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Fan Nickname / Film

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Film - Animation

  • Beauty and the Beast: Adam as the Beast's real name. Ascended Fanon as of Beauty and the Beast (2017).
  • The Book of Life: The first spirit Manolo encounters in the Land of the Remembered has been dubbed "the Walmart Greeter of the Dead" by Tumblr fans.
  • Coraline: OMILF for the Other Mother, for those who find her wickedly sexy.
  • Disney Movies, The Animated Disney Movies: Some people refuse to use the word "canon" to describe something that isn't linked together by Disney Animated Canon.
  • Cinderella:
  • DC Animated Movie Universe: For the universe itself, there's either "DC Animated New 52", as the films were originally based on the New 52, or "Tuckerverse", named for producer James Tucker. Tuckernote  has expressed disdain for the latter nickname on both on Twitter and on the commentary for Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, the DCAMU's Grand Finale.
  • An Extremely Goofy Movie: "Beret Girl" is given the Punny Name of "Mocha Chino", as she is a beatnik.
  • Frozen:
    • Biggs, Wedge, and Fritz: The Duke of Weselton's bodyguards.
    • Elsaba: Merging the names of Idina Menzel's role as Elsa with her similar role of Elphaba from Wicked.
    • Snow Sisters: A nickname for Elsa and Anna together in a familial way.
    • Eternal Winter, the Great Thaw, the Great Freeze: The blizzard caused by Elsa
    • Agdar and Idun: Elsa's and Anna's parents. The names come from translating their grave stones and they were later canonized in licensed materials.
    • Fortress Of Solitude: The ice palace Elsa constructs.
    • "Onion": Short for "Onion!Elsa". Used for the near final Elsa design where she had short, spiky hair and was the antagonist.
    • Countess Claire (or Blue Dress Lady) for the woman who sits next to Weselton while gazing adoringly at Elsa during the coronation.
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
    • Snowball: Frollo's aptly fan-named black horse, which is an animators' nickname that the fans started using too.
    • From the sequel: The Nostalgia Chick refers to the main antagonist, Sarousch, as "Flaming Homo Bad Guy".
  • The Iron Giant: Hog Hug: Used by some fans to refer to Hogarth Hughes, thanks to one hilarious scene with Kent Mansley and the smashed BB gun.
  • The Lion King (1994):
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas:
    • Bone-Demon: Jack and any fan-made skeletons like him. Understood to be a sort of sub-species of either Undead or demon. Usually used in the camp that thinks Jack and Sally have kids by natural means.
    • Dr. Finkly: Dr. Finklestein, by his fans.
    • Jewel: Dr. Finklestein creation/wife seen at the end of the movie. While there's no evidence that Finklestein's "Be careful, my precious jewel!" is a reference to her name, the fans use it anyways.
    • Skeledoll: The name of Jack and Sally's fandom daughters. Can be either just ragdolls with bones or a mixture of ragdoll and skeleton.
    • Spiral Hill: The hill where Jack gets his first song and where Jack and Sally have their Big Damn Kiss. Kingdom Hearts calls it "Curly Hill", but if this poll is any indication, fans massively prefer "Spiral".
  • Penguins of Madagascar:
    • Classified has been called Classy by many fans.
    • Corp for Corporal. It isn't as popular as many other nicknames, but it still counts.
  • The Secret of NIMH: Mrs. Brisby's unstated first name is "Elizabeth" in fanon. This is usually a tribute to her voice actress, who committed suicide not long after. To others, it's not just because she was voiced by Elizabeth Hartman; to them, she just looks and sounds like an 'Elizabeth'.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie:
    • The full title of the movie tends to get dropped and be referred to more as "the Mario movie" or the "Super Mario movie" instead.
    • Due to some confusion regarding Lumalee calling Luigi "fresh meat for the grinder" in the trailers — apparently, the line was one of the few that was localized poorly, translating the literal words without regard for their figurative meaning — the Japanese audience has taken to using it as an actual nickname for Luigi.
    • As the Mario bros' little cousin is one of several family members who goes unnamed, quite a few fans have taken to calling her Marilyn after their niece from the The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. note 
  • Tangled:
  • Turning Red: Ming Lee's red panda form has been referred to by fans as "Kaiju Karen".
