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WMG / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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Note: for guesses specific to the 1971 film, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, click here.

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General Guesses


Wonka intended for each child to win.
Each child, throughout the different adaptations, displayed skills that would definitely be useful for a Wonka as a successor. Veruca would theoretically know how to handle resources, given her upbringing, Mike would know how to handle the media, Violet and Augustus would be the perfect people to test the products on (once they had been proven non-lethal), since they were both big fans of candy and gum, and Charlie would be the perfect figurehead of the company. Really, who couldn't support a company that took in an impoverished local child to run a magical candy factory?

Unfortunately for Wonka, he seriously underestimated most of the childrens' selfish thoughtlessness, and all but Charlie injure themselves, making for terrible PR. In the end, Wonka is forced to take Charlie as his sole successor, in the hope that he can train him to run the company without the help he intended for him to have.

Much more apparent in the 2005 film. Veruca recognizes quality when she sees it, despite wanting everything of quality that she sees and having no restraint. Augustus loves candy, which is huge if you're going to run a company based on it. Violet has the confidence and girl power necessary to deal with setbacks, and Mike is a technological genius. In short, you could've had five genius junior CEOs running the place as a board, if four of them hadn't had the weaknesses that couple with their strengths overindulged.

  • Going on with this theory, it also explains why Wonka had the idea of handing over his factory to children in the first place. When they become young adults, Wonka could send them to study law, chemistry, economics, etc. at top universities. He'll have a quintet of lawyers, scientists and businesspeople to keep his factory running.
  • Discussing the roles that the quintet could have played if they all stayed on the tour:
    • Augustus is a tough one, seeing that throughout all the adaptations his personality has been relegated to "the fat kid". Being the only one of the five who's not British or American, he would be put in charge of international outreach.
    • Violet's determined personality would make her a good lawyer. If not, she could put her martial arts skills to use and work as head of security.
    • Veruca would make a good financial advisor or even CEO, coming from a business background.
    • Mike is a tech savvy guy, would probably be in charge of installing and managing tech around the factory.
    • Charlie's the nicest of the five, best fitted for a lawyer or spokesman role.
      • Basically: Augustus for CMO, Violet for Head of Legal, Veruca for CFO, Mike for CTO/COO, Charlie for Head of PR/spokesman.

Wonka designed the tour to try to tempt each child with a Karmic Fate, so as to better evaluate them.
Because how many rooms do they enter where there is not an ideal temptation for one of the little brats?

Now the question becomes, what of Charlie? Did his not come up? No. His happened, but he was smart enough or pure enough not to take it. Everlasting gobstoppers, designed for children exactly like Charlie, are one of the few things we get shown directly but that the children do not get karma'd by. The temptation for a boy like Charlie, who gets one freaking thing a year, to take one of those? Huge. And if he had tried it? Dunno. Maybe lockjaw?

  • This makes the Invention Room a double threat, since Everlasting Gobstoppers and chewing-gum meals both come from there.
  • In the 1971 film, Charlie does get karma'd by Fizzy Lifting Drinks. But his deciding to leave without the Everlasting Gobstopper is a last-minute save.
    • Although if he'd left with it and never given it to Mr. Wilkinson, he might still have won.
      • "Never" is a long time. Wonka had already told Charlie that he would get "NOTHING!" And if Charlie had kept the Gobstopper and left, Grandpa Joe might've given it to Mr. Wilkinson unilaterally — Grandpa Joe was furious at Wonka right then...
  • This theory is strongly implied in the Burton-Depp film. We never learn the temptation there, unless we go with Charlie and decide that Wonka's initial offer when he's "won" is a temptation.
  • In the 2005 stage musical Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka, Wonka actually admits to this. In this version, Charlie's temptation is apparently the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, as Everlasting Gobstoppers are only mentioned in passing. He and Grandpa Joe taste them in a scene similar to the 1971 movie, and Wonka praises them both for apologizing and being smart enough not to get caught in the first place.
  • In the 2013 stage musical, this is much the case — the rooms are apparently chosen to play into each kid's weakness — but with a twist in Charlie's case. He is left alone with Mr. Wonka's idea notebook, having been warned not to look at it. Charlie is a born daydreamer, though, and just can't resist. He even adds to it. Thing is...unlike most people, Willy Wonka doesn't consider dreaminess a vice, but a this is a test in which disobedience means you pass!

