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Western Animation / Popeye and Son

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A spinoff TV series of Popeye that ran in 1987; it consisted of 13 episodes (using the Two Shorts format) and was produced by Hanna-Barbera.

Popeye and Olive finally marry and have a son. He gets named Popeye Jr. or simply Junior. Popeye's longtime archenemy Bluto also marries and has a son named Tank. Just like their fathers, Junior and Tank become major rivals. Most of the other Popeye cast like Wimpy and Eugene the Jeep show up too.

Together, Popeye and family had many adventures during the show's run. Just like his father, Junior could eat spinach (which he hated) and would gain superhuman strength. However due to network standards and practices of the era, don't expect to see any brawling like that of the classic Popeye cartoons.

This series contains examples of:

  • The '80s
  • Accidental Proposal: How Bluto ended up married to Lizzie - during one of his attempts to sabotage Popeye and Olive's wedding, he stole the wedding ring, and due to a convoluted series of events, ended up at the site of the wedding ceremony. Lizzie saw the ring, which he was holding, and believed he was proposing to her—having always thought of him as a "dreamboat", she accepted, and had the ceremony started immediately.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Wimpy. Instead of a lazy mooch who would turn on Popeye Depending on the Writer, he operates his own business and is a steadfast (if occasionally snarky) friend.
  • Aerith and Bob: Junior, Dee Dee, Polly, Woody...and Bluto's son, Tank. Not exactly weird, but still an unusual name compared to the more mundane examples.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Grandparents: "Poopdeck Pappy and the Family Tree" revolves around this. Poopdeck Pappy comes to visit in order to help Junior with a project on his family history, but ends up accidentally embarrassing him in front of his classmates when he discusses in detail several less-remembered ancestors, include "Chicken-Plucker Popeye" and "Rubber-Puss Popeye".
    • However, Pappy does redeem himself when he saves Junior, Olive and the rest of their class from a bear and their bus falling off the side of a cliff during a school trip the next day, leading to the rest of the class taking a newfound admiration to both Pappy and Junior's other ancestors.
  • Androcles' Lion: "The Sea Monster" revolves around the titular beast befriending Polly after she helps get a giant clam off of one of its flippers.
  • Anime Hair: Woody's tall quiff definitely works along these lines. It also functions as Expressive Hair, given that it flops down after he gets depressed following his loss to Junior in a volleyball match in "Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow".
  • Artefact of Doom: The mermaid statue that Junior comes across in "Attack of the Sea Hag". Although it appears to be a normal carved wooden figure at first glance (leading to Tank stealing it from the group and giving it to his father to put on their yacht), it's revealed to be cursed, and turns out to belong to the Sea Hag.
  • Baseball Episode: "Mighty Olive at the Bat" features a baseball match for fathers and sons. An injury keeps Popeye out of the game and Olive replaces him.
  • Bears Are Bad News: One in "Poopdeck Pappy and the Family Tree" threatens Olive and the class during a field trip, but it's no match for Poopdeck Pappy.
  • Chaste Toons: Averted with Popeye and Bluto, who have sons, but played straight with Wimpy, who only has a nephew named Francis.
  • Content Warnings: Parodied in-universe in "Split Decision" with the movie poster whose movie ("Wicked Windsurfing Werewolves") is rated "OK".
  • Crippling the Competition: Played with in "Bluto's Wave Pool". Tank and his gang sabotage the local beach and picnic areas so that everyone would come to Bluto's new water park.
    • Also played with in another story where Bluto plans to steal the hamburgers from Wimpy's restaurant. It turns out that Wimpy stole his own hamburgers in his sleep.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Played with regarding Junior's aversion to spinach. Although he hates it, he is aware of its capabilities— so he'll eat it when necessary, but still tries to avoid having to do so when he can.
  • Forgotten Anniversary: "Happy Anniversary" is a mix of the seemingly forgot and stormed out varieties. The kids prepare a party for the folks, but they're running late because of the fight. Popeye insists he got Olive a present, but he hid it too well and can't remember where it is; she thinks that's a lie to cover for forgetting their anniversary and storms out. Popeye turns the boat upside down looking for the present.
  • Friend-or-Idol Decision: In "Split Decision", Polly joins the school basketball team, but Dee Dee feels left out. Subverted at the end when Polly considers quitting the team but Dee Dee says that she can wait.
  • Generation Xerox: Per the intro, Junior and Tank have been at odds ever since they were babies at the hospital. Lampshaded in the first episode when the principal tries to discipline them for fighting, only to be more understanding after seeing Popeye and Bluto immediately going at it.
  • Happily Married: The occasional fight notwithstanding, Popeye and Olive.
  • Irony: Popeye's son can't stand spinach.
  • Is the Answer to This Question "Yes"?: When Junior asks if Poopdeck Pappy would like to tell his classmates about past Popeyes, Pappy asks if an octopus has eight legs. (Also see Amazingly Embarrassing Grandparents.)
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Olive's view of Bluto getting roped into marrying Lizzie.
  • Married at Sea: This is how Popeye and Olive ended up married - thanks to Bluto, the two of them ended up on a ship far away from the place the ceremony was to be held, so Popeye had the captain of the ship marry them.
  • Men Can't Keep House: One episode deals with Olive Oyl going away, leaving Popeye and Junior to keep an eye on their home. The two of them use spinach to completely clean up the house.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Averted in sharp contrast to the original Popeye cartoons. Even when Popeye or his son consumed spinach, you wouldn't see them punching out Bluto or Tank due to network standards & practices.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Both Junior and Tank want the mermaid statue, and Bluto is content to let them fight it out, but Popeye tells Junior to just let it go. Everyone is shocked, but he knows its pedigree and doesn't want anything to do with it.
  • Pet the Dog: Bluto in "Junior Gets a Job"— he willingly hires Junior when the latter needs money, doesn't hold him responsible for the trouble Tank caused, and when he learns that Junior was saving up to buy the same pendant Bluto ordered for his wife, he pretends to have changed his mind about it so that Junior can buy it.
  • Precap: Episodes typically open with one of these, showing a quick clip from each of the given shorts.
  • Race Against the Clock: In the backstory, Popeye had until sunset on a given day to marry Olive. The stated reason is that Bluto had interfered three times before and made it look like Popeye's fault, so Olive's father made an ultimatum that it was this deadline or the couple couldn't get married ever. This in part forces being Married at Sea on a garbage scow.
  • Spin-Offspring: The whole premise of the show.
  • Stock "Yuck!": A Running Gag is that while Junior also gets super strength from spinach, he will generally do his best to solve the problem of the week without eating any. When he does, he always grimaces.
  • Terrible Trio. Tank and his two cronies.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Hamburgers for Junior here, in contrast to his disliked spinach. The usual ones (hamburgers for Wimpy and spinach for Popeye) apply as well.
  • Three Shorts: An explicitly Two Shorts show, meaning 26 stories through 13 episodes.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Lizzie had no idea why Olive wanted to marry Popeye, especially with Bluto around. She gladly jumps at the chance to marry Bluto herself.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The only original Popeye cast member not in this show is Swee'Pea. Junior takes over his role. Likewise, Popeye's four lookalike nephews (last seen in Hanna-Barbera's 1978 show) are conspicuously absent.
  • Whole Episode Flashback: "Happy Anniversary" explains how Popeye and Olive got married, as well as Bluto's attempt to derail the ceremony so he could marry her instead.
