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WMG / Star Wars: The Bad Batch

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WMG page for Star Wars: The Bad Batch.

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We see the Bad Batch execute Order 66.
  • Some people have noticed that the snowy forest planet from the promos was previously seen in the opening of "Old Friends Not Forgotten"...
    • Partially jossed; The show starts with the Order going down, but with the exception of Crosshairnote  the inhibitor chip initially fails to activate in the members of the Bad Batch, though Wrecker's chip does activate after the purge.

One of the Bad Batch’s first missions against the Empire will be to rescue Grogu from the Jedi Temple
When his backstory is revealed by Ahsoka, she says his memory “goes dark.” All the members of the Bad Batch wear dark colored armor. It’s also not stated that he escaped during Order 66, so it’s entirely possible that due to his small size, he was able to hide somewhere a larger being couldn’t get to until the Clones had left the temple.

Omega isn't a clone of Jango Fett
Maybe they're Palpatine's/the Kaminoans' attempt to clone a jedi. Maybe they're part of a cloning project unrelated to the GAR. Whatever the case, it would explain why a clone that looks nothing like Temuera Morrison is walking around Kamino.
  • That last part might be because the clone children are based more on Daniel Logan.
  • This isn't even WMG. Omega hasn't thus far been implied to be a clone, much less of Jango, and the German subtitles say she's female. It would be WMG to posit she was a Jango clone.
    • She is confirmed to be a clone. From the same batch as the bad batch at that.
  • She is a clone of Anakin
    • That doesn't explain her brown eyes as Anakin has blue.
      • Actually it does, cloning isn't one-one even in Star Wars universe. Certain traits such hair and eye colour can cause variations, even if the genes is the exact match, look at the clone troopers, you see odd case of different hair and eye colour.
  • Jossed: She is not only a Jango clone, she's a "pure" one, like Boba.

Omega is an experimental clone ordered by Palpatine as a prototype for his self-cloning project
Evidence is somewhat thin, but several images and fans have pointed out some similarities in facial structure, posture, and mannerisms between Omega and Palpatine (not to mention the hairstyle). Perhaps Omega is a clone of Jango that Palpatine secretly had modified with some of his own genes, in an attempt to create a clone host for himself that would have Jango's physical prowess, with his own Force capabilities.

This could go in a number of directions. Omega could be Rey's mom, for instance (or a precursor to one of Rey's progenitors). Rey could be a prototype for the Strand-cast program as seen in Mando before it got to that state.

Omega is an Opposite-Sex Clone or is nonbinary.
They’re not voiced by Daniel Logan and their voice is lighter compared to their brothers. Maybe they were an experimental clone (thus giving them a Commonality Connection with the Bad Batch), with the Kaminoans trying to see if they could create a clone of Jango but female/nonbinary, but it went wrong for whatever reason or they were still conducting research on it, hence why Omega is young and seems to have been forced to stay on Kamino until the squad breaks out with them.
  • In Legends comic Jango Fett: Open Seasons (which The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian have majorly referenced before), Jango's mother and sister had naturally blonde hair. If it's not dyed, then Omega's hair could've resulted from the Kaminoans tampering with her recessive blonde hair gene.
  • Confirmed: She is explicitly from the same batch of 'enhanced' clones as the bad batch albeit without the rapid aging of other clones, what precisely they intended is unclear beyond vague hints of force sensitivity.
  • Creating a female clone of a male donor is much easier that the other way around, and not that far of a stretch than cloning in the first place. All that is needed is to duplicate the male's single X chromosome whilst dropping his Y.
  • While still Confirmed, this has been twisted on a bit: Omega's been revealed to be a genetic match for Jango Fett, the Kaminoans having made her to be a backup source of genetic code. So, she's even more of an Opposite-Sex Clone than earlier believed, but there's a few question marks hanging in the air (such as, is she Intersex, having developed as female with XY chromosomes, perhaps an intentionally induced form of Swyer Syndrome in order to keep her hidden?).

Crosshair betrays the Bad Batch
  • He's noticeably absent in many group shots in the trailers, only really showing up with the squad on Kamino. Being the Cold Sniper, he's the designated jerk of the team and probably the one most likely to agree with the Empire's ideals. Noteworthy that the mysterious gray armored clone commander is shown with a sniper rifle stowed on his back like Crosshair's is often shown. Further, in the second trailer there's a blink and you miss it shot of this commander's silhouette against a crashed Venator-class destroyer's engine firing, identifiable by the sniper rifle and the shape of the helmet, also explicitly shown to be wearing a Clone Commando backpack. Given that Echo has seemingly switched to a similar style of helmet during his time with the Batch, its completely possible that this is the new Imperial Commando armor, issued in the final days of the Clone Wars and given to Crosshair to bring him in compliance with the Imperial code of uniformity. Crosshair would also be a likely choice to hunt down the renegade Commandos, as he'd be familiar with the Batch themselves, and any contacts or locations that they would be likely to go to, as well as possibly set up a Heel–Face Turn later in the series if he has second thoughts about hunting his brothers.
    • Confirmed. sort of confirmed. He was brainwashed into compliance in a successful attempt to repair/enhance his loyalty chip.
      • As it turns out, he was never brainwashed. He just agreed with the Empire.

There will be a time skip in future seasons
Similar to the time skip between seasons 2 and 3 of Star Wars Rebels. This would allow Omega to become fully grown enough to officially join the Bad Batch, rather than just being a Tagalong Kid. Her armor will be made up of the pieces missing from Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor’s armor by the time of Star Wars Rebels

Crosshair is only Pretend to Be Brainwashed under Nala Se's orders
  • When Crosshair confronts his squad, his behavior isn't that different from before. He doesn't immediately try to gun down the Bad Batch unlike what all the other clones throughout the galaxy did to their Jedi commanders.
  • Crosshair has demonstrated Improbable Aiming Skills before the brainwashing, so why did he hit Wrecker in the shoulder? Perhaps the brainwashing removed that enhancement, but could it be also that he wasn't shooting to kill? There were also plenty of other opportunities that he had to stop the bad batch from escaping, such as destroying the engines on their spacecraft, but he never takes the shot.
    • Crosshair only wounded Wrecker to draw other members of the squad out of cover. Omega jumps up to try to help him, but Hunter grabs her shoulder and tells her, “He’s using Wrecker as bait.” This is a relatively amoral tactic employed by real life snipers as well. At the beginning of the firefight, you can also clearly see Crosshair aiming for Hunter’s head, and his opening shot would have been a kill shot had Hunter not ducked out of the way. As for stopping the ship, Crosshair is the one that orders the hangar bay he locked down, and the doors would have closed if Nala Se didn’t override them.
    • It’s also important to note that he missed both times he fired on Caleb Dume. It’s true Crosshair is a great sniper, a good portion of sniping is firing from a hidden, often elevated position on unsuspecting targets. It’s also all about patience and waiting for a target of opportunity to present itself. Droids have no self preservation instinct and either march in formation, or are distracted by the rest of his squad most of the time we see Crosshair engage them. He faced the Bad Batch fully aware and on even terrain. And from a Meta sense, he couldn’t kill Caleb Dume, or capture or kill the rest of the Batch, because if he did, Star Wars Rebels would have never happened and this show would be a lot shorter.
  • Nala Se reports to Lama Su that the reprogramming was a success but that they failed to keep the Bad Batch and Omega from escaping. Of course, she was the reason why they escaped in the first place, but would she be lying about the reprogramming as well?
    • Nala Se shows a fondness for Omega in particular, probably explaining why she let the Bad Batch go. Crosshair shows nothing but contempt for the child, so if he was willing to take headshots at Hunter, what would he do to her? Especially because she’s the one that tried to help Wrecker.

