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Characters / One Piece: Whitebeard Pirates

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Main Character Index > Four Emperors > Whitebeard Pirates | Animal Kingdom Pirates (Kaido | Lead Performers) | Big Mom Pirates (Big Mom | Sweet 3 Generals | Charlotte Pudding) | Blackbeard Pirates

Whitebeard Pirates

The pirate crew of Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, and one of the most powerful pirate crews in the world and once viewed as the Roger Pirates' rivals back when they were around and their captain Gol D. Roger was alive. They consider themselves to be a great family united under Whitebeard as their surrogate father. The crew consists of more than 1,600 strong, and is divided into sixteen divisions, each led by one of Whitebeard's powerful division commanders, and they're allied with many notorious pirates crew, some of which used to be part of the Whitebeard Pirates. Under Whitebeard's benevolent leadership, the Whitebeard Pirates are actually a stabilizing force in the New World as they have many islands under their protection from the World Government and the other Emperors.

Following the capture of Ace, the second division captain, and the announcement of his execution, the Whitebeard Pirates and their allies engage a war at Marineford against the Marine to rescue Ace, resulting in the Paramount War. By the end of said war, Ace and Newgate are killed and the Whitebeard Pirates have lost and only Shank's timely intervention saves the others from certain death. During the two years time-skip, with crew left without a central leader, the remnants are led by Marco The Phoenix, formerly the captain of the first division, but are defeated by the Blackbeard Pirates in a war to avenge Whitebeard. Their former territories have been conquered by the other emperors, most of which from Blackbeard himself, and they are now a shadow of their former glory with the Warlord and Whitebeard's self-proclaimed son Edward Weevil hunting them down.

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    In General 
  • Adaptation Expansion: Many division commanders receive barely any screentime in the manga (to the point that most of their names aren't even revealed) but the anime gives them some attention.
  • All for Nothing: All their efforts and sacrifices spent towards saving Ace go down in flames after he stops to fight Akainu and gets killed.
  • Badass Crew: They're subordinates of Whitebeard, and are feared as one of the strongest crew of the world. They live up to the reputation, too. Even the rank-and-file Mooks are shown taking out Pacifistas in Marineford, and the Division Commanders can go toe-to-toe with Marine Admirals.
  • Badass Family: Not in the traditional sense of “family”, but it's a given due to not just being an Emperor's crew, but one who's touted as the World's Strongest Man.
  • Big Brother Instinct: According to Buggy and as shown during the Marineford Arc, the Whitebeard Pirates have a reputation of retaliating should one of their own is attacked or threatened to be harmed.
  • Breaking the Fellowship: After their defeat at the hands of the Blackbeard Pirates, the crew dissolves.
  • Broken Tears: At the end of the Summit War, they all mourn for the deaths of their fellow crewmate Ace and their captain, Whitebeard.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Their campaign against the Blackbeard Pirates doesn't end well.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Some of their members used to be antagonistic toward the crew but, after being defeated, they've either joined them or become allies, such as Karma of the Takotopus Pirates and Ace, the latter of which attempts to kill Whitebeard even after joining the crew, and mellows down much later.
  • Family of Choice: They all consider one another “siblings” and Whitebeard as their “father”. It gets to the point where they've gotten a reputation where they will retaliate if one of their own is harmed. In addition, they all disowned Blackbeard for killing Thatch.
  • Foil: To the Big Mom Pirates, mainly on their "family" interpretation, since while none of the Known Whitebeard Pirates are related by blood, they regard each other as family, whereas the Big Mom Pirates see anyone from outside their blood family as pawns at best and trash at worst.
  • Foreshadowing: When Ace joined the crew, it was offhandedly mentioned that the Second Division didn't have a commander for a long time. It's revealed in the Wano arc that it was first occupied by Kozuki Oden who left to join the Roger Pirates with Whitebeard's blessing, and he was holding the seat open since Oden promised that he would return.
  • A Friend in Need: When Ace is about to be executed, they, along with the allied crews, all fight to save him. They don't succeed, due to Ace falling into Sakazuki's provocations.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: In the span of two years after the Summit War, they've gone from the world's mightiest pirate crew to scattered stragglers being hunted down one by one.
  • Revenge: It literally serves as the name of the Payback War, where the crew went to war with Blackbeard and his crew out of getting revenge for his role in the deaths of Thatch, Ace, and Whitebeard.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Aside from Marco and Izo, we don't know what happened to the other commanders after the crew dissolved.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: At the end of the war, they all fight to prevent Akainu from killing Luffy.

    Edward Newgate — "Whitebeard" 
Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and one of the Four Emperors. See his entry in the Four Emperors page.

Division Commanders

    Marco "The Phoenix" 

Marco "The Phoenix"

Voiced by: Masakazu Morita (JP), Bill Jenkins (EN, episode 151), Kyle Phillips (EN, episodes 316+)

Age: 43 (Pre-Timeskip), 45 (Post-Timeskip)

Debut: Chapter 234 (Manga), Episode 151 (Anime)

Devil Fruit: Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix
Click here to see his hybrid form
Click here to see his phoenix form

"It's Ace's last wish!! We have to protect him for Ace!! If you let him die, you'll bring shame to the Whitebeard Pirates!!"
Chapter 575

The commander of the First Division of the crew and arguably Whitebeard's right-hand man, Marco is first seen when one of Shanks' subordinates delivers a message to Whitebeard, and then later when Shanks himself visits their ship, the Moby Dick. Marco is depicted as a patient, mild-mannered man, but this belies his unfailing devotion to his captain and crew. In the past, he helped Ace get acclimated to the Whitebeard Pirates when he was first brought on board.

Marco has eaten the Bird-Bird Fruit (Tori Tori no Mi), Model: Phoenix, a Zoan-class fruit of the Mythical sub-type that allows him to transform into a phoenix of blue flames, allowing him to regenerate from most injuries, as well granting him the ability of flight. His short skirmishes with the three Marine Admirals during the battle of Marineford indicate his great strength.

He participates in the Paramount War, where he clashes with all of the three Admirals, albeit briefly. After Ace and Whitebeard die, he helps protect Luffy from Marine forces.

After Whitebeard's death, he becomes the new captain, but his campaign against Blackbeard to avenge the former captain ends with a crushing defeat and the dissolution of the Whitebeard Pirates. Since then, he's been working as a doctor in Whitebeard's home village.

