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A list of characters from Buster Keel!. Watch out for spoilers!

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    Main Characters 


Class: Fighter / Dragon Ape (S-Class Monster)

Abilities: Gahou, Burst


The main protagonist of the story. Seemingly a human, Keel is actually the legendary Dragon Ape, an S-Class Monster of tremendous power sealed away long ago by Shiva, the greatest Monster Tamer. He seeks to return to his original form, and thanks to Lavie's music he can recover part of his former body. He studied the Musou School of martial arts under Sarah.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Because of his Dragon Ape status he was avoided by everyone when he was just a boy, which lead to a rather crappy infancy.
  • Almighty Janitor: Due to how the Adventurer's system works, he is, for most of the story, a level 0 Fighter (ascended to level 10 by the time of the Eight arc), a level even lower than Lavie's, despite the fact that in his introduction he defeated an A-Class monster with ridiculous ease. In the epilogue, we learn that he's currently lv 50.
  • Berserk Button: Has quite a temper, but mentioning Shiva around him is a sure way to get him furious.
  • Blow You Away: Downplayed, in that he can use the scales of his Dragon Ape form to expel huge quantities of air from beneath them; rather than use the gusts to attack directly though he uses them to make his attacks faster.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: By his own nature, Keel is always eager to fight and elated to partecipate to the tournament in the kingdom of Eight.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Shiva's Fuujinka (Human Seal Song) locked away his Dragon Ape powers, reducing him to a normal human form, but he recovers part of his original power thanks to Lavie's songs. By the end of the series Diabolos' curse has been removed as a side effect of Lavie's Holy Ray and he's back to being a normal Monkey Tail.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Either attacks named after his "Burst" technique or the techniques of the Musou School.
  • Catchphrase: He has two: he'll often say "Funky!" upon winning a battle, and he'll usually threaten his opponents by saying he'll "send them flying".
  • Character Development: At the beginning of the series Keel is arrogant, loves fighting and thinks little of humans, preferring monsters over them. His time with Lavie make him gradually evolve in a more heroic figure who's willing to protect humans despite his monstrous nature.
  • Declaration of Protection: Right before heading to the final battle with the Shikyou, he swears to protect Lavie
  • Demonic Possession: The Dragon Ape form is actually the result of a curse put by the ancient dragon Diabolos on the Monkey Tail clan, which means that Keel is unknowingly carrying the soul of Diabolos within.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Is introduced insulting a statue of Shiva, who has just been described as the hero who sealed the Dragon Ape, and breaking the statue in half with a single punch in spite of his scrawny appearence.
  • Expy: He has a number of similarities with Natsu Dragoneel, but according to the author he's based on Sun Wukong.
  • Fantastic Racism: At the start of the series he thinks little of humans and openly despises them. He gets better.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: For most of the manga he can only transform his right arm into that of the Dragon Ape.
  • Fiery Redhead: He has red hair to match his temper and Blood Knight tendencies, though at least he doesn't have fire powers.
  • Genre Savvy: When Lavie reads Shiva's journal and finds the page detailing the story and powers of the Dragon Ape, he promptly tears the page out and eats it, to keep his weak points a secret.
  • Gratuitous English: All his Dragon Ape abilities are named in English. By contrast, the Gahou is in Japanese.
  • I Was Beaten by a Girl: Downplayed, but Keel is definitively not happy to learn that not only Kuron the Black Dragon wasn't fighting him seriously, but also that she's actually a young girl.
  • Intimidation Demonstration: In his debut, he coerces two thugs into giving him info on Shiva by bending a lightpost by punching it in front of them with a Death Glare.
  • It's Personal: He's furious at Shiva for sealing his powers away and forcing him in a human body.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While unnecessarly rude about it, he rightfully points out that Lavie and Mippi are completely unprepared for an adventure early on.
  • Lightning Bruiser: His Dragon Ape arms are gigantic, but thanks to the air bursts he can move surprisingly fast to avoid attacks and hit.
  • Megaton Punch: For most of the series, his technique involves punching enemies really really hard with his gigantic Dragon Ape arms. A single Gahou carrying the will and spirits of all his friends and allies is what he uses to finally defeat Shiva.
  • Monkey King Lite: Being based on Sun Wukong, Keel shares a number of similarities: used to be a powerful, simian-themed creature defeated by a powerful warrior with a divine theme, his necklace has the same ornament as the Golden Circlet and his companions resembles Tripitaka, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing. The author mentioned that his Burst Dash technique (in which he shoots steam from the legs to jump) is meant to evoke the Cloud Somersault.
  • Partial Transformation: Since his power is sealed, Keel is only able to manifest his Dragon Ape powers in his right arm. As the story progresses he unlocks the other arm and the tail. He goes all out in the final battle against Shiva.
  • Pet the Dog: When team Miracolous lose control of their Mecha (damaged by Keel's attack), he goes out of his way to save them both, and even when they're angrily yelled at by the audience he still affirms that they did a good job.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Never bothered to clear things up with the Monkey Brothers, causing them to think he murdered their foster mother.
  • The Protagonist: The main character of the story who gets more focus since chapter 1.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Fan, for putting his devotion to his master and his vengeance against the Musou School above his own desires.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Dynamic, emotive, loud Red Oni to Blue's... Blue Oni.
  • The Reveal: Near the end, the true nature of his Dragon Ape form is explained by Shiva: long ago, the evil Dragon Diabolos fought the Monkey Tail tribe and was slain. As a Dying Curse, he put a spell on the tribe, so that once every 100 years one of their children would become a "Dragon Ape", carrying his destructive powers and darkness-tainted soul into the world. Should Keel regain his form as he wishes, he'll become a mindless monster.
  • The Rival: He develops a fierce rivalry with Blue as the story proceeds.
  • Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: The Dragon Ape form is actually a sign that Keel carries the soul of the ancient evil dragon Diabolos inside him.
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Thanks to the Heavenly Ring around his neck, Keel is stuck in human form. He can regain parts of his Dragon Ape form
  • Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: As an S-Class Monster, he's an excellent treat to the Star Eater, which can increase its power by eating powerful monsters and targets him specifically.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: The Dragon Ape is actually a result of the curse of the evil Dragon: the more he reverts to his former identity, the more savage and uncontrollable he becomes.
  • Tail Slap: The second Dragon Ape feature he managed to release is his tail, allowing him to use it to slap his enemies, maneuver better in midair or to impale them on the spike at the end.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: While he's a Big Eater, he adores bananas above all else. To the point that the monster entry for the Dragon Ape suggests using them as a Delicious Distraction to avoid fighting him.
  • Unstoppable Rage: When Shiva kills Lavie with one of his black feathers, Keel flies in such a rage he manages to snap the Heavenly Ring and fully transform into a rampaging Dragon Ape. Thankfully, Lavie's soul manage to purify him.

Lavie Heartful

Class: Monster Tamer

Abilities: Melodic Magic

The main heroine, Lavia is a cheery Monster Tamer who believes humans and monsters can live together and coexist. She tags with Keel to help him find Shiva, her teacher. Thanks to her magic she can allow Keel to unleash his Dragon Ape form.

  • All-Loving Heroine: One of her defining characteristics, at one point she even heals a monster she and Blue just defeated out of niceness.
  • The Beastmaster: Being a Monster Tamer, she fights alongside a monster she can power up or heal with Melodic Magic.
  • Berserk Button: She can't stand people who considers Monsters employed by Tamers as expendable.
  • Combat Medic: Most of her magic is not meant for direct offense, but she can play healing melodies on her guitar.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has blond hair and yellow eyes to match.
  • Disney Death: Stabbed in the heart by one of Shiva's feathers after nearly defeating him with Holy Ray, she's brought back to life by Shiva with the Divine Core.
  • Elemental Powers: She can power up Mippi's fire breath and even use a wind-themed motif to make the flames hotter and faster. Later she learns to play songs with holy powers.
  • Expy: She's mostly based on Tripitaka but also has many points in common with Lucy Heartphilia.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She's one of the kindest characters in the manga and, fittingly enough, has blond hair.
  • Heroic BSoD: She's aghast to discover that her beloved mentor Shiva was Evil All Along.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Her strongest Melodic Magic, Divine Ballad: Holy Ray, channels a beam of heavenly energy that dissolves evilness, which she uses to almost destroy Shiva and remove Keel's curse.
  • The Leader: While both Blue and Keel are stronger than her, her Monster Tamer abilities greatly empower them and Mippi, and as Shiro pointed out, it's also her job to make sure they get the best advantage from the battle.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Not really dwelt upon, but she's really pretty (and a case of Beauty Equals Goodness) and in the second part of the story she appears in bikini, winning over the male audience and causing Love at First Sight for Cookie, another adventurer.
  • The Power of Rock: Her Melodic Magic is performed with a guitar and takes many form. Some of them like Fire Soul, Sylph Wind and Aqua Drive can boost the elemental powers of monsters, other can heal or empower such as Winning March , which is essentially an invoked and In-Universe Theme Music Power-Up. Melodies with direct offensive powers do exist, such as "Divine Punishment" (which stuns all nearby monsters).
  • Secretly Wealthy: She's actually a ranaway from the Heartful Family and very rich, but she preferred to live as an Adventurer. Ultimately, she and her family part on good terms.
  • Support Party Member: Being a Monster Tamer she mostly relies on Mippi to fight on her behalf and empowers/heals him with her music. Since both her party members are Monsters, her effectiveness is even greater.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: She tries to use Holy Ray to force Shiva to remember his goodness. Unfortunately it doesn't quite work istantly.