  • Wreck-It Ralph
    • Hero's Cuties: The name for the Felix/Calhoun ship, which happens to be canon.
    • Turbo Twins: The collective name for the two blue-suited racers next to Turbo on the winners' block during the "Going Turbo" explanation/flashback. Fans have come up with all sorts of names for them individually, with Ted & Teddy and Jet & Set being popular ones.
  • Ralph Breaks the Internet:
    • The heavy use of meta-humor in the film (especially in the trailers) has lead to fans calling the movie "Ralph Breaks the Fourth Wall".
    • Mona: The little girl who has the misfortune to see Ralph stuff a cartoon bunny from the tablet game she's playing to the bursting point, due to her character design basically being borrowed from the toddler version of Moana. In the actual movie, the scene shows up as a mid-credits stinger, and the girl's mother addresses her as "Mo".

Film - Live-Action

  • 2012:
  • Alien
    • Alien³ tends to be jokingly referred to as Alien Cubed among the fandom due to the inexplicable superscript use of the number 3 in the movie's title.
    • Space Jockey - the alien pilot aboard the derelict ship — extended to the rest of his race, as well. Derived from a name used by the film crew; in the canon, it's never named. (in Prometheus, it's "Engineer")
    • Xenomorph - Used once, among many other words, to describe the aliens in the franchise, this word stuck as the standard term used by fans. note 
      • As a matter of fact, none of the life cycle stages (i.e. Facehugger, Chestburster, Drone) were ever officially named. They were given Fan Nicknames which simply stuck.
  • Avatar
    • Colonel Coffee - Quaritch, for the scene of him drinking coffee while his men raze Home Tree.
      • Also Colonel Strawman, for obvious reasons.
    • Dances With (Space) Smurfs - The movie itself.
      • Dances With Catgirls.
    • Thunder-Smurfs for the Na'vi themselves.
    • USB braids: Those things that the Na'vi use to commune with their mounts and their goddess.
      • Also includes Tree CP/IP, and Ethernet.
  • Back to the Future:
  • Batman:
  • Battle: Los Angeles:
    • Aquids, Aquiods, Aquamen: Nicknames for the unnamed aliens who seem to prefer water.
    • Chigs: Due to resemblance to the aliens in the potholed series.
    • Landsharks: due to the tie-in website referring to the aliens' biology being similar to sharks
    • Staff Sergeant Two-Face: Staff Sergeant Nantz, played by Aaron Eckhart, who played Two-Face in The Dark Knight.
    • Some call the aliens BLAAs "Battle Los Angeles Aliens".
  • Blazing Saddles: People often call the clergyman of Rock Ridge Reverend Johnson, even though he is never referred to as such within the movie itself.
  • Bohemian Rhapsody is affectionately called BoRhap by many fans.
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
  • Carry On Loving: Some fans give Miss Dempsey the first name "Patsy" (after her actress, Patsy Rowlands) which was popularised by the unofficial sequel Tie-In Novel Carry On Loving: The WICKEDLY funny story that starts where the film ends.
  • Cloverfield
    • Clovie/Clover - The Monster terrorizing the city. The latter was actually what the monster was called during production.
    • Mr. Grumpypants or MGP - the unofficial name given the monster by Unfiction forum members during the Cloverfield ARG/viral marketing campaign.
    • Or, in the case of at least one fan, 'Delilah'. As in, 'Hey There Delilah What's It Like In New York City'.
    • Also Darwin, based on some extremely dumb moves by the cast.
    • The Chicken, based on the use of the song "Disco Lies" and the music video for that song.
  • Conan the Barbarian (2011)' has been called Ronon the Barbarian, after Jason Momoa's role as Ronon from Stargate Atlantis''.
  • DC Extended Universe:
  • Die Hard:
  • District 9
    • Little CJ/Oliver - Christopher Johnson's unnamed son
    • Dickus - Used by some as a nickname for Wikus. Because he's kind of a dick.
      • Also, Prawnkus, for when he is fully alien.
  • Dracula Untold: It's being widely refered to as "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow The Movie."
  • Drive (2011):
  • Elysium: The production team and Neill calls the Exosuit the "Hulk Suit" because it grants the user immense physical strength.
