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Recap / Invincible 2021 S 01 E 07 We Need To Talk

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Feeling lost and confused, Mark looks for advice from Eve. At the same time, everyone’s looking for him.


  • Adaptational Badass: Immortal actually gets to fight Omni-Man in the cartoon, instead of just getting a sucker punch before being dispatched in the comics. Admittedly though, Nolan is preoccupied with trying to help Mark in his fight against the kaiju, something not present in the comics.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The comics show Omni-Man saving the day as usual before Immortal returns to fight him. Only Mark witnesses his father killing Immortal again. In the cartoon, Debbie and the GDA are now aware of Nolan's actions, with Cecil throwing everything the organization has at it. After he kills Immortal again, Mark, the new Guardians, and the entire world has now supposedly seen Omni-Man's true colors.
  • Adaptation-Induced Plot Hole: Not a big one, but Amber revealing she knew about Invincible's true identity for weeks does make her angry at Mark for "ditching" everyone during an emergency last episode not make any sense. Although as she expresses her problem being his lying, it is possible that she was attempting to get him to admit the truth to her by feigning ignorance and was angered as he didn’t despite her chances.
  • Back from the Dead: The Immortal is revived by the Mauler Twins... only to get ripped in two by Omni-Man again.
  • Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: As Immortal is being brought back to life, we see a montage of shots of his life, one of which reveals that he was the Abraham Lincoln of the Invincible universe as we see him about to be assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. The "Amazon X-Ray" playing alongside the episode even openly says, "That's right, the Immortal was also Abe Lincoln."
  • Beware the Superman: Like the second episode, this one shows what happens when it's decided that a powerful, dangerous, and unchecked superhero needs to be stopped, but can't.
  • Book Ends: Nolan is midair at the start and end of the episode. Respectively, he is trying to come up with a way to confess why he killed the original Guardians and later begins to talk to his son about it after killing Immortal a second time.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Played for Drama. The Mauler Twins admit to Rudy that seeing a clone die is all too common for them, whether by their own hand or by another.
  • Came Back Strong: Cecil sends a Kaiju that Omni-Man defeated before to stop or delay him. He even had it drugged with steroids and enhancements for good measure, removed its pain receptors, and it's even stronger than ever with The Power of Hate, proving to be a match for both Omni-Man and Mark. Ironically, the Kaiju was something Omni-Man actually struggled with in the past.
  • Cape Snag: One of the Reanimen grabs Omni-Man's cape and wraps it around his face.
  • Clark Kenting: The fact Nolan does this as Omni-Man is lampshaded. Mark tells William that Omni-Man is his dad, and after William processes this he mutters "How did I never see that?" to himself.
  • Close-Call Haircut: After a short game of teleport tag with Nolan, Cecil teleports to safety just as Nolan is about to grab him, losing half his tie.
  • Comically Missing the Point: As the New Guardians discuss Rudy making himself a clone body from Rex's DNA, Samson's contribution is that he "didn't even ask first". Rex immediately lampshades that, on the list of things about this scenario that are wrong, Rex's consent ranks pretty low.
  • Crazy-Prepared: The Mauler Twins had the foresight to install several failsafes and control methods in Robot's clone body. Unfortunately, they're Out-Gambitted by the latter who a) has the foresight to scan the body beforehand, b) brings several robots to capture them, and c) brings faulty designs for the control collar in case they still got their hands on it.
    Robot: (after listing all of the failsafes that the Mauler Twins put into the clone body without his foreknowledge in a bid to try and control it themselves after the deal would be complete) Please, I would have been disappointed if you hadn't tried.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: All of the GDA soldiers in the neighborhood try to take on Nolan when he returns home. Emphasis on try. At least one of the weapons, fired by Donald, seem to faze him, but it otherwise annoys him.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: The entire episode is one long example of this trope, but highlights include...