Mippi (Mississipi Terumoto)

Class: Pig Devil (Class F Monster) Hell Pig (Class S Monster)

Abilities: Flight, Fire Breath, Hellfire

A small Monster of low class, he's not just her monster companion but her friend as well. Despite being rather weak on his own, he can grow stronger with Lavia's magic music and hides great potential.

  • Boisterous Weakling: He's rather excitable and willing to fight... but is still an F-Class monster, rather weak on his own.
  • Break the Cutie: He gets hit pretty hard with this during the Necropolis arc, where the Skeleton he befriends is first forced to face them against his will, then brutally killed.
  • Breath Weapon: He's able to breathe fire and thanks to Lavie's power ups he can be surprisingly powerful with his flames, in spite of his diminutive size. As the Hell Pig, he can breathe Hellfire.
  • Cast from Lifespan: Jack claims he can make him transform into a Hell Pig... but the process will consume his life. Luckily, he's able to survive the transformation.
  • Expy: Of Zhu Wuneng or "Pigsy", mostly because he's a monster pig and boisterous in spite of his lacking of combat skills.
  • Killer Rabbit: He looks rather pitiful and unassuming, but his fire breath can pack quite a punch, being able to overpower monsters stronger than him. He also has the potential to transform into the S-Class Hell Pig.
  • Messy Pig: He's a small, roundish pig monster who often loves to eat. His Hell Pig form is more a hybrid of Our Dragons Are Different and Full-Boar Action.
  • Named After Someone Famous: In-Universe, his full name comes from a famous monster who fought alongside a Monster Tamer.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: As Lavie's monster partner, though he's considered a friend within the party.
  • One-Winged Angel: With Jack's help, he can transform into a dragon-like boar creature known as Hell Pig, an S-Class monster who can manipulate Hellfire. Later he transform on rage alone when Shiva kills Lavie.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: He absolutely adores potato chips.
  • Verbal Tic: He often says "Puoh", sounding vaguely like a pig's grunt.


Class: Magic Warrior, Water Demon (Class B Monster)

Abilties: Water Magic, Water Demon Axeswords

A mysterious black-haired Magic Warrior who uses both blades and magic in combat, he eventually join forces with the heroes. It's later revealed that he has a vendetta against the Shikyou Setsuna, and that he's actually the lone survivor of the Water Demon Tribe after Setsuna's massacre.

  • Achilles' Heel: During the battle against Silver, it is revealed that the horn of the Suiki must stay moist in combat, but if it dries for one reason or the other, then the Suiki's power will grow weaker.
  • Aloof Ally: Early on he's rather cold and distant towards his companions. Ironically enough he has the same attitute towards Dakki's other Vessels.
  • Catchphrase: Like Keel, he often says "Bingo!" whenever he wins a combat.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Mostly in Japanese, though a few like Water Gun and Aqua Drive are in English instead.
  • Death from Above: His Suisei (Mercury) technique releases a giant sphere of water on the enemy, crushing them under the weight.
  • Doomed Hometown: Lost his entire family, village and tribe to one of the Shikyou, Kurokiri Setsuna.
  • Dual Wielding: Most of the time he can wield both axes at once by separating them. During the final battle he can summon a phantom copy of Mizukiri Setsuna to wield.]]
  • Expy: While he takes some clues from Gray Fullbuster, he's mostly based on Sha Wujing, with his water theme and his crescent-blade weapon.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Averted, he wears a pair of googles on his head and actually puts them on when figthing.
  • Horned Humanoid: When he reveals his demon nature, he grows a single conical horn on the top of his head.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: After admitting his defeat, Setsuna returns being the magic sword he once was, letting Blue wield them in battle under the name of "Mizukiri Setsuna".
  • It's Personal: Is filled with hatred and vengeance for Kurokiri Setsuna, leader of Ayakashi.
  • Magic Knight: As implied by his class, Blue is mainly a fighter who can also employ elemental magic in combat.
  • Making a Splash: Due to his clan, he can manipulate water either in tandem with his swordsmanship or to summong water constructs such as walls, spheres or dragons to use in combat.
  • Mr. Fanservice: He's often considered attractive in-story, especially by older women, much to his dismay.
  • Oni: The original name of his race is "Suiki", lit. Water Oni, which makes Blue one by default, though Keel often calls him Kappa instead.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's a calm, reserved and collected (not to mention literal) Blue Oni to Keel's exhuberant Red.
  • The Rival: With Keel, though on relatively friendly terms.
  • Sole Survivor: He was the only survivor of his village after Kurokiri's attack.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: His Vessel form is vastly more powerful but also fueled by negative emotions and desire for vengeance. Thanks to Lavie's help he's able to snap out of it.
  • Taking You with Me: He let Setsuna impale him so that he can hit him with an extremely powerful and dangerous water technique. He ends up surviving and redeeming Setsuna.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: When Keel nearly loses control during his battle against Dakki, he furiously calls him out for such behaviour. It works, surprisingly enough.

    The Seven 

As a Whole

  • Big Good: They are the main force of goodness in the country and serve to fight the Shikyou and other threats.
  • Lucky Seven: There are seven of them, based on the Seven Lucky Gods.
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: They are named and themed after the Seven Lucky Gods, as detailed below.
  • Sixth Ranger Traitor: Shiva secretly used the Seven and the Shikyou to obtain the Divine Beast Core and become a god.

"Saint Seal" Happy Rouju

Class: Sage

Abilities: Holy Magic

The leader of the Seven, Rouju is a kind and wise man dressed in priestly garbs and able to employ holy magic.

  • Barrier Warrior: Half of his Holy Magic allows him to protect himself and others with translucent barriers.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He and the others engage the Four Evils and their minions... only to give Juro enough time to aim their superweapon at them to nuke the whole group.
  • Good Shepherd: He's dressed in bishop-like clothing and is an undeniably good person.
  • Guardian Entity: His Holy Blow spell has him summoning a rune-covered arm from above to punch his enemies, while Holy Wall summons an imposing angel-like being who cloaks the user and his allies from harm.
  • Healing Hands: His powers also extends to healing his comrades.
  • Meaningful Name: Happy Rouju refers to Fukurokuju, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, with Happy being the english translation of "Fuku".
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He's the leader of the strongest group of heroes in the world, and he's also kind-hearted, reasonable and never once acts antagonizingly towards the heroes.

"Peerless Warrior" Sarah

Class: Fighter

Abilities: Musou School Martial Arts

The strongest hand-to-hand combat expert in the world, Sarah is as beautiful as she's strong and blunt. She taught Keel the Musou School and its signature technique, the Gahou (Fang Cannon).