The following happens to the rest of the kids...
1. Augustus: Sent to a psychiatric/obesity treatment clinic in order to stop him from eating himself and to lose weight. Becomes a bitter fitness guru who tortures children in a fat camp.2. Violet: Becomes forever known as the flexible blue girl. Gets her own superhero movie franchise, but has to spend a lot of her earnings repairing her teeth and jaw from all that gum-chewing. Lives in mortal fear of blueberries.3. Veruca: Her parents must dramatically downsize when the economy crashes. Veruca, unable to take the pressure, eventually ends up homeless, until she's taken in to work as a nanny/maid for kids who are just as spoiled as she was.4. Mike: Grows up to be one of those people who attempts to commit violent crimes because he was inspired by video games and television. None of his plots ever quite worked out, however, so he is eventually paroled from prison. The catch is, he must spend hours of community service repaying his debt to society by tutoring special-needs children (thus getting back at him for the "retard" comment in the 2005 film) and working as a janitor in a chocolate shop. Eventually invents a tell-all video game based on Wonka's sadistic factory, but it doesn't sell well because everyone loves Wonka.

The factory went out of business within six months of Charlie taking over
Does this need explaining? He's useless!
The whole story never happened
Most of the book, starting from finding the dollar in the street, is actually something Charlie hallucinated while dying of cold or starvation.

Most of Wonka's seeming omniscience with regards to the Bratty Kids is actually just educated guesswork and good planning.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the kids most likely to find a golden ticket either have wealthy/indulgent parents that let them go through lots of candy in one day, are willing to cheat to win, or both - In other words, no matter who ends up winning, they're probably going to be mostly jerks. Wonka realized this and devised the factory's various Secret Tests of Character around vague archetypes based on the kind of kids he guessed would be likely to find a ticket, like "glutton who eats way too much chocolate" and "Spoiled Brat with rich parents who rigged the contest for them", then adapted the tour to the ones who ended up showing up. There's no room or Crowd Song tailored to Charlie because he's a genuine outlier who just got lucky, so Wonka's plans didn't account for him.

Wonka is the Devil
Willy Wonka is portrayed in the book looking vaguely demonic. In both the movie and book versions, he tempts the children with their sin. For example, Mike Teevee is sloth and wrath, Veruca is greed and envy, Violet is pride and lust, and Augustus is clearly gluttony. Many of the children have multiple deadly sins associated with them. When tragedy strikes the children, Wonka half-assedly gets help, as though he is not very interested in saving them.
  • Support: Wonka is clearly Lawful Evil (assuming you believe in Lawful Evil).
  • Burton!Mike may be Pride, but that title could also belong to Burton!Violet. Hmm...
    • No, no, Burton!Violet is definitely Pride. Burton!Mike is probably Wrath, since he is a naysayer throughout the tour.
    • Funny note, originally Dahl planned to have seven children...
  • In the book, Charlie stayed in place and didn't play in order to conserve what little food energy he got for growing and not starving. Environmentally enforced Sloth, anyone?
    • If it's forced upon somebody then it's not a sin. Charlie is just being sensible.
      • Therefore, he wins.
  • Willy Wonka is the original Jewish interpretation of Satan from The Book of Job. That concept of the Devil worked for God, tempting people to determine who was just in His eyes. Instead of inflicting horrible plagues on Charlie, Satan decided to tempt the kids by appealing to their sin.

Wonka is a Old Testament style God

Willy Wonka is Charlie Bucket
It could be that Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka was next in line to Peter Ostrum's Charlie. The Willy Wonkas in both movies both gave their factories to the Charlie Buckets at the end of their respective movies. So it's possible that even before the book was written, a Willy Wonka has always given the Wonka factory to some nice bloke called Charlie Bucket when it's about time to retire.
  • Sounds plausible. But Peter Ostrum's Charlie either had bad luck distributing his Golden Tickets or else chose to test for something other than moral character in the hopes that he could train that with the chocolatiering. (Wilder's Wonka tested for moral character; Depp's Wonka has a very shaky grasp on it.)
  • And they all keep handing down the name? Makes sense; no one would surrender to the Dread Candyman Charlie.

Grandpa Joe is evil.
Of course! What nice person would pretend to be paralyzed in order to live off their poverty-stricken grandkid?
  • And it was Grandpa Joe, not Charlie, who suggested stealing Fizzy Lifting Drinks.

Grandma Georgina is acting like her mind is out there but is in fact very bright.
This holds for both film versions.

In the Tim Burton film, Georgina knew exactly what everyone was talking about. She just acted like she didn't to mask her true intelligence.

Wonka invented the never-melting ice cream because of the Indian-esque prince's palace.
Chocolate melts when it gets warm, as reinforced by the melting palace. Therefore, it is imperfect because it cannot be used for such long-term applications as a cake topper (applications where it would never be eaten, such as a palace that wouldn't have its parts continually replaced, would likely be blasphemy in the eyes of Wonka). While Wonka was unable to find a way to keep chocolate from melting in heat without compromising its taste, texture, or other attributes, he did stumble upon a method of solidifying sugared milk solids that would become liquid when exposed to certain enzymes such as those in saliva. The obvious use of this? Ice cream that never melts no matter how hot the summer day is, yet is still perfectly edible. If Wonka doesn't care that warm, solid ice cream would feel horrible due to the change in temperature alone, he likely wouldn't care about the compromises, and saw it as a similar acceptable lower quality for a "novelty" product such as civilian Astronaut Ice Cream. Although...