    • Donald lasts the longest of the GDA members. He pulls a BFG on Nolan and shouts at his subordinates to run. Nolan seems mildly impressed that he's dodging moves that took down professional soldiers but gets tired of playing and snaps his spine.
    • Cecil setting a Kill Sat on him twice, both of which he tanked, with the second one only giving him a "the world's most expensive nosebleed".
    • The Immortal's battle with Nolan had him giving quite a few punches in, most of which were due to both him getting the jump on Omni-Man and also due to Nolan seeing the Kaiju attack his son and trying to stop said Kaiju. He even gives him one of the more lasting injuries in the entire episode: two thumbs into his eyes that give Nolan bloodshot eyes.
  • Deducing the Secret Identity: In a effort to save his relationship with Amber, Mark decides to tell her that he is Invincible, only for Amber to reveal she already figured it out.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Cecil stalls Omni-Man by shooting him down, and then demands answers. He says in Sincerity Mode that Omni-Man was his friend like the Guardians were, and he knows that the hero wouldn't just kill people in cold blood. When Omni-Man refuses to answer, Cecil taunts him by asking if Debbie or Mark knew, and how is Mark going to react? He barely escapes with his life.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Cecil personally shoots down Omni-Man. He knew it wouldn't hurt him. He just needed his attention to talk before moving onto more desperate measures.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: Mark finally reveals himself as Invincible to Amber, but she claims to have already known about it weeks ago. Mark hopes this can fix their relationship, but he missed the fact that he had to hide it and make excuses and lies instead of telling her earlier. Amber decides that Mark doesn't trust her enough and finally severs ties with him.
  • Enemy Mine: Cecil saw value in D. A. Sinclair's work, but despite having him in the GDA he's very clear about how much he hates even talking to him.
  • Eye Scream: Immortal digs his thumbs deep into Omni-Man’s eyes just as the latter shoves his fist through him. While it causes Omni-Man to scream out in pain as he bleeds, he kills Immortal again before he can blind him, making Immortal's attempt futile.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite noticing something is off about Omni-Man, William looks more worried for Mark's dad, and asks if he's okay. Even when Omni-Man interrogates him about where Mark is, William is concerned about if he's bleeding.
  • Exact Words:
    • Mark took Eve's advice about determining if he should or shouldn't reveal his alter ego to Amber, but she never said he should constantly lie about it just to keep her Locked Out of the Loop.
    • Robot broke out the Mauler Twins to help him create a new body, and he fulfilled his end of the bargain by giving them schematics for a control collar. He never said the schematics would guarantee a perfect model, nor did he say he would let them roam free, and makes plans to recapture them when their business is complete. Robot puts this on hold when summoned back to HQ.
  • Get Out!: Debbie finally tells Nolan to get out of their house. It doesn't stop him from coming back later to find Mark.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Cecil sends a Kill Sat, new Reanimen, and a Kaiju after Omni-Man in order to stop him, or failing that, buy some time as he tries to get to Mark. The Kaiju, in particular, was something that even Omni-Man struggled with in the past.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Omni-Man pushes a GDA agent so hard against the island in his kitchen that he bisects, his upper body sliding across the counter. Later he uses a hand chop to bisect The Immortal and end their fight.
  • I Can Live With That: Debbie expresses her hatred for Cecil's lengths to get the job done. The feeling for himself is mutual.
  • It Has Been an Honor: Said by Donald before he blows up the house to slow down Omni-Man.
    Omni-Man: Who are you talking t—?
    [House explodes]
    Cecil (at GDA HQ): The honor is all mine.
  • I'll Kill You!: Immortal shouts this at Omni-Man at end of their fight, only for Omni-Man to kill him less than a minute after.
  • Internal Reveal:
    • William finds out that Omni-Man is Mark's dad.
    • Monster Girl learns that Robot created a new body because he cares for her, before Robot revealed it himself.
    • The new Guardians of the Globe find out that Omni-Man has gone rogue, and Rex realizes to his horror that the bloodstain on the wall of their HQ represents what he did to the previous team.
    • Mark, and the rest of the world, witness Omni-Man kill Immortal (for a second time) without hesitation. While the world's population is confused, Mark is now suspicious.