  • Action Girl: A woman who carries the title of strongest in the country and founded a school of martial arts.
  • Badass Longcoat: She wears an open oiran kimono like a cape around her shoulders. Beneath she only wears shorts and a skull-themed top.
  • Berserk Button: Her actual age is a very sensitive argument for her...
  • Best Her to Bed Her: Invoked, she's willing to go on a date with anyone... anyone strong enough to defeat her, that is.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Despite her monastic-like training, she adores drinking hard stuff and getting wasted.
  • Made of Iron: She's amazingly resistant to all damage. In a flashback, a point-blank explosive trap just makes her faint for a while.
  • Megaton Punch: Essentially what her Gahou amounts to. She also taught it to Keel.
  • Older Than They Look: When she first encounters the party, Lavie is surprised to see such a young beautiful lady before Shiro informs her that Sarah is actually almost 100 years old.
  • Pet the Dog: During their battle she shows nothing but contempt and disgust for T-Ross and his crude advances on her as they fight. After he sacrifices himself to allow her and Keel to land a decisive attack on the Star-Eater, she shows him some genuine respect and even jokes about going on a date with him.
  • The Rival: To Master Pai, her former co-disciple and founder of the Muteki School, and to T-Ross, though in the latter case it's much less amiable.
  • Scars Are Forever: Carries some scar from that time when Keel's instinctive Gahou managed to actually wound her while she was shielding some thugs from his wrath.
  • Sexy Mentor: She's a gorgeous woman with a huge rack and also Keel's teacher.
  • Signature Move: Gahou (Fang Cannon), her main and unique named technique.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: She decides to train both Keel and Blue... by tossing them from a cliff in dangerous, monster-infested enviroments, giving them a week to come back to her home.
  • Smoking Is Cool: She's seen smoking from a traditional japanese kiseru.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only woman among the current generation of the Seven (which previously included Judy).

"Conductor" Shiva (SPOILER)

Class: Monster Tamer

Abilities: Melodic Magic, Divine Beast Core

The strongest Monster Tamer in the world, Shiva was known for writing a book on monsters, sealing the Dragon Ape and tutoring Lavie before apparently vanishing without a trace. He's however, secretly manipulating the Shikyou and the Seven into gathering the Divine Instruments to unleash the Star-Eater, obtain its core and use it to wipe out all monsters.

  • Big Bad: He's the main antagonist of the story, manipulating the Shikyou and the Seven for his plans.
  • Broken Pedestal: For Lavie, upon learning that her beloved and kind master was secretly planning to wipe out all monsters.
  • Charlie Brown from Outta Town: During the Eight Kingdom arc he appears under the alias of "Fukkuman" (Maskman), wearing a large comical mask to hide his features.
  • Don't Make Me Destroy You His initial attitude towards Lavie after transforming, as he genuinely has no intention to harm her... at first.
  • Dramatic Unmask: When he reveals his true nature to Dakki and her Vessels, causing a Mass "Oh, Crap!" among them.
  • Energy Weapon: In his godly form he can attack by shooting purple beams of energy.
  • Evil All Along: Turns out he planned the genocide of monsters since the destruction of his home village.
  • Famed In-Story: For his battle against the Dragon Ape, Shiva is considered a legendary hero among the population, much to Keel's irritation. The story even opens with a view on a statue of Shiva, with a guide explaining his deeds to some tourists.
  • Fantastic Racism: In spite of what he taught to Lavie, he harbors a deep, unquenchable resentment towards Monsters and his master plan involves using the Divine Beast Core to become a god and wipe out all the Monsters in the world, believing that they can only cause destruction and unhappiness.
  • Final Boss: His divine form is the final opponent fought in the manga, and the very last threat the heroes have to overcome.
  • Flechette Storm: His Melody Magic spell Evil-crushing Fantasia: Olympus Bow summons a barrage of light arrows. In his god form, he kills Lavie by impaling her chest with a feather from his wings.
  • Freudian Excuse: When he was just a little boy, he found a wounded, seemingly harmless monster pup and took it home, feeding it and nursing him back to health, eventually becoming friends with it. The monster then destroyed his entire village and killed his family in cold blood, leaving a young Shiva traumatized and unable to trust monsters anymore.
  • Godhood Seeker: His secret plans involves getting his hands on the Divine Beast Core and absorb it to become a god himself.
  • Healing Factor: Due to the Divine Beast Core, Shiva becomes able to recover from all damage, even when Shiro and Dragon Ape!Keel go to town on him. It's only after he tears out the Core on his own accord and uses it to restore Lavie to life that he finally dies.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: In the end, his defeat comes not only by Keel, the Dragon Ape he sealed, bu by his former disciple Lavie, to whom he taught everything he knew.
  • Humanity Ensues: He learnt the Fuujinka (Human Seal Song), a melody which can force a monster into human form. He used it to defeat Keel and turn him into a human.
  • Hypocrite: Taught Lavie the importance of befriending monsters but he secretly wants to kill them all. In a way, his transformation could be this, as it's implied that despite what he claims his "god" form made him a monster, albeit a powerful one.
  • Insistent Terminology: Upon his transformation, he keeps referring to himself as a god, though it's implied that it's just a Monster form, even if powerful.
  • Kick the Dog: Upon The Reveal:
    • Murders his former colleauge and friend Ebinyasu in cold blood merely because he's a monster.
    • Steps on Lavie's feelings and mocks her for the values he taught to her.
    • Confess to Shiro that he poisoned his own adoptive mother Judy to get a place among the Seven.
  • The Man Behind the Man: To Ayakashi and the other Shikyou.
  • Meaningful Name: Shiva is the god of destruction in Hinduism and also identified with Daikokuten of the Seven Lucky Gods.
  • The Paralyzer: His Requiem of Terror: Divine Punishment is a powerful melody which can paralyze even S-Class monsters caught in the range of action.
  • The Power of Rock: Being a Monster Tamer, Shiva can use Melody Magic, though he mostly employs it to help his allies or attack his enemies.
  • Redemption Equals Death: After being beaten by Keel and exposed to Lavie's Holy Ray and everyone's feelings, Shiva challenges Keel and Blue to prove to him that his beliefe about monsters and humans being incompatible was wrong and tears the Core from his chest, using it to resurrect Lavie before dying for real.
  • The Reveal: He was The Mole for the Shikyou, or rather the Evil All Along mastermind behind the conflict in order to achieve the Feast of the Gods and obtain the Divine Beast Core.
  • Self-Made Orphan: He accidentally and indirectly killed his family by sheltering a young monster when he was a boy, and later he poisoned Judy to open a position among the Seven.
  • Support Party Member: As a Monster Tamer he's this, but he can also employ his melodies in different, more openly offensive manners.
  • Tragic Villain: In the end, Shiva was a bitter, broken man devastated by a single but serious mistake.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He loses composure and lucidity as Keel and Lavie's magic proves too strong and unphatomable for him.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk about him without spoilering the big twist of the story.
  • Winged Humanoid: In his god form, Shiva sports massive black feathered wings, which sometimes molt feathers.

"War God" B Shamon

Class: Warrior

Abilities: Superior Spearmanship

The strongest arm user in the world, B Shamon is a stern and collected man and a peerless fighter with his double-ended spear.

  • Badass Normal: He doesn't show apparent magic outside from outstanding Charles Atlas Superpower and yet can curbstomp his opponents without breaking a sweat.
  • Cool Shades: He costantly wears sunglasses even during an heated fight.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: He has the battle against Ayakashi's four elite monsters under control despite the numerical disadvantage.
  • Double Weapon: His trident has a set of blades on both ends, in reminiscence of a Vajra.
  • Meaningful Name: Named after Bishamonten, the god of war among the Seven.

"Magic Machine Expert" Juro

Class: Magic Engineer

Abilities: Machinery

The strongest engineer, Juro is a perverted but crafty old man who excels at building mechanical constructs and weapons in record time.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses his right arm during the final battle, but builds a replacement.
  • BFG: He's the trump card of the Seven during the battle against the Four Evils, using a giant cannon to snipe them all when the time is right.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: He often makes pervy comments aimed at Maru and Dakki's busts, much to the former's embarassment. He also states that if he dies, it'll be between the boobs of some hot chick.
  • Dirty Old Man: He oftens gropes Maru, much to her dismay.
  • Gatling Good: During the attack on Dakki he actually creates a gatling gun from nowhere, with sufficient firepower to stall the Shikyou.
  • Glass Cannon: He's deadly from afar thanks to his machines, but when he's caught offguard in melee he's done for.
  • Just Akid: His opinion of Maru and Lucky, thinking that they're too young and unexperienced to take his path. After their ruinous performance in the tournament he decides to train them himself.

"Lucky Cat" Ebinyasu

Class: Summoner, Unknown Cat Monster Race

Abilities: Summoning

A monster resembling a humanoid cat, Ebinyasu is the greatest Summoner, able to conjure divine spirits to fight for him.