Omega is Force-sensitive
  • She's displayed some traits of Force-sensitive characters:
    • Telepathy/empathy (ex. she could tell what Crosshair was thinking in the cell)
    • Hightened awareness
    • Unnatural insight
    • Natural affinity (ex. manages to out-shoot Crosshair the very first time she picks up a gun)
  • The Kaminoans have also kept her a secret from the Jedi, the Republic, her own brothers, and the Empire.
  • This could tie into the Myth Arc of whatever's going on with Grogu and Snoke. It's just a matter of wondering which force-user's DNA was used.
  • That would also explain the Kaminoans expressing a need to recover the enhanced clones and specifying they only need one, to prove their worth to the Empire. Since they still have Crosshair, it can't be any enhanced clone, so it being Omega makes the most sense. And what about her would the Empire see as a major improvement for clone troopers?
  • During the chase in Episode 4: Cornered, a set of tie-downs snap without any warning just as it was highly convenient to Omega's escape.
    • We notably do not see them rip, slightly odd choice for a show to omit such a traditional tension builder.
  • It now seems possible that she has the potential with season 3's reveal that she has a high M-Count.

Omega's enhancement makes her an Instant Expert
  • Despite never having fired a blaster, Omega manages to shoot Crosshair’s rifle out of his hands. In the trailer, she’s seen with a Nightsister bow, something she’d have no opportunity to learn how to use on Kamino. Maybe this is the result of her mutation, and she just has to see a weapon used in order to wield it effectively.
  • Also related to this theory: remember all those times Omega copied Hunter's movements in the first episode alone? What were initially some throwaway moments could have actually been a sneak peek at Omega's enhancement: perfect mimicry of other people's behavior, their skills included.

Omega is a Dark Trooper.
Omega was an attempt to create a Force Using Clone Trooper, a type of Trooper who could use the Force to make them far more deadly and efficient. Possibly to challenge Palpatine, possibly just to create more effective clone troopers.
  • Shadowtrooper, you mean. The Dark Trooper program was aimed at creating advanced, nigh indestructible battle droids that served as walking tanks. The Shadowtroopers in Jedi Outcast were force sensitive stormtroopers.

Omega is literally the last clone trooper ever made.
Already established parts about her quote-unquote defects and enhancements aside, Omega's name isn't just for her being the last enhanced clone, but also the literal last clone off of Kamino's assembly line.

Crosshair isn't going to stay a villian forever.
Crosshair is set up from episode one as a persistent hunter of the Bad Batch, that means they'll have tons of opportunities for them to capture him long enough to get his chip removed. Meanwhile Crosshair will be hampered by target fixation and backed up by nothing but troopers, all of whom have been hamstrung by Imperial brainwashing.
  • Something has been different about Crosshair since he got his face melted by the Venator engine, and he has a large burn scar over where the chip is located. He seems far less bloodthirsty and less menacing in his actions since the event happened, barring his initial pursuit of the Batch after the fact, but that can be explained by adrenaline. A perfect example is when Howzer defies the Empire. Previously, Crosshair was perfectly fine killing other Imperials in cold blood for disobeying orders, as was the case with ES-01, but he simply orders Howzer and his men arrested for treason instead of killing him outright. It’s possible, after the subjugation of Ryloth he wants to track down the Batch more to beg them for forgiveness and to get him as far away from the Empire as they can, rather than out of duty and loyalty to Palpatine’s regime. Possibly being an alternate meaning behind his line at the end of episode 14, “I was hoping for the whole squad, but you’ll do.”
  • Crosshair helps free Howser's merry band as a sign of goodwill? Either covertly helps Hunter do it (possibly without overtly cluing him in) or overtly if the time for subtly is over if (if he's compromised or already in the clear).

Tarkin is the one responsible for replacing the Clone Troopers with (human) Stormtroopers for the Empire.
  • In "War-Mantle", the Empire is starting to recruit humans to replace the clones.

The Kaminoans want to capture Boba Fett
This is based on their comment that Jango's DNA is being stretched thin, and that they need more. I don't think they aim to capture the Bad Batch due to genetic mutations.
  • But the Empire has decided that they don’t want any more clones, so the Kaminoans need to mass produce a better product. Tarkin was impressed with the Bad Batch’s skill, so it would make sense that they’d want to mass produce the mutations that make those skills possible. Lama Su also mentions Nala Se’s “experiment” in this scene, which undoubtedly points to Omega being the one they’d want to capture.
  • Jossed as of episode 8. While it was heavily implied they were after Omega, it's blatantly stated that the Kaminoans were the ones to hire Fennec Shand, and Cad Bane successfully captures her in this one.

Rampart is misguided and not such a bad guy
Rampart is very idealistic about the Empire, thinking his plan of creating the chain codes really will help bring "prosperity and opportunity for all." When Crosshair's new squad returned and he saw it was one trooper down, he reassured himself he was still doing the right thing by saying that "soldiers know the risks of battle." Tarkin has kept him in the dark about how there were civilians in that camp, and so Rampart thought one of his trooper just perished in the firefight against dangerous insurgents. Due to Rampart's position, he doesn't understand much of what is going on in the lower ranks. This will eventually come to a head as Rampart's idealism will clash with Tarkin's cold-hearted pragmatism, and Rampart will either have to defect or die.
  • After seeing him in action on Ryloth, this seems to be Jossed. He uses a ten year old Hera Syndulla to bait Cham Syndulla, who up until this point didn’t oppose the Empire being on Ryloth, into attacking an Imperial convoy. After the latter is talked down from killing Senator Orn Free Taa, Rampart signals Crosshair to shoot the senator and frame Cham for the attempted assassination, giving him an excuse to arrest the people’s champion and potentially the greatest threat to the Imperial operation on the planet.
  • You can be misguided and even "not such a bad guy" and be a Bad Guy. See Kallus from Rebels for more on villains with good intentions who were party to and/or instigator of some morally questionable stuff (warning: spoiler-heavy)
  • Jossed. Asshole wiped out the Kaminoans.

Wrecker will be the next to turn against the Bad Batch.
His chip is clearly beginning to activate and he is also starting to repeat the "good soldiers follow orders" mantra.
  • Confirmed. But they and Rex get him back to himself.