He has a bounty of 1,374,000,000 Berries.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: Zigzagged. When Oden first meets Whitebeard thirty years before the events of the Wano Arc, though 15-year old Marco isn't actually the youngest of the Whitebeard Pirates, he certainly acts and is treated like he is. Marco's shown to be close to the captain already, despite still being an apprentice, eventually becoming the commander of the First Division and the closest person Whitebeard has to a right-hand man.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Marco seems to fill this position towards Ace. Being one of the crew members to reach towards Ace and the one that explains the True Companions family dynamic the Whitebeard Pirates. He also has shades of Big Brother Instinct as when a dismayed Ace screams at his family why they were virtually sacrificing themselves for him, Marco, normally The Stoic, roars back everyone needed to know that nobody messes with a member of their family, and the Marines will learn that lesson the hard way.
  • Big Damn Heroes: After the Admirals have demolished Luffy and Aokiji is about to finish him off, Marco kicks away the Admiral, allowing Luffy to flee.
  • The Bus Came Back: He makes a return during Wano's third act to prevent the Big Mom Pirates from climbing up Wano's waterfall. Then he holds off King and Queen until Zoro and Sanji can face them.
  • Call to Agriculture: After failing to defeat Blackbeard and the split of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco has retired from piracy and has become the doctor of a small village. Specifically, in Whitebeard's home island. Catviper, however, convinces him to help the Straw Hats Pirates against Kaido.
  • Combat Medic: In addition to being Whitebeard's right-hand man, until the crew's dissolution, and one of the strongest fighters in the One Piece world, Marco is a doctor. His Devil Fruit powers allow him to heal injuries on other people to an extent.
  • Dynamic Entry: While the Big Mom Pirates' are attempting to ride up the waterfalls to Wano again and join their captain, Marco suddenly arrives and cuts their ship's connection to the giant koi, just like King did before, sending them plummeting with a smile and a declaration that when they get up again big changes will have happened.
  • Early Installment Character-Design Difference: An anime only example, but early on Marco had an entirely different color scheme, having black hair instead of being blond and wearing a regular shirt instead of wearing a jacket. He also didn't have the tattoo the manga version had (not even the manji version that was originally there).
  • Extremity Extremist: Similar to Sanji, every single one of his attacks so far has relied on his legs and kicking techniques. Justified, since he needs to transform his arms into wings in order to fly.
  • Faux Flame: Oda states that his flames don't burn or spread like normal flames. Instead they're what allows him to heal. His flames are even able to harm Big Mom's sun Homie, Prometheus, who is made of fire, further demonstrating Marco's flames are of a supernatural nature.
  • Fiery Stoic: Marco generates supernatural flames as part of his phoenix Devil Fruit and is a generally relaxed, friendly dude (Provided you don't harm someone he cares for).
  • Flight: Thanks to his Devil Fruit, Marco can become a phoenix, making him one of the very few characters in One Piece who can fly.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Due to being one of the strongest characters short of the Four Emperors, Cat Viper asks him to help the Straw Hats in their war against Kaido. He replies that he can't go, at least immediately with Cat Viper, since there is the danger of Edward Weevil attacking Whitebeard's home village.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Taking hits and instantly recovering is a large part of his fighting style. During the Marineford battle, he takes hits from all the Admirals and still manages to get up every time.
  • Hand Blast: Even though they're specifically meant for healing injuries, Marco can shape his flames into a large fireball that blasts away someone as big and powerful as King. He calls it "Bluebird".
  • Healing Factor: Being a phoenix, Marco's flames heal any wound he suffers, which even includes being pierced by lasers in the head, making him very resilient. During the raid at Onigashima, Marco's healing abilities allow him to fight both King and Queen at the same time, while Sanji struggles doing the same after only a few minutes. Even after Marco lays on the ground at his limits, he quickly gets back up to protect Chopper and Zoro from King at the very last moment and, although he's still standing, Marco lets Sanji and Zoro fight Queen and King in his place.
  • Healing Hands: His Devil Fruit's healing powers can be used on others as well, though to a lesser extent than on himself.
  • Healing Shiv: His phoenix form's flames may look dangerous, but they can only heal and deal no damage. To attack, Marco mainly uses kicks.
  • Heroic Resolve: Like Luffy, Marco is incredibly devastated by Ace's death. But he's still got enough fight in him to rally the remaining crew and join them to defend Luffy with their lives.
  • Hold the Line: Marco knows that he can't defeat or hold off King and Queen simultaneously forever, so he keeps at it long enough for Zoro to recover from his injuries. Once that's done, he happily steps aside to let Zoro and Sanji, the "star players," take over.
  • Ki Manipulation: He's a confirmed Haki user and has clashed with Kizaru, who has eaten a light Logia.
  • Lightning Bruiser: On top of his zoan toughness and regeneration, he's fast enough to catch Kizaru off-guard and strong enough to kick him square into a wall from a lengthy distance. He also pressures King and Queen repeatedly in Onigashima, with his attacks being strong enough to send them flying.
  • Magic Fire: Marco the Phoenix can turn into a phoenix with special blue flames that don't burn but allow him to heal himself and others, albeit in the case of the latter it's to a lesser extent.
  • Meaningful Name: Double as a Punny Name. His birthday is October 5 and his name can be derived from Maru-co (10-5).
  • Mr. Exposition: He explains to Cat Viper the history of Whitebeard's home village.
  • Nice Guy: Very polite and friendly to all of his allies. During the Paramount War, he's even a good enough sport to have some sarcastic banter with Kizaru before the situation gets really serious.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: His power is not a Logia type, but this trait is kind of a given when you're a phoenix... although, unlike a Logia, he doesn't turn intangible but rather regenerates from injuries quickly and immediately. However, since he can actually heal from injuries and not just have attacks phase through him, he's considerably more resilient than a mere Logia. Logias cannot actually heal from any real damage they receive, such as Haki attacks, they're just really good at dodging attacks in a very fancy way. Marco tanks any and all hits, including those with Haki, and heals up afterwards, and that's on top of the physical boost all zoan-fruit users receive upon eating their fruit.
  • Number Two: Being the commander of the first division. He's the closest to Whitebeard, giving and relaying orders to everyone in the Paramount War until Whitebeard himself enters the fight and then assuming leadership of the Whitebeard Pirates after their Captain's death. However, Newgate wants Ace to succeed him, not Marco.
  • Older Than They Look: Marco is 45 years old, although he looks like he'd be in his 20s. Even in Oden's flashback, when Marco is 15-year-old, he can easily pass for an a tween/early teen.
  • Partial Transformation: In addition to the normal three Zoan forms (human, hybrid, full beast), he has also displayed the ability to transform only specific parts of his body. Whether this indicates exceptional control over his transformations or something else entirely has not been elaborated on.
  • The Phoenix: His Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit lets him turn into a phoenix, allowing him to fly, heal himself (and others, albeit to a lesser extent) and use a type of supernatural fire.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: Being the commander of the 1st division, it's no surprise that he's Whitebeard's Number Two and that he becomes the new captain after the latter's death. Although he's no match for an emperor, Big Mom herself acknowledges his strength even before he briefly stops her in her tracks. Later on, Marco singlehandedly holds off King and Queen, two of Kaido's Co-Dragons that have over 1.3 billion bounties each, for an extended period of time until he can't fight anymore.
  • Red Baron: He's referred as Marco "The Phoenix", referring to his ability to turn into the mythical bird.
  • Red Herring Shirt: In his first appearance, he is drawn really blocky, and is colored messily, implying he's but a lowly Mook. Skip to Marineford and well...
  • Revenge: After Whitebeard's death, he commands the crew in a payback war against Blackbeard, but they suffer a crushing defeat.
  • Slasher Smile: He's seen sporting a wicked smile at the beginning of the Paramount war.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Downplayed. Marco only wears glasses after the Time Skip, but even before this, he's shown to be sharp.
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: Marco protects Whitebeard and their home from Kizaru's laser attack by spinning his flames into a giant circle to absorb the blasts. He later calls the move "Undying Thistle" in Onigashima.
  • Superpower Lottery: A Mythical Zoan Fruit is even rarer than a Logia type. Marco's Devil Fruit in particular is especially powerful, as it gives him aspects common to all three Devil Fruit types.note 
  • Take Up My Sword: For the Big Good Whitebeard. Unfortunately, his first campaign as de facto Captain doesn't go well, as the remainder of his crew is crushed by Blackbeard and implied to have disbanded shortly thereafter.
  • Tattooed Crook: He has Whitebeard's sign tattooed across his chest. The "crook" part is partially averted, because Marco is a good person, but he is still a major wanted criminal in the eyes of the World Government.
  • Technicolor Fire: His fire in phoenix form is blue (and yellow in the anime), making it looks more supernatural.
  • Verbal Tic: In the Japanese dub, he tends to end his sentences in "-yoi".
  • The Worf Effect: Although he's Whitebeard's most trusted commander and one of the strongest pirates of the One Piece world, Marco is often beaten by other enemies to emphasize their strength and threat-level, like the admirals in Marineford and King (who had Queen's help) at Onigashima. Marco's own healing abilities allow him to get up after being worfed to fight again. Although, being fair, he is fighting against two opponents in the same weigh class as him (one of whom has also won the Superpowers Lottery), and has spent quite some time being retired.
  • Wreathed in Flames: Turning himself into a phoenix-hybrid form, his whole body is surrounded by blue flames. Unlike other examples, these flames do not spread nor burn others, but instead are what he uses to heal.
  • You Killed My Father: He already hates Blackbeard for being a traitor and killing Thatch, but after he kills Whitebeard, the crew's surrogate father, he declares war against him.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: After Ace dies, Marco leads all of the remaining Whitebeard Pirates Commanders and holds off Akainu in order to protect a mentally-shattered Luffy.

    Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace 

Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace

Child Voice: Daisuke Sakaguchi (JP), Chris Burnett (EN)
Adult Voice: Toshio Furukawa (JP), Dwayne Tan (EN, Odex), Jesse Hooker (EN, 4Kids), Travis Willingham (EN, Funi); Roberto Mendiola (4Kids), Arturo Cataño (Netflix) (Latin American Spanish)

Age: 20

Debut: Chapter 154 (Manga), Episode 91 (Anime)

Devil Fruit: Flame-Flame Fruit

"The name of this era is 'Whitebeard'!"

Portgas D. Ace is Luffy's older brother by way of adoption, and the Second Division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, the strongest pirate crew in the world. Like his younger brother, he is a Big Eater and a Heavy Sleeper, but unlike his brother, he is intelligent, polite, and gracious, much to the surprise of the Straw Hats when they first met him. He is somewhat protective of Luffy, and looks forward to meeting him on the high seas as pirates. However, his different family name hints at something else. As it turns out, Portgas D. Rouge was his mother only, and his father was actually Gold Roger. He has eaten the Flame-Flame Fruit (Mera Mera no Mi), allowing him to create, control and transform into fire.

He has a bounty of 550,000,000 Berries.