Wonka invented freeze-dried ice cream.
Once a head at NASA noticed, they connected the dots between it and the freeze-dried food they used to feed astronauts before toothpaste-tube food came into vogue. This would be the perfect way to keep ice cream from melting while they transported it to their newly-designed space hotel without the cost and weight of freezing!

Wonka is one of The Fair Folk.

The grandparents are not bedridden from an illness per say ...

They are severely malnourished. All the Buckets are, in fact. In Dahl's very words: "The only meals they could afford were bread and margarine for breakfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for supper." And this is before Charlie's father is laid off and they were subsisting solely off of just cabbage soup.

Assuming, on a weekday: 2 slices of bread, 1 tbsp. of margarine, 2 boiled potatoes in their skins, 3/4 cup of cabbage and 2 cups of cabbage soup (1.5 c liquid and 3 tbsp cabbage .), the only vitamins that the adults meet or surpass the daily recommended amount are vitamins C, E and K. They just barely miss getting enough B6. They certainly do not get enough vitamins A (RAE or IU), B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 or choline nor do they get any B7 or B12.

The amount of vitamin D they receive would be directly proportionate to the amount of sunlight they receive. 20 minutes in the sun is adequate to receive enough vitamin D, so Charlie and possibly his parents would get enough. His grandparents in that dark shack probably would not.

For minerals, as some nutrient requirements differ between men and woman, only the men are almost getting enough iron and only the women are getting enough manganese. They are only getting trace amounts of calcium, copper, fluoride, lysine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc. They are not getting any chloride, chromium, iodine, or molybdenum at all.

As for basic nutrition, they are getting less than half of the recommended daily energy, 30% of protein, 17% of fat, 36% of carbs, 19% of sugars and half of dietary fiber. The only others that their bodies are getting enough of are cholesterol (only because the body naturally produces enough to survive) and sodium (only need 115 mg and they are receiving 402 mg which is well below the suggested maximum).

Even if Mrs. Bucket is making the cabbage soup with bone broth (which can be made at home with cheap bones from the butcher), the only improvement is slightly more energy, protein, fat, cholesterol, sodium and potassium but not enough to reach requirements.

Sunday, when they canonically have double portions, is the only day they almost reach most of their daily recommended amounts. They finally get enough B1, B6, copper, protein and dietary fiber. The women are getting enough B3 and almost enough iron. The men are getting enough manganese and almost enough B3. Both are getting almost enough energy, carbs, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, B5, and B9. There are still deficiencies regarding fat, sugars, fluoride, lysine, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, B2 and choline. They completely still lack completely chloride, chromium, iodine, molybdenum, B7 and B12.

Willy Wonka has Fourth Wall Awareness, and is conscious of the kids' fates because he knows how the story goes.

The Teavee surname was abbreviated from something jawcracking, possibly to hide an inconvenient ethnic background during World War One.

Prince Pondicherry isn't real.
Grandpa Joe made up that story about him.

In the book, Mr. Salt is American, but his wife Angina is British.
As noted elsewhere on this Wiki, even though the adaptations almost always portray the Salt family as British, Dahl most likely meant them to be American, because Mr. Salt calls his female employees "gals" and because salted peanuts are more of an American snack food than a British one. Yet Veruca calls her mother "Mummy," not "Mommy." Explanation? They're a mixed nationality family.

The stories take place in an alternate universe in which The Future came early or "on schedule," or in our future.
After some terrible economic crisis, much of the world is set back decades, while some other groups (the Teevee and Salt family included) become the new technological elite. Of course, Wonka's technology was never available to anyone else, he's just that good.

Evidence: there seems to be a president in office that we've never heard of, a group of pygmies we have never encountered, and a whole functioning space hotel.

Willy Wonka's factory doesn't make chocolate.
Instead, it makes LSD flavored to taste like chocolate. All of the things the kids saw on the tour of the chocolate factory? An LSD induced hallucination. The kids who were kicked off of the tour had a bad trip.

All the chocolate Wonka's factory makes is laced with LSD.
And so he brings the whole world to its knees before him.

All the chocolate Wonka's factory makes is laced with an addictive hallucinogen.

Oompa-Loompas are naturalist Gremlins.
An alternate ending for Sometime Never: A Fable for Supermen.