  • Killed Off for Real: The original Rudolph Connors is euthanized by his clone as a form of Mercy Kill.
  • Kill Sat: Nolan gets hit with this twice, only for him to destroy it. All it did was give him, in Cecil's words, "the world's most expensive nosebleed".
  • Lesser of Two Evils: Cecil sends some of D. A. Sinclair's Reanimen after Omni-Man, this time made from the bodies of fallen soldiers. They prove effective but are killed soon after. He had previously acknowledged Sinclair's technology, despite the lack of morals included.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!":
    • The Guardians react this way when Samson gets footage of Omni-Man fighting the kaiju. They realize something is wrong, especially when Cecil tells him they are the world's last defense against Omni-Man. When Omni-Man kills Immortal again, they are in Stunned Silence.
    • When the episode cuts to multiple people reacting to the fight between Omni-Man and Immortal, they have the same expression, including the journalists recording from helicopters and narrating. No one can believe it.
  • Mercy Kill: The cloning process duplicates Robot's consciousness rather than transferring it, since the Maulers designed it that way to avoid Clone Angst. This means he would still exist in pain inside his original body. He asks for his clone to kill him to end his suffering by exposing his lungs to air, which is toxic to his old body. The clone lampshades this as an "act of mercy".
  • No-Sell:
    • Donald activates a bomb to try and at least knock out Nolan, if not kill him. Cecil already expects the chances of even that happening are zero-to-none. Nolan is seen completely unfazed when the smoke clears.
    • Before that, the GDA soldiers fire everything at Nolan, but they are just peashooters to him and do nothing.
    • Very downplayed with the Kill Sat fired upon Nolan later, as while it doesn't actually impede him in any lasting way, the second shot does give him a noticeable nosebleed. This does indicate that, if they could just keep lasering him, they would eventually take him down, but Omni-Man obviously isn't going to sit still for that.
  • Not Helping Your Case: Nothing Nolan says can justify why he killed the original Guardians, and the fact that he continues to hide his reasons further severs the broken trust between him and Debbie. Debbie is willing to hear him out now that she's sober, and wants an explanation. He at least admits his actions are not out of mind control or a threat to his family, but that naturally makes things worse. When confronted by Cecil, he begins to understand that Nolan needed the Guardians dead, not wanted them so, but his refusal to say why marks him as a threat.
  • No Body Left Behind: Donald causes an explosion at a house Omni-Man was in. All that was left was Omni-Man even though Donald was in front of him.
  • No Sympathy: Zigzagged. William tries to deliver Tough Love to Mark about the breakup with Amber and how the weekend went with the Reanimen. He also treats Mark to some Comfort Food and reassures him that he shouldn't retire because of a few terrible six months. Mark ends up not comforted, and says he needs to talk to someone else.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Apparently while Omni-Man finished his rematch against Immortal, Invincible managed to defeat the enhanced Kaiju by tying it up to subdue it. Remember, Cecil explicitly said he couldn't help Mark because he didn't know if Mark would side with his dad or not, and Nolan was too preoccupied with his Immortal fight to help (not for lack of trying though), meaning Mark had no choice but to somehow take it down on his own. (There's a brief moment of Mark grabbing nearby telephone wires and that zapping the Kaiju but it's safe to assume given how juiced up Cecil said it was it probably didn't go down just from electricity alone.)
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • When Cecil lets the penny drop and tells the Guardians that they may the last hope against Omni-man, Rex's eyes visibly shrink when he realizes the bloodstain Cecil refused to clean up was from "the last 'last hope' against Omni-man".
    • The Mauler Twins are visibly alarmed when they witness Immortal furiously rip off the control collar they had installed on him, after trying to order him to destroy the New Guardians. All they can do is back away slowly with their hands up as he demands to know where Omni-Man is.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Cecil admits to Debbie that he's scared. He says he can't comprehend why Nolan killed the Guardians and knows that the GDA have nothing that can kill him or even put him under custody.
