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Nightmare Fuel / Doom Eternal

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They just had to cover this thing in armor, didn't they?note 
"Your people are made to suffer; processed souls for the Khan Maykr's world. I assure you, this could have been avoided with... different leadership."
Samuel Hayden expressing his utter disdain towards the very concept of Argent Energy.

Once again, with great ripping and tearing comes great badassery and plenty of horrific terrors - though this game very well cranks the scariness factor up to eleven.

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    Doom Eternal 
  • For The Legions of Hell, the Slayer's sense of brutality as he mercilessly rips and tears them all to pieces is absolutely horrific, especially with his wrist-mounted Doom blade giving him more visceral ways of finishing them off. Compared to the last game, the split second looks of terror on most of their faces when the Slayer gets his hands on them are now more pronounced and pretty hard to miss. Hard to say they don't deserve it, though!
  • Taken even further with some of the cosmetic skins. Special mention to the zombie slayer and cultist slayer skins. The former is exactly what it sounds like: the praetor suit is heavily damaged with bits of gore exposed, as well as the helmet being cracked and revealing what's basically a skull underneath! The cultist skin is even worse: just look at this! And yes, in both instances he's still the good guy!
  • In the Doom Slayer's orbital headquarters, the Fortress of Doom, he listens to transmissions of what's happening on Earth during the demonic invasion. We learn that billions of people are dead, and the survivors sound absolutely terrified and are begging anybody to help them. The war against the demons from the canceled Doom 4 is happening and humanity is losing. Their only hope is the Doom Slayer.
    Survivor: Somebody! Plea- Please...! PLEASE! PLEASE HELP US!
  • The way the Doom Slayer kills Deag Nilox, the first Hell Priest, in the Batman Cold Open. He doesn't rip and tear like a maniac as usual; he just zips straight up to Nilox, grabs him by the throat and squeezes, slowly and surely, until the poor bastard's head breaks off, all while the Slayer glares straight into his eyes. Afterwards, he tosses the newly-decapitated head right into the other Priests' ritual for no other reason than to terrify them and apparently gloat about his kill. It's all so methodical and actively sadistic compared to how he kills the other Priests that it almost makes you wonder what this particular Priest did to piss the Doom Slayer off so badly especially when compared to the fact that Ranak manipulated Olivia Pierce and the UAC into turning into a demon cult while Grav manipulated Valen into treason and made the Icon of Sin out of Valen's son.
    • As the Codex points out, Nilox was the first one who discovered and manipulated the portals to Hell. That must be why the Slayer was particularly cruel towards this one: If Nilox didn't discover the gateway to Hell, Argent d'Nur would still be there, his Night Sentinels would still be alive, and the events of 2016 and Eternal would never have happened.
  • The tentacles. Oh god, the tentacles. These things pop out of the ground, completely out of nowhere, and can take a good chunk off your health. The only warning you can get from these are fleshy holes in the ground, and sometimes those holes are submerged in liquid, meaning that you can't really see them until they pop out on you. If you haven't mastered the art of back-dashing, the tentacles will end your run very quickly on Nightmare or Ultra-Nightmare, and scare you shitless in the process.
  • Gore Nests in the previous game were stated to be made out of the bodies of the demons' victims. Doom Eternal introduces us to the concept of a Super Gore Nest the size of an entire city. It's the source of the demonic outbreak, and is slowly terraforming Earth into a literal hellhole, hostile to all native life. One can only imagine how many humans were consumed to create such a monstrosity...
    • A codex entry reveals that dozens of tracking beacons on fallen ARC soldiers are detected within the nest, confirming that the demons are using their bodies to further expand the demonic structure.
  • Through flashback sequences, the Doom Slayer, back when he was Doomguy, can actually be heard speaking. While it's certainly a loving Mythology Gag to the Doom comic book, the delivery of his lines as well as the lines themselves paint a very macabre picture as to how violently apeshit the Slayer's become.
    Doomguy: ...guts, huge guts... Kill them, must... kill them all...
    Doomguy: Rip... and... tear!
    Doomguy: The demons! They... are everywhere... Must... kill them all!