    • In the production art for the Exosuit, It's spelt "HULC Suit". HULC is short for Human Universal Load Carrier. Its the name of the powered exoskeleton system being produced by Lockheed Martin. In the featurette, The Tech of Elysium, Neill Blokamp describes how the exosuit is based upon technology being developed by the US Military.
  • Eraserhead:
  • Fantastic Four (2015)
    • "Fant4stic", pronounced "Fant-Four-Stick", due to the stylized logo
    • "FFINO" or "'"Fantastic Four'' In Name Only" due to how poorly it adapted the franchise to the big screen.
    • Dr. Doom got a lot of nicknames:
      • "Blogger Doom", "Doomblogger", "Doctor Domashev", and even "Blogger Domashev", all to describe Doom's original idea as an Internet blogger and his changed name
      • "Trash Test Dummy" to mock his final look, which made him look like a Crash Test Dummy wearing trashbags.
  • Friday the 13th
  • Gerry: Deep Hurting: The Movie. If you've seen it, you know why...
  • Ghostbusters:
    • "Spook Central": 55 Central Park West, the NYC apartment building featured as Dana Barrett and Louis Tully's apartment building and Gozer's temple, derived from Ray Stanz's nickname for the place during his discussion about its significance in attracting paranormal and supernatural phenomena.
  • Godzilla
    • The Big G, The Big Guy, Goji, or Goji-san - The Japanese Godzilla
    • Cozzilla and Psychedelic Godzilla for the version seen in Italian Godzilla King Of The Monsters, the former due to this version being made by Luigi Cozzi, the latter thanks to the film's funky colorization and hodge podge Recut.
    • “Mosu” as a term of endearment for Mothra (an abbreviation of her Japanese name, Mosura).
    • After its use in The Bridge, some fans have taken to calling Spacegodzilla 'Xenilla'. In a way it is still saying the canon name as "Xeno" means “space or alien” in Ancient Greek, and "-illa" is derived from Godzilla. Just sounds cooler (and less cheesy) to some.
    • GINO (Godzilla In Name Only) - The American version from the 1998 film (Toho would later rename and rebrand him as "Zilla".) The film itself is often called "Deanzilla".
    • Maguro-san (Mr. Tuna) - a nickname given to Zilla by the Japanese fanbase because of a line in Godzilla: Final Wars. Where Zilla is referred to as a "tuna eating monster" (tuna head in the english dub) by The Controller of Planet X.
    • The Airplane Toilet - Derogatory nickname for the 90's Mechagodzilla resulting from a Godzilla forum member's frustrations at one of its victories in a fantasy monster fight tournament held annually on the board.
    • Burning Godzilla, because our guy wasn't looking well in Godzilla vs. Destoroyah.
    • Gokuzilla, Norriszilla - The Final Wars incarnation of Godzilla as a result of how overpowered he is.
    • “Radon” for the female Rodan in Rodan, to set her apart from her mate. Doesn’t come up all that much, though, since she only appears in that one film, then she dies, and is never mentioned again in that continuity, nor has she ever been adapted into another.
    • "Vishnu" for the giant centipede in the teaser trailer of Godzilla (2014), named after the part of the Oppenheimer quote that plays over its shot in the teaser trailer. A rumour on the internet was that Talaghan was its official name, but this was proven untrue.
    • While the MUTOs aren't given individual names in the films, fans refer to the male one as "Hokmuto" (for being discovered in Hokkaido in an early draft of the script) and refer the female one as "Femuto" (for obvious reasons) based on script rumours.
    • Other members of the MUTO species have also gotten stuck with this to a somewhat lesser degree:
      • The older, spikier female seen in KOTM is referred to either as "Barbmuto" (or just Barb) after her nickname during production, or as "Bosmuto" because the scene where we first get a good look at her is set in Boston, Massachusetts.
      • Primuto, for MUTO Prime from the tie-in graphic novels, though her full name and her scientific name (Jishin-Mushi, Japanese for "earthquake-beetle") are used just as frequently.
    • "Cabinet Resigning Beam" for Godzilla's atomic breath in Shin Godzilla, due to his first use of it killing the Japanese prime minister and his cabinet.
  • The Great Silence: "The Great Violence", for being so nihlistic, Downer Ending and all.