  • Cat Folk: His race is never specified, but appears to be a small cat-like humanoid.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Cruelly one-shotted by Shiva after he made his plans clear.
  • Not So Stoic: Express visible shock upon seeing Hotei's shriveled form, apparently not knowing of his limits.
  • Token Non-Human: He's the only monster of the Seven, showing that not all monsters are inherently bad. Unfortunately, this lead to Shiva killing him.
  • Pint-Size Powerhouse: He's the smallest of the Seven, but has the fight against Jack well in his hands.
  • Summon Magic: He's a summoner and can invoke spiritual beasts an entities he refers to as the "Eigth Million Gods" to attack enemies on his behalf. Some of them include a Master Swordsman mouse spirit, a water dragon and a humanoid horse wielding a literally winged spear.

"Magic Drum" Hotei

Class: Wizard

Abilities: Magic Absorbption

The strongest magician, Hotei is a fat and bald man who dresses and talks like a woman. He can absorb magic and spit it out after giving it more power.

  • The Archmage: While he doesn't look the part, but he's indeed the strongest wizard of the Seven and, possibly, the world.
  • Bald Mystic: Is the most powerful magician and is completely bald.
  • Berserk Button: He doesn't take to insults lightly, especially when Dakki calls him old man in his face.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's a campy fat man in a dress, but he's a wizard powerful enough to trade blows with the Shikyou.
  • Camp Gay: Wears a dress and make up and talks with a stereotypical feminine mannerism.
  • Death Glare: Gives one to Dakki during the above-mentioned Berserk Button moment.
  • Energy Absorption: His unique ability allows him to absorb magic attacks beat on his belly to power it up and spit them back at his opponents.
  • Expy: He's remarkably similar in looks and mannerism to Blue Pegasus' master Bob. He's even introduced with a similar gag.
  • Gonk: Hotei is a rather portly man with nearly no hair and a Perma-Stubble.
  • Temporary Bulk Change: When Hotei uses too much power, he loses all his fat and becomes skinny.

    Adventurer's Circus Partecipants 

"Thunder and Wind Gods" Allbra and Yancys

Class: Magic Fighter (Allbra), Magic Warrior (Yancys)

Abilities: Thunder Magic (Allbra), Wind Magic (Yancys)

A duo of adventurers known as the Thunder God and Wind God respectively, they are rather powerful and famous heroes.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Yancys has dark skinned, but it's implied to be tanned rather than an ethnic trait.
  • Blow You Away: Yancys's magic is based on wind and she mostly wraps the head of her axe in wind currents before using them to attack.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Both times they encounter the heroes, we find out they were under Dakki's control as Gold and Silver. When they encounter the heroes in Eight, they claim that the two of them took their identities.
  • Chainmail Bikini: Yancys's clothing mostly serves to show off her body rather than protect herself, aside from a massive-looking metal gauntlet enveloping her entire left arm.
  • Combination Attack: They can combine their elemental magic into a single devastating attack, the Shippujinrai (Thunderbolt Gale)
  • Criminal Doppelgänger: Invoked in the Adventurer's Circus arc where Keel confronts them on their supposed "betrayal" during the Gokuraku arc. They claim that Gold and Silver merely took their appearence to commit crimes to take the group off their backs.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: While Yanyan and Doryuu at least did fought back, their battle against Cookie and Chapoo was
  • Elemental Powers: Allbra employs lightning magic and lightning-empowered fists, Yancys uses Razor Wind instead.
  • Mr. Fanservice: They are both rather good looking and have no trouble posing in swimwear for the Queen of Eight.
  • Power Fist: Allbra's weapons, fitting his class. He apparently wears equally enchanted plates on his shoes.
  • Red Baron: Known respectively as "Thunder God Allbra" and "Wind God Yancys".
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: Downplayed, though Yancys appears to be a little annoyed when performing the bikini showdown.
  • Rule of Sexy: Yancys wear her adventurer's badge on the right part of her ridicolously skimpy bikini.
  • Shock and Awe: Allbra's magic, delivered through lightning-enhanced punches.

Master Pai and Fan

Class: Fighters

Abilities: Muteki School Martial Arts

A duo of disciple and master of martial arts, Pai was Sarah's co-student who, irritated by her behaviour, made his own style of martial arts to get back at the Musou School.

  • Animal Battle Aura: Fan has a tiger-based aura when he attacks.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Both of them are specialists in the Muteki School, focused on bare-handed attacks and ki use.
  • Duel Boss: Invoked, Pai steps out of the arena so that his pupil Fan can fight Sarah's pupil Keel fair and square, in order to prove the superiority of the Muteki School on the Musou School.
  • Hopeless Suitor: A big part of Pai's animosity towards Sarah stems from the fact that he's in love with her, but she only agreed to go on a date with him if he could beat her. Suffice to say he couldn't.
  • Ki Attacks: Muhi School includes using powerful Ki-based attacks for massive damage. Their strongest move, the Invincible Heavenly Cannon, is powerful enough to worry a Shikyou and actually break Keel's Dragon Ape scales.
  • No-Sell: Their use of Ki allows them to counteract poison attacks.
  • Old Master: Pai used to train with Sarah and is a formidable opponent on the field.
  • The Rival: Master Pai and his Muhi School to Sarah's Musou School, and thus Keel. After the tournament, Pai gets over the rivalry.
  • Undying Loyalty: Deconstructed, while Fan is loyal to Pai since the latter saved his life, Keel points out that by following his orders alone he's neglecting to follow his real insticts and wishes, hindering his warrior's skills.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: They both attack Dakki to buy time for Shiva, so that he can revive Keel.

Lucky and Maru

Class: Magical Engineers

Abilities: Nininmaru

A duo of very young adventurers who are genius technicians, using a ninja-themed robot named Nininmaru to fight. They're the grandchildren of Juro of the Seven.

  • Berserk Button: Do not call their creations "toys".
  • Combining Mecha: Ninnmaru can dock on other machines to transform into a larger mecha.
  • Covert Pervert: While Maru is usually annoyed at her Granpa's perverted antics and embarassed to appear in a bikini, she's seemingly fine in imagining Keel telling her to "be careful with her breasts".
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Lucky is the foolish, boisterous brother, while Maru is the shy, considerate sister.
  • Gratuitous Ninja: The only reason why their mecha is ninja-themed.
  • Hidden Buxom: When the duo has to pose in bikinis for the tournament's preliminaries, we get to see that Maru is surprisingly buxom for her age, though she's trying to cover herself. Confirmed in a flashback.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Possibly because they're kids, Ninninmaru's technique are followed by a string of videogame commands. Justified, since after all they use a joystick-like controller to move it.
  • Mini-Mecha: Normally, Nininmaru is toy-sized and cannot do much on his own... but they can use magic to make it grow to giant size and pilot it from the insie.
  • Oh, Crap!: Maru has one when she realizes that Nininmaru has been damaged by Keel's attack and is going out of control, risking to damage the spectators.
  • Opaque Nerd Glasses: Maru's glasses occasionally appear opaque with spiral swirls over them, especially when she's flustered or under pressure.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: While Lucky has no problem being in swimwear, Maru is looking around embarassed while covering her bosom. In a group shot she's seen blushing with her eyes reduced to swirlies as she's surrounded by the other half-naked partecipants.
  • Rescue Romance: Parodied in an Omake where Maru apparently falls for Keel after being rescued by him.
  • Token Mini-Moe: They're the youngest adventurers we see in action.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Both siblings really want to be acknowledged as great engineers by their grandpa Juro. After the near-rampage of Nininmaru, Juro does chew them out but ultimately agrees to teach them, in order to avoid such problems in the future.

Cookie and Chapoo

Class: Warrior (Cookie)

Abilities: Monster-gutting Knife (Cookie), Ice Magic (Chapoo)

A cook-themed duo, Cookie is a warrior who fights with a giant kitchen knife, Chapoo is a fat glutton who can use Ice Magic to fight.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: Compared to the other fighters they don't look like anything special, but they do manage to force Blue and Lavie to forfait the match (granted, the former was holding back).
  • BFS: Cookie wields a giant sword he calls the Monster-gutting Knife, to go with his chef motif. Thanks to Chapoo's magic he can even turn it into a bigger ice-covered spiked blade.
  • Big Eater: Chapoo is always seen snacking on something.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Chapoo becomes White of Ice, one of Dakki's vessels, and ends up fighting Cookie.
  • Chef of Iron: Cookie is mainly a chef, who's also able to slay powerful monsters by himself with a gigantic kitchen knife.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Despite his looks, Chapoo is actually smart enough to realize that Cookie won't give his best as long as Lavie is on the battlefield and won't attack her either. He then decides to trap her inside a hollow ice structure shaped like a parfait to keep her out of the way so that they can tagteam Blue.
  • Gratuitous English: Cookie's pre-fighting one liner "Let's Cooking!".
  • Hopeless Suitor: Cookie falls in love with Ravia during their fight, though she's not interested.
  • An Ice Person: Chapoo uses Ice magic in combat, the only other user outside of the tamed monster Yeti.
  • Kick the Dog: When Cookie tries to undo Chapoo's brainwashing by asking him if he wants sweets, White replies that he hates them.
  • Love at First Sight: Cookie for Lavia, to the point that he puts a date with her at stake if he wins the tournament.
  • Shaping Your Attacks: Chapoo's Ice Magic attacks forming candies made of ice or cutlery.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Chapoo may not look the part but is much more of a strategist than Cookie.

Yanyan and Doryu

Class: Magic Fighter (Yanyan)

Abilities: Fire Dance (Yanyan), Earth Magic (Doryu)

A duo of adventurers consisting in a stern woman and a massive man, both using elemental magic.

  • Anime Chinese Girl: Yanyan's attire, hairstyle and fighting style are a nod to China.
  • Bad Boss: Yanyan blames Doryu for losing their match, and at the end of the arc, she can be seen kicking Doryu while angrily asking what happened to them.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: They end up becoming Red of Fire and Brown of Earth under Dakki's control.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Most notably Yanyan. They both normally use Japanese as the name of their techniques, but switch to English when possessed.
  • Dance Battler: Yanyan magic involves fire magic attacks performed from her legs as she dances.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Doryu fights using Earth magic to form walls or giant fists.
  • Flat Character: Out of all the Tournament's teams, they get the least focus and characterization.
  • Gonk: Doryu showcases some grotesque, rough facial traits which make him stand out especially compared to Yanyan.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: Yanyan in particular uses her fire magic in conjuction with dance-like martial arts.
  • Playing with Fire: Yanyan's magic involves fire, though she uses it through her kicks.
  • Pointy Ears: When possessed by Dakki's magic.
  • Unusual Eyebrows: Yanyan has seemingly no eyebrows, only a pair of round black marks where they should be.



Class: Broker

Abilities: Information

A former adventurer, Gomeiji asks the heroes' help to recover a "treasure", consisting in his stash of information.

  • Berserk Button: While he may be a down on his luck old loser, he doesn't take insults lightly and still has some pride as an Information Broker.
  • Dirty Old Man: Asks the heroes to ask Pannacotta if her boobs are still as good as before. She's not amused.
  • Knowledge Broker: His current occupation, he left and entire treasure chest filled with intel written down in code on rice grain skins only he can decipher.
  • The Masochism Tango: Apparently his relationship with Pannacotta consisted in mostly volleying insults and vocal disagreements on each other's tastes.
  • Meaningful Name: Gomeiji is written in katakana, but sounds like "Grandpa Rice": he's a very old man whose head is vaguely shaped like a grain of rice and whose information is written down on rice grains.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: He likes rice as food, even during breakfast.


Class: Former Adventurer

Abilities: None

A former adventurer and Gomeiji's ex, she currently works as the boss for the Adventurer's Guild's branch in Tsuton.

  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: The portrait showing her younger self reveals that she wore the same evening dress back when she was an adventurer.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Present-day Pannacotta is overweight and bitter, but she was slimmer and much more attractive when young.


Class: White Dragon (S-Class Monster)

Abilities: Transformation, White Flame

The partner of the legendary Monster Tamer Judy, Shiro is the legendary White Dragon in human form, and can transform at will.

  • Bishōnen Line: Heroic example, by using the forbidden magic he transform into a young, biseinen version of himself with draconic wings, ears, horns and tail, and becomes powerful enough to seemingly defeat a divine Shiva.
  • Cool Old Guy: A kind, sharp-dressed grandfatherly figure who can transform into a giant dragon.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: He used one which allow him to age as humans so that he won't outlive Judy. Removing the technique restores him to the peak of his power, but will consume what's left of his life.
  • Heroic BSoD: Stops dead in his tracks when Shiva reveals that he poisoned the sweets he sent to Jude, essentially murdering his own mother.
  • Interspecies Romance: With Judy, pretty much.
  • Light Is Good: He's a White Dragon associated with light and holiness, and is a force of good through and through.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After Setsuna stands up again after the heroes' attacks and is about to unleash an even stronger offensive, Shiro agrees to give him the Divine Instrument in exchange for their lives.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Shiro is a White Dragon, his true form resembling overall a western four-legged dragon covered in white fur and with certain traits associated to eastern dragons.
  • Technicolor Fire: Can breathe white flames with holy powers.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting He's normally seen in human form, but he can transform to become either a human-dragon hybrid or a full dragon.
  • Was It All a Lie?: When confronting Shiva after the reveal in the climax. And the answer is yes.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Confronts Shiva and calls him out for his betrayal.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Pulls this on Setsuna to buy the heroes time to get away from him. Later does this to a divine Shiva but it costs him his life.

"Melody Master" Judy

Class: Monster Tamer

Abilities: Melodic Magic

Former member of the Seven and Shiva's teacher. She lived alongside Shiro, the White Dragon.

  • All-Loving Hero: Despite being a Monster Tamer, she advocated peace and cooperation between Monsters and Humans.
  • Bottled Heroic Resolve: She created the power-up symphony Winning March.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: She also left behind notes on the ultimate holy melodic magic, Holy Ray.
  • Interspecies Romance: A platonic variant with Shiro, acknowledging that humans and monsters cannot interbreed.
  • Odd Name Out: The only member of the Seven without a nod to the Seven Lucky Gods.
  • Posthumous Character: Long dead by the time of the series. Poisoned by her own adoptive son Shiva.


Class: Paradise Bird (S-Class Monster)

Abilities: Fire Control, Transformation

A girl from Gokuraku City who tries to defend the "guardian god" of the local Volcano from the angry villagers, she's actually the guardian, a Paradise Bird.

  • Heroic Sacrifice: She gives her life to save Gokuraku Town from the erupting volcano. While she's revived, her memories are gone.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Despite being a powerful S-Class monster, she means no harm and her nest actually contains something that protects the entire Gokuraku City.
  • The Phoenix: She's a giant monster bird with red plumage who can take human forms, lives in a volcano and watches over the nearby population. She can revive herself from flames, but she won't remember anything about her past lives.
  • Playing with Fire: She has control and powers over fire, using them to keep the volcano she lives in in check.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: She can assume human form to live among the population.


Class: Warrior (former), Skeleton (D-Class Monster)

Abilities: None

A living skeleton inside the Necropolis who's actually friendly and kind. He was a former adventurer.

  • And I Must Scream: Jack's magical tattoo forces him to fight Mippi, whom he befriended earlier, and his friends.
  • The Dead Have Eyes: In spite of his skeletal form, he still sports eyes.
  • Dem Bones: He's currently reanimated as a skeleton, but kept all the memories and personality he had in life.
  • Nice Guy: He's surprisingly kind and friendly.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: When he finally manages to overpower the tattoo, Jack makes it explode, killing Bone.


Class: Black Dragon (S-Class Monster)

Abilities: Transformation, Black Flame

The strongest resident of Makyo Mountain, she's the legendary Black Dragon.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: When she fights Keel and the others, the warden of Makyou Mountain notices that she's attacking blindly as if she was rampaging. Indeed, she was acting under hypnosis.
  • Death from Above: Her technique, Black Fire Barrage (Kokurenka) consist in a series of black fire balls launched from above.
  • Enfant Terrible: The strongest monster of Makyou Mountain is just an infant.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Unlike Shiro, se resembles a classical western dragon with black scales.
  • Technicolor Fire: She can breathe black fire from her maws.
  • Samus Is a Girl: After going toe to toe with her, Kuron transforms back into her human form, with the heroes surprised to see that she's a little girl.
  • Tsundere: She' clearly this for Shiro, hating him for leaving her to go after Jude.

    The Shikyou 

"Black Cut"/Kurokiri Setsuna

Class: Demon Sword (normally D-Class Monster)

Abilities: Demon Sword Style

Leader of the Ayakashi, an organization of monsters who plans to gather the Divine Instruments, and first Shikyou introduced. Setsuna is a genius tactician and a ruthless fighter, few are a match for his blades. He was originally a magic sword forged by the Water Demons to fight an enemy tribe, but the sheer hatred and bloodlust turned it into a monster who turned against the tribe.

  • Actually a Doombot: The Setsuna leading the Shikyou in battle against the Seven is actually an explosive doll prepared by Jack while the real Setsuna sneaks inside Tenjiku.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In his debut, Setsuna manages to tank all the attacks the heroes unleash on him, seriously wounds them and Shiro is forced to give him the Divine Instrument just to save himself and the heroes.
  • Become Your Weapon: When he's defeated by Blue, he turns into a purified copy of himself and becomes Blue's Infinity +1 Sword.
  • Clothing Damage: At the end of the first battle against the heroes, they are shocked to see that their strongest attack only destroyed the clothing on his chest.
  • Dark Is Evil: He's dressed in black clothes, wields black blades which leaves streams of pitch black darkness behind and is the leader of a guild of evil monsters out to exterminate humans.
  • Dual Wielding: He can summon a copy of his sword to use them to attack with Kiso Tenkai (Twin Demons Heavenly Rotation).
  • Evil Weapon: His true form is that of a demonic sword.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Wears an eyepatch over his eye, where Blue's mother slashed him.
  • I Let You Win: After seemingly surviving Blue's final attack Aqua Soul, Setsuna decides to admit defeat and is purified of his hatred, turning back into a magic sword Blue can wield.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While his underlings Tutan and Bumper where already though guys to defeat, the moment Setsuna steps in is the moment where the heroes finally get to see personally how strong the Shikyou really are, and for once are forced to retreat.
  • The Leader: He's the boss of Ayakashi apparently, and he was the one who proposed the plan for the Feast of the Gods to the other three Shikyou.
  • Master Swordsman: Rather than using magic or power, Setsuna relies on demonic swordplay which leaves blades of darkness behind each slash.
  • Meaningful Name: Setsuna is a term referring to a fraction of second, referencing Setsuna's incredibly fast attacks. "Kurogiri" means Black Cut, and his dark swords leave black trails behind each swing.
  • The Reveal: First, he wasn't just a random demon who massacred the Water Demon Tribe, but a magic sword forged by a warrior of the Water Demons to retaliate against his enemy, but became an Evil Weapon, gained a body and turned against the tribe. Finally, we later discover that he was put in charge of Ayakashi by the real mastermind, Shiva.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Setsuna is able to pull swords from his very body and use them in combat.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: The nameless, vengeful Water Demon crafted Setsuna to destroy the invaders... but the hate and grudge turned Setsuna sentient and against his own tribe.
  • Villainous Valor: For such an evil being, he does respect courage, sparing Tutan when he gutsly go against him and asks him directly about the Feast of the Gods.


Class: Vampire (B-Class Monster)

Abilities: Batman

Member of Ayakashi, Bumper is a vampire resembling a goth boy with the unique ability of splitting his body in multiple vampire bats he can manipulate as he wishes.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: While Tutan tends to be calmer, Bumper is rather cocky and likes to taunt his opponents.
  • Body of Bodies: Being a rare type of Batman, his body is actually made of thousands of tiny black bats, which makes most physical attacks useless against him.
  • Foreshadowing: Calls everyone either "Big Bro" or "Big Sis". Turns out he's much younger than he looks.
  • Logical Weakness: While he can use his bat body to avoid getting wounded, he has no defense against an attack large enough to target his entire body at once. Also, he can shape his bats into copycats of himself, but as a result his true body will look smaller and able to rely on less vampire bats.
  • Meaningful Name: Bumper can also be read as "Vampa", calling "Vampire" to mind.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Because of his Batman skill, he's nigh-impossible to damage through physical attacks alone.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Bumper resembles a goth boy with pointy ears who can suck blood. Since he's a rare Batman type of Vampire, he's a Daywalking Vampire immune to crosses and garlic, and his body is composed of thousands of bats he can shape anyway he likes.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: Breaks down into crying when he sees Tutan's corpse and begs him to come back, revealing his true age in the process.
  • Self-Duplication: When facing Jack, he reveals that he invented a secret attack which creates a whole thinking clone of him out of his bats. The downside is that by doubling his ego he gets a migraine.
  • Sole Survivor: By the time the War end, he's the only surviving member of Ayakashi.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He's confident in his invulnerability, but throws a fit when Blue and Lavia founds a way around his powers and manage to hurt him.
  • Younger Than He Looks: Turns out he's actually a child.


Class: Double Mouth (B-Class Monster)

Abilities: Fire/Ice Breath

Member of Ayakashi often seen with Bumper, Tutan is a Double Mouth, a massive humanoid with mouths in lieu of eyes and a gigantic eye where his mouth should be.

  • Breath Weapon: One of his mouth can shoot fire, the other has an icy breath.
  • The Brute: Subverted, while he seems large, dumb and hard hitting, he's also surprisingly clever and much more competent than suggested by his looks. Also, both he and Bumper have strength on par with an S-Class monster.
  • Elemental Powers: He can control both fire and ice from his mouths. His ace in the sleeve unleashes a laser beam from his eye, which is powerful but leaves him blinded after being shot.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Has a single massive eye where his mouth should be.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: His upper torso is all that's left of him after the Star Eater's attack.
  • Made of Iron: He's surprisingly tough for a B-Class monster, able to quickly recover from a beating administered by Keel in record time.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: Resembles a massive, big-necked humanoid with a formless head, no nose, a giant eye where his mouth should be and two fanged mouths where his eyes should be.
  • Punny Name: His secret technique, Laser Gun, is a pun based on the japanese pronunciation of "Gun" and the word "Gan" (Eye).


Class: Garuda (B-Class Monster)

Abilities: Fire Magic

Member of Ayakashi, a red birdman with fire powers.

  • Bird People: Being a Garuda, Firebird is a humanoid red bird.
  • Breath Weapon: As his name implies, he can breath fire.
  • Bumbling Henchmen Duo: He and Kataiston act togehter, just like the Tatun-Bumper team, minus the efficiency.
  • Eaten Alive: Devoured by the Star Eater once he craved for more energy.
  • Meaningful Name: "Firebird" pretty much sums up his appearence and abilities.
  • Morphic Resonance: In his human form he has red spiky hair and a distinctive swirl-shaped tuff in the front.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the excitable, loud red to Kataiston's stoic blue.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When he realizes that the Queen of Eight is really Dakki, he and Kataiston abort their covert mission and contact Setsuna.
  • Sue Donym: Enlists in the Adventurer's Circus under the name of "Fiber", which in Japanese sounds like the first parts of "Fire" and "Bird".


Class: Gargoyle (B-Class Monster)

Abilities: Water Breath

Member of Ayakashi, a sharp-dressed gargoyle, hard as stone.

  • Breath Weapon: His "Water Drill" has him shooting a stream of piercing water from his mouth.
  • Bumbling Henchmen Duo: He and Firebird act together like a team, but are far less effective than Tutan and Bumper.
  • Eaten Alive: Devoured by the Star Eater once he craved for more energy.
  • Meaningful Name: Kataiston sounds a little like "Katai" (hard) and the English "stone", hence "Hardstone". He's a gargoyle.
  • Morphic Resonance: In his human form, he's still bald and his mouth retains the same shape.
  • Our Gargoyles Rock: He's a humanoid winged creature with a stony hide, a really powerful defense and the ability to shoot water from the mouth.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Calm and collected Blue to Firebird's excitable Red.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When he realizes that the Queen of Eight is really Dakki, he and Firebird abort their covert mission and contact Setsuna.
  • Sue Donym: When he enlists in the tournament he goes by... Stone.

"Bull Demon King"/Gyuumaoh T-Ross

Class: Bull Demon (normally B-Class Monster)

Abilities: Gigantification, Power

Leader of the criminal organization "Behemoth", rules over his minions from Mount Kaka, using a special tattoo to make sure they follow his orders. He's one of the Shikyou and an old enemy of Sarah.

  • Affably Evil: He's rather amicable to both Keel and Sarah during their encounters. He's also genuinely attached to his subordinates.
  • Alternate Character Reading: Western example, the "T" of T-Ross is meant to be read as "Tau", making his name Taurus when spoken out loud.
  • Beard of Evil: Has a sizable red beard and is a cruel monster.
  • Breath Weapon: He can shoot a beam of explosive energy from his mouth he calls Bull Demon Cannon.
  • The Brute: Unlike the other Shikyou, he's the one who doesn't have tricky magic or any strategy other than "hit 'em really hard".
  • Catchphrase: "That's so extreme".
  • Evil Redhead: Has red hair and beard and is an amoral, hedonistic thug.
  • A Father to His Men: For his many faults, he's genuinely attached to his four elite, and looks devastated when the Star Eater devours them.
  • I Let You Win: While his first battle with Keel ends with him missing a horn but still capable of fighting and supported by his Shitenno, he forfeits the combat, clearly impressed by Keel's tenacity, and let him and the Monkey Brothers off the hook.
  • A Lady on Each Arm: In a flashback he's seen with a fox woman and a bunny woman to his sides, clinging to his body.
  • The Leader: He's the boss of the criminal organization known as Behemoth, whose members mostly appears to be beast men of various types.
  • Make My Monster Grow: When his standard tactic doesn't work, T-Ross can grow to gigantic size, becoming more powerful.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different: Belongs to the "Demon Bull" race and is a massive, humanoid bull similar to an upstanding minotaur.
  • Power Tattoo: He brands the members of Behemoth with a mark resembling a bull's head. Through this mark, the user can obtain great power, but if they're disloyal, the tattoo's magic can terminate them.
  • Punny Name: The T reads as "Tau", making his name "Tauros". His main attack, the "Mouretsu Blow, is a pun based on the word Mouretsu (fierce) and the cow's "Moo".
  • Signature Laugh: Ushishishishi (pun on Ushi, which means Bull).
  • Taking the Bullet: Tackles the Star Eater and takes a deadly injury to let Sara and Keel administer a powerful double Gahou. Unfortunately, it's a Senseless Sacrifice.
  • Villainous Crush: The final battle reveals that he has a one-sided crush on Sara, admiring her strength and beauty.
  • Villainous Valor:
    • During the Behemoth arc, he agrees to let Keel and the Monkey Brothers go after the former manages to snap his horn during their battle and admits defeat.
    • During the final battle, he shows how much he cares for his men by tag-teaming with the heroes after his Four Kings are eaten by the Star Eater.
  • Youkai: In the Japanese version he's referred to as a Ushioni. Despite his ferocious appearence and strength they're herbivorous.

Monkey Brothers

Class: Monkey Tail Tribe (normally C-Class Monsters)

Abilities: Speed (Kikazaru)

A trio of brothers from the Monkey Tail Tribe and Keel adoptive brothers, they are Kikazaru, Iwazaru and Miezaru. They joined Behemoth to avenge their adoptive mother Lily, murdered by Keel. The truth is a little harsher.

  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Iwazaru/Iwan is the Big one, Kikazaru/Kinosuke is the Short one and finally Miezaru/Miibo is the thin one. They act as a team under Behemoth's orders.
  • Deadly Upgrade: During the second encounter, they reveal the tattoos of Behemoth on their bodies, which makes them stronger but also slowly consume their lives. Furthermore, T-Ros can use the tattoo to remotely execute them should they betray the guild.
  • Fragile Speedster: Kikazaru's specialty is delivering ultra-fast attacks with his staff. Too bad he can't take a hit.
  • Monkey Morality Pose: They are themed and named after the three famous monkeys, each of them having the respective attribute (ears, eyes and mouth) covered up and hiding the mark of Behemoth.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: Kikazaru carries a staff, kinda like Sun Wukong. Miezaru, possibly in a nod to blind swordsmen, carries a katana. Iwazaru fights unarmed thanks to his gigantic size and muscles.
  • You Killed My Father: They are looking for Keel because they believe he murdered their adoptive mother. In truth, said adoptive mother was an agent of Behemoth and wanted to sell them all to T-Ros, but she grew attached to them for real and because of her disobedience her mark killed her.

The Four Heavenly Kings

Class: Unknown Monsters

Abilities: Unknown

T-Ross strongest and most loyal supporters, they are four beastmen (a Tiger, an Antelope, a Boar and a Wolf) who serves as his enforcers.

  • Beast Man: They are all monsters resembling humanoid animals.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: The Tiger is always itching for a fight.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Antelope is this to Tiger, usually.
  • Eaten Alive: Devoured by the Star Eater once he craved for more energy.
  • Elite Four: They're the four strongest warriors serving T-Ros.
  • Undying Loyalty: For all their faults, they are extremely loyal to the Bull Demon King.
  • The Unintelligible: The Boar only talks in grunts, with the Wolf having to translate each time.
  • Yakuza: They are dressed like Yakuza and behave accordingly.

"Seven Colors"/Shichishiki Dakki

Class: Fox Monster (normally C-Class Monster)

Abilities: Seven Colored Tails

One of the Shikyou, Dakki is a glamorous vixen monster with seven tails she can charge with elemental powers. She seeks "vessels", people with elemental magic strong enough to control via possession.

  • Ambiguously Bi: Downplayed, though upon seeing Lavie and Blue in swimwear she admit that both have nice bodies.
  • Asian Fox Spirit: She's a seven-tailed monster fox whose name and action are based on the infamous huli jing from Fengshen Yanyi.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: She can use her tails as giant swords to physically attack her enemies.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: What she does to her "Vessels", turning warriors with strong elemental powers into demonic, obedient servants.
  • Color-Coded Elements: Each of her Vessels (and tails) is given an English name after a color, which reflects their element. She has red for fire, brown for earth, blue for water, white for ice, gold for lightning, silver for wind and black for darkness. She can even use her own comboes, such as scarlet (fire + earth), bright yellow (lightning + wind) and rainbow (All Your Powers Combined).
  • The Corrupter: She does this to both the King of Eight and her Vessels, filling their hearts with darkness to make them into loyal demonic minions.
  • Dark Action Girl: She's the only woman of the Shikyou and one who relies on a quirky combat style and minion control rather than sheer power, tactical acumen or an efficient organization.
  • Eaten Alive: She carelessly approaches the Star Eater and tries to command it, but the divine beast swallows her whole.
  • Elemental Powers: Each of her tails manipulates an element (fire, water, ice, earth, wind, lightning and darkness) and she can mix them together and even put people with corresponding elemental magic under her control.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: She acted under the assumption that the Star Eater would obey her and the Shikyou an she pays dearly for it.
  • Femme Fatale: She's a gorgeous woman who has entrhalled the King of Eight to manipulate the entire country from the shadows and gather powerful Vessels.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: As the queen of Eight, she has a terrible reputation and rules the country from the shadows with an iron fist.
  • Gratuitous French: One of her combo techniques is in French (Jaune Brillant).
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: She starts the battle against the heroes in a regal, queenly dress, but discards it when she goes all out.
  • The Man Behind the Man: She's the real mastermind behind the actions of the Kingdom of Eight.
  • Meaningful Name: Dakki is the Japanese name of Da Qi, the infamous huli jing concubine of King Zhuo which ruined an entire Chinese dynasty.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Especially when she manages to put Blue under her control.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: She wears a fancy corset under her dress, best seen when she goes all out.
  • Shapeshifer Guilt Trip: She can use her shapeshifting powers this way, turning into Blue's mother to stop him in his tracks.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: She's not really happy to work alongside the other Shikyou, or to take orders from Setsuna.
  • Transformation of the Possessed: Her Vessels tend to transform into an eviler form of their former selves, best seen with Yancys/Silver, who starts as an Amazonian Beauty and ends up being an impish, petite gothic lolita.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: She doesn't show much gratitude to Setsuna after he recovers her unconscious body from the battlefield, though she's mainly suspicious.
  • Unusual Eyebrows: Her eyebrows have a peculiar shape, reminding the stylized, spiral-like tuffs of fur drawn on Kitsune in some depictions.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Thinks that the Star Eater would be an obedient creature.

"Thunder Color" Gold

Class: Magic Fighter

Abilities: Thunder Magic

A member of Ayakashi, later revealed to be Dakki's minion and the possessed form of Allbra.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Gold is always looking down on others and acting grandiose.
  • Expy: Of the demon king Gold Horn from Journey to the West, even carrying a similar gourd.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: He's the large guy to Silver's short petite girl.
  • Gratuitous English: Unlike Allbra, Gold names his attacks in English.
  • Oh, Crap!: Loses some confidence when he sees that Blue's Water Magic can nullify his Thunder Magic.
  • Reverse Shrapnel: His mine-like technique Frag Thunder.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Contrasting Allbra's more casual attire, Gold is impeccably dressed in a fine suit with a fur-trimmed coat.
  • Shock and Awe: Can use Thunder Magic in combat, attacking from above and even below.
  • Weapons That Suck: He and Silver can use a red gourd to suck opponents inside, reverting them to the form they were born with and at the mercy of the Soul Eater, an S-Class Monster.

"Wind Color" Silver

Class: Magic Warrior

Abilities: Wind Magic

A member of Ayakashi, later revealed to be Dakki's minion and the possessed form of Yancys.

  • Blow You Away: She wields wind magic, usually in the form of tornadoes.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Contrasting Yancys, Silver is a petite, impish lady dressed like a lolita.
  • Expy: Of the demon king Silver Horn from Journey to the West.
  • Fragile Speedster: Silver's magic gives her a high rate of attack, but her defenses are lacking, as seen when Keel manages to overpower her wind with sheer brute force.
  • Gratuitous English: As with the other Vessels, she names her attacks in English.
  • The Hyena: She's almost costantly laughing or sneering at others.
  • Transformation of the Possessed: While all the other Vessel turns into pointy-eared demons, Silver pretty much becomes the polar opposite of Yancys, going from a tall, dark-skinned amazonian beauty with large breasts to a short, impish, flat-chested gothic lolita. Lampshaded by the villagers In-Universe.

"Darkness Color" Black

Class: None

Abilities: Shadow Magic

One of Dakki's vessels, disguised as the referee and commentator of the Adventurer's Circus.

  • Captain Obvious: Some of his comments are nothing more than painfully obvious descriptions of what just happened on the battlefield.
  • Combat Commentator: His main spiel under disguise.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Once Mippi distracts him long enough, he's taken out in one attack by Shiva.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Looks down on Mippi and mocks his attempts to hurt him. Thanks to said attempts, his control over Fukkuman is dissolved.
  • Shadow Pin: His main magic allows him to completely immobilize anyone whose shadow he steps on, even people in the league of the Seven. He must stay still though.

"Clown"/Dokeshi Jack

Class: Jack o'Lantern (S-Class Monster)

Abilities: Necromancy

One of the Shikyou, Jack is a deranged clown-like figure who dwells inside the Necropolis, using his necromantic powers and his "toys" to kill those who dare to venture inside.

  • Ax-Crazy: Easily the most unhinged and insane of the group, laughing merrily as the Star Eater rampages.
  • Barrier Warrior: His secret magic protects him with a nearly-invulnerable cage made from his skeletal minions.
  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: He mostly uses his Toy Factory to create toys with the powers of his opponents and watch the ensuing battle from afar.
  • Combat Commentator: He just stands back and comments on the battle against the Star Eater.
  • Gag Nose: Has a massive cone-shaped nose, befitting his clownish appearence.
  • Giggling Villain: He cackles non-stop during his fighting scenes.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: After he destroys Bone for disobeying his command, he uses his remains (along many, many others) to create his bone cage. Bone has still enough consciousness of his own to break free and allow the heroes to land the decisive blow on Jack.
  • I Shall Taunt You: He spends most of the fight in the Necropolis cruelly mocking the heroes despite their best efforts to take him on.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He summons puppet-like mooks and seems to love manipulating others. He himself is secretly manipulated by Shiva, who disposes of him in the end.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: After Mippi manages to break through his bone cage and seemingly impale him to death, Jack stands up again, claims he had enough and tries to kill everyone with a giant bomb.
  • Losing Your Head: When he's defeated by the heroes, all that's left of him in the Necropolis is his severed, still conscious head. According to Shiva, his pumpkin head is his real body, and as long as it's intact he can reform.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Reacts to what seem to be mortal wounds with bare acknowledgement. Justified in that as long as his mask is intact he's in no real danger.
  • Monster Clown: Has the attire and mannerism of a jester, but is also one of the most deranged and dangerous monsters.
  • Necromancer: His core abilities allow him to summon and manipulate the dead (usually as skeletons), but the most advanced creation are deranged looking golems he makes through his "Toys Factory".
  • Not Quite Dead: He's seemingly blown to pieces by the heroes, but then his head talks, revealing that he's still functioning. He returns complete again for the Feast of the Gods.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has a moment of genuine shock when Ebinyasu is able to easily counter his toys. Another one when Shiva is about to kill him.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He's one of the strongest and evilest Shikyou, but he acts like a deranged brat and he gives childish names to his monstrous toys constructs.
  • Secret-Keeper: He's the only Shikyou who knows all the truth about Shiva's plan.
  • Stingy Jack: He's a Jack o' Lantern, a rare and powerful S-Class monster.
  • Verbal Tic: Often says the cackle-like "Gera Gera" as he speaks.
  • What Are You: He seems unusually interested in Mippi, of all people, and seems to be wary of him. During the battle againt the Star Eater, Jack reveals that Mippi is the sealed form of the Hell Pig, another S-Class monster capable of manipulating hellfire, and unlocks his transformation in hope that he'll lose control.

    Important Monsters (Spoiler) 


Class: Evil Dragon (S-Class Monster)

Abilities: Unknown

An ancient evil Dragon from the past, he fought the Monkey Tail Tribe but was slain. In his dying breath he cursed the clan so that once every 100 years a Dragon Ape would be born, ready to unleash death and destruction on the world.

  • Ancient Evil: One from the past which is already dealt with, but whose influence is still relevant thanks to Keel, the current Dragon Ape.
  • Dying Curse: The one behind the birth of the Dragon Ape, a monstrously powerful creature which will spread chaos and destruction as it grows old.
  • Meaningful Name: Diabolos, the Greek for "Devil" for a powerful, evil Dragon.
  • My Death Is Only The Beginning: After being slain by the Monkey Tail tribe he put a curse on them, spawning the deadly Dragon Ape.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Referred to as a demonic evil Dragon, he resembles a monstrous, spiked western dragon.
  • Sore Loser: When he was actually defeated by his opponents he cursed their tribe out of spite.
  • Villainous Legacy: The curse of the Dragon Ape is the one giving Keel his powers.

Star Eater

Class: Divine Beast (?- Class Monster)

Abilities: Absorbtion, High Regeneration, Transformation

A monstrously powerful God Beast from the past, possibly created by humans, the Star Eater is a mindless behemoth who feeds on monsters and grows stronger and bigger with each meal, eventually growing big enough to consume the planet. A group of adventurers managed to seal it away with the Divine Instruments, but Shiva plans to release it to harvest his Core and become a God himself.

  • The Assimilator: When he devours a monster he's able to manifest all the powers it had. Such as Dakki's Seven Tails.
  • Beast of the Apocalypse: A monstrous Divine Beast which will devour all monsters before turning on the very planet, safely sealed in the past.
  • Blob Monster: On its lasts legs, the Star Eater degenerates into a massive, formless mass of slime with arm-shaped tentacles in a final attempt to consume the heroes. The Seven are noticeably disgusted by this form.
  • Climax Boss: Although located near the end, he's still the major main battle fought by the heroes going all out.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: With the combined efforts of the Seven and the heroes, the Star Eater is defeated for real. Just like Shiva planned.
  • Eldritch Abomination: A gigantic beast of unknown origins existing solely for one purpose: devour all monsters before eating the planet itself. It can assume even freakier forms upon eating monsters.
  • Extra Eyes: In its second form, the Star Eater grows a giant eye in the front of the head and several more on the sides.
  • Eye Scream: That being said, Keel mocks it for growing so many weak spots and bursts one of them open with a punch. Unfortunately it can regenerate.
  • Healing Factor: The Star Eater's most dangerous feature its his incredible regeneration, which allows him to recover from anything and can be boosted by eating monsters.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: It has hands for fingers and tongue, giving off this vibe.
  • Not Quite Dead: Seemingly decapitated by the Seven after a violent barrage of attacks, the Star Eater suddenly snatches and devours Dakki and other monsters to recover.
  • One-Winged Angel: After eating Dakki, it grows into a larger abomination with an elongated skull full of eyes, black wings and skin covered in markings.
  • Planet Eater: As the name implies, once he's done eating monsters he'll turn on the Earth instead.
  • Power Copying: It can use all the powers of the monsters he consumed, which is why he targets Keel and Blue.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: It's power class is given as "?".
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Sealed away by a magic melody within the four Divine Instruments.
