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Recap / Transformers Prime S 3 E 6 Chain Of Command

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Never wanna be the one to break up the band, Bulk'.
- Miko

Tension builds between Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack as their team faces the return of the Predacon.


  • Anti-Climax Cut: The flashback noted below. You expect a good reason for Miko's presence, but it turns out Wheeljack just did it to be contrary.
  • Arc Words: "...Before the rust sets in". Wheeljack used these words against Ultra Magnus twice because he felt the latter's command contradicts how the Wreckers usually operate.
  • Arrow Catch: Miko does this with Starscream's missile. The Apex Armor is both strong enough to hold a flying missile in place and completely impervious when it blows up inches away from Miko's face.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Predaking defeats the Autobots and returns with the Predacon fossil.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Upset about him and Shockwave being Co-Dragons, Starscream had been itching to assert his authority on all military matters. Here, Starscream is told by Megatron that Predaking (the beast that only defers to Shockwave and clearly hates 'Screamer) is his responsibility.
  • Berserk Button: Once Miko is out alone and in danger, Bulkhead is done trying to mediate things between Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: To Ultra Magnus, Miko is merely a "native" that, while he respects as a sentient being, seems like she'll be more of a liability than a help. He is proven completely wrong when she gets the Apex Armor and beats the Energon out of Starscream and the two Vehicons. The looks on the Wreckers' faces says it all.
  • Blatant Lies: Starscream denies wearing the Apex Armor to make sure Predaking doesn't beat him up.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Literal occurrence with Starscream trying to give orders to Predaking.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Averted. Starscream remembers learning Miko's name.
  • Conflict Ball: Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus pick up where they left off, with Bulkhead stuck in the middle.
  • Call-Back: To the third episode. When Miko hides in an Autobot's chest cavity, (Bulkhead last time, Wheeljack this time) and gets jostled around through a hefty fight while she's still inside. At least this time, she doesn't lose her lunch, but she does get close.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Miko gets a face full of Predaking fire while wearing the Apex Armor, but is no worse for wear even though the sheer heat would have cooked her. Apparently the armor is temperature regulated.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The fight with Predaking, about the only thing done that even seemed to bother him was Ultra Magnus hitting him in the face with the Forge of Solus Prime, and even that had no lasting effect.
    • Starscream and Miko during their use of the Apex Armor are also no match for Predaking. After Predaking leaves, Miko uses the Apex Armor to dish out one on the Decepticons.
  • Death by Looking Up: Accidentally invoked by Wheeljack. He gains one Decepticon's attention but takes it down quickly.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Bulkhead and especially Ultra Magnus over Miko being hidden in Wheeljack's chest cavity.
  • Downer Ending: The Autobots manage to get the Apex Armor, but otherwise they fail to stoo the Decepticons from acquiring a Predacon fossil. Wheeljack also goes solo again, not interested in putting up with Ultra Magnus.
    Bulkhead: Jackie just broke up the band.
  • Exact Words: Ultra Magnus isn't very happy that Wheeljack brought a human like Miko on a dangerous mission. Jackie counters that when Optimus ordered the Wreckers join him, it would include an "honorary" one like her. Jackie, and eventually Bulkhead, vouch for her, though Magnus still isn't impressed yet.
  • Feed It a Bomb: Attempted, but Predaking tail-whacks the grenade away at the last moment.
  • Flashback: A quick one showing how Miko was brought along this time.
    Miko: Yo. Can I come with?
    Wheeljack: Why not?
  • Foreshadowing: Bulkhead admits he sometimes thinks Wheeljack has a little resentment over him leaving the Wreckers to serve under Optimus. The next episode reveals that's actually what Wheeljack's bad attitude here is stemming from rather than his frustration with Ultra Magnus.
  • Funny Background Event: Predaking using Miko as chew toy (even picking her up in his jaws and shaking her like a literal one) while Starscream talks to Megatron.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body:
    • Bulkhead catching Predaking's tail results in Predaking lifting him into the air and flinging him at Ultra Magnus.
    • Apex Armor-Miko throws Starscream at a Vehicon.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Bulkhead and Wheeljack observe a Vehicon guard checking the cave entrance but not looking up. Per Wheeljack, this happens so often that the Wreckers consider it #17 on their list of facts. Bulkhead accidentally dislodged a couple rocks, which do get the guard's attention shortly before Wheeljack skewers him.
  • Honorary True Companion: Miko's Wrecker status. It becomes official at the end of the episode.