  • Green Lantern (2011): Green Lantern: The Motion Picture, due to the movie being seen as boring and flashy, and the ending, which suggests that the sequel, if there is one, will be more like Green Lantern II: The Wrath of Sinestro.
  • Gwoemul (called The Host (2006) in English dub):
    • "Steve Buscemi" - The special effects crew's nickname for the anonymous monster. The reasons why are intensely obvious to anyone who's seen the movie.
  • Halloween:
  • Hellraiser: The character who came to be known as Pinhead was unnamed in the first film, and listed in the credits simply as "Lead Cenobite." The name "Pinhead" was coined by the makeup crew and does not appear in the dialogue until the third movie.
  • Highlander:
    • Highlander: The Sickening, for Highlander II: The Quickening.
    • Highlander: Final Dementia for Final Dimension.
    • Highlander: The Blortch, for Highlander: The Source. (Because Blortch is the noise you make when you throw up, and it's worse than the Sickening.)
    • Highlander: The Sauce, for The Source.
    • Ever since Spoony's review of Highlander II, some people have started referring to General Katana's goggled, cackling henchmen as "The Insano Brothers"
  • The Hobbit gives us...
  • The Hunger Games:
    • President Snow, played by a very white-haired and bearded Donald Sutherland, is often known as President Santa Claus, or Evil Santa.
  • Independence Day: The forum uses the term Acrids (after the scientific word for beetle) to refer to the aliens.
  • Inglourious Basterds: Sergeant Bitchface, Sergeant Pitbull: Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz
  • James Bond:
  • Jaws: Bruce - the shark, which the crew nicknamed after Spielberg's lawyer.
  • Jupiter Ascending: Some have taken to call it That 3070's Show, considering Mila Kunis is in the lead role.
  • Jurassic Park:
    • Clever Girl - Nickname for the antagonistic lead raptor, due to Muldoon referring to her as such after she outwits him.
    • Hock-a-loogie-saurus - Nickname for the Dilophosaurs, also known as spitters, for their ability to spit a loogie of paralyzing poison at its victims.
    • Chickensaurus - Nickname for dinosaurs of species Gallimimus, since that term roughly translates from scientific latin as "Chicken Imitator".
    • Munchenaries - Nickname for the Mercenaries hired by William H. Macy and Tea Leoni's characters in the third movie, due to their tendency to be eaten by dinos.
    • Raptor Lord - For Chris Pratt's character, Owen Grady, in Jurassic World due to Pratt's previous role as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014).
    • Jurassic Parks and Recreation - Nickname for Jurassic World, merging this title with that of Parks and Recreation, again due to Chris Pratt's involvement with both works.
    • Tickle chicken: The Therizinosaurus in Jurassic World Dominion because it has feathers and extremely long hand claws.
  • Labyrinth:
    • The Area - David Bowie's crotch.
    • Magic Pants: Jareth for the same reason.
  • The Last Airbender:
    • Ong, Ung, Ahng, Oong - Movie!Aang, as opposed to series!Aang. The movie changes the pronunciation to (supposedly) be more faithful to the East Asian roots of character names. Some fans of the series would have preferred sticking to the source material over realism in a film where people can shoot fire out of their freaking hands (not that they can do so unassisted in the move anyway, though that's really neither here nor there).
    • Sowka, Soaka, Eero, Eeroh - Sokka, Iroh, etc. Listen, they're going to be at this for a while. We'll get back to you.
      • Devko and Peltztara too, because while their characters' names weren't mispronounced, they needed scornful nicknames anyway.
    • Failbender, The Last Shitbender - The movie itself.
    • Racebending - The collective name for the numerous Race Lifts that occurred. In the original series, almost all of the characters were fantasy equivalents of East Asians or Inuits. In the movie, however, the heroes were mostly played by white actors, while the characters from the villainous Fire Nation were mostly played by dark-skinned actors.
    • The Pebble Dance- the name for one particularly egregious moment of Fight Scene Failure during the earthbenders' escape from prison. Six of them perform a kata in perfect harmony- in order for a rock the size of a man's head to float gently by. A seventh earthbender is needed to actually launch the rock at someone.