Between all three mediums, all seven deadly sins are present
Let's look at the list, shall we?
  • Augustus: Gluttony (all three mediums)
  • Veruca: Greed (all three mediums)
  • Violet: Pride (all three mediums)
  • Mike: Sloth (book/1971 film)/Wrath (2005 film)
  • Charlie: Envy (according to a WMG and the 1971 film)

    • OR
  • Augustus: Gluttony
  • Veruca: Greed
  • Violet: Pride
  • Mike: Sloth
  • Wonka: Envy
  • Charlie: Wrath (Averted. Wonka expected him to hand over the Gobstopper to Slugworth out of anger, and he didn't).

But what of Lust? It's there in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment in the 2005 film. The portrayer? Violet's mother. The scene? About 6:30 of this clip

Willy Wonka should get to be in a literature-pulled fighting game
And his finisher/fatalities should all be punishments like the book and should then end with the Oompa Loompas arriving singing a song that riffs the opponents.

Admit it, after reading this you are now imaging how the Oompa Loompas would diss characters like Dracula, Harry Potter and James Bond and you are loving every minute of it.

This is Dante's Inferno
  • Wonka is Virgil
  • Charlie is Dante
  • Look at the above arguements
  • Each chamber is a different circle
  • The boat ride is crossing Styx

Wonka is Haruhi Suzumiya
Yes, this is on every page like the Time Lord posts, but again, it's not that unreasonable. The existence of such a bizarre factory with its impossible candy, Oompa Loompas, and various eccentricities like the chocolate room seem like the kinds of things a Cloud Cuckoo Lander Reality Warper would do.

Wonka is The Doctor
Yeah, not just a time lord, but The Doctor. Details here.

Wonka is George Weasley
According to a cut chapter, Wonka makes a certain line of sweets designed to help children fake being sick to get off school. He favours a fantastical more explodey type of invention over efficiency. He is slightly sadistic to those who really deserve it and will go out of his way to tempt people into their own punishment.
  • This actually would explain a lot, especially all the crazy inner workings of the place, the types of candies with werid effects (there are fairly common charms that could be placed on them and they bear some resemblence to Fred and George's products at least in style), and why there is a huge mystery surrounding the factory (Magical secrecy rules, temporarily lifted in this one case). A Wizard really did it. Bonus points for it being set in Britain as well.

An alternative; Wonka is Fred Weasley
Fred didn't die during the final battle. Instead, he was attacked by a Weeping Angel which had been woken by the noise and confusion of the battle, or by all the stones/statues being destroyed. It transported him back in time 40 years or so. The 'body' was put there by The Doctor becuase he knew that he couldn't reveal the truth to the grieving Weasleys - it would cause too much trouble and confusion right after the battle, and the chaos of the wizarding world after the downfall of Voldemort and the second wizarding war could not discover the reality of the Doctor's existence or alien life. Therefore the Doctor was forced to watch the Weasleys grieving over what they thought was their son, and was unable to tell them the truth. Luna was the only one who knew. Just because.

Fred, waking back in the 1950s, did not know what to do. The Doctor had told him he could not return or attempt to contact his family in any way, so he did the only thing he could - adopting a false name, he continued his and George's work in the past, creating a magical sweet factory (Willy Wonka is never stated not to also have made jokes and tricks as well; it was just that the sweets caught on in the past). Secretly, Fred always hoped that some of his merchendise (which also became popular in the wizarding community) would be enjoyed by his parents, who were children then, and so in some way he could still reach out to them.

Oh, and the Oompa-Loompas? Clearly, they are House-elves; they are small, odd in appearance and are extremely loyal to their 'master'. The singing is a by-product of their obeying a master who was so carefree and cheerful himself - it rubbed off on them. The whole South America story was just what Wonka/Fred told people to explain the odd little creatures living in his factory.

Now, you may go weep into your pillows.

Wonka is Xenophillius Lovegood.
You-Know-Who came and destroyed his factory.

The Candy Man is Haruhi
The world tastes good because the Candy Man thinks it should.
  • You win.

Mr. Wonka is secretly The Mad Hatter.
He is often seen wearing a top hat, and the sequel book shows that much of the factory is underground.
  • Both films, while not showing it, imply it. The long hallway to the chocolate room heads down.
  • Wonka directly states in the first book that most of the factory, including all the most important rooms, is underground. He even gives the reason:
    "These rooms we are going to see are enormous! They're larger than football fields! No building in the world would be big enough to house them! But down here, underneath the ground, I've got all the space I want. There's no limit — so long as I hollow it out."
  • Certainly, this is true. Willy Wonka = The Mad Hatter = Johnny Depp. Where does Jack Sparrow fit into the equation?
  • Which Mad Hatter? Lewis Carroll's or Jervis Tetch? It would add a new wrinkle to the Golden Tickets, that's for sure.