  • The Ace: Aside from the obvious, pretty much every character he's been shown interacting with, from the Straw Hats, to Whitebeard, to Jimbei, and even Blackbeard, have mentioned what an exceptional and great guy Ace is. And as of the time he's introduced, he's one of the strongest pirates seen yet.
  • Adaptational Badass: His best Haki-related feats are shown in supplementary material and not the manga itself.
  • Almost Dead Guy: After getting a hole punched through his torso, it takes another whole chapter/episode for Ace to die, and he's got a lot of time to say his last words to Luffy.
  • Aloof Big Brother: When they first meet as kids Ace acts quite distant and crude to Luffy, and tries to abandon him every time Luffy follows him. Eventually, Ace ends up mellowing out towards Luffy.
  • Always Someone Better: Luffy sees Ace as a better version of himself, but never resents Ace for it and even idolizes his big brother, seeing as Ace served as his protector and caretaker soon after they first met until Ace left to become a pirate. Narratively, he really is a better version of Luffy, as a powerful and free pirate with a well-established reputation, a top tier Logia Devil Fruit and the people skills to immediately charm anyone he encounters. What makes Ace's dynamic with Luffy interesting is that neither side resents the other and Luffy is planning to surpass Ace anyway.
  • Anger Born of Worry: Ace cares for Luffy and states that his brother's recklessness would make him angry and worried. For this reason, upon learning of Luffy's career as a pirate, immediately tries to contact him.
  • Art Evolution: Ace's face in his later appearances is drastically different from his first one. His jaw is less angular, his eyes aren't as slanted, his mouth is smaller and more realistic, his ears are smaller, and most significantly, his bushy eyebrows (which were once a noticeable and defining trait) were entirely trimmed down.
  • Badass in Distress: After getting captured by Blackbeard and handed over the the World Government, he becomes the focal point for a huge battle as the government publicly announces his execution and provokes Whitebeard into attacking them. Luffy and others also get involved, thus invoking an epic Rescue Arc as Luffy journeys to Impel Down to rescue him.
  • Bash Brothers: Literally. During the summit war, after his brother Luffy frees him, both begin to kick ass together. Admit it, you always wanted to see this since he was introduced.
    • One of the fillers in the anime (the episode just after Ace was introduced) has the two briefly busting heads against some of the Billons.
    • Also in Chapter 584, a young Ace and Sabo took on the Bluejam Pirates to rescue a young Luffy.
  • Bastard Angst: Ace is the bastard son of Pirate King Gold Roger, and as such he has a big stigma put on him. All his life he always wonders whether he deserves to be born because of this.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me:
    • In a manga cover story, Ace agrees to help deliver the letter of a milk maid named Moda after she saves him from drowning.
    • As children, Ace was quite mean and cruel to Luffy. The turning point that led to the former treating the latter nicer was because Luffy told Ace he was happy that the latter was alive.
  • Beneath the Mask: While a genuinely nice and jovial guy, Ace has a lot of baggage beneath his typical carefree attitude. It's downplayed a lot after he joins the Whitebeard Pirates, but he still deeply resents his biological father Roger.
  • Big Brother Bully: Even after Ace started treating Luffy a little nicer as children, he was comparatively meaner to him than Sabo.
  • Big Brother Instinct: While he's going to kill Blackbeard anyway for killing Thatch, it's hearing the latter's plan to kill Luffy that really ticks him off. In fact, as Ace tells a couple of different people (namely Luffy's crew, then later Jimbei), a little brother like Luffy makes a big brother worry, implying that this instinct was almost always active in Ace until he saw the reliable crew Luffy had gathered, giving him some reassurance that Luffy would stay safe.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Fills this role exceptionally, as Ace would always offer advice to help Luffy.
  • Blinded by Rage: After being provoked by Akainu, Ace ignores orders to retreat and attacks the Admiral, in spite of the Admiral being the perfect counter to him. This is one of the direct factors to his death.
  • Born Winner: Ace has incredible potential, even awakening Conqueror's Haki as a child, due to being the son of the Pirate King, Gold Roger. Luffy also has this potential due to his own heritage, but it took longer to show. On the other hand, Luffy is also far more emotionally stable than Ace.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: As a child, Ace was an unruly and violent child. In fact, when he first met Luffy, Ace spat on his cheek. For no other reason, except that he wanted to.
  • Breakout Character: Despite having only a little amount of screentime in the manga, his immense popularity was enough for him to have his role in the Alabasta Arc expanded in the anime and for him to get his own prequel novel in One Piece novel A, which focuses on his own trip through the Grand Line with his crew.
  • Broken Ace: Accidental Pun aside, he isn't the most self-respecting guy. He always wonders whether he has the right to be alive, due to being the son of the Pirate King.
  • Brought to You by the Letter "S": Ace's belt has the letter "A" on the buckle.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: By the present day, Ace's fighting style has devolved into throwing as much fire as he can at the enemy until they're dead. This bites him hard when he faces Blackbeard who can nullify Devil Fruit powers, and Akainu whose Fruit is outright superior to Ace's.
  • Character Development: There's a lot behind that friendly face that you wouldn't expect. Just trace his backstory from him as a child to a rookie on Whitebeard's crew to how he is now.
    • As a child, he was a Bratty Half-Pint who would treat a young Luffy poorly. Through their hardships together, not only did Ace become kinder person, but also a Cool Big Bro to Luffy.
    • As a rookie on Whitebeard's crew, Ace initially tried to murder Whitebeard, but came to not only be extremely loyal to the pirate but also look up to him as a surrogate father figure.
  • Cool Big Bro: He's Luffy's adoptive older brother, and they're very close friends.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Other than the obvious death of Sabo, Ace has a ton of angst over whether or not he should have been born, just because he had the blood of the Pirate King running through his veins. Ultimately, the answer to this question is what he desires in this life.
  • A Day in the Limelight: In the manga, he gets his own cover story that focuses on him helping deliver a letter for a milk maid and searching for information on Blackbeard's whereabouts.
  • Dead Hat Shot: Downplayed. After the big clash with Blackbeard at Banaro Island, ended with both of them using their strongest attack, the last shot is Ace's hat on the ground, upside-down, signifying his defeat.
  • Death by Irony: His signature move (and the source of his epithet) is a flaming punch, and he's killed by a punch made of magma. He's also rescued from being executed and flees to follow the last order of Newgate, the person he respects the most. Ironically, his last action is to pick up a fight with Akainu to defend Whitebeard's honor, going against his captain's last order (and thus dishonoring his last request), and sacrifice himself minutes later to protect Luffy, the person that has rescued him. Finally, while a wound in the back is considered In-Universe to be a coward's wound, he died for the exact opposite reason.
  • Determinator: Other than continuing to fight Blackbeard, he tried to kill Whitebeard. And even when most people wouldn't even go after his sons, he made at least a hundred attempts on his life. Granted, he failed every time, but it sure takes balls to do that. He later became one of Whitebeard's most loyal commanders.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: After being punched through the chest by Akainu, he falls in Luffy's arms where he says his final words before dying.
  • Driving Question: Not for the plot, but for him. Ace's angst over his bloodline lead him to keep on living in order to find the answer to this one question: "Did I deserve to be born?"
  • Dub Name Change: Known as "Trace" in the 4Kids dub. In the Italian dub, he's called "Ace il portoghese". In Germany, "Portgas" has been changed to "Puma".
  • Elemental Punch: The Fire Fist, his Signature Move, is a giant flame shot by his fist.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Despite the power and versatility of his fire-based Devil Fruit, Ace is killed by Akainu's hotter and denser magma element, which completely smothers and burns through his flames. His powers are also completely cancel out when used against Smoker's smoke power or Aokiji's ice abilities, leading to a stalemate in both instances, even though neither of them were his equal in strength (Smoker was weaker, while Aokiji was stronger).
  • Empowered Badass Normal: He was strong even as a child, to the point of taking down the infamous criminal Bluejam with only Dadan at his side. The Flame-Flame Fruit only make him stronger.
  • Fatal Flaw: Just like Luffy, it's wrath. Ace couldn't stand Blackbeard getting away with murdering Thatch, so he left to hunt him down against the advice of all of the other crew-mates and his own captain, which results in his capture. Immediately after being rescued, Ace once again ignores everyone else's wishes and disobeys Whitebeard's last order by stopping to fight Akainu, simply because he insulted Whitebeard. At that point, it's a literally fatal flaw as it's the cause of his death.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Even if this wasn't always the case, Ace fits firmly in the latter category, as he is the more level-headed one of the two. Things are switched when Ace falls for Akainu's provocations, while Luffy, of all people, sees through his rouse and tells Ace to just run.
  • Generation Xerox: Funny how even though he has stated to hate his father, he became an infamous and powerful pirate by himself, even turning down the offer of Warlord of the Sea. Subverted that he wasn't continuing Roger's legacy, but rather serving under Roger's rival, Whitebeard as a commander.
    • According to Garp, Ace is more similar to Roger than Luffy, of all people, who's constantly compared to him!
    • Also, the fact that Ace never backs down from a fight was revealed to be a trait that Roger also had, and for the same reasons. Guess it really is In the Blood.
  • Go Out with a Smile: As any true D. would. He died happy knowing that despite the bad blood in his veins, despite being a "good-for-nothing", he was truly loved. Heartwarming, yet utterly tearjerking.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: In the anime version of the Alabasta arc, where he tags along with the Straw Hats for longer than in the manga.
  • Hairstyle Inertia: Like Luffy, his hair looked exactly the same his entire life. In Ace's case, it even looked the same when he was a baby.
  • Hates Their Parent: Ace absolutely despises his biological father, Gol D. Roger, viewing him as a selfish man who robbed Ace of a chance to live his own life.
  • Heroic Bastard: A really sweet guy who's revealed to be the illegitimate son of Gol D. Roger and his lover, Rouge.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Takes Akainu's lava punch meant for Luffy and promptly dies afterwards right in front of his brother.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partner: All of the members of Whitebeard's pirates consider themselves brothers and sons of Whitebeard, but Thatch was one of his closest friends before Blackbeard killed him.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: If you cut out all the angst he had about being Roger's son, his childhood was this if Luffy's was anything to go by. Note that Ace is just as scared of Garp as Luffy is, and would only stand up to him when it came to Luffy and his dream of being of a pirate. Not that anyone can blame him.
  • Honor Before Reason: After being freed, Ace can easily escape from Marineford, in special part thanks to Whitebeard blocking the enemies, and his own fiery powers being able to melt any obstacle Aokiji would put in the frozen battlefield. However, despite his mates' and Luffy's warnings, Ace goes back to fight Akainu after he insults Whitebeard to provoke Ace. Ironically, with this action Ace dishonors Whitebeard's last order to flee by deliberately disobeying it.
  • Hot-Blooded: Zigzagged. On one hand, he's generally pretty lackadaisical and laid-back. On the other hand, when it comes to defending the honor of others, he is every bit as impulsively aggressive and reckless as his father and brother.
  • Hunk: Ace may be on the lean side, but he's definitely a hunk given his muscular build that would make any man jealous. The fact that he is often seen without a shirt highlights his powerful figure. In and out of universe, he is popular with women.
  • Hypocritical Humor: He always makes it a point to thank those that serve them food, and even cleans his plate and fork after eating. Except he then proceeds to dine and dash every time.
  • Idiot Ball: Ace is consistently portrayed as more mature and level-headed than Luffy, yet, at Marineford, Ace falls for a petty insult while Luffy himself, along other pirates, warns Ace to not fall for Akainu's obvious provocations. However, the story needs Ace to act dumber than usual so that he could be killed.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: A variation. Ace wants to be a normal pirate. As he is the son of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, who went out of his way to find a woman with the D. initial to bear his child, Roger intended for Ace to be the next king and fulfil whatever prophecy was left behind by Joyboy at Laugh Tale. Ace himself wants nothing to do with his father or any predestined fate, simply choosing to pull himself up by his own bootstraps and reputation.
  • Immune to Bullets: Thanks to being a Logia user, Bullets will simply leave little flaming holes in his body that quickly close back up. Several characters make the mistake of wasting ammunition on him and get a fist full of flame.
  • Improbable Age: He became a division commander for one of the four most powerful pirate crews in the world at age twenty (or younger, depending on when he joined Whitebeard's crew).
  • Ki Manipulation: Ace is capable of using Conqueror's Haki, just like his father. He's seen using it only once as a kid by pure accident and it's unknown if he learned to use it at will.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Just like his brother and father, extreme impulsiveness and an utter lack of regard for consequences are defining character traits, and it earned him a serious ass-whooping from Blackbeard and got him killed by Akainu.
  • Like Father, Like Son: As per Garp, his personality is apparently much closer to Roger's than Luffy's is, right down to his impulsive aggression and tendency to start fights in the blink of an eye to defend the honor of his friends and allies. Not that Ace would ever admit it himself.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: He's this to Luffy and even an amnesiac Sabo, who are devastated by his death. Luffy, however, takes it worse as he temporarily gives up on his dreams after his Angst Coma and needs Jimbei's help to recover, while Sabo is able to pull himself together after entering his own Angst Coma.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: A variation. Ace has always been aware of his heritage, as is Whitebeard (who takes an interest in Ace specifically because of this), but the rest of the world isn't. When Ace is taken to the scaffold for public execution, Sengoku reveals to the entire world that Ace is Gol D. Roger's son.
  • Magnetic Hero: During his time as the captain of the Spade Pirates, Ace managed to assemble quite the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits. In Ace's spinoff novel, Deuce even notes that Ace seemed to naturally draw people to him, including the likes of Isuka.
  • Men Don't Cry: Ace would always try to remind the young Luffy of this trope, but couldn't back his own tears when he read Sabo's last letter to Luffy and himself.
  • Mistaken for Related: Everyone assumes his biological father is Monkey D. Dragon since he’s first introduced as Luffy’s brother, as well as Garp revealing to Luffy that Dragon is his father. Garp’s conversation about his father trying his best for him made Ace even more furious since his “father” was never around for him growing up. Then Sengoku reveals his true father is not Dragon, but Gol D. Roger. Koby and Helmeppo confide in each other since they already knew Luffy’s father is Dragon (because they witnessed Garp’s reveal this to Luffy), so naturally they automatically assumed he's Ace’s father as well.
  • A Molten Date with Death: Ironically, despite the Flame-Flame Fruit makes him a literal man of fire, Ace is killed by Akainu's magma punch through his torso, which can bypass his Logia immunity because magma is much hotter than fire.