  • The Lord of the Rings:
    • Agent Elrond - Hugo Weaving's portrayal of Elrond the Elf Lord, which was remarkably similar to his Agent Smith portrayal in the Matrix trilogy.
      Agent Elrond: You will help us, Mr. Baggins, whether you wish to or not.
      Agent Elrond: What good is a ring, Mr. Sauron, if you do not have any fingers?
      Agent Elrond: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal in Middle-Earth instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you Orcs do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed.
      • Viggo Mortensen said in an interview that in a take of filming the Andúril delivery, Weaving was dressed as Smith, and said: "Mr. Anderson! What are you doing with this sword?".
    • Captain Obvious - Legolas. Oh so very much.
    • Figwit - Brett McKenzie's minor, yet absurdly popular character that shows up in the Council of Elrond. The name itself is an acronym for a memorable fan reaction to recognizing him (Frodo is grea-WHO IS THAT!?). Also called Melpomaen in fanfiction, which is a rough Elvin translation of his name (Melpo = fruit, maen = wit). He only gets a speaking part in Return of the King.
    • Boromir el Boromido- a play on the words "Boromir" and "dormir" (Spanish for "sleep") and "dormido" ("asleep"). Based on Sean Bean's perceivedly-wooden performance.
    • Jean-Claude - What some message boards at the time were calling the first movie's water monster.
    • "The quiver that never runs dry" for Legolas' never-ending stream of arrows.
  • It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World:
  • The Marx Brothers: "The Marx Sister" for Margaret Dumont's characters.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe:
    • The Avengers (2012):
    • Avengers: Age of Ultron:
    • Avengers: Endgame:
    • Avengers: Infinity War:
      • "The Snap"/"The Snappening"/"The Snapture": The finale where Thanos, after completing the Infinity Gauntlet, wipes out half of the universe with a snap of his fingers. In official content, this is called "The Decimation".
      • Captain America is often called “Punished Cap” based on his Darker and Edgier character arc in this movie and the subsequent one.
      • Fans have taken to referring to Thanos as “Rock Collector”, often alongside Expospeak Gags like describing the final battle as “famous rock collector assaulted while visiting Africa”.
    • Black Panther (2018):
      • Killmonger is sometimes nicknamed "Golden Jaguar" after he seizes the throne, because his panther-suit in the final battle has a gold tinge.
    • Captain America: Civil War: "Avengers 2.5", for the heavy presence of Cap's teammates in the story(and the impact the story has on the team), moreso than any Post-Avengers movie before or since.
    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier:
    • "Sad Trash Hobo" for Bucky Barnes digging into Puppy-Dog Eyes territory and his status in the stingers for both The Winter Soldier and Ant-Man.
    • Iron Man 2:
      • "Dynalash" for Ivan Vanko, due to being a composite of the Crimson Dynamo and Whiplash.
      • A beam superweapon that spins around and destroys everything nearby? The only name for that is "Death Blossom".
      • "Iron Man Lite" for the Mark V suitcase armor.
      • The drones? Hammer 'roids. (Although not exactly a "fan" nickname: Tony explicitly refers to them that way once, though the dialog is hard to hear.)
      • Tony's tiny, goofy robot assistants, named You, Dummy, and Butterfingers? The Quirky Minibot Squad.
    • Iron Man 3:
      • "Mustard Man" for the all-yellow Iron Man Mark XLII armor.
      • "Captain Machine: The Non-Avenger" for James Rhodes when he temporarily abandons his War Machine nom de guerre to become Iron Patriot.
      • "Hot Pepper" for Pepper Potts after she's temporarily imbued with Extremis powers.
    • Spider-Man: Homecoming:
      • "Irondad" and "Spiderson" for Tony Stark and Peter Parker respectively, in reference to the father-son/mentor-mentee dynamic between the two heroes.
    • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: The film features an evil book, demonic possession, and a campy horror infused tone. This made several viewers, Raimi fans especially, call the film Doctor Strange vs The Evil Dead. Some even consider it a more fitting title than Multiverse of Madness.
    • Thor: Love and Thunder:
      • "Atheist Bale" for Gorr the God Butcher, since he, a man whose motivation is to kill all gods, is played by an actor who just so happens to share a name with the largest religion in the world.
