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Shout Out / Choudenshi Bioman

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Here are the shout-outs for Choudenshi Bioman.
It's Farrah with the Bionic Man and Farrah from Bioman.

Anime & Manga

  • Pink Five's "Laser Sword"note  is renamed something else in the Philippine English dub of Bioman—the "Voltron Sword". Seriously.
  • Like with the Combattler V finale and a pivotal Voltes V event, Dr. Man also has a planet-annihilating Anti-Bio Bomb that was supposed to destroy the whole Earth and every living being on it like what happened to Planet Bio.

Film — Live-Action

  • Blue Three's Punny Namenote  is spelled the same way in Japanese as "Bruce Lee"note . Their only real difference is the spacing of the syllables or the middle dot's placementnote .
  • Aquaiger seems inspired by the Gill Man from Creature from the Black Lagoon.
  • Whenever the Biomen's Bio Swords light up in a dark or low-light setting, they're reminiscent of lightsabers from Star Wars or Flash Gordon.
  • Design-wise, Peebo looks like C-3PO mixed with a Kamen Rider.


Mythology & Folklore

  • Psygorn's face and powers are inspired by the multi-faced Asura and Alcala.
  • In episode 17, one of Dr. Man's evil plots involve abducting one of the descendants of Urashima Taro.
    • Having Dr. Man and his Neo Empire run after the descendant of Urashima is also a shout-out to an unused concept of Biomannote .
    • The remnants of the unused concept of having the protagonists be derived from Japanese fairy tales can be seen with the Bio Robot beaming Bio Particles into the Biomen's ancestors who look like they came from the same era.

Real-Life Inspirations

Series — Live-Action