    • William knows Nolan as Mark's dad, Amazingly Embarrassing Parents and overall mellow. When he sees Omni-Man brooding in the streets and flying to him, William asks if he's okay, stumbling now that he knows the latter's identity, and asking if he was hurt in a fight. He goes Oh, Crap! as Nolan asks with Tranquil Fury where Mark is since William was supposed to drive him home. William tells him that Mark went to talk to Eve, and is shaken that his best friend's dad is acting weirdly.
    • A news reporter in a helicopter expresses shock that a resurrected Immortal is fighting Omni-Man, his former colleague, to the death. The whole world watches as Omni-Man brutally kills him.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Cecil ends up being this. He had men armed in the house and pointing guns at Nolan in case the latter hurt Debbie, and Donald has orders to get Debbie into protective custody. Cecil also tells Debbie he doesn't want to kill Nolan, whether or not it's possible; he wants to figure out why Omni-Man betrayed his friends. He even gives Nolan a chance to explain himself, saying that he knows that Nolan is not a cold-blooded killer and wouldn't just murder the Guardians like their lives were meaningless.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Invoked when the Immortal tries to gouge out Omni-Man's eyes. Afterwards, his eyes become bloodshot and reddened, and remain that way throughout this and the next episode.
  • Regained Memories Sequence: Immortal flashes through various points in his life, including the time he was Abraham Lincoln, as he is revived by the Mauler Twins.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Not wanting to live in his mutated body anymore, Robot creates a clone of Rex and copies his consciousness and memories into the new body. The new body then kills the old one at his request and lives the life Robot always wanted to, with love and being able to breathe air.
  • Poor Communication Kills: William tells Omni-Man that at the college visit, a villain smashed their cellphones. That's why no one can reach Mark. Cecil realizes it's a race against time over who reaches Invincible first and does all he can to stall Omni-Man so as to warn Mark about the man that his father really is. He's too late.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Immortal is literally loud and livid the moment he is revived, wanting nothing more than to kill Omni-Man to avenge himself and his fallen Guardians, overpowering the Mauler Twins' control collar. While he managed to land some hits and exposes Omni-Man's true colors to the world, he is killed again.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: Amber figured out Mark was a superhero weeks ago.
  • Serious Business: With how much he values his own version of "perfection" over human lives, Sinclair is overly frustrated when Omni-Man tears through his recent Reanimen. Cecil orders him out of Mission Control.
  • Ship Tease: Robot makes it clear that he is interested in Monster Girl, and she is seen holding his hand at the end of the episode.
  • Shout-Out: The Hammer in how it's designed, how it fires on and ultimately destroyed by Omni-Man is just one big reference to AKIRA.
  • Silent Credits: The ending theme and The Stinger are both completely absent here. All that can be heard is the wind.
  • Skewed Priorities: The new Guardians wonder why they are on standby, but move to demand why Robot is appearing as a human, and looks like a younger version of Rex. They switch back when Samson shows them footage of Omni-Man taking down Cecil's Kill Sat, going Mass "Oh, Crap!".
  • Spanner in the Works: Robot letting the Mauler Twins revive Immortal, in addition to Mark accidentally getting caught up in the kaiju fight, leads to Immortal exposing Omni-Man as the Guardians' murderer not only to the world, but also right in front of Mark.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Though she is furious and distraught about Nolan's actions, Debbie still questions Cecil's intention to kill him. Cecil feels the same way, telling Debbie that he doesn't want to do it, and the attempts will be a last resort.
  • The Reveal: Cecil's teleportation ability comes from tech used to send him to and from GDA HQ, and anywhere in between. The watches allow anyone who wears it to do the same, but it has its limits. Frequent uses on him and the Kaiju takes its toll on the system, preventing him from reaching Mark and Eve.
  • Title Drop: After Mark sees his dad kill Immortal, Nolan somberly delivers the episode title.
  • Trick Dialogue: Nolan is seen trying to tell his son the truth... before it's revealed that he is actually by himself, simply thinking about what to say to him.