  • The Matrix Revolutions: Super Burly Brawl - The final battle between Neo and Smith. Less commonly, this fight is called the Dragon Ball Z rip-off for it similarity to the fight between Goku and Frieza.
  • Any fan content that combines both Oppenheimer and Barbie (such as T-shirts with both films' logos side-by-side, crossover fanart, or edited trailers that combine footage from both films) is known as "Barbenheimer", which is also used to refer to the joint crossover fandom themselves.
  • Plan 9 from Outer Space:
    • Not-Bela - The "actor" (actually Ed Wood's chiropractor, Tom Mason) who replaces the late Bela Lugosi after the first few minutes of the film, despite clearly being noticeably taller and thinner than him (and whose only concession to hiding their difference is a cape in front of his face).
  • Pirates of the Caribbean:
    • The dog with the keys was nicknamed Sammy by fans.
    • Scruffington - Nickname for Norrington in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
    • Lt. Theodore Groves - most common fanon name given to the unnamed navy officer who says "That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen" after Jack Sparrow steals the Interceptor in the first film. He was identified by this name in On Stranger Tides. His role is expanded in this installment, for he claims the Fountain of Youth in the name of King George II, only to be shot and killed by the Spaniard. "Someone, take note of that man's bravery."
    • Andrew, most often used fanon first name for Lt. Gillette
    • Studly Do-Right - Will Turner, at least until he starts taking badass levels in the second film.
  • Pitch Black:
    • Bioraptors: One name for the flying killer aliens in the film. The name has an unclear origin.
    • Demons: Another name used by fans for the killer aliens, likely because the aliens are harmed by light.
    • Grues: Yet another name used for the aliens, after a monster in the Zork video game series that only attacks in complete darkness.
  • Predator:
  • Push
    • Bleeders tend to mistakenly be called Screamers.
  • The Prestige:
  • Real Steel
    • Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots: The Movie - The film in question. Look at the trailer and tell us that isn't the first thing that comes to your mind.
  • Red Sonja: Conan 3: Due to being by the same director as Conan the Destroyer(and feeling more like a sequel to that than Destroyer does to Conan the Barbarian (1982). Also, the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger's character was originally supposed to be Conan, but rights issues got in the way.
  • Repo! The Genetic Opera:
    • Goth Muslim: A nickname for Blind Mag's bodyguard, so-called because of the burka-like face garb on the character
    • Moustache Man: Shilo's limosuine driver has an EPIC moustache
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
    • ASSHOLE! (Brad Majors. Often shouted when he says something stupid. Or just when his name is said.)
    • SLUT! (Janet Weiss for...well...let's just say the nickname speaks for itself.)
    • Riff (Short for Riff Raff. Also, because there are usually people riffing over the movie.)
    • Mags (Short for "Magenta".) Sometimes also 'Mag' (pronounced Majj)
    • Cols (Short for Columbia)
    • Crim (Short for The Criminologist)
    • ELBOW SEX! (For when Riff and Mags do that weird arm/elbow touching thing)
  • The Room (2003): Greg Sestero (Mark) is referred to as "Sestosterone", because of his sexiness
  • R.O.T.O.R.:
    • The hero Barrett Coldyron is known as 'Back Problems', because he always seems to be wincing in pain.
    • Dr. Steele is known as 'Skunk Lady' because of the white stripe in her hair.
  • Rumble in the Bronx: "Rumble in Vancouver", since that's where it was shot.
  • Saw: "Sawvengers" for a hypothetical future movie focused on Jigsaw's apprentices.
  • Sherlock Holmes (2009): Hotson - Jude Law as Dr. Watson, due to being probably the hottest incarnation of Watson in a screen portrayal.
  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: Frycroft - Stephen Fry as Mycroft Holmes.
  • Serenity: The Big Damn Movie - The film itself.
  • Stargate: Kawoosh - the visual effect that appears when the Stargate is activated. Used in scripts, and in-universe by Carter.
  • Star Trek:
    • Star Trek: The Motion Picture:
      • Star Trek The Motionless Picture or The Slow-Motion Picture. Due the film's plodding pace and huge amounts of padding in the form of Scenery Porn.
      • Also Star Trek: The Motion Sickness.