Crosshair will have his chip taken out in episode eight or nine
Seeing as the rest of the squad now has their chips removed, they’re still on Bracca, and the Mining Guild has alerted the Empire, it’s likely Crosshair will be sent to deal with them. There’s a shot in the trailer of the character we now know is Crosshair ducking for cover as one of the downed Venator’s engine fires, indicating there will be a showdown before we leave the planet. If he’s going to get the chip out, it only makes sense it would be here. From there Crosshair will either Pretend to Be Brainwashed and serve as a mole in the Empire, or desert entirely with the rest of the Batch, allowing for a new villain to take his place, perhaps a certain commando squad we all want to see at some point...
  • Jossed in regards to episode 8. As for episode 9, he doesn't appear at all.
    • He does appear in episode 9, though he still doesn't get his chip out.
    • Semi-confirmed in "Return to Kamino" about the status of his chip, as he admits his chip was taken out "a long time ago" but doesn't specify when. However he has a lasting scar from the Venator's engine burn he suffered in that episode right where his chip would have been, implying that the burn he suffered was what resulted in his chip's removal (either it was damaged beyond repair or the engine burn itself tore it out). Unfortunately he genuinely believes in the ideals of the Empire and tries to sway Hunter and the rest to willingly join.

The Kaminoans do want Boba as well, they just can't catch him.
  • Cad Bane is now sporting a metal plate in his head, one that is theorized to have been caused in a duel with Boba; logically we can therefore theorize that this duel happened because the Kaminoans hired Bane to bring back both their Alpha and Omega clones, only Boba put up too much of a fight, prompting Bane to switch targets to Omega instead.

Omega will give herself up to Kamino.
At the end of episode 9, she learns who sent the bounty hunters and why. She now worries that bounty hunters will keep coming after her. Despite the Bad Batch assuring her they'll protect her, the stress and guilt will eat her up inside. Being given a Sadistic Choice between surrendering peacefully or Forced to Watch the Bad Batch being tortured to death (while they tell her not to give in), Omega complies and apologizing to the Batch since she doesn't want anyone else to die because of her. Leading to the Batch to return to Kamino to rescue her and stop whatever Lama Su is planning.
  • Jossed. Kamino is destroyed without Omega ever giving herself up.

Bane will learn who sent Fennec Shand.
And reveal it to Lama Su, who will have her killed. Presumably in front of Omega, after she's returned.
  • Jossed. Lama Su is declared irrelevant to the Empire and discarded, while Nala Se is declared valuable and enslaved.

Howzer is one of the rare clones Rex spoke of.
He’s one of the rare few immune to the effects of the inhibitor chip. This is evidenced by the fact that he’s still very much an individual, with custom painted armor and a unique haircut. Helmets Are Hardly Heroic and his face is shown more than any Imperial aligned clone (except for maybe Crosshair, but given he’s The Dragon) we’ve seen in the show to date, and he’s shown to have a clear morality while the other clones are more intent on just following orders. He’ll show up again in the future, possibly even Episode 12 to free Cham Syndulla or help Hera get offworld. If he survives that, he may join up with Rex and the early Rebellion.
  • We get several good looks at the scar on Howzer's left cheek. It's possible that whatever injury he suffered also damaged or destroyed his chip. The inhibitor chip is on the right side of the head. So if Howzer took shrapnel through the left side of his face, and it was going diagonally upward it may have continued on to penetrate his chip (even if it didn't exit his skull).

The Bad Batch's goal to free Crosshair of his inhibitor chip will be All for Nothing.
One of two scenarios. Either....
  • Crosshair's chip is disabled and taken out, only to reveal Crosshair's feelings regarding Order 66 somehow didn't change and still stays opposed to his brothers. Or...
  • After the chip's removal, Crosshair will be forced to sacrifice himself to let the others escape in a Death Equals Redemption fashion.
    • Confirmed for the first scenario. Crosshair reveals in "Return to Kamino" that his chip has long since been removed and he willingly joined the Empire out of a desire for a purpose. However he does try to convert them to his side before shit hit the fan. Only time will tell if he will continue to oppose them or not, given the Empire was willing to destroy him along with the Bad Batch.

Howzer will get brainwashed.
  • His chip will undergo the same procedure as Crosshair's - to be amplified - and to top it all off, he'll be given a new name (Ballast) that was released in a Hasbro toy line.
    • Jossed as Gregor and other renegade clones rescue Howzer and a couple of his men.

Mystery Member #5.
  • Since Omega is revealed as NOT being the 5th member of the BB's batch, there's still another deviant clone out there. So I'm guessing later in the series said member will join the Batch, worse case scenario as a permanent replacement for Crosshair.
  • Even more far-fetched: HOWZER ends up being the 5th Batcher.

Crosshair, Redemption, and the Bottle.
  • If Crosshair gets his chip removed and his mind back, he'll take up alcohol or some other narcotic to deal with the guilt over his betrayal and war crimes. That way he can keep his signature snark AND show some genuine remorse without breaking character.

Howzer and the other clone traitors arrested by the Empire will suffer a Fate Worse than Death
  • Specifically, they will be the unwilling test subjects for the Dark Trooper Phase Zero program, which in Legends was made up of aged and crippled clones that were rebuilt into advanced cyborgs using technology similar to what went into Darth Vader, and pressed them back into Imperial service. Echo in particular is going to be affected by this discovery, as he could be seen as an early prototype, albeit one that retains his free will.
  • Let's see how this theory plays out as Hunter has been captured and Crosshair is there too.
  • Alternatively, Nala Se turns on the Empire and sabotages the procedure.
  • Alternatively-alteratively, its harder (if not impossible) to remove hardware, but software can always be changed. Freeing their wills would still be possible in such a scenario though I doubt they'd make it easy.

Boss and Fixer will show up when Hunter makes his jailbreak.
  • but Sev will be conspicuously absent, lining up with him being MIA at the end of the game.
    • Jossed: the two part season finale takes place on Kamino, rather than Daro

Sev will resurface, and it'll turn out he never executed Order 66.
Given that he was MIA, if he survived the Empire probably didn't bother transmitting the order to him, and it'd be an ironic mirror, only one member of the Bad Batch followed Order 66, only one member of Delta Squad didn't.
  • And its the Cold Sniper in both cases. If Crosshair dies or otherwise doesn't turn back to the light, Sev could be a Replacement Goldfish for the Bad Batch.

Orn Free Taa was originally going to die, before the writers remembered he was alive later in canon.
He was shot in the head by Crosshair, and was barely seen after he fell. When Rampart says "attempted assassination", he turns away from the camera, making it hard to see his lip movements. It was only in the next episode that he announces to the citizens of Ryloth that Taa is recovering. It's likely that Taa was supposed to be killed off, and it wasn't discovered until late in the episode's development that Taa is alive later on in Lords of the Sith, at which point the dialogue was amended, but the animation wasn't extensively changed.