Mr. Wonka is a spark.
This might go some way toward explaining Britain's apparent world power status In-Universe. With all the stuff he makes in the books (including space capable lifts), the odd licorice-powered laser and hard boiled warship might just be on the agenda, too...
  • He's got to make Wonka-style TV common first.
  • He clearly isn't operating in Girl Genius' universe, as there are no United States, and most of Britain is underwater in that universe. Which leaves us with two possibilities to consider: Either Wonka is a Spark who broke through in a world otherwise devoid of such people, or, he emigrated to Charlie's world for his own reasons; it's possible he felt his creations were unappreciated, or feared that they would be, as mentioned above, weaponized, or perhaps he decided he didn't feel like being part of Albia's "garden", or felt the general atmosphere in Europa wasn't conducive to what he hoped to accomplish with his life, so he decided to leave.

Mr. Wonka is a Devisor
This would explain why he can create candy that is impossible as defined by the laws of physics, because as long as he thinks it works, it does. He is obviously a VERY high power devisor at that, in fact, as his candy always works right and doesn't explode everyone who touches it (unless that's what it's supposed to do, of course.)

Mr. Wonka is a Genius
He has a special, higher than ordinarily possible, version of Beholden and Production Line that allows him to create huge amounts of wonders in Pill Form, allowing the strange effects. Pill Form prevents Havoc unless directly interfered with; eating it destroys it before it can be properly messed with. He is a rogue Staunen.

Loompaland is a Bardo of all of the deepest darkest Africa stuff that got disproved once we had explored it properly.

The tests were intended to find another Genius, not someone of upstanding character, by allowing them to fiddle with the Wonders before they were placed in Pill Form and seeing who didn't incur Havoc; this raises the distinct possibility that Wonka is Illuminated or at least very close. Charlie is an unaffiliated Hoffnung with psi-based Wonders. Mike Teevee is a Lemurian Neid.

Mr. Wonka is Haruhi Suzumiya's father.
It is possible that Wonka fell in love with a Japanese woman and had his last name changed to hers, and then had her somehow inherit his reality warping powers.

Wonka is of some relation or other to the Witch from Hansel and Gretel.
Both are twisted individuals who live in a candy-themed building and invite young children inside, promising them treats, and giving them something more horrifying. Coincidence?
  • This, if true, means that Charlie might come off worse than the others in the long run, since he's still at the factory. Wonka had less than a day to mess with the others, and so he had to get drastic. He can take as long as he likes with Charlie.

Actually, Wonka is another kind of Witch, and the Chocolate Factory is her Barrier.
  • Tell me the Oompa-Loompas aren't Familiars.
  • (S)he's a very powerful Witch who has been able to either kill off, drive off, or evade all the Puella Magi who have come after her. Being alive so long, (s)he's either come to her senses (somewhat) and had a Heel–Face Turn, or is planning something highly sinister.

In making his factory, Wonka inadvertently tunneled into Gensokyo
Since phenomena in Gensokyo are caused by the active disbelief of people beyond the barrier, this explains how most of the factory can shamelessly run on Nonsensoleum yet still work. The geography might be a stretch, but Gensokyo is known to have a deep underground network of... well, hells; and Yukari is more than lazy enough to not bother with someone tunneling through a weak point of the Barrier into nothing but solid rock.

Wonka's older brother is Roarke from Fantasy Island and his younger brother is Calypso from Twisted Metal

Wonka is, or is an agent of, Saruman the White.
The last chapters of LOTR, among other things, reveal that Saruman has taken over the Shire and left it a devastated ruin by over-industrialization. Suppose that this "industrialization" took the form of a candy factory, and that the Oompa-Loompas were a race related to hobbits that he imported for cheap labor (remember we don't get a definitive date Wonka's enterprise was founded). Charlie's neighborhood, now an industrial hellhole, may once have been the quaint and Arcadian Shire. Wonka himself may be Saruman or may simply have inherited the enterprise.

Snozzberries are juvenile snozzcumbers
While they taste better than snozzcumbers, they also aren't big enough to sate a giant's hunger, even one as relatively small as the BFG.

Theories for the Tim Burton version

Wilbur and Willy Wonka have Reality Warper powers related to their force of will
The tickets were not random — but they didn't quite go as planned
If they had been random, then Mike Teevee would not have been able to use his 1337 h@x0r skills to intercept one. Because the wrong person — one who hated chocolate — got the fourth one, Wonka delayed sending out the fifth one (the one Charlie ultimately got) while he thought out an appropriate trap for Mike; by the time he had, the contest was nearly over, and Wonka had to change the fifth one's target to "someone who lives close to the factory."
  • basically, Wonka planned everything that happened to the kids in the factory before they even arrived?
    • Didn't we already know that?

Charlie got the Golden Ticket because he really did want it more and never gave up hope.
If he hadn't been there to hear that the original fifth ticket-finder was a fraud, then it wouldn't have been there when he opened the wrapper.