  • Mr. Fanservice: A very genial and handsome young man who's also permanently shirtless. In the anime, his fight with Blackbeard includes some pretty gratuitous shots of his toned back and chest.
  • Mysterious Middle Initial: The D in his name, inherited from his father, is part of the Will of D, a mysterious legacy that somehow connects Ace and a few other notable people (including Luffy) to the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.
  • Nice Guy: He is more polite and (slightly) more emotionally mature than Luffy. Although he didn't start that way.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: He ate a Logia Devil Fruit, so any damage done to him is negated by his flame body. Too bad he has to face someone who can nullify that, then someone with a superior element.
  • Nobody Calls Me "Chicken"!: Or rather "Nobody calls Whitebeard chicken," but the principle is the same. The whole reason he gets caught by the Marines in the first place is because he went after Blackbeard for betraying Whitebeard and disgracing the Whitebeard pirates. Then when he's finally been rescued, all Akainu has to do is insult Whitebeard again for Ace to abandon his escape attempt and charge headfirst into battle in a blind rage. This gets him killed.
  • Nom de Mom: He uses his mother's name instead of his father's, feeling he owes her greatly while the fact of who his father is has caused him nothing but grief. It also served the purpose of protecting himself from his father's enemies, especially the World Government and the Marines.
  • Not Quite Saved Enough: Mere moments after he's freed from his restrains in Marineford, he goes on the escape, only to be goaded by Akainu into fighting him despite Luffy, Whitebeard, and the crew's pleas against it. After being beaten by the admiral, Ace gets magma-fisted to shield Luffy from Akainu.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: In Chapter 1100, according to Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, Ace defeated a previous Warlord during his rising pirate career and caused a vacancy in the Seven Warlords, which Bartholomew Kuma fills in as the replacement.
  • One-Man Army: Comes with being one of the strongest member of an emperor's crew; Ace takes out multiple Marine ships with one attack, with no effort, and is strong enough that all five of the Blackbeard Pirates have a hard time fighting him without Teach's Devil Fruit.
  • Ornamental Weapon: He carries dagger on his belt that he's never actually been shown using outside of a flashback, preferring instead using his Devil Fruit.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Many of his most significant battles lead to his defeat, and he has no chance of winning a rematch, which gives an illusion of weakness. Except Ace is anything but weak. His opponents are Blackbeard, who is cunning and can disable his Fruit, Admiral Akainu, who has superior Fruit, Haki and experience, and is also nearly unstoppable compared to anyone, and Whitebeard, who is the World's Strongest Man. In short, his losing record is because he keeps fighting the best of the best, those who have the best chance out of everyone against him. This is shown when he finally fights a powerhouse whom he does have a single advatange against (in terms of Fruit), as he's able to block a named attack from Aokiji.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Back when he was just a kid, he could topple a massive tree with a single kick. And then he and Sabo beat the shit out of Porchemy, a grown man and pirate. And he also was very helpful to the adult bandit Dadan against Bluejam.
  • Playing with Fire: Thanks to the Flame-Flame Logia Fruit, he can transform his body into fire and uses it to make very destructive attacks, with his strongest one being able to wipe out an entire island with a clash.
  • The Power of the Sun: His ultimate attack, Great Flame Commandment: Flame Emperor, looks like he's throwing a miniature (relatively speaking) star he sends at his target.
  • Present Absence: Even after his death, Ace continues to influence the plot, both directly and indirectly. It was his death that reignited Sabo's memories, causing him to seek out Ace's Devil Fruit to both carry out his late brother's will, and to reunite with and protect their mutual younger brother, Luffy. Said Devil Fruit was also used as bait by Doflamingo to draw Luffy into a trap, and that led to the formation of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Ace's influence even extends as far the Wano arc, as the first person Luffy meets there, a young girl named O-tama, has been waiting for Ace's return to Wano Country for several years — tragically unaware of his untimely passing two years prior. And it is later revealed that it was due to a fight with Ace that Yamato first learned of Luffy.
  • The Promise:
    • He made a promise with Luffy when they were children to go out to sea and live their lives free of regrets. As Ace laid dying in Luffy's arms, he states the only regret he has is that he wouldn't be able to see Luffy accomplish his dream of becoming the Pirate King.
    • He also made a promise to Luffy that he would never die and leave Luffy alone after Sabo's "death". As the above can tell you, it's a promise not even he could keep. The only saving grace is that (unbeknownst to both of them), he doesn't leave Luffy alone — after his death, Sabo finally regains his memories and swears to take up Ace's mantle as Luffy's protector.
    • About one year before his death, he promised to O-tama that he would come back to Wano and take her out to sea if she had become a “bewitching kunoichi.” Needless to say, he couldn't keep this one either.
  • Promotion to Parent: For all intents and purposes, Ace is the one who raised Luffy after the latter was sent to live with Dadan by Garp. Dadan, their primary caretaker, was extremely hands-off with her parenting and allowed Luffy, Ace, and Sabo to live on their own in the forest before Luffy even turned eight. Garp was even more hands-off than Dadan and only showed up a few times a year (if that), and when he did he spent most of his time abusing his grandkids to try and force them to be Marines. After Sabo "died", that left Ace the only remaining authority figure Luffy had any regular contact with, forcing Ace to take on the role of older brother and parent all at once.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Subverted. Ace was taken care of by his and Luffy's grandfather, Monkey D. Garp. However, it's later revealed that Ace and Garp are not related as the latter adopted the former upon the request of Ace's biological father. Garp still considers him his grandson anyway, even if adopted.
  • Raised by Rival: A rare and consensual example. In the past, some time before the execution of Pirate King Gold Roger, he had a talk with his greatest rival, Marine Vice Admiral Garp, that he had a wife and would-be child, and he trusted Garp enough (being the man who had faced him numerous times in battle) to entrust them to him. Garp agreed to it, because he didn't want to disrespect Roger and he had a plan for the child himself, i.e trying to make him a Marine officer instead of a pirate. Garp would then help Roger's wife, Rouge, with hiding from the masses and witness her birthing her son.
  • Red Baron: Ace gained the epithet of "Fire-Fist", due to the infamy of his Signature Move and his considerable destructive capabilities with his powers.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: In One Piece novel A, he serves as the red oni to Masked Deuce's blue oni. Ace is passionate, outwardly friendly and somewhat reckless while Masked Deuce is stoic, reserved and strategic.
  • The Reveal: At Marineford, Sengoku reveals that Ace is not Luffy's biological brother, but rather the son of the Pirate King Roger.
  • Revenge: His main motive for pursuing Blackbeard is to avenge his former friend Thatch, who has been killed by Blackbeard.
  • Running Gag: His Sleepyhead trait, plus constantly pulling a dine-and-dash.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Ace is the first major character to die on screen, breaking the rule of "nobody dies outside of flashbacks", and was conceived in the story with the specific role to die and cause Luffy a trauma. He dies in the climax of the war at Marineford at the hands of Akainu, this includes the complete destruction of his Vivre Card and a Really Dead Montage. His death has a big impact on the story as it causes Luffy to realize that he's too weak for the New World, setting off the two years of training during the Time Skip.
  • Sad Clown: Ace is a pretty jovial guy, much like Luffy. And just like Luffy, he's got a lot of hidden insecurities. He spent his entire life thinking that he didn't deserve to be born thanks to the World Government stigmatizing anyone born with the 'D' initials in their name.
  • Sent Into Hiding: His mother held him for twenty months in her womb just to make sure the public won't know he's the son of her lover, Pirate King Gold Roger. Because of the stigma that a pirate's son will Turn Out Like His Father let alone him being the son of Roger and that the Marines, after Roger's death, started a witch-hunt of every woman ever affiliated with him, searching for the possibility of an offspring. This costs her her life.
  • Signature Move: The Flame-Flame Fruit is very versatile, and allows Ace to do many things, but his most iconic attack is the destructive Fire-Fist, which is where his title comes from.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: He is the son of Pirate King Gol D. Roger and has been hunted by the World Government even before he was born in an attempt to rid the world of the 'D' bloodline. To the world, Ace's first and greatest crime is being born. No wonder he has so much angst about it.
  • Sleepyhead: He's got a Running Gag of falling asleep at random intervals and making everyone around him panic. Even if he isn't related by blood, this trait probably runs in the family.
  • The Starscream: Whitebeard recruited Ace by outright kidnapping him, (his crew tried to stage a rescue and got captured too) and Ace decided to overthrow Whitebeard. Over time, Ace grows fond of Whitebeard until becoming totally loyal to him. Ironically, Whitebeard apparently has been grooming Ace to be his successor.
  • Sworn Brothers: He's sworn brothers with Luffy and Sabo. None of them were related of course, but they were very close and even made a ceremony of drinking sake and became brothers. Ace made it his mission in life to adhere to Sabo's last wishes and protect their mutual younger brother, eventually to the cost of his own life. Heartbreakingly, he died without ever knowing that his other brother was alive.
  • Taking the Bullet: After being defeated by Akainu in a quick clash, the admiral decides to kill a defenseless Luffy with his magma punch and Ace uses his last forces to launch himself between his brother and Akainu's punch.
  • Tattooed Crook:
    • His arm has "ASCE" inked on it, with the S crossed out. Apparently, the tattoo artist couldn't spell. It is later revealed that the crossed-out S in the ASCE tattoo isn't a mistake. An S with an X through it was Sabo's Jolly Roger. Oda later drew a "what if" picture of Luffy, Ace, and Sabo together as adults, and Ace's name was spelled correctly on his tattoo.
    • On a non-embarrassing note, his back proudly displays the Whitebeard Pirate crossbones (formerly a Manji before editors told Oda to change it).
  • Too Dumb to Live: Because responding to an enemy's taunt in the middle of a war despite your comrades telling you to ignore it and keep running is a clever idea indeed. It proves to be fatal.
  • Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Played with, as he had a troubled childhood due to being the child of Roger and the world hating his father, with the World Government's Absolute Justice doctrine stating that even the child of a world-renowned criminal is a threat. He even took up a life of piracy because of it. However, if you'd met him, he's a well-meaning, easy-going, polite, and friendly guy (if a little mischievous). He's arguably kinder than even Luffy. The world he lives in doesn't give him much of a chance to live.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Before they were even brothers, Ace had a noteworthy Nightmare Face to anyone else except Sabo, and tried to kill Luffy many times (but hilariously failing). It was after interacting with Luffy, and Sabo's 'death' that Ace decides to become a kind older brother to Luffy who was grieving over Sabo, and the man he is today.
  • Torso with a View: After taking a hit Akainu intended for Luffy, Ace ended up with a big gaping hole in his torso, and too much internal damage to survive.
  • A Tragedy of Impulsiveness: His hotheaded decision to lash out against Akainu for insulting Whitebeard and ignore his crewmates' pleas for him to run makes him lose his only chance of escaping with his life, leaves Luffy vulnerable for a lethal attack, and leads to his own death, as well as the downfall of the Whitebeard Pirates, making all of his companions' efforts going to waste because he picks up a fight with Akainu rather than run.
  • Tragic Hero: As Oda noted, Ace's self-loathing and desire to prove his life had meaning ended up preventing him realizing he'd already accomplished that in his bonds with others, up until it was too late.
  • The Ugly Guy's Hot Son: Gol D. Roger, while not completely ugly, was quite scary-looking and with a messy appearance, while his son Ace is very attractive and hot.
  • Underestimating Badassery: After Teach killed Thatch and left the crew, Ace went on his search to get revenge, against Newgate's wishes. Later, Shanks meets with Newgate to warn him about Blackbeard and claims that he's much stronger than he appears. When Ace meets Blackbeard and fight him, he's defeated and imprisoned.
  • Undying Loyalty: Has an extreme devotion to Whitebeard and would do anything to defend his honor, even if it's against Newgate's orders. This trait ultimately ends up getting Deconstructed. Taking Blackbeard's betrayal of Whitebeard as a personal insult to his honor and falls for the obvious bait when Akainu insults Whitebeard. The former gets Ace captured by the Marines and serves as the catalyst of the Marineford War. Ironically, his death is caused by Ace disobeying Whitebeard's last order to flee.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By departing on a quest to kill Teach for revenge after he killed Thatch and despite Whitebeard's and Shanks' warnings, Ace gets defeated by Teach himself, meaning he's the main cause of both Blackbeard's rise to power and the Summit War, at the end of which Newgate dies and Teach steals the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Also, by falling to Akainu's provocations, Ace is the reason all of the sacrifices of his companions and Newgate are for nothing.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: He rarely, if ever, wears a shirt.
  • Walking Spoiler: If you're new to One Piece and get curious about what's happened as of late and decide to peek ahead a little, it's almost impossible to dig too deep into the Straw Hats separation and the Time Skip without piecing together that Ace dies.
  • When He Smiles: You know that it's a big step forward for him when he cracks that big, adorable grin at Luffy and Sabo when they were kids (keeping in mind that Ace didn't have much reason to do so to anyone else).
  • The Worf Effect: Despite being hailed as one of the greatest warriors in the world (see above) his main role in the series has boiled down to being a stepping stone for Blackbeard and a convenient excuse to demonstrate Blackbeard's power. Then after being set free and kicking ass for about two chapters, he's instantly defeated by Akainu by jumping in front of him to protect Luffy, taking the worst injury ever seen in the series so far.
  • Worth Living For: Ace's angst over his bloodline is so bad that the only reason he keeps on living is to find out whether or not he deserved to be born. He finds his answer when his brothers and eventually, the Whitebeard Pirates come into his life, having finally realized where his place in life is. That just makes his death all the more tragic.
  • Wreathed in Flames: Naturally he can cover himself in fire or become it.
  • Wrong Line of Work: In Ace's Story, the Red Hair Pirates note that Ace actually has more in common with the Revolutionaries than he does with most pirates, given that he was motivated by anger at a world that screwed him over.
    No interest in the King of the Pirates or adventure. No intention to hunt pirates as one of the Seven Warlords. No desire to be a Naval Hero, protecting the common people. If anything, the most appropriate place for him seemed to be with the Revolutionary Army, that group of so-called terrorists seeking to overthrow the World Government.
  • You're Not My Father: Ace is born as Gol D. Ace, but he totally disavows his birth father and takes his mother's name instead while claiming Whitebeard is the only father he has. Ironically, Whitebeard is interested in Ace and plans to make him his heir precisely because of his fatherhood.
  • Youthful Freckles: He actually doesn't fall into any of the archetypes though he fit the Bratty Half-Pint type like a glove when he was a kid.