Lama Su will end up saving the Bad Batch.
They’ll find him imprisoned within one of the holding cells or his office as they’re trying to find a way back to the Marauder, he reveals that Rampart had trapped him here as a final punishment/cruel joke(kinda a whole “a good captain must go down with his ship” type deal). He’ll offer the Batch a way of the sinking city in exchange for save passage of Kamino. Something will happen near the end of the episode that will require Lama Su to sacrifice himself for them.
  • As while Lama Su had always expressed his pride in the clones, he only ever saw them as property and product rather than people and living beings. So it would be rather fitting for prime minister’s story to end with him beginning to appreciate the clones as their own unique individuals and beings through the Bad Batch. And then give his life for theirs so that they can survive and live on to avenge him and Kamino.
  • And to all those who say he died in the previous episode, we only ever saw him being held at gunpoint before the doors closed, we didn’t hear any blaster fire.
    • Jossed. Lama Su doesn’t appear at all in the finale, and the destruction of Tipoca City means he was either killed by the Elite Squad, or by the turbo laser bombardment

The Bad Batch will be killed off at the end of the series.
  • The Bad Batch has never been mentioned or seen in other Disney Star Wars media taking place during and after the Imperial Era. So unless Filoni pulls an Ahsoka and finds a way to retcon them into the Rebel Alliance proper, It's more likely for most or all of Clone Force 99 to die in the series finale (a la Rogue One), to hammer home the tragic and somber End of an Age for the Clone Troopers with the emergence of the Stormtroopers.
    • Also, the "killer" in question will be none other than Darth Vader himself.
    • Jossed.

Gonky Will Save The Bad Batch in the Season 1 Finale.
  • Jossed.

Crosshair really has had his chip removed, but its effects are still lingering.
One possibility is that amplifying the chip in episode 1 caused it to metastasize throughout Crosshair's brain, and/or have deeper effects on his psyche. Thus, while removing the chip significantly reduced its control over Crosshair, it still retains considerable influence. This would explain several significant shifts in Crosshair's behaviour (e.g. arresting Howzer, asking the Bad Batch to join the Empire, and ordering ES-02 to send Omega away, when he could easily have killed them), as well as his continuing headaches, insistence that soldiers follow orders, and loyalty to the Empire.

Nala Se will call the Bad Batch to rescue her
  • And the Empire will leak her involvement in the Fives incident, turning Echo against her.
  • If she’s still being held on Daro, the Batch will face off agains the entirety of Delta Squad. Scorch’s trademark humor will come out, with the commando quipping that it’s time for round 2, and Fixer will tell him to can the chatter.

Crosshair and Rampart will become rivals in Season 2.
Despite what happened in "Kamino Lost", Crosshair is still loyal to the Empire. However, he won't forget that Rampart left him for dead. Rampart reminds Crosshair that he couldn't control the situation due to his obsession with recruiting his old crew, and questions Crosshair's loyalty. Crosshair will admit recruiting his old crew was a mistake and will not hesitate to kill them, but warns Rampart to never question his loyalty again. Not liking being threaten by a clone, Rampart will try to get rid of him somehow. In return, Crosshair will try to get Rampart demoted or killed off, and be replaced with a more like-minded admiral.
  • Rampart could humiliate Crosshair by demoting him and promoting ES-02 over him. As the last surviving enlisted Elite trooper, she'd be the most senior if the Empire rebuilds the Elite Squad.
  • Or perhaps take away his command and have him assigned to a team of Regs to spite him, considering his Fantastic Racism.

Season 2 main plot
  • Crosshair is recovered by the Empire and demoted for losing control of the situation on Kamino. Rampart, well aware of clone’s Fantastic Racism, will assign him to a squad of Regs who lost their sniper at the end of the war, Delta Squad. As they work together, Crosshair is constantly contradicting Boss and generally acting petty, believing himself above the other commandos.
  • Meanwhile, Rex, still assembling his band of rebel clones, contacts the Batch informing them of rumors of a fierce hunter in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, one he believes to be a former clone commando. They find Sev, and Hunter recruits him into Clone Force 99.
    • This could also be an interesting way to introduce Cody in the show, and cause a final confrontation between him and Rex, as Cody was involved in the Imperial Subjugation of Kashyyyk per Disney Canon.
      • Made even more plausible by the Season 2 trailer which features Kashyyyk, Wookies, Scorch among other clone commandos, and Commander Cody.
  • Eventually the two squads meet face to face, and Delta Squad stands down at the sight of their previously believed dead brother. Crosshair flies off the handle seeing that he’d been replaced by a Reg, and attempts to kill Sev as well as turning his blaster on Delta squad when they try to stop him. The Bad Batch and Delta Squad form an Enemy Mine against an insane Crosshair, after which Delta decides to defect and joins up with Rex.

None of the Bad Batch are force sensitive.
  • Given that we have seen nothing but circumstantial evidence that any of them could possibly be force sensitive, perhaps the show will simply chose not to include the force as a significant factor in the story.

Rex's clone rebellion is doomed to failure.
It cannot be overlooked that when we meet Rex, Wolffe and Gregor in Rebels they are living a simple enough life, and initially have nothing to do with the rebellion and need convincing to join up. This suggests, at least to this troper, that something is going to happen to Rex's clone rebellion causes him to give up.

The Bad Batch (sans Omega and Echo) have shorter lifespans than the average clone
They are stated to be younger than most other clones, but don't look any younger than them (with Omega explicitly being stated to be older than them). Given all their genetic enhancements, it would be rather dramatic for those enhancements to come with some serious drawbacks for their standard of living just to get them in fighting condition before the Clone War, just not as severe as what happened with 99.

The inhibitor chips' effects are wearing off.
Starting with Captain Howser and his men in the Ryloth two-parter, and continuing with Captain Wilco and Commander Cody so far in Season 2, we've seen an increasing number of clones disobeying direct orders and defecting from the Empire, to the extent that both Cody and Rampart remark upon it during "The Solitary Clone". It's almost as if the inhibitor chips are starting to wear off, and the clones - or at least, some of them - are regaining their free will. This would also explain the scene in Obi-Wan Kenobi where Obi-Wan comes across an aged Clone Trooper who doesn't try to execute Order 66 upon seeing him - the chip's effects would have long worn off by that point.

Tech's line about Omega being the 5th modified clone isn't exactly wrong
Tech mentions that he took a DNA sample of Omega and verified she was the 5th modified clone, but we are later told she is a pure-clone of Fett with zero modifications (which includes the indoctrination and rapid aging). Tech wasn't incorrect in his assessment either; he probably compared her DNA to a standard "Reg" template and found anomalies that didn't match since Omega didn't have her DNA tampered with. Her being an original unmodified clone may have never occured to him as he saw no reason why the Kaminoans would want an unmodified clone, and assumed her anomalies were the modification. It's shown that he wasn't able to find the inhibitor chips until he had Rex act as a template; he probably could find the modifications but didn't know which ones did what. Since Omega deviated even further from the template, he probably just assumed her genetic sample was ultra-special.

Unfortunately, this doesn't exactly mean she is the 5th special clone, simply that Tech may have been mislead since her genetic makeup is indeed different from that of normal clones.