      • Also Where Nomad Has Gone Before due to similarity to the TOS episode "The Changeling".
      • Spockalypse Now has also made the rounds.
    • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: "Monster Maroons" - the smart-looking deep red jacket and departmental color* turtleneck combination that replaced the pastel pajamas Starfleet members wore in the first movie.
    • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - "The One With The Whales". Because, as one of the most accessible entries in the series, it's often seen by newbies who forget the title, but remember that there were whales in the movie.
    • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - Star Trek VI: The Apology, for being such a huge improvement from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
    • Star Trek (2009)
    • Captain Fine - Nickname for Chris Pine, aka Captain Kirk.
      • Chris Pine is also known as 'Princess Whitelaw' and 'Chris Fine'. Some people have forgotten his real name, even.
      • Sylock, Spylar, Spocklar - Spock, as played be Zachary Quinto, a. k. a. Sylar.
      • Spocktimus Prime - Punny nickname for Spock Prime.
      • Reboot/Nu - Used to describe anything related to the 2009 film, such as Reboot!Sulu.
      • Ensign Jailbait - Chekov. Also referred to as ickle!Chekov.
      • James Thorson Kirk - Since Kirk's dad was announced as Thor. Makes sense if you know anything about Nordic naming conventions.
      • The Alternate Timeline that started from this film has been nicknamed the "Abramsverse" after director/producer J. J. Abrams. In 2016, shortly before the release of Star Trek Beyond, this timeline officially got named the "Kelvin Timeline", referring to the USS Kelvin's attack as the diverging point.
    • Star Trek Into Darkness
      • Star Trek XII: The Wrath of John It turned out to be quite appropriate.
    • Star Trek Beyond
      • Star Trek XIII: The Apology II.
  • Star Wars:
    • Wankatine: The over-powered Palpatine of the Dark Empire comics.
      • Or just "Palpy".
      • Or Sid.
      • Or Pimpatine.
      • Sheev - A bit of an unusual one, in that it is his real first name, but most people consider it to be a really stupid name. Hence, he often just gets called "Sheev," usually to show that the person in question wants to mock the hell out of it.
      • The Senate – from the scene in Revenge of the Sith where he tells Mace Windu "I am the Senate".
      • Frank - similar to the above nickname, he says to Padme that "I must be frank, your majesty" during The Phantom Menace.
    • Farmboy - Luke
    • Flyboy - Han
    • Space Jesus - Obi-Wan
    • Mannequin Skywalker in Episode I.
    • In Russian, there is "vedroid" (portmanteau of "vedro" (bucket) and "droid") for both R2-D2 (and other astromechs) and T3-M4.
    • Soccer Droid - BB-8 of The Force Awakens.
      • Evil Counterpart BB-9E has been dubbed "BB-H8" (pronounced "Beebee-hate") by both the fans and the actors.
    • TR-8R - Nines, prior to the reveal of his callsign. Named for his only line "Traitor!".
    • Finn, meanwhile, gets the regular version of "Traitor".
    • Kyle Ron - boringified name for Kylo Ren. Also Kyle Lauren, Space Snape, Jon Snow, Darth Tantrum, and Renperor.
    • JB-007 for the Stormtrooper guarding Rey when she was captured in the Starkiller Base on account of him being portrayed by Daniel Craig. His canon designation number is FN-1824.
      • The Last Jedi popularized another one: Ben Swolo. This nickname became so popular that Google autofill would suggest it before his actual name.
      • Darth Darcy is another popular one due to his We Can Rule Together speech to Rey resembling Mr. Darcy's disastrous first proposal to Elizabeth.
    • General Ginger, (Evil) Space Weasley, Space Hitler - General Hux
    • The Nopetroopers: Those two stormtroopers that decide to nope out when Kylo is raging out following Rey's escape from his interrogation room.
    • Edgar Allan Poe - Poe Dameron
    • DisCanon: EU fans' derogatory term for Disney canon. It's a double play on 'Dis', meaning 'not', and 'Disney'.
    • EU canon is called TruEU Canon or RealCanon by EU fans.
    • Disasterney has popped up among EU fans few times for Disney.
    • 'The Farce Awakens' for The Force Awakens among EU purists.