    "Diamond" Jozu 

"Diamond" Jozu

Voiced by: Takashi Nagasako (JP), Matt Thurston (EN)

Age: 40 (Pre-Timeskip), 42 (Pre-Timeskip)

Debut: Chapter 234 (Manga), Episode 151 (Anime)

Devil Fruit: Twinkle-Twinkle Fruit

Jozu, the Third Division commander, first makes his appearance when Shanks' subordinate delivers a message to Whitebeard. When Shanks later comes to meet them in person, Jozu comments on his immense Haki, but is shown being unaffected himself. Though he has a stern disposition, he has great devotion towards his crewmates and captain. Jozu has eaten the Twinkle-Twinkle Fruit (Kira Kira no Mi), a Devil Fruit that enables him to turn his entire body into diamond, making him very difficult to hurt. He also possesses immense physical strength, being able to pick up and hurl an entire iceberg towards his adversaries. He's also deceptively fast and agile.

  • An Arm and a Leg: During a brief scuffle, Aokiji freezes Jozu's arm, which then breaks and falls off.
  • The Big Guy: One of the tallest guys in the main Whitebeard Pirate crew (aside from the big man himself), and with the strength to match.
  • Boring, but Practical: His Devil Fruit allows him to turn his body into diamond and he uses it to charge his enemy while transformed. Not the flashiest of attacks, but it's very effective.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: While he does have Devil Fruit powers, they should not affect his physical strength. Despite this, he is shown lifting and tossing a huge iceberg many hundreds of times his size.
  • Faster Than They Look: Don't be fooled by his large Top-Heavy Guy appearance, he can move so fast that he manages to hit Crocodile before he realizes it.
  • Human Popsicle: Aokiji freezes his entire body and he falls. This doesn't end in Literally Shattered Lives but he loses his right arm and is unable to fight for the rest of the war.
  • In the Back: During the Paramount War, Jozu engages a fight with Aokiji and loses because he tries to flee the fight to rescue Newgate, giving Aokiji the chance to freeze him from behind.
  • Ki Manipulation: Jozu is confirmed to use Armament Haki, after all he did hit Crocodile while his power was just diamond.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's 16'6", strong enough to lift icebergs bigger than him, literally tough as diamond and, if these aren't enough, he's incredibly fast.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Not to the same extent as other characters, but he is literally made of diamond and is resistant enough to tank a slash from Mihawk, the world's strongest swordsman, as if it was nothing.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: Portrayed as the 3rd in command of the crew after Whitebeard and Marco, and appropriately he is one of 3 people in the series thus far to make an Admiral bleed.
  • Red Baron: He's known as "Diamond" Jozu because of his Devil Fruit power that turns his body into diamond.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Jozu? Jose? Joss? Jaws? The One Piece Green: Secret Pieces book finally confirms this with just Jozu.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Jozu is a physical and though fighter and his legs are much shorter and smaller than his upper body, emphasizing a cartoony and muscular body.
  • The Worf Effect: Despite showing himself capable of blocking one of Mihawk's slashes and wounding Crocodile with a punch, he is 'controlled' for a brief period by Doflamingo and then removed from the Marineford War in quick order by Aokiji, as the battle moves to the plaza.



Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (JP), Parker Fitzgerald (EN)

Debut: Chapter 440 (Manga), Episode 325 (Anime)

The Fourth Division commander. Killed by Blackbeard before the story started, he was very friendly and sociable, and very close to Ace. As seen during the Summit War, no one took his place as fourth division commander after his death.

He doesn't have any Devil Fruit power and even refuses to eat the Dark-Dark Fruit after he finds it.

  • Anime Hair: Downplayed, but his pompadour is really large.
  • Badass Normal: He used to be a division commander of the world's strongest crew despite not having any Devil Fruit ability and, when he finds the Dark-Dark Fruit, he decides to not eat it. Unfortunately for him, Blackbeard wanted exactly that Fruit.
  • Dual Wielding: In the anime, he fights the Decalvan Brothers using two swords. In the manga, however, he's seen only with one.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has a scar near his left eye. Despite being a pirate, it's of the good kind since's he's a Nice Guy.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partner: He and Ace used to be very close, to the point that the latter is the one who's hurt the most by his death at the hands of Blackbeard.
  • Nice Guy: From the little that's shown of him, he used to be a pretty friendly fellow, as seen how he interacts with newly-arrived Ace.
  • Perpetual Smiler: He's always seen with a 32-teeth smile.
  • Plot-Triggering Death: His assassination causes Ace to follow Blackbeard, who manages to capture Ace and sell him to the Marines. Cue a war to rescue Ace from execution which ends with Ace's and Whitebeard's deaths, the latter also causes the end of an era.
  • Posthumous Character: By the beginning of the series, he's already been killed by Blackbeard and we only get to know him through flashbacks.
  • Sacrificial Lion: The circumstances around Thatch's death are going to be felt even to the end of the series.

    "Flower Sword" Vista 

"Flower Sword" Vista

Voiced by: Masaya Takatsuka (JP), Hunter Barnett (EN)

Age: 45 (Pre-Timeskip), 47 (Post-Timeskip)

Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 0 (Anime)

Vista, the Fifth Division Commander, makes his appearance during Ace's flashback, and subsequently during the Marineford arc. Always calm and polite, he doesn't seem to have consumed a Devil Fruit, but is among the most skilled swordsmen in the world, as he was able to engage in a skirmish with Dracule Mihawk during the war and emerge unscathed.

  • Badass Cape: He wears a large blue cape that is part of his shirt. It goes with his badass appearance.
  • Badass Normal: He doesn't appear to have any Devil Fruit abilities, but he's still an extremely powerful swordsman, enough so that he can go toe-to-toe with Mihawk; while it was clear that neither of them is taking the fight seriously, Mihawk states that any swordsman worth their salt would know who Vista is.
  • Berserk Button: He is not happy when Blackbeard comes to Marineford, and has to be pushed back from going after him.
  • Carpet of Virility: Although not too noticeable, his chest is quite hairy.
  • Dastardly Whiplash: He's got a large mustache and wears a top hat but, despite fitting the trope appearance-wise, he's actually a good character.
  • Dual Wielding: Vista wields two swords in battle.
  • Excuse Me While I Multitask: Downplayed. When he and Mihawk go toe-to-toe. Neither is particularly serious about their fight (relative to them), instead they both use it as an opportunity to look busy as they ponder what they’re actually worried about.
  • Ki Manipulation: Vista is confirmed to use Haki as he blocks Akainu's magma attacks.
  • Master Swordsman: You have to be when you can go toe-to-toe with the world's best swordsman and get him to recognize how strong you are, especially since said swordsman is normally so jaded due to the weakness of his enemies.
  • Number Two: Seems to be this to Marco. He's the highest level Division Commander that is still in fighting condition besides Marco by the end of the summit war.
  • Petal Power: Rose petals appear when Vista attacks, following his title of "Flower Sword". Vista unleashes a small barrage of them in an attack known as "Rose Rondo" that temporarily surprises Mihawk and later knocks globs of Akainu's magma body off.
  • Red Baron: Subverted as "Flower Sword" isn't much for intimidation.
  • Something about a Rose: He's named "Flower Sword" for a reason: he produces flower petals during some of his attacks.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: His torso is not overly massive compared to his legs, but there's still a noticeable difference.
  • Younger Than They Look: Vista is 17 when the Whitebeard Pirates crash their ship in the Wano Country, but he looks like a full-grown adult man especially when compared to Marco who looks just moderately younger than his 15 years.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Alongside his fellow Commander and Captain allies on making sure Akainu does not kill Luffy.