    • The delivery on that third line makes Doomguy sound almost... scared. It’s a horrifying thought that under all the stoicism and demon-murdering, the Slayer is so deeply broken that, in his most private and vulnerable moments, he’s just as afraid of the demons he so casually slaughters as they are of him.
    • Most disturbingly, this is eerily similar to how a victim of PTSD acts when they've had no treatment whatsoever. Given that the manual for Doom 64 also made it clear that he was suffering from it long before he opted to stay in Hell, it's made clear just how worse it was made. Imagine what would've happened if the Sentinels didn't find him.
    • And the Sentinels' initial treatment was to throw him in an arena to fight for a chance to join their army. While the codex lore describes how badass he got back from severe wounds as he kept on fighting with the crowd chanting rip and tear, the Doomguy's flashback reveals he was just on autopilot the whole time, barely registering where he was as he clobbered other gladiators and mumbling about demons.
  • We finally get to see just where Argent Energy comes from when we make our way to Nekravol, the City of the Damned, and it's horrific. It's made of the souls of Hell's victims, tortured horribly until their bodies and spirits are broken and all hope has been driven from them, before the souls are then harvested and converted into Hell Energy, which is then combined with Sentinel Energy and refined into Argent Energy. And the soulless husks left over from this process? Over time, they become demons, the very same ones that you've been ripping and tearing through two games and possibly beyond.
    • It should be noted that the humans brought to Hell for harvesting have already suffered horrible deaths at the hands of the demons. While in Hell, they are almost certainly aware of the existing damage to their bodies. And that's before the actual torture begins.
    • Something else worth mentioning is that this is the fate that awaits those worthy of being converted to Argent Energy. Those who aren't get thrown into the Blood Swamps and discarded as little more than waste into burning, bloody sludge. The lore explicitly likens Nekravol to a large-scale slaughterhouse, with entire cages crammed full of tortured victims present throughout the level, all with Samuel Hayden narrating the nightmarish process in detail. It makes for one of the most visceral, gory, and all-out hellish levels in the entire Doom franchise.
    • And it gets worse - Nekravol only exists because of collusion between the Maykrs, the angels of the Doom universe, and the demons as the result of a deal made by the Khan Maykr with the Dark Lord of Hell itself — in layman's terms, it would be as if God had made a Deal with the Devil. The souls of humans and other species alike are being used by the Khan Maykr to keep her people alive and prosperous, at a truly hideous cost to the people of every world she hands over to the demons. In fact most of the souls refinery machinery were designed by the Khan Maykr herself to make the process faster, and built by enslaved Sentinels because the Maykrs cannot set foot into Hell.
    • Worse yet, this is what made the previously unfettered Samuel Hayden, one of the biggest proponents for the continued use of Argent Energy in the first game, actually back down and decide for all Argent Energy to be purged from existence, as well as whoever allowed its existence in the first place.
      • It's later implied that Hayden, due to his true identity as Samur the Seraphim, already knew the truth about Argent Energy and that his whole spiel back in Doom (2016) about needing Argent to solve the energy crisis on Earth was just an act to maintain his cover. In fact, the Codex states that only reason he took on the form of Hayden and helped the UAC in its development of Argent-based technology was because the Father foresaw that humans would eventually discover Argent Energy on their own, and thus Samur was sent to secretly prepare Earth for the inevitable demonic invasion.
  • Urdak is this in a Nothing Is Scarier sense: after the horrific Nekravol, you find yourself in an almost heavenly seeming location with no enemies (at first), and the only dangerous part being falling. It's still somehow very creepy, mainly due to a combination of the soundtrack, and how out of place it seems.
    • Urdak is actually the DOOM counterpart of Heaven, and not some Crystal Dragon Jesus version. The Maykrs are angels and The Father is GOD HIMSELF. It's outright stated that Urdak and the Maykrs are the inspiration behind basically every positive interpretation of the afterlife in the DOOM universe, including the Abrahamic religions. And not just for humanity, for thousands, possibly even millions of species throughout the multiverse. And although they weren't always as horrible as they have been recently, the current Khan Maykr (who, due to the physiology of the Maykr species, has unquestioned control) is perfectly fine with causing indescribable suffering on countless worlds to maintain their life and power.