Emerie Karr will be revealed to be the 5th enhanced clone
Throughout her appearances, Emerie Karr has been rather strange, at least in comparison to other Imperials. She has dark skin and brown eyes — which as Tech points out is a common phenotype typical of all clones — and her accent is similar to Omega's/other clones. She treats Crosshair with kindness and compassion relative to the situation both are in — one a prisoner, the other a servant of the Empire — and specifically uses his name, not his number. When Hemlock talks about how the clones are "Imperial property", she looks up from her datapad and seemingly pays attention, and later on seems bothered by the torture Crosshair undergoes. That she wears clothing with the Kaminoan crest indicates a connection to them. Perhaps she was spying on the Empire for Kamino and will help Crosshair escape?
  • Partially confirmed. While she is indeed a clone of Jango Fett, it's unknown whether she's from the same batch as the the Bad Batch or if she has any enhancements.

Emerie Karr will replace Tech
If Tech’s death really IS for keeps, which is looking very likely, Emerie Karr reveals she’s a Jango Fett clone herself, and she’s got smarts. Omega may convince her to defect and join the Bad Batch, and she’ll probably take over as the team’s resident The Smart Girl.

Tech survived the S2 finale, and is being kept as one of Hemlock's experiments
Why would Hemlock go and retrieve Tech's goggles?
  • It definitely looks like they're trying to set up a Never Found the Body situation. Consider that the producers of this series are the Trope Namer for Disney Death.
  • Tech maybe the commando/assasin trooper that attacked Rex's compound. Vocal distortions to hide voice and seems to ease up while drowning Crosshair possibly out of regret with having to kill his brother. Also would serve as a flip of the situation between them in the earlier seasons. Possibly with Crosshair being the one not wanting to give up on Tech and possibly snapping him out.

Tech's Final Fate
  • Tech survived and his brain was put in the body of a goldfish.

Emerie has an inhibitor chip, but it's wearing off
As a clone, Emerie may have been implanted with an inhibitor chip too. If she's not freely choosing loyalty to the Empire, then the chip is forcing her to obey it. But, like the other clones, she may be breaking free from its influence. This could help explain her empathy toward Crosshair and Omega, her willingness to bend Hemlock's rigid rules at times, her attempts to talk Hemlock down, and her seemingly more and more conflicted loyalties. She looks especially torn and miserable after Hemlock orders the lurcas sicced on Omega and Crosshair, knowing they will kill them, and failing to talk Hemlock down. Tellingly, after Hemlock determines to hunt Omega down, the last shot of S 3 E 3 lingers on Emerie, quite likely looking worried for her.

The final episode's "cavalry" refers to none other than Darth Vader
"The Cavalry Has Arrived" is the official title of the show's final episode. It doesn't necessarily mean that the "cavalry" in question may apply to The Bad Batch; the Empire has its own sort of "cavalry" as well. And Darth Vader himself fits that bill perfectly. Plus, it will coincide with Vader's appearance in Tales of the Empire.
  • Darth never made an appearance in the show, effectively making this jossed.

    Connections to The Clone Wars and Rebels 
We will have a Mandalorian subplot.
We'll see Saxon becoming the Emperor's Hand and Bo-Katan losing her claim of leadership to Saxon. We could also finally get canon content of the clones exploring their Mandalorian heritage.

The Bad Batch will meet Delta Squad.
Considering the Batch are expys of Delta Squad, and that having the expy meet the original was well-received with Din and Boba in The Mandalorian, it could certainly be done in The Bad Batch.
  • This would also be a neat way to tell the story of the cancelled Imperial Commando.
  • The announcement that Star Wars: Republic Commando would be released on current generation PlayStation and Nintendo Switch consoles came on the same day it was revealed The Bad Batch is going to premier on May 4th only fuels this fire.
  • Considering the fact that Delta Squad obeys Order 66 and continues to work for the Empire in Legends, they could be appearing as antagonists, "evil counterparts" to the Bad Batch.
    • Confirmed: Scorch is seemingly leading the clone commandos stationed at the imperial facility in episode 14. more commandos appear in the Season 2 trailer

Cody is the Death Trooper-like trooper in the sizzle reel.
  • Recanonizing his imperial service and revealing his ultimate fate could be a very good idea.
  • Apparently jossed, the Black Series descriptions say that Crosshair leads the Elite Squad against the Bad Batch.
  • However, Cody is confirmed to appear in season 2.

Bariss Offee's fate will be revealed
  • As a successor to the Clone Wars, this would be a good opportunity. If she's working for the Empire now, she could be an interesting villain. If she's not, she's a Dark Sider who would nevertheless be targeted by Order 66, potentially resulting in an interesting Enemy Mine scenario.

Admiral Yularen will show up
Makes sense if Tarkin can.
  • Given the stroke Tom Kane is still recovering from, and how it's doubtful he'll ever return to voice acting, they'll need a new voice.

There will be a return to Onderon
We'll see how characters such as Lux and Saw first adapt to the rise of the Empire, perhaps with the Bad Batch partially inspiring Saw to created his Partisans.
  • Confirmed with the second trailer explicitly showing Saw and what appears to be the Imperial subjugation of Onderon.
  • Further confirmed when the pilot episode has them sent to Onderon, where they do meet Saw.

The Bad Batch will meet Gregor
It'll be a good opportunity to tell a story of how Rex meets up with Gregor of Wolffe. The Bad Batch will stumble upon Gregor and depending on how the story goes, it's possible that Gregor will inadvertently help them learn about the organic chips and Order 66.
  • Perhaps Colonel Gascon and D-Squad could make an appearance as well, helping the Bad Batch and Gregor get off Abafar or whatever planet Gregor is stuck on at the time.
  • Confirmed: Episode 14 revolves around the Batch assisting in Gregor’s desertion from the Empire.

Boba Fett will be part of the Bad Batch
Even though, there's a story arc with Boba and Cad Bane, Dave Filoni and the crew might retool the arc to fit the Bad Batch series. He'll be the Sixth Ranger and Token Evil Teammate. However, Boba will learn the skills he needs from them to become the Galaxy's Greatest Bounty Hunters while redeeming himself to his Clone brothers.
  • Things appear to be heading in that direction with Cad Bane's survival and appearance in Episode 8.

The first episode will feature Commander Thire
Just like how Thire was one of the central characters in the first episode of The Clone Wars, and didn’t show up again after that in that show. Evidence for this is in the trailer, when Tarkin lands on Kamino, there’s one Shock Trooper with a red pauldron on his shoulder. By this point, he’s canonically a Commander, and there’s a strong possibility that Fox has already been killed by Vader as shown in the Dark Lord of the Sith comic series, making him one of the few known officers left in the Coruscant Guard.
  • Jossed for the first episode, but it seems very possible Thire might show up in later ones, as anonymous members of the Coruscant Gard do show up.

The Bad Batch will meet Cut Lawquane
He lives on Saleucami, which is in the J-19 sector, and he's one of the few Clone Wars characters whose fate hasn't been confirmed.
  • Also, the title of the second episode is Cut and Run
  • Additionally, this may be how Rex is reintroduced. Since the Batch are headed to J-19 — the coordinates to the Saleucami system, it would make sense for him to be here too, most likely laying low from the Empire with Cut and his family since no one except Rex knows about their existence.
  • Hunter is seen wearing Cut's shirt in the promos.
  • Confirmed and partially jossed as of Episode 2. Cut and his family all make reappearances in the show, and while Rex is indeed mentioned that he was on Saleucami, Cut says he left to parts unknown the day before the Bad Batch's arrival(he appears later).