Voiced by: Keiji Hirai (JP), Jessie James Grelle (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

Devil Fruit: Pocket-Pocket Fruit

The Sixth Division commander. He has eaten the Pocket-Pocket Fruit, a Devil Fruit who gives him two pockets in his chin where he can store what he wants, like a huge hammer.

He's seen, along with the other commanders of the Whitebeard's pirates, at Marineford to save Ace.

  • All There in the Manual: His name is revealed in an SBS. His Devil Fruit's name was revealed the same way, but much later.
  • Gonk: His round face and his large lips give him a goofy appearance.
  • Hammerspace: This is literally Blamenco's power, as he has pockets on his chin he can pull stuff out of, like, you guessed it, a hammer.
  • Oh, Crap!: He's shocked when he sees Ace taking Akainu's punch directed at Luffy.
  • Stout Strength: Despite his rotund body, he's able to effortlessly swing a hammer three times his size.
  • Visual Pun: With his Devil Fruit's ability, he can pull a giant hammer from the pockets on his chin. In other words, his ability is having a literal Hammerspace.



Voiced by: Takahiro Fujimoto (JP), James Chandler (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Seventh Division Commander. He fights using a spiked flail which has a mouth and seems to have a life of its own.

He's seen, along with the other commanders of the Whitebeard's pirates, at Marineford to save Ace.

  • Badasses Wear Bandanas: To go with his pirate appearance, he wears a bandana around his forehead.
  • Badass Longcoat: He wears a ripped longcoat that makes him one of the few characters to have an actual pirate appearance.
  • Badass Normal: It seems that his weapon has a Devil Fruit but Rakuyo himself seems to not have any special power.
  • Dreadlock Warrior: He's a strong pirate with dreadlocks.
  • Emotional Bruiser: Even if he's fighting in an all-out war, he cries at every slightly emotional moment.
  • Epic Flail: Rakuyou sports a Ball-and-Chain that (seems) to be a Living Weapon like Lassoo & Funkfreed.
  • Expy: Looks a lot like a muscular Jack Sparrow.
  • Guy Liner: He has some make-up around his eyes.



Voiced by: Daisuke Matsubara (JP)

Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Eighth Division commander. He's a shark fish-man who doesn't use any weapons. Instead, he fights using hand-to-hand combat and his shark teeth.

Like the other commanders, he participates at the battle of Marineford to rescue Ace.

  • All There in the Manual: His name, like those of many other division commanders, is revealed in an SBS.
  • Anime Hair: His hair is quite spiky.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: He doesn't have a preferred weapon and fights using hand-to-hand combat, though it's unknown if he uses fish-man karate.
  • Fish People: He's a shark fish-man.
  • Kubrick Stare: His eyes are as if he's perpetually frowning. The fact that he lacks eyebrows doesn't help.
  • Now That's Using Your Teeth!: In a Anime-only scene, he destroys a Marine's Battle Axe by grabbing it with his teeth and crushing the head.
  • Shout-Out Theme Naming: His name is one letter away from that of another aquatic fighter.
  • Spell My Name With An S: His name can also be spelled Namuyuu.
  • Super-Strength: While in his brief appearance he doesn't show any particular feat of strength, being a fish-man, he's ten times stronger than the average human when out of water and, being a commander in the world's strongest crew, he's likely even stronger.
  • Tattooed Crook: While on the side of the good guys, he's a pirate with the number "8", the division he commands, tattooed on his neck.
  • Threatening Shark: He's a shark Fish-man and, while a good guy, it's safer not having him as an enemy.
  • Token Non-Human: Namur is the only commander who's not a human, being a Fish-man instead.



Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (JP), Mark Rios (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Ninth Division commander.

He's seen participating at the battle of Marineford to save Ace, where he fights with a huge sword. Later, he's seen carrying Jozu's frozen body.

  • BFS: He wields a sword that is large even compared to his size.
  • Large and in Charge: He's not much smaller than Whitebeard and has authority over a large chunk of the crew.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: He's badass enough to wear a sleeveless vest.
  • Tattooed Crook: Has his crew's Jolly Roger tattooed on his shoulders.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: His vest is always open and there's no shirt to cover his large and ripped body.



Voiced by: Kōhei Fukuhara (JP), Ricco Fajardo (EN)

Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Tenth Division commander. He specializes in firearms and has two guns and two bazookas, probably to go with his military soldier-motif.

He's participates the battle of Marineford to rescue his fellow division commander Ace, where he fights Gecko Moria and Akainu. The latter makes a quick job of him, but Curiel's crewmates rescue him.

  • Badass Longcoat: He wears a green sleeveless longcoat to go with his militaresque appearance.
  • BFG: Carries two bazookas on his back, and can make a good use of them.
  • Challenge Seeker: He challenged Gekko Moria and, later, Admiral Akainu all by himself.
  • Cool Helmet: Wears a nice watermelon-like helmet.
  • Cool Shades: Under his helmet, you can see he's wearing a pair of purple-tinted glasses.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His fight against Akainu to protect Luffy doesn't last long.
  • Guns Akimbo: Using only one gun or one bazooka isn't badass enough for a commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • The Gunslinger: He specializes in firearms, and, among his weapons, he has two guns.
  • Made of Iron: He takes a point-blank lava attack from Admiral Akainu and lives.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Who needs sleeves when you're a badass who fights wielding two bazookas?
  • Tattooed Crook: Has the crew's Jolly Roger tattooed on his chin.



Voiced by: Hiromu Miyazaki (JP), Patric Carroll (EN)

Debut: Chapter 562 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Eleventh Division commander. He wields a large pair of gauntlets, which implies he fights with his fists.

He participates in the Summit War to save Ace, his fellow crewmember.



Voiced by: Junko Noda (JP), Clifford Chapin (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Twelfth Division commander. He wields a saber that goes with his 16th century style outfit.

He's seen at the battle in Marineford along with the other division commanders.

  • Absurd Cutting Power: He can cut through steel with ease, as seen when he slices a Marine's shield in two.
  • All There in the Manual: We know his name only because it was answered in an SBS.
  • Cool Sword: Uses a saber whose handguard resembles the ruffles of his shirt.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Just to add further confusion to his gender, he's voiced by a woman in the original Japanese version. Averted in the English dub where he is voiced by a man.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: He can easily pass for a Bifauxnen, to the point many believed he was a girl, until Oda confirmed he's a man.
  • Redhead In Green: A rare male non-fanservice example. He has red hair and his outfit is green.

    "Water Buffalo" Atmos 

"Water Buffalo" Atmos

Voiced by: Kōhei Fukuhara (JP), Kenji Hamada (JP, Episode 485+), Paul Giovanni Ramirez (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Thirteenth Division commander. He fights using two swords.

He and his fellow division commanders participate in the battle at Marineford to save Ace. However, he is controlled by Doflamingo, who forces him to attack his own allies until he's finally freed from the Warlord's power.

  • Animal Motif: Given his Red Baron nickname, his motif is the water buffalo. He also wears a horned helmet and his hair resembles the mane of a buffalo.
  • Barbarian Longhair: He has long, messy black hair that covers his back, giving him the look of a wild warrior.
  • Cool Helmet: Has a helmet complete with buffalo-like horns.
  • Dual Wielding: His weapons are two swords.
  • Large and in Charge: He's a division commander and is almost as large as Jozu.
  • People Puppets: During the Paramount War he's controlled by Doflamingo, who forces him to attack his own allies. He can only beg to be stopped.
  • Red Baron: He's referred as "Water Buffalo", probably because of his buffalo-like appearance.
  • Stout Strength: His bulk doesn't make him less strong.
  • Tattooed Crook: On his arms he has tattooed the crew's symbol.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: His legs are much more skinny than what his round body would suggest.

    Speed Jiru 

Speed Jiru

Voiced by: Yūsuke Numata (JP), Jeff Johnson (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Fourteenth Division commander. His appearance is knight-like and, fittingly, he wields a jousting lance and a shield.

Like all the division commanders, he takes place at the Summit War, where he easily defeats many Marines.

  • All There in the Manual: His name is revealed in the SBS of volume 58, along with those of the other division commanders.
  • Dash Attack: His main attack is to dash quickly against his enemies.
  • Foe-Tossing Charge: With his weapon he blitzes through the plaza, tossing away dozens of Marines.
  • Jousting Lance: His weapon is a jousting lance and he can make good use of it.
  • Lightning Bruiser: His nickname is well earned, since he's fast enough to dodge Kizaru's attack (mind you that, in comparison, X Drake could only see a glimpse of light), and he's also strong enough to dash through an horde of Marines.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: To fit his knight-like appearance, he wields a shield with his lance to fight.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Speed Jiru or Speed Jil?
  • Your Size May Vary: Speed Jiru is shown tall and slim in one panel and fatter in another one. It's unknown if it's a simple mistake or if he has a Devil Fruit power or uses "life return".



Voiced by: Kōichi Nagano (JP), Kent Williams (EN)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Fifteenth Division commander. He wields a katana that can become a flaming weapon.

He's seen at the Summit War along with the other division commanders.



Voiced by: Yūsei Oda (JP), Colton Jones (EN)

Age: 43 (Pre-Timeskip), 45 (Post-Timeskip)

Debut: Chapter 553 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

The Sixteenth Division commander. He comes from the Wano region, where he used to be one of Oden's retainers, and is Kiku's older brother. He fights using two flintlock pistols but, at the end of Marineford's arc, he's seen with a sword, implying he has some degree in swordsmanship.

He participates in the Summit War with the other division commanders.

He has a bounty of 510,000,000 Berries.

