicidal guy and the young woman Blessed with Suck in charge of a critical task for making sure the new world doesn't get as screwed up as the old. Because there's no way that can go badly.
    • The memories and spirits of lost loved ones will only weigh you down, therefore it's best if you are forced to forget about them completely.
    • Meta: In order to have the happy ending you've been promising for three games, it's not necessary to actually show your main characters happy with each other. Sending their spirits off to a new world with a vague implication that they might all be together in some future reincarnation will do just fine.
  • Final Fantasy XIV:
  • Final Fantasy XVI: Magic should never be used or believed in because it does nothing but destroy the environment, start wars, and make people very sick with illnesses like cancer. Destroying magic is necessary because it will get rid of the world’s diseases and environmental problems and bring world peace.


  • Final Fantasy Tactics:
    • The war is actually a front for freaking demons! Oh and your Messianic figure is really one of them.
    • If you're good, listening to voices offering you power is actually a good idea. Otherwise? They'll just turn you into a demon and make you forget.
    • Don't tell the truth - you'll be burnt at the stake for heresy.
    • People can't be naturally evil - demons are manipulating them.
    • Math is actually great!
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance:
    • Genocide is hysterical, and the concept of letting other people be happy (in a fake world that's no more real than a video game) is crazy. Why? Because you're the main character and you're always right!
      • If things are going rough for you because of bullying, grief, or your ill sibling getting all the attention? Override everybody's personalities and bodies against their will into a Lotus-Eater Machine. It's the right thing to do.
    • If bullies call you names and throw snowballs at you, turning them into mindless zombies is a perfectly healthy response. Also, reacting to your feelings of helplessness and low self-esteem by making everyone in the world participate in gladiatorial fights governed by arbitrary rules with jail sentences as a penalty for disobedience is a-okay!
  • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers:
    • Stealing from old women and/or knocking them down right in front of law enforcement won't result in anything worse than the law enforcement knocking you down without injuring or arresting you or the old women trying to steal some of your money in retaliation. Throwing old people across the room and knocking them onto their backs on a stone floor will not cause any bone damage. If you shake down a girl so that you can steal the many coins fall out of her pockets, she won't even mention it when thanking you for retrieving her pet.
    • Members of a race whose members are currently employed mainly in agriculture will always be poor no matter what.
    • No matter how transparently evil you are, if you're strong you'll somehow become a General. Then, when the king "mysteriously" disappears, no one will think to suspect you or question your taking command through martial law "temporarily".
  • Dissidia Final Fantasy:
    • You should be perfectly fine, if not honored, to be ripped away from your world, have your memories screwed around with, and be forced to fight an endless war for a God whose methods you may or may not agree with.
  • Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin:
    • It's okay to behave like a douchebag towards your friends, because they accept you for who you are and that you're in charge and don't want to change a thing about you.