By the time the Bad Batch meets up with Rex, Ahsoka will have already parted ways with him.
To stay in line with the rest of the Star Wars: Ahsoka book in addition to not having Ahsoka steal the spotlight so early on.
  • Cut mentions Rex came to Saleucami but doesn't mention Ahsoka. This doesn't necessarily indicate anything, as Cut could've omitted mentioning her so that no one knows she's alive or Rex and Ahsoka could've already gone their separate ways by then.
  • When Rex finally reunited with the Bad Batch, he came alone, and never mentioned Ahsoka. However, he came into contact with them through the Martez sisters, whom he likely would have met through Ahsoka. So while Ahsoka and Rex aren’t continuously traveling together, there isn’t confirmation either way whether or not they’re still in contact.
  • It seems uncertain how Rex and Ahsoka got off the moon/planet the 332nd's Venator crashed on, so maybe that is when Rex met the sisters.

Crosshair personally told Kanan what happened to the Clones
Kanan's tone when he talks about how he doesn't trust the clones in their grand reappearance in Rebels feels brutally personal. It's deep and wounded and he doesn't even sound like he's sure the person who told him about the chip was even being honest with him. This could imply it was relayed by someone who personally attacked him that day. A de-chipped Crosshair fits that bill very nicely.
  • And while Grey and the other regs fired on him very briefly, Grey promptly came to his senses while they were further hunting him and took most of those troopers down with him in order to save Caleb (Kanan). So its really unlikely it was them.
  • So that just leaves Crosshair, who as of Episode one fired on him twice while Hunter cried they weren't going to hurt him. Which even though Hunter wasn't and believed Crosshair never would, only served to confuse Kanan and further break his already devastated trust in clones.

We will meet a young Kallus and the attack that killed his squad.
With Onderon brought up so early on, maybe this is building up to Saw's Partisans being a recurring subplot for the show. We could at least see Saw transition into hiring bounty hunters and eventually the attack on Onderon where Kallus saw his teammates die.

The Martez Sister's contact is Ahsoka, in her early days as Fulcrum
The two of them had a strong tie to her in their arc in the show, plus Ahsoka's droid is back online and working with them. This is also Dave Filoni's show, and Ahsoka is his signature character, so she's bound to show up sooner or later. They'll just take great pains to make sure the Empire doesn't find out about her.
  • Jossed. Rex shows up in the next episode, wearing the cloak to hide his armor. He even tells the Batch that the Martez sisters told him where to find them.

Devil's Deal
The episode will serve as a back-door pilot to another series that bridges the formation of the Empire to Star Wars Rebels.
  • Perhaps a movie or miniseries adapting the Kanan novel, showing how the Ghost Crew first formed.

Howzer was in charge of Tango Company
Tango Company was the group of clone troopers who accompanied Ahsoka Tano and Barris Offee on the medical frigate in the season 2 episode “Brain Invaders”. While I’m not sure how this can be confirmed in the aftermath of “Rescue On Ryloth”, the evidence for this is as follows.
  • Tango Company wore teal markings, like Howzer.
  • A company was a formation of clone troopers consisting of 144 men, and led by a Captain. Rex led Torrent company, and Vaughn was likely in command of the 332nd until Rex made commander and outranked him.
  • The highest ranking member of Tango Company that we know of was the Clone Lieutenant named “Trap”.
  • Some of Howzer’s clone troops throw down their weapons and defy the Empire. It’s possible the experience Geonosian Brain Worms gave some of the clones an increased resistance to mind control.
  • As for why Howzer wasn’t mentioned at all in “Brain Invaders”, it’s possible he was removed from the Second Battle of Geonosis earlier due to the injuries that caused the scars on his face.

Kanan/Caleb will appear again.
  • Unlikely, Kanan still clearly had bad blood with clones when he meets Rex, Wolfe and Gregor in 4 BBY, 15 years after the events of season 1, unless they plan to have time skips in subsequent seasons (or for the show to last for at least 15 seasons), it is improbable that Kanan would interact with the clones again in the meanwhile without interfering with this distrust.
    • Freddie Prince Jr has also indicated that he has strong opinions about never voicing Kanan again, feeling it undercuts his ending on Rebels, saying that he only appeared in the opening of Bad Batch as a personal favor.

Howzer will have a "Facing the Bullets" One-Liner if he's to be executed

Wolffe's going to be a little paranoid
  • Considering Gregor is already showing signs of becoming laughing Cloud Cuckoolander its not unreasonable that Wolffe, even under the chip would be hyper-vigilant to the idea that Jedi might seek vengeance as A) his view of them is still being warped to see them as the undisputed villains of this story & B) its established fact their were many more surviving Jedi in the initial years after the Purge. Revenge is the Empire's way so it makes in the moment.

The last episode will end with the series logo changing into that of Rebels’
Much like what the first episode did with The Clone Wars’.

Admiral Rampart plans to have Nala Se work on cloning the Zillo Beast.
  • The Zillo Beast 2-part arc ended with Palpatine wanting the beast cloned. Though this was left a loose end by the developers, it's very possible that the fledgling Empire would want cloned Zillo Beasts to augment their forces, especially since they were proven to be able to withstand lightsabers. Rampart said he had need of Nala Se as a scientist at the end of Episode 14, so this may be what he needs her for.

Senator Halle Burtoni will become sympathetic to the nascent Rebel Alliance movement.

The masked fighters the Batch meet are the Gathering Younglings.
  • Gungi appears ummasked in the trailer, and a shot of the Batch with several of the masked fighters on a catwalk seems to suggest they are significantly smaller than the clones. One also seen without a mask also seems to have cornrows, which could be a Tholothian's (Katooni) head tentacles.

The droid in Season 2 Episode 5 is based on Zillo Beast research.
The Empire/Separatists sent the droid there as a failed experiment, hence why it was abandoned.
  • Jossed. The walker was unrelated(so far). The Zillo Beast research has resulted in more Zillo Beasts.

Anaxes will be destroyed
In the Bad Batch introductory arc in The Clone Wars, it was shown that the planet of Anaxes had a bomb stationed on it that could destroy the entire planet. The Republic stopped the bomb from going off, but when we "first"note  saw Anaxes in Rebels, the world was in pieces. That bomb was never removed from the planet, and at some point, the Clones will go to the planet, and in the process of whatever happens there, the bomb will be reactivated and detonate.

D-Squad will appear in a future season, with the droid members joining the infant rebellion while Meebur Gascon sacrifices himself to give them that chance.
According to Droidography, the droids of the squad would go on to join the rebels, but Gascon's fate is left ambiguous. Gascon, recognizing what his Republic has become when it transitioned into the Empire, provides his team the opportunity to get away, knowing fully well his actions will get him caught and executed.