  • Ascended Extra: In the Marineford arc he's one of the unnamed Whitebeard Commanders but gains importance in Wano's flashback as one of Oden's followers and joins the Akazaya Nine for the raid at Onigashima, where he fights Kaido alongside them.
  • Agent Peacock: Although Izo is dressed like a geisha, he's a division commander in one of the world's best crews. When he comes back to Wano, Izo is a strong help for the Akazaya Nine.
  • All There in the Manual: His name is revealed in the SBS of volume 58.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He saves Usopp, Kin'emon, and Kikunojo while they're overwhelmed by a swarm of Beast Pirates.
  • Blasting It Out of Their Hands: When the Akazaya Nine rush to attack Kaido himself, Izo shows off his incredible skill with his guns and disarms King by shooting his katana out of his grasp.
  • Connected All Along: His distinctive appearance and geisha-like clothes should give his connection to Wano right away. The Wano arc reveals that not only he's from there, he is Kiku's brother, a retainer to Oden (and Momonosuke by extension) and comrade to the other Akazaya Nine.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: His feminine appearance, combined with his crossdressing habits, make it easy to mistake him for a woman. This is a trait he shares with his sibling Kikunojo.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He's introduced first as one of Whitebeard's division commander, and then along with the Akazaya Nine in flashback to their youth stealing for Oden.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Sports a new rather clean scar through his right eyebrow when he makes his return in Wano.
  • Guns Akimbo: He fights with two guns at the same time.
  • The Gunslinger: Despite coming from the Feudal Japan-like country of Wano, Izo uses a pair of flintlock pistols, even in close combat.
  • I Choose to Stay: When Oden is offered a place in the Roger Pirates, Izo chooses to remain with the Whitebeard Pirates instead. While he asks Whitebeard to lead a raid on Wano to liberate it, Whitebeard never agrees to do so, and so Izo stays away from his home country for many years until, after Whitebeard died and the crew disbanded, he returns to aid the Kozuki rebellion.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: He manages to snap a sword in half while it was about to cut him with a single shotgun.
  • Irony: Izo was born and raised in Wano, where the warriors use swords as their main weapon. Though Izo also holds one, he uses a pair of flintlock pistols during the Paramount War.
  • Like Father, Like Son: When he sheds his coat and exposes the Kozuki crest on his back, it is completely unmarred by "coward's wounds", just like that of his Pops, Whitebeard.
  • Mutual Kill: Despite being wounded from his fight with Kaido and the mooks trying to kill Kin'emon and Kiku, he engages a fight with Maha, an agent of CP0, with him when he hears they’re after the Straw Hats. The two end up killing each other.
  • Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight: When someone tries to attack him with a sword, Izo breaks it and defeats the attacker with a single shot.
  • Not Afraid to Die: Upon reuniting with the other Akazaya Nine, Izo tells Kin'emon that he's content with dying while fighting for his homeland's freedom. He gets his wish.
  • Older Than They Look: Not only his make up makes him look like a woman, it also makes him younger than his 45 years of age.
  • Samurai: Izo is a former retainer of Kozuki Oden, Wano's former shogun-in-waiting. Unlike most depictions, however, Izo uses flintlock pistols in combat (Which the samurai historically used).
  • Spell My Name With An S: Some translations spell his name "Izou".
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: He is dressed as a geisha and, despite being a pirate, he's a commander of the benevolent Whitebeard Pirates. He's been dressing like a geisha since he was a child, just like his sibling, Kikunojo.
  • Would Hit a Girl: In the anime he guns down one of Kaido's female crewmates without a moment of hesitation alongside the men.

Other Crewmembers

    Kozuki Oden, His Family, and Retainers 
The first Second Division commander, and the former daimyo of Kuri who joined Whitebeard during his stay at Wano. He was accompanied by his retainers Dogstorm and Cat Viper, and met his wife Toki during this time, who bore him his children Momonosuke and Hiyori. Later left with Whitebeard's blessing to join the Roger Pirates and aid them in their journey to Laugh Tale.
For Oden click here.
For the rest of the Kozuki Family click here, .
For Dogstorm and Cat Viper, click here.

    Masked Deuce 

Masked Deuce

Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

An aspiring novelist who abandoned an unhappy life (Along with his real name and face) on land to seek freedom and adventure on the seas. He would come to befriend a young Portgas D. Ace after the two of them got shipwrecked on the same deserted island, later taking on the pen-name "Masked Deuce" given to him by Ace. Deuce became the first member of Ace's pirate crew, the Spade Pirates. Deuce, like the rest of the Spade Pirates, eventually joined the Whitebeard Pirates alongside his captain.

  • Abusive Parents: His parents were of the emotionally abusive variety, considering Deuce a disappointment to the family for not being a good enough doctor. Eventually, Deuce decided enough was enough and set out to sea without ever looking back.
  • Adaptational Alternate Ending: The light novel for Ace's Story ends with Ace accepting himself as Whitebeard's son. Boichi's manga adaptation, however, adds an additional scene where Deuce visits Whitebeard's and Ace's grave, before revealing that he has since become a reporter for the World Economic Journal.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: In Boichi's adaptation of Ace's Story, Deuce immediately becomes friends with Ace. In the original light novel it takes some time for Deuce to come around to him.
  • Adaptational Wimp: While he wasn't one of the Spade Pirates' heavy-hitters in the light novels, Deuce was still entirely capable of holding his own in a fight. However, he never actually fights in Boichi's manga adaptation. Although to be fair, this can be chalked up to the fact that Boichi only had four chapters to work with.
  • Always Someone Better: Deuce was constantly compared to his older brother growing up, never being able to be as good of a doctor as he was.
  • Ascended Extra: Deuce is a background character in the manga, but he's actually one of the main characters in Ace's spinoff novel.
  • Badass Bookworm: While not one of the Spade Pirates' strongest crewmates, Deuce is still entirely capable of holding his own in a fight. When he and Ace are fighting Dorrow, for instance, Deuce manages to help out quite a bit by ripping out the tubes on Dorrow's flamethrower, allowing Ace to not have to be immobilized to protect innocents, and thus be able to set the Vice Admiral on fire.
  • Becoming the Mask: An almost literal example, as the entire reason he wears a mask is to reinvent himself.
    I had to live my life to its fullest, and keep moving onward like death itself was at my heels. If I fell, I would swim through sewer water to get back on my feet again. And the thing I needed to make all of this work was the mask.
    I needed the mask to be myself.
  • Best Friend: Of all the Spade Pirates, Deuce is the one who shares the closest bond with Ace and is the crewmate with whom Ace most easily confides.
  • Commonality Connection: Despite their differing personalities and backgrounds, Ace and Deuce had very strained relationships with their fathers, as Ace points out.
  • Cool Mask: He wears a mask to distance himself from his former life.
  • Deuteragonist: He's the secondary protagonist of One Piece: Ace's Story. While Ace is obviously the main focus, Deuce is the secondary main character as the book is written from his perspective.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Obvious pun aside, Deuce and Ace become friends when the two of them nearly starve to death on a deserted island.
  • First-Person Peripheral Narrator: The Ace's Story light novels are, obviously, about telling Ace's story. However, both the first volume and Boichi's manga adaptation are written with Deuce as the narrator. This isn't the case with the second volume, as it's written with a third-person omniscient narrator. Even then, however, it's implied to have been assembled from Deuce's writings.
  • Friendless Background: Deuce did not exactly have a very happy childhood, being ostracized by both his family and his peers. He managed to find solace in adventure stories, despite everyone in his home town making fun of him for it. This motivated him to set out to sea and write a book about his own adventures, which is heavily implied to be a Framing Device for the Ace's Story light novels.
  • Heel Realization: He tries to kill Ace out of desperation at one point. When Ace shows him kindness afterward, Deuce realizes that he had assumed Ace was a bad person just because he was Roger's son.
  • Innocently Insensitive: When he and Ace are talking about their parents, Deuce tries to make Ace feel better about having a criminal for a father, saying that at least Ace's dad wasn't someone important like Gol D. Roger.
  • Intrepid Reporter: If the final scene of Boichi's adaptation is to be believed, Deuce became a reporter for the World Economic Journal after the breakup of the Whitebeard Pirates.
  • Irony: He dropped out of medical school and became a pirate after his family essentially disowned him for not being a good enough doctor. Upon being incorporated into the Whitebeard Pirates, not only is he placed in the medical staff, but he’s also noted as being one of the better doctors they have access to. Whitebeard even called him “Doc”.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Deuce can come off as a bit of an asshole when he meets Ace, but he really isn't such a bad person.
  • Meaningful Name: In playing cards, "deuce" refers to a number two card. Fittingly, Deuce is Ace's Number Two. Ace, for his part, chose it as a pen-name on a total whim and didn't understand its implications.
  • Most Writers Are Writers: Deuce writes a journal of his adventures with Ace throughout both novels, heavily implied to be a Framing Device for the book itself. At one point, some of his crewmates make fun of him for keeping a journal to which Deuce spitefully says that if he ever turns his journal into a novel, he'll exclude their names. We're never told what their names were.
  • No Name Given: "Masked Deuce" is not his real name, but is instead a pen name given to him by Ace. Deuce at no point says what his actual name is, as he wants to distance himself from his former life. It's implied that he told the others his real name at some point, but he's the one writing the book so the reader never finds out what it is.
  • Number Two: The first crewmate to join Ace in the Spade Pirates.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The levelheaded blue oni to his captain's impulsive red oni.
  • Secret-Keeper: The only member of the Spade Pirates to know that Roger was Ace's father.
  • The Smart Guy: Deuce is described as the main brains of the crew alongside Mihal and Skull, although Deuce is the one most frequently shown advising Ace. He also stands up to Draw, a Vice Admiral, despite being relatively weak, and actually is effective because of a clever trick he pulled on him.
  • The Storyteller: The Framing Device of the Ace's Story light novels is that they're books assembled from Deuce's writings.
  • Tagalong Chronicler: He ends up becoming this for Ace, as Deuce's writings tell the story of his captain's adventures.
  • That Man Is Dead: Neither his real name nor his real face are ever revealed, as Deuce wants to distance himself from his former self as much as possible. He describes this trope nearly ad verbum in the first chapter:
    It was a symbolic act, in a way—a sign of my personal determination. When I chose to live on my own at sea, I left my real name and face behind on land. Then I finally felt like I was alive for once. The failing medical student was no more. I had no regrets about my choice. There was no place for me on dry land.
  • Vague Age: His age is never explicitly given, but it's mentioned that he and Ace seem to be around the same age.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: Boichi's adaptation of Ace's Story includes an extra scene at the end showing that Deuce became a reporter of the World Economic Journal following Ace's and Whitebeard's deaths.



Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

A former teacher who would later go on to join the Spade Pirates. Eventually joined the Whitebeard Pirates alongside his captain.