    • The aforementioned soundtrack deserves a special mention due to the distorted singing, which is present during your entire stay at Urdak. It's a warped, sinister version of an Ethereal Choir which later gets slowly replaced by a synthetizer which plays what sounds three different notes at best that get progressively louder and intense, hammering in the nail that Urdak is a complete far cry from the Heaven we know.
    • Towards the end of Urdak, the Slayer will walk past what appears to be humans in suspended animation. This is followed by a massive pool of purple water that holds the body of a Maykr without armour. Not only is this the first time we see what Maykrs truly look like, no explanation is given for the body, the pool or the humans in suspended animation seen before. It doesn't help that this segment contains the only non-radioactive swimming segment in the game. The lack of any enemies in the area and the Scare Chord present in the soundtrack will further prime the player for a Jump Scare that never comes.
  • A small detail, but when the Khan Maykr's mask is knocked off, its revealed that her real head looks almost exactly like that of the Spider Mastermind, complete with an external brain.
  • After the Khan Maykr dies, her central chest orb pulls a Dragon Ball and flies into the air before exploding. This causes something to let out a sky-darkening and ground-shaking Big "NO!", which makes Hayden decide the wisest approach is to leave. Having Hayden, the person who once unleashed the Doom Slayer knowing he would be an unstoppable wrecking ball that nothing could stand against, and with all his knowledge of the different realms, decide that this is a battle the Doom Slayer would be better served not taking is extremely unnerving - especially because we never learn exactly what is the source.
    Samuel Hayden: We must leave... now.
    • The Ancient Gods DLC may lead you to believe that the Big "NO!" was from the Dark Lord of Hell — but Word of God has clarified that it wasn't. And if that unnerving cry wasn't him, then who the hell was it?
    • What's even more unsettling is that the Doomguy listens to Hayden. He was fine staying to fight the first Marauder even though he had everything to hunt down Deag Grav and stop Hell's invasion, but whatever's going to happen in Urdak is not something that the pair of them wants to deal with.
  • The Icon of Sin just can't die. The Doom Slayer guns down his armor and he simply walks off just fine, and even as he mutilates him into a bloodied skeleton, Stripped to the Bone, the Icon shows zero fatigue to speak of until the very last moment. Samuel states outright that the only thing that can put the bastard down is the Crucible's blade, and even then that isn't permanent: as soon as the blade gets pulled out, the Icon of Sin will rise once again to bring doomsday to Earth...
    • In addition, the Icon of Sin is an Eldritch Abomination whose mere existence warps the fabric of space and time around it. If left unchecked, the Icon of Sin would cause Earth to collapse into a black hole. This black hole would expand until eventually our entire universe was swallowed by it and dragged into Hell for conquest.
  • While the UAC spokesperson's messages are still played for comedy they can at times be unnerving thanks to the new spokesperson's disturbing sounding voice, not to mention the tone will sometimes switch from a stereotypical spokesperson to someone making no pretense about the demons' villainy. Some stand lines include the message ending with "Earth must be cleansed," which is delivered like a straight up Omnicidal Maniac with no tone of humor. In another instance the spokesperson starts off her message cheerfully saying "The Doom Marine cannot save you. No one can save you." Her with the first half has the usual cheer, but in the latter half, she gets more serious, making no attempt to hid the grim fate that awaits anybody listening who still hopes humanity will survive Hell's invasion.

    The Ancient Gods 
  • The Ancient Gods finally brings the Slayer face to face with the Dark Lord, the leader of the legions of hell and the greatest foe the Slayer could ever face... because the Dark Lord is himself. The Doom Slayer is in fact the Alternate Universe version of the God of Evil.
    The Father: The Dark Lord is the leader of Hell's armies. Not a king, but a warrior of the Dark Realm. The fiercest among them, as only the strongest could rule the demons. He is you, in their world.
    • And to make it worse, the save file for Part 1 will show his blood red eyes, glaring at the screen when you complete The Holt. In stark contrast to the Spider Mastermind and the Icon of Sin's corpses proudly displayed as your reward for a long journey completed, this shows just how the real battle is only getting started.