How Ventress is Back
The Season 3 trailer shows Asajj Ventress, after her seeming death in Dark Disciple. How is this possible?
  • She's a clone. In a show starring clones, this would be a fairly obvious option. Since it looks like the season might show how Palpatine got cloned, maybe Hemlock tried to clone another dark side user as a dry run before trying Palpatine.
  • Someone used a force heal on her. Quinlan Vos would be the most likely candidate, so maybe Ventress was actually the one who wrote his name in Kenobi after he gave his life for her.
  • Nightsister magic. Something of a cop out, but they've previously been shown to create zombies and heal Maul from a very damaged state. Maybe they somehow managed to fully restore Ventress.
  • It's actually another Nightsister who's also learned to use lightsabers. Never Trust a Trailer, after all.
    • All jossed...No explanation is given, beyond Ventress insisting that she has "a few lives left."

Gungi will eventually be tracked and killed by an Inquisitor
Given his actions on Kashyyk, Gungi's identity as a Jedi would eventually have to make its way to Imperial ears. This will result in one of the first Inquisitors being dispatched to hunt down the Wookiee youngling.

    Other EU Connections 

Fennec will team up with the Bad Batch.
And it will be part of why she allies with Boba in The Mandalorian — because he reminds her of them.

Related to the above: Fennec (or those who hired her to pursue Omega) might be working for another group who is directly at odds with Jabba's group.
This might also add to why she would have an incentive to join Boba in killing Bib Fortuna and taking over The Remnant of Jabba's operations.

Janus Kasmir will appear along with his smuggling crew

A pre-Crimson Dawn Tobias Beckett and Rio Durant will appear

Darth Maul will be seen leading Crimson Dawn, and will an Arc Villain

Jaxxon will appear

The Bad Batch will end up on the planet Hays Minor at some point

The Bad Batch will witness Palpatine's kidnapping
From the trailer, it looks like the show might start before and intersect with Revenge of the Sith. Since this event hasn't been seen in canon, maybe this show could finally unveil it.
  • Jossed. The Bad Batch are not even on Coruscant at that point in time. However, part of the kidnapping is seen during the opening narration, giving us a little glimpse at least.

The Bad Batch will participate in Operation: Knightfall alongside Vader
To be honest, this is just because seeing Matt Lanter's animated Anakin as Vader would be both terrifying and heartbreaking.
  • Jossed. The Bad Batch are stationed with Depa Billaba and Caleb Dume offworld at the time Order 66 is issued.

Durge will appear.
Given that he'll be appearing in the Doctor Aphra comic and that the 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars being put on Disney+ makes him more accessibly known to general audiences, this could be building up to his return in canon animation.

The Official Designation Of The Elite Squad
The description on the back of the box for the Hasbro Black Series action figure of the Elite Squad Trooper reveals that they are not clones, and in fact a means of proving the effectiveness of birth born recruits. A couple subsequent merchandising leaks have identified the Elite Squad Leader as Crosshair. With this in mind, there is only one remaining clone member of Clone Force 99, and as such it will be remained Task Force 99. For those not up to date on the comics, Task Force 99, better known as SCAR Squad, is a group of elite stormtroopers that were more or less based on the Bad Batch after the Clone Wars was cancelled. While it’s unlikely that any of the original members would still be active some twenty years later, it would be a nice nod to a relatively obscure group that was created when the Bad Batch’s canon status was uncertain.

That AT-TE they just stole might be the 'retirement getaway' from Rebels
That AT-TE had to come from somewhere and they aren't exactly easy to steal. And they aren't in service by then, so it had to be awhile ago.

We will see Crosshair command a new squad of elite troopers
Which will contain Hask, as he begins to rise through the Empire's ranks
  • Unless there’s a time skip involved, Hask appearing in the show is unlikely, as he’d only be eight years old at the present point in time. It is interesting to think about though, as both Crosshair and Gideon Hask were the Cold Sniper of their respective Red and Black and Evil All Over squads, who became the leader when everyone else deserted.

Unless the Imperial scientist that meets Nala Se is otherwise declared a different character, it is highly likely that she is Tulon Voidgazer.
Her character design looks plausible enough to be that before she was turned into a cybernetic Attack Drone fighter by the Cylo Directive.

Nala Se will become involved in a project that will culminate in Snoke's creation.
Somewhat confirmed? The second season finale has Dr. Hemlock stating she is required for something the Emperor wants; which Se herself states that what he wants is impossible. Likely, the thing Sheev wants is immortality which has been confirmed and hinted throughout the franchise's history. And given the test runs resulted in Snoke...

Isval from Lords of the Sith will appear when and if the Syndullas reappear.

Reva will appear and get a Start of Darkness.

F will get a cameo on her way to Keelia.

In the Disney Canon, only Scorch followed Order 66 while the rest of Delta Squad didn't.
For one reason or another, unlike the Legends timeline; only Scorch followed through with Order 66 while the rest of Delta Squad didn't. If nothing else, this would explain why only Scorch is the cameo among the commandos.
  • Sev could likely be explained by his MIA status which led him to miss the "Execute Order 66" transmission.
  • Boss and Fixer also didn't follow through due to currently unexplained reasons.

    Legends Connections 

The Prism from Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison will appear
Perhaps, at one point, a member of the Bad Batch will get captured and them imprisoned in the Prism, resulting in an episode dedicated to breaking him out.

The Bad Batch will find Sev (or evidence of him) on Kashyyyk
One of the most infuriating plot threads left hanging from the Star Wars: Republic Commando series was just what happened to Sev after the final mission of the game. Maybe the Bad Batch will visit the planet, and either bring home the missing commando, or find his blood stained helmet and armor.
  • Going a step further, Sev will join the Bad Batch. There were two different ideas for a Republic Commando sequel, one that followed the remaining three members as Imperial Commandos, and the other followed Sev as he laid the groundwork for what would eventually become the Rebellion’s special forces. If the merchandising leaks prior to release turn out to be true and Crosshair betrays the Bad Batch, then the two squads will be in exactly opposite situations.
    • Story and character wise, it does match up with Crosshair; Already dismissive of regs, what better way to cement Crosshair's fall permantently by having his place as the sniper be taken by a reg? Even if that reg is better trained and skilled than most of the clone army.
      • Should Sev appear in the show at all, this is more likely to happen in light of the first season finale. Crosshair chooses to stay with the Empire, even after almost being killed when they destroy Tipoca City, meaning the role of designated marksman remains unfilled.

Some of the Dark Times arcs will be adapted.
  • The Enemy Mine situation between the Separatists and an Order 66 survivor from The Path to Nowhere could provide a good adventure of the week setting.
  • The plot of Fire Carrier (militias lashing out against arriving refugees) feeling like a story that might appeal to writers during the current political climate. The Bad Batch could replace the Jedi characters of that story or fight alongside them.

Palpatine will clone one or more of his Force-sensitive minions for a new wave of soldiers like he did with Sa Cuis in one of the magazine short stories.

There will be a group of surviving Jedi planning to assassinate Vader like in Star Wars: Purge, Dark Lord—The Rise of Darth Vader, Coruscant Nights, or Dark Times, maybe even with some of the same characters.