  • I Know Kung-Faux: Miko's Apex Armor antics are half this, half actual ass-kicking. She loses balance a few times and doesn't always land on her feet, but there's no arguing that it works. It probably helps that the Apex Armor is outright invincible.
  • It Can Think: Predaking ignores or outright mauls Starscream, but immediately responds to Megatron's commands.
  • He's Back!: Predaking manages to break out of his icy prison and makes his way back to the Decepticons. Miko exclaims this when she and the Wreckers are chased by him later.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Wheeljack gives Ultra Magnus a headache with his refusal to wait for orders before charging in.
  • Loophole Abuse: Wheeljack's justification for bringing Miko along.
    "Prime told you to lead the Wreckers on this one. I assumed he meant all of them."
  • Mythology Gag: To a Beast Wars episode of the same title. It even involved a sudden and severe beatdown to the Chew Toy back then!
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Starscream bringing the Apex Armor allows Miko to steal it.
  • No-Sell: The Apex Armor's enhanced strength is still no match for Predaking, but on the other hand, he can't actually damage the armor. Starscream learns this the hard way when Predaking leaves and finds that the armor left her completely unharmed.
  • Noodle Incident: Bulkhead had transferred out of the Wreckers in time to fight alongside Optimus at the Battle of Thunderhead Pass. Wheeljack, meanwhile, deserted the Wreckers outright rather than serve under Ultra Magnus.
  • Not So Above It All: Ultra Magnus seems to view the humans as more of a liability than an asset (much like how Ratchet saw them early in season one). However, he's willing to give Miko an important job when the mission goes south (climbing out of the cave to call in reinforcements) and is visibly impressed when she beats up Starscream and the Vehicons with the Apex Armor. He even admits that she's truly a Wrecker.
  • Off with His Head!: Wheeljack does this to the first vehicon sentry they face.
  • Oh, Crap!: Starscream when he realizes that Miko is not only alive in the armor, but that she's about to kick his tailpipe.
  • Only Sane Man: Bulkhead tries to keep both Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus calm.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: One part Apex Armor and one part Miko equals a chest-high (for Cybertronians) ass-kicking machine.
  • Playing Possum: After being manhandled by Predaking, Miko in the Apex Armor played dead long enough for Starscream to come within grabbing range.
  • Running Gagged: Starscream’s usual boast of having killed Cliffjumper is countered with Miko pointing out she killed Hardshell.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Wheeljack claims to have quit the Wreckers because he couldn't stand the way Ultra Magnus ran things. He quits again at the end of the episode because he wanted to remember how the Wreckers used to operate (thanks to Miko) before "the rust sets in", fearing Magnus will change things again.
  • Shmuck Bait: Yes Bulkhead, grab Predaking's tail when he tries whipping with it, that's sure to work.
  • Shooting Superman: Wheeljack and Bulkhead try shooting Predaking even though they know their guns don't hurt him, but they were cornered and mostly just trying to distract him so Ultra Magnus could get a hit in.
  • Shout-Out: Miko does a Shoryuken.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!:
    Starscream: You do know that I vanquished Cliffjumper, don't you?
    Miko: Big whoop. I snuffed Hardshell.
  • Simultaneous Arcs: With "Project Predacon."
  • So Last Season: Subverted. The Apex Armor is no match for Predaking, but even though he's stronger than the armor he can't damage it. When Miko uses the armor against the Decepticons it proves as deadly as ever.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus constantly, with poor Bulkhead caught in the middle.
  • The Reveal: While it was established Wheeljack left the Wreckers while Ultra Magnus was first in charge, it turns out Bulkhead transferred to Optimus' team long before that. Bulk feels like he abandoned Jack and, despite fighting like old times, Magnus' return reopened old wounds.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Wheeljack says "Oh scrap" with a deadpan expression when his bomb lands near himself, Ultra Magnus, and Bulkhead.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Miko, thanks to the Apex Armor.
  • Yoko Oh No: Amusingly, it's the Japanese girl telling Bulkhead that "you don't want to be the one who broke up the band". While Wheeljack leaving right after Miko proved her mettle carried unfortunate implications, it's really just his decision.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: As much as a jerk Ultra Magnus is said to be, he tells Wheeljack how reckless it was to use an explosive in a confine space, even if Jackie meant to toss the grenade into the Predaking's mouth.
  • The Worf Effect: The Predaking once more proves its worth and might when not even the Apex Armor can take him on. Both Starscream and Miko aren't hurt thanks to the armor, but they do get thrown around a bit while wearing it. Once he's gone, however, Miko makes quick work of Starscream and his cohorts.