The Oompa-Loompa's only improvised a few lines.
They only planned the songs for what would tempt the children, not for what flaws the children happened to have, thats why it doesn't match up all the time. The song to Augustus was a song for a glutton, at a place the Oompa-Loompa's knew someone would be greedy enough to try to take the chocolate from the rive and what would happen if they fall in, the song to Violet wasn't about competition but about chewing gum, which was all the Oompa-Loompa's probably would know about someone who greedily takes the gum, the song to Veruca was more about garbage (which the Oompa-Loompa's would presumably know that someone who tries to take a Squirrel would be considered bad and thrown down into the garbage chute) and less about being a spoiled brat, and you only got more of the spoiler brat parts towards the end, presumably after the Oompa-Loompa's had time to improvise it, and finally, Mike's song is mostly about television and not his character flaw, because the Oompa-Loompa's could only make assumptions that someone tempted by the room likes television.
  • It follows that either they had songs prepared for several other rooms in the factory, or Wonka arranged the specific tour route beforehand and let the Oompa Loompas know far enough in advance to prepare the songs.

Wonka wanted TWO kids for his factory
Specifically, Charlie and Violet. He wanted them to co-own the factory, as they are the two most well behaved of the group. This is why he actively tries to get Violet to spit out the gum.

"Prince Pondicherry" is the stage name of a very rich actor
He chose it because Pondicherry is his hometown, and he's very vain.

Grandma Georgina is psychic
  • When is the one time she 'knew exactly what she was talking about'? When she happily proclaims that 'things are going to get much better.' They do.

Grandpa Joe is a massive Papa Wolf in this film.

If we believe the theory that the Depp film is a 'sequel' to the Wilder version, then Grandpa Joe is one of the few people who believes the tales of the previous naughty children. He might even know.

He knows that Charlie could become a victim of Wonka's twisted plan. He manages to regain his mobility so that Charlie can experience his dream but still be protected.

Charlie's father will soon be hired by NASA for an absurdly high salary.
Those toothpaste tubes filled with astronaut food can't screw the caps on themselves, can they?

Violet turned into a blueberry / chewing gum mix, rather than into a simple blueberry.
This is why she didn't explode / burst immediately after swelling up, and this is also why, after being squeesed, she is so flexible now - exactly like a chewing gum would be. This also correspond to the fact that the transformation is triggered by a chewing gum.
  • Though the way Wonka backed away and hide during her transformation would suggest otherwise.

Augustus was turned into full-on living fudge.
As he leaves the factory, his mother chides him for eating his fingers, to which he responds "But I taste so good." Besides, stranger things have happened in that place.

Wonka only hates Mr. Salt.
At the beginning of the film, Wonka didn't really like anybody due to his own misanthropy, but he took an immediate, strong dislike to Mr. Salt for seemingly no reason at all. The rotten kids all got in trouble because they didn't listen to Wonka's warnings, but Salt was set up. Wonka wouldn't let him go after Veruca until she'd already gone down the garbage shoot, and counted on the squirrels to knock Salt down after her if he didn't fall. Wonka hated Mr. Salt because, as a tall, posh grey-haired Englishman, he reminded Wonka of his father.

Now try watching the movie again and tell me you don't see it.

  • On the other hand, Mr. Salt deals in nuts, which would be used in candy, and it's not impossible there were some bad business deals somewhere, either with nut suppliers in general or having worked with Mr. Salt in particular. Wonka may have decided he could kill two birds with one stone.

  • Orrrr it could be because Salt acts as a foil to Wonka - an owner of a snack supplying company, but instead of fun and whimsical like Wonka, Salt is cold and clinical.

Mr. Salt used to be Wonka's nut supplier
At least in the first film, it was said Mr. Salt's workers haven't done their jobs for three days. Maybe Wonka decided to get another supplier and hates Salt for failing him.

Wonka is some form of supernatural being with Reality Warping powers
Specifically, a relatively low-level trickster deity or one of The Fair Folk.

In the 2005 film, he doesn't look quite human. He's not just pale; he's greyish and translucent.

Since he is magical in nature, he can make such things as everlasting gobstoppers, ice cream that doesn't melt, sheep that have candyfloss for wool, square sweets that look round, etc. even if they are impossible.

The squirrels are under his control because he is an elemental being. The television chocolate thing works because, although he has no idea how ordinary physics works, he expects it to work the way he thinks it does, and therefore it does. The Oompa Loompas are subordinate beings, or beings that he created or summoned up from elsewhere.