  • Ascended Extra: Like other members of the Spade Pirates (Other than Ace of course), Mihal is pretty much a background character in the anime and manga, but receives some focus and characterization in the Ace's Story light novels.
  • Badass Bookworm: Explicitly described as such. Mihal is a former teacher and is in general a very quiet person who prefers to spend his time reading alone in his room. Mihal is also quite adept with his pistol and is more than capable of holding his own in a fight.
  • Friend to All Children: Mihal is said to get along with kids rather easily. Comes with the territory of being a former teacher.
  • One-Steve Limit: Give that he's a former teacher, the Spade Pirates refer to Mihal with the nickname "Teach". Zero relation to the other guy.
  • The Quiet One: Mihal is said to only speak on occasion.



Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

A member of the Spade Pirates. Would later go on to join the Whitebeard Pirates alongside his captain.

  • Ascended Extra: Skull only appears a couple times in the background in the anime and manga, but gets some focus in Ace's spinoff novel.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Skull is an eccentric who loves pirate goods. Because of this, he's a valuable source of intel for the Spade Pirates.
  • Face of a Thug: Despite what you might assume about a guy wearing a skull mask, Skull is actually a pretty friendly person.
  • Mr. Exposition: As a lifelong lover of pirate goods, Skull has picked up quite a bit of knowledge on pirates over the years. As a result, the Spade Pirates rely on Skull for intel.
  • No Name Given: As you might assume, "Skull" obviously isn't his real name.



Debut: Chapter 552 (Manga), Episode 461 (Anime)

A lynx who joined the Spade Pirates. Would later go on to join the Whitebeard Pirates alongside his captain.

    The Medical Team 

Whitebeard Pirates Medical Team

"Captain, please stop drinking so..."
Whitebeard: "Be quiet! I drink if I want to drink, how's that bad for my health?"

The nurses of the crew and the only female members. They take care of Whitebeard's declining health, even if the latter keeps drinking, ignoring their protests.

Due to Whitebeard's own set of morals, despite their protests, they are left in a safe place and not allowed to take part in the Summit War.

  • All There in the Manual: They only appear in a chapter, taking care of Whitebeard. What happened to them before the events of Marineford is revealed in an SBS.
  • Dressed to Heal: As a visual clue for their role in the crew, they are all dressed in pink nurse uniforms.
  • Hospital Hottie: They're all quite beautiful nurses.
  • The Medic: They are an entire squad of nurses.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Of course, all members of an all-female medical team wear pink nurse uniforms.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: They tried to stop their captain from going to what seemed certain death for him. And indeed it was.
  • Stay in the Kitchen: While they probably aren't able to fight, the reason why they're not allowed to participate in the Summit War is because Whitebeard has never allowed a woman in his crew as a "fighter".
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: They're not seen during the Summit War. Justified because Whitebeard left them in a safe place.

Allied Pirates

    In General 

    Little Oars Jr. 

Little Oars Jr.

Voiced by: Keiji Hirai (JP), Jeremy Schwartz (EN)

Age: 70 (Pre-Timeskip), 72 (Post-Timeskip)

Debut: Chapter 554 (Manga), Episode 463 (Anime)

One of Whitebeard's allied captains and a descendant of Oars. In contrast to his ancestor's fame, he's a kind person who even appreciates simple gifts like a hand made hat (though proportionate to his size). He's very loyal and a close friend of Ace, to the point that he's one of the first captains at Marineford to rush forward in an attempt to save him, but is quickly stopped by the attacks of Kuma, Doflamingo and Moria.

After being mauled by the Warlords, he collapses to the ground and his heavy body prevents the Marines from raising the section of the plaza. After a while, he recovers his senses and moves the last of Whitebeard's ship but is later taken down by cannon fire.

He has a bounty of 550,000,000 Berries.

  • Always a Bigger Fish: Despite being twice as tall as normal giants and being comparable to his bigger ancestor Oars, Oars Jr. is nothing compared to the Seven Warlords of the Sea, as Kuma, Doflamingo and Moria defeat him very easily with just three attacks.
  • Ambiguously Human: Or rather, ambiguously giant. He's referred to as a giant, but his demonic appearance says otherwise.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Doflamingo cuts off his right leg. Moria complains about it because it prevents him from using Oars Jr.'s body as a zombie.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Even if smaller than his ancestor, he's still about as big as two giants.
  • Barbarian Long Hair: He has a long red mane that goes down his back. It's so characteristic, his crewmembers wears large wigs that resemble his hair.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: His driving motivation to save Ace is because the latter made a kasa (a traditional Japanese hat made of straw) for him which protects him from the sun, rain and snow. Little Oars Jr. was so delighted by how well the kasa worked that he was forever grateful for Ace.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: When you're up against three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, there's not much you can do. Kuma, Doflamingo, and Moria have an easy time with him.
  • Dead Guy Junior: He's named "Oars Jr." after his ancestor.
  • Determinator: Despite being brutally mauled by the Warlords, he still keeps on helping the Whitebeard Pirates with all the energy he has left.
  • Face of a Thug: His face is not unlike his ancestor's, but he's actually a nice person.
  • Family-Unfriendly Violence: During his attempt to reach Ace, he is hit by Kuma's Ursus Shock, is shot with cannonballs several times in a row, has his leg cut off by Doflamingo, and is Impaled with Extreme Prejudice by Moria's shadow spear. However, he still has enough strength to get back on his foot one last time in order to help Whitebeard.
  • Futile Hand Reach: After enduring multiple attacks, he tries to reach Ace with his hand but collapses before he can do it.
  • Gentle Giant: Almost literally. He's huge, but also a carefree person who likes the little things of life.
  • Horned Humanoid: Just like Oars, he has large horns that give him an oni-like appearance.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Moria pierces through his chest with his shadow spear.
  • Large and in Charge: He's a pirate captain and is about as big as a ship.
  • Made of Iron: Hit by a powerful shockwave? Having his right leg cut off? Being impaled in the chest? No problem, he still has enough energy to push a ship.
  • Mighty Glacier: Oars Jr. is very strong, but his low speed and his size makes him an easy target for the Warlords.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Played With. Despite being named Little Oars Jr., he's one of the biggest characters in this series, but he's actually little compared to Oars.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: He's in fact twice as big as the average giant, which makes him half the size of his ancestor Oars.
  • Rasputinian Death: First Kuma sends him an Ursus Wave, then Doflamingo cuts off his leg and finally Moria impales him. In the end, he still has some energy to try to reach Ace before he collapses. Subverted, as he's still alive, but possibly Double Subverted if the cannon fire ultimately kills him off.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Has a necklace made of giants' skulls but, unlike most examples of this trope, he's a nice guy.
  • Stout Strength: Has Oars's hefty build, but is so strong he can effortlessly lift a ship.
  • Uncertain Doom: While he survives the Warlords' combined attacks, it's not certain if the cannons have finished him off or simply knocked him out.
  • The Worf Effect: He's immediately taken down to show how high the stakes are in the Summit War.

    "Whirlpool Spider" Squard 

"Whirlpool Spider" Squard

Voiced by: Seiji Sasaki (JP), Jason Kane (EN)

Age: 50 (Pre-Timeskip), 52 (Post-Timeskip)

Debut: Chapter 551 (Manga), Episode 460 (Anime)

One of the pirate captains allied with Whitebeard, he comes to Marineford with his crew to save Ace. However after he finds out that Ace is the son of Gold Roger, the man who massacred his old crew, and after some manipulation from Akainu he turns on Whitebeard and stabs him, calling him out on selling his allies. Whitebeard, however, proves him wrong and forgives him. After the war, his whereabouts are unknown.

He has a bounty of 210,000,000 Berries.

  • The Atoner: After Whitebeard forgave him, he becomes this.
  • BFS: One of his weapons is a gargantuan katana, possibly a Zanmato.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Shouts at Whitebeard after Akainu tricked him into believing that the Old Man sold them all.
  • Dual Wielding: A standard katana and a oversized one. The latter is rarely used.
  • Face of a Thug: He looks quite bad, but is more like a Boisterous Bruiser.
  • The Lancer: Whitebeard seems to consider Squard this, since he refers to him to coordinate the movements of the allies.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has this reaction after realizing he'd been tricked by Akainu.
  • Odd Friendship: With Ace. Ironic, considering that his father slaughtered Squard's old crew.
  • Red Baron: "Whirlpool Spider" (Oouzugumo). The reasons are unclear, except for a tattoo on his forehead.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Is it Squard, Squad, or Squardo?

    "Ice Witch" Whitey Bay 

"Ice Witch" Whitey Bay

Voiced by: Yuka Shioyama (JP), Jennifer Green (EN)

Age: Over 30

Debut: Chapter 556 (Manga), Episode 462 (Anime)

A former crew member of Whitebeard that left for unknown reasons and started her own pirate crew. She and her crew remain subservient and loyal to Whitebeard. She took part in the battle of Marineford and proved instrumental in pressing the assault forward. Since the war ended she as not been seen and her current whereabouts are unknown. An anime only news report mentions her being defeated by Edward Weevil.

  • Cool Boat: The Icebreaker stands out as this, while most ships in the world are have a wooden hull, hers possesses one made of steel. It helps give the ship more defense and offensive power, and as the name implies it can sail right through ice covered waters.
  • Hero of Another Story: Whitey Bay left the Whitebeard pirates to become a fairly successful solo pirate Captain elsewhere in the New World. Her epithet of "Ice Witch" and having an ice breaker warship implies that she spends most of her time somewhere with a lot of frozen ocean.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Her name is similar to the English town Whitley Bay that is known for its ice skating rink, fitting for her ice motif.
    • Her name also posses the word white and is subordinate captains and former crew member of "White"beard.
  • Ms. Fanservice: While she was with the Whitebeard pirates, she wore a smaller outfit that showed off her curves and midriff.
  • Older Than They Look: She was with Whitebeard 30 years before the start of the story, while he was at his prime and in competition with Gold Roger. When Whitey Bay appears again during Marineford, she hasn't aged a day. Even if she was just a teenager in the Oden flashback, then she would be at least in her late 40s.
  • Pirate Girl: One of the few female captains seen and she certainly looks the part.
  • Ramming Always Works: She rams her ship through the wall at Marineford allowing the subordinate captains and their crews to join the main battle. The break in the wall later provides an escape route when the war is over.
  • The Smurfette Principle: About thirty years before the beginning of the story, she was the only female member of Whitebeard's crew, before Toki joined as well.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Her ship is called the Icebreaker and has a steel plated hull designed for breaking ice covered waters. Because of this it's the only ship that can move forward after Aokiji freezes the water surrounding Marineford.
