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Sandbox / Badass Clean-Up

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Sandbox to organize problem tropes and work projects for the Badass Tropes Clean Up thread.

In general the consensus is that a Badass trope is fine if badassery is because or despite whatever category it's attached to. If it just happens to be badass and part of whatever category we should cut or redefine the trope.

See also Tropes Needing TRS, Appearance Tropes Cleanup, and TLP Crash Rescue Tallies.

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     Tropes with Possible Issues 

Identity Tropes

  • Badass Adorable: Runs into possible misuse or decay of 'adorable'. The trope description may have a solid definition of 'adorable' for the purposes of this trope, but entries often don't meet it and can include a YMMV element of what counts as 'adorable'.
  • Badass Bandolier: Possible issues with just listing anyone using bandoliers or ammo-belts under this trope, without establishing if something is the trope or just a case of usefulness/practicality.
  • Cool Old Guy: Someone who is exactly as spry and tough and awesome as when they were young, or can keep up with the kids. Should it be renamed to make this more clear? i.e. Spry Old Guy? "Cool" could easily decay into "Badass."

     Tropes that seem OK 

     Ongoing Projects 
  • Action Girl: Has decayed into Badass + Female, falling into the same problems of great prowess in physical fighting, bravery, durability, or mere coolness, which varies wildly by interpretation or context.

     Completed Projects and Past Verdicts 


Disambiguated/Definition only

  • Badass: Decayed into Fan Speak. Badass is a term associated with people who possess great prowess in physical fighting, bravery, durability, or mere coolness, which varies wildly by interpretation or context.
  • Like A Badass Out Of Hell: It is now a disambiguation between the following:

  • Badass Grandpa: Being badass and either old or a grandparent. Dewicking in progress. Disambiguation includes:
    • Cool Old Guy — Someone who is exactly as spry and tough and awesome as when they were 20, even 60 years later
    • Eccentric Mentor — His eccentricities are often a combined sign of age and incomprehensible skill, so listen wisely, young one
    • Never Mess with Granny — His Distaff Counterpart. When an elderly character, often a grandma to further the innocent and harmless imagery, is revealed to be packing ninjutsu and a bazooka
    • Old Master — They have spent so many years mastering their art form that nobody can beat them
    • Old Retainer — A member of a team who has been around so long that they are an inherent part of what makes the team
    • Old Soldier — An older member of the armed forces who is still effective and indeed revered for his position
    • Old Superhero — A '60s superhero, now, in his 60s, who may still be tough and cool, tough or cool, or a parody of such traits
    • Older and Wiser — A character older than the heroes whose function is to impart wisdom on how they solved situations similar to what the heroes now face
    • Older Is Better — If past times were cooler than the present, then the people who lived there must be equally cool, right?
    • The Patriarch — An older male figure who rules over a clan, often unscrupulously
    • Perilous Old Fool — An aged person who was a great fighter in their youth, still believes they are and tries to continue, to mixed results
    • Retired Badass — He may be an outlaw, gunfighter, some kind of super villain, or something else but whatever position made the character badass has been retired from... but the traits remain, usually making them a quiet secret badass or someone who is asked to return to their position because of their amazing skills.
    • Ring Oldies — Underneath that mat is a ring of wood and steel. And he'll continue to rise no matter how many times you drop him on it.
    • Stronger with Age — Someone/thing whose power or skills grow, naturally or mystically but rarely through practice, over many years
    • When Elders Attack — An older character has been provoked, often delivering a humorous ass-whooping with improvised weapons
  • Badass Princess: Being badass and a princess was deemed not tropeworthy. Disambiguation includes:
    • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: An adorable princess with the aesthetics of a Princess Classic who unexpectedly is a great fighter.
    • Damsel out of Distress: A character set up to be a helpless Damsel in Distress (a trope long associated with princesses) turns out to be able to save herself.
    • Lady of War: A lady who epitomizes elegance and grace who nevertheless can kill with ease.
    • Politically-Active Princess: A princess who is highly involved with diplomatic missions and similar political intrigue.
    • Rebellious Princess: A princess who hates her title and everything that comes with it, causing her to deliberately go against everything expected of a princess.
    • Really Royalty Reveal: A princess who may do badass things without realizing, or at least without revealing that they're a princess.
    • Royals Who Actually Do Something: A royal who does any number of notable and useful acts.
    • Silk Hiding Steel: A lady who appears, and may genuinely be, demure and gentle but is also cunning and ruthless.
    • Tomboy Princess: A princess who defies the feminine expectations of her title and enjoys being masculine.
    • Warrior Prince: If within the story it is perfectly normal and expected of princesses in that society to be warriors, a princess may be an example of Warrior Prince (or "Warrior Princess" in this case).
  • Badass Long Hair: The page was determined to just be a list of badass characters who happen to have long hair. It is now a disambiguation for the following tropes:
    • Barbarian Longhair: A character has long, unkempt hair to show their aggressive, wild and uncivilized nature.
    • Braids of Action: A character has their hair tied in a braid or braids because it keeps the hair out of their face and looks awesome.
    • Power Makes Your Hair Grow: When a character's power-up causes their hair to grow.
    • Samurai Ponytail: A character has neat, clean hair bound up at the back in either a topknot or a flowing ponytail to represent being a samurai and likely following the traditional samurai values.
  • Badass Gay: A gay character who is also badass is not a trope. Or alternatively, the examples engage in Unfortunate Implications. See the discussion page for it for more information. Disambiguated to:
    • Agent Peacock: An effeminate male character who is a competent fighter.
    • Gayngster: A gay gangster.
    • Lesbian Jock: A gay woman who is good at sports.
    • Manly Gay: A gay man with traditionally masculine mannerisms/interests.


Rename and clean

Redefine and clean