This is similar to, but not the same as, the "Wonka is the Devil" WMG. In this theory, he's not malevolent or trying to punish anyone; he's just mischievous and out to cause minor chaos and have fun. Normally, he would channel those sorts of impulses by making crazy candy and messing with the Oompa Loompas (for examples, by turning them into blueberries or making them float or sprout hair all over their bodies). He became bored and decided to bring some humans into his factory to "play" with. He is like Trelane — just out to enjoy himself by messing with less powerful beings, and unconcerned about hurting them.

He has a father in the 2005 film because he entered the mortal world as a Changeling.)

End essay.

Mrs. Salt didn't want kids...
When she got pregnant, she didn't mean to and she wanted an abortion, but by the time she found out, it was too late for an abortion. That's why she gave her daughter that terrible name. Mr. Salt spoils her to make up for her horrible name, and the reason for her grumpiness is because her mother hates her. When she grows up, she will change her name, become famous (because why not?) and be cagey about her childhood.

Everlasting Gobstoppers are made from Oompa-Loompas directly exposed to the chewing-gum-meal formula.
Note that, in this film, everlasting gobstoppers are kept in a liquid tank. The liquid is the same as that which was concentrated into the chewing gum, minus the blue dye. The gobstoppers are rolled around for the same reason Violet was — to keep their shape.

If someone is allowed to keep consuming that formula for much longer than Violet did, then all the effects will become permanent. The "juice" will be metabolized and turned to solid flesh; once that happens, it can no longer be squeezed out. But there will still be juice building up for as long as that formula is consumed. The end result is a nigh-featureless being who will produce juice if compressed but will grow increasingly incompressible at their core as the flesh builds up.

When all of this happens to someone who was originally as small as an Oompa-Loompa, the result can pass for a large jawbreaker which can be sucked on indefinitely without getting any smaller.

If that kind of everlasting gobstopper ever enters distribution, then it will eventually do to its users what the gum did to Violet's body before she was squeezed. But, since they release the formula more slowly than the gum did, it should take longer before the point of no natural return gets crossed.

Wonka's business is about to go under.
This was already fitted in the WMG about the other film, but in this film, we actually see an press article stating "outlook gloomy for Wonka". There are some hidden problems with the factiory, and Wonka will hand over the company to Charlie, who will therefore take on those troubles. Before that he creates a massive demand for his products (which he sells at exorbitant prices), so he can pocket all the cash, before disappearing again from public sight; leaving Charlie and his legal guardians responsible for paying the Oompa-Loompas and countering the lawsuits from the children's families concerning the industrial accidents that befell them.
  • Charlie would also be the target for the lawsuits and/or protests and boycotts that employing secret invisible mythical creatures over local union workers would probably attract, not to mention a fall guy if hiring little men without citizenship or legal identity turns out to be just as illegal as hiring unlawful aliens.
  • The "Outlook Gloomy For Wonka" might be because of the fact that he couldn't think of any cool new candies to make after Charlie declined his offer. Considering how many kinds of candy he has, he is probably expected to release new candies every few months. It was never explicitly stated how much time passed between him leaving the Bucket house and Charlie giving him a shoeshine. If Wonka failed to release a new candy on time, his sales would likely decrease and the media would think he was losing his touch. The massive quantities of money he had accumulated from the Golden Ticket hunts probably was used to settle suits the other families had filed against him, causing him to lose that little nest egg.
  • But wasn't the about to go under article after Wonka had the talk with his psychiatrist? He probably just made a sub-par candy. Something that Wonka would not stand for.
  • No. I think that Wonka's business Was gonna go under. But when he finally reconciled with his dad he stopped feeling bad, doubting himself, and forbidding Charlie's family to move into the factory.
  • So what this troper is trying to say: If he doesn't feel good, the candy doesn't taste good.

The Gene Wilder Wonka is the uncle of the Johnny Depp Wonka.
Think about it: Why does Dr. Wonka the dentist detest candy and chocolate so much even as the young Willy craves it? It's not impossible for the Wonka brothers to be in rivalry, Wilbur is fed up dealing with the cavities caused by children (and adults) gorging out on sweets created by the first William, aka Gene. In revenge he is determined to keep his son away from candy of any kind as a "take that" to his brother, even as it's too late, the craving for chocolate's in the Wonka blood, and one bite is all it takes for the younger William to follow in his uncle's footsteps.

Remember, when Dr. Wonka abandons his son the young Willie is still a boy; it's not impossible for Willy-Gene to take in his nephew, or at least make sure he is cared for. In doing so, this allows Willy-John access to his uncle's amazing factory, giving the younger Wonka increasing responsibility as he grew. He would have noted the potentially useful but chaotic nature of things like the Inventing Room and the Riverboat, and refined them into the larger factory seen by the children.During this time the younger Willy might also have returned to Loompah-land to recruit more Oompah-Loompahs, for the factory's growth, and possibly to bring back lady-loompahs (the ones seen in the earlier film were all male). (This might explain the difference between the initial green-haired loompahs and their dark-haired brethren, they came from more remote areas.) During this time Willy-Gene may have died, and Willy-John starts thinking of his own future. Either there never had been earlier Golden Tickets, or Willy-Gene called it off when he took in his nephew.