    • Admiral Holdo My Beer: Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo, for her Dying Moment of Awesome.
    • Force Skype: Rey and Kylo contacting each other through the Force, due to being likened to video calling.
  • Superman:
  • Superman Returns:
    • Superman: The Minstrel Show
  • Transformers
    • Bayformers - For the work as a whole and as a description of the unique robot designs. It originally started off as a negative thing, but has progressed to be rather affectionate as a different take on the Transformers mythos.
    • Agent Megatron - Hugo Weaving's voice work as Megatron in the 2007 movie. Based primarily on his previous roles as Agent Smith and Agent Elrond (see above), as the nickname originated before so much as a leaked sound byte from the film was available.
      • For the same character and reasons, "Hugotron." And Tankface, because in ROTF his alt-mode is, well...
    • Itchy- the nameless cellphone Transformer
    • Americanator- the nameless Pretender from Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen who tries to seduce Sam in the guise of a college student called "Alice." Based on the fact that, according to The Other Wiki, his real form resembles Alice from Alice in Wonderland, thus making it an "evil Alice," like the American McGee one.
    • Dewbot/Dispensor - the Mountain Dew transformer
    • Mohawk and Stripe: two of the Transfomers made from kitchen appliances in Revenge of the Fallen. Named after the Gremlins, due to being identical to them (Mohawk was the one from the second movie with fins on its head who drank spider DNA and turned into a spider Gremlin, while Stripe was the one from the first movie with hair on its head who gets killed last).
    • Scrapmetal, the Constructicon who gets torn to shreds by his teammates for spare parts.
  • Scanners: Exploding Head Man - Obviously, the man whose head is exploded by Revok. Also called Dr. Phil, for his uncanny resemblance.
  • Scream:
    • Screfourem - Scream 4, due to the way it's spelled on the posters.
  • Spider-Man Trilogy:
  • The Spirit: The Goddamn Spirit: Frank Miller's interpretation of the character.
  • Starship Troopers:
  • The Hannibal Lecter series:
  • TRON and TRON: Legacy:
    • Tronzler: How he's referred to after his Fate Worse than Death, especially in post-Legacy storylines or in the period between films.
    • Junior: Cillian Murphy's character, Ed Dillinger Jr. (son of the first film's bad guy).
    • Circuitsex: The Fanon (supported by a deleted scene in the first film) that the circuit lines are "sensitive"
    • Sparkle Cape: Yori's attire in the aforementioned deleted scene.
    • The Silver Fox: Legacy-era Alan Bradley
  • X-Men Film Series:
    • DINO (Deadpool In Name Only) for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. He's also referred to as "Dudepeel" by Imageboards, "Cesspool," "Barakapool" (because of the swords in the arms) and probably others.
    • Mutant husbands: Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr before "The Divorce." It doesn't help that they have a Team Mom/Team Dad dynamic while training the teenage mutants in X-Men: First Class. Also applies to the elderly Professor X and Magneto after they reconcile at some point during the two-year gap after the events of The Wolverine.
    • The Divorce: The beach scene at the climax of X-Men: First Class wherein Charles and Erik very close friendship is broken and the rivalry between Professor X and Magneto officially form.
    • Dragneto for the infamous Deleted Scene where Charles projects an image of Erik in drag to Angel. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Bromance World Tour: Term often used for the timeframe in which Charles and Erik traveled around America to recruit mutants. Alternatively called "The Honeymoon."
    • ceiling!sex: Tumblr nickname for the rather popular scene in X-Men: First Class wherein Erik pins Charles down on the floor of a spinning aircraft to protect him.
    • Oliver Splat: Due to the unfortunate fate of Oliver Platt's otherwise unnamed character (who's only listed as Man In Black in the credits).
    • Fassbending for the younger Magneto's powers.
    • "The Incredible Hank" for Beast in X-Men: Days of Future Past due to him Hulking Out every-time he gets agitated.
    • In order to avoid using the terms like Younger/Older, Past/Future, and 1973/2023 to differentiate between the two Professor Xs and the two Magnetos in X-Men: Days of Future Past, some fans refer to James McAvoy's Charles as "McXavier" and Michael Fassbender's Erik as "Fassneto."
    • 1973 Xavier is occasionally called "Hippie Jesus Charles."