  • The Final Boss of The Ancient Gods: Part One seems to have been a long time coming - after some Teeth-Clenched Teamwork between two games, the Doom Slayer is now forced to fight against Samuel Hayden, now back to his original Samur Maykr identity. Throughout the game, Samur requires The Father's life sphere to bring him to the physical realm to banish the Demons from Urdak and to cure his transfiguration, by the Father's volition. In the end, he indeed transforms...into a horrific purple beast that looks like a fusion between the Khan Maykr and Ridley (or perhaps a Prowler), with a highly visible slit eye right into his torso. All of his biomechanical details are gone, leaving only a fleshy, hideous cretin.
    • Worse, Samur hasn't lost his sanity (not all of it, anyway) - even in this form, he is still very conscious, and very hellbent on stopping you from unleashing the Dark Lord upon reality - though of course, while you're doing it for a good cause, Samur utterly refuses to risk losing Urdak in the process. Worse, the Doom Slayer doesn't kill Samur at the end, meaning that with The Father's life sphere gone and the Dark Lord rising, Samur is trapped in his transfigured form, doomed to lose his mind.
    • His admittedly awesome boss theme stands out compared to other boss themes in the game, with a blend of fast-paced EDM sounds and ethereal choir - there are times where the song sounds almost demented, absolutely screaming with rage and hate; hammering home just how batshit-out-of-his-mind Samur has become. Definitely not the theme you would expect for such a calculating being - but absolutely the theme you'd expect for that same entity having drifted into vengeance-driven madness.
  • The Dark Lord himself is, without question, one of the most frightening characters in the series. Not just because he's Satan, not even because he's also God - but because he actually has a very valid reason to be so vile and ruthless. Having created other gods such as the Father, he once adored creation so deeply that he yearned to find the secrets of eternal life; which he found thanks to the Maykrs. However, they foresaw him to become a great threat later on and sealed him away, stealing his power and names to give to one of their own and ascend him to the place of "Father", and the Maykrs making a cover-up story to vilify him. This is also precisely why he became the threat he was perceived to be; creation betrayed him, and he's NOT taking it anymore.
    As all things were made by my shall they be unmade. Starting with YOU.
    • His fight is unlike any other you've fought, essentially working as if you were fighting another player much like Slave Knight Gael. He has the miniature turret as the Slayer does, two Crucible weapons (sword and shield), and can heal himself through attacking just like you. Not to mention that he can spawn enemies such as the Marauder's wolf, and even Doom Hunters and TYRANTS.
    • If the Marauder made you shit yourself, the Dark Lord is them cranked up to eleven; being a Lightning Bruiser with an identical parry strat and invincible shield which he can even ram you with. The bastard is very smart too, especially on Nightmare; observing your every move carefully as you both run about the battlefield.
    • His intimidating Boss Banter qualifies simply due to his voice:
      You will BURN!
      DIE, SLAYER.
      You cannot stop ME!

      (on his last health bar) I WILL DEVOUR YOUR SOUL!
      • His taunts also show he shows no fear of the Slayer at all, only rage to match his.
    • The Dark Lord is actually the Slayer's creator, and his ability to spam grenades and the Crucible are above yours, even his healing is because he doesn't have to kill you. Meaning that, while the Slayer has faced equals in the past (Cyberdemon, the Marauders, the Doom Hunters came very close, the Icon), for the first and last time he is the underdog, even in his prime.
    • His death, albeit awesome, is chilling to watch at one point. After the Doom Slayer impales him, the Dark Lord rears his head back as a blast of Argent soars from his eyes and mouth, reaching into the skies. He then starts emitting a very long, final demonic roar as demonkind is banished to Hell once and for all. The face blast is only shown from the side, but if it were shown from top-down and showing his face in full, it would've been even more ominous.
    • That being said, it must be terrifying to be a demon now. Hell is doomed to die out slowly and painfully; with Argent truly extinct from the world, demons can no longer reproduce nor colonize, meaning that even with no Slayer around, the demons are good as dead, living the rest of their days in an apocalyptic terror, powerless and scared. Pile up the fact that Maykrs are also technically demons, and you find out that through killing the Dark Lord, the Doom Slayer has also singlehandedly killed everything in Hell and Heaven. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome in that he was able to even achieve such a feat, but holy shit!