This would allow for the twenty-year gap between the layoff of human workers and the re-emergence of a still-youthful Willy, it was his uncle who'd carried out the initial firings. Also by then, Willy-John had given up on the idea of a family at all, both his father's rejection and his uncle's eccentricity may have been too much for him and he wasn't about to risk getting entangled with people again, at least anyone that he didn't personally choose.

  • Going with that, when the original Wonka factory went under and the Peter Ostrum Charlie took the fall, Gene Wilder Wonka devoted the rest of his life to his nephew. When he died, the Johnny Depp Wonka used the inheritance to build a new factory and, afraid he'd not find a fall guy like his uncle did, tried to use unioned workers until he had the same problems the previous factory did.
  • Christopher Lee not only played dentist Wilbur Wonka, but years earlier had played Count Dracula, a man who knew the importance of keeping his teeth sharp and clean. Who's to say that there's maybe two bits of craving in the Wonka blood, one for the sweet reward, and one for the need to keep ready?

Wonka is, or thinks he is, Zordon.
He believes that he is Zordon revived by some force, and may be right.

Since he made some poor choices back in his era, he's approaching things differently. He has none of Zordon's magic items, but knows how to make some crazy ass candy, so he decides to create his Rangers a different way. For example, the Factory is the new Command Centre, with the business giving him a way to set things up. He's having trouble building the Zords so he's instead trying to create alternative means for the Rangers to combat giant monsters, such as the Shrink Ray. The Oompa-Loompa's are actually a massive group of Alpha's ranging from 7 to over a hundred, each with a faulty version of Alpha's friendly personality, resulting in the musical numbers. The kids are obviously intended to be his Rangers, and he's trying out giving them new abilities. His fondness for his Rangers makes his anger at their disobedience into what appears to be Wonka's submissive attitude to the children's fates. He just keeps thinking they're going to do the right thing. Then they don't.

Veruca: Wonka tries to give his new Pink Ranger control over animals, starting with Squirrels, but she's too impulsive and ends up with his failed Repellent Pheramone experiment.Augustus: The Yellow Ranger (because even though he wears Red, he isn't really leader material) is given shapeshifting abilities after being turned to chocolate. Or at least becomes covered in it, which impedes the progress somewhat.Mike: The Black Ranger was going to get size changing powers after helping Wonka reverse the Shrink Ray, after which he'd help work on the Zords.Violet: The gum was a failed attempt to make a giant Ranger, but it worked excellently in giving his new Blue Ranger super human reflexes. Her chipper attitude once she's drained suggests that if approached again, she may accept the role of Ranger.Charlie: The Red Ranger. Charlie was supposed to be granted flight by the Fizzy Lifting Drinks, but the other potential Rangers accidents derail the tour and he never gets to that room.

However, there is hope with Charlie not getting incapacitated and Violet's attitude.

Veruca grows up to be the Batman villainess The Absence
Hence her head sounding empty when the squirrels tap on it.

Wonka is a Time Lord.
Someone had to say it! He just built a regular-sized factory as a cover: the front door is really the door to his TARDIS. It's bigger on the inside, and he distracts his guests with songs and dances so they don't notice when they're traveling through the time vortex. Then, when they're good and distracted, he leads them out through another door (the TARDIS's door again) into an alien planet. Oompa Loompas are aliens. And all the chocolate trees are the planet's natural flora and fauna!
  • Or, more simply, each room is just a room aboard his TARDIS. The Eighth Doctor's own Ship once boasted a Butterfly Garden, after all. Also, on Deviant-Art, many pieces of concept art demonstrate that a TARDIS can have unlimited space inside of it. Mr. Wonka has nothing to worry about unless he has to pilot the factory. Also, the Great Glass Elevator is an emergency capsule with parts of Wonka's console added to it.
  • One other thing: He needed to find a successor because, at the time of the Golden Ticket contest, he was on his final incarnation and living more or less on borrowed time.
  • If he's a Gallifreyan renegade, he would have to low-profile as far as the galaxy at large because Time Lords are a stuffy and self-important lot. The good news - those other renegades (Doctor and Master) have been so utterly terrible at "low profile" that it's pretty easy to fly under the radar. So, TARDIS takes the form of a candy factory, that alien race he did a favor as his employees (South America doesn't have those kind of critters, but lots of planets probably have a south), and he manages to have himself a relatively quiet and fun-filled life a planet (and sector of said planet) that seems to be stupidly fond of Time Lord antics.