Jedi Master Kina Ha is working against the Empire on Kamino
Kina Ha, the oldest living Jedi, is a Kaminoan with greatly slowed aging (to the point she has almost four thousand years), who had returned to Kamino after a vision warned her a clone army for the Dark Side would emerge from there only to fail to recognize the GAR as such army.
Considering Nala Se's action, it's possible that she's working with Kina Ha, has been somehow brainwashed, or is Kina Ha in disguise.

We will learn more about Jango's past and Arla Fett will be recanonized.
Going along with the theory that the Bad Batch will get in touch with their Mandalorian roots, they could meet one of the Cuy'val Dar/the Mandalorian instructors that trained the clones on Kamino — possibly Fenn Rau, who like Jango, seems to be from Concord Dawn and is/was a Protector — and the gang will learn from them a little bit about Jango's past, including how Jango had a sister who was presumably killed with their parents. Maybe Arla could even appear in person. This could be a good way to tie in with The Book of Boba Fett assuming we learn more about Jango in it, as well as reintroduce Arla into canon seeing as The Bad Batch is something of a Spiritual Successor to the Republic Commando series. Also, it would also explain why Omega is blonde.
  • Additionally, it could serve as parallels between Jango and Arla's siblinghood and the Bad Batch/Boba and Omega's siblinghood.

Darth Vader will make a cameo to introduce the Imperial Commando Special Unit
Related to the Delta Squad WMG above, we will get a scene similar to the one at the beginning of Imperial Commando: 501st where the remaining clone commandos, now wearing the same Imperial commando armor as Crosshair, are absorbed into the 501st Legion and tasked with hunting down Jedi survivors and clone deserters, like the Bad Batch.

Tech will speak Mando’a
While the clones in general don’t seem to have taken on the Mandalorian culture like their counterparts in Legends did, to have one of the Bad Batch speak the language during the inevitable Mandalore arc would be a nice Mythology Gag. Tech being the likely suspect because of his visor’s translation software.

The Vong will return

Because someone has to make the guess.

The series looks ready to use old Clone Wars ideas, and the original X-File style story could be implemented, or a new sci-fi horror tale. Perhaps something like Alien or The Thing.

The first season will end in a version of the Clone Rebellion from Star Wars: Battlefront II
We have Rex running around trying to get clones more loyal to the Republic than the Empire, the Empire on Kamino deciding that the Kaminoans have outlived their usefulness, and as of "War-Mantle", Hunter has been captured by Crosshair. With only a couple of episodes left, the stage seems to be set for a big confrontation on Kamino, perhaps with Rex trying to save whatever is left of their brothers on Kamino while the squad tries to rescue Hunter.
  • Jossed for the first season, but given the second season saw Rex and Echo's ongoing efforts to free and gather more anti-Imperial brothers who are being decommissioned for questioning orders, we could be seeing a Clone Rebellion come to pass in the next season.

We'll eventually see the Anti-Trooper rebellion

In Legends, Kamino was unhappy with the rule of the Empire over their world and secretly bred a whole generation of clonetroopers to fight against the Empire. These Anti-Imperial Clone Troopers (nicknamed Anti-Troopers) were programmed to be absolutely loyal to Kamino, but were eventually destroyed by the still-largely clone-based Stormtroopers. This event was what in Legends caused Palpatine to shift away from Fett clones and even to birth-born troopers to avoid another such rebellion.

Even though the recent events would make this unlikely, it's still possible that Nala Se might secretly create the Anti-troopers while under custody, or Lama Su somehow survived and does indeed have a cache of troopers hidden away in another part of Kamino.

Vader and the 501st will eventually show up
While Star Wars: Battlefront II shows the 501st as remaining purely made of clones through the battle of Hoth, canon has shown different with non-clones among the 501st. This early in the imperial era however, the 501st will still be mostly, if not entirely made up of clones, as other materials have shown Vader having something of a fondness for the clones. Not to mention that they have to be somewhere, they didn’t just completely disappear after they were transferred off Kamino, and clones are from a military standpoint more valuable than recruits because they trained for war their whole lives. We’ll see them show up next season, possibly clad in the TK armor but still voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, and possibly still with the blue stripe like in the prologue for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

A Jedi who left the order during or before the war (maybe a minor Legends character like Ferus Olin, Ring-Sol Ambase, Bardan Jusik, Thracia Cho Leem, Serifa Altunen, Rennax Omani, Ephaan Kenzon, or Mira) will appear and remain in their new life with their cover intact.

The Gray Paladin Jedi sect will appear and try to openly fight the early Empire, only to be inevitably defeated (maybe for The Worf Effect purposes) and wiped out or sent into hiding.


Galen Marek will appear as an in-universe mascot for Five Guys Burgers and Fries

Omega isn't the Force-sensitive one. It's HUNTER.
Unlike The Mandalorian, instead of the child being gifted, it's the father figure. And perhaps there's more to Hunter's "enhanced sensors" than mere genetic engineering.

The Bad Batch will meet Tarkin's wife
And they're promptly appalled by her, even blaming her for Tarkin's villainy. They also guess, this time correctly, she's the reason for him being on Kamino in spite of it being in another Moff's territory: he took the job to stay away from her.
  • Tarkin is gay in new canon, so unlikely.

Final Destiny.
  • A trillion-to-one guess. In the series finale, the Bad Batch (including Omega, Crosshair, and possibly other new members) will inexplicably be warped (whilst riding their spaceship) into a new dimension or distant part of space, where they go on unseen adventures. That way they're absent from future rebellion activity WITHOUT being killed off.
  • A more plausible scenario (applies to the Grand Finale of the entire show): The Emperor will be sending Darth Vader on a major mission - the one that involves removing a major obstacle to his rule. And it would be an obstacle The Bad Batch would be tasked (or willing) to protect, no matter the cost. A clash between an enhanced clone trooper unit and a powerful Sith Lord would certainly be in the latter's favor, but the tactical advantage, genetic upgrades and numbers of the former would make the confrontation much more interesting. Simply put: The Bad Batch holds off Vader - sacrificing themselves in the process, that is - while the impact of said sacrifice reaches Rex... who will remember the team fondly and join the growing Rebellion years later. Also, it may be a fitting conclusion because the team will go down fighting... no matter the odds.
    • An addition to the above - this particular move also makes sense in terms of characterization. As Anakin, the fallen hero quickly grew fond of the team. As Vader, the Bad Batch only serves as a reminder of his Jedi past... hence why the Sith Lord will get more incentive to eradicate another "chapter" from Anakin's memory and continue the deeper immersion into the Dark Side.
  • Both outcomes are jossed. The Bad Batch just retires on Pabu, no longer involving themselves in the rebellion against the Empire. Omega does join the rebellion, though.

Ventress will be introduced with the line "Somehow, Ventress returned."
And in response, one of the characters will angrily complain about how little sense this makes.

Ventress will hook up with Obi-Wan
Why bring her back if not for a Relationship Upgrade?