  • Underestimating Badassery: The Mauler Twins believe they can overpower Robot/Rudy in his new teenage body, especially after he destroyed one of his own models, not realizing the chip they installed in his brain allows him to control other Robots. Luckily for them, he leaves after Cecil summons the other Guardians.
  • Visual Pun: Omni-Man always thought of Donald as a spineless coward and attacks Donald by grabbing and breaking his spine, making Donald literally match Nolan's opinion of him.
  • Voices Are Not Mental: Robot speaks with Rex's voice as Rudolph. This freaks out Rex a lot, for understandable reasons.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: As strong as the "Hail Mary" Kaiju is, Mark is eventually able to take it down easily with Shock and Awe.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Said by Cecil to Omni-Man as he is questioning him why he killed the Guardians.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Robot's "phase one" is revealed to be uploading himself into a new body to free himself from the current, mutated one. While things don't exactly work out that way, the clone Mercy Kills the original and lives the life they both wanted.
    • Everyone, including Mark, now know that Omni-man was Evil All Along after he bisects the revived Immortal.
  • Wham Line: Cecil tells the new Guardians that they are the "last hope against Omni-Man" if all else fails. Both Rex and Samson hear the against part and connects the blood stain on the HQ's walls to their late predecessors, "the last last hope against Omni-Man".
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Amber calls out Mark for being a bad boyfriend for the past several months.
    • William calls out Mark for initially refusing to help find Rick in the last episode, which might have prevented him from becoming a Reanimen. He gets worried when Mark agrees with him and considers retiring.
    • Everyone on the Global Guardians is shocked and appalled at the bombshell that not only is Robot actually human, but that he also broke two supervillains out of prison to clone a child version of Rex to copy his mind into, so that he could be with Monster Girl. Naturally, Rex is especially freaked out by the fact that Robot cloned him specifically.
    • Debbie is pissed off at Cecil for not just trying to kill Nolan, but also wanting Mark to do it if the GDA can't, and that he's willing to let Mark die since he's unsure whose side Invincible is on regarding the kaiju fight. With that said, she is forced to silently agree when he points out that the other choice is letting Omni-Man storm GDA headquarters, which would forfeit the lives of everyone working there, as well as those in the world.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Mark wants to give up being a superhero because it's ruining his personal life, but Eve tells him that if he refuses to help people when they need it, he'll feel worse than being dumped by Amber. After a few seconds, Mark admits that she's right and goes with her to investigate the explosions they heard.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Eve and William, in a Tough Love stance, tell Mark that he can't give up being Invincible. Yes, he's made mistakes but he's not a terrible hero. William tells him that he messed up with Amber and with not finding Rick, but he still saved William's life, and a friend doesn't forget that.
  • You Bastard!: Immortal shouts this at Omni-Man right before he throws his first punch.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: Zigzagged. Omni-Man realizes that now he's busted, he needs to tell Mark his side of the story, which he hasn't told Debbie or even Cecil when they both give him a chance to come clean. Cecil has deduced that he's going to try and sway Mark, and is determined to reach Invincible first. Despite stalling Omni-Man and doing all he can to evacuate Invincible to safety, Mark ends up helping his father fight the kaiju, mistakenly thinking that this is a misunderstanding, and then witnesses him brutally killing Immortal, his friend. All he can do is stare in shock and whisper, "Dad?" The world goes Mass "Oh, Crap!" since news helicopters were streaming the fight, and they saw Omni-Man murder a formerly dead hero. All Cecil can do is look on in horror and resignation...
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When Nolan sees the Hammer about to blast him, his reaction is an incredulous "You wouldn't dare...", more annoyed that Cecil would actually turn the weapon on him than any threat it might pose.


Video Example(s):


Most Expensive Nosebleed

While the episode this scene appears in is one giant example of the trope, Omni-Man destroying a Kill SAT and only getting some blood from the nose shows just how little damage Cecil puts onto Omni-Man.

How well does it match the trope?

5 (38 votes)

Example of:

Main / CurbStompCushion

Media sources:
