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Well, Kakos Industries is a Black Comedy after all, even if it very much proves Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor. The following has been organized by full seasons and the episodes pertaining to them.

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    Season 1 
"Corin Deeth III"
  • This is Corin's first official set announcements to the listeners and he makes it very clear within the first few minutes for what is come from both him and the company with his sarcastic, pretentious stance on things. Of course, he manages to slip in a threat pretty early.
    If you are not currently a shareholder, then it is actually illegal for you to be listening to this message right now, and in some countries it is grounds for summary execution. And we are more than capable of taking you to those countries..
  • It doesn't matter if the instructions for the Shareholder's Ball at the end of the week doesn't make sense, you have to attend anyway.
  • Catering involves roasted condor with a raspberry glaze, giraffe su vide, and bear arms. This, of course, is said very casually and seems to be a meal those in Kakos Industries regularly consume.
    I am told that the giraffe su vide tastes more like giraffe than any other giraffe you have tasted. I must warn you that, at this celebration, no one has a right to bear arms. So, please arrive early to make sure you have the opportunity to enjoy this delicacy.

"Go To Hell"

  • Once again, Corin isn't exactly subtle about the announcements being restricted to shareholders only. This time being being especially dark about it.
    If anyone around you listening is not a shareholder, then their blood is on your hands. Literally. Go ahead and look at your hands. You may choose to smear it on your face at this time, if that sort of thing floats your boat.
  • "Sound snobs" who don't find the Audiophile Plus Plus Mahogany Tube Radio adequate will be contacted mysteriously at night on a land line phone they didn't know they had.
  • The fire festival is merely setting a random establishment on fire and then rebuilding it again later. They're even considering making a small sun this time around.
  • Simply uttering the words "thank goodness" is considered a federal offense within the company.
  • The Adult Entertainment Branch is developing a new hole but things aren't exactly going as planned.
    In certain people, and I’m quoting here, “Adding the new hole interacts unpredictably with regular spinal function.” I’m not sure exactly what that means, but it sounds... erotic?
  • While trying to find the biblical Hell only to find nothing, Kakos Industries decides to use the giant hole they've dug up to make their own version of Hell as a work camp. Corin doesn't describe it in detail beyond the phrase, "Hell, yes."

"Synthetic Evil"

  • The Synth-Aesthesia sequencer literally creates "sick beats". That sickness being polio.
  • Corin finds the view of millions of lives burning to death during the fire festival to be so touching that he sheds a tear and saves it a vial that he puts on his mantle.
  • Corin officially begins the newest segment "Things We're Taking Credit For Now".
    So without further delay, the things we’re taking credit for this week are: handlebar mustaches, fortune cookies, and really liking a song, and then not really liking that song.
  • A man that has been attempting to foil Kakos Industries for sometime is finally murdered. Some past attempts to kill him involved gassing rooms he might be him, dipped in liquid nitrogen, and crushed with clockwork gears. His murder only succeeds when they just decide to stab him in the back with a big knife.
  • The prize listeners receive for undoing their speaker is a five dollar bill hidden inside. If they don't find a five dollar bill, it's best to hide off somewhere safe for a little bit.


  • The Darkest Festival involves trapping an intern inside of an isolated room and the shareholders being instructed to stare at a photo of him in telepathically make him die.

"The Darkest Universe"

  • Another fun addition to the festival is leaving a box labeled "Kittens". If there actually are kittens in the box is never stated though it being run over by a car is considered a good thing.
  • This very random and angry ramble at the end of the "Things We're Taking Credit For Now" segment.
    If you happen to disagree with anything we've taken credit for, just shut the fuck up. Seriously. How can you even say things like that? You can't know evil like I do. Fuck.


  • The punishment for those who listen to the broadcast and aren't shareholders will be infected a virus that eats away at their subconscious.
    If you’re not a fan of having to remember to breathe, then it is best to forget you’ve heard anything at all.
  • The Agriculture Festival involved having a Giant Ass Tomato and rhubarb fight one another....somehow.
  • Jan Stan who wins the Ruin A Life Drawing explains that she chooses a man named Bob because he scraped her car in the driveway and didn't acknowledge. Kakos Industries could care less about the reason.


  • Corin suddenly jumps into a bit of Buffy Speak when describing the creature providing the announcements.
    The animal sitting in front of you has been intelligently designed to be nearly ten times the average cuteness of any of the species from which it was composited, which is enough cuteness to bring any room full of people to its knees, hoping to get a chance to play with this adorable wittle fuzzle. Oooh, look at him chase the bug!
  • Via letter, Corin Deeth I advises that there is an assassin behind his grandson which turns out to be a regular occurrence.
  • Kakos Industries develops a board game misleadingly titled "Let's Have Fun" that is proven to ruin friendships.

"Deep Truth"

  • Kakos Industries does take part in casual Fridays, excluding once a month when they come in only wearing their fanciest codpieces.
  • An incident during the Nudity Festival involved employees attempting to photocopy themselves having sex and breaking the copier with their body weight.
  • The Depart of Insurmountable Fear created what they claim to be the most frighting thing imaginable, topping their creations that enact entire sensory deprivation and the sensation of being on something incredibly high. Their newest invention being....a hippopotamus with battle armor and rocket launchers.


  • The newest creation of the Division of Giant Ass Robots is literally named, and always fully addressed as, Giant-Ass Schoolgirl That’s Kawaii as Fuck, Yo.
  • Corin briefly shows concern for Kara and Billy's relationship and begins to contemplate if they're taking things too fast.
    I mean, I don’t want to interfere if they think that they’re going to be happy like this, but I think it’s possible that they might run into trouble. Things were just so light before and now this seems really serious. I don’t know. Maybe things will work out okay. Otherwise we’ll just have to wipe their memories and make them do it over again.

"The Woman"

  • Despite some of the eeriness of the episode, there are some oddly funny lines such as the series of questions at the beginning,
    ...Is that how a human sits? Should your legs be crossed right now? Would it be obvious what you’re thinking if you decided to maybe just move your legs a little bit? Would the woman in front of you think that you might be about to fart?
  • “Make that Old Pussy smell like Young pussy.”


  • This line at the beginning of the episode,
    If you have something to tell me, there are channels for you to do so. There are also channels for me to completely ignore you and suffer no ill consequences. See? We’re equals.
  • Melantha's first few moments involve her proving just how childish she is, interrupting the announcements purely for her own amusement. Corin doesn't respond well to this.
    If you were here right now, I would kill you with my bare hands, I would tear you piece by piece, I would dance on your entrails. I would poke out your eyes...AHHH! I WANT TO MAKE A HATE BABY WITH YOU!

"Peter Wood"

"Off Day"

  • The entire episode has Corin clearly as himself...possibly though his voice is distinctly different. Not that he ever points this out, only vaguely referencing that something feels "off" today.
  • The broadcast is delivered through a greeting card that reads, "Heard your shit’s all fucked." followed by a #Sorry.

"Bring Your Daughter To Evil Day"

  • About any of the recommendations Hailey offers.
    Hailey: Okay. Idea Number Two: What if we make someone’s skin weird?
    Corin: What do you mean by weird?
    Hailey: That’s all I wrote down. But I think it’s a good idea.

"Giant Ass Robots"

"Do Not Be Alarmed"

  • The incredibly erratic security system who is terribly unkempt at their job. Corin doesn't even know there is an alarm system until that day and is mildly irritated.
    Is that an alarm? We have an alarm here? What the fuck could have triggered an alarm here? We had a giant penis running around two months ago terrorizing the office and there was no alarm. The fuck.
  • When Corin complains about how annoying the sound of the alarm is, he asks for something more soothing. Cue to alarm taking on a more funky sounding rhythm.

"New Memories"

  • The Halloween party coming up is so ridiculously over the top that Corin's description on it manages to sound but fun and hilarious.
    Everyone is sexier when they come to this party. It’s in the air, the water, and the candy. Chemicals that make you sexier. We got ‘em. Forget the costumes, even. You’ll be so goddamn sexy that people will be honored just to look at your shimmery-goddamn-glimmering naked self.

"Wake The Dead"

  • Carl Marlow is the one who desired a Zombie Apocalypse to begin with and was prepared for it to happen but was killed by these zombies while taking a shit. To add insult to injury, he came back as a zombie with his pants around his ankles an an insufficient clean up on his part.
  • A Running Gag throughout the episode is Corin opening up the window to hear the undead moans of the zombies from outside until briefly shutting the window closed again.
  • Kakos Industries admits that it practices slavery though prefer to call it "forced fun".

"The Invitation"

  • The clean up for the Zombie Apocalypse that happened before was done by threatening people with loaded shotguns to do the actual work.
  • "Now, let’s all take a really deep breath together through the nose, and let out a nice loud 'HAAAA' sound. Bonus points for making your most evil face on the exhale."
  • During Black Friday, Corin enjoys watching the carnage or taking part in it by buying all the televisions so one's murder to get one was done for nothing.
  • Corin receives Hailey's results from the Bondage Purgatory and recalls that she is exceeding at an incredibly abnormal pace for what is meant to be an impossible system.
    Her experiences in the Bondage Purgatory have been less like a punishment and more like a summer camp. Truly, she would be a star member of the team in the Division of Domination were she to choose that route, but with so much raw sexual potential, she is likely to aim higher. Much higher.
  • Corin is clearly a little aroused by how well Hailey performs in the Purgatory and requests that they "have a chat" when she gets out.
  • The men Melantha is currently having her way with she has renamed Mr. Pepperbottom, Mr. CandySprinkles, and Princess Friendlycakes.
  • This exchange between Melantha and Corin upon her interruption:
    Corin: That sounds just wonderful. I’ll have to let you know about the tea party thing. My schedule’s kind of busy right now. I gotta hang up now, Melantha.
    Melantha: This isn’t a phone call, Corin. I’m hijacking your transmission. You can’t hang up.
    Corin: I’m hanging up now.
    Melantha: You can’t! HAHAHAHAHA...Corin? Corin? Uggh… You motherfucker.

"Sex Tea Party"

  • Hailey has been making so many rounds around the company that there is a special club consisting of both men and women who get a tattoo reading “I got Solomonari’d" and try to offer one to Corin.
  • The Manager and the Technician have yet another conversation but randomly switch to speaking in British accents for the later half.
    Manager: Oh, jolly good, jolly good.
    Technician: Right, let’s go out for that cup of tea.
    Manager: How’s the wife?
    Technician: Oh the wife is fantastic. How’s your wife?
    Manager: I’m sleeping with your wife.
    Technician: Oh, shit, I forgot about that.


  • Everything about the conversation Vlad and Corin have,
    Corin: And where exactly are you now? You don’t really have the USSR to hide behind anymore.
    Vlad: Let us just say that our influence has never truly left, but no, we have moved somewhere more comfortable to us. Somewhere that people really have to depend on each other. Somewhere redder.
    Corin: You’re on Mars, aren’t you. You moved to fucking Mars.
  • An exclusive offer in the holiday catalog involves something called dolphin macaroni and cheese.

    Season 2 
  • Corin's inherent disappoint about the firework display Dirk failed to deliver on.
    Corin: So, Dirk, let me start with this: What the fuck man?
    Dirk: I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about, Corin.
    Corin: The fireworks. What the fuck.
    Dirk: There were fireworks!
    Corin: Firework. There was a firework.
    Dirk: But what a firework, right?
    Corin: It was one, sad firework. Even the sparks that shot out from it seemed to droop and sulk away as they fell to the ground. I’ll repeat my question. What the fuck.

"Please Disregard"

  • Everything about the letter Corin Deeth I sends to his grandson,
    ...Before you ask, I took all of the garbage out first. And I used a letter opener. I’m not sure how much blood they’ll need, so I might just fill the bin here. My evilness, that is a lot of blood. If I didn’t feel so damn good, I might be worried about that.
  • A letter sent later only contains a freshly cut human pinky.


  • Silky in general seems slightly off and never gives Corin any answers about what the Department of Black and Blues does and instead rambles on and on about pancakes.
  • "Shareholders, I think I might have just killed everyone in the echo tree forest. That was a mistake. But, it does look like Evil is up. Good news there."
  • Dennis' interview is so awkward and calmly angry throughout it's hilarious. Especially towards the ending where his dismissed and continues to blabber to himself even as he's getting farther from the microphone.
    Corin: Uh, okay, well that all sounds great, Dennis. Thank you so much for stopping by, and, uh, if you don’t mind, on your way out, I would really appreciate it if you could take that jar down to the Division of Smells. I think they might be able to do something with it.
    Denniss: Of course, Corin! That’s what I’m here for, for taking jars to other floors in your building. That’s what I enjoy doing. It’s not a problem. Derek is just doing whatever the hell he wants right now, and I should take this jar down to a floor! Okay, I got it. Alright, he didn’t even give me the cap. Goddammit. I - listen - where - what door? what - I’ve gotta call Derek. Why are we not even.. wh-where’s the elevator? What? I don’t get it!

"The Best Laid Plans"

  • Despite practically being grown women, Melantha and Hailey act like giggly teenagers having a sleepover when they interrupt the announcements.
  • Hailey receives a pet rat as a gift from Melantha and names him Pumpkin Spice Latte. It's also a gay rat that makes out with his boyfriend all the time.


  • The ending of in which the mysterious box decides to produce a list of numbers being 6, 7, 16, 91, 23, 111. When Corin steers his attention away only to do the usual number list he realizes that the exact same ones for today's broadcast are the same as the one's on the box.

"A Small Obsession"

  • Corin is irritable the whole time due to the strange box, that he ends up just steering into a small rant during the announcements for people who aren't shareholders listening to them.
    Anyway, if you’re not a shareholder, this broadcast is not for you. Like, seriously not for you. Like, listening to it will cause bad things to happen. Oh, is that too vague for you? Bad things isn’t enough? Well, it’s like a lot of really bad things. Our team of Bad Things Guys will just come wreck your shit. They’ll just fuck it right up…Okay, you know what, we don’t have a team of Bad Things Guys. I made that up. I think. I’m just so fucking tired. You don’t understand what this fucking box has done to me. Bad things. Very bad things! Go away. Stop listening. I hate you.
  • Every second Corin brings up the box itself, he seems to steer into Sanity Slippage territory only to reel himself back, but his ramblings are plenty hilarious.
    I’m just trying to get through to you guys just how scary this fucking thing is. What if there’s magic in there? Actual magic, huh? What if we have to rethink everything we know about everything? What if it’s a tiny little demon named Palbo trying to test us?


  • Another try at trapping someone inside of a closed off room fails miserably. Once again, someone is turned to stone by sheer willpower but this ends up backfiring as the shareholders were supposed to make Vincent be tempted into commiting an Evil act.


  • Despite the eeriness of the letter Corin Deeth I writes to his grandson, he finds it appropriate to mention the amount of times he managed to orgasm that day.

"Doom and Gloom"

  • During something called a Doom Festival, the employees and Corin find themselves very baffled as to what they're supposed to do there.
  • "Do I seem sorted out to you, shareholders? Of course I do. Because I am. The end."
  • Corin reads another one of his grandfather's letters which only includes the words, “Corin, um… what was I going to say? Damn those are good drugs. Love ya, kiddo. Corin Deeth I.” This is followed by a dark spot on the bottom that he apparently spat on.

"Intercepted 1"

  • The entire announcement is so obviously created just to spite Kakos Industires, it's hilariously petty by its own means.
  • Melantha's company takes part in a lot of violent festivals, most involving being eaten by monsters or simply maiming one another normally for some small prize or being an addition to her harem.
  • Melantha's reaction to Corin interrupting her broadcast,
    Oh, Corin, you insufficiently bleached asshole, what do you think you’re doing?

"Paint it Black"

  • The corporation agrees that smoking is certainly Evil but find it to be in poor taste and thus punish Belaladonica for doing so by giving her colorful clothing.
  • Everyone gets incredibly high during the Earth Festival and starts to hallucinate a giant leaf monster.


  • Corin attempts an Evil Laugh during the introduction, only to have the intro music restart itself over and over whenever he doesn't like it. Soon he just quits and continues the broadcast as usual.
  • Due to Belladonica being in the studio with him, Corin has to constantly censor himself for the sake of sounding slightly more child friendly, resulting in some pretty humorous Buffy Speak
  • Trying to discipline Belladonica results in him spraying her with a bottle of water as if she were an ill-tempered dog.


  • Corin's sex life is apparently so active that he has to take a special birth control to prevent getting his many, many, many, many partners impregnated.
  • "It should be enough that I say that everything is okay. And it is. Or maybe an Evil version of okay. Like E-kay… You know what, I don’t think that’s going to catch on."
  • Brosephus is introduced for the first time, being portrayed as an incredibly simple young man with a Totally Radical lingo.

"Freudian Slips"

  • The winner of the Ruin A Life Drawing is a solid black square that has chosen a triangle as its nemesis. The punishment: the triangle shall literally become more obtuse.
  • The entire episode runs on a Visual Pun of Corin receiving strips of paper with the word "sex" written on it. He's not entirely amused when the little gag works.
    Well, that brings us to the end of the sex, shareholders. Oh sonofabitch. Was that really what this was all about? They were just trying to get me to say sex accidentally? What Division was that? They clearly have too much time on their hands.


  • A great deal of the episode is just shareholders beating the shit out of one another, using any means possible to kill everyone else in a creative fashion. The results are as funny and awesome as one would expect.


  • The premise itself, being that a penis is given a microscopic brain which allows it to flirt with a potential mate, but "Jules" takes a very odd liking to Corin. It's about as odd as you would think.
  • Richard appropriately names his penis, "Jules della Famiglia"
  • Jules himself as well as Richard is yet another Punny Name when you think about it...
  • By the end of the episode, Corin threatens Jules by saying he's going to cut him off in a very dense and angry tone. This would not only remove Richard's penis entirely, but be ending the life of a sentient limb.


  • Corin has apparently done quite a few interesting yet villainous actions during his first year and a half as CEO.
    There was the time I killed the awful mutant beast in the basement labyrinth. There was the time I climbed to the top of the building to save the baby thunderbirds who had just lost their mother. There was the time that I killed a mother thunderbird. Then there was the time I signed that one document that gave everyone an additional sick day. Wasn’t that charitable of me, shareholders?
  • Everything about the CEO Festival recap. This includes another interesting layout of taco flavors, trains for having marathon sex, and a roast which Corin quickly tries to clear up to the listeners.
    For the record, I would like to say that I am not romantically involved with any of the reptiles kept in the terrarium. I’m not. Not even the sexy ones. Also, I’m not missing any pieces. Hailey didn’t actually eat any part of me. I’m also not really ticklish. Maybe a little.
  • When the tree shows signs of life during the broadcast, Corin is blissfully unaware of the danger of the situation while Steven become more frantic and gestures that he's developing a "fear boner".

"The Glimmer of Hope Principle"

  • Despite nearly being mauled to death by the living tree in the previous episode, Steven's injuries were captured in a photo book and sent to shareholders.
  • Another rival corporation is apparently titled, "Marty’s Evil Emporium and Sometimes Titty Bar".

"Dark Auras"

  • Corin learns that he has developed the ability to see the Evil of those around him and is on his high horse the entire day. That is until the end that he learns that he had no special power and he was just having a really intense mental breakdown due to his imbalance of Evil.
    Well, I have to say that’s disappointing. I’m looking at Soundman Steven. His aura is still there. It’s just pink now. Now it’s white. Now it looks like me eating a donut. I think I’m going to go close my eyes for a little while shareholders. Just go ahead and step on that radio when you get a chance.


  • Corin has to step back from some of his duties due to his imbalance of Evil, one of those tasks being to give surprise inspections and quietly shaking his head at the employees.
  • "How we’re getting the message there is boring, which is why I’m assuming they wrote down the phrase 'typical broadcast bullshit' on the spec sheet here."
  • The invention used to provide the announcements this time around is a cuckoo clock with a small mechanical version Corin inside of it.
    The sound quality is listed as “good”, and the frequency response is “pretty a’ight”. Really, it’s not about the sound exactly so much as it is about you having me there with you for this. It should be a warm feeling. A comfortable feeling. A homey feeling. And this time, I won’t be eating any of the cookies in your kitchen.

"Intercepted 2"

  • What with Hailey managing the announcements for a depressed Melantha, this is bound to happen.
  • Owning stock in Kakos has made Melantha distraught to the point she can't manage her duties as CEO and slumps around wearing a bathrobe and eating ice cream. She doesn't even bother to cover herself whenever her nipple slips out.
  • Hailey describing the features of the Magical Elegant Nubile Sparkle Schoolgirl SuperSoldier Glamour Communicator Wrist Watch 2.0 and deliberately ignoring the scientific features since she finds it boring.
  • Some of the Evil actions of the School Girl SuperSoliders themselves involve committing fraud against the elderly, laying people off from jobs, and denying health coverage.
  • When Corin interrupts the broadcast, he comes in with a very satisfied Evil Laugh only to realize Hailey is the one doing the announcements which throws him off guard.
  • When Melantha asks if Corin is just there to gloat, he responds with a very Blunt "Yes"


  • Corin states that while going through an old list of conquests his grandfather had, that ''most'' of them were women. He made some assumptions.
  • The carving contest for the Halloween Festival will involve a carving contest, with the special addition of pumpkins that fight back.


  • The highly inappropriate Laugh Track that makes for both an unsettling and oddly humorous Running Gag throughout the episdoe. Especially when they choose to laugh at the worst possible moments.
    It is one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life for sure. (Laugh Track). And then there’s the laugh track. I am ostensibly the only person in the upper levels of the building right now, except for Soundman Steven, who I found curled in a ball in his booth a few minutes before this broadcast. So there is no one to laugh at me, or the witty things I say… Or my pain (Laugh Track). Thanks. Thanks, guys.
  • Corin spends all of the episode recalling the "tortures" being inflicted on him by a hooded figure but all of them fail to be effective are merely poorly constructed attempts at BDSM. Even the Torture Technician behind it is terrible at their job and awkwardly executes everything, granting Corin a pretty lame kidnapping compared all the other ones he's undergone before.


  • As if it weren't obvious enough that Corin has Skewed Priorities he comments that Belladonica's blood runs red when a knife is held to her throat, causing him to briefly celebrate about winning a bet with Soundman Steven.

"Polite Conversation"

  • A new substance within Hell called Eatin' Slime emerges and one of the managers walks around with some of it on a spoon for anyone to eat. Corin states that it looks a pile of thick, green snot. It ends up being so dangerous to consume it causes the manager to pull out his hair and talk to himself after having too much of it.
  • The slime itself is said to taste like dolphin sperm with a hint of rosemary but isn't that bad overall.
  • Due to being unable to properly communicate with Corin during their dinner, Belladonica gives him a greeting card that includes the exact phrase “I’ve tried everything I know, but I just can’t make myself attracted to you.”
  • Corin finally sees the tattoo he received upon his kidnapping. He doesn't state exactly what it is though he's so disturbed he plans to get a new patch of skin over it.

    Season 3 
"Space Race"
  • Corin Deeth I and his hatred of communism throughout the whole thing.
  • When attempting to bond with a group of young hippies, they of course take a mouthful of drugs. Corin finds it appropriate to try doing some subtle brainwashing during this with phrases like, "be less Communist". Of course, he's much too high for it to really work.
  • Corin gets so worked up during Melantha's interruption that he comments that he'll need a quick smoke and some time with the girls down in the lobby. That may not actually work there but they are very friendly.



  • To brighten things up during a very tight and deadly situation, the employees find a new way to cope. It sparks with two young men who are on the fence about kissing at first, but Corin eagerly eggs them on to do it, causing more and more people to start having sex to blow off steam.
  • During the entire set of announcements, a man clings on to Corin's leg and begins to quietly hump and bite it.
  • The newest Overly Long Name of Belladonica is now The Lady Kiarawa the Karawitch Belladonn Handelia, or Lady Kiarawa for short.
  • One of the methods of torment Lady Kiarawa uses on Corin and his allies is to send a photo of her intimately kissing Maggie to their cellphones. Corin is so disgusted he starts gagging mid sentence.


  • In hopes for some entertainment down in their sanctuary, the group decides to conduct a Celebration of Ass. What follows is pretty much what one would expect, butts shaking, swaying, sweating and all.
  • Brosephus is finally saved, though without any game consoles in the lair to keep him entertained, he considers introducing Corin to tabletop RPGs.
  • Helena comes by to give an update on her progress and states that the dragon creature has a proper, if not ridiculously complex, name.
    Corin: One of those threats didn’t happen to be a dragon, did it? Like a dragon with tentacles?
    Helena: I was unable to defeat Sir Gimerochon.
    Corin: Its name is Sir Gimerochon? Does everything have to have such a fancy name?
    Helena: Don’t be an insensitive asshat.
  • Corin is displeased to hear that the Division of Incredibly Boring Things is being dispatched. Not only that, but the remaining employees are being shot into the unfriendly lake.
    Corin: Oh. That’s not going to go well for them. That lake is seriously unfriendly.


  • Since the Darkest Universe Festival has rolled around, Corin is stuck having to make the shareholders telepathically kill a man working the hardest inside of the sanctuary. The man is so perfect and adored, that Corin gets jealous just looking at him.
  • The condition of the man giving Corin the information keeps getting worse and worse. The poor guy barely even has the energy to sit up and just lays across whatever area Corin is occupying.


  • Despite the severity of the scenario, Corin is incredibly confused a great deal of the time he spends officially killing Kiarawa.
  • One of the improvements made to the building is a game room. With Junior now being considered a friend, the doorway was made bigger for him to easily enter.


  • The new character King Leopold is introduced and he not only comes with a very loud Fanfare but a crush on Corina and not much of a filter on his comments.


  • Preperations for the next Nudity Festival come with a special requirement
    The additional details for this DarkMegaNudity component indicate that we should all sport “full bush”. No trimming, no shaving, no maintenance of any sort in the pubic region. In regards to other body parts, the official rule seems to be “let it all grow wild”.
  • King Leoplold entering with an exuberant Fanfare clearly becomes its own Running Gag.
  • The main thing leading Corin to going to see Leopold again is simply due to wanting to get a game board back.

Episode 56: Robo-Tango
